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Show i. f I gggtmmtm!!t 2 tjtKJMSiSG3MsBMsBMSMMssMMk " Z-- i A f - ' '- '; . AA x ;: ttt & rp o a oo xa IHIQ. CliPPEB. z? A iVa " ' - :-- rr-rfr-l- , - - II - ICO21G. ATT 'I' rat e itYni Y, FBIDAir 0AIIQIIST C, 1SSO. CITY, TTHP "121153;, AIMSJSI tfcl MISI 7 n vd ram audi to intijCl Vananrtnvrl 4twwttin iMihA T.a. ttitim. eipr'W81 45 TTear.fiPtfjpr'efflivI'ublic. GARDNER'S RESTAURANT does xipt interfere, aerK BY TELEGRAiPH. bette 0)Uui&liMeetr'the pri Governinent tb mm soners at FremootalLand althopgh ous trouble THEiGEMUIME res: UHi f are be BoraeoU YOHIt TRADE. xaOmtn Rt.ifWi-i'- -- I doeijnt&nnwejtfral Ahey' Xiaders, yet ha. aaya they are, the whot atme Irem aami.fiSoO(gac JacksonvUkk. Fretk -- Boots &'shoeS Nut. 134. POUTICAL. tarakl IotnlBJkUoM. Stsbx HID VSfi Coraor Crosby, As If nas been shown that3eodec,a rlht , name Ja Mo- Gregor$ithere la still another klenti- ucauoQ. Th old woman Bender admits tluttyoung John and-- Kate, supposea to n- - man and wire, are full brother' Itnd fetter; and have bwen livic alhthe iimev as man and wtfer Kat has four children by seven, five and John, aged eight, wnue inree tbey have been yeavs,;ixruaround the Yark, Etc. LEAVE ORDERS J. IIooam The freight house of tbe' Indiana- , ea - KLBGIUPB S ft, tl COMIEICE. OP J IJLtAJXJS -- .:V Myers TbtaccQ HViriL-TH- ' ' : fjtt-j-,--? TRADE. sT. LOI IS A :"rvw A' H SALT K "TT? , ;lj .. . XIII. VOI-- . p-- ' i ' - -- EDXTfil IT U1BRET 5Q8ARE. roB- East polis S8t. IxhiIs Railroad TEA COFFEE A!W CHOCOLATL Bt. Louis, with somte fifty cars laden ' burned with general merehandfaev from 12m to 4 p. m. thftr'irall arenutfrewimnehded as a remedy "for $tt5DIN"NER thfa evening. The loss1 Is the PEST, aulCKEST, flesh is in heir to" but road property is $100OW), vajtue, of" alrthUi, that HOT AND CXl.L LUNCH, Etc Bilious and the all in Liver, ttffetioriof aud WIOTJ29T lu tho merchandise unknown. and Sick Head- - TJIE BOSS JCE CUE AM. Complaiato, Dyspepsia, Market I rkf ftl nlu tv Ht.adaM lhlMltpr tllV St. Loala Cfasu. of Slock OXFECTIOXEK rival. a Stand without J Urgeei coixrsTiTtoif xve deiy. Special Agent Sawyer, who has hi tht Tt rriLOi y at W lh.!takv been revising tbe. census retarns of ACUE AND FEVER. F. J. P. PASC0E ic SON. tV. A rnt frw rtie CViDClNO MUTH and this city, says the population will be Ko better cathartic can be used pre Aw ' d 17 to; tit after taking but 340,000. paratory quinine. Satt IOc Car, P.O. &odu TX. aro as main am&Kr.x. a simple purgauve tney unequaiea. HoaUUr' Strike. BEWARE Of IMITATIONS. Louisville, 5. Th.ere is a prosThe genuine are never sugar-coateof a strike of moulders at pect x seal on the liV Each bo has a the Falls Car Co's works,, they hav with the ImpressionMcL ANE'S LIVES PILL. Each wrapper bears the signa aud the reply not being aatto tures of O. McLahi and Fxkmikg Bros. Insist upon havlnr the genuine factory. The company employs Da.S9 C. MoLANK'S LIVER PILLS, pre1,200 men, and the several departments are dependent on each other, pared by