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Show Vol.. XVI. ... - 4 !i , j IOSK XEW CHICAGO TIMDE. KEI lake city, HAJaT TRADE. 15 Catalcn New York. 27. The sa.t 210 and 23i Madron ptreei, C A. GIO .: f-- 1 i ' H. H. I1!,1!S I ' ! 3 CO,, . Cl)i;i:i. 4 , HlilQIiai HEIDE, CHICAGO. t BrAncb Our Good re kept by Z. C. M. Itort aad daiik-T- i jraoerallT Id tbe Territory. 8103 . .. M. P. Va5 NEEMES Y enness. Omaha. 27. John T. Norrlf, de tectlTe of the Columbue, Hocklnir Valley and Tpledo Railroad, who arreeted the gambit r L3on jilouck, in California, a few days ago, for a murder committed on the 'i all way In Ohio, by which Norris la employed, arrived in this city this: morning, half a day earlier than was expect ed, and lodged hia prieoter in jail to wait for the evening train on which he proceeded east. Norris'a unex pected move was made to outwit friends of Houck and the Bherlff of Cheyenne, whom Norris learned would, armed with a writ of habeas corpus issued from a Canvet court, try to take the prisoner off the train at Cheyenne. Norris says he be came aware before he left risn Fran- clico of the plan, whiph was to get out a habecu eorptui and have the prisoner1 relev.ed at Denver A marvel m Tkla powW nrvcr rarlre. Nors wiring an alibi. pDrltKMromrtb fnd wholeeomenefe. Men by oo Domical than lbs ordinary kinds, and can ris surmised; that the j sheriff at not ba sold lii competition with tba multftudt Cheyenne would meet him with of low tret, abort or phoapban the writ, and, to mislead him, tele powder. in earn. ROTAL Sold orrfy RAjtrjra Powbkb graphed from Laramie that he COk. 10H Wall wanted assistance in transferring Kir, NW Tork. tbe prisoner to soother j train, and would rrrive on the regular train. 6. E. SHERIDAN & Co., Then Norris procured a special train New Tork, 68,jTbomns Street, at .Laramie, and accompanied by Superintendent Dickinson of the jMOUXT VEKXON Union Pacific, made a run of 234 miles to the Denver Junction, dashwithout ing through i Cheyenne1 Alj Widths- Cotton Canvass. topping, tahd overtaking j the train from Denver at that place. Uouck appealed chagrined when he COOLEY, aw the detective's plan, trat says BATES, REED he would not have gone with the 1 1KPORTIH8 AJTD iOBBXBfl 0 writ, but preferred to go to Chicago for the murder of HilUarulJFancy Dry Good and standfortrial done the killing had he Lohman, Una of Inotading- a fnH and oompleta in At the! depot In Prints, Ginghams, and Bomwtics, Cheyenne, the passenger room was filled with a di? appointed crowd. U3 fib, 34?,BroadwHT, 92, and M Laomrd from all quar gamblers str, JsT33 W YOBK. comprising . ters. New York, 26. Richard O'JKeefe, DUNHAM, BUCKLEY & C0.( John Conlin and Michael H. O Donnell, 'flre alarm fiends," are IUPORTER3 AND J0BBEB3 07 sentenced to. tne penitentiary ror one year each; New Orleans, 27. The election fraud cases were continued Wm. Buckney, deputy sheriff, servswore he could WHITE GOODS, Etc. not ing as supervisor, own his signature on M, StO Broadway, HEW TOBK, the Identify tally sheets. He was arrested John Buckney, his iy for perjury. Hrntl-or- . jltctoimI bv thai United P.n. States Bupervisor of representing TIMS ''M IRHRII mi nnunhfc w w lrh n Hnmrvrotta nartv. testified KAjnjrACrjrMxs or be knew the accused, his brother, but did not know hisi brother's sig' MENS' nature. Ht.LiOuis. 