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Show vox sir. qajue TrAdeT omr, ijtah ' TEitaixoBx KiATrn; SAT ITU OA V I870. t log and the priesthood and power principle, and work to iU we will thereof and sealed that upon J oeepn bucceed and' pros jr. Butlu too IJV Inana ne i in turn comer-re- d many instaoctM our omiin, same upon his brethren, stitutions have jumpedjthe track. tbe 0BNBD1CT, U1LL & CO,. PRBST. JOUN TAYLOR, Yea; aud they never could have got tills Wht,! thes bigUmt. ? 'Have you got a little people here, as they, are 'reached at KayavMet on Suniay You all know that this is a fact Co-o- p here? No, you have not. Do matter you know of abj? We find little when you ojcernoon. fifarch 2d, 1879. ; give , theWe learn and reflection. in most thought they call Co-o- ps REPORTED BY OEQ, F. GIBBsi ts of our settlements, but when you and from Zion .Doctrine Covenai . 1S would and arise lSS Urud iltreet. the and direction, " snine, and the glory of God would that on a certain occasion Jesus come to inquire iuto atfahs connecCorner Crosby. I am pleased to Lave tte opportu, rest upon her, and tne power of God and other heavenly messengers fp ted with them we generally: find Dity of meeting with tbo Saints In would be manifested in our midst, peared to Joseph Smith and Oliver that, instead of their btipg run in this place. I have come to talk with ana we wouia, see ana comprehend Cowderv.-- and among them was the interest of the community, and and to Lave a little visit; to things sve never dreamed of. Moses, who conferred upon thejm with a view to build up the Kingyou, &1 I find in examining things that the keys or the gathering, Which dom of God, a few individuals repten ycu now a reel, anaa.to learn who ate the ones how you feel and how. things are we are human in every sense of, the should extend to all! Israel, and resent the Co-bST. LOUIS TRADL also look back ten at for the are instance tribes word, benefitted that bring l myself, Apd by it. That Is the moving generally. ' A u eel re 10 talK jperfect3 No, not by a iong my brethren, let me say to you i trouble. But is the principle right? awhile on some Am Ineither are my brethren of the tlat if the Lord nad not sent Yes. if yeu cau live it. dealing the plain principles of "Mor-- way; ' L. M.RUR1BEY & CO. of manner he d honestly one with another: but rnonism," as we used to understand Priesthood of the various quorums. tbete kevs in the Jut if you cannot, you need not male and you would not be here them in former and as we Ann i iook at people, f Af id try it,i for j inntead - Ot giving generally, and am forced to that principle ws uulotk-d- . aujefwrs od Jobbr$ of i understand themtirae, when we female, reflect and use our Judgment dis the same conclusion respecting when jou lecelved tne gospel y )U satisfaction, it will only be a dis- received it, because it is a part of appoiutmeut. But 1 will promise our reelings and them. 4 Wewedo not tocome up to the passionately. Pumps and Firo Engines ideas Saints that if they jfall fulfil the re the gospel, .and. the couBt'quehce the Latter-dastandard, not are from much diOerent was God to of which makes and wanted win inese u. go into used quirements to us be. Lead Pip and Sheet Lead, flron Pit gather of: you what allowing Many they We have bad an idea, which is you hardly kuew , whv. . Ybu God to dictate in tnings the interests ot tltUiurs, Belting, Bum, Saoaia-austarted in this work many years ago, Agflouitural Implement. correct, mat uoa nas gathered usrd to ting the songs (of Israel and the building Up of his and we entered into It tecauee we quite us n. far froni Zion on the earth, and take .hear ofl l among- the nations that he ZOB was elieved and it. that the .laud true, . l NObCTH MAIN ST., 87. LOUIS. WO name his with T us, much might among place and inculcated earnestness,' and the selves and their individual inter 41 principles taught were from llod; and when it came and that his priesthood might be gathering was the theme of your ebts out of the question; feeling to u?, we received It as a message organized, that men thus ordained conversation and also yur preach- tnat they are acting for him and GREAT BARGAINS from God to us. These were about might be prepared to establish his ing, and in your dreams you have his kingdom, they will become the and reign on the earth. oaany time seen yourself anaotig wealthiest of all people1, and God the sentiments that we entertained Kingdom Will bless them and. pour Out wealth some twenty and thirty and as lone But we find men in the nriestboxl. the saints of God, loug before ybu In dl grades of the priesthood, managed to get here. The Lord ir e and Intelligence and all the bless forty-fiv- e years ago; and I tun- - ye, mWATCHES&JEWELRY as pose the majority of us have still who are weald Is there anything we well know has an object in thus ings that earth can afford; but if Larg snortmvnt of ne roods, a short the same ideas of the work that we astonishing In j that? Oh, no. Go gathering bis people from amopg you will not, you will go down tliae only before departure for jBurop-Sthen entertained. Before we em bck, for instance, to the days; of tbe nations of tbq earth, tobut tit ward, and keep going the downward - Alan two Carriage Horses, by to disappointment and talk braced the (J op pel we were beset Jesus, and you, will read of some would take me too long CAKL C. AMUBSEX. dx)tf3in with the weaknesses of the lleih. men who were rather of an aspir about that this morning;' tufllcei it foad things1 spiritual as well as dare prophecy that, in and after wc embraced it theee na ing turn, and one of them got his to say that the scripture is being temporal. JOE UAUKEll, tural infirmities still followed us. mother! to assist him. Said she, fulfilled, which savs. "I will take the name of the Lord. That is the We have had difficulties and trials, "Grant Ithat these mv two sons mav you one of a city and two of a faift, Way that I look at these things. lock and have parsed through many cir- sit, the pne on itby right hand, and ily, aud I will bring ybu to Zidii: atd that is tbe way I figure them cumstances calculated to perplex the other on the left, in thy king- and I will give you pastors accord- up, and hot in the light; of every 9AW9 SUARPtSD. 