BEL.L, THK so the strike of the moulders wili be FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa a serious matter. The moulders are the; market being fall of imitations of the name Mtltun, spelled diflcrently uow paid $2.25 a day. but same pronunciation. K PIONEER LIME! -- It The democrats dly Cincinnati. UrancA Store J.I-auof Ohio the Third yesterday tit YOEIC. noualnaWed Gen. J.district, Durbln Ward for - M RUMSEY & CO., h and Jobbers of Tints republican convention, of il&BiUtofl Cotmtv this afternoon M. ARGALL & CO.. THOS. Benl. Butter worth, FlflE wandering country. fflSIBB. KM ISO of ttie Eighth district, and Hon. JLmA Nlchl. Tajuier ujnrriicmmiM or Thos. L- - Young of the Secend dis2 n. m. to New Yontt, trict for Congress by acclamation. ISZTEIST'S Ac BOYS' to be exDr. Tanner was R. M. day A. Hawk appeared JS. Chicago, 5:50 an ounce hausted. he redrank At for the renominated Congress by AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, water, which his stemach reject830 BBOXWAT, publicans of the Fifth Illinois dis- of ed. At 8:30 he was trivea a mustard trict foot-batJHO. E.COWLM, NEW VOITIt. aodau attendant rubbed 5. The republiMicb., Detroit, ,1.7, can convention of the Sixth district lis chest, abuomen and back. This ST. LOUIS, BO. nominated Gen. made him drowsy, and he slept for on the 264th-balldOflTH SECOND ST., J an hoar. When he awoke he for (). Ii. Hpaulding, j'ears special half a wet towel placed upon his had, of the Treasury & agent HAMLIN Department. CO., HEMPHILL, ,. HSTQ& WHITELAW, drank two ounces of ice and 5. head, Paul John Va., Harrisonburg, ellfflaaa tMIlM water. His head was sponged with for in was the nominated Congress V-r ST.5 LOUIS, MO CABPETTNGf cold of Pa. 5. Father Bow-lett- e, he and water, Scra'ntqn", complained op .Seventh 'district by the readjusters. of the Indian coram itaion rested He 5.-- The heat. pressive quietly W. repubVa., : .Wheeling, - UK.W.KK4 IN fioEiJU. titiis, Mrs. was ho. Geu. Sberman,made started when until 10:45, by ... w,-- 11 licans of the Second Congressional from; then ,.j EOH EBBES SML 1ST0BES. of r ounces address an the hot about 4 four, BROAD y asking WAT, nominated Judge J. given, ana district SS St to Convenof went Cathohc the then water, sleep. toTemperance Hoke. :6m Dr. Huber, one of tion of the United States in forward. ,,,:r,.,-5. The democrats of the "f VarnlMiM. Soap Boston, Dr. H from yy. A. Ham- ing teouperance, edi oat ion, industry Second Vermont district nominated day received, trr,.' unrt" mm (team 1 a communication in answer to and Catholicity among the Indians . mond for Dr. Samuel Congress. one he had A . VV. FAUER'S Campbell sent, requesting that The republican New York, 5. fjLSt."Dr,Jiani- HlTEIIUS. (BUSTS ftailCLES to order was called SlITllKBl conference by i J2IEDMAN1T & LAUTEEJTTNO, Columbus, 5. The national reioni that the opto mondiamitlarais Jewell, chairman of watch had been of soldiers takes place here on AHONGTHE LADIES union MAT BK HAD AT 8UCJ8 AOS2JT,) J. JollOAN, ;.. honorably conduct National committee, who