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Show Daifferont Pastime- - The follow lug Li from the Iiogan Leader of th ' -20th inst.: "Irfist Monday1 "night, two youne Frbro-- ry 81,1SS named Hans Kielseu and SAiurday, bf James ?ekoni each about 0120 years bv irua a wurte game acu, it t?17tvmi piayuig of one of their neighbors WEATHER i"EPOST. Third th Ward, About mid- .Service, nicrht their camei waa concluded, and War iWrtinent SignalTek-gtascuffle began. Wthout Army; Division lof a frkndly to reflect ou the rjossible EVENING NEWS. f 4- ! On 'motion of OoUiiHlor Ciine, the , i. - t resolution was ridontedi - The .uis- v then tensioii joint Boiyea.. tr Statincv Virin ' Wetber. , t City, Clt-a- irni r AViimanlWCtfa. Ikiiso city, rxurMuivuto, , rYftilS mii ' t'bvnn. North If Utte, Oat!, : j : ' do - I; -- I ;'-',!'- I . :;. j , w! Ck-a- r bt-ur- snouj-deraiv- j I i I k, - t two-geat- ed aa , re-p- ro j A ! Mt-v-r- i. 1 , d 11- s.-u- d r tJ-or- : i ' rsv-M- ? i to-utg- ht. J " r : i. 3r j - - ? . lyi''' . - ty - : " j : : , , 1 i j . - - . '? ' A ir. i- ' vj;.f.::n ' 1 1 . - " I iiwjapirtmed V Unr.UWraiIWAr -- Si.fr .A,.,.,,... iriaiah, SiunnUt aiU MinfJn.l wa-attoh- , ' aa follows: 1 J . uiw, lxivbj.JT.)rte ,..:..L.. ...i.. .1. dr.. i jitlt ri,.. Tt aw. MiiUiJ pjuui 4 .., legislative APirmbly! (Vntlenun Vour committee to whom were referred instructions to determine the number and kind of 1.,..'....L....'...... fbCMer.! .....J cwtwtairt WVlier ..1.4... V;.'.L. j... ..!..., 4.. Summit, h and I , ' L Abroad," and I Jiereby protest against aay and all par tips'- whomsoever, otl'eriug sakl book for 'sale without my permission. Any per son found hereafter infringing on ray commission will be prosecuted by law.- Mr. J. T. Hammond, of Logan, is appointed agent Tw Caclne (bounty.; . it. ai. twsHw. Standard rrlce S.1.50 cloth, $MX)' ' . leather. . ds wTOlirn - : - 1 . 1 stt lAke. . Itavitt tut. M.nvau- -, aiki Viah fi. . . i . 1 . . . . i. Se W .J K"ni(ny K40ptS I J iwb MlUnl ..v..,...,....;. , : - J. 4 . Washington mI Kdne in aikl Sati Jitui ..'........ ; . . i ' . el 1 ?tunicipal Memorial. ! Svl v J and v Folkwhit ..We memorial of the - Htj Otanoif of this city WwKvlt night, and lost:1 i T . . 1 . . . i ; j of the IWrih! o memorialists the Mayor and hni in Uhalf of the luuibitants oi d city, respvetfuily repruseut tliat pivst-n- t waU'f supply is and has Je "eep entirely kiadnuate for the pur-po- s of swell inhabitants, many of l?cXcctLm,Ttx&ttt&. jcojumlttee of whom having, in the lioth houses be appointed to draft a seasons, i suffered Uir tlw tack of emi memorial to Lngress asttlng ror domestic and culin providing for 'the allot - VP1 the OQliv mcaQ3 of good ment attd tils trlbutkm, for school nuking serious Qcjency U by the eon-- J purposes, of sectkus IB and SO in , i tw eonipieiton of the Salt each within the limits df ' ak City and Jordan Canal, bWl in is i township erruory; also 10 mace applicaauu uemg joomtructed bv tion to the Secretary of the Interior alvi eliv,,,, iiiat the Cost of eomplet-Jn- g him to issue the need Ail said canal will be a preat bunlen requesting rules and regulations to make availinhabitants tax and the uiun able, for educational - purposes, the of a id city unless asisUnce is ob-- ". 