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Show EVENING NEWS. rCBUBHKO DaTLY, KTVOATS pgCEPTKD, fOOB O'CLOCK- - A1 PRINTED ASD PUBLISHED BY IHE DESERET NEWS COMPANY. CHARLES W. PEXROSE. EDITOR. HT. Tnaraday. lO. 1M1. DAVID WHITHER AND THE BOOK 0? M0RH02T. We present bc'cw an Interesting letter to the Chicaeo Times, in rela tion to tbe testimony of the l?t to the Book of the Three Wltnew ' of Mormon. Qliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, who, as well as who vid Whltmer, bAw the exhihl eJ to tlicm the plates, and heard tbe voice of U xl tearing witnew to the correctness of the tran3-latloare Lolh dead, having main-- f tained the truth of their testimony until the last, under jail circumstances, whether In the Church or out of the Church. They wereex-- 7 communicated for transgreasiorbut returned repentant and were received Into fellowship, dying with a repetition of their first testimony recorded in connection With the Book Davkl yhitmer reof Mormon. U mains, hut aged and feeble. Reports have bee. i leceijred that he also had paaaed away, but we have no reason to believe that they are The letter fo! -- wins con- correct tains some inaecuraciep, which we will correct at the close cf this arti- la-ang- el - n, cle: RrciisoND, Mo., Oct 114. Tn the beautiful hir town of Richmond, Itav county. Mo., there has resided for well nigh a half of a century David Whltmer, known to the world as one of the three witnesMjg that testified to the Validity and reality of the golden plaies from which it has been asserted that Joseph Hmith translated the "Book of Mormon," the original manuscript of which Mr. Whitmer has in hlsj possession, and which ehowB by finger-mark- s where it has been cut into "takes" a printer's term that it haa passed through the hands of the type-se- t ters. Aa a citizen of his town he stands deservvdly high, having filled the office of mayor and councilman, is a good schoir,add thoroughly posted in biblical lore. During the past two years he has been elow-l- o declining and is now confined to his home, carefully attended to by his wife, children and grandchildren. Born in tbe State of New York from Revolutionary ancestors, he brought with him to the West his habits of thrift and hospitality. To tbe stranRr or the unfortunate his home and purse have ever been open, and his name is a synonym of proband integrity. Knowing that he ity was approaching the full term allotted for man's stay on earth and that tne readers of tbe Times would like to hear vylmt he had to say concernof the "Book of Moring the origin mon," lea I i.d at his residence a plain and unpretentious frame buildchamber ing was ushered into his found the by bis granddaughter and old patriot reclining on his bed. Upon being tola the object of my visit he promptly resjonded to my questions, and after an hoar's interview I gleaned the following valuable information from him he creaking freely ami unreservedly in regard to the origin and rise of tbe Mormon Church, as wpII as "the authenticity of the "Book of Mormon." -- by? the indictment in the Walsh case, but the postoQoe IiiST OF IjETTERS authorities deny this. They jsay BEMAININOr i THK T08T OfTIOB At that tbe fact that the proceedings City, Nor. 10, Ul. wktob y Information having been com If not called tor wtthin om mootfe, wtU lie menced has satisfied the require-raen- amt to Uv Dead Letter QSoa. ...of the. statute of limitations, Jl mo proceeuwgM nau even tnougn a. LADIES' UST. thrown out on technicalities. MHtorG . MoGowao A Gray M In addition It la alleged that there Antaton L Gardner L Marteaaen H iDdoMal grounds for many indictments A. r Madaon K jm the angel again appeared, and Mar- are cases. Apia without RN toothing T Abed Hooper tin rejoicingly bore testfinony that Puhlio opinion here Is, however, alNeDsooML H Hyde L Hookensaa M NeedhamH LA be had seen and heard as the oth most unanimous that tbe failure of booth M M A Bearitord Hooper t he Government is final as regards Bertrluod ers. M HameaN Ckwberiy K OaterUnA . K H&ihoe ML Brown seer The next error is that the Brady. 