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Show vom. mi. THE EVENING NEWS - T II IS SUM-WEEKL- ria vtsruui corjpLEXioris Y. I PublMuJ tvery 7 u&kjtf crnd Saturday. Gue copy, one year, iith I3 09 tag .ft2.12 .' " " six months, !" "r three months, 1.10 1 Oho ropy, one.yemr, with Postage " i i J.1.G5 ' L8S " 5 - What Nature denies to many-Arsecures to all. Hasan's Magnolia Lalpi disj .! Jvery blemlsb, oveiTorjes lieduess, t Freckles, Sr.Uowries.-- Ilough-nesTan, Ei'Tip'ions and Ulotches, andii'cniDTes all evidences of heat and excitement. The Magnolia Malm I imparts the most delicate anij natural complexioval lints no detec s, tion ucing possihlo to: the clos' est observation. Under these circumstances a faulty complexion is Ij ttle short of a crime. Slaimolia Ilnlm sold everywhere. Costs only 75 cents, rfith full directions. OFFICE Curner of South and i East Temple Street. & JOB PiPR-RULI- G ROE Q. CANNON. uiaaiiAV TOCNO, RliSers and PublUters. G IX) t Schools. i I i MEW IfJSK TRADE.. BOOTS & SHOES Mm. 1U 13 County. One Selectman, to fill 'the vacanor caused by the ezpited term of U. M. Weller. A Countjf Superintendent of District Schools. a Alto. Justice of thafPpfuxi and Cnnsta. blea la sererjil ot the prtclncts. Said B'ect&n to Mmmencn at fhn nrvoral plaoea of ho'ldinar elections, one hour after euorise, ari'i.couUnuo ;tmtil sunsot on the WT, HALL & clay atoreaai. i IX BOCEHOLT, J erud Street. CVtrk of I . the County Court, Salt Lake Cointy, U.T. Salt Lake City. June 30, Corner Crosby, dl8S 1S70. I THQMS H. a &C0., GOODS STAGDARO BtAMCrACEOasaS Of h E. HTIBEWS MEN'S AND BOYS' CO., Broadway, HEW JOHN E. COWLE3, tablets. YORK. nd Jobbtrt ' For Colda, Couirha, Asthma, r CoueumpUoa, Throat and Complaints AffecUoos of the Kldneya, etc., use LJt-e- Balsain of Indian Root, Prepared iwly by vs. For Male at Z'. C M. I. and Utah Commlasion House. Iron Pip Leat Pipe and BbMl Laad, Paokio jnttinjrs. Baiting, Hor, and Agnctiitaral Implemaata. ;rT.. ST. LOUIS, MAES 4T PITBHTS MfO JOE UJLlftUEU, ; tfflffi. 8T0TIS" - ' PAJRtDi OVS3 ELM' 9AW3 SRARPtSD, ' COMMBKGIAL ; hojsser jake: &B-- rat.nl j STKH.15T. l bro., Susuri Imlm Rtmt,lit Dmt Movtb of Welle, Malt A,avke Jljr, rart to . H. ILAGUI,) AifHUSlTlOS ASL Qaasaattks. raatiaal work In our Una dona rTBATLT, an C. A. SNOW & CO uaraotJ H)MiTLT,aiKlSatiafatioa 1 Oerniaa-Americ- nsmsa tackli. y-iAll pirjo JlO make examinations and adrlae as to patentability irw ail enaris,Prices oorraMpoodatioescriotlydonfldantial. ow, and NO 4 MAkUK aJfilleJ. We refer In Waablnrtoa, to Boo. Postmaster General D. M. Key, Ear. V. ft. PowNational Bank, er, The In the D. 8 Patent oilice, and to to oQIojus and Senators UepreaeDtauTes In Congress: and especially to oar clients in every itat in the Union and in Canada. Addresa DULIM r ;rYs3 PISTOLS, - yloe; we . 'i t?n i nij I:.. STOCZIO, . obtained for aew lnventlona, or for Improvements on old onea, for medical or and la be la. otber couiponuda, trade-mar-k, Cavrata, A.jniment, tnterfarencee, all case? for Inf Latwa, promptly arising- under tba I n attended to tba bave ventioas ' Patnt Ottlce A V IPPTPT1 b' tb LiU ma. still, in most cases, LtJ be paten ud by u Itoina oppuaita the V. Pateot Department,- and anirayed In Patent bual eas eioluslelT, we can make ckw r arotieS, and savura Patenta more promptly, ana with broader olalms, than those who are remote from Waahinf too. send us a model er fjTTPfj V IaK I 11 .ketch of your do-- IWMi AS3 LOCI Opposlt Patent Offlcie. I Washinrton, It 10-da- ry, j-- a 17ATS0H BI10S. wmim mi vl