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Show , J m P"""" .a.,..., M -- Or WITH THE CEOCMPHV CaAJVlHTEO WHO 13 .a,. M' I; A- - iL tk ,Z1T THIS COUlITKV,,JULNf 'Tla,w.A X fa jb.A L Batsi relay. f ' sr.i. '.".-- TE LEG II A PH. BY J1 Jkv'i ywm' j vanoaT FOIlTY-ESYZlsTI- r A ' Chicago rii.a . ra. North-Wester- j Ilr , COIiaUXSS. I. n Oldc-si- ! . AMLUICAN news. WAfliiiHcrrox re- Washington, to support"; the fused tlqaGOlILVAUKEi all tnhita!Patt. fttch a democratic opened., movfor executive day, but made4 lt themselves, showing they.JUiteutiad to . ooulrol business. T1IE EAST&T1 S THE GREiT C05NF.CTIJ5G LINK BETWEEN The republican plan was Orrs for by Ira Biig lm raM trm CbKWO (o Council f iA-- ra b?i?JSTj tlie President's coup d'etat,ujet y ester-daLs" S and there no talk of adjournt all bramxrf the day. BrwoaiTB, urmneii. i,".Lr', rt7. lowaOlf.Maronipi. Alian-an- d Mairninrent iron urrujcew wpmor vw amiairin M,'"nr ttha capital t7 low.). Ptuart. Bor ment All nominations at all point croaaM or tnis )epot v and Miaaourt rivers are mo irma wita branch , Avoea; aroidod at Council Bluffs, line, and transfers to from At Chicairo, the tlort5 v, committee have art made ipm to Peort i Wllloa Atciitaon. and Ci I aianaae y. jeaveaworth. KalrBeld. Kldon. Ualknap, rith the lake Phoro, MlcharCeotral, beea confirmed, but about J.00 are beinit n'jJu in Union Iepota. Gallatin. revilie. Princeton. Tnobta, OK A K. K. CONNECTIONS Ft. PKINCIPAI aittd. hlo, A TllU Wajijo Pvuutylvaaia, Otyi- THIS OliKAT TUlUHXiU iAKit AHa5 A8 .4ndCbieacoAnrand Ateniaoo, and kniu KnoxTrunk Ki!, and the- yet unreported. Severat republiOakalooea, and intoa to totmixinwT, Bey- - adl.bOWs : ;.' Cankakee and Pan Hand le Koutaat cans, this morning, urged the Presi,'arsoinrUaB. rWmaaarke. K.iMt'; v i: Kaitgl ltnec tba for with all diverslna; At Chicago, nrrv Independent, Kidon. Ottumwa. PULLm&Jl PALACE DRAWING ROOM CARS dent to Withdraw Robertson,' to tie.Oakaloosa, Pal la. Moo rue. and U K'Haetl. Eaat n'l houtb. At Kxiifwoon, wlthtbaua.- fBC&,MmiMa to lndutnU ana 4P, 'Are run on all through trams of this road. wlon to Monro; l all cause of trouble and open Atlantic to Laiwu and Anrtutxwir anil F. W. AC. H. K.la. the way for nominations in lew At WAatuMiTMtalciaar, with P, C 4 Et. r.wa, toi llartaa.t Tbi k poeitlrelj Ue only I ttM O iily It oA4t between It wtiMb own, and overate through UA"LA8Atr.?;. wtth m.rent.R:K 'road, ' COClfCIL jRI.UFFS ma CHICAGO York satisfactory to all republicans. fmm Chicacn Into Um State t Kaiiaaa. .j iroun P. i. witn P. P. The President positively refused, j L B. J.j ltd. Trains, with PwIV-- 1 AtPBOBi.4. KiprvM PasaenKer , Upon wh eh !a run 1 W. P. T. III. and W.s each aiid.: run are way tfaily an attached, liionl he desired harmonr. but "Milwanltee 3t Rock P U L n Ca At HKa; Island, with Koch saying and PnokU, KiXi 1 1TV... A M lal'd lM- - itda. and U IH IN G 4C B 5 could not r.cu.rBi.i-rrI and Ami - Island Shoe lAaju,"W1U1 0TL Uatixwohth now' after threats , I iad Utw lHiaiua. Mtlwaaran At between LiivuKroHT, Uavauport 1 iifnucta can are also been withdraw Robertsen. and Kansas UT. via U "MUwauluM and C. M. W HI. P. K. It. with the B.. C. R. N. U. B. made," Tmfet wrWi.Tyctt1 AritseTMnajryouttetK stVtl Liukhtt. At Island snort Line." thin toad. Eiamtue vour ticketa. and n. Coukling said, to day, to a Garfield la U with Central Iowa H. H. fal BJajmlflcntly Ur.lk At Ifland" "(irrtl It. R. At Da atoik KH. with U. M.Union II.Pacific not read oaor thaChica. senator, that he was uonddeut, as lta roal bed aunply perlect, aod Ita iped. R.K. riiae to buy if t hey do Railway. k is laid wtlh twl raila. Alt oi'M iL Hi.crr. with ever that ltobertfou would be reAtOMAUA. with B. Wo. R. IL H. In Neb ) Vnat will piauM:7oa Baoot will be the pleaanra wtsn ixi the liest N K. A Trarelinr Aocommo. .P B..t ,i ' r AlCCH.l'MBt'BjUNeTlo.v.wUU tueala. while paawaa ow the cnj"Tin your bl it-- H. ( W it " roil will buy yoiir Tickers br thia jected. It la evident, however, tliat Iowa with Central one in At of Ottumwa, luwa, xrautiful lillnolaanj praine Uintna Om tnat acoocuiHUiy all St. U. A 'ac. and C. A J K. Una. CHUB. a large majority of senators support. ar maaolScent WILLI Tol.. Peo. A War.: Wta, fet. frnr.H. IV At Kiiutut, with lvraina. Yon e an enure i aroua-- t ipraw ne Auministratioti, an J they say 8C K. Keo. K. Kda, a la aerrad In any notal. Louis Par , andwithH. meal, u 'joJ All TtekPt i irentji self rVrts by I his Bne. At Camkrom. 