1. niversity lands in this Territory, . tahied from otljr sources. selected in accordance with laws of Your mexnorklists, thwrefom CongresBv' And thM should said tlie lnterestsof theentire committee be unable to rvjiort besensitively, affeotod tw fore the Hose of this session of th rrritory are adds to the prosperity of Legislative Assembly iiaU.yr..i... msmrial (fj and application, when signed by the Honorable Body V) appropriate to President and Chief Cjerk 0f the 4id city the fcuuj.' of JJ5,wki, one Council and the Speaker and Chief half of whk-- to bepnrabl in j Clerk of the House, shall beheld to , and the remainder m 1SS1, to be $$, ex' express with full .authority the v Kndeii to assist m the ooustructkwi of thu in rela'" " f said canal, and as ia duty tion to thesewhokasrjbly subjects. lxjnd, your memorialts will ever nrar. CJlARIJ33AV,.rE.VRaSE. Hir . -- "j-'- -- i ir - ..-.- dryt vt, Jeg-kdati- on, ; -- kx-nu- IT IS TRULY 170HDERFUL I TO SEE what improyementa.,now exist as compared with railway travel only a few years ago. To be come convinced : of this, 'one ha only to select, fori his route East, tne popular ar4 : t "v well-kuowi- y. nicsi n , ,ki de-sir- es .; . i- isiTREstui smsfri: 12?" -- CLOTHING, dtf ." to all par- 'tit We invite i " visit our t U MllSffll 'l .1 UOVSCIIOU) (iOODS WASTED. .When you wish 'to sell your traps go to John Crank, on First South Street between Theatre and Deseret Bauk.He pays tlie highest cash ! ... ;?- ATTENTION. ;' WE WISH TO CALL THE y tiIntion ofIour; Oil-cIot- U, READERS ,1VAUXEIIS SAFE WE ' ARE SimSFIED TO FROI :r INVESTIGATION '" WHITE N I I1 BI O T- - CANDIES LUNCH m WARE. WOODEN .TOBACCOS ' - j AND h t C nn i if;:-.- fjE WIREHOUSrH INGRAINS i ;K PRICES ADVANCE -- . .AT.. TEASBEL'S1 DEP'T, ' j ON ANY COODSION HAND, PURCHASED PRIOR TO THE RECENT PANIC. ? i V BOOTS and ALL I MALARIAL TROUBLES, THEY ARE FOR SALE BY ALL Gent's COOP. STORES IN THE TERRITORY.' DONT FAIL TO TRY TIIEilTO BE HAD WJlQLE-SAL- E ' U the Most Complete ja tlie Tetritury, containmof a fulUtock of AND RETAIL AT 2. C. 'M-Idsw DRUG STORE. EVERY ftRTlGLE SffiBSiiW'tOi GENTLEMAN'S iRDRBBE. CloiDg an! left Furnishing ALL SHOES, STANDARD GOODS, AS CHBAP AS EYEE. -- f I. DRESS GOODS, ".Tiik scarcity of JHamonds, Gold r ' i. . Xr t ' a and Silver, and the difficulties met ia with In securing them,' a sure in WE STILL HAVE A LOT OF dication of their value,, i c ? t Thus it is with a valuable medi AMD KMT GOODS cine: Dr. Aug. Kaiser's Celebrated LADIES , COATS," BOLMAHS. SHAWLS German l'ulmonic Elixir, through i , . ' ':.'i. ' ' t j .1 ' ;. the jealousy orrnnis, has met with AT SELLING ARE WE THAT the - most bitter opposition, and apparently almost insurmountable. obstacles have been thrown in its R A )L Y , way; Lbut : its opponents might as well try to change the course of tlie j! sun, sweep back the ocean with a JLCTTTXAXj broom or put out a prairie fire with ' a tear. 1 is:'. U'VC'.' For the cure of Throat and Lunar diseases, such as Coughs, Colds, Affec Consumption and Bronchial; tions, lb is unequalled. - its cures are truly magical. Ask your Druggist (or it. .The genuine bears the Prussian. Coat,' of Arms, tlie facsimile siemature Of Dr. Aug'. Kaiseh i. i -- Id Fully Stipplied with a Carefully Selected Stock of , V j and has his 'name blown on every 7a cent Dottle. Trial Dottle zo cents. the Z. C M. I. Drucr Denartment STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS and Moore Allen 4 Co,. Salt Lake " t. ( -- SHAWLS, CLOAKS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, ETC., 4 'I j " i . t- - ". I i. M .'V. 1. FTJxls jiJS . AN ELEGANT LINE, AND .: ARE DECIDED BARCAIT SI I PRICES. REDUCED C E T -- 4 CALL COST, '- " ; ) S. P. TEASDEL.' j-- 'iro Jf--- ' ?! :; k d22G w20 1 -- " ' : . Heals tlie lungs and ;cures couglis . and colds dw , For Sale, by JC. Cutler, agent , - j , -- . i .... . o LOU IS' l Nono but First Class Goods Kept in Stock. Brown'i Conxlt Italanra f j.. - ''' AS SUCH WILL -- li: A SPRING STOCK. GflOCEBYAKD PBQVIS1QN DEFT " ,: BE SOLD TO MAKE H00M FOR ; City,'" r. AND EXAIkHNE, - i: vU.r! ... i of Provo Wook-- Mills.' Salt 'Lake stocfc of Cloth for boys' City,' and men'a wear, colored and Iwhite Flannels, Shaw 1b, white and colored Linseys, Yarns, wool and cotton u fid, j Bajtjn Nothing r 1" 1 ? STOCK It 85 . J BROTH'S & sjeqoia.Xi CLOSING ' OUT SALE" ..", Vamlstokbl Sltrtf BeiMflU, Conferred Upon tens of tliousands of 8uQtTers' could originate and maintain" the! reputation which Ayeii's Sar3.vparii.i;a enjoys, ,Jt id ia compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with tho Iodides of 1 and Iron, and is the most : . - i ! ,.. ; , i . i ,'i ' ' t J.Ir AS . r UA - . CLOSING OUT MY If 111 1 UIl 'UUUUU . - k s U. (( : I 1 ,1 - . . , , 1j I ' .. . STOCK OF I . SPRING AND SUMIVIER GOODS, : I rNVTTE MY PATBON3 AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY TO GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE PURCHASING OF 1 COST ill! TREPARATORY TO RECEIVINQ A LARGE c - ' ELSEWHERE. 1 - rr IS Blaok and oolored 811k ami Satin'at 90d., $ t.00,$l.25,f p60 to 3.5 Btack 70olJ 80o90o$l.OO i. Ca8hmrMati(),p,60k j Clored Cashmere at 65a,, T0d.i ks.. Doubl Wld Lut' es nod other Dresa Good at 20.; 8O0 ; 40.. 50c.. 70c .85c HI Ik 8trl pel and Plaid preso Good at 25a , 30c , 40c, 6O0. t hionatr ana Abnure Dresa.Goods, 6 yards for $1.00. , PQD, wid leTy atetelassa and Drape d Eel.', at $1 60 worth $2 50 Double wide heavy Beaver Cloth at $ 1 75, $2 50, $3 00. Double wlJe RpeUnta aud Ciotljt at 85o., 90c to $ 1 40. Heavy, all VV ol Cilnrei,for in a er boyf wear S1.15.SI.25,SI 40, $1.50 WhlU and eolorW FjanneU, Jean ana SatlMttea at 15a, SSo ; 80a, S5o., ... ; Brown Vegetable,; liver mis, i,it-- rj40e;,60a, 0dt 70o.,.80J., t fl 3.75. Cure biliousnesa'and sieH headache. Knit Opera 8hali, 75cM $1.25, $175, LadiW Coraeta, 40c,. 6Qa, 75j., SI 00, $10t'$oti, $3 00, -Brows' Tar Treelie Uvi10bJ tSo.a 20c, 25a. to $1.50 per pair. Cure sore throat and hoarseness, and Our own Pari Saamleaa KI4 Gloves, warranted equal to Harris' or.Rii) li t - ; other make, clear and strengthen, tlie voice sbattta8,$t 75, 4 buttons $2.00. Beit value in Kid I r !. ..1 '..to tfie.aty, ' Ladlei tir ddta. $4,5). $3 ii. $5.0, $ W.00, $15.00. $20.00. .. Ladle Chiklraa-- s Cloalu, DJaiana and Clroulare, $& 00, $4.K). $ j 00 and t COOD WAGES ' 5i mv ! ; $5.O0, $7.00to$2500. i l . --- --'- wJ - the-health- ; WHITE BLANKETS, OVERCOATS, ' ..surra, ' . . VALISES, J -- ' - ' . . " BOOTS, SHOES,- Ldli -- : A i , .' CALIFORNIA PANTS, HATS, UNDERWEAR, FURS," "" I DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. These Good)' xunst' be Closed , Out by room for ttiy New Stock, Spring-- . j , to make j lUdl'CMldreV. - 1 : P A GIItL OR WOMAN THAT WILL TO pood eookbur. Address Mrs. I atHtNo. Id, dtf First Kast bet weed 2nd and 9d t?outh -- is ttl ThIeCt4thi; J - I - -- F"t CLASS NEW MILCH COW. Dootatoce. d74Si t Kwjwta 0). $1.20 per yvd. "SVT.v?;r; 'LbvWT;''ph'ibsc"irjV-Tns'- i j tSTRAY NQTICEr SIMPLE, - ; j PROFITABLE. DURABLE, '. - . Tle, Friocw, , ; city. ' BRANSON IIIPHDYED KHITTEE! . Berlin' Embroidertee, la tiUk and Worsted (Mtrveh ef Art) i Dwjrt I : Bleached Damask Tabla CiotijfJOd., 75o , $1.00, $1.40. Towl from Qo to 73ol aeh. Ribbons, Bilk and Linen: Clandkeroliied, Laeo aud Silk 1 j- , 'ij:. TT7 