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Show r ? EVENING NEWS.' 31 ti 4 """.JfTui i -- i. J.jii..- j , ; More money 3a asked for $9,760 my WITH THI CEOCRAPHV Or THIS COUNTKY " WILA. UAMIIIiHO THI MAP, THAT TMt . OlIRE. itlwii I u U J. ra - WD bvwrrw Straw, i X.. v - FiiESIDEfiCy 'llIlD . II. Srst-du- V- i llM ..rtr'lXll-'i'" ,.,.. 1 a ' barawn Agreeablel - SALT LAKE STAKE. ' ' u' ANGUS M. CANNON, ..... . ,. .v. President .... .rresidem. WM. BtTTXTE...... IstheBesfMMost J 1 j , 4 David BISHOPS. i . . y i , TBOPIC-rEUI- j I T , Akxaoder & PACIFIC R. R. t COXXVITTUIQ LUC BETWEEN TITE EAST & TIIE WEST ! fm Olcui to Coancll Dim tnwvuier fars lor pwpmnwiy. HMoKlNii Bluffi. paasls taroasa Joitat, Ottawa, La Ball. crrcat feature of uur rtlao Car I fcAiMj. wnor yoa caa aajoy year " liaraaa" UftwMK Alotia. Buck Ulaod. Daraaport, al all honra of th dar. iJUertr. low CUf.Marvoao, Brooklyn, (irlonail, Maim tlt-Iron Bridire span tb MlaslMippI Im Mutmm ttA CAixtAi of low at, 8tarL Allaot-U- u. an atiaaoun nreraat an poinu croaaoii or luia kraactva froa Bar ami era ar avoided at Council Bluffa. lina. tranaf to and Jaocttoa Wlltoa Vuicf Junction la roria and Atchtaon. cuu- rairftahl. Sidn. Balknap. Kanaaa Cter, LTanwortta, Una. Wutmiu. rn.de in Union liepoi n" bain i un.a40o. Traotoo. Oallatla. Cama-ra- o, nectiona lautreTiUa. f K. KCTIONa OF K. CUJc.Nl TUK KlNClrAU LaTaaortA. AteBiaoo, ao4 Hiiim CUr; OKCAT TiiKOCUii JLNIS AUK A VaalUaUM to Swwnwr, OakaJuoaa. asd Iboi-Till- u: THIS FOLLOWS: feLauka to raraainrtoo. Booaparta, At Chicago, with all dlTerging Unec for ta lacMtBodnt. Eldoo, Oworawa. ana sou in. Pall. Monro, and lp Moine: At Esoliwood, w1t&taIi.S.ataLa, and P. Nvwtoa to Mojito; I Motn to lodlaool and AC. R. Kda. W. Ft. mt and to AUaaUC Aodabon; Wlntaraat; c. St At Waihinotujj Height, with Taia I poaiuvaly tA on It A,iua to tlariaa. A wkick and throun own, hailroaU, opraia Cant. R. R. Hin with I1L of Bna froan Chtaao loto ta 8tat ii P. J ; K D.4K.J L H-AlFronlA.wn.hP T. H. MzpTaa faaankr Train, wtta Palt Tbrnh W. Kds. and ca war rtailr W.l man PaiaCraUacnad,arnui with "Milwaukee & Rock At Hock FmoaiA. and Island, Caicaoo twiMn Kmui Citt, Rock Isl'd A Peo. Kda. and l) U MCI L BLCrr. LLtTIKWOITI aad ATCH - Island fbort line," with ta Uarsnport Ln vision oa At A Kt. auwaito.4. TkfomtfllcmriMJ K. K. C. At. UAvi.vniiti, C ir. ' P. ka and Kaxiaaa aaaort t wutUsimtt, with thB.,C. sv.R.A N.B.B, Jiock lalaad -" I tnAnlnentlr 1 uraat Moca island iv. wiin anirai iowb iiiuki.i.ikLb, ia aua road nod lf Mol Ck. With l. M. A '. D. K R fr.raii. ply arlaut. iu At ouiipad. lu oCNCIL BLi rrs. with Union Pacific R.R. Att track ta latd wtiA A OH AHA. With R H R H In Mah t W fct wUI y oa moat will b ta plaarar - Atil.HMiIVNCTIOM.wHb B .C. K. M. R.R.' aaaaut tk ot aauia plaaai taala, wua on of At utti'mwa, tif al arairt of liliDont and Iowa, tn central Iowa ii-- U. ; W Pao- - and C. B. A U. 1C lids. oar macnitlaaak Dtslnc Car taat acoompany all BLL.A At It itoitrn, with ToL, Pao. a War.; Wik, Bk 'J'brMMfa Kxpraa Train. Yoa net a an Lira m raOL, ana ml. a ao. H.-- . U. oeai. a ayai As M aarrad la aay Brat-eia- a lunt Au!. aaat-T-fAt Cam IKON, with H. fct. J. K. R. At ltd. naata. tor i of to At Atchison. wuU Atctu, Topeka Banta Fa Aporactiuinc u tme that a aaajortty for dtfaraat Auh. A Neh. and Can. Br. ij. P. AC Rda. aaopi pvefar buataaa aaaaaor At A.kATxyoATWwttUKa. and Kan. taad toa taiavaaapruania parpoae of mm lia wfrhun ID, w r ptuaaad to an Cent. R. Rds. At Unsa Cttt, with all lines for tha Watt nottoot tkat ta Company ran Pitiima Polar ana souuiwom. Hiupmt Cart for tipim parpo, ao4 Puiuc n r n rLPAj r. rALACK CAKI mn rw lkraak ta PEORIAVEX VVOKTII. aad LEA COVKCli. A CCrrt. MAISA CITY, Atwefc. blsas BMte," avrw tahvaaa iraat khsa LIm, kaawa ava tat ATllllaOX, Mrrst fey T d mil Taia Aaaaaa Im tm Vmtm tataa ISI TTTF 7H?1T Mm nu la wui Wt At tut f rl. aa. A-- Lt t Kan. uu. 1 . wo I- tl A l. 1 DYSPEPSIA. It la for the cure of this diseaae and It at NJCBV- OON- - f) tandanta. OUSNXi3S, DESIXJNDHNCY, A Q TTTL BICIC-IIEA- Walla Walla, Cayus and Umatilla tribes, $12,000; Skalkma, $3,000; mixed Bhbsbones and Bannocks and Sheepeatersi $22,500: Navalos. $25.- 000; for the settlement of roving nan da In southeastern' Idaho on the Fort Hall reservation,' and to assist them In agricultural pursuits there on, $20,000; to Jocate roving bands in soum eastern sjregon, n some proper reservation in Orecron and to as- Ae them m agricultural nursuits thereon, $5,000: for the sunnort and civilization of California Indians at Round Valley, Hoopa Valley, Tule River and Mission Agencies, includ ing transportation of i aanDlies. $23,t)00, and 'Tor tlie pay bf em- at the same agencies, $9,000, Eioyees The totals for. the same treneral numoees in other Pa cific States and Territories are as fol P, tj; , TUTT'B HAIR DYE. I a-- 8he, K- -, 1 WORLD-RENOWNK- D W I .. .. The Marquis of Hartington made HOW TO CtT.BaV a powerful speech, and Ilealy a violent one in the House of Commons COIlSUr.lPTIOli, COUGHS, on. Tuesday night, j COLDS, 'ASTHMA, CROUP, th yTbraat, Tltomas Thorner has been arrest- AIIHAvl ratlaaieBUaa-4rsptma. ed at Maidstone, England, on the USE ACJCORDINq TO ,DIBECTI0N3 charee of murder committed a Chillicothe, Ohio. ALLEN'S LUNC DALSAM A London financial firm is conaid erimr a scheme for building a ral 1 . ua way from resth, through Belgrade at,Mi WANTED I.OCAL Aumrs .aaw. VI.VM- to Constantinople. akt. LiiiMlt, rMs tt aaaie, as famtli!a. r.rt ixa. Bawa tu. A. At the St, Peters' Insane Asvlum on bunday. one female inmate mur uerea anoiner lemaie, choking and beating her to death. Woiber's carrlaee factory and con tents, at Denver, nre" burned and Schulert soda water factory badly damaged, juoss, i;u,uuu. The v Portsmouth. Eneland. i L ' j uiorities nave received .anon vmous TR3YAU:rri l learnings or a proposed Fenian at tack on tlie government, establish ...., ... "waaasBaWf L . ment. , Both Nevada ltouses took a vote for senator with the follow ing result: Senate wren, 14; Fair, 10; uaggett, 1. Assembly Fair,4l jj, ii-- . . . i REUABU I T f S 40 Ml Si 4 eoi 4 4 12 !l 1 Ordat. u 40 :, uods Crcas. t . AAAIYB take..:.. PaH 5 ...t IVutrevill. W t AT': - . M 4 U 03 TXX-f!AI2r- a. 1 it I XAka In Sait at a 30 p. and) Tlclret -- JM ltTt. IS, or STArioa. . AAm AT u v DtTat U0aa T a J ........... ...... iwr:...... - sJiOBl a a IpVaaVMwOC ... rnrnj. r pt'lDyTi 5 rt i - E) U4&J a otk..M.. 10 tf u) J r, id K'1 .,.......... .. a 4 it aof Juah.....-- .. IS im l1 as) 1H s r its fi 3 15. S 8 Tl 4 a fci, n to AAUtira AT U 5i 1 Vooa... ...... Xaiitl 1 r. . t am ao, ukt. c? f II Its U tu ... Pajmon.....,,.,. ....... Ffuis f ?H OlwTt.itt" a Pi 4 11 Tt aTartratTa a its T40 UATO 4ls4y i;o chang a c? cars it i ONE ROAD, 0MB MAXAQEMKNT 4 SV '3o NOW PREPARED W E toARK receive orders for FAMILY UECORDS sof an approved form. Each book is divided into four forms. Pittsburg;, Harrisburg, BaJtl- - The first form is that of a "FAM Phlfa- t more,' Washington, ILY RECORD," with ; ruled and O ati..? 4ntwt.i.LJ AIi.' spaces for births, marriages printed ucipiiit miu mew lum. and deaths, In each family, also for names, dates, and places, one page . accomodating: one family. Is a "CHURCH The second form vi Jf'.Tork City, j ftECORD," with spaces for: Ulees-j Readies all Points in PeiinsjlTinU lugs, baptisms, conflrmations, endowments, and patriarch and New Jersey. mi blessings and various particulars . of theaame..! PULLf.1 AN TALACE " CARS Thethird form is a "8EALINQ " On oZI IP BESS TRJ.ISS. , !tEO0RD,w with races for name , CI If of MA 5 IF I CENT CABS person sealed, birth, death, time. Equiptwd with tba celebrated Weatinrhouea places etc. onun ana jsonri nw t . ; air Patent ThefourUi form TfaaBAPTISM Safety Platform aod Coo pier. TJT?fVlT minj TT for willi birth, names, dates, spaces Houses Eating etcw dotith." HVTif AUPLBT1XE FOR ItEALS. baptfetni tnfirmatlon, The Jfth form la a "RECORD for BAPTISMS, ENDOW M E XT 8, and SEALLNG8 ORDtNATIONS, Leaae CHICAGO aa follows t for the DEAD." Ex O 0 0..iAA. n SiectI fanrt trailr la furnished with O.OVJ Kzcrxt Baiaioja TI'ttA e?i popular tculSuk Sluing Car. Utle page, on "yrhicli the person own' Reacbps Piluihurf iZ Am. I Hsrrkbtirf the record can enter his or her 1L6 Alo.1 PUiiAdelpLla 440 New Tori ing tAAine. Aa explanation oi wie lorum, UOMOOtn AU-- i ISA It BOOT BAJ mv; Wahioa;Uai SXO ant Oar. ... j. bow to keep- the AlUatls'KKpraam, : f; 1 -L Is also record C.A' , ; printed In each, book, Atalljr. H'UA Drawwy Hoim and iTti Our and Its pages are numbered. RmrbfiS Pttthurf 1115 tabu nTrtebari These records are .veil printed, I'lit'a kinhnlli Am.l MrwTork 4.45 A net tprcial lhiUderpbia SJeerfnr Car and ruled on good ledger paper, sub on tha train, which remains Q epo noCil rurr stantially . bound In full sheep,IJOkBM affordmr PhiaVteiphta, P aruii airataraau EngliiJr roanj or Bock. We can furnigh them of any size, from one to p.m. flve quires, or larger, but probably With Dravtng Boom Sl&t&y Car. v. Reacbfl Pitebnrt; 1J0 tvm.; tTaitlabwrf t.M flvequires is as large as will be do- a rjAitiraore 7.43 Am.; wassirrton can also furnish the vari to.; in.: I'hiiOtlelriua AOO Am.: Tw lork S A siredJ We Tbrcurh BaKJinoreaod ous forms in a record, prorxjrtloned m.i lMon 8.41 , vvasbuiftoii iot pljir car ou idi tb each, other.to order. FAUB AlVt7 AYS A3 L0T7" A3 TOBOSTON ordi-natlon-s, . ( 7i.-- 1A s so 1 p-i- . s - . xtsf; oao : 10-S- p-- ' I Payaon r niaa.'........M.M " AAAITT AT 9andy......,....-.-,. . lAAtAd A. T uiiT timotinsi......Mav.....c.aJ tftwrgVaS AAATra AT A r If t 1 n V i i a , , a . i It Jl J 4 4 4 t l J 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ad in mnnectionai'-wJtii':ntA- a til inroad,astorouows; ? ID s T - Jordan, ' n-- of 3 Ootb ISM 0 o JOFIN B, laXTKriOCK,., .Towif AwrwtmTH, M. L. Shkph CRD, ri t Soutaern from Bait Lake, Arrives at 1-.- Lahata -in ,i ii . - " f'. Wrwham- - lver.' Charlps D. White, 1st Ward, " 2d John Smith, Renjamln Lilleywhlte, OrninvHia, a H. Adamsvllle. Jop. Josephs, James McKnlght, Mlnersvillo. i j , Brurham City. Tbirey, 1st Ward, Hnry M ' Alvin Nicholis, 2d John n. Burt, 3d sM ' John Welch, 4th Orln A. Ferry, Three Mile Creek. W. Ward, Wiltard City. Peter C Jensen, Mantua. . Thomas Harper, North Abraham HnneaJcer, Honervllle. '' John C. Dewey, DeweATlIlo. Oliver C. HoeldnB, Portage. . i; 1 Abcolutel n - Merbitx,. O. - - - S1 000 REWARD . - atat!4: Q,iia 1 ii THE' "LITTLt,': DETECTIVE;' A Family Scale for $3."0, toil toll fur let Uuin 3 (o XoO4na Equal 1a Wb. A. Brlnhurst, Toquei-Tlll. DAVIS STAKE. JTtn Parker, Vlran City, - . N. SmHA, RockvlU t'bas. WILLIAM B. SMITH, A.. ........ .PresidanC SV Ailaoe W. Roundy, Kanarr, e. Chbistophkb Ansom Cajx, i an.r ;i. " ; J.II.I. . -- 1 W D. Lattok, - ' ' via(wara Chicago SOAIoE; Co., at istrerent vaneties ' ! GT50UGE TEASDALF- )$' manUfituturdd to ine very nest, and Kokl at cuw less than Half Usual Prices. . TOOELE STAKE. , James irRE,;. t it as Jaaa Cnty. : Presidant. .' Counselor, Vt. le City. .n. iimiicn unuiwviue, u:iam . moss, js City. &cnus Martin, Iako View. i t " . 1 ... K.H. Broww,' .". , R Tuttle, Tboelo - . ;i.......L. President, I i000 if.'IWtrd IT. Jr.. ..... JOKf, GROVER, 1 7 errge W. Burridre, St John. vernon. mw ti enarp, , ' .... ?!nr Cartin Chteago. John Andrews, 1st Ward, NephL ' ; 4 STAKE. ' ' AA .... .List sent frea ta anv one. CharlPS 8 perry 2nd Ward, Nejihi. ' TT raPrto beils Aaraard, Levan. , ; AOdrts. csileaao Seala Clilraro. John 8MXXTr,f...........?v.....; M. Haws, Mona.; t, va , i mmrw sv , l aau AAtaa city a. wiaAa ataw ly j : KANAB STAKE , ' '2 ' ' ; - ' "i sit BISHOPS. L. J. NUITALL, -: '". .....ii. iii..t... President. MM R. P. Johnson, 1st Ward, Proro City. ; . , i.,i IL O. Spencer, ' Counselora. J. U BnniNQ, Kfftn Tanner, 3d Ward, ' BTSHOPS. lMfDorad on 1 f- '., !. . - . ; A. - v- R R. SNOW'S - 1 - 0PQE3VES, VOL. 2. - ,7- .ff , . orSOalOl (At BISHOPS. - t 2 . i ' 7.1 ,!Weaaau ' xponemtr Ouioe, i LTtah Commisaioit ' Store, .: ' YAnd : ' RICE, Dwycrs $10, Jmih a Tanner, Parson., F. Of. r,rt4un $L25 AND ;$1.50. uoslten. tVOook, Ceian-TtorH. Cutter, Lehi. Alpine. j. Aiccullousb, HSrrtnrrtnn. A nu.4,n Ir'MrdF. rfcaaant Jc'iBrowu, Grove, i ... . I ;. v. ROBiwaoN....... ftjoonseior. Jo, Partkidoi,. ; Millard County. WASATCH IITAHk. .Preakient . ABal4aM HATCW. 1 BISHOPS. Jomi .h D. Smith, 1st Ward, Fillmore. Aiexuntci- - Mcmiie, znd ward, " Pavril R. Stevens, Holden. , laiiiel TbranrMBA. HeliAQ. Flatt D. Lviiiiui, Oak Creek. H Ira in B. Bennett, Meadow Creek. A. A. Kimball. Kanrnh. JoM h Black, Deaeret. . ' Won It'aaateh Cwunty . " !; ' t bishops. ' r Thrma Rasbaod, Fast Heher. west rtober. t, uum I DawsS foreman, 4 Van Wagoner, - w Richard Fant,... J... i- 7 jOounaalora. James Ridpath lectured last nisht p ntt I XXergas eaaty. I ,' j at the Ckwper Institute, N. Y.j ' tore a targe audience on what he Cires Consumption, Colds, Pneumo:J - ; BISnOPa knows about Boycotting. 'He said nia, Influenza, Bronchial Difficult John Hopkln, Croyden. ' .! victoria was an infamous woman fee, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Wymaxi M. Parker, North Morrao. Charles -ClWrnsT 4"lrMifTr. 11 Whooninoand ought to be branded ma such all Turner, South Moiwan. alu Dteeases of the Breathing Organs. Albert D. IUckson, Richvilki. over the globe. A j !;';' Fast Portervino. Joph R.orter, sooths and lieals the Membrane of Thomas liroup-hWest PorterrUle. The World's, Fair Commissioners It w the in ii nirear, Aiiiton. . iailppteii the . Ilm wood site the Lnnjrs. named and innlwinsil w J. K. Hall. and disease, the prevents of James Peterson. above north New .. ; way IIarr York, ' and tha aeroji iem, as ine piace ior ine iair, The Chest Wh Jch ttehtness fir"w- aocom nan tt" 3 v public have no very creAt 'faith or STAKE. I ,:,-J. ; Iw , ' . m, Nuttall, Wallsburrr f .WEBER STAKE. trTnw XI t, iJ. MlDDUTCM. t" F, Herrioe, ? - j Jertfaaiah Hatch, Anhley . entre. Tho, . a Blnrham, Mountatn Dail. rrea-iu,T liiiiauis, incline.. ,r i 2 1 ...... " Midway. C. Murdock, Charteeton, Bentmin CliifT. Centra. Alf u: Johi .Moon. IrrjrLlinn lllnr. Dnnria. HOBCIAX STAKE,' niLLAEDO, BMTnt,, ............ Preaident. Samuel Frahcis, ' .... JCouMetors, 8. AutXAjront,. 1 , HALili'S Tna BALSAM ,,i 5 iswBBBSBfaaaaBaBB V. 3,8. t I b ft. TT 4 . " a tJ. s Preaident. . , t. i"a ... T.n. I .'.-- Johnson, Sprlns- - take. Hallidav, tiitaquUiT Hr,y Tbma k - :. B73iimln ...... i IRA N. H1NCK1TET, , Book; Store, the Lion Hoase, . rjooco,fith MadKcn , Ward, PiiHntrrme. ) Ghiw Dl Snell. Sranli.li CtcttiS TV Kvana. KaUiL. . IIILLABD STABC. I bCCCRET NEWS OFFICE i BsasCaaaty. ' . Wm. D. Johnson, Jim., Kanab. ilrv B. M. Jolfev. Mt. CarmnL . Tltomas Chamberlain, Ordervilie. Rotal J. Cutler. Glendaki. i Scxtus F. Johnson. Johnam. ' Ttiomas W. Smith, Pahreah. . v iu. aa. jonuaun, p. is., oaiiaon. PTJB1ISKED. P"TJST ui ntm. Pt r. BHiihifrf, - iiiiiui .Pmilaat ir.v. . i ' counekrA . ., . . A I, " fsisnopa. , : ! rtm,' B. C KHIHtobelow. 1st ward. Onrtteo'Citr Sd ward, Robert McQuarrie, .M Wineksa-- FArr. Sd ward. , , y A Si ft ' a a ai Can-igat- i, aa A i 'rf S--rr aiys-are- Kriterrw-tae- night-west- '- ; -' - , , ' ' ' j ' : . . J k ; K -- t. I- - . X ' - . a a , ; ir, V.'-v. K . lw' is '7- - f fllDFJi J. GRANT, . wver . w ' i:'- ! i nunaer, uunkervuie, STAKE. i : JVTAB . ... ' i ! ay mad : a : pLvke Syphus; PanaoeA ffKaa. H. Branch, Jr., Mesqult. ! - r .' Lincoln Cennty, Navaaa. . . 