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Show Kormoa EVENING NEWS. Ealgrtat. Perioaal. W. nad a pleasant TO BOYS AIID GIRLS, call to-dfrom W. R. jPalmer, all persona out of employ And Esq., imember of the Kngllsh tar, ment who wish to learn something USA. Sept. 21, who has beenspendlng a few days by which they can always be useful party r Mormon f emigrants In this city on his way to the Faci- - te themselves and others depending labors. pasjeauirougathe city yesterday, flo Coast. He Is quite sorprised with I aPcm their in Zibn should bovand Every uu meir wa so una a seen what has and heard at Salt be learning- - some drl he camping or nrofeaaion. trade rs yjterday was the opsnlng day of tjrvuuu Bomewnere In southeaster lake, and will go away with views f out of employment ! j ruwtw, norjnwestern IBonora or very much changed In relation to snonia taxe steps to acquire a KnowtogFlr.of Mrs. f ledge of Telegraphy.' which would Chlhuahha. two nonawesternf at Conrad The "a people everywhere spoken often putera enable them to obtain employ party Included. 23 people In all, in agairjst'f without cause. , KID o'clock ment. Alnitt-nrThere is quite an mcreasmg ' jl .1.1.1 J & wuxiien. are L gtill the question continues to be demand for telegraphers, and it is iney under the leadership of Bishop McThe Additional Troops. The from a knowledge or this fact that I Donald, the 4tlng president of the two companies of the Klnth Infan am induced to offer increased faeil- lCol. uoatrey,?oi me uuu tlea for those wlshme to learn. It Is Zion. They try, said, to lisvei been sent here In also has returned from his visit wandering Stake of on '.an that is de vamey lacn, anticlpatldn of fa "Mormon out sirabie toaccomplishment i' ana understand and made njaroh everyfAug. eat. being easy f day until break" dutine TSTn. to learn armroachln the much than easier many L reached $U they David, There t at the the vember Daniel Rochat tonight, be for those wonld well it suppose was arrived last somewhat by recruited flection, the Union Square party Opera House, by!V members or that setUerrient. Itby having an hour to spare three days once at and went into is night's train, , Company the week, to take hold at once, ueir lnientioo; to penetrate Suiunur at Fort Douglas. Any in while a new class or two is being or. V Four Inches of Bntfw fell la and Springs Valley, and follaw it Anth. quarters It might be some Improvi Butte onlMonday. The sur--I ward, entering Sonora and exploring body expecting an outbreak on the ganixed. Saving purchased the above lot, of Gloves at to adopt a few telegraphic sig ment of the "Mormons" elec at the part r0Und!Dg country suddenly assumed mat ia iuua usMiuiiug region. a vne present intention la! to riant tion, which the People's Partylcan so nals in sounding fire alarms for the I the appearance of midwinter, Bankrupt Sale, we offer them to the public at Cost. or tbe public as to Joca information niuoueuia must either be troubled 1 tion or lire, wmcn wouia ne soon They consist I Iaw uu ..ifaitjia oiupaur tsprlnsa easily- carry, xW presiding genius of the Gem T 1 icjrt i every avauaDje spot or Insanity, but their I understood by the nubile, especially with of that he advertises Ignorance Trot disposes . r lc en a? far south and eaat as the Janas is no obf ection i in ' four !"EB uu li&eticBBea ahvwhere or bv an v. I those who took an interest In the iui xuver cmnuaaua. Tfceyjheld sev l" ' j wnt3. Former price one dollar. Information. Telearraphy in classes Jouvin's 2 to 6 Button, from .60 to $1.90. to eral religious meeting. 