OCR Text |
Show ' '.':1-- . f ;. v - r Ivi ' ,' !'.:' r '1 I SlV. '." T T -i L- ' N ... .. onrav 3LATC3 ! ' , -- ' I ..!.. r- -; EiiiirrpiiY;r.Tii-- U!E?AXi;f ' t, -- -- . ' h, i I p ' n oxILVe! VEN1M'C, E 4 H$ " h -- t - . .f . : ,,v"i'. . , - w , , ... , .inn-- A ri .. i ! : r- - ,'i . - .. r It triir rxiiOTo. ' Mff : I ,7j -- .-- - " - N:i- - t : ' i VOX. 2JX. - N . ,uv:185.i TVO ... V an 1 the fceboes.-ocannon and 'I he said, would undoubtedly con t of are heard giarl powder tr,8, rjEjposiTQRY, tinue in office, whether-thei- r fees In ' every- - direction. - The etont Pt4tUViftlerra ercnDy 3 t It's Tiir ii 11' 'rt ,,!, in criminal cages' mem' provided which is, being celebrated Is be p Sunday. " ' i i ; con, STAI3)AEDG00D3 naoKArul tririoeT or b for DESEBET President The tun-ne- l, wmiu sot: final of Butro the HA tuSAL- - cAnl LOilDOilBiUKOFimili 1 completion un copy, on I $1XM say lag; I suppose I must ywi with postare for the1 tinued, water ibe of reception " . i tlx moothi j treat congress like any otner ooay from the Comstock mines, after tan Rti'.'-iSAVE TO LEARIT HOW TO DO SAZsT XikSS GTXTT. " " thre months. !, (LMXXafo. it B. iwMEWS people, and ir they years of I ceaseless labor day" and CO., Tt 2 OS are determined sot , to 'grant this YOUR night, an4 lha expenditure of $6 c ratio At, tLirtrrKS, Austin frtartyLondoti, r JVAsnixaTONa.'rhe d' of pease to try to compel them 000,000. money, S.". r- : . Paid np lapiui, ttary 200,000 P.O. I00i, Sail HAIR Lk City, ,Tt It E. aa auegea Dargam for the votei of to.'? j Speaking of the veto message The powerfal engines of the com TOAT POHiOWS. . - 150,000 SALT LAKE Sarphia, . 4 CITY, UTAH. ay 14 or 15 aootberff representatives to Le raid it! would t Eft. Jamaica Clncor, Nor-croin lot k bination Hale the shaft . AVKYOUnnAlIl.Thslwso' Health procure the passage of ho marshals in time to ; an Toilet oppor-tuni- tv were start congress and mines Bavaia ' give Soaps, nd Longevity demmnd it. tlve etutonu of aocial NEWS: ' j:. i the Bath-Sa- n at to hour le morotog. tt vpyeteiaeiy 6 bill ed' nt th iiJera "wlthf adjourn ,166,0001 up ; appropriation Tablets. Capital, if remr it. The raattar U of' frost impor-- baa.bea u, " J deeljrnated by tbeilooaeresoHaMon, o'clock, discharging their watr hi H.8. entlrQl.JcplbUel Scouring Soap, SEMI-WEEKLw St. EDKBnQK, V (la 80,000 Sharef of f8 each,) f' J a?,PHMCH taijewr way.: 4 j make will o'clock.' The A Butro careful also to moulLb message: lnauirv Qrov&a the Tutinef,at ther SujxsrlorWrltlnsriuld. yKttAMUUZ LITTLB ' ? BEAtTlPT Tor nAIB.-- It I ths Ibaf "there fa' nopfopect of any about two pamphlet pages and will or.vhlchitmaaein Somber JOHNABAKPJ I'uli In Diacklns, Etc. ' Of Shares SobaeHbed for appeara&c0 etiry iWslay aiI Saturday, ' " Allotted o Dee, 29. 187S. 41 urpasninj crown of glory, and fof the low of break Jn rJe(Jri3ocratl(! '.tanka unon call attention to the reasons given one hour and t t wen tyl- - minutOa. am. o. cannon; f For Collj, Cotirh, AithmJ itlhere is no compensation. this qaeetroD for any cause lor in for the Jast veto. - This will be! in- showinir a temperature) at first of te & HIMJs, Gaanler. . una ccpj, ons year, una keSOO, aajr ' . ' - , ' j" f3w.OO: Throat and Ut-- r CoMumptlon, ro8U,.it. ; troduced by a dessertatkm oh th 101 degieesy wliieh gradually in- Jttcei'ves" Deposits 2.15 " " tlxmonthai ny contlngeney TtWCIt If A IB For by Complalnta, Affectlona of til Kidneys etc.. um uu o!)ior mcD, n it be Saved end beautided. arlw' Democrats li both! Itrabcbea importance of marshals and their creased to 1181 degrees in wlcht 1.10 three months," Demand. We beg to Inform the puWIo lha BAKTOOTB of. Con eresa appear to I be uasnl depatlee, especial lv in the enforce t The revenue BOfF laws. sad' ot sells oa meat mous internal the in the drowofd avor in k waley long: w.e are prepared to transact a Gei eiehang pot only fof adjurn-IdBalsam of Indian Root, A good mam v House renubliesns out ; mines was: lowered, 100 fer. 