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Show --TDE EVENING NEWS. of the awtil consequences that would ensue 1 a Territory of not iioinii.il s Lake iaay, in other words to reject the defalcation I petition. This proposition was car- jQL 7?ZEt. 3D discovered iled yesterday by vote a of 145 to SAULake Dramatic ajsoolatlon,' Prop's. by the books of the late Mavor 147, the majority consisting of con Johnston. He took the money and servatives, clericals and poles, the Ha Greatest Success of thi Aget of liberate, profcresstonals compelled his clerk to forc the minority nil friu Anunrat(vAfl "P! v.Kf imi a- b&lauce. He being dead his bondsmen will be held. ter Jbalk and MobreaM voted with I H " KI I FllJAKUHK Borne think the re- the . minority. V " Jiie JTaleou." of the petlUon .la a further . y "7 wwjjnrenuef. New Vork, 19. Tenneson'a one jectlon evidence cT the government's incli- - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, act comedy MThe Falcon," was Deo. icth, isth and 30th. nation to mitigate the eeveritycf produced at the Bt. Janiee' the laws in a view of bringing about GRAND MATINEH Saturday, at 2.30 r m Theatre list night, before a rather a modus tivendi with the Vatican. small audience. i d most aucoeasful Comlo Opera ever written, and atUi being played nlhtly with 7 he "Tribune" Adffalna; Grant. uuuuuuueu aucoeas. in an ue nrinoinni BKIEF TELEGRASX9. luttturcB ju vue eaac ana wesu The Tribune calls upon Grant to Under the miDaaement af Prof. A. fl. set at rest the storied f onpprnlncr Smyth, and conducted ,by Prof. C J. well a known 'George Savage," Thomas. his acceptance of the canal presi- - temperance advocate, is dead. dency and intentions regarding the The bank of Virginia City, Nev., Tha Orchestra will be nmnti HniM4 ofV ther United States.. presidency ii as a ' too uiu vuiuisi ox tee peat caieat in tne city. n carne . .It . 3 Ill most inu mucheuspexiuuu. J which has stock, mining mate fxtenda being active and Hiss ggki Jreeie-.w-s- s-. fallen greatly tha last month. . Minoie eit....M.w.as. fl ent in boththee movements on Buttercup A large mass meeting was held miss mum nuiuut Vyrimoa ..uousin neDe a. nis behair have placed him in the in Han Francisco last night in aid Simmy . Klrkman. .as.Kalpa Backstraw compromising position of appear- or uie iti&a sucerera.1 t .i i errui as Bir joaeph forter.K.CIt. rDi to two incoming mutual occupy juuuuj nur,u..,...M....i.ipiin Ocddard Hebr Dick (Jorooran haa patible positions. Tha atfmn Albert Keboa (with hornpipe) as Deadere dlenitv-Tftrtilrecome' when true - -Doauwaln's Mate Wfi ATHES EfiPOET. . .. ... .. ..as alt, ...i.... CifvCiNNATr, 1 9. A of over 512,000 ha9 been 1 more than two hundred thousand persons, a fraction ef whom prac tise plural marriage under religious 1 rlAay, DtttmW 19, 1ST. regulat!ons,should be admitted Into political union with a nation of forty-fimillions. Oat upon such TAKE TIME BY THE FORE-LOO- K damnable hypocrisy such paltry I and Pharisaical pretenct! And to On the second Monday in January give color to their railings and aid the attention of the next, the representatives of the in diverting from their real design?, people elected to the .Legislative peoplewould advocate any measure, they transmeet for y