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Show Cat His , Throat-- . The Pioch Iieoord. of last Saturday cays; - .... THE IHDIAU HTJBSEXU FVKNING NEWS. FAHTICULAE3 OF THE K1LL-IUQ OY INDIAN JIM AND WOTJNDISa OF D3S WIFE." "A man. who had been on a spree several days oat at Jaekrabbit, came to rioche last tsaroroay aiieraocn, accommnied bv hla friend Jim Jams. On Bunday morning he ap peared at 8ml til' corral witn a gasn In his thuat and procured some water, and then disappeared until Wednetdav evening, when he came and got hla blanket. , On Thursday he went to the cotai aiier more water, and Mr. Smith watched where be went, then came up town and reported, the man was brought up town and placed tinder tbe care of Dr. Matthews. The wound indicates that the man first cat on one side of his throat, then the other, merely cutting through the akin. and then Jabbing the knife Into' bis throat. Inflicting a deep wound. The windpipe and esophagus is cut. and when he drinks, the water comes out of the wound. On Fri day, the doctor probed the wound back to the spinal-columbut the man commenced vomiting, compelling him to cease. Although It is a severe wound, it is not necessarily fatal. The man's name is William FtTLX. ' meeting of theCity Coon at six o'clock. .m azaln i win wtnr . inwvr. knight . the theatre. l95SVn.t James Taylor. City Re-JS-of to town today. OgJeo,w ,f .m hu cleared away, and . eTtfto-Uay- . Brothers have some fine on aa!e. Read their .Tgriog. Tertisement. Th- - City Council Jiaa changed the reticulars regarding the dina Jim and the wounding IS tosr .,r7 nc r o v news. uv n Auerbach & Brother have an of holiday 5 goods. thelr8VIalnd8enerald7er Bead tisenoenta. t A There are a good now, in ' men many bad a peel mens of and Jut In from the that itrli keep coming wwmia. dbtricw .urrounding they have got The police thinkwho -, .. .Aha have t en rartlefl petty .teal-to- g good 'deal of the on lately. that has teen going S are presenting raloon police keitere who keep their eaUbUah- r Olm alter ""J " Ordiner & ordinance. the Imonts Is the fliit case. i ,or David K. GUI, leaves MttJementa tomorrow, to .hn I car-- I and books of various kind. He works standanT rlea Lwlth him the f, of the Church and other books. the John II. Denhalter has openednew GoUen Rule Baa v, in the e block, Ma n.Street all that is furnish to He is ready wanted In the matter of toys and suitable for presents. fancy good, Beeadvt. Last night the theatre was again crowded with people.who assembled pearls of sound ti hear the precious of Prof. O. . the from lips kdw veteran phreologist. Fowler, the to any He la a lecturer that drawscommuni-oatPsolid . community. He his ideas In a clear, cochw and attractivesryle,free from conventionalities that Are etlffnes to the man. ner of many public speakers. He wlll lecture again on Wednesday t "night, to men only. Hocper-Eldredg- H Yesterday Indian Interpreter Geo, W. Hill took a run out west, on horseback, to obtain reliable partic ulars regarding the killing of an In dian and wounding of a squaw, near Jordan Bridge, on Friday night. We are therefore, through his courtesy, now enabled to give the whole story. otherwise Tjut Fridav. No-ovhot three as known Jim, purchased saloon a keeper ties of whisky from In this citv. and took the stuff to1 J camp; lie onerea some in jmuub,iuu insisted on the latter finishing one bottle. Both got very drunfc, and, e, . m as a matter or course, extTOaiuftV n, quarrelsome. Both were worked up to a pitch of great fury, when Mone drew his butcher knife and plungea it Into Jim's side, between the ri-th wounded man falling to the ground, the blood flowing In a copi ous stream from the learful gash. rtm'a xHf rpizpxl Mone by one arm while a young squaw grasp the other. A desperate struggle between the infuriated Indian Trf ih iwn women. In his endea. vor to free himself Mone slashed his knife around the arm of Jim's wife, above the elbow, cutting a long wound