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Show " dlmEBl - m - . mil ,r I EVENING. ffKWS BAtarslay, o . m ! . O sin sa -- 1 for En&orgement with' Bemedy . Meal ; ,; mr asnaasiatl- ! JJasss 5 H , i 1 1 . vr-'n- . i.i . . BsrtTS,: .;" j. trot, County: ini . t. :. . ir.-.;-,- !-,. .'5 I rw.- -" 5i u J u '2- - rHiropf?. J S '! ' . njrle rate d Caaaar-Taeataadar- 1 'RISIUmS-'ASDiulSHOP- ; - HTAKE, Wit. Bl oaia.;lJ. Jnn SS. !)! WIUUCCE AY OP THIS QOqrfTgYl WHO 19 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV y .na KXAMININU inia ml-- . PA W?I (. mi f.j wtiairna M X oa. awlrdupola. toj !,t , i gins: la rate lettar Uru-hou- t ,x united BTatea, eacbaddiKoal H os. or fras- - Chrtatophsr Arthur, Cedar CI t v HUlet, Hummit ojiTtDiu wiuiam O MoU razor, lat ward, Pb rowan . oamuei a 2nd ward, ' . ; t . Having loet stock (cUU) through i . their having obtained access to tbe r 'li. nuMoinjs,.rttraa-s)enaJtir i meal bin?,and baviog never n ceU-e- d ' tU,.....-i- -- i irop Liettaravalaa-l- PfekTODiCAia. satisfactory auswera to my T Wrf ct!v Krmau-nt ttnHi.Anu.Ain .vn. i -r through: agricultural i.nir- n. otaire on newspaper has to ba paid at tb orran.rintly .ra uOrfianlzeiTStakcs ftf Zion; f t aU.arbd axpeiscanal, ''ual9 ts to the proper met hod to tel ItOoeof i from Ine I publloatlon. arjd"'mP',,.a alimentary ARfJca m, CAKSON, s. are noa cnarreo pontaf bcaunrui axnirity totaaasuasiaH Newspaperfrom tha I giv' When u ; pursued in ineir treatment, aent aiuoe to pub Ilea 'Bucct-Bsfii- l of account an tbe Da vi a 0. CAtwia.'i you f . u - v f JoaarH : feOLD BY !ALt"l)atrQ6t3T8. seotw: E.TariAH! JOouwielor tieatncent of my last Wp casee. eabaerifear la DUDlisneo. i r i fr axceeodln Hinrsnatnora. not'v ? ainvisi fj J'w When feeding the stock, one of niy onnoes in weight, 1 cent to any part or tbe " ' .t.'.'i-'.k " j 4J BAlJjLake (,ou(lty. i4 cow a slipped Into the ppen4oore, Hnltod states. Drenaid. FOflf SALE. Mr cent a pe i and into back entry, ' Uie .tM Pacxaou. '. rarcois, nnscaioa, BEAK."' U AKEHTA KE..! .. . 1 :. thM rnnal rhf nt. KLe riot ti&- - mince. ii , nacitasThe rtf 'artT BUinanm wslrbt ward. Salt 1 akeO . . . . . Presld nt JOarwaHsTrslst B P 1X1 covetfd until she inl luOy: gorged: nf ftrlnted or ilt4Cl).nTAu'TBattr is 4 WM. Rj.jjj.. uut, eaiuuei rnlereoii, kmm ward, TkTEW four .Amrrkran , Maebia. Frehir herself. When foiiuJ. nU. wa pst aviirauoma. K o rv, .i ? "?""; 1 months old. i.CoetJ eixty-Bv- - dollars; f HAST, , . I fJouiiln-- JamSH v' " drti of into a atable and elveu ' will "ell for tnirty. ' -. I ; r Letter and He child's aconite, flrat tlnctuto. lu a little :;. Resrlataredl "Awe' aWasatch v s&r.mm stobt.i top Boiluiho, SJsSWWgr'W"."wiwgl was Idaho.! Immediatelyel water, and then IkVcountyi tdlC0 Jir; i sH A. Jvufr T"': n'.o.'i; 5 Kail TirmATfr w; Ietcsira mav be rerlstered 1,4 given half a teaepoonful of powdtt-l it ; BUSaIOPS. . on payment ot a rear or ten cents, u SartLrWTKhaVi; j mandrake root, dry, on ttie dui to tne addiuon reruiar postaro, A I'lJ! was Town she Henry vpidiog Ateaandel Mchae.'iJth ward. . liewi,lerr ) the srawer nment takes US reaDoaeibiUts torigue. By night w Moore, lieuttlrirtoo i ' Joseph let out. t Two 12ih ward. '"I L mei freelv. and was for safe earrlaxe or: ooraperaai too, to F0RTEI1 DOlUnS CiSIl Chas Aieisuotri; fyper, fl Montpeiibr Kobieon, lMth Kdwln I) Woollev. '7 OaM Of. lOSa. n , T. gave her about . "T- -r tcai-i -. V. , U i i. days afterwardsof I water. If HS..I Tk "MS uairympie, rreiwn,,. .uuuum Asin ward. 8tatcs On the Bates of ooinmlBelon, In TJnitdIrfternatlori-P Ovid , half a bucket Jensen, i.juri . seven-line Uemeo We will insert a advert Joseph Pollard, lata ward,' 1' 1 chara-efor teeuinc Edwin N AasiiniAJbertT was confined in the . ! rency, ewsfr tin. week in a list of 2tK' day she A.elr. loth ward, .. f ! hodsj unwrir n oa urauiiBiuw v Kr2T,rfck 1st 1 Horn. Pari ward, . Btable. iaiid was given eiifUcieut ... t the Postmaster at 8w.TKk WJiSt JaA Hoary or four line in a diflr rent Uatiof fUonry paoors, (aUth, ITth ward nooert R. R. PACIFIC & ISLAND rriee,s v ROCK, f or wi son ir. ten line two week in - Wtn Uulme, ttlooiaiusnoa . i naoers, nitnetrv isi wartl.,i. CHICAGO, water to satisfy her at the close of ' On order not xeeW(lris;f3(S.TiW ifrtA 337 dHof V four and. of rucnard either ooioe Morris, lUth separate A Hunt, 6l Ohitritm the thirdjday, though ebe required t Carer tad and ntit eioamii oriKi, Ut John Khajrp, BOUi ward. ward. Li TIIE GREAT COSSECIKG LLTK BETTVXEN TIIE EAST AND THE WEST! tinct Uets contalnlna from 7uc 10 papers John ' Flab Hooert liawu Popat a ;4 nod W Burt. iUt war ene week 'lr aU four of B) F Lau, dkstintf. bucket, each, or four line one H n PMOKIXO PAIXKINT where and not erxcaeaiua- fu, iJ very Jlttle about ' " It rharn lis runs from Chirajro to Coonrtl Bluffs . onr Pa!nce Oars ft Over SW