Assembly will the action of business. Only forty days however contrary to Justice and the time la allowed for the labor requir institutions of our country, and ed of thauxuAndaj It. takes teveral sacrifice the lives and liberties of thousands of men and women who 1 day to organize, arrange, commit- - Wbuld ale B3oner than stoop to the Into and lees, working order, gtt practised by their aecusi- the period allotted la extremely ers. short, in view of the interests to be The social relations of the "Mor: considered. j , mons" has no mor to do with the ' Everyihlng should bo done that can be done lawfully t a facilitate admission of Utah as a Ktato, than ftiis ueuy rrait,... .Uoatawaln bualnets. Borne have thought that the gambling practices of Colorado epeccn ratner man Biience,, I The Same andTHden. . Wat Department Signal Bervice, CHORUS of ICO volets; NEW an Informal sitting previous to the bad to do with her admission. will be painted 1 er the cccaslon; U. of same S. The tha lawless Division Whasays SpKSftUY rSDer Toleirrama of Til. anything Army, session intrv!wprf be would attended regular With many advantages. But it is doings in the mining camps of den regarding the intention of set and Reports for the benefit of Com Between th n rat mnA axwnl uio. tling the claim against him by the merce. of its St. not very likely that many mem-be- n Dakotah, when Msrrle Freeze and Master Albert Ec'sou Alton and Terre Haute Lou!, will la dance Statehood a Grand Paa broached? Dfiix. de ConWhat JKaiiroaa Company, Tilden hesitat- would attend) and there is ADMISSION-Us- ual State ef Theatre rataa. rto--No ever worsa a ed Button mmscu extra charare for H&aart-Ar- i then moment, almost up Weather gitasiuau in said, Temjeratnre or to law compel nothing la the Oliics now open. into piou3 wrath over the gay cuilt wuiaIr: "i would prefer that it Vinrtoia 9 Snow It require their presence. We I OO Considered vnn tinflFloche. 34 , had that lanmn. tn1 wm Clear i lln.ntu,,..:. nun hv ur..i. . i aauh tru3 l I n.h.if ikA a preliminary com: Wlonemuoca. -- ClouJy Bote City, . LOST. t, Fall' miltee of experienced legislators to Ington City, in the District of Baorameuto. 61- the northwestern part of the city, on I Reported PUtlnnni ; Lt. Sain TN which Discovery. 1j Columbia, ex under the 8aa Franoisco, TVn.in.lRTQ. & -v tmA. do .prepare bills for presentation to clusive ' , '.Dya reiurninr ,1. r A vein of platinum, reported Cheyenne, rk. Turtdar. 1M rowaraea 2' oClear Jurisdiction of the Na- discovered to Sri itI. the Assembly, would be a wise North Platte. In worn, Mortn xemple Bt. South Granville, Omaha,. Cloudy: tional ' vi9i WIW ... ; .. . 20 Is Legislature? 'do : Granting Washington Countv. fcausoa &rt prevision, and would smooth the 20 do iavenport,k. . (or argument's sake j only excitement. ,, ' do. U6B uoincs, y; way to the enactment of many for we do Hot admit it in fact by 1 Below Zero. good laws. IhODglmforlUelnwue. ' ; thI morning But .there is one thing that can any means that all which is said Ameetlnsr was held last night rffitiSSS be done. The people, or at least against our marriage system is cor myooptr union to consider the LOCAL KBPOKTr the thinking! portion of them, can rect, it does not properly bear on evna