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Show TJ T H "a. 7. I T 4 SJ S.OC 8.30 " S.45 Ar ESP J - - g a- "- - 8.48 T " Ar .40 3 I 4 a 3 j ft 2 23 at -- - T.30 oo ' " l o o jS7 4 ISO' " 1.43 9 45 S 63 49 W 14 MX. 14 ar tl 271 1S6 35 1S4 3 ...,8U Lee.. n.70 841 237 ....Qermatil 12.65 2H .... WBUCUOU 4 53 I4SS JOt pn " f 4A . . 7.24 " 7 00 " rBBICHT. Ar 10 00 am Ar d m pm 9 ST Hjk 4 4.25 3 16 w " 4 00 9.19 4 04 " " 8 40 "9 sal 14.S5 0.30 ' il lStl-13 M . ' ,4- v " 8.M) 9 li " t.70 '.(Vj.SMdjr.. 180 330 a? U1.19 4 SPf) 90 .s.rvDrmper are " 9.00 " "1 38 65 1ll0 j " 1.40 " 11.35 " 8.19 t .5ti40" ...ijebLrsi... 11.18 44 71 " 1.25 " 11.20 8.(17 " .Amerieaa Fork. 8.fi 1!. " . f leaMtii Grov. 1105 - ax.. f 7 ".7 56 " " 1.10 Ar 1 12 mJ 12.20 ' Lvit.ts 19S' Ar C . . . ..Ptoto. ..... 1010 11 45411 L 1 11 40pai " 4Jn 6S ArC f7 " 4.44 ' 4 tl M .8Trtwre. 10 SO r 1st" 11.00 . " 83 66l 4.5 Hit S 00 " LO. FlTMI J. 0 " io.oo Ar " e ra 9.25 17?, Arf 9 0 -- 8.4S " - i.sa " Lr 46 " SCO 6.07 6 4ii) 100 Mon...A. ' B.07 1.13 " 6 03 4.2 " Ktr6.29 8.15 Nepht Ar 5 T.oa 1SS 4.SO " Ar 7 7.40 " Jnb 1 1 Pi , I iff !,. mix tix " 1H 8 S05l ! - ii9 40 " "11.46 " tr. 8 . 1 .:. it Ar 8.&1 " No. 1. 1, 8 and 4, raaacDcer TraUa, wlIT r r-- r-- .! Letnmineton .. DeMret.-- . r.-- . 139 l s 10 i.lu S 9) - a5 67 39 17 ftr--i SSi 1 5 4 im " " " " 8.5T 8. A Car4Ma4 6.46 8.00 " 8 10 n B4Mpli 6 Ksrjrmb Kanab, Not. 17, 188 and upward,ana;we wrJ hsh wiii.accom- - A-j- Xct-d4- ju liour-arritVi- and-whe- n , L I g . a m. .i , mvm pm " 10" r f 6.16 v 4 ft) " 7M e ... ' JV"' Y HHeT. which . d, caui gor into: any um at ju-- u joa convenience for yourselves and your deceased relatives "and' friends. In this your j 6y Should be greatly in creased, as the- Joy. Of "the departed for whom you- ad minister certainly IaJ'j f'r'f.u'i.iT eI that an over Iiet us bear In mind s a fitruling Providence-determineness of things for os all.' ' , We are sensible of the act, that you have occupied in this place a most important outpost as a piaue of outfit for our general emigration that, has gone south to Arizona, and for other purposes, such as forwarding messages to points south of you which required to be delivered In 0 'f'a -- 1 - 8. 4, 6, 8. 7 Ka-tra- i. rill be Ran Daily. Sunday spread With' everything that man ougnt to ae&ire nere Deiow edibles, at which were bywayef seats i the rood reonle of Kanab. And croeswavw at the 'head oC'tha ball, on the alIKhlIy evat4dplat forltr uauaJly xxrupled by jthje ptand, was one taoie set apart for, went . lont; JabJea, Xzceptaxh 30HN SHARP. - - v' haste:' ;f"?!-- .... i.j:.,x, II - t-- ;.- - - .j- w A J b3 ? i ,:C tt' ' t'f.n a - , q U . . , U I. .. W '.' u:jr'.t here en that ; ' I would say also, you who come joy blessings which-we,now ana men to visit you, can perhaps more distinctly'! observe than you who live here. Your Joys are those purer andmore Unsullied than of many of jrour northern brethren-Yo- n are blessed In being able to keep away many kinds or vlce,lmmerality . . 3 a ' I a. "Li and suffering Which' "We in some are of afflicted with the north parts etertnt CnWP TASIirjTr HAHOa err, Tliifl Range the finest flnisbed and mort a a . . t Your are enabled to kep your gates ;ffeied WIU anjr to th TpubUc. consuming aud adwutagea Closed against the abominations of pcttUr; it eobblne aH tlie oonvouie-io- e iUnge ooating Fifty per b, .... . . w , , civilization, so called, which are be Ing- brought-idamong us by: the-. our daughrailroads. Oureons-anters are asailed on every hand by - ... 1 40 Lake Street, CHICAGO 88, alliirements to drunkenness and da eod tw . a sis and then loving crime, Now ter! an .affectionate daughter, is de coyed' away and caught 'lt the meahes of sin, and mitery and dis tress and ruin- are brought upon her and raortincation, upon Per raniuy. Yon, my brethren1 nd si9ters, nrefree fromi?uch almost entirely - .1- ' Ji tJk 3 ,. . afBiclion, anu it is a messing upon- wnicn value pf a temporal character cannot " -- I pi . Do "1rju n-- , ( - M -- d f': i . ..!. rvym. ill tMN,tMK,TT. : 1 " A St. A W; Ranrre i " E RIV1 rr-i.