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Show VOL. XIV. NO.'IOS. SAIiT J.AICE CITY, UTAH'S a aTi MiMim " NOTU'ITIISTANDINO THE (.TJCAT . Intend t efickj BoJjwtsov. Cc ka by Comrnander Glas9, of the Mextcan minister to the United ling, rlatt and 'ArOaur Thekl' several loop of war, is a decided success. States, Mrs. :AlIan, Mrs, Sharj . rjen wwraaa teonrerences is much regret at the prospect and N K.. Dawson, the General una. HALL caioa & CO, They have aa-- There xaunajtra BENEDICT, 1. ' his departure. eecretary. ftrriyed here, TOTJ CAN GET A.OOOD the o'clock one this - tonight and is by witHdra Jnpmiug A service station meanwWnrf being signal itteyf congress, him. All the democratic foety:ff Mexico. to route en i line Vaudalia. &c senators at Sitka. Dim xus py, cm year, with Fwtat The nartv took ouarlers, for the will support .Jtoberfon ?ejlevip' HEXATK. TTa Nartbara PaeftOc """" Not. VH asd DSGbaxd ' are ' wftcfm night at Uie Lindell- Hotel, and left Blaine? they I sustainmg Strut, .' fttt i 1 noton, 80. FJoral tributes " Wasi ' XT TUB .... ' ' , tAraa toatta. f Neav SO. Northern The at Yobk, I 9,15 thia rooming by, the. Iron t"h Curaor Crosby, iheynke. probable' that Chanj were observed on the desk of Kel- dler's first Directors their , held Mountain JJaJlroad, . The General name be withdrawn of faficlt since the 180,000 state J. to a reporter, jut t before . tin logg and Hill. Hill'B was from la he stands butmay yesterday meeting a con for if srozn-ic. clianpe. jioor vem o dies of Alexandria, with a note, .say-in- g flrmatkm. The democrats' are ail Shares were issued. VillartPs tcain aiartea,,tiiat nw trip to wmk Also Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Chocolate and Lunch. Cigars and Candies it was a feeble testimonial of against Aim; m also Don Cameron, in eut was discussed. There appearwas in the Interest of the Mex co wnoiesaie and itetaii, iiride and Hiruiaay vaRes maue mm : THOS. M. ARGALL & CO; their admiration for the brilliant whlcllu a close Bna would, reject ed entire unanimity among the di- can Southern Railroad, of which lie Ornamented. ; Remember the Address rectors a to the necear4ty of fully manner in wlrch he had recently president. .'Tlie party- went fos SEMI-WEEKLu ve ti of the action exi not the would rest. He MAMfKAtTTitKlt-mjorshuj recreation and exposed the corrupt Utrgaiulmadejby Main Or 64 A decision was rendered by the , Street, Opposite the Telephone Office, . Mahone with the republican party.; Supreme Court of the PuWWiod ecru Committee, and a resolution so an- talk of politics. r The party J will 1 States United TtitmUiy anl Saturday. ! eta He had anchored himself in the John C. absent about two montlis. J V :X- -- cood nouncing was presented. Ono a iy, (hi year, with Ftatago, of the a one hearts of and hliujlit, lawyer by; Virginians of 4 :: everywhere the ' tos A Murderer Killed. Hoportance his .timely and eloquent leech in deal .directors, opposed iti ailoj-ttyahd navy; and fwlilch "settles M LOO tbroa month. y 80. A so Rboadwat, to tliepreliiu-(nardefense of honor, in the preservation army private PitiLADBLPUia, calling afteutioa the question of the right of the PreWM. 