gprinjrs $ A U Oriairs, Sugar jojaUcrvo Una ims wi-In all John the small llets. or your 'Uhss"iibii coursoi tne aay. half. I believe. Qrax i0an4 aptexoelUiti50, SS I yuutajieujoy Kuntz, acWv, lists beiu more Iron Rri.luos span the Mississippi and lKa than six Mntfoiac-ji- t conjoined, ti.Motaaey, Karuiers' waro f The other case was one iu which Missourf nvers atall points crossed brtthia line, and ' ' We also bavu list of paper by lt lit i '. ...... , Crtw f t IjUewla ..r n mmmjm paperai iljvr, aim mntf Ilia kfMnM. ffhA fln J trunniers are avoided at Council KlutU, Leaven- '..' access UUb. hreihed ol cow a Htates and Cnlted States the tined County, feti Mill Creek , i jRich throughout our l"i to Peoriai N0, beliiK outdo in nitii tmtvhM f pi tm HureAa worth and Atdiisou, coanec41e Canada fur UlfrfirbtU oau namphleU all 8nd Wilton J auction to Muscatine, Waahina'ton. wheat during nirg Union depots. dytcknew Joseph Kimball, MeadowWlla' u ; r) Raw has, bouth CoUoiiwood Eldon. Blknap, Centrevtile, I'rtneeton, Trenr , Address Gao. P Sow ax'. t Co., iu tipruo Jlsmael TUB I'HINCTPAl. R. H. CO?fVECTIO?J3 OP THIS morii ' Kate ' or jroreixn Ira Nebeker, Lake Town notbiDg of it until the wi GREAT T1IKOI GH IXSTS, AHB A bOHAiWS t ton, Gallatin, Cameron, Leavw worth anil Atchisrmt r. ot,. U Stewart, Kandoipb ilt "... 1 then tave her ttn dropa of tmkalooAa and Knoxville; to Hmourncj, Kanoolph Newt with ail diverging -itnes Xor the East iutr. Cure . At Washington letters. ago, botomou . J Deepaiu, Oranlte r ... r. ... papery W U Lee, Woodruff . Keokuk to farming-tonBonaparte, Bentonsport,s. and South. aconite and half, a teaepoonful of ttseeos),m. okised. Wm0w Ck ... Cittumwa, Kddyville. Mlchlenn t ' to ." ote.o tea t At KNOLEwrvon, with the tjiko ghnre Independent fcldon, and "wartt.outh wuuam a Bills, South mail;........ , uu lesMolnes, t'ella, Monroe, mauurase root Southern and ilttsbursr. Ft. Wayne St Chicasro R. ltds. iAlotnes; ry, puwuereu i to AsdDlina tt Atlantic to Imttanoia Ciuand tX Wlultrwtt Cran Harrintani i ' At Washington Ukiguts, with fiusburx, ' f and Aruw m Harlan. Tbw I positively the only the tongue. She began voiding HoagKone'tussuAmerican . . pack? 10 cU. . S ou. Jjouis clnnsti&bU Archibald tiamiiae.-u.a wbKh and controls itailroad owns, a operates wHhlllinolsCRntraf "' ' ' " R.R. Atl.A8AU.lt. ya ' turouKh line between wheat that nifht, and continued siuv'uvdi ' BTAKE.4 BEAVEB W.J NorirjJru'ab Chicago and Kansas. via. 6 ota. 2 ui ureut closed goail AtlEORlA.withP.jF.J.IIAD.jI.B. Care, .1 ' for four days, though of course less Italy,ituirland;... This Cutupans own and control tbtrbiepUjr and , P. A W. Kailroads. Jt JT" t whu-doable 'IIIAtMidland: are Interior to nonet and give you aleaven-wortHm k Ir.ANf, with Western Luion K. JL and x,x, . of latter 2 Pros Went Janice l.ajrd, rurtdut. sloui.t..... iu n" the man "5 part Nerth JOUN.R.' MTJIUjOCK,---- ... via bet Council appeared .during r KocklHlndI-rriiuiriadiBluffs, between Chicago and Italy, r union, direct & Korththe '6ol8 with Daren or Atchison for TwoDuliara and s'lfty Cents; and'' Probnfe" the a port the her I secoud Court time. At in doe gave for, iavinpout, ' S I K liars, while all other lines R. K. i Western and a section for Fivesame rtr rprof acoulto on the evening of; the Japan, a merioan packet via.. :10 : Three Dollar lor r1; with tho Burlington, Cedar etmrve between At west LiBtiRTV. .crWrV; points. franolaoo dan .. .4 Cia lUlllaH a.,... ;t AT ft UptKHI. - kwk the - .i f it- - It- -' '.i a & ?t U Northern JtiTJii ret ct doses twd and tSAIfr uecond Baplds ?' t the aTAKK. ... day, i t will :utaJu mimttRMiini2 over ,' Central AK.R. nf Iowa, it'h.i vitl r.r.l..i ,iuiwfiiia At CJKIJTVEI.U with via Southimp: ? 1 also ,,s ; ...."?.... f wnuw- Beaver County, f o,, atiout a quar- KewtaanH. , Ft. T)odKeK. R. ' j hr Moines, with 1. M.Union day. Atles gve -. "Sct CANUTE out tOaJ..J.J )M PETEK3KN. U nf Illinois and Iowa, In one of our ltiK-? K. rr.rL. Paoillo COUNCU. K, Preside At i ltLUrrs, with ter of a teaepoouful of the root, tbe Abamintha CPettit, 4ia North Gsrmaii accompany Mo. H. R. K. (In Neb.) itlcent Umlng and KestaorantCarsthat At Omaha, with M. , reiSKOPS.' fi cts. Plaintiff Kk press TniUw. Von (cetanentireiiieal, 2 oW: of the second and third Union dlreot... AtCoi.t'MBrs .!A tbroaKh mornings Jcnctios,. wiUt- IurUnKton, Cedar . . hotel, for Oivoree. a fitood as la served In any . was Norway closed mail via Brur- a Cts. a cmi LOKEJStO arinst ' ItaptdsANortheralt.lt. J JOHM B, UAiaxM, J Counselor Cbak.-,.1 D White, 1st ward, Beaver ' ' days, though I cannot second oryouctui order what vou like, sayit dayk ' 111, CUMU Xta All. ' . W VtlUHA. Pettit, f . " iand..M,.....mi Bud . 