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Show its former prestige. And when partially restored, it was almost again by the revolution of 1793, rususMa baii.1 iinrBAn noartiroAv destroyed and only recovered under the Won fOU3CK stringent tariff of Napoleon 1st, which was afterwards maintained by the Bourbon and Iouls QKOKGLS Q. CANNOI, Philippe, and Is the cause of the BIUQHAaf "XOUKQ, financial prosperity of present . Xonoa uro Fmnmi ' France."; Brother Graves thinks there Is Taa rater. April 17, 17. every reason why those who have entered upon this business In Utah should be encouraged to persever.EDITORIAL H0TE3. ance and predict that the time Is The iIats trad still flourishes in not far distant when' this Territory "th dejk' bontlnant" A short will be famous for Its silk industime ago 8.C00 troop were sent y tries. He says there are many being tb Khmdlvm of Egypt to stop the hundreds of mulberry trees ' tnUSo in a district of the Nile ral-le- planted this spring and there are Tor sale at the cocoonThey were attacked by 11,000 blenty more a Arab eomraanded by Balalman, ery. They may yet be planted for alere-tradln- g prince, who keep osi two weeks. He will cheerfully band a stock or 10,000 female slaves give information to Inquiries about for the market .The extent of this eggs, , tree, fcc, to .any one who trade la human belags may be trill write to him enclosing a stamp Imagined from the fact that one for posttge In reply. Brother Graves ie enthotjastie on great trader can sanfmon so many he silk question, but we believe business. his to defend retainers not without reason. It Is certain We are In receipt or a letter from hat Utah possesses all the climateElder Henry Rampton, of Bounti- s and other requirements' for the on a mission to successful establishment of seriful, Who Is 'now ' is 'laboring In the culture, and we hope and believe Europe, fie South Coast District of the London bat the labors of its advocates will i. Conference, which extends oyer reaalt in all they anticipate. about 93 miles, and reaehea from Hastings to Portsmouth and South.THE I 1W3 I) LAY3. ampton. He la feeling well" and eojojing his travels and ministry. Thx repeated postponement of the He wishes us to stir np the Saints Miles case is in keeping with the In Utah to (write to their friends course that has been pursued toand relatlre In the old country, ward accused persons in this TerIs particularly after promising to do ritory for several years. That mr bafbra leaving the shores of jirhen the defendants are '!Mor-monsad- CoL Dame was kept I in England. "Eider Bampton'e 20 jeopardy for years when there was drees Is "Care of W. B. Smith, shadow of any evidence ;Pod.(1 Boad, JBU'i Bishop' Qroye, iot the him, v. XxBdun. i simply because 'be t .' as" indicted tp stlafy semeless Mexico, w in'. - uutefly known Clamor, and to bend to the voice of to th wwl i ind of brol's, re tumor, which was the; only basis ioi-to shine Uir the proceedings" against ''him. toIu. atir to Mtrbrd,is In the Interests of lit eeems to make bo difference, to out i peat aud ludutry. A . World's prosecuting officers what the conseFair is announced officially to be quence may be' to 'Mormons opened In the City of Mexico, Jan whom prejudice; and gossip' have usnr 15th. 1S80. It is to last three condemned, but where no valid month- - Good for exhibition will evidence against them can be ad be admitted duty free and exposed Juced and there is uo likelihoods of without charge for space. Here is obtaining it, they will still hold another chance for the extension of their unfortunate1 victims in legal American commerce. It la set to bonds if not actual Imprisonment. be expected that the Mexican Fair ind obtain repeated continuances of wlll.rlTal.theEx positions of Europe, the case in court, 'utterly careless as but the very attempt is an evidence to the coat or sufferings entailed of progres, aud the trade of Mexico upon the accused.' is an object" worthy the attention of District! 