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Show V! . EVENING NEWS. , KXCKPTOj DAILY, BTKDAT fOUKO' CLOCK. FTTBUSHED A3 Hi.' V EDITORIAL NOTES- The Sjiii Francisco Chronicle has adisjmU li cuiuvming Uie killing of 1 (ilas-xfo- r :it Milfonl, in thb Terri- it "Homicide at Salt nit's just about how much Lrfike."' the iivt ragc eJiior kuows about Utah. tory, ami I'l The Marine City was a fine pass a Bishop, who to ordained and ap 14 years old, valued at pointed for the special purpose of at enger boat, insured $15,000. She was $30,000; of tending to the temporal needs owned by Gal lager and Warriner of the Ward. He is assisted by his this city. Counselors and a corps of teachers, Brilliant Aerellt. and it appears to us that all these SO. A large aerolite Clkveland. measures for local relief belong of ))assed over this city near three right to the Bishops and their as o'clock yesterday morning, brilliantly illuminating everything. When sUtantsjn their respective Wards over the lake it exDloded with such or districts. force as to severely lar many build There may be exceptional cases ing in the northern part of the city. where a private subscription might the fragments shooting on in amer- be proper, but as a general rule we ent directions. Bcanlt of Ouray's Death think all these things should be ThJnter-Ocew- s local authorities managed by the Chicago, 30. SDeeial bats: the An Washington to not like contri refuse People do nouncement of the Ute death the of buting to a cause that appears to be chief Ourav removes the hone of worthy, particularly when a lady or the treaty being signed. The offl some male personal friend presents cials of the Interior Department fear who nave oeen the list for a subscription; but this tnat theforsetuers of the the waiting signing thing is getting too frequent, and in to uter the reservation willtreaty conto be or ink of a -- onvention without an orator, with no addresses to Mr. Chairman, no applause, no noise of any kind. That's the sort of convenheld in Cincinnati. It is our opinion ought tion checked, of tk'af mutes, and ev-fr- y rather turned into the regular and an tl.uu; is done by - signs. legitimate channels, according to the order and system of government Tiiecoimty wntral committee of established in the Church. Tli U-i- n the I'eoj.Ien' i'arty nod other leading minds to rough outfthe Territory slKald act at oiu-- on the call for a Territorial ('onvention to be found in another iart of this aper. lAtt no county fe unrepresented at the i IM :'.; ' : f ' i . BOOM j70B towards Colombia. The ship Belle of Avon hated at Buenaventura from Caratn 1,400 tons of materia for and wharf. The workra- struetion on both railroad anarf I Is In active progress and tsi section of the road, that en Buenaventura and Cordova wn be opened to the public. Till ft do away forever with on the Dagua. oil-ro- ad I carnvi-gM&o- Territorial People's WE OFFER fen- - The following has beend- clude to go in anyway, now Ouray is ed in for publication. It eins dead, not believing that the treaty itself: will be signed at all. This, it la believed, the Indians will resist, and Hkajxjuabtkks People's bianother war Is not Iniprobable. It tobial Central Commii is considered fortunate that Gen. Made from Grape Cream Salt Lake City, July 2t .Sheridan is there and can give per makes such Hh luxurious nastry. jan ue A People's Territorial Convw, sonal attention to the matter. Fatal Hboatlac composed of delegates from t?v- - ljfr from heavy Indigestible tooa. Sold only eral Last night at 9 o'clock Henry counties, is hereby called n- - lu cans, by all Grooert. Baking Powder Co., New Fork. Hirschman a youth 19 years of age vene at the City Hall. Saltke Koyat, d20S ly on October B0, shot and killed his City, Thuesday, Michael Boy lan. at Hyde Park, at 6 p. m., to nominate a canvte