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Show Ti 'I CJIIICACJO T114DE. - p eJ I CHIcArGO fcfco, i diuer Saw lb 4UUila, J I r3j FOR PAIN. ( . , BatUru aa4 onrt ; ur Sciatioa. Lwabagak., ' ' SACHACBK, H IU31CI1, QrctsT, NEEMES iminai, aV BrBSI, C1LD, aelKi aal pain. i.i!fi:i:h 8U by ill Dragirttaul Uircuui ii Dukn. Ii jB.k.isiCHiuiiyeiiE, 3 out are c;4 C by Z a. A. laea-woui- a ml NEW YORK TRADE. ; . . : - . . - j 1 a u a s diOJ 17 .. CARBQUCiSjlLUE plumbers; sn irj inn ' cis , , a. I. Its Brtccn W. ChaiUi A.7ojsUr Sol C. OHIOAGO. A&Crc; 1KBTUL CISTS imW I : And aU etbW bodii ffim - . ,; FB08TBITE9.. MN7TFACTt'KiHJ . aa-artW- . d lOOTEACHJ, irBinn, Sortoaa, Cati, Bmim, & CO., i . NeuraJtfla, j.r ( j-- PAINTERS, j SORETHROlfr" L iDGLertsoi; . EIIECMATISM, 1 1 m ' -- t-- i'CKUFS TOOLS. & ivli au.lfiitof'TOOI. i to be ftfcgtiiningf fcnd he ,waa 'the all the Church had apostatised and iorvaou A. tne Blast uhoidtn irb rmuueniy one foreordainea for the poeltlon become very wicked, us ana God to and that say tn, it fast, KV .IV' lrhloh ia occupied and filled.: After baa cut the Church off, but thai our Idea of the unjastneas of, the de-TBOPtSTT tx i AOO0D riBW AMD' TOWS blm apsrt for Brother David Whitmer and Broth cision, we put our judgment against lna mrttU am- ceiling IWnilttim jana fsettiog or PRESWHTJO SEPH F.SU1TH iue-w; bare an1 oi uKroaucuig ana esub BfWinvE 'MeCleltariWiUlam that of fifteen disinterested men.: omaouaaa. Oaoal nasuiM near reaioeooe ,i aT -t. this 9l ana the are mem to fishing la decide on then others the emiw Who, Kingdom, tha Justice Mvod adiolnloa laa In Flneaa only amsof DEfVEREO the Lord of Dour, recoenisad him bent of the Church in good stand or tne: eater rney, not me: ana it cowa ptoc ava Mia mo uLbpleoe, m , Mia eathor- cr rarmina laaa wsfe . . and they are all ' at varlanoe Is myl busihess to . acknowie J ge it log, At Ogdeif" Sunday Alurning, tktrty-Aaaaraa iCalciaiiieii-Etc. Jzed egei) t, H you , ttletee, end it with each other. If I were ti raise and yield to it. There is. however. woakl be mimuntoly lnconatatent.on my hand against my Bishop, agatuat a super vlaory authority ta,, the First S "i." reasonable and. a.baard .toentata Oieaa, ..Baavate Couaty. Utalk. H vei.-- a . sappaee the Twjrlve or the First Presidency, Presidency; and they may exercise 4 Sot '.i' i A STNK STOCK OV had called one man pecaosev i aia not iikenhem.tbat that after-Goin some degree the pardoning power, and appointed him to thla oxk.that moment I should clace mvself in ror unto them u given power under DtC021TliE PiFEES. aj Luc ji J , 7. and go to the position that these men noar oc the lavs of Uod to forgive. M Whose There has, perhaps, haver been a M 00014 pas ,him the cupy, and that scores of others who soever' sins lye remit, they are re period in the history of the Church aomebodjrj eijae to aooompliah NEWEST PATTERNS. aenalule person have passed away , have .occupied. mitted unto 'them, and whosesoever when the delusive apuita rJtbat are lama pfrpoae. No t i' ifc?I ti at each- buau ay? a ne uoarcu nas apoata sins ye retain, they are retained." abroad In the world, deceiving the vreald eooeptj for one moment "To lawrtoaelr1 eon tem- tlxed, Joseph Bmith and Brteham Praakleut Taylor holds the Jeer of ALSO, UOKKSXD chiktren of roeo, were more active a proposition Dtxiumt Toung.E and John Taylor.: have that authority tn this Church. You than! they are and have been for the Dlate miit eaon afil!4ai-.