'the David body in8t. locating of additional can be taugnt ror ten cent$ perceston. before and will 1 endeacoming here, at " Fort. the took Cmmiasionera four of the uive tne poys ana girls a chance. It Josephine's 2 to 6 $1.00 to 1,90- to eniignsen tne people on the troops . walk around the northeast portion Tor is easily acquired and useful to all. mormon as ouuKor tneveo aton. and Benmardt's Uiidressed & Colored, 1.25 to 1.90. s of cur city yesterday enjoyed Among the party there were xi. j. Hill. Keepectruiiy, j tbe fine views obtainable from that Deseret Office, or tea who have belonged toeight Telegraph Mr. afternoon the Henry McEwan, - 1.25 to 1.50. elevated locality.1 . d266 lw P. O. Box 227. Empress 5 to 7 Hook, Church for thej past 25 or; SO years. foreman of theNsAvs compoaing deNeither were ! the laborers and to of party strangers Venus 3 Button for 60 Cents. A corps engineers UESCCTIOSr IX .COAL! partment, was called to Provo on a and will this Country, as Oeut. Cbl. Merrill sad j have arrived at Qlendive, errand. a He Bock received teleeram of Bt. lEdward Banker. f David, Springs, per ton, by w Immeulaieiy proceeu to uuoune mo . . $3.00. Car load, m00,not Co0!1 Neyada, and nformlDg him, .that his father. El- SJS.W appropriated by Congress for Bock Springs, per ton, at of 1 ; were Henry of Yellowstone the in Utah, Standii, McEwan, nry Sen., I Col. Cook's famous 6.50. 'iSS-- rimprovement ! Yard, . expedlUon that war not only: dangerously ill, Rock Bprincjp, per ton, detne Missouri ien river in and tt8i3, . 7.00. rabidly sinking, so he I Lightning s'.ruck a- - Nevada- - man passed heie onlthelr ,away o Mexico but livered, . Bed Canyon, per ton, by itht other day while he was swear- - in 1847. The iama tartiq vnt . proceeded on the first train to . . Carload, It would, however, lane a mjgaiy Halt Lake Cltyln 1818. benjamin the parental bedside. The veteran : 1 Red a to hit F. Johnson Was also among the whose ' ; '."...!" Canyon, per ton, at stroke of lightning of life at last was, lamp . . 5.00. ia not Yard, Mr. swear, he wa4 rmn when comJohnson party. Nevada in v-- uj mm ufuuu xrats ana ureon accounts, expiring, Is an old and Bed Canyon,. per. ton, de- 5.50. log. M. I. ri on top of toe Uintaij moun- faithful member of the Church. livered, Hyde, A phrenologist! says that "large tains, In 1847. when the broad, fer- b&lng one of those who embraced Weber, per ton, by Car . . 4i5. , ean iquiuhio (aunuco nuu -- s"" . tile valleys of Bait Lake were first thex load, was carried when first It Gospel Weber, per ton, at Yard. 65. When Investigating an animal with beheld by the fwandering jlfollowers to tbe city of Edinburgh, Scotland, " delivered, 6.00.. large ears, howevr, it may be well of Brigham Yolmg. The emigrants la In that the remember to patience d242 report the Salt ptiver valley settle- by the late Apostle Orson Patt. A. Gouxo, Agenfc ments In a verjy flourishing condifjont and the agllty behind. ACTVAI. COST t " If there is a lad among the immi- tion. (Fruits and flowers grow in Enbbisli. Bill JJye's BoomerangA .t . We sell our stock of same will In" the abundance as southern I understands 6f milking he who grantswho Immigrants got ,ud children's Summer Hose, La- California, an( the cllmata la de- speaking tw9 and atfandlng to ho:v-I- n , In Mormons "The uies- - Hxirta ana linen Ulsters and in the 6ya: lightful fztrem?. vaat of a situation, he can ba Bishop McDinali thinks he may will probably work in a good many all Summer Goods at Actual Cost! where to apply on calling at We mean what we say, for they over In Tombstone oil his relay 17 these people at the coming elec must ears IS to ,i tbla ofHce. from. One y be sold. turn and expound the gospel of his of pli preferred. DO NELSON BB03. church in somei public nail. Tomb-iton- e tion in Utah." Iye probably In tended this as a loke on the non- A. T.y,ELtaph. I Despite of contrary assertions j "Mormon" registrars and election Salt Lake City, -maliciously circulated, we are Tn consequence of- the increasing public Interest in Banltary measures, I Sept. lltb,18S2. officers authoritatively enabled to state that The generally! Boomerang Mestri. various '?uranx. 