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Show f.. 1 ..jm im ;i J""""" m.Mi-- ' j YENTLSTG C10CPHY Jan s laai. " Ttir4iay, THE NEWS. Wiu. OF THJ9 COUMTRT, A Tazulycf Isnghert. Etralarht across the Delaware from here, and back amoDg the hills .... 'TaSScS THE (a Icago & the Oloetal Ht ; North-Wester- n Conatruoted! Ilest and ho nee lite Equip-jjod-l - RAILVAY LEADING m WEST RQRTHWEST! tho Short, Sure and Sails Route botwoer It BLUFFS COUNCIL AKD i I , CHICAGO, .MILWAUKEE nHin&Rn: ROCK . ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. f And all prints Fast, such & Folia, Isew 1'orh, PhUaileljthia, Siagara ! & WEST THE EAST WathinqUm, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, TUP fJRFAT CONXECmCI LIXK BETWEEN TIIE tnir n CUncUinrt. Tnrrmtn, main line not rrn ' '"". " ereaA ntnreof our can Palace Cara a SMiiKINii ' Attifrmlrtnl, Council Bluffs the Dttrl, Trains of the Cfaicagn "llTanm" your KoILc entoy aihiN wbereyoa Wert Aelalxl. ;!!.1ijrj3:?iTn Darenpork, and the IT. P. R'ys depart kni.M nf the dir. I t.'T.AlAreM.i. Broosiyu. unnoni, MasmMeent Iron BrwWea apan the MlaoiMlnpl II irom, arrive at and mo the same imot Union Wurt. AiltniHfi M..iuee (the capital of PT this 'Vnut. u uMtMin nvrraat alt iKMnt.1 croiuu) IVLV ti and Avocei "'l" ."rmu"c. line, and txansfiT are avodled at I'onnol THurrS. I At ChtcORO, clofio coiiriwtioni are made to Kixirtai WUtoo ''. W KanHM tUT, lMTenwortb, ami Atc.uoa with the lAke Shore, Micbiimn 'antral, iui. Belknap. tine. Wa.hlnrtoo. rairBeld, KlO-latin, tanie-rVntreville. rTinoeton, Treutue. UalJtamaaa W.TTIONJI O nr.orp thto. Ft. WaytiO and 1eiinsylrania TiiaSPKI Nv 1FA 1j R. B. X.VN Atefakatm, and Ul)r, ona AJN1S AUK t rucrvfio raiin a rmm it jr, ana toe Bujowreer, Oakakwaa. and Ken- - THIS riHEAT TUKOIMJU Wellington to to Knukakeetutd Pari liar Kile Kout. r arBuiirtoa, Biitart, Hot for All kenl the dlwrKlnii with At fair ago. iitnort. Independent, r.id.m. (Mum: PULLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOD. CARS and oirtn. . . ami "T" Mmnea iil..,0aeJoi"a, Pelta.UaMre. and Pi At Knouwoon, with the ktotnea to lmliam.ia end Ala? run on all throurh troma of this rood. ,11, .ii u, Monro! K. Uda. W.AC. and ft. and Aaduboo; to Atlantic Uwa v.'.niruL! Sot-to- ti North-Weste- rn !), l.il-r- tr. J.iiu-ti'.- - , m. Knnx-vill- ?: m which run parallel with the river for many miles, lives a family constorlea cerning whom the strangest bods are tire tokl. The father and livemmin a eubstanfarmers, and all varus a a irom tne roau Ual Mouse, a lew to Doy testown. They are all chronic laogherSi having an affliction of the muuclea of the moutn ana mroai which comnels them to irive vent to at stated inter apiiarent merrimentnras ppeareu in vals, .rne maiauy the father about ten years ago. lie was usually a very quiet man. manifesting his enjoying fun, bat much noise. Ue enjoyment without dinner-table one was seated at the day in th spring of the year, eating steadily, and not engaging in any of we otner the conversation wnicn members of . the - family were carrying on. Suddenly, without any cause, he burst into a loud fit of laugh tur, bo extremely different from bn accustomed lauea that all were attracted by It at once When asked what was the reason ror ms sudden outburst he made no reply, but continued his merriment. Borne of the boys thought he had hyster ics and pounded mm on ine oacs, but it die! no good. After a few mo ments he made motions for pencil and paper, and wrote that he was unable to control his risibles, and asked them to send for a doctor. The rural nliyelclan came, but could give no remedy that stopped the laughter, real after peal or wnai sounded like the heartiest kind of fun came from him, and nothing would avail to prevent it. The doc tor finally came to the conclusion that he was the victim of a nervous attack, and, leavlnir a nervine, de riarleu. Tne rattier .continued sun about until ' laughing he when suddenly down, stepped, and fell on the Moor completely Drostrated. lie soon grew better, however, ate a hearty supper and spent the evening much as usual. No signs of a return of the old trouole appearing,, he went to bed and was soon fast asleep. Along about 2 o'clock in the mirnlng.how-ever- , his wife was awakened by his laughter, and the same aymptonpra a At WA8U1NOTOS UUQHTS. With P, C & St. ftHa the Only ltutd between only to Harlan. Tnieanda, positively