- i in conns ten apoetatixed. , firm may appeal then to the Presidency but 1 last .Jew' years. L have never in lng theAittngmywitii ' moat o The of ir twin with In the author rowerfal all and the Church, fthd they may in. the 'people ITeallns thf faithr my lecolltctloo heard ot so many cy, and cim. ' The have gone astray because, tbey will raulre Into the juaUce or injustice of s FnTEns; uinuueni eyer uiacorerea. pretended prophet and revelations, confusion, dlleofd b . me," There . Is tne uecjaion ana sea ir tne case Is lTEn'rBn ; Oarbalte n Salve' aara Kingdom of uoa nerer ' eauld be not acKnowiedge special messages, missions and manaa eatabllahed . man to a 4 in each Is rebels entitled where pai'aa. But If .the oneaTth"la the wht) any rehearing. against Ifestationsto various individuals, naive altars HEnsfS - varaaiM Booaae SUad ap with HOT aa COLD Baraa. the authority of the Priesthood, and decision of the High Council ahould WATUt bave esme tQ my notice within the raa- 8auV10& PiUmbera De IiOrd seme ataiarial at to1 time endeavors" no then the the hold 'Joeeptt' eonnrmed. then have Through you nira Hen caraelte or last few month : peruana years. revealed a Brelaea. hlmelfs to the worlds and on to the faith.4 Never is there but other appeal on earth. And yet aysiastoak. .( are in constant Some claim that they H KBfRTns a 1 enoee at faalve . ia Oareelle the 'first one aprointed at a time to hold the God has given to ns the broadest Jobbing Work Speelaltj. rim communication wiia angeia, otners thiough him pies. of the Church men "who keys of the kmgdom of Q jd pertain utitude peaceruiiy to defend our in. iiafaitrni Clarbelle Salve' en that ithey have received a' direct Elders FwhaatsB ttven on shortest Dobekf " I'lT ; in . to were their rtlea. hearten honest dividual the While to earth. Christ re rights, a Just God ing agreeable command from Sstafaotioa sueiaateesV Ordsrs toaccomplish liBirntB Caraall Naive teals anew would maioedpn the earth He held them; and righteous laws. Me permits us aaaiMtaStOi lawpaaaa at ofllga, taoaiptly - , certain mission, others claim tqs be men whom . Me ' , word 'and oe labor. but reoeive to nrst when He the committne He tried assume and therefore and departed the AaJt by Christ, fa JBTaaa-yV- . aaS Tafca JTa OSIaas t loa with Joseph In., this ted the ' to Pater, he being the hla Counselora: and evenSishop before that 1220 Second South Street, mm BaWABX or OOUNTBJir tfl-- r rlzht to dictate and direct the labors In. connect W we t nave AMO or ana ' AT AnoaUas RBBDXK0S. tne under Presldeat of Chief to the tie at t great and oi the Presidency and Twelve, important, taxing; opportunity undertake to correct ond set them and all that hare, been ordained ta and It WaS hta rlirht tn dlMtrt anil n our difnoultlee amicably without that hare receive revelation ror , the Church, auulS v m mf vaWf vailililt right! and to show them wherein the Priesthood, toand all been ariDolnted any DOaltlon what ana to give counsel to ait the breth settle It amicably among ourselvts they lack inspiration, et& . and ever in uus, vnoron. .nave received ren. After Bat an- - and Wicked men we are permitted to call in our wherein it is neccssery that a strong us if maalbla in Kb .jmd., oommlaalon bad prevailed agfiinBt the Church; Teacher to assist arm should be raised up in order to their apthoilty this tonanneL . appointed oi cruolrlad the Savior-an- d killed the reoonciiea ta one anotner; ana If has throairli steadyu the ark oforZion. aIChere This A.poetles, the keys of the klngdoai that cannot be done we can then been great aeal tnia in a or spl God, with Joseph at the head. TaUsy.AEtliraclt3 an3 Colcrafia COALS!-- " ' be Were taken from and Itaear jooolda ' not the earth. John bring the matter before the J31ahap rit manirestea or nte among men Is the order, a a raise up the RsYtlator1 describes 'tt ' most to te formally tried. If we have Vi that jare and , haye been in the otherwise, uoa win Church for years; and not only anomee prophet and another people clearlyJ I And from thatv time until reason to believe the decision to be Fleasan t Vallen Colorado Coke a vvtvv that we have been Joseph Bmlth was callsd' bv the unjust, we have the right thehto ' S-such,lbut by men who .never, h.av to. do the worl, .f'i.JI'ali;" eW O A H of. i ease our to O a If Le tto. oloe to F never CounolL will the E.VCE the Almighty, and ordained appeal Hlah I TS'. oeen members ana wno . nave no appointed t: r hold nn to mart halt and then. If' the First Presidency so those ken. those who nave stood firm and of this of i the ehju-acteknowledge latter-da- y them upon the earth that we know decide, there may be a re hearing. a?