'Jwk.sssirnwaiea, ihleav. nt. as soon as the veto is reuelved J Pnpani mly by .' ; i ' LOois, Omaha, Leads, aad prlatl. eral Banking Builness,' for .whlco .tc-aa- y : have been but of to Immediate worked', busy laboring ebarm; For Everything adjourning again IIESBRETNEWS WEEKLY Rak at Z. G. If. I. and j. 11 we have the necessary racilitie4':ui i; with the President to induce him The woodsn boxes j were constfuct- - fMWWaisIBlalan ClllfS ' CthCommiftston Houm. biici iiuo (juatium ijvcii the" Receives to 4 nj snbsorlptlona n J pfer , tnree-incWe not and or i solicit sew accounts and buBii his to mind ,r, d as such and change tongncd depaocrata cmirTatie I Pullixhed ?eti.' funded loan f the TT. R 'l'hexw hava ,pirtea eroved Lerx vada pio.i It did exxry hess Alex. II. Stephens now unite with venst CJonereaa. jj -l generally.; him the objections to such not show J a iek, and not even, a f3P Vakee C THectionsi 'RemltUng Pro-lha roat of tbeir pavrtv la opn ex- out course On corr, one year, with FcaUit'e oeous "and him er fact the urged upon rromptly. pressions of this determination, particle ktaani' escaped theoi, so will not be pleas tne tannei, alter the that the country not water was i"- 4t'phetia4aid to day with reference ed 85 Exchange Drawn on all r thl three moaiKe, with it. This may have made turaed, showedl barely an.increate 'j u, txie tnaranAl spproprlatloa Jbill, NEW LAW ON "I am for jeendiog it to be presi- some difference in Hayes1 plana, al 01 temperatore.'i eisi-u IMsflorercd tlurty-flv- s rrincipal cities and towns; of j years ago by Prof. Lyon, dent aa often as he calls us together tnougn it nag ail along been doubt The water frost' th Bieira Neva-a- n VaJf--, is the most of in the wilnout perfect preparation thai Unlork, 4,ho lOpbir'anid .be an oriCTossing a ed whether he meant what ne is TliltMS-t- Wl the UnitedStates and Europe. iAlVAPiCE world for preserving and bcautifyingj the hsir. .1 am willing ito sis nere and alleged to have said. At any rate liionaoza rainediLBest ana l uOttiDg fcBlcberand t' , con- uayes now announces tnat he is in Gould fc Cul-rydo that until, the forty-alxt- h will net be turned " Tbclwg the .beat hair dretf Btiltlr, t I I: PEIJCIF1L C0EEESF05DETS: I ng ,vr produced, Iyon'S KatJhvatron gress expires.'" He addend that he doubt about cailine another session in fef ;a icohpla of. weeks, after all Ob'FlO V.CjrrviTi of South awl ita.-waand not un make his mind will snow a ud On not da in aia democrat will linto Is sad the tunnel.' graynesa, prevent positively aingie It Meiers.' Martin A' Co., ' la LOwbow. A LL Mrtlaa wlthlnc to enter land, tin Tvmple Streets. he can ascertain id the courte of oxpecwai uiat) one- - of the idoubls ' Aomoara Btreeu ' " ; in nair AomMtnul law nr in will restore nw hair to bald heads, the Ilonso who could noj be relied tilay or j '1 K. ijl acor not whether can to he not destroyed oa any ouimeaa oonnect-- d with too Land if the ruols and fullioles lbae of boxes will nave r sm pie capr The London Bank: of Uuth,, Limited US upon fightout this controversy iorx-arrOffleo, ar requted to call on CH A.S. W. I . .. $. . ! ' to it. otl Abe Austin compli8h end. Friars. the water by "i anything actually performs thnc seeming miracles. HTAVNKK. at hU cffle between the Salt 1D limes .... VVaan in eton t corre acity rJenator Ben Hill,.who has been Measra. Uerton, la Nsw Toaa. (AM an engmoenng wea-the Jsne-ces- a BooK ad J VIPrlaUB l it ; ntreua ana squires barber aboptaa he of which the following is Lse does' not believe Congress one conn most all conservative spondent the and iifor!or-fcillt- l V' ;i 'it8unaftsFi rl actetxM to toe securtny of ; for the expectations, U I A FAIR SPECIMEN i ;"t'j nts be- wbiietho poplaare-c- r jolcing, this ' cxeoaUoa ot All kinds of sellors in all the demooratlo' cau- win adjourn' la- CHiCAOO.