'ifor some m 11 1 Ae& .mm,. I.47 rtaM wwv Brot: Young mal!pox ia almost entirely extinct time kuu xveguiaiiinis wuiaiew xuies of jl trans wit statements of consists uaT;, cmuuubiiiud, aaopiea a character has past cprlous li Weber County,1 there being only Gents We are pleased to Inform York City Board of Health as to Sewerage and Ventilation Pipes and under rigid quarantine made periodical calls at the City parent impossibilities., let the mat you that the 15 Domestic Sewing Appointments, and hereby invite the citizens of Bait Lake City and Ter- two and uci'ier good medical attendant Hall. He hasten under the in ter of genuine humor it is being left macnines we are using in our shirt ruory 10 examine my apd efneient nurses. Off den Her- - fluence of a hallucination. by the "Ml3slng Ink" factory give perfect satisfaction. We lie in- m the rear vie I a miserable imitation are using them on lie en bosoms and t 4i. i : Cfiicf formed the' of Police '.that Nye's for air other work, and thev torn .1. STOCK OF PLUMBING GOODS :A frightful suicide occurred at l Ha. wns amazed,j that a class of men of that of "Ell Peiklns," with.an out better work and more of it than ev., iajit nunaay. j oeepn i iQ tne community had Inot been addition qf the element of spiteful- - any other machines we have in Uf e. Keno, A MONO WHICH WILL BE lOPKD TH FOIXOWINQ EPSCLU.TIKS, Tit seized and placed ia durance vile. ness and a total absence o generous We shall ini future use no others and a room, mounted m chair and placed to be will recommend them pleased eentlment. The indivieual J he alluded to were t&e muzzle..of a shotgun against his to an j one who uses a sewing maMellyer'g Water Closet Apparatus, hpaJ, which he succeeded In ex- ventriloquists who threw the' sound chine.. Hellyer's Artisan Hopper Closeta A Demented Man- - This morning ploding by reaching tbe trigger with of their voic3 iround creating hide yours, Respectfully The (Alexandra Sanitary Closet, tore te ramrod.' The discharge UU8LKAM k CO. ous noises tha were so discordant an unfortunate young man named C onesideof the head offj producing The Jennings' London sploset, as to roughly arup?n his musical Walter Porcher was t afore Justice d. Immediate death; He was And powers' Patent Sewer Gas Trap. ST i . Spiers. Yesterday morning he was soul. , XEGAB, Thla mornin hemadehk appear- - found by the police ontoers in a And I. i aii iiao eorjB Aamsrt ik this TzaanoaT roa tbu the reliable eeml-nnd- e only condition. he It anceat appeajs look of deep Ha a the with Low Pressure Steam Heating1' Apparatus, W. Warner's O. at JAVIS AND OTHES MATTERS. concern to of temporary In upon his strongly mark-e- l is subfoct erslls on Fire the Hearth Stoves, Orates and Mantels, BILE ABD CLOTH DOLKAHS features and in his jjsparkllng sanity, and got Into that condition larrived. The immigrants at 2.3Q Water Motor, Backus black eyes.J He found the night before last, while waiting .'upon Greatly Beduced at New Otto thn. Silent Gas Engine, a sick man. His mental aberrations AUEEBACH 4 BBO. ' Marshal to whom! he City Iron Roofing. Garry r a Elipf of paper fwith the hava usually been caused by drink