- - ORDERS BOLICjTTED AND PROMPTLY WOrkJ; "Measages from the true' from the' commencement, aa ft of-FILLED. lt v Bo as of true has are theXord and were, this who wnrk? the li'ird did still that' unto given appoint splriti world, communications from " ns as every possible' chance('r to vin- jTaril, Opposite D, & R. G. the departed. throuah aneaiams. firm and falthfnJ.iaasmaoh they otner l'weiveapon tna continent, Passenger Depot; Office, our defend rights, people that permit themserrps to be oontmae faithful i to their trust. and His Church flourished and pro, dicate ' our Is maintain causes, v nd used for thii purpose, pi., tying, and There no qaestiotf to tor nrlnd of pored in this land for many years; 127 MAIN STRlxET, F their eret arqvlai i themieljaf nn, bat, ths IiOrd declared t that Peter, enritandloff In " the Charchr 'No delustve srjrfrltf . ti t v a tfir TELEPHONE CONNECTION WITH YAUD ANDtOFFlOS. It has sometimes been sorrowful faithful, as a' body: for .It , any. of James and ' John, and r the' Twelve man is asked to bow to unrighteous to see respected members ofthe tnem were to teoome- unworthy In that' walked with Him at Jerusalem ness; cat to say tnat tne decision woold removal tbem held the Preeidency over tbam. Qod rendered by the tahope Coort or Ohurct), men who atioukt know bet- Mlaalsht. Me; ter, allow Ui am selves ta become the out.Sf taair. . niace and., call othera may reveal himself to different na High Council' Is an unjust- decision tools cf seductive ephit.iBaoh men from the ranks to fill their poaiUoiig. tions, and establish amont them is to say one of two things, namely, leattt'toloee Ana thai ill ttfcithQOd wju iYei the land Go Del 'and ordln&ntys as that theae men. from three' to UN 8eem,icrthe tlmt teen of them, every one of whom sight tpf the fact that the Lord has be found to be flomixwed of, .the He cud anciently, if necessity re. ShonM poaaeaa the Spirit ef the Qos established on earth the Priesthood tight mia far .thav.Blaoavjof men quire, but lfttheae natienaehmikt be will flUea tot tfae pwea, sogetner tnere .woaid ba oaa pal. ana am lnapiracion of till ita talneaa: aadT that .by direct whoa bcka la as likely to men. oan Me throuch rest be whom would sub. mighty, and lead, and all the revelation and commandment fromJ burden, ' heaven j thVMe;na insutmed an. wort and reguUte the aAlrapf Uls ordinate So that from the time understand such ctrcumstanoes as '.. i ,ri-- ' I Fzlesthood the litigants, tie til In error and VtiSXM acooraiuj; 13 the Qoantels of of tht tali keyi j the capacity and that U superior ta Mil own, wiu. ; ! Ana .iiui.meinent were .Uken from the eatth,' until lack Judgment, or that they are wil UDST OOBIBIE & PERFECT GOOKIKG STfiVE L110L t&e wisdom ana leernmg sma under that individuals Jonk ; to aar other they . ware received 7 by Joseph fully wicked and unjust,' while one individual, and he a party to strife, of man, so far, Indeed, that sources' jthafc tnoment they ,, throw 3mith,i no; ; man', ever standing to the eeduotive that Prieathood, "nor the It aeems impossible for: the JkarJttatt tbetaserVes . .... , of atana , and render keys .thereof, .to The moment a man says be will ..xy.imind, unaided by theBplrlt nf tiod, lnflnencee - not submit to legally bonstltuted au TM FXKID and preT3BCBI to comprehend. the jpeantieg, pow themselves liable to become servants build np the Zlon of God i .u. the rjare a church or people " for the sec thority of the Church, whether it be ers, and ' cnaraoter m ' tne Moiy of the devil: they : Jose sights c , ""'in... ' "?7' the-true bless throueh which order ond pomlng of Christ, "ai a' bride la trie Teachers, the a shoprtck.nhe seems dffilcult for Priesthood. , It ' " ;. C I men to comprehend the woraCT Cflfauijif 1Lthe PrlcthoQl are to be m-. - I adorned (Tor th brldegropm; anless HJgri Council, his Qaorum or the llW?jliaaM in. ')"'""""f''.T w. TT " J I Ti ll if' tt may nave Deen among the lost Firat PresldenoTL and in: his heart the Priesthood: Its leeiiimataaatho- - 1 