'Attorneys ought not to American manufacturers. ' press for Indictments unless they have good and solid grounds for The Washington lar has tbefol expecting to secure a oonvictlon lowing to ssy about that dreadfully and when they find they are lame fatal diseaaeJdlohtherla. It is Dre-- and at fault with; their evidence, it vaillng to a remarkable extent all is only cruelty to a defendant to over the world. In this country it fceep him lingering along under has exhibited Itself ia a malignant expenses, waiting for their conve- form north, south, east and west. It fiance or sense oi jusuceana con has shown Itself In nearly every sistency for a rair trial or full re country of Europe, and' In Russia lease. We hope the Court will not Its .ravages have been more fatal permit any more delays In this even than the plague. This disease, case but lnblst, on the day appoint which rarefy, occurs except as an ed, on bringing It to an issue. ' epidemic, has only been known In this country within the last twenty-fiv- e years, except in the way of occasional sporadic cases.. It has hot yet been settled whether the dis raw wtSTKBjr xrmrom twlAora tim. ease Is communicable by Infection EASTEDS. or coo lag ton,1 or hetber the para. KaMeea , JExleaslea. sitic fuBgus frtquently found in the - A loan of 1 2.- NKW YOMC'IT:false membrane is the cause of the r was eecurea wu,wu yeeteraay,' on or disease only its product." six per cent;. Donas or the Northern faclflo Kallroad for extending the ' Following is an account of the road 200 miles, from Bismarck to r , birth of the largest baby of which Yellowstone.. r ; The THE EVENING NEWS. Jncr eased above dls tionalities la the country this for to Influence its prosperity, and be could not icree to the exclusion tbat" the It Is' possiblw is intended Case. a Barretf-Hatha- ton The Sun saytTofthe atteniDted natch assassination of Nathan: A woman stocks."- of the Chinese. f"V aeuoerately shoots a man, In the BRITISH AMERICA. motion was then carneu. ine presence of witnessen. and with the evident intention of killlnr him. tleeee ef CesasBeee-CSaee- ae l.hor 1 aa IaamlrraUea Qaeeuea. then she walks auietly a wav. and after a lspee of two weeks, there is Ottawa, 17. In the Honim nf SlLf LAKE IT" . m ni i I II I no indication or intention to arrest Commons, last xlr. nignt, Buhster, her, or to even officially investigate in moving that the petition of Noah philharmonic Society, the crime. This was not in Texas Shakespeare and others be referred IxrOfeaat7.i;,ooamencatS. where the friends of the murdered to tne committee to renort trener&i- to ly on Chinese labor and actor, Porter, deem it necessary Immigra snbecrlbe money; to i secure the as anecung me ueminion, tion, t Crer p reduced in Salt Lake Ctty by of but the :CurrIe, punishment said the question of Chinese labor are ones stated TAJKNT. the peculiar, ENTJBEI.Y IjCCAI. points was the most Important, sim ease. of the Barrett-Natha-n the Pacifio Coast. The afiecting ' petition stated that in British Columbia THURSDAY HD FB1D1T EVEalSGS, hippies; Herrbeeta Jakllaml. Aprfl 17th and 18U Shipping men lire Jubilant over there were 6,000 Chinese, Whose the recent decision of JudgeChoate, occupations were as150follows:! 