8T(irZS Bt- and annoy, and caused too, many dom." jShe might just as well have ing to my heart, which shall feed man looking for gain froth his own ansa rbthat she herself would like you with knowledge ana under- quarter.! These things are stum times, from the unkind acts of oth added,pairid, some! important position. standing." to 'And this is why we bling blocks in the way of the people. XU. STOCtfXD. occupy ers. we nave ADd ourselves inen v But are told Savior the her. He here. most designed that here and have been! for sometime. Well, saying, been consider the notralwaya STKKET. ate COMMERCIAL know not what ye ask;" such his Priesthood should be organized, what shall we do? Whydo the and kind one towards another; "Ye and then we have not always done a position "is not mine to give, bat that his will and mind should be best we can, and keep on trying to shall be given to them for whom made known here and his power Improve1 upon our present condiXLOSSAIIZA B. PRATT, exactly right, ourselves being the It tion, always keeping in view the aud other people were of it is prepared of my Father." Then made manifest. And it Is expected judges, . another circumstance, in that we will not barter away tor object to be gained, dealing honPh&riolan and Surgeon. the tame opinion. And hence we there was which Peter made hlncself conspicestly upon a fair baBis and correct OFFICR-O-ld Constitution Blinding , next have experienced to no inconsidera- uous. Jesus was ble exuut little' annoyances and telling them of edge when we get it, but use it inusa principles, then we will succeed Joor to Woman' Kxponent Office. and things will move on pleasantblock t.Ml of lost Office, difficulties, for which we have no approaching trouble and intimating proper manner; ana in oraer ior tbttldence i South Bid ol Street. our what must so we take do to the w,ould to own our one but ly, and' we shall be a united people. blame and place comprehend s. folly peciel study hM bee a given to night, against which position and understand theusrela- owned and blessed of the Lord. It And this too. In many Disease ot Women. and Disease of weakness. dlO demurred saying, tionship that exists between and was on! this principle that the ' k Era and Ear. instances, because when we had feter boldly God and his kingdom. It is true Ner hij.es became a prosperdone wrong, we railed to go to liod "Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be our organization has been greatly ous, . a blessed and our brother whom Ave had happy aud V. L. PRICE, Whereupon Jesus said Derfected ox late, nut men mere peodle; it was not because one was making acknowledgements offended." deother unto a be a unto smarter to little than another, or thee, needs great many him, "Verily, I say And in and asking forgiveness. UBAUCK 191 too many instauces difUcultiea that that this nlzht. before the cock velopments and much more witl- through; his smartness taking ad submission to vantage of his neighbor; It was not arben have been allowed to crow, thou shall deny me thrice." I ing obedience and or Poultry, Fish ; and Game, have uou. it is that a man was a good financier, ana sot Peter be but believe cfruld word the law It; our to and ruu on annoy injury unto me, that he should "flnanciei" other as saith Ifrult, Vegetable and GrbctrU, one Bavior would that did said he the "not every just auce; and we nave Deen sometimes property into his own Ur Neatb Street. Opposite Him ready to a&k, :Is this Zion?" "Yes, do. Was he weak? 'Yes, after the Lord, Lord, shall; enter into the peoples'! and without. I but be ( leave them men. of of that he had If LJkfce pockets or said, heaven; Malt mannerf fs witn kingdom all this ztou." City. tall Blee. What, an- - anecdote whicn nere which men be offended of Father all relate will will doeth the ray Lord, ana though our weaKnesses mnrmities, tV Onoli deliver! puaotdally in all A smart Let me quote a cornea to my mind. part of ti'O City, Free. StiafoUoa juir- - follies? "i't s. I think that Jesus, because of thee, I will not accord lain heaven." had just returned from tuteed. when upon the earth, said that "the ing to my present feeling, nor will little further. "Many will say to young man all if thou wilt give me power me in that day; Lord, Lord, have college, and at table he Wished to kingdom of heaven is like unto a Itoatcarryl them! out. But he felt we not prophesied 'lii iby naml? show . his parents what extraorvast JAKE HEUSSER e into the eea. and sure SR0.f net, that was he could stand side by and in thy name cast out devils? dinary advancement he had made. that of is kind." That every gathered tfasccssorttoJ'.H. HAOtTJ:,) says he, you! can tne way my is i bio used to reaa; side with the Savior under all cir- and in thy name done many won Why, .ratner, cumstances, but' he could not.' He derful works? and then l will p hardly conceive of the advance I Seta M4ree,lMt Oeor Boatb of Well. how does youi'e read? Borne of did have made." not poofc so very valiant when fess unto them, X never knew yo those were good fish, lit for any to depart from me, ye that work i he father) I ana sure I an glad , to at is the came; easy others rather market: enough trial, poor small, DUUU' IX U4 tear you say so, ana i trust you other at in Or least in about talk it the words, iauitv." y distance, a and little bony perhaps eating will make a great man. There much easier than to meet it and are not my sneep, t naye never a c'lW. PISTOLS, AUXCmpiOS ASC and horny. And being gathered overcome doi two Who were actions. But these of it. your appened to be two ducks on the proved we as are from different together rismsa TACKLE. whose! brothers! is U? refer for dinner, and this! young able such mother made the scrinture it this hab various with customs, nations, give hisi father a . re.etlee.1 unbeleiving Gentiles? I think nol; I man proposed to smartness. its and traditions, witn all our pe- but she had a