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Show srS FlOATIirO SUDDEX DEAtlT. JAifES QLaLx -- Krssrr-.i FEAOMEITTS' About luuf'past ten o'clock on Saturday night, Mr. James Glad, Bmael Nealen pf the 18th Ward, wai found lying mmJ birthday. upon the street, In the ylolnlty of i tne city ilaU, in an insensible con Christine Nllseon, the cejeuraieu I In concert will dItJon He UM taken charge Of by gjT wlma donna, fbl city on the 22nd of December, the police, and medical assistance y a buckakln, sparse, procured, but resuscitation appeared a tarn of money, was lost. beyond human reach. Yeeterday by tearing It morning he Was taken In a convey Tbe Under will oblige at thto office forbe owner. ance to his home in the Eighteenth Ward, Ward. He continued In comatose James Glade, of the 18thIn astate I was picked from the street condJtlon hAif.pait seven on imcsnsciouanees Unminir. clock last he - when -nlrlit. and snuuneu m uin vwuu-even seuen last plred. tlon until half pat r Deceased had been In poor bealth lug, when lie a lea. YNttrdty vu the 75th j -- 41 Ul .U.UU. iJ klnJa if? Salt I tkm UtiUdbUb f laistbis-o- i TT.l CaeBlxn . tr BVn1la Cfl.1 - A -- I r i Uiat a Wery marked ImproTement and Children's Btociings etc. Gall has taken place m his exmditkmnd and examine prices and cruaUty of uundu I gooas. nopea of Ms itcprarraje wutuus, s AflrnnfL ij pa lagly strengthened, r Yesterday there wea a risible chanre for the better and the rarorable symptoms IBAJIINS g haTe increased op to the hour of Will ahortry arrive at CaMer'e. to press. y ho waa en f , OYXKOOATS. I ' abled 'take considerable nourisb-men-t. Overcoat a or s For nice Ulster On ec9ont of the univerXj. UOZaDBSBQ iS. sal public interest taken in the Cap- 10 tain's condition, we are pleased to uo to me uiODe Bakery for your' be able to communicate the wI. Oonfectlonery : and CAKES, where new. Of htm tney are to be had pure and wholeo " : aw ur u n t KLWMI. mttMmJMMM MM; IIO ire IHa in r i i iiiiiy iiu HfiH & Jl KB; T . ttv W A SI w I I U.JOJ I . 7i -- y 11a. i IH iii IIu I ft i n m I To-da- i m frhL some d26 H. ABMOXJD. - rW Fl fCAHIT i iiNTIRE iw STtyfiMT AIll i w - i j ;1PTi the T A M. i. . dem-bQstrat- y nniYinstfniia es the f:tct that the Assembly ifall is nruuh too small for the large number of people who 'flock to it to woishlp. Yesterday hundreds who reached the building by two o'clock, the hour for commencing services, were' compelled' to turn away, the house being completely every part by that time. i filled in ' Warr. tWftM A. warn ae8tf IflSA SMS At Mr, I i . U mm m na inII U I I 4 11 1 1 II II II iill. II II 11 I Ii ras iiatnnc . j u a HATE JUST KECnrVEH ANOTHER We above Garments, and to make room for oar .shortly to arrive, we will give W i W l fr . IAL BARGAINS ! CaU and see before purchasing elsewhere. n" i IlilllllUU IIJl IIJ.I T ''V11 Flo. lanter Gaus. Frencli w.sjs) GREATLY REDUCED j MlaaeS Fitter. , TiniiBr, Steam anfl Gas mmwrnmrj UMES. TIPS, FANCY FEATHERQ. Etc, AUZBBi.CC A BitO Zo:t--' ll :' '"" ': 1! PRICES, BOOM FOR s THE GRANDEST j DISPLAY OF I HQLI Dift'Y.CQOD 8 i e r - I I -- . L.. r" 1 . 1 Ma-KQett- ( s THE CHOICEST AND MOST POPULAR LINE OF a. ; At the City Hall To-Kig- I nt Dwlght S.Dow'8 final course In bookkeeping and Writing begins at 7 o'clock. His Instruction in practical penmanship Is doing much good to a large class of our young men. In hla teaching In this de Yesterday, Anniversary. 