8,000 And Matinee Saturday Afternoon. shoemaker. Lb the United States district court, domestic servants, t . V. f f ( 1,000 1,000 tailors, which virtually exempts veesels en- 300I laborers, .... c . gold This Byenln will bs presenttsd tbe Latest I ruv rw ow .Musical Becsati Earaeners. , near-by uouuiers, trade from the uiiucji gaged In. Interference of the United States and 100 employed on the fisheries. populationor of British Co shipping commissioner. Sometime The totalexclusive Indians. i ago an arrennment wa secured lumbia,so inforrn-ihbu- r that the Chinese formed with, this et jecfc in view, but the 25,000, of that population in r clause la another portion ef the that province. There were only Or, the Last that Loved a Sailor. law,' which required the payment xour unmans en woo ownea real es or ail discharged crews to be made enUreir Otirmal Nantloal. Comio vper, the total value of which a nlaS in the presence of the commission tate, iaci, writn tj w. oi iuer sou , was live $iz,ooo. iney .couja er, wa Inadvertently left unebang on from jo .imposed by Arthur SuUlTaa. to 10 cents per under; color of this th ed,and man could wnile a wnite DR AJ1ATIS 'PERSONS: shin owners claim that they have day. . 50 on leea cents The KU Hon. Btr Jon Porter, . C. B , than been harassed beyond the Intent of not Jive day. They could s fiord to rim ira oi r WhUe the act as It .stands.! This point or $1 afor was fully presented in the case of work - much less than a white """" rnnvtran. oomaiandlns HM8 wives no as man had U.RDTm.. ani lJ"..rr' they J no. C Motes, against, the bark seaman, families to support. , They would BalpltiUckittraw.aDi Brothers" - Moe refused tender of work M 1 Mr so low as to drive tbeir com TMnlr TUMuiAt'a. able aaaman. U McAllister the sum due him on the ground the market: and ' : T MrBWJones tbat it snould be made1 in' presence petltors outhadof succeeded : In driv- Bill Rnlutav. bnatawatn. !' they of a commissioner; and brought whenthem V -eut tbey wanted the suit. Judge : Choate decreed tnat ing wages sgain, ' which they Bob Docket, boatawaia's mate, Mr B 8 SnelsTOT where merchant veesels are engage higher Tnm Tnnlcer. muumDmate. get by their system complete ed In trade between t the United could ' Lmnuar Master joey That was a state Per(rsnt of martne, States and British North American or organization. Mr m r Buiaeriana as case ef ment the made the in Daueter. thaCaatalD'a or the republic of Max possessions, before the House. Since jnKPHiNR. MK3J04 8lEaSL tco, or between ports on the Atlan petition Bum-boLittle Buttercup, a Portsmouth been made, however. had that tic and Pacifio coasts, the requireMiss U B Olsen woman had been sent into the pro Mir First Couiin. ment does not apply, and the petition vincial legislature setting forth Hebe.f . , Joaenh's i MlMKate gsaaers i master or consignee ha authority mat i.i, ine mongolians not only SlsUrs, his Couslas, his to pay off. bis crw without the Sailors, Marines, etc., by . Aunts, labor, : but sent almost ' ' tbe Member of the intervention of the shipping com dollar they made out of the every I mlssipner.,,, V4,V, country; that their presence was PHILHARMONIC BOCIET Y. , ;i fesaaaitf Weed Kei Pepeiar. to the country: that Impoverishing BiahtyflTS ia Dumber. The ''Ti'mes Washington special they excluded a good class of im NewJ Novel ' o OD" ft-nor-Anand Orlgrlnal Costumes, ' - says: i'l t seems '.that Fernando migrants .and tended to bring down v .ssw ws Effects C7 Stars , wswisv Bcenery'and man own to tne of wnite their the committee levtl Wood, chairman on ways and means, Is not popular violated the Sabbath; sacrificed fe OVEBTTJBE3: as a leader with i his democratic as male virtue; uvea on rats and rice Act "La gszza ladra," Kosjlnl sociates of the committee. Col. J. paid only a small portion of their First Second Suppe Hemphill Jones Is clerk to the com taxation, !and contributed to no sel institutions. charitable and his removal They it appears mittee, THE CARELESS OaCHESffti was contemplated by Wood. Jones dom married In this country, and sent were to Chi is an emclent cmcer, a man of in all their earnings Comprlalnc the best lnstramentaUBts f tegtity, and just)y popular with all na. Canada lost j&uu.wu every tnee ty, speotaiiy ensasea xor never or ex this in members the way. They these performanees..j - i year the committee ' white could assimilate with the cept Wood. They held a private conference yesterday,at which they race. 