a&0 PXR BQVABX (lOO FKXT.) o- Apos- Ior Goose Creek. To-dhe this but stated: that morning Asbestos Hoofing at following ominous words!; endorsed ing, t'fa f. M. Lyman and J. H. Smith, on I carry in STOCK the Largestjassortxnent in Utah of he had not indulged that habit iSTVKBa iiKOS. back td Referred the the City Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters material, and FfeiiJent H.. J. Grant, of Tooele Marshal." He said he had been to for before several days CASE OF DIP1TXIZEBIA. to lay Water Pipes on Short Hotlce, and am " jSiake, and Bishop burridge, of St. I prepared Commissi ou and was well bslng arrested, and that he had no - the visit eattleto on left a the Jjhns, Aug.' 30th, 1832. LOWEST pleassd with that august body. Ten knowledge of what had occurred un To DrGbangeb, mention Chase Crcisk. . M. t Don in consciousness he til regained thousand dollars was the imount he in and Stock, Eight different sizes of BTJMSEY'S Have also on hand Dear Blr. It Is with much pleas I i fall. as a the sum, wanted, id, moqeat M-Force of members and ure tnat I write to you, knowing Pitcher, lift A. The Pampe. Iron Pipe, Xead Pipe and Bheet Xjead. lY.L. Some time since while to is It kind do the after so, tie above a3iation are respectful. Marshal would sea by - the ily insane, Porcher took atemporar my ILL WORK DOftE WITH DISPATCH AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . couple of service duty matter had the yon have rendered to my jnritel to meet at the 15th Ward endorsement, canvass over of daubed can pieces wife and large I and been children, say him to referred fori SALT T.ATTF! CITY. AIN :4enbfy H 1 to marrow (Friday) That officer said be fausipayment. with colors, I that there is not one In twenty who OO, bright indiscriminately to per. t t 1.30 p.m. j attend the funeral of would have had the patience to oelve it exactly in that light, but to an establishment in town, said watch . over I them night and day as Counselor Clara Y. .Conrad. exwere fine paintings he had referred Mr. Baden this being the they for until you you saw a did, ecuted aher the style of Turner, in tne better.r i do believechange 1 nad if name! term .to aster Wa man's 'The j Laying the Corner 8tono. my other two Wilcken. The latter was applied to 15 m!nu fes, and Wished them ap called you in time been have children would here now, ceremony of laying1 the cornerstone U for the insienlflcant sum.! when1 he proprlately framed. Porcher can do and ir you any I good i cero( the new Salt Like Academy trade to! the Phite by turn referred la so th do in shall recommending applicant tainly will at take place half past 0 building ; He was discharged from custody. you to my friends. If you feel dis recorder and so dn, but all tin o'clock on Saturdy' morning. deputy or use can to do make tnis you posed were appealed to appeared to Hon. P. II. Emerson will deliver who WholiBsale so. Accept or my best wisnes. ' be deficient of the small J necesiary L BUSINESS NOTICES. Yours truly, the address. r j d Mklvin D. Cook. change to meet the modest demand. eviBoden Mr. departed fT HOW WE HAVE thinking DR. BVBB,XIOHEOPATIIIST Ctacgeof Tiiae.Weare request-- 1 hi had got among an Four of those large tinir.types, at BSTRS. 