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Show pESERET .SUUDAY "SCIIOOL COHTESEITCE. BahT Show. The babv show at venila JnUmetor and the ContribuI tor, the fair, something like a . An original "song, words and an sensation The evening. John 8. Lewis, w musloataad Saturday oet.ie, isi. Btrpr. A EPECIAI, Meeaay. the depart b ,w82Ui Minnie Sister ADDKES3. beautifully sung by , , ment was occupied by sixty beauti felt. Assistant Surerintendent Goddard ful babies and as many beaming ex night, on the oocasloa of the made . . "i 1 some remarks, in the coarse of v rwuoai union ConfMwwj. . - uu.jr mothers.' The surrounding i foii . tnesait Lake Assembly Hall was which he advised the free use, in pectant . ; JUST JtECEIVED r Meeting of Eton's Central Board ailed ; was" a r pace densely jovial packed, by theVtfvenOe of Trade, at 19 a. ra. at and to overflowing, The bright the Sunday Schools, ofnumber series no-Tcrowd, who hugely enjoyed the happy audience, together with Instructor, both in the CctoicitHouS.- 'bound the volumes. "Faith and uie neatness i Alo of spectacle? "The aces- of the rom- heautifni .. ; the ; in.ri. ". The lYeddents of Stakes are to !of V? building, made qnite an Promoting Saries." lie subse petlng specimens of infantile lovell- RICE IN SVJEEPING REDUCTION IN that nesa rangevl from four to J months, have a wiecitlnt; at .the Council Beektes the aquently also recommended spectacle. 1 work be . done little officers ea. on Wednesea v. of the Union. TrrMmf missionary House at ' Iioos, r? ... Woodruff, Atietles Thatcher. T,v. in the shape of sendingout visitors It f was aa;.: interesting weight. Clothlnpr, to families to invite Iho children to Tbete ipeclrens ef Incipient man TbVusQil Conferefico Btorm tf Mn't mau, and Smith were preent,and a ; V' : 'come thli time., ' The weather, was hfge number of Presidents of Stakes, attend Sunday school. -: Caps, nooaa ana womanhood ...were all. en '. OP r STOCK Brother W. Fotherlngham, Su chant IMMTTNSEj beautll al during the whole seas Ion. BIwiops, Stake S. 8. SuperintendIngly lovely. . So much so that Goods, "Elel, ents and other leading brethren. perintendent of the Psaver Stake, one was . of a reminded brief and instiactlvely ThFahYwbieb --closed on Satur-dagave The sinirJnsrsatisfactory report exercises, wm or tn me kiss htm for his nicht. was more than an ordi rendered In excellent senm!? xmderais sutrvisioEu (he song; "Let stvle bv We have been rushed for the past Month, since the Arrival of our nary scccess; it was atrftroaph. The the 17th Ward choir, led by Brother a Apostle Moses Thatcher delivered mother. 1 ; ? mnnaw tent are entitled 4e. great, John Aw Xiewis. . The opening brief .bus, rn tensely interestinir ad : The committee examined . ar prayer the was oHered by Counselor b. IS. dref, in the course of which he de creuju scribed many important relics of the ray of little' folks, each of whom in The match game of base' nail, on Wells. ancient seen the opinion of 'the maternal parent tSTOF LATEST ST to According previous appoint- .Mexico, Nephltes which be had now Saturday afternoon, between Ogden ment was, furnishing remarkably ihe bonniest President Ueo. of lot. the Some Q. X Cannon, and Bait Iake clu be, resulted Ju a General erfol proofs of the authenticity of of tlie diminutive & DOYG' CLOTHING i YOUTH'S i MEN'S, of tbe un Superintendent organs to family me the score latter, hook vi victory Mormon. He explained It will be to the Interest of Every Purchaser to- Call on-- . Union, delivered an . address upon tne 21 to 10.: - the . being the conauiou or the peoplotLBliixI fortunately manifested a desire to be w, pna expressed me, belief that a herd above the din of the crowd