half around the limb, the Marfo mtniro 1ora to thebonc. The wounded womau was compel Jea then to leave go her hold. The other squaw, fearing that sho would be served similarly, also released her hold upon the murderer and retreated. As soon as he was free lone made his escape, proceeded to the house of Interpreter Hill, as pi a told published, and threatening about Jim story lying to kill him that night, he having, by that time, already given Jim his death wound. Poor Jim was still living on Saturday morning, but the lamp of life was gradually growing dim, and he and his companions were conscious that the light must entirely go out inside of a few hours. Arrangements were made to take him to tbe tribal burial place, on Skull Valley Mountain, to be Interred. "Put me on my horse and - take me easy," eald he, and so they did. lie lived till he reached Grantsville, on the after part of Saturday, when he expired. en-uu- " JIanly." Tidies, Lovely Flsch- lviegani xserun JmDroioerjes, Finest lieaay jviaae suppers for Gents', Bilk Handkerchiefs and Mumers, all Choice ana (jneap, at lilvU. iy. AUKoAUrl Beatjtifti. ueo , - . ,,.,"' - w,.,-- t - - . V3 3 H ; ; O "' -f - nnn mzm 'i - ...... , mm . rn . To) Tc : - 1 Fiic puis r STGiflS fEH YEfllHQ q3 v THAT HAS EVER BEO BT SAIVT LIKE CITY J OIlANI OPEXIXCI t '"'"" " ' 2kC x ctsr a-- : o will have a Grand q Opening of rbiai Uol 1 d a y Jcweltit Vases, Albums, Toy Books, Dolls, Wagons, Goods, XXonday Evening at Sleighs, Drums, Tool Cliests and Everything In. 0:30, December 12 th. Parties desiring to purchase. Till Hi VJOODEII TOYS AT WHOLESALE MID RETAIL! ahonld see his Stock, before Dnylng elsewhere. trLIDERAL REDUCTIONS TO CHURCH FAIRS. jrST WHAT HISJEBS WASTT. i iJ-wje- R v ': Has" JUST OPENED with the IARGEST and CHEAPEST Stock of Ta be Well Healed, n , use Brown's Arnica Salve for curing vvuib, liurns, iiruises, frost-bU-e and Inflamed Eyes, For Sale by all . d&w Druggists in Uti. , -- We are in receipt of a new book Having had Ten .Years' experience in the Toy Business, and being Agents r for Davis Bro San Francisco, we can ccer by the well known rtuhli&her Hnrv ; N. 5oPP. of Waslngtonj D. C. It is ca ted the American Mining Code, TOYS AT PRICES . THAT DEFY COMPETITION ! Is the most complete work on ad the extant. In 'addition to &" CO. the subject United Hiatea minlmr laws and JOHNOL regulations. It gives the State and Territorial laws now in force, with an extensive digest of court and land office decisions, lists of 5.ono patented mines, Dr. Raymond's rich Glossary, and and many new and improved forms, Including location notices, mtchanics' liens. Copp's Minlmr Code contain 23(1 pages, 8vo., and sells for 50 cents in paper and f 1.1:5 in cloth. It is the latest, cheapest, and nnlv i!nt,i miners eulde now hnrnm ha .,i.kh Send for a copy. For Jadies', Misses' t and Cliildren's Fine Shoes, go to n r--1 v-- 1; AT- mm HI. ! WHERE CAN EE FOUND THE ii! Largest and Best Selected Stock -- OF- " kwtim & BRO. Grand Opening OF- - fiCIi SR0C1RIE SfAPLl &: -- GOOD Smtzerlani! ' te Over ; ' "mm READY FOR USE. CITRON ii ORifJGE PElS;7c A FDLIi LINE OF.I. .v T-- SELECTED SPICES- - RA ' Wnlnnts AlmnnHs Filberts, Pecans and Brazils. Crosse and Blackwell's Pickles, Lea and Perrin's SaUces x "ManlAn J-- , , ; FRENCH PEA8, MUSHROOMS, OLIVES, FIGS, DATESCOTCH 10,000 Articles, Novel and Useful at Prices withiri the reach .of all! I - 5 ZANTE CURRANTS; VALENCIA RAISINS, CLEANED T h rfifi Grown De h ftsa R a s i ns. Om, 0' v . ; CONSISTINa IJ PART OF ' Japan, Enalanfl, France, Germany and or i o 03-EXT- FKESIBTZD FLOWEB9. As I had chai ee of all the flowerii from Elder Orson Pratt's funeral. and as there are a great many more To-mthan the family desire preserved, I will, by permission of the family, For the best stock of novelty spare the rest preserved for those of who wish to get some Dry Goods in this city, the latest his friends or made loose, and Satins in up in bouquets, etc. Bilks, Plushes, styles