8t.J. K. K. !, d Xor wrn. eehta. Robertson will be confirmed within Bant A ArcHiaoX. witu a of Atch., At the tne that fact a)nrUy Topeka Apprectattnc PAeiFlGY CHICAGO, ROCK' ISLAND & P!D- R.J WEST! And - a Juni-tlo- " tS l.t f. eon-Iieti- -- Hal-tirao- ro K-- . i rn N.-- jy-- Fa-Atc- , Neb. and Ceo. lit. U. P, H- - Kda. At LKATKwustTJi, with Kan. Pao, sndcCaT Cent. K. Kda. At K ansa. Crrr, with aa ltnec for the M &. tnat tola Ceaipany run ruilraur fahut ooutiiweat. and S orpine Clara for aieepin purpoae a, and Paitu e MO. JkCtV nrAIaVCB OAKI EORIA, kv A WMA H CITT. ATI II IHOf. stud LkATEJiMUKT;!. COUNCIL vtaLL'rFl. awa Uavckt lalmsid iate Um, Vkaawa at ta acid ay TlrkaU Aavata Ksatt," Caaavda. lata a all rawlaaaatktw a I Ttekjet Ueltwa ! avddrwa. . walwlwial) people prefer aeparai apartneota for different purpoae land tbeoamena wepaaaenaTn wuatnea are pleaaed to .( thia line warranting rlk, . ce arii "rmt ITLLIfl!! ta t aupexintanrtenti Ue . Jr HT.Tkk JOHN. aad Paas'BT Art-- , XC , arr tren-- i VOMakfOi a week.- hnlUang'nCMeaaok r - , 17. Df3. UTAH NOTTCB TKAIXS re and Arrlrv axOrdoa dull), m atmi, toe,rCKTHER . I i I i l ... last) J aa:iyl. Atutm. ............. Chilly' RxpreaA i Mind. z Ali o.0 . ' TftAIM p.m- - lth toe UUia Jt Norths m in Northern UttUw 4tktho j, tut point : Moutitaa, aad Vlti Utah Central rcntd fbr . .it if aMsd aUl putata la ooutberisi kt Orwaa Rirer with Utiraii lor Sweetwater i-- -- i Cheyenne wtth the Colorado Divtohio (;n!m Pactdo ftr Denver, Leidvilh, CVu trtU B ack H(k, Aud all ctTJea, tuluiju aiil plecure resorta tu Oulorick). . . IW NOK LMATX . .. 8 .. ij, luvertkle.......,., a AURITI A pti .h--5 Ol-np- a at CUacfae Siduey with for daily liuo of aupet b BtATJnl UbATS 00 To tiBi (liwjaii v CO T T 86 T 60 i:::: 1.... I I Mill Seal 4 06 4 16 4 80 7b 00 23 SASH, j DOORS,0 ..... Aft. and TVskat ..j... ..... . KaaviUe.i Farminirton. . . . . ..... . ... . Otitreville. . ....... Wooda Ctob. AJtmra a fTM tnw M li'laaf i " T mi, IK 1 Fallow, who win Bndtba the Beat, moat Utinr larr ouantltle ourmlra. fend ieaV tor djract with U Manutaotoriea In CAB LOAD 1X7X3, wj intend keepinf a Larr Stock on band, of tb rarioue auea, for tb Pnbllo to aalaot front at Tory Ksaw Jtaaaa. WOOD V sag-a- TOMES 4 OF KI8T1M. A-- 5 40 LATILIER, TAYLOR 00 so 40 10 toi 1 00 10 40 1 80 18& JO 56 T 464 1 60 1 74 t U Obi t CO.; Spring Wagons avko 'Q :c.ti E. M. MILLER & Co's S.slj BALSAfVI FINE BUGGIES. Cure Consumption, Colds. Bronchial MAI DR. WM. I - Poeumo-nla- , ? Difficult Influenza, Public to ca and ies, Bronchitis, lIoarHene9,AsthmA. aak the I raapeotfully Pavwinr place, i Croup, Whooping Coogh, and all elaawhera my Stook batora porehaaln Diseases pi liie .lireaUiing Organs. 3vrx 7tKy Stock h GQiatoaliy larre and wall aeleotet It sooths and heals the MembranA of ' Lea Tin- Salt Laka City, at 8J0 a bo., arTtr-fnthe Lungs, inflamed and poisonfxl by full Coaaf the Mlaaraiwd at Oejden at 1LJ0 ami. tearine, alt Lata tho dlfieoke, and prevenU tho night at &.06 p. . arrivlic in Ccden at a M0 weata and tightness 'across th. Iravitis; Ortiea at 4,30 avnt-- , arrirtoat in Salt leaTin M0 Ofrrten at at ) IjUo City ohest whichj accorajtany it. CON m., arrtvins: in SktitlAke City at 4.44 SUMPTION is not an incurable mal For an taJbrmatin eoueeipJac Freiarht or adv. It!i only neceanary to hT Paaaase, apply to ? jucd JOHN SHARP, I the right remedy, and r II Alilit 6uperktHideot. KAiiAM la Uiat remwly., ,DON"J JAKES SHARP. DllSPAIU of RELIEF, - for thb General Frwit and TJokai Ara&t. a benign specific will cure. yoa, ereo j , thotigh professional akl fails, ITItiaktoTatkai Salt Lake. u S 00 vuj Txtxisxa. .5. a- in-- p-n- FREIGHT WflGOHS ! 1 . WW SDflTfiEIH EilLBOID. T Tm I 09 9AMB v -- I- - AJa 1 j.. ...a........ irmaiua. i Morgan,. . a Arra , I . ! . . TWk.... . Saody... rrrapar.. T40 in 44 t . . ... . . 4 11 11 I'ursna.'