-- i character This part of the programme bavm 'i ntAN ci 3 cor. V. e been performed. Bishop John- in 16H4 Oea'l Frl and Pa. A tt Qenl Snpfrlntrident, . AM I Gen son, m a few well cnosen remains, greeted Prest. Nattall on behalf of the people, and assured him that his 'iOtiP 'irr presence on the present occasion, in connection with that sof President ' ami party, waff all that could & o ray lor ana party, iu . pj erace eald Taylor bef wished for, bringing as it 'did All beinir neate 1 and to the bej.ut. ; iuI Ua:1 and - - gladness the merry din of kn!vea abdLfeirka; Joy 13 Kind assoThere Is 'another feature which 1 the rattling .of r.Iates, etc. tom- - hearts of all to again fee p.eqced. An? ,nat rallowedrlea,Te ciates .with him after so long an ab- - will venture i to? mention; It has to, the Ipwurln'atloh pf ypur readers, sehce from their mid3(; and, also,' touched my feelings while journeyoililino. nnlv Tof ffila'ratthMiner. timt. although absent, lie bad not ing through the settlements of the been forgotten, he having endeared Sain (8. ft is the spontaneous feelor sorrie ?otr pertKms-'ran- . oonsiniDp: Ifci me csaints ing cf respect, of. kindness and re mmseu to tna near is to theneareet spirtt andfeelinrr of the Lord's vineyard. gard that .has been manifested ! by that oLone family around the festive in! this pari lor board, that it has been my pleasure during his residence and minlstra- - the people towards Fresltfent-lia- y - udna among tnem. And it aiiorded and his brethren while visiting, and 10 wjraesw TZf ? lid : !XTINXJOU3 to WCl- - administering among them. - i fioiTTRt The. tables bavins: been cleared him, the greatest pleasure NO CHANQBOFOARSIt , odme Brother 'KuttalJ - back again, This indicates that tbe Jove of the nd. removed Bishop )NE KOAD, ONE MAJTAQEJfEirf fit Saints is "increasing;' and that the Jr.t addressing h rraself tcTresiden t uiouga ins buy was u ue Biiort. .,- ; IiTJ. Nuttall t President of the gospel, even the Holy .'. . 1". ivl responded, fiiA spirit the prorJe: aykjr.aeaid.tnat. once more hia at which comes or iaithiumess Joy on tna.t tneyuva jeipressing H.atiatvreaiiing to 1 1 la word, ia abounding among you the faces of bis friends at Spirit tttsi ttaak ir.rv fmntlcrn. akx tar treak:' . occupy one of th .caTroBt settle-- . Dome, and eepec iauy under the fa and the Saints generally. "May God bless you with contented rnents or anq tnat censequentr vorable and pleasant; circumstances whlql bad br6ught them together. hearts, that your souls may be satis- ;they were oenrlved or the associa The i Balti Pittsburg, Harrisburg, ilon and presence of "their rrethren, speaker then that bed the as- fled with His got dness. And that for the good, kind feeling peace may flow unto you and plenty the preBiding Priesthood, felt that semblage more, washlnaton, Phlla- towards him personally, abound in your midst. manifested I humbly an so could not favorable let they name of Jesus. ' and which, he said, had been shown pfy deiphia. and Novv York.- his ministrauons in the tieuce tney uau coopersie.i neart i him during A short speech from Bro. Geo. F. Jiut Gibbs, and hand In retting. up this, eocui Ktake over which he nresided. "and Good Night" by the . to find that i mtextaimnent. which he hened Pre he felt morethanhful. to a close an enter choir, brought so thev had thoughtfully improved ioent .Taylor andl' hla party would tainment-lon- g to be .remembered 1 Me? V fct t Vota un i6 a this' f ty pptr esteem as and a take their mark of .nil. who particiwith by pleasure Via New York Oty, Apostles respect f'r himself and themselves hoUor .td fte'SWenlTayloi;, . to ? it, .;,.G. F...G., pated and Richards the W0odrffahd Rcacheallr Points in PcnasilTiaia personally, and of their appreciation nall. tit whicli he himself was a CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. or iwtir prr1rjeslrjt-Tjiernwnimemfer,,This.w8.s a flUihg mark of , i Ilr. Charles Townsend, of Sedalls, was a pleasure they had long lookei , , , WXXECTCiG LOK BETWEEN THE EAST & TIIE WEST ! I , .....anclVNev, Jersey. IS THE GHEAT thrilplirecI--tion.o- f the presence o M6.. had rheumatism of the worst for The'fclshoiV only. occelbn .HnincOitt for.' Onthcr Council Cbicatto to entingpurpojwa theitd6k rune trctn line main Iu God La Salle, crat feature of our alace Cars U a of In ntawa, o ;thdr7midt kind. A nea trip was a failure as to that they had It i.i.rJ? iu.rmwn wt LsALOt)N where toh c&u enjuy your "Uauu" il AH PALACE C&RS m tbank hte people JlL.rl?,i!rij.ij ttt nit hmininf the dftr I hari BrookifA. UnnneiL TnM (Itr MiNmiio. to- do Honor to the a'ntl'tne.'is'irfellemt feel in ir' Pervadiricr nearu tneir his' health, and he was the i? Ion), fiiuart. Atltui- Iron Ureses Macmiacent Mlsi.aslppl fpnn On aU EXPRESS TRAIXS. all presenti' teetifled to renewing iji this fh'eeorrf e from Bureau nnd Miaaoori riersat ail points eroded by ul visiting brethren, whom he loved tb to die. An vh and Aroca : vlth branch home going BluC.. UoaTiol nre at avoided i. aoMuaoa-:intransfer and of line, motive