alleged to exist In the care of ou can buy the Best and most the me of .yj;1; S4M LakS iCiTT, insane in tnis city and State, statehood in the question communicate the wants and ' T : KELIABLE ; DcalSth, 'x Vltec' ioth.' aho the proDrietv nfmnmnri. withes of the community, ts they least degree. It la not a part of and - .4.40 i 9A0 1146 8.40 lofrisl&t the tnr rn State tli& allzing -. ; p.m. a.m. .am. understand them, to the men Utah's Territorial polity. It would I establishment of a Domnncnt hn..i . i:t-.not a ; be i of A? u.,lu her 29 67a to29.K0 portion 2a692 narometer, ADU JUUfiXUiVOj chosen be their representatives. liN H Tit IT if she were a Btato. Those I W. Curtis presided. Many women Humidity, i. .. 33 MKNTS of every description, for 33 ' i 31 Huggestlocs In writing can be system ." 40, who believe in or practise it leeard I wre a the platform as "well as nearly the Same JPtiee as Cheap . 2.1 12 . . 12 . ' I noted men. made, which will materially aid u .f.iti .2 Velocity, auu . jLnjertor uooas; therefore, t ; Weather, CloudyVCIoudy Cloudy Cloudy the legislators to arrive at a proper ou,.ijr ouu nuieiy as a reugious yuur own interest Dy pur oiuuy Miles Total traveled by "wind In 24 chasing at seriously hj. which the Btatehas . , understanding of the popular matter, with 478 . hour,19- i HUrbeat S3 Bishop Gilbert miles needt. And this should not be nothing to do. It would not be re-- XIBosTON hour velocity, per UialV Popular Hiisic Store. Episcopal iert until the Assembly is fully cognized in the statutes of the H7Q,! whoBtt rlous illness hhu' has k nor State n m8vidftdfnr The proprietor thoroughly under- !' 30nN CHAIO,"' occupied with legislative businees, h. 7. 7 aJ mat-- 1 "'tcaur...ue?n reported, was in a "7;..: i Bet. Slg--. Corps, 0. 8. A. iiauus nis Dusiness, and a long excritical condition last night xi is irsuisuuas. but attention should be drawn to perience ha9 taught him 'the ne frlend3 aro apprehensive thoe changes in the . law, or new ter separate and apart from pollti-- 1 R.nd.1J,a or oringtng only Fibst cessity hat avill he not live. DIED. measures to suit new conditions, cal considerations, and belongs to as no others will Class Goods, of ine our moral spnere Biana . extreme . which the and At climate: argument of Chester, Sanpete County, Utah To- rthe Territory growth on the 18th November 1879, of Inflamma Deseret ana me mutations of time and cir- - religious disquisition. PRESENTS ! tion of the bowels, ANN ELIZA, daughter HOLIDAY would not be a polygamous State cumatances may require, of James M. and Mary Francis Allred. Do- Schuberth's entire more than Nevada is a cam. catalogue In CHEAT BRITAIN. . y 'One of the Important suljecta any ceased, was born January 27th, 1870. the celebrated LitoIlf" cluding nor yet so much, for in for legislative consideration will be bllng State; "JurgenBen" and Cotta Editions, a ' r, y fKrtHn SotM. . m rxevaaa at the his is residence of wemviiie, gambling permitted and to maa:e suitable that of Irrigation. A . law adapted epieumu uusuce Alice Eckenier,; et diph- - selection for In the local laws.whllA mlniitei rnamo'. for . London, 19 provided t Christmas Spanish Ail the to the wants of I rial Journals declarn various ITtdh'a Bf.i.,t .JOHN, con of. W.F. and