FmP-- XX. Turkey 7J j,V $ - ! Send'j'our orders. Still Further Improvements. Knit from 30 to 60 pairs of socks a day. Can ; teach persons over 1 0 years old t knit with them in one hour." PRICE $25.00 Each with Reel, Etc. "Send Tor circular r. O. Cox 619. Jdaba Star, Area! far I'tata Tsrrltary IX MY rOSl3ION JOneHAVE rkf, brarulod red OX, 5 or . IV yart You are landed by tins Union Paci- on and 3Con t thih aUt lu riflfht k'ft hip fio s li. It. in the Uniort Denot at ear, small tnt on ena m tt. , Council Bluffs, where stands the C, 'If said animal is not efcilmed, danuure paid taken awar wttfcin 10 day (rotn date Paeace train, comrxysed and and N.-win lm mthi nt t)x distrk-- t uound at Glwnwood of Pullman Hotel Cars, Iillniaii ou 27, ltxK at 10 a.nv,0 tbe Friday, Februaryowuer. j Sleeping Cars, elegant Day Coaches i , .prmtuote Smoking Baggage, Postal Cars, etc.. - k-f- . Fusuy w .convey 'its Iowa rrasj-enffp- rs n " W. itAStR"m ' . 0 : ! ;: QsOO"OS L-.- of WINTER GO0D3. ' White The best; teilidndried', Shirt, of 2.200 Linen Besoms, aDd hfctter value than the last 50 doxu we cloeed Watosatta MuaUn, at $l.00t out In so hor a time.' SampiM sent free of poetg. Tha UcS of room 'Jj, ItnU? ..V jet.JJ. ,r ln. ;vr,l , - endpoortUhi in. bur; store eorhrel tjs to car th great overstock w FAMJUAR WITH WOOD ENGRAVfKM vy Uisr, to make cot r Majw and other purchased before the. Utf tlsf in lierchandlse at any cotit,mnd purchasers,' pur jhwh, ftjra rw.rk to p pubjisljpa on the both WU0LE3XLE wlio are desirous to eecare the ;nd.EAtL, Wvue AHlientU'!tyof tho Book of Mormon, wall to call and price eur floods do will mot Jea4 w. goods forjtha money AmlT to Dr. II. H. 8HARP, one door ' before purchasing elas where. We show goods with pleasure. Blanketo, Qillt, Rubber B00U and Clothing, Ladies' Shoe, Gents and' Boyi B JqU and Hits, 'Notions, tlllllnery Goods, Cutlery, ' ' etc, complete assortment at closing oat priei and BJiniiL aud into through Chiibago., Gliding" smoothly along over tlie superb track kt steel, rail tlirough thriving cities and villaees. comfortably seated in this train. One scarcnlv . th ... u.t 4 v.f f dbWYvro 51 Which he is xidlns.miqi. .Trains tt tl ruau are always on Ume, con-nections sure, and passengers seek tog pleasure, comfort safety and ease in. traveling, will find the "North-Westerin excess of their expectations, and tho greatest of nil rouUs to Chicocro' and the East- t Insist upon Ageriu" selling bu. inst, Jfsa. ...JUiJi you tKRets v)a this road; all JA. Weeden, E. C. Williamson ygenoi sen mem, . xjcamine year lo 1 and refuse to buy Jf they Titu Billing, your heirs and and ".,7 -f :, ;!-.-.- : do not read over tliis Tii. . If vou . Cbr-piI- oa Will be ,,, , j :, .., treated M la luci Assigns. the best Traveling Accommo-oation- s, you will buy your Tickets by .XJOVtAR&irumrYthat '. bav expended fcrnottfiei) you in mouey the this Route, 537-AVILL TAKE I I Mr i, 'III , -- 5 51 ' p 5) . c's f 2 - S 8 "If a 'iLSIIiiiw 5 3' 1 pxm 'tA oloao out every article eTery irjjiislfligl 1 s : 5 P . S"8 g a g vl5 s s''..gga- p I h : s i n" Tk-He- itucn, " vi , ...T.