4ohv forwljaiyouget On A Q. H. Itda. . the JobnOCnith, Northern and necessary. lxuis.ivan. , City CB. jjefendaut, the of triaExifriand, peopta that Portuvai,ntn North German majority tooert Uaston. Greenville i i?prelaan the fact ana nrarsaw; j Sanfte County At keokttk, wim loieao, t about noon I gave her half a bucket nuaolfi. apartments for tliCercntpurpose, prefertheseparate H. lids. ' Wabash, and St. louls, Keokuk 4V.N.-diractti.V.-.i-.-.i.-'' 4 6u The People of tha Territory of Utah, to Jos U Josephs, Adamsvllle enormous passenger business of this line ots.' Dnlon nnl same X. K. A C. B. of It. and Kan. the Bk St, James water, At VKKLY, with to announce tlmtthis City. t'" : tilnersvill '.itxafflapa. McKnirnt, quantity K. : warrantlmi It,) we a1aC SLKEFINti J i Mo aiOEed Jsna . iom Lorenzo Pettit, dsfendanu CAHS for At ATCHisoH, with Atchison, Topeka A Hanta Ke.; j , jaU rorananv rune Its ' once each day, a long aa. sb 'wa4 KuAda; " L 8 kn4rn,Ephralm'(Ncrlb) .land,.-- . , Juts Atchison A Neb. and Con. Br Union 1'aclOe it. Kds. rALACK DININO CAHS Ct.,! In to Its and ed MeWln are 0U parpoaea. appear lutsms """''J.f! ,"7 hereby . .. . , ' J 0 0 K UrujB Kphralia(cVjtW , Isiauds, by .mail.. UtAV)tNWOKTn,wttUKPtiOdK.Cen.K.ltaa. kept in tbe stable. I have heard cf Sandwioh the an 1 - S lor r "VHI puruosea. One otiu Kruut. leaturo of you action by against brought ... Win b'ranclsoo ets. leu above name" Arsmlntl aO Pwttit p!aln- ? from San (North) Cattle being deprived of water for MuMaT ". p tUlCE CASS are thrsart to PEORIA, FJS MOIXE8, COCACII BLTPF3, H Jensen. Mauli, (South) uataaat-(a.- is a BOX ELDER BTAKE. iff, in the Probatr Court in and for the a . ount Plaaaant.t Mortal like under suxn H week, circumstances, ' P f Madsec, now small aird sold all are raoeiv: moijew, T of i "Orritllctk Islad Koqte," by County of Salt Lake and Temfr iry tab; Wm a Seeley, Mount Pieasaut, teoji.. but where they eeem to be doing issue araits tor tn. same upon .Qtnaii and answer the complaint filed ;TleWe Acemte la th Vnlted States and Canada. ticket oOcet OLlVEIt G. SN6w,....l.....J...V.Pmideat' F tnerln, ' Olsen, pprinir City ths fbliowinir; within ten days (ezclusive of tbe day addrtM,' subject4 i w laiaraaUta sot sbulaable at iour bi of scr-all right I like to give them a Utile; icnarceaana wbhisisihx" u'.ji JV. IOMHALL. toe) after tbe aervica on you ot this sum- -' wh4 cases of the In neither reported kridtn Druitt j ' Heary mens if served within this ouuty. nd if JCounselor. Oea'lTkVndrass'irr At, u AAqjfxiT Ciea'l Superintendent,ordert notxtjeed!rriBTtS-rjrcema- i Wm U I'eLL. I'ett vvUIb there any permanent ehringage of : oh within this County but within tbe Third not vuicaao. ;a k: J not Oo OisV order imnfeoa siussOijqrfiOi-JMadeenQ - - t ur Judicial District of tbe Territory pf Utah the flow oi milk, though jLbey.gave and not exoeediua: jtO-lOver . ix i Valley within forty rr f ' T Oranarerley.tiaetfcf within twenty daystotnerwise M 7 ..-- ; AUiaBh Tucker, t alrview. Crveraudnotexoediiiif tu0..2fi very little "while getting no lee4 t . taken agalrs-- t will or be ' )4 ' . ... Moroni Joan 33I890PS. Irons, and little water. I hope: any WTSBKATIORSA, HoasT uaoaBs on ureai day, of you by default aoourding -i ; .. . ,' John B Keee, Wales . to thet...prayer One so unfortunate as to bo obliged, said romaiaint ,.nii ' Britain, Oermany and Switzerland, mai 1st ward, Crigbara K N Alired, Chester Henry Tinzey, t Umof . to a ebtaia broug-hthe obtained Tbia decree is action be upon h" payment recourse to to have Alvui Znd C , . Bome,uch . Niobolu, v , J OLD RELIABLE Olaen, Q MayUeld THE ' from this Court :o: dissolving tie marrhtfe . D Burt, 3rd J Bartholomew, iayetu; ' , measures, will give the, above a i y " "r " contract ezistioc between this plaintiff John 4th John " Welch, will notice tra'.ru lears LTNTTL fqrtber trial and report the malts. Be and you, and If you fall to aopear and ans- Orin A Perry, Three Mite Creek eaaat saiTAia: arrive at Ordea dally as Wlowa: " t i ' wer, as by aw provided, the plaintiff will Oeo W Ward, Wlilard City cause six or ten drops of aconite do r Tj e .21 net On ezceedlMr orders flO,.... apply to this Court for tbe relief prayeu Peter C Jensen, Mautua e or twenty-fivBE not do VIER ; good, give for in her said complaint and oost of suit-'STAKE, i,.', 10; 30 Over 10 and not xeedlut; Oany Kxprea& Tnomas North h 75 j . IbO) a,m. that quantity Over f and a ezwsedlni? p. to. witness whereof, I hereunto Abrahamthtrper. fltsd... thinking thirty, la 8PENCEtt,.r... .'. ",i.7... Presid . j fctunaaker, FBKXIlSt Honeyvfll l.Wi nASaaoeedUr klftaml . m H'.M a m o.m f reifkru.. A purely vegetable distillation entirely will do more good. Any ue dis "' i1 a- I set m7 hand and deal of said Court, JohaCLUewevr Ueweyvilla I.t8 ..' .f la8altLake rw$4Asiinesdlriaiai ARBITS. Oliver C.Uuekim, Poruyre . 