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Show '.' f - ' ! - - . j- y . Jj.. - ''''' '' " r'l ' ' Am -- r i - II. M i ..' a .. bAIiT TRADE, CHICAGO ri:; - 1 MEfS F0B11SHIIS FUH5 t LEATH ER. ' & CO., JOHN C. HEEWES "DXT I . itASVFACTVBWO Absolutely Piure II; M, JU 34 MIOHiCAU IVEROE, loir Goodi art kept by Z. C M.LttaBrak Hai and daalara gwnraii in Um Itrriicry. Fuller Palmer, to-da- iSSO. JT9 TABLIBHED & Co., . Sash, gtnUltr Doors & Blinds, JnUA, stair's, JTte. CnMrcA JVte, I HAT WiblEHOuSE. ir Sailing, Baluster, Nevel$, CHIOAG0, (Mr Good IrMI L,umDr CtTUHOrn- - Prto im lookf Mnt s 111. r oooetnOy kDt to Ftock Ltata and fro upon appooauoo. by HBESE NAILS ! J Ii i I' rencndam, tbejast nun ku. io.il wui m ut one on Green Creek, is reported as given way. axis goes out, tne large factory and several other buildings will be destroyed; .The dam at New Brooklyn, Lthree I miles from here, was carried oat and t farther damaged. A large ' pond, stocked j v-j- r, to-da- y with valuable Ash Is destroyed. Tel ephone poles get six feet into- - the earth have been washed out by the torrent m some street. Jersey City, 23. An official of the PennsytvanlataliroaxiCoaapany that he did not be- stated to-nig- ht,: lieve it would be pOESlble to run trains between Jersey City and Phi adelphla4eforfr tomorrow evenlnz. The atODoaora of local trmina betwaan eauaad City and "Newark Jarsey inconvenience." Somo pasgreat sengers bunked In the depot .for the various night, while others sought hotels 'In the vicinity. - Reports of washout,--broke- I bridges n ana-Jan- a ; slides come fiom all dlxeotions The portion of Jersey City- - at the foot of the hill la inundated to the depth of several feet and the cells of the city prison wiw two reet or water by the bursting of the Gregory Street sewer.1 The prisoners conflned there were removed Jo another pre-cinct. 'o ,,. .'Baabala af AfflaUTlta. WAsniNaTOsl 23. A curious ru mor afloat this afternoon, which is neither affirmed nor denied, at the Department of Justice, is that a bill has Been presented hy tne hotel the star keeper who entertained route j ury, for over ' taw. and that part - off the charge was for thlrly-ni- ne bottles of wine. The Jurors have always denied that they have had liquors of any sort. A special agent of the Department of Justice said to-dthat these bribery charges in the stir route cases were the boldest he ever knew. There were bushels of affidavits on which ar rests ought to be based.Under ordi nary practice," yet no arrests were maue. aia not anaerstana it. Bneatlns; at She Qaaea. ; . " ay ne to-nig- ht, - pESCBiracnSt i f ' . EV"EOTJrarGl ; SEPT, 25, 1882 : as snppotecT. ' Many people attribute day and Sunday, Sept. 16th and the success of the Elders to the 1.7th, 18S2. florid pictures they paint of the li'e President John D. T. McAllister, i that converts will , bo enbled to presiding. lead, when they gather with the ei : LOOKING GLASSES OF 'EVEET POLISHED OH BLUKU I "j New York, 23 A World cable Feartsen Iaeaee or Bala, gram from London says: There is a at the Paterson, N. 3.. 23. About four rumor in town late teen inches of rain have fallen since clubs, that the 4aeen was shot at the storm began. The Passaic River in the stables at Balmoral, this after has risen from six to eight feet, and noon. ',xmany parts of the town are sub- or Aim DxiissM in MA.TCTA QSTW t co., it. w. sisnniAix dlDJly reared-- ; XEmOTOBY, of the wnable property. -- No ilguwrjvifl any abating. It J exceeds flood ever known fat- - this storm and r t.ri r-r- vicinity;Ijater.