lowest prices, go to Please call personally at mv resi and at FARMER'S ONE PRICE STORE. dence and give mo your orders. i looK tne .First Prize (Silver of For Ladies Rubbers and Medil) at the Territorial Fa'r for Preserved Flowers. P ls81, to Arctics, go . . O. F. DrjE. PTJJfFOIlP'S. e D0ODD GATHERED FROM DUNFORD'S. Special Sale of 400 pairs Cassimere Pants, GOI.III ERG'S.; row, at FOR THE i CMSTIAS 8hi-loh'- a THE PL.ACE Is at Donelson Bros, where- - you can get your staple and fancy dry goods at bottom prices, iry mem. evi-ous- ly ' . seys. Yarns, etc. . Alao a large assortment of home made Trunks, at the Old Constitu tion Building, Salt LAke CUj- - , TITAT HACKINO be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. uy - juoore. bojs ,r & Co.- . r. Allen VVIIiTj YOU SUFFFR with Tw.. pepsia and Uver Complaint? Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Moore, Allen & Co. SIiEEPIiESS- - NTOFTTB miserable by that Shlloh's Cure is the remedy for you; complete as any in Utah, admitting of a wide choice to purchasers. He la making a great specialty just now of men's and boys' hats. Go and ft tee him." GOEDEiTiuis . MR. Jj GorjBEBG, the extensive clothier in the Wasntch Building, continues to receive Immense quan tities of goods, and, on account of his moderate prices, as quickly disposes of them. His stock is as -- ; DEiraALTORfflBB SPECIAL BUSINESS K0TICI3. ed Agent of the Provo Mills, to daily receiving: Woolen Goods from tbe Mills, and has now a splendid stock or jrianneis, uiungs, Jeans, uux 4 - j ' QUAVA JELLIED, 8ALAD DRE8SIKG,, ; l' - , ANCHOYY SAUCE, Etc., Etc. WHITE CLOVEll 1IOXEY XJV GZASS WDS,i i i TLAIN AND FANCY. AND ;: ' . DANDRUFF Mret Expectations ssr We invite the Public front City and Country la Removed by the n of Coeealae are always realized when the Buffer to call and inspect our Magnificent Stock 0 Goods, FATAL ACCIDENT NEAR v And stimulates and promotes the r reeks relief bv uslnc: nmim'i LOCJLL 1ND OTHER M1TT1B3. : OF ALL KINDS. JPItJE-SBNT- 8, for hair. TiirhtBalaam, of Cough Coushs. the selected toith KAYSVILLE. view growth HOLIDAY especially BURNETT'S FLAVORING EX nens and Soreness of the ('best, and : each of the following Departments: ' difficult expectoration. For sale by Fancy Full Creani Clieese, How, to Keep Cliritmas. The THOMAS BA.RNETT MEETS HIS DEATH TRACTS are the best. all Druggists In Utah. , Pino Apple Clieese, , holidays are approaching. No man BY BEING BURIED IN A "WELT.,. 1. Special Christmas Department. Bitters, Malthoplonlque, Hop . contentParmesan Cheese, ' who can afford it ahorld be Verba Buena Bitters. We can oon- RED ROCK CANYON, 2. Brocade ha9 and Velvet Information Reliable Satin, Just Silk, i Plush, two Department. Christmas ed with lees tban ., Sap Sago Clieese, ridtntly recommend to the dyspep- SPRINGS AND WEBER COAIi. come to hand that a young man by tic and debilitated. 3. French and Domestic Dress Goods Department. I' The ' only reliable market for Choice Candles, dinners; one for himself and one for 1 . Godbe. Pitts is Co. of Thomas coal. name assorted and the aged Earnett, egg lump, 4. White Goods and Table Linen Department. ', omeboJy else who would otherwise Crackers, Fancy Large stock always on. hand, SPECIAL. SALES. be without a feast. Every citizen 28 years, son of James nnd Mary 'I 5. Flannel and Domestic Department. Prices and full ''"rr-;'- " Cranberries,Made to reduce the large stock of low,-- and weights guaranteed. who Is comfortably situated should Barnett, or IiaysvlIIe Ward, was, to attention given special, 6. Lace Bed Sett and Tidy Department Flour. Curtain, goods on hand, and to renothe wants o the public Offlee, remember his poor neighbor this yesterday afternoon, killed on the winter ' vate the store preparatory t- - receiv suit 7. Table of north Cassimere that Sand and town, ; Bank Deseret Block. by Cloth, Ridge, Syrups, season. Cloaking Department. at will I oiler, ing goods, spring d293 A. i the caving In of a well which he an wholesale and retail, a full line of Gould, Agent 8. ; Ladies' and Children's Dolman and Cloak Department. ;H workwas were Ife " The1 others digging. Overcoats, Business and Dress Suits, Art Bazar. One of the best Special inducement to the holiday "'. 