4ty, this 22d day .of to give such doses, can satis' unlike ail other remedies. .'KlJil.l luUSfi'? posed i i . , A8i -" way, Wi Neeiyiear hirer City 8:15 p. net TIT the preparation of this remarkable remedy Dally Szpresa h,.v , not are himself ' by . fy required they D. BOCKHOLT," ' Arnold Oeedl Curlew oars: an 8:40 p.m. , . ; i Mixed..... is suujectea to . ,.. ..i i:. ,l Court,' .," Samuel U hamiff. pianc, ana jl every aero, Sevier County.- droDDinir five drops into half a lass Clerk ot the Probate the essential medical filiation, bail. Grouse Creek , princlpl rrelsrht.. ,a 3:Up.Ba. fin Fees earns as G reat Brftaln, ' " '. ' '" ''"''-.'' in vaoor. condensed and bottled. leootaiusdwhereby Salt Lake of d,lmo a Ceuniy. of aod BISHOPS. ppconful water, taking - '.! w!th Dally doaaeotlona aiftJe al remains la the still Is Inert, valueless, and totally "'.'. ,. I ..1 " Oneida Idaho. Rso nu usn as At nasal an delicate K. & lor la the oriranism solution. Rlebfleio Poifl0 County, with the Paul Poulson; 1st ward. Pntrl th 0"th Country Uentuman, v: ", 'A awritiaLaKn:, t .5- l"r.. pannages. Ye tail snuffs are Insoluble compounds .'i "V:fiw4t 'I-' ' Northern Rll Wsv for pstnta B sjorna. l lo .it .. aa. nrtra. , .... zlaladCity sure At--au i ijjuafora, oi aoiuuuus. " wmnijr Moat a a, and wrth Clan ! uaciuxes,aiuuraia 8oath American State, lull oa lu jiiin ceo raiIialaud a fo Salt Lke City lantlc OoaaM Bnyland, 27 ci. v Joshua W 6vlTeater. Rlalnor ad, ail 1 Hith-- ro SAHFOaD'S RADICAL CURE . point UtahIs Brazil alotMif rem twork.,- aft.oie. t.ut. Too A Mow Close. Gideon Do Not Jueeoh Murdock, rU and Al Green Hirer with : Sweet for Arcsntln HepublloAmericas' DenuiNOU L. Harris: afonmrf Isa loeal and constitntlon&l remedy, sni !s appltod - . , i: lUnwe. . to tUe uonal puJ"oies by liistiillaUun, thus allaying Archibald T Oldroyd, iUeuwoel usua7, iw New York ..' CACHE bTAKE - Water l 10 cu Routs I 23 ot There was ttue economy In the t nnm.mau trith the Colorado DlrlsJor Conlihuout from InQuinmation and fiala and at once correcting, V Peter Gottf reason. VermimUu paoket fthalTnld PaflQ 3 for Beaver besdville. cleaHslnir, and purlfrinsfthesecretloDS. No Ch'tnge of Cart Internally. advice of the farmer who recom Pacirle Coast, Peru, Ecuador, 17 : H : Curtis, tSallna WM, B. PH,TON. .............. PresWeot Ezra ....... itacis circuiauoi BumiiufwnKi, cts. aud Bolivia uponaeorfransot Cervtrai, 'lae li iwt, ii t eitieet uln Chill,. v one ici BadrmSnrl'l John Om ?ni Ma of Johiiaorj. keena aci lower Moadt mended that the tha skin moist, and neutralizes tha i I offesraaaaad Piemra rarta la O joint ""'tln.j New Orleans,'. TV.". .5 Cts. I ef najs via M wrirht. oraas Valler Spain, found its way Into the stomach and r... that ' his T poison Joeepb a a dnily lin f of At thence Into the blood. Thus a cure broirresses la grass be left in tbe field for the old Sweden, via North Uerniati Or ue 0 Bust, ITreemout r m CU At).', O. ' CAkfi) FROM CIItCAUO TO . C ajord Voaoee-- for Deal wari and.euperh 6 ci. I both directions, and It does not seem possible for brindie cow rather than be cut and o:taer Union direct, let human Icjrcauiiy to devisu a more raUoaal treat. . poiataM the u:ek Hill. maUvtd ' closud Erif. Sweden, ' one for was of He cured her. the menu nd !7ortTi wo. 5 cts. A O iutis r:tt Ooioaco taC'acim County. land,. numerous army of mowers who awiuerland, sra, Qfl'cto, Hook Uiud anJ PaeiHo, Cal- direct eloaeti Hi venra wtirta Abnnt am. aao 3 tvelre mall via England, 6cts, fynJ:nl.had learned there is nothing gain shops oi. vu'uoyl niiri:JTJu ; n travelllnii with Father Kemp's Old Folks Concert Joe ttrrer In oJ "aatiruvtwu tCaaas City, Switzerland, by North .Paftii. M Troupe as a tenor eintrer, I took a severe cold and ed by cutting too close. Bilttare, Wasiiijfoii, Benjaailn Union roads, and ctr 31 10 II BluffsNb., Logan City rll lwlaflstWard, let' direct, "was laid op at Newark, N. J. This cold brought on to The ail points LaOsTaa City , with for ilia wara, nvury tsti respect jBuAAsjasi-r.n.e- r Ifam'lliMoftsasre iMiiiru, (Brltleh severe Wen testimony Indies, a o. lunfTbtstiat which attack battled I . ef with Catarrh, aa nuutn MavMUMri very known remedy Tor four wesks without avail tbe height from, the ground at Danish,) Amosloan pack.- I -tlftv s iraw so ail sxMnte Hit at Uarut J i trZlTi T ft E mo il C Si4!? Thomas X 6uiit.li . .i-- ward, and Tk aV. desirable New obliged Ct: York, ii.auoat ttfrom wasunaiiy conto la it wnich Ia. " 'I it best cut grass ar 4otiae of VfcCorniok & Cji., Suit Lake and rcta.ru hocte unable to sinqr a note. William 11(1, btb ward, Los-af f .WatJuiAgten.-Coot v. M j putRioa Crty (British), British aiall via. 13 ots t t. to sin? at flicting and tends to confute and Tortures years siterwards I was unnble U CHy; also at Onion Hsolfle Kailrost T!ecei ttooert iMyuee, 8u Thomas, i GREAT 'SHORT LINE: all. The Crat attack of Cutnrrkhad left my nasal I OUoe In )deo. at . I b.trtbs on . . 