0. HIBBARDt A. C BAKTLI rrr. F. F. SPENCER the traditions and the mainten- sident, Judge message from Ijo n egos, i M. and1 wltW the consent of injunction secured from formal JMO. E.fOHLEH, 1 by " NEW YORK. of 01 ance of tlie former illustrious history the Senate, to dismiss says: Jos. curnerf tne murderer pier by Vfliftrd..iHe said a army or navy indorsement of the issuance of the Porter, tlie actor, wa shot and .toil of Virginia, when he sheathed his officers trom service vithtt stock : at that, place on . March! --SS, sword on her own Senator", which court 4M.I Blake pending the injunction would ed Charles' Currie itapiars, was on a drunket the directors liable for had been treacherously pointed to was, in 18t3, post chaplain at Camp WEEKS HCALt WORKB, S6, SS, SO and 33 Lake Nlrw, CHICAGO. tlien aud threatened to kill severs! IUillit court. of C. Hnder John spree. fair her form. cDoweJL Arizona, and. forwarded t pierce rcry threatthe i persons people Among A resolution was adopted to pay the Presldout, during temporary 1MPOBTSBS AMD JOBBERS Or the, Allowing substitute, ened was the bar tender, of a saloon, ' t3.no year, with PtXtOtf the funeral expenses of Senator Car-- I 'Was construed as a Which was uanimously adopted: what 1 A months, 1:5 the Milt t of who shot Curri In selfrdefense. I uJ2e$olvelTh&t enter. resignation. ' The resignation was Henry tliree tuoutha, VIHard against the Northern w rty of railroad liands, friends o; I The Senate, 25 to 25, refused to go and thereafter accepted, .shortly Railroad Com pAny, its direc the dead man, attempted to lyncl. into executive session.. Gilmore nominated and con- Pacific Alex. p. oe tlie-- bar tenderbut Uie slicntr suc Harris sai-- it was evident the firmed as BJakes puccessorr 18T8, tors and others, for an injunction ceeded Iu getting hi.u to jail. all defended T K U JI $ -- I V . AIVAXCE. legal transby vigorously reconsideraPreslden t republicans did not intend to A coroner's inquest wns lieiu, anc "l" w'j'-means." act the business which the Senate tion of the'Haye3,'upon Blake's of circumstances Maouttoturart of WEEKS PATENT Counsel were given special in the Jury at once returjied a verdici had been called to transact. He resignation, set aside ita acceptance ductions in accordance therewith. of shooting in moved to Ot t IC sine die, and restored biai to Mi'vlcesVwhere-upon-tor Nontb and Sar CQMBII1TIBI BE1U ; 1 In SCIIE5, uejecteU, adjourn 3 to 53. discussing the legality of the acback for. suit latter brought in tion of the executive committee oa TratfMrvCm St, BUFrALO, K.T. iendeton. recallinir tlia Presi ' Theiclus1oti;ef the court is Ti:i-i:Jl- t A3I)a. dent's inaugural statement, that he payi Prtca of issuing the. 'stock, the following ex- pfeujbrm Txl n. be of IU.M that whatever view taken may a. til . Would to. ask fMWw-Uuutu,. fix tenor the Congress nit Sfc appointinK'iM)errwfrjutifchat Tee News Mi m Job Pbihtirs Office of minor oflicers of government in ment and confirmation of another pany, setting forth 'tlie duties and "pVTrglnia had a tornado yesterday!! i..AwWCajr. CXhor 1 Lira pro port looatly low ta prtoa. conat were ti) no of order that the Senate might long- man in his place, it had the effect powers committee, The St. Louis WKKSS A RAT, jury is inves Has mij iir ttir tbtt tucuculiua Of er present the spectacle of wrangliag of discharging him from the service. laered: he committee, tigating the big grand swindles. land All KiiuU of over petit officers, moved an execu On Gilmore's appointment, he su- When the board Is not in session, ' PeriOns in Sioux City have ieet tive ressiou. may exercise all the Book and Job Printing. Blake, who was discharg- jhali havefnand perceded to the hills by floods.' driven t hoard directors .of the Hill read an address Issued by Ma ed from the service without any re- jpowers NX. T,OUIS TRADE. to A PAPER RrLINO hone, last October, calling1 the re ference to the, latter's mental capa Which can be lawfully delegated his wife and two children A by them, and they shall were man, citv to understand what was a resig- br exercised publican party the gripsack party: killed by a cyclone in A la- Dawes asked if Hill had objections nation. Blake could not, thereafter, cause to be kept a full and accurate bamav ' LBffielt & Myers Tota-Coto