-ThUUS ici n 1 r- .i .. - uumura exits. ; CHICAGO, 181 tJUe 8 i 179 A damage has been reported, except along the river front where some cellars were noodetx cy the unusu ally high tides. The rainfall up to ine present time was over nve Inches, and the storm still continues. Rain Is coming down In torrents. Many streets fit Jersey City and Hoboken are flooded. lit the latter city the section known aa the "Meadow iDistricts" Is combletely submerged, the residents being oom- to use noais ana unprpvisea peiiea ' rafts to go to and from their homes. The accumulated waters burit the f f sewers. In the low lying districts of Brooklyn cellars are flooded and ie damage to property is heavy. ( Fear Feat Vnvder Water! a stream running Mlllbrook, fhioueh Fordham. Tremont and Harleml railTbto powiler nevei Tariff. A lirJlrv4 ol Morriuiana; along the road, overflowed Its banks and i purity, Rtret'irt b v r d wbolrBOmeness. economical tbaiitbeordlniry klixlu, and washed away the track so that trav out beeoW In competition with thef multltud) el was suspended. The : adjacent of low ter, horl wlbt,;alum or tbosrhatt lands are covered to the depth of lw j powdem. our feet, and a number or lamiiies SoJd only in ram. IvOTAl, BAKiira Fowiut CO.. 106' Walt f rere rescued with difficulty. traetj Naw Yorlc. i Ifffbt or Ten Brtdsea Carried Away HEMPHILt,HAHLIH & CO. Kewburcb, N. T.t 2i. BalnfaU Is unpre here yesterday and y Inches of 'rain cedented, live mil eil CLOTHS I CEDGEETS UITS ETC. fell. Heavy damaga Is done In the neighborhood. Bepor ts of sevt ie damage by floo 1 continue to come In. In the town OT Our Gooda kept by Z. C: M.L,and of Carnival eight or ten bridges Ka Branch Store. were carried away. In Broadway of this city cellars are flooded. Loeeea CLARK DROTHERS. are heavy. It Is reported that! serious washouts on the branch of the FcrmerJy Draper, Clark & jt'o. Erie has taken place, and travel has been suspended on the shortcut since yesterday. Heavy damage is j: ' also reported In the town of Fish-ki- ll, t2S 624 BBOaWaT, llucheas County. Balnlng and ISA & SS CH06BT st. hard, and more, serious, results are MA5UrACTI7BERS OF a f h EtroC trwiow ' j ' - tlmrm of b Kaalern Btaraa. New York. 23. The atorm of wind and rain,' which broke over the Thursday evening Was a city on severe one, but thus far no very CBIOS. Chicago, ilk . rT , 17 AMERICAS. OAKLEY & CO., iSlLKER, 1"t?T wcmia pxb 1 J. 1 . u! ,4 J4i )' aod 'Jobber of tnr!ufaure v - BROTHERS, KEITH !(DEnr, ITTAll'- - fi"I IIETT TOUH. TXULDEL i I t"V I .. I Church. The reverse has been the case, however, as the people have been taught that if embarked la this Church theythey would have many and severe trials to meet. Faithful Saints have, even had, In many: instances, greater enjoy ment than they- were led to This expect in the- onset. result has been? attained by faith. One of the most powerful outside evidences of the divinity of this work, has been that the people have remained true to the cause in the midst of severe trials. It has been Industriously circulated concernlcg tne Dainta tnac tney were held together by ignorance allied with superstition and the cunning of a few unscrupulous daalgnlng men who lead them. It has been stated that they have been held in a species of bondage by priestly influence. Many absurd slanders have been diffused among the people abroad in reference to oppressive means em ployed by the Priesthood to maintain the solidity bf the community. It was at one time currently believed that: no one could leave this Territory without the! content of Brigham Young, and that he ex amined every letter sent out of Utah. Bo firmly has this nonsense taken hold of the public mind that It has become the