ifp-Tj-!. ' it and carries it out, that . j ' "ret ortne iingaomrc. MXi, ana Are tribes, yet of this we have no know- confirms k.i$i I rltr. its aooreorand no wert and i lijiu .; . wnenever ledge but If so they woUM ireeelve moment ba cuts blmaalf. off. from Dy tnet ngnt tne.epirii it ta easuy; on daDaaxo4aa,.crouxkdwt!ir and to to the rise ofilhe yup noaexeys blessings administer necessary privileges claiming pratnot unaerstana comprehended, . I mar it man ars sasuv ascaivaa cv havkifcceived direot revelation front in the ollnaaoes of the Gospel for Priesthood and Church, and severs ' , J- - ' ' iff:"' O' seductive tplrltr'thtt art abroad in thteuora to the Church, independ- their aeration. .Wsjtoow not of himself from the Deonla of God. for he ignores the authority that He has the world. They are led to believe ent of the order and ehannal of the their existence or, the.oonditlnnin instituted in His Church, These Prlesthobdj, you may jset him down which, they are placed. .The Gospel that some thing IS .wrong,, and! the as an impostor. , Uod has not oalled that r ia". given to them is suited to are the men that ' generally t next thing that trahsptrea, they find 'C2 1 REMEDY CO. ilu 3 Tn, $50. lieji. Hex Inciu't ! Ion 1 SCALE THE GREAT GERMAN - s ... Fair & Co., Pall r, A - -- i Ptat , Sas i, Doors & Blinds, J" . k ai ,ot . afiAnfrf'i, .IVum. Church IHnith, Stain, Siutr Ulailiiif, Utitrtiitmr, Newtlt, A'fci. ClXIIGfA-GO-, 111. Cui Opods kept In Bums t M' Urret l.i ruber IKatera la C tr ac4 Offlen. It co Lists ax4 hfouidlnt Bocki Mjia fr-- " upJf appcluailwA. s 1 Aim lru, limM4 drive, ay EH -- a. ' L . Ml tOft iCtf.OF lit 5 AbcolutelyPure. : it v GEORGE H. CLARK POWDKB & CO., 8cccseoaa 10 RENOWN t'f.ARK nnoTiiEan, l4 BROADAT, 0. K. SHERIDAN ' uV.-ir- tvt tiit f. SA'e by & ....... 1 & Co., el, Tboma Street, Xcw'Tork, Corner Sione, O O 23 El. SoierlM Ll 1 X T Z. oxrxs. pima set ibis. or ukwvwicrvnvta WSSOGiTED .SHSET IRQB f ool ii (7 : a ii d Siding Jin (hi inns. I tnl Jotbcn of f PUMPS X FIRE ENGINES, ItftJ IMj and Skeci Lead, Gu " jMituf-rtor- rirl tt . j, fe , ut rlnnXn' fag, Dttt and ail St Pack I as. UA-i- J ! . mpf ..... DOYi.; CLOTHING. wuvmr;r,r(;i rheee -- 1 - - r a BUGS. 1 , .7 liElliiotTORiilPULUIlTS, f at ana. - M" a- ct; -- -- iim ticasi I I'll .L.-mia- trt pi: id n. 1 .. aw AaJk l-- ji A tfl' r-- rrT -- eel-t.a- -- a-xjia- crochets tn their heads, that set In spiration! (from beneath) and that are of ban so desirous to eulde the Church i and to sit in Judgment, up on tne i CTiestaooa. Tne only Bate. ua to ao. as inaivkiuais, is wayior to live ae namojy. so ngnteooxlv and so faithfully before God. thai we may nosaese His Bolrit to that extent that wn will ba able to Judge ed discern tghteoualy, and jtruth and error, bet Wee d right and! wrong; and then we will know when a decision is rendered against u4 that in 99 cases out of a hundred we are In error, and that the decision Is right; and although we may at the-timnot be fully able to see and feel Its justness, yet we will . be constrained to savthatrn. asmuch (aa ? there are sixteen ehances against one for me to be wronr,--- M I will aracefuliv and hnmbly obmlt.M The pith of the matter as, the 4rd b as established Hie Church, organised His Priest hood, solid: conferred authority upon certain individuals, eounclls' and quorums, and it is the duty of the people of God to live so that they shall knew that these are acceptable unto rum. ir we begin to cut on thla one and that one, and set thetr authority aside, we may j ast as well at once set God himself aside; and say he baa no right to dictate, unless we epreoiij repnt Amen. " ', e V9 a. t , a-- ir9 F03 RALE AT "TlX O Xa E3 JES .... -- , f S ta wlI . til j- aw, - .3.. m I W m a !, , j , - " i a:- is true. J. 1 . , ." 2 L-- IL-!- ' B i'a1U;.