4 to state that the timet for com- - dently that' treats the diseases and Electrician, STholesale - Gem thearid impecunlus crowd, Tent, corner of South and of women- - and children. Pleasant . menceaaent of the ,funeral seryires ungenerous ' ': for 50 West cents, Streets, Temple for lady patients, over the remains of the lata respest-- d and is probably still searching for formerly! $1.00. Will remain two accommodations 3rd South, U blocks West of Cllft someone wha will hanllover that weekslodger. dlw U. HBAW. Mrs, CUra Y. Conrad has tien House, 7th Ward. ten thousand about He aollars. is changed to two o'clock p.m. to mor- thirty-thre- e WASTED TO REST. In his A HEW LOT OP ynrs f wv. : m ,. Two orT three rooms, within two Spanish and Beaded Laces, at movements, lais face is of the rug AUKRBACH A Bku. Sanaway. There was a runaway ged order, strongly marked, the nose miles from central part of town. office. at this dswtf oa First West. Street; Apply .The coming mildly; down for ome disconst Bros. lanmctiners of wagon, partially loaded with shingtance and pushing suddenly out EDWABDV XiIQIITHIBTCt We are now receiving a large stock JUMP Bhadaa of les aad lumber, collided with Silks, Plushes, Velvets, SCAT BCGOIE9. ward near the point. There Is a "tree. The vehicle and harness were mes, Moires, Cashmeres and a mil his in unnatural bright Ganz combined and sharp light Sulky I'ne of trimmings to match; also a -Avery which broken,.and the horses, got black evci. indlcatlcg at lonce the Plows, the J. I. Case Plow Co.'s fine assortment of .Embroideries, Sulkv and Walkinsr Plows: Fish Lace?,Hoeiery, Corsets, and Ladies W, scampered ofl but were absence of mental balance: ed Brc3.& Co.'s Fear Misses' and Childrens Moire Uni caught, Mountain Spring Wagonr; Kelly derwear, Blankets and Flannels. The False Friend. pf he Falte Bteel liato f ence Wire. Wanted at Home. Hyrum Ed-JM- s, Jonn w. Xiowell will receive a Friend" drew St full hours past even .HEW BEST AtTBAHT. of the llth Ward, who left large supply of above goods during the nextlten days, and intending The Universal. D. J. Griffiths I city a week ago' last Saturday, ft ing. The hsodsome little Opera win Had it t their in begs to announce that ht has com'Wei at home immediately, as House was croyded. The piece was purchasers terest to ball and examine his stock menced business at his new estab in th splendid stage put upon brother la In a dving condition. daw lishment, 1227 1st South Street, and before purchasing elsewheraJ stvle. the scenferv belne atpropriate Persons Is nrenared to rurnisn xiunenes, knowing jhls whereabouts and that in trie prologue i- beautiful BIEBIXO BUCKS. Dinners, Suppers, &ev from 25c. to ?ill oblige hii parents by drawing su was load of The actin car a received 75o. Ices. Jellies. Creams, Ameri and have artistic Just I 1 attention to this notice. d218 tf. very superior Merino Bucks; unsur. can Iced Drinks. MY" STOCK OP AND WINTER perb. Every character was sustainever before Inbrought any by and the ed fidelity, witn SHOVELS. pjeasuig POTATO I a Wedlcck Eewhere will be the Territory. Enquire of John terest was worked up to a pitch of MuMon or call A verv useful article, and Indit- found an aniounoment citt jkouse, of the f . r it fh.rr.MinanriVin.in . a i aw ui .kMH -v. inn v i Bull see lue ruceij .101 iuuivii rjensible to every potato grower.alse uiaits mmjuwmiu marriage of Mr. Fiederio B. Chan iutvuc.it Hidi-mtoo nlneb. enthralled to ap-- 1 West Temple St., two miles sooth of for sale by u dler, of B8lU!viile,iNew Jersey, and " ' rmthtaln the I Temple liiCCk. sse. AlmA Phatt. Mlta'Agnea Shearman of thlacity, . wo 1 r The one bovs a box of Bbowm's the ceremony being performed wnicn ViftCTAm.K by were wu .. Liver .. 