6amuei fBISriOP'C Brnllmleld 6 eta1 e rie nrt Not British) ta 1 turoat so eenslijve that the slightest cold uftantimea mislead & novice In the ' litif secuwiA L i Wm. L. fekktmore. Hiabuunid ileepin cn 'aa would bring on a f.xth attack, leaving mo nroa. Tli itandard tinirle rate u Ureat Hr f In field. ;t Cultivators TUOdr L. rTIMUAf.L, nay vry continued to I tratod. The TO Mirer. WUuaubLewi&,Lewistooway to Krant last tain la half an ounoe .'.i. OenITlok- -t Aviit, ' John Jardine, Clarkstoa attack, tha severest I err-- r had, was terrible. I "aiiyr ursijivr. aLWaitt inch, or as and the Continent (byaroirdupols; practice from one-ha- lf yrtitioh mallf)it It 1 . Cbia wars .1 8. 3. F. C14RK. Gen'l 8upb - 0"h. A.1ferr. the most excruciating pain In my head, was close d9j , J . . . lr.'15"ti It as or Wmy f. to Clfcri four uuoui sni.rniiV Inches. f possible H rrtmnirJi so hoarse as to be acarcel' auia to speaic, ana Cannon. All, w. lOT .A David '' ?' rJ New York Alma Benson u i Harris, , I pei- - t to. naioates iiavnmm. Alii .asterisk conghed incessantly. I thought I was going Into The general !lKliru. Uarius however, is, tendency Mendon I Uusrhea, Heury . , , una naa uuitu oeiieve m&i eaymestls 8 cuuaumpuuii, i w nrmiy Uuntmanruui Jotepb H.3Clie all Point lit Fenstyl- these symptoms continued Without relief they w uui vims) auu txiaujr uue uiw Uiiam H Mauzhaii, WellsTlil , ktobert JartUier;jrs . would have rendered me an easy victim. When dowa have - been" seriously-- u J u fed ii Smith, Paradise Tba Promoter and Perfeetor of As-- Orson rTk.. AUVH t slUUCBa BJIOII1 ar I rail T, car'L. in tins mstreesiug condition, 1 commenced the use . a O. N Llijeuquiat, Uyrurn . . . . llmuatloai of Sakfobd'b Kadioal Cubs fob Catarrh, very therefrjom. UeoH Leeds ""V Georc-Crosby, j O Mill vill Pitkin, s Wm Snow, pine, reluctantly.lcomos8.aslb.ad tried all tha adver. I ihe Reformer and Tllallasr ef Cite Milton M llammoud, ProTldeuoe. ' ' Close observation has taught thai Used remedies without benefit. The first dose of this PHLLHAE I'ALACE-'OA- B! . , .... Robt Knell. Soto--Vaiiey.fi JDlxun, Cilltoa Harvey woneerini medicine gave nie the greate6 reliof. timothy cannot be cat low, in dry r Tbos Inwla-orato8 PwsMtnner and . 'The ef, r lerr,, Hebron iLi:t OJTiLL BXPKES3 TEAIKi acne, wno can scarcely articulate distinctly on ac- weather especially, without inflictfterve and Muscle. JLine ' Oneida County, Idaho. - " Utah count of the choking accumulations in his throat, ing Ail at close attempts injury. The Bnl Ider and finpporter ot Brain to realize how much, relief 1 obtained from the fin,, uatWAM a; AWtioi VAAIJIU ,f. Power:' MAGNIFICENT Sakswbd's Eadioal, Curb, t'sder shaving the sward should e .avoid CAES . Ti'.,llfiHOPr3.'k.U','lt" Ia.'w eppllcatioaf Alexander A Allen. Waatm lis influence. Doth internal and external. Tranlillv ed; Many; of our vinos successful U ose and Wnt A BrimrKurst, Ttoquervhll an oecasional I of the L Batch, Franklin recovered, by remedy eJS I Lafayette is Fellows' ,. 11 Equipped with tb celebrated Westing , 1 . been Compound . cut . Syrup ... I Waunilia Haamtiaiiairi tvaf sa T farmers Flncc, have 3 John Parker, Virg-eentirely freaXromCatarrhIur the ? . t timothy; nearly or quite f City dl jiiat tino in twelve years. . Chaa Bmith, KoeAvtlleT four inches from the ground.' Others - . , ' PatentandSafety Platform . ' ' JieacctfnT!rTonrs. .. r f nmia".?..tirftth :t constitute I .... . IV.IIa.u. i! U.... with UEO. W. UOLEBOOK, in Coupler; for machines .' gauging mowing 1) Pace, Harmony ' VARu.Tftft.A 1375. i . After JVoTmber ttt, 197S. yvAvrnvf. Healthy BJoqJ,;Muscle and Nerve P.S. Irurchased tha EAmctt Crfva Of CX0 tnia grass, take care to run them so MnnnwAl v--. PirAlllV itand Brain while life Substance, Lincoln Cp.4Nevad CLCU Afl I CM I iiiU hUU Otb I B.IJOGiJxrsist.Kmnroxdiiuildinghigh that it will not be cut I e!ow self,' is! directly ".dependent" DAVIS STAKE. upon acb Ttaclragv eon tains Dr. tatrrbrdt ImproTed the second joint above the tuber... v J r; ' ofsome Willi ampis Tims for SXeala, them.' with full directions for nae In all Inlialing Tube,1 1.00. u upland mea Close mowing ' cases. For sale by all wholesale and Price. ..: ! sTUsMon. Syphus, Panacea .....ri-.President Luke i.: By Its onion with the blood land WILLIAM .H, SMITH. dows Ketail DrUKglsts throughout the also to" be as united States and Kd ward Banker,- Banzervitl"""" ought avoided, VV'EFKS A POTTER, General jtgenn Canadns. its effect, the upon rejes(abmuscles, the action of the hot . tun and dry 'N'vand Wholesale Iirugglsts. Soston, Mass. JCounaelors ,r-Anuom Caxx, lisbing "the one and toning Hhe weather following' the harvest afQ Trains icave NOW ARE PREPARED E lt Lake other, it. is capable of efiectlhge fect the roots of the craaa unfavor-tt (XI2T. 34 40f BO Wtiod's Croaj. reeulte:; Davis County. . - i & Follows. at)"f auLCT Loavo t following Chicago fy-heLPro" ........... Centrerille 7 to re ceive orders for FAMILY 4 16 lom !.5ltniut COLLIIlS'f 76 will dlr It place br."washioat iu4 7 BISHOPS. Farmlnrton .......... 