8 BISHOPS. - ' BISHOPS. Wm. Brown, South BoimtlfuL ' Wm. 8. Muir, Jun., West BounUful. Chester Call, Bast BounttfuL Nathan Cheney, Centervtl lo. John W. Heas, Farmlnrton. s Peter Barton, Kavsville. i David S. Cook, South Weber, i H. B. Gullllam, South Hooper. X imrF i...iy..u....'ii f- ' w CounaelorA Davia County. , Pace, Harmony. - ; John-orm- , , a-- . - i 1. S AT.iXi , ,111 NJD3 i' i ' i ' l , . ir rur- -' - Lue ! ,1 : cor-- i lzzi:t ' rTro"-- T r iAiur'" Fc- - The reL . t-- uy k V - . A mored. 1 he contract with ll'Isson a i A, for the opening festival la February cf Erfcltrttl cf was approve, i; . rrH ,,r.u'i jlvz .. .3 W clIGS ;'; a-- ft hsfdord"d the.... Cr;'. - f AAS h- tf "-- -... AT ?r,- - "y i. The fsrac-- Tcr.tJ::9 Ccr 3 ro-New Ycrs, ho beast raid i'ar 'i; M at ni- vWa - The lea lr. t lacrcc-.Ia- r: j.AjA a, m k m w m a CAed. f- - dt s:ijz.V.3 Uabc-tiirs- nc - ron u,wyiAs Rufus Hatch lafortssd a reTorter that the UnJon 'I'aciSc estcrday, fiai In tended very soon to I -rajentire IndciLteanes to. Ge oT iia Government, amount: tC-7,23- .esca- 512.; The lavi; ritkJi tx h."J f--r tia pur; ccj. r : , m i ' " h It Tha NeT Yori Times r-trrs: net cs-- torn hoTf:-as Con- crraated the V . ,Ar-;?- Vrzr7 Sis - - tc? ft tzz' ht re. i . ;r j : ,; "f - r ji.r to h ..J t 13 cc: j: ri itaw. jlxd hrAsr.' 'a Calw TU Craafact Pain jy : ... CaKUTa PETE30N, . . ; . . ., . , The D?nite elactlons committee EiaHL3T STTLD C7 TE3 A!.T,, has votaa to call up the Kellogg - n. m f a . blown to pieces on Monday evening: twelve persons were in lured, aevera "'r ofwhom die; ' . i ut ......will a a T , i ; - ; : By the explosion of 100 pounds of powder, the store and grocery stock of J. Pi Andrews & Co., at Cllmat, ivaiamazoo t jounty. Mtchisran. were to-da- case. atA&s ,s . - : pbihtihg:-p. rn. . , ., ". . ; . m At i I -- n ' ' ft , Salmon, Coalville. : Winters, Hoytstllle. f Chester Staler. TTrson. Jrud C Roundy, Waaabta, 't ' 4r . 1:.T)hn M. Malin, Hock port. Abraham Marcbant.Perav ' ; M- ! Atwood, Kamas. IL Stanley, Parley's Park, AHonzo Pure-, - Aft '. 0tftrtes Ricbensi tlannefervflJe. fillas Asnrr, Kcbo, , Bwliert ' - roads. ".A ma- Kaee. Snmnilt ' Coaaty. ..President. PRBSTON, i Oi-ap- to-da- y r Wabb B. Pack, . .. , . . w f Counselonv . ' .. '' Wyikila' Benjamin M. Lewis, 1st Ward, Lnran Citr. Tarrltwry. ' fi G. Burton. Fvanston. ai ' Henry Ballard, , i Jkraes Bowns, Robert Davidson, M " - S.v ; Almy. Thomas X. Smith, 4th " , e AUide f.t)iu Bth " Cream Tartar. No other William Hyde, "- . Robert Davnes, Hvde Park. iwerstiAtioij makes such iirht, flaky hot lireoda, or luiurlota utatry. Can be eaten O. L. FarreM. Smlthftnld. , ST. 6EOBOE STAKE. by U.vapeptlos wttbnut fear: of th Ilk resnlt-l-ur Wm. L. Skid more, Richmond, " fromV heavy lnduresUbla F. William Oxford. food, friidont Fisher, T - uwwi vf auII utruoer.T ' - JlD. T. McAIXISTEH, .............President ua Harvev Dtxon, Clifton. ; i THOS.-- J. John Jardlne, Clarkston KOT AT, BAAIMO POWDia CO., New rork. .7 Jowxa, Wm. F. Rirby, Newton. : dais ly ,v Hjqtbt ETBnra, . Alma Harris, Berworv ' Washlag-tea-i Henry Hughes, Mendorii Caaaty. William H. Mrnirban, WellsviUe. : BISHOPS. ' .7 Otpon Smith, Paradise, ; TVia. Judd, 1st Wftrd, St. Georre. O. N. Liljenouist, nvrum. Visiter Grander, 2d Ward, " . Oeorire O. Pitkin, Mlllvllle. (thns. .! " Miilon nammond, Provklonoel ; Terry, Sd Ward, . IWt Id A. If. Cannon, 4th Ward, ' ,' For any case of Bflnd, Bleedlnr, itohlns--, Mtrtus Santa Clara. , or Protrudlnr Oneida Coanty, Idaho. . 1r-- iert that I Gardner, Price. . . t 7 falls to cure. Pre- Flls RMBady PILES Bsifla Ttsw. ' J. Jones, Washimrten. . ' ' parea oy J. f. hillkk, M.IX, Philadelphia. Wm. H. Lewis, Lewlsloii. . a Huntsman. Guninnk-J?eph t lAfaette L. Hatch, Franklin. H. im. Crosbv, Leeds., . ' . , , Rasmus Rasmussen, Mink Creek. aUltwtkStAtaft. j , wi Snow, Pine Valley. Robert H. Williams, Mound Valley. . i ' "i . 4jert Knell, Pluto. Melvin I- - Qruwen, Marsh Valley. Terry, Hebron. Nahnm Phrter, Worm Creek, ! A lexander A. Alton, Weston. 7. ..' KaasCMBty.1 ;! .U - BISHOPS. I '; - . - c : J - - ' ' pre-empti- on ' .' ii Card, YX.'. Counselors. Cache Ceaatjr. . ' ' ' ' ' BISHOPS. 7 to-da- y, j1 . - ' Oaelaa Connty, Idabe. Chas. . a , ? ? M. W. a -- - ,( ': - . . Joshna W. Sylvester, Fkiinor, jlkjeon A. Mimiockj Joseph. " jnennisonX. Harris, Monroe. ' Archibald T. Oldroyd, Olenwood. . feter OotAtredaoB. Vermillion, j , H. r SalinA Fjra Curtis, Vohn Johnson, Redmnnd. " Wris-ht- , H. Grass Valley. Joseph Ot-o- . a Rust, Frearaont, Rabbit Vallsy. ii CJt-o- SEVIER STAKE. i " 1 4 FRANKLIN SPFJJCHER, .... .Pres1dnt A. K. Thttrber,. . ., . Counselor. W. H. SEBOHTixni,. . . ; ? ii'. ! Sevier Can BISHOPS. Paul Poulaon, 1st Ward, Richfield. Jos. 8. Home, Sd Ward, " - -- A Los An geles dispatch says: , On Sunday af umoon a Mexican named Merando. aeea aDous in, attempt d to outrage one iof a party of three girls, near WlimlairtOD, .brfgakinir tier arm In H struggle. - Her eompanlozu gave was cap- and .Dderando tha alarm a a a a. rrom tureu cy a numoer ci citizens whom he was tiiea by a party of masseq men, ana uns morning his body was found hanging to a tree iiot far fror the scene ofthe canture. The coronet's jurv .renui:tiv a ver dict or Hanged by parties unknown. 