i Tonibtans3, Uonumsnts, WADDLE MANILES, iiJOiV AtAN TLES, ORA rES, AND t Sotk Tampla aat of Xd UaU. Sid llttl TItI3 r - Ilcrcliant Tailor ! Oapoalta fValkey Kro'a, 2 for Good, Durabla and Cheap nA2.ni233, BooaJ S , ' . OADDLSS, &C. to the IffOFfeis' : He Make this Best, and Cheapest Dres and, ISuriheti Suit in Salt Lake City Oive him a trial. FABLERS ATTEIiTIOn : Harness Shop! iS miat Warranted. . ' " UaB5E O. 1,r l. block . ES E RET 8EC0IH) SOUTH STREET One and a half Block East of oUi r lb Uain Street, BUILD ALL SIZES CF FARH a A variety of hou-- and bM.Dt pi 1' ".e?W7 Double PiuM aad a!out .liO 1! ZL Ato . Ienm kJEKi ot Dan I aa la It, rot latba Cny, Dae Vrt-i- l rvZy Warranted for One Year H: Vir, V"aiiJ "many tv: n'la r lal'W ltiQuai, Craaa-i;V.re.iu tur uuerajl.. aoj 1 jj AB 1 . bfwuUful a tod. otaer 1 ,r . 1 a r" ' '1 U ,"Ui-5'-t- r slit, lu rediU r.t" Vj'fit' i'jl. waa l.j.dipioma aa Cut K iiower. Tabs fio- - Repairing In Voodworkg Clacksmithlng,Ki Painting j Oil! i TrlmmJnrj , . ' - . i i i ! PKTJtCIPAI, It Bespeotfully announces that he has secur ed tne ageney lor in is ' errltory or w.n. vtarner-sioDressur Steam Warming , j IIV alANAGIH. Am DOORS 4J , 'I TO RENT.' 17'ocks East of and LOT-Deseret National Bank.' A rooms and cellar, with water from matti. Alto Unoul turniatied or Unfuruiaued .to tirrxwback Hlook, above Postoffioe, aixl In Wasatch Building to let on Tcasonabia terms. Apply to Orooebeck & JSon, Box 4U ifcalt Lake irOTJSB South of Hie Co -- up. Building, UAS City. !..: Ml at bis- Flonee. Perpetual Ume - Lake City. , :..; : : j DAVIS, ROWR The Choicest and Cheapest. Di rect from New York, Established Kay, 1875. etrcaKssoKs to i;" !M V;4 t;i rJATOAn !: "i ON- - f cm V Opposite City Meat Market. k DATI3 GENTLiaiEN: We have on band a Stock. replete with the novelties Water eke4, Tnyera," of the season, and would be pleased dap; Fos anal t!ar uanioa for you to call and inspect, when aoeidt, KSfeunaaee: we will quote figures never before ULolaClu kiaoblnory, y iv i C4ur.t'bel suad touched by any firm west of eta. Axle. r Chicago. Vise Brass Work of all description . DUCKLE & SON, : T. LATIMKB, i. G. H. TAYLOR, ! tlt,t O. KOMNKY, F. ARMSTRONG LUMBER YARD WO TAILORS WOOLEB MAIS STEKST. rtrsl 'inttf DXIPERS, Oppoelte Walker Ilotiae. p.o. ABTD "5VJlaKTH-T1Ip- as Ctab Bed and White Pine of all kinds, Eastern rinisklnt Lumber, California Red . Utile Utah, Bear Elf er, ant Bed Wood Snlngles. ' Bad Cedax White Rustic, Calling, Siding. VLath, Pickets, Flooring. 0EBII6S vi l 0 ' w . CTTT J 4, 1 j ,. : .. Ueatty and Other Kast cm Vrelcnder-- to ht tirtven i " !" from I lie Terri tory. Full Particulars in a short time, iO i blikds LOOK sash; doors, i B. MM Qli!! ' WOOd.: !rtt,L. j , riAio 8? Ll 1" a Box 683 PLAN ING HULL. REDUCTION IS 'PRICES. ; . ' Hi vU. ' FOR OUT . ; J ; i '' BAEGAIIIC been given by any dealer before, Buch as have 5 , IB ESIAT ?AEKTT Just Received, in Great Variety, a Magnificent Btock -- Frames of all kincis Made to der Very Cheap, : Or- of New Btylcs of . Piano Covers and Stools, Guitars, Banjos;' Accdrdoons Harmonicas, Violin and. Guitar Cases, iDnims, Piccolos, Fifes, Etc. uinnouGLiiso. TJslns larre otiantlttes ourselves, and Sealing directly with the Manufactories in Car Load tots, we intend keeping a ILarge tor ihn Stock on fcsraa, rf the vrious t'. Xxca tt Very Iiw fubiio to w.l t-- These Goods were purchased direct from the Manufacturers, and will be Bold Cheap. The Trade? supplied with Everything iia my line at Eastern Wholesale Prices. DAVID O. CALDER- - uimi mica o co., One Clock 2 Ci a tsst ef Dt?QL af.l a rl 3 o 1 - . . f rtnymm&S 3 ff' 2 ?jll"lpfH 2 lQuZ'5sMa3& a' n h i icIt- -- ? 