4 Si 1 00 remuu. uu iub uiuvr xi aii u now, . s.: m: pelal FsucS Kxprsss berculous matter, ami 'tbua;-eur- o 8.30 4 Kayavliie ........ wet IS cut 4Ktoaay. form. j will bear , of RECORDS " v Kieept WW on? mowing grounds approved Brown,-- South Bountiful .irvies at . Consumption. Wm S Muir, Jun, West BOuatlru. tine close as noaelblei: thena am II Wit) the popular rastibnJa eiaepijbir car B 40 9 f 0 U I.ttO five BscH book .a.a ay increauing KtrvOua and Mus iaj-ataent uouru.no. benefitted fv the innunnenn arhinK nescnsi nttsonrrB avn ' ' " iiivided " ' Hsrrnnsrs ill w Summit County. . centi-evilivumr v jgor, wjua cursr Afyspepaia, uiiwmkisii ,J . ,, , ' 11.46 a mi PhiladeiDhia 4.0Uin! Phoney, would dry and burn up an unplafn D m: Now Tori " How -' or. feeblo srniinzion f?11" .i action of . c BISHOPS. the , interrupted ed meadow. Again, where the I Iorf ; vt: 5 w" 6.45 p m; Bostoxt Mia m; Baltimore CJQ p An Electro-Galvan,; 3r? I j fTf .yj fleart and Palpitation, Weakness ' f Battery combined practice ia followed to mi ' Roiiiiiivu tiw V 1U utTA.fc uajr. 1 4 Hm4tfBtaUot CbarleBJcben,HnneryiIlsv ! !a that of a orm AM. The Klias of Echo 7 worrv: caused , a Intellect tvith erlef. Booth Hnnnar HitGniniam. Asper, con Medicated by Platter uie mesuow immeaiateiy alter taK. i r? HnhsttHalana. V1tt'.. ' 5:15 p;m. Atlantic ;cxpre33, taining highly overtax bt Irregular habits,-- Brbn ' ' ; t ; 1. the choicest medicinal Gums Ing OH the grass, the mowing may LLY' RECORD, with mled and chidB-Aloazo Winters, Hayuriils Trow Uae Acute or : . f Chester . . Chronic, . DAixTi . Congea . HtalayrUpteo Ok Wa... and Balsams known to modern Phar- - be done low and a ammooth' sur, 19 310 It Kw i m t . i me JarattMC Wouody, q 2 :Ji,.ny or 4: even lion i: "B winjr Boom wun nunt Tstro tbe Warabtp' to xtnngs, face la ' left over for timeKaysville cat next the spaces Job-births, marriages, printed 4 ma " , 19 62 7.31 135 Hallo, ReAobe Pit tabu rrh 13.15 p m; Uftrritbur Bockport,; J'- - w ;;iaJTJA moei aiarming stagea. Farmingtoa MarchantTPeoa Abraham ' These Plasters hsre now Tieen before the . 11 Ot 7 44 1 to Oeatervl tioss curerf of It publlo 'Voice', I WKQH.GK TBASDALB, k:...Prealdnt I and deaths, In each .fanillyaleo Tor T 8.45 a m; spucial Philadelphia alaoolns- ear 11 U 7 1 75 Wood's Croa k i Vifr.;-- a mSnbe? TCTanvatnlh Asthma, lteJ.5S2S2 two inches hh?b will start much rti... on ibb wmcn remains in nenot until tioiis. o? r1edie.nfiVtaur5rr JLrrtv as and thrive than rjulot.r nlaHtera.thcv batten aad ordinarv riaoeB ,iatefl hiv. Of) 8r 1 naire eptio Fits, .Whooping Cough, Ner- Salt Lake..... a ro, auoraing rnijaaeiuma CiAsaens-erJostGuyB,1 'lcon"nBlioB hen shaved close to; the ground; iu aaia ana oivt wita universal wDmunj uicra i. s rvsi. ,t a tun runt i approval, as evidenced braver one thousand nn-(J 1 Paseloa" place. yc.usneaa.and s a most wonderful ' .Ka.tfcl.aowjvww. ' ' sviucitea KsunoDiasiii our Dessesslon. Many re. ' BISHOPS.' ', . j Ifemedlea a susto tyBtatei weii. adjunct to other; ' "9:10 p. m:; ' f.ijjht James United Bowns, Almy . W. G. Burton, of V can be cut lower With safetv than I The mnind form la a "(SminC'H (aihinglitodufinV theTroce5 I copies of which will be sent free of rluirin tn an T ?' Bvauiton"" v.k one desiring them, improvements. In- many wayi TUSHOPS. iuo . . Dlphtaeriai l4 . liyguu ..... EXCEPT j 8ATTJKDAT, i bave been made, as Bu?arested bvexnerlence an. vf f,,rf,u(!;;; VVILL RUM DAILY. - . ai ose, unti It is believed that they are now perfect In wolpwi,. Willi for bless H. Dmh. -, 'n1 I warSn RECORD," jwitlv spaces hoUleIvbyremediee (Sundays Excepted,) - Jt t .3 i uiartM hmkt. vAsUK waAis N.y" k si . a a VT11 iuuiiux4iuir,,iij,oiuer Laaeintr Salt Lmtm City, at S.49 a.rn arrlr- - JJW OWEeTAKB 1 .11 Income An or ,B I Care. Without 25 , lHnU Is 7.45 trial. The a alnKle m; Baltimore cents, althoug a m: baptiamsjconflrmations, lngs, price u.w Washinjrton at jDa-ia.m., salt ix'avlug . , ann k.06 uuaer i1?Lii52rJ.L"t?,?