1" Butler 8 H r H&rdlaN ..... ,r stone which- Joseph used In tbe PeUersonll Drown 8 8 i. HareooL M Hoddoek MA Burt Parry A J ' translation "was called Urim and A fire, early this morning, in the Burnett B Pierce M Hawtey M caused tne Ilatoch A T Height L Petterson B( Thummim." The Instrument thus Palkenhorn building, It Pratt Brain A and Hardtng-to the occupants of loss $32,000 two Tlurdinir J L Powell J Beach denominated was composed of , Bees J . building, j S crystal stones 'set in the two rims PortwJ Burn Hopkins KH Tbe Xenaerlal Committee. 7 Barney C ' Hllla rerktesBB ' of a bow." The seer stone was sep Pettlt AK OorieTer RB RArdrXI Sixty thousand circulars have Btafffeyll arate and distinct from' the Urim been B ' ' ,t mailed tovvar!ou3 parts of the P RlohOC and Thummim. The latter was de country by the Garfield memorial Cowley L ... Johnson Johnson T' ' Badgers MiC JonM B Boaberry Hvered to the angel as well as the committee and to foreign consuls by Yok 8 J Will soon Cbamnan k Janoey MU?A KlekU Blaine Blaine. was Secretary BeedH j translation com' after the Johmon ConuorJT plates notes CM these O KoMnwa . Cham personal by Jobanaaoa Dieted; I he former remained with supplement KoberaonD to the consuls, requesting inmiw foul lard A Kin LK A P Uowlaod CachnerB tbe Church and Is now in the pos brine the matter to the attention Cornell Kim ball A W session of the President. of the courts, to which they are ac Caniereti If ' Klnnerstey Peamer 8 J B Kellay IBS SleemanS The statement that "millions of credited. Auxiliary commissioners famcbell 8mall B uunmnffnaia In AKsuey cities the be will larger organized Pmlthen B Kirk L j j conies" of the Book of Mormon are f Chandler A to sub solicit states t United the K Floan M Knlg-bClark KM to of ends sent the earth tbe amount A K Crouch CO' Karieon BhlppM O llng scriptions; f 1,200 is the rurteon A M Kimball A T Beabeok B Whitmer emphatically asserts, as was no answer to their prayers until did Harris ami Cowdery, that while Martin, who felt that bis lack of Smith was dictating the translation faith was a hindrance, withdrew. he had m "1 , Then the angtl appeared, and alter NO M AKT7SCRI FT NOTES OB OTHER vision the closed, Joseph Smith WEANS OF KNOWLEDGE, went to the 'fjlace .where Martin Save the Seer stone and the characHarris was, a little distance off, and ters as shown on the plates, he be- Joined with him in prayer," when how it ing present and cognizant . was done. In regard to the statement that the Sidney Rigdon bad purloined work of one Spauldlng, a l'reebyte-ria- n preacher, who had written a romance entitled "The Manuscript says there is Found," Mr. Whitmer an assertion. no foundation for such The "Book of Mormon" was translated In the summer of 1829, and at Palmyra, printed that winter New York, and was in circulation before Sidney Rigdon knew anything concerning the Church of Christ, as it was known then. His attention was specially brought to It by the appearance at his church, near Kirtland, Ohk, in tbe fall of 1830, of Parley Pratt and Oliver Cowd ry, he ing at that time a Reformed or Christian preacher.they having been cent west by the Church In New. tYork during that summer as evangelists, and they carried with them the printed liook, the first time that he knew such a tiling was in existense. Upon being Cowdery appealed to by Pratt and Jnforme i for the use of hiachurch,he them that as !he was endeavoring to establish the rules and get back into the ancient usages- - of Christianity, and desired all the- light that he could get that was of benefit to his fellow-mehe would do so, and would like to hear them. Then they gave him a copy of the book that it has ten asserted he was the proresult of that meetgenitor of. The ing was that 101 ' persons were received into tbe Church at Kirtland; that Rigdon and Partridge, two influential- preachers, were tent as delegates to New York to tee Joseph Hmith, and they were eo much impressed with his history of the book and his connection therewith, that believers, they berime firm home back Btartcd and as evangelists, preaching the new religion. In a short time thereafter Smith, Whitmer and others, learning of the beautiful 'ountry in Ohio, moved west, and the Church increased rapidly, and would have so continued had it not strayed from the true path,cruci-to preach only Christ and Hira fied, as it had begun. Mr. Whitmer emphatically asserts that he has heard Rigdon, in the pulpit, and in private conversation, declare-tha- t had the Spaulding stsry, that he used a book called "The Manuscript Found" for the purpose of preparing tho "Book of Mormon," was as false as were many other charges that were then being made against the infant Church, and be assures me that the story is as . CNTKUTIIFUXi AS IT IS KTDICtJ- n, j X- OVS. t proceeding : -- 3 ts ' the-eWal- a 1 INSPECTION OP THEIR INVITES A PUBLIC . sh J - 7 " WHTER CLOTW! - . , f . 