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Show tTllE EYENINGNEVT& OBUa . BAUTi S0SDAYS SAOBTtSB, At ivoca ooxoc. GEORGE Q. GANN02T, BRIG UAH OUNG, ; Hey 21. fTldar. s EDUOJLTION IN UTAH. I ft UI7 . Tub late President Brighani Young has frequently been accused by bis enemies of hostility to ,Uucation. on Every impecunious lecturerreund Utah affairs who has passed and the plate In eastern cities,contrifilled his pockets with the butions of benevolent fictions, whose sympathles have been ex- cited by ab.urd stories of the ab' sauce ol schools in this Territory, has made capital oat of the alleged j munity would be sadly lacking in their duty if they were to give con fidence and support to beings to degraded and contemptible. The "Mormon" leaders are and always have been sustalneis of tbe cause of education. They must be, or act in practical denial of the religion they are endeavoring to promulgate, which Includes 'all branches of learning among its essential principles. But they are and should be opposed to these professed educators wholwould train our children away from the path marked out by the God of their while eager for mont y in payment far leading them astray, would brand them before the world with a name of infamy. Bach institutions as those established by tbe munificence of our late President will teach correct principles and train up consistent educatots of our own faith, and we cordially en dorse them, and hope they will be multiplied throughout tbe Territory. lead- opposition of the "Motmoo" ers tj lit cause of education. f- Here tl is well known tbat sidenc Young was an earnest advoIMI tATOES OP cate of practical Instruction for the THE WICKED" ... PATRIARCHS. THE youth of both sexes. He not only urged tnls upsn tbe people, but Reference has already been made spent considerable means-t- o aid In in these columns to a review of the the good work. The Brigham decision of the Supreme Court in ' Young Academy at Povo has the Reynolds case, by "An Old ceived frequent mention In this jjLawyet" of New York. We give paper as au institution eatablUhed below an extract from the pamphby his bounty. There Is another let containing his argument, and educational establishment found- Laay quote from It further on other ed, by him which is destined Eccasions." The fine vein of irony to accomplish grand results, but that runs through these p irsgraphs d ', which is not named so often. We Is particularly sharp,. aud will Colare familiar to all Itself irbo refer to the BIhana Young 'j With tbe situation In Utah, and lege, at Logan, Cache County. - j com-faen- r.iEGGErJGEn. budzet said: Independently of the othsr ronerresults of the inquiry Into army ad XTOH alo, on excBanse fsrBtaUion, M hS- ty. tbIT full Blooded, ministration and expenditure or HKNUliu. klsB foriwimiawi hands unproductive publio works, govern - B. 8- - HTJDSuru to x ment believed it would be able to apply M califoraia Stables economise a million pounds yearly, n1 had no doubt of its abllitv to various markets has not been spasa financial equilibrium. "R.TTlAr establish !! r,l"7"Tr!"Pl modic or fevWish. The Immediate CT vnlalned v-- "' tnat the nthntlt- '' future is real fy fall of promise for borrow In England would c. RISER thi bas rionxn active and Intelligent . men, as it tion to itB- used if strictly necessary CEOi end Ska Stasier. be 1873 before, only since not been has more to MUVBO commodious quarters' or mu extent to -live the and only 'the Tribune editorially ': ;.i o, 93 First Sontli Street California could support 50,000,000 llons. of thu cSit l!aka CftT. three doors wat of Dln-Fawcett. la consequence indeed without crowding, people hla amend nrfov"a x uriiiture nwr. wnsn nm win if as densely populated as Holland, statement. withdrew unit ltenatr all kinds of Boots and in;me ment at alarm 200,000,000. expressing she would hold nearly Ksoes ea tbe shortest notios and at lowest I rrease of expenditure.. 