-u- J Law atujT'sn any circumstances. iS?A5L0A t ...... arriving in Ogden at 8U 8.05 am;' Philadelphia 8.00 a m; New Tork I oJnationa, , J i yimimiuu t aid the'comblnatlonmethod avm., teavinsr cgoa at 0.00 am., arrlvlnr l (X 35 a m; Cieton 640 p m. Tbrotifh Caltl- - I Look nanao endowments, for out of the patrl adJ .InminsAtA By" and 1 lJ.TalUfaf.'Tr7f Bll tuore iaa uauunoa Bioeumr ir on thM pion5V. ny ftimiUr rrtuedy cun l boogbt, fruit nrunailnir Iri stneka a hanHmma noaausaa i ity at u a mi, . "ivius; ogaon trairt.J. LFELLOWS'.St. dress, v . y . .. .5.. will be found ready to bre of nnscrnpalotls t a.30 p.m arririnx dealers lu Salt hif City at I1 JphN ' . a aiivrui iur it ft i a vrjAtMA a.rai anrifta.wA come can be secured without carel I archal bleaslnss andrarloua partiou- a pn tne yellow wrappernn water -- ill bn a 1MB. rtV ri I Tooele County. FIRE ILWITS IS lOWt AS AST ivatcu.ui" viucjlt .U JOd MJs IQr . l is seen7 AU information which from to $10 holdints Jthe amount, mark, Capital for by conoomin inany t OTHER USE. u , man . rvsagsi sppij 10 -t" .L. Used T3with equal I " .TTTT:.. U may ' bemm.r paper before tbe light: COLLIf.S' VOLTAIC PLASTER $50,000, B Tuttle, Tooele Cits . .ww a a ww Vlal . n a.A iAa.t-- rtW n a em JAMK3 IH1UP, NrjTTAiU....;,..,;.;wr as Tlekeca for Tbronah .Bottler$1.50 sale ail for Prlis. elx DuirwoBr pec Price, a wu is lorm If iniru ,oy Cave it ine have to send us piutwiwouaw to yon YlllST for sjg. it. General rrei-h- t ana Ticket Afsnt aw west. Aaa for . ib the O. cipas H. $7.60. points I iVissara. tem. PrifCaV 'Lawrence & Co., .Bold tr all TfTiolesale and Retail l)rnggigts trtem vlatlis FUST ry TAiaaitl rtirougbout '! 5 ytJ JOHN SHARP, J. L. Bciuiow iCounielorV I Sold by all Druggists.' the United 6tates and Canadas, by Bankers, N.Y., pool the orders ot and ADOPTION RECORD," with rmiSS71.Tai.1A USK. mLul. Vitzus A l"OTTKa.rronrietora.Boaton. : v Superintendent, ?TiiA Oaoja . . - . e:g vj. jt d 121 at&w . t ! I . WiBurde,aJqlin.'J r ,. 'T fT UAUUtrailUa Ul CUOtUUISOi VI VariOUS I nr;e? IT.tl a1y,n,rv) OK.. ....... Pwnir"A-ii;jwauv- .-.an.n. i t, t , .1 tlJti sums Into oner and 9Paei ,fp.r 1ino f Ifsoo isoaled. ' - BtaHOPS. Oean Paac and Tic rat AcsnU , amaer most tne. i inem. oo'OperaLS ,m j c:;i, eto " ' OMIOA6KI. tl .Tri-.-- t ekiUul management, dividing pro--1 Wrth dsath Wm TJ Jorl nsnn. lurf: t.nil. , iv' v jDTAH .STAKE. . 1 rf"" tlmo plaoe P ' i saarenomer Oarmel' nia KemryBM Joiley.Mt ut juusa fwt" If ITi"! STAKE forrth form la a ''MISSION WMD' thus montniy. .Thomas Chamberlain, OrdaryiUe , VBitJ t obulne IIth advantages of ' . . : :j ... i i i.toyai J cutler, uieadaie la Inww or the largest capital ana experi- - and .. .. , a Johnson. Johnson peztus APP0INT1YIT;REC0;RD ? ; I . s i- JOa XI , , J CtCrr; enced skill, and the percentage of I Thomas W smith, Pah re h n anaoea Hot Hiohard Kobinaon. P a. Done ITantb Anthentloated Pa juograpb cfaal Te . Ancient TalnisHeily EeYealei! profits Is very great. $20 will pay withf nsmM dsia V Wiouoiy,; fj , Charles Pulsipher, Winsor and Mo jasla ., , . . ... . $100 In 30 day; $250 wiir return I .. t.1 t 1 a I y atlm report of nCcTsl ratil r BTJSSOPTs'' field of date on d j,.. . of j the birth, appoint-ancent, $1,825 or 71 labor, per stock, I .... , s , lS , Potin varies.--,,-so JbhrtsOr?, OD,-aj market the 1st ci y 7 1 Pjrf , ward, Provo rv i-.1 i!,V7 loveless, of the Rock Ie- - ' iiirn dward,rf uepaxture, release, etc.; u j i lfj.r nlafaj s'ww. publisher prominent ..', TT s. 7 II Myron Tanns ry 3d wardi !' S-ljoI made $104.15 rm,. si,Aii2' wj : Un4i(lU.)Dat&Xftnm I if.:: fMIJUtAABDJAJO;:,c www liq til tl fitt .. r ... booua, Bttnh war &f 20,lr. October. j. an Madnnn. investrjaemt ob Peter J-", ird, r4 PRESS- THE JUST ISSUED FROM .President r . i c5 1 . Willi or RrlnAnKAnU.. uanaraaa are even others for BAPTISMS, 'ESTDQWMENTS, aoing as-P v Messrs. Lawrence & Co.s better. '" i9n .It e.-- : "'r We are i no to untleb hew cttcnlar has "two unerrie ORDIJSA.TIONS, and BBAIaINGS n in H -- oa. prepared ysswsusiwasT, aanner7Pajoh,'rnf' " " rnrtafor-sncces- a In stock? opera? VorMhti Vti"-xrT-Or tfii o ' Btakea ! P'jtiriltleuU a V5 bz with lirwaMJ? the tlUtt f. JbonaoBreprloarLale.. i I r 5i mm. 4 era a I " jS 't 4 ew , MfsTI UIU UTinilTIJlnif n i it k tione," and full information, eo that , ,i . atrwb-, forms for; their re-- anv.nnA ABQ I aIn waa. w ran aiiAa n . a Mv a . C"' a a u ,(iaULiaO. ciary blank viejasi r1al 1 is rurrusnea ;Wlia; a 11 Wiida cbonds and ataAka tii bishops. ;3J3A?eo4 !i;,U -' Or. J.Xmi THEBOOK OFABBiHAy New GoveraBienfc bonds supplied. tffcW pag t Ji ajuuhVa,,.".r..' JorwhD'SroitllrtwarAlWmaraQ POJiicCuJotaArpius-Alexander AAiierlcau "?0r4 A,' ca DavldB . Brown, BUke 5 goWeBWW Staea cents , , It)ew Iteporte, per copy. rasamftV reuce & Co.. Bankers. 57 Kxohanir I owninir the record nan enter his or Co the Sub:ct, r-A. ' i f ?0 r Being a critical review ot tfce PlacejY.CityJj'l 1 1 1 4 het hame.. ; rexpladafloa ttf jthe '' DOES THE BIBLE SANCTION work EWai OFFICE SSztAaife? InatcWnhd w! pnder that name, IrVnslated iteerj RlaJjd on4eoelpt of pricr, ,.i . Lookimq A tramD I forma, fob aa Place. . Presid . a a a. T 1 1 42 sa' a . r a r. ir fi. a imaw 01137111 ndj rew f j iifll,i.1l4..ti...tl,T S appneu iur iooa at tne house of a I .. i " . , - iv AddlTSa v ' . ii A..i aSII I'""TTffg"" a rv an I .ssaa. from Egyptian Tapjrua by the . POLYGAMY ? snbTiTban agriculturist recentlv. Hlncacl r. oiiian'a t li f0501? U eaLrif uaj 3&ai jcaaouj ei JI .uJcJiC WMa"n8theraUoBs!bo6-t;ii.ca tlLruLi ..I. with JJ S? jsrr(SWWSIUAX JA.La.