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Show J A THE EVEIfING NEWS - FOR :: 8ALl--rr'r,- s. ii ' SAVE TOL2AENnOT7TODO l IT TTAT)' AITJ UKilD toch nun n roa Y. ' i i OTATF0LLQT73. j r6mnAIR.ThUwsof Health st4 ln;ritjdrniand It, the, customs of social impor. WW,1!'! :.?,,Bttef ' f ure in erwy jray. nK.4VTlKY Tl R4 OAta4-I- t is tka of atory, aed. for kb loss of aarAifj hm t no rofn penntioo. i ft thraa mnnlht. M If 2nd Ward. Salt Lake City. 11 OHSEItKT.SNEWS one year, alx moots. thmBMOtM, On oopy, 44 " 44 T IB wtthjwatex-e-.t- f s , ; tWt ...L .... 86 of Book and Job P.O. Besides tolas; tlte best, kair dress-lm- s; ever pradaieeal, Mymm Hetbalron will podtWely prevent fcrayiseaa, sad wilt restore Skew batr to feeld heads, f i :' 1 B4BWP It actually perforins IVapafWtaNlif t tC For Bala at Z. C- - M. I. Utah BOOTS & SHOES Bouaa. C?onnntatlott. snnot destroyed. these aceming miracles, of which the folia wing ia, A FAIE SPECI11EN . had been entirely bald for aereral rears. constitutional, I kuppoae. I Used a few bottles of Kathsiron, aod, to my freat sarprise, I hare a thick rrowth of yoonc hair. 5 COI- -. JOHK I DORRANCE, V. 8. A. Ia erery important spect the Katheison is ttneqnalrd. la abeolatelr incomparable.' 1. To Cure Bal&aees. 1 S. To Beetore Oray Hair.I '8. To Remote jjandruff. ' .. . T 4. T6Dreeran Beaattfy'tha Hair, l , -- WIXD. Tieathairoa ia BKAR aulphar aa4 ifararjf-lead- , teiratiat, pasta td paic and daab the kai. akd 'paralyse ihs ; braia It is a pure and limpid Vegetable lotieei. Intended to restore the hair by natural frowth aad reiaTjgprstioa.' It is splendidly perfumed, aad the moat delhtful toilet Stressing knolra, Na lady'a or rentleman'a toilet outfit ia pleta without Lyon'a Kathaimn. SOU) XTXSTWHEBS. and I I Oraaa Oornar Otoaby dO T ! S 'ii s- - aa t:-.- trade-tBar- ks a, i i : , k- INVENTORS Iron Flue dhei uil. Faoklnr ri audBaltlna-tee; wa make ttanHnaOooaHoaa, ?tilrur, to , Vr'juttural Itapieinasta. 4 I - LHiJtrrAl -- Poet-atast- er I GREAT BARGAINS Si JEWELRY i i.unriiaiatiMir WATCHES & Oupnette Patent Oflloe. Waahlnatoa, tor Burope. m 1 I IliltttEBt JOE . tHUi un.in-.cms- & C. STREET. ld BuHdlnff. Con-tUuU- oo Obata-tnTuuM- l iiorr Steam Warming L. FruX, B. J. Gold patents. Also Gold's "and OroefiM, rtftable 4 HEUSSER HOT AIR FURN1CBS. peraona wishlns; eu wauiU. UT Ohurehaa, iir.ita Rulldlnem. Stores or Prlrata reaidanp bea by either steam or hot air will and It to their interests to correspond with me on BK0.t . Opposite City ricroliant Tailor! non-interferen- e - w im tUUalaotion - , . a i Llir.lBER YARD 1 PLANING HILL WANTED! sal 'Portable Engine 1 - . 8iSn.!iD0H8rBLEDS mmm I uoaxaateeM -- - tbe lr . polls-snoui- - De toaaiutaine-i- . niiffl V . ;3 if-yo- iTombitonav MonuasaU, :JIEAnTlImSlONES. ir- SVe.tk Strawt. at dU . Swmtk i little -Eaat' of Tawpla Oevta. a' , ft . sU 1 LEQAL NOTICE, Im.tm TrolxUe Court inland-oT Salt Lake County, Territory of r Michael lioldtne? To the I . I ; ?. ti , w f ess '!' sa IU- - x e'aims areiaet th the firs puO'ioa f sad -- d Sixth Beat StraaUrSau Exchange Drawn, pn all .the Principal cities and towns of t the UnitedStates and Europe. : .. j . iue la la New , fornta-- PKb TON. In larse f email bia Piuueer herpiual Llmr K1 na, riitN. rtb of Warn Sprioa, sH ;.,v:.! Lake City, i Pla terirtir Lime PT K.B. Onllrirng-tDof Beat Quadl) always on hai.d i V.A PABCOR ' i - fcrtsl3-iJ- l .!