27. In the Criminal Court this morning, the plea of Rus sell Brown, of manslaughter, for 688 BBOADWAT, killing his grandmother, Mrs. Barah Davis, and the plea of Pat McGlenn, Implicated in the same oflense,were accented ny in couii ana Dotn sentenced years In the peni A. V. FADER'S . tentiary, to ten is Han ranciaco, 27. j. v- - vanness, of Immigration, KiT U HAS at in the police was examined y court on the charge of embezzling O, funds of his office, and discharged Pa ma awd Ceaiell Caaaa, from custody. ibeMera, Rnblwr Claada, reawiis, suae. Washington,'. in me tar route trial, the grand Jury came intonumber of prersntHEMPHILL! HAMLIN & CO. raurt with a them the ifollowlng: ments, among United (States vs. x. j. Awauy, ior unlawfully receiving money andu,FIB3B fill CUTIS CMSLTS KUTS ETC. postal drafts to tne amount or 000 Post Second Assistant while 343 & 8 BROADWAY, . master General, from Jas. B. Price, as a reward for making a Contract of mail service with Jfrlce on July PT Our GorVa are kept by t. C M. 13 tb. 1880. noon the Star route from dooorro to Buyer City, Ne; w Mexico; H. V. M Kit III AM & CO., against W. Pitt .Kellogg ana Thos. J. Brady, for conspiring MAfirrACTUBBRS OF AND DSALEBB IR . ... on April -- & f CrlM George Hunt,. notorlona pedestrian, vii arreeted in Brooklyn, yesterday, for drunk ! (X.j log arguments on the question or the law arteing on the bin m equity brought by- the Union Paclflo Co. agalnstf tie Credit Mobelier of America, for lnjunctbn to restrain the creait Mobelier from. prosecut. a.. x mg salt's at taw agaiQss tne union Pacific to recover the"iaJanc6 due the Credit Mobelier for the construction of 216 miles of the Union Paclflo Railroad. Amount Involved, i . 11,778,000. Victoria. B. C, 27, A Chinese gang employed on a railroad near New Westminister, made a savage onslaught oa their foreman, named Nevme, beating him until he was unconscious, with ehovels.picks and axes. He wa3 brought- tu the hospital in a dying condition. The gang are nominally under arrest. It is not believed they can be held, as tbe. e are no white witnesses. Wherever Chinese congregate in large humbejs, the whites opp.ees and threaten to attack them. Washington, 27. --4 Ingersoll the examination of Dorsey In the star route trial this morning. He was asked If he knew whether he had drawn any check for f 7,000 upon Middle ton A 0o.,' in June, He 1879, as described by perdelL eaid he had not drawn check for that amount, but did draw a check for $7,500 on June 27th or 28th. It was given Rerdell. (Cheok shown and identified). Witness did not draw money on the check. Failures. Quebec. 20. Gibb, Iiiard A Co.. wholesale grocersj have failed; liabilities $100,000; assets nominally TELEQIIAPIL t Jotter of ly to-d- Co., of Wbtfeoale Manufacturer - 5 II Sash, boors & Blinds, Stiwir I ! Finish, Stairs, Cfewrc jfff, ManMt, liaillnff, liali'itrra, tfeurels, Ele. CHICAGO, ml Dealer In 8a.it Lake larrnt Ij mhtr I'rlo LM and AloukUna; Cay and Um . woUHQt itjo spaa appucauoo. aataiy . OS Ml HORSE HMLS POLISHED QR BLUED m Ir the self-defene- e. Flalnbed A I read 7 to drtra,; by tbe 01 Ql COMPW. MAIL HQB5E CHICAGO.Bate I. audita by Z. C. Jtch Stores. All ARTICLE OF UilUUt'S DRY GOODS, - dlMly WORLD-WI- RENOWN DE PDEE JEF11E1 U!D. 1 to-da- y. -- CLOTH I N G. ; , ce - cn than any w Uuarantae oar nub otijr. to to be Fqual Quality and jJuraDiuty to any mao Mmklm from the; Baat Htfrwij Wig hold ea JNecomeretown, Uhfo, 26. J. Li. Edwards & Co., proprietors of the rolling mills at Canal, Dover, this county, have assigned; liabilities, $50,000; assets, $30,0001Ids Montreal, 27. Dord Mtinn, the largest shippers here of western pro-dato Great Britain, haveWslgn-ed- ; 1 liabilities, $250,000 W. A. Desmartan & Co., wholesale groeers and wine merchants, as signed this morning liabilities $100,-000- ;. assets unknown. 