. ....... .... ..... Faxitaquia.. .ou .!., 40 11 ....... sVULTTa AX 7aU..... J r 49 T4 t t I Th Qrtattrt. PaiM ttdUver at 1 8 10 4 J 1 IJ 0 S 4 4 M aeaa, - tl M j ill in eOXMOlMOKTB. fT , cannot aay too runrk in behalf of UAXJLat CAKI4KU KEHtDT. nartD wltoraaed Its truly marrekKai effccts fai eBkaireroua oaaea m oor own family, w Try would net be without K. It baa an esoel-le- ot two chlklrea down wtth Dsun. We bad at tb same time. It waawere atnppad diphtheria Bia-hor agate, e, one eurea, the ta spooo-haodia with Bsornlzta; dA and two cUya after the children were a wel 1 a erer. If any quaton thai lcatlmouy, they can eoom''t ta on Use tntt Mr.atawal Hn, F. WflawaL, Iwtn Wsra, m. City. wd HAsra I Ua b.... o BtatsOw. US) UBaV.aK -- .J I -- HI Fill! J .. ir in J -- ,. ...... ha Orapor 0 9a......, tark.a.j.. 4 i Aaaxra jay ,t Ajhswaer .......-..taKUk. a 4 4a) 4C 140 4 49 Jsaw.t I I ioi' j j 3 i 3 bubob?s I i Commitmioner ej ' 'a ra&esg ftnt aod 6tt mi wAsanraro- -, fcw la tl n. CX ttoch rl r Hirrr--"- ia Pate i Uroist Cotara U Civ tattea. aarst fjraa) oai raaatat of ataaap hut aoata in BitUri ky all Dragllata. (Bate HENRY e O JOHN F. mn.m raoraiKTORS, 84 CtIT Plavrw, Haw Trk UK y ear r i and Tic latsp, al E4 Ira a" I Tlao T7onder of alio World, 3F" OOOD SSWS FOB JULLI art' - PROFESSOR HERMAN'S DTTHOXTZlt Trunin snjowntorhrfnwriori i Which la aVoythuieT iiiu:: ms. ywt Diaoorwrwd ciee. iisevtts tor u fmltu. CrXKBOACHE', BLACB. ARTS, yiaaa on Drwa, fcrU aad Id- awrts ea Plants, Motk ta I ur, 1 - k or Scab on bhepor Goals; al90,onC-,4- ta t ThU rreparti--i- - baa hfa appMad aucoeas aanuoet tb Inaeets that irttu Coffee tttaoa PVota, and w"d cVW 1 waii saai ba equally auioawus wjvu BUGS, o ie IOLD IK. PACKETS it u tuTS rn rraiT, n i r:ns,iui. I 3 I his Powder to warr4a4 frea from 4.1 tad tmeit, aM will keep la any ttvetx. It "t raat, r It may b air 1 ta o uK hArmiaw to Cw or Lc4t a tasay ; '' t.. wlf not eat ft. lireouoos lur naa on saca paotac GXAVT.lt LAXS, Eouni-"otoryt , City of Lorxkrk, lartutd. ri tt l PU,3M itrs f al-la-w Tim Enm Prat-tk- w r-- I BTtojit V. Lass FATJO iy?. rja5, 433J4jrTSkaUa ai S'Zwt Am AaJimyi M rva ' T r " ATE NTS. in - ,r. v a M:rai tj. r-- TTll f , J Ce;h jXljA.sertH fl4. gaatvcw, px.w. ' . 1 tcoepaad .. .. Hsll'itesik r) ....... ,m. LorsAadakjh . m.. k7t tuanja .. . . ..a.. .. Nosv 1 Ess Wrav 1 tvatf ::hi lUlL iU .,... Hl; ojxly.... .... ! IU3tJOa ot can lain aad needy reBef hi ffiaeaeee of e- -t and hinjns use uo equal hatha market. luBUty'. It hta are lor aalo at every Ward Theaa maaielnea ESnra. Whokwtle and retail at wboKaala -failjihnvMi'f throughout Utah. .. Caav Re edy Pwtomm Tiw mn 2 I" 1WTUSI...., PrOWO. , nMM-kja- - iA.t-- 1 ' I. m4mmm Kepot............ Morta... an taqtita . . . m ... raisuo HMMMHir Stavoaa Fork. Pa aaarsl IS 3 lr lotwr-f- v tat. Sat 1 i t , A mm BEST. 1 - RAN AWAY - , ;. i - I. JS Z. O. -- r ( Aap4. J XX - New .York, 6. ThT'7Vm says: Wo do not understand that the wjlbdrawal of the names pf WooO-ftr- d McDougal and Tennj', Tyler means any intention on the ' ..';,"! iart of the administration to toe "Kydi from thoSeti, or element f Tlie 8hip(wrecked mariner say(K; I any republican find any form of factional strife. Jl shinned from Laterch. March 1st.' on would seem to signify only this, that the African coa9t, bound for while Conkliug has , declared open the MedUerraneafj.' 'nie vessel was M! X hostilities against the administra- 41. mo ricuoi ;Lwsi snip jLAnnuriiitv. tion, and boasts that he will effect and ffvaa Commanded .by' Captaiii the rejection of Robertson's nomina- Blanch. mm aarirftn4. t.the ca- desiron the tion, the president thinks it tain. wnen a tew able that the result of th's attack coat.w eucormtered tiays a ( heavy sea. should te made known before other The vessel was well manned, and nominees' places are Riled. It may naa ou soiqiiers on board besid . The be necessary , in case a sufficient storm lasted oyer a week. .Borne of number of senators should follow the crews were killed tby? fallmg C'onkling in his reckless course to masts, ana some washed overboard. this absolutely unobjection- I stayed with the captain who,. with reject able candidate to make some