which JarHrtkm the Wllto ' uncUonM jgenuiuencfB Porii T"atrae of their lODg and devoted use of advised of Kansas City, Lea?eDor:h, and Atchison, Great Britain the Kairtield. OABS W as bin toa. Belknap, HAQiriFIGEHT felt assured he that -- n to the cause of God ppon beiriij trade inK.UniontO.NNfcTTON3 Trwnton. GaHatln. Canie-rr- ti faithfulness oelobratsxT WestlnfhOv J'k.tlle. FTlnoe'jOn. Jacobs-I tba ol Ipfs. .tlth the with result luipperl OF St Oil, It. FfUNCIPAL. ' TUB ' Kaiwaa end accented suell. Jity; it as LaTenwortU Atchlaorv j Ur brakes aud JsnDey" the a hi ahd he thanked them and his brethren xurouuh ixnm aue as , two days.. ;) a him in ... W lahiimton ao Sicnroey. Oskal'fjea. and Knox-Ml- it THid (;hat curing "Th5 : theA' FOJAOVrS deferred briefly fYorh'flre1 Telt id WeethetrJ flakes" labor ,i reeeafeti j Keokua to tkraaintov Bonaparte, At CnicAao, with all dirergtas lines tat tiie i and Coupler. i jrt. Independent, fcldon. Otturawa. aniong '. the r 77.rr..r .) . .of. 1 Is heart for their own faithful td;.. lila- . past East and Monroe, and IX Moiueit; Uakal'm. Pella, Pii. E mile woo n, with the I S.. & M. &, and At and isainta Indlanola to Moinr'a Dee itanau to Monroe: W' and the willingness they had stakp of zien utn Houses. oess, Atlantic to Lewia end Audubon; and Ft. W. AC. R. Kds. Wtmaraet: and the pleasure they 'had afforded Having JSoiigJit Out Mr. C & St. Eleganjb aver manifested .toustaJn-hjxand to Harlan. Thia to poaitlvelya the only La AtR VV A8H1.NO TON BKIOBTS. With throucn Ka 'iKd. wbtcb owna, and operates lo assisf ttitn in 'Jils - labor amomr him; ana said that although he hnd l '"" "'" Ji08ttclc7c, At La SiLLt. with 111. Cent. R- R. :'Vr au- - xrom Cbtcaeo Into the State of Karraa. been called away for a time to other At Pxori a, with P. P. & W.i H.U4E.LR4 VLwmnh Expreae lBaenKer Train, with Rds. Mid.; and T. P. A Can attar bed, are run each way rtalljr W.s HI. heart, hia hopes-anIn behalf of the people of Kanat quarters, hiswere At Kock IsUAND, with Milwaukee A Rook and Peoria, Kansas City. en Chicago Island Short Line," and Rock lsl'.l A Peo. Rds. q and Atchi-mjwnu Ihoeo whom hia prayers Liatikworth BLcrrs, for he President thanked the DlTlsiO'i Mllwau-JuTaylor the with ? At Davenport can arealaornn between Davenport, Thmagb . Leare CIIJCAQO aa follow: to had learned he. M. A St. P. R. R. anct K ansae Otf, Tia the "Milwaukee and C ldye and tespect , ; himself and presence of, j?ar,ty "-At West Liberty, with the B., C. K. KA N. It. R. as members of j Late; of Wolverhampton, England, has laland 6oort true for thefr worthi ' Easi ne anti ' 0rt o yyi At UIUNNELL, sUh Cwilnl Ius k.R. K. meir.midsr; ,.ananopea,tnat Uora laMod' Is a(mt9cently ib 8 (rM of J C9U8 Chris t of Latter-d- a t "plcomre in inbrmn(r his numerous Chufch the At Dr Moines, wlthl. M. A F. D.Pncitlc bed a simply perfect. and its feel 'o the1 Would Inroad equipped. good Accept they R.U. tJnion with I At Council. Bluffs.' XTith the popular tostQail Sleeptna Car. Iruca la l a la wiia auri rmira. Saints. He Congratulated the '. fi lends and the pubilo jeaeraHy, ' tries .of. their heart?!," Vhich" had Omaha, with B. A Mo. R. R. K. in ftt.) At What will aieaae too saoot will be the pleeanre "N. : Heachee Pit tabors; AtCoi.nMBrsJUKCTloN.with BC. R. A On the success, that had at- IlarrlebuT; IF tee that be haa iSiam.; of enjoylnB ytur rwaK while ptng orer people socln thfe the bf proyldinst At orrrMWA. with ACentral lowalUU.. W of lL.45a.ni.; Philadelphia 400 pm.; New Tori prompted ul prairie ftf Illinois and Iowa, in one aM labors temporally dur-3njrautil tended their C. r.ds. A b. Q. it. Et. L. Pac and woeM God iff 6.43 p.ra.; Boston 6.15 a.m.: Baltimore and that p. ble, heffvh, our anaambcent Dining ( wra teat awooinpana At Keokuk, with ToL, Pc A War.: Walx. ' 1 hroug b Express Trains. Von set an enure the past season, and on the gen- OPENED CUSITJESS tu.; washinrtou flOK) klAo acrfpt vf thptettggdile efforts in dajk. R. RJs. a to ssrred in any Uoiel, Louis A Pac. and St' L.., Keo. meal, as oa as cvnts. R. R. St. II. J. with At P Cameron, . Atlstntle e 01 eral trood health 'ufbveif bv."tliefn to servants Mia Ioraei-iy-llhonor Fxpress, doingA Se Santa Atcti.. witli At l'opeka of the and prayed for a continuance of the Appreciating the fact that a majority earth- . AU h. A Neb. and Cen. Br. 17. P. H. Rds. f r"v apartments tor different neople prefer separate TTfOt DmtAij Aiont md BoCal Cor, - President At LliviNWUHlH, with Kan. Pac and Kav. busineas ana nopea tnat No . I278r Kimball Block, purpose (and tho immensewepassenser Taylor HHme uiesBings, Ceut. U. Rds. are pleased to anof this line warranting It), Plttsburr lilJ p.m.; Harrtoburt "Inreepdnse, faiihiul- their continued through arose At Kansas citt, with all llnea for the M c4 Fpaobes said and E0DTH STREET. nounce that tbis Coacipany tubs fMilma Falac 10.55 n.m.: : Philadelphia 85 a.m.t New York "Would Hurtnml Can lor siespin Burpeses. and falaci and Southwaet. 