'They were, In all probability Oeotge , Carele, Mutical Director. determined Jones snould not be re- the greatest Pagans on earth, and USUAL. THEATRE. RATE3. moved. "'Having disposed' of this by no possibility, otner than a mir question, the propriety of a move acle could tbey be induced to EBTURE3 at 8 o'clock prtclssly. ment to elect a chairman of the change tbeir ioesil Paganism and committee was discussed: ' Several become of a more enlightened reli i ifATINEK Doom odcb at 3. setform- of the members advocated the elec on like Christianity. They had ancei at aao- - Admittance Adults, 60ots, tion ef a, chairman,' but It was fin moreover, their own laws and, til vuuaiM unaer at years ox at socts. tried which bunals Chinamen. be would determined that it ally The Hon. gentleman read . eyl better to acquiesce In the appoint ment made by the speaker, and al dence showing that the Chinese NEW LAW ON low Wood to remain at the head of women were bought and sold at the committee. Under the rules prices ranging from $300 to $S00. XL. the committee has authority, by and were landed in America. Such majority vote, to elect one of its a practice, he said, prevailed in number to the chairmanship, and British Columbia, evidence being within to enter land, un- Ik- W'AVSM AW I iff can also choose a cleric wood was adduced to snow tne uebaftu na di dttparties tbe new homestead law- or to a with the Land business oornct any Informed of the desire of his asso- ture of Chinamen. . Mi, m are to call on CH AS. W. ciates in relation to Jones, and that MTAl NtttL.requested The honorable gentleman said vmci at his (filce between the Salt j Lake) hhrald and Bquircs'barber shop,aa he gentleman will, continue to act as that if the policy of Canada should seourinr ot cierx to ine committee,, . prove to be encouragement of these aitecttotne Hometeeus'Ue8rt.t Land and all ether ; ? leelats AaeeA X4riralea'e. eiaime in utab men, we would shut out free white autd MB. SlAYHiK'n Offioe - will be pointed 7our laoor ana ne unaoiexo sustain ' Ya.NKTOK, I7.t-D- r out to vHitor by csliing- . t the General ' liivlngstone, taxes. the Chinese Although tbe Tithingeiore.er Offlot; DsartT Mm nas ac tne Dfen agenr, ene-sixt-h of the popula and part es will find It to their adrantaee quitted ' of one of the principal cempose and ret Information before of tion California, only paid to seetohim they toe Land umoe or euewtere. . . charges "on which 'his prosecution one sotcsj of the part ana removal was bated. ' , state taxes. The question .now was what could Canada do in this EstablLshed day, 1876. ' CM his judgment he beiiev Hezeklab matter. Incould AlCBEBSBCfia; 17; ed dosomethintr. Canada The ShaflEer, who merderedthis wife on asked that no Chinese February 21st,; 1878, was hanged, in petitioners th Jail yard ;He was car- should be employed on public ried to the scaffold in a blanket, the wotks. by. agreeing. .to this uno a, 1! loss of blood consequent upon hlj treaty would, be violated and no be labor would Chinese prevented on at Monda attempt' hirnsuicide, from, taking the place of white la unable to walk. rendering E3 bor. White men would be in duo-e- d ' to come in to the. country, and it SUITABLE FOR LAUrJDHY OR BATH ,;,tsee Wbeat Speealatloa. - , 1 The 7W6.n has Would add to the country: four or 'GBNTiiEMEN: We have on band CmOACJO, 17. wheat five persons where only one China ciphered 'out ' the - Keene mm! nj t ba JK.ee ue must man bad been before. Wb havei a Stock replete with the novelties problem of .the season, and would b pleased pay- - about f 52.000 monthly for large unoccupied territory, and he VI YOU to' nail and Innnnnh han the ' storage on the wheat: hence suggestea tnat government. could for we will never before quote figures forth, provided he has; the amount amend the Dominion. land act i ol be is credited with.1 and tbat unless so as to provide tbat no i China touched by,.,,.any firm west , ; Chicago. ; rate mend' materially he will lose man could buy or , lease gov- " - BUCKLE & rt A Hevet Oetaie ef Bk IONEER ; S O A P . AC T O R Y ana tnat :no there Is any authenticated record in the long rum ' He has engaged ernmenb ianas, SON, or u such una lands person to J buying leasing The child came Into the world In The Academy of Musio was well storage tailors ina wooieii drapers, ... j could sen or lease mem to China MAlm STaSKT. 