notion that she would don't think they can cast out many specimen of his All work In our tin don NUATLY, culiarities and odd notions, we as a Now, IT" PtCOMPTLT. and eatiafaotion UUirmiwa matter of course do not agree in like to see her sons cccupying such devils, at least I have never heard he Bays, you j see there are only, two ducks, don't, you? lYes. an they would of their having done! so, I haved swered many particulars, and hence diffi a positlob, and probably the father. Well, I can never heard of their having propho-sleobjected to it themselves; culties sometimes arise in our midst; not havi we are not informed or. u. nen or done any wonderful thii g rove to you that there are three Sometimes some of us keep these this not mes n lucks, Can you, says the father, to ourselves, and Bometlmes was It right in Peter to Bay he would in His name. JSo it dees BROS. thingsleak who hat's quite extraordinary! really, to those refers How have often bis Lord? stand them it not were by atali; out; but if they they iow can you do it? Well, says the once held the priesthood, and in theie, they could not come out, we saidjlt?but If will not condemn of ion.1 win enow you. That's one? of that stead A8D anybody?, it, honoring tampered speak merely STQSECUTTEaS When there's thev? could nothing fUILQERS. And I ana Xes. that's two? Ya, Well, and to its power with for come out. efhendy t.loslng can bad good, thing bringasjorth bid in, nothing men they weie, and a and also the Holy Spirit by treat- two and one make three,d6n't they! nd 1 believe Jesus win bear me exhibit Peter a weak man? ing lightly the things of God arid Quite so, says the father,! is .very Tomb.tanes, Monuments, ouU in his saying, "Out of the they are! Was uwa of the heart the mouth. No; butpie was not without the in violating tneir covenants wan mm. remaiifcauie, yuiu buvkuoi iiu abundance MARBLE MANTLES, JRON speaketb. A good man out of the nrmilie$ or numan nature, ana Although they once enjoyed the very extraordinary, and. to show when the trial came he faltered a power to work miracles by virtue how much I appreciate it, I will MANTLES. OR A rE$, AND good treasure oi tne neari Dringetn little. After all I do not think the of their priesthood, they no longer eat one of these ducks, ana your man an evil and forth good things: HE&nnr-- stores. mo grievous, all the circummistake posess It; but as "tne aog it turned mother! will eat the other and we out of the evil treasure of his heart sur- to his own vomit again, was and will leave the third for you. Some for stances ha (considered, Then forth evil til things." South Side, of Son Tempi bringeth there Is another riot- the sow that was washed to of our "financiers" have made this a and rounded to, by, speaking curious lltU East efEigle Gate. gain, which James makes use ous, corrupt and blood-thirst- y Street. in th8 mireL' kind of discovery, but when it peo- her wallowing dlf scripture of: "The tongue is a little member, ple, only be had said he would not so have they turned to error and comes to the practical .thing they, to such men the like the boy, have got to fall back and boasteth great things. Behold, do it, but he did It, that's all. Was wrong doing; andaddress on father's du6k or mother's duck. himself. how areata matter a little nre Kind-leth- ." Peter valiant for tne trutn? tie riavlor will thus LEGAL NtXriCE. is not because a man holds This kind of proficiency! may be course was. was ne iimpnsoneu ror tne It It "eetteth on fire the nre of truth? Yes. Did he proclaim against the priesthood or whether he be or all very well in Us place, but then JTu fAe Probals Court and for of nature; and ita is set on and advocate virtue? He did. may have Deen an apostie, a nign we have no place for it; we want to Tnat is peculiar expres vice Salt Lake County Territory of hell."what and begin right, and means? And did he go forth and feed the priest, a seventy, an elder, a pres- act Honestly it! it do think you sion, out light. Let, the Uitih. and flock of God? Yes; and ident or bishop, and may have had then carry " l lierewitu uiess we uoa, even tne lambj itself out,and we he acte every; way becoming to a power with uoa in former times, pig Co-ostraighten curse therewith and atbei: In thd matter of the Potato of of pod, add finally suffered a doing many mighty works in his then tbe little Co ops. do the same, man are maue aiter ine which men, d Mchael Ilo'ding name, but it is they who not only and let us stick to oue another and similitude of God. Oat of the same martyr death.! snail we una iauit these men? No, we are tnus favored anu i:eiseu but all act one with another,! and lay mouth proceedeth blessing and curs- with eitherforoftheir and let us have love them good deeds, and who endure "faithful to the end, aside our scheming; menu To the Creditor of the estate of the ing.' And then reasons the aposJMaers of honorable forth at for theirl fidelity and integrity, and that shall be'.. saved and owned by deceased; tle, "Doth a fountain send accom our. Lord. which work; water sweet and the great ame ji they tit having e'aiuis (against ih bitt i? Canplace There are some things that strike ng up 0fJ3od kingdom to do; our ALL persons ate a fig tree, my brethren. plished In their day, in bringing hereby required m of the truths forth I usiness, who will act for the wel the necessarr everlssting wlih the my mind that I will rvfer'to. voucher, bear olive berrieb! either a vine figb.' theni, within ten mon'hs after lb first publica- Boctu no fountain both yield salt GoapeL ( Shall we condemn our do not know of a' time when thte fare of all. That is my doctrine on tion ot this notice, to me. the tindersig ned water and fresh." And plenty of fault organization Of that point. I can seebut cays the brethren here witn like weakness? was a more perfect my residence oi the orQer of r'lftb at we will let on these earth in the them? than call did No. the What things,' you priesthood Lake of men, "i Hootta and a d Sixth East atree;s.SaIt Savior i There may have (hem go, they are tbe weaknesses Cl-weak sisters; there is y. Some of very