where the parties resided. It ap- for delegate to the Forty-sct- h and to transact sucher pears that Boy lan came home drunk Congress, as on (Saturday night and as.wasius. business may properly come-for- e . t .mtTtwn rP THE STOCK- the convention. custom began to abuse the family, The convention will consist ov- - lllBUtUllOIl, wu- 'when an altercation followed. The Twritar Bth. 1880, at delegates, apportion as prisoner claims the shooting Was an enty-thre- e v tmr. and for the accident, that the pistol exploded follows, based upon the popuou ..,.i h,l7v. wrs as rnay be ;'"VKVw:. when knocked off the porch by Boy-Ia- n. as determined by the census ofjO. the hfifore meeting. hnmht TO. COUJNTY. NO. COUNTY. . will imp, cksed on the k.wv. The Next Seastan. a 2 Box Elder. . 3 Beaver on tbo 6th Octo and reopened 1st G Davis The Supreme Cache. St. Louis, 30. 3 ber September next. THOS. G. WEBBER, o 1 Iron of the Knights of Pythias Emery 4. Secty. and Treasurer. o will hold the next biennial session Joab..... ... 2 Kane. Lake City, 1880. Salt in Detroit in 1682. 2 Morgan . 1 Millard. August 27, 1 Rich.......... . 1 Piute. Paying Heavily for tfea Escapade. Salt Lake 16 San Juan.. 1 tion- - Absolutely Pure. Tair.-Noothjn-prepa- ratlou fl?? step-fathe- r.' . ISTOTIOIEJ- I ' H Spanishri-canreoubne- s. And really, when a Latter-da- y Saint pays his tithing and contributes to the recognized funds for the relief of the poor, etc., etc., although he may not refuse to pay his mite to a private collector for some worConvt-nticn- . thy object, he generally feels that A he has done about all that is consisV. of Th4rtuodox plan demolishing tent in a regular way, and that this AND' '.Mormon ism" y sermons or nevs-pape- r irregular addition is "spreading It on to imagine some a little too thick." articles We do not wish to throw cold noiiMf nii-.- il idea, advance it as part of the ''Mormon'' creed, and then water on that warm charity which SUB CLASSES ALL proceed to refute it or ridicule it. is so rare in the world, but merely Very inijenioUH, if not ingenuous. to suggest the propriety of doing all j :ditorn and preachers very seldom things in order, and not running attack anv real tenet of our Church. the subscription business into the ! ground. Ilu jsi.i not only pushing its way farther Into Asia, but is quietly ob'DISLOYALTY" IN THE 30. The examinaFOIt SAL.E CHEAP. . 5 Sevier. 2 rAanpete. in Pacific. Louisville, foothold the a SOUTH- taining 2 Toolt tion of Arnold's brother for draw- SummiL 9 tfva O I ' 11 IT. She hasoeveral fine harbors on the o on Bronston, conclud- uintah a revolver i ut.;.v.v.v; ing rebelThe been in South, having Island of Saghalien, purcliased afew 1 ed Saturday evening. He was fined Wasatch Washington. 2 school House Block. lion against the Government, is open $1,000 lucn to State estabthe sentenced and has and from Also SIJPT. years ago H. Japan 6 Weber. J rin i...Meadow ville,a "WjV"l 801 75 or lished some important ports in the to continual attacks from the "troo-l- y prison for a year. about t.h Total 73 toil" in other parts of the country, and meadow land. The central committees of tire- - acres of Ilelster Clymtr'n Sneeeaaor. fanning Amwr country. The Russian bear or of Address, "Enquire and stories of Southern "hatred of Rkadino, Pa., 30. Returns re- spec tive counties, and citizens n-is tpiiet and stealthy, but is not by Historian '8 Office, who the Peoe's are the Union" as as at ceived up to midnight make it ap- erally rife support Lake Salt City, Utah, any means asleep as either England the are to takehe d & w lmo d233 w31 requested period immediately succeeding pear that State Senator Krmen trout Ticket, or China will discover in case of a in initiative in their several count! for nominee will Ikj democratic the the civil war. The fire of strife is "difficult " thej necessary prelimlr' fanned by the politicians, and the Congress to succeed HelsterClymer. calling meetinirs for carryinir into effecihe PETERSEN. THE BUTCHER, naw Office. Won't Bailor oojecc or tnia call; that a fullnd Sun Francisco stands at the head "bloody shirt" is still waved over 1235 First South St., 30. In a speech at Fan-eu- il proper representation of the Pole Boston, fiekl the of office. the for struggle g cities of the of the be General in secured convenin: Second Butcher Shop from the Corner, the may Hall, Saturday night, We have no doubt that many of Iiu tier declared he is not and shall also to see that all wam'. onitMiw hut Tender. world. During the last fiscal year persons who is-'t . wtV He aella the tales that are told of present not bo a candidate for nv office, tain the People's Ticket are nrorlv morofT this shuffled persons rates AHBUOi ninety the at obeapest elecelective or appointive, at this registered, as under the law noer-so- n tn Season. Give M..t PRU tal coil by their own bauds in the Southern disloyalty have as little tion or under the incoming adminisnot registered can vote; ancise hiiaatrial. foundation in truth as the accusaa addiCiolden In Gate. the by city all legitimate means to secure tche tration. CIV EN v. I tion to these, four persons drowned tions of "Mormon hostility to the candidate chosen by the conveiion Harder. Midnight as delegate the entire support oMie FOR themselves whose lodies were not Government," made out of whole New York, 30. George C. Har- voters of the People's Ticket. cloth by unscrupulous fellows V recovered, and fifty attempted a young lawyer, was murdervard, DRIED By order of the committee, and in Court for who did not succeed. popularly known as carpet bag ed in Brooklyn yesterday morning, Probate Tn the John Sharp, were Xnir. T.ake County, Territory ofl Thij making 144, gives a ratio of one gers. As testimony in disuroof Harvard and Peter J . Lar kin Chairmai APRICOTS, A to every 1, 'US inhabitants, the highest of these reports against the people returning home between 1 and 2 Utah. Tjikodoke McKean, Bee'y. rea. was when their m., or protection tne booth, we append here a porrate on record. Ouoh-toby two women who were In the matter of the deoeased.of Adam tion of a speech made by General quested Severely Injured Escaped followed three rough charby leing TO AN ORDER OF SAID Some jieople are doubting the gen. Grant at Bloomington, Illinois, just acters. After Harvard and Larkin Caught. From Saturdays PURSUANT said TO LOGAN AND RETURN ! PEACHES matter, Notice is hereby FIREUEIi'S 6RAI1D had walked women with several the after his return from Dixie: Enquirer: uinenes of Dr. Tanner's late fast,be-caus- e kn ivbhit. the Sist day of Aurust, AND blocks, the strangers approached and on Wednesday, September 84h, at 7 a. m., and ssat t Airn T A D., 1880, at 10 a. m., of said day, at the his divorced wife has writteu "It may be appropriate on this oc- an "DT"H U. a luesday David, train. the evening Lake last, Salt followCtty, in blows altercation by regular House ensued, County Court annnlntiHl llV said COUrt, the uetunung op Friday evening to the papers claiming that in place casion to refer to my trip through ed, and Harward was stabbed i to the son of Mr. David John, of this civ. m hx, of a petition Round hearing-othe the r was for Fare the Southern Uuieaixl States and to what I heart. Larkin was cut about the place ami Theodore MoKeao. pray-- 1 severely injured by being slrick of water he drank a nutritious South have seen while at I have neck, but his wounds are not serious. with a stone on the back, just aboe iwr that a certain document therewith filed can the excursion traveling. . matema-tisAmerican beverage called Parties aoming from any point on the Utah: BooUgmto Join been gratified at my reception in all Walter