75 was annivertha th 3d, partment there is no waste of time sary of the birthday of Father on systems and authors' theories, Samuel Neslen, of the 18th Ward. but he teaches his class a style of lie received the congratulations of I plain, useful, brapid business hand lght children, thirty-nin- e grand writings. Mil Dow's work la filling children and ten great grandchil- - a long felt want in Salt Lake City, dren. The respected veteran has Hla theory of Reaching g been a resident of Utah twenty nine is his own more simple and ther- jearu, Long may he live and re--1 ough than an other. ' Some of his f Jolee. students have already, taken positions that his teach Tie Season "Why. Mr. w. a. ing has prepared them for. It is New son called y and requested safe to Dow has that 8 say Dwlght v us to explain why he did not sing. done a jrreat deal to help jrennir men J.K. Emmet's LuUaby," at the to a successful and honorable start In Theatre on Saturday night as an life. We hope his new class will be nouueedon the bills. lie states largely attended that when he went to the green room to get hla banjo he found the Obseaulei. The funeral servlc iuatrument out of oTdm, end had over the remains of Mr. Mary not suffloent time to get.it repaired wife of Father Wm. Ooult or th or procure 'another. Ninth Ward Were conducted at ( 1 the nth WftW p. m. eon- Mme NiliianLCominiv-I- u School House, j She dledn' Friday vtmatlon with Mr. David O. Calder afternoon at 4 ajtlhe reeldenoe we learn that Mode Cbrlatlne Nlle-ao- of Jamea Vhe 11th' Ward. In Couli, the celebrated prima donna, The services (were conducted by with her company, will give a con t-A. MiRae. S. A, ; la this city on or about the Bishop made some Bishop remarks upon Woolley 22J of Dscember. Mr. Calder. Inthe good standing and faithfulness forms us that in consequence of the of the deceased, and was followed by 'Madame preferring to use the Elder JO. W. Penrose on ! H Mines Bros.' piano at'all her con- suitable to the occasion. subjects Sister verts he Lai ordered one selected was old member of the an alt exprsialy for, her, use In this city urch, and died In fullfAlth of the anil whlli l'.l arrlvn in faw iito everlasting gospsl. May the Lord . , a A comfort the bereaved. a r roeiat jweuvery, Aiier cMuuiay, Deo. Si, the following change will Theatre. "UnJer the Qasllght" be In effect at the general delivery of the foitoftke. The ladies and was ably performed to a large audi ' gentlemen's names will be mixed ence on Saturday night. Every but dlrlded by the alphabet.Thoee actor appeared to advantage. Miss whose surnames begin with letters Barah Ellerbeck played the part of from A to L will call at one wht-- Pearl Courtland In a very prals- dow; those from M to Z at the wotthy manner, and after a little oiuer. nonces wiu be posted over nervousness in the first scene,moved, bath windows. Tha, very large in spoke and acted like a professional an gained great favor. The new I crease m the. gentlemen's, calls has woodland scene by H. C. Tryon nude this a necessity. L. brought several rounds ; of applause, Lost Hn Leg. We learn from and thewhole play was a success. the Ogden Herald that F.H. Qolnn, We have not space to particularise trakemanon a westbound freight but all the performers were worthy to-nig- ht 2.50 2.00 book-keepin- to-nig- -- ,2-4- aixs ass cxverTH 4 0 "2.10 1.63 at Greatly Reduced ' ATJERBA.OH rr.r:.!.. : bay or not. fGo to