0. Desmattan at the some time suspended; liabilities $10,000; assets $20,000. Pittsburg, 26. C. P. Markle. dc Bans, the largest paper manufacturers in Western Pennsylvania, have assigned without rsrferences. lia bilities about $100,000; assets nearly a million. A official statement J us t prepared says the failure was precipitated by Captain Casslus C.Mar-ki- e, one of the firm, who left the City on a train for the West last Thursday, taking with him It is es timated from $80,000 to $100,000 of the firm's money, leaving their bank accounts bare, and no funds to meet maturing obligations.! On Thurs day hediew nearly $121000 Intended to meet their pay rolls at West Newton, Markleton, and their Coke Works in. Westmoreland county. This he took with him. . On Friday his brother, Bhepard Dj Markle, arrived here, and after Investigating as far as possible the aflairs of the firm, deemed It advisable to make an assignment for the benefit of creditors. h Tne Kenesade Apaehee. I ! con-tlnu- $80,000. COTTON DUCK. kept In Stock by Our UondakieeOMtantly ay ! Absolutely Pure. Palmer, Fuller & ' Y IT. ! San Franoisoo, 26.ITucson ! dis- - CARPETING, t I-- and lint kiites lke "r" It m i NW GOODS, at FLOOR HISSES SHOES bo-caus- DRY GOODS li-co- :- r FH - ' l TIIF. ,f ' MIXED pEV.irVT. DIALER1 NEND ".'I M PRICES. ' Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease;; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; enables the in the Fall the shock stand to system of sudden changes. In no way can disiease be so surely preventcc as by keeping the system; in perfect condition. Brown's ensures Iron Bitters perfect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consumption, Kidney and Liver Disease, &c. VARIETY. Street, SaltjJCake City, lins thisdaj Iieen appolnlort General Agent Tor the sale of the Starj Mixed PalntM, iuaIc in San Francisco. These Iainls are all ready for use, anil will not Chalk Crack nor Teel ofF", and are Tnlly Kiiarnii teed by ns. UjJI. 16. IflTJL.la V CO., : il6, Front Pifreel, San Fraiidsoo. Feb. 10th, 1683. Salt Lake Cttt, is given by using Brown's In. the Iron Bitters. I GREAT IN Mr. S. jf. Teasdel, CJenernl Merchiuif, I'.ast Temple New Life e OIL CLOTHS. FULL STOCK OF OVERSHOES, G00D & CHEAP. j Li-irn- ' IU1 lo) o LAJi j To) L2)nn D " j j M. S. Berlin, Esgl, of the ;i. n neaitn. firm of H. S. Constantinople. 27. Tewfik Bey. & Berlin Co., Attorneys, Le formerly Minister of Finance, has Droit Building, Washingbeen appointed Turkish Minister to Washington, ton, D. C, writes, Diec. 5th, Odessa, 27. A Socialistic mani 1881 :' festo is in circulation in the south Gentlemen . I take pleasern part of Russia, Inviting the peoure in stating that I have used ' ple to avail themselves of the com Brown's Iron Bitters for maing fetesOfon the occasion of the corlaria and nervous troubles, the Czar to Spillage the onation caused by overwork, with houses of nobles and Jews A depu excellent results, tation or no Dies nas gone to Ht. Petersburg toak Count Tolstoir, Minister of the Interior, to provide Beware of imitations. for the protection of their property. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit; Tne neagois. ters, and insist on: having Ban Fbanoisoo, 26. The steam it Don't be imposed on ship Arabic has arrived,! bringing with something recom-mendthe following dates: Hong Kong, as. "just as good March 1st. French transports with 500 troops for the Tonquin expedi The genuine is made only tion arrived at Haiphong, February by the urown chemical Co. 21st, Increasing the number cf the force to 2,500 infantry, and artillery Baltimore, Md. in proportion. No active hostilities are expected, however, a pacific settlement having been arranged by tne French envoy to