5 . - - - , : nes t . is an exaggeration. It has been ex raised here. Guule '..v tensivelv Dublished in several lan Hemrjr WeoA. Davis 0 O . 10. guages nnd win ue sent eveniaany M Henry lavusoa Philadelphia, ta "all rations, tongues and peo Wcod, superintendent of the Phila DawP Dolqutet ple." The next mistake is that Orson Pratt stated that the manuscript in possession of TJavId Whitmer was 'the original manuscript, from which the Book of Mormon was out . the Strike urinted word original " and the re mark will be correct. David's copy Is no doubt that from which the book was printed, but Is not the orisinal transcript of the Book of Mormon, to which is appended the names or the three witnesses, fn their own handwriting, while Mr. Whitmer'.-- ' copy has the names all in the handwriting of Oliver Cowdery, which Anostle Orson Pratt identi -- New Yobic. It 10. is rumoretl rd wares m A Kill Krl N JMB that the Pennsylvania company haa KlrldffO on fi reduced rates eights, and that T the New York Central would rur- - Elmore Kverett V a Also them. Eunto that H T advance tber agreement has been made which rMnk A would end tne trunK line war. Fabre M a . J MullottA w M Markaul A B. WUlSaiaa 8 Wmtw 8 Morrla A L MoDonnall N Wood N WULooS It H ' Madnon H Mtiima : MoUelland N McDonald K McLaren M S A Mower S K Waits JV ieldiiur M wuilama T Foreman H Mabooej O Wrlg-htA P. etcher BB Moru B MonrensooL Wcodaum nal claims the election repub Fleming Weod)e-Molntvre Frandseo U with A Ulster J DWiacbestea the AMo lican Stat ticket, exception FredriokEoa from of Huested for the treasury, by A Murphy J Young- LDi gives Farnhara 10,000 to 12,000 majority; two rorney A r ManaoaldH Young T 10 democratic the most fastidious both as regards ' ""a ; j - It . QUALITY and PBICB . by. the Senate OKHTLEHEICS LIin majority, and the Assembly by , two or three majority. A Fitzcerald P BNlbson A Neltoon M 8 Adkina B I) Fouler K r r; Destructive Conflagraftleav w O Yarnsworta WNowell o . fied. . O U 10. A' fire broke out AnderaeaSW CI Oliver A ' AaderaonE ' The remarks about the Church in Chicago, & Co's lumber bone Rath 1 , Alton J GrOnlandNJ Utt Kelly, Otsen J A Own C having "broke loode from the teach yard, at Slshcn & Ulling's mill, at AndMieQ a Giiubranar The of those of yesterday. Mich., Lake, j Spring Clirlst,"are probably ings Prioe Onvar Bmnett M George H Pendleton A J Mr. Whitmer, and correctly given lumber was entirely destroyed; loss. iet & Slmms GUlmore J Insurance, $100,000. .Mill Dlook C M GrerabatifB WPearee v But it iseasy to perceive wherein $130,000; Brian D62 Gonderson x PbJInps B B taved. Preston OF Gibeon W 8 Buckley D that gentleman has erred, from the mm Browning' E T pearoej words which fo'Iow; he "acknow. Heck G Htmajerford MrPollook J D BoadenH nntchlns A G Pederson M 8 leJsred nothing as Divine save as it Porav W H BuUH Hubbard O ;j G the was taught from the Bible and Haynea O W Prltchard T Boby c Bralge G II Hooper Both those liook of Mormon." HaslamG Quay leW" 9. At the Lord Mayor's Bums G Ix)Nt . B Howltt HOI Bishop J sacred records teach tnat things not Gladstone, reply Baokman A Hu&on J B Rinffwoo 'j C J lnquet ' T to Roberta written therein are to be revealed lag to the toast of Her Majesty's Branch JJ Hunter J Burdock J M Holraberg J Beotor.C W can '! taid: discerrt docministers, mankind, and Mr. Whitmer's Bowman J U Halley M Koyii'jtrtl H of Improvement In Ireland. Behm J RaotAtiaa QW! Hansen N trine which is merely an extension signs i eiie ve me people .or are HenrtoksanL Roterta J Bishop T of the sectarian theory on the ccion unanimously convinced .ngiana L H ' Haynea MPS Bcttasnn J that it 'was Bradford Hold Bands J W BalrdK way 8 of scripture would bar therecep necessary to take strong measures In Heedell R H S Harrlsoa H Bklgood tion of tho&e divine and important Ireland in defense of public land and Bohman 8 B Holorenahaw TRpach W RobblM Mr HalnaT liberty. One question, at Browne truths. Man is not to