10,000,000 .. e r t It requires not less than resources. niadatone conirraiuiateu cian prices. merely to develope he what hnna on the presentment he baa It is not, thfen, the question FOR . SALE. make of the financial the Chinese will do, as much ases-it been able to India. of ror rooa wny rrovvrij and condition EaUHANUb fXR a. k is what California will do, aores. are mun nww Atui oi i i wealthiest of her bow pome pecially this city, partly xsQoea ana wstof embarfrom will escape team and tarminx Implements. enterprises rassment. Those who talk flippantly TELEaUAlIIlO NOTlS. COOPER BR03- -. IO WIT A reflect of overcrowding'- should Under T. &. Jones' Bank. it due .Chief Joseph has been lecturing upon tbe fact tbat- all the inhabit ants of tbe elobe- could stand, on at La Balle. Ills., in tbe interest of Land Inland in New York State his people, but has not met" much THE YALE ARTIFICIAL LEG t and each have ten feet of land. It encouraeemeni. on t renounced bv laadinv Sureeons and our on insti is a curious comment puouo isnas- Ta The committee who wear them to be the bU Jl men, has authorized the chairman to re- - tboM tutions, this talk of expellisg fit guaranteed without tbe presence perfect ror me om estaDtoo a hard work nort because favorably of the patient. A descriptive pampb tat merely they free. Address GBU JU. JHUUuavrt, and too cheap, from a country Ibthment of land districts in Mon sent Mew Baven, Conn. where not one acre In ten nas ever tana and Dakota. m iss M. E. Buddington and M. been fenced in, or one in 0 touched It. W. Walker were married by tel by a plow, f? vice-rreme tnat is it reported egraph last evening, the onae and iuo tel dent is troubled with extreme nerv hn, rriAnus neinsT Dreaeus u and ousnessand sleeplessness, the di egraph office in Milwaukee - the esse tbat killed Greeley. groom at uwaionna, suuu ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock The Timet says, editorially: me T HBholders new senator from Oregon (Slater) of the Utah Central Baiiroad has undertaken to "regulate", the ;, i ? (UOT1X ABKITAXS. Uts Election of Directors for for Company, Chinese in America. ..tie brought " ; ' ' will beheld on Monday, Vaixkt nocsa, May 22nd. the ensuing-yeahis whole mind to the study of 4ur Mack to son. Stockton: 10 and Wm. J' other 1879. at the Dereret at a, treaties with June tl, nations, nji.Tind wife. Cltr: O. W. Orth, Cityt Mrs. pa TJ. T. tbat of the Buriingame Treaty in and Sa'.t Lake National City, Bank, HUrrls. iAIW, uuu Itlnrhim: K. OreSTOD! uartlcular. From this research he sta. TiniLn W M . Ttinlns-ar-. orann. i , .GEOEQB SWAN, Secretary. children. Iowa; and tnrsa. Um with tbe conviction Un. kmi&b has emergt-UA Ila nnlt. Ul.k. that foreigner in this coutry are in Dlnf .Cherry Miae O. BelUer, Cherry Ceek; too of many privileges. Creek: j Kgers ana wire, ean jrrancco. possession VALUABLE IHFORMATIOM and that the Chinese may be law Wn Tbomsoa, Ban r ranclsco. r ' t ' lothoM interested. 1 wish, to inform folly excludtni from all privileges theWool Growers tbat I am prepared to not granted bv tbe treaty to sub nakearranvements for burin and will favored of 81A uot tbe nation.". pay tbe hlcrbeet market prioo In VsslI LAKE UTi jects Plater, accoroineiy. Troceeas to ex elude. There': is a novelty about Wool 8acks, Twine and a No.1 article this which suggests the fresh nets Doors open at T.1S, commence at 8. of &heen Eheara furnished. I a let of Oregonian forests. The Chinese deal In Hides. Pelts, Tallow, Tart, T KNQ AQEMENT OrTHl' are to be putfpn a level, so far as . Jto , tor whvoh I pay libsrsi price. Corner of South and Kast Temple are uiivileees concerned, with the Streets, Salt Lake (jltji B. B. Clawbo. subjects of other foreign powers. It will surprise pur .fellow citizens to learn that they have been governed ..9SF- OMIATICf COSlPMYf, '4" tin.:.;, by iahertys and muldroons in ae fionce of treaty stlpulatloHs. NIGHTS ' ONLY. TWO v " racl( stall Keport. V ' Lately of U. 8. Land Office, "AND H0NDAY TUESDAY, The annual report ef the Pacific ATIORNBY LANDAGENT Mall was not made public yester y se a 87. a day as was expected. Babcocx saia ii MOND1T BVB., MAT t6.'U and his.friends First door south of U. 8. Land Office. It has pleased Hart Daoade, to keep back i the report. rney Ths 0 reatest Drama of i he Iresent or A TTEND3 the written by tbe author promptly to rrrparing Land think evidently there is some great i entitled XV and Mining t'aperg, Lonrests, etc. Two Orphans,' m delay. Hart and bis K'urnlahes Plats of ourvera. Information. advantage InMentis can outvote me now at the etc, to laferkSted. parties. Furnishes Claims ducements paying CASE ! with Perl p.