staple of several plays. When Johnson's army was sent out here it was confidently expected that the Saint?, especially the women, would burst the oppressive bonds and take refuge under the stars and stripes, fj One by one these statements have been disproved, but still the manufacture of misrepresentation proceeded At the time the Edmunds bill was being discussed, Mr. Haskell, a gentleman who took a prominent part In the ditoussion a sort of half to the speaker that preachersaid he had examined the character .cf several religious organizations, and lately he had given some attention to the "Mormon" system. He considered it one of the strongest and most formidable In existence. This wos not said in a spirit of appreciation as he intimated that should legislation fail in accomplishing the demolition of "Mormonism," the aid of the army Would have to be introduced to destroy it. The speaker invited him to rjtah that his views might be set right by a personal examination of existing facte, for the eyetem and people were very dlflerent to what he - - Two days have been actively and profitably fcpent in BL George Tab I ernacJe in quarterly conference. We were blessed and comforted a aaa aa aa-- k aaaa M aaaaaa aaaaaBi aaaa oa 1 1 m m B.i a by the - presence, counsels and ad i p.i ik i.i ni v 1 ministrations of our old time pret-i- in BJ' ir- - Bf m n I n ' ii b n n i fj v uent ana ieJiow-labore- r. Anostit hi b i b ErastusBnow. There was a good attendance oil officers and people from the Wards j of the Stake outslJe of St. George: only, two Wards Harmony and fanacca being without represen To clMe out while building Extensive Warehouses, I will Bell a tation.. LARGE STOCK of As visitors and as sojourners from other Stakes we had Elders David Stan John, Lewis Harvey and Boys1 dring, from Utah Stake; Btmuel 'inomas. itoaaeiiy, rrom js.aiersen. Colored T Ti as .uuunni): " rrom ivanab and Llewel sou, stake, Indian missionary. xiarrif, lyn flam I lAfirAMtlAa VUOiVQOQ 'I' MV tifilM hnSlnaM WraaaVTa I . IWINU VVUIGIUIMI attended to in the reading of statu-- 1 Mn-rVc- i T Kmro' ona Shnoo onri onrt aiya ' I tlcal and other reports. aiawjjl p Cbxxu. jjxjj sj uuiuoioj xjuoo wuuuia uxjlva xne uenerai Autnonues or the I m Church and the Church Authorities or the Stake were presented and were voted for by Priesthood and Cloth, Also, peoplewIthout a dissenting vote. Tne spirit Of instruction, of counsel and of comfort and blessing, was And an Elegant Stock to rjtose Out at Cost of copiously poured out upon the servants of God who ministered, and tne nearers were correspondingly blessed. Jakes Q Bbkak, Clerk. i ii i m pi m iBa.aBBi - ; Jjotl: I aaa- -. ih aka-- iirni i. a a -- at- m i m mi mwi im mm 1 - vaap Men's and Alpaca and Linen Coats; Men's White, Black and Fanoy Straw Mats, r - V ' fioif ; ' and Linen Suits. Ladies' Grass Lawns, Percales, linen Lawns,' Grass Cloths and Dress Linens. $500 ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE REWARD. REWARD OF $500 13 HEREBY OF-terea far toereooverrot tba body or tba late J. U. Farmer, diowoad in Salt Laka. at Back Rook, wbito batnlnr oa Baadsy, IB A. 1R, (3-- JL. I3T S I . tUU- - BKOTHKnS. San Lake Ctty, Aur.sih, 1882. 