1 merit the neftl, always behalf: 6.46 of In a. Car they PhiladelDhla siecial in.: Sleerjtnr and; myself partyj MO" AE3 to 1)F thronrh PEOKIA, CABS on this train, whioh- rcnaini in depot until win eay tnat we reel to appreciaW rich approbation of heaven, and the He la prepared to supply all trade of eue-V OK IVi. pri.I.MAK P.IACI 1 s v u a u rirv. ATrHlsilf. and LKA V E affording- Philadelphia Paasencer w y 7.30 t. of God who ' , - lomera with ererr kind of jkowm,-- ' kanwa as u "rra " awKiaau UIi.LIm. tI Tickets 'ne sentiments expressea by your good towill of the servants a full reat. , law ldhcq ' all xieaa.. Anau xot i '' had them. visit ana , svt o ticket addrtwe, also kind home and the ototaauvble gen y aisnop, rw lafsnaatlw Remarks by those of' the party TIHCOPPEB: IRDH & ZING erous feeling Snanifef-teK. GST. .XV 111. byjrou hi I ;fwuu JOHN, A IUMBALL, cep NnndS7, and Faagt At, l Tkt. bup4UTtOdt. an uu ',uA Bwaw nut) I next jii i ira p. I enter tuch excellen setting up Xratrfnff i&wrw Slecvina Car s. p.m-- j narrisburr 3.50 alnment Ih bur honor. And l(dsl order:';5 Beackos Pitttburf; 'The W, a.m.: lbiltlrnfire 7.43 a.m.: Washlnrtcn 80S time following by Apostle that the fe.roaj! ipenfl tdge ;u v:....v,v?t m.: Phlladelrhia 8.00 a.m.1 New York. JOSS a. pleasant, igreeabltxaojl Woodruff: PS Ari kind of REPAIRING XT- - tr'. JrO- - JrO- - . i in.; Boston 8.40 pm. Through Baltimore and ther to ay be Quick and " It 'ls with sisbrethren and joy, profitable to all. well and promptly. done waahinxton Sieepmc car ou tnia one. And while it is a pleasure for yon ters, that we meet you; it is with Permanently NOTICR TRAlKt PUftTHKli We AS Our LOW hearts that AS n ALWAYS FARE to is alsb foy greet :you.r UNTJt. leava anl arrive at Ogden dail), tt greet and welcome us, it OF STOVES "St of the SOT DrUMon'tAstliBiARemsdy ANY 0THEB LINE. pleasure for us to meet with you, are' knit' together in the bonds ' Is aneqaaled as a positive Jesus cf at? we do .that you are our everlasting covenant; AlteratiTe and Care for . i Throurh Ticket for aale at all PriwrfpaT realising Is bur friendr Nazareth He hot only The Trade Supplied wit la Warea DaJjy.... .................. .. 6.10 of some I friends, may whom, say, Yia Taints in the Wpct. Ask for them ' death and hell: iulil I Jiave known for 40 Mixed pm. holds' the of nt LOTVEST" KATES t keys and upand all their atten.lant eviia. It w not merely years gnd f K53YLVAMIA relit ht ...... L. ........ r? )ATXS umnnnrv riir. hilt Ilk tTBianent CUr. but he holds the keys of life and sal- - .lhl ' ' Is this It And ianie . wards.,' ; i . feeling ; OBDTTR9 us ' Mrs. B. F. Lee, ef Belroore, O.. sjfs of If. "I11am BY Aftitmr. FOLICTTED. MAIL Ana,Arenti ' : manJleated toward - us Jthis f.and Ticket tionV He haa power to limi t the p.tV" it of yor rwxrfy. at tK tprrttv tgerU 6.15 p,m. smrprtrdSMcfiriJM d 277 A aw y General Passant evening vs a Box ii2. Kxpresa ......r:t. r Aa Aas twn(f any tAm a-. 4ix CHIOAOa v ot LiUcifer bounds' 6.40 the con of the r Miac4. me rand nov that has pay p.m. alt steep J prompted cowsaad adswtsrtoi(cwv. 9 In does not rin,' rreKbt.v-.:,..- .i ni&U viOtout couffkxac." If year dru brethren to come ana visit yoa.' And morning who . 14 our eKTJy,- who is te keep to, send fue treat! andK. 'of God and Ills cause on WANTED! MEN OF oonnfJcUona mada at Osrden vitB Coni the enemy in Caily '4K, II. 6. TEt K A York. doing thiswvr areumiyerforrii earth. 1 ABILITY, r al Vaciiic K. R., wlththe Utah & tJortherii 853 iirsvaMtway, Aew Z.en 'is growinlr. r Zion Is our did. in our way,as you ing duty, tvl'.way, or polnta In Northern Utah, Idaho XT. & X3 i Zion as Tt if O yT'ATvr in your way, In obeying the counst arising."