-for CELEBRATED board," and' herefoie do as they A - Will auswer correspondence pleafee. Bbeock publishes a card r: tree-- - tteiers oy permission te Williams Tounrv in which he- say t: Hart could no Madeleine Renaud. Attorneys, RnYiv InrittK & , Bennett Harlraess more devise plans for the operation Adrienne Kenaud. u ''j RnBboroush Merrilt, f , of Ibis corapsny or inte.ligentiy aa A Hairan, Tllfwrd i 87. TUESDAY EVE., MAY, ', ; Mciiride Sutherland minuter its atlairs than ooutd tbe ,;'. London Bank of Utah. priza monkey from the Z oological The' Beautiful Emetlonal Drama, so titled 8L. Hills, Casbler rrseret Kailoual ' Gardens. Rank.. w.R. McCernlck 4 Co;, Barters, stateif is the FROUZ It lht forthcoming K. Banker Pact no Mail report will snow a re MI SNiXMB BOYD In her eo. oeptlon tf :. T. r A Wells joneg. i'mrgo Co., Bakni. duction In the company's debt of Z3XITZ!. about SoOOOUU and an increase In earnings pf about $400,000, nox umce open caturday, at iu a. m. I. Lines. laulerfreaiad Teleg-rapADMIJ8ION- -!l 00. 7Te.. 50c. and ?5c Two thousand underground con Bcaervea Seats cents ezt-a- . Li ductors will be laid by the Western 03 Union In this city by.ritptember, FOUND. doing away With the Lse of about TAT the 11th Ward of thlscltr. on SuodT. a 15,000 poles. I The wires will be JL May 16th, a child's DiueCape. 1 he own Insulated In shol low pipes, accord er can bare it by caning- at this onKe. ti HI ing to Brooks' method, to test how long the line! will woik with this ml system. Jersey City and Elizabetha ml . Ulty will be next connected with pipe run or wire. eapltal ef 1 4.000, APABTNIR, withof takinr Fatal Expleslea. th obarire and oversight of tbe books and financial a srooi paying- buslnrss, symo, iii. rne sof xustbkia. O sion of the . Lbller in" the Risdon I o flrmiy as abllsbed In this city. For CO killed Carl pecial formation, apply by letter to grist mills, ; Head ley, an employee, and serious , ENQUIRES, Icitv. four others. The loss is Post Offioe box. 1139. Salt Lak.d&lfrfcwtf ly InjuredCanaan CO : unknown. heavy. H ere ateesit () BarssS Hesscerle O Detroit. 21. When the fire was 4 first discovered, Mr. French and his IL. men were at work in the adjoining o field, and before any efforts could HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting ef the be made to stay the prosrees of the II .taxpayers of tbe 16th School District will be held in tbe tmner room ot the flames, the whole establishment, fcheol-houJune ed. consisting of f n animal barn, two 1878. at 7.40 d.onm--Tuesday . for the erenlng, election of trus awemng ana a Diacaemitn snap. tees and the transaction of other impor was a mass oi names. While en tant 'business. i Uy order or to. rescue the famous ' deavorlng A. 8. OR AT, Id 'J ' i trick elephant. "Saltan" Mr. W. UHR, J. i 'W. WM.L. HINDER. French was knocked senseless by in ' Ttuatees. the frightened animal, and barelv Salt Lake Citv. 20. 1879. Mav esoaped with hla life. . The loss on IL animals, circus paraphernalia and buildings is about $15,00; Insured CD aoout iZjUUU.:. LU HamlQlesit Beqe.ata. O ' A LLKNTOwjr. Pa.. 23. The will of J udge Packer was read, It bequeaths for a permanent en- Q. .or xbx.. aowmenc to the Lteblsrh Unlversltv 11 of liethlehem, f 1,500,000: for a tne university, 5&00.000; oraryior to Bt. Lake's Hospital of Bethle hem, f 300,000;? St. Mark's Episcopal uuurcn, Aiaucn ududk. J30.000. .or Tnjc. Heveral bequests are kept private tor tne present, , tomsln the solid world of business have been attended by s speculative feeling in the purely speculative quarters which tbe cool observers most carefully discriminate from them, but the rise in the .:X AT .......CAlili 2o -- ii it 31- - II. TDCT CD, TWVirJBH AND SEE THE ' t' wf .. :v .'