5 o- ., 22 s a o o' ii o la H L 'H P ' P : ' ! O f: A fwJ?f, V Er G) a A tad J w 8 ii c - - : 0 r" M A V ii do 7'; -- TT 3- , CI VJi.- - p. - - I v m r f V 10 - ; 0Hd All kinds of j Milling and Mcoine Machinery, Wrought and Cast Ironwork , manufactured tojordt workshops WEST TE.71Z,E ST. & CO., mmiim CABL C. ASMTJ8SEN. FAG HI ,:- - : f rs 1 in ot Warm Springs, Salt " r r : ' - f 5 i Br N.B. BuiJdingand PiAsteris Llic of Boat Quaiijy awyi on band. , dtf r,A. pasook. t' IWATCHES&JKWELRY Persons wish in to warm no Churches. Public Buildings, Stores or Private reslden ces by either steam or hot air will find It to wear interests te correspond wltn me on i s the subject. .A full line or Plumbers, Gas and Btaam Fitters' Goods kept in stock. Kumsey's pumpa ana pump uxtras on nana, orrios quanutiea, Kilns. First North NEVA RRIVA L -- 3063m V disinfecting cesapoolfl. aud neutralizing all decaying orrahio fuhfitanXias for TW(J DOLLARS PEBiTONi l krge or small DEPOSITS on INTEREST. ! .vta iripply fins E A. PASCO B ' AIR FURNACES. - MB. AltD TAKES tv" 1 i DlSl.rftCTAUT ! CHEAP TO LOAN lu. ' "i ri.r-'-- ii. t ,. i L i X Anthony poDjjE, Apparatus, Manufactured under B. J. Gold's patents. Also Gold's i.; fornla. PLUMBER, TINNER, Steam and Gas Fitter. COKBKSrSDKSTS: ' norEY uosjisbb .',1 .j Mevsra. Martin ft Ca, - ; Lombard StreoU j The London Bank of TJth, : Limited, i6 ' 'v.- -f Austin Friars, ji ' la Naw Toaa. Messrs. Wortoq, Bliss a ,' ;.; i Company, ly i Iw CaiOAOo.-t- ha First Uatlonai Baak. I 0ABA.-Oma- ha NaUotiaJ Hanku. la Bin Fbahoiboo. Tba Hank of Cal i DAVID JAHES, ; (i ii Ik Loictw. AND i s ' 4r ! i PogeIs, just ? III , X 1 mw BO -- 4- ' j 25 so-call- ed Hap & coxp-aisrsr- . DUE, F- - D Carriage A SFECIAXIT XI03S, BIIEOTE & CO. f ; hs South Sufi doom wart ot 3tat Koad. Work Large Btbck oflNEW G00D8 just arrived, that is to be seen at my Efltabliabment. j Fay able on SAVINGS - HEARTH' SI ONES. : ZIOKT' i mm 4onta 1 60,000 Namber el Sbarss feabrrib4 fvr. Aiiotte seDee.Sel87S. ', y e300,aay H . ". y t Jr ttsas.eN fr A-.' V. r:rM Oil Iel REUIEW SDPREUE ' ii (la SO.000 8bares,oA8 eachO DiTKlort Demand. V ; I y A - Capita!, i : Deposit j . , ,i 2 of an! Act of of Section pursutnee IN the la ilve Assembly of the Territory of Cut a, eciUtlel "An Act to pri vide to flil vacancies " lor' Special Elections Approved Feb 221 18 8, and the respective or Bia proclamations Ezoellency.l Oeerre W. Emery. Governor of TJ ah dated July 12thi nd 14th, 1879. Territory, Notice is hereby Riven that a Special Election will be held la the several precincts of Malt Lake County, on Monday, August 4, 1879, the purpose of e ectlngan auditor of Public Accounts, to fill the vacancy cause by the of wliltam Claymn. resignation Also ene Representative from Salt Lara to the Legislative Assembly to All County the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. John Tay or. j 8ald election to commence at, the usual places of holding; elections in tbe several precincts of Bait Lake County one hour after sunrise, and continue until sunset of tbe day aforesaid. D. BUCKHOLT, t Clerk of the Countv Court of Salt TjAn Count v. can utae uny, j uiy u, 1S79. dl0 J. l. DECISION sub-treasu- D. C. PRICE, FOR WOOL , I SPECIAL ELECTION. y to-da- Q.CANNON, I & HILLS, Oaatuar. Receive L. er . t SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. J y.' . FEHAMOKZ LITTLE I ! N v- V Ice-Pre- su, 50 e. JOHN SHARP, GEO. ay ..) WM. R. RtVlPKR. PraaMont, H. 8. 