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Show m -. a a a i " - From Arizona. Hon. John W. Last night the Oicar Wilde. Young arrived in the city last night, lower portion of the Theatre waa his vlalt being occasioned by the sewell fll.ed on the occasion of Oscar vere He ex illness of hi mother. Wilde's lecture on "Art Decorafew a town In to remain pects days tion." Comparatively few people to meet to return and then Arizona, were in the circles. hotedresthete appeared In a the calls of business. He has nearly Te y black velvet coat, with completed his large railroad con 180 vest and knee breeches of the same tracts, bavins graded about some work has tie but miles of at line, adorned waa material, "the coat to do yet. the jieck rq wrists with snowy ruf-'.,He N a tall, Hpare young man, An Eastern Trip. Yesterday, the esthetic 6r attenuated charac- Mr. from a Ball returned Joseph the with ter of whoeehegs combined inbusiness to in the the Cast, neculiar cut aof his ceat caused him trip visited office. of terest He this to resemble in beauty of form, a Cincinnati and trrasshoncer on end. His hair Chicago, St. Louis, 777 i. .n,l flowing, and his smooth several oiuer ieauing ciues m vuio, iew x ora, face as destitute of manly aJorn-- 1 1'Utuourg, f Bend.. e Bo.t on. South Ind., Racine meat aa his Kcture is of hard com-Thand other large and Kenosha, Wis., forehead recedes was fa He cities. voi the ably received from where it Joins the nose, with the treated and fiomeeverywhere law is Ion and the mouth waa a Hie greatest trip courtesy. what open and flufly. success In decided is every way. While Mr. Wilde's language good, his ty le of delivery is insipidity A Disgraceful Affair. w. Davis d 11 ujad, but uncommonly in keepand James Madden, miners of ing rith theifloaty character of hii A I my, Wyoming, had a dispute fdcas. He places the empnasts a foot race, and agreed to about on evety third word,glving at matter by a regular prize the settle the bam time :i quick backward for $100 a side. Accoidiogly, erkJof the iif&d, tlie movement be fight liat would be given accompanied by about 200 citizens, ing dimiiar t Iff nimetjodyf was giving frequent of A liny and Evanston, they drove downward p is to a wire attach- over the line to the Utah aide of the ment at the back of his cranium. border, on Sunday, April 2nd, Ilia toice lbwtera regularly about the tubllshed a ring, and engaged in mid.jle of tli feculence and ifcea at rt gu ar pugilistic pummeling, the a mechanical see- - brutal exhibition lasting one hour the gvig aw bant to lite oratory. During Uie and seven minutes. During that time 45 rounds were fought, Markie absolutely deiltery hi ftee being very badly used up, and Davis fritltout variableness or declared the winner. 8haiw of turning, theie being such uu abfeciieo of accompaniment Land Patents n the nt of the ut ered i . April 18- 11, - FRAGMENTS. TOSH AT TOOK BOOKS. An endless variety of Spring uoods or every description arriving dairy at Cameron's New York Store, cheaper than ever before. Call and see them. HO Children' Natty Hate and Caps. Mi. JENNINGS Dcmford's. cut-a-wa- of the City weekly pension ktl for April 5th, vVtjrklj for April 8th. of igrant company Wlil leave Liver- - luck .pr'j. g s. FT railroa are good for Con-ki- ta 1 H re- - nkonow. Mutual of the 18th, Im-xiado- Meii'd Wards will hold a L 2 uh Ward ecHoo) v evening. nrt of i the the V. M. M. Mattle of Mlfw LJ Seml-o- f the rig, reported ciations of Halt , inadvert-rrtJ- i y reg-ulr- rnvived o fraternal tditor l1ton, Kan,. Ho isHu-- for let School - .i j ; )ri town lor 'meet n4 with the nil Cotiveutlo . i j i L iA hou crowd-LT,,.n- di iho perform- - li!'' Mln- - au(en I ,;t act ani Witn. greeted rT tfffue ususil gags and and !orw1-e, W I y ed evident was W fads g,' liau anTahyores. Mr Kei-''yrair iaiitone voice, which d etiect. The come , Benedietj Hhorti.