made ed the 10th, 11th and 12th. Prest. OF CUTLERY. and thatXr. Tanner bad. aith- August Generals an address and explained the object wnjFftCTURERS Sherman, Garfield, Hayes, all but The brilliant, fascinating Ibod, Kfo. Gold P(iii and Ienll Cove, l'n. of the conference. He was followed fupyMHsfcaiaeU)iron n t.,N.Y. 4S N- &lh Si- - St. Loulr Ltoean and others- wilLbe .there. naa and succeetted ' better waeef, which other tints several for of Lwd Kubber Uoodt, Complexion speakers. by Fifteen A1E hundred holdn. tents II "r.lc govenvmeat ,ru:.,l he thought he would, but has o The following resolution was than as ladies sWfe aWf chiefly arti-flda(With brut tiantlks. Nickel- ellai, Et. faith shewujn his ability to ab will be pitched for the occasion !l.er, d rutut "Kh.,.1 f.:!J adopted: dnd dllTvhoill take the he AS i AM CIXBIK3 OUT MV sense of stain fromwater. In conclusion, Judge Field's Departure. That iti was lieaolved, ' i ' theit it z ; Dr.Tan-neV't- f secure. them. doubt i. his former if may triple,roseate, tne meeting mat me tsoutnern repeated Field leaves Theso rltSiu Newport. recuperated, go nere bewitclung lines States should be assisted whenever ror- - ouldi after hewnnouc JNew for and York, rood or after a short Yisit to GOODS AT COST, follow: the use of liagarfs Magxrnrty oayr such assietanc) was demanded, and OF Washington, that the campaign should not be water. aUaliur BuiMM. win proceed to Ban Jrrancisco. Mrs. nolia Balm a delicate, harmField will remain here as a euest of less and always reliable article. abandoned in any Southern oiaie. The World says: Business was Atre. Tolland, of Kan Francisco. PREPARATOKV T0 BECEIVTNO A 1A1U1K Secretary 8hermatt4era called, mora all Sold by druggists y men active at those all for the beat said his heart S'RXJK OF Mining' Swath of an 1he Magnolia Balm conceals who had carried their banner Stock .Exchange than for the week thiviiicVi tJiA'Saulhern'&tAtea.feathev LiOTjisviL.i.E, 5. William B.Itead, past, theles.AmoMntlng to, 73yitiJ died at his home white or blade When the repubsshrW agpnafc 475a., yesterday. licans sent money antj .tdd to India Withthe i exception of California in Hodgenville yesterday. He was tiohs, all evidences, of excitena. thev lso did good lo the South there was more jnqpiry than usual in his 02d year, having served four ment ami I ENVTTE MY PATHONS AND THE PUBLIC GENIUtAI.LV Imperfection. evry ern States. He weukl give to these for the Comstockj tn account of a terms In Congress and 15 terms in TO OIVTE ME A CALL BEFORE PURCWASINO Its effects are immediate and southern districts tliey eipecled to telegram announcing a strike of good the State Senate. &Y MARK -S KliSEWHERE. so natural that no human being He ore in the Union Consolidated. Calcarry, men. aid and mmex Gambling ;Ratl. can detect its would not waste moiiav- where he averas has been ther most active application. X. Y- police Buffalo, The knew ir woold- do'np good.: Other stock, and was stronger made a wholesale raid - on d the confer market has been, an irregular