Perwns havhf, business with the BEST METirorM OF organizing yet bsjaccom andj . the taasto x of - ' Brother mighty work Would nd examine my Stock and Prices ' the remnants 1QQ TVT A T"KT Becretary of the D. A.M. BocJety AM) OONDCOnKQ TUEX)2X- cf BarreJl's band. This created maternal among pushed before Elsewhere." will find hinfat tbe Territorial AuQIOAX. CISSTES, purchasing numbered who about 5,'. v"v 000 Jadob, 00,. di ton's OQce, firt door east of the of which consternation,' 'and ' the efforts of in that world. of On the part a is the following synopsis: tje 6th day of las t- Deeeret Bank, till the business of Arll, upon the some of the mothers to maintain a The speaker sal J, that la the press skis the Territorial Fair la wound up. i a nia mountain, at an alti- smiling We Win Sell During CONFERENCE WEEK,- expression upon the objects GENUINE LIUERPOOL of business he bad had no time for tude of 15,000 above the sen level, of their solicitude watrpath tic.ilven There was fcharo thunder-storm- , "TSa The subject is one that Hurroundt d by a mass of volcanic o'clock this preparation. which opened i at-some 1 of the resiwere uon. our at ten not fathers should receive free , JEWer the other rock, Thatcher, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOlfCA3II, The lightning - flashes dent Cannon then read the follow morning from Utan,;and a few from this anxiety.,: We observed iwere vry vivid, illuminating tbe Ing passage from Answers and missionaries II a who had embraced the gospel one In particular, who- leaped upon 250 Gent's Suits, 300 Children's Suits' -entire vIteytV making objects as Questions," In the first Lecture on tnroueu a confer we their teaciiine held : . 300 Youth's Suits, sianu ana commenced to say, visible as in Lroad day. Bom of the 8001'dirs of Book of Doctrine and Cove Ona that occasion Ihey dedicated a at W i thunder clap were startling! Joud. nants, page S: "What is theology? it enqe. ii ' lab, '. pretty t baby,M 300 ; eaby, pretty 500 IMPORTED EXPItESSLY FOR of jilanhcts, lunianu or Aiexico to me ljora, ior "Isbj Boys' Suits, is that revealed science which treats the of the everlasting Gospel out me .lnianino music '4': i Conference week was a dramatic proceeaea, spiead s ... ; 111 i of .kinds,' being and attributes of God, among remnants left of Israel. El notwitnsianamg Uiat he rattled a harvest. Jach performance drew a fcl isthe us. the dispensa der. Thatcher also made seme in box to relations f bumper bouse. of candy In front of the face of tbe Tbe,WUiow Copee- tions it His providence. His will structive remarks upon the nature TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE I OFFER SPECIAL ISDUCEXIEKTS naa a very large audience on Batur" with respect to our actions, and His of the marriage relations amom?the hopeful. : ' "'. wltla teuMt to r puiuuvoa onj. After the xt jbi DRYaa sucommittee had x", crowded with people awaiting ad. This definition is originally taken saint, showing the purity and LEACHES IM CLOTHIXC HOUSE of" UTAH.' COODS IT WHflLESUE MIV and examined 9Sf the competitors. mittance, a full hour before the from Buck's Theological Dictionary, periority- as Our iuntltutlons ; with of those practices compr.id" door were opened. The entertainment and Is a comprehensive i the was, reached statement of judgment was highly enjoyed by thewe the character of theology. A more the world at large. by ballot. Only two got a couple of Brother a made .George Reynolds who witnessed It, being a very noble sut Ject could not be considerI ' ' . ) V.,". regarding arrive cent votes ; each, Alice E. I;vans, creditable performance, v ed by human beings. If we under- brief report School r which Alice and 12 month?, Sunday