fruits. them; their tbem know shall r by . ELLKS nOLDEy.t foolish and some been In the days of it.nocu,.abd Of humanity, and they carry with HUM of MIcb&el Diyueu gather grapes of thorns, or some of them very Administratrix of tbo make useoi there may have been upon this them their own rewatd. If people We won't . cu 1 deoA.e1 of find thistles?" very Ignorant. lolJeo, many fig the right stands by woras out Salt Lake City, Urch , is;?. at excuse must bar? an; i wouiu Continent in tiose days when do right, rious things, aud you any d I1 and sustains them; If they do me if I do not preach a very con- rather feel like saying to tnem, as there was no rich; or poor, but when will talk over tbe oldj lady who was teaching they had all things common Sbem it works them down, down, nected fcermon;-w-e Men ban not afford to do as we would school said to her children "When among tnem, and every One of matters some fact CURRENT LIFE THC PUHIFY vou come to, a: hard word and you dealt justly one , witn anomter; wrong if tney could but understand ia u fireside chat. is their true position. A few dollars, We all of us want to be good Juat- - cannot spell or speak it light, pass but I do not know, because there SCOVILL'5 y Silntt-- we all want to so- - over it, and call it a hard word." I not among us any record of the a little land, a few houses!, a few of fact. And what ia this organization the comforts of this short jlife, can-hcure the lavor ana approbation oi was a Utile amuseu mis ofmorning, a be compaerd to tbe glory laid little heard foi? is it for, my individual inter have I know with we you when and . . . . S Y 4 gtt through God, .1. x for so not those who are true and faith m do Is understand nnu ests? I ana Ml num up be it to ycur jrooiisnness, this life, we ail warjt it will be said i am afraid bered amoug thone who will secure we ate all in the same box, all tarred it in the interest of the Twelv?l I ful. But was as of seme of said of the In And when the Interest of not. the same stick. Or think 10R those, A 1EERLESS REMEDY the with is the This luheiitance. a celestial one of the president b of Stakes or any of the rich man, "Thou in thy lifetime iceueral feeling of the people I am listening to these things, . wellla-- f"M e boiuchiuo brethren; remarked to me that this bishops, or any indivl lua ? JSo, received thy good things, and like Wbll trralala, talking to will be dsne -, K. t l o. broala on earth fa a croed neoDle. What, and still but it is in the interest of God and wise Laztrus hla evil things, but Jit. pray, iTby r) tl lit Hmlt Mbam,rHrlw, . a in heaven." And then we some do these foolishsothings? Yes, there humanity, to assist ia establishing now he Is comforted and . thou art very uau auer au. righteousness upon the earth, and tormented." .We do net want any times make little mistakes in our are none oi us to And all DiMun Indicating an come a shake na up, we anion and fellowship one with kn tblDg to cliDg to us but what is wheu and one with another, BLOOD ntirmrae to be bad. Bat not- - ottier, and to elevate cs in the scale tight, and honest and truthful, and mean ihfi uk icxiurios Of I'be not do we to have him sometimes eo Cutaneou erupt'on upon ibe fac or qtlended asking forgiveness; and withsttfidlng, many foolish things of society, and tnat we may stand whenever we jean act for the bene1 idy do not Decehatrily indicate the taint existed among us. Tbe Priest head and shoulders above the fit of all, then we are doing right, ihon warrtT tne valuer, bviuk. have ot tiurotula, bill atftber tn1 inldlousin pot-,free from this narrow, contracted hood we sometimes bave not done ex world in all other matters, as as our lu or that dire maladr present tn xorgive Forgive f hm that sin aealnst us." is not actly right; and then the people now do in regard to our religious feeling and this personal, selfish, system oc u jc, certain It Is tbat thi so. mv brethren? and would have not bten without' blame, and sentiments, that Zion maybe the aggrandizing spirit. Do you hot Scovill's Blood & Liver Syrup vr.ii like to be measured in thathalf- - consequently we make all kinds of head ' and hot tbe tall, and that think you can get up something ef ir you try? do hot be In God may be honored by us and toac sort dteordera. Itvien, hiifthel.' isut li wuen you wa at- - CUnOUS errors, wow, x wuuiu . a. uuiplete'y curr nch a pig curry; ao not break your that act and us and "honest eo In could at we virus ot crofu'a li s exist In out it. us, among tbeejerj for it not do through manner, you It b trthU Uils ath.es purider will root bottom of we may in very eeea be tne VJion necks; go at It quietly, and start PQ" nis trespasses, jun" and get right toas the malady. of It No ropU neighbor givel.t your near means the pure In one mauBiry ana men anotner, ana ihotcnt can resist then and or our brethren go as red right as of God." which otberwlae, feel oro(utouaotkm of to . . w t - vmi fei and poteu a nr mane your jeamer, ana your nar,4 things, i.i it ; i we can being gmaeu ny tne princi heart. i rilriiig which Holiest ur. ADjuii. huuiu renders reuieoy, thsi$ s eni witn your proies ples, of flbe Gospel, ana not inna- - ' Now if I talk a little plainly Up ness and shoes, and prepare to raise hf roni on some or our secaiar auatrs, i silk. Bretnren, operate together, (Xjeab. korr as i Biiutirrt, aion to ask this favor of God, when enced by tne tomes oi men. arto fall some med.cin of our tiust you will not be oflenled, Jou and slaters operate together, and let The fact uturly to having wbo ordinary of scrofulous and othr vou t- .ourselves .are notwlllinsr . T rest tb .prccren .i will not as long; as I confine an act in tne welfare ef each other, us have weaknesses, who one same to anotnen amongst tne surely of Use irrant MralBtent tb .i. . I ! or to tne truth, wiu that alt may be encouraged and I be de- - believe VOU Will untrue tne secures does net make wuu any myself strictly reaany agree depurent this Incomparable vou? Well, we have talked, One benefitted. The presidency of this ird rtsuiu rrom me in answering that in the nega laws of pod which he