P. W. Madsox'S for Cup-. ana xxmnges. REtAIL: BUYERS Will find it to their advintatre to 4A 1 anil of th's oppori unity. ftwftft tfiatntala.a ww n ir see pepnia ITBE OH TUX ivr AJira j,rrury HEJlSTH, rerier, aeneei neena eaa xeetnre xrell SXOTKii FIBX OK TBK U EARTH. Orate'MXfeatera and Bfemtlea - 4 Bao. ! UiKITPl, HOUBAT PBESEHTS) '' ' ivi mrx M4avs Do not nesltaxe to examine our stock, and a?k prices, whether yon Doaras WHOLESALE AtlD h.Pay;.q.oi8 Arriving for all our nunieitas departments. I y rX OS .. MAIL OIKPXH1S promptly attended to and honorable treatment o guaranteed. We are never Under sola. Established 1864. i . p-x- n., hri If j SHOWN xxkusaxs Just received from Boston, a large assortment of Fancy Chairs and which we are selling at Utah--eot Its People, for sale Bookers, moderate prices. et the Xteeeret Hewe Office. SO J. Mr, HQTJX.E ft CO., Cents ayCepy. 238 Main St., next to Clllt House. ,,, ryt. d eat tu thr eOOJBJB, PITTS) CO. Hally Invite their friend and A SIW ZJOT OF I Hnanih and r public generally to Inspect their I -'tweaeaxAOes, at r, prv Isrgft. iwr.rii eW. which . legantllneof Hohday Goods, will be opened on Thanksgiving Kendall's Spavin Cure is hlehlv at eastern recommended Day. and sold, positively by Prof. Williams. or les. ... ; me womMrnu nors price iamr. Over 50 Odors of Lubln's genuine la m, - These are all genuine bargains so don't fail to take advantage of It. Wm. Jenkinos Sons. -- to-da- 60 4.00 r-- : FLUSHES. Brocaded, worth 17.50 for t&i O0per yard. " 50 8.00 " 1? Fancy and Bijontrie $!oils, Red Canyon, per ton, at i. . Yard. . 5.00. Red Canyon, per ton, de-5.50. livered, . j. Weber, per son, by Oar . . L .0U. , oaut Weber, per ton, at Yard, 5.25. " delivered, 6.00. d212 A. CkmxD, Agent, . If you want a good lunch get It at UBrmTHtL Holidays. Family trade solicited. urdera received by telephone. d 8 lm. FLUSHEst ra.i7asBai Having imported direct from the manufacturers an immense stock of these goods we are able to offer tnem at the low figures : following remarkably Da-timb- er a. drOESV. to which we have referred, Mr. "Funer&I MrTloee at 11 a.m. Dee. fi,at the etb TiAPlKS and Ch Glade was an Inoffensive and re Ward school bouse. FVlends are Invited. Shoes, best quality, low prices at epectablo citizen. There being some WFQHD'a, suspicion tha his death might have SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTICES. SEW GOODS 1 resulted from morphine, .voroner novelties arriving daily, by Ex Taylor was notified of the occurrence. jwui ana see tnem. m, Barrewe, 1259 Klmeell Bleek, prew An inquest was held, but it did not War. Jennings, A Sons. Invites an Inspection of her appear that that had been the cause Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, of hla demise. BEDUCTIO IX COAtt j i vt a assonmeni of Deceased leives a large famiiy,'for Hats, Bonnets nice Rock and Fancy Trim. Sprmgs,per ton, by . whom their many friends entertain mings, all at LOWEST PRICES. Carload $8.00. ;. Rock Springs, per ton, at thm moot Tnrnfnimrl rrmr.athr. . . 