be confined private " , IT M Hartmou'H" has been decided. The least, peo Star toy Mr " AH I to ancient prophecy, but to "live by pie are determined to make a fall 44 Shaw A Iaom A JP FobuetBfr J Jones a'every word that proceedeth out of irai or tne jana act. l bold in my A W. Ptenbiem A P the mouth of God." And the Book nana very signincant proof or the .4 . rj Senior & Win c n to treatment tne lriBn wnicn ive W Charlea A ters of Mormon promises, "Whoso re to by their Coodie, Burt &Jaakson F B Seaslona D len subjected ceiveth this rec.rd and shall not menus. Pnelg-rovCB ixtz or Is a jonnoon f notice It proceed (Xlonaon A Fqulrea T condemn It because of the Imperfec ings from high authority, stating Cunningham R Btevena C 8 Jaywood tions which are in it, the same shal that anybody paying rents tiefore Oou C IT Jespereon C Poott A C Sboenfeld B. H 2 James K the suspects are released, witheut Casperaon know of greater things than these, Pohan On, Julian F Q tne consent or the land League, Cameron Cannlrg Q b Johnann J 8 BeebelFL & Many thousands of people in differ will be boycotted. I can safely say Conrad FcbUTOrH A KC J JKimhaH 8 t Stewaj HI ent nations have proven the that the Irish will make use of the Cunningham Botegx-oA Keate F JP. of truth this premise, and land act, which will be impartially Comban J Kenyan F A Stawart J au .' ministered.. Can MO Kimball J H Stringam J' is one of the strong that 8 15 Knight J A Ppiera O Regarding foreign affairs, Glad- Child testimonies they have of the truth of stone 8 Kimball J ScannollWL said Lord Granville will be Crown Crontee T P Poi onsen R. King J the record. By these means they able to draw a picture less charged Coulton W i Kelley&V BylesT W critical features Carter have a knowlege for themselves of with anxious-an- d; 8umDaereC t ook WD ' i nan that of a Bmith JT 9 Levy year ago. Afghanis Cooke WS its divinity, independent of Divid Laraaon A SmHh W P tan, instead of , being r broken into Clayton W W Lawla J 8 T Whitmer's testimony or that of any fragments, is now under a single Lovet J TwlggTBW A1 Lewis J other person, living or dead. i uler. Tucker w We are happy to think that Doer 3 Turpm J R We are pleased to reproduce the j oace reigns m south Attica.? Iter .Duncanuon DMLaneJortl LtarcotPB Taylor J to ne W H D LPanat aad Bat Medleiaa aver a ad. woire Thome J letter to the lime tot the benefit of ferring Leggett extending Parliament, rhmklnl O LlnCTleyW Tall uiaustone eaia: it win Be an. early, Bawson J atJo o Hop,with Mate our readers, and look upon it those and Buehtf, T W Jl Tracy mil tWbest and demand on the wisdom Paris L D ' MTUer A P urgent Dandelion, Torn O nroDerUea of all ntharativ as a valuable of Parliament to con'sider eSeotive f enny P few errors excepted ' Mayrrrjr A Taylor W LthagrMtert Blood Purifier. Liver Maudon T) addition to the ck)ud of witnesses to means for meeting tfi'e great vll of Dallas 8 R W r. aiid Life and Ileaim Ux&lotwg lrtecoilT O Mitchell M Walker A D the divine origin of a Book which is oonvion which haa presented, itself. Iloj WW B Mitchell ; wimasas u ponlbly loner exist where Boo E Morris RH tot the worldly I would wish the question to te WatkfcisON a stumbling-blockede varied and perfect aretheir M A MiohalH Kept .out of party dispute. In the lirnert WtasdMnO B wise, but a joy and a blessing to the interest of all parties, in the interest RvHna j Merrlman 1 1 WHaanberwCP laflrm. I linen C R girt aavUSi aad vlewtotia Morrla J lky woe a v humble and meek of the earth. me oi To all whoa aTampioymentecaaM glad nation ana country, it is ne r art 15 WB Irregiuarl y Makjutet J T Woodfordj St Um uriruu-or-. of or Fd T bowels who r. wards ty organs, 8Magnea J B cessary that public business bo regu ttvanaTL walker H qulraaa rpmrtwuk Tnnln and mild Stimulant, Milter J B Walla O larly and efl'eitively conducted, bivans t H ara Hop Bitter, lavajVWe. without Intoxr MOrteneen J I sneers, j aaaawk Tkman A J Millard W StCwade oatma;. Wfanfiker L . ! , " . . WU. JENNINGS, Superintendent - ; FOREIGN '. KTBW GOOD to-nig- . ARRIVIWG v DAILY AT so-call- ed . a . JEMIiaS, THOMAS W. - . , . 86 & 88 BAST TEMPLE STREET. . : -- - i , 3S3 Hbs had Special AJention this Fall, and we feel confident we will be able to suit; Whllln M Wraley J B White J . RawTwailetarM. Y Jour Albany. 