has revealed iisl neither does it affect our time and another, a good deal about Stake ought, and all ought to unite THE ARRAY Or PROOF . tive: but at the same ume, lr any onto in producing everybelief in them. We still believe the United Order,and also abou .co- witn tnem, doubts we of have make concerning our any In you possession, of Its reliability emanated from operative institutions;letmeask the thing, as far as possible, and as fast the that reauce vou can to is COUuenw it. eairavwaj ti.m two lOllOWinf easily so decide. God: arid that he has instituted it good people of ICaysvlllewhathave as possible, that you require among Mr. fiamnel R. UattbeWfi iMoleatoMn, mathematical basis, and we done in that direction. how mucn yourselves; and also find employ vrvm.r. 1V1 . Va . states thst bis oetld "nut." savs one. "there should not for the benefit, salvation and exal an with was And attacked human of Zion." have we entered ' into them? .'As ment for every man and', woman tbe tatlon in of h nv these things wbenamontbeold, family. cover d Its hed,fac.arms, we are of this here as a eruption whichcenrertln Indian would eay, describing it and child within this Stake that the first proof vou. In the place, with Into them feet and mg. about wants to labor. That Is what you biHlhat two; and falf nn fchnnld not do wrong, or harbor and Ihef reason of our coming here by the size. of his thumb-nai- l, bottle ot elU,S) ttool care. vUhout or sustain it when done; neither is that God raised .up and Inspired so much. Do we believe in these should do, Brother Smith. That Is HvrsiDBffeotei- a compiet men td go forth and preach the movements? Borne of us do. and the way 1 read these things. - And should votir neighbor. And sowhat a tear, , we to every nation, and we some do not know whether they do then we should not try to hunt up Gospel "Is Yes, ZIop? this TJU' then? -U.Mln RntlhlM. Jr. Writs (hit bS T cot a treasure? such heard .pierL TTava with preach and be or not. Borne of ua would believe anything against one another, and SwelUn White lea, ered from 8orofu!ous 03 D!S KIT, irom but we are told that it is held In lieved their "message. Bay Jesus, in tbem much more readily if tbey our little weaknesses, for we all runnlnr u cera lot) iiIatsm of bone slourh kik mnM thanthe vessels." which are sub "My sheep near my voice, and a would make us lich, and give us have enough of them, God! knows; Urn be bsd finlsbed ii..Fihm iwtTi but by bottle aud I would say if I were one of stranger they will not follow, but prominence and position among of lb syrup bs ject to all the weaknerses, Infirmi,k for they know not men. I will tell ycu. Latter-da- y them, Tom, If you cry quits, I will: was completely curtd. ties and follies incident to humani flee from him enter of we can voice Was sou the unless it that Mary, If you. will forgive me, I will Saints, tne racs, strangers." is this Now ty. us on high the Priesthood that did it then? Into our institutions forgive you; ahdgDick, If you will U a compound of reretibl extracts, the would exalt us and place Yes, and no. 1 1 was they in obedi and the United. Order with single- - overlook my faults. I will over.mnnn mOtl. M II 11 1IVU1 UUVil M chief of which ar us know! to iho commandments of God nea nf heart and nnrs motives, as look youre: Susan, if I have done unto ence and give he and his vent forth,-bu-t that: it was the tha FIrl era fin when thexr CO forth wrong please forgive me. Let and law, Sarsaparilla and Stllin;ia telligence his will Hu. edgeof ..... rnvisa power of God In them, and the row to preach the Goepel,: because it is us try, one and all.to straighten up, Tb curr ITeoUd by would like to prei" bla hand er of God operating upon our hearts God's command, our efforts willjbe and get up a good common surprise, r,n Beovtil Blod mO. Liver Syrup are abmiutt, and thrtr recordu is tmdwflrur- - in all thine-- , and be submissive to that led us- - to the truth: and had of small avail. Wa do not want, to awebrotherhood and sisterhood, thai not operated with them thev stop and ask, Is there money in jit? wruxi ed by failure. totstisDf may be one; and then if we are wno ,wwm TliV ; Will God bis will, and . 1 could Lave dare nothing, and un- But rather, la God In il? Is it bis desirous to help one another, and ...tyir.la. Prlo, llrOO VI bottl. aau ov crnRill OO. ii J5orecept .rth. a in heaven." 1 less Goi had rsveV.sdcffrom tha will, his law and principle? When pray God for his pplrit to enlijhtea joui r. nr.MRT. Coueceriac. new er would like :us W do tbls, but then. tha Gather tre combine our Interest on tali us, we will go and improve NEW YORK DISCOURSE we have not done iL And we feel sometimes as though we cannot do it, and sometimes as though we won't do it. IBut If we could sub mit ourselves to the law of God, and to the order of God, and to the Priesthood of God, and that Priest hood submit Itself to the law of God and all be under his guidance - : ve - Co-op- I BOOTS & SHOES to-da- y. Co-op- . j - to-da- - " y. to-d- ay - y d ' - I. i j -- m imm cnitt. , - I -- - . i Obste-tnc-- F . j ! . j Omintthi. J VATSON j ) p. ; . ot-es- t, ;i -- p-. fx-lub- it to-da- 1 j i ter-da- ; ot BloOuHiverSyraj 1 to-oa- !- .r y. lian, oa . f a -- - to-da- 4ear-lorsoij3r- y, s," ( - -- j j . s i cai Oodt Pitts a Co.. ArsaSs. . . - t NO. 113 - , In-thes- e things; and we will go on from truth to truth, from wUdom.to wisdom aud from intelligence to Intelligence, and God will help us, if we will help ourselves by a bourse to accomplish these taking objects. There is another thing I want to talk about J and that ia about the priesthood, . - What is your idea about it? Don't you think that the priesthood should rule lu spiritual things, and the other "hood" in temporal things, or how do you fix it up, Il dont kno? What other "hood" do you call it? It is not brotherhood, , nor sisterhood, perhaps you may call it divi- sionhood. Is that the! right way, do you think?