2LDR EDO S, V Iriart, London, and r-l- I , 28 Austin 1200,000 - 150,000 liea, t--v i Paid up Capital, Surplus, - - i. - We beg to inform tbe public that DBALXB IM Bnya and eella nrhssr oat Hew we are prepared to transact a Oen f ( hlras?o. t Tara,Ha . aBil eral Uaii,emalia, ptlnel Banking. Business, fof which Poultry, Fish and Game, pavl eetasAateatsaJ eltlea. we have the'j necessary facilities. ' 4 YegttatAu Receives subscriptions to the per We solicit new accounts' and bus! ani OroeeHt, Fruit, Btoattai SCreeC, OppeelS cent, funded loan; of the TJ. S. Kim V hees generally; " sall Bleek, Halt Lake City. Makea Collections. Remitting Pro- ceeos proutpiiy. i EW Goods delivered punctually in til arts of tbe City, Free. Satlaf action ruar- Exchange ferawn r ;oa ill th& auteeu. i PrinciDal cities and towns of ; the OnitedStates and Europe, f , ft . i .- V7. i; . 10FIIK 8ANI ; ent Vice-Preside- nt ,h S.--- Tho I i diss : i BABFOOPa tr Fare to Lake Shore and return, i i Bait Lake City at S o'clock p.m., and return at 7.50 p. m. Leayin fj 1 ' Pumps and Fire Enginss, K02TH dally bathing - to-da- Scouring Soap, Superior Writing Fluid, Boot's Blacking, Etc.. LCU1S TRADE. Jdamtfacturtr - ' bath- : to-da- y. - TollQt Soaps, Bath-Sanc- l a. numcEY & co. La Lake City, SaJk 1064, Ess. 'Jamaica Clncer, 330 ST. and after JulySth, durinr the fS u tan uentral Kail road vr ins season, tne win ma a train to , j ; oqKMiOAx'wAKmr'Ba, P.O. j NWOHAL OESERET ! SALT IiAIin CZT7. ; d .FoSaa Lake OE BATHING TRAK . U. 8. DEPOSITORY. DrAH CEIiTRAL BAILEOAD i I nR Rctlatered Veteng of Salt Lake Couutir will take mr:ri that lh (lenn- Tal Election far the current year will ba held in the several Drecfncta of Salt Lake on Monday, tba 4th of Aucuot, County A. IX 1879, for thx- purpose day of electing- the t following office rThree Commlsfilonera to Locata TTnlrera- Ity t audi Aasem four Councilors ti the My for 81 1 Lake. Summit ani 'lootfie Counties ATvrrltotiU Sunerinif ndont of X)Utrict 4 s - Exi-ecuti- ve i I PRINTING, JUI3 SG B30X-B1O- iFLmiO.V, 1879. Ttio Sewe Boost and Jee Prlntlng u See ha superior facilities for th execution of all kin da of f B60K clerks have a right to rote in the bine and shot him through the States, now they have voted since heart. The wife has been lodged tney nave been la office, what tick in jail at Hitgerstown. She alleges et uiey voted , at the last election, that tne shooting was done to pro-- 1 BctUci Btmpbli Hew Tork 1 and what ticket -they intend to tect her owh life. s - Bliblly ABlletCd. vote at the next.- To the amazeLJ VTltb At War berry. Mmpms, 3. Ten additional ment of the committee the reports thim4 caes were reported to the board of rrom one or tne departments shew Njewakk N.J., health this afternoon, six of whom almost a democratic majority of hiiu 'uernians, in" mass meeusg, are colored. Two deaths from ye employees therein. protested against the 'enfotcement low fever occurred, one, however. or me aosomte Munaayuws, wnicn Betrepelitaa Qeaalp. Devona the city llmiUv are chiefiy directed jagaintt the The special policemen engaged .New Yobk, "2& the 1 Sun this Germans and are at war with the in taking a census of the city, com- morning has an article laudatory spirit of liberty and humanity. The re- of Governor which it pleted their task th!erat traten, Bow-dasult shows the population of Mem close thus: IfSeymour, Beymour would ac ll fjl., 28. Colonel Peoria, phis to be 16,110; whites 4.2S3, col cept the nomination for any public has arranged for a