- - :' 5 !li8 a fm?!li'V! ' ' 1,11., a t: UU4ad I'S 1Uia aitUl COW. a S TO'-- nMH Pb yateian anal Sesrseon, Oeallat and , Aarla. j .j 1 ji " : K l taw taatdliur ha or near SOthWacdiBa- zaiea. uomwamk Apply at Qoba Bros. Btors or at residence TaaS ..' . " aaaaawaaaaaa - V: f?itv--i- Ji: k- - L I I g Hs "I .". WANrXDIMHEDaATSLT. f BOY TOTtND HOB8B AND rat-a rt -- V - j ; "fr-fry- i rl 11 .... , s,, . . ... OIF1 '. AXaTa : 2d:soioHto:oitq TJPHOLSTEBLNG IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. A 2k b: ma to sin naiun. & m- uus bt:tke .teeisiio... ' i - 5 4 ti if t J -- 4 VPFICB IN HILL'S BuTLDTSu, oppostta wancsr uouse. umos soon no a. 1 to Sod Tto 8 n. m. BeakleaoS 4th East, bat. 3d 3d Bomb. Oooaaltatioo ta German aod Mttf ' naa, Taiaphona at cotos ana walaeDoe, w IF YOUR ORGANS' , ANT OV YOUR IftrSTCAL IKSTBtT. OR mants aia out ot tenUr. take tbam to WEIHB AtQUON, OS Oommaratst "t.-faAjma citr, utaa, uepaaren or ukuams. aCOOBDeONfrriOLIN GUIfAKS. aod .. aS ktada of aftaloal loatruniaata. BaV flesd Wortesaablpg-mrsntaai- l A Vfc i. aiuaa. aiwua. . UTAH i j. I BnEVJEnY! .4'.' a f tix,i: AT THE OLD W E ABE STILL thoee-wbo Bland and deatre (heir famlllee Bopplied with llar-gett- a Delicious Ale and Porter, can do so on short notice.' Oar stock is from adulteration ot f;oodand free and has no eatiaJ in Utah foe toning up the system and giving a good appetite and la highly recommended by the lledlcal r,vr ty t .. j I sw HAYNES -- . & SON, av . PeajBtL-n- 7 - ... iYfuf Tft1h! J. I. . f J' - 1 jntNif t" a"aa4. L PSanat Jr. ' . ; JT Btstl.iaD c?? ! Cw or for-ther- e fr -- i ''J'vU tih ,i -- . ax trssr wtrAgurrsasaif- e?r si era Lr " "ft CI - ' 'l c J ( . IiortV Urp?s' and Tea UQzxiCB, Orfnyi; V'rs? Wesfmr: Averr Ccmbraed Gang and Daisy lTO-arn,xres- TInthf.-.T-- J . , ,4 ,Llu s- -., ' 1', ? - Ji." . V'.v.-l- i ,5 Case Bteel :.-- j Atia, tr nau.. t.. - r--" -- . S -- - Ueaticrat i.3BMSO Xissciuce) stud Saw" XXillat CulUvators; Bfd Drills and Horse Hoes; ii i. . ' i - 'LJ ; "lol5J U awl liaam Center Craft, Bulky V Double t.: a.1srf r ChoyeJ. ..Woodbeam Btl and Chilled Plows;. Smaand r,,t-- s team n aasxx.nfl ""'T1" f Tthar: f laiyl tin Ji a lwts 'pa.i. Plows . a; - Ii 1 - ;i;';J .,f i - taa. ..aiaai"- JaT'aa-- Ccae ,T. Mi Co's Agitator Thresliers Yyood&nry Powers; j ,i- ci ii'iciEx lima fzs,ot i' ir; '"' t SleCortnlck.Iroa Frame Front Cut Elowera; ConaJoincd ScirHoJUem And Droppers: Single Cellfcsrortli, Taylor and TTiomaa Kay Kalittj oaia mat . c '.If' V. Orders by Telephohe wlli re ceive prompt attention. Estate Of 1L B. MARGETTBr a- nti .- ita- kl - ; I With or.. Without Eeservoir and Closet " VTIE II irtlMISf WMf. " .'V'U. 4 ',4 U r;i:;i ..... 0 'U i',j j ,j, ..".!. , For Sale ;CJ; llfUj. ,'ai;i11;,ii.;;BMb;;; Horde --Made and Imported Furnituro Jn BallaToe. yoath .black and brae, Bu Jacobs OH preecrip'.ioo, cured bar of tne eanipuon, ana in is iitue' atory 4A? lTve-slebucgad biS-gt- XM - l t i a y "r Le-we- , 1 tiat i I ? their needs and. condition, and is for their sajvauon,, not t ours, and at it will be theaame OospeL And trwn amrilJ wane araeall nnsi fmm e rsaawa n waaaHvaaBMitwWa (ssvim saaaasaV av sjve to ua the Priesthood, or to stive to as keys and blsaaings, or to point out tne organisation or the sungdom of Mod, hecanse Ma Jiaastabilshed that Priesthood here, and ,.wahave it. If He has any icamoaanioatlon e to Dtaka fo us He will send tn ns. And io He this way seajrers WlU deliver Hit Jaw land ivewIlls nlnd and W' to the people.! i Ha will, aol it .throagh the :urdalnsd channels j of the Priesthood which Me ncknowledges and which He in the 'earth;1 He hasajtaUlabed will .: gof toe I where else i: to .Ho Jt, neither will He send' as to them unless they should be without the rriestno at ana it becomes neces sary to take, , the blessings of the Gospeltothsm, a&d I nresame that pif TOU a CAltFETINQ, s . v. JLtter-aay,fcjaln- K0TI01T8, 1 . m o. white goods; . AKt) OTHER BRANDS OF u ' V. Oi TT br Z. C M. I. ltd ttnkoob Snw for BAR, 11 themselves beOevmjft that theyiCm bjl(cot ipjthev woridiba chosen specially to set things right taugOF. pr to reuetve reviauons is very unfortunate ror a man to throtrgh japostates or strangers; Jtut it All Widths Cotton CanY&ss. aMA and ordained you and 8 be taken in Ibis snare; fo . be U U