laieBt mu6io a onoa, l'iano that no fexpla- - rinorlaiUiSBWt Covers, I sections cannot Ij be I he given, to the rnln ori-- 1 '!Zetn 'fJ' ' Newton, agod 8 rears, $ Piano Stools, Violins, AccordeonsJ framed In a day, nor In the hurry of the polygamy regular Woollies of, tho session, Want t3 nrevent fh e City, Dfoemtcr mh, ol In short, Avirythina General Dren toll n nf nnfiu i.., . Io Sa,t - in the Mtiti. y. cal Line hoeeVko ar ally 'posted on th ,v a8" tendered hia rcti.nat inn ITA VJT, eert WICKBH', wife of Vnf r.VI;,.n:.. HTt'aUndlMHtnil AH Haifa. Jamea Innn- - Imperial police. " necetoilits of the Territory, or the rW " u.:, the 28th rear ef her did Assort uie iit of JllMlCALCiOOlKS Z ""u,u . , a uew otaie, let the honor. ao. ' diflerent loeallti thereiu,!ehould y Th llir..t. seryicos will be held In the 11th ri7 .rll'??" Jneral make their member3 thorcuffhly able men of the party flisht the "ed another ceAr Ward Assembly Rooms, Sunday, Siet lnet. CEO. k.us-.Aromi at 1 p.m. Friends are respectfully Petersburg, familiar therewith before they eupposcct enemy on fair grounds nureu Invited.. FIRST SOUTH SSBEET. Bbuiuous prints were beine fair weapons. But let leave for the Legislature. It is a andwitbJ circulated thA bv Two TchftfQfQ doors east of Dinwoodey's dtfl cease them to make a peaceable poor time to' Instruet them when who if in the wrong are Hoi people, Holidays! 'they are crowded to oniy wording injury themselves, work and have to attend the regn- - the J . objects of their atger and the xplofcion of a petard. . Jar sittings of the Assembly. czar has aDDointait on ine ' irom a ial commiesioa to . . . I I , J f raiarab-niThere are mm. nh auiuvibaubi uiiuosny, OiTnE" ' y y' .. . x f. I enquire Into the j o to a political -bar- - m!cS 1 " ... l .n matters reforms. ... "utou M ,n, unstatesmanliko mir- - The Paris,uJ"sirative Chamber of Deputies NFf iOfil CANDY STflHE, I special attention, ana we refer to gllng together of n tummmoB to en- religion and mor- that subject merely as one out of a Has on hand an fnini'cnss Stock of with politics and the rights of yutic mwiuB penitentiary evstem ality great number, points on all of mates. CIIOICR COXFECTIOXERY The Prus&ian miniatrv h wilch Bhoxatfbo given to the memof Herr Von Pult Kammers' proved bers by thoee who aro familiar with actions respecting the establish lumm, in advance of the neriod ment or mixed SChOOla ftt TClhtrta prescribed 1 8lT.Lere- business. legislative an? 1 . T corresbondent Bare- - t Chrislma8'Tree Ornamentc, . now is me lime or never, for the is rumored that Sugar Toyss CortMccvias authorities in- lEJ coming session. Only about three ran wasnaii trvioir xxlbuiupu likb. tend to interdict the the JEWELRY - ETC. land And" in the line for meeting everything weeks remains.- - Make good nee of to announced be held at F0RTT - SUTfFcOKSRESS. Killarney th Btooking Bueioroo. on r5t. Sterhen'a day. Parnell spoke on the land CONGRESSIONAL. tion at Glaecow last nfpht. tn quesPILES AXD PILES OF SILVERVARB SESlTli. HOME-MADE JSS THE OUTCKY AOAINST TJTAH. paSncS,iSflghr?refhe . CANDIES, " ' itr FOR of TtoannnnflAl.