10. The Evening of the s DEPflRTrJlEMT HILDREH'S Taylor ThomMnB Y, Van Streets .LAUfrtoa M j 1 ,a: ' J Loraen TCtberlnirton J Y Lundherw A C Strickland H . LAnen a roipp u ; Lemon J Simpsoa LanonH Thlrklll M Lae B , LlndseyA ' TbaapMaMJ Tucker L Lund Tbomas M A LloffO B Railroad, Drake A.J.J ' delphia and Westchester. ; been summoned as a witness in IkxM A hg : ,i DeuiaAO ' the Quiteau case. K Styles mi BOVS. YflOK Ml, for Bartan B A. ALh'THE COMPBISINQ . '- In his youth Joseph ; Smith was quite illiterate, knew nothing ob-of grammar or composition, but tained auite a good education after he came West; was a man of great magnetism, made friends easlly,was liberal and noble in his impulses, and full of anitall, finely-forme- d mal life, but sprung from the most humble circumstances. The first good suit or domes he Had ever worn was presented to him by Christian Whitmer, brother of Da vid. As an evidence of their belief in the divine origin of the book, Mar tin Harris, one of the witnesses, mortgaged' his farm for $1,500 for the purpc 9 of having it printed, and tiie sale of the book soon reimbursed him for the outlay. Now millions of copies are baing published and sent to the furthermcst ends of the arth. A few years since I was present at an interview between Mr. Whitmer and Orson Pratt and !' THE PLATES Joseph F. Smith, who had been sent From which the book was translat- from Utah to Richmond to secure the original manuscript, and after a ed, supposed to be gold, were found careful examination Eider Pratt in the latter part of tbe year 1827 or 1823, prior to the acquantance on pronounced it the writing of Oliver Mr. Whitmer's part, with Joseph Cowdery, and informed tho5e preBmith, and he was loth to believe sent that it was the original manus-scrifrom which the "Book of In their actuality, notwithstanding had been printed, and i the community in which he lived Mormon" a conversation with the writer lie New! was (Ontario County, York,) alive with excitement jin regard to assure! me that the archives of the Smith's finding a great treasure, Church at Salt Iake. were incomand they info, med hint that they plete without it; that they would knew that Smith had the plates, as pay Father Whitmer, as he termed ! If they had seen the place that he had him," any reasonable price for it, but MabwiyVl ' Wbiiebead J W aia what tb dhwaM or KeMn O a. ailmen la nse taken them from, on the hill Cu mo- that Whitmer would not part with MoAiuatav M BWallaos J Dob1 watt aatU yon ara afck batHop raa untom westkiut FlehP if yon Twjnaira uxa. 9. Of the 22 elections, T'enucaa MoUkv?keyW Walker TR ra li, about two miles from Palmyra, it under .any circumstances regard"A ua tUezn or miserable Berlin, nlytMlbad at one. W P It may aara your llfe.lt hasM T d hondrada. the libsrals carried 15, socialists, 4, FMdH C P, MoCurjn;hoWWilllam N.Y. It was not until Juno, 1824, ing li as a sacred trust. Mr. Whit; mcunaan U x' tSOOwlBbepaldforaealw AMERICAN. and clericals, 1. . ; ; will lelkOD W not tnat he met the future prophet,who mer also has a number of other re A O Molntyre thy Young' ear or Do rtet not help. frieLda. suffer your X , auffer.bnt oae and urgt theaatouae visited at his father's house, and cords of the early Church,ere it had, Nobody here believes that Bis- FosterJ JL W MoCurdyER LATEST DISPATCHES. ' Hop B MoEUlstrom RZuhn W 0 marck's threatened resignation la Ford while there completed the transla- as lie says, 'broke loose from the Bvmemher, Blttera ta aoV Hop Kauer vfle, drngmd . Mariam I dronken SKwtrom, but d ueat B th and Christ of PumtVk FranoJa more tion of the Book of Mormon, and teachings Yuba Dam. ' than a pretence acknowledg anything JDi Madietaie aver mad j the "UTAUne-- v rsmm to influence thus he became conversant with its ed notbmg as divine save as it was - San elecsupplementary, com- ' ; from the Bible and 'Book of mittee Fkancisoo, 10. theThe' Fraona inquiring tor th aboya lsttara ara -- ldb. i. inn; history, having witnessed Bmith taught board of tions.'" appointed by t Tt is whan advertkwd. i believed' dictate to Oliver Cowdery the trans- Mormon.' " Kjuestodtoatabt well in informed to trade debris ques- circles investigato the Mr. Whi tmer's beliefs have lation of the characters that were John T. Utkoh, t Blmarck will seek a tion, and report on some basis of distinct