lliddlelterger because he had voted have been restored to the service record or their actions and proceedCHICAGO TIliDEi We have opened a Gun," Revolver, Fishing Tackle and SpOrting Uxls It is said in Chkgo, that FJ, H. for ings,' aqd submit the ame from time' Hancock, h MAMCrACTURKKS OF TH without a new nomination--anhad theatrical to time ' the lo board." Haverly, Hill "None in the world. But lOatiagcr; ?, iJepartmcnt, and are carrying the Largest Assortment of these grnHls in , t:MTAnilMHED IOOO. JTI3,BUSEB,C0MMEBCE. ClIPPEB, Attention was also directed lo the failed. what was the gripsack party?" the West. Dealers will please send for Catalogue and mention tills paper. fact that tlie plan of reorganization . Iawea (aid Hill should know, ias IMPORTANT IECISIOK . AVD OTHER BKJlXDa Or The Russian loan of 9'JO.OOo P4LMEE, I FULLER & CO, he had tried every part3' and every adopted in 1875, to which Villard, in roubles to Servia has been cancelled his plea for injunction, refers fre- by tlie Czar. . Agalait tb Baaaaia Klan., phase of political life. He rememWholesale manufacturer of t miU by dnj rwicH Store quently, provides that "Common dly bered that Hill had written a letter . San A large colored delegation from Francisco, 80. This morn- stock shall be issued to the amount after Garfield's . party and inviting ! SASH, DOORS & BLINDS, of the Louisiana called on President Gar Sullivan, Superior authorized by the charter,", the publie toeome up and Join the ing, Judge field MouMlnff, Maatela. Fawa, Church BAR STOW & WHITELAW, party which bad seceded (Ijaughter.) Court, decided one of the numerous 0 the amount of $51,000,-00yesterday. suits instituted by Burke r against ilulli, KtMrs, fttalr Ballings, ., n of preferred stock. . "The certifisoems to in be idea the first that The 617 starving woman at Iowa City North PCOod ST. Bonanza Arm. The suit decid- cates of this stock shall be issued to ltanlster, Newels, Ete. oca- -. the LOUIS, M0n Hill's h all his in ou thirty-sixtmind has her entered political day, ed is that of Burke v. Flood et al. the holders of or those no w entitled nut 8tm. to ro secedes find and what reer, is party sinking. ; l-- are j wiim t complain t charged.' tha fraudu- to certificates, share for share, and Ptaok by said nobody The tlieu think he kpSaltta Lake r dealers In conversion zr birirKMt luiubt--romtantly a of lent few jfeet thiir of New bill York the in The " only 3ILS. legisla e3 t rt City to those origi v't the residue PUITS. IIM :ST1BES. ;!EJl!T SSQCS could tel t, how much he loved Garuid t.inki. ture was killed limiting railnad mining ground, but the principles nally entitledrateably to them or their CO Price Ol women. (Laugh aikl mould la books sent frea field love IKIJTDOTT GLASS passing involved are JM) t very important. The t fares to 2c, a mile. CI H ttpillctttllJ ; "T Q aa In be these may quotations VfanuJactum-cf Tarntsbeir Koan er.) N held that the resolutions of discovered, the 4 ca 00m 17 ama to the de' ,..,.- , , Hill stood by his letter, and again judge The late offer 'of the iPorte is ac keynote ! Haalan Mill Hakara. Taanara' ii.v a at at Consolidato :ufcv..U ratification, adopted 'tfi"t:T fense which will be set up against ceptable, and efJbrui will be made to aeomly denounced the contemptible alliance ed Virginia stockholders kappllea a Specialty.! the pleas of Villard. , between the republicans and read- - were ineffectual, because notmeeting, indues Greece to accept it. adopt5 Tha Captured Kin, Klllara. 