-, . Ls ?- draft a to bejuicwitively ludicrous. Tfce lecturef contains tcarcely the Connor.-Pet , lance of an artumcut, hiid In I anil, Oal , the i )u ly, ltanklnx, steajl of carrying weight, which is ??.r''. v.a ifour, Bernard Hlo-- the roduot ofj loyic, Lis views nit rum bis mouth like feathers. Some the i;nkin, Increated a of his ideas are strikingly absurd, white others that are good are either or well known to the . 4. million. His condemnation of cast-iro- n ,- - t, U DTHSR MAT7HB3. (ornamentation is nonsensical, 1 'te.i;a oid Vt ' ','ir Vofr ft ha'- on ' " I" ! ii m ' ruing Bejamin ii;ihnl ur any of his dencend is will i iliankfully received i' v Pitcher, at Washing L. r!&in D. was from New York, was witJi the carat Xauvo fnd would now he f). CV ut rit f I u( year K . 4 .' The fcoia&U8iotles, Salaries. to t, .f liiesiderit" Arthur tht faiss-- of ach of the aiateiom w to tie, appointed un Edmunusl bill notrleM than r nnurMin p m t f $;i,000 Senate reoldiion, a:ned sum. brotherhood. The lecturer's ideas about the of colors, so as to avoid vulgar and abrupt contrasts are as old as the hills, and his statement to he ect that the value of an arti- cle depends upon the excellence of the use to which it is pu, was u tared as if Hie had made the disfact. He covery of this l.IuStrated this old i ta by remark- mg that the telephone would not be of much utility if it were used for a man at one) end to utter slander into a tubeanU from the other end somebody elso to s'.out folly over a I wire. The Itcture preficnted a singular absence of genuine intellectuality, ii;.;etling far m ro largely to the h uses than live truth grasping attributes of the mind. His poetry is ess ntilly of that nature, notably "('armides,'' which embodies un. W by laugiiter. He thinks cultivation self-evide-nt h.t. is placed STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS OORSETS j -- ! Gents' and boys' Nobby Hats and UDNPORD'8. The entertainment is interesting Gape, and contains many pleasant features. In the first part there are Ibe Beat BeatSj la tbe WorM who are quite fun- For the Blood twelve end-meand Liver, is SABS DANDELION & IO- ny in their songs and stories, and the ballad gingers have good voices. DIDE POTASSIUM. For tale by In the olio, P. C. Shorts gives some all Druggist. dAw goed musical specialties; Connors and Keily appear in a song ana FACTS THAT WB KNOW. dance, strongly mixed with gymIf you are suffering with a severe nastics; the Leavltt Qlgantean- Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Quartette sing very nicely; the pop- Consumption, loss of voice, tickling uiar juveniles, ine Kanaina, give m tte of the . .... affecUon he r w( known sketch: the Am-- 1 JzsrL . t t "Zm rtvl vou erlcan Four perform a very mirth- tnOW of I provofeing act; uemard nlMm . invpa noma: extranrdinarv " imitations iI 1Dimaraui 01 cues ,l iuu wuiuibwij of birds, etc., and the performance enT80 -- -h that where ail other concJuaes with a clever our lesque 01 maHlcines had failed. No other mo comic opera 01 x ue muswho, one-ha- lf as many can show remedy permanent cure, jnow to give you Accidentally Hurt. About 10 setfafketorr nroof that Dr. King's of o'clock last night, when Mr. Schell New Discovery will ours you Fever, Bronchitis, na, llay was proceeding to his home in the imption, severe Coughs and I Tt h Ward, and was in the act of Golds, Hoarseness, or any Throat crossing a bridge over the North or uung unease, u you win can a Allen Co., wholesale Temple Street aqueduct, a boy rode can get a trial bottle yea up furiously on horseback. It being iea