--T- he Homeateads, TWrtt snd and all other 'basing National Kaar. f 'i rim lana eiaimt in uun.i I had been entirely bald for several years, cus calculations heretofore held lief ia the i act - that one objection must be:c6rifitderd thai proudest it, uaTAHA.Muniaaa Kauonal Bank.. MA. BTAYNKBVd Qffloa will be nolntiM ajt to vH:torby calllnr at the General constitutional, I suppoaf I used a few bottles this eeeslon, asserts positively that will cause the resolution'' for1shiad- - day in the ilia ot Adolph.utro. . Bank' of Cal COOK & JOB PRINTING, out ; lx 8aj, FAXCiBOO.-rTh- e I S! to Heover V j ' Tit blur gioro.or the DnxRrr Nrvrs Office; of Kathairon, ami, to my great surprise, I bars no southern t; s- will democratic journnient j 1 ana pan es win nna n to tneir advantate a thick growth of ybung hair. isoncerJ". ' make any further Concession. a The Vl'ribune. says: it ' I ' to see him and ret Information before t ANTHONY QODBE, COL. JOHN L. DORBANCIi V. 8, A. Chairman Atkins say si "1 shall tain what Congress Will decide to me to toiUM eisewnere.uuiauoMoi MolpiPER-RULIHGi; l and the situation is. made em- - 10TH'17iMlBi8iBlHD again, in lac doarrassine Ia every important respect the Kathaiion not report the-bilv.. ? MANAQKlt. conere- the fact that shall not call a meeting bf the cam d 17 is absolutely incomparable It. is noequaled. by .1 n mittee on appropriation! until next afe rapidly leaving- the capital i. ig ..ure nainnrmn. v"u d I 1Imiual ' Gran " j, : amiKOK Q- - CANNON, uecemDer,! unless congress goes fortheir homes. ' It is doubtful 1. To Sestors Gray Hair. CHEAP X DISINFECTANT I .f I'M k 1 ? " v tcVt a f be 'Will whether a rtw booRS into t present quorum litlOirAM TOtTNO. ,4 ) general legislation, and in that S. To Bemove Dandmtt. ?. ; ' ' Strict event we will not report any ether in Washington 4. To Dress and Beautify the Hair. are discussing the bill to relation in marshals. is parliamentarians It HEAR 17f MI3TU. The Kathairon is therefore evident that the domineht point as to whether Congress can TITK. rF. Ar PASCO B 'wlU Supply floe no sticky paste of sulphur and With-even rffa screeried tjulck Lime, suitable ; for sine the South of has reached the. Building, Cdtop. adjourn legally party n"sticking obtained for new lmrentlonfl, or for HEW YOHKvTRADE. to paiut and daub the hair and paralyze the point." um uoih- at us cese pools, and 'neutralizing all wuk will be There dllinlectlng jl on probably oa or prtnwnt. oia ijuuiuiu roeaicai proTeaienta brain. It is opuie and limpid vegetable lotion, less than a quorum In Ihe House muieea &S and iateia. 01 the Mouse nave resolved . organlo ' tnbstanoes MBpoBDcia, our for TWO decaying . r. intended to restore taa hair by natural growth ui r, ii Cartata, AirnmeQtst Interferenoes, to hold no more meetings this sesDOLLARS PES TON, la Urge or small :. j anu xtepreaeutatives case lor InfHt'fens'trtsairs'J ail ; it:: ri It is splendidly perfumed, tne rednvigoration. BAB ..:l t quantities, at his Pioneer Perpetual IJmS f committee of appropria sion. , f rsmptly and iul IliiNHOlUT, HILL & CO, arising o4r tie and the most delightful toilet dressing known. tionstjenate KDna, Flrtt North of Warm Bprlngs, paltj; douDtless recommend will t tbe Patent O:hoe No lady's or gentleman's toilet outfit is concurrence in the Houe adjourn r ,S Ll '1. til most castas. dial i FAli- RlVB, SO. A (.Light plete without Lyon's "Kathairon. t ment resolution without amend turbance dacnusi $1.50 VsTT Jsfcp.Bulldlng and Plastering Llnie & ! occurred at the Merchant's TICKETS, iinci-iinV . ' BOLD XVKRYWHEB&V aa to ment the time in any 'change ( nird Best Qualily always on band. , : of; . . . this