41 IARTICLE 0 justers te get offices. E ed by the unanimous consent of the of snow a half inches and Sixteen RQ10WH or tne conuroversy, whole body of stockholders. All A St. Petersbure dispatch savs: fell at Youngstown, O., between 5 miast CO., which in uiewas XI kept up at some length, transactions except one were held to Public curiosity centres Maaufactcrcm and Jobhcn of a. m. and 3 p. m. yesterday. in the-f- ep Logan entered upon a discussion, be. such that stockholders tmight male , prisoner, Sophie Piooflskj', HIBMM'S PIIBE BtFIIEiniU. PUMPS ftND FIRE so by a remark of Hill have had notice from ' to induced do The train of the robbery reported books ssbc;--!Vr' at whose close connections in social po near ENGINES, the ir tvij ' y. jo is emphatically that the republicans would not let the time of their character, 0 Alberquerque or at educawhose and sitions, superior are we war omcers. rest I rod in and hrr liMtd, 3aa Plp the peace, toiu, least sufficient notice to put them tion excite general wonder. She is denied by the railroad nintm time and time again, he eaid, by the upon Inquiry, therefore the I'iniHiitri'ana statute uie oaugnter of a former provincial A rebellion has "" unquestionably Mr It Inc. lira-- . tHHtln, senators from that side, that the or limitation was held to have . Hom and A'arklBK. run governor and niece of an officer of broken out at Herat and the place i war is past, and do not want to al one all except transaction, against high rank in the army. According besieged Ayoob Kahn is prisoner. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, lude to it; yet every time and oppor in which 12J the confesalona of Pieottsky and From districts V of Bohemia, thtpurchased Hexdenejdt it flers he digs up. tunity Georsre fclvm. Jelaho. they alone knew of the atfeet of erounu from Feme hn?a r.arbcd ITirs, Wire, :A lively Bpat followed between ' Tlie interest of the Flood party tempt to be made on the Czara life emigration of , Germans to America Hill and Logan, in which the form ney. ingt Etc., Etc. yrvyur-tionto nave been dis- and the time and place. Their fel naa ueguii lu uaume not did er, indirectly insisted that jXogan closed toappear 310 NORTH SECCXD ST., CT. LOUIS. R0. of the London anil stockholders, body low, conspirators in with tne secession- and the books conveyed no notice elsewhere had sympathized Cadet WhiUaker' lesUfied fit hh knew, In a general way, ists. to put stockholders upon an inquiry, that Another attempt would be own behalf: this morning, The tes . , Adjourned. so that the transaction was held to made. ItonssakofT was only inform timony, was the same us at Weal and moot elegant CHEAP FAMILY RAM: If cm This!Range the int Ouoo iaml Always desired la tha futura. GAS-FUT- URES be exempt from the operation ot the ed of what was required of him on Point. Iterod to the public,1 rtiiiurnUr I.I.SM It 1:1. than ftny ordinary Cook Mmw of us. own , . ; ana .ivavaiit.itp.-- or lugoa costlug I uiy ttM' onveutenet It all '. coiublLes wut . statute of limitation. Defendants, the, day of the murder. Jelahoff. I The French paper EreiJteit has mmber; to account chief director in the matter, having were AND therefore, required ar been editor its and N. K. FAIRBANK & Co. suspended, for the profits of that transaction. been arrested; two days before, Pie WASUINUTO NEWS. the people to re 'j Tills accounting must be, tlie judge ottsky, became the guiding spirit, rested for Inciting , hellion. SA.ia3D &c CO., i. body of stockholders and sent Boussakott and other mur M. I. and !U Branch for fa'e bv Z. ' i ' Mainly ItefarrlaK ta the Pelttleal said, to the the Sc 40 iAko Street, CMH'AtJO, ' 6w cod As 'd ,83, All : II Hiaoa uikI IvuKs Metioralry. , derers' to des bombs A fire in Leadville last night with the stations corporation. constituting Conflict. THACKARA, BUCK & CO. dly holders of slock at this date will be assigned them. Roussakoff protests troyed a saloon and tiieatre, and Humors GO SO, wr