'V Ohio, January ith: . "The new filled last night, on the occasion of ' i w our men. Then naturalization laws a game of chess with living pieces. born boy was twenty-thre- e and should be amended s that Chinese Opposite Wacr Uense. P.O.Box 182 Q. was a gorgeous one. The spectacle CL three-quarte- r could not be naturalised. In the pound la weight and the kings, queans, knightj, id United States, though4 the emanci CR EAT f BRITAIN. TitAuE (the ordinary weight being about bishops, and even the. pawns were could be ' African naturalized. pated six pounds), and thirty . inchea la arrayed in silks, satins, velvets and BrlchV Chinamen could not, ib should i be blazing . Jewels. 4. The game r was lt.r-John- ? adbeing played the same, in this .country ,andiif helgb( the ordinary helghth Blight London, MacKenzie and by Captain -his conetltuenis at Birming- any were- caturauzea tibey snoudd abeuVtwenty Inches The-' elr-- ugene Delmar, and was won In dressedlast night. He was enthusi be disfranchised. 1 Then, our ship cumference of the bead was nlce-- i three quarters of an hour by Mae ham,, ' l ' l t T" '. MS ' I . f received. The whole tenor ping act snouiu prevent any China astically a move to of Kenzie the queen teen inches, and the foot' was fire by from men as in can be ,our of from his working etriah gathered sbipsi i and a half inches In length. Six anignrs secona iquare.. the concluding sentence4,: which sauors, stoaers, cooes or; waiters. Much of the Tea lhat Is brought Off. L Tbe redeetrlame Drepptt.tr was "Governments are Imbecile at He should net be permitted to get Into market la highly colored yean ago the same woman became i. 1 is only 20- - of , th original borne and turbulent and wicked any worx on Canadian veesels. tie, to avoid Rett In sr a tea' that the mother of a child eighteen 40There on the track at .Gilmore's Gar abroad. I leave them to the Judg (Mr. Decoato) had been on board .T ur ' Is and twenty-foin pure-hatweight pounds adulterated, Panchot'was ahead at ment of their constituencies and vessels on the Pacifier Coast where, still 5 Inches In height. The size and den. 100 a out crew mldniKht,-2of MerriU of were there miJes;onlv of his condemnation .43, the, heavy . . . j ' 15 English-speakinmen.- - Our im auu gsui raouejr prwwists weu. tOiy"i!taf?-:t?-weight of the baby, though extra- - mil ALL ORDERS ADDRE0G TO R- - V.'MORRIO migration act should be amended ordinary, are proportionate to the Here a beet (Ho Wlllai t Baeea. JTM sialW ' War-ir- ae r Cel r kellevlag j, so that the Chinese could be put ..-; alee of the 'parents. The mother, - Box, 1073 etc. : f f. rur, A spec'al from Boston says: The PiOCE&EBRATBTD eucn as unaer would restraints tend M. of V. Nova U of Bacon still the subject j A correspondent with the reliev to prevent them from cornice here. Bates, Scotia, killing lira, Is seven feet and nine Inches high, or comment, beverai uenusts, in- ing column for Ekowe, telegraphs Again, there might be ah amendterviewed, yesterday, say tbat even from Inyoni River, under dite of ment to the treaty between Great and the father, a Ksntackian, is when .... , ' . ' knew dentists to U. March 80th. ,1m relieving column. Britain and China under which f.i seven fet seven Inches high. The withoutBacon 1,, a dollar, h began suits after the ' first & CO could Chinese not th Immigrate day's march, en- from It London Hospital Museum cm agaimt them and often drove them trenched here, nine ail-. - i miles north of Hong Kong to Canada, an ar' boast no longer of Its giant infant, out of the business.'