WE. subscription NOW ARE TO Paul, PREPARED months, SUPPLY THE , science in its breadth and had been Instituted for, the The musical performances of the stood this purpose the other five votes beinc dbttribnt. we would " understand ; much detail, ''r: ;. I .'I of publishing a catechism in tbe na? 7 choir during Conference were all contest was is now The God. His will ei It that singly. concerning Islive desired. Brothers w should. Our Sandwich the that could be language for learning lands. The enterprise was shown centred in the two rivals, the first Beeeely and Payne are'deservinff of it' is superior'' position to that to "generations as successful. jbe as .The little work named baby, daughter-owbJI every the late commendation, : AT K-LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! preceded us. The Nephltes, was expected shortly to be issued Mr. S.! L. dividual 'member of the organiza have Kvans r getting the first Is recorded in the from the whose history vok-tion. , press. Book of Mormon, bad many records After singing by the lTlh 1Ward priaeVf 20, given by the Oyster Grotto Bound even more sweetly and to men teach but holy them, to, and Miss Alice Paul getting the than usual We missed, however, there Is no warrant for a belief that choir, the benediction 'was President and a couple of silver napkin tones of Bro; Woodruff, by second, . the mellow, "pleasing they had the privilege that we have theproceedlngi ofa hlgaly profitMclntyre's cornet. Where was It? of given rings, by E. H. Oram. Over records by the able meeting terminated. multiplying these flftV boxes of is candv.' riven hv the in had It Geo. likely mora press. ting pi they ins Brother Yesterday GrqtCd, were also- distributed among Goddard was slightly late in getting some means that they used for that '' fa meeting. No tme need suppose purpose, but It was probably asnot of Setting: Apart of Missionaries.! th competitors. , Several uncom- 1' V.'il-"; -an This such character available at that Council the .!: as morning, censorious a be this te intended : . remarks COOKING about de HEATING the & plementary howwe which , STOVES, Doubtless, possess. allusion. When ire state that of the' House, at the setting I apart . 1 cision, Were made ; by disappointed r; I tbe very large number ever, they had many advantages iuuaiunaries at caiieu uonierence, " " of assemblages attetuioa by Brother that we are not Informed upon. the mothers, but the conimlttee escaped BTEW23ST following, brethren officiated: without a scratch. : .: Oeorjre, this is the first Instance of Vary likaly they had no such extenin. ..-the kind- that has occurred with! sive means of propagating know President W. Woadrnfl; Lorenzo A Silver Cup.nresented by Swdher him in the last seven years. He Is ledge as we have. If we do not under- Snew, F. D. Richards, M. Thatcher, for the cutest babv. was carried as is Bros, we stand it theology, revealed, a model of punctuality. are to blame. We can get the F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, of the off the Infant of H. J. Grant of by o T. "', '.,.', printed revelatiojs of God at a very Quorum of the Apostles; "H." 8. 