-- " , :, . Z2 i i- -,- . ( AEJ3 XflVx h Ul 2220 :' V- - 1 vxi tlarkel Eaet or West. - .v- - '- - . ; ND b 1"Jca j 1 uswiyr A. F. Werden, tor yvArn endintr October 23 13TW1. JO. iirteea dolUr aod 7 . C Williamson thtrtv-thrpe dollars and HUHrnrs 3 Tit and 6fl t3U d on tbfj VeUfwr Jar Vet mine Or ift lay s Fori iiij, Crtonwnod Lake Cotwttr, taa TX't-r- io JuiuUig district, a.. Araty the Lkt. . (txl sAw" 8; C. in.. , ti rPrdejs Coated a IlstBDpe Mtadf EpjilMnlinfat, tmmtra waud had a. fine figure, g. 1 (stce l;i. n, i" II ' and pretty name.' One should see a it 'i.t 1 1.) ji'j J , I , iut tuHT the amount o iwr- v nerata dUtanee, When she be for Ue year emluB Octo-Ur-r .J the you gan to talk, you realized that, fib Mxm) A. JU. Is. i. attd HoWms f racn U t Kt her iys never " usea SOZOIXiNT. .JJer VAit U thjui,jr of hi vrrnr tntorost tm advTtsUnir, UTpam was unlike the breezes of said mine or kxta wUi be Juritated to me by . tit J -- T: i .";'' 'h till "I--1 ( ; ' 7 no . - " ' ' t , It GREY BLANKETS, CALIFORNIA BLANKETS, H0RSE BLANKETS, - , 4 EWpca. ; 3 J 3?" BASKETS TUEV ARE ENTIRELY FREE ' FItOM INTOXICATINO 1NG RE . A FULL LINE OF t DIENTSjiivAND rALSO .THAT HEALTIIFUIj, Laco Curtains,' Table Linen, Tidies, Toilet $ets, Damask. TilEyARK,1: ' PLEASANT TO' THE TASTE, A Huck and Bath Towels, Linen Sheeting, Etc ; FINE APPETISER,; A! GOOD STIMULANT, AND ONE OF THE ......OUR..... REST KNOWN REMEDIES FOR "i' u nn. N't1 I i. iALSO GROCERIES, TIM '..y-- ; GOODS I ANCir;' . ..TN OUR...- .- '",!".' I AND DEFT. BIT-TJEIi- S. ' ri I ri i TEAS, OF ALL UIXI8. Stair Carpet., Cocoa Matting, lVJu- Furuitare Damask, Mouldings, Elc. Ilnira, Mats, : dow Shades, AT- - i !J3 IN EVERY DESIRABLE SHADE" . I r, f CAlfNEO EDGD5 ELEGANT DESIGNS IN VELVETS, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES (AND prtee j i' : f COFFEES, New Carpets for the Spring Trade. If' f, ,M -- T A T"T"T- VV A. fix. i IN STOCK, j ' -- 1J I A - I I .):... WJiere we are Showing an unusually Flue Assortment of . . . Intending Purchasers Oil CARPET & needing JFurniture,, Feathers, etc.j that we have a complete stock. Two cars unloaded this date. Call and examine prices. Opposite Salt . . .:. Lake l!ou6e. ,. ' dtf ' " Barratt Bros. ties, ito BETA I It - . vi Groceries and Provisions. .' A5 WHOLESALE ....... ... . , . .WM. LOXGMOKKr 89, Kimball Block. Notice is hereby given ? (. ; i ( SHOES,.' :;r.OOTHASn "' .1. , . , . . ottlttrs to I elected by the Joint vote o" the legislative Assembly at its pnent st skji, flud as wiiows; One Chancellor of the University,1 Twelve ltegents of the University, One Territorial Surveyor 'General, One Librarian, One lvcurder of Marks and ' ' Urand.- -. (..-One Warden of the TYnitentiary, One Soakr of Weights and Meas.J. ... ...j ures. ' John MuitnocK, Cliairman. The following gentlemen were ekete-- to tl pttjcps named. Ckrge Qj Cannon, Chancellor of , the I niversity. iAs llegents of tlie University: Joseph.. F iHmith JohnT. Caine, Feramont Little, William II. Hoop-e- r, ltoUrt Tt Burton, George J. Tar', lor, Henry JMnwaody. Jlomc-- H. . Joln Nuttall' JaniN larm William Jenninors and I)vi.i ' OvCakkr: Oeorgo . F. Gibbs as Treasurer of the University, . it . .t?; :. r Jese W.I ..Fox . Sen.. '' Territorial . mirveyor venerai. , ephi W. Claj ton,' Recorder of Marks and Ilrends.' N. W. Clavton. Librarian Frederick iveslr, Nyarilon of the I'enuentiary, Martin II. reck.TerTltorial Sealer of Weights and Measures. Mr. leaBde.otlVred thf followinir . ,(...,-....resolution:! ,s I move tho adonticn of the follow . ' V ing resolution: .. ! .... effectual of all remedies for .scrofu lous,' mercurial or blood disorder. Uniformly successful and certain in its remedial effects, it produces rapid and complete cures of Scrofula, Bores, Bods, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin. Diseases, and all disorders arising from Impurity of tne pjoou. Hy , jta. invigorating ef fects it always relieves! and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and