. In other cases the Ingaia Klver. Od musterinsr rangement might be made with the he began Suit when there' was no to proceed, the following moraine United States, : having the same ob i I'r.i v inches reason which is only, twenty-fo- ur X for it; and, - besides making (March Li course In This view. one was would,' ject 20th); captain a M high, with the head thirteen and the defendant pay up, put tnem to O westo free be tend la the o believed, he that It suppoeed missing. hatf inches in circumference." CO o unnecessary legal costs. . Dentists went Q the guards, and was tern- province from the r terrible Put up'.'ln "half pound' packages. also cut offbeyond kl using ceilaiold, a. compound was which under suffer Zulus the it scourge the by during used for plates, were, it la: claimed, night. A few Zulus have been seen ing in consequence or Chinese imj : t ' In J V SILK BAISINQ. mercilessly hounded and put o all watching the aavance from distant migration. He moved the, adop Oa A'1 a PURE kinds of trouble by Bacon, who hills, but no fighting is. exnected tion of his motion: and honed a -13 t In another oeiumu will be found came to be known as "Old Si- - B- - until uj 1st. committee would be granted. ' V , .e April an announoement of meetings In It is alleged that every person t . A dispatch from Pietermaritz- - Sir John Macdonald : exnresapd UNCOLOEED'JAPiH, i . m f 111known to get a Cew set Of false ... the interest of silk culture to be teeth favor himself of in j" the I'.'J J force . The re says: which burg appointment was sought after by him with ' held by Brother Daniel Graves of a View of getting the name : of the captured the cattle from Col. Wood of a speciaf committee- to Inquire R . Sr! was 20,000 strong; In the fightlnsr Into this important question; 1 be EflSLTS:.-IT- Provo, who has sent ua a communi- dentist, and if rubber wa.s used, and on be on ventilated which these should, the and subject cattle day cation on silk production from thedentit furnishing the teeth were retaken, uoi. wood suffered I had failed to pay his royalty or had which we make seme extracts. not T " .You - will say it is ' 5e? w u ir"1 n- - ln- - mere was an overwneimmg um- T a license the a bis h ou I neee population, along our Pacific i Brother Graves is fully persuaded Coast. Brewster, of British Celum ! tT2 r'--' ",.v that sericulture w women native it Is said "Uia Hi" laaucea seconded the motion, and said The Best1 Packet Tea loss The of uL ' bia, the deserted; - uustrial and financial success In wearlns false teeth to have new or unincse waa introduction the on in Zulus th attack subsequent sets raade by dentists whom he sus the camp was immense. ' great curse to British Columbia, ' ; j Utah, and state that experts from pected of playing IN MARKKT. Vi ; on mm. in U ' 'a--f' sharp did S 2 Canadians not and if the put official Col. of i Wood The United report and the France," Italy such cases he furniahed th women wou d the tbe.tlme down, practice, statement the that the the money to pay down for confirms O; wnen they would be eotry States, who have traveled through with i j. 1 1 '5 1 1 him numbered come 1 the teeth, and when they .went Zulus who attacked 3 I for having missed; the. opportu this Territory and' eea specimens made 77 In lost killed and BritUh 20,000. and the dentists i delivered, ...... . ., of the , eggs Aod the silk", raised were sued. Threats to kill him wounded when the camp was at nity. members ri .j ill Other spoke in a slmi 111 niDEST STYLES AT TtiS OIL'S.' here, pronounce them equal to any had been made by some f the den tacked. . The Zulus in this attack lar