a the owns, operates tnroutfn Haiirnad, wince with lit. Cent. R. R. ago At UA SaI-I.ehk-aintovbe tateof k In. from ( ; P. J Atl'CuHlA. with P. KUiE TJpo which ia run the eeksbratcd I hr..uh K.iiMU Paaanfier Train, wlttt Pnll- W. Rd. aodT.P. eaen HLiKl.t W.t war ran am ettactMNi. daily l"eiare an with "Milwaukee A Rock At Ktx-and rami. KansasATTH1-auoi s l. ,rtIsland, and Ruck lal'.l A Po. ltd uiwn(Hirx; lne."witlk aod Virr,- tla-- tuIh.wvwiKT .., .v. il. liu rN, l,AVNWOKTB Ilia Itavmi t,ir t iMvlsion Turouwn oar arealaoran brtwmMIHiiii. I . . iv. JbfRifit- unon Ttekct AirPnrKaolHn'ir Yntilrra .. arid K.Hiia I nr. via the "Alii waul CO aud C. aM. a. vv " : I nEirr r , wim m u.. k., iv. a. " v M, k iaiand huurt Line." fa ibis rid. F.tarolno - n. ytnir tlcketa, and lAlliMNNKbi. wilRvuirni Aluitanat Island" ituck tnaAnlfteently "urmt V. O. R. R. jh If to OiCM Moi.vki, willl It. M. t,vn do ClitcA-over not tbo buy At (hey and it rfd bed is road auupiy perfect, lu et,uilpd. At t'ocNCit. Bi.ctrs. witb Union Paoitle R.K. eo .v NOilh-wwtei laid wiiU MMl raj la. lotllway. irai At Omaha, witli B. A Mo. It. K. It. in atNed) wteb VVtaatarill pieaae yoa asuet will be the pleasure Deet Aocouamo-t(!if tbe ': Travellna; A if OI.I'Mlll'H jl'NOTlOV vj.you will buy your tt. n. vk meal a. while pa ma over Uie of vntrlourh--your of VV TkArtg by this Iowa t. At trrroMWA, Willi Outrnl illioota ao4 Iowa, In own.' rautiful 11 r.Hiie. ptrAXD WILL, TAKK AOxVJB W it. Kt. l I'no., and OUrlna Cun Vtia. BcoMuuauy all .nr tiiaMuitn--ri- t it- - JTtfFlft At KuiKFH, with 'lol.. I'eo. War.: Wab. Km au enure 'ltirouxli KiiirtM Trains. You flrai-claIL Uda now I, l.uia 4c Puc, and St. 1, Keo. N.-In Any AllTtekft A rente nell Tickets by (his line. . a xJ as ta Witb K. It. M. II. J CAMKKON, At y cnta. ma v. p. am jor6.iy-"huo wtili Auh, Topeka ft Santa Fv TenT A majority of tc jMARriy At Atchison, U that fact Arprpciatint AfanaT, Chicago. a prUJBn Is for different Atch. A Neb. and Cen. Br. u. P. R. Hda. prefer wtparat pupl Kau. Kan with Pac and At J.eaven wonru. buatuena Vurwieva (and toe unmenae wepaaaetithir are plxaaed to an- - Cent. tt. Hda. it), of thi line wamntimc At Kansai CtTT, with all fines fur the DOUDre Uiat till a company raiia rwumin and Southwest. rptiw Cera lor alee pui purpose a. aud faUc PFS MO Sifc PALACE CAS are ran throne to FEOKIA, d aCavsmam corVciL uLcrra, ltoekw lalaknU 1.1 au ttrees wtat the tkla ae, itoutc," atr.-- ji..ld by ETERY PAR-RNTleaiete SHOULD KNOW A PTfW avU Ttcfce Aeeaita ta the CalMe kUatteA oomman Bymptoma that indloatw hoxao ticket ontee, nddreee. ufarawUaii ave efcfleeble avt ysgr for ? of lie presenoe , a en'i Tkt. aud FWer Aiv Oea'l ttenertBtendenti . t r an uu luu at"... Chicago, Wfcloli ares Cbanweable Appatttav uai ia 1 eattki!i3.iexi tneimriYCT llreath. -Pal da In tbe Stjoniach and Head, ternoon nrevious. Grinding- of tbe Teeth dtrrinr Bleep, Pale He kept It up until 7 o'clock, Hollow Sunken Kee,Itoh!na of the Faee At 7 UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD Noea with and Kuixlumeiit, Irroyularlty of tbe laushintr loud and stronir. Bowels, a Short Dry Coufrh, Loss of BpJrita, o'clock the noise suddenly ceased Feverishness and Disturbed Bleep, Ratios; la and did not return again until din TRAINS N0TIC1! FUKTITEK TTNTI1V tbe Throat causim sickness, Etc ner time. Thus it continued, recur U will leave and arrlT at Utrdea daUjt T Take Effect November 85, 1S80. rintr each dav shortly after noon and Ia, t Mlowt: PIaANT, i .; ,. ' laatb. in the night about 2 o'clock, and has 8JJJT LAMM COT. HIRBAU8T, 10.30 a-.i.'.'.i. Dally ever since. As the week passed, he tf 4.00 Mixed 4. p.ou . so accustomed to the disease SVJO a-- i.ra toiscfi, m.urrs ad chic pflmrm hotel. sijiei gibs iiwr itB. ;. R-- ft-P- kt rn It-i- A- aa Mit-a- hitt, - 'fct prrilftl LKtviwom kwacity, athiisoji, H(Ha.l. lOMHALL, WANTED'!' ST. JOHN. s m "w . - 1 XT. !;;" DR. E. RATIOata. wlA-- ii Aaarra, i Eteily ExprfM MLnd .... &15 p.nv &4U LUTI TKAIHS tl5 p.m.