-..l!i- . ' ueeu Smith, copious SO l Aiau l' Joeeph ma rrophot ; tuai. at tSr--rluruiaueu "o rf 'if i ft koi ltJtVeiTj lo no! J i ,XlAON-Ja.-roUNOn r-Zll Ksia (a ame ew Taoeraacle, Sal 2 4DAmmiisn .1Z J vvuntj store, was aakred: be These Recorda are .' well' printed -- i?5 ?iij llcrtatlonr, 5 , dt ,fU9 srrlttw cl r&ferenoea to ancient and modern - ii u v uv jsu nut tu WQinr &L i AiioiTs. sgaviti erfj . Iato City, An u! JLsUi,X341i Deeret liewt OiSce, on ruled, fox ."I Jjave lookel good paper. a 1 vryeps lloolc Store, ledger place jong o;?8AroaL,ritA01s'r Authorltkiila eupport of iU uthen- en xne.-- r ,l thai S wpuia r w ei2dl Tia nrpiied,'m. ? i . jllmiog, . -.L,B'i. e,lKeA.niut nave never ronnu it T.rn... lr44yaAaajinrnaih ." t wkich u added the Corrwpcv!iEee prfc? "city. "Is there not plenty of work at fnrniRh f n BT on e : ,V . . lenjii aia Uinrr'.'ettl.gsv . to the Dlaouaeioa between the aiev. Dr. J. . 'Jj.--- ' asked the interrogator, .nem?f aiiHorar-- 1!kVKZd 06 b'fii o'lfr rarmlng?" r P winan and President Bri jham Young. 1 tttm U Kl.'sTTeLaa said the qTAlresJ px agor7 bnt 'Oh, ilXw tramp, yes.'i Jr Knt. vprin atckA a aw T t?t&9m-&iiir.lr: :i t Tkf a 4it . J' . "jiuau m rari-a-. want to find a vineyard where he hly five qulrea la as largfl as will i&Ulit nWOIdJ,H9J STSii taiiiUt' ,1 I raan who goes In at the OiLIEWBin aURSim'LAsY .L'aVEBERitSTAJCI lud : t a fa the first to come out'and k. &8c:iY? t hour J3AIs3IOrer W2I. .... .. ' An-- ELDER GEO. REYNOLDS. By . for tbe sals and drsw ni full day's wages. In the JI the ;f,. ... Happened anewof depotcelebrated Pr- j.y j i, .a w . lime they dealt fairly bv a the deliyery C. F. UaaioikSii, JCooaasldrs. o?'; ana ecij &l?Fft Pe- -n ,. fW 'i'TT'.-- t to ch othw toarder, q h?J??7. f?,! portioned l?11?1 . iicaviuvuv ssAVa tuns a WUab X Bill CoiTit:l-o-tr .'l . v. 4 A L.m.'.tJcf-t same ta i ;be subject, ij '04.A t5 Cl.tT M1 Markst, West Temple SU, where Ls will be pleased to sae eld and Jlil ri:."1 ift fn. ijrr w ltciAn ow.atf.Mi fob bxtj new f riends and customers, . a a . Ui prices will - aT.tJ j rir nir ia ia4 My dettr ''aa Shelto he? hlJ A Book ', j Pan KBoaa Full Tull . be; A toa deUvered, I8.J6.. A ton at.tls iah ?Ii band yorx woulilL 'wi new ,i fAiS. boy P ?AJf3s Winaiiio-fn depot, jne rz?ir.!fiv'afcotfiIEoaari Bock Orm TfaH u (Part rood tore pay.; a. sew: ami4au,' .b DESERET NEWS OFFICE. )2he?t,,Sty!9.qfi!'Srt,"' i.8aVkv 0"v CartalnlyJ i" ref 4 - " r Iaa. ' Jei, i..: Baled U ,ll. to A I a TBl x r Rfl nn. is.. W.'mtrrVilX? .grain, 'what.kind Jones, would w vsa-has plied 1 you Quir 00 $5 teSvAi BTJJVXJlAlffa WOOD- like? .viVw the 1. Will be kept by him in full supply, aad Ki.-- t .iiliaien cf I aaif f. too 1 . hftvs Joarf a oa ssn IS bjoo l.ol vl f Well,ephad Ia" w JLwaraiiff, 'd ' .reet living? : k,v,! 4 0 Cwa, rnzcis J Orders left at Squire's Barber Phot t John A Alired, biaterviiie dtal.atrrjujt- t American Literary 880 io1? t Bureau.7 ths Hkrald Office or at the nOaM prefer ose of , . Jnje,PHhlsMr-rWTaa abor'i now' is.'ru&d la n phial Deoi Tempi Street, a block west ofDepot.West ,co - . !c?, ,;!f? vrt - w , ;i ia Kimball A those If tbeytvaft cost too --naeb." " r"ec -tDra( ocUTta lift ot oat kundj-t-i par. Lawrence I store, will receive prompt Koa-er- 1 a Ji-uuir- its -- .i . - ,'..!- -- -- : - i ,. ; --- . - rrte.TO Uiis-fy- uiifer.- . J 1 -- ' v '' w-- -- d wet-kl- - " -- . . .L-A- - -- - ei . '" .. 1 W " Jum-tm- - Kalr-tie- r.n iet - rosi, i , , i- s Oska-loo- NOTIOB .. aw T-- h, th . v-- 4t kl- 11 , u. 1 - .ts:! . -- - J ;. . I U. T' W lis -- Brst-cla- js ; " ? -- - . on, s . j. -- ii-- i - - - v -- B "' ;. , 0r-ettog- 'li 1 1 Mtty r--n - swladUmi-DoSt'ouio- f IX -- poet-orfloe- si' s - , W ; 8AS!FRDSS RADICAL CURE For. CATARRH -- . judg-men- '-- - ; . - . " , - , s-- W.H.lakua,u W . j:-v- - . v.- r - VS -- : . ..':-'- '' . , : - . ooiiersv-Lnverur- 1 ! r : . . 1 r : 'Og-tSc- -, .... -- - 1 - : all-rai- . Bidnes-'Wit- t 4 - .. Gar-ma- MU3-u- r 1 t . toa-iv- e - - "B OSTON- El slk or-pa-ns . li, h Iu-thl-s n tr" , - '. . suf-fare- d s oue-quar- tat . -- . ... UTAH 'CENTRAL 1 t, 1 . . e iUlLROAI). 1 tioneer " FAMI .' " . , -- 4 1 . RECORDS. . . . k n 11 .. - 1 - . - : .ffr . - . : 'I . -- Trains " Express V . : w - -- ef &U - " OffllCfLASTER ),,, A ' lo 'o- ...... top-dressi- r't'int' flt ng - n flw-i,- I . --- I - 2t u-a- Dftlo-curor- 1 1 Einmzfs&s - I C?t- . ... .1 - ; .. : i ' m . f- ;. aj-iss- M M -- i7 1 AM i 'f ... HBPOE!T3. 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""WfcAw,a . at-tnu- ;.t a iCTfra ?aoe. 1' f,' tn ? j-f- P .-!f BE: WisSSAdBl , Zt 1 .1 - , . -. -' - . . . p ' -- tao - u'oa A P fesnhnw.-Rj- ir l&nA W 011am Ains, aUxurstoa "; t- ;0 "'Hvl J. .e,rnt . 1 J- V1 mtm fanforU Bid, ham, lUrardaie t" iraN ttpauidijiw, Prwsa, uiatali 1 |