The afternoon. we ou uake corpora i'tteot bi;nr TO LOAN o 'clock to- - Mill, 12. Cblidre hotter fouij proposed '(namely : lame-mor1 a.; ,umamtm t (it'4itiwi(A' 54 tion has several atf ;r.; 13 UstasMt spin. 1 1 ia. 3loj 1S FA.PAS00.s uivirww suemuoui wuuiu miuue ners an4 :ia broader eialms, thaa prctnrt!r, over, the; bflice, quartered ' r concurrence tlx - w i of a quorum of the the f j Wauinaton. r(Q Corner Crosby A mill crowd .in the yard.' House... Action by tne senate upon building of young, men from 16 to 20 years KaysTillctoOAn&ll!ifB758. this resolution can however be pre old AND TAKES rice; we make examinations and advise as gathered In the street neae .the to patentability fre f ctiaxa. Ail vented by a single objection after stones the bnlldln?. throueb threw Prices " oorreepoodenoestrlotlyeoDfklential. it is reported back from the com TO RENT.' ow, and MO ( HAKUK UJaUJMS JPAT if If ML THE wludow.aud created conslder-- PARTlEl'WlSflk mittee and in this open eVJC(7KaVl. KNTJ) tlis-- i of Blocks East LOT4K and able disturbance. The' police Post-DEPOSITS on INTEREST; We refer In Washington, to Bon. AITOU8B National Dank. 4 rooms and vent no final adjournment ican be THOMiS II. AR5ALL & CO. master General IX M. Key, JUv. F. i. Pow- cellar, with water parsed the crowd. Two spinners Rooms effected before Tuesaa Also from main. The National .Batik, to solicit aid from er, left town rnlaoed or Unfurnished miuroeebecs i!!! 1 to omoala in the V. 8. Patent oilice, and to Hlook. , A ppro vedl sad Tesa ed . In Wasatch and above York PostolBoe, Kew New MasrorAOrvaaaa or en gaged and Kay urovs on the TJ. N. K. K Jersey, and tOr Senators and MepreeentatlTes In OonirroiM: Building to let on reasonable terms. Apply N05.lBAM8.NODD"8X. Trains The President has approved the six or eight other spinners have run theday. esiwclttlly to our clients In every etate to G roe beck ft Son, Box 413 Salt J ake i. ana irom toe ioye daring the car. i MEN'S AND DOYS' h and uq the Union and In Canada. AdUrosa bill ma&lng appropriation for cer been sent through JNewnglana; fars to a 4 Wo ity. rjdVy ARRIVA L v tain judicial expenses! and" has reC. A. SNOW & CO., I CBAHn 3AX.A ,XAT, ub ocKtsaoKa to , titav bill mate to Ueuaa turned the jt Bois7ssea, 34 assMaataa,riwHirs, to pay. the fees VV. L, PRICE, e 'site. OppasttaJatentOflloeraahinrton; fv'o. appropriations, ing 330 Broadway, of. UnitedBlates marshals and IfATCHES&JEWELEY KATHaN BAYI8 k sonu leaves Bait juaice yiiy at a a. in., DBAI.BR is The Qosd ShlpHJeannette'lasd (Hf r i.fain t a vetd . their with leatek a P'm. 0gdeo returning general deputies, f r XW , YORX. - The Choicest? and1 Cheapest. Dl- .JOHN E. COWLES, vniF. fuiuj stating hia Objections .to Poultry, ' Fish, and:: GameJ measaga T V.W UVmJVIT ' so. i ' the passage ol the blur a meeting VIA, San Francisco, 3D8 5m . IT i.. ty'iittj Sf3" All kinds of Milling and MiLnlne AS MIT OB KX. iiOS,!,r'dr CABb of. ' 1) C was of Chamber Commerce the ttofis FruiUJVegetahU and Oreeeriesr-Capital y held" Machinery, Wrought and Cast . of for the thoTabaroaclo ca a .TRADE. giv.Sunday Jajt Jet Irs Sootb Barees, Opposite) Kim ;ST.' LOUIS AT The President hisnclmfaated Col. ing the merchants ofpurpose ' Ironworks xiaanuracturea.; ; Neekiace, San Francisco lady.,; The 'oefongtngo sVIsltiDt hall Bloek, salt Lake dty, Horatio G. iVrJgh4.rch4ef engineers an persoa thf picked It tap wiU tovorderr Establlsbed 1876.: troiMiso to pay, ad their express opportunity f r the owner. please leave it at VW Goods delivered punctuariy lrr all - with the.rank.ol-- . brigldler general miration Tor . tne , 4ai.i.JUAXiJUUFV. and Oil f eymp&tny parts of tle City, Free, SatlafaoUon guar- vice Uen. li. am pnxey ' re uie a. i L.F,f.RUn0EY&.CO. Pole Expedition. The atanteed. ' Ttaeer Jaekes, Toyerm," ' H QW re fused! to .pass the North .House The tendance was large. President Persia rota sns cans PLDuIBER,lTINNER, rnairshara - approprlaUSn.' bill: over kins called the to order M.wlttUlloa atealdav meeting i r i i rarnaes rievtee the veto, the Tote, standing yeas 83, and announced the object of the , ;'! Steam and Gas Fitter. iiuiKUBt . tne ; t 63. i V:vVrH neceasaxy npt naya ' He taldih eubstance Phonoflrapic j. Reporter! Jar Wtoeeaa ausd Pumps ajad ;FirQ4wGiigiiics in theafHrmatite.