J. Best, a bottler, was subse the hips. Swelling immediately V- beadmittedto Probate, as the Last Will and of the said deceased, at wnlea 5lrs. Tanner, or whatever her the recently rebellious States. I arrested on the charge of egan, and the poor boy suffered teri-bl- y iwtnmant quently all jw rearms intereeted may a and time place from the to Florida passed of the committee. during Philadelphia name is, was not present during the on night. and Joseph H. Hurley and ana oppose inu rrviw w murder, pear to on my and 1880. way Havana, Tlkomas iny as accessories. Two 18th, of drink the The Lake she Doctor's feat. TrertMjy three bravadoes ho Salt City, Aug. speaks return came via Texas from TX BOCKHOLT. for th WtM broke jail at Evans ton, and escapad keh of is not colorless, like water, and thus passing through all the Mexico, Xellaon's Property. rebellOr lieave Your AIHrf h Salt Lake Co., IT. T. Probate Court, Clerk with been shackles, have itor W VII at JtoirfMM the evidence of his abstention is too ious States, and it will be agreeable ctp Miss Neilson's will disposes of tured heavy d22Btd ' fur them. Sheriffs Turner and Fowler by her well authenticated to be broken u) an to Know that hospitality receives mother 30,00(); 3,000, Of this COlin tv TUa t orn oro XT,. S. P. rtASDL dowil by the jealous fury of a "woman was 'tendered me at every city Mr. Knight, critic of theAthenceum, & WESTERN which I and who 1,KH); through acted with passed, acceptCompton, scorned." 5 ed in nearly all of them by me. The hor in America and watched her uie iourc nouse, If. FVfBY. same decorations were seen in every during her illness, 1,000; the resi- to they endeavored MEAT MARKETS. conceal recognition BflACHINEh. of each other, are seen 8tate that here due to she leaves Admiral Carr uus mey A shocking case illustrative of th e The Union ..u vnucr THE CEIiEBRATED J. J. CASE THRESHING MACHINES, Waira M snickerinc jnd iwt Degan ' flag floated over us everv-thos- e Glvun. hutjt iUroixibi. trie cat out of the bag. One jovuug ffYWta.sif nniiim a hoKit wK'C.'.1 f Management I are as familiar with its husband of MissNeilson, may make Sheriff Pepper, of Evanstou, WyoEITHER ECLIPSE OR APRON, WITH WOODBURY A T THU OLu BIASBOT tXTE l rapidly increasing among civilized colors states is It OR PITT'S MOUNTED OR DOWN POWERS. trouble. as 'K look ON WILL however, PUT to it MARKET as is and THE supposed, arrive this upon ming, expected yours, by "Christian" people, is AND and 1'LOWS BEAM STEEL next a durmir tbe Dsrs CHILXiED aualitT accorded Ninety I. PLOWS, CASE the that all THE J. to legal train. them the He will take of M EAT that has never been surpassed in protection uist & Pubbt, ooe fax eet ot Bala V morning's guaranteeing rights HARROWS. AVERY GANG, SULKY AND WALKING given in the Stdnlngton, Conn., and privileges of a free, people with- to Xeilson by an English court may charge of the prisoners. Utah I DejKH. AUkijuaof tepalrtaf PLOWS, CULTIVA'TORS, Etc. f '.yay famiry of Paul Greene, wife and out regard to race, color or previous defeat him. OUR BEEF is selected from the heat most of of of servitude. In 70 condition Cenaua years ebon Carolina' m the Noutu horn wceoutei Tt BlaoM'jtu breeds tbe parents Probably promptly daughter, country. "Junction" Jots An extension, OUR the sfites, upon the reception comCorrect. JinTOX is from choim two anil age, the daughter about 33. They mittees, several yards long, has been added three were men upenateoded by tn expei side that side, by year old wethers. The Herald's Washington special to the Utah Central freight house. (BOTH PAINTED AND GALVANIZED.) have been sent back, paupers, from wore the blue and men that wore Iwkt workman in all its TEAL are dairy fad. A short time ago President A party of bear and deer hunters, OUR PORK Hopkinton, R. L, to Stonington, the gray , and reception addresses says: was convinced that it would from the Third Ward, will start out OUR CORN BEEF baa no equal. kn0Wn hi the Dunnes. made m part by those who Haj'es where they formerly lived among were be necessary to have the census of on a for the hills on wore wore blue and those who NONE BUT trip the KEEP I Although of a Superior Quality Ho rse SkoeiDf lnWl5tT the best people in the tiwn. The the gray. We have no reason to South "Carolina taken over again. Monday. mu-officials in in federal the Prominent was Mr. accomplished daughter doubt that those who wore the gray State f Ralph Pidcock, who is engag- U PfllCES ABE AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! FIRST CLASS GOODS, AND GUARANTEE ALL I l to him that ed in on the in represented "brakme" Bap& a leader the Nor Utah in father fulfil will all they have promised DISCOVER sic, the N D ER WO Fill frauds ot the most flagrant char- thern, came into town this morning SrEJUSTX) WHITE 7?0 A tist church,' and the family wa re- loyalty to the flag and the nation." acter had been openly SONS, perpewitn a strained back, the effects of Proprietors. trated and the enumerators had overhfting. wm. qAstum d, spected. But the mother began the LOWELL. No. 1337 JOHN 17. LOWELL, I JflHM W. LOWELL. I No. 63. been misled. It is reported that just a use of laudanum to deaden pain, la South St. 2d South St. a) will aa before his departure for Ohio, he 4c N.R.K TEBMINUS SAVT LAUli CITY. anof kept up the habit, and the husBY KHEH. d 224 General with the discussed subject X3X3Z3X. band and father also became a slave Dyspepsia' lii Aijftim phi werxRH cwoif tkijccraph link. Walker, superintendent of the cento it, and then the daughter, and sus, who assured him if the usual This morning, at 8 oclc jk, at her residence tests applied to verify the correct- in the 8th AND JEWELRY and DlabetM, AMERICAN. they parted with their money ,house Ward, MARY SYMONDS ALLEY, WATCHES nd laaccn. census of ness the of the noxious population the to of obtain wiiow was Deoeased born and furniture Oeorge Alley. Colored Goarda. of revealed the tn suspicion slightest Third Soul St., BttvmPtfj? Salem, Maasachusetts, August 7, 1795 ELEGANT and NEW ! drug, which has ruined them. part, Salt Lakim of frauds, he would promptly acquaint She Joined the Church in 1841, moved to St. Louis, 30. The the colored national guards of-- the him of the fact, wherever he mighi Kauvoo in 1842, left with the Church In 1846, For Information as torn lie. In the meantime, Schurz, of and came to Utah in President Young's JOST r will begin here f above diseases, I refer, frjr re au The-- e are the kind of influences States, A P. FIX VTELX ARRIVED, AND buJohn & Davto, 6th Ward There will be athletic sports nt the whose department the census company in 1848. SELECTED STOCK OP il9to which attend ordinary spiritual ee: fair grounds, a competitive tod Ward. reau is a branch, would have returninFuneral late residonoa in the 8th Ward, at drill, ancei from the showing of advocates spection and review. Tuesday, the ed to Washington, and he would on Wednesday, September 1, at 2 p. m. Ladies' Cameo aud Amethyst Seta, The Banner of o til cere of the national guard union le able to judge cor reel ty of the de of spiritualism. JAJCEHEUSSE5, JBiacs and Koman Ear-rmg- s, a for After mand In tbe 8th Ward, August 30, 1880, SABAI1 a convention, and on Light, the organ of the movement, will holdthere Tie-pinWalker's visit to the Executive ROBBS, fcrmerly Of London, England, aged Necklaces, endorses r the remark of Eugene afternoon and will be. parade in the Mansion, a republican ex member of 77 years. Finger-ring-s, Locketa, reception. Stnds.Buttona, Crowell, when be says: "Good spir Congress from soutn Carolina, who Funeral at Isaac Groo's residence, Ninth Horrible Aecldeat. TO Ri "Etc., Etc, to