4 J Counselors. BISHOPS. . . CACHE STAKE. Ex-May- or 11. . Box Eltter Ceanty. WM. - Sax Francisco, Frederick Scbnenfeld, Brighton. ' ' ...Preskleni , ..i... ISAAO BUTTH, . - ,'"':;,,; i-a-ir AVyaae ft , BISHOPS. a jtre . i ; BOX EtlJCR STAKE. OLIVER Q. SNOW, ....... ' F-- A. BOX,.:" .V.. Phillips, Cnkm. J. Desnain. iirflntte. ttewart, South Willow Creek (Draper. William A. THlla, Smith Jordan. , James Crane, Herrlman. i Arcuioahi uardner. Went Jordan. Samuel Bennlon, North Jordan. M. T. 4Ui ward. J Mi t J N. G Amos Mareock. North Cvden Chicago. H.iThe ch alienee of S: amtnond, IluntsvilW. F. A. Mr. ltose,.QfXA? Ax.?eles, Cal.. to Josiat M. Ferren, Fden. tret his old ."Sweetheart," ' P.O. EAylor, Harrisvllle.- i older for confidence In the management who tUMPTION , , , aeainst anYcit one , IT aa w.itiurtiiir.l'lainCity. pa savircn ' As John KiaAerviiia.' Allred, only necessary to have JAMT53 $1(000,Vhaa'beenr by Col. are not representative men. ; j , , James Marrlort. Hiohie, FfAT.T Prasldent. 1IENEJE, and ot Jolin this city, beins Conldy David oore. Mound Vtm. '". D. F. 7 "mas, I ynn. for $5,000. He has named his The Bombay Gazette reports that a BALSAM is that rnnl . tivywat MAHONRI M. PTEETJB. I t ' . :'t ' ' John i .art. West Weber. old colt "Director," by "Dictator," conspiracy was formed among the EE3PAIR of IlELLEF for ithls JKS3S W. Croebt, Jun. jVBKrA 7 'Vi. GJbsnt Hoinap, Hooper.. will cure the race to be trotted over the track Hindoos and Mussulmans of Kola- - fViMtrak .: ui . . you, even a rtifori Bmcham.hJrerrtek-Irtta Cwainty. Ira N. Spauidinr, I'iid.-nt- , Uiraaa. . ma run of the. Chicago ;Irivfr2 ' ParkJuIy pore to massacre the Euroneans at r t Mr. Rose church on Nov 0th, to slay the na Dock :ih next, she aEowi BISHOPS. Roan 1: t n tive omcers and get the soldiers to KEnnrs cuicoticsatVE Joseph CL Davis, 1st Ward, Panruitea. 300 $1,000 for . r3nsea. $4U . .ra oin them, 3,000 natives were In the UT TLK COLOUAP6 TAU C. ,' i tatnav' i j riinun o. inurrB. znn nam. V a ' , a tpTSoies.ascu. . Srth Hlltedale.'., I "' f ,n r?ur" i t ;.ti.si-- i plot."--$cdv cwrts nrea. fnr.,7 ,U T taearyi IOT EXlTlX-n- .. 3 Jonathsn T. Pfwker, Clifton, ....,.....,;..lrasbJeot lfeaVs CartMiic it a&mm pntn. 4 t iiftr. t? i J Kiwaktntav P. Scbow, lcs M A A. jia.sii OrriKs Sdht cwrra erupUmmi At an annual meellnsr ofthe stock ' B. Klmer, CannonvHIn. ' rs Ira Corfvv 44W u Salve ;. aeals holders of the of Music Cin t'w mirmiB oeivi attua Mrapb. i Wffiiani Kauk. Kingvton.Piule.tViui.t y. BTU1 The Boston wool market continues cinnati, ' there'College was .no movement ' i iK) Stt aavfl wAhar Ilemry ,.jApt 4p4 ArlaesMt.,. loosing toward diaeUHfaction with rT"BZWABSC? I.. beea ruThe Cru-haa U.a increas- - the rrnsnienV SAirTTTE STAKE.;nvitiu. CT J'Wn, 1 J Arrtr' - at T.5 at at ki at t" at kf ti - Arrtre at Junction I - J' ap WW ii . Punford. Malad City. Wm. Neeley, Bear River City. Arnold Ooodllffe, Curlew. Pamuel H. Kimball, Orotae Creek. F- IX Mceham, Park Valley - 5 , Poloroon Beaver County. Oeo. ii ltd o ai ift BAIL ! -- . . I a Leares XUnrbam ti J I Zy, 'Sundays t. ,Roan DQtrir a, J running Learea U Swd V Y 'On and after Sunday, Aujrupt 1st, IS50, the Bingham Ouiyca llailroad rftfsecjtr train wi,! mate close i 4 r, . t..-- ex-sta- le PBIOBS: ,ruii A Book " Pollard, 1Mb Ward, Kealer, Ward, John Tina-er- , 17th Jnh Ward. Ornon F. Whttnev, ISth Ward. - " Richard V. Morrim 19th Ward, John Sharp, 20th Ward, nut. Ward, Andrew Kurt, A. G. Dris-rs- , House, Sugar R lewis H. Moifcley. Fanners' Ward. STAKE. Reuben Mlllor, Mfll Creek. NefT. Fast Mill Creek. .1,.. PresideM- John TX. B. Brlnton, Bla-- Cratrawwnd. J. a RAwtinm South Cottonwood. counselorA Txmael ar - I Nov 1 aad aK3 fee Koa 3 ba4 4 wta ba H0AD-- 1 : J.... lalt LAfct.. j t.f 1 1'u-Ji- 4 ia-b- i 7 t It tM it ft' f .i n it Vhsasant Orova..M.M.MLI. 4 i i Amerteaa Jork..,.A.....J 41,1 tArapar T . SuitaoaBB w,' '1 Paasnsr and Ticktt CaisferaJ ! ft, Y.m K. MTEKS, J-- -- 2- .UiiUi.) lartlp- - JUiJ. EISG1IA1I CA2TY02T ' lsmiF.......a..,. ........,. - iAtj-uctioi- xa 0T1I1I21 IJITav. Throurh Tickets tor sale at all PrtodDal points In tba Wev Ak for tbem rt FOiri MTAXMi nd PL.'Sli.VAKlA.UNE. . IS KAM.or9TAT.oit . ..; . i tit AST I"rO-0..- 7. ,t .; m C T IS T Til S 0 T M S SO( T S7 6 tMcnkaai....... . . ........ Juusouu.w.. 4 FAMILY -- 00 ...... ...... , ..... ...... fir, ii i an ia ...........n .......... - to-da- '. A RECORDS! EOUTBl ' ALL-RA- II tfV Ea AM. a A4o, CONTINUOUS Aw r siaaa A Wml inifWS i l AAiftw : UATii. FaULaka LmlmCUM amdOodm Elegant '.. 00INQ, 80CTH. ktsjca a! I ArnC EULHD1D. SDDTHEBJ1 TA EtW T - I 'JOHN SHARP. ahipwrliilMilma Oeoaral Frelrha UTAH p-s-a. - a AXKS SHARP,'' , ., laFralrbt or trrincr ttv all lntTnatlQQ coootrnlD- lAr, ft i Atm arrirlnr 10twanrve apply to W 100 : Of dea ta gait Laaa Cuy 4 at., 3 '.., arrtr. - Orden at I Ake City at 10 a-- 1 T 44i 1 Jkalt lAi eft y, at S.40 tfATlpf r si MTowti at ii--w aav, leartar p.nu. arrrrur- In Ordea at r 1 p I'-- w 2I .HaV.h.tn'.lli OHIGAGO SO T T fc j MSI' AHf-la- IM A3 TttAIMI LAATS KajrsriUa. Am Iti; too , S3 i el i ta rol AsaU SO T 1 OS 1SI for SsU Drtomrtmaaom. i 2 ikoic. BZA TOO : iaJ AOwnts . S kffaw. .aaTsailwiy lVXSSwJ AMI OF : wren, BEATER . - T Taka : (o-- A. fctl!aXi 1 , Intar-ColOQ- " 44 .Tner-jJ- i . raoa-a,a-T- I . x; ;. nd OCN ...