-preparing Jjerself j0 Moutana. and with Utah Central road for Universal of. ft Lake City and all pain la In Southerns me me ana uriue Knowledge. Alamos Dictionary called wne, wlien brethren of your they btah. does not feel disposed to yield to the axnta a upon you to come and settle nere. At Oreen Hirer with stasree for 8woetwate CompUUm CycUypvedU of Every Jtry which many of the t hough ' yoke trirjca. FRENCH was desire of President: vtlie. Wanta. ,It tt is our amontr the ahd' Cheyenne with the Colorado Division Unprincipled n.t This Mast i tbe Useful and eomtnet Lrra- deelrf , tnd also the Voung, the Cnkn Paciflo for Denver. Lcadvllle, Ct--i would seek to place upon her aAKT ACHIIYlJtENT OT THE AGK. It bag DO gentiles LANGUAGES to desire of brethrenV mini Black Jee that Hawk, and all dtice, my tral, w want competent SolioitOra. Tiiere is a spirit m man,(says JoL) i oin oavps and pleasure reeorts in Colorado. C o Peddlen need apply. Cib uiaj-S- , Kxiug Zion la established upon a correct :and Taught accord injr to the most approved of a with lino the of At the eupeib Skiney dally inspiration Almightv rLiL. ouetuiutJon, sent on application, r aBtem, by basis; and that everything havio cord CxMcbes for Dead wood and other pot .ir CHAMBERS, Ga' for Jts object the ' welfare and happi- gieth it understanding.' The reve St. Louis, Ma H. j hi the Black lin'A. Chioajro, XU. lations of the Almighty to Jeph J. H. HEMAN, TeaclierrJ Atcipataawitntvnicajtroana NortbweetenL i should be entered ness of tJtje Saint .1261 lm rao iA Chiearo, Uack Into " And If bepabple who hav thePropbet, bear record to the fact, First SouJh Street, d JI' liur.u:rtoa andjatnd.nd a' Ouincy, ww ou kuav "Wim juweii, been selected from time to time t River In Nebraska, Kanoaa City, bi CprxmU OswtiarUat JJoUl, Sail Xak Cill Joe and x am eringeiuer before far-of- l tVtjnci) rTisTartaJI roads 9- -axd Maaou-- r: J3ni neaveniy . we, camel tn settle these pJaces.can 1? w F&st 3 of line u wen ftlver' uere. t nere in patata Ktots. -iiagcr-tiweiiier TrteaW Lae-nto lis in their obedience hearts go It artl Tutlt. "'safe-- -' i'lnas !, vaoce tlie, flesh during this probation: and of counsel IianH those to east all at for Ttckets LeaaoosTLi pale point tQ,ihe presidrnt fS.00. ad CUm of 3Q .bears' witness to our In the Ftobate Court in and for Co., Salt La over them, I think that we should the flame spirit hr Hiwn of McCcBTOlck luUlrood w C' tT. aiso at Tlckt that vexilns;, frora spirits except Salt Lake County, Territory together Bundaj, tar Frwry rind it In our hearts to come and when we . shallshall dwell Offloe in Ojrdon, at which ofiice bertha , ... to hence Eevo-- till Nine ColocA. the pass for those visit should can ear Jbeeeored. tleeainr them; feelings of Utah. other Bide of the vail; and that also be reciprocal. . FOB flALC. . would .say in , behalt .of my in the morning or tbe resurrection IN THTJ MATTES OF THE ESTATE OT Omaha. Genoral Ticket we, who tsbalK be fbuftd faithful in rTtskiun Nrrra HAEBI6.T P. BROWN, DECEASED books at . , C n CIARIC, Oeul Superintendent. brethren, and also Of others who are alt Sttjd-rnts"Will come forth out of tbe Ihlngsj uFriqa. hot at here the North-VVestethat present time, .to vssoclate together for ever TDURSUANT TO AN CRDKR OP SAID Chicago & we have traveled quite extensively grave our immortal bodies. - - - f 1 Court In eald matter, notice is hereby:': in f ' of late, visiting the settlements of that Paturday tbe Srdday of DccernVe a high destiny, as a peo- - riven . have t8 the Oldesd Bf at .Contructidl. Pest .Equip the' Saints.' ;Ylea we shall have oer, a. u. 1881, at 10 . nt eald at the PERFSOTIOn BA!Una7ROVDER-- r Zion 4 to is be PdJ ud benoe the not moved out oi County Court House in Bait Lakeday, City, bite Ele. filled of all the the jipolntments been eald Court tbe tlmeanir We res pec ifally call the attention of the Pubilo tPtbe ftfOuwIm analyeiae but God 'will plead with riaoe appointed by LEADJ.MC RAIIIXVAY present tour, we shall have vi&IttH her place; bearing or a petti km of William and :He will break Brown,torpraying' . . Chkxtro, Ao 8, 1680. Laboratory of the HeeJta one.", Departmant, strong u a that certain document settlements all the it f OSCAU DK'wpLFa vOjninwkJtieT of lleait prominent 1 r weapon formed against hr. j therewith Hied, purporting' to be the la.t will WEST AilO KflfrrHMSTESTr ' Utah, besides going into Idah, every Dear Fir : I hare made a very careful and tlabonrte ctiemleat araiywa of twenty') testament P. of Harriet Rrown.decaerf. I rejoice to meet with. :you, and I and bare tP It la the Fhort, Sore and Sal Route bet wee: passing through a part of Wyoming. feel be admitted to probate, and that iottors of adaarepteawf baklne po derarectTed fronvtbe bandji cj Mr. klertl, your ckirk, and to appreciate the sentiments --" I LT1 Jo ministration Also tbe with will corner rrsjcrtoreprUjeforiowtoa tahle of annexed ahd t'e isuo to tf taking jk Jit COUNCIL" J3 LUFFS' expressed by yotir Bishop, petitioner, at which time and