oi tne remain unable has confluence 8 are the l'reswen a a t, Ward, Tuesday at ajn. Friends invited. rule, " its, 30. A new u census Mass., in the shocking called urge, a Lowell, All or (he Latest Ocslgnn, long either on the earth or in the accident M.iKTFACTT'KBI!8 OT 1 occurred on the Lowell and Stale. ' The President frankly told 1Z8S 8TRKEI, ' second sphere without inconveni- Lawrence Hai broad, Saturday AT not lie believe did him that that night, Whew ! XiOST ence;" but ? debased and depraved by wb leh live youths of thiscity. lost there was the slightest foundation iraOOahyo kw"1 Pearl, tocry, Rubber, Bern, Thnrmand RcucwxH Handles, and JhavSy SUvtr llatci LOWEST PRICES ! lives. SOLID STEEL their 11) e lowest A Caledonian al KXJVES, a tak(rf now A for for and rjt"laithernainilficturtri PAIR OF inhabit GOLD the FRAME SPECTACLFS picnic alleged frauds, spheres spirits the day at Smith's ing the vote for President in South be which were in a Uu case, the finder w ;n f9 REPAIBINU Promptly Executed. DO "33 I infest was heldInduring Ionic paiod-X time. rewarded same to tbe tbe the town of Andover, Carolina in 1876 as 'the basis of by returning Grove, A perfect substitute for I vorv. eriiaUm it iW bcautv when new. aixl far aurcaaBliur It Sm v. tt. MUKKI8, our public conveyances, frequent the where these men had been particiuiiuecsignea. Articles anA Workmanship Guaranteed U durability and appearance in use. , d236St 19th Ward. being three years and seven ffive Perfect SatUfaetkm. lowest quarters of our citte. Liquor pating. Either for lack of money or months before the enumeration befor to contrived clamber to are crowded South sport, Carolina have they ought gan, saloons, brothels, etc, CARL C. AfrftfTTfrrpTr top of a passenger car on tha ki 1830 nearly, if not quite, a milwith them. They also frequent on train which left Lawrence at 7.30 p. lion inhabitants. The DJCSCBIPTCfira Y THE SUBSCRIBER. hotels and private houses where m. When the train. . reached OF ALL bewildered at the B between tlw Mtt Ward arvrlSOMEWTTpht? ho departed, habitare luxurious and two rich miles from this President's statement, and it is said Tithing Store, a bunch of keys in a steel ring, repasts Sprague'a bridge, a pair of spectacles In a case. The finder in the town of Tewksberry, all to realize that there were too tod ually served, and inhale the odors city, win confer a favor by returning to me at the five were ofl'and killed. There many corroborative facts ALSO DBALKB I" Tithing Yar and impalpable elements arising is a 8 Dace swept J0& McMURRIN. 22 inches between the the accuracy of the census sustaining of returns to from them." Mr. Crowe 11 represents cars and the bridge roof: therefore, it be CICAR8&TOBACC0 at this late day. dispelled that not only are gluttons, .drunk is conjectured. tnat tne laus were sit Maine Snra for tnclRepubUeaaa. fejj ards and, licentious persons obsessed ting up when BirucK. frobaoiy What reople aay abont anick The Herald's Washington spebut died Shi almost instantlv. these by miserable, degraded spirits, as their wounds' are on the head and cial are There indications says: Williams Lightning Cure. but that they attach themselves to back were terrible. The undertaker's that the democrats have practically to not evib persons given practices, room, where the bodies lie has been abandoned the contest in Maine, Kg. Wiixiaib: A CHEMICAL MARVEL. ATO combined k how arphW to aB Carvers wlthoui .???W-mmoBEST T4I and this state of things Is attested Dear Sir; My son had a verv sevem otiont additional t who, under their unrecognized in thronged Though a thousand leagues away Of Putrid Sore Throat, Mr. Williams' happenSeJtaor's Tonio fountain foams, men of withdrawal TVTTFaXJDEXt the and by soon fail into these of Yellow fluence, DAVID HUES. Fever. Suspicion practices We can