- - Freight..... a Dal'.y oonmctlona made at Orden with Cen-r- al Pttoioo K. K- -, with the Utah fc Northern a 'wuy,! or potnU In Northern Utah, Idaho od Montana, and with Utah Central road for ait Lake City and all potnta In Souther da Utah. At Uruen Rior with atvrea for Sweetwater raioee. At Cheyenne witb the Colorado Lane Km the Union Paoiflo tor Uenrer. Leadrllle, Oeu-tntUlaok Hawk, and all ctttes, mini op oS'D and pleaeare reaorta In Colorado. At Sidney with a dally line of iupeib OViq. eord Cottcbca for Dead wood And ot her pot .ia lu the Buck Hills. At Omaha with Chicago and Northwestern, Chloairo, ChUngo, Hock Island and Pae-- i IlurUnrtoa and Ouluoy, Burlington a.d River In Nebraaka, Kauaua City. and Council Bluffa KiJlrottd, auid Miaaou r. lUver line ot teamera for all points East uu 1 South. TVkcta for tab to all polutj east at Bauk- 1,, Hman nf afaTxirrikik Jc fin. SU.lt ILke C ty, a ko at Cntoa PaoiQo Railroad Ticket Ottoe in Oardeo, at whioit otlloe- , bertha on aleentna' oaura oam be eeomed. THOH. X. KIVtBALX, General Ttoket Jtceatt, Omaha. C. H. CLARK, Oenl uperuttendeat. Milford.. Black liock A.U. a .. .a. SmU. LTCO,.i' itiveitide...... Iruminctotv. Muia T 1 S3 30, 40 60 . am s to t6 io oo Patent Iron Roofing! 4 00 I 00 m 11 at Ajtnnra V. oo! FOR BUILDINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. flau l, . rl St-Jo- UiTI . fnab. llal ........ Lemmlnrtoa... .............. TBAIiri . ... Rook...,.,,,,, ABJUTl AT tM, 1ML Juaatraiy I ft. ft, fl 10 oo Fo. 1 and 1 will be run DaDy. hsJormatioa aonesratng' rretfl-b- t lr uod'ae'roa. . W d , .. Tenti-eviJle- r'ariuinjriuu. Pgden TOO ' a y maca -- AAutor B t 01 401 Mi Xlakat ami . Dytptirta, ouane, J ccsrriM uwi routxi all-rai-l NO CHANOSOr CARS atANAGKIIBNT 1 1 III ft, ka.vwitle r Armtntrtim. . . . ...... rent rev ilte. Woods I'naui. ..... j..., i. I AKHlf Salt Ijtke iifcaoes. : Pa-win- AT 40 W 20 40 10 66 11 05 6 20 11 30 8 7 10 1 00 7 SO 1 35 eo 7 461 7 b 1 7S i more, Washington, at a tu., 11-J- 5.03 8.30 p-i- SHARP. 8u iier ki teuderit. JAMFS 8RAKP, Ucoeral Krcia'ht au.1 Ticket Ajrent- - Te Tavke (All V Rcaclias ill ' yaAijDl 5alt Lake.. f ...IT ta ioruiAxUa..., uui iirwiw .,.,... J uuotkuk.... Fandy.. ABJKITa AS t43 Pandy......... .ft......,. rera. ... .. . MWC. be at Aruerioaal . ia m tl ii f IU.UM av at. S KJr1nwtB Siauiiab Pa.TaOQ 1(4 .. ..Mm. t ii i" Ml II 4 ue IO II Lie. AJUUTS AT r;:fry Chemist. DEALERS dlftw Meycr'n i Catasir pIlace cars t 8 KX.PRBSS TRjLIlfa. LfUPE TJnqucstiouably tbe moat import laedioai meoomery ainoe vacolnatloii. A . a,.t J V cm MiemricEiT Bqulpped witb tbe crlebrktad Wettiof hotaja air btkkea and Jannefi New Patent Patety PlatiWia . and Coupler. . . . .... i awauinuates wit a tne muooas 'medy wiikju and forma not only looal, but S msiobraun Ronatltntieautl cure at any stage. Ot iroaoralty 'sunk. Delivered by biarkaj urrieta or by U, Diwkt ft Co.. 48 Dev $L50 complete. TreaUaa sad itreti, N. Y.,tatemeuts eAiai kabW by the cured, tBaUiad u'lie amictea oan reter to : IV. TT. H. TRtTBSOaTX, 1(111, niav, Mrs. II. 75 Stone bex nut Cuuins Baldwin's Hotel, 8a Frrtorisoo; Ml MAKC.T E. RAiran, 484 Clark St., re. BTZLr Atlaatle Expraca, 5.15 Iallr. . C!oar: fau Hautmr, 80S Satvaoak flt. StLouis; ' . Htxm Mmm, Optra Prima Donnat Swire Bonrros (the r), rtaalkiiuj, Paul L.I.: SAtTb BnonnOT, 897 Broadway, H. jT.t Rev. C H. TATTAaa, 140 Nobes 9b. Brook- lvn, N. Y.; M. St Baa Dr. Jiaa, 8' Mouta-oine' Fraootaoo; Bey. Oca F. Pbatt, B4. BJepheoJ Carw r Phllsv; C. K JohiS, K BrlfMrji.. M. T4 8V Bt. A real eure for Catarrh, for 8U Mrs. If. ry WUh Drawbm Boom nd Holtl Car. Pittsborar 1T.1S n.m.1 HarrSibtir U.M pao,t ratadelphi. KSb a.nu: New Tor 8.4ft Car psciAl. Pblladelpbia glae On this train, which remains tn deuit until T.30 Affordiiie; PhiUd;phia Faaeencert a-i- .... 14 in Fork............... 4U .. ...MJ Co. and' NeV Jersey. a.m. 8.30 Witn fas 4 tfl Pieaaaat Orore., PrOVO. i to Wei I i popular wsttouli Slawpwra cor. raohes TT'abura-- 1.30 a.m.: Brrlattnr n.48a.nv: PhUdelrihla 44)0 D.m.1 Kaw Terb 8.46 knti Beaton S.1S a.u, fiaKn9rt) 8.30 p. ; WaAlucrton 8.00 p.m. tart day. .. j H 18! - Poinb in PennsylTwia r t 00 Marfan... Prmctieml mnd Analytical SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS (4 IN MEDICINE. Leave CHICAGO aa followt : 3 il UATl New York Ctty, AYER Ac LOHEIX, MASS., ; rOPnESSTRMJSU I0UTH. Ot BTATtOa. . Eating Houses Elegant WITH A UP LI TIMS FOR US ALU, M, UTt. GOIKO Phlla-- TO BOSTON PULLfilAn mm mm. Bat-aa- - Com- ilaint, Dmptv,TetUr,Tumfir and Salt Rheum, VForma, Oout, IScivralgio, a a Dinner Pill, ind Purifyiitg the Blood, are tbe roost conge nial purgative yet perfeotea. Their eirecti abundantly show bow much they ezoel all Kber Pills. Tbey are safe and pleasant to ike, but powerful to cure. Tbey puree out i be toul buroors of the blood; thev stimulate t be ilurifKh or dieordered orgAna into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole tinfr. 