1 -- 1 I L AHOTHES LOT OF BIX BEIIB Bishop Tuttle. The handsome and bivk ucu.ut cures JvpvMm consupauon, or sesne death Unvguen Arrived at Calder's. p. Lay and a torpid liver; the other you intelligent brhie ist'the.daughter of The - AND was strikingly realistic, ahd the face I eoualled lln aualitv'and price a bold nv vonr doctor as T .a penalty wr townsman and old K . n ...vrn T.T .fr. acquaintance of Mrs. E.J. Phillips, whb took the statement, but easily proved. ' a unuwn fOrnOCUSmg .Wm. II.' Shearman, of the in time: which amount will yod a firm of Godbe,; Pitta A Co.. The part, was Indeed as the) face of Slelaha. Bob The Sense Common ovT All oc Brown's xueuicinea iox The old steward Andrew, only reliable. Address Sale by Z. C. M. I. and all druggists B?vly married couple have our fcaet corrjee. un Mr. J. Hi Stoddart, was a careful HOWARD BKBRKB, In Utah ana cvei jjaae Wishes for their and pros by happiness J Miss f ahd UUh. rare merit of SaltLkkei niece of acting Ogdeo, City ,i perity. dBAW OARTID. Maud Harris made a character of 1IAS COMMENCED TO ARRIVE DALLY. was ana ably GTBU Kebeoca, TO the scolding in tfvupnMUa I It TEA! 8oda. Oa the 7th hut. the Ore-- and ATOUNQ Ko washln. .Apply jut. supported by comically OfBoe. Xiskve the in FINEST tlic Short L'.ne was completed to Owen Fawcetl as Courtwell. Miss We wia Springs, and now , tourists will E. Willis andMlss Nellie Wetherell City, sk ue tadle an say. Out SAVE TOUR ROOF! Stock G. W. DAYIS. "able to teach this famous resort aa tha two f Dusters, with! Mr. John Try iti D7 rail. This-wllTie. or Iran , per fSqBare, ftl.oo. reanlt In the raold Parselleas the'amorous old Gtneral l nOKIiHADE We ed er Shlacle, 1.79 er S4are ATn of one nf the moat won- fun.! The Shoulder Shawls, Bingle and Double mad heaps of rful ffttvlnff rt1aa In tha world. Stanley, were fcjfcaw iJine Ureas ia, iriannels, 4Navy charaftera of the play i T? remca tha Springs by rail from leading and lfed TwlUea Jannel3, cassi Belle-1 Ds SMessrs. bv F. n.uined . w www mere Bultines and other Woolen nwn" ;. FBOPRICIQBOT . r. u.rciu ... - rr - III tvicuen, - Iv..' fv u. Whltlnz and Miss Goods, lost received from the Provo w. T . i- - I vtiis auu awana ui ,uringer on ma RA mllM hivond I r i.rt l1Mh!no ta Woollen uu is,at j ohh u. cutlxb's, Old constitution isnuaisg, Bait iAke City.: i F1BE-PR0- 0F PAinT. iTuieonUnue to make the Ut pin I famous French play nous roan's acid phoifhati the old delightful The only paint that win wttbatand tba Weata- iway. by tsanv at ofriTWniel Rlchat" wfllibe present- -.eraade. et it mnoot M lojoieo 07 aeas or com, to COmr"l reand M not aasMptlbla to water, a eJ, oneofth very best ( In .the a. v ' e ve ve vuiMbOelua maldDg- It the w m savs: use of company l bottles several mrtolre I .... ... .1 wis., m' I t il Best Roof Paint xtant J.t van Vaaa my lamny, annoauy, as 'jemuuiuo never be 3n excelled on It.. iwu wm not Corrode Un or Iron; will stop It 11 p01d STiiT.T4 Thi New of this i prize nigniy. dtyJ Wo 'renceaaDt no etter Mot tot ear piece BWIKT CIDSS. own, and ask for no TeaUmoolaJa until m Bali ay CQI.02fT OFf HABDY CSSCXZESS SUB fBOXOBA. a Book-keepe- 1750 PAIRS OF FINE I. . .uiiYef I j We i are receiving the Latest Styles of Dress Materials anfl Tri '.V . ! ' 4- AT COST! njorn-niltW- ai ' NOVELTIES FOR FALL ' -. GLOVES I'-rou- nd NEWEST DESIGNS IS NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, LACES, BUTTONS & GLOVES. m -- DOLMANS AMD CLOAKS! y ?;; 1 --o- MCY 1 -- ' j Ladies1, Misses and Children's Shoes and Slippers. trenf s and Boys' Clothiiig of Every Style. HARDY BROS'l BTJRT0I. . ana Hats of urooas, xumisfling Newest Coloring. Gents and Boys' Boots and Shoes. OPPOSITE Z. C. i KID! 