is a potent renewor- of .vitality. For the blood it. has no equal, rtuntying tones up the system, restores and and imparts preserves v igor end energy. For forty years, X 7" JVOTICE. it has been m extmAlve use, and is, " j ' I hereby give notice to all parties toklay, the most available medicine concerned that I have the exclusive for tlie suffering sick, anywhere, i right of agency for the sale of tlie j .For sale by all dealers. eod w 2 work entitled "Murk Twain's Tramp I ! j Utiou WiiPLESALK AND RETAIL DEALER'S pRQdbbS, ':':. ., Cleaning and repairing. ! -- C . i 0 jM ' ' . those Utah Cashmeres at f . i : : 1. ' , ; va-jk'- ..11 good Business Suit should call and 'site fv , -it- t t- '.a Gextlemex wanting - ; r ; . ': 4 "".'""r C-..- -. .. i oi and7.kbreast standings so near to- r,.m i j v f."n.- - that Wilson's face was badly (Suit Lake time), ' f fv.-t'...f .v ; l.v nowder; but . how, un again." Ui6 shot -circumstances, such ' You are my ftreasure after all," der Ai.t L.US ClTT, Ft. 3h should have scattered so, is some- said an old reprobate, striving to pla iiio' as) ; thing noliody can understand. Doc- cate his wile alter abusing her ror an tor Ormsby was sent for Immediately" hour or. two. "Oh, es," she sarcas SI .1 3d 43 . j visited the wounded man. After and ft ;m f f tiuirtiftjr answered, "you are; seeking SK UK, 8 M careful examination he found that tically Cala 3: 3 the shots which entered Neilsen's to lay up your treasures in heaven, Ckr: .. face, had gone , in a slanting direc H T..MI i.ih brwtad In 21 tion though hw left cheeK ana had " nearly all lodged almost at the basel. SPECIAL1 BUSINESS NOTICES. ' of jus fckull. The shot Jn the JOHX ntAIQ, Pt. PI. Corpj, breasts had not penetrated paper may be found n f!ie any vital lart, but could not be at Tins all times at C, It.T. aid P. H. touched bv a prol.' Doctor Ormsby LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. did not think it advisable to proceed Ii: jTicket Office, No. 50 Clark to extract the lead, as tlie necessan' Chicago,1 where our friends ond cutting might be followed by serious Street, to ' call land ex Second of the Sriei.TTlie are at lias B0 amine it. liberty, ; v Nkslon results. take Although Uio Cth series JVard j. Wmuxo( a jserfect lead mine in his liersou, he Fine tiino. u h Moiulay- nittht. is. comijarativfix jcomioriauie, . i MOOKE, 'AlXEXSWORTIt'Jfc C6. with cart ful treatment will ' probably iose out tho last of their Bug-gwll -! V Tl- - ftf Snace. The. irtM tif recover. . Carriages and Siting jWagons, r ; us this eYfil othr matter on; Saturday, February 21st, at 1 TJtah JSouthem Accident, j This I iug lu euiTiKler th sfiar usually o'clock around was p.m., two doors east of Desn rnmored morning,' it Uiel Jiauk: Utali erpt on t our Top Jiuggies, one a train tliat town one Sjiring Wa- met witli a hadion As tens SiHitJiern Carriage, llx Mj.nJ.iy Holiday Monday sets four was xue rumor to; gon, sor;ous accuienu single Harness; also Rurally Ihv SUI iuU fa ' will Mollne Uk three News Farm dis founded. well Tho holUTay, Wagon,, new following v. rvHl d74 2 ) and of warranted; was the lu to relation the Udiug matter, patch, f .ll AV th txample ,! . raia siia until nceived this morning. We ,inc duce it, by courtesj of Bishop John IK. LTOX'S TOOTH TABLETS.,. Sharp, the recipient:! f Highly endorsed by tho dental pro- w cf tl.t fession. i 18S0. Feb. DtSEKET, 21, WiU Keep Opea-of the city liavt KHi io; Shorn: TIED CANYON, BOCK mi M.mday, the nut tu U- ..h the tie train