senTyou forth; to. teaohand lead peo-pderstood byuthe, hteousness and la' tho j; mat as long as toe servants or uoa BATES, REED COOLET, are nvinsr pure ilTe? aatkriA.v? rTfrri, u :hu. gnafa honors AMruanaa ajtb is of every therefore, dulyc the thf them. ,It rccnrerredupon to the bestcf their lAtter dayj Baint.to seek for the Silk aitd Fancy Lrry Good and endeavoring to desire ;with jVVj'nai knowledge to magnify tbelrTq: ioeiuiJiM full au aapM Bna r or, near ana see .aiii and cauingBi cm wnjcnj tbey. oeen duly cnofa .Dy.tne to: wisdom and JPiIaU OinfLAnu. and Domestics .gts ofWill. lead and the and that thraeathoodlMdJ people M3 34 iAiafidws, M XiMOaM J, 13, aol sanctioned by the approval oi uoa, eulde Tmtn all hruta. that will enable i oe toprehendthe 'purposeB nf so long e the, Lord ,bas , apy com-ami! 'thta- - 'mist' Mf faftt. mnit fen, so mue to tne cnitaren municaaon BUCKLEY lm-part of harmonious organ leanrmr wniua uoa DUNHAM; CO., any lnatructlons to' mef , of Lii Cbtoehr M haelnbUtuted toy'Hie own wisdom ta make TO JUBBJUU CXV ; IliTOBTSaS suah communication thxoiigb the in these last days Tor the gathering legally appointed channel oi the Uf, Israel and for the oomrnnntoaUon DR PrlesthoodrHe wllnrvprev I1 ja6f oCyIl purposes as made known aw iuuBi aia iiaiii m un liuc j may! bfecdmei dlisaUajOed omi. Church of Jaeus Christ ef Itter--i Men" ikV another ,1 they "my become form its Saints in exists present : me. day dlaatisfled towards, the Presidency, will bathe on the earth. Twelve or 'When Jose pb received the keys BNMwa, BTXW TOIK. The Churchmc-Jo-of God has, been, or L the ,QwaTwVVtb X,V. XT. BKATtTTKT. aay-he alone. hearts. of the frieethood and ihalr othersa may the lijaiJ jO jd .w 1 tlx ganlsed, been established, and the uospel "I do ,iot like 7uoh, an, one; 1 on .i the been restored ta the earth for dlnot lisltoWe Lttaa Mod aa he thai Is, he waa the flrstif he stood at THOS. f.l. ARGUL & CO has the last time; and this work which should bethel' hasutoo; many lanlu the head.! It was promised that he removed and weaknesses and, therefore, I should hot Jose them or be has curry begun will never-eeas- e, out of hts plaee, aa long- - as be was but will continue to. spread abroad and Increase tnthejsar.&handgathi Til ' 1 MENS' AND 'J. w a u.v. A.ua iaim m Aua raltnrui. Ana ne was raltlirul. When er to its roia tne rignteous, tneion-est- , man' pdubiepeittare araLtkon,tao bat inisdr PSMldentt tYountr was chosen by the voice of the people, the pure, the meek andtbepoor many of God. of the eatth, nhUl. thir kmgdom, but the trouble is, and' thatlis the and sanctioned by the YQtoe " 638 shall be exalted to power andlory. MmXUk, Just becauik they 'have Ue nekj the Priesthood ' which was BBOADWAT, in tne miost or tne won a; ana it become diwiatianea' wiin .tn indi after the order of the Son tf God, will teign triumphant wheu'llaby vidual and bMboredsfeellngeor blU With the keys which pertaid to the I of that Prlaatnood upon, Ion will be baoken ,aopleoesaa4 tefnacs In thfelr hear ta against thetr presidency bfei hrea.i they loose eight or tne earth. ' Me & received it frona . the will fall to rise me snare. CO. the promises that have been .nsada designs vt the Almighty thy turn 1 hands of Joseph, directly from him HEMPHILL, HAMLIH to us. This fact Is indicated by. the ajaMa ma auuiKv us uvy or by hit authority; and he held it I revelations of God tOmn through! Priesthood; ana tnrougn tneir nima. until ; his death. When he died and, modern prophau. and hts" allow themserves tope Jed aa- - that mantle fell upon. John Taylor, riii! ill CUTIS tlll.GETS HITS ETC ancient be lives he will hold that tnrougn angeis tnas , nave 3?vu tea trayad t jasf turn awayjtrom the and while inasmuch as he is faithful. v iyim ?' authority the earth in this dispensation of, thf Church .teft-lv.Now nowanouia- h oer j. wuj teu Bo It was with President Briaham fulness of times. Young; he htld it on condition oi in irre iirst piace every per-so- n his kent by 2. C. M. L. sod lit is not my business nor that of I ypa.should UP" Cur Gow"a an .Xaithulneas. kHQW is the If. any? man in that Qospel to rise up fas . 