manner. ; fi' ; .' defeated were and entirely pursued cf this tists that i McKeDzie took city. They, ssy the produced In any part of the werld. other side of aistance. Bacon was a man, a considerable and said that , the He also refers t the failures that and .a relief! column Is the question, Ekowe' The In at erred all his he if O iwas .laYfi.Fallfii, ..was the advocated . principles have taken place la this industry, honest purpose to do his duty to moving, by a road which passes avowal that certain classes of the an open, country. and shows that they have been his employers. througn CO human family were not fit to be ; ail yel PBELPS BOWS j from Pietermaritz A CO .dispatch, of common to Its Introduction in The Sun says of the Bacon t lootCO ' CO the which residents dominion, v announces law that martial burg aSalr: Or the two men contrary to the law of nations. Mr W very place where it is now a suc- ing has been proclaimed In conse was m roc pq other each hotel faced in that p ( the If Msoia'CAHOE! question was one of govern : i cotsinritttCDtiiiGiT CO cessful branch of business. " He last Sunday a second before the quence, of - the exorbitant charges i; ' ing the Chinese, that could be "" means of transportation. ... ays: only one is alive to for Sistol went off, t Ixrd Chelmsford .teiegranhsthat dealt with by Parliament, but the of The the MRS. . WILKINSON'S story or shooting., was to expel 'Aeoerdlng to history the first other cannot reports! say the Zulus re- aim CO jne resolution confirm or contradict the latest now tree" ever planted in it.i in Chinamen the the Hen'a mulberry was California country to assemble Snperlor but fuse m-s . by regiments, ,co -'over and prevent other from coming, - j broojtht ' France, by PABHIONABLK will defend their own districts. JTervdd remarks: How faml Plow Sliex, $3.00. .i,.; Gal pupa d St. Aubon, during the The ana tnat was a measure ne could the around numberfof The enemy of the sounds the explanation time of the Crusade,' 1117, and not, on principle, accede to. We Women' j Establlsnment, shot Bacon. He thought Ekowe is estimated at 15,000. Callfor to free country to a be Superior .is. from which tree cuttings were man who pretended from A dispatch Constantinople One loaded. not A afnortmunt of pans and KmTv Was it to t living in come wmcn au said and coniu and peopie ; !nla Kid Fox, 01,25.'; ;f(; otjwe oi iMuea- juau ana snnet. " lays: England and Bossla have settle. It was unnecessary to Jlantsd the same year the j Tne Xegre Exsdus." j go to prodac of Aleko the appointment SPECIE approved AT PRICES 8P&ZNQ STTLES IN , TEASDE'Si V of raw silk was more than 100,000,-00-0 exodus still engages Pasha as governor of Eastern Bou-meli- the cnineee lor exampie,and be be Elcn'a TTool Hats - 75c(. I'henegr more and worth Chinese in lieved than the California Leffnorn,SCrawrFrench and Ameri. pounds, th TWoane's attwi.tion, which f,''f TFool JJats, SOcts can UMp, lieversibl Hibbons, than tbe Beys 400,000.000 franc. A dispatch from Capo ' Town were more says: The blacks have a neon scions-l- y same tne and remark apwhites, IxuxL In 1603, Henry IV, of Navarre, state had democratic of Zftce, JSUkt Velvet, Jnotoert. Chelmsford that adopted the plan to British Columbia. ,75cis., and $1.00. . ITeathert, Ornamenl$t tc,t Etc folly established the culture of silk coercion by starvation, and their detained Cetewayo' messengers. plied !COl CO by calling skilful .persons to nil particular msthod of, wUhholdixt? Eromlsing te iced, his ttrm from ' Hon. Huntington opposed the lien's rino Hat, , j: 09.SO. aid. After tnuch money had been supplies is th most afiectlv yet force of colonial motisn and said the proposal to CO Leghorn and Straw Hats Whitened H ia the planting of trees discovered. The negro ultimatum treops had strong ana rreasea orer qaal to New crossed Orange River to prohibit the Chinese was