further five men, took to a raft. We'left arrangement as to other? officers to the ship at night; it Was fast going to satisfy the just expectations of that pieces, ana most of the men drown-eWheh weeft we. bad portion of the party in the state who have not surrendered their free will to eat, and we drifted at thenothing to Coukling. The ' ne t move must of the waves for two weeks. mercy Two come from the fen a tor and his friends of the party died on the -- raft ol and it must be made in the Sen- starvation. VVe were picked up by ate. The pilgrimages of yesterday a ship bound for New Orleans. from the east to the west end of was afterwards put ou" a steamer Pennsylvania Avenue, to induce and brought to this city. My captain the President to abjugate the posi- Is now in New Orleans, ' I am. a ' tion of his friendS in favor of one Free Mason. t angry senator, were unavailing. It i i: K Cattlea Haltlplytma;. will be useless to repeat them. The World ' London : Tlie recen t flurproper objective point is Conkling. Let friends in the Senate turn to ry and alarm among fable comp . him with the advice heretofore sug- nies here Js fully explained to day by gested, that if he wants to put him- the completion rof preparations foi self in a graceful and advantageous laying new American cables from position, and at the same time har- England jto Nova Scotia. -- AH the monize all sections of the party in nonsense published here and in New his State, Jet him rise In the Senate York about alleged arrangements and move the. confirmation of Ro- for checking American competition bertson.. That will settle the whole with the British; cable .monopoly Jh by the announcedifficulty a difficulty, let it alwajs explained, be remem bered, wh ich is wh oily of ment that the steamship Faraday is under orders to sail his own creation. or to; Oniy the Times . has a leader on morrow from tlie Thames to begiu the ratification of the- Chinese trea- the work 'of laying new Atlautic ties. It says: 'With characteristic cables constructed by the houi-ol dis ngeniousness, the democrats of Siemens Brothers for Mr Jay Gould the ; Pacific States,, alarmed at the and the American Cable Company. The Faraday has been taking her prospective . disappearance of the cables aboard for the last week at Chinese question from local politics, ; Woolwich. One thousand two hunassailed thelmmigra-Uovociferously . treaty. The democi atic Sen- dred miles of ftoew cables7 are now finished, and 1,500 miles will'' bet finate, before which the treaty wa. ished laid early In January last, declined by the middle of the month. to touch the matter, and it has now These cables are tlie very finest ever been ratified after long delay, with yet.madei Their peculiar feature I.h scarcely a dissenting voice. The de- a new manner, perfected .by tlxr lay, however, has served to dissipate house of Sjemens Bros., of so manuall appreciable opposition to the trea- facturing fcu lta rercha cores , as to ty. Senator Farley, who represents insure safety agalost air bubblesjind irmii-in- g the democratic objectors, if there avoid faults in the cables, thus much longer i workioj-- r duration are any, was especially clamorous for to cables, with corresponding advanits speedy ratification. Raiton. 6. The JeradV Wash tages to the stockholders. The Far-ada-u will' sail- - with aumut. .1 n in ington special say of Wednesday's wilt be eom- executive rwesakm: Farley callea up rmllfm"Lxjin-d:Sh- e Tlie the Chinese treaties and made n manded by Captain To his forcible engineer in charge will be lengthy argument.Senator . Hoar, in John Battle, assistel-,- by Otte answered arralwas described by an auditor as t?cbram. , The ielectrfcian .will be what a anread - eale - God - ana - uneriy Mr. Jacobs If all goes well the ftrft Fourth-of-JuToration, in Which he oi uie new cables should be laid and inrecated any attempt to restrict in working order by .the SUtt of August next. Siemens Bros, are immigration into thia countrr, whe- now ther it be from China or from Ire making estimates for American land. He was followed by Miller, racinc cables also, the laying of the new California senator, who which will begin