-- ;2r-i-f1 ( ; - J Administratrix of the estate ot Michael Hotdea.deoeeeed. bAit Lake City, Mardh rs, 11 . " i 1 ' Codar Pocta. bu bels. Cheap. Uernoaa . IT 0 . i ; : - I i . s i i' ' :' AA - Baak. i i , I MANAOBH.n ' f jl-- OATIS i rl 4 sons St - - . Bob-- . TOO caoaofry. io-- 00U band wairoa (6 lb ) rooude Light p. in Wif e, ITSOO. Three hUDdrrd pouiuda of hops. Hck Handles $iii oer aoaen. at ta Si b0 per: doaen. Bordeu'a Courte-ee- d lOOdoaen BoUiesi Toaiavo Ketchup ' ti.U) " perdoaeo. Brauaoo Knitter, $25.' 0. knit a took la - lui.kum lor tana. Water Jaeaea. Tuyere." SUfl fete and CateS ilellloa Heeiiae, STuraastee - , ' ' '. J Uoluta, atavrltserv, ;CHiWheaM'aad "V : &Ve ii I - rit. -- ; , u ca as . Jr JOHN W. SNCLL. IDAHO ST OR C. . P.O. Box 19. K K K K JL rjis-jtifis-- a e , .( , .- Cuffiulillin O. F.LDUEj to iN AND rLOHIST,. is SEED3M bis new Seed riuue two d'ors Eaa-ion rrtut of the BmpoHum Saturday, March 1st, and will be sad toi supply his old and new customers with la large stock of urass. Field. Uardeo aud Flower ou eee Seeds, pur- - and f reao. y the It 5 ' ? J J. and jauke's,at rtraonarh-proa.labe SECOND SOUTH STREET autre will alo be round a"' small atnoa of differ. nt aiods oft House and laeddtna Aleuts, also a. brry Trees, Stiawberry One and Hatf JJlocUe East e PUaia, Cabbaa-- aod Tirfnatu Plaaia.a; iailb. Pum me fl In myi Grrenw Main Street, bQuae aud uarden. two oiooaa nonn ot the Vailey Uus will befou.ida a real ef house and, Beddlnr Plants, auoh variety as Brae.' Monthly.! Hardy Mora Haea. BUILD ALL Hotm'j tuck lea, dlff. rent kinds. Geranium, Puaobtaa. etc, aaket flanta - AND Danliaa. Verbeoaa, 8PRINQ WAO0NS,:' etn.. uiediolil. Lnlies. no. also a. sr. at he eeeds by rariety of Garden aw Flower axwera rrom packet; all, klnda Greenhouae and Garden, band Boque s. FWy1 Warranted tot One rear Table 'Bouquets, Crosses. Anchors rand vrViVTsL. CUT. "afn. wreat ha for Funerala and Flower Us- - eta, eto. At the last Territorial Fair la 197a, I was awarded one bronse medal, one diploma, and six prists for tbe best Cut Flow era, PlowerlDa- Plants Varien'edt Plants,htocka. Roaes. Hand Bouquets, Tat So iiou- Repairing: In Flower Xtasketa. quet and r i Q ' ! a e w-rl- o r-- tltESti'ThXat: - ot-tj- :2 if - u Ti. 4' - - " ..-- Woodwork, Blacksmlthlnrj, ' 'p' Painting' "il Trimming. r.e Hh ' CHICAGO & NORTH VSTRN BAI L W.A. SrJ Tbe Oraat TraaiBi Uaa frona the West " j -j- vtoleasro te i 3.. i.. aaael.- f,-: iat.r t;'. , . r..' .1 .... 1 i " Mtitfatlioa CcinaUed. Prkn Eewonable; It la the oldect. shortest, moat direct, oon- rt veoieuti comfortable and in every reapeo' the beet line you can take It ia tbe t wir.om MiniM. eat and rrandn t Ualiway o camxatlon to tne United states. It owns or com ro sorer r. I ii.- 3 ; bl ejtr! -- f? AIL WAY 2IOO MILES Of i- aatn PULt.Biaw . ,i aaeMte ay ta Ihrvafb taeSereea COTJ1TCIL BLUFFS St. Cars. ITdtel m i ; CHICAOOl KootherroHd runs Put man wj,i ; CURRHIT."1 -. or any other form of Hotel Carw throuaa between tae aiisaoun; uieer aoo voioaarcv . t.ir PURIFY THI - . ffura-JL- T i! .,.1.. imim'aElKDI lOBt' V-- ti v nae awMnets, raaeta, .. ft aaiiMii.av.4 arable ' By pblllas atraeiaelea, And all Dlaeaeea btvleaUag an of the blood inrcB. co&Dinos .' .....,.. . Cutaneooa eru pt'oua Upon the faoe or indicate tbe taint to"dy do not Deceaea-tlk' aerevlolav, . ir y .o.Klloue tw ' Oo of. tbat but d. Is pn Mat IB tb aire ayatess 01 aua, oertavia is Is teat. T s r aseee . - .,- tkit-ofaia-.. A ( J;i.., t w '- -- Scoviirs Blood & Uver Syrup; y3tm et such pleb iy 'tura lru of ."K!r.fu a di a exist In the erery- litis urob es p.riJer irt.i root out be j. rl tj' disomerS. .11 liyteoa, r f.lua. avABjr to CHICAGO sisrtial'i; D tlJiV !' jJ rsult rrom j THE ABBAT qjf fBOOr 4 t .Ciad '.". we make i of lta reibtbiUt, in our tred m.a the sourta Uafalac ptVtt uirrKHt.Ni adraataa-eo- f fUataa -t ( Ev.. ar' ' ii.a.it.irr shoat i aentli rc he.wlsv. cao reelet ui o tiinu- fe td potea amino of - to ' remeun a blab reuders 'be ekin ABe si St wh ordtnau-- v otadelnea stwty fail to real tbe p ocreae of eurofuloue and other erupti e dlcoioe ra, th pe'aateni use of -- ; AND ALL POINTS 'EAST. "PaaaeBrera by tbin roue been 'cbotoe o ' 'jsiaA' ttu t a two tot to wlu couoear ad ax i raotm a I. .:" teepta Ut SsoQel fi. Matthew-- , v0ieatoaa, " lpK;ucaPKu nE;iicav: Aooomao Un Va aaa stafja, that bla e..ilH. ' ' , ' .na. kail iik n i A3fD OTKEH EA3TESN FOIiT8.S H vhcn.mnfthnnd eruption wblck cover d It bnw .fay --a.aa :. 'J t.i' i uwn nor.r ta;, j'r,,') ; Tnalat tbat tb- - Thjr Ketaaa av swnruuf reot you ttOMeaoiad ou. tbat i u ibis !. rtb-CBt ago to anfmatii 3 poeeeaskMH . m ., at-Il- a ; cetera Boa tickets by tbe No yruir Tlcke's, and reiuaM buy if they do not read over thW Brnd. All Af esU sell thera and Cheek nxual by this Llae-Barrage free Tfereag-t- t Tleheta via this Routs to all Eastern olnta can be procured t all CounnnTioaettirhoeaof Cnlon Paclflo,and . ... all Weatera bat road-- . New York Otbce, No. 415 Broadway. Boston Office, No. S State r treat. Oniaba Ottioes SIS Uth Street and TJ. P. Depot, fian FranclBoo OfBc, I New Moctxnmery B'reeU Council Bluffa Ticket offioe at Transfer Oeiet and at Cbiearo A Ball way Depot. Coiea-Ticket Pffloeev S Clark 6iret, uod- -r Enerman li CaaaL corner eiacian street; Beue; eenzle Street Bepot, eoraer West Kenzle e ana Canal Streeta; Weils street Depot, r Well- - and Keoxie Streeta, u or inform aOon not attainable For rates from your boms ticket acenta, app'r to ' Makvui uvdmm, ' f 5 'a- Oeu'i V , Maos'r,' CbJeatSS ' i II. kx-iml- 1 W aere," hoiilM .if fcn.eial'e tie I . i . O-- P. Nortb-Wrate- o Ct5il2 Awsr eor-ne- I i$lMtt irer lrs4a. An dllssasawl' at r-i- a :r 5. CaotwrnMal atr-.- s aa a ajp "Enxwldoo (14 , ! tS-wer- k .. v. 4. Jacasoa a fre auia,aisawua, xa tnat aa tun- ntrua uunuirss, jr, wriiea w cite eweiiinf wiut area irota ocroiuioua uln nlnawa n. kW mm, rWtm which morethan lOO.UeeeS of Oooeslouxb- -! aa but b the tlnie bm bad SnkUwd bottle Ot the bjrttp he tbe twenty-fourt- (In ,,. , ; BTajr-errf- ,Gen'iraaaA , ChiesrOi , . ,, 1 .ma . a wW w,w V?.'W.Ji w'-i"- , cl if',.-'.- ' .. h & -, , ,t m a oesiTOniwuo oi ? extraeui, ., ' amaj cuiei r wmoa are yrvveie Sarssn an a ana S ti IXin " i a ? c ' tub cures eueutea oy Beevtila Blew atwel I4vew rraai are efMtrfura, and their record la nodHnaurf t .rr-a t,ue r laoe, fiew x"aur;ca, Arrow. -- . :? v ..! Ll.r -- SHaMaal aaMS 1 -- P - BUsa IM ra.V kinds . o '. Milling and Mining Wrought and Cast:i r:V Machinery, :: Ironwork, naanufactured to Order ,i .,; A. 00 , L ! BTJOCBSSOKS TO V 1 Bet of Burcv. SI ii 8Drlnkliue Cart !' Il..rt; ' S8 v i All 1 , ..." AIL KIMS OF PAY - ii- ii 17ATQAII l. r T ,J' ra.The !"").; lra Natlouai i Bus-a- i mmn mm Two DOLLAK8 Cba-ooa- J DAVIS, I10U It & l!U.,V, quantltlee, at OEST ROUTE Jrf f rs. tUKa.