allowed days after public notice, that lie was not admitted to the damaged a restaurant $3,000. Total ,VAsmNaTiN,. HAMCFACTITREBN OF T- ' i ti f'. current at the capital tliattiie given by tlie master appointed by council of the conspirators, but was loss $23,000. " ' 11. i . . j trouble alxut the New York collector- the court, within which to elect to merely a fellow worker. He asserts ' FIXTURES. KEROSEIIE eUS The Missouri River broke neai be settletl by! making lake the benefit of the decree here that the nihilists latterly have had & nhipwasto on Wednesda'. and lose Bismarck Postmaster-GenerJames evidences their jcollector conand of, no was and present there in, that money I :( Ivf.AI.KlW IN 4 and putting Judge Robertson in the ownership. The court will provide siderable disagreement among them, 10 feet in a few hours, and the city Church Ornaments, Etc. cabinet in James place. It was said in its decree that, all parties railing and they would probably have dis-- is under water. m; Atf , f lava m laraa aaaortmant at tblr that Secretary Jilaine had consented to come in within LEATHER : AND MDJNGS that time shall be wrsed had their last In a shooting affray at CNieli failed, lalcaa of Una Cl.auUalWra lo this, as it would give, him one foreclosed , of all claim against the tvoussakolt seems to attempt was sherlfT shot be a nihilist. City,!Nebraska, the an ewfani more staunch friend in the cabmet; defendants or either- of them, aris pure and simple, Hall IJalita. ale.. ltOT r. AND NIIOK MASCrAC no project dead and the deputy sheriff wound having aaltanie n mf lain M a Par isr. , Ijaapa. atare. but it need hardly be added, that the ing out of the transactions consider or desire beyond the destruction ioo its. oh ri it bvTOOK.M. of ed by cow boys. Kte. rumors could not be traetl to "J ed herein.' On payment of the sev- the present order of things. PieofT-far WcxMlns MlY. The. World's Fair ' Commissioi substantia! foundation. It appears'to eral amounts that nay be determin- sky and Jelahoff avow that the ob- 71 CHESTJirT STREET, resolved to take no action it have Presi shoe stobeIiioiksim SUPPLIES, the te eouall y certain that ed to be due to the electing ect of their operations was to terror PHILADELPHIA. to a permanent president un to stand by, Robertson's to take . advantage parties regard inteiids dent of decree ize the mathe: country, disarrange the lmlr-M-i Miinnritctnrcra alaerta . , nttr rorvi may r seen a uw Domination and that Senator ui alter iwinn be defendants will u April ioui.- f herein, the chinery of trover men t and bring iiikI .tlnoliliirry m Nrialtjr. ' i li tig and PJatt will strenuously op released from an claim against about, if possible, a socialistic wil the of The Treasury Secretary repub dE-iiCA-apose ills connrwauon. jonaimg is them . arising on the part of lic matter, uie pattern or the Pans redeem, after the 1st mat , outstand and said corporation or its stockholders commuue.:Tire otlier.two prisoners, Ing 5 per cents, maturing on ;viaj dly constantly in. receipt of letters telegrams from the stalwarts or xsew Hie 101:1 shares of stock issued in the Aiiscneeiotl and tne woman' lieir- - 21st, at 101.25 for each $100. v York advising this course, and rep transaction became the equivalent mantf, seem to be less important. Lieut. B. M. Berry, U. S. N., is tliat- the passage of the by reason of several Increases in the Both .refuse to answer the charges ordered resenting to to the command of the HORSE en tne U the HViaHnar Oiucautiated Lya aad Baa-- resolutions in legislature was capital stcck of the defendant cor made against mem. ; steamer Maru 'and Jlelen., which h aoootaTMraouana able r"amlly Scad Maker. dorsing Robertson's nomination ; poration and the