6.60. Just received at P. Yard, A. sThe funeral services will be held Rock Springs, per ton, de- Wine Depot 1262 First at the family Residence at 1 p. m. California . . South street a large stock of pure 7.00. livered, . DOd 5th... Red ton, Canyon, by. per s, and liquor aniljuigiisn K nw Porter. Ttltram . rtawttalajues i. 4.60. .Car load, The Special Meetings. We reSaints residing mind the Latter-dala this Stake of the Bpecial meetings arranged to be held on Tuesdsy and Wednesday, December 12th and lsth, In the Assembly Hall. The Presidency of the Stake are specially desirous that Presidents of Quorums and presiding officers of Wards be iret.ared to report. The hours of meeting, are 10 a.m. and 2 and 7 p.m. each day. w and Deo. Srd. Af hmart dSWSSS tosof Thomssana JsneaollrhUyWIn- - With the exception of the habits I tM ; i II our customers ft. I I I ... 11ltL ; Small-tver- i Christmas Stock IMCDV I India-pensib- le Too ; J3CZ3 iid to-d- ay Zu " 1 i. L4I m ii n , i a- . H J - - "I . ' i mno n , " - T 1 - : i Xeff Broken. Yesterday ewfel For Furniture of all kinds go tO I Cannon, son of Hon. Geo. Q. Can W. MADSOM'a P. was from non, climbing into a wagon, LOCAL AND OTHER MATTElv H4? OSaK relief ufrom the rear end, at the farm at uj iLuermgs, iwou ixiwre ur jobs , SCHOSI BCITS. The Kenage-- A large portion of dieted to indulgence in strong drink, Riverside, a short distance south A nice line of boy's School Suits our space to day is given up to the and finally to taking morphine. In west of the city, when his leg was offered very cheap at Ii. GOIiDBERaTT consequence pf ills enfeebled condl caught in the revolving wheelThe Me9age of President Arthur. tlon of body, his mind was occasion-- 1 I limb was badly fractured a short dis-T 1 . . a a Mm fl. SB. WSS.BI7SSKX.E. .11 f I I xne Dow's Lecture. D wight B. Dow ur lawwui bo ai 10 reuuw oimiuuiva usigw me subb-jduiHas returned to this city and resides slvea his lecture at the Theatre to acareely TeBponsroie ror tiw acra. I ma IS ten years of age, on South Temple Street between two knrer , A little years ago West and First west Streets, dim night: 'Admission tree. he took an overdose of morphine,! Seventies' Heeting, The Seven was only saved from death on ties regulir meeting will be and In t If you want a good, meal go to IImvm The Beaver Mandamus Case. occasion !by the strenuous and the Council House, on Wednesday that case the Beaver mandamus exertions of the Drs next, the 7th Inst., at 7 o'clock Judge Twlss overruled the demurrer intelligent who FOrATOBOVMM. worked upon him p.m. Robert Campbsix, an. I ma.!a tha writ Mnm otOTV. but Benedict, A very usaful article, and Clerk of FIrgt;Cotmc!i;of Seventies. tav of nroceedinirs and fan entire nlgbt; iinwMi to every potato grower.alse for J a been Deceased had for sale by H. B. Clawson. the 10 working of Supreme appeal Salt Lake City, right December 4th, 1882. Court. The ruling is precisely the j year past at jtne Beardslsy House, Upholstered Furniture at P. W. tiAitaoin'm on town to rami. uaturaar, vjsitnis m In the Weber County jfrouaiei Iy, and was probably on his way Wb still continue to ss Uncet.l Judge ease. home when he fell to the ground WiNTEaIn U Sixth Ward of this Cit, wear at popular prices .. , 'i IT Sabbath A. Ml J ota-goin- con-UlDi- ne To-da- lnmla a" . . HUItDAY. J jsr- 1" coJa5oda 'c3r, Of Provo at the Aeency ; Brown's Bronchial TroohM widely known as an admirable edy for Bronchitis, . Ooaghs end other troubles of the Thromt and liungs. They-containo hart ingredients, but may at all times be used with safety. Sold only n boxet. Price 25 cents. 