as early as possible strove to dull the edge of his remarks ue jrear. in a short speech, which he will re . Th Hfcb-sad- ! Harrlas;, sume and conclude ahi was There V yes gala procession, ler almply went over the ground pre from the railway station at vJOUBly traverseu oy r ariey.no teau terday, Salisbury to the .palace, on the oc a teletrram received by him from casion of the arrival of the Qneen rf to se California, urging cure the speedy ratification of the tne Lelgiansofand daughter, Princess Stephanie, Vienna, far the mar treaties, and set forth, in his mild on tne lotn im'rm riage for jnst., or the town way, the necessity existing and Prince Radolph.'The mediate action. Farley and Hoar cess was elaborately dtcorated with flags spoke loudlyhisand earnestly; Miller and adorned with triumphal arches. . utterances. was soft in lAast night a state dinner was glyen f Te Cana.1 Prwerwlwr' tllewly. f at the palace.; Afterwards there .racial i ays: How Were receptions of. deputations. fI oar. jla A Washlnffton the work on De Lessens' canal ad- hig wedding gift. Tha 4own was of J ohn brilliantly illumtnated.-vancing?, asked a reporter consul at processiou or iiuuenw, wnotorchlight rormed M. Wilson, United States before th palacemaking with torch Panama, who .has lately arrived. Answer It is making very little outline a 'monogram of Rudolph and Stephanie. Beacons were, lighted How many men are employed, on the neighboring bills, and there and what are they doing? A. There was a crand display; of .firework. are about 40 Frenchmen down there, The royal party drove through, the about half of whom appear to be town to witness the. illumination. returned to Vienna directions, Prince Rudolph ronnln; Un . . in various tat sa jm- - i saitij while the other nail are commissa- - last night sariea and so on. There are, besides, f 'Viexina. 6. About 1 00,000 itran'r- about 100 Jamaica negroes engaged ers have arrived bare to be presen t the marriage of Rudolph 'and La cuUia2 Uiablu Vja baa return et - '"'"r. ed to France. Stephanie."" . wots rartv In aerlous Kuzbanr. no 2 royal I.ie 6Vrie' T;,n haa yet been attempted? j A. None drove to the railway ste.La tbrouii en a thuslt!o crowd of whatever. Six stations bare been dense and eatabJisbeJ ;on tie propoeed line people. Tli train started amid strains of Rs'ia national .'tlrs and acro9v r -- Istnmus, but no nouses sx-n iza i f the peo p;e The U . i built r firty ' - Vfcsii tu,3 tft -- moon. ? ...... . sas a r Val- - '"z- tents. j 'i. 1 . on I a II on , l iand the: i a ral Lere to--y :torrj. it z. c ;t of ter - byr the I - .vi t ok r s 3'of Ilfcf his by a is, It c j T.tr:'.i oCuceia. 'iLw :': ft 2 .t.rhb- thou - li jDeLetweps vnx in teiis to sfcy cy i prn-crib- d. to-da- y -- to-da- y - 1 e -- n . V rr - , HvK , a, , ...' S i ii tpi'sfj ?J tri - X ? I t?;;.'. 1 ...... 4.3t -- V4 irfJ C . Eat Pure. Abcb!yto!yTttitar. Mildu f.oiuMii-H- r Ko other-p- n makes such Uahu tlk bf t SmuU, or l,xurioi Vju,. le'eitn wkhotit tear of the ills re!t-"- " r wt.('j4io fond. imliapatibla Soldculs t cans, &Q Qiocoi. r. c - FtorAr byRitln.t IxiMUfc Ou.,Xaw rrk. ty.J t'i lvt- Jtri. - . . n , Hi. FOR SA LE BT M. L, Sole Agents in Salt Lake City. , DAVID JAMES, ZO. ! m r- - PLurjBER, TirjrjBn, STEAM AND GAS FITTEB. ! LAID ON SHOltT NOTICE. large amount of Pfumoert Good, kept in Stock, including Iron and Kcad Pipe, Jlone, Iron r and TtranH Fittings, Marble Ware an ' Sheet Lead.' " '. j for Utah Territory j rT"tiie .e,Aant for ire oo tU Hearth t ponlor Parlor, Nrhool KHma and Leelnn Hall NIOVF.S; aiao, lire en tlx If earth. Urate II eater nd Flaatlea. ' A " f. These Justly oaiobrated PTXTVTS are trouleed anil highly roomnmended by tht Faculty of tho lleaei-e- t Uuiversity, for Public fuhoot Knoiaa, aiul naihe post City h.v Hh fmleriiiti la?st Heating- - aud Venuia- Mi-,1- !, if.irkt.' ' o' p OilAa. t&a' : ' : "YTJf'T . ' Mass illr" It n :";;:i Mill M-yhe- . TUB TUSTJL Oxygenated ry v,kh-- 11:? 1 tA ' '0feSf? y ! tteneT uyspeiaut ana iiuiousDasB. THS FOLLOWINCi AD TO ! -- Ag. iIhtlirla.and ...