0 1 j Fo - WANTED. BUT rTJRNITrjRE,CABPET3,8T0VES riven Dy (ou turiaac pnoe BROTTQ HTQV. C J. lit couth flUODDOSite 14th Ward Aarembl i Shoe, on No. 577 BROADWAY, . -- ji , FOREIGN. I .v x- x: : . C isoomo. SHEEP! SHEEP! ! rnOR UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY x. anooaoees to his Patrons and to tba Sboep Men of Utah, that In September be will -- TO v m 11 y pi- - oa a Die io Buppiy toeui wita MERINO BUCKS. California. Ohio or Utah raised. ALVA PRATT, dew Sm Salt Laka CUr. merged. The Lincoln iron bridge, costing $10,000, was washed away, , Tonser tban any and a large number of bridges over Z.iC. M. Sa!e For FOR SALE. trby other. the small streams in the neighbor- THE SITCATIOlt ATT0E DELTA. seemed to suppose they were. f -. tfr- Wa Guaractsa our Nalie to be WITH 5 RUOMS, HALL, BUT-ter-y swept away. Maring country are old Whenever God has sought to do A HOUSE DurabtT'f u, A. FABERTS W. and collar, eorner lot, 10 rods aquara. iy Vjua Co Quality aad Arakl'a I,., rartli was an Rossi wash tin man, tery baa on i a the work it east front, with deket (eoce. Brty made. touth and earth, generally 23 river this while into ed fact the that The cbokse corral morning, cost fruit with blood rood trees, of the world. planted the best Stat!qiebt Abtigles 08TSTy UlTEIIJilS. outhouses, one blook north et 21t Ward driving, and with his horse and several partlzsns of Arabl still hold Even In our day under this, the aod wmy Iri. lniskt mil rfly Hoe. oa MAT B: HAD AT car street 8choolhouBO, Apply on the vehicle was Carrie! over the Passaic government appointments under freest government ever established, or or i premises .'' is Falls.. .: I , P. f. Bi B K, protest of certain ministers much that antagonism has been exhibit II1IL CSljFlSf, Carpet Departnient, Z. 0. If. I. Italelgb, N. C, 28. The heaviest commented upon. of Prophets and and the bljod CaaaaL. Pan- ed, Gold aad rcndl . rain storm tinea J.B4Z reJi as xarrxro yiy Apostles has been shed. f ;CT3riClAiC3-0wi7Mimmm. last night, causing Immense damage I we are irequenuv toja tnac lr we & 23. to And IL Paris Z. I A C London, a hours dlepatch to cropev The rainfall in few t to relinquish some of the more were anvrr dirafltors of Time the Ortaln 7 laches. 710 was BATES, REED & COOLEY, h.Bn itm.l h.-- a fa Van alarm of. I eblectionable doctrines! of lour svs STEAM B OILER Balnea Three Davs. IMPOBTKia AlfD JOBBERS CT j uiaciiru. tne view expresseaDy tne a tmci m ' RER0W1 is 1 ARTICLE Cf WORLD-WItaken by jsome of on ; the . Sue canal. In This position J., 23. It has aci :ar tide .. Stll and Fancy Dry Goods ralnee here the N. last-thr- ee re- - our warmest friends. - There are UH3 order to tit-p- el in days. 71 any anxiety &IiLTUiS,CI!QlES,KnTLS,fllS.TC j,; FOR LEADING wen-meaHOUSE IN THE or UTAH, uoa or ' C ana a inousanas water. The gaW to England vstartlng another proDaDjy Inclaainr full complete Many cellarv are full of iisiiirs im jlfiieo river Is rapidly rising, and canal they seem inclined to effect an Shay, Di Blaka East af Oa??, Prints. Girjffhami and Domestics, Delaware cd joy this land we have reclaimed tide at is would: which it give high thought understanding ileotanl GLASS. 94 U3 145, 347 Broadway, K 92, and SILT LIKE CITT. FAINTS'. OILS. the docks and piers will be inunaati England full eatlsfactloh .and . per In peace, and think that result could P. O. Box, 825, feet security for the future while be attained by partial relinquish' "NT T" Oo ment of our religion.! The experi Ceneral Bepalrla Pane Franiptly. Tarr hM r.l-all UlntL guarding the general interest at ence LUBRICATING OILS, of the past has taught us the BUCKLEY be will the This stake. DUHHAM, probably of this view. True If we ap JLLZ WOXJC GTTAJtA VTJSXJX. v as tVlUar WVllUJiKt avMMg way In which the canal question fallacy IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Of postatize our afilliation with the will be setued. i, The Best of Goods, and CHEAP as the CHEAPEST very fast, world would be accomplished. Mr. Refer to ens Work done by tu wtta Fltamm4111 Gea. Waolseley