trot between ored 1I.S27; adults 10,551, children office at the present time, his elec 5,559; of the whole 8,743 have had tion, In our judgment, would be as- Karus and Hopeful, on i September fever, leaving li.sey BUBCeptibfe to sured in advance, almost beyond 23d. Other Ispeedy racrs,- - includj the uise&te. ; , ing Sleepy Tom, will be, present. peradventure. . Falling: to secure transportation The and Moody evangelists lalttfr Welch alealaaa. to the site eeie5ted for theestablifch- - San key, had a very successful meet 28. The State WASHiNcfrow, on tuent of h camp the Paduc&h Ids last evening at the Cooper In the letter of re Hailroad, this afternoon, at five stitute Moody will return to his pnumi of Minister Welch, who o'clock, Col John F. Cameron, with home in Northfleld, Massachusetts, signation to the United States. a detail or lb colored soldiers took this morning, No engagement! is en nis way E farts has received a dis parage on a trala furnished by Su- have yet been made for the coming Secretary patch rrom; the Minister stating perintendent Mike liu ike, of the Moody and Ban key campaign. bis has been sent were completed malLresignation' MissiHSlppi and Tennessee Kali road, The London Daily New at aitd established a camp five milts onArrangements the for Saturday wrestling night announces to consesouth of the city, half a mile below match between .John i MoMabon yeeterdayof domestic bereavementa, where Camp Joe Williams was es and James Owens,, of Vermont. quence Minister of the United tablished lust jear. Tents were tak- - McMahon, who returned last spring Mr. Welch, has resigned, and will sail by morning the dttail from an extended tour though Cal States, enalong, and . will have 60 tents ready for occupa- ifornia, Nevada and the Western for home about August 0th. ' ' S A Dnel Prevented. j tion, (States, in which he defeated every The Stcretary of War has tele athlete whom he encountered, is RichmoniI. Va.". 2sS ' Jud graphed to D. T. Porter, Chief acknowledged the champion of the xvoueri, uuiu, a prominent lawyer of the: city, that rations country. of this city, and well known as a will be furnished only to those sick There were two: murders In town confederate commissioner for the with yellow fever, or in camps. . yesterday and two men killed on exchange of prisoners during the A D Liongst'afl, President, and the railway track. Fatal affrays war, and A. p peers Ueorge, also ot Oen. VV. J. Wmith, and bar room stabbings were up to this city, were arrested this even of the Howard Association, have tne usual standard. with being! about te ing, charged! been addtd to the executive comThe ' World savs: A dispatch engage in a duel. The trouble be of mittee brings the not unexpected news tween the parties grew i out of a safety. The wire audi two daughters of that Welch.; who has represented I i . i Thomas 8 Eastor, formerly of New the United States so unobtrusively lawsuit. York, were stricken by fever; this and so intelligently at the Court of erwr t afternoon. St. James, had been led by domes a 1JS A MU AX ?9 , New Orleans, 28. There was one tic amictiona to resign. The ad here-anfatal case of yellow fever ministration will be fortunate if tit Hews fron tbe Coaat. J the board of bealtn report another can replace Welch with a success jr HAN KRANflrsno 'XJA RoattlA or tne as estimable aa himself, it la not case in me neignoornooa ' fatal case. likely that the democratic majority dispatch says: A fire last night New York. S.t John Hennessey. In the Senate would be disposed to originating in