-plna; 4'oagn.; Hk. Qreea'i KNaatkia IVejen Dlphitavartw tafcai . MlMWm MmmmXj Itaaa hai VacMt. ... C3-RE- Vt4 Carbolic Trocliea, PtKASAXT t WIIEBK CASHES IS IOT DIPB . r TIIKKIA GAJTHOT COSE. , B f A SUUK PURVENTITB OF f CoatAclona Dlaeaaaa, Card a, naaraa . i1 44 .IIP ODRE DlPHTHEniA. i811n OJ0 laci Lkley'ai Cdl Liia C:y trJ Ogdsa f aaU' InterstaJ .Caa. For Kateriaal n 114 N 3. v a fc r Fiaulah Fork lephl .. 10 T IH a 44 ao Caroode Jfery ifenrVs Cartae Carbniie Panacea Bakeit'slP'aiji - FOR KAflT.A.YD HBAW.-- CAiri VAC0?J DZPOT, W X)l 8 86 AraeHoava Pleasant Grow Proro. col K T l '. EIoivahd .Occnnz, av t Si ........ tM lwB.lV-- ' ''CJUC3C3'Ar; I AVM. Ouf T T Ml JUOCU0O....L Faady I 4i uura ealtLakav... I XVBOOaw M kVaeU Mf fZATTOak xbujjm 5alo heats burn. Sahe cure mtrt. Sulra allay prOv Henry" IlctiriM Carbiic Sait cure erupttma CaronUe Salve haul ptmpiea Henry" hauls CarUiie hruisea Solas Uowy Aak fbr Usarr's and siae a 4har HF" BEWABB O' COCNTFIFKITS. . . Jaaaa IS, 1ST. KaTasrt 00IKO-- : iOUTH. - HEfiRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE BEST STEEL SKEIN 3 -- Frame of all Kind Made to Order Ml! DEPOT t 10 . T."1 D LINOS. in Great Variety HoiUdiiig. t - rr W I Fi-eirc- h Ceiling Sid- ing t Lath, PickeU,'FlorinffiVl) 'VJOffNtntABF t " SUIITO-LES- ; US. Red and fndl'blutic, ran Dally. In tb starkat, IXtTI .. 00 100 araftost. WALKS 1 ftp Tl 4 80 0 oo rtah Red and White Pin of an klad,rat-rn f Inithlnr Lumber, California Red Wood, rtah, Bear &lwr,White Cedar and lied Wood 40Mir IVa1i;lrt 8j SVelATht Thai plaoa to buy at tjrdon. 05 ..It. v.- sesbw. M which the station' "was situated, to First Platz, where representatives of f six ' suburbs and;. .Vienna presented to homage; 'royalty, then , through n We have opened a Gun, Revolver, Fishing Talkie and Sportintr Onoria1 Schoubunne Street to jthe castle. Largefct Aseortinent of these 'goods "i The ; route of .processlo'iif .was lined Department, and are.carrying the with troopsi and the crowd Of people thotWest.; Ilealera will please send fopaialoguejaiid mention thispaper. ' numbered tiiougands,;; ;if ,i ,su V ? et-tli- c i it"i -- : . fl i l - - 80 1 186 10 f AKEl BL r:,.m ESUBFi other Gttt Ed a0 S.C. Ml ctionMl'Trfce's! '. 1' ii -- u ! "'.-';;- l I Preaa CaronjenU on the Polltteal -- i tbAin;' fait lakai v ood'aCrt fcutrevilkv. KttisvilJe..... I r third, Princess Clementine and her governess.;, ,.The carriages proceeded slowly dow n the street on s . PLANING MILL! T'-'- : i LUMBER YARD ISSI. Are ofTwrwd rwry day to Cash Btryara, or any Hai, .1 VTIOJL W 16 ' ' r!er si v bco-rlel- !. SPEGUL IHDUGEMEFITS OUB .1 VAM4 n RAILROAD tmnnrmr KfTecf itl 00111 j wtS ba Tor 9 tafrwroatiOQ appty ao ! OP UTAH. f.. t and . PIONtUrr 80,118 11 4 15 az: aaaira ............. aTAMK3 mim UTAH U r 140H .timan..,. I....... ......... ....... Koa. 1 i t 8 M 4 00 4 00 too Teraidw........M ifftftwf alaeptiur oars oaa be secured. THOS. L KIMBALL Geoerkl Ticket Aarent, Omaha, C H. CLARK, 6q1 Superiuteodtst. ... LemrrilDttOQ...... , ia to . - ll a a also at tTnkJri PwoiOa Kaiircavd Ticket Ctr, O9oe in Osletv, at whioh ouice bertha ot HoisM of MotJorDJck A Co.. 8alt tAk - 80 40 46r 44 IS IF. oe Cwaarat. Nee 6laok Rora, M Mr r- f!--- - t 1 VUile Hirer tloe of steamers, to-- all points Kas; I ao I South. Tickets lor taW to all point east at Bank- 1 - tTATIOWfl. n Desalwood auddborpol Black Hilaw At Oauha with tThicajro and Vorthwotert: CbtcOiro Cbkatajo, Hack Isfaod and Pao Burlington And UCilocy, Buruu(rtou i'. d Mi. auui River in Hebntska, KausOs CHy. Si Joe and Council Btufft Kail roads, aixl illiksou-- r 0 jrd 1 ) . airna Jub. .. M A.M. 4 sasare..-- f immsng-toav- 4 rv j a. p. in. wTt HO. xl eadM A. f' Dai! aJ Ptd1a IC K., j we anow. ST ilj oanneotioSa ma4o at Ordon with CeiM Irrei)rbt......5 - X Takaaect. "vmlear.24. T a-i- i.00 p. in. aUOaViu. I" "reiA-- ht a : i.r-- -- k. RAILROAD SQUTHEBN" : . k . - DE.-t- E. 