dividends or Cali L to go in search of the Jeanneiu.. , Brlttan Taxes. mnr each can lor roaklna- Hard, avara ana POLISHED 0(W BLUED to stock: stockhold uis issued fornia the HJonKimg-sIt full wataht and permitted iy ToiraapCanquickly. bs obtained at T C M. I. and friends under the influence of false era of the defendant corporation, to Will ttokliv Chicago, 30. The Timet? London The N. Y. senators will opiios ftonrer than aay Mrenrth. be Ita Ilrriich Store. statementH to the etfect that he had 8,125 shares of stack" of the 'corpora special says: As a result in the sur the confirmation of Chandler whor. iv tlttaraiitm our NaiU lo li Kqtial in VuatHy aiul consented to, t- - ,He received up tion defendant,! 8JS73 r .bares of' the plus in nuances some of the taxes cause of Blaine's action in ' connec PH1UADELPUIAlii ability to any niade. wards of 100 telegrams on this sun California Mining Company. The will be reduced. ;I have reason to tion with the nomination of Judgi .York, dSendahfs ttficr tltin.' She corpora state that one article which will be Robertson. Ict't from r Mml Ironi tl Beat Narway . . ona county, of . .New uuJ 11.V w tion are to account ror saia snares or affected is manufactured silverware, Iruu. t la In n single aay Tecenny, Already to tin for admission Applications U. K. DEPOSITORY. said that he now feels sure of the stock, or their; value at this dateumd on which duty Is now levied alike trials lrlv, by ha Peters at St. of Nihilists the of solid support lu that for all dividends paid on said shares on home and foreign products. . his parry . . mil St&te m any plan or oppos.uon vnai ctrokjafuihown byevdencasla4he have reason also to assert that the burg are pouring In Represen ta NATIONAL BANK, of be admutet DESERET will tives the press he may cofiiuae ip Hhe qoj duty will be wholly taken off, which on conditions. r 1 1. aft'. 'Senate "tfutces in the dales of from of dividends spects pay win results very . produce a .1 important ALT LAKE CITT. 8 - ment. II oe 10 to are and be of defendants The consiaerea Windom's pracucaim however, opera I. both here and America. There plan Secretary Iv hopeless, for the great mass or me credited with .$3,539 actually paid will be an increase iu the value of tions respecting refunding will be V. Ilraucb Motrsi. ii s. v FOR, SALE BY ' UP $200,003 t PAID f CtPITlL, dly aemocrauc senawra win. uuuuuicu-ix- for the groqpd, .with In teres Vithertv native silver, but I the most Impor made rmblio this week. He is ex net vnt far.'ttobertsou'a eoaflrmatioil bn rrWAAiTi2dl87a rli;;UUti- tant enect will be to cause an im ed at New York 9100,004. StTBPLVS and will Z. O. M. I., Solo in City. as a means 6f planUngprmanehV mated that the" amount or money mediate rise In the value of manu have a consultation with leading dd ly ' HOOPER. H. W ill cause of discord in the republican Flood and others -Preaident, Wm. Lntmt tru. be called upon factured American ware in- this bankers. M. S. VAinUsnt, H. 8. KLDBKDGB, nartv and GArneklQuid lilaiuet im to'pa'r' brer? snMAthey 'Conclude market. I had an interview yester- VM. JKN1JU!S I n w.inro irdlnaririr In LllA MnSte josit ij unmiL.a'illb fcowatI lUftJT W1UJ UUSW I1I1T liniTITTI UTOBi HEEMES : CO, JORN Cj 'The decision will in silver plate, who said American i da would auioueetautiaiiiy - give arisuaiw JOHN SHAKP, NICHOLAS OIUJ'RPBBCK, to votes on make tne of an the have cient number bearmg goods are superior to anything man CJTUDKNTS" NOTK BOOKS AT DESKRE'i important U & HILLS, Cashier. .... ... othersuits-now-perrdinMASUfACTURINO g, .eraarlnri fprfq i n involving ufactnred In this country, in style, O NEWSOFFICK. Attorney General ldac eagn spent several million dollars. The news finish and quality. The duty now IEM1S3. EECEItES of thcdecision had no marked effect enforced is practically prohibitory art nour at uie vauiwi m T1 lEPBSlTSjniSLE II with the senators out onthe prices of stocks . of importation, but should the pro noon, mingling W. L. Kaa both sides e or government be endorsed, as ntmoer.r txe was f ThC4?soCJa4geuriiva4 In posal Bays aavd aalla exehaar deadloeSc andithe Cnleacw. irw.iiirinEf the Franelarav to about it ha a beeathe gen tlie bXJUnmteise: Js sure tea be, then certainly large ... . yjt uu era! torJoi of oonviersitiori. Loala. 