placo all per-! Arizona. AITD Botabto Ash. Insoluble Aah. Total Aah, I feel to say, God bless him, and Btt interested may appear ana oppose the Our railroad officials have' been and or a wiii. . t prooate a made to has him he the blessing CHICAGO, HILVAUKEE' very kind in offering us the use pf 88.04V 'Dated Salt Lake City, November Zlat, lSfL o. f o tv of Kanab. The miles many people v t 8H.H f: their road on our travels south, and of fence and other evidences we IV nOCKHOLA , And alt rioinra Past, eneh an see, LvutJ 84 ; , Probate Court, Salt Lake Clerk of rnora Fall, New rtf-k- , FhQaMpiHd, ROTAL, their courtesies we. might bespeak-nnio' through among the people to .ditd County, Utah. WaOipMon, Baltimore, PitltlrurgK, havegona wto Milfcrtf as well as to temporal things', . ' A known and areiirneti quantity of baklna;, powder" waa irxd Derated hi a rllver cruclb s Tan ifn, 7MroCXT ClertUrtd. and the iinfre.!i fpirit to U ocr e felt At until rnly a riv.reiJurl )ft. This to bi total os.. It waa efuUy jmtovd to (rift 1 duty go Jnsb; but niuffji t tl Rthe Cfitrftrr itmxtU by your. BishopBOttlemenls of In his by y on. andtowai and thrf'tr. P. "thC aced oro b jirtKbtoricacSii: wly- d througti ad depart ja ri ds you, ltexpression aame taw t at feM and the rrom, arrive been relied (.J4d oM.aial Ut hhdid ri'M)iu&'4 a)4 Union the Saints; and therefore left the eoiyud hi bat nretrlrtrum jolot of the Uhe union H. I Y. ri ' , I UM. U. PAlUSa 4Cenjj8t of th f V , ;l ' the honor to Ilr, youra apeak spiritual Jly, J0? to railroad at Juab, ' .visit them in Saints of this place.- I feel in At Cwg&ko, cYm rjcmnecfjons are made . ' t FLORIST, t BLOCKS NORTH Health Department. my OP.ofDUE, their own homes, as It was not too heart to Valley Home, pteaervea perfect all Michigan Central, fbore, - We hare alwara clalmecl that the Perfrctim la the hljbt rrade of baking powdor tha with the& Lake bless Uod and or atcna say, you, loose or made tip Natural Oh., SFt. Wayne) and PennsTrVtoila, much the railroad as the people that "ean be prpduoed from crettm tarter and sola. ' lU?srctfully, vruw-in every righteous un- etc. iv.in., and Chimiro ft Grand Trunk iCya, and j, the we wanted to ixnquen, no. nnni see, W were desir- prosper you in-tbA SPRAGCES, WaBXER . (JKISWOLD, CTIIQAOa LiCankakee and Pan Handle Coutee. of Preeerred varietyour name of. Jesus, r lower irrent un hand, own work. Sample ous to associate with them, to talk dertaking,i . e of I'ieaie tm&m ?ukzimvizz cocsi cues with theca, aud feel after their, Atqtn. five u a call and look fur yourselrc. AU i And these Rich. WrtaU-9riorai uecorauona made to Order, auch a Arsrroteo all through traraa of this road. . f " " J '';:. lY,4Y'W spirit fis'well as to glrfrthem the ards:- - i mby, . Apostle FJ), , Hand, Table and Buttonhole Bou. yj S 5 "yjSsrTT'O' , between It Is (he Only to feel after ours. And also,' Cros-- , Anchors, etc House, qeti; is CJTJf CIu BLUFFS end C III C AGO opportunity since dear. friends: it My and Basket Planie, In great varlptj Deddln? my besides has afforded the it pleasure tow pricoa, tST" Call and give to with. travel President at Upeo which is run Uaa oeVebratecf v " me in a trial. meeting with and adminis- privilegeand to come to visit you, I FILLE1IB BBTEL 011)16 GIBS tering among the Saints of God, I Taylor, feel great pleasure in doing so, and have been much pleased in looking to Tte-twith the comA tents seFfing you t ket receive, Trs t trpa upon th wild and. grand scenery ria - re.i. i who re this evening, AyefsCath-iitioPilLyour ticketk, aM .present pany that everywhere meets the eye I as your t tf they Ao not re4 ever tiw Chic-s and congratukindjy etjugs m we travel through this land of Dixie. lations. Railway. ' e i gf , tho . Tcr all Ma Purposes of a Faxally wu ir. J t " ErTABJLlS:iEI tran junw rThe rugged and lofty mountains by deiwlil b4S7 rr V.-ir- Axioimo, tour This has thsr by president Taylor are " ttijy whiclyduj huLs. 