that inscribed on the plates, said by Mr. lon of IheEmteror's expr UNDEROONR NO CHANOE com prom is 3 between the farmers "Anthon, our 'Egyptian; scholar, to since his early manhood; he has re and miners, haa completed its re- wiones m regara to the present eicu and the . KmperorlB declaTar resemole the characters of that anto a fill late with any of the port. After reviewing the recent ation, t ion will be such as will cient people.. Christian Whitmer, fused strengthen through Yuba,Sutter and jjiemarcK S : his brother, occasionally assisted various branches that have sprung report! position. Nevada and counties, raise considering up tnrougn teaeuings, and RcsISMtJona Gambetta. Cowdery in writing, as did Mrs. rests Hesaealer,BootselIer & Stationer his of the future "in the the great damage inflicted on the Joseph Smith, who was a Miss Hale teachingshopes water w.-m- mfl and course? of the populafarming Christ, apostles lAnis, fal)met cotin ' FIRST SOUTH 8TREET, before she was married.! Premier Ferry and his the prophen, and tho morals tion by the deposit of debris from cil y, In regard to finding the plaUs, he and on the and the other hand colleagues handed their resignations Hair BIoeK X of Deaeret National mines, waa tola by Hmith that they were and principles enunciated in the of the mining inter- uj x iraiueiu wevy . who . in a stone casket, aud the dace Scriptures; that the 'Book of Mor the magnitude as accepted 'c ' h them. The ministers remain it does nearly in where it was deposited, in the hill msn' is but the testimony of another ests, involving customers with an tho popular jus of the present gold product cnarge .ox tnelr resrsctive depart concerning the truth and di Cuoiorah, was pointed out to him nation of Christ.and the Bible, and of the world, and considering also meniBpeaiu ng the appointment of JVewspapera & Magazines, oy a celestial personage; clad in daz vinity that is his rock,' his gospel and his tbe fact that the Eifety of the val- ilAllArl :rrs. freeident ineir Bui-itWANTED AT Grew aniiug wuits roue, ana ae was inform - T f1 JAbrary Hoohs, not is salvation." with the ley depends, upon stopucviucu only iu him, Biimmuu Seeing, etta. uami With ed by It tht it was the history of the V. k ilianave aa interview ChurchWorks, Stationery, of the further now of tbe. W1" T 7 believing. He is now as firm in the page from mat Inau passed faith iicjjuiiua,hose hujuuu the also upon i ma miernoon. but of book mines, of KTTA, ETC BTTi the the that divinity founders e Jon god to away, v saw translated as be was when the relation of the vast masses of Gladatene'a m.i Dcelaloa). TEASDEL'S. the days of the toww of BabcJ. The he S, PRICES ! debris already washed out and lia HIM A CALL. Plates which Mr. Whitmer saw were the glory of the celestial visitant ble to be uruiVB LONDON, ao. Gladstone, iin bin carried down the by winter Jn the shape of a tablet, fastened almost blinded him with the gleam at Uuildbali last night, de- its glowing presence, fresh from Hoods. The rerjrt concludes by speech with three rings, about one-thircmreu ol of me jaw should be en BALLS, PAHTLES& GOflGER TS ! mat aams cs reommenams mat the and the voice.mojestlc, imme forced with firmness godhead; Which appt ared to be loatedn' plates, and decision in on the Yuba Ireland. Its enforcement out from the earth to the dlately constructed the other soli. I, but with perceptible ringing dome has been rTUTB ENLARGED THEATBB OBCH3. below the of of Deer Junction etill River, space, lingers marks where the plates seemed to mighty to entrusted those who have V agents at and in Degare Point, and , tra, which Is composed of Bom of the sealed, and the guide that point bells.his ears like chime of silver Creek, earned a title to the grati ueat aireaay on brush the that Yuba ;dam LBAVB YOUR ADDRESS Musical talen? la the city, la prepared to til it out to Smith very imprc sivoly their tudeof their countrymen by be at once repaired. receive lor. reminded him that the! lojse plates engugements BALLS, and Then follows the "proclamation" lUver PARTIES, AKO THE DELIVERY courage exemplary patience CmCEKTS, t. that maybe given at tbe wun wnicn they Infamy. aione were to be used, the scaled or testimony or David Whitmer, their du Theatre. etc,have perform WAGON WILL CALL FOR on band a large quan. ,.r. 10 