0ahJ. Ladaa, d print I, Chances ot lis iwuik' teriuuaicu, trade with America will spring up, & 2I.S1.1UUMIMIKE. : b also is said ttor navamaue nqu-ri- streets this afternoon. The plaintiff provided. American manufacturers pmi caaUaealal ClUaa. as to the probability of Win. E. and those interested, on hie side of are willing to maintain, the present VEGETIBLES FRUIT. GCCERiES, Chandler's oonflllnalion AArSolicitot Uie Question in tbh fliitl other suitt, standard and avoid shipping inferior Makes CeOactiona, Ramrttlna" Prosaadt tW M. C. Llta Bnch ' thir Otvl a.i kci by Z. General. The, democrat r.tal4 gren ff lti?ff ttpnitd "ljoTd goods to this marKet. The contem lu I be Tf rrttory. ProrapUy aoa erprew aud lvaifr UiatlJidaiautflftlw rWovery f a plated abolition or duty is intended FLOUR GRAIN, HAY A SEEDS solidly Rgains vna,ui'er, vptipg dly M South Strut, vrvmtU Kimball Blxk it 4iiv nrove tft be unanimous oil larger por Oon of the" amount at" issue to stop the mouths of those who fa XlU IM VUjh AO. 12Sf 3 , will be only0Q in this suit, something over $10,000,-00- 0 vor blmetallsm. On ;the whole it is there UiU Question, I! is held by, decision to riwbarred expected that England will make tT Ooads daUvarad pnnctuaUy ta mS nara rvnublican vote needed to defeat him- - "This vote, It" is nrmoid,irill lby lh& BtaUrfe Taf iuiIUtlofes the vigorous opposition to tne terms or ttaaatty. be cast. Don Cameron, principle for wnicn (ney conusnueu the treaty proposed by France and certainly (UAfrrnx) aven if no other reruoiican, win era- - is fnl iv etblSshed. They claim that America. Just now it seems doubt- recover the value of ful if-- BelgiumwiJl taker part In the OUEHLAIID itrar the opnortucuty to tmy oiT ma In' 28 Austin Friajrt, London, .io which a nuTrberrf Ihva have amount of $56,000, monetary conierence. tlie scores aaa end lira 11m ThmDoanStwIAtf WtOmr ITaaa, is set for May, the stat- marked against Cuaii JTHe tlnu .Uons will be inoperative rifimrhlt attact t Salt City, Vtalu' ranstto LTATTI PaataCaaizr aod rtx-' 1 ST SALT LAHS CUT, ieciskm in their favor is PiTTSBtTBO, SO. General Jaubert, to time upon tboF i who --kiiaas the to turns all Boer conclusion, to come up to lus aw' after Iraata, Eta. the .begone leader, put -i , is r uch stronger than the one be an American. lie is a native r In regard to the and tT " WarOiouaw; L. s of ..kaiaaat i;rr. case i'J t rsvl(al. Ml, will prob-- l Union town, Fayette Ce., Pa where aayotlmewMoAOMBaaatfcatiMCata. i 'ay. The there is till no IJolur Sc. New York . at pmr valwa. Tra.eie. Some cf the reytu-IIcaaxe r and Ml Laka Ft, Chi Taraat n to uie atupreme court; he was born in the spring of 1841 1.7S par Day. J 1.., iiL wars a nervous oer t' ? "ainafrua rwttinsf Holland. came from His parent 4ree. Capital. Kxaidrd ta iSfS. KrbCO CIHT8 :ted, "t uons. iu wracu t Y .are mt par vaJ-- a, He was educated in Unkmtown pub 8IKCLE r.'.CALS lal awdal awarded them bytn tha Cntrtraai ;TaJaaila.