the American Hotel, the entire block, and cross. admitted to the! hospital from the tolerate the appointment of a mere burned Mill Street, swept it? on! both ing some to this upper quarantine days ago partisan conspicuous posi- Biaes. xne roes is about S $100,000; died laa.t night. tion, were it even i probable, as we of which'falls upon the Seattle Michael Fitzzibbons, a Memphis are glad to believe it is not, that half mill and wharf. The balance at quarantine, such an appointment could be ex- saw refugee, died te-ddivided bp mostly in smalt ; torted from the Secretary of State. is of yellow fever.! destroyed Liouisvllle, 3. Mrs. Pomeroy, The spirit and tact displayed by amounts. The buildings frame, and mostly smalf who, with her child, was removed Welch in his management of were all I from Preston Street to the hospital the which re- stores, saloon , etc. negotiations from Colton says: last week, died last night. The sulted in the release of the A dispatch E. Bouton, of Los AngelesJ child wad eufiering from the fever, Fenian convicts last year sufficient- Qen. while from Colton! to San going but 13 doing well. They arrived ly proved that a cool and capable yesterday, was stopped by from Memphis only the day before man of business may he at least as Gorgonio men, taken off the Toad and to the hoapital. safely trusted with the most' in- - three to they were removed his Wagou's wheels. He Mrs. The death of Pomeroy is the namable questions In international tied managed to get one hahd loosej third that has Occurred here this diplomacy as an. ambitious poli- drew his pistil, killed one of the; year from, yellow fever, and the tician, and in the present condition men and wodjoded the other two;" of is fever our relations with England, it first at the yellow hospital. of Bou ton's All of the cases were imported from the man of business, who under Robbery was it he aim ' ; v j captor. case a not local commercial stands the Memphis, single caplbilities ' A Boise ICity dispatch ' says? and Interests of this country, who Lieut. FarroNf , with a , having occurred.rs company ofs i ne secretary is most needed toi represent us Umatilla Washington, is scoots, confronting the; of War has telegraphed to the Pre there. renegade Indians about: sident of the Memphis Board of l he Herald publishes an editorial S100beep-eatorS Crooked Itijrer. -- He strong, which it calls an open let Health, in response to the applicawill sattack as soon as be tion for rations, that rations will ter to John Kelly, the acknowl- says he gains a favorable position: A volonly be futnlshed to "persona sick edged chief of Tammany Hall, or in quarantine wherein it says: "Show tne aem unteer company is organizing at wltt yellow-fever- , in camp, atd who cannot beeub-sibte- d ocratio party that you are laboring Council Valley to assist Farrow. for its success, while Tilden Is work iu any other way. for his own; . that la the ing I LOST. HIE . t'OMUBEMlOSAL tOSHlr- - way only to success, the way to secure - . i a democratic success in this city. A White eowi Pig The finder will be ice. Mr. Kelly, is to put Tilden out in rV rewarded ;by leaving word at this Tub 1 us Testimony la Chicago. tne Cuio ana you can ao mat n yeu office, or at i Ini Ward Store. I congressional try. Chicago, Hon. Hend-ric- k The Tribune rats. Welch's res committee, of which VALUABLE INFORMATION B. Wright la chairman, began ignation terminates a diplomatic Into the causes of career which has been brief but very lo those interested I wish to inform its Inquiry theWool