-Ua- ! PASCOB wlU leupBly flue d Qutdk Ume, sulthle for ceappuulB, and otutraiUIn all Fi R 3 000 No. , ' ANTHONY boDBE, A- - for A Co., fO . la Oataaa. Oma,ba Nauxoa) Kaua. ta Bxm FBxaoteco. Tbe Bank of Cal ii DISINFECTAHTl iutaiaoos ' Oompauj. la Cntoxoo dtf dlainfectiaf drcarlnc ortrsalo Friaa AuaUn Sedretarr.1 Salt Lake Pity, March SSth, 187. F. Martin ale-ar- s LoWMia Laomoard BtreeU The Lobdou Bank of Ctab, Liuilicd,. k AKDEBS09, MR." PBUCIPAL COREtarOSDKSTSs j L . fa9lKata, eMtiau -- 1 dl A IpHB ANNTJL aiETlNQ of tiho Strokaa uoiuers ot toe pais uity ,Aaiin Compaey will be bald at the offoeof Presi dent John Taylurj Salt Lake Cjty. Utah Territory, at 2 o'clock. p. . m on Saturday, Aprir lBtu, 1879, tjoij the election or officers lor tue enau xsg year. bear ia nund that this la the 1 after tha nndrsiaeea within tan m. .i..i.ki.M.tA tft at mr rasldanae oa taa corner-Acuta - s : are hereby required to er Airdeoeaaed kih.t ,..wlth the neoeseary TO" o here. montha -- . NOTICE. ' CHEAP ' busl- - jus, iiemfttin- Pro- - I .. 5 i:I-iit..- rs . aeceaea m hsTtn !'o cooda tToiiipt'y. ri)r a V j mk Creditor o the etiale o the ; Receltvs fubecrlptions to t,ho 4 per We solicit new accounts and heaa generally. p cent, funded loan of tad u. Oir-Sve- eteu - Ia the matter ot the Batata of : 0IL,'ahi and - " ! cxtnrnaily, Interna'ly s4.eoe. -' ' 1 ' s as?. We beg to Inform the public that "J Z)tnand. . eta Bew wo are prepared to transact a OenBnr and telli eiehasro Tork.N.n rraeefcM'e, a fafeatarej. aa, eral Banking Business, for which BuO n lnel we 'have Omaha, etltlea. Xatm, MI coailaeucavl 4.,iii, the necesMtry facilities. 1 lot-roa- f. St-eH- j MARSHALL'S - i ,f Pa uUe on will poslUtetr cure Diphtheria, even In its worst form; thousands titt eouch for tl.e truth of Ihla assertion-j Tbe raw O l ma benited rreely o IM tenderrpt Infant to tJe leaeina exposed l to tbeuse,-a -r h. parts For ' r id-- bHscerius;. Oil masi be dilute witb' water. tabl pQfnis of water to on teaspoonfui o the to tate; ' ba'hing tbt tbr i arid ebestf reely aad often. Doe. one (faspoonful, repaatfna' frrqueoty To. Hurobuf may be; found ireiarrd fot internal use, under the name of Marshall'. v. p Canker Care. Z. C. M. L General" Avenu and for aaU drus-glsttnedlciruMM in all iers and de by iluwll - a avf X.. HUiTBtTQ . MANTLES ORATES, AND Side lAlletaeel ae Stae. So, DIPHTHERIA - AfAilLES. IRON isMTtnT.K . , $ 160,000; xsvtoif.aay - ! BROS. in ! , Iat ten. umnd i VVAfSOIl JOHN jiHARh I T GEO. Q. CANNON. If B. HILl.t3, Cashier : - i . . Deposiig jy.-l- i (la 10.C00 flhares of XS eaohj eVlBkawwe Hanaber aaertlaeel ' for t., - I intetferenco to prevent the Inter rhis speech, being by a southern ference; of .the army in power "in man, attracted much. attentlon,iJi elections. Uarneid ; ai war a vo tsd was freauenuyappiaodpa on tnr for the Impeachments. and. bad. Daina huve ouantltlaa ourselves, and republican side. and .Jeered, .on (be sianaing; ny mm, voting side by Manafaotorlee in the with deailngdireotZy democratic side yith Lim, 5 to Impeach ,i wa a uteno. Load iota, aeepinaiam Bobeson side. followed. He mnfltted me r rftsiueut ; ror : me ; , exercise Stack on hand, ot the ranoos lues, xor tor FubUe to taleot from at Tory Low lie tea. himself to the aeestlbna rnMaw In of tbd f Veto