'surrounded, and it ; tni. srf-ufor home time to make, to, see 'which oocuiT wmncH of this siredbrethren TV-and sisters of th.s part "iyj-- : ,V: tbe A3 TArt A rBf CURINC by tJe &a. southern country, in their magnift of. the -- f Co tivcneUrJ oitndjcc, ; And i while vre Territory. Aaaaal Fr44loetlH pejit prppbrUocs, with thelf turrets are with you, we enter into lyour and towers, their terraces land fretever (ton, Dvmxtary, Foul feelings, and the circumstances ata etc.. exhibit and work, grandeur Stomach and Brith . s, tendant li your upon position 4o,ooo,oca sublimity unsurpassed by the art of here.. rWe realize that tome of v ' llcadatM, Eryttpt. man. Andtnese stupendous masses, f, i PCm, to bu, been called , yoq hayo even in ineir cocay-- ena ruin, pre leave ErvrtSont and homes and afortafcle; m nature "J -ii most sent in her 'Tl picturesque pleasant associations to come and Skin EimmMnEtJ CO Liver Cam- make homes in this less inviting do not know 'but that Iowo you region. I r end ?tft olaint, IxJwrm, i Drrtfm,TettMr,Tmmor . j ! ' LIGHTniriG CUI1E C AVA9 a f n3-V- I Isbmer PtU, ? an apoiogy-roGrmt, NsroiT-a- , from , , Some of you. may "feel that in do snt pwrlftfinQ taaingaway Via Miaeti, are tbe moat ennre-ntyou your President. Brother Knti ing so. you' had to make ' great sacriEsrstesssft5F cf tia perfected. Their errct eurruire yetfeow 4XTir)Baerwle-e- d to tk tall, tni tf?!?!t l.rmlong a time. fices, and that you do not enjoy so abandantiy much they eioel aO iew are aafe li.-t- stiser to Bat I needied the-- ' bett help I could Ibey as comforts the cf Jife cf you uii btrt powerful to cvr. 1MIseypleeeant out miny if you were purr J! get; and if we had to thus rob ton. naiht s X. v . living In the mere the fxi! kfimor ef tbe blood; theytf-ire4 oreo aiurrfcie or ai.lon; riIOr.?4JT7. TJSSTItT TO ITS WOW-- f you must content yourselves in. the norther portion of theTeirittry. th fact that he is where he is needed, Still,5 my-- - brethren, If that be tbe and they iwrart hea.-- and twci to turn win. DBitrvT, rowxnst cvnTiris iMt tbe beior. etire only wry tar I i 3 f f f f 1 helping rs to bear oft, the burden of esse I would have yoa not cnmjnd-fu- l omh---srri--- 'r. t f an 4 t Ii4 i f I ff J nor I 4 I.- J p re?ponBii4iity th5.ts2t?pnsi8l aau f Ibe Tact ' that while you inay dao?ertM 51?. wuuisiAi a l t .r - st eilt. tt rr cf e.re LlGUTNUtd UyS and teVa n$ if feel tihome TacrVlod, kxtf: 1.3 deprived cf some of the tcmpbr&l- - tDOkt twes, i.'.ewrtamwl, or-- ' uie. von ; dv bemtr .locatea t 2bt& warrialsd tj nTrased knt'. iiharr. i f ."ti faq n M cfT.--rrt- - fcffta wrrl frc-t a. awl ae 5ive ftisfa;tion. t to earlier ere kind enjoy hoepltality, permitted thrfgood w r'' ftjj.here U l.Vi 44j.s- - r,l wi rrf are as? HtvKtntl, the erta and more precious t Aivi- L""g'frKs' mi, was j 'J V " 1 'aru us.fe bOcU. and 0lOO pei Zletlle. Some of the St. George breibren Ips cf the Jrd Uoose. J t ia a ac--4 a? tim; iaes:f mmmum, were we we .do not u that ;Teaarraid returned by wiy o. truthful FOB SALS B1 Lza fully thevalae of. LIet;ir.r;$ un Long Valley that we would probab weather til we are deprived cf .them, t If you, ly men.. with Tery ron-ox, oc a, ecu. : I'x T Os JZTZZZZsZ 3 Co., r-v. isatci fca-ie, neav saav , yrr? tcld in?1 tcraicT to live here Ja the fiouta. Cii&UaMa el: . ri? ,ireiiarwehad.-r-eEJ8i I f a f i rivt :',! fume .e; ftaow think that yoa tretl bftfv' !S2-absiri la t -- ili!t- ( ad'that of the .terapcralvblesaJ-sgs- , " .i Ccroav of TSrt aod aat Ssa, OvciM. if the snow came we vould have to mind, and do not forget, that you Ba UK.C.X. X. Kajka Eraaoli timwm. SOLD BY ALL DSAJL3-213 t . . fchovel it away. (Laushter). We are blessed beyond us in the north, U w 4 Aew and 8, Freight TriS i , AMS8 BHAJRP, ,,. vf Vc- ALD imiuruw 'Of.the -- - tj - tuu- -j I'-- -.. Editor Deaeret Newt! the bath of life, in the name of Je21 2 eus.l "Amenta. tin jttun it-. Prest. Taylor and jaartyrmched that then announced J a The Bishop of. afternoon, 6 a ? s 5 F thi3 Dlac yeaiterday Ou programme .entertainment had kcndiDK to remaia over cue been prepared by the committee aparriving It waa understooti . tit tne toimDers oorripaiiyuii'si. pointed for that purpose, and that a CI B .5 1 r meetiiisB. would be held at 6.30 P. m.. they would now: proceed "with. the p M we pro- exetoiges of l thai evening, with Brothai 4 , enter. ther Neph'l Johnson aa master of ceeded to the meetlng-boose5i rv t no t rv.--j of the M mgoy way vestry, expecting li After .the. offering of prayer by to And lap people aaBfimriiecu ioi TPWpr James Iewifl, the tinle was f But tcj oar as ligloua ftpentiin-singmpy uie cnoir ana ishment e tcrceived ther hk4 and duets in : reciting1, and the songs, for another purpose; and hence the by A. reading or. two original pieces A.ln W. kali A C3rtA v. Jtsrown nd ,w. a. BeePee.-anin behair of the tslaters or really trrand presented itself. The- an address latv well lighted and taste- Kapab , Wmd Jby hnltdhig-wa-s '. 