1 bey cure not. only tbe every day im plaints of everybody, but formidable and lanceroua diseases. Most skilful physicians, most eminent clerarymen, and our best citi- temt, aeod oertincatea of cures performed, and of rreat bcnefllA derived from these Pills. Tbey are tbe safest and best physio tor children, because mild as well aaeiTeotual. Oeiiur atirar ooatrd, tbey are easy to take; and Deinjr purely vet stable, the are snure-ly barmiess . PREPARED Df DR.. J. O. GREAT SHOUT LINK . P utah Balti- delphla and New York. - a ra., arrlr-n- ir itelt Lake lu Cdea at 8 30 tl put.. arrtvliiRUgdVu at tt.oO a.ut., amvina-- In 8ait Lake Cty at ) A.m., hriiir Oeden at 3.30 tv tu, arriving In Salt Lake City at 844 p,m. For all ItitbruiktkiQ coocornlnr Freight or ra&ge, tpi'ly to JOIIX ut tyden at Pltttburg, Harrlsburg, , Lraviiiar Salt Lake City, M OOIMQ MOtTH. wk 9.10 n Jrx VlSb K S aisKtay. . With Drawtntr Boom SUeving Cer, Rsaobes Ptttabore 7J0 B.av: IT trrtmbur a ta ado.! Baltimore 7.45 am.; WMBirrtoo h .; JCsw Turk IXU a. AS Philadelphia ta.; Boston JlTUEiUCUS 840 p-to. Throufli BAluiaore and Vasbica SpAS Gar oa taia Sna , -- , are tnoTwnpaarabi. Tbey :i 0 XEEKS eJgt tea - yjscssaAsy CTHTH IXEH : a bod KKrvemAAt the bowels. of regular Tbrouarb Tickets Sdt sale at all rVlnelmi etnta ta tbe we--t. for tbesn Tta FORI Ak AH A3 Jl?iTK.lAUniAlv WA1NA and rtSYLVANuTliNZ. batve no actrog as a prevent--t v Tbey , r J. ve EiI cure and for ioM!, Eamiitentt IrAr--. ' Gs&arsJ lawsajar ftnd TWket i jt, mitttrot, rndFewr an I feTsra, Typbxnd ... C2dAt5a . Agtia. Upon tbe fiaaithy action ofthe to M"Exgi'Si.Cijva 1 i Juab r' TAx4iSiS' ..,.....l 1 - Mwat -- J 77: 4 j 1 .. lf rwi.M.wwtttMd nwjIB.,.. "J ru V" Pi'rtaarrtaa.......... a) Letu.. Sandy atii--r- I .rrn ;:"fv--- ..i. ... ",i i i ,i I i. jweji jtjjjal PlUaJ.I Tl busNEsa, piioktjkncy7cc: Uwitheea STCTA?Tyfg3,,'eVe.. Pilla bawe tcaUMsl uch awdejptjiiion. Ko raaedy" w ever diaoowerexi tbatt aeta J lULnat itI i I " - eroaTB.tVAra rim, soepe.!:?y an.! TArtP, mivu.x :;"' BATH lMj"S. .if. f Jjanrm$ . C9 V, at-La- , awas Ursa tt. 5 DYSPEPSIA. 1' t awl forme c"i3rw em taiaA food. are ECfeTl; Will T-r- y " f, OMtr- - Strike., ) all-fi- a t,nxlM tn awrta 14 y L. 9vwmm , and ta t f atLM nf Km caaad St ta staatp ...... mm ttmsp. t . r-t- ly t cnjUre if tie -- or-- atawrrjVjtlUa BEAcnDrpEaifi . Tll.4 tKia a.njfTt.yJ. BmejjFftarIy and you Li'iG",Juli?l Cacutvc iiarfaaS. atiHf Cheerful rrt-g&e.- ayawaaiayMw ' n ta for the cure of tbia rlioeaae aad Ra at- - Set td e v. Ijver depends, almoet Ue hoai.1t bf Uie Htman raoe. 111 r414 Basjp. Gumi, r .f ; uini jwAr" t and BtacMach wbuiXy, fit iti til AhmnH UrAr 9 r - If' n, " t 00 990 JndlQtt-Un- ,3SJctn Ditto, IAver THAI N S LJLAVB CV'fc'n v Dysentery, Foul Stomach and Breath Headache, Eryttpe-la- t, Pitt, Rheuma- 1im, Eruptions and g P CURING CottivenesrJaunMce, . r Old BOAIX ONI - g j 75 kajavuie 6 Purposes of a Family Physic, - JOBH MtAafj 40 1 00 8 10 4 60 1 St AIUUTI AT For all th- 8I AaiOOd.- xoioiLi i ...mLH.Y. ' Vf fr e, m -- -- Oyer's Cathartic Pills and V T 00 S 40 T 4 06 T 85 4 14 T 60 4 SO JElias Morris, 109SXSALT XJLKM CITY. too a so M LAli. THAI KS LAAVB Fait lAka in Address, I 5 $g HAMS OV wTATtOM. 80 Bnrbmble tor all elasaea and styles of roofs. Oontraotloa and ezpAnsioa provided lor by Anchored Beams ao-- t Gapped Joint. No nails or Mrew put throufh the Iron. THE OLD RELIABLE PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. EATeea t waeret . ...... Nee la (ievfrjrwAlrkt Te tatlt 1 00 1 40 8 00 28 4 151 43 8 05 88 8 Mi Riverside....... Black The only Iron BoeDni tAtklaac the Prlae at tba Cattteamlal. I J RATIOHa atd moat pratetleal JateamfateAarwd. it IK It OO'lfl grew that he was caused very little inconvenience by it. He did not get tired out, as at first, and soon was able to go about bis work sowing seed ana planting corn, digging vegetables, and watering t the cattle while He could laughing Immoderately. not talk' while under1 one of the spells, but carried a slate and pencil around with him, after the fashion of a deaf and dumb person. The trouble was very regular In its coming and going, and only oc casionally broke forth at un looked for seasons. Once tne old man was taken in. church, fust when the minister was exhorting