-tWASHINQTON, 19. . After thftlment ' . ... Made I i I Fresh T f m. .u. Day Every i unrv. ax ia amnsinff to nntiPA ih li'KUh i imrman " fri,v icutiJK ui uie - ournai. " I . re no quorum into which the Republicans rhe secretary of the ...aT preeent, and the probabilltv . crrahhlrl Smifw iaJ:?i YJ"ruamenfceu Cakes fn ; Oabtsaao oAlLt, tcauATa rnvnU j Jf' - ve (0) I w euc-ceefeiu- Auosx-trresraeni- Areoflering the FINEST, and LARGEST LINES of 'a con-infami- - es ..as . t FANCY I ! belleve,-nowever'th- r 1 1 11 THE I2sT at m : - STATIONERY, Etc QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, (1 the-subjec- 4 (..-'.- - 'I, ; . -- . . . " -- ; DRY , f- NO MY! :, : IPianos. Organs 11 ,P-m- - . GOODS j: DEPARTMENT! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FANCY If f.-4- -f iW 1 9 SUITABLE FOR v - t . le Metht -- i ; ? ... y.t I 1 . ": i I BOOT FoEias. HI P DliPAllTillljlv Have a Stock Complete In Every Requisite for WINTER WEAR. " I 7 S. ELDREDCE H. -- ?aon.'l .J ' ; ' ! : yCARELESS, 1 ? ( wlth-icommll- 'ma'SSUiSK' tee For the STEArB3SrS ' . ? a 8 mm II fr p- fori TOILE u BATH i - itE .nru: " Jldny .- In the .Union. One would think, diew hismotlon ". CHRISTMAS ; temporatily to the 16th Inst. ' All well. srepEBs - and Parties. ; newsparjerlZr, ThT, that m, L. twwu U4 ponanti ruRxisjutEii :'.- 1 ........:aT THE CVinsl-Ttf- uw r-- ri 3 'El 't K. aboat-.lS.OC- m "-- J . . ' Year - TLT A 1 HT XUUiH " Mm Ol, ley rJBW; ADniFMS Q B- - , T ' 4 1 I I ZLri.TJrlTZit: dsxnand Statehood of common lnntlft- - s ,an- - aetli 7 Are wel1 organj'zel Bay and ?Ie Plenty ' money " "wuoo A'jTJ- 1 P' 1 -- days they Uions. Dr. CAL DER'S v"t - p"" 'iSn.AN'OON' " -- h. 1 "n 60 ORGANS rr,".1;,!!!8"??. 7r"T, an;; uZa ?,T"?luu "ht Patwe r" ,.: Hn?nf VIOLINS iiih! " lL!S25?BS ? r W? w PORTRAITO. Orguinettes Fhk. StJ subJi! IL ain.t ""Flu i7' ItSSfFhl . 19--1- . IN UTAIJi LOWER THA til And Everything Prepared at BED IIOOIC FRI(! CHRISTMAS 1 EVER ' fur ti,. TRADE! F. COLDED. Hi POT STQRf. Harmonicas 1,000 'OF. . ; " xi - , - .'S " CHOICC yy j 1 ir"" m P5 avaha thWav. -- to-mo- - ONETTEH BOXES 55 BANJOS r J . PRICES ... riiii, f??1 STOCK OF AND PRIZE J ". ff'Nesofhy. Cliristma. THE LARGEST ,250 Accordeons 'J Egt SUIfo T ( j BOYS' Irr""' s O . a NOTICE. PIANOS thpn. ill - I I - DBD'S . - non-unioni- st OF Thankful, Happy, Be.Morry, 33 o - for Magnificent Holiday Btock of Balkine, special ItnUn y, , Instruments, consists wuu uaggone I Dl ova . . to Jr " . 111uuub . rw, in part of, n ; t'ujfBiasn, man wuica - non.Iinlnn " I . or- me . n awaii t ;z r Aijcy imo conBiaera- iu.uuo na are recovery .are entertained- in ILlPOOVEIEKdinfBS, non or wongrees mat any Terrltorv 15 h""". aunouga mey Held Russian circles. John Evan liodtrson. the ri?n. are nrtw n A Publto meetlng-rt- f nnfj. . RonV the pfockholders of Hueh Armstl. th I Made milted Into the, Union. But we anion men were employed. In ano-a-re ter, aud Henry so knit 'rom Chlckerlnir & by iiTiit.hei,npr2remht" Halhave I Sons, been , elected et aooka sculptor, pairs Roval adar. not now making any active ex-- tber house. 700 Btruck.be- - Acaaemiclans. " anna "'"w"?"" ? 