-- Lt me talk upon some of the first principles upon this 'subject. To whom are we indebted for the knowledge of the principles Of truth which we Possess T Josenh Smith, toHyrum Smith, tol Oliver Cowdery, to Sidney Blgdoii, Brig- uaut yuug ox mo x weivt. i tnina not. We are indebted to God for this knowledge, from tha fact? that the time had come, In the counsel of heaveu, that it was necessary to start the latter-dawork, and to prepare ajpeople, gathering them together to build up Zion and establish the kingdom of God upon, the earth; that His will might lie done upon the earth as it is done in heaven. Aud if God and the Priesthood with him had never turned the key,-angiven their consent to have these1: things done, we would have been In the dark every one of us; or in other words, we would have been where we came from on the other side of Jordan, or somewhere else. At any rate, we would not have been here, pe you not think it would have been well for the Lord to have come down to consult our opinion about these things first?.- But he did not! do it, and we knew nothing about it until the elders brought t us; word. Then we had- rothihg (to do about we ? We it; . did knew, nothing about it until God sent the messengers among us, did i ! . -- to-da- v? m. 1 d - - jj - we., x tuina not. Lia we Know, any more when we came; here? Who or us knew how to build temples or thought about such thine? None. Who knew how to admin- ister in them? None, not even Jo seph or any other man, until God revealed iti We talk about being being baptized for our dead: what avail would! that have beep jif God naa not directed it? vo you think you are going into a Temple to ac complish anything except God direct it? No; what you might do would amount to nothing at all. God has established his Church. aud we sometimes say his kingdom. What do we mean , by "the kingdom of God?" I wish somebodv would tell me what we mean bv using that term, l There iia the Church of God and the kingdom of God. The Church, of course, refers more particularly to spiritual things, and the kingdom to temporal rule and government and management and to temporal affairs. If it does not,what does it mean, I would like some one to tell me? We some times preach about "the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our God and his Christ," don't wt? Will the kingdom of God be the kingdom of men? I think i not. i What does it mean, then, where it says, if we keep the laws- - of God. we need not break the laws of the land? Because the laws of God are so much more pure and elevated, so much more adapted to the wants and situation of humanity, that we walk right over everything of that sort; and it Is nothing comparative ly ior us to qo; wnat is required we can easily do It, and a great deal on tne Dad or it. But when the will of God shall be done "on the earth as In heaven, and the kingdoms of this world Shall become the king doms or our uoa ana his Christ, how will it be dont? I have heard lots of you preach this: ) "Out of Zion shall go forth the liw.and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." Shall It?. - Oi yes. - Do mu mean to say that la In the Blbl ? Yes, and wnat is tne meaning cf that scripture? The law cannot go forth from Zion unless it is made In Zion.. can It? Who is going to make that law? and who la going to give the word of the Lord frem Jerusalem? How are these things to be accomplish-eo- ? Are we to have a lot of Opposition Tickets to do it,do you think? You that feel you can manage things without the priesthood, try it and see how far you will go. Go back to your ordination and bap-tisgo back to the spreadl ng of tbe gospel through the land and the pouring out of intelligence upon the priesthood, and God ruling and dictiung.ana " rne Lora shall be our fudge, the Lord shall be cur king, the Lord shall be our law giver, said Israel, and he shall reign over us." Was not that tbe way we used to talk? I had a visit from some of your,folks during the session of the How was it, and Legislature.! which was j light? None of them was right, just as It was when the the angel prophet Joseph asked which of the sects was right that he might Join, It. The answer was, none of them are right. What, none of them? No. We will not stop to argiue that question; the angel merely told him to join none of them, that none or them were right. Anything wrong hen.? Yes, considerable. There wants to be perfect freedom about all these matters, the feeling of our brethren should be consulted. A bishop has not tne right to crowd or oppress, the priesthood is not given to him for that purpose; but everything should move on harmoniously, and the wishes of the people should be consulted and respected. I understand there;! was a little crowding In your election affairs, you were hot more than t en minutes getting through yonr business. It is better . to take ten days, than asto have such shameful operations yon had here, aud you would have spent yonr time much better doing something else. What next? Borne thought there was a little pressure, that they were not I do not E roper ly represented. but I am innow how this was, clined te think It was a little hasty. I think it would bave been much better and very much more in keeping with our profession, if the leaders could have been got together, and acted in unanimity and good feeling, all anxious to sustain tha principles of right and to select for office those who are good, virtuous and competent men, and men who are capable of filling effioea with honor, and then do It unanimously. Bat as soon as a feeling to crowd is manifested on one side, the feeling on the other side, when expressed is, If this is going to be the way, we will buck against that, and If we canntt get cur rl'ht with the priesthood, we will fall bacuron our political xlzhti as taeDj and we wLJ f rnstrata yon In i - . . , your operations if we Can. Now, both are wrong. There should have been a free and full consultation on the one hand, the rights of all respected, and on tbe other I would rather submit myself a thousand limes, even to an imposition than to act asl yoa Uld to speak, plaluly, It bishop wish to crowd ion ine, I would let him crowd, I. could stand it if he can.1 I! am instructed to lie obedient