aad the Kltedlve.; Hasketj; expressed Ha BsbbIbs. Tralaa tf .. the situation. It D 26, FIRST SOUTH STREET. ' The heavy embankment along the Alexandria, 23. The Khedive has was; not merely 'plural marrir railroad which crosses underneath issued a manlf es to declaring that age that was the object of attack! Main Street at this place, has caved England has great lntereet In Egypt, It was the organization, the union Agente for the Celebrated Ready "Mixed Saat Faaneiset ' i No Etc. trains of on must account of to GOODS. that rains. be abolish finances and the WHITE the both in in tramq people regard 0a atai alteaya t4rirtd in tA JTWwre, exceeds - al through the Sues canal, and that for ed. This opposiuon began against Kentucky. Nabob Ha, 89 Broaalway. HEW TOBK. can pass here. Thissection. 'An the protection of these interests she: the Church at an eatly day, beV rales for years In this 3E2 j 3JCa7" sne Saints cause was listened ha? occurred to the between to out washout other the mtenere, compeiwa WHISKY. V. K. FAIRBAKTK & Co,, th4. ntfv anil Pnrllncrtnn. arirl (iO has no intention of annexing the teachings of Prophets and Apostles. BOURBON COAL YASD,CHARGOAL & WOOD DEPOT! country. The Khedive announces tor this the mob attacked them and THOS. m. ARGALL & JSi he has authorized uenerai drove them from their homes. At Of all the famous productions that a i Tor gala MAirrrA. CTT7KXB3 Or by . C. K. I. aai :ts Bxaaeh Woolseley to represent hlm.in re Caldwell Co., Missouri, Uenerai of the .".Blue Urass District" this this direction. Bouaa and Dealer Generally. 23. order and punishing tba Clark of the Bute Militia, delivered Whiskey is unexcelled for purity The Mass.. Adams. North storing dlSI- -r MENS' AN P BOYSl continuous storm of the last three' rebels. Ail loyal citizens are caueq an aa areas to the saints, telling and flavor. For Family and Medi V dsvs threatens rlth destruction, upon to render Woolseley every as them they most disperse and not cinal purposes " NABOB " is uo Is la . It to Gr. made from mora rivalled. manv buildings. On the HoosaC sistance, and any one refusing with pure organize any Apostles, v : Bishops, etc. They were, according barlev and wheat spirits, and Un Agent for SAJLT LAIZJ2 CITT,! for tlie Celebrated & Myers jToMcco Co, River the bulk of the North Pawj be treated as a rebel. j S3) BROA dWat, v "" ' to an exterminating order of Gover various component parts blended nell Mill is ,.,carried away, f .Fjrieea Drowsed. ' ter i& ps P THB nor Boggs, to be exterminated if with scientlilo accuracy. Ttae BeavlesS Kniwa wtarta. Agram. ; 3. While the Nixas they . did not take; tills course. Star '74," Sltxlge, Clipper, 1M9. K. COWIIS. POUQHKEEPSIE, N. Y., 23. Th passenger and baggage train was Thtnt was no talk of nolrcamv DRINK aodNABOB! Cornerstone, hea!thfal. lor sale storm Is the heaviest known here crossing the river Drave, mar then. In Illinois, as elsewhere, pub U w AN D OTnFR URAND3 OP Offloe, First Door JEast of Wasatch Drug Store.' Ysrd on Bseond a part of the bridge lic opinion was created, wnicn i ususaw. oy ail utwwni mm abouts and is still raging. Bepon Eszek, Booth street, two Blocks west oi u. U. it. k. fell and and the t In, baggage nea in moo in muraering Joseph engine HABCrACxtraSBS or from along the Hudson and the inri mtd C. V. I. and Braoeb Stona. saje t.y Pitched All road of cuttlng-iKtell & counties and terior PITTS CO., Smith, GODBE, shooting m.TmCKUT I BI155 aPUTEIWal U ... Undits being washed away In every with them eomeof the baggage cars, Brother Taylor. The same process H 4 GENERAL AGENTS FOR on Is going on now. Public direction. streams ft