T0Wtr. one - than volved in the' dleouaatoo, apd-.aalcomparatirely obaeuie aod who, but clTil lor a conjoimuon or . ccotueuta, Wood Turning of all Kinds. It la propoaed bare to featraiu. " offloera of the United Htatea from would nave remained tcf this Uavu untij hie dying day lu tbat keeping tbe peace at any election and ; UraiBfTAfLGItfiCO., In any State, by what bean? by ousoum j.iwr wuicu nature aua nis 3 C&e Dock East of Depot. civil meaoB.not by mlli'--- v means, creator seemed to have designed for the right of a cltlf r, the bim. Bide by side with the gentle man irorn vjujo uaa stood and votj marshal; of the d7 tatua ed Mr. Hajea from the Same state olease, to summon at (loud applause on the (democratic! ilnary aide 5- - FOOTtn OQLUDS GaSII lathe right to surx, and In the galleries), and nowj ay be military- com pan lea t wick. by what sort of authority had the Wi I W erm insert a eeeen-lin- e adtrertlsement within the body of hi 1 a week la 1 Ut otm weaary newsof The riirht fo summon cent'erpsn from Ohio come' to i troott la a different list pare, or tour line nnea me threaten Uie Houre with a probable be within if weeaa a w or two they teq lehoEeoi tra, and dle-- bailllewick is civil and not' a txli- - and possible action of the Exeeu-ii- r. of -either separate (oar Jj m nnnteinlna f room IU to 100 papers .Viiat proyialori of federal and Iain: iho tut richt. pi fax all four f tarv a t u IIS--'eoav,erforUaeaoewaak ..obrtitutlon undertook to clothe IDS la line one oomi wet jaH lDTiQiwii,iris the email bats, or law. jV I civil &oj body, either the President him-,elthe six lists combined, bains; more than on one of his privv council Wa also haral'eu of papers by by any lawyer? rTi Mfen.tsHnrkaft ira ths Cntted states and K .M a even, including his premier, ihe Canada. 8and for bur 1W paea pamphlet. ef the United t l? a 4 i Address Qso. P. Bowxu. Jt 0O--, Id opruoe the States wL.rsTf screUry of the stated to sit, as he at -- i :r.::".A United ; 8tatea 'Cuij to-- pr; ,ftB. oau unwu on me noor or tne noute iafit. Saturday, and by his presence That is not only rtt aaa approval, seem to Intimidate t lTnUedrate law. Wherever ' !, ' overawe and browbeat the Ameri f has guaranty W el i. 4,jnsUtution ran oo ugress laerisive laughter ' on right iscomes i 'ktt,'tbere t is republican side). iFor the first and gui: T a V- wr- frf a" i ltt and liase in! eighteen years the democ the United Li. t ock in power m both carry out that racy t tt-- ixls and most enforce Cu ops" l a'r"f branches of congress. I We propose t power, i Klmme.' Where has the (United to celebrate our return to power by V L Btates guaranteed the right to vote! wipi&g from the statute book these !!mple Kobeson It has. guaranteed the degrading restrictions oa free, men Md and BSWlU man In Maryland, and by fetrikins awav the ahacklea to lj," . at his righthasevery to vote for the most f Which partisan legislaUsn has laa- a whd rpay.) numerous right branch of the State legi- Eoseu. ; ne ao not stop until we sttkken the last vestige of :,Y and that he shall vote at a war measarea from the statute ef aoD slature, members your for election, peaceable f the gentleman from Qblo books, on f the repubCongress; (Applause' lican aids). I know that the ,Ba- - Is to bejexcused for certainly he Vest Cocrt hss declared th&t the tmnos pe. J ustifled , for par ad In z E rente - aU volar .of. its before this House the argumentum rmted Ctss tea no Lrtod4.ab own creation Elates. I know in terrorlum of a veto, that' is cut lntbs V- Oaaiaitki. eaattaal All work In onr unaaone V1ATLT, H PTLT, , b d 'n . c - 3a - PISTOLS. AM UOSIT SOS A.SC riSHiyO tACXLM. 