or a regular size bottle dark at the time, the horse collided tot 11.00. dtu with Mr. Schell, throwing him to Oo to the Globe Bakery for your the ground, and inflicting severe inand CAKES, where Confectionery juries about his head. He waa be to had are pure and whole they for some time. tt. ABSOLD. some, d26 The boy did not remain but informed some persons ha met that he New Swine Dolmans, Ulsters and had accidentally knocked somebody Jackets Just received down on the bridge but could not At F. Atjkrbach A Bbo. d89tf stop as he was Just returning from an errand to procure assistance to BCCELExm ARNICA SALTS. his mother who was in a dying conThe Best Salve in the world for dition. Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt ChapWe understand that Mr. Schell's Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Corns and Chilblains, Hands, ped situation is considered somewhat all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This precarious, and that the physician Salve is guaranteed to give perfect in attendance upon him states that satisfaction in every case or money Price 25 Cents per Box. the crisis in the case will not be refunded. For Sale by Moore, Allen A Co , reached for about three days from Drueaists. Wholesale Agents. Bait d the time of the accident. LakeCHr. : . , . , ut-t'- .' 1 1 ii AN1J DOLMANS, 'orsets, Glasaware, Prints, Qacensware, Hardware Domestics, Shawls, lamps, Dolmans, Circulars, E i rJ T ''' L , WINTER GOODS C 1ST AND THAN OOT. LE SATISFACTION WHOLESALE Orders by Mail Solicited and given Prompt Attention at IW WILLIAM in. WILT Paint, Ready Mixed DESCRIPTION OF F. mm BROS - Hah O WITH AND T ESTIMQNIALS Uua IkW wra Tk S" T" XT "VT -"- Or-M- n. ueT0"uul1r " I -- -- Aj. em-ule- .tw. Amtotv.y rr'ZL7 wiwui, ? JFUTZ OUR BFKMirO STOCK Ol and Boys' Frtliiii Ms. (Mini ail fc " Boeti 1 Hats ani Moves. M i CARPETS OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE. SIZES ,AND ;NEW DESIGNS RUGS IN ALL QUALITIES, KjINOIjEUaiS, pre Offered. Bio RjETAIjL BiYKRK A3VD Staple andFanoy Dry Goods, White Goods, Underwear, Laces, Hosiery, Notions, Ladles' Dolmans, Ulsters House Furnishing Goods, Ladies! Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slippers In all Styles. BUY YOUR WHITE LEAD, G. cIbsk of uoodw WE NEVER CARRY OLD STOCK : Organs Without Them. IttATO. EL CJIiOTpaiS fTT ,T ,TTr"ril"g"rr IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ! e Largest, Choicest and Bst Bought Stock svef brought to thlsTeirit T v in HtvlM and Prkws. and nscvlns m&ue UUtit our nermnnci iH ws tttw Intand to work hard to jncrsase our sales by hgltimnt W home, means only and thus fttsin our reputation ior iair waU-sarn- ih sd mi MAIL ORDERS Filled Promptly and Honorable Treatment Guaranteed. SAMFLUB SZHOSTT APPLICATION OlST . ESTABLISHED 1804 F. Auerbach & Bro. DAVID JAMES, Steam and Gasntter. of the Increasing public interest in Sanitary measures, I 1 have, after anamination, adopted the Rules and Regulations of theKew York City Board of Health aa to Sewerage and Ventilation npes anu Appointments, and hereby invite the citizens of Bait Lake City and Territory to examine my Jn consequence LARGE STOCK OF PLUMBING GOODS aoojto which vm. as mom wOLLormta sr eciax.it jbs, vie Closet Apparatus, aellyers Water Arttssua Hopper fjloaete, Hellyer'o Tne Alexandra. Sanitary Onset, The Jennings' London Closet, And Bowers' Patent Sewer Gas Trap. ne ns ni. nauuioaT roa aa i aa Aiao sols insa i m Warner's Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus, Fire on the Hearth Stoves, Grates and Mantels, H Backus Water Motor, rs II 'djT RE C'aiw. NEW SPRING GOODS E I. STJ8 SIOOO Hats d Cheap. F. AUERBACH & BRO. ALL i GOODS AT LOWEST FIGURES, I w Good mid .' : Jk.'F -, 1-- Yalieeai