In the crimi- ties.. Tbej .:..'; poruon was in March of this year, and nalWashington, cr given .Hew and DANCB Thi-MUSIC. Kty Popular fThe Times pays: THEM. x emnhatlo ourt thN moraine. Judore Cnx statement NOT TO EE TAMPEREU WITH. which was published in the Dksekkt rendered ZJWULS liEjLSONJLB LE. ft E arning a decision in t'ie Star route rowy 'serve a Alter the plates had been trans- Evening; News of April 7th. and terms, apply at IX ones diecut 3ing principally a ques to those ' tenants who 'cr, being me arrangements u. uaioer-- a WuaSo Store, liafai St, or C. J. lated, which process required about even 10 me to or tion is not ai The tne valuable crime tempieu yieiu temporarily only miamy foregoing Blx months, the tame heavenly visi ' charged. The c inclusion arrived to me -- no rent" policy. , we under Thomas' Office, East Temple Gate. JOHN READING, tant appeared and reclaimed thegolJ evidence directly In favor of the at CmDTJCTOK, a J. THOMAS, was stand the the was that crime en in Infamous practical difficulty Ealt Lake City, Nor. 6th. nti d28S tw xaojeis or people, iu Book which has caused so math and the accuse J should have been gaging in a conflict with the rJUHSEHYLIAH d forming Smith that he would re controversy in the world, but also proceeded against by indictment imuy ot t ne iran tenantry to beLrjre met SEEDSMB, place tnem with other records ol against the foolish story in relation lie therefore sustained the motion ir ue occasion arise by taking one by the triles that had bepn brcuzht to the connection of exr ailing Information from the flies one, thecouuties fn which resistSidney Rigdon or tne court, and ordered tbe dis ance to rent may be with them durin? their' wandering? organized, and FRENCH & GERr.lAN Stock Hl JLLao irota ivsia, wnicu would be forth and that divine record, with the charge of the defendants. force if necessarv. by r the use ol rh . 71 . Of any ta tte to when the world was ready manuscript alleged have been coming In Washington are eurnrised Biiiurewucni or ine raw. DV tne few TeaYtory. LANCUACCS v ictoto mem. as mat time Mr written by Solomon at the decision of Judge Cox. who wnoie power or tbe executive. Spauldlng. to the moat approred Taught aooordlna; saw tne tablets, gazed nnumer a motion to strike off the in Be employ no Agent and io 2 with awe on the celestial messenger, The errors which appear in the grants formation against tbe Star mut .. 1 . .... 1r oton business. TVttt. r . heasd him speak and say: "Blessed letter to the Time are evidently conspirators xuoiiin. Ai tne nrst sitting J. H. HEM AN,, Teacher, and discharge the de- Is the Lord and he that keeps His those of the writer, not Mr. Whit ienuanis. Juor-riiauu tviuuiuBJon at uiar . I nVV VAa iqu court room was y, x irsi somu street, command men t;M and! then, a he mer. tuta lir SEEDS CI Hl?n are quite pardonable, crowded, tbe audience being largely though . only four-caslhey were held the plates and turned them over presented, it la bevoml nn.. uppaAU Catainmtai Hotel, Salt Lak Cts, uomer - w composed or the friepds of tne ac- non tnat. oicrnoa, . Beonr- -i v AvA. c even in Mavo.so notorinna with hialiand3, so that they could being merely mistakes likely to be cused. soon as As ""g"m JiaaBg. the de Private 60cfa. per Hour. Leasons, for its advanced views en the lanri oe ruainiy visible, a voice that seem made by a person not familiar with cision was 44 Claaa wm.Judge's s uook, questions, tne act ij. 30 Claaa ed to nil all space, musical as the the facts, but learning cf them from assistant to maue, accent of be will rri Leaopa,la the advmooe, fAoot General, , sighing of a wind, through the for read a statement Attorney another. which had he r -1?rV Viln.. .in.