-,..- . treasur Chas. M. Phelps, er or JNew York, a defaulter under lb years . sentence, died on Tuesday, He would have been pardoned in few days. Free f. The President of Orange State saj-- s his republic wishes peace tlie whole of outll Africa, anu fr he hopes further ' bloodshed will be :'' prevented. i Tlie California Assembly, ,t balloted for United States senator, with the following result: Miller, republican, 42; Wallace, democrat, 34; scattering, 4. Twelve American Union Tele graph men, of Elizabeth, N. J were arrested for interfering with western Union wires. They were held in $500 bail. John Sherman was nominated for United States Senator by the repub lican caucus at Columbus, u., on Tuesday night by acclamation and with three cheers. The ' contested case of Haralson against Shelly, Fourth Alabama dis trict, was dismissed on Tuesday by the House committee on elections, title confirmed. and Shelley's .... t ..The Property Defense Association of Dublin held a meeting last night and adopted urging persons of all creeds and politics to Join it for mutual protection. The English authorities sent a detective on Monday to Brad laugh to inform him that they were in pos session of sworn information that there was a plot to assassinate him YeKr 12. In a meeting of vew as Justice Sway ne will resign the lattne wona-- s commission, of this month. No doubt Crawford, of Kansas, took ter part Matthews will be appointed obCoor to er task for Stanley Mayor offering President Hayes, but a contest jections regarding the mode of pro- - by be made by certain senators on ceaure, wnicn, u sustained, would will case. "- render the fair an impossibility. The the a Mayor made spirited reply, on behalf of a large number the fair would be held, and saying If the of Shaw, English, Irish and Scotch mem gentleman did not like the methods bers, has asked Gladstone to receive pursued, he could resign. a of the Home Rule and deputation Cooper Bald ho was not of in accord with the members of the Liberal. members on the, question ' iana reiorm. committee and, therefore, desired to ' Representative Davis, of Califors resign therefrom. A viva voce vote on aoceptins: the resignation was nia has received larsre . petition taken, but the chair expressed doubt urging the passage of the pending As to the result! when Harris said he bill known as the McLane Hospital Knew it was the general wish of the Service to increase the efficiency of committee that the resignation of tne Marine nospitai service. Cooper should be accepted, and he The House naval committee will nopea tnose wno voted no would report favorably on the bill making vote aye. A vote was taken again to erect a monu and carriedthere being but a few an appropriation to of .the officers tlie ment memory faint noes. The chair appointed Dr. Col. i Aiirer-- and men who lost their lives in . the lSewman, Jas. Fah-ottnon, ts. tsui.ivan, wg, a. Cola and United States steamer Hurom tjorneiias IN, vi.ss, a committee toI The Maine corrected returns eive report the permanent organ - t'laisceu, 73,718: Davis, 73,544: iMyr. names for per- S09; zation and suggest 55; Plais- manenc omcers. ' i ne following was icd's Jay, 124; scattering, 57 fThe committee majority, suuautuiea ior Article 5 or the by will nlesent a rerort to th.fnemi.te laws on the same subject. on 12th, declaring him Gover A permanent executive commit nor.the .."( r,.'.i-:.tee shall be elected to consist of not A bill ttas introduced in the Sen more than fifty members and the executive pfTlcers of the commission ate on Tuesday to reduce' the price even numbered sections of public added thereto; twenty-fiv- e of tbM of 1 . I f Al at number to consist of the committee lauus wiinin ine limits or any ran or e to be road, military wagon road grants, of finance and twenty-fivto nominated to the com minion by the acre. settlers, to 91.75 per Preaident and elected on call of roU. i he executive committee tnua con The Secretary of War says several stituted shall have inanagement- of railroads are running through the mil financial matters of the commis New Mexican Reservation without si ou except thafciwaich, by. i act 5 of permission, but suggests that the Congress, belongs to the committee right of way be granted in view of on finance. . the - im nor tant character of the :- ... mM-Bir- ,' . m :r,. " Gros Ventres of Montana,1 $20,000; cago, lows: Oregon, $24,000V.Washhjgton Territory, $20,000: , Idahcf, .$4,000; tbeae that 9TIPATIONTriIJS3, AO., iMru Pills bay gained such a wide reputation. MonUna, $5,000; Utah, $11,000; Ne$18,000; No remedy was ever diaoovered that aott vada, fiSjOOO; New Mtxico, ' J I o kpeedHy and gently on the djgeatire or Arizona, $38,000. The bill, aS' reported to the House, rCtUflW xana, girinaT them tone and wigor to aer a section providing that contained Thi food. tb jtrrulito accomplished, bids for all 'Indian subsistence sup tbeTATlCAlM are' avt ifEBViS mmt aUa-t BRACED, Fwr taai Uekt ante, aMms., j V? Mlnkt Tn plies and trans nortation. should be 12. 'X. IM POSY J and JOHN. the NQUaiajLtED, 1 i l Oao lTkt. kiulPaaaV ajaruilDaTil. COST. Try thi Bemedy fairly And yoa opened, and the contracts awarded the anil gain a Vigorous Body, Pure Blood! thereon at some suitable place in to" be Mississippi Valley, intended Stxcxiiirrwa.aiid a Cheerful Louis instead of, as - at present, riluagSe. 