ltlnuket-- . Trim Its. Y FOE DUPONT S CELEBRATED GUNPOWDERS Of very kind, and odds and ends of OTory C3- - fit "V' jytaijrJ New SiylcK. C1lOi't'. Parasol. . Stoves and Tinware. MEDALS lie Good IlrogaiiH. Carpel-- j -- ofment ' Children's Shoes and Slippers. for every one of our Numerous De Arriving FAMILY AND GLASSWARE HARDWARE, partments, to be Sold at we-twa- rd if ltool. S. P. TEASDEL, ire-t- pro-ryo- McnV SllOCsH S and Slipper. Hoys Hoot. Dried Fruit, Earthenware and Queensware, u ill ,u. Children's Suits, Mi-M- Gloves, stoves, Garden Tools. W king Shoes GROCERIES AID PROVISIONS. -- 1 Flour. Gattcrs and Men's Suits. Hoys Suits. WILIi BE SOLI) CJIELl. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. tf KL"Er muiht, Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Spice. II the Best Eastern Markets and il' if rtainmeat. - To - niorroW eoui enipihr at 7.0, tliere OR PAINT MATERIAL OF ANY aconcetlat the II 3' h Ward mistakable sensualism under the . for the benefit of guide of refinement. The lecture was without strength sc A iirocrramme wlay .t attrfctive character has or arguni'U', was delivered in tne man most nngi!, and ihe excellen ner flabby and meaningless it r o' ii. imaginable, the wnoia rorming up to o- sfre Olsen, Louie an excellent burlesque on common Annie Mackty, and other sense. XSair-ni- ii ; I'.van i,,rs. We Colorado Little Country. ' f. o- Wells, J. D. rtpen-- r learn from President Ijot Smith, of able, per fur mere. The Little Colo.adV Stake, that the set Ftrai SouJli St.. SAIT LAKE CITY. curt 20, 22, 28 V qJ the entertain-- 1 tle on ts on tat stream of that name ml therefore, what M.nset, Krigham City, St. Joseph luitr t being a full hi and; Woodrufi, are as prosperous as be expected considering the ixt.t.t Eunaway. About could of the country. One of character RED CANYON, BOOK ?l '1 uW ins afternoon, SPRINGS AND WEBER COAL. iliffleultie the settlers the four teams and of A principal. good couple ' created by a run The only reliable market for nave to contend with is the treach-r.- stout men wanted at the gas works lnmn. f2V BSt! assorted aitftrlid to a buggy . and egg coal, . . See advt. character of the rive-- , which stooa arways on nanu,i H run Large First along and full weiehte anaranteed. Prices is fUied with quicksand, rendering . Maiu Btreet,it low. and special attention given u lsing the construction and maintainance SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTICES. tviru; blocks with a boy of the wants of the public Office, suit no dams easy task. Deeeret Bank Block. By erilous jositiou. fe TtiH AtlaO ic Pacific R. A. Gould, Agent, d29S b I.Hiai to the shaft SALE. FOB !has reach d Diab'o Canyon, It. lli saimal, with bis feet Pekin China duck eggs and a few miles from twenty-fiv- e Just received toAveus oases aof Hosi : u;:, il ground, the corf altout V young pigs. loading by consigned will find ery The Sunset. comrany a FbAh tore his shoes D. BOOKHOLT. of OnemniU manufacturer Saxony, considerable dlfnculty in constructilooked s if he could not which we will sell at prices indue that line the tnem defile, ng! through To It may Vkta tag purchasers. Call and see iilu.t the brave little o A Bbo. of F. to the Auerbach the win At ruffednesi sell we Fur will 10th Uutll April uu determinedly until at a alight advance on cost " wa ettinued and he was gr'xuild and the heavy character of nituie iMvtsostoa so tao rskUe for cash. Our stock is large. Exam the grade. Hi tcape was remarks To take a walk through the large JUK08. K rot her Srdith, it will be remem-beced- , ine it. Barkatt A TT a XT Am a FURNITURE ROOMS OF H. lad W..H about fourten MAMLilJN MASON with an accident some met sub boo and the niKwnnnRY THE eldj Misses and men's and