'ki : .i As a result of the conferences between Presideut Garfield, the Secret THOMASloV.t3HREEVE.eVL lary of War and 'Generals Sherman Boot tin d Shoeuiakcrs.. and Sheridan, an order has toen OFTOTRD A PTOP AT TflR WKS1 pie tared, and will probaUy le proHAVE of the Old Market mulgated restoring the opjlte Bock. .We chall endoaror to keep j&h military divisions to the same etati s band a supphr of Mens W omens', Childin' as before tlve order of December, and Miseea ijoota and Bbocaxif qvcry doaorip-tioiHoots and Shoes mode to Order, repair I3S0, which created a dlvUior, of th. dlH lm. Ouir. By the new order, Uen. d ng neatly desae. is placed on waiting orders, un, til further ortjerS of .the President, with full pay. The territory formers ly embraced in the division of the Gulf is restored to the division of the Missouri, which will remain under the command of Lieutenant-Genera- l Sheridan. The divisions of the Atlantie and Pacific" remidns unimpaired, under the 'commands, re.til. spectively, - of Gen. Hancock and Gen. McDowell. , & tATIMBA, a BOaOTBT,' H. TATtVOIt, T. ARMSTHORCI. Owing to th,e present importaut . - t 'J t f Juncture of aflalrs, tho President has been compelled to decline the invl-atioto be present ' at the centennial celebration of the battle of Cowpens,' j which occurs on Wednesday next, at Spartaneburg, Kim-bu- r. - to- - lUav-cla- r -- I . 111 -- I North-Wfwte- k"- - I H.-- -- . - irMf-rse- t; k Street, rMPOBfEBS AND JOBBERS Op 'J ;,J narty were con r; cluded, jth burgomaster . presen ted Prlncess.SteDhanievwith'a bouquet of white 'rosea and hawthorne. The party then entered carriages, being r era pj received with 'deafehing cheers by the populace, "when they appeared at the door of the station. The first carriage contained the Emperor and the King' of the Belgians: the se- vi.B-Tr- l", rj ' cond, the Quean of the Belgians, I . I Princess Stephanie; and, Prince;Ru-dolph- ;' and d e H " "whn the creef- - i'i .i e C 11 lv HawvtnktfHl:"' 'KhnrtlV .'After strains of tlie iJekian national an them, Prince Uudolrih embraced the Princess iStephaale, and, presented her to the Emperor, who' kissed bee nn t.hs rnrAlioitif. lntrs or. tne ro'ai S3, iHiifi1it'i SO , re-jiort- w-- BARTLBTX. . r.lrie-r)rt- tK C'anio-tMTtavo- n. j Cep-tenna- y, to-da- y. nW-v.iaw.- C Richard B. Kimball, lectured be. , Tlao rliiainlnrs' J3wtlan. fore the" Washington Heights ' The jlerald'i Madrid: Laterde-tail- s Club lat evening on the of' the jmuncljjal' ejection' of ;the with ect of 'fGold,' commencing subj to' the melal In provinces pow'the return of a large the reference-madtlie eecond Chapter of Genesis,, the number of (he friends of Castellar, first record of creation. . The lectur- his friends in "fcbst places having er spoke of the quantities ogold,t' d combined with the friends of Sagas-t- a to 'defeat "conservatives and traced its history throngh later books . of the llible down tto the present republicans. " Many riots THE OOST DURABLE AND PERFECT COOKING STOVE MADE. is of occurred in the provincial towiie. 'emblematical It virtue, day. honesty anjd beauty, It is the only Sagasta went to the palace this certain measure of value, because it morning to communicate to the is value inf itself. In the book cf king the result, showing how the national vcta had ratified the act tf JoIj so perfect a description of rainI leg Js given that the California min- royal prerogative that Rave p?wer to drift er would the liberals in February. The king readily recogulze the :iL--- r of the ' tunnel antTehart. Solonioa exfefeseNl hlSfpatisfactioa with the a'ai4AnTT,'''0"lw .was sucoersful as a gold miner J , ' 'l rtGreeks and Romans were ftilly allve Exeltetttent, aIU.'f to its value.- -- in 4he middle age") Colo., 6. Great ex FaiFi,aV, when search WR made for the phil stone, which : waa "to; do citemeut yesterday on tlie acquittal osopher away wlthj the trouble of diggtpg fft fofTattersall of. the murder of F5tzKoJd, tho quantity of coin actually gerald.' Tho widow, later, procured 1 .1 . ' fl V W a"'"', r decreased toabout$100,0!)0,oa0 of our a musket and rushed after Tatter-wal-l, ' but bys tanders warned her. money. When tlie world breathed free again,) Venice sprang IntO glorHf Excitement and sympathy for the ous commercial life.' 