5 , 1882 FALL AHD JA TET n I7BIP-- 1 Why suffer such unspeakable tor- USBnna tures. Rheumatism has been con-- 1 EDWABDS' 'J xrveaxsm. seat quered. Kendall's Spavin Cure Is Avery combined Gang and Sulky the victor. See advertisement. dsw&w. Plows, the J. I. Case Plow Cos nowB, suixyas ana waixing ed Wax Bros, nan ! , WiiJEiHGSifflSi Co.'s Font Exhibition ot Mountain Wagons; Kelly Figures at Savages Art Bazaar. Spring Fence Wire. Barb d2w Steel ; Open daily, Free to all. John W. JjowelT. will receive a large supply of above goods during Oar Stock i becoming more Complete every Season, and KIDOLOVIS. the next ten days,, and intending . Season's Stock far sxceeds last. It eabraces all We have lust received a large con- purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine his stock the New Btylea and Designs of signment of Kid Gloves, eepeclally before daw purchasing elsewhere. made for us by Foster, which we offer as follows: ? hook at $2.00, 10 hook at $2.50; 6 button length If you want a good cup of tea or lacing, $2.25. We guaran coffee go to GmrfXTH's. tee every pair bearing Conn Bros, stamp Inside. We also ofler an exCommon Sense Bob Sleighs. The cellent 5 hook glove, worth $1.50 for only reliable. Address Gkani! O 3E3: world-renown- thi I , Mons-quetalr- 01E e, F $1.00 Cohm BBoa, Xleeaaes, AppUeeUc ae4 Beads, rev Bale at she Desere Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. disv Cesimsy slewe . As LOW as any first-CIas- 25; Tfct ia s Ancient PoeU :. f I ass v' W-- Red " The , . All of which we guarantee to sell Howard Skbbee, i PRODUCTS, by the musical editor: of the Brows Medicine Comnany, in this Issne. tWK HAVE Brocade Velvets, Buttons, A full and well assorted stock of CAsaiuaBrevnae Shakspeere. .train, when leaving Corrlnne on of praise. Yb Gods, my (hoarsely) we WINTER which will GOODS, FifWIay night, wa trying to uncouple throat is sore i " Brocade Plushes, Trimmings, sell Cheaper than any other house Brtttos rsmllinsrl. ' the second and third cars from the Not Exaeditious. We received in town. i Laces, Trocnes try .ana wneeze no morer XJashmeres, front, when he fell or was thrown! tn followmg note dated November ( d Donklson Bros. JaUos! Bkeskerl V 1 28lh InsUtufrom to the track. The whole train passed M Moire Silks, Hosfery, BBOVN'S MOOKE. SHEEPI BBKKPIt I over his right leg, a little above the tlon of SL Chkrles, Bear Lake Val- ever since childhoodx Twas thus, Qro3 .Grain Silks, , Gloves, " ankle and he was considerably bang- Thoroughbred Merino Rama and r -- hoar also some Bocks. fine Ewes, grade '' ' ea arouAJ, receiving, a .number of ache seen I've eachf stomach;"The parc9ikf books envoiced- to for sale cheap. Enquire of Alma ; "Kibbons, Satms,V I broisea on his head.. He was con- - us December! etb, 1881. came to decay, two miles south of Temple And when I felt Pratt, power, hand 28th dyspepsia's Plusn Oloaidngs, Inst., in good ttiocsr, aic jlaks uicy. yesterday, I veyed to Ogden, where the mangled . Brown's . Pepsin Tonle drove's aiao a parcel I limb was am pu ted by Dr. Carn ah an. oruer, ., away, which: we will forward the ETC. Lai La! Rooak. Try Kendall's Spavin Cure, a sure DLAriHETG, ICW1T vtumu ii ujui vwenty-iw- o years first opportunity. Had the railwav for curM, Old. spavins, remedy ring company kept the books a few days bones, or BBOmPS BOBT. BVBSSL :t WE HAVE fiOME BIG DRIVES TO OFFER., enlargement of the ranger iney would oave been one Joints. Seeany shall o truth tale this Now.wha . advt. dsw&w. A Dast ardly Desperado . Jf If ?. The i year coming from Bait Lake City.' . read, i f. I I ueaver utontan fays that at Camp I That beats son ta man mlthcr end riW