-c- : i ,.i assembly. :..AValea,e4av, eta. the that by public displayed spirit he ttasaecur: " that The epeakec requested .tnembexa Mr: Bennett in organizing the ex Seaeotfullyaniiotraoee - ted Pipe and Sheet Lead, Iron Pipe a loag ezporienoe ln the r Ales Brass Work of all deecrlptioni d tbe airenay sor rovht irrttory or HAVlN9had Baal, not to leave me city BeltuiCf Hose, PaokHnr . V ea in Ear Land .offers W. H. Warner's low pressure should be , ; recognized by pedition n- liunleoaeata. wno was to and services ' made tbsm in' the any may require Objection the chamber ' by ;t suitable resohir Terms easy. Address Bait Lake ( i f.O. d3t ate to 'the 'consideration;' ofi;the tions. some closed 'with, He mo rirssl, .plea GENTLEMEKi We have on hand Msar Ffral iiain louis. st. resolution for rado,urnoaent sant remarks koch House B. OITf hi N0aTB.,Ta?La 8T, d8f t concerning, Lieut.Sleam Warming Apparatus a Stock replete with the novelties at 4 fc. mi toaay ana tne' : resoiu Delonft, oommandar of the. Je,cmof be would And the seasoo, y. pleased tton goes pyeruntll IS.: j a ette, It ho was present. lo oall anfd Inspect, when T. LaTIhXBf ATf ENTIOril fproa OvB0MXET. V 1 he BeapeetaMO: Forger. General John Miller then jead Uanufac cured under 8. J. Gold's before O. H. TAYLOR, never we will ClBKEa),;' quote, figures' AKMSTRONQk F. a tents. Aflm UoWi -'!bostonI f30i Captain.Vanias ' IF.. the resolutions, heartily approving ! touched. by .any firm .west of I Aretic the expressing Edmunds, the forgerjwas brought the desire ofexpediiloo, CbicagoT W tne Chamber to foster Our New ? shot KeUlvei. ti-Y from xsewtswn ana hero .T1I33 j r.m worta til far ti.BUCkLl.J locked up in "prison. He Is still ecientificdivelopment, recognizing Dbrle 5 shot Revolver. t)aiu. r. so- - ; ! eiok and Was accompanied from with admiration the fact, that the worts t.ujion. j.inzD-QVS3 DRtPtRS, iif - TJULOBS MIDritt DOIEN is supported by the pri Dixie 7 shot Revolver, richly- loo, home by a, physician j The forged enterprise X 1.0O momneenca 01 Jams.uerdon DcW B shot Eevojver. eWe,4,wrtn6.0aror :;! atkes Bra's, BaaS Oapowlta tsiea xaeaaev; '.Of POX BW is all In ihe form of' notes. for vate Sst ki aud paper or Bennett and has rl3iclnK i p afngv,, h 0.00 for 2.60 that it matur and all months four three UP warn wlalitn tr, Betti Mfctkes Pnnm Cheapest the official endorsfpient of Dixie I shot Revolver, 3 v rvhand- - ' rtvte resioen-- JliDres andtheBusinessand in the next four months. It is received Pubiio '."duut' t r or HimaiF aiirnrid. worUi 7.00 for 8 6S so tnat. aa a na Dixie a snot Suits' in Salt ing the uer Ivmuot o airwir, uam i, ws, Uovernmeut, e t.y Of m bsme The banks. the held ttevoiver, by wins h reels to ' as,puim, JLeOce City. Give him a trial. ' . woritt .J iorS.03 Hands land. Fernaia: tional work it will extend, the geo- Dixie S ebot Revolver. firm' ls; the' JAKE J HEUSSER I & Bfid; loalr Ofrps. ; 1 tae sl( jc- . HEDICHOA' IA' P1IICES. 