2C1- - Bountiful. ' NV. small cost. Van Cott W. aad L0C1L AffCF ,t)THER MATTI33. Two members i of the committee It Is Important that we take pro- dredge,J. of the First seven Presidents fainted Taylor, by the wa and failed to ap per steps to teach our children the We have nov a full supply on hand of oar celebrated ' " science of theology, that they may of .the Seventies." The "following pear. Appoiataentt for Quarterly " '; '"i ' i; 'l t rench beyond the point thaL ,we are the missionaries who were set ? Conferences.' ITJARCIC have attained to. When the Sun- apart; ,,,, Salt Lake Stake January ("th" and day schorls were organized, !I ' felt Geo. Sax ton, Chas. Brown, Henry 'ECIAL BUSINESS NOTICES. that a gteat work had been Inaugu Ley land, U. C Bartlett, John Pick "- - ii , tx 7th, 1835- .rated to accomplish this object. The ett, Charles Sharp,' Hans C. . illan- Juab" ere. October Stakes Weber and detain Bay ! Young Men's and Young Ladies' .Morten Kasmussen, Edwin X have now 22nd an 23rd, 131, anj January Mutual Improvement Assoc! itlons serf, the largest and twis tie, Orson F Whitney, Levl ready En "' were another step In the' same direc- 3. .Reynolds, Tho'i L-- Obrayamcs best selected stock of men's and 21st and 22nd, 1SS2. ' clothing ever e Walter x. boy's falltoand winter ' ....... .... Hsrdy, K. M. Damn, BoTJr-aiitTTooet.:. October tion. i i manufactured .j.,, e ' .V this Different teachers of theological Atfwood, ii brought Jesse city, Joseph Smith, AT 1 . , 29th and 30th, SSI, and January classes have different methods. Wi McMurriu, Thos. It. Jonosto by 'myself, which enables me to sell .. :t. : i V..,.-. Vors oy; Rebt Larsen, Hyrum H. Kvans, the same from 10 to 15 per cent low read Some have the pupils "T T t1"r i i i No- verse in turn, the teacher asking wm. L. 7iDotson, Joseph ii. uar- - er than any other house. Parties r i Cache and Wasatch Stakes winter of ttie readers upon the risi Timothy B. Clark, John H. Bar- - intending .to lay fA.-o-t vember CO and th ISSr, and Feb-- . questions stock interest consult 'of will I am in by matter. their, Geo. Thos. Chris subject Fowier, Chr, to, il Complete Stocli ' Always on Hand, stock first and Is in the Indicated prices It another my examining Neils Thus. teAseo. John Perkins. M plan.. rustytn.and ' before they buy. Orders solicited Lectures on Faith, which, it would j Samuel Mul liner, , . George . Summit Stakes treatment guaran te well for every young on an tp Olson, Andrew C. said honorable James J. Cower, Adams, ..... v. 1881, and commit. to memory. For instance. Neilson, Mark Hall, liana .Hansen, teed. .,, ... Novembet?2t h:l3th, 458 Broome Street. "isth. to 1S32. Manufactory and of .faith the take Andrew L. Anderson, Uriah Butt, up subject Febraaty lUh and L. Golebkrg, it thoroughly, - beinn tin? Wm. Brom lev. Alfred Baney.ChriS- - New York. Ban Pete and MorgatuS takes No- - examine lft5 de 167 Main.St. first e,vHome otXh. JobnJEUL, Hans ' principle ?. o"k, ioqt V vl ventbw different phases of a subject to dif- sea, William Willie, FebruStr JtSttrmnd 19th, 1532. Ephraim DRIED FRUITS!, pupils. Such, for Instance, JohnB. Foirbanks, Jun., No-i ferent . Millard and Sevier, '3 takes a baptism, the mode of adminis Ralphs, Ilighcst paid at vamber xkh ' and fi7tbr IS8 1 , and tration, lt object, me suDjecis, ana Aery William Steven-sop- , BlLRNES 3feV.DATS for Jensen, " who have authority to administer ic Nathan Hawkes. Februar25th anil 20th, 1832. and other Apricots has rhis method many advantages. 8 Utah 3take December 3rd and some teachers assume UHaV.'r.: r iv rf' v. jr:;,'i qS07 .': the position oMarch 4tU and- 5th, of lecturers and explain the different , 4th, ISStj ,.... ED CANYON, ROCK subjects. This is advantageous, es- .vetnoer number or tiie JVorUi Ame1882. where the pupil is in terro rican Bevlew wiil contluue'tne de SPRINGS AND WEBER COAL. pecially - 10th and . Davis 3taV pdcetnbefor .' only reliable r market gated ana is rrquirea u express nis bate" between. Iugeraoll .ami Bktek, & LARGE and egg ' ooai. ttiu assorted maap, 11th, ISSjjani March 11th and 12th, individual views on me suojecu QUANTITY t t would be governed by the cohdl-tlo-n the farmer coming out with a vigor Laree ' stocR: always on nana. 1882. a, I.1'.!.: one Prices full the of the class itself.. Where rejoinder. James Dwyer has anl weights guaranteed. ranguiteh Stake December 3rd pupils are very young I would as ordered a large numbes-o- f copies in low. and ' special attention riven to and 4tbUStand MareH4Eaand teacher give explanations; as JJiey advance. Mr. Dwyer starts for New suit the wants of the public, . Office, i'f'r '.. advanced I should give- them Yrk on Wednesday morning, and usseret JtMuiK.iiiocic. : I ftth,lS82i x'.: ; 1 A. d23 GOTJU, and of Agent; branches require subjects, to books Jk and order all wkh whe 10tl and Kanatf8.lake December them to bring forth the proofs them brtirie.arom the Eest should apply f BCCKLElfS ARM1CA SAI.TE. : lltfi, lSStt and "March 11th and selves. To one could be assigned to hltaon 'iueiday. so. v and . . r . another ! (The rBest ' Salve In the world for repantance, 'V-'i faith, 12th,lSS2 on until the doc brines are all treated Cats, Bruises,! Sores, Ulcers, Salt i 'jet I George Stake December 17th upon and then change them about. Benefit Performance. On Frl- - KheumKever Kores, Tetter, Chapand 18th H31,and March 18th and It would te a goou iuinKsiuriu dav, the 21st, tnBri.tbe Home Dra- - ped Hands Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. This ." young men especially, to obtain the mktlo 19th, 18S2 Club, asssted by other talent Salve is guaranteed to give perfect cur oi uocinmw sustaining proois Parowaa Stake Dejmber 24tb from the Bible. In preaching to the ed DlaTefe; Will tender . Vit 0.T,a satisfaction" in every case or money of. theiri number refunded.'" Price 25 Cents per Box. and 2Stk; 1S3I, and March 25th and world the Bible has tote mostly re Wliitny,-on- e .For Sale "by" Moore, Allen A Co.. ferred to, as the people do not., be- beneut at the xneatre lt JjaRe Book or of Isrin the divine In lieve DrugristSfeWbolesale the Agents, ' Salt F. BOTTOM" SmitR, fc , .iuvacliye. refarr Ajsplendld a Coven s aad or Doctrine Mormon of city DJUCHAKDS. F. anu ana ti tne uenenciare J: ants A man who Is familiar with in: ALL O.' Hl Bible quotations has": great power tl strength. of "the Jp;ur?P7 .wUlK j 1 H to exIG nOUSE, Second The GREEN An The following i ar in the, gospef? Irftromkient parts Tali3S"oe preaching or of .been east City .Hail, has , tue, earin. bretbrei aieteqtxst!Sl by President the inhabitants Ilent nerformance may be anlici- - house Is also very im renovated and fitted up ws, w. F. WrrsTACic. consecutive tloroughiy .', reading at 1W, POOTT a TJjIV, to for meet hint V MrJ lOives Itedj; 1836, W. P. WflSTACH, A OOL WilfojUsWoedrefl Whltrtay ini first clans style and Is ready .or coeMA n. uat a ca as it is often necessary to wjt, portant, llfk-sat . i: this evening on Monday, th Hotinrll 12, 14 and 16 yards for SI. irone - - the 24 th biisinees. Furnished, ltooms to ltent. CHOICE PRINTS a adduce more evidence than is given T. Bur. in a bare truotatlou. Kx tensive Idst. The trwrttleman- - a w him??EW LAAVN8 Cau and see jor Terms, etc 7 o'ebeki J,n. Winder.-R- , .7c.,;10c.,12o. and 15c, per yard. ;;?r; V a person to sfflf a tnlented actor, leslde PORE LINEN LAWNS01oc.,2(kJ.and.(worth lOc.perya ton; A.ltrt!anuon Wmi Thome, reading, so as to enable " J ti ' r occasion napReaahiif ei&eUen t abililv rn vari .i (SUCCESSORS TO SCOTT, DAT & OO.) .SERVICEABLE CHEVIOTS ' 12iC;, 15c. and SOc per jard. (worth W. It-- SmithAV. IX Troaten, Abram give an explanation of theforth are the friends 4 His directions. oda other that originally brought; ' ojititsr t l Oc. per yard more.) ' we can pre BULBAKB, KAIDBAUK STEAT ; MOMIES ;rSIN, Hat,'Saa3iiBmnion. scriptural passage ued -; iai m valu-; a tmst. and we believeUiat ISbA' EOc. and 25ci fcer yard, r (S; i .,. will . tlere able. diet with certainty" Aa.. OMTlAJi jk r Are active' fajredlenta oi itVLlSU SDMMER SILICS .50c., fOc 70c and 80c;-peyard. a bum nor houso on that occafiton. I have admired the course recentPolice !)tf Wf Mrs. A. A. Trait, 'AHD President Taylor. AsI5rowi.'s Trrpsur; Tonkif;: Give this KIjUAIvJ. UluADlXiEs 500 50c,,and, GOCpet e is in.'evrry way worwi pi ni 10o.f 15c, of 8e2T Hgjmj Ward, had stolen ly liken by ' I ' has a he I'trial I a Brother euderful ' sisted .isiV---"'br remedy ."'