Growers that I am prepared to depre&biun in trade and industry. creditable to the! country and make arrangements for buying and will I Li? man J. uage. casnier 01 tne Wech, the highest market price InC'ASlI pay l'he 2Vtoun Bays: Among the First National, Bank, was the first witness. He regarded the present curious incidents connected with as the murder of Bolander, the Ger Wool Sat ks. Twine and a No-- 1 article supply of money in the countrywe I alt man candy maker, is the statement of ftbeep Shears furnished. ten ago yeara ample, aitnougn deal in Bide Pelt, Tallow, Purs, bad much mere money in circula- of his employer that the Prieet re , to wbtch I pay liberal j price. for of fused to perform tne burial service Corner of South and East rem pie tion, yet the banking business than without a nandsome fee, Because Streets, Salt Iiue City . B. CLawbobt. Chicago is sounder ever before. He thought the return Bolander, though Catholic, was to of prosperity began about 18 bs buried in protectant ground. months ago, and the outlook now reatetf aa Aeeeasery is very favorable Answering quesfrom Sanj Antonio.Texas A special said he tions by Chairman Wright, of says: James Ord, son of Qen. JK. O. that d mbtless the withdrawal i Ord, depu commander, was arcurrency had operated to depress (J. or TBI. business during the past iu years, rested at Pieasanton, yesterday, as Theodore of to the to a be as bo killing aoctsjory but had not operated wees by Chas. Lempke. Dewees very eseatial factor. The depres- De sion was a reaction toward the nor was whipping the latter, when it mal standard, which had been un is said Ord lent him a knife with .OF THB.... naturally disturbed by the war and which Lempke atabbed Dewees, its renulte. Being asked what he Ord was released on bond. would suggest in the way of legis Ihe rrealdeatial Baee, COURT lation, he said be would repeal the The 2W6nc's staff correspondent legal tetder quality of the United r.r from Harrisburg, says: If 8tates n ites, pay them to bearer on writing .OF THB.. is any decided drift of sentidemand, make eold and silver dol there rement the among Pennsylvania for lars Interchangeable at the United UN1TCD nCTATEErV, publicans,a the rank and file are suppress the Grant States by large majority. PolitiI issue and retire outstanding notes cal leaders dethink his strength 1 IK THB CASS OF under the value of five dollars as will continue to subside and clining a be would as It possible..a nub kly . t the South should again dei Dana unless national mistake to repeal we feat will of the people. Next to GEORGlf the ' RBYiiOLDS law. is the strongest man Blaine Grant, of President Georee Schneider, not is Sherman ' i j the National Bank of Illinois, testi in Pennsylvania. Conkiing has no fied that he didn't believe in In- - far behind Blaine Wheeler would be availef the cur following. crea-in;the volume able if Conkllng's friends would were banks its and The rency. city Edmunds would be an THE UNITED STATES. in a healthy state today. Tne support. excellent promise nominee incase panic and the season of bankruptcy of a strife between the prolonged had strengthened, rather than candidates. Ben Harrison, weakened uhlaago, and business strong horse. Indiana, may be the dark which began to revive a year and a of BY GEORGE Q. CA11J0H. record has Waahburne B. Elihu He fine condition. half azo is in t that will and qualities personal thought that the less Congress make him formidable If the Illinois bothered with nuances the better wVVWVVWVVV delegation adopts him aa a: candifor