28, enrrsved. " i . In the graphical and tepagiaphloal know A fu J l"e CI I .JaDsrf, uu wn 3 BJmuuds' euccfasora Capt. -t "wor.nH.uuisr4.iu A. to kelLaOrJia H. to our of 01 G00D3 stock. Kamsey's northern boundary. Dixie 5 shot RtvOlver, It extra Vi SucuMort J. NEW Ruars' i JLarge Btock ledge bumnees, ana Amos ; uroii, ot i LiUssoa tana. ot commerce, navi H: In the Interest wortn 10 uo ifor b oo ! long, engraved,fitted ton Highlands, his bibtf nam ti reel, 1st Dor R(lk Wella, Puiapsla4 iuxap jast arrived, that is to be seen V: 0 agtioulture Jit are All wltta lmnroved of she TM abo T a national and rm.u. kinds gation banks notes held the .by Besides the loaioa wbtoh Under at the Establlsriment eleeta t and my r , orrics ast omxsHors RafltoTD Fiuhitic Lumber, Oattlornis Uci en- may determine tne jaws ot meiec- - flnudrr f- Warran . Full without witbeut of snell his cwdJ are notes ' ' KwrlBr. td, ana " mar.awa iM diatacca bydrograpby, astronomy nickel Mated, workmansbto. T dorsement to the amotMit of $19,000, roloey, gravitation,-revealther-oceoe aurpaasetl oeui vj cannot and aocurscy bv ' held ac i Oiiata and ttrlvate "--j I or price.:. i;w io r; n .. ti .. mail on CHICAGO &IIORTHWESTEBH for Opseatte OUT Meat Marks. (Hah, Eear Rtyer, White Cedar 5 varioos persons andcflrui3 In this currents, develop new fisheries, Moneyreceipt Office or lettsr rciiotered ,?ost by li:discover lands add people hitherto uraer at our 3 s liocai," aren Uji i Red Wood Snihles, ,! X mr a a the everywhere. ' OBBSsaltks. t A.k A A. JUS IF: A JA.e i t, STREET .stlaal debeednesa Capt. Edoaliuda is sab Unknown, and ly extending ' or suen a Cie.l5Harwlli.CeBn. Pistol CeRiasH Biding. Red funaa Ibe fjaeas JfJ D1W it. i ;. White Rustle, ' I V A'l work In oar fine dons NBATLT tn a Fnnts1ii?ent liit4l!tvr brv world's knowledge TM eraaa Tresk Uwe rrem tne west i lrt ,f as of JooAs JSosf mental i. V. j r Floorihai arth,life, ruOMfTLr.aad Baxafaotion eoaraaieed 3TAH w 4 te UBieass principles Lath, p rickeu, ana ween FveTta ot .aMMeaski con- l et,Kty I w,iwr, .mm.,, 1 Itu- n: SODTHIHll BMLROAB It Is the otdest, shortest, ana eiectiicity, ana ro! i wuei made it maenetlarn wiost direct, thee deiJtnmeis res pool of" at and in venient, ooenfortable was is tne great-e- was -euppoWu Kthe' fjaptaln ta tart tins you can taae. itevery - great Dissolution , of Partnership 1 i and srandeet Kaltway prfaataation In worth- anywhere 'If om S50.000 to mospherla science,to;solve Eg t'F FARH our common the United 8tates. It owns or oontro s over $100,000, an itj.wasiunlerbtood that problems important to abouta-vea-aa-and f D M Ijleut. mHB DartDorshf heretofore existing .when retired humanity, h tendering a of RA.LWaV 2100 MILES ak twt VT WAQONS, William H1H and . A Ueiong, his stall and crew, hearty IJ "Sween iruew to iuiqf ids tu. wishes i ec uatva ri or arm mui nantft tne under ins, return for and their saie EX. '& valour Go, OARS dealeis'oa State Ma ;mundf PCLLMABJ HOT Ins, is this day disvnived by mutual ooasenf, foully Warremiect, , ror One Year 1 t Frames of all kinds Maie to Or 4-for th tire success of the AnaericarrArctic remlrfid .M1 OOrt ctavah tttetro tiawicjDS rt iirmg. ha sUst ay I Ibreafk ,!(.. Hrtl aim Bowta. fForn . The buafiwe wUl hereafter be eonifnctea m jtK t?nl of busfneee; the Share evil wlU OOUBVUi afx.il A'lS & CHICAGOl known how, lor g ha baaitbeen utter- - CsitioB Mr. ooileot William rr Huu der Miller via Uen. very uneap, v the resolur supported JPreet. U demands. .dbie a brief tions jPer-la epeecn. aaainsTtae 8rmTr is lata stated 'TomJiatones, Mcnainents, Hotel Cars, ine the forged paper.p it No other road rune Pullman oastrw-tj a-rettirn their Repairing In Oevjtni I 1 of he forgsr kins then introduce j,(Liicut. DeJopg-iLieu- thanks 4'J J . or any other forms of Hotel Cars, through as the probable c0 amount zor.lhe of pair enage eaU.' am touched vA'rbZR MANILAS, IRON , Jfama o S latum. Chlcaxo. ytral sod Mlssonrf Uver Delong between tbe some a&o oe tost ies six years that rvOTivtio, toe poena, aud ? oodwork, I ' wordi and cheering tney jjave s61lcit airor. TJslnir lanre nnantltlea raireelvea. and ,11 ooUouanoe' of the jour kincL butriicht $l5,000--tothlfnisdolngs py UAXTLES. QRAtZS, AND I ..