to the priesthood, and if be would do wrong he knight do It, but 1 would not. Two (wrongs never make a right. I will: not say how far yoa were wrong, bat I will say, you both were wrong, and that another course would) have been1 much better and more satisfactory and praiseworthy. What Is tbe result, you men who I wool ! rail back on your reserved rights? Tbe nrsl thing that you do la to per suade the people to give tip their rights and franchise. If Gad give us certain rtgnts, and fwe trample tnem under , our reel and throw tnem away to suit some little ideas of our u wn, we are very foolish and deserve to be chastened! If I had thought the bishop was wrong, I would have gone to hint aad talked to him respectfully, land see if things could not be modified. But you take the other way) and brusquely ay,4Ii will show yout Here, Tom, pill, Ned, get up your team and see what a devil of a fuss we can kick up." Aad you are elders in Israel, and you are engaged In building up the kingdom of God, are you? Pretty elders vou are! you are, pretty! kingdom-buildeusing all the influence audi power of your prlesthoood to pull down and. destroy the klngdem iby at tacking the rights, of the! people and ! - j ) 5 ) -- rs i bartering them away, sending a petition to the Legislature asking that body to for iyou do not your takeaway want them. Andright, this done or Elders in Israel. I feel a little, asbaned of yoa, and when I beard it. said. 'TrJLlt not In Oath, publish It not In Asktlom," what high priests, seventies and elders con spuing to take away the people's right! That's the way I figure it npJ And why all this? To show others tbaf we are free men. Are we free? res. free to do right. but not to do wrong. Uav w all tlgbtst xes, we nave rignt to ao rigut, bat we have, every one of as, covenanted to be true to Ood and hla caoso, bave we notl And when wo depart from j that we do wrong. 1 ou have lots of sheep here, and you nave doubtless seen thent sometimes make a break: one will start, and the others follow and away they go. Where are they going? They do not know. Do yoa knowf No.H hat the sheep perhaps thought they were In bondage and wanted to get oat; the lead sheep Jump. pcrh into a it does not matter, th an follow tno leader. Let us operate together as men. as Saints. If yoa have got to have eleeUone, meet together honesUy and consider and talk plainly, with a view of accomplishing the welfare and good of tbe whole. We can be officers notelecteverybody,wecaQnotali wo cannot make ; magistrates, mayor. conncUoia and aldermen of yu all. Bat as long as we nave Rood ' and. competent men for oxnee, tnat is au i cart snout, ana we have plenty of them, and we should aU one way a long pull, and a Strong pall ana a pun altogether. pun j They have had quite enonga of division In Tooele Conntvi When the time came for the people of that County to be repre sented in the JLiegisjature, men- tattve was la California, and when matters of importance pertaining to taat (Joanty were pending, they bad. noon to repreelected a sent them. Then atraln. they oi wmmon Uoanty : Superintendent Schools, and was he there? No, be was off somewhere, and they could not get any of his school money. Would yuuX"not ou like to be In the hands of such jmeuf would soon want to get back again, and ou would feel a little like Esau did, after e had sold his birthright; be sought to get it back trim tears, out cotua not te ualn its possession. OarsUcvuth lie In our anion, oat oar nnioa aione wouia not accomplish Bunch unaided by God; bat lie will help as If we are united in the accomplishment of bis purposes. . f I will now refer to some other things. We hare Relief Societies here, and we We brethren, should encourage tbem. vou know, should aetitt oar "female brethren," and we should have the loyalty and patriotism to do It at all time and under all circumstances; and wben they are seeking to do a good work; help them aU we can. ' And if they are trying to get together a UtU wheat, let ua ibelp them. it will not do as much harm, and possibly we may find It by and by ot advantage to ns. The women are not always such fol as we men sometimes take them to be. ' I am reminded of a clienmsuaes which 1 will relate. There waa a certain lady who nac a no Dane wno was- very ire and generous, would rive away anything he had; she saw that he was a little too liberal and careless, and that there evidently weald come a time when he wonld be in a pine a. ao ane aakea nun one asy If he would not allow her! a certain amount to keep house, wyes, how much do you want!" "ao muen a week." He gave her quite a liberal allowance, so much- that ahe could manage to keep house and pat away a eertala portion everv week: she pat her eavmea In the Bible, until by and by It amounted to qu ite a sum, ana tne uidio was rum or erren- oacks. come years there came a financial crlsls,and the husband was troubled J The wife readily perceived the change In ber husband's countenance, and she asked, him to tell her the cause of his trouble. He told her that be bsd a note coming due, and be was afraid he could not meet It. 8 he tried to enaou rage him by telling him to have faith la Ood. and referred blm to the good, old Boole, telling rum to reaa it, that ne might get some comfort from it. 8be banded him the Bible, and as he opened it an&turaed over the leaves the bills began to drop oat Why, Susan, aays he, what doe this mean, I find It full ot greenbacks? Bhf quleUy anawered him saying, thought yoa were very generous end littl and 1 as afraid there would tome a time when we would need money; so I pnt awty so tnneh a week In the Bible." lie blessed Ms wlfo, and I tblak she wts the better man of the two. and nerhaD should bave worn the breeches. Now we may flod a time when we may need tbls wheat that oar sisters are let tip; afas not be too confident storing about oar, fairs, and do what we can iby ,wy of helping them. I am pleased to witness the spirit manifested by our slaters generally. I bear that yoa sref geing Into silk culture, and am glad of It. Tha Legislators appropriated SL&OO to baip our sisters, simply because they were oar sister and because they were try lost, to do good. Yon go to work and help tnem here, and help about all these things, and do all jou can.. You are a Uttle famous lu some of these part In Farmlngton I believe, they profess to be in iadvanee of . ., everything la the silk line. And then with regard to out educational pursuits, lot as do all we can in that direction. Some people talk; about the means it takes; why money ia not to be compared with Intelligence. 