. Dyspepsia Reynold A by tanifytaj,k)H froM. jopuhir rgara.j house, - recently .a red been ancamulating Scriptural evibe "cured. .VjFor sale by all prug- D8mABT3 tRES3 GOODS 5 8o.,(l0c, 12e., 15e 20c, SOc., ail 5c, t. pdrsw--, a' .u w gold pief-e- a gold rlng dence to sustain the doctrine of the mutan. iltu) 40c j 50c., 60c and tOo. per yard; r ; 1 "" f 1 JmprovBient.-?The Mutual ,j constituent other silver (Jeneva watch"and gold dialn atonement and We--, COc., 70c, EOc, OOo. ItABLE DP DAMASKS TABLE per Meh'iB TM2 Mufual andjl IN LARGEST STOCK THE UNITED STATES. Improvement " oung of our religion. This compilaj yard.,-;;i.J- ' nvHt so V"'" iuMvi xik xn- n..--- . t Tcday:a rata wsi eogaed in parts These hsoclatlons heldJLheJjLfieml-annu- al i value. of be will great tion 'or all who upe. ProWn's Perjelh Ali. WOOL LABIliS' CLOTHS, fjXsSIMERES TWEED3 JEAKB, beatinz a carpet at the residence vf nriuclnies should be implanted in No. XortU 33 Third on Street, Philadelphia. i; mference In the Assembly Hall say it is a" Bure cure lor Dys-n... .. U f. V Etc.,:Oreally, Reduced.' ;..' 1 rnlc, anu Mr. II. irrCfeWBera, 12tl Ward. He tlte minds of our little childrea.The j 7 p m. The nmisla at kick evenine iieauaene. iturdav Ary a BEAtTTIFUI. LACJ3 and $3 $12 is like hearts CURTAINS, per pair. ANTIQUE truth iu their tender hft ft in frirti bf the house while he seed $,V-C.'Mj I. Aledbe Fitts . J: v-n.- i j . oy uiuecai FsreaWbvr Allen la good soil, which I percises ReaBargaina, Lake. planted Salt went to dfciri Jiefore he returned Co., Moore, v &Jo., erows and produces beautlfui ainrlnt..a CMEORTED NOTTINOIIAM CURTAIN NETS 25&, 5CL 40i 60c. W ; P ikbaau-WiviU-- .' : 60c. toll per yard. fruit. .No better agencies inau tiieo-- 1 I $Tce Fil8V Tr eIdencyj several j tiuHHfNl lil'U i... .cau iml Alfior filmlLlr fir t t .as& Y MO-- j BRUBSELS,8 ANfi VELVET steers tie INGftAtN, HEMP, ?ilX'M TAPESTRY, fcl Apoatlep. 13 W anor. n O4 1TJ FORD, fiole eanizatlons could be conceived A Setana Bereavement. -- w '.n-Choice and on were , QUETTE New, the rf. others CARPETS, Cheap... for Iasies CJHILDREN'S fclQUE puuno opiuwu rlM. I. A. and v win create AtenlrIJIali;.''! ether part btVtm papVr wCl be found 1'neywill 3 cent. and W worth $2, l.5j, O per looked SUrrS, be to fl, tX cause it upon stand. that !, of a child or as faoesi;';f Mannfattnred .. ,. a aaptJcaf.heidenl3e and prayer Elder rtio good a reason for . exclusion from? After ' singing . ... . i.f. '.Elder John David lor, OINOHAM vOf the SUIT3' reduced Jayl .breaches the 5ta Celebrated commit te tlic' greatly ' j . 'Wella-spok- e. "Reynold by society the . , F. Junius upon f we , who recently aTedmt"KeV rork Word orwxsaom. tna nilrn. V.T.nll wldlha LiADtESf, THREE FIECE LINEN PUIT8 $3,25. Great Barsain. . condition of the associations, associauona. ine these Provlder.ee maintain The boy who has, in the up to Biae 41, very beap.' to TTe liar just LADIES LINEN AND 8ERQE. ULSTERS, d the vorjk- - iheyx- - have result will be the inaugura fyles, Sf. . .n . - :f . to DRESSES 135. $14 T.ADIES "' SILK "".'