-for1 the establishment itt the future. same nas aDorovai. Miner sF. dealing uenerai directly w(tb the Manufactories In truiy Blacksmith " . . ;e ana itaiM ias a bf trusted frlena. A."iA;M;j Ing, i suDsequeur, luoao lots, we intend aeepina a ;Lrr WlbL.aAM:Iat. ' HEARTH- - SI ONES. ;.j;OCilvla the first 10 I purely on Btock he said, that as this jaltLase band, ot the various siaee, for tbv ; F t nV. ? 1.K and.M .t .in'. I.... Pubuo to select from at Very Low Ratos. ( ' Painting t.'t r KllllLliri WJWmiMM lepirjjuo.viw .1 " .,.iK .nil tisMiv no what know We ri do Ehb - lit tvreeri iSO.VOO and $40, trait.we may meet, but we will .aifii "Trimming Vcbd eu t3te iSdaakv..- -, s TT- ..1 ktrot.sk UtUo-&sperils amount has Wen paid by endeavor ot Turning of all KiridsJ 35 s this poo . ..... ' f our TI to Jupctko.-..it,. the flag: place Prices Snttaiteed. asoisable JifatUoD j It lrrHsat ,L 46 country oa. the t most northerly 8any-.- .of the world, and will place ground ' T I . AXiCER, iManager.; 1 1 on tne ' FAEIIEE8 Flracr r- ! hbT. ! ; pole 1 taeii 1 1 poeaioie.- 1 NKWiTORfT.-rniB- r: ponce. 100 vOe Block 'East af Depot! h SVIWW vou iTTEKTIOS for and 1 thank m myself II 44 8 ree tea. aeane uu y two eae.aws.. Prffrcan Forj name of the ofli jerv and men, who I J Jf TI J Grove. Kuaworaa aocorapany me lor-- jeur t Two Children oi, Dir.. r vviswau, Iamer , or -- tne 'pleasant M I ( L S IS 46 muur mechaDlOi OI U lisrieui It win Doof. one For Good, DurabU an! Cn our "voyage that (he Railroad Company, were killed by thoughts n or 1& " ftpanlsh apedition (artedi Jrorn tiau jt-a160 v t (' ...or ins-;.- . j Oo t- - the T5 rsysoa... .0 j,, r.lll,laa at Kav. 'The rvmatks of liieutw DIone were greeted with, a round of ap- The steamet City Ojf NewfYori C0DI1T ana loft. veMiterdav for .Havana,, 11 W a. i weremdopted 12 so i plaoe.n ReantUllona . Otaia - RubsaI. anu doors wvrb-motrcm , betweea osiu and ei Second feaulh-Si'a adwoiqd UnaBimou'tiy PASaraaxms eeyisu KAJBT should aeh was In COlIlSlOn W.1W tUSlroS ....Or THX.)i that a copy be ordered sent ml. If.-.- .. f r bear la mind tnat uus m 4.mHm anwsed xnsvv. to to tne .of iruot idb rvcrntajTV jiieien, park i XVErUlKlCr iDONE, nOUTE to CHICAGO boft, withaugar. Thbark ionk, Lieu 1.' Ueiong arrd to James fuor OUST -UNITED ; AND ALL POINTS BASX. then Caplaln iBkrclay, the don Bennett.,. -The fihambei Ut5i:i e.2.S,t3 iakiog downCOOC. X. i S5t5ilS-l:i- -LIU 11 T Htasw eboloe-e- f ' have rets rente sua T. "1' by adiouined.A'f Miiinn luutiwaln. esis,u 1 I e V .0 fee .a Z i 1 ne jaennette was 10 sau is tat ca$ orJ: The mate and live nf ftJLBTiBt BXalljr &Jm MFlmm Drentlce. saved. ofJTew, row, but her, dep&rtare is aeiaj ea ThefCiy I ' '7 I atMopaatst i1" i IS LI I III Yotb f t .rma Wlin iqeioea 01 .ius the cause la not f ally - understood 2 RKYKOLDS ori is Lieut,reticent GEORGE.: t,t fii aud leaking. :tjn Delong beings aiacaarg : Chicken Crek- AH1 OTHZ3 EASTERN" POINTS. cor.- at her dock, at point. The t 3 b ai a sun 1 ia tnTier cargo NephU m t vi selli'roa i I oslst, that the Tick Agwftt ' 10 1 effect to " local taln to Items tha Za the 40 Mooar - a bo 1 is t w l :5i:MM- V.artai Boa T a Waat fTU'aeIaaT terleaS t7sr some defect haa been discovered' in tKa pjitaquin.-- f , refuse to buy if is amma your Tlcketa, aaA Boad. 19 u ho a s the machinery of the Jeannetlc FerK do aot read over this ' Valle Hwaaa they - ' jAl Ageata sell therai and CSieok JSRlsJ also that no orders bad been receiv THE sTJNlTlD I STtVTES; irt s 84 ll special irorWaAVashftigton; f The 1 rree Line. this if by 13 45 a to - ed from the Navy Department de Bpriagvl'J-'- " r0-'- es bRS VT rarMy ol f a re i s aa is rh TteaeM via tnia Konte ta a save:- - The ArreBiaena saiJaBvwas ' i 1 a . Ira C Itafl tailing a ship to eoavoy tne Jan-nett- a cava bo roeured vtIl t . ..n t Gro fotnta to your eon!jramn j' aing je,,deflnllely;-JtMmIneI A AA S 10 to the Behrinir Saa with eoaf seanapvoamwota.1 to oowf Oounn Tksket omoas of CaioB raolfi, aoj not asmtuso k os-- -- ' C sM ifl western suuiroayaa. s ail gsc Lekl d" tf be and to It by should provisions transhipped . reconvene coua;resa, Kew York OiBoe, No. lt Broatw ' varwty o A gw ad Early. Draper...