as bad as Sprlas sTiils, fScof expended Plaids, an-- i distributing of the want 1 fair or no cotton. the old system of excluding Jews tn unquacmer. : a failure, the The voting of which had causedeg?, from Great Britain, and it was not. Tribune declare that no one punish Men's, $18.00. Old JLlla dapa 1 S TjTeele-e- e HDusta XAee Tae la. t trees were dog up and destroyed. can blame them for trying to get at all creditable. ' lm areas Tarletjv Sootcb Berlin of A that the suits, the report matter states said dispatch perseverance Plaids, the was as- Sprln But by which mak life a Sevier fcH king out of .the ; f J.; ) -who persisted in bis determination, hell for them daring every election Bolovieff has said that he was ap sumlng great proportions from . a r s ?nyVi$8.oo and stiictsd a laxs crxzz crthari caapiln. and says of the proposi- pointed by lot to shoot the Czar. moral point of view. These among CO ' of til ancestral esttta, this . ; ea AT lilt Hogc. 13 pair, Inrlslble 'CJrfrTiT) a?l rrtaei. ITaTf whom the Chinese in the United tion tot the leading plxntari cf 'Cer Trontl. 014 i ladles' Switches, PnCs,Curl2r tinds, to in meet a Elates committee of dwelt, large numbers, Mississippi The Dail r . Tdesravh publishes were opposed uoods atwars jLmiuoa xuur to them, aand, $1.20 and- s half of llvres. the people blacks, to consider the labor prob$200. ; he," for oni hand. own Hair and .. . . nave At at 14 nads relilt the m following nee privaieu telegram nean lem, that thee whit gentlemen ceived In London: ashamed of their pete! wu CoavLiag-n 1 nis wiiiius ine up. pari, from .',- r matter afresh with' vplrit. Uat through will probably not brinj their xlfies investigated by a commitDOMESTIC PAPER FASHfONS ; .1, the edict of XUntas tsiag revoked with them this time, and it may "Iilma, 14,The entire coast is tee. and the Hccacti bclzj driven CC3X to them that if they had been blocked. A eet is useless. .Tern MacDonnell said the exclusion of BEST fA!?KETS : AHD LOWEST PRICES at ; at Pricc3 .l3 into exile and deitii, the silk in- as te&perate in "Joist discussions" is aecsptlas .favorable 'terms, and the Cmaeee - from this country .Cuit : . 4 VzZzrztzj.f;: to the exclusion lead of our dustry was nearly annfhllatod by en poetical topics, this particular negotiations continue.' Pierola is might the action of Loot XIV and it convention would not hare been active for peace. Much depends on missionaries from China. It was Hi E. PHELFa nmsoota well known that a variety cf na the reply forwarded wai a long time before It resumed necessary, I , is ITTIIInZTCK: - - f i y. i FORE! PI - one-four- th We take great pleasure in 'patrons iahd the general public we seasons, the of With return the that are enabled to offer them fupenor inducements in Dress Goods, 4. i ti'tr. etc., etc. We feel assured that the quality of our Goods and the Moderate Pricesa at which they are offered, will repayour visit of examination and convince to De tho AHvantacreS ....tained at ; , . ' I r!syj : I . I . t . H at - - , mo-aopaliz- ed I - ." j , X-.-p- -- F - -- ; , a ht-x- ,- H. ' BIT ; S. ELDREDCE, Supt. ; : I ; . r. Ml I - - Pre-emptio- , four-hundred- T P - ex-xnui- an th i- -- telegraph: to-da-y. FAQHION - - i3 . . - Fr ! ; o -, a :'0TMI SOilP nflnHFUOTDTiIOG GO. " : I r . I - i . o 8 ! I , , 'H , ' 1 PURE TEA! - marie: ORDER ITOSriTED 6 -- ; j i- - ! jyA; 1 e q?33'"; ; , ; . j .. ':! . i J o: g r- si J !. ! i . 1 m oop o 5i '. - i i l . e m : o !'rt: I Wo - ! . .. " - SQS? iinTfLYromnriEisoEfs: p Q - . krzr57-r.rarinsUnc- rYJji t- lU-JS- - " J'SlTVR. JAi - - . t- O - . . G. W. DAVIS. . .it , ; ; i good-hearte- o d iilleIIiilty t r O rt -3 j rt rt P P p . I P rt .B az ; ( 4 s ' '.'" , law-abidi- ng ' . , a.' rt 5 iPrt - -' . : - r..... : ;o - ''- a - rt srt oo r-- p rt H ,rt' rt Gpccially Qelcctod p S 5 r - -! - V-- -- I to-da- y." steait uQitr, din ' |