. ' ' et pirii lfikllPd away In the bud ultimate ' on a db in educating and reforming r 4 eel x hL tion nr tphocls of tne propuets . fl r ClJOTtI o;r & T.ADHSS' fei 1 BILK Shipment sal iavbeen JTAC1CETS, ' DOLMAN3,: ULSTERS, unusually basis i Ui t et ilfe, TT was fitllOWMa I Mmnla . . i b Te buuoom iMeso- - ueieumie" ruoes. " " - ' at less than Eastern Cost. , j: ptj'wuu& f" - 1 T bright mteingentand promfsing. vet thouiiht or. " -' 70c.' BPANISil rr and $1 Bfks.,LACES v O 50c, 60c:, per yard ' nj ulicS'llcase Call nuti Ex IjOYELY iui Tht mothertipon" "whom the hand Will be COmpOeOU OI WIWC uav oi truwi VALENCIENNE, C0RALINE AND OTHER, VLACES, from 6c, t3 the prmcipiea of affliction has fallen so heavy rf mindsinstilled from their infancy, who . made. a few very Interesting re i st a inc. l t , . $150 per yard. , TO . , . .S laic hat Uie heartfett yepathy of been i ii tneseor "" lOO-rii.. "'H' tat I 1 througn STOCKINGS AND' graduated CHILDREN'S f LarRS reiauve having LADIES O l&C, 23c, .',' 5c, uMKrgnuimnuu " ieMUeSIate frleoidj, but cranizauoas in taeir various sutgeB SMtonXr ' i . ii I USOc, per palr S5cto$(5.5 ;j v. ii ie represents. , a nwv 1rila (t eeaSI mm.r O S. over 85,000 children ;'! 10 :J'tf-- tj.jj L''l ir?errmjmwdty In this second recent VVehwwenow O 3 .it:.i marked way down te closi i"i':, see CORSETS AND LADIES UNDERWEAR Prest. John Taylor feTTfbssedV hi- - iwuyuoso many people we " oranhted Into Sunday Schools. ' tbe entire stock. ' . J..' . i ' . . t . . i : , " to '. to seem tufTet anxihd a prefer of and a i Eeasure in host young people, What at' being present, he made mlerahlebr Indiares QENTS AjJD nOYS-- rJTRA W AND FELT HATS of mostIrabla ...-.- ' U" TS" " " the day when our teachwords w ' cewrienifelTth?? ocla- - arid The Salnta hCp to aremore 1 : .". Ullcomtt Home 20 per cent. to ! of reduced and J We have tidn, liizziness, Jjoss Quality, ;Btyle Consupaliun, be eckmt. will ers en- . wer Appeti ti, Co m In ji ft cf the Food, GENTS, AND BOYS' CLOTHINQ must be Closed Chi if to mike room delighted yesterday t see bad to tike those who have" had the tLns for wkat they were doing, " 12 i ! L Yf (low Skin, when .for 75 cts., w e ' Moses Thatcher once . more to teach, without i . ... for a.Buperb Fall Stock now being manufactured for us. Apf-tl' sell (' izer. Sblloh's Vital D eftcil w)U .them -to nttmiM their and eubrts. to their adaptability voice. r.itlon iI bis and hear LADIES AND. CHILDREN'S SHOES, includingr Burt's, niidat and " " every '42 tz3..-'-4... T""7. cure to them?'-- Sold b irdsranted that raBncota ; other prominent make, every pair fully warranted at lowest living fr KtrWmiiFii at the conference in nihf 8 . ' ' - . Ha. '' f !" ,T , lso fell MrcmiAllen labor. GcjJ English Blrnd : be Suprinteu-:t4Voodruf5prices. to :!,.:. I listened .. were : rm j ve therjaftynoon a : It pj; uiisaur BOOTS AND ta"'ht. ccru'tiLIe tcu;j GENTS' BOYS' AND DAITETJ3, thoufenowira utiAciiiisaitT akd ttjlbb, to witness the tp&Uc!otf ' ' -- VX - . . us trt have a dictlonsry at rlad syith aUorUnj attention. Ills f and durable, at Itlcee to please. 1 ilVU RIU"VU I OI RUIUS JfOUWJ sJjouU L. eurtrintendents late Feramorx Cehand. The Cele-In: our -Xwar. ' -house GOODSr Lord. YOUTHS' of be FURNISHtNQ GENTS the . lacludlnt Fliould every AND un the in toi? during and most latelnsent j YocacTJvere rCset.'r iiathetlc, tna see's to get the avaiiauie. brated Dnlaundried Ebirts, Best and Cbespcat ia this Uarket,,:,-- ; , ir,) i,, md rvrenarlns? themselves for the tl Si beaded season. 