9A gtwrrmy Bt- -, N. Y. , St. ' oe New York City. OTiH SOUTHERN RAILROAD T Tke slOsiwae TreatyC D i Gt Gbat Baa a waiaiBB aanswj t HLAcaar lapliaatu ai tnia uik It la NOTfCK The regular weekly tneeUng ;6f the TRAINS fatwral Oaiir. aad a laattauasuosly UNTTI. leaFUVniEU re Bod arrive At Urden)dail)t a Ta Take Effect NtTemhtr 25, 1SS0. part artaal ar aawaai r iptf S L Senate committee on foreign relaOffice, 35 Murray St. nvwjrorka tions, waahtdd thissnoriiirribut no LBATS. r action was taken qo the Chinese . . Swat F KVJO a,nw .. J, J rtJ!y. M MUrod 6.00 im. treaties, for the reason tliautlie SenSTATlOlta j... ate 3J0 roUht yesterday afternoon ordered them 2 a at tt BBtd Tick to be confidentially printed,and they ABJUTaV pattalty far a had not this morning been received alaat Bnsjs .15 n.m. Dally Sxpr TRAIHS LKATB A.M. back the government printing S.40 (sat. Wllford.. .,......... 3 00 The Wonder of the World. office.from 1U ikat. is expected that the comIt Hktcrtiock 4 30 23 40! 60 Dally onunectkxMt made at Orden with Om- - Neels mittee wjl hold a special meeting to t 60 VroOOD KXWS rOB JLLL' u& T 661 00 I S B0 arHh the Utah ral Pao (to K. Northern consider these treaties, the 4Si IS - WAy, lor In Northern Utah, Idaho lUverside. 4 00 next few days, and no doubt, be entnatou.. ......... . .,., 10t ool ea PROFESSOR a Xjataua, piJuU HERMAN'S Jmni 01 aad with Utah Uaatra. rotd tor--at Will Ctka City tod U poiaU la Southervs 75 tertained that they' will be favor. U oo in , , titan. AI ..AiRITt ably reported and promptly ratified. At Orseo Rlrer with states for Sweetwate, Juab. '? m VERMIN DESTRO YEI1 1 Secretary Everts and Commissioner IM 1 Which is known to be tar Superior to Al Cheywrn with the Colorado Trescott were on the floor of the rj the Unkni paotso w Uenrer, LeadrlUe, tn- Anytklnt yet DiAcorered lor Senate for some timer RATIOlfS. tian- - ate - hawk, am au citice, mtoaip conversed with a number of SenaKIIUIC ins. LICE, IISECTS II PBBLT1T. In Colorado, oa'nps aad plaaaur a reaortsHue tors with a view to hastening favorAt .Stdtvy wltAj of tuprrkOn- daily -BLACK oora cuaoaca r; ueadwoott mod other pot at ,J x v-- ' ANTS, BOGS, COCKROACHES. on Doe. Bllrhtand In. able action. TRATUt UATI P. M. la the Bkaok Hill. Kensects of on Moth In Fur. Tick or Scab 1 Plants, At Omaha with Chicago and North western, Jnab. Itepresentative Willis, on gbeepor Goats; also, ou Cattle, eta. BO 1 40 after a consul tallou with the Chicago, Book Laiaod and Pacific, Chicaro, Mills tucky, tfairUnrtou and Oulraoy, Burtlnaton and Mls- - Lrmmlnrton. 3 00 "V This Drera ration baa been abriUad' Pacific Coast members, determined arn-- l Hirrr In Netw aiOrtw Kamm Cttr. HC fareride,...,.rM 4 161 43 v i as with rreat ruoccas aralnst the Inseota that to .....! ask the House at v the first oppoTS Bluffs usuiroad, and Mko- - Ijateret.. 6 0S U Attack tba CoiTet Plaata, ran would Jo and Onmail a to n r; Kirw Uam--U sfaasswt or ail points East T5 efficacious with tba Tea Plants rtunity to order an 'even Irig session i. Black Bock. r. S 30 00 oui. auj for the consideration of the bills re OLD IN NCKII8 Tickets lor sale to an points east at Bank-- f MTlfOrd IT 21 CtlTS FL1 PiCIET, G3 1 PICKETS. S1.2I ported from the committee on edu a Mr Houee of MoCorniok A Co., gait Lake jo oo in C tr. aao at Vniaa PaotHo Railroad Ticket cation and labor, including the fif Offlue In Orden, at which otfioa berths on . POwoei M warranted fraa frem an teen passenger Chinese immigration No. 1 aad t wfQ be run Bally. t9Thls eavr b oaa aaoured. eeptiia;and will keep In any climate. It bill, which is especially in his charge. For an tnfbrmatioa concern inr Fralrat Bad bad small, way be spread anywhere without risk, as It It ! ' theb. k. is the intention of the California aaamlai tn Cta Or DOflf, M tksy Own, TJdtwt Acent, Osaaha. . win vua m iw to press this bill, or at members 8PerlnPknW ' dBO lAredons tor as on acb packet. C H. CUAJtK, Gen, Bnpt, . Its E3ARP, least main: provisions for enact MMWfactorTT GRATRIi LAHK. Bounda-OanaraJ FralrM and Ticket Arant, w ment as soon las possi Die after trie JltCB, Uty Of AjOndOn, gnyatnA. I1F Tba abow dawowerT has alined ftw ratification of the pending treaty UT11I CEDTBJL B1ILH0AD. PWJF. HERMAN a SUrar PrbM Medal at tba which paves the way for just such THE-OL- D Exhibition of Victoria. Auatr. legislation. I Ua, OX ABC, t i ) The Tferia's Fair. "LIME PIONEER OF UTAH. .ip. ' . ; ' AS Al. ANTUE1U0US l!ELCi:i, ar taoonrpBrmbaa. Tbay atfanutetw Vh TOKFIJJ LIVH.inrigorata tba N EHV Gua BYSTEat, gira tone to tha DIQE3-TIV- E OBOAJJ3, create perfect dlgeattoo aucl resrular xoovement of tha bcrvela. AS AN ANTHJaALAFJAI rhey have no equal acting aa a prevent- -iv and oure tor Bilioua, Remittent, IntertniUent. Tapboad Fever, and fewer and Airue. ' Upon tba beaJthy action of tba totnach and UvxsT depends, almost a bully, tba boaitb of Um human raoa. -- ' 1 TPS I ' " " : i.T, Mtb Ward C, . ''v j Salt LkA y Fdwin D..VooUey, 13f h Ward, Thomas Tavlor, 14th Ward, . . CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND J - yTnmtsK!T' AkanderlcRae,llihtrard, Ps t Sn-ing- ..... 