11 - i , y. aaai sea ta ss-- Vtoe-Pres- WM. JKrfNIN'" FKSAMOtfZ I.ITTL1S. 'i.'.xi:5 ..- friars, London, and Capital, WM. ft. RfXlfRHL Prealdant. H.8. ELDUKDQE, . ;. . aniirss Meat Mar keu VwMeawra to jr. H. tfAOTl.) aVaatai mt WeUa, ataea.la4 va lAaxo rarer ter 150,000 1 . . iodmou , ima aaath atraaa. Oaaaalta lUaa taaAfulflloe of Plumbers, Gaa aaJ Steam fitters' Qooda kept la a took. Uuuuay'l rall Bleak, oalt take City, on nana. twuiaUyla all - Pump sod rump Kxtrat lW 0ioda dtnrered Satis U?e guarFre.: fauoa tUy, pkt u of orrroa An woai or autad.. JAKE i tfj SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, d, anti-republic- an and Game, Burpin", $200,000 . ! im Fish Austin : PRCE, oatxaa Poultry, Apparatus, Manufactured under M i: V. r ! u nxt Paid up CaiplUl, - i i - , -- Bee eorfutly annotwoea that aa haa aeour- aa tne areoay tor taia W. U. Warnera law treasure to Womaa'a Ripooent OSca. ioor Wis nee a block .at ol Foat Offlca, Km beea airaq to dpoctU etudyothse Wocnea. and Dlrae of 10" he Bjre and Bar. . 1, ....;.',:! ylLits, aad Uai Fitter. SXtAm rAi aiclan ami Surgeon. lata 0- - i -- PLUMBER,TINNER, rta... ROMAUIA D. rttATT, s -- Blinds, ftioulalnaS, easfa, ht COMMERCIAL OFMCB-O- - Ioor, now' proposed to .wipe! .from the Blackburn said boor . Lumbrryardof statute book had been inserted on student of his country's history k J A3. W. BAEDLBTt ; a motion by. Senator Powell, of who was not able to satisfy himself Near Oakey'a Planing- Mill, State road. and said that Kentucky that from, the' foundation" cf the v Kentucky, auniw was proud of many of her sons, but Constitution down to the present of none of them was she prouder time lit; had ever1 been-heland than of Powell. He jhad done that by the highest authorities in SHADE TREES FOR SALE CHEAP nothing in his long and useful the land, that it Was' in the power . : career except to stand day after day of the House to control the Walnut, lJi in, 2S cents, 2 in. BO oeata. Y.rwnaft. 9 In . Mnta. ft In. KO mnta. i In .' and contend manfully, as he did, employment of tke army by with .., iPHE ... ..'. ..1 ...,..:: fori the purity of the ballot box and holding the supplies. In the veiy ,l.W. Speoial rates can be made In buy lea; larre or inings, ui proposed re auantltiea. for the of the mil nature U ' j That act Deal could n6t be revohitinnnroJ with elections, to ix. a., runpey, ai. x., or itary Appiy alone would have isecured to him Negative legislation ,yr&B nver rel apWtv VaJker, Bia. Bahafci J0IIN LEFLFJt, Mill Faim." of every lover of Jib volutlonaryi The Constitution did d 7Vdatw He MaJtu the BeU and Cheapett the) aflaction and a memorial; more lasting not give the right to the President Drett and Burtneu SviU in Sail erty than sculptured marble or molded to sena armed forces into any state brass. The democratic party simply even to suppress domestic violence. Lake City. Give Mm cf trial. intended to preserve" the ancleat it required tne President to protect Btock of NEW GOODS blrtn-rigor tne American citizen A Xante estate irom invasion; but only conferred upon him the ; right to ratt arrived j that is td be