drink the same tz day. Factory, Wostlferiden, Conn. from the canvass there' for ed tn call at my house at the time and by the aaleeroom, iSCbaaoers BU New Tcrk money far-oour homes. Western In and "are reduced to the level of their Memphis, 30. A telegyam receivmore effective use in Indiana, t The Uure, entirely eure4 nlm. OurOooda amkept by Z. C. M. I. aiict all its ' Thanks te Chemistry's Spell-- In Stares. tW t MRS. C. SMITH, an Instant preetel pasaf tempters." Comment is superflu ed this afternoon from Dr. C. A. democratic speakers returning from South Cottonwood, July JO, 18S;X Fresh as from tbe living well Rice, inspector of the national board Maine say without qualification that ous. Seltzer bubbles In tbe glassl or health at v icksburg station, re- the fusion movement1 was a failure Mb. rT mrDtfD Witxiamk Tarkaht"8 purs APERIKNT ports fire suspicions cases of sickness and they have no hope of success Gives tbe rare ethrir birth Dear Your Slrl Lhrhtniiw la w Cum on board the tow boat Hover, which The contest will be continued sira I ever used tor Cramp, Oolto, Headache and Healthful as the fluid sent ALL THINGS IN ORDER. Flashing-- , from the breast of Earth. ' a wwm m ee witbout ft In mr townnea lert xsew Orleans last ruesday. mo cisv Frrta. ply by the local speakers. Time and dfatanoef what are they? snin WML ADAMSON, family. , When can thus Art We are drifting last into one of the ooutn uottonwood, June 80, 188ft, reproducs BarMOdff pier. Sentbcra Registrar la. California. KEEP TlE Springs a thousand leagues away, SOC ?Tfle 8tearneilcQ ways of the sectarjaus. Every day RafrjactfaQy announoei For the sick Petroit, of democrat man's instant use! A California KR. WlUJAMat maMrial by tne w kV"" or two, and occasionally two or three ine City, running between Mackinac and leading SOLD BY ALL DRCGQI3T8. candidate for elector-at-larg- e I was verv lame In mv knee Ihr mM tirr.- z prepared to eodAw d , , one ana a took dollar bottle mis CJeveland anq I of purchased your Light-nwrites to the oongressional committimes in one day a subscription list fire port not and felt have Cure, o'clock 2 since. any at rain yesterday afternoon tees at Washington: The republican is placed under one's nose, and an two miles off and bcaned to leaders are , attempting to commit Alcona, Onion, Salt Lake County. to appeal made help some person the waters edge. She had a large frauds in registration and voting at Mr. Wiujcamb: mad; from the Old World, or to aid some Joau or passengers, and 130 are re the next election, and this is so I to the nest Your Cure On Short Ko0o, i some are known to Lightning be saved, killer ported en a mission, or to as pain absent Elder openly done that it has excited some that I ever used. WM.D. COLE, 611. sist in some measure which, how- lost. Post and indignation among honest people; Draper, juae yjssx rowix. Tribune's stecial irrespective The A" or lowest ine party, republi- Mb. ever praiseworthy in its object, say 8: The Marine Cit3 on her down! can PDBE ICE CBEAU ' governor hajf Just removed: thtf Sir WtTijimt ' Lhrhtnfaw Cure nan An its own in our 'opinion, .should not be from MacKinac. with a. full Joad.-o- r T? TT in f a: office, and who bkrwharTour long registrator an and nVK aaka ana Aicoha passengers,. Jert confidence of everybody and the had I MK3. ' ' usually attempted In. this way. rreignt . i i i. STOKE, i Kir, - 09 Salt Lake City, 1880. yesterday afternoon.1 About of all parties, and bias placed ht nbt .j a "My house is a house of order. at30, FOR THE t- . IIILLIOIJr TOpms, when off titargeon Point, fire bmuui s four, wuv uuue Mb. Williams: registrar t uiouwas saith the Lord." There are regula was discovered in the hold, and be 'Who from trained S Topr TJghfamg Cure cant be teat for tions existing in the Church for the fore enecuve eiiorts could be taken