9. Ladies' and Children's Furs, Shawl and Skirt Dept. 45 40 of and between a at or OF a i ats LINE A AND and FULL line Gents' depth general trade. The immense stock of Men's displays of holiday goods ef their ing Ladies 10. and Children Shoe and on -wllLbe thrown In fell Department. Slipper earth when goods, the Furnishing Boots upon feet, T and and . T "CP. V class in this city will be found at C. T7Boy's Clothing, TvT.S the market from time to time, and and to 11. Gents' .. and Gaiter reduced Boot at and him. i. Shoes, prices, greatly Boys' Department. a It. Savage's Art Bazar. He has will positively be sold out regardless close the at FARMER'S 12. Fancy Goods and Ladies' Neckwear Up to 8 o'clock last nighthi3 body of cost. The sale commences on a RTRTCTIiY line, Department, large stock peculiarly adapted for PRICE STORE ONE had not been recovered, notwith full assortment of Men's Boy's and 13. Hosiery, Lace aiid Piassamenterie Department CU" We warrant all our. Goods Ifew and Frcfrli, havJig been pments, of the most valuable beChildren's Hats at prices which will BOO REWARD.' cause the most sensible kind. His standing the strenuous efforts of astonish and Western 'Knit & 14. Ladies' and Missess' Corset Dep't. tpedally selected by our own Agents In the Eastern Uunderwear the natives. First purch- .They cure all diseases of the Sto. ' 10 to to reach him. asers gal ery Is an attractive establish from was IS persons of selec will benefit have Markets..". the 15. Gents' and Boys' Clothing Department. mach, Bowels, Blood, Liiver, N rves. an exemplary young roan tion from the He ment. well worthy of a visit. Read largest stock. and and Kidnev Organs, Urinary 1 7fM nnri tmMb.1 In tltn fnrmriv Gents' and Boys' Hat and Cap Department JU. UOIiDEERO, nia advertisement. $500 will be aid for a case they wtllf 16 J Ward of this No, las ami 167 Main street. city, and leaves a wire -- 17.. .. Gents' and Boys' Furnishing Goods Department. Wasatch Building. puoe or Injurious found in them rr Battered and Jmiied.-- A drunk- - and twosmall children and his aged HooB ttere. Test it. See "Truths" 18. Carpet and uouseTmrnlsmngerarrment to I9nU monrn hls end. untimely a and or."Proverbs" en shoemaker named August John- For in another column. Men's, Roy 19. Blanket and Quilt Department. lAier wenavenowiearueu mar, Children's Flue Hats, go to son, appeared at the police office, much after was 20. the exertion,, body Stock of dents1 Millinery at Wholesale only. last night, with his face battered DUN FORD'S. Inrgeat from extricated at excavation the I lubbers and Arctics at and brufced. He complained that a Go to the Globe Bakery for your DUNFORD'S blind paloon keeper, named Haslett, eleven o'clock last night. Much Confectionery and CAKES, where Each of the above DevartmenU are futtu reareaented in our had thrabe him. Haslett pleads difficulty was experienced in the hey are to be had pure and whole SALVE. ARNICA BVCKI.EXS wnoietaie matter the stock, contained in the Upper Floor and Basement of our continual of in by 4 Xi. ABHOLD. falling some, jgaorance of the matter, intimating in the world for jew mree Story jiricJb Salve Beet The the 12Q labor the Building, 173 feet in depth. T that he had never played blind of sandy earth, making T : Cuts, Bruises, Sores,r, Ulcers, Salt 1 at the os getting body dangerous The case , man's bu ft on Johnson. Fever Bores,-TetteChapKheum, Sale at HATS of Special well as laborious. ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and vWill be heard beforo Justice Pyper. ana xsjti.v xuiAi3' ji&m ana rarues (iutiic Goldberg's, Wasatch Build- all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This Our jor uiiiiiarioAis with East Compete Market, v" . any to is we have a 8recial Stock of and Salve Private) give ings. A guaranteed perfect Violent Assault. A party or money case JJisjracefal Fracas. Iast week satisfaction in every or Added! A eood purgative medicine is one refunded. Price 25 Cents per Box. West, Freight a disgrace: ul fracas occurred in giving the name of Jeff Dodge and a tbe absolute necessities of the age. - -o A Co , Allen For Sale Moore, Reaver between some esldiers and a companion named Dan DcGinley, of by This want has been supplied by Dr. Druggists, Wholesale Agents Salt few of oar joung men, resulting In were drunk last night. The first J. C. Aver & Co., whose celebrated Lake SST" F am pies sent on application and honorable treatment d guaranteed. City. several bring severely injured on named individual was belligerent. Cathartic Pills are known to be the 7 Ou " the sidewalk near Godbt's cor afest, surest and best purgative TiimiDiiigs, -'' FACTS THAT WE ICXQW. 7both eides. The asfaulting party are suffering with a severe If were the Fort Cameron He?, who de ner he pushed a boy about roifghly, medicine ever offered to theInpublic. you ; O j9l33 Xi Z 13 ZZ Z3 Z their rhev are mill tut certain Asthma, Bronchitis, Carefully Selected and Purchased for HOLIDAY, TRADE. manded admission to a dance that Y oung "Ike" Hunter remonstrated effects, and keep the Bystem In good Cough, Cold, loss of voice, tickling Consumption, war being held, and being denied, with him, when he drew a revolver condition. uswosw. In the throat, or any anection or ine raised the row. The city maishai and struck Hunter over the head throat or lungs, we know that Dr. A . through lack of aid, only succeeded with It. more offers New Discovery will give you Jj. Goldberg ; King's in capturing two of the belligerents, Dress Silks, Trimming rJ$ilks, Sarins rah Tor mmediate less relief, we Know or HATS than The police, arrested both Dodge money onhr oue of them being a sol ier. cases has of it hundreds completely me Onibre wona. Southern. Utonian, December lQih. JPlain Colored and and Striped: TlusJUs, Silks, McGinley, and thia morningjtbe any place in y cured, and that where ail ' other former was fined $40 and the latkr medicines had failed. No other Velvets The Kw Speaker Ulack and and Cashmeres, and "atl'ifie Laas manji In for the Winter- - We were $10. They both cl:;im to bail from nnd all other Sneakers nnd Singers, remedy can show one-ha- lf 1 1 -1 1 test JSoveltles , , t W B.5Tg "Ft y Tinsel Goods. 3 ciear ringing voices oy permanent cure. Now to give you pleased to receive a call y from Colorado, but the police are of may have ' " a sure Dr. that Ilromvs Tar . Jroche, King's proof . satisfactory using .' ; Brother Jcseph' A. West,. who has opinion that Dodge hails from the euro for sore throat and hoarseness. New Discovery will cure you of Etc. been engaged surveying on the penitentiary. Both are rough, char For sale by all Druggists in Salt Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Beavers, Cloakings, d & w Consumption, severe Coughs and Lake and Utah. Utah and Western Railroad. The acters. Coats k ; Dolmans, , Ulsters, Colds, Hoarseness, or any Throat par of which he had charge have CATARRH CURED, health and or liung Disease, lr yon win can at A Good Portrait. We have 1 cen ceased operations for the season, and 3iacK Lasnmere JSnawls, i: Allen A Co., wholesale sweet secured Shlloh's breath Moore, llfe-fiz- o by a shown fine very portrait Catarrh Kemeiy. Price 50 cents. agents, you can get a Jrial bottle ' will disband for the winter. In his Wool Shawls, Nubias Hoods, field operations ( Brother West in oil, of the late respected Apostle Nasal Injector free. Sold by Moore, free ofcott, or a iegular size abottle 1 f H v is Orson fresh or from iu the 11.00. Pratt. It Co. Alien s reached a point about four hundred Ijeggings, i miles southwest of this city. He brush ofhis son Lioruv We must For lame Back, Side or Chest use In FARMER'S ONE - PRICE i