his hearers in the most solemn strains, and spoiled the eflect of the discourse, besides disturbing the equilibrium of the clergyman. Another time he was found by one of his neighbors along the road, lying beneath a load of flour, laughing at a terrific rate. He had been taken while driving no me Irom tne mill, and tne sua ilenness of the sounds frightened the horse, causing it to run away and dump he man and part of his ioau out in me road, r or eighteen months the father was'tho only one of the household afflicted with the malady. Several of them had com plained from time to time of an in i linatiou to join the father in laugh ing, nut none or them did so until nearly two years after he was taken when busle, the youngest child, sud denly burst into a similar fit during one of her father's attacks. From that time on she has laugh ed at about tbe same hours her fa ther does. One by one the remain ing members fell victims to the strange complaint, until three years ago there was but one left free, and toatwaa Charles, the oldest son. His long exemption led him to be lieve he would escape the contagion But he was mistaken, and it is said lie had his first. attack while peti tioning for the hand of a Harrisburg oamsei. Ho frightened was the lady by the queer behavior of her suitor that she ran from the room, and it was weeks before the proper exnla nations could induce her to see him again. She ia now one of the family here, and escaping the malady, never minds the hideous chorus of laughter which twice a day resounds inrougn the bouse or grounds, it is regarded as rather strange that none of tbe neighbors should have caught tne infection, but such Is tbe case. although many of them mingle con ".. Ol wtHuL stantly with the family. Everythiug possible baa been done to alleviate or remove the mal ady, but without perceptible eflect. Several eminent physicians from tbe leading cities have visited the home and grown interested In the . case L hey all confess themselves baffled, and want one or two of the family to iro to the city, where they can re ceive constant treatment. This they refuse to do. Their peculiar trouble, so noticeable and odd, has made them very sensitive, and they will not travel where they . will be subieeted to Dublic scrutiny ind re mark. Tiiey gato ..ch.iirrJtl.fc tha store la tbe village close by, and at tend social gatherings occasionally in the neighborhood in the evenings friends. but only among Peonle within, a radius of a few miles are ao accustomed to the thing that they never mind or mention it. Consentientlv very few people out side of the Immediate vicinity, and the physicians who have attendedthem, are cognizant of the circumstancea, The years of incessant laughter have told somewhat on the faces of the family, but not so as to be very noticeable. There are scores of lines under the eyes and above the cheeks, caused by the drawing up of the skin. Then their mouths nave become wider, and they keen them closed with difilculty. The most marked result of this disease, how ever, if in the voice. The entire famuy talk in the eame tone, resent the bling as nearly as anything voice of an alto singer. Males and females have the same afrllctlen and intonation. Most of them have more or Jess trouble with their eyes. several having become Ttry near- sizated. The cumis have contract ed and the entire eyeball is dimln- lsbd in Size. This is accounted for by the con traction of the eyes while laughing, and the eSort required in working or .reading trfcdle imdersolng an at tack, very little annoyance is caus ed the laushers. They read and write, sleep and work without any trouble. The only thine they seem enable to do while, attacked is to eat, and that can be readily under stood, rjever&i grandchirea have been bom, and in all but one la- atancatiiey were taken soon after birth with stated attacks at the same hours aa thu? rarenta. Of course they do no not Lie;-- 1 as the older ones do. but they crow and express all the t',na cf b&by glee twice a day, and r rvrr r-- y whi!a in that . j j. a . TI.j I .J cl-c- a tii -- ..J. H reports recaivlr .,!.' t I era Qj ff It f " . . ntPORTSBat tv,. . Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar. ST Ota preparation makes such aa-hfiaky b braada. or luxurioiai rjastry. Caa be eats 1 resoa-the wKbout of laar by DT.peptkiB . 