China and Lia- hung Chang. If A report is In circulation that the WABJTKD. United States envoy to Biam Is re quested to act as arbitrator in the AGIBL FOR GKNERAL HOUSEWORK, Loo Choo Islands diput between underatands oookln to work In a family of tares. Apply at office of Dr. China ahd Japan. I In BUl'a bnlldlnc. opposite Walker Dudlow continues In a state cf Rcckman, House, between tbe hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Well-know- lin 26 anil 2H, Street ) j. .. j j i ed i j BARNES&PAVIS, dat it co.) tq WHOLESALE AITD BETAIL : srcrssoBs :if i"' j BOOTS, SHOES Etc. L GRANITE IROWARE : l S, ''' i ! A .A, ror ! LIGHT, HANDSOME, WHOLESOME, DURABLE. i K OJIE BROILING. BAKING. BOILING, PRESERVING. fare The Best ! AIVI GET BABGAim -- co: i- - New G66rds Arriving Daily A.2sTX -- WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. Made for Tie Kitclen. THE J. I. CASE T. M:' CO'S a. s :o -- a Ale.' to-da- Bootn cbaiaoo. The J. L lCase Plow 2& nt i" ; : 1 ..... ! :oi- -- r i uitt Maiwtaotaitn tnl Jotbcn of lnjartoos totks kNUbsr tbst tb of being Implicated In the Phoenix murders. Pubes araoaatioo- - PUiMPS & if IRE;: ENGINES, park 6 Edward Donovan, Chicago, ad to ask lor .C SbeeS partner of Erastua .Whitney, ac Irnd rir ofthelat j cording PI pee, Plaaesers mA etemi . e a a .w.to the statement Isn 61mi to convening to ma tel. ooniessea Ftttera Brass coeaa, neif Sad touts aootbsr own use $2,000 cash and proceeds of iBg.nese aad Paeklag. o. r.. the sale of $18,000 worm or gooaa. fOSTON.Ues. Pending negotiations for settlement AGBIGULTURAL IL1FLEL1EDTS, Donovan VlkNNA, 187S. disappeared, and Whitney Is a fugitive. The firm he allege . Bt- WIBX, BARBSD WIKI, uonovan nas peeu m fElCI dealt Byruca. m. nerrex, r. a. for two Tears. yxNCiNa, ito, rrc a : . .. . . imTtttlsiM Boston t7. The nut nencn or taa 'tTTtjioat MtwJfc l1ir.inSt5SS15T,5T.liI' Bopreia Coart Is eosssl a ttx, -- A , 1 i rrtnr ddea that no rood Jaw caa r eom- pelwd to marry - on xom jvtppur, wbevcer ne promises wuww uw Mfaa Annl la erldentlv not diacon aolate over Btone'a default, aa ane has alnce mcxrlad. . iMtk Aaaerleaa Hwa, . . . 1 Tba temer Wsw Yoek. 23. from Panama of tbe 17th brings Uw following: Tba condition or acaira In Pern oonttnoea unalterexl, bat a the Chilians hare released savers! cf their more lmrczt&nt pr::tra,who have retnmed to Tera ti t,iTocstj peace, tne prospect la tIs rcrpect ; ill '.CLAM sow-- FISH BROS. TT7T WAREHOUSES, I :o;- L - sin its -- & CO'S Farm Freight & Spring Wagons, . r niTSZZFORD McCormick Harvesting Max)hhiery . SUIT LAKE CITY ; 't7ira.Q-OIJJ3- ; hlga-l- y sr. PLANET Jr.; GOODS. mmm mCASE HEADERS : PATTERNS. RELIABLE Mi PLOWS. ULKY AUD WALKITJC to-da-y iVevi OuV tTKEL BltAM CENTRE DRATT , to-da- y. 1GERTS FOB DEMOBEST'S ANG AND SULKY PLOWS. ( ; 1 --:o:- :o:- - ; 1 Our Hotto. GOOD BOODS rllia LOW PRICES. SfllnJ MILLS. iJGItlES ElRLESS GLOSO ofwhickars I'll ' SfT-Ai- BrlUab Brier. LOHDON.l 27. It is stated tba Marquis of upon hia return to itnglandfrom Canaia,wlH be raissd to the peerage. Monslgncr Gataldi, Archbishop of Turin; Is dead. Thomas rower O'Connor, mem ber of Parliament for Galway deliv ered an address at Leeds last night. ne had previously been challenged by the Leeds Mercury to say whether he had received funds of the Land League and whether he wa willing to have the League accounts audited.! O'Connor, however, failed to notice the question in his speech. Belfast, 27. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty in the case of the members of the Armagh assassina tion society which were placed on trial here yesterday. Counsel for defense vainly tried to impeach tbe evidence given by an informer named Duppy. He argued that the Crown' doubted its own case, it had failed to secure the indictment of men who according to the evidence offered by the Crown were strongly implicated in the t rejected murder of landlord Brooks, through Boyle, who was the treasurer of the local league. ,, Geweral itanaa. 27. The Emperor Wil BxiN, liam has completely recovered his vtjlij, .i E5 lOG - - ... intSi tlloi GABPETSl .awawma f t : Company has contracted with the SiambBe Government to connect Shanghai and Bangkok by cable and wire direct during the present year. The fortifications and defences on the Siamese coafet are being repairwith ed, strengthened and supplied ' new guns. FOBEiajii. r",,' aW POWDER! f STO.) Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts, and TJn- Ties, (! derwear for Men and Boys. ISERAL AflINT ; nr ri V Are ConsUnUy Replenfslietl wltli Advices from Bangkok, Slam, received up to Feb. 20th, say the LADI ES' eastern extension of the Telegraph of-w-ar COO PECK BROS. & The Chlner authorities protest vehemently against the injustice of the British, with respect to telegraph stations. The Hong Kong the government recently prohibited colline In the landing of telegraphnow oppose the ony. Tho Chinese at line British a of Shanghai, landing rewhereupon the British Consul ceived instructions from home to the efiect that Le was to maintain the i landing by force if necessary. Uen. Van Buren publishes a card instiaonounoing his intention:a to tute proceedings against Yokohama paper, which has reprinted satirical articles about him from New York journals, and otherwise criticised his consular administration. 'i men-of-ws- -- O fcZ-.- A lire is renorted at Iauique on the 10th. No particulars. The des truction by fire en the hhht of the 15th, of the old Lima Theatre re moves one of thep ancient edifices in the city. At the same time it causes heavy loss to the owners, and of the buildings burned with It. The quarrel between Brazil and the Argentine Republic seems to become more serious, t The real point In dispute la as to who shall appropriate Uruguay. There I Is much alarm la Guayaquil, and ail citizens unite In declaring that rioting is prevented solely by the presence of Italian and r. The revoluluigllsn tionary troops will enter the city without a struggle. At the latest dales they were hi the close vicinity. Public opinion Is strongly pronounc ed against the Dictator,! who declares he will hold1 out at all hazards even if the destruction of tbe town should follow. The American and English eclip se expedition met here and proceed ed to Callao, where they take a man and continue to Car ci ne Island. 4 mK I - Ia't ifi j- ', j Of. I I., HARDWARE ... semi-warfar- e.. . to-da- .; i continues to Improve.. The lait as German ships of was man a war a hostile maintain named t power attitude, and pirant j Pog, who. In the interior of Chota. are closely watched by Chinese dubbed himself Arbitrating Umpire gunboats. On shore the pubJlo ofof Peru. : Inglesias marched against ficers are guarded day and night to him. and in a severe fight defeated prevent a possible seizure of the ofhim. He has not since been heard ficials by German sailors. Datch:i A Star Ban Corlos SDecial Onm says tne lnqians were rounaea up iTTt this morning ana counted by bands, fc-and lettersi None have numbers Co., N. K. yFAIItBANK left the reservation. The best feel ing was displayed. All express a to fight the renegades should desire For Bald by E 4'. M. I. and Its Dr&ncb come here. (Signed, J tmy Rouses anfl Iteatan 0Berally. . Jt. WII40X, Agent. dlOSty j! Special from