are f already containing a number of Hussarswere JOBBERS IS opinion Is UM.RUMSEY cSc Co., soiaiers The jnrteen ruriougn. manufactured against us, and swollen and rising, rapidly. or smaller quantity at Yard, or deliver to any part of the City. m 11 30 lrjJureJ. The coup- being JPlunibcrs, Materials. are deprived of their New York and New England Rail drowned andwere the people Maogtaotman aod Jobbar of re and broken the road U badly washed. The Hudson ling chains rights. This Is all because God has SAVE YOUR ROOF! n BEEKMAN STREET. to doa work, and Clean Coal & BatUfacUon Guaranteed. River Railway track Is badly cut mainder of the tram stopped on the I commenced the PS F1HE EliCINES. weight, I fYaxril ntlte It into lha hmrt. nt mart watch bridge. The accident is aiinoweq full A south. ferrv from the Tin ar Iraa per Sqaare. Il.oe. h tmth. Innt thin Lm by reimiaaioa to Dark! Jante, has been called out along the line of to hish water. The bridge was of k wa ad ar BnlnsTl. SX.7S aar smaara DELIVERED BY ab4i Lead, 3aarapaa. aitOTlAtRefrr uiiv. wooden ripet.4 was on wood and THE TOH AT $7. HALF TON $3.50. on supported cannot work be The crushed. ment the irthe road. Construction riamkra Steam titters and . , , j? Id faith in have plies, west is ;ry shore Qod, Br- -. Clooda, damaged badly people they Beltlna;, BRINCKEREOFF, . TUMEIl- & CO, manv nlaces. CaUkill and Hauger- In quantities of Three Ton, and less than Car Loads, $OJfOJ j . . have virtue and intergrity, and Bismarck. IImw .ad Faeklni. KiaawV car JLoads. at Mine Weight. SO.OO per Ton. delivered. , t 4 ' W1S1WI Wi r1aiai rt f PROPRIETOR itiaainant1f in a Or 10 .TORi, I DuaneSt,:NEW p ties Oreeks are 'lain g rapidly ,x It Is Berlin, 23.- - The entire press con Manulaetnrew of - and-- Pealera hi VaT: feared when the! full force of the St0Ck f 14,51 CHABdOAL, ; Caring- - .on Prince Bismarck on the mail. DICH, Woodbury," imna A miLIIMlMPlEUEIITS THN morning gratulates ma en MIdf. HrlkenatM and other (avorite freshet is felt anniversary oi stream i twentletn aauatavs auv avanao aM-a- t btaoda, all nuibr HaiM, Medium aad Soit the loss along the Interior Vaaea trance Into the ' Prussian ministry-t VI ORDERS SOUCITED AND PROMP1T.Y F1XI.ED. . BrMKte. flood tides ;wira, The oon- not say that ha was disappointed at will be very heavy. while onnosltion lonrnal. S..KfEBB1EEIIllS.BLDE.BS0'iI.SflllTlE.BET. An of Etc., the lata the are TJasscge legislation. in the Hudson remarkably high demnlng Princa Bismarck's home TO It Castas of au nnmrjera 0 I08TK SCOSO STi, ST. LOUIS, to the servlc Its eSects would doubtless be hi some The onlT paint that wiawKhttand the Weath to ISO Inches wMe,. for Deck, Car, Trunk and the wind la rising and the tain refers Id 14.rvcot warmly alley, respects, at least, salutary. There ffiHu norfrine-- Machise AtroDS and In tonents. In many, places Ee has rendered the nation. er. Itcanaot Daiojorea orw-iaw- a, was an evil crowing up among the other purpoaas, oonataail-i- a atora and maoa falling eouth of here both tracks of the and a not eusoepUble to water, Bain ts much more to be dreaded maklnr It the Hudson River Railroad arefloodeK Belalasj tne WerldJ Staodatd Areata tor IT. fi Bvmtlnr v near New than oatslda opposition the develPaint' Extant, bf by the Caae or leea mmawj. i and there are washout Best afd'FarkVOooda 23 bundles Hoof tJvarnoo'. Several can Decpounea at tarTheaa Duchess Jonc-tlo- n. the Irith World recently received opment of divisions created by the It wl3 not Corrodo Tin or Iron; will stop CHEAP and OOOIi. Hamburg and below been - in the hands of creation of issued to Orders have Mary twos. c Col