4a Drtecn dtorpa. any other; lndlvtdurl should becomeunfaith- tesltlon that one's s is this as a-ksT every true, privilege prepuet,-&revelatorj kseer," who la ibapuaea ana receives the fuJ,God would remove him out.tf CO. an ECJQL inspired man, ta giveirevtiapan for the guidance of the Cturoh, or to Holy Ghoet, A nian rnay be griev- bis place I testify m the, name of some Israel's Q d that Ms will not Buffer assume to dictate " to the presiding ed in ' hla feallnga because of Presitha heaxi of the Church, him whom and between him IEJISS iPUTEl W3H( FBI.TES (IS t STEIU: authorities of the Churcn in any personality He has chosen to stand at the head, myself, the worlds much dent Taylor, of Cannpn. oatt'ioC an nis neart to transgress Hla'taws, and apostahave JOBBERS IN he may reelings of leestn tka midst Zlon, wheiethe Ti. a wLloh lead him to- - think that he tize; tha; moment he should' take a organisations or tc rrjaiooogi are cduld Hot Materials. lumbers faith and coarse that would In time lead to It, tustv4n njkln-hjabout-perfeWhere everything Is ' ' T3 BEIEUAK STB BIST. ahould be. the God would take hini away. Why? If this, but at prayer! complete Wan td thejarganiaatloa course for him to xsecauee: to saner a wicked ' man to tbe whatta case, tme a .' w braneia.! at osinaiwf sroRz:. ja ngnt jii m me neara, occupy that poeltlon, would be to al Rafcr by Krin!a.wn to Dartd Janaaa, duals to tje . inspired and ,te reeelve parsoer Me anowju eay W His established has "God low, as it were, the fountain to i be Kingdom, come rrrof cay. manlf esUtlons f the Moly, rJpirlt fa j 1s Prieatbdod 1st 'the upon corrupted, which la; something for tbeh--j personal guldanoe, to and If die never permit. Ahd Why xi my notwithstanding earth: and wuj tueirzaitn.ana HAZARD POWDER! strengiBen ' know that will he not suffer ill Because I men I it la tot certain like tlchtaial courage theminot the Work of Joseph Smith; it 1 ness. m faithful and observ the Goapel is true and that God, is not being, of Brlaham Younsr. or that if I will- net the work k J rpowu a aiij Ing and keepmg the commandments with 111m beODlei and His ! of commandJohn , not Taylor. and 3E 40 do be? t which Uoa has given onto thens It my duty 33 " It ls "w l ot 4 work . of "God thev man rou ana but as cioe or win ments. the man ana tne is KJF.Trtrrirr 1 every vj KtrtM, privilege ula stvo, and it Is His buineai XaTJV JiVCtC, .v W woman to receive revelation t this and the mists win ' disappear, the Almighty CATXCU rUSB. to see thatj the . men who occupy , u 'V4ll jc aT ; nd. hnt not fnrth.r Thai mnmsnt I smrltof thvXaWdkWlU OOD1S V afif-tand by I this position are men after His own and by mV TeUaf 1n15vldnafrlaAa rnWmmn Aala " a T KUt and atf iba an ' en tha aa J WUl ; a, to aia error. heart, men' 'that will receive , Inam u rMarfilaiQraatatblVrrti4a-ViJbto or see, control to and tOl Uiiute, right (J sli will re structions from Him, and that will I U X'A Hon, A tnC arid then on. I es in Judgment frlateln erred, hlsbrethrenj that know I every carry out tbe aame aoonrdlng to the of far; those who it,' he pent peciaUy upon preside, eounsels of His will.. You may de BRINGKERHOFP, TUKNEl&iCO, should be promptly checked, or dis WrOUK AAAAA1K WA T men reel way. k anaahould that pend that He will see to it, and risk eoro, oivisMm MS Dnaaa 8t lOtW T0EK, conrasidn' would thtn all . this hai. Hence o A1 man may, not nave connoence m nothing uponno man UumhMmaii of anal Dwalen ta S7eT no the reBulXs-Xtterand reason to find fault TOM MASS. bHK. WoodbairyT Pratt maarln khle? Churcn ahbukl.know Kia. RLihnn or In one or both of his you will have unu. faiaoaaea aixl wur Saventa batter than to yield to such a tnirlli Counselors; cbcumstanoes might be or, to I we up in lodgment apon brutt. an rn hcr iiart. MeJlura and 80R the rt- - uton nlommt that such aYeellns nre-- such that according tohislndgment President i Tajlir or upon the Pro. l3.lf!3QmS.llIEjS12Ui!inE.m: tenta Itself to them