108 pmee of the let. Davis & f!n.. W.u, ta'v". u .mj' . (knjn.k niD them' r"" wHmnun eacta" aaa-Owas em- eiuons towards a prominent advo- A. with JPischer, Dyon & Healy, etc , o'uaveenia warfT, or Salt Cojhery has asked rf01ie Sena for Circular. City, on Monday, the 22nd day of tke Cbamber of Deputies to votA snn Heel, Lie. cacy of our qualifications for State- - pIO,e. m to raise funds to pay for December, 000, francs for eubterranean wires JOUST WM. S3rEU Xdalie store, nood, nor to draw asy particqlar uMfy.miaif. a lSk I ttrfiii 1 liA t A PHILIP PUGSLKVt agwii ior titok Territory; C i attention" thereto. 'rXVT President. Peoria soealal or n e.m.Tn TheOcean's Mason The, agitation of the subject of aays: Thomas NeiU. a local cattle such By n Clou 8alt Lake t& & Hamlin, Not. j City, Utah, 10, 1879. gh KINDLING V7O0D,: i "il 1? h did lOt lu marriage relaUons osS'porUon king, whose operations, xjoong -- w asiake, Chase, ol uaaneia lor 1.0O. Delivered, y, Bhoninger, etc., Veturn w me peopte of this Territory, and Lf0,ft!leKK.rffO? 5200,000 toGordon Pasha will .SAWS, SIiaBPAED AHO SJKr.' the kttr tha I.lind nf Mhwa.k' ll-- . me pretended spasms of virtuous In- amount, lie was widely known sinla, to confer with, the dVleiwtM DBALBRilH B AO 15. dignation Into which some Repnb- - and aniversallv resnentPil nan i,nn. nf k'n, Th, Klnd trWntea, Bottles, Ete. papers ana persons are throw- - evolent, consclentlpus7 ' wuersaoouw rare THOK .ST. TLe largest and jEtnesi variety ever UT'-uuun.. sinia. .1 "Inpih. i Third Sruth half block eaat of ' j soenin anown. net, . . Toe: Uritish auppoeed this countrv. and rth. i curt Honsa. government has ; a 15 3m ,7 of a few Individuals In the pracuces of 500 pounds very latest granted pensions tijaterieaa Btyies, niiappranee. f to the widow Rockr Mountains, la ; Th annually CJ P1! Epe" the the baldest kld of ,humbug and clal mvV GOLD HED1L oth.er of S!r Louia Cavagnari! : 150 of mur- - murdered at Cabul. der has been aroused at Tew Can- - i .MudtxensaUon la caused in Ma. j 1 Of all atyles, grades and models. south of here, by find- - drid by the refusal of Premi prompted by an on, lh0 miles GOLD MEDAL ho muZTiuZ i Ccnovaa Imaginary danger. The fM.i.t t Del bv recently occupied tn This popular perlcdlcal la a preemlnenllT I f271ifS'? Journal for the houaehold. 5TiLd-fSa new Democrat I edbu? with 100 thelriear, bad3 r ' Bvery number farntahea the latMt tuurities to Bnare in thn inmiir.i.1.. iBiatlen wua they suppoce Deseret and blood on Tounatarticles ?abou tion ' ran in regard to in ia ; moat wonderful merlmnwi by the Murctan ro would be If .admitted, and place. . Cries of Murder! were ller prepared G commission in testimony of patterns, with dmriptiv arUo!easSr3 in they Now and OrlfloaT, by Horns Artist. uisuumeni or tne age, the house last he grat tude of Bpalo to Fnce S?S"SVK F0 pom Imaglnathataplanljln operation to establish it. If UUh waVirt Thuretlay ht, but no Investiga- - ior aia pent to Ilia Eullerers by the FAZZX&l? HIDLLQ. Uon WM male untH yesterday. TVrletyS if. It recent noods, '1 be intention of the SSJnie,UC T0P!C ln herself In this direction ther waafbnnd that -- ti.i..hk. , Cheapest eter ecen In TJtab. . . .I ua in curium ,.. . . ml.K 1 "6uw, BUU Uiu cornmiasion uia ground tor their In I fc"aieuea meir lives had a as as to Is French tbe he complete and shipped berin Bjz variety Toilet ad- ob6l?m Soap's and Perfumery, .present an terror, bat as it Is. they are rin. I hi? goods at the same UmetoIiO. dres. envoy u"u in