'Amerka- wns woman ran . nigh, aud Abraham discovered apd the mines of South Bergh, delegate to the legislature, America and Mexico added in half a openly adyocaled .' ' Ij'nching'r but centurv$ij0O0,0Q0,00Qto the circula-t- i I'attersall saved himself .by, i '" .''" - leaving Tii. ?. Wlin America, began to de- - town. ... croaker began to jbe? alarm,slopv ed, and asked wh at shall we do? i TKZ is not coin "enough for Tliere Pii it J , world' 'a tJ business the Just W1j f then, ln the frenjote. jWilds of SUNTDAY MATTSl VXESXmi, California,! a little daughter of ON from the premises of the imdorRlirned in BAY Tweflth MAKE the a small In Ward, a millwright, while playing the dam; attached to Captain branded a pu left thigh, about five- - years old Sutter's sawmill, came to her father bad a piece of rope round bor neck when she left. Any .person' hrmjriii her or irivlugr Inand exclaimed: 'What a pretty formation ot bar- whereabouts will be suitstone." It was a nuget of gold We ably ., rewarded. AFID all know what followed. Australia WITH OR I WITHOUT CLOSET. RESERVOIR tlENP.r MOBWAN, ' j ' Dosoret News Offloe. ' was next in .gold producing; then came Nevada, Colorado and Arizona Thousands in Dally Use in iliel Territory until now! we have eight or ten FOR SALB BT States: producing enough for all the i world. Kimball ulosed by explain fnvC-V- " AND ALL ITS BRAKCHS3. JMC. lug the term of ."specie, payments," It does not mean that for all t buy i Mv ir;,-:pay specie There is -- notgold and 1 i silver enough In all, b.e ,world Jo "' ' ' "a1". transact the world's "business for a buC means that lnf it single day; balaieces i,fn commercial business throughout lie world, us well as between man ; and; man, specie must be empioj eu, and tne nation which disregards" this rule 6inks inevitably into "'discredit and dis. m U Muaca-W.hlK- ses&Torf Xiaffom Kotlas Acta l'trteX,,iiiiirfnia, Bbw-- " fci; 'WaidiiniiVm, BdXlliure, 1'ilMntruk, M'mtrtnlTnrtmbi, Vctnit, ncrdritL At Council ftluiT the Trains of the Chirarn ; North-Wenleai d iho U. P. ! ovpan and uso tho sawe jiiict Union 'rom. arrhc 4t ! - fifth-consi- sts - - JUi &45Iiort, Sure and Safe Kouto botwoet . Eu- e In the Senate, Washington, this morn i;ig, Dawes male an attempt to ttoure action on the resola-tio- n for the election of Senate offi cers, but democratic senators re sumed the tactics of alternating motions to go Into exemitlve session and adjourn, until Dawes gave up the fight for the day, and upon lil$ motion tho Senate went into executive cession, and when the doors re, opened, adjourned. .WEST ISO K0RTHWEST1 COUNCIL BLUFFS attracting attention In 10 hs 6. iut Contruotod: Cost Equipped! and bunco the TLE AD IU Cr Al L7 A Y the ! un. T&jAm is t Jl i that .the' Panama canal will ro divert 1!,OOQ,00 tons of ' traffic from It 'proceeds tr show, the Hucz canfil. , of-th8uez traffie that fuur-tifttomats of navigation between Europe, the Dead Sea, the' Persian Gulf, East India, Malta, the peninsula and straits." settlements. The; Panama canal obviously cannot divert this of trallic- The other traffic to China, Japan 'and Australia, Hong Kong .Canton and Shang. hai are nearer Europe by Suez than' by. the Panama route, and as far as their traffic, five vessels per" month are all th share that the Suez canal at present gets. Moreover the Suez dues will be only nine franca per ton, gross .linage, while the Panama dues w 1.1 be twelve francs, fifteen centimes, or even fifteen francs. The writer estimates that the Suez canal will not, at the most, lose more than seven or eight per cent, of the total traffic, when the, Panama canal Is war . THE -- j - r A. HibDard, fcspencercz Co., CHICAGO. 33 Lake or and Prince "Puidolph, wearing Belgium oraera ornignmooa., joe ' A recent issue of the Francaise royal tram, wreatnea wiin..nowrrn U ,'"jiuS8 1 surprise At" a" statement en tered the etatlonV which. Was rich- - Wf ey 'rt i ' . F. SPENCER. . . r lupins', the Uj Wit a.WJART.al ,lr.nna. nf a train I.Prmciw rite1 and of Belgium Queen bhanie. was awaited oy tee J.mper- - dig a cana' thei.TTeepB M otr ilnaa great diplomatist but!v sroou raiin ji ub reauym lfieranu inte'id to build the canal I thiukhe , -- Gil: 'i1;', - iMAM U FACT UR E D ' 1 ' ! l'l i,ava i Ti Jf-'- . H .., .,Wvj ' ,.-- 1 .wJU "" lyKCLARgSPUREjq QXE: CITl -- ;" t I V- - '.. - .GrSTTTZTllza 4 - J DV - s'i-'7 te i ,.s-- f- b jj: . Cil kff "I i. '"V J SFOOL Sll KS a -- i- -- " i , t I -- A I' |