on arttet 25 the Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price Woolen Gloves; Mitts, STORE you can find the new style will continue his connection with congratulate the young Skatinsr Mits, and a new Instal the company, and in the meantime remarkably rapid progreee he has tents. Sold by Moore Allen & Co. of and Men's Kid SHILOH'S COUGH and Con- - ment of Ladies' be engaged in working up his field made, as exhibited in this lat spetf ' ; JLadlcs, llisscjs,'' Gloves, among which is a Three-butt- on us on a is sold Ckllctapn Cure of cimen like hla cy The handiwork. notes. Tracklaylng on the line is street and in opera Kid, It cures consumption. ASai- sun in progress, about fifteen miles ness Is Btrikingly faithful, one of lis guarantee. -- o001, shades, at 50cts per pair. Co. Sol J Allen Moore, by chief charms the cf retention being being now down. CATTAUII BL1DDKH XJridless r HORRIBLE TOTniSK OF. the thoughtful, Intelligent expres of In "irritation and nlsetesarM Stinging, "IttoandlBC smarting, ,a Too 2Tany Poles. rerhaps it ha sion peculiar to the subject. The tbe urinary passages, diseased dis nrlinl IiItroMI." LADIES' AMD MISSES' CORSETS JM AVOOU. occurred to a good many of our cltt- - portrait Is to be huDg up in Presi The attention of the people of this charges, cured by Buehu?aiba." dent cauea A Taylor's office, to which it was City and county is specially uenn that the spacious streets of our SATEEN, ENGLISH SATEEN, .AND MERINOj Druggists.. Depot, Godbe, Pittso to the number or aeatns reporiea in Co., Salt .Lake city. t taken r are ; overrun and greatly city being ALL COLORS, STYLES, ANDSEES; . the papers from that dreadful disease, disfigured by the erection of a large ON. In fact, this desease CALL AT FAUDEK'S ONE PRICK UoNSCanTi At usual. ihe usual runaway Is reported to be constantly Jncreas Silk Ties and Scarfs, HandkerchlGflf r and rfNecker-chlef- s, number of unsightly poles. In the occurred STORE, at three o'clock this after ine, as...can. be reen. by examining the For your Winter course of time the nuisance will beBoots and Shoes a a and Latest Novelties in Kfeckweakf j J ana au cauBeu Dy no and Rubber Goods, and all are war come so glaring that our city fathers noon. Itrushed east along First mortality list, cold or a couch up slight u for good wear. will be compelled to take cogniz- South Street, thence south down breaking as soon as It appears, which can be ranted FUR TRinnilIGS, SILK AND BUGL Second west on State the then FRINGES, Road, ance of It, and restrain or Hales Honey Special Sale of IT ATS at prohibit South Street to Walkers corner, easily done by using ; article an . iiiiini of Horehotjnd and Tar, further encroachments. It is a JJSTX) 0?JLSSElL3 was discovered by the late Goldberg's, TFasatcu Build matter that needs notice now. What where the wagon collided with tbe which 7 drinking fountain, tearing it com Dr. Hale, a celebrated physician of lag. COAT ORNAMENTS, - makes the Etc. subject more disagree- pletely out of the ground. It also Europe, and u sed In hla private CO for wim years many ably conspicuous than it would other-wis- e struck a great ATpractice ALL O. EI lamp poet, knocking it par success. The present proprietor, do-- The GREENIG be, is the unsightly character Second HOUSE, market was also this Just , required lieving of the poles with which the tlally over. A little boy auch an article, has purchased the house east of City Hall, has been was carried He down. knocked' "I streets are lelng thoroughly renovated and fitted up No- at a larsre outlay, and is now in lined. ."or store. We tame Is into an and first class adjacent drug style ready nrenarine it according to theorigma wwy would be so far lost Furnished Rooms to Rent. h a sense of the beautiful as did not learn the extent of his Inju recipe. And those who Jhave used business. Call and see for Terms, etc-- ' are was his was article It but the thousands) ; (which leg ries, thought o call them ornamental. . Daniel