any atore in America, aarr wh of The ni.h TTr " nvIearV Wh.nnotimels . mis The themselves" at a Waw or ' county. lster understood tbat the " ferelgn offalrt . eall. eaxo eommeoce Toilet Sets, v the bodies ineory of his o . with owndlaordflr fa to iue envoy., to next "umocr 1 TiuMois explain after the t iKwint casxs w va .il in and took them him that the refusal of the premier 7 CHIISTBlS.Ua IEW YEAR CARDS, uvi Ana new outcry Excitement la intone arainat riw-lalon- g. in nome-Ua- d I and Imported. la prompted hy theee fears. I H?at "ct1013! L!!.ll!zt8an.I.qnal,Ue to suit the AI men are BcouriBg tn?bani;l?harii PERMniP l03y -i- wrmw. I i or ovu' amateur vAuiHrii youth, professional. Th popular mind has bnwn,v.J?.Vcou?Ary --,a 8earch of the re-- stato of public opinion owing to the SPLENDID VELVET GOODS apposed murderer. wiibuuuu ui a portion or tne mem- HASPER'3JMAaiZiNE, Ons Year, $1 83 np ty falseheod and exaggeration Aleo in great variety, bers of the Chamber of Deputies tUl this Territory Is looked B J - , from taking their seats. Premier HAEPEIi'3 BAZAR. ., Guitars, Plutea, hotbed of sedition and crime, and Piccolo, . 4 00 ta D Canovaa del Castello, herald, fear- The TIII1ER thnn nan. wutn Hasten It tail PrW.. .. v Piano & Covers, Stools Hths poiiticlana tat owhegaa was count- - ed a repetition on ihe occasion of -T , 8tft4 Brass and Plated Flies, the republican demonstraliona at 5 CARVED GOODS, v wvito uKuru, ud9 X ear, ana only as Barcelona TOO and Valladollty at the "ucu! couatrv . HARPEB'3 YOTJSa PEOPLB one " ., oruer to mate saremdwi tr th 7TT t n 1DAY SCHOOL BEWA1ZDM. TinFlapIots, " ' .Ti'.j., imo ix'iniuii - n I ""reTTof.vmwjm cratlo eoquettlng morum of fudonists : Jews In vote the in which .Ha But tha by jjuV Harps, House. Thla viw i. V' wir Cbamber of hnod tn h n- -, , JL O 3V 23 It VI " cr --":.cttte'r n Deputies adopted .r." STA.1" the I rriXVt.V; , week by Hen. F. G. Parker to Ir. in? the "The Annual stock ot mnsical teya. HABrtsrafti'i.. And a large vrfumof Episcopal salaries, whtr.h Isin . . . a tnewnole tniH at n i. tiim r. a ui I VELVET FRAMES, 20 Klnda and a.11 .... nf ' bun rerjUDlican rtnmcinio amenaments owwaii, I tne sent Ranate ....nBir. v. n a. . . hr ,..! had Yiuu"y" la briei. To hear the debanh- -. I MT lect. 'rem Bowheean. At jected the quesUon of v"uu prices. pri vileg PCCIET iCUTURY, HC. H and libertine, the rxkes and 0US i i " PPra that it had not iiub hlwu. nnu h nonfiinr uue uuuar nr TMiimAL aau was lUe wwi been determined talk of "Mormon" Senate was erjr purchaser of Mnsltl PICTURE FRAMES&t Kinds oaU The repnblhSn Itat marrlag,,oae ai 1 xne gwua uurmg me nolidavs. t h- authorities atniHA- - perroiome. VfIrhr., lht naturally, think .tiat-th- y committee will meet hew In th! Eastern-Prass- local la, d petitioned t wsxe uk cnampiona of " pari oi next wees:. The call lanuta? aeainst; tne lnterdtaMAn Co a mn. f enuuea k iI '""'" n;tabl for I f ,lr!-'- a AT chastity w ooni i . . . no? rT vt i vvu a.i...i . w No one Bella Cheaper than I an4 the embodiment of parity. l?'n indignation meeting ""v-- " uuruai ior one minister of I s'tor ji.t each. eyjaau. na.,MM ji.cn uuKuwmer, the Men who keep- mistresses on education and beTt?!in eccl.WIwl the do, you can prove it for your- uew bcuooi at Gibing lor pure--1 chance k iow. , " ""'i to. avoid I 'win as sly, and whoee spare nights are tlSiJ?2f.U WIU hold n Indlgna- - "i secular I . l education. . Th I ir"lL .iy ' ly Aewwt,ri V.iv--selves by calling on pant in scenes of dissipation and tee of the laudtaar. to whl.