1 1 never falls to- i ' ' J cuIUvat'-- help CQ Cholnar and before lie cUre Diarrhoea, them, future eaued teantof rymjthy t3 cc' Dysentery treat wuea T.., to Cttec are quick 12 an ErJ eaie urugn . ir.cr.,.t tVjm-n-rn iasfentsrtfcf hiownhik!iictJ ej STrbus. ror,. O; by .7 Mfd . . . Ind t. 1. ( faii4kattheTe hii in Halt Jke and UtaJw . dAw . ' . ' gitts ... , C- --. ..II . . ere those rpprrved .Rroonir the (: . . , 1 r WITT fn vBnW TTT? AT. Tt A TiiJ A TTT" It I t4I.Tl Finvnr.j. .' .,, cu 10013 .....ffcrJti PTS 111. -; not-liSAUSS. of g& CtfAKtia mith of l.faef w ho ' wodlvT)ei.f off Ekr, room for LarsesChcIc-ostazthe anxious to make JCcitL.rbt ; ty singly, j ii t m klucdom In the day of Goda Lia Vi, he F.i'le'attrsrtlve -mmense barrsins at Cameron's drkik" ' ever lLs-rt- s v V.r-- 1, La. th jrsr!-?s- a v?e nr.t to r this r naexrsively in hya -Tcrriicry, brought ave store. York will rYou: New 1 ha rh.'Vl' should bower badnever'used tobecco nor ,' rr I . -t all U.a children , P I Triifint Geoitre Q. Cannon oc 25pJ tia eTery dolUr by buying your uecesafullv far manv tsseti raet. ht in pr &e a VarU cs.'Zh dell--PresenU.cf nttsred a fjrofane tis ana wnu.fc taanfl laI1! monieia underwear, Jewelry dry 1.9 was an example that be who! i cf P. m;0 fanf v rc '3 of every ,d, crf. lion, at ijwt l i; : Pr&vat Jotr h rv-- . tl oulS ; llc-rothn-wth':;-.cic&e the 2. Ycrk n Israel ct MzT.'iVj izzv ta ir vsld trho hcpsdtiia-ilsa- ei more roori ni-ji-t be tiXla far a Isrra fall rra have mtn'bt h,n 1 Elder r who catcher, mjAte. to -- T"era PrcixsUy.Fincd ciJL time and ' ' . rrv . e ee3hed the city yesterday from his officers various from the bear reports j aksion to Mexico, appeared to be AAVtlMn&nd waa delivered "witn EESIISaTO!! VTOESCw add-- f th AsocItlpns. lie rrented Clothier-end.C.liHses Schramm, uasih4 W2rC.V:.;mtrpo oily' la oraU'hcthWnd'.cirl- esis : will fJTe above vfcrrt ,' nously sustained aa at the jaai at C.rr-.ns CenAJyi faUsued by a 'Journey ex lie "r CLvZ'.an y. E rn-ecr-- s, : I for the pepalar E j's An CS TZIB far TiaJi Trrttry ' inference, VZ'-.ZUIJ C WE? Eim-- b nd tending . over period of Jtwenty WCIes, it ; ! Etata J aad XJ. H. eaeel Benediction ATesir.T?-.r.e the rcmartis c? r(!w, by Apostle even daysrTtlie'" SaliiU clve' bin! A 3rd GaZrii s etra. ad IZmmt'sm. . .... . Tterarpd theu- - yman. Jjearty-we'jmdent EVENING NEWS. i , It LOU S R E G G E L, XfHOLESMiE CliOT HEE Yam her w, ; el - -- PILL "'"f j AN fell! f Hoots and Hats and Gents' JFurnisIiiug y Dry , Dress Goods,.... Motions Etc. i - YLESOPSI LOUIS ST.. REGGEL, v ASHTON'S - PUBLIC XtJOTIOKr, 3 n. -- - . ixi ins J1JL -- j -- m m J -- " - ail I FAMILY and DAIRY USE. ' s. - x 2 N DOW GLASS Wi li . rants, Fairs . 'ETo:rBTCErarCr'" o i a 3 . - - GLASS TRADE OF UTAH, tf - - 1 , 1 . f tet-aebjeS- e ers ap-pear- ed pro--nodnc- ed - ',".. -- ng 1 - 1 and . - - . i- -- ' 1 '. . , flRRIUlMfe- OAILV ' i - ; RAtJGES - EMPORIUM COOIC STOVES - ; f sT j- in'-thel- - -- I..',' ? , '- - th,-188- -- BeieuJ" -- - 0be -- Wl. JEMII6S OlftJV-.flan-- .- -- & SOIS. Price, c Iled MERBUI DiscxiBsictti-rDearttire-r-TbeN- - -- 6f e - - . " 9 c - - i, GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE OF ALL . TOrJITE ArJD VULCAH ilja . -- : Our - BLASTING SblATElS rice s TH TPITiT ' AT I LP? A T iE 6 CONRAD B. DAY X -- - COACH ! - -- tht - - - ,. O -- Jt. - AT BOTTOM lIsic;ES 3?V: TJ SUMMER GOODS . . : . - ! v; -- rs J MATERIALS : ; it MAKERS' CO, 1 1 ( li eu were-eoninicr- awwiK , . J - nti -- lyjt Mm, Timer, 4u -- .. IW. aii ' s .... .- .1)1 I .. - . - -- m-- - -- i- im . i o - tJ I- - -- -- f , -- - "l'l ' t ,...' . 11 i " " S . " : r dis-vwltl- in-C- ir " 1 t- - . .' 1" : -- jr ..... c 4 1 - Iusf-ns"lerii- " - 2 U ie 4 -S-- Ji. j-rr- si- ti ''; k ,u,. d . x:tJ titrd i- .'- s;--- ---- -- . , - -- ' -- i - !!;il i. " caere " ... f t if!--.LV- -. s .?- LTif iUheorstic::. o a, - X. bettef-cpportunl- tles -- ,.. 1 ' - 1 'rl'irCr - . 1 ....r-j-i.-a- iz. 1 J.. If - e. .! N-tl- -- ;:': . ftt a-f- .- i:-as:- tzt. er |