was crossing No. are UaSPRINGS AND WEBEIS COAL. irsrd in.t. Among i brkrgf, this hiorulng about four a. The U rn. Jnininir .only reliable market for Stms, anl othi rk in., one-- car or iron and a catxxtse tlte track, tlie ears falling lump, assorted and ;'egg coal. w lf h ill vu tlutt ly a uMiikl. umu-into the river, x oster, stock always on hand, and Anderson were . all in tlie ca- - Large and full weights guaranteed Prices tmose when it Jumped. Foster Is it!i-- 1 ' - tlkat Utt nvl" Uinuh and low, special attention given to tiiej not hurt badly, but Carrington and tkt T rriU-f- r V at ir-- t tVnderson are hurt more seriously. suit tlie wants of the publlcV.. Ofllce, rn ir t M?vrrAl 1 Mease a iloctor. I The men are Deseret Bank Blocks Jiiijia,atJt section at the houHe, at Iemington. ltiU-tfor frU d293 :'a. Gouto, Agent. JayS .UJ ! been damaged con- The has bridge to on turn Uit hw o!lhaJ atiuiit' siuerainy, several uene oi pmngs - u( tlit itrttdittijii or tlie routtv . For rure j Liquors for :iledicinal uig .fbroken, and partly gone. .. r jaiiN y, jscsit. purposes and the best 5 ce!nt Cigars. y Further particulars are unknown, in the city, go to ; The WMaaa'BLU Dead. Tlio t.tll Tl , iS remove the politlcul dlidbllltiei of at prtMent, but more j.will be devel-- .HO and CJo. " -'. v J j tl Tfhk'li of Utahi r oiah.1 occur thy wtmiou The accident Uth houses and .van fsubuiUt-- l for red at the lowest bridge, (No. 12) on TjirE most popular and fragrant Vu ( Jovernor'' .approval, luu . iiot theSevk-- Oliver, .ajid it will take perfume of tlie day "HACKME- Miue Uvn luaru from. It K now, some time for a messenger to come TACK," try it. Sold by Z. "C.K I.; Drug Department, wholesale and fio'iii that point to this city. tUuon. a HA;Its3 mwwuro.' Lake City, Utah. 2dsw retail,.SaIt Iater. rer Deseret Telegraph: 'f.o4 si ttxT Or er. The wtwer ibea K" V ' To-lJjJ.Ul.Fteb.21, 1880 EcllpM . ' i ' ; jierlod of 40 jdayp,' allowed tho Tefri- Of all other medicines b- Brown's ;vtorlatfi1iklatur6' Tor" the transncwas to train irtm As tle going . tSoit of iU two business, tx- - Deseret, one car of Iron and a ca- Popular Western Remediop, may be seen in every family where used. pirLtl at 2 oVlo;k this afternoon boose car jumped .tho track about 12 4 No. Forj sale by Z. C. M. Institution, at this howoVkxk sewsion, morning, Tho two were cars The Moore, Allen' & Co., and Godbe, bridge. totally com a evtrvnivto'tf.lS p.yn.,awalUng ktnl, and the bridge badly dam- Pitts Co,, Salt Lake City. ' ' tlAw wnt 'The tlie from Goyenior. '.inunkiitiou aged. John Foster, engineer, li. W. iiieiaUrs had been worPHt fteadJJy Carrington, llreiuatij and John AnDrowm's A rule Salve Kiiu' 7 o'clock lat night. rSvV' i derson, brakemani" were slightly t.vj-.f'.,rj Heals injured. ulcers, cuts, burns and in- ' '.' . F. flamed b dAw Traiap.-Weye3," WUtar, the r The ''Sorcerer.'' Iiook outj for the ... bur, the tramp arrested on Thursdny SocieMusical do-it. "Sorcerer," by.Zion's WE.CUAlLEJiOE THE WOBfJB.l night, by Officer Colder at! tlie ' we for liaviug stolen a rkle from ty.!, Tlie posters are out, announcing i When we say, we believe tlie debut at this ofUle to 4 Shiloh'8 evidence have Focietyin prove that Ogdeii, arid ri whose poss!on a tho Theatre, on Consumption Cure is decidedly !.tlie tf supotiedly stokn articles was tractive opera, at and Monday, the best Lung Medicine made,, inasmuch afterward found, was fined I 3ester- Friday, Saturday, of Ixvera" as it will cure a Common or Chronic 8th and 6th March, 5th, officer and