boys' fine (al!ed to learn his tlrae Ve into Comnetltlon with American and European y Rtantial holiday presents consisting since, by which h had a large (hoes. DUNFORO 3. with of Fancy Uphotetored Chairs, Desks, makers of Organs st all the World's Great Exhibitions portion of the fteshof his left leg, Brackets Toy Hleigns, wagons, car th.tr various stvlas of Organs, from one stop to the (most 4 Sc v in a Row. Last nigtu between the ankle and the knee, School mh es for boys and g'rls, uor and KocUng elaborate, and at each one of them they obtained thoFras j Jmiii wmlm urreMted under cecu- away by a threshing machine. DukfordU riages PR1ZB and HIQHSBT DIHTIMOTION OW OKHOWSTBATM ouu instances. He is charged He has almost entirely recovered of Maker Celebrated Moat You are sick; well, than h Just Arc no a i.e. pkkiority over all of the breaking into a house in fram the elfts of the injury, the be cure m Furove and In America. The most eminent JfesJ. will one thai you GREAT ATTRACTIONS at the remedy :' itovllth Ward.and mak- - Inn! being now nearly as sound aa Critic In all conn-trie- s it's reat Jewelry and Watch Auction. vond rjoaslbiUty of doubt. If eions, Organittt, ArtitU and Musical n aituck ujiou Mrs. Paseey. It tyfr me Uold a d Silver Watches, Liver or Kidney trouble, Consump- oo have declared, In written communications, that these Neck 'i'egt l i ,at l:t seized her by the Ladies' Chains, Sets, man. aro uneaualled by any others in the world. The r i ami Wyoming Stock Growers. The laces in Ring, ad ibe latest designs and other wis malt ret ted Co. A Associa U Pitts rrT" principal musicians m tne Wymmg (stock rowers' items, Rogers Bro. Plated lives, Salt A Hamlin"guamx 4 Organs for their the Masonlvttiuitj, nnrrhad losod weca. bo all will aud orks last met in tion Spoons, Cheyenne are OthOTB ; There makers, and In nmfaranM to all Da)i eleejilng in another Aotion was taken No re-Associa out to the higoest bidder. the by woo of Ue bouse U1KDKH SKS4, majorny, they are In the greatmanufacturers ohjected to this tion receiving into is membership serve or limit.and all goods warrant at any With Jlrttdau I bes to offer my Vegetable and ed m represented. pets aa, to he a and seized club ever eshibltsd that advertise I now are, Tof they of whom that counties oms Main Street, opposite Hooper A Flower Seeds, with a variety of 'ft eedeti l Ue tcem of hostilities. parties from all the to compexe ior prem.uxutheir Instruments Greenhouse Plants, and shall be Sweetwater. The Eklred. e Block. Territory 3e struck Judd Mis txcfpt Urossesv a subtect of arm the maiio the ii nr.r.i. atout the head with Association now has under its Sale at 2 and 7 p.m eaefa day. pleased to meet my oM friends and a source of Jealousy, corruption and 34 are but and 'a M. Mr. store In representation the ponr placiriir him at a de-3t dll7 by patrons kept These charges cannot apply to the oMason falsehood.' nearly all of the Terri cJed Chadd, opposite JvlmVmil Bloc. u un Cr An Italian guardianship eadvsnugp. as a company, oocauso a javmmttm as nlm Ha well of Organ large ii. tory Wyoming t toot a hand Smith, of I certificates the and to awarded iQ the matter by Goods arrived them, Our have and modate diplomas Spring Seedsman and Florist. d 84 tf of western Nebraska. From portion of the official documents in the Book u sold Bed will at are be 'owmg Juaj and Prior. .til the colored man published theAlLzI 1, I nt 4V.. Wnrlri'. ir.Tnaaitkma. and ant board- - DO report it is learnea DomnaoH Bros. ?nai h! halimeutP, preparatory the secretary's fine Misses' shoe. v and Ladles' the in stock the east throughout Europe and America(copiea7.of which can beUgq inspectors I)UIFOHl8. "tjchmg Judd to the City Hall, that of the association number IS; Hotel Jrepers wtll nnd sri nhia nadatmv office.) It is not probable that European "Jiea he uij. jl on Table low imUt Linens, Napjuror, would ! 