! TALMA." cuiu-rstodiW- - o:o- - ! . BRIGHTON, NEWPORT, CAPE MAY, NARRAQANSETTr ' LONG BRANCH. NOTICE. ai . , , r, 1 1 - FOR WOOL- - . j lJEtRAItHlt hnderstand the shallow pretence of This institution Is yet In Its U lain working piety and purity which is put forth although order, and Is accomplishing much by the prominent . champions of for the benefit of. our youth. It is extreme measures, against the " !i ', organized with a President and 'Mormons.' is and of supported Bard Directors, Between official and individual by an endownent from President knowledge there is a debatable laud A court Young of a large tract of valuable free to ludicial discretion. does not much; that it land in Cache Valley. At present may knew not knew and much that it know, It has no building of its own, but knows. The court, In . the case in occupies a commodious structure, question, may have preferred to be rented from Logan City Corpora ignorant of tbe fact tnat the plain- error was one or a tion, in which Is. held a High till incommunity, the legal staBchool, with Miss Ida I. Cook as large of ' whose members would tus principal. The academic year com- be determined J by the con mences on the first Monday in Sep- clusion to which it should arrive. from the other tember, and closes- at the end of On tbe tenor or . tne decision, the June It has already prepared sev judges were not, by any means, Ig eral teachers for District Schools in norant oi wnaiouteiae or judicial the County, and under Us accom- quarters, mignc- pass for a related that, infesting a plished principal, who Is a thorough circumstance somewhere between the region an - disciplinarian as well as and the Paciflo,therelsa Mississippi experienced 'preceptor, ' It is hand of miscreants, wicked beyond which all who dwell elsewhere within tbe of an institution of Christendom. ' Also occa boundaries of have he north the people t t a a1avam ess n at raM sion to be proud. The scholars are upon the public .domain which V. fZ KJa - all "' required to pay a portion of the tu they have the Insolence to tarn into to out fields and anil ition expenses; the rest is paid gardens, satisfy appetites with of the fund raised by rental of the their unhallowed it tbe produce of the tame hare a land referred to. Much of this has relizion. Is neither Method which ' not yet been productive of revenue ism nor Fresbyterianism, nor Epis- HV Baptism, nor Con Bat each succeeding' year brings oopalianlsm, nor nor TOILII'i. Liutneranism, .'3' more of it under cultivation and gregationalism, nor Quakerism, nor any other of adds to the opportunities of' the the Isms sub-iser which prevail College for usefulness. As soon as in other States and Territories: and clrcamstances will permit a suit which, therefore, Is 2 beyondanddes in cription coriupt, ungodly able building will be erected, and famous, must been and hare adopt B1ILB0AD & CA3TAL SCBAPERS. the Diana of the founder will be ed through the direct Instigation of m' y or mankind, fur carried out more fully. tbe these In thermore that Direct a advance the in As step reprobates, I co CO I. ora l Lave secured the services of order that theyj might practice XTS B. CL AWSON has just receiTed a oar rites, without Inter unholy tne Brother C IT. M. Agramonte, who their n Y. a . Pi Tl gooa ana pious by ruption CO will open another .department in who constitute the remainder of tbe Assorted sizes, 90 inoh, S3 lack and 3i Inch 'CO of retired the ) thai of the citizens republic College at the beginning For Shape, Low and m a Strength, thousand Durability Into the wilderness, new; term. In addition to the miles rrom tne abodes of civilization Price thsy art unequa