--commit. thmmentwtthouttht tTttri&.ZZlrJ'vltllXVS AftD CRSHt n fRSTf I h tmaallowad Indulgence, will prate . auiweu inei Anaauuiifij Malt Ajake City, iengage.d en the county return h """,rui vwmuMcr tu iaus to tne order Of the I "nrEK BK0TiTER3. intend f, MEN AND DOYS. . . -- Sf ORE FLAG A FU1YL LINE OP Z -- 1 D Honorable ' Treatment Guaranteed Goods s Warranted as Represented ' - ! PRESENTS TH 1. i .hr. ut ISTew ' i 3 SOAP. AND ETC. H. O. STEARNG, leiegrams ixom liuetchuk and announce dtf MAIN STEET. articles on (the subject, 'PPfPona frightful Utah the Vice President I mortality . .- -i the amon? Mi..im. F 8"enu0Q8 an special I appointed Voorhees, Vance,k Pen. refugees and say that if sornethinirl 1 J7 la f fTi xsrtlons this direction; while ff ton. WIndom and Blair com- - is not dor.e to prevent it .UilA MOW U . i i.a lt muaiuii lim invArriirara f hn ins) faAt ! thai j V .1 y. Ki v a being attempted with that ob- of 4.he Th? Novikoff appointments as FOR SALE CHEAP 'fePu.?0111. , . . . . -J Ject ' There have been times when bjjuI .1. tue senate aojourned. ana v dou Orel td nopio nni the people of this Territory have ueen oin nauy communicated. i.. V City Lots, with Dlendid Orchard. I made urgent appeals to Congress I j ther is reported throughout Ontario, Tree?.' NurBery nunaberl?s-for their rights, nave framed their STEBM, One TwO?tir ITuim W.l cim.i , CaHAtltullau liberal, as th most V.. nanii tiout.a wita Mree rooms, both In TheRhinlsh R III WAT f r.i rn w uuo bus rork Pwker'j strike. liberal statesman could desire and nesj prt of town opposite to J. A. has resolved to sell its line t the ihe Ycuns'i Uous. . wm special delegates . to Chicaqo, 19. There was only a uerman government ou the trrms I A Good Stable and barn for e!ght anlma's uu lurui ui fooa larisiDf mod. ' .mouut of done in the onereii. th.T, Washlnrton to Brent "in? APPl to , A. W. WJNBEHO i nouees Ctniik ' .7 s at . the j arua it;isjfl . . . . . . .. . ..... . atwA .... j and press , their h nm imk. .. vnu.nuvi-iiiuiiaiI , ureu trustees SU9trtit 6. uais Kichhtll. Sevlor Co , TT. T iuvw ixi power, xiut l Blta "f.u hid jauuBes ana pacs I tuat uenerai uougn's brigade has oswtt at the present time no such taken in ,?r.i.fcS3 to , ?ra fort the at lh,enaslve9 refuge ready moteJugdul- . nniaiUD UJUUUUH III f f tlrlblnml INK. fSnVi.ra Thnlieonfl Ilk. ment is in progress. I I are threalnnln workmen. Daniel O'Connel. if Pro. - A flhrioimae. . . . . . i I . a mx uui minpii inr .iiniia.iAt. aiiAnt r W....UU DmobhI IhOblll UI ' o,i " .uiunr-i.Gen. la rFTvatr,it and I on nas oji liauu. eiriKe. ouga Durability, tvei" ''v'uwu,cmuci8 provioniy elx wreaa inei numerous LAUNDRY : SFEOIAIi ATTRACTIOM . - 4 WATCHES UODAYTltADE.' TELEUllAPll :!: o"rr. - DIAMONDS! 8 . ' M iho, rltf 75 MAIN ST. 75 Kbj (tt r.li" a . . ,i.":vr:.'-- ' ' ' .v-- - AT.-- - o mmm " -- i iLT.U , ... t.j 'CO a . j I Pricos as Lot? as Uie Lowest ! hrr -- Ms. V..V 4 Iv BtnOOKf FALL ilflD y UII1TER - PATrfRNS: |