'if rally Alecoiated with nowere, ever The singing was especially good. zreerls pictures, mirrors, mottoes. it being the distinguishing eatnre etrel besides havinz eta,, of the entertainment, y" Everything fritmr thie the opposite jwali ' that waa'done TJ'as done ""words: S however these banner Q8 large bearing R showed at once that and. well, fWith ) Joy;we greetryou. And possessed talent or no ordinary lenethwava cf ..the hall. jraii. three T . -- tbei object; requixea. at our antf a, He being our. helper, f 3rwi h1ft' vmi Mil. And lead Voii in - ? 16 .Pr1co.. CO ran TlsrjT 00 Jvt 8.1 S 1 50 ' 12 .16 " 11 46 10 15 J t" Jlrtiia..; ia.s 1.15 Arjsao-- 99 8 - e-- s s .' " " 9.09 the-Temnl- - ! rABsxicaciu rrniosT Ar 8 40 am Ar 11.10 am Ar 6.15 pa L T.40 " 19 - Lt 10.84 Lt,85.65 " .M a. 38 ". 9.M " -- FAS fEKSRH &5.00 ...i. Horgaa 3.SM 44 " " .... . CenUrvnie l.SCri ..Wood CroM.. .OuLr.lt-lic- . 1.40 17 1 'i3 Ojfdea Summit Fare IlfAsc. I 72 5 Jt M A U 50" L,r T.o am 14 ... OOISQ No -- It j Hr1 .45 . 11X9. li ao T.2 T.SJ 15 W b O . " 10V t.M M If" "5 -- S-- tdu " 10.!H -- J '' OX. QOt 2xV X'O NORTH. 0"TT STATIONS. Far riiimn - i.iOpn " Mttitt BOOTH, f A. ft 3. 1. ranea-r- . 17 8.48 am Lv 4.1a pm L 10.10 km 4.00 " f iai,I113 0T 3X E . py living in nf through a gooa:mcay4 anovri ftorms, and weexpettrjwet We feel that God la on our side, and wfe know thafrHewiU-eustai.ma . we.kepp the His paints as long, command men ta : whicbsrHe ,bas giTeituxitoiua.nAnd,fweiwiH go on froirt itrengtlx to strength and from nqwring.tbcoiquerf iZion M.n: EVEimra 2fEY8. T IS: refl a - One M H -- jri -.-- -. ALLr-HAI- . ' Do rr . WM).-Johnsob- " CTI be-beidl- m ,. lb T in-th- TOBOSTON e " ' v.r vim r ' FOn-SAL- " ,.!:.: - i lit.,. .... i . 0. M. Z. I, ci iri Salt vL&ke City. 3 ' - ' ... 111 .......... . I - . BY E ' Sole-Agent- DO L tfiffvri Pr - Ex-Cons- Kl-lo- - - 1 1 1 . N-,- kl Ben-t-r- Eddy-Tlll- e, -, - - Pnll-Palit- J-- ce , Eating ' express mnins: tx-t- r d ficll 'J-'- . . . .- j . . f " , !.!. best. ... !ip i..l t 4 is'E a iXyriD r; 'x'jbLB;; h h: , b.S;WAI-SH- , k , .tlfil I - : : . g 6-- 1 . N.-- 5f - -- j; III c . flrt-cla- H THE HOST DURABLE UriD PERFECT GOQKEtIG STOVE ( 1 -- x rrej s uif-bfr- a-- " , - c3-o;ox)- i-- i-- - eassstosiBwaa RE-FIXIN- L G r-- . a-- -- fc' i K v-- , WITH in' tixb Territory. TJao - IS ; &GERrlAH rrs BRANcm all :0--'iih'anI) 1 : ' : - , . - .J. - - : linn-to- ' FOR 4. BALE BY u Hi r 5c? pet-tor-s. I 4C -- Tlionsrands in' Xail K ! J WITHOUT .RESERVOIR. flllD. ..CLOSET. OR . its-if- , 1 . . AJU-Uit- K a, -- n - . j ,2r o - i - iif r - sti.,.-- ' "-- .j 7 n A ft fc jsroTics. 1 - a, . . Unloa-l'aeia- 01 . o Ag-en- t, vis ,t ;- ant-feelin- " r gs - ptnrE ct Tidt-1-- . . J mm - i '"'i n y O A ..... ... . e ifi s : -- ffi B .0 BaS tic' , p (4 ' x& w ..a rr -. A " ! 'S- 64 . ll . . j a " -- man-heate- tnrl North-Weste- ha-.- l: w yvry-tespecc- T-'- ' d. ne rn T ! . r ''H.r,1''I - ISal-mo- re s, , J w -- Rd a '... mm., - - "l-PSS- a a I SM - '.: IJ ' T . , , m 111".. r- . 'til ' 1U . . ! 5 ija r , t- Kxt-Trrf- 'f ..I HATE MEnCY" tTPOH TOTJB BTOIIACII. re-"u- ns m Kerta-Weate- ' ! loop. - '' Ti L g I ' it -- ? , , J ITT UlBSHSlL'SODCBOJISlSJDif IPLICSTL KIDHEY FADS. A towe-mremedy. Warranted to cure and retnoreail of tb0M eVaaptom pecuSar tf womaa ownn-oni- y known tmd'r the nitne of Ft aiaVtt Cotnri!atsiti, Nervoua Palpitatloo of th Heart, Cbronto Liver and kidney Comnla-titeta. KW! ran aoooropany each bottle, with TlU :rtCLloa are w j. 'Ibej. Tlth POrfOot tM-srwt hM -UK nw avCD the t tn tVs ' aim vxtopm id Tt!D Kiiiim.rniu'ii-u-ivm- j t " ' rlxfjr--i- i v Baeliu pound Waboe Syrep, and a enr H -- , lwbiuty,-f-etion- . r. Uk-u- Phr-O- - w-- r oa CIB. AMre- - ?ttTlZi!j2i$yi . - - tl. Di r . '1 -- i- A. ar r: ' . r nl if - -- atr-nvl- 2?olibb:. i A SJ ' ..t - "rUc-in- -- i '',. t.-- . x T- -i ". r-- tr 4 y tr -- t tettf -- lt Uart, fjvouii Da' i i rr t.. v t t rirre'fof UpUlnt, Compla-DLirw and Kidney jEbtJoo to blood, an 1 gives a .ow leae oanbecurid by. petng tbe DyepelH---- Ch route aeoretloti,rii'-ie- s , !la-'i-t-k- w tie-- 3t ; . DIPHTHERIA eg-a-r- e- , . t Addriiea opJef .- -. . ;Jt-3f.- i. . .. 4 ?"'- - -- T-- ? 1 ..j, .4. t a r j1 S. 4 31 " MARSHALL, i : XX. .x ctj lil. Atuu & a I brvy UBisutntepar.a,-;a lt?u .ReggElar'CstLTence aail PfcV ia' Hcri T2:kn Half tli mttl f s, K l. hMb..!Ubrreim1tf' and th 'atd ! mujg ' c"4 en together, h 1 j-.3- ri 1 clAO ln!L"y L- tt mett Vrte: sga y, I eroaio .r.'.1! t - , . wij, a. ... : e,-.j- , U. j aj u s l-'.- rj J ! 'Which are n prittKio, '.im,r eramr, cholera, Bt)e-vMpHj,, cough, tt may be need in rry a .It Lf.SJ 1. Mr, ndeurDg lver . t 1 a itvu aaa itaa it limr cf jrrs bad f. T i-- r-.- w -- w u--- A l DI RNTH ERI A 1 d-- er" f m iw w a-- u w- S. i: |