6eA40rjdy inar from heavy todlj-eatB-e laoaoa,byaiiaioeeis. Baauwo powpbs Co., Kew Terk. rotati dtoe ly . . SIS- , . . . 1 & CO. MATERIALS IWX ! OF DESCRIPTION. i 89 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ZToe i STATES. ' I LADIES! ASK FOB THE BURT SHOE. Tltey Fit Ilet. r.v'.'Kiii'!;.- d 0 drug-irteta- DAT, 'if- THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE UNITED . a rorbrunlcetttu'ss.utw opium, tabaoeo a nivrcotica. All sold y Head nop uiuara an;. lor uircuiar. Horhestor. VT and Tnmnfo. Ont. (fl t Soon a Day.) HABDFABE SADDLERY aymptoma are what the disettaeor ailwnent la use Hop Bit- turai Don't wait antU yon a re alek but tf yon o:Uy fel had or miserable "Auaethem at once, ltmay sareyoarlifeJthAAB'AVed hundreds,, 8300 will be paid for AcaBse they will not cure or help, llo not auffer or'pt yoor friend. suffer.bat use and nnre theoi tou Hop B Eamember, Hop Eittera 19 no.rflo' druft-gedrunken nostrum, but tltp FuresvVjks B a Beet Medicine ever mada ; the LV VALIBSSAv raiKNB and HOFB" and bo persm or family cu 1 Ajud er D.I.C.'t'! an abSclataofand Irresistible ','S ir.T, (XiiiaAD B. iJAY COACH - MAKERS' 1 feW-Unir- iJ 1. 1 - 1SAT. rVXTT (Socoawoaa td V""' ?ir"ir. I r iniifJifiiift. - No matter what your I ." CONRAD B. DA Y & CO., a Icatlns. ' S s t, i Si OO. Ihe Parest and Beat Medicine evsr Hade. t . mmm. u4 v.--r w. Ti wrurcAoa. w. r. Wwamw, isml . milil'i - We have opened a Gun, Jtevolver, Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods' Department, and axe carrying the largest Assortment of these goods irt. the West. Dealers. will please stud for Catalogue and mention thlspaj er.i . Aec mbination of Hope, RuchU, Marr drak! and Oarlelion.v.-iUi(aitlielwtn- oi au otner joiivurs, moateanratlTe ropentea greatest Biooa r"url'ler, Liver roakesatlu auu lALO a1"1 lusMui iua 'iwm Reg It I R tor. 'Ajrent eaaataaWTfFtTal No dixeaae iTW an posibly long exist where Hop Bittern are uaVlf varied and perfect art. their oneratioiiA nl laflrm. aa vigor to tfct .Tkay elve , mrloTiufcntncauB irreruAart' .ii .h us, or who retyof the bowelaorV urinary otK quire an Appetiaerk't'oIlie nd mild Stimulant,w 1 now i ii WAUop Bittera are laval Co., Or AaTD JOBBERS Pi ! LbUU -- a BARTLETX. A. lattice Street, CITICAGG. ' th Tbey Wear . i JienceA, ..... x-- V- tne ler is COHE. whebicaxkbb difh THEBlA OAXHeT ityr V A 1, any aatti. r Shoe. mm . TiKn any oth- er fine Buwee. ' ? 1 - They Do Wot Niin at tl,e lleel. r . ' ' . "v"t.,'i f .1174 Ea-- tf,V Tbey are oa Jnore - i-- : ' .:Si.,!iv-iHfN- iv' - t. j. x Wir .'! ,f Tli HO r.lORE DIPHTHERIA. - L THE Deattba flrem where Uad mmmn Varna. UalPs Uaajsedy Dtpbtherln XJESXjIO. The Genuine Bart Sboe has tbe name Statiel In full on the liotiotu aud I.lnlns at each shoe, and are warranted to eatisfaciloiit for su! In. 'a!t Lake City, Utab, by VREAD : THE POLLOWINCi Zicma Mercantile Institution and c a nerbach ,v Bro say too moch in behalf of CANKEU BEMEDT, STKeaanot its truly marvelous effects . ia- 23 "vc hi very dangerous cases In our own TO e . v rulio-innal- -- - , we would not be without it. It has anfamily, uoel-ki-nt name. We had two chlkb-e-s down with diphtheria at tbe same time. It was stopped or scales, were reIn one nbybt; tbe sores, moved oext mornlm-- with a spoon-bandl- e. and two days after tne children were aa well a ever. If any question this testimony, tbey oan oonsult us on the matter. aattl a. a., letia wka-u- , wiiaeat, an, r, Woe v o n. ii. city. eertaln and speedy relief In diseases of IlairaConan the obeet and liuurs, use Remedy. It has do equal in the market. These medicines are for sale at every Ward Store. WHOleeaks and retail at wholesale throughout Utah. Ceaati KeawMtdy OOC. CatBf uiptiuitna, ai4 Tick apcelalty for Beat, and Sheen, also Bed Bog-a- t A Cbraat a Tbe Wonder of the World. alli vstoood nrxws fob tion of our social fabric. PROFESSOR HERMAN'S WORLD-nENOWN- V E II M I N DESTROYEIt t WbJoh ta known to be far Superior to Anythin&r yet DtsoovereJ for mmmm (IlLiK r. Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, Hased upon s PEBLTiJ, In-ec- a adentlflo analyabi of tnls cele , brated German tU couoontrated Sprung-duplicate, witb thirty to forty sparkUnf doses In eaob bottte.' SOLD ALL DRUOOISTS THE " WORLD OVER, dAw M L' So1 ZL' ra PtticTi h i natrs. si.li j ii cais inis Powder is warranted free from an l smell, Tad and will keep in any cam ate. it ' FOR SALE BY , SOLD IN PACKETS may be spread anywhere without risk, as it quite harmless to Cam or Does, aa tbey wm nut ru iu DtreeOous for yam on each packet. MantrfXctiry: ORAVT.L LAME, Hounds- mca,-viij. i, lAmaon, stiariaiid. JOT- The above dwoo very has trained for PROF. HERMAN a Silver Prime Merlal at UV RxhlhitAon of Vlotorta, Austra m, hko, oswiows nuauarous iwaxHaoaauB. . J x?y ' NTS, BOOH,. COCKROACHES, - many BIKJSSECTS BITS. BLACK ts Beetkai, Fleas on Doara, BHa-b- t and on Plante, Moth in Furs, Tick or Saab o bneep or uoats; abo, on Cattle, eto. 3r This preparatioa has been applied vith treat suueeas arainet tbe Insacts that ittaok tbe Coffee Plants, and would doubt- ess oa equally eaicaekMia with the Tea Plants A The lauieBS Beltaver Sprlnc f 3er in ever- American borne. M &ents in Salt Lake City. a J-- o & tntarr-Cotori- uU OVERLAND HOUSE, T7iraZXwrtSoito rAont for rTaOcsr HaMte, for attferat MAIN ST, SALT LAEB CITY, at raa Better AooommodAtioos anyother Seooud-Cla-aa Trms tl.a te f SINGLE MEALS SO W. A. PITT, i Ptepttttur. line ' I Jin STOCK OF . SEEOS AND AA THE' BEST iWiJSF WHS TEAR. ' in Woodwork, Black- , MTmitliirig, PainUng-- and HAXO. takat ' ' :, SPBING ' . Tiimmingr. --o- We SATISFACTION frw 1 r 0V r S fcaA Soluble psnraoTioa, known twA A Manager. 9 A n. xtJru, ReductioB in Prices mmw. Ir&naret'fran t V r iiatxi: HEiicnt in Utab, Lear Wli't. im' .n y. Wood Fam ick&u Hut r.h.ntMt. '''' ...r-- . ti ',. jTTT Chicajo, ZU., Jb St. Louis, Ho. 1 Hxs rxitVa i ! n Uavi -ill! f& e ; i '. e.. as th most rtrltrnte, rrffrfyi and natural favor i or cakes. pudiu"-- , creams, etc, l - f"'1 I1 te, ih " t v -- f a we. Intaad keeptry tae s Tie ry c axx i'1a, r ,,--!- . f- -3 La. r i. a r:H' AU Totcr XJat CLaU x4 c:r r--- -- f ...... DUPLICATE KIDNEY remove 11 of that tho-- o PADS. syroptomi neoullar ia ihu.n. Tbey are ueed ohronto lunsaod . oer-Va- a,. iCa iioi ?:o. rprtBitit, j. bi Lcn in tL Land the Lord thy God Giveth The ( : '," , t" a T t tzl Ekt U Kara C:?H7!:.SniA-lCTi iTTi - y, j I Ci ..jJ -- Afc" ' M v ' r r 1 r ! - a a V e rj-- ei I t TLs,n'!T.ir to tnaraia. ! ! Hill liar tail's of the ut euttiutuiv Canker Cure. ' for" Canker typ, and i mliieov. eora- t,il,ri.t.i mrt . (if ivhlnh h. I tmirh, oram re. chotera, measles. i retiMyu: miay be used in every auacwu an - xrtr Lceakiwr and fevers it ta jtIt tnav be tr ven ba sull or larre d r tteeaucs-wrosny i, u i, orot." -- asU-ii, tbs V" mwrtiai Oypurt DIPHTHERIA . f CAXTuZir wre S -- -. .CTT"'"" "e. ae-'r- -w, LUZZzzzt i L.iT::.:r:j,:7AVLGn.c;c:.,! POwaor n.insiir.ifs c3::pounD xmm syrup. ' .. Ta fV v ft if&KUUT your stomach. yreetione over tbe back, aide, aod o.a.stored breat, in yain. aaaaw ta tspoo Aliae iin3 ; rm-e- lw,, Srllod ot (fullv. boart in '' UaI. vvauoa and a euro Is AMKtrM8W,firfa .. .; ., arrnn, .mi. tl amsuir.T. lAtJ """"" "ivv"pMi"i . hits Caxur and Led fciver.V - i:rRr?- - ; UwataTlk Clw" 8ur duplloivilnst ""L paaista, of The nTlIr-r:".00-. 'PT ? ?T7'rr : Tjroia- Jii1' fi0 ! in iiw EMI E30SB y tZl flft.lr) lki.2J , a Z GMSBIU. ni. JBedl and Whlt Evstto. Ceiling, JSid-limits, without mlniri-nsV. Arfun, JVaXett, Flooring, , ; eonou oils, adds, or art ljtcial llssences. Jkltimyn intfnrm In strength, wiHtout any miul ' 3A5U.DOOR3 CLIfeDD. fained their reputation from in Great Variety;-'1"' ....mtimtiAm. ttietr Tnfvz mmm. .V. ' teii by i.J ttfio tat'ji used, them FraxuitJ fi& EZn&a Mads to Ordar r- - Sst.oe e.on ' ..rttttyof I W " i criwu hi oan be'ZZZ Urier and soda. product! front cream umui gy.q. TJtab Red anit t i"4 Total Ash. f PUNINr,lILL! f wMcrrWl sh. lisr.h.blo 8A.18 ;$fl.io in-a- : LUMBER YARD I reja uar ttnd liave the baklnr powder ww Inctnemtrrl in a rtlvcr cincib o ft. This te lio fcirfil ah. It w. mn-ftdtremoved to v (rlttsi 1.11 vl ft die- whtorto acid und ili(nilk'l witr,-- r at l hn noliinir solved in that meuetruimi has been oalied mlulAaxh. ami )wit-- b vh tiki not. innhle aJi. 8lr yoora wrJ-"K. '. i. liN, Liietntnt of tbo 'fii'r, Healih Dopartmentfr mitil nniv VAlttll BnA 8b. a. a. Afih. aa.no . S, 1S9X rrr rwMaii a GUARANTEED. J. VALKER, Za:. a followin-anitlyai- a auav w iziiavutr aa vrrr fMrwnii nnn ninrvvra a ihAin'vi i erAirafii awtwr k baklnr atnples of from tbe. bands ot Mr. Werkl, jous-A-rk- , ponders reoBtved a eVaalola aA at ank a vjjwi w ,arv iumu" iM tOUW VI iiUrCfK PRICKS REASONABLE. 