they should re the Bishop or his Counselora might President Young, Joseph Smith, or upon the It, aa it at Im dbjt antagonlrn be tn the wronff and his confidence phet reiTon CASTAS f au anoeiar buke to the order of tL i Apotles We have no right la tham. whether riaht. or, wrong. Twelve ana Waoi) Covtr'Df. Marai Aprona and to the to in judgment npon the rise but be tnp saada and of destroyed; senios atccaiftnd would this therefore, work. spirit otkt urpoaa,e9aataDty e A ha mv. feel so. would it be PreUdent of the Stake, or noon oux aa Umn USVeeaaatoeDthothhijr anthori aaSazfl te v. ft. B'inttoa C. Bishop, erf upon the Priesthood In laUTB DOS Ull VEttatumanthr htk r ii latent ti him as ;an d 'aafc- ,- by t ba Ca or teaa as any ahape or form, unless we can do hlisseif ta .the em through UOO0 ca appotated taaanai, 4h dr la IsrBi cj ae or wonnn tsisnoD hf tne agreeaoiy to the lawa of the wuavi.uieu Ttwsssuorxtjrcx i the h. Church.! it they decide against na ..mta XSrhole If Charct? th la aid which the Chanel that mcsuiood, as Gad has conferred tha inasmuch IBSflliUrJ crLTIiaGRllIULthis a hak Qodr fe klf In po<laaiJf appointed throug;h whkU suaoisetarera Bui.tn ana to make known Uis "mWd and' will t."aVl ha like some others I Keys or tnia rnethood upon them. so tna werio. ir irss iiiiaiaaai i rn i have neerd of, Joiaand ZasvU and tne gingdom la here, and ita tm bere,and tbe Priesthood Uo Use ortiaAtlooog.-tAiatiAtmrchfor InaUnoa, two oC the autnorlty Whltseer, and the organization of tbe is Of MorthVBook here, to thaiOod should select from the ULreetneaees or uoa u grasoom and here and lnas-l?cClellan of the earth sotsa and WruB.. person mon, 47 Caeeiaarf ec Wm a da&lalAn la vaanh&HI 43, 4J the rsnhal to yhrtrcjh rhofa to rtreiJ JIh : ?g 93 mud IJ Etail tL, randered agreeably to the.Uwajtad U oanXaK; ari i; ) T: ; eommanaaoents Uvtant XO botli of, Uoe then It lelecS this rur nwa tha Vim tr. fnl uVihVnnd many others, aalartaa Naw Brttska. Ooaav. U would be oar boanden daty to bam-bl- y - t ttaautT Do yon think yon andXmtatotnd JoaphrBoilUi;aland submit, and to bow to It and ao- tVle ejOabr. or, oxawaa tm noaoejmt a nonvtnee thora of thlaclae that they Sawaa it. You ot I Enowledge think tmi9 anrMrmiiiLi l there was no Priesthood au.a) ljtu uuutv" on the and U hard, convinced possibly fel that it was are earth when Joseph was cajfed, le- Ko; these men firmly never naiaas, put as it .wonU be ImoQasI. gally eonstituted ty the authority in their own minds that they md"1W - bi " flVT?. of h at rV aa AU and Thev atoenrh, we must stoutly heavtnt ta: cCiclaia lan gij Tv'izBd. w na v tst-duiic.w.ever of name 'aays nne,' sub-JuOTditi the was tbey riantly denylit necery 1 . , , ii mniiTt jU at theterore) that some one 'should i. I turned away from the Church, nui to an trnjost deeiaionT NojEh;1' be o-v that Jneech. Cmlth and SaUeted fM the first EWtr the ba. t .ay it kj but twelve CSroacS. ex tnia work, theTwexve Apostles postatlzsddtod had tmnrcx "5. a..1 4. aWaaMitaMd .A. ! Y"C OODS, ivv Kledr, Clipper. T --a- , m lurryAcratKRB o JBBaT. ' i Totoccq 'Co, Myers i WE8T AND . : tiffpft - 1 his-me- rOCISa. TRAD Ct S ed with-authorit- . , 1U BrftXMb I , M ,mq i co.f - ! pos-eaf- an-iJ1- THY IT. 'fa in jt j OHIOAGO. M. I. aud S WITHOUT E3tOEPTION la-qui- ftc;rtsma COTTON 'DUCK; 1 .ii " H AT W AREHOUSE USD; EEFIHED FUSE Sold onto in cat. MOTix. BamXWQ Co.. 100 Wan Puaet. Nw York. andnv aim It E WORLO-WID- u I. M. in il - -- St - - Tada peirdar nmr rmrtea. A" marr&i oJ Mora atreoartta aad whotaaoacana. Burltr. - .. oao- ecooomlcal tbaa tto ordinary klwtot muratcdt; BMP1IT. 001 m tola in eotcpention wltu if low test, abort irtifUaJuia arteBptatt A I , , ; to he J quAl in Quality od . Iuitt. I tyioany made. ar ! orlj i hoe m I nnger taao any otter. tVeUunianteeour Ntta I I and . s HORSE riMIS ! Oft BLUED and ig-ikor- et . aVwlj OS 1 Blataill' IIEill 0 IK : SALT LAJOt i. SI 3 1 .. CTTT LOnELUVJUGOIl; - - ? (. Q u PY(; DlLLOTC.'nrLCA, AHD.ansOITLlJ UONTlHl.lUii:i i.cr 4: j xk j' a AKD OODXM. UTAH, nroa tinoB ' A t. J ; HU |