1 Jopeph Wftrbfirori,T8t Ward, Pamuel Prteroon, grid Ward. ' Jaoob Weller, 3rd Ward, Harrison Sperry, 4th Ward, ' " ' Richard Brimley, Bth Ward, Wm. H. Hkt!Ttortiw, th Ward ' VV'llllani Tborne, 7th Ward, . . r1 Utah F. Sheets, 8th Ward, Pamuel A. Woollev, 9th Ward, Adam Spiers, 10th Ward, atl espe-claii- O. "''' SaUIalwCaeaiyi ' ' - '( , ol-atn- Joeara F--Caldr, Tatuor,. , a, Iiem-orrttotd- T-- S rfj4 0 1 BEAR kVAKE STAKE. - - ' i a . j . Christopher J. Arthur, Cedar Citr. SylvanmCL HoleUfiununlt. WlUian Mitctieil.JMt Ward, JHtWaAo, r-- AAtiiey, a ware, juub Erastus W. Molntyre, Fararoaoab. The Indian JaS. IX" Habt,. Ktoue rit.. Lien ver, Col., jCoMDWlors. Mrs. H. Harper, as Qso. OauuNTi, . the bill, by passed, appropriation Baldwin's Hot!, tea House of Cuujh, contains Representatives, Francisco; Bear XAka Caay, I4h. Mtee Mircit & Ram tat. am CMt Bit the following Pacinc Coast items in to addition the usual appropriation OnkMgo; bishops. Mr. U. - SaniT, SMS Bavannah 8t St. for salariea of agents and interpre 4 be Henry A: Lewis, Oeorre Town. Lou to; World aa the in Itarmav: regarded ters, and the fulfijlment of treaty Jnrepa W. Moore, Bennfnrton. Mlu Dot tub! has. F. Roblwn, Montpebef. Paci. Ai,OperPrlin (tb Swlmaur), FtusUar, Bupuiaijons in ine contracts shall be Wra. I Butler,- while For constipation, nillousncas, (John At Denver, Kuntz, actiori Berne. made at least 60 days before any such Ram'l Bkkzdtct, CSfl Broadway, N. II. H. Palrnnple, Preston. intoxicated, without provocation llestdacne, 'TorpUl ItIJver, all contracts are Brook 140 St Ion, Nub II. Uot. C awarded. Vdwln N. Auotin, Liberty. TATum, xntllapoft shot Wallace BarUett. tt from ' arislrtsr Dlorders In an- seriously matter the of of lyn,M.ri. i.; Tta payments atskte of iysiem. S Moatromary 8b, J. Home, 1st Ward, Part i Dr. F. was enthusiastiHenry Bernhardt Sara Clara, au be for tenon care the nuities) is and dislike who " 2d Robert Price, Fraooirao: lAultos and chlldnn. And those of Apaches, and other Indians, who cally: received at llcV1ckera Thea- taklnc Win. Hul me, Bloom inirton. Bar. Oao. E. PaAST, 8. Blepbaas ( tnedloln, ar pills aad Baaseous IM are aable quaiitie. on with John A. Hunt, St Charles. . been have or Phlla.; tre, Chicago, Monday , be collected pleaaed on night. f may H. T.1 used New B. A Bat. C BrifMai, I.AXATIVK may Koliert Pope, Fish Haven. reservations, in Arizona and New The. Senate military committee In for Catarrh iur $Lbi t A rral our Jos, a af aW D. F. Lau, actiiir,So(a cases that need th Oneila Co., dUaowfcn Mexico, 5310,000; for the subsistence has postponed consideration of Lo- catbartlc. or aperient medicine. nd wbllait as the and civilization of the following Rich County, ITaah. sltj usual toeacommou Grantsbill until next week. SnlyJrSfrotiith to tkaii. raakaA la braaasA tla Uaas aal. , tribes, including pay ot employee , gan's Robert Calder. Garden Clly Flatheads and confeterate tribes, 'Tlie original Uncle Tom, made 6oc. Ira Nebeker, TAke Town. oxes a's cts. Price Large er Beech famous Stowe's Harriet by Joseph Kimball, Meadowvllle. $13,000, Divamiah and allied tribes A. McKtnnon, RAndolph. TT-tLPruggists. W. in Washington Territory, $10,000; novel, ia ' now lecturing. In Chi- Sold by all first-clas-s U H. Leo, Woodruff. WAJBinNOTON, IconiawaarA' Irsa Craaly,' ; ' s Ok TON,. SAMtTkX,T. rvesldant. ... "t ...... fT - Tenn., destroyed .several stores. Loss, $20,000. There is a rumor that Earl Cowper desires to .wshnt, the ofQee of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.,, By a railway collMon' near Chateau Thierry France, ' two persons were killed and 13 uied.;'.;; "An" alliance of the Emperors, of Austria, Germany and tRussia may; .IaBsUaua A pprwpriAtlena; 7T1g Haarav Ltnrr, j BiSHOBj , s ear at anyacar. una wimna Monrai H. ukwmt m uo M ajwoj ootapiat. AfiUctadoan refer tot frw. Tue IV. W. H-- TRUisrnx. EUln, rtla. TfiO ji'J "... ,JIlX tfr DAM E." WM , the stegro who are in great refugees in Kansas, ' distress. '", .; " A'fircs this niorning;, Hat BarUett, TE EE G RAP H. a BY Unquestionably tba matt Import ant uieaicai aisoovery naom wwiwrni, assimilates wita im muoous remedy- wok membrane aod forms not only local, bet KAMES " On Tneeday; np to 1 o'clock,- - the sale of tickets for the Bernhardt nights in SU Louis amounted to . 1. vftaf. , j i z rr7rnvs r -r .err-- :- r t r- - Cm C7 plzjl5a:.t,73 L::-z- cf F-Tjt& r r. :.' i r ty ; e : ' . .: JOHH B At i. ....... AiAlJS,;'...' I Utaati C'oonty, L, a J : Anrmn, Fptalm fNoith-C, O. h. IsirltTSf 1. br&im Wm. T. H.J 1: ,.:.r,b . Pregidont . 1.; J 1 Bria-bara- t 1. AJartensen, . 1J ' t lfAl-.y.Coai- , - tn Green.: la i. i. A. i i . (.North). ? Vr-- , Alouncoppy. - ' AtiZOSTA ' STAKE J' ' ' ' EACTXBN, ,. .. ,, 7. ' i I. (.Som)' . , i .f ii'.; t iMht 'i.i t, ount PkHisj,t (North.) t I'teamnl (oit b,) y - , , , i Gaorr take. Joeppb tt, iiichr. s, hU Joph73 Ct Wi tTUi, P. P. Mtilviik, .1: i 'Jtll: '. Johii t" 1" - :Mi ur.' 1 ' JoVn W J Piowafve.' artaaa 7p, j U v..: Et ,"itt.'.-J.v- , ' . vok::, t - ' I l.'i Vf.TVKii pApacheCe, j i. ticc: - - i.i; , Levi U. I'avar,' Stmsetv il ir-- ; i; s : r, il 1r , i ii'!l ,l't |