there, Louisiana, as under Governor Toothache is . Lead kepi in it said, and and Headache. tha faoUitaw tost ' .largest HAV1KO ' flames became the ALINB deunmanagable. the conducted re manufacture of and of all ,for ends the Territory GRAVES, the War mouth, accomplishment Who AM iufi, krJdkwer. The efforts of the crew were at once Alpiae, June tt, 1880 Feliciana, in that signed iu these- - private collection direeted to- - eavinsr- - the passengers. gistration mlftBast rrfT TTt'll & became " necessary'Toi The Perpetual Emigration The tug Vulcan was fortunately in him to flee the country. We hope to plans. ' . L- -, JLAJLt J APa R I ill UJUU Fund for the gathering ot the poor; sight and hastened to .the relief as prevent ' the fraud intended. ril .n r nnoon orr did also boats bf the the 'life savin? vv each" mission vfor arrangements jtn The oun't I Alt JTXLLY PREPARED TO J 1 asiungton- - com- - rnwo mbditjm sized safes, one at the 'Point, and,- - several menting on the above .mva: .'Al . iihiic mjv vwar will St JUa the pressing' needa; of th Elder station" nwi small boats from the.dihore, fcTneae the writer of this letter does naman's.XtaV at thli C4fkfbr hi Uiffvbrated'1Varve4ttBa Uaebiaca, wl travelingherein? donation funds at gcked npa large number of persons though price. name not the new it u tT1 home for the support of the Indigent, .... water, chiefly .from Detroit, believed that it can beregisirar, no other than xaU besides the tithing fund, a portion of rors nuron ana up snore ports. the Immortal Jim Anderson 0, ESTRAY NOTICE taken to the which is appropriated to .that pur- A number havcCbcen names have not whore the POSFESSION: MT Point, HAVB IH EcniB v pose; ftheje are roe, legitimate been obtained Capt. Comer, and, the 4 PANAMAl.-Sincethederjartur.at nam r.i channels" through which needful cre w of the Marine City,cted Kith w tne last mau, tor new , XQrs, mere tuow, year old FILLET, .fan Ahd ha fir I WfbWbraal ob toft thhrh. help should" flow, and into which the great "coolness and Cant. Hackett Ben. i, lS80, will claimed not Which if 4y crew of the Tug Vulcan render- from Soutbr or Central America; tak aoKI at tha Nepal estray pound, at means that are donated : should be and valuable-assistanc77 to- July 28th: are from GEORGE lABROQASTV as did also Dates o'clock a.m.i ed I; . a a a vm a Bogota 1 .m i cviJ Dr inWtM;Ufieaest JttzMntr Material ataatl. J,,..:' ij' poured. or life saving crew. Those rescue- - on tne vzawi r roe roe the Qoadfl deUywa anniversary . .. 3 i i In each Ward of 4b Church there aatw 7 UMdtr. itpiumuian uiuepouuence , ijeicnnaan Menu, juao uo Aug sa, mew. i .7 s ' l e t tne United States minis tad- dreaaing the President, saidhe conduct of the United 8 tad been erroneously interpretetie people of Colombia, that thtre of tha United States was tard the interests of all President Re- plied, thanking the ministetie gooa intentions ei nis go van it -- , . ' i ., t, If r- visstt rrntk T SELDREDaE, t...r .. ; r of , ;. ".. to-d- ay n 'l.-t- i suicide-producin- XT J-- MARKET "r".j:p- f 3STOTIOB. self-destmctt- on - . : r M M.v APPLES, k, E-ta- Pis-one- rs "tr4i -- . ' v r-it- mm- -. PLUMS TripfV f TEASDELS at JOHN W. LOWELL, vi"dTd..?""P uarrDMlfll t: jhuu. Whk so-call- I"" Kelly Steel I5arb Fence Wire, M 5 Klii ? two-week- s' ft it s XIXC! LIST JOIN. TELEGRAPH. EAL o re-unio- n to-da- y. Hardware, Wed-nesda- ;;poriuu! . OneelisM'B, Glassware, Etc y, VJt.1. JENNINCS s, . Stil . -- & SONS. BOVffl ' 4 -- cal-culati- on, awA ' OELLUHiOIX) H AN f. , O U T LB LOST n.oi U-gu- -- : n . " to-da- y. CtTTIiBTCO., Brai ff 3 !'. t ' EAGLE ''t - . itit- EfOBlUll! - . : M V , It' ft 1 -- . ... YES & BINGES 0YSTERGROn0. i7 SONS -- ; nTTHTIArn ill IIMlMI,l j ! 5 - J MBit mmmoj nnm HK lf9 m -- lL-i I H J 1 . - i J &i out ma. atcri Al no&m " e a - W Poultry. PSe . ' A I Mm |