the country, 4" (Jeorge M. tiloan, a farmer In date. Printed and for Bale at the A Texas Traa-edy- . onsia, testified that farms were to their full value Gaxveston, 23. The New San mortgaged State. The price throughout the special give the following of farm labor was lowering, at pre- Antonio of a tragedy at Asoova particulars cents Co. On Saturday sent being from seventy-fiv- e Charles Temple per day to ten dollars per month and Jas. Ord, son of General Ord, PniCEsf Cciltc. The penal law of Wisconsin against riding commander, department begging had de&troyeditbe surplus from the town of Pieasanton were of laber. Farmers seemed blind to hailed by Ttoa.F. Dewee- -, between of the whom and Temple a feuu existed. the fact that three-fourttramps are honest labor- Tern pie asked what was wanted. ers, out of work. Ha thought an Dewees knocked him from his increase tf currency would benefit horse with his fist. Temple retaliWisconsin. He thought the Go followed by DaWees who convernment committed a great wrong ated, tinued fighting him Finally Temin contracting the currency. Con- ple drew knife, plunged it into traction meant national suicide. Dewees aheart causing Instant It forced men to do with one dol death. Temple and Ord were arlar what they had agreed to do rested, the latter : charged with ow with two. in the crime but since Charles Randolph, Secretary I complicity :t; tne lioara or Trade, stated that the was ielaed."' BieexUkeaaa'a TVeik, E. R. SltOT7'S general business of the city. La been steadily increasing since the 3. OSlcere have just Atlanta, fall of lS74.and real estate had been returned from a bloodhound hunt decreasing In value. . The North after one of the murderers of DeIpubmsited west was In better shape than any forest and wife. On Friday night i i I or oiuer pari tne country. He be they captured him, and he confesArt for sols' at th ; lieved that abundant capital wai sed that the murder was done by S f '' now seeking permanent investman a and another himself, white ment. He the condition negro. Asa Morpin, the ctptared DESEREf IIEI7S OFFICE or Chicago'sexplained finances, and stated man, says he be.l the larap whila that he believed no city tin the the white men killed the old peocountry was in better pnnilillnn. ple. Two oLlcers are after the V7cEisna tlzponent OCiee S Joseph Eastman, contractor and other two. Morgan is in Jail. He real estate dealer, testlmonv was badly bitten- by the hounds. TJlatSi Commission pits fStore, M to tbe decrease in rents, prices of He says a large amount of .money j tuu material, etc. He thought was obtained murder. the by the city would prosper for four DTfjer'a Ccoli Etorc, . Eiiseii toy rxti wire. years, ana then they thould have anoiaer panic. Thomas IT. Baxtimose, 3. tmH tjho JAzn Hens Banner, occupying tho Iode at IberelJUcs or OClee Holders. Antletsm Bminary,'"wa3yeBterdy The JoiijrnrrpM VValhfnAvi vAs AAi fctf A. CjtrCJmm I instantly killed by Li i wi.'a. U v'tvi cicnf mzAse republican comm't- - cLsrsi !iaioai fctr with Intlniacy with cviob? ' " numthi, ifcteemomba, tee here are having a thorough can superintendent of vaas of all the'; departments made Haverfie!d,tthe tne seminary, and made an assault with a view to finding out what upon her, when she seized a car 28.--Fo- ur NEWS: siv txlmjrapii van. TismsEccwair, xijesdaI?" i 1 " T POSSIBLE TO ALL. . DESERET tljtzAjx- - BY TELEGRAPH. J PttWiahad eperj tveninj except SundauOne copy, on year, with postare I10.M 6.25 six months V " ' ' . "65 " three months. S cFsrs, fMJLSE EmIlxke: - i |