Gbeenio, PLUSH AHD: CnOO GRAIN, of cure all Many for consider it a certain - ; ; . them are, to use a common phrase, broken. Proprietor. Couehs. Colds, Hoarseness. Difficult dl81tf AKD FAriCY BROCADE, as crooked as a dog's hind legend the Breathing, and all aflections of the In POP Burglary. The house of a Swed Throat, Just opened FARMER'S Bronchial Tubes ana Lanss GATIIj AF.D GROG GRAIiJ, proprietors have not even taken the l&h family, on Plum Street, near ULAlt ONE PRICE STORE, an to doki py Consumption, leading trouble to denude them of the rough Commercial Street, was entered all druesiats. Prices 60 cents and endless new line of Ladies' and And all the NEW STYLES and Designsfn TINSELS bark. last night. The thieves $1. Great saving by purchasing Misses Corsets, and all are offered at burglariously size. Pise's Toothacne urops (states" prices. If Is evident that the multiplica entered by getting upon a back large one minute, u deoa & w. cure in tion of telephone and electric light porch by means of a ladder. They fcuens roit SALE. connections will, In course of time, opened a bureau and carried off a The Great Trial as YTaaMBStan x liue Ki vi una. x reucu axtu u necessitate some omer arrange quantity of underclothing. Some of Is of Interest to every cltlssn. Of Bpanisd, alao a lot cf very fine grade ments than those now existing, and the articles taken from the house equar importance to every sufferer Bucks, all of which were Imported yj the earlier the change the lees diffi were found by. the police upon the from Uyrpepsia, is a trial or Jjrowrvt by Jewett & Munson, and will be , OF THE Jrpsin I onia. Try iu For sale by sold at the lowest possible figure. culty will be met with In Inaugurattreet close to the house. (C Z. C. M. I. Institution, Godbe, Pitts Alao. a fine lot of Utah raised erade f of it. i the ing Many poles could be & Co and nacre; Alien & Co., till Bucks, from Crismon & Weder'a i .. a 13 w herd. Arr!r to Aisia Pratt, at placed at the rear of buildings In Ths Opening A large crowd fill- UkXQ. ,, h frm. two mllaa south cf Temt of place la the public thorougharea. ed Dwjer's esLatlUhment last night j Fr.ESil fltID PUHE GOODS C03 SPECIALTY I SHILOH'S VITALIZER la whs cla Block. West Temnla St. d & s In any case when It is necessary to on the occasion Of the grand open you of Lees need for Constipation, place poles 'upon the atrrata they ing. 'The; scene was brilliant, the Appetite, Dizziness and ail eymp- should at least be of respectable ap- display surpassing that of any for toms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and Finest Wines cs Liquors for LIcdicinal Cz Family Use. i i per bottle." Boll by Moore, pearance, mer season.. 'The store has been cents i You-ferp respectfa!! Lwl'A, to Lir;cct ocr Cisci of it Is not desirable that oar city thronged, to day with sight eecrs Allen & Co. tHAt rWs-fei'il-iprCtrn.-1!?l4or ccuan wnooinra croup, should be given the appearance of a and purchasers, and will be likely to iv, fiJ"J W ere. I'll Keineoly M.. and Bronchitis imsaediatsly relieved I .JLlw-CIX Iivjprpool dock, by an elaborate dis continue crowded throughout . the be Shlloh's Cure. KllXtW ft S0I4 byMpore, 6.i ra. CC ITTT3 & CO. r , is3 Lake Cl-'- UUiS. ;. play of masts, minus the banting. IkhhoSdaye. , r, wxin at vjo. ..... . r i ' ,,t . ' r , a in for T , " " ! . : : "?-- - v-' . Bucl7licat ,' ' . ASiS BREAKFAST B ACOTJ & TQTn '. , I . 1 aMe EmnoriuiTi! : 1 . - JlaJLJDT - PRICE S j ". DOM ESTIC and FOREIGN , mi Dry Eoois, Notions . 1 - B T 1QQ4, ; Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All! tSu in 1- F to-da- - : v c , and . and . n u ins Fascinators, ;Ec. orifaa mm . to-da- y. Jackets, and till oiion, asumcrc, tunc ana Xiosicry, an Variety. GOODS us a. DAILY A -- - r OOTIDS FROGS; -- : . RIBBOIS! ty . 1 1 j OuiSR2. ! . GOD3E, PITTS, - & CO., - 1 9n Compllnient rail ; . RIBBdif Si Mil r C2 1 " Bit m. 9 d. - -- .i, j, J i ' i 1 1 , , t Ii dLi'yl'liliylld mum |