heed, transit all HEBGVKO FBOBl DEATH. I Nick wad glV ye cough Apache; Arlzsns, a fellow named to pieces. William J. CouRhlln, of Somer- - When auld eanld - CCD Josh. Brett recently shot and dan Mass., says: In the fall of 1878,1 Ttrorni enrea. My lyllle, I was I taken Tlsofi. , of the with gemusiy wounded a man named Judge Striciland Btricren Down IfMeT" followed ''bleeding a severe . couzh. aZZZTr. The" military imrai.LTM." Tam o febaotsa . . by a nraa Aiiie tuui iiiuv 1 ririnnn ri . n iww r ena mv ana . a a - n ara i a annetite ingt a. Mreteu oweii ana piacea mm stricken down in a fit of a nontext was conflced to my bed. nah. In 187T I ui the guard house to await the re--1 1n the Overland TTnn, Mr i was admitted to the HosnitaL : The rvrtrvr.T rsusrteetine) "Methlnks t scent a moase 1 ' sultof ReU's Injuries, the latter be jana - was- - ia former Associate doc.t?r8 hole fa my lung I.?5d - Class Goods,- JPricesi Stocked " m bloodT mv in toithMretn hnmnr Wt bis as a half dollar. At one time ing i taken to' the hospital, with, jusiioe ot : Ihe supreme: bench1 as ? If Brown's-Livewens around that I was Iaoo (aside) a Pills, 'Call b$ report defy Competition, however, but faint hopes of recov of this Territory and took an active dead. I save ud horn, bat m, frWni lu the bod. told be me of 'Dr. William HalPs Would nipI this hnmor part In the McKean antl-Mor- -l eU, O, Act balsam for the Langs. I got a bot- , The maa, Bwett, formerly resided mon" crusade. He has been Iksy gotng ue, wnen vo my comRwn Misaain Ttemedles are sola In Beaver County, where he bore an down hm for several years until of menced eurprise. to feel better, and tiwim-- t by every Salt Lake Druggist. unenviable reputation ' .. a. ... as an avowed iate ne nas been an object of pity, a I feel better than for three pears past liWBe ana cattle thler. He was one saa wrecx ornu former self. Onac- A 'fnll BiiBtslr of DAIHT . . A aethsr Physician's Testlsaeay. of two prisonsra who, about count with JE3fQ- con oi uis aueauy impaired eight ap BTJTTEIt,pnt . 1SS1. Bostob, Mass., 9, May years ago, broke out of the Reaver dition,! t Is doubtful If he can survive know tmrtlee who have tried ell LISII SALT,Z- j at - Grocery I i JaiLaxterwards County it on the attack with which ha was seized kinds of medicines for Tjung Die-eas-e, Department, - C. M. X. : setting COJS TAINS " fire so that it burned to the ground. who say that Li, WmTlIall's ror immam the liungs," is a com 4 Wood. : sucbs. dt. chas. u.aw plete Preiideat Taylor and Party. Ii.e J?uaeril. We are requested w. deod vt rieswen Taylor's party, Which to state that the funeral of the went to UUh County on Friday. little daughter of Mr. Frank L. and Veeuaty XAeMuMe- ,- AppUeeUeM the following brethren have return Mrs. Martha Hlnes, of the 20th es.se. arosio x.kssows. e.ae AH of the lattask Desiua and llodern Iraproresientx, which : ed: President i John Taylor and Ward, will take place on Wednes rnxrxzxta to giT Sftuxissucxi Class feasons on . Piano or Orran :itb ' f . mXF. r . i i p-Joseph - uersierd! acm Phespkate Mr, Hlnes, the father iHJ cents per lesson only $4.80 per Smith, Apostle WI1 day, at 2 term of 21 lessons: two fair hour les-lord wooarofl. Counselor D. H. of the child, was absent - al Its Debility; rs 3 V eons each week. ' CP 'ii A i- -f. I Elders Wells, George Reynolds and demise, and is expected home from Er. W. H. Holcombe. New Or. I c Fhwt Street. OCIee, Booth