one, the addrea1rtrmade-ankeepers of gambling rooms, ar ence adlourned. Generals Garfield and some stocks, noticeably South the proprietors and lodging resting con and Arthur did not attend, the, Hill, closed much lower. tne station noose. them in v "s ' ! i' ferenRR. It Accounts. Itellroaa ' Porit Fatlare. Gen.Garfield ovation tendered XSlkttiJVKtt&R NOTI(E.' AND TO BE CONTINUjft) GEORGE A. CLARK, at The Southwick Washinqton, 5. ' the lptejiiteT$Rte Q Reese 5. a Owena, until recently bookkeeper Pittsburg, . Comnlittee ClubT was headed oy Guthrie, office WOULD. U. S. DEPOSITORY. i. THE BEST in the f auditor of railroad prominent pork packer here, faded Gen. John C. Fremont. In receiving accounts assets Liabilities $160,000; of Interior the t, Departmen field. PftJ4 he rb BEST and MOST POPXTXJMB Gen. Fremont, Geiu Garror not known, bat said to be small. FAIRBAN1C3 A GOn res went has resigned his position to take was tire first randidate OESEBET NATIONAL BANK. .IS.... aewloi TUnmA Of K with several and settle the charge'? be voted for, to which Gen. Fremont vi- : ; ': EKDD 1ATS. aTJITS. VALISES BOOTS, ''SH0ESL CALIFORNIA 0YI f the Government, the GETS. SOLE SALT LAKE CITY. - responded. .The first republican departments REWARE of miTATIQNSaccounts of and Central the Pacific ..I PABT& HATS.' TODEBWEAK'' 'WHITE BLAITKETS' t candidate for. President" greets the Union Pacific railroads for transport UP PUD BEAITKET3, CaPTTIL, 200,000 BLASfl:CAlTiX)E QB3T ASSORTMENT latest one. Over 1,000 members of ation. w. H. Ohkqo, Prwt F.W.BocxmHA, 8e COMPLETE ' H0ESE the club were introduced. jviany DEESS HVKPLVS FTJES, 65,000. ILASETS, auditor of roa. railroad ac called on French,and distinguished genttemen,, counts, Nichols, Government .' 'VM, H-- OOPKR, President, 1 Garfield. Gen. 2wt. Z. O. to leave will t, engineer, Washington These Goods must be Closed Onf by Silling," to tiVi room (for my N'ew St6i-k- . H.ivjiiDKKiJUE, conrentioD temiblican State M JENNINGS, St. morrow "fbr Branches and Dealers Ererywhere. at The Taul, Minnesota, was largery a y' Jackson DIBIC10B8. f R1W10UZ LITTLE, which point they will begin fOHN SHAltP, tended, and Coi: HetffyTITDuiHeld from or tne properSICBOLAS GHOESBECK, pectoon annnaijns was made permant cbaiganF the and -- condition -- of U SJ HILLSJCaahier. the Northern, was ty uana xa. jerome, 01 oajguaw, Southern and Central- Pacific apd nominated for Governor on the 0tiv otherbekHid.land USE THE BEST. erantraUroadtt. peposjis puifliE ii tm bo made with a iuspecOQ Thy formit7Vh OlSff'S aaien, vieMo piwbKf reports showing npjrs and Mils zehanfe on Vw CXI KBRATED the condition of the roads, which Mn FmimIim, Ckleax, M. TorK, CAN BE POUND TH E PRETflT Auditor French la required by law to aad prlnci, Omaha, Ibla, 01 uie xnie- to uie oeereutry WimiE licFmiQ no Miicii&GE, was nominated for DieutenanUJoy- - i iurnisn ClUea. . . pal continental ..i. I z5 ernor. of this Every Fbr Sale by all Stationers. Company" Makes CellectiaDS. KamlttimT Proeeedi H ft" AtlantaGa., 5. In the StaW-f5orland Deetsln . c&tt Promptly- ; A for first ballot the ventiou. for Bulk ta rates lulu 8pedal ComrAtes ioner Williamson, of the dates for Governor resulted. Colqtr: t STRICTLY PDRE tiHITE LEAD. Schools and render Colleges. u V lemaLfcna Vfflce, 209, lister 58, xUordman EVER BROUGHT IN TlSTKUUX0HYie Kaweap Llme- 7. Jk HARRIMtH iWiit iim Cmatny' marfutee of Its T uomcase. - 'J Tne XeQaoafiae On the last of the nidebalkU for .lxluto Tuiitj. HEW TORE. 13 BroOMtwr. valuable lands that J6nerhdMa vote Governor the 'Cf'tittt stopo, UTAH THE SOUTHERN THE LONDON BM OF WHITE LEAD estone Uddt necessarily fail Jl)9, Leste'T 69, Hard may 63, Gi 01 . u , - ii. i.. fiitiirtxi entii-olneat ion L ianasas class) rAfctrea ,rto from ttie 15, Warner 5.. It " (LIMTTEIX) " n ''' '.u i oil V'.vj directs that theappli- BRINCmHOTP, TURNER & CO, nom inate. The oonveiitlon acj . :Xpr--, tnk--. J.'IT-Hi.:. .!. as tbe uuiue of Um in!. mnm i ter en .!! to i '1 M catlc AutlB ol Jacobs, New Priara, Lendoi, applicant. York, ... ..;, j 100 Duane Street, eu unin UUthl fli!" uim i .w;m ' 6 v 4 t ' ral, lands be refused Manufacturers of mod DMNr in Cleveland. O., IjA-IdiE- J IXvM 1 STRICTLY PURE, to ft r r i lid In question TON SAIL DUCK. " Woodberry," - SALT UTAH. CITY, and other favwitM wood. eotrtrresskrtialadil"sa-c- n f.'?i. wiihmBB r.i Kimiisr U'hite Bailroad Combmwk'd "Sonth- tL the Soft. and republieaff51ckelfHaTeS bolting oU Made f i om G rape Creant Tartar. No other bnuria, 4 a Van Article. nreparutlou makes sucb llarht, flaky hot LARGE Ab"IkEKT. onwveac uon m ireu BUba fifl UltllflLia. breads, or limiriom rastry. Can be eaten lLlt,iain,iii iilihai tne Tyir. fpaarfSBf5lMtrT 180,000 CaPITIL, oy Dyspeptics without fear or the ills result-jui'OTTOM CANVAS of all nurpbers S.1.I.K BT kMH rjortv. Three eSj;"arllH last session, pro lu fioin heavy Indigestible food. Sold only will publish OSttfcr apt TO Alters (la 30,000 Shares of t each.) of caiis, by all remainder the DEALERS CENER ALLY. dia V1U the vided years fat LADIES' 11 kr 11m muiKj. BOTAt. xJd-- r purposes, constantly iu tore aud made Rakinu New Powdkk Ca, l'Ork. Number o STkarei Suftserfliej or. Allotted salary to the heirs of President do 1s undetermined. will bolters to order. Agents ftr ly to December SO, 1KB. account has TayJvand His New York r. S. Buiifiwj Ca, XT. . & Standard" corrjtlora of Zachary Hound to amount beeoi made UHDERCLOTHiriG1 up Kciflle" hu the Owe or ItM quantity. erowsV tbe Fifth AvanuaHatel were a48,oeo Z. C M. I ed this morning with repubiicaoa to $16,259. The heirs are Mrs. Bettyobtained ELI AS at be Goocb L. can ON, arnte of Taydaughter We beg to inform the public that ' 1 In Prlvste Department and Ladled to Serve Vba. ! tt'ana from all parts of the counir,jarhof Tki'Daxdge, ri oaran j uis nuns ivnoxwoou. Kr. we are nrenared to transact a Gen are here to attend the conference. eral Banking Business, for wl ich applicant has General Garfield . Vas besltked witli granddailgtfn mane iar uia monev. vei. one I7n iwn we navei Lthe necessarv faeilitjcs. xeew visitors. or both. of theieirs is thought to be We soUeitr new accounts 'and busirrom recoverea ana ine ing well,or m.iu-opeBEHOVED TO BIS lETf STUD (1 ness generally. s v . yesteruay journey, tigues Stiver Pnrenafte. Memnhia. 