express from America were a lew persons,wealth TRPF7.7 IFR7:rKI2 i no etaer ant wr W rami . r tee i represent VT lav all freight trains on the side by people dividing Seised by the cuatoms2authoritles ; class into distinctions. the If preAll for tracks the night. .M"?.,flf.nli,n0rI night pas were released after some sent : laapartera aad Jabbera af crusade would break down Summer. are behind time be- here, but " sengertrafns those divisions, it would serve a cause ef Tjroceedlng cautiously. The Orders promptly filled. SatkCaetloa good purpose. Some of our people ruaraataed. Leare orders at nu. Marietta. storm' seems to be the heaviest J. W. LIKGLE, S< LAKE CITT, Waterford, 23. Most of the busl-- had been considerably exercised along the Hudson River Valley S3D,TlRWAT, over was election rules burned the hess of town, this Beat of Refereooe Given. regarding part ii :?y Caaaa matters adopted by the Commission. PfTha I YORK- NEW Tn consequence of the increasing public Interest In Sanitary' measures, juoss a ru,uuu. I? '1ST BRTTSIT MAWTTrACTHRED BY I .if I.Km DkIi ware Just right. They exclud Ik. aainn1.tlM. from Siawan a warraated to work well, aad They A Wspplngers gentleman eeprvamuaoy I York ' I'vteir1aak aa a n awaaia Ml. ed alt who had ever engaged in City Board of Health: as to Bewerage and VenUlatkm Pipes and Falls, states that! fears are enter arjHleatZ. c.aLL,Oodbe, Pitts & Co., . Cf.' JET. Gdridat over whether had S. SEEVICB here and hereby invito the citizens or cait Lace city ana xer- STJUDAY the dam tained marriage, plural that they Appomtments, large " d318m entered relation been and to that break will examine Creek M. 11. my TnaihtoL K. Geo. the ntory oOai Ait. p. dc Co Wapplngers --T of the severed from service be so CJark, serious Co., CunaiMton it will The regular Bundsy practically away, and if damage CVx, Seara & Llddle, KJmbaU fore mere was any law on U be done to a vast amount of proper' Church of Jesus Christ of latter-da- y the aubject or not. This placed us tr. lianas of men are on watcn. GOODS STOCK OF Babttswerelield, In the Tabernacle, all in the same boaL It was a mat m. 2 at on Sunday, commencing ter of congratulation that in the p. PhiT. a TET.PB3Ai ' II com oath prescribed by the Commission astoiro warca vox as rocm tarn roixowrwa aprciAi-Trxa- , vis. 4. the choir The sang f hymn Pitiabnrr, Tis. Inches of rain have fallen here withers "In 'CO words the the marriage re 'V , - . in the past 72 hoars. Washouts are mencing:' naa neen inserted, thus ex lation" - li Uellyer'a Water Closet Apparntusj, yL, V5B , command whose supreme OTbou, at from electoral privileges reported along the railroad lines. cluding Ucllycr'a Artisan Hopper Cloetsv 'V""S!. TheboaU cf daiAiiaai fly; Five hundred passengers on the X') people who had entered Into a mariTbe Alexandra - Sanitary doctv eternal hand whose rUpbald by Pennsylvania railroad, from New tal system believing it to be a com-- 1 ZARD POWDER! . Thy Saints can Oars or die. Tho Jennings- Eondon Closet, York, were brought to this city by man a or uoo, and admitting pro WItae, 3, JHe JSL, X Terfc. boat from Bristol. Breaks in the And .Bowers' Patent Sewer Gas Trap. wno J. Elder ecoonareis broke and j 1. Haywood, nigaies' Prayer by sewers numerous are and this in i,both of God and . the laws city w m .via iiani!r i The choir sang the .hymn:- " ', was well that man. serious, and street car travel hinmu-- B ana i ,. ; j of It t AU AIAO SOUS AOKtrX XSt THIS TEJtSJCIOBT VOB XXS mci oeteDnuea dered. A large portion below ithe BJatiaH eoce eflrambla birth. ' ; distinction between two the the I 4V 3ci -ccr 3a xi. Warner's Low Pressure Steam Heating' Apparatus, . Kow in ckxy oomea to carta. city is under water. and farmers classes had been so clearly denned. fsr.?