iLiv. $20 for resisting the the time and reSlO for irofaj'ity.i This morning he of fun and music will not fail to be Cough irt one-ha- lf lieve Asthma, Bronchitls,Whooping w:n atraTgiied' to answer chargd of in attendance Cough, Croup, and show more cases iUftiing the propWty jj; refcrciitH mera fwm Mr. Jost! fetanfordj' services of of Consumption cured than all Sunday Services-Th- o ' cure when they fail; who kkiitifltHl vhanl of Ogden, the the, Church of Jesus Clurist of Latter others. It will to is it take, harmless to U pleasant knive I? Jwelrv icIotiun2',ji etc., ihxy tsa its, to morrow, will te as tho youngest child, and we guaran;. ull a tle slurt ami urawers on ..toe follows: tjunday Schools at 10 a.n tee what we say, Price 10 rents, 50 pcivon of the brimmer, "'as lving in the various.warJ;,ward meetings cents and 51.00. If your lungs are or Back lame, use.Hhi auioug & i)t Uten from hls stor, in at 2 p. m., and nt the usual evening sore, Che3t Porous Sold by Z; C. Plaster. Ws on the night of tho Stli inst. hours.' :... f .tkn, M. I. Drug Department,! wholesale VlUirV ftefeno was that h fotitj J lloiue mLssionarks will visit the and retail, Salt Lake City! Utah. lit wlL'kys doscrlbel, "where so in? outer wards during the - ... j 2 dsw '. v day; ; 1. : .t.) ,, , U.fy else had lft them, and knew ' BEUETEIT. TOt JH) ' totliintf whatever of thu sUalingj At ' vUTAH LEGISLATURE. scores That in this town there are ,theeiiu'luHloa of the 6 xaniinatUKi he nersons passing our store every of was lined for vagranoj, and hel whoso lives are made! miserable day k await the action of, the grufTl 8 by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Ft4ruary 20, 1S30, p.m.: and Distressed ' : f ft4urv. ' "t Stomach, Liver Com lirsuahru met previous agreement, plaint, Constipation, when for 7octs. m jomt session, we will sell them Shiioh's "Vitalizer. the Assembly v;n' ti,,v 1fll i, Tho Council presid- Guaranteed to euro themj of tlie lrwident . 4k :ii .. ..: ' ;; i. i .i. uie represeuuujt oi nie- ing. , inBirn Sold by Z. C. M. I. Drug Depart- ifj, . The Chief Clerk of tho Council tioth houses H'fritorr, passHt whkli; ly tlbe 2dsw Lake City, Utah, . . lAinkdure, has Jren approv-- ; mid the following report: j 1 the rdliy Uie;tkvernur.' The reprvsen- Mr. resident and ifembcrtof : trl : i ' "When a woman," Bays Mrs; Tartinij ton, "has once married .with a congealing heart; and one that beats responsibkt to her own, she will never want to enter the maritime . state again." --; ' if A, man jiosshig tlirough a gate in wish the dark ran against a post. that post was in the lower regions,"" was Ills angry remark. "Better wish it was somewhere else,'" saki a by stander. f You might run against it inpv were UUo ir i; - the oiner. jivw.v., me mbtakeu, for unacgig hot UiSar-eitt- he Joed of Ko. ' i ' - . ....-.i-- i 3o " ' i 1 CVtit i trouble. ,"- no thai nt jKilieved .. ir I,iirhJt rOib t .... ..... Go TO the Globe. Bakery' for your "Shall a husband keep his; wife Confectionery f and C AKFJs,1 where an innocent. There is no necessity. they .are to be had pure and whole- Sh will find out five times as much 11. Arxold. as he knows himself, without much Eoxne. stopping conso'mentts o ?uv -. """" " ;. two buu"6seined . , v. becran mn. . nvrn: 111 m aritu them. inei one i.. i t i?., TCeilsen was known i 1, but all the parUe prea- - and reports meree ! - In- ; ( ntora. SHARP. SHOE. TvAND U ROTHERS! iiiWaiV uIB-- !, At H.'DINWOODEYS Fumituxu. H YOUNG, MAEKS & YOITKG, :. " - ; ; i""' ' ;. r ii ' 1' : S" |