-- ' ' W. A. RXlV ,ft'-: , 4 l&Six. hold U. (3'.A4 14 about lic schools. When her, bat years they rMiwiltati at Parte. Frauca, lT; iVtnoa. ils have been! old he was tried on the charge of so 11 About asIn VT.Si I hlVelpbja In Wis; aao at to intend aitaaa rently " ix " hv l lukCS. oth-- r Tior Court by; c ii and battery, but was acquitted. Tha) democratic Buy and sail Starttn Of La . corporations ta sault t 1 t hand. xpresa a c Soon after bo quitted America, go- tl Buy and SaB Orafta ,,vhyT. v., ITnlted maintain theluolkl c Insf ta Holland, thence 4o South Af 1 11 ii trou Scting t : . lb sav they are not in tiny W W Wm KRIPPEP4DORF & HART, onsupr'amental tax rica. At the outbreak of the rebel-. JOHN BEADINQ, j ai jtfi. l a amount of which drift lis' rep retareett-tIhis bled either bvlhe f the, Ikirir country. Uanufaciwrertcf neuJ in mrtakea, or byan- - resc ui&2 m tne tut is $ rj,otw,uuuf served in the navy under Admiral f: II R S EnTL!in; SEED SO ATI witaarawaA- wttflEoticaor r LADIES') CisSES1 XD CHILDREHS" of of Aaaa nvm- Dupont, and afterwards as captain hrrfrnjftf h ii a colored company, unaer uenenu FItiE SHOES & SLIPPERS, ! M X. of a ArortTownsend dispatch fays; WItael. He returned to Holland A report ia circulated -s lctest Kuxcr.r ete&raer are Hute the war and thereafter to South ZjxrzeL Stock lii" Ilia . MAIM STREKT. . the Advtc- from Sitk 3A aav4 r com promise arranged between last .ffiiioo are res Africa. His full . name . Is Daniel New York .stalwarts and the admin- timTd in at 1" Of any ta Ua Territory. cx3srci3srosr-A.TX- :4 of their Postmaster-Generrerted hars'lurued two istration by which Stnrm'JtmLcrLb baTioir been some oflcnsa named after Daniel Sturgeon, James would be anointed cot- - numU'f at the itasa f not , There are fifteen fet c Pennsylvania, who befriended his lie ,anjJoyt no Agent and does hit &c rRINCTPAL COBRXSPOSDETTSl own imimc. a4.;T uu wv. Mining Iitrict, Btns-tKiov . . and of all ' v. t IHnk etf Ctaa. (UasaWa. " f i dnubts aireartlw Intelligent inquirj' Kxperta and prof pec tors are erecMiig oai .aat afateav A am aat Pradaettan STCCX CF SEECS C Kill aroone tltetJtMkibltraja twfkatoas' fiail (AuUM W wdku w await 'i'"" Ter:-i.1if L001&V Grant, ac to arlve a confirmation of this. AVeil tn nf anririsr. JScoood T&X Corticr AtlicsiVuor, ' I Irak : Graat, U. to no educational and comtsanied ys thete; The br Sreaed rtttsburf, Pa. informed I Mb and iUrj Ptreeta, Bouti Kreei. say republicans ayd aitary 1 1 at V t 6a rraoawEanlt T. arant,Jr., nd wile, Eenot Romero, truth In iUtmtl that Aher President Our aota arakei'i b fufl Hue y Lai J roar, ,..... f " HEW TOBK TOADE. TTLH1 j- . EVENING ' TELEGRAPH. BY . NEWS. to-d-ay. SHOES BOOTS . itwn seventh - MEAL FOR 25 CENTS ', riht. J - 'j THE DESERET hew NEWS -- PHILADELPHIA j RESTAURANT, -- Y. HOiJ W OOD, -- 330Y8' IX syu-4U?i- f te - u, Prop'. . NEWS DESIjRET W-itta- Hibbard, Spencer & UJ Go., : j 7: ; x un-Htnes- ohe JEZJ i&sr J " ; -' self-defens- II-'r- ner to-da- y, e. he 1 1 : ty-Ua- lilllEF wf . j I exef-utiv- ; , s IOOl4-lklMIN- (l , : d f Ml coif-Urinatio- . . - The ALDERMAN Range . $100,-OOO.OOOJ- ess ' CHICAGO, ILI,. ,., - joinI lt -- . as-eign- V ; - . I m , J I t ti.M.RIIMSEX:& WORLD-WID- 5a -. . 1- lvr - 0 . -.- r-- iis tiiurr - -- ; s. : - . , - -- i II TiST r AMERICAN : CHICAGO. BATHBONTE, 1 . I , i I TURNER RAY, , . PraU,i hlr ; . : 'MILS! OSTARj . . 4r ,.,,, - tt ttjTi. ! j al pil o, . ' . 5 l - . - SAFOrJIFIER - ' - . toit -- llxl urn km U . A. -- 1 mm, A qHICAGO. 1 - yi 1 m 1 ! !.. ' Agents Salt Lako - VkA-Pra- st, a 1 Wtt'WSm? COIF CTIOIRS ' PRICE, Fish, Poultry Game l w-lu- Tk. 1 ' n-t- be foHIOAGO. entB; -- . -- Lonaon Bank oflliali, . ,- - -- ir - IaIso HOUSE, f ; ? ina sis , l- s i-- al II. USE. . k i.ar)M JlrT. iht " iiXfi " . . U.U-- J tiree ij i 1 i-- it uti to-da- -- -- Taylor A Co-- , Salt Laka CU7. il. alii s ter-Ueuer- aL ' ft '. fr t4tI. l-- J-J-ue ( CO. 1 V y, al FIXTTiT ,TE3 1 S).-Gene- ral ''; - , mi 1 - |