-mo. S Btate Street. Oma t imirn wttfinnt nrovldiha for mar- - tne yacht to different points, 'ihe BYi GEOEGS ' QJ , I 40 S 40 4 65 aratonOffioe,14U A10O1T! Plants, ,i . Sandy JStreea-anP. U. ail Dejmu aheia and denutv . marshals. Ha United States ship Alaska ha gorje Oaioot, i"-- re rew traJiaoo Montgomery to Mare Island preaumabl to land Dahiaa tn different Council ius Tket oOloe at CP. aald everv thine depended, upo o , H " si , 8ayfit; De- - u mo- I: 10 4 J Trae-faSt North at and 66 anu snip Chicago act Depot ii J hour at $ indications last the the "r siaumeQi rosea aMJ '.' OS e u tbicW. Ticket Wveiwra Ka'lway Depot, Chicago f f t,reodah.... etc, with. i Tlew bl aeUcg Vnder Snerman fere the adjournment, f If he 1sas stores, Olioea, (1 C ark Street, saaamoa as tender. krroriideatthe.L' ,4. deter TrU. is corner that then about W sured congfess vtreet; Heues; Kurgan-.-- .' I S TS 9 0! 5 uuticio Btres ueoo. eror West Kanzle minaii nnt ti rmvlda Ifor these of-- A4 Last -kindVaod manyotaJ kud hi lbs Batra Taaael Coaipletaod Canal an-ts, Wei m Street Depot, Ou f.ra he will not oallFthem back of cut flowers f rom S' Boqoeta, Cree- Salt Lakfj fiwets. ner Wells Kspa SZ3Z2XLS? to does-not lntsnd for c m rates he aot attahisSU arain, uTor 'jof " 4i j .i I; Alienor, CnrititltVsineoK-- isrwliig Machlcrtt ot Butro. Nev.. sa. Td.neht the amenta, apply v from your ho-- a ... . a pet.!;He will only can Noa. s ana In nail anVf call it 1 was 0 I ... t. mountain tons the , assurances t ap has '17t neVltorikl he 4 if that overlooking it -.:! ei lot Iim8tratdtirctUavAgeiiU r beef ianjrr. CklcsxSi propriatlons for marshals and lieir I Washoe silver region and the Car-cir. ; awarded one.bronss f and Tlckrt Agent. ASraVis'"t UtftliS ';;.HI '. kinia. aMviaix pnse. Marshals, I son Valley are ablaze: with bonfires, U a pu ties shall bepassed THE EVENING KEWS f die-char- THE 'a 1 BB i f i i t f I . to-d- be-sen- ea DESEllET; fi' 1 w Vtoe-l'ree- to-da- y. Y. . .: , rt-.-- l: . i -- vrnm ' . - . re-co- j K- ' -- r j V liilil - j y i S tc-d- -- I y j J "T - , ire-emption- at to-aa-y, ft " r.- " - !' . - . I -- ! 1 ; - l B30-B!3- : i i - : h -- to-da- y. ; i! it Wu-a-uiO- sugar-of-lea- d, JXClMOIITfllBMJ H ' a. Ap-pIs6u-ita !' .1-- -- SHOES, ,B00TS -- c .. r - e out-of-tow- I noriEY - . ti .' t- ! h - , f, J w, - j FODDluIiUMIHUB 1 - German-Americ- an tc-nig- ht mi " - , , 1 1 , -- D1HIDJ1QES;: . i - to-da- -- ! v Vhl'-olE:. o . FAS , - two-third- , JOHrtfiifiyirJ5f;B : a ;t VP 07k " 0 r tQ-ua- t; V-i- " . j s . stsM-aiaer- r-v- - : r y. n-- s mm -- tq-aa- JOE SrOP to-G- ay Iloroliant Tailor -r- ItOOKM ; - .. pla n men. " -- at .' '' . - -- . e--f . iw. ier-in-la- w. , ' ARD i i r-- ; LUHBER I -- . V -- ' ,l i . - an u. w-- - - v I! i 'r - . 1 i - . , various-collatenr-brancT- ies st , 7ATSflil pOS,1 ' btss'. i ; juss . .1 1 Rlego-Haw- t. i k , .. ; tiitijii, Hi-fi- f" b : Suiimou GMss.!:! I I y ' .- : ir - -1 1 1 kltf: - E-e- Ua et ... ; - I i - - -- .. 4n-J-th- e DECISION . . '. 1 ' .rr!L.v ' . JL SDPREIUE ik n 1 . ... -- H?! 1 11.17 I . C seav-Wvra- re 4 UflSafn DUE, latl.C" c.it.r ala '9 A- - a--- :- K.--a- YTWi' I-I-r:; ; clty.-joorail- 4 b-- North-Waste- ra a f a j y- - ss '"P"i i 1 1 " r- i S 1 Payaeo-Bnaaia- to-mo- 1 I h. P. . n-;- v I 1 I lit-'- j I , 'I : J a. ' ! d v s d "-Ild. r -'- r--J, i- -',' -- -- a- . Buj-ncr- itiU, -- i -a . .; .J . e'tha ' mntrtcaw- "- " 1 1 . .niatindent. wJ '-- I - i '1 - 1! : I; H ! n,i ... ''! j i M .. ....aViviill." r- -: |