Hermoslllo: Busi .; ; ness is paralyzed. The killing near Ures Included some of the wealthiest citizens of the Btate of Bonora. Tombstone dispatch:! Yesterday, Cant. Chav xoung arrived from Swisshelm's, and reported a fight between nve Apaches land hlmeeu and Frank Iisslie, on Bunday lait. rhe Indians lata tiege to tne house, and kept up a steady Aire from be DToawaat the beat AXE tn the hind the rocKs an the afternoon, wrerldT Aak for K. C Nlmmena UEER O A and set nre to the country, in order f .k toon to burn tnem out. not suoceedlng, atimE4. to sneii tnem out. Da ya4 want the beat ft V4 JBI0O WUlBIUiU AAMUUUJVUV SalrV W - tney attemptea is positive several were kill BIICAK jmadrT Aak Young torlBttS or Evratr false and depcriptionnce for expedition, andj Next morning a detachment of KITTTER UODBLK AKt ll KrHI Mi fraudulent claims to be made for ed. Ne 577 nOAIWAT, the Sixth Cavalry arrived. Young aad take A atber. Increased pay for expedition on pest heard a number of shots in Bulphnr ' Tbe beat solid rteel SIIOTKL routes from Munree to Bhreveport For Pae by . C. V. L v auey, ana inmas uie SIMM Spring toy iare ." mad arASM tn Eiouisiana. and Ban Antonio to were attacked. The coun iiardvabk 'co., nr. LOUIS. Cornus Christl in Texas, the said ranchers for miles is burned and tbe cat fall to ealt far SteektanN itt .& Myers Tfltacco Co, routes being then Xn the came of try off. run tie u' J as. B, Price as contractor; against m&rtnv "LVCKkWior'-tvicKN. M., Iiordsbear, dispatch . sayr: TH OF en MANUrACTTRinS forth that !nrrEUIOB Wm. P. Kellogg, sitting It la far toaaylblnc SDecial Richmond elves the In A on April 17th, 1880, whilst Benator the Market, of the killing of two more, tslllgeuce ne from .uomsiana. uiu, nniawiuiiy making a total of nine wnite men All A XfKN, HATCHET, and etber Corner SI one, receive from s James B. Price, con killed rorHET in the vicinity of Richmond teti.w, -OF BRANDS AND OTHER routes from star tractor on the aCIMMVKH and ft II K 4 Kt, bearing hours. the past twenty-fou- r during A.' 33 Muuroe to Bhreveport, iDoulslana, V tbeTradiaHark mt KEEN Hl'TftH T3T hia company of Black and M. Captain Branch Store. and Z f i. C to by Ban Antonio and from qale are M'PCRIOR te awy etker. Corpus, uuaras win leave to sum of I Hhakeepeare Christl. Tex., a certain Tbe abave Geoda eea beParehaaed for Richmond and Gila, with 4 night CO. Ctbe wbateaale Hardware Dealer thirty men. It is reported the I Indian? number 1.000. !u Halt Grave fears and e;dea. uukT, MAKTJTACTrBKR3 OF In 000 service his for preceeding.and are entertained here for the safety , indncins Thos. J. Brady, second of settlers In the Gila Valley, and IBASS & PUTEB WQBl FD9 WATB CIS A STE1M Asis'.ant Postmaster General, to la a possibility of an attack ts- JOBBERS IS award and allow to Prioe all the in there made upon the laborers along Ing for crease of pay and compensation or line tbe and Clu Plumbers Materials. wim mcreaseu ton railroad.the Ixroabarg n carrying the msu 8TRRBT. of said BREKMAN 73 each over and HAZARD speed on ... e Denver, 27. The Tribune Santa i ana ; oorrapuy Juuiusauiug route, tnerem. Fe special says: Official Information wewm Rruir received yesterday afternoon says fW lleltr by pcrmbAion to David James, meat was againstadouiw mt tab I Sa t Lake City. bans a eo Brady for having Heaen s camp, taMtvra una Ativer, Arizona, jt-iaaJ eHfbianil while J wrtjlinwa on or about April 17tb, J880, was Indians and two attacked by uen-BRINCKERHOFF, TURNER & CO, dflmnd Assistant I'ostmatteroertam men killed. This morning Swing's erai. nnlawfullv received was attacked and five more r.sr.vv Kxjrrvcarr ntnM, 10S1 