4 X wish we bad our own text books, published Jby onrselres and read by our children. I think such things are Indicated la the DocThen let us have our trine and CorenanU. high schools.- that oar children may be higher as well as the com inon taught In tbe branches, that we may be as far ahead of the world in regard to literacy, mechanism, the arts and sciences, and everything else, as we are now ia regard to raUglous . - " I DrinCIOleS. 'V I am also clad to see our Yeunz lien's and Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Societies doing ao well. It wU be well for yoa to come together as conjoint socle-lionce ia a while; It will afford an agreeable change, as well as do much good. I met with a very intelligent gentleman a few days ago, who told me t hat be bad attended one of the .Young lien's meet lags, and was astonished at the intelli gence and talent displayed, tie said that he bad not aeea the like anywhere ameog i yowBgpeople. 7e should not only try to excel ia liter ary institutions, but in mechanism as wen. We raust unite tclber and asks our Ustier.tad our bovu and ehoes, our - mlre-bol- e, 1 - s T - I i pet-ha- ., .1 IT ii ia' LOUDOU BMIKQFUTM (LIMITED.) i rpren . .Jn-.'-- harness and; oar implements t husbandry and everything we need for our use, unUl we become and import nothing more than Is absolutely neceasary, and then we shall find full employment for all our people, said enough. Husbands, I have love your wive; treat tbem kindly, bear with their frautle and impetfrcUons,and love thru as yoa nsed to do when yoa went court in k them; it would do yout' gooa, many w you, to ao your eoarung over again. Wires, treat your hus band rgtt;do doI"ois!" wlth themsndj una iauit, but be full of kindness and try to make! your hemes a heaven. Children. obey your arenta, and treat them rbzht; And pares U, you that have servants! treat tiitm right, pay them honest wspei ana aeiwiia tDcin on inonoranio pnnc plea. And In vour deal one with anothei be honet and manlyt do not seek totak advantajxe one of .another. Do not com and tell what a spend id bargain yon hav maae, amies tne outer party ma a good a t.iptn as yon did; II be did,! IV au tlibi, but If be did not. It' not al right.. Axd now 1 will tarn teacher be for. I close. I Uav any ot vod bad fccllncs against your neighbor; If yoa have, go to mm, not in a captions, quarrelsome way. out as a friend, x or instance "1 borna you and I bave bad a little difficulty j thought I would come and talk the mat ter over and see If we cannot. settle IL' But If Thomas will not be reconcued.tben take a third party with you,: somebody wnom yoa think would have more lnflu ence with blm than too rsclf. and If be suuronasM to yield, let him be reported to his bishop, and if he will not listen to tne enures, let him be considered a "heathen man." Mary, Helen,! Susan, bow is It with yout Any little unkind feeling existing between yout Do you feel as yon can be good sisters.! and treat though one another right? Then sock one ano- a tner weiiaro, as the scripture says; "Be kindly aUecUonato one with another with brotherly love; in bonor preferring one another." You eay that ia rather hard; well, but yoa had better do It. We are told to love our nelghlior as ourselves. If we can do this, and tbeu prefer out neighbors to onrselres, and If there is a little advantage, pnt It oc their aide, we net only falsi the law and the prophcUj bat the gospel. Let! as culUrate tha spirit of love and klndncn. ond let every little unrksantnea be burled, let us for get the election difficulty and our neighbor's difficulty, and bo one, brethren and sisters together, united in building up Zion and establishing the kingdom of fiod A upon the eartb. Brethren and sisters, Obd bless you and lead you In the paths of lire, and God belp yoa to do right. And I ask an interest lu your prayers, that L may ne aiue to Co light, and be guided by the Lord In thti Interest of Israel; and that my brethren, of the Twelve and the ptesldeney or your Stake, toe t her with all of tbo brethren. may be aided rnd blessed of tbe Lord, and be enabled to sustain Ood and Ills kingdom and .every . principle of right, and then the people sustain thcra, and they tbe people, and everything Work harmoniously together, and all of us do right, no matter a here it cuts. Do rlclt and py onr tithe and offerings and be freo before Clod, angola and men. ' rrsTinc Ood to bless vou and lead you in the paths of life. In the name of Jesus. .. i .i.i. ;. Amen. ; ; Auaifa XriarJZondon, and SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Capital, (la - i 160,000; each J I0.C00 Bhares Of 8 Kataaer et Bbare Sabecrlbedi set a Kee. ne, JS7S, AiltUMi - Vee, say J 3b,ooo. -m ! 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Tn rsr O l may b freely on th tendemat Infant, lavlna"tb part exposed to tb a to v id blistering-For Internal us, th OU most b dilated with water. Pour table- of water to on teaapoonful ofl Oil Ihpwnfuls weetaa to taste: ba bins; the thr at and ohest f raety aod otieo. Done, oo tMspoonful. repMttnir frequently. Tbe Humbug uu may b found pri.red for internal use, under th nam of Marshall's Canker Cur. Z. 0. U. h General Agent, and for sa! by all drug tlsu and dalrs in msdiclnce, - DH. (9. MAUaaALL. if,. !.'! dftlSa-- MARSHALL'S ud . " .1 DESEKET Caraap "i'lapi "S .,..'. COMPANY, SECOND SOUTH STREET . es . . -- One and '"-- ; a hdlj Block East of Atain Street, ' EUILD ALL SIZES OF FARH aixd srama Fully Warranted i7Aaor:3,' for One Year . '. ' Xsr - eftt-rwara- s ' Ropalrlnrj In Woodworks Olackemlthlnj. Palntlnrj and '."j ;TrImmInc. 4 |