4El 'A i ' respectfuny call tbe attention of tbe Pubilo to the tbe Health DepartmcnU C'btoaro, Aug. of ' fcnAoratory DE W0LP, Commissioner of Health. OSCAR flfaVWYa . '' PCRFCCTION DA KING POWDER. Repairing OH .vtA.itMidcuon, Corner' 9eooud . ayd feoond South btieetav STREET, Fvlly Warranted for ONE " ' o Hill ' of Main Street, BCTLDv ALL SIZES OF " He employ a no Agent and does " own buainew. ... ' SECOND SOUTH and a half Block Xat SEEDSL1AH, Of any In tbe Territory. ' COMPANY, Oim Largest Stock in His - T Carria CENTS. JOHN READING, HAS TBX XA0OM, O, O. 3?L 333 I3T Strut Can pamUtmi from Dtpot NUHSEBYLIAH Lmiu Ctty and Ogclm, Was SeVX tbat House ia the Ctty. 1.78 par Saw. ' ' y. jt'.jus tsrtin, 3 ead C3, S3, SO , - ,fra,iiij T. SPENCBR. m . & Hibbard, BpeAoer C. 1 one-four- 4Bir3ASI.. WM. . A life-km- i? XCa i mm Divorce Ee&nnv Tn keep 'sacred tha home lffai la the foundation of good society: of high toorai government. The hap the most contented piest people,those are educated ia the tws. sub-terf-.f familytocircle and who have been life its itsa aulet discipline, . . 1 ' i.t endurmgiaxrecuona. uu Because oi th weakening of these Influences, especially in New England, that a society has been organized for the furtherance or "divorce rerorm." Tne raaonle of our own city were address ed in its behalf at the Centre church on Sunday evening, by .Rev. 8. W. Dike, of lioyaiton, vc, a gentleman who has been at great pains to inform himself of the actual state. not only of our divorce laws", but of the comparative number Of divorces in these six northeastern States, to those in other portions of the coun try, Divorce. Mr. Dike claims, is essentially a New England idea, and although indigenous and apparently thriving: best here, it has spread abroad with the spread of New Kn gland ideas and sentiments. The total' numoer or Givorces maew Kn eland for the las tr year was 2,013, a showing that ought to startle the senses of people who believe in the sanctity of the home. The bad re cord in this matter, that is attributed to the cltv t of Chlcairo. proverbial for its loose morals, is not equal to that of Hartford County, or coming closer home, New Haven County. of the divorces have Not been granted for scriptural cause. Instances of coupleB agreeing to live together for three months after marriage, and if it was not satisfactory to agree to a divorce are not wanting, and many instances or peopie outlining two, three and sometimes even four divorces are known. Mr. Dvke. from a correspondence with 100 cities and large towns in Naw Knaland. gathers the testimony that . while there Is less open aud flagrant crime than formerly, the crime agalnat chastity has increas e J with great rapidity, that the birth rate is correspondingly low with the increase of divorces, that the number " of illegitimate births have increased from 8 In 1,000 in 1860 to 17 in 1,000 In 1879, and that the birth rate is probably lower than in any luropeau country, m Ohio, settled by the best, New Eng' land stock, the proportion of divorces to marriages is greater than in any other western State. Mr. Dike sug gests that the "increase of divorces Ulaeataw frrowlug out - of, 18 .mmm a high culture. It may be, might be, be said in the crowing tendency to individualize, the person at the expense of the family. It is the tendency of commerce and of busi uess generally to make more of the individual. There are several causes for this condition of things, principal among them being the loose charac ter or legislation. We , need literature founded upon scien tific truth find mMwit The whole question cf divorce is one that should interest all lovers of good order and the well being of so ciety. There is no better field for thinkers on public questions than to investigate the causes of this alarm Ing disregard of the sacredness of the marriage tie, and if possible thin tendency should be checked by more stringent divorce laws and by more care in granting divorces. To a layman it frequently seems as if the bench transacted its divorce business with tbe same facility that a grocer sells beans; especially is this the case, when a single day's sitting turns out a dozen or more divorces, mat careful in certainly witnout vestlgation that so serious a matter demands. A healthful sentiment in favor of home, stringent laws. and a painstaking judiciary, seem to ue tne great needs or the time in cnecKing wnat is tending to gross immorality and the utter uestruc aWr..waou4 oui-ln- r without , Jfl na- - re-Prwr |