1UTB I ! prices M.t 550.000 cattle have been in 'The case was to or so many ete. evidences Le heard this af- Towels, kins, -u j spected the past year; that the as People from the country wanting prevenieu n. At Farmkr'b One Price Store. they could have nonesiry useu uj mnaenco too been could have and sociation is at present protecting bribery" any tiling done In the way of den intrigue who will doubt that the awards would will do well to call on ur. jurorst in their decision, tai fcesUt 0f an Accident. A and Ruaiding 600,000 head of cattle, Mens' and boys' furnishing goods. tistry on or other side of the Atlantic? If. as the run I sets Van Auktn. He mates DUNFOBD'h. for the interests and 2 ""Wt time slijse'e we K to aver In itsown oase. the nan ffmnterv th 1m oroved teeth for $18.60, the saa related the de. and looking out or wor S15.00O.0C0 tli of to be regarded as good Is 848 lnaPrvation for to eleawards for will have lof tai acfidi-n- that befell David pay s you oompetiUon in busl- . ,.. m new . auu . i ... tne ujcior-siw.tow jsy wmrjexiy, noneeiy greater ). Mi . nmju aa he was paes m an we nave v lmnrumBA ' the thoa ibchtki majorlty can have teeth that and nuneriorltv of instruments, tne past year ror Rtock Qf too numarousto . ,0 "tfouglvCentreville ait his way psnded during can wear. Satisfaction guaran I of manufacturers are to be congratulated. But for ibe they be detailed, but simply a U!lscitV. He received euch se- - purpose , namuu Mason a of success vrgou KAJuxymj yam the dr. and teed, ArjKia, r.r mr." sninnn for American i WIC uwuuu w How would it work to have a Qf our stock, you will find In the . - j.10th East and 2nd South Streets, ... UK 1U ht one of hi, legs that anu sevrOur of line Association? wares following: f Vnwin. thM Growers' 1l. Spring Lake Salt Stock Utah City. to t e cannot be surpassed in style, and amj utated, the nakers of a superior class ot Organs would inc the Take the 11th Ward street oar. we i er formed, at the defy in competition The price. swAwSw dlw an agency in England. They sailed In under day have resident of the north " I white go fcOonaarttaiTof Table Ugh!- -A 'wrtunateiraan's room, on Com- Hamlin Organ Company. colors of the Mason tne iwm ,v u a of and ic! Streit. lv TW T XT line linens, west mapsins part general Tin. Farmer's One Pries House has nuisance of house keeping goods, not equaled It wa$ hoped that he would P'R,,8 that a disgusting I In town. a splendid line of Ladies' nened A ... that Under sn in stocofoalta exists Mis-eir- " ' " ' OS is Wash Suites, Parasols and ordnal. hnt mntrtrv to wear, and IMIUTM. jusi have their hTHKIB III PIKE LISTS 11110 Some parties and jsoveiues. locality. bejond last e his wpectatkm breathed van-1 idea of them Is only U toaabe close to . and empty oa.owo I an otfl frnniM 'o;lwkla8t night. His body ontiiouses JliU i a rno ... mto iuwu of winds winiimuun. lefuss reraoTtd from this city to 5i31e fr interment in the famUdn water for culinary anu owo elegant, and by them is the gr.und, This is a condltkm thai only way to he convinced. tuortti Tiw purposes. hur UkisMUft or ProtrurlteirafZb iM na IUIMbS'W wllo saaansaadi s steAn na snpli u. for eapsoiwou. needed FAarstf time j. the Bnring importa. 