S) ' I John Irvine. On FikUvr mnhif Laramie nhrht. friends leans, Xju, says: - - 1 found It an ad blocks wee tot Main Street. - Resi will find It to their remedy zor aenuitatea state dence, 11th Ward, 8th East Street, 13 ejofjfiTK'g IXIIIICllAjrrS meetings were held at American I of the family are Invited to attend mirable Ctoclc over Lcrsr to Fork and Pleasant Grove; on Batur-- the services at the family residence of the system, produced by .the wear petween u ana sa ooatJi. and teorjcf the nejvous . " B. " Flora Htt.U uay and Sunday the usual confer-- 1 i CCOuSW ew r. ttrence meetings at novo, with a 1 Praaianfa IfMaae The Preai years asm fit. Julian, the . o-- . . I . .a .11 i . l iMiooou see ' st - promising eolt "VThreee treat California trotter was nn-meeting to oaiiuruBy i uenvs message was eakl to be com- - r When yoo arsew; the same nuy be said of Ken-- d On Sunday ' evening paraUvely abort but it he- - been evening. C.ravla Cure. How bcth have and at Lehl also held were m broken doses all day and and nrocnrTa bottle c? Eendl's ITi meetings Ik coming : world resntxfkm. Vhvt ? . i continued to Alpine. rxrar in ud to the time Spavin Cure. One dollar Inverted Because wideboth have meriS. One v will save yoa Is a greatthey Anmiui b. Vonntr and I of our vol no in w Anilthis crestof remedy the other is the trotter, no has dollars. hundreds P. Lvman h.ld meatinr at Fair- - give about half of it this ,!nr- - as a liniment for man or beast. equal matt successful remedy ever dis field and Cedar Fott. covered to be used on man or beast the rest Wl 1 appear d sw & ; ' L, --- r v.y -er I 1 iH t r' H Co-operati- ve ' - br6iiesf. t Co-op- p m mm a. ... COODO, FLAriflELO, ox-tea-m m in .1 1 1 rmv. " la and r and conlncedl i 1 A OUR: m , to-da- y, S rOS!MBrf -- yj RAricEp;:rcoQc ; ctovec,;;; -- . - mi 'la ! - ..- . , To-da- , eal3.f di SLTZ It w. 1 V' Read advt. .. - t - tzz Ici $050 PIANOS for 550 S50 i r. ewer . r s.- ' - l ow. araxt" 100. 00. I M M '425 0. J .TOO) 510. 80. 75. 330. 825. OOO. . .i i wuiymw uuiu f tw . in i AmnntfMii. Guitars. Banlos, j? lutes and all other small mstrnments to maxe at wholesale figures. We are maayng tneee sweeping redoetioos room for an Immense stock of newesodsjust purchased by Mr. Carelef, who has lost returned from tbe2rrH. Our stock of Sheet Mnalo Is the and San Francisco, and comprises every grade, largest between Chicago from the easiest Bongs and Instrumental pieces to the most dldcult and 1 clinical compositions, and all personally selected by the firm. - We are furaishln Enus and Martial Bands with better instru ments, for less money lb en any house in America. We have a splendid tocx of i Piano and Organ Stools, Covers, Canterbory Folios, etc, In- strnotion iwoca ror au unirunnw. jrinesc itauaa Btziaga, ntungs ana yoa can mention In the musical line. everything us uive a trnu. v, e are notea sor vow xnces ana x sar jjemung.. Beins prtcUcsi raxicisns, yea will find It to your rnteratt to dve ea your : percaage. f .T 1 ' ' ..m ' . wwi UOOu VlOUne, mww WIU iww auu wmmM . nnvwwMAVA ,I lr 3 it C100O PIATJOS for $05O. 175 165 150 115. Z20 WnSLESALE GROCERY. DEP'T !' my $200 OBGAIfS for i, nco",mi ?uieh 028OiOKGANa for 9150. 130. 2C0 ISO. 23S i mrm St Lake ICity."- - .; i ' ; .THE LEATIKG HOUSE IN UTAH, FOR PiCiS, aaW OILS. YAIffllSHES, ,4 Tho Ecst ot W4-- a B llVlj . i Q i UiUiiVnib all lilDnI, " : .Qtitmfcba - Acentsi for OIF n v vi CHERFcST . |