seen to a trial by jury in all its purity any It intended that all ring masters sena soiaiersj a to S'that State to 6ur at my Katabliahment. and Jobbers and knaves, who had press uomeeno violence when the fastened like vampires on the body legislature of that! State or governor Is a? Newly Perfected SEWING ' in its con o. ROMNrr. mase, a requit-iciopolitic of.the eotrntry or years past, snouiu T. IVATIaCBS. upon MAtJiiJNxy .wonaerriii for i He Was not as. rortn to tne him. Oliver ARMSTRONG an ception; unprecedented abalt te money F. doing a Q. H. TATIiOK, . perraittad ohanserS were scourged from the ticipate domestic violence! neither large 'range of Sewn a In textile temple by the8avlor of !, mankind; was a legislature iior . a governor, fabrics 'and leather. 1 is far in it intended that every abuse of Domestic Violence must have been ma power should be, arjalrned, not only In existence, and that fact have advance ,of all ' other ASD AMERIbefore the bar public opinion, been certified to him 'by the legis chines. SeeBCIENTI ITC but before the established tribunals lature; More that one-thir-d of the CAN Nov; 2d, 187S. Send for cir, to of the country; it Intended permanent aUecting legislation culars. Agents wanted. preserve tbe rights,"- - dignity that arm or government had .been DAVIP O. "C AIjDKR, and equalityi of all ,100 states put upon the statute books as risers '. Gen. Ag't for Utah. onimpalred ' .as the safest pro- - upon tun army appropriation Dili, RBDUCTIONIn PRICES leciioa or aomsstie concerns ana Uid uarneid remember the record as the surest, bulwark against an he had made in 1868 oh an amend f in- ment offered by; Wilson, of Iora,( to it tendency; at- - .' rftek Had and White Plaa of all klnda. tended to maIntalnthePHleral an appropriation bill proposlnie o Waatarn Finis hi n Lumber, California Red government as, supreme In its con- revolutionize of system thejudiclal Wood, SECOND HAND TWENTY stitutional sphere, aod to let all tbe tne country., proposine -- to rob a co ' Horse Power at. 1 of branch ordinate of in the. States Oedar splendid galaxy government.and whits UUh, Bear equal republics, .move, on for ever proposing! to strmitne (Supreme Red Wood Shingle. in melt orous.wiia ids neauty ana Court of. prerogatives and power that" made the! music of that the . federal Constitution had Bad nmia auavio, veuuia, SUlng, harmony the spheres when the "morning clothed H wlthJaHe tieclsred that nckaU, for Saw Mill, or a U1Lata stars sang together and all the the record, rtmed;; with instances ; it Suitable ' , i " ; rioorlag. mi . . " . I eecend-han- d sons of God shouted for Joy.", (Ap wherei the .nouses.! had ' withheld coerce on to tne the democratic President, supplies, slue.) plause He was followed - on tbe republi and a botable instance wa wbenr who can side by Hank, argued that Qarfieid, with, others. ; had com ffi to was absolutely necessary for the polled Andrew Johnson to sign the Apply with particulars to. j protection" of lives and political- army Din under protest. One count I if R, W ARNOCK A CO. York. ewjTwsaeew4erW riant nf colored ana white xeouoii- iu tthe 'Impeachment tyroceedices Mado to Or- - eana of the south that the aulJiQrity agaltuat Jobnson was hia use Of 'the dew In- i ' Frames of all kinds of the military to preaerve peae at veto power ana an otner ' was m Ida Very Ottaavp- .- uoaaaaB m SHA.RrtSