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Show Benor Thner. Feravlaa mfntster here, in an Interview aaki he had information confirming the preae II dispatcbee that tte treaty between Chill and Peru is not yet signed. Being asked what, in hie opinion, wss Chilli motives in trying to es abilsh! Igleeise, the Peiuvisn minister repliet, the government of DYB-TO- C3 C A Chill doee not want to makepeace; not wish for' peace; bat only dte eeeks a pretext for continuing her aim tmeTApsA the LleeUL 'wttJh a vil occupation of Peru, meaning that e atiM ta the aa Its act in setting up Iglesiae ia to lae Leulda tU4e. rWeeee mi I create anarchy In Peru, to. set the Peruvians to fighting amotg eptSeaSlwwl wtta a ee. SeaiveY. Lew epn-ita- , theaaselves so .. as to Jutly ef eT aeeiajr auarlawteAenaeaatpi ! as Its occupation of Peruvian territory. Vearfeaee. Llealnaee, pataerteTeOU before the eyee, Chill is aekingtomake arrange-menr- s the hTPot Keedaehe lew iklau teawajyevw with Bra si! and the Argen- the rt rat ere. Btatlaeenaee, wf ftt-eelarea urlae. tine Republic which will pre rent rei are era a. ala-hl-p these govern men ts from giving her corisTiPAtiorx. any trouble on account of her war fe this with and object conquest, PILLS tmmtaoh eaaaa. a, holdli g out to tbem Inducements to edawtaaT MMk See-ret Imu ku mt faalfaeeeeeaeSe and become Interested. Elmer tka fafttrw. ui..(.k mmy eke Stmaene.aaS ry Freiinabuyeen eometlme ago aaa kavtrtaaeaee Takeaat, ae4 tbaara. e7 thaa aabmitted him -- proposl ion hi Saaa U MarelrtaB har Tvatte oa tba a Aetlew Orwaa. eooutil two peace between the PrloaSfeKw e WeTeT et. re. t. which be (ime) thought would acceptable to Peru; but of course DYE. recognised Chill, which h as not to OalderoTj, has thus ar refa-e- d Kjura ea wMnw ebaaye ea a efeoanr .t accede to the wiebes cf the rjalted ay a aiacia aouuoauaa ec uua Mrrm, ia MaaataMleotutr i i n Inata ala aaalli BUtee. think.f. iad Elmer "I stood offices of thp United "that the ae Hvaoaa vt States , will finally be sueceaaful ernvj in Another thing publ!o opinion emMi Ohill according to all Injur matioB t have received; changing and sat agelnat the outrageous policy ting of tne Oblllaa OoTrnmant - Tbte Caenatt Dsptlwsa Can lie STssreat information cornea by tha lat mall. Publie opinion may force tbe gov. DR. ernment to ofier more reasonable terms to Peru; meantime tha Peru WM; vbtoe osntlnue firm In their? racog nltion of Catderon and the . Mooter o Government, and the Bolivians t ' v ttand nrmly with them.' tfi loses. EVENING NEWS. jrM SB, Tweedey. c 1SSS. BY TELEGRAPH. AnzsniOAS. i Waablavioav H VVAHHiMaTOj. 28. Major Nlcker-aon been expelled from ins oropouun cidd ib tnia city v ZZJkn ewtor was mad In (h atata mane mrniaoea trie rareea Jaaimcnt, ooncamiag tha plan ror reorgsmfxinx to Internal roTenua aiauiota to Cailforoia. The first lnformBtion from the Department was to the effect that the Jrirat.and. Foor'b Jh p Dleurlote of California said t3DlM- awewaSBSa. trlct or rieTmda hm& ; been .oomoli dated; whereaa, the fact h tile First District was left ondistarbtHi . and Uhancailor Hartson retained, as col lector. Tho only enange made in California was the coneolldatlon of the Fourth T T)Utiic t fwtlh : tbe LAS : Dmmct of rieradiu te , new dleuict to be known as ..: tbe Fourth District of California. . : The "Treasury rsBerpe, which- has beenBteadl-increasing for several d I, tmoo&U to Si42,4SL930. It Is stated the pjmnts to be made the nreeent mooth on account or pen' aiona wlU not xceMBl,1251OUO.?rrw mnratten ua e pmr eeni. qoarteriy Donda dae Jnlr flret next am aerate " h - V r to 1753,000. Tae HU) luTtitlgaUun was" re BindyJ,-mMDelightful Tonic,; and Effective Remedy or Dipsomania samed this morning, m Saperpiting Questioned as to . t1he alcohol habit), all forrns 6f Malarial Diseases, Dyspepsia and Insam- - Architect Hillofwas United iSla tee the the ataadlnz ' . . j ... ; con-tranamerous to which Conaptmy, ... , tua sleeplessness) ; j bad been Jet for . furnishing shatters, ; bat was unable ; to Greater Success has been recorded, and nothing' ever ' introduced Iron give any definite information as to . be in itatss of C:a company, Becre-tarconvinced. it and such For Once, unqualified Satisfaction, Try giving Foixer was then aw orb. He Britten Briefs tale by Druggists and Wine Merchants! flatly contradicted that part of Hill's TjraiOi 26. There war a"' violentawore be had testimony where be atorm in JSagland yeeterthunder & to shown the the San CO., papers WILMERDLNQ Secretary, Francisco, Cal,, soldiers are reported klh Four or day. an offer of the story containing I at Chatham. $1,600 to ilanly. Cooper & Co , to edlby lightning Agents for the Paolflo Coast, Hard's horses. Iroaaolp. Aran did not tbow witnes. withdraw; ha U left for the have then Pat and SDob paper, but slated verbally that sa, BUtee. Uned one of the bidders had snade a 'DEHYER AND RIO GRANDE Christian lawyers at uiregras Manly, Cooper A Co., to AH where the trial or tne HuDRary, reaas a, e bid. withdraw their Aait WA HT. wltb murdering a Jews charged sonable to sapposs that the lowest : is proceeding, have 0 bidder would have tbe contract, no Christian a girl resolution attacking the j T H K N B VT Investigation of the allrgtd bribery adopted of the conduct public prosecutor be amount of The was ordered. $4,500 cause PflPUUS TSAISHMIIESTIL iflUIf conceals his belief he scarcely was not mentioned by Hill, nor was case was fabricated by per tbe that NOW OPEN POR offered of name who the the party Piotiesr Line of Zftahl I VIA THB opposed to the Jews. the bribery given. - There was at sons The trial or ine jews at nyregn. that time no question respecting hftta. HuDeari ;v.s., . BEIWEENA brousbt out i the bid, - "I certain ly understood The OU Bailable SUadard (IMP Pie the that tley, who magistrate, that if the shutters of Manly, Coop OGDEN, SAET LAKE, vae)14 Kaaat BeaflreS C mt & Co. stood the test they. were aided hi tbe preparation of the case was once sen LEADVILI.E , to have the contract " in reply to for tbeto prosecution, TOPEKA & SANTA FE farther 26 years' Imprisonment for tenred Mr. CItiiutlaou. said, Foiger queetkming Mouolain, brutal murvier. nesiey admitted he ASD "I ! knew before the contract was signed ft'hlch ooaneou in a TJuioa Depot at detioaltions for several wit 6 AH JPAJI liyiNQ DISTHICTS, finally awarded that, their (Manly, nesses In the Ogde present trial, though snuttere meet Co did not A ) Cooper JProTO, Xephl, Jnjib, he was abeent when they were ex or tne the pecinca requirement :" And all polata oa ibe eaiira tjutm lu Hllford and Frinco. Uons In thickness. Hill made no amlned. Severs! witnesses deposed WITH THB the boy Mortis Scbarf, who said written report on the subject. I that and New Mexico. he ea Esther Salomaaay murdered to not undertake and he would aey Denver Rio; Grande Ry. they ptedoed themeelvea td farniah in the synagogue, was beaten in the Od and ftar tUr tlrt. IMS.mpnm talna ON AND APTBB . of the Police Commieaioner. t 7:40 m. m&kJar dll )Mr KU L the shatters as required within 25 bouse ooooaoUoa ftt Ofdn with tb Uoloa The defense pointed out as a sfsrnifl not in should and it that MONDAY, MAY Zltt, 18S3, it Park CUT, Pww, rtnn boar, that Soharfs deposition con T.-.iiCity, umaba, CooDdl Blufli Cklstgo and all Tba Atantrj EspreH Train, eompoed of "Xlii terfere with ' the execution of tbe can'act io a Ball mad Utah NortMra Uined Mm ypeciai oiaore denying that Pullman Palace Faicrrq poatA, par and elegant first contract; i. tot- - tfo-- I remember that toad tedaiUcta ttlp tbroutfe Caca Vallayv e'aaa eoaehee. win teare 0den dally at 8:47 a baa been resorted ts in compuuion . or wltb ia Splendidly rqulpptd La told me the snutters the next hie examination. to. (oo arrlrmi of trala from Saa f raadaco) traloa tear Sal Lah daOy at fcfit and Xxtm 1!:2T a. iru, making- - diLake 8ait at also bidders thicker 'were City lowet b. ta , oaklov ooMetloa at OvdM wtth tb There are fears at 8ooravaya and eonoeouon at Puabio and PnoTar tor Pit tl man for by the epeoiftp ttlouf . Oaotralr Paoi&a for ail potsta q th Potflo rect than called Sleeping Kaoaaa Cur. ft. fula, Chicago, Pittabnrg. of a rlee famine. Rpmbanp. l- Coattt wtta Utah NortWn tor Cache Valman, in tne rim invesnga The d teae Java, Phlladelph'a, New Tork.Boetoa, and all latt-er' 200,000 acres. aU oa Short Liar. and destroyed poteu tbaOngn ley j Elegant Iay Coacheti, Nor heru Bod foutbern poloia. tlon. owlne to the fact that no 1 erase to In Doctors at The Paolflo from pamletta Train WO Dearer, Bait train Laka laart Eipra dally a ; Erprii chancp, a often requested, has been form foreign conro's of , the number . ml, onow9tine a LablJuDoUoa with Salt Pueblo and Eaatern Mnts will arrlre la 8aIt eTtEL KAILS, BEST BAILROAD 8ATJN0 fornfched the ptosecution for exami of deaths there from' cholera Lake Wmiwi for Tiotle; at Napal wUh Baa Lake City daily at fc&3 p. in. and Og iea t3t HOTTsBS 1H Tfl COUNTRY, p. tn. maklnr direct enooeotloa with the Centhe Pat VaUay Hallway, Cor laa Pm oounty. cf nation papers and accounts or Steamers from Alexandria Tueaday Paelfle Tratna for i be Paolflo Coast. tral has . ben unao'e Btlnemets Gtaw . Howtaacm .: trata iNsuRraa for ThHMffc 0tah nam Looea Tratna leave 8prtacU)e at 73 a. m., . t crowded with refugees Salt Laka aatlyat 30 p. m., eoonaatlnc at PaJt Lake Cilyto alone to pre pare ail the evidence they were arrWlo-h- i a. m., 0deu the steamer from Damietta. Mllfbrd and rrvao wtth 8ta Una for all a. avt Wnrn'ni, lea re , (den 2:17 p. m., to present in tne uartiett- berths for a week AUto come are en srairceMFOHT! liikiibh. wished smi! Itata ta Boathtm Utah, Narada aad AriaoiM. Pan Lake City 4:32 p. m., arrlvlag at i Robblos cae. The procecutlon p. m. , ' IzptM ttaloa arrtva from Ovdaa at UdO a. gaged. . to on with were however, Leave Salt Lake City for all fiolnta oa Blor-bready go in. au4 T:40 p a. 4al!y. . Dublln,29. Tbe ' lord Ueutenant, a. at-- , arrive braLCh of the caee. which and Alia Branches at another to an aaaresa presents n. m. -- much " ThrotM repiyinx train from rriaea. IICSDrd ao4 fc!5 not time. wookl; "requlrev Par Seaaetd and Coal Mine, tear. Salt Laka htm at to LJmerlcBf, Joab arrlTaa a fc a. av dally. Time the deprecated forced as . Quickest Oonneel then read specin City 1UCT a. m., arrlre 8:63 a. m. believed careful aid He emigration. Ptovo ftoaa aa4 Vzpraaa tTto Juab, Maphl under tbe cations general to emigrants having prospects of tW Paaaeotere will aof be carried oa Missouri Jtiver. anlTaa at tu b av of and fraud Train. Freight oormp'.ioD,that sucoess abroad was beneficial both charges c. vouar, r. c. tuns, iAMu taiBP, I ntHcuctrj!, Hill, as Bapervtslns ! Architect of to them and the- districts that they 4k : Paaa. Geal Genl Oao. htanacer. P. Oas. f. Agent. Aft the Treasury ,1a March, 1877, pro leave. He regretted the necessity 8apt At. W. P. WHIT V A. J. LAMBOBN, . JOHN - TSUPLOVY, . HENRTWOOD, - ions raised and agreed with James M. for the .' . passage of the crimes act; ., Gaa'ISup'U- t Aert Geal Paia. Ag't Oen. liar. Apeut, Oea. Paa & lleaet Aft Wilber.then , sum. a claim rsainst which was baTlng 4" Bevlt Lake City. : both to far Bfatn. . Top ha, Kan. Toptka, the government to tba amount of Uament anddistasteful bat the government; ?TATSON-BR0- S., 140,000, for furnishing illuminating be abhorred the crimes which renfor the New York postoffle, to dered it JOHN PETERSON. The Old Reliable to the Front tiling necessary. In conclusion, pass said claim if he ( wiiDtri would he said he STBnEGUTTERS & BUILDERS. relolced that greater re allow him (Hill) 10 per cent of said now was spect paid to law and order D Marble li V claim. Further, Hill, knowing IWMmm, iftmtmwtfJt COMMENCING land. the MfmtUs, Grmtet throughout Mmtwi, as Gannon to be associated MONDAY, Jane 4tb, 1SS3, oer in the firm of Simons, Johnson A Co- -, in the transaction of buainees it7 a mo boctiz tkx pjlk ' i AND UNTIL FTBTatB NOTICF, . ' Owaoatta' AlaamMy EalL Pari. 28. It is reported that relating to i the i otfioe in building Martin Feullle, mtnHtaf of Justioe. to dlamlss refused Gannon naterlal. Tite Utah & Hefafla Bailway to restgo and the post will Intends from bis position in the architect's .. t, be oflered to Deves. t. to him remain permitted rtBceybut r ' Salon The French : ; nse hvra