88 ytars anquently just ww now open. i ,vai. i1. Groceries, TVo. 4. -- ,1 These Goods are Recent lnrelinses. having been selected with 4s rent Clhrc in BUTTONS, HOSIERY, ISTID SACQUE& ItWAKO. They cure all diseases of the Bt4 mach, Bowels, Blood, Ldver, .Nerve, Kidneys and Urlnarv Organs, and 1600 will be paid for . case they will not cure or help, or tor anything un- mire or lnlurlous round in mem Hon Bitters. Test it. See "Truths" or " JfroverDs" in anotner oommn. ay 3. li? No. Dress Goods Ladies Sllp'r L 1 House. where he has the LVarcest Stock o LIQUORS to be found in the Terri tory. Fine Old Kentucky Whiskies, distilled from grain, of the purest as the hills. His quality and as old pure old Wines ana liquors are tne best that can be had for the money, and we advise families to give him a trial. iST Orders from country dealers promptly attended to. N. Bockofsky, 117 MainStreet, Salt Lake City & RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS, IIOTIDI (4 Q A Bbo. then: oleuidint Any in iftmation Wanted. (oiiat ! I M AUERBACH N. BOUKOFSKY, has opened at his New Stand, 117 Mam Street to-nig- atdthetic tastes blending of art nd I audicraft would bring war to au end by creating an intellectu- - w"ui. Miller 4 to-d- , It Junes Mi is J. Kawlka 140 aw. AWr :: 81 G. W. Ucckstead , Purker. '. T f ' R Van Tan o Jan. T. Strong nice Kange No. I B, 4 t 5 M II At If. e Woolen Ckths,Tweeds Flannels, Linseys,Jeans and Yarns; also uoo and imitation leatner-oov- ered Trunks, and at lowest pr icee.at the Old (Jonsuiuuon uaiaung. John G. Ctjtlkr, Agent. We still continue to sell Underwear at popular prices At F. Auerbach A Bbo. d 80tf For your spring supplies of Men's and Boys Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Millinery, call at Farmer's One Leavitt's Giganteau Theatre. and will Minstrels arrived first their give performance They have an excellent reputation. The Alia California says about in-Ir- r ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. STORES. FOUR IVo. 1. Karon. Cheese, home-mad- U. 8. Surveyor General. Ve-terd- sn.pt & Xo. zx GENERAL MERCHANDISE It is a fact that you will And the ktrtreet and best assortment of E. H. Hessb, Chief Clerk. v i r w Tai ' J89tf Fred. Salomon, and hia Justification of persons Its People." Mr. brfitking uch tmbellishmenta by j jit'! a large num-uurling missiles at them sorely outpamphlet, ''I tah of keeping with his claims of su" fro, .i Mhich ex-- i i Ur being a passing the Conference. excuse refinement, fer vaudahsm. Had his view on what constitutes the panacea for manifestations the fol-- c all the warlike Jurynation i of men been de-the among ftni'auueled a grand liven d in a more robust and manly : Anfll term of the &rd it would have created rears - II II L e and VelllnKB States sited BURVBYOR GKN'fl OFFICE, Township No. 4 tt it 4 w holosalo and riotnil Scalers BECBIVKD BT Novelties in Laces, Buckingham, Edelweiss, Spanish Torchon, Dllon and Colored traces, Sash, Ribbons sub-division- al t, IMPORTEES, JOBBEES, TEASOEL'S One-Price- d Salt Lake City, U. T., April 10th, 1882, Ta The lowing township plats of surveys, executed by Andrew J. Htewart, Jr., were this day filed in the U. 8. Land Office, in this city, viz: k self-eviden- BURNETT'S COCOAINE IoMotm a Vigorous mod Healthy Growth rf the Hair. It has been used in thousands of cases where out. and has the hair never failed to arrest ts decay. L YOKING Use BURNETT'S EXTRACTS the beat. Fob the newest in early Spring Goods, daily arriving, call at J. D. Store, where P.rmi.,- nmi the beet goods, latest you styles, lowest prices and everything as represented. & SONS, FOR CONFERENCE ! IjDAVID New Otto Silent Gas Engine, Garry1 Iron Roofing. o I carry in STOCK the Largest assortment in Utah of and Steam Fitters' material, and Tinners, Plumbers, I am prepared to lay Water Pipes on Short Notice, and One 5 XiO W jiiSO? PKIGES. In Stock, Bight different sizes of BUMSEY'S O. CALDER, GENERAL AGENT. Pumps. Iron Pipe, load Pipe and Sheet ILL WOM DOME WITH DISPATCH e. MAIN MO SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. S.AJLT r.AlTlQ CITY. |