led. Call and En m in tbo iegular course, he and Christianity, and thereby be adlne. ' will give Instruotion In vocal mu- came CO obnoxious,, of evil example Ph. P4 PS sic, analysis of language, natural ana a pregnant source or infidelity. ana corruption to tne ATTENTION philosophy, history and the mod- misoener FAEIIEES and to Christians in ern languages, including Spanish, people at largetnese means by implant for which we understand he is particular: lng and Instituting a national sin For Good, Durable and Cheap , imOther to the Intense disgust of the Al thoroughly competent. XXAXiriSSS, SADDLES, &C. provements will be added in due mighty, who may, any day. be in . expected, punishment thereof, Goto the so the that time, Briguam Young to; asscena in person, without ;.TlCOWl k1i "CO at will become a College Logan CO notice, to wipe out and eradicate, Harness VorUipm' "En jsBsis ver.' University la which advanced witnout aiscriminauon, old and "rrS5 Beoond ana South St. ,5 doors west of State Road, students from our northern District young, righteous wicked, not i ' Schools even PresI the Congress, sparing ; All Work Warranted.' may finish their education. nor the Judiciary. It has been frequently alleged ueut 3E.X:ZAIXlJ.rCGf To nil to OTernowlnz the cud of JDONEj with a ner that Brigham Young's their abominations, these reproUHHT H1BHESS A BFJSC1AX.TT. ideas of instruction for the youth bates, it is understood, have malig III IIE17EST to. imitating - the t was "teaching boys how to saw off nantly taken .1103?, BREtVER&CO. of holy Jacob and David example the end of a board, and the' girls and riolomon, and multiplying how to sweep a room." We admit their marriages. ' This proves them PIPE ORCAM. e mm it sal a noly Jacob and dUtos that his theory of education In David Solomon and and the saints 03cluded those useful branches of and - A , irC3 tt CO patriarchs of the elder dispen CO practical knowledge. 'Hedeprecat sauon Dejona nope vile ana in GEORGE CARELESS . ed the system of educa corrigible. The notion which is "....,.....' 4P CO ?3 W'S.r-- T one of theirs that everv woman ast a received tioa which turns out an army of Is splendid j HAS entitled to the privilege of bearing .1 COURT i "learned fools" unfit for ' the and KEED ORGAN, . 91 oi their cniiuren,is legitimate proof cares made by the celebrated Geo. and straggles of life inherent licentiousness. The prac- dqtJea, CO as a . CO. WeoD's ORGAN and suites! only foresting out of the -lice wnicn CO GREAT inev pursue oram or .BRITAIN. sue... absorbing . t r'.-- m CO. i i an taeiemsiN or tne community. public crib. We must say that we so jwbbi uu nsuiai ui ginit HeSea. rere(anone shall over be that left for tone it excels any Organ ever seen fully agree with his Ideas in this prostitution, ' demonstrates how IjONION 23s CorresDondei.n at 'i II 1 in UNITED Utah. respect. True education does not utterly 0. ;OTATE are depraved. The Berlin reports Germany and France they M i He has con lit simply of book .learning or Idea also a very i. beautiful ft ur heart! v on th which ' they , entertain are SPECIE PRICES AmEASDEL'S. . . . r . 'fraction i that Wood's the PIANO. of j ureea question. UPRIGHT - . iir ths cass or the cramming of the mind with I to furnish ns pmpnrutl ar,(iMw f ' ' 1 jfi !."-- ;with a home, is more Ilussia is about to add a number "r The tone is sympathetic, and of theories and rules. Boys should be husband wholesome for a woman .' than of swift cruisers to her fleet. of BL&kes with the ne- - fine Pjettldents' tbe' action per singing quality, taught something which will make neither husband nor home, shows A match between Plalsted'anri GEORGE ::REYIr0LDS i them useful and productive to . the uaw uestiiute tney are or all the LNlcnolson .CO. oeseaiy blank, form for their' re-- fect, the design elegant, and the so CO' ' not ha been ef .A yet ! finish of nner the and ' t of humanity. workmanship because the latter's backer community, and girls should be reelings fected, 1 sn ports. lW 