5. The election for. --T3ia p ur-TjouTyi Jaartment RIR- ' ON. ALL THE EXCHANGE DRAW county fnoers f ver sib fine of ounces CliaSedlSS.OOO uemocranc victory, uieir cmiuiuate A FEW DOORS SOUTH , for sheriff receiving-5,GO0Vt- h repaJW for,deiWeprt; ibe flan Francisco, OPlpblTttikQ T0Wte uf'THE ; liean candidate Tcolored)2,300, and New 'Orleans and Philadelphia or ' nis out srroAtiOH, wbkrb bs ts ma-UKITED STATES & EUROPE mints. greenback 500. PARKD TO WAIT OH HIS PATRONS. " a TIM -Ballrad Tmd. TjMtYlltoM , tt " " " rSIHCIPAL. CORRESPOHDEHT9. 5, Th iBendeia' jtt'EUlmx.rjB. 5. From present ap Omaha, AtB kinds: or to Daniel.' ConSibrf Jrat) is the pear&nces Leadvilla will soon be a rs. Martin &' Co., Lom- li lead ver, important railroad centre. 'The man who gave the tolfcrnlation; bard Street. wres.- - uiaV' nuui Denver andBJo Grande Company WATCHES.CLOCKS1 JEWELS ' TbelLondoa uaak oi rjtah, Limited, tt ' ing to . .' ;'! ' va. AuaUaiViars. named Hoarook,.imcie-o- T tcM?ay let eon tract for grading its Hmith. lumber dealer: at Plum isar 4&vr extension to tbe) con M NcW' ,Voaa. Meaers. Morton, CUM a - tra- - .ur. woo until iast Monday- was -- 1 Company. Creek, naa wen tnnraecea av uenIn Qbicaoo. Tbe first National Bank. a as him describe en rmdlne alonK tbe Ime of dert place. They '"-ll-'TSRank. . Omaha jiattonA , la Omaha. low set. oarir. eiaii man. xney the lVadTilJTeaMlJ and Breck ' ZaF of ank is tit Saji "!iFAaukiq-btold all abottkhlri and tald liahad ear Mo I&Tae.vactentered ' ! " . . Always Ahnnt $20Oti"til Tjerson svben muK iata by the, tottej?aotapany, wiui Call and Examine Stock and Prices ANTHONY GODBE, vou la an J f.rsd dered. I187St is ruar.Ottue. ajireehig to jwith:7 . $fafT!N7:M$'', ; ;' '' v MAN AO EE. UVm OJO.T BT answering Uxw desonpiioasajuuu ho dmwits foer has Jbeen approved aone is supposed to nave Deeu piu uerfaec bv the directors. anaaUAWorKv rVRCUABIHCI EUSCWIIERE. i Y ' ..7 ' and wife with one small childio iir-- forororXtfl-maiiv- . lumea .over to dIM )&.''.' EXCELSIOR - HE HAS SOMfiTHIXCJ HTG CO., : lm ahousC At cupied fOR MU Kearney. 1 neyiewoin wen' out, lar r v incread Its. force, ana an- ST. X.OTJIS, made no aaf$ainancea ana made nounces that lt wili Jiavip the rails y--. j: EDGE Pre- GILT few puH&a3qpaying cash, torirhat within 60, days. jCokomo . & BT Uml-'Tafnnr'ial - i V.T.l.' iney uki DoidsDoma'T-- j aroused at thattim W - i KKstiLwfts 1 davorlns to negotiate bonds hi New they disappeared. d wOm tAi f tmston b. hia com- dlsmveretfridAed JDnETltl metronal Wr. traOLESALE and- - HETAHV2 notified of odor issuing fjni itl TLB $crl2 burst iVaci Js Vtd-its-. METALS, STAMPED WARE, in the door, --ana ioanaevarrvii iii a Atij!wnt ,Ji the luoMranae AT THE that the dence of jasty depajrture. vcatlr -PHILADELPHIA TBADE. T I X A liRS sTOCK A TOOLS found di4 on the floor va an ! - '" I steriAfen will :e: corn- QUSL ; advanced i;- - C'liSTby Nov.ttthe putrefaction. The v breakfast taiJ repialned uncleared. 