-T- . there will Buffer heavy, losses. At The Sacrament was administered The speaker concluded Frra on the Hearth Stoves, Grates and Hantels, Jcarvrrcjrr ninx. de the by , Reading the rainstorm Is the that ULEVTJUCtJrUSK. i t i I tteT-iotx-prediction u I est kown for years. Borne Ut, itoi fcj tli Priothood of wtlSood hadbegm, imd Bawaamwaw11 Unrrinci Go Otto Ellcnt bO I ! la reported drowned la the i L which tbeIAtter-d- r av . .';' --'. wplllj Wlri; .. Saint, ara'en. JQHH P. SQHEHSEn I'c&' uli -.a xron i and ' rnxay hay streams .iHimirmiori.taaB, H'n ad swelling be uarry i never in ;j o.r-"" obliterated would, juooros. President Cannon W fLA I Im gaged George Q. mat. Aawaft. I l I I II I fl CLARK! siacxs are swept away, ; was from the earth. ; dressed the He ., Har Jutt Racerred a oar . AtTrenton, Fa., saveral buildings thankful for congregation. i the favorable circa an tC. U Tbeobolf anthem. sang ;1 carry in STOCK the Lajreestlassortmcnt in Utah f Kaat, oeawai a' Xrona ue have been a others MMMIa'B. PRATT, y swept way and' latter-daot , the ., Benediction Elder W. surrounding W. quaotirj Tayby Plumbers. Gas and Eteaa Fitters material, tad Tinners. Four .men were rescued Bafcits, and that they could worship Wat rCEiOYER GODBR A TTTTBT tfc- MOST TOTVUUl injured. mm TtKMT .... from trees. am ? I home; prepared to lay Water Pipes on SlwrtlIoU'id. X If DatJQ STORE. or molestation without fear.' Qod ' ' r . Brftdcee Waakad Oat.' ' : . we did not enjoy the present, but livcnri.1 .... OoorTa, aO of whVh Ann aoBM Seoood-HaopiEaiciEsl V . 1;, . --A.o?' , ; "wuw ia to C'jaeaaeaof jo h. m IMITATIONS. p ed win im .okl verr cbaao. Call aod aaa aw in accordance with a natural view T7. of Tn BEWARE PLAlirrri!rr.r). J."2.tha -: Nos ST. OEOSGE STAZE .COIT- ariA tnaka eure mat w ww mh and Tnroat, j lrLrr city limits over a dozen bridges are of the futurev our pleasure would be Have also on hand and in Stock, Eight different sixes of RUMSXTST'S mrw, ana w wr. Ltae orlnoiiie ot itr and . ? FiiTtTfTTCE. ; ""npj and Dlaeaaea of Wi -' JL Complete Assortment being washed out, and great damage but small. But. we have proved anteo MtHrfaeUaa. Ceotra taJ, ntmnrnw and Force Pumps. Iron Pipe, Jad Pipe and Bheet juead. If ; Pitcher, JJit frota 10 a. m tola tb. uwue to private property, F03 SALE BT tabies, bads, truraata, coaira, mjuujm, "ine that tha most threatenln 9 circum at OlSos and tar is stnl very high ,and threaU stances are, when ootxnseously met, I The QuarferTv f!rm tirmnm. A ia::r.5Ccr.EY;iTHC!SPATCHansTisrmicu:mnn3. ens destractioa to a Urs tmotmt cf la oar expexience, not sa forxxudabls EW Gesrsa SUka wu held ca Eater HIV ! a Will hold ik' i j 4 z. a. Mi Mil WAREHOUSES, , , HAYNES SON, SALT LAKE CUT ;l?f"u"u DE - . . . .., . n- im TA1 ISM . to-mor- row ; Tta - - f &mJramb I Etc i' B I. - DRY G O O it S, t SIMMONDS' isroTipisrs, : 1 TRY IT. I -- i V WhlS'JSZ'SSSr CLOT HI N o : : . J-- ., . PLEASMT t- ; , i VALLEY COAL! N pure-ootkri- our to-da- u-r- uf - 1 j Will SoU -' ! ly Oar Load, ppon. f.M M I - - JiSMKjSSS . w aiaa-a- v W, I J. W. LINGLE, GUTTA PERCH i. . woop ;hU :. I !. FIBE-PBJOF-PAI-HT. "I- 4 i i ! - STEWART'S jBKUSHES. S,. Steam and Gastltter. DRY GOODS ,8, IaaeB.'f .utl to-da-y. ITTTjEClVITUlE. IME awa,;';,:,:x'; 23-Ne- PLUBIlia arlv , -- - -- i - e'o -- . i. id -- ! ilri : ft. jJJJ Unt - ces j . J' , .. . , od ill-a- m. JL - Mm tlAT manufacture. n-T- at- lowest . i--a . 4 1- ,1 f r - -----c- -.te CO, IIAXTT DTREET, OAXuT IfAIJXJ .OIXYe'. - J |