1 vs. rl at. con. is temporarily abeent. . t. u instructed la household dutles,tbat t JIt Is nota 1to be wondered i . . I ' very finest. ,1 .. r l j w me ' Both are out Elliott and that tianlon l t siuering circumstances, ' also for is be He j 'the agent they may something more than every seatlmental virgin of mature twice 6 Piaiated Btake r4 muto acccmDanlea llepotts, twreopy. mere ornaments of society. But be age in the land, no matter how dis r . dally. ..."KNABE," "ABION" "HARDSfAN? THE UNITED ST ATS. -,1 f 35 cents per do. and "Water's" Piano. Ward ''; , who aays Brigham Young was op- - tant rrom tne scene of operations. The weights have been rubltnhifl -mo rl feels own most her invites his for the Ascot Stakes. Parole has virtue imperiled fr2 H respectfully And, pasea.to tne general.dlffuslon of the long as such :6 WET" rerwlpt of piioe. depravity is allowed to been handicapped .at ,8 stone 13 and the publio to! give him friends knowledge that Is usually imparted go ' i CO ' unexterminated. It Is not sur- pounds, which is 4 pounds heavier BY ': Addrtifw a call at his New Store on First In schools, grossly misrepresents prising CANNON: that strait-lac- ed members than tbe to be wehrut bv carried GMGI;Q. . t South Street, two doos east of hi actions and teachings. of Congress, who, at once, console any oiuer, uoinv. Furniture House, and ex tor of tnemseivea Vienna A absence wives the is says: The present leaders of the MorIt dispatch I ' from 8 fANONft VOUNO, y left at borne and set a laudable ex announced from Constantinople amine his splendid stock of all mon" Church, with President John ample of economy to their chil that Khalreddla Pasha, Grand Vi Ial News OAKoe, kinds of Instruments, BHEET Printed and for Bala at the BEST MARKETS AND lOWEST-PBICES'Taylor as a notable example, are dren, by having a mistress, who zier, has tendered his resignation. &c. e arneat adrooates of .education aa MUSIC, nave Strings, Ac, i Halt Lake V!Xt, certain rivalries been very for keeps berself, In each of the depart 137 tf . t he entire community. They sus ments, auouu reel tne urgent need, active lately.- JBhould the chance X7SV7S as well be effected, it Is believed that it doing something signal, tain It by word and deed. Under of to a rag tne nation rrom the verge win M a one. f t heir Influence its Importance is of tbe . i Vienna aiDatch ta ih nt. abyss into which It la preA : i . .' .d "4ii' ., .'.,.. to plunge, as to demonstrate Petersburg Oolo sUtes thatGerma- ,j growing in the estimation of all paringown tneir aomeetlo loyalty, and ny ana not .Uussla demanded that PRICE, o lasses of the people, and imp toy tuetr inaeiioie natrea or everv Bwltxerland renounce , the rleht of manta In the methods of instruction rorm or CITY lnaaleenoa. Ttia I an asvlum ta fareien rurmru. and increase in the facilities there- people ofluxurious the United b tales da not Switzerland refused, and Germany E for, are observable all over the Ter-- appreclats how highly rectiC&d refeired the question L 37 rl tory. Bat they clearly perceive their legislators are how nnsallied I powers, who refused totothr,thr wW . Irreproachable in ran. with German v. -. tr ne necessity of encouraging the In mind and is . r4 PIOliE. i m CLOTH8; andit j . Pierre Jules iCsue, French eculp- duetj well, that perhaps, employment of teachers of our own " v uvwwi, as I unw. ueaus,a uj anjro nnrltrl tr, raith In preference to those who View of such auantiiiaa Thf linui mti: ' Tha mmkI are opposed to it. We are with should come upon them unawares. I speculation In eQver has partiallv Si . U .. v, . ; ; H ucuxavuu tut, Luo services oi i " juo wuoiiy ceoseu, ana tne mar them la this, fully and entirely. ma ' SS: . DAILV ARRIVING. r K :..ir,A.t has become comnarativAiv icgion oi coroners might be the my other course would be ex resulL" i Unlet. i six Misna eer, n't i xne latest novelty in athfotln iremeiy foolish and inconsistent, Valises r and fTravcIlina Eauinjnenti Trunks, Satchels, nu u anyuung were