-- . C....J m est, was heard, aaying: j "What you The first is that the founders of dently prepared in anticipation of sea is true! testify to 'the om mis result. state SALT LAKE THEATRE. And Oliver Cowdery and David the Nephites "belonged to the tower ment or Districtie denied the U. S. STAtiDARD SCALES I Corkhill, Attorney The Nephites sprang that the Attorney General had as of Babel." Whitmer, standing ; there, ONE 2TIGIIT ONZY! th white garments of the felt, consulted the eon of Lehl, who by him in resrard to rh angel from raded irom their vision and the came Nephi, of the grand Jury and to adjournment this land from in Judea the me information had heavenly voice etill rang fn their OOUT'AiHY, Ccalo' Co. ciaimeu ' uii of Zedeklah. JaredThe THB ORIGINAL been resorted to after tho govears, that it was no delusion that reign King only more Jdasutaoture than It was a fact, and they so recorded it. tes,whose history is briefly given In ernment had been prevented from Sr?7TT, OtM ..a. DUTtHIIfSMI t..aiW. or . In a two DIFFERENT 390 same after were the Book a the the of distinct Indictment YA11IETII3. day until after spirit asking Mormon, . appeared to Martin Harris while he an J preceding race; they descended the statute of limitations could art Gumlitv TXH was In company with Smith, anJ Umtmjfft. 81223 OF have began' to ocerate on ih told mm also to bear witness to its from a colony that peopled this coun part of the prosecution. He truth, which he did. as can be seen try aftor the dispersion from Babel. promised that the accused would 771 lit?? LJ X i! In the book. Harris described the The term trib2s"is also incor not long be able to exult. That rajEisr-toorcoL'Fnyialtant to .Whitmer, who reCo crn lias the Nephites had no Identi they would be brought before the ed lias the game that he and Cow-dre- y rect, before ;the One TTnndredl tleantltol iafnt. grand Jury and ty with' the lost tribes of Israel, el Ireland with .nBd riM J had seen. and Jury, would they aceefai. The tablets or plates were trans- being descendants cf Joseph,- the Etlt all the opnartunitv thev a u : , cri,m - JlQ'&dc '' lated by Smith, who used a small son cf Jacob. parent ly desired to defend them. A Kew Irish .Conuo. Play, entitled oval or kidney shaped stone, called upon proceedings against The. next .mistake is that "In a selves which no technical objection could ATripTteiilitL'IcasliiMi TJrim and Thummim, that seemed or ,two .after" David, Whitmer be raised. After the adjournment mm (TUiSvmn i cJ-- i endowed with the marvellous power day Jfi X3r. and! Santraa v. taii of converting the characters on the and Oliver Cowdery saw the angel of the court the accused were con- glnal EarnerErl.Dn the GcUa and Nora, f f l:S0, riy by their friends in the MacKvoy's lUbarE'.'puu V 1 appear ia -thia Alienor plates, when used by Smith, Into and the plates, "the same spirit ap gratulated tie a A3 ccaiai FrcpGrt2a. ebaroetera.' ceriaet. then dictate to peared to Martin Harris." The truth Pos to Sice Department. The effect original ?eor-r- e English, who would Ur. aad F. lira. n.-. iron Kocr. Am. rvia Lrra. t--rdecision Cox's of Ffi is to much own versatile comtqo. Judge 'EilESlJAELB. Cowdery what write. Frequently on the discussed. . vt niK, tourtet ana Koturar. officials assert erlpa'B one character would make two lines is that It was shortly after,was with Send boala. High for lust. prtee j. aa Bene Prtoea OlBoa uauaU Harris Martin onm ww thit the effect is misunderstood. fT"IV, Nov. ltltb, at 10 a. m. for UWnf of manuscript while others made same day. TioiT Zl l! j lit itTttTITETu FOT El UKlli Koextra eiarja tx fceeerves, bat a word or two word. Mr.' Joaeph, OSrer and David, but there1 that Government la debarred from inr-atr, VWM .i . . . 1 4 , . ! WALKER - Mit-- pt B k mm ' y m BY TELEGRAPH RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPflRTMT! T Bit-ar- - t r , i WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OP Jt "'- - f TOADIES FOLLOWINQ GREAT . ' TO THE wlt - ', j JOS. H. PAREY, mi GSES' LAbiES:.l-'',.'f.!v-n'- i Cloaks,. Dolmans, Jackets, Ulsters and Circulars. DRIED r - and -- I to-da- APRICOTS '' one-eight- BOYS'; AND YOUTHS' Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Hats and Caos. - - - k i IV de-ur- is ; P. luwuST SPECIALj ATTENTION IS CAL,ID TQ OUR d ! j -- t ... .' OUR ASSORTMENT OF C3-OOI-DS . . IS VERY COMPIiETE. : ; ; j OUR STOCK OP C3IS . tne-ancie- ki IXet ' UNEQUAIED BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ' BAN FRANCISCO. 1 la 1 s, to-da- rit es ' . - WalkeR - SSW Comoao j bn roRli I : . - "kt -- CriJLI. WHOLESALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS AND J0BBEE8 IN '.jv ? ,'.;. ; . ' - ! ? ' r iIaauUUiretf AEat and J - ' 1 TtTiolaaala TobaccoCi CTFZiccoons . Dealerla ' Etc - r f Ilt - aiitaofl : rcfcherS ! I as 1 1 ' .. rar'r. 1 tt t,;, SXa ic 3 tl3ia Our. Grocery Dopartoont ; wo Soli to DEALERS -- ONLY ! V)3i DBf. |