noence is secormg coALLiKlNDI OF nt will sail for Tonauln. July 7th. The hie firm. ' Bathing Trains Daily ntrail forwhose 5TBSE CDITIISi LIDS:L'EIT1LL3II. FirtUUm and Abide wlU then U What Patmava Jk Thrathataaaa aay aa menhas name been T to Jer, Great Salt Lake, : ? eacter service. ta aalai Maaafaaf rta fcy an, fimsoQUr.street, preparearor lxt to With connection tioned $4,600 u. tea. iia . Laan&c alt Laka CHj on Weak Dajt not Tbe has decided hl.CASET.M.CO.rUCINE.Wir Co., made a state to sendgovernment Manly Cooper 1:10 a. m. and 4.40 p. m. at more to . troops any TonqoJn con ment Dot baarft fcPtf cenying that he had any ttla, kRl'UUS r oectkm with the alleged ofier. Ty- - at present. IH GRAIN, FLAX, TIMOTHY, C10YER, AND PEAS m. 1:30 and ArrlTe at p. Madrid. caritet organ : f .The to e os er, however, proved indisposed to be ex Uabtotua - has been ten traced, lo information low aoy. OW 8C2CDA7. from him. insisting on euapenslou of publication for forty 2 Leare Bait Lake r.m traoted Coy at ft A a.nw, tell ing his own story. Adjourn d. weeks for publishing. a libel against ; Hill fllea nie reply to day in an ineuoeen.-- ' In conea CoLStantinople, 26 swer to the Aamtt&VaadtMaw., charges against him ft of the qoence energetic protests alleging fraud in connection a 1th made Gen. ameriaan Wallace, I6obtns-by Co. Hewlett n o the FABE far lite Hound Trip A mart on tbe Nw York Minister, tn the oee o work tracbjftr CENTS. FIFTT HUT characterizes .the can mistiocariA attacked and near Onlj poetofilcek ChUdran under 18 iaa cf age half tat ly killed by the Kords, near -- BUM , charges ac false And 'malicious, and thejUoveruox warn 9 11 ' no had pert onai ordered 'ta of Efzsroum has been alleges that he ' 8. P. F ENTON, auppresr Jttflndaxe at of details of work. the the W. W. BITER, . knowledge . eot. any I OeBnrrtPaa.Att SxtpL x that the It is atcertained" 8 IS Hors I SI mV 7 effect of 5 ester day 9 executive order to internal revenue service In LOIIDOU BMIK: OF UTAH, willregard be to reduce the total number of collection districts from 128 to 80, j . mw-BoniottSiasfl; a reduction of 46 las tt ad of 44 as 12 Mat WIXCHESTER ST, L0XD0I, erroneously announced at tb e TreasSO ad 8. 13, 16, 29;a5 and Horsa .T yesterday when ury fDedartmeat: was Bait IUio City, Ct<. furniahed to the information i. . AU cbaORes In the preaa. We in&ka tha moat Practical Straw Burning uthorteed OapttaV SBBS.a. 1 system were included, howi Engina ln 'tha Worlds Miaarttad SdlrBTS. ever. in "the detailed statemen isl given by using Brown V ".;, The Danbla Plataa 4.Whe Paaalar The follow hut . nn Wn4 k IRON JJlTTERS;; ; ; In the , i . night. t telegraphed Shareholder! Habit lot amount ooallad to shows of the statement namber Mana alther way. Law ar IlUa Speed. The lug ehana. Winter it stxMgthcna4- - and lit' ST Pawer aaadr. Oara KxclBalrely eaoua&a or if-- districts igdured In esch State and Uram payable to : fcad. antd a tow raaat or rTaaenaat warms the system ; v in the Po too ua aaac TWIx' K aoT bur mt Sa Territory: Alabama 1, Nevada 1, I ana an Pad float, of Dai la Connecticut 1, Georgia 1, Oakota 1, Spring it enriclxea,theJblood CAW MILL. PORTADLC dH' Wyoming 1, Aria ma 1, Pen nay Ira ' and conquers disease; in the : Vak.lt to timber. SATE HAITI.INO tomk ftttaiaaa ef ola 4, Virginia, 2, North Carolina 1, " :SuTrimer it Ua XUk 6,000 TO 104)00 T PER IAV. E. AUSTIN, gives tone to ther. Tennessee 1, Kentucky 2, Oola 4, iMawjawl fr.lt. MACHINERY WARRANTED. IndLana 8. IlllaolB 2. Michigan 2, ;, riemsandiigestiYcorgans; WHta far Catalog, Nathla in the, Fall it envies, the V, ft. DEPOSITOnY Mltslsaippi , Iowa l,f Missouri 2 Minnesota 1, West Virginia , Mary, to stand the shock land 1, Maaaachuaetts 1, Maw York , system of- sudden changes. DESERET nvnauAL DAnK, 6, Waabington Territory 1, New ! Montana total 1, 1; Iaaho.1, Jeuey SALT IAXM CITY. 41 It Irsteted at the Internal e In no" way can thsease be bureao that It Is probable the - at iufefy-prweniddliryl PAID I? CAPITAL J2C0.C00 transit r of officers cannot be effected r the in per-; keebing of system 1st the before There August. tisa.ooo. fcet condition. will be an annual saving of $200,000 Brown's a wrv.t; " V u -- . I reauit from the redaction. nairVitv VlaavPiaat. Ikon Bitters ensures MS8I, W.J r Tbe cabinet to regu'ar ax rraa feet health through, the meeting iittlk, f-jo day 'Was attended by all except it ! disarms WH. W. iAr; seasons, KIIKS, changing sen and 5? Teller, both of U B. HTLI, Caohkw, . the-- : daneerfrom inroure are out cf whom the The city. JAB. T. LITTLt, Aatt. cmaalat. water and miasmatic sir, pjlndpal question oonsldertd wsa the relations of the alleged inlp and it prevents Ccmsump-lEttitES lEFisrrwiTiiii u ment of pauper immigrants to this ej:i. v. . tion, Kidney ' and liver Dis oountry from Ireland by the BiiU b Baiye awd ae'le exeftvaBce eat Hew authorities. Toe teas It of tbeuellb-eratio- n ease, Sic , Terkt, Ba Praaeleea, Chleaa;, . was shown in the sus VmmUj faeahai, turt am. Ji4 prland cf the- Secretary of the (pat actionwho H. 5. Berlin, Esq., of the pavl CUaetaJ Cltlea. treasury, telegraphed Instruo-(en- s 'M,trv1 firm oi7H..S. ta the collector of cuatoms at New Ycrk to Berlin & Co., Attorneysrl-- e with the eomndasloners of Immigration at Droit; Building, Washingthat port,, to prevent alt immigrants D. C, WTites, Dec. 5th, ton, HEALTH IS WEALTH I found to be paupers within tbe : iSx' mssnlcg of the law, f.om landing. ' e event such imIn that the pander Gtntlemen': I take pies, lleCrx-iici- c Frame Tront CutMowertt have migrants may already n re la etatlEj tfsat I fcave asedl as is reported to be the caelanded, With a and IXeaperm Ceiriialiea Ixiablnea Droppersj Single; .1 for fea troTmj Iron I , on the steamlare number shipped GcII-TrortbTliomas Hay Haccs? " r L f , i&4a and senreut ttoutl,' TcjIor' and the c&lkctor is ia ship Furncitia, S2i caused ty CTenr&il, XI. Ck.; Agitator 'Thrcsbepti and XX fJe I j ttructed to taxe all prsctcat! rcea r t exssHiU . i reC?. . Powerf; J.' I. Case Headers; trta to have ' tt:li!ppcJ to the t i . pert froa whence they cats.. i Beware in:t:Jcr-S- . of s Upcn ti rcoramtndat!.n of the f 15oea " TlUT'iR.I rpantotravi Bickla ter Grinder 'Flsnat-'JraniaHor IIix-tetj- s, for Drllla BROWK's.Ir.c: Kcee; jur. Ask Col UTBt't: a. CowTwo,Ta, it. I arvcia Ceeond Comptroller cf the Treasury, rm, . i i& Fol.