4ait. - IL &c;Iv.Hvemeats in & MAIN-STREroa There wertAfeVcJ pCapparel SeVrV ct raUro&iL, conrtruction -still hunar on boo C ln(TaiZ the fur--1 v, 1 new 'e ito the innilng ' Hl-irii;- 1 : I . V. 5. NEW . cr jn ( 5A1 to-d- to-da- y? C- h, C- - ot O ay red-wa- CHOICEST TEA iltoi. mm, m:w r EiP QRiUi EAGLE r to-da- WM. JENNINGS & SONS. s Am - f 13S MAIN STkECT. - D-- . , REGGELL, LOU or 1, (.um-iN.-- . S.-Ju- dne ECLIPSE WW SICK to-nig- ht . to-da- !;&etoSTE: SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS -- -- a. to-da- y. - ATJGMm SALES DAILY, to-nig- ht -- WIND MILLS! lHE to-da- ' r y. : : r : ! ' uu t 1 I., . i . vice-free- to-da- CAK RIO mm rJ EAGLE mill rrZSZ thrXof i- I bluti 11,-Qartr- to-da-y, It - Hi A I i L' , EAGt the-Vac- Absolutely Pure- JJiuilciiia i Humbcn-Harxljie&i-uim IV-IW'- . 0Jef'oS g- - ! - 1 J...T - 1 - m 0. JEWELER, - 1 1 . Jili - r 1 A 4 '- ,5 -- -r- torDOifc--Mefti- THE BBSTH thr -- J pots axB. ) - ' J -- CaB-onaa- '' ."- Cheapest ; .ijiy, ' -- '. : i to8tsHttoo(j tiaiira rVa ai Ata tm crrr; AI.-- THE SAPOfjlFIER It. Rwk Store PKX2HA I nw FOR 8AIE at No. OsR wrt Worth Second South Street. cn 0 tpd ewaine this Mflrchanta 10?, H, iUlMalSESd nMaoi aika Hardware, th , ft ri fcii. THE BUTCHER trm tlw Oorner " Grejr-s6rtry- . ay ware anavcircnjw" r . A. w. a,1 for '.Mlawnf$3 T?r4msSFw&, haM, but tha2tiTW3?tW ..rr: Are taken W AfrAMIlT JLZa : 1 Oat lr WWW ha ibean well koowtela this ery etuoera cue AMaoonmiJc-riin errkx to XiJUOA, "M1j i.m ) iBlf. ,; frmtl.'i' OiaXTPtS'- - .1 9 ' I I lr B. 83r.h iiiiiiiwiiww fcAA .ct Al ' " y .;A v'; ;v-- ' !": , ':V - 'A-- A'f : aiAjft .qactt tr.irsJi'4 MO 1I C.VotrsfilllTATU WAJI.HO . S .rtV tilllVtl .,... Jti J 4' TrTV! at .' ' fpttW'-- y l7 mini ruurjuk ,.r. i at tnr OaUerv For CARD pHKAaaMttlOUaSft VUWWW a' vX uluudbii " " 'Z,' ' . ; iSSMAaalr' f ".; iotiiotwiiibt: CAH1 tit KT. . Anniwixai . L -- m a A. -- .VA i SA - i lii a. i;::iiiiii"ia'ia HliM I jr., 4 d9 SI A :: AiAmmBMm'A:m ,: : THX MOST""' Qm&TWAmzPm! bracing - 11 llrain iliU,u . i and aaya the again quite asWta9 mmanaing. has Uiem oni atrohgi oTAiitm. aay, several 'perbons ana SOU vanrntws members last Monaay-on lowed by . .tiTLl M i. J?Ie mm comes m Mrfrlltor.fe PITOGRiPHT! :: to4 PwMjOofttVt Beoond Butefaer Shop a large couple departed from Kearney is ejrJ,JLains,5.--lonnatkaoUy the same in which the Beridup from what to-d- ET, Wi 1nrfaiT0$'E xreasM)4 JeoVdtiia ing m idturewaamViVaa - CAKKXAC PETERSEN. toondatoo - JJon riara Street" rtnafleliwila. Sadflierjr fe ""witi f5iL4. AXX i ?r ma Li LaSuDi'ile flll!lITM8T-T- lrtKJow Makfv p A-- ! IOB thus even the bednuuV otzr t)OintJr&lcli willthebe prosBut, vantfy jm. and if, flight hatfTJen ue- peetecu ATit ytmp mt. fof new mine ana naetlng 7 VHL WJV MM v I flnTOnms OK. MtKMJOO U1UJ imwrrw Ren- aooom- - A-vii-- .ssiobt'o n tne liun ' . 1 sof : I - . v. m 91A . ,?, . ,, al f ' - '' 'A Xii tt - ' .' 2,tnt ' 1 'A |