wanting to contests Is a six days' swim mineI match at the Lambeth Baths iviade A to on and order make this clear to an ordinary the shortest notlee; which for quality and U .T?nT Impaired Gym - ' a.A JMJSaVS.AatXlUa. I naseum which , I aWfa ..... KM I I fll last bggan Monday 11, . a , cearse s t inc ' H 1' takes by men mina, ' t ' st? a. u vs S ijmi nirnt whom some of oar people have enand Salesroon, - - 8Sk" First. vSonth Stitaui rsu VE8TZB9 mtzosr xsi.iaara uaa, scores ociock. uanuuetcry stood as follows: . I ass . ' T M S3 SV ' 4 Doors West of DIawoedey's Furniture Btore. U;. I, MM r i i i :w Webb, who swam across the i couraged as teachers is amply suffl-clei . k if. I. v , A s3ST IK Orderm addnsm P. n. I V I . I ill w W H . U Kl a U H ish channel, 57 miles; G. Teame R III EASTEBN. After obtaining enough . jj : ws i i ws i iv i i i .i is x ri ri woo VTBtuswori.il. a 1 aufth 1, mid . means to leave this Territory for j , J. U. CliEMETSHAW, ; J. W. BNELL. ' contest" for the Jbords and VVI -- 2 : 0 HThe JTi sss Ik Komi close ' .; riJBijsxiED.;, I ,Sf-.cf. ; hare Commons devoted five tw"m enerea Factory. sm(leex-iptisusummer. miles thsy their last see :Hupt. .... Proprietor. 4 . m ffor Call 49 ' J gies to circulating abroad the most ferala Tlie Chinese, etc. miles; Willie iBeckwith, 82 . ' Art for sols at tt t. t i'fc si H S r. ana J. M. Taylor. 21 abominable falsehoods in regard te lirsv 1 York, 23. The World has miles, ( AtsmMtlnvnihs T?itt.milp. the Territory and the people, and an editorial up BoeieV yesterdav. th DF1SKRF.T TIT!t7S flFFTn? Vlio business Heretofore' 2onaacfs?l' k to the publication of such mon the business prospectssumming wherein the cultural were council recommended tn in writer surest says that the evidence strous untruths that the only won of-struct the rcommissron-ers qualified reviving nrosnerltv is th m a v ' i ; r' i.. x and publish Ben&r&ta Uoman's lzponeiit Ofilce, der Is they can find any one simple Uvlty Hin ieTveatmint ' Saaw-wnall ,esaw tZjEMt mmwtjWmmyTt a fi tf I as corn reports to the to tallsts which x i credit has to them and v m enough give meat and I I " u S of raising aw,' r the capabilities wu iransxerrea zion s ajs. fiiereantlle lnBtitntun. TJluh Coaa Isslgn; Ctor money to thelx propagators. 'Are various pest, offices by the British such persons fit to act as preceptors , "A XfnW T.f na of All Stnlo. T nn.llltn. i,Ui,'S...L 3 j"jvj : X2oeU fjtore, of the youth of any community? intended Ths Xwyer are hotels MetropoliUn dolnr : " r " 1 trni Vn. a ai a fine business. There Is industri? xei. . r They are unworthy-- of recognition ous i ana the JAon inquiry after real estate, not I rinanciauy. XXcae, , by any individual of any creed who : I m summer i : House toi a inthe At Lowest 'Trices, will always te found in Stock at t ..! f retains particle of self respect, and men of ioOueacs In this' com I AfcE THEY :. , " I A, D. WHEELER, . r- . H. S. ELDREDGE, Snpt. - j-- . Pre-empti- on - hand,-Inferrin- - - ' - , . , FROU! - ,. '. ; , ' . - i ) h . v 3QAP. - , ms - -- arch-enem- expio-larransem- to-da- a o WANTED, : o- y, ... o O oo. . a NOTICE. .inu :- -J - en - ; A MOUSEMOLu o w o e mm .. ? I - - : I , o s to-da- y. - -- SUPREUE FOUEIGS. ir. O SlIlBlPMLt - DECISION so-call- ed mmwh daily sr ft ? o O - . ( 5 1 'Si- -- - , i - 5k REPORTS. a 1 - 1 ; . h 1. 1 ,. I i. , tf . 1 - j 1 t P M-tre- i .. j Din-woode- f . deserdt - iar-rescb- lng Iir -- I MM delected pecial SElSDOtfsPois; Ba avm i just ft, M V ' a'-- f- k: a ' I 1 ... - S 4 4 r sar 1 , f R. : 1 D.f.rS'ifl:-h "' 5'it ! TRUNK FACJORY! tl ffsBM .', : SALT LAKE; ' m JgeU-epllla- si .. ,( .B.;q BV - '.!. " ..-- - nt. hile, lrrrt - j's . h oois,pi.iNTflJ liwks it XDB DUUfi! X CmS PlR Pr"' 1 -- s , co-opera- te RY tf w orrxcn '25 Cents. j " O . : I - Vi; s -- tf--- s at to-da- y, hAi.! - .S uxaUvis uvrAaaxvu3A"nav"niioiOHo .Km"P7 r X"." m - .v n, h ssBBBsssaw sssssssawas.---'- -. t-- . co-opera- uTe Uir""r'in r-- -J n i'T7'2 ; . :3$L50 Hi 8. CLDRCDCE; Supt. |