'Li . ALL SHADES. . Or EVERY GOODSj : BLANKETS and WAIT IB mr Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, and House mimisJiing Goods. Complete Assortments and Latest Designs. to-day- etl oV w - a Steam and Gasfitter. f ui A. COM STOCK OF r.HLLIUERY GOODS. m Ewh and every one of ear Nnmerona Dfirmrlmanta will Tvt la Dally Receipt of at prkea to aatiafy every cnatomer faToriDa- i NorWilea, and our goods will be marked - as wlta a rail. Wo intend to make our THE MOST FOPULAIl STOKE In the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REG I OX. USEE MM 0t KVEBT KIND MUST DE CLOSED OUT . PIGEIING ofun-nandmin- J ! Ii We do not want to show them again Pext season. ht i..r.f kJi i Iercbanta are inrlted to examln onr NEW FAT.T. R TOT IT v . mrer bronclit tn Utah. It mi,ina m.nv n.. uch aa are now ao frcauentlr offered br dm mmera to mt b. hill from' mitnn.. .ni s la tbe past. It will ba our aim la the fa tare, to treat onr patrona honora' Jy, 4 , v mvbm .uv.t tvuuyuou VWUUCUCV HUH ytbrUUIgOt ett aud liest Bousrht Stock r-v- i. j ," 44 pre-sent- ed WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD. ay - AT THE . : HBTABZiZS: PBICBS. 33: X oo &. flUERBflCH & BRO. 1 STREET, v.. W- culIer BROS: MM BISMARCK I . ' 1 - " Wholesale . V Wholesale . old.-nulc- Wholesale k GROCERIES, WINDOW QtiASS, PAINTS and OILS. CROCKE RY, . I GLASSWARE, SHOW CASES ; : to-da- y. sub-nqucn- S2 C. F. CULR1ER & BROS. 2 tly world-renown- 1882. 1882. Ped CLOT HIMG, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES j- tk. An- - SOFT COM RANGES PALL - M The Acknowledged Leader asl mis, .4-.ii- ! 1 - FOR THE UNITED STATES ' .... i - V ! - , O i . m. Gents' Furnishing Goods - f Oil I Close! COOK STOVES at a Bargain -- I.. J. W. LINGXE, GUHfl PERCHA 1 il. 1 Th-nlz- ht q76 . e ... - . , - 1882.WI mm 1882. 4 " - "-t- -z Is now Complete and stands7 second to none. rr be pUyed at the Lake For Bale by EUza y raiot baa atooa mm wintw teat aa ww er: Bummer. "alre on the 26th and 17th insts: A Visit to: Sanpete-TSistTHOMAS FKSTOTS. . retnrnea K.finowBntith OrOrdsa vomntlr filled. 8atkMio? west Cor. of 4 th "and 4th south AOS TBDra fnr " P"1- to Sanpete, look streets. gniaraotaed. Laare order at Pan Mart visit m emi 10 --8nbsldlng. ?2L J. W. Lilt CLE. SILT LAKE C1TT. : flka-well-. She attended A full supply or DAIRY PT" The Beat ef Beferenee CM fkl!llaODe aii the pieces that I the I4adlea,Conrerence; aloAli ASJ X AXiAW Ulll U WVBIaA Ai.iaJT" f Sr!JJ?n here tnlo vnr. imi m.t.. .! rj . m fvnTi l trid kuii mtv - Grocery ' i SAMV Akrociations of Bhlpmatev! by Mr. jUrt'Q. on E. MYERS. Theaat produced . Haverly's . ARCHITECT AND BUPESISTESDCn . Department,- Z. C. 51. aa .... a.7 vann rrai awwH ii ni S . " "T tlmrL ,-oariwuta OttttU , This IS I nw du TTfaz." "mpleXESSTSGS, Snpt. w11 attended. 8&e visitea te i nnm. atraltfnr bnUdlnt-ToocTejaaQapttol Uomt, Pen m v. tt IT BIOUT 1IAV BEE3T." .1.1 Ma inaHauuiiuRUf III II IBM En a ha imk aMl ajauk Kom0 in moral lone, genial in trmr .iirmt Indlanola Place TLTofini. r.mt-- tvulkV Thus your frleniis will sinsi they Falrvlew, m a a ann in.t..ti aefcwl watca your life ntckerinar out Wltn Inr. oapttol bafldlsga, court booea, opera hooaee, aeie-ea,eta All pleat furafeberj 'ff, detaUt awl -vctrren Cut tie . and imtn eleven xneesinss. Mta rmimh p . c roaraoteed ocrrect and oamp-- n . . ; ..ti1 hi :.SBARS-&,HBD1B- . THE UEADINQ HOUSE IN UTAH, FOB , . "2 5 a -- av r - 71. tZ'LL m.m - at - E.. t. - knrw. w.w m 1 e- x.-- rt I I kl -- . 1 V With th '.?ftA?asa .V,-rr1- Pi A at inaiano; aent Hrr,ul tWOl ": """'."7' De Z. Remember! piPSiN Toisrio. d As lays are aangerous. - S11! Office. Sl M; ar tt.i--. Detroit. PAHJTS, OILS, YARMES, GLASS, Etc. LUDRICATINC OILG, of nil Iiinu -- o- Tho Best of Goods, and1 CHEAP as the CHEAPEST . .it 26, FIRST SOUTH STBEEJL. Ascnt for Keady Mixed Csa rrnnclrco LLs ! 1ULI'11UW &ULluli,u |