Duane S- t- NEW YORK, nu m note, u ranch monv. nostai oralis nmcKi rAim t.Amtr, believt d to be by Ban killed: men Tteelets to. OT: and Maouftlctmrr. of b4lnsr of the value of $20,000 Carlos reneeades. BLKVTKtc, wvam. ATruM thr movmg south ti TUH kail. DICK. "WottltMirr,' wm. oiber lavorU. as compensation, ior uie eervicv vi Join other hostiles, and .iwn.ma Hat and aad ea t by X. a W. together try Soft and Medium ?, aU mail to fore a their way into mexico. brAudi nuaib. u jnmm l,ai um. bt Uw Tatrnory, aarf by swarding to James B. Jfrlce, sjoi. or on a each contract CBCirBBllltBALlS.BlflE.BBOWI.DillTIEKBEI. contractor; has ordered Out four com the Forty onrevethe routes from Monroe to ail nnmnerj ws 01 iue xuwui riTO CANVAS4ff Cor parties 14 to 160 hnhwl e. U Pock, Car, 1 man nort. Iau. and Ban Antonio Mexican General F. Nero, a large aad h'.ue Mat and Kumlkmriim. Adcm to mail the dob Christl, Tex., carry and oth-- r ii uroes eouauuitlj la atora and mada in Chihuahua bodv of troone A CTIIAWAPS a a. r .km wy with Increr.ed speed, and for. In- Honors, ana in tDonler ,a wiia conjunction ara Arcfits tot U. F. BtmUn Co., sanf I The witnesses named creased pay. com W1J1 . troot ITnited tneT States and --" Firle," by lb Csm or leas quantny. rs. mencs a Tbeas Oocd can cbtainealatZ.CU.1. are Thomas A. waisn; jjames vieorous camnaien. au W Cochrane and J.! Price, Joseph so far are confined to ..:..-- k j oa depredations V'( j.. j. '"H Brady. Atiioua. Detroit. 26 A libel suit begun in BLACKING & POLISHING ete tm bw Is likely to last two am Waraaee Save this CHILDRXirB city y pDIIUT TrekbieaJitfce Haass. weeks, nor. juonaia jaacgiean or the medical department of the CmCAao. 27. Judge McAUlater State University, sues James E, delivered the opinion of the TasBottlM ars editor of th Evening Newit lata Court Bcripy, in the rnDoHee w4tk a for $30,000 damages ror publishing than A. Stone ajratnat Dora Appi 8pone attat tba from a Canadian paper an article in April, 1881, that he wouVl marry com by a wire to Kseertlng that the Professor September 25th, foUowtng remaue pat-le- her on witn artted adultery of t hem are Jews, and wnen Okas maybai Aak for the from Tilsonburg, Ontario, who Both arrived It turned out to be wtUwut sotting tb Cerrv rated Steve went to Ann Harbor for medical the dav ( tbe Jewish feast of KioDur Yom KIbew. It i Pipe treatment. on which no Jewish attonamentl. SatiaBest ttrestbs Tba Boeoaai of New York, C Captain ' Irving priest would celebrate ;a marriage. faetlon and meet! BAVTXAWAT'S and chief officer Barratt of the Obnseauentlv wtthOntok Saba. declined to bem . - . . . - Stone . QLOII Wnite Stat steamer Jievublio, were married fr8alabjZ.aM. j w anu two uaya oav; mat bran on Storaa. in a civil . suit far terward arrested for $5,000 him sued Apple ward ae many I $25,000 damages by Thomas Douse dimm fox breach of nromise.. The ttations uodar va. I ! 1 1 Steward, reecuea from the wrecked her 2.000 damages. The dltray drtire if. the Futur: Mxi ' ' t BROTHERS, U!.!S,mflll!SinfIHSIIWHMS. JOHN " I km. fccturcrt tpd.' un. Y ,: i'l .... .1 . .it. UTAH TiSIlRITOIlY, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 1883 ' . .. 0'e- - . Wagon Timber, Hardwood lximber, Kelly Steal Barb Fenca wire, Wagon Covers, Tents and Xn tractors! BappUcs, Team and EazSJ, . Harness, JJaieing wire xiee. 3 BaltliiaClty ard 03dn,I3Ua. T. Clca aid Izt C3-IJ- Sl ,! .! -- Ocrrt?rca3czn58 sodied 1 : & XlJEWNINGS, MARKET. EMPIRE Uri'-1NIEAT a ... BOSS L)ESJOH'rj 17. LOWELL IVACOrj CO. J SICJ-rJLA!E- IJ end Bafcrfartlon caarKateed. i;i::.WHoiE3Al mSm - !':i:.;y''.':;:S;':!;''''':v-'-"-v- RETAIL :;C:,,Y: COMAWS, |