-t : lailarin. Kmant auiu.. referred to Natira'ga. tbe ien i and insist cnl-. win; i,bikui Jliy'CSeil eaua4 If taa eve .et aasia- - x Cucrt cf dal'afor trial the caee cf 1 it. Don't bc- - -r:" idMe.. irtt, ' : .1 C v y Ar-r; e..-- . Ccdi Cca. U. Atzzx Wfe"!, rr.J j lioiciu, A., i ofteLrtsrf- -. i ? ta t) V with scmetL.'- : re-- ? CaC . :: H if "t, i rrii tBOtery, Wire - awaW - CLAWSBpH TORPID LIVER Vvawa ia- kW.sfela WABEHOUSES, ae SALT LAKE CITY AM OliDEI rl., ttale t. TUTT'S liAin i -- j. LTKK, ...' ct Fon&ian., y LTAB GE1TRAL RAIL RAILWAY, ' MOOT i Route to the East ' to-as-y ATCHISON, . . i: PUEBLO - Utah,-Colora- do j k . dl-r-ct New . Car, j n. :' U.-0-I Sprlnf-ll!eat&- l n y. Bmcxttu TrucJtte, cj URAIvMlllBER i, i LUMBER TJBD jam PZANIXG MILL I asitLskaj . i , BWIES ill EOBAHIIBS, aaaverwaaw :aaaaaaaeawaa i aw.wiii.a Ann HlfffflMft Bffl'jllL DEALERS IN . f 5 H ILL ni on nn."- - Cmres CoBSumptloo, i Colde, r TneasacBlhi tr.nca ixva. TOBCbiai lASuesfe, crcrncai-U- s, Homscert, Astkms, Cresp, Wbboe- mt ooera. and aU Diaeaee or tks Breata- - Organe. . It soothea aal heals the ing hteeata-ao-e af Xaega, Icflamed aad pataoned tT the dleeaae. aad prcrenta tba aleht aweate ard tha Uga9ee aereee tbe ebeev wtura aeeoeipaBv rt. uujnsuxr- - te KSTlatAIES OrySW AND CONTkACTS MA0B Is not as incsrabls malady. HILL'S 11LSAM win eBre yea. tves TIOI4 tkoBga profsssioasJ U4 fauaV POB ALL KIND8 OP BOTLtJtNt. J .m au jcscnptions Made to order STAIR BUILDING A SP:CIALTY.; nwu TT'" 3 eBBjBeieaeiMweaBew0avweseaweB9BjBsaese.B, fWJ J.UHKS v- J-- A k . m ... O Satf Blook ekmth U. & O. . a. B. Deypet. j. LTaTr, mmmm bibbae.mm. mm r "'." 1 yea want lbs beet AXE la 1 werbtT Ask fop C O. SUstmaas KEK De ' 2, 26,xu.28w at? I - m & Co., 33 CAK K NTJIKGT, CHICAGO. '.wJ. .a j't-'jy-- .'-L'- e - at DTi kb. raa eaal ah beee SHKIP waeate AaSt BtEK frspsiiai KtrrraR UOVBI.K aacu Da 1HIAB a4 take ae ether. - The aeat solid tteel anoTELSaad 1PAOM are BMde by ainHK BAIDVABBtO.Rr. IOVIS. j fail teCealt Por BeeateH irrCSPt.fiee WEtD SfTIHI.aw (e le tar rPBB!OB aeaepata i.?.; ttteHaPkea f All aXKB,'HATt OEta and ether ibui fucuit eciaaana) mmd a If tt i ae, bent tot the Treat BterSt ef KBtK3l KDTrt era SlTPaBlOB eny ether. The eh e ve eata eea ike rerehaee af Ike whadeepJe lTar4wars Dealer la Ball laka aad Ogtfsa. Dew's itek isnv j I H&EELL'S -- EAT1H6 ABUSE. 47 ; m r i I? .lroTomNE co-pa- rt mm M . Dtoavrs Parties, tn the Preneh, tcmZA and Amedcao etfwS. AJ1 orders prooi pt ly attended to flaS eailartetrrr raaoaeT and on reaSooabW terns. Wedding- - or other eaiaa mad to crd;. . i '- - i to tr -- ifl) - SICID ErJCITJES! i '. el "lt.BK 1 -- ay tT7e, r n WW to-d- 1 8c, Opposite Tbeatrs t mm. BliER -- -- 1 rev-tnu- as ' f r- - av - pr : m 6' " Etm-tngb-u) - . . S-- iai ell-kno- oo-oper- - Jrn '- aUachmeaUi are without ""I ""; ";'.""":"''.";r,i,; exception ;he-" : HandsomestM Blood: & Liver - is " a peerleee remedy lor' SerofuK Wblt ' trorrt Swellings ; Cancer, Xryalpelaa, Chrotlc Sorea, Teoiora, Carbaack, Sell Rheem; MtUrk BUioas ConptelnteJ and all tdlsveees tlnclcatlng as- - hapars Co, 'f. -'- -- ;' J if -- ijoe dttka, ef the JUood Lira, Stomach, Kid aeya. Bowela, Skin, etc. Thla Oread Bemedy ia a Compound of vesrete We ez tree ta, the chief of which are 8A 83a PA BULLA t aad BTlLLlNtflA. The com effected , by SOU VlbL'S BLOOD Anl) UVIE 4IKUP are absolute, sad Lheii tr m1 J i"W W record la aadlafleured by (allare. Tor Sals by all uragElste. op tarn sihu op Brouiers FlSD . TO . i -r Ca.T.;. T7siiurx r s 111 e fa Plaa MOST ECOriOlYllCAL 0. T A i I " 1 1 i. "a tin ; ; ; '" AHD PERFECT IwKT -- r Ena-tan-d, -- ru HOT WATER With or Without E NEWBERY," fa, Phat South lilldllTBD. s i ate -- - . WROUGHT IROM RfiWGES ..--- . 3 - - sj ETC. for TravsIJers. sottea up ftr Prlrate dr Publa . ? S 1 ORDERS BY MAIL FILLED PROMPTLY AT LOWEST MAB1ET RA man-of.wa- ; mil 1. 2 LnMefaea JPui Vp ft ! 1 - o( Sundays. HOT MEAT1PIE8, - r-j- -t FROM 12 to lYeTTdaj, txolui . Jobbers ot ; Hardware," Cutlery, Gnnsj riItlug- TOteA Tlsa l?l.le. Turner's stock, Wails, Fence Wire, Uarbea WIrei ana Agricultural Implements - ; lri If-- TT AS TAKEN TflB 'BDSIIVCSS OP Ul. EL Jehn tiafall, aad h now prepared n - 1- ihiip, . NEWBERY . OF VTAUi THE:jOPLK ... I Manufactured in KNDLE33 v ARIET1', snitable for the Bmallett or Hotele. CcT Call and torn convinced of the" 8o perlority of these RANGES QVhiH jALI, OTHERS 1 . ; FamlJlea Th OhjtartuertJup between JT. O. Fxsn, . B. Fish ond'J. iCL Qixi,' under th jthnwrns oj Tk Btm. tt Do expired ly limitaiwn en January 1st, 1883: At tiiatJble.J C. Uroaraa retired from th firm D. J.'Moekt and S. 8. Ltoh pur chasing hU AnUretL' In the re or. ganiaation of th nw oj JPUh Bros. d Cotchkh then took Jpace, our Viak trad oa thorouohlv did- cuued, and toe determined toJ give ,1- t j. .x. wt wim uucnium SIS' jur ywa huui iurewXkX U deserves, and wAcA cat, to 'toms extent, neglected 1SS2. Z, C. M. a I . Fcr Slle Hi ana aU its Bite EXGEtSlOB hfl ftWUFAGTU H ING j rt IjU-gee- t . CO, msiiT, Oak I B.6.'iIx,et'eiP'j(Aetftew brr$ cLUjinn, xoho had been in the employ of. XAsuoZi firm inang yeart, pent ieveral week vtitk jfr. Lovell at :IkLUfXlaU-fdh;j"gave hu epscial attention to' acerttining aO and U needed immn menu t the Wli KWsL$nl Ub h Trlcoat;, of , Uiah'and 8tadar 1 adjoining TerritorieM. i HQS '" wmpany end ezszdns tMt , &i : Iic uui--v- H(t rTtry t -- - 'V- ....... r TfciU tdr- aoZ5-r3-- riA7cc i..trr,; ' ; a f ..C: 1 Ajfa, t- - . r orr'" we a b"-- - aaiUU I ? (. - ... ii4 ?j. v v k.ci-- l f c, N .i t''t a V- ej- - 1 r-- r. i:.. T t tv-n- tf r ". : I;.: : tj !- - rf r4 i.i t r"7 ..: i l 3' . n j- a - L. . (n-i::zl- ), ; t ;r7: r-- "- 3 sps emir j5U if isiU BfiTTXR WAG02t. THAK ? n, k '. 1 T - . rt 'dr.u:r f 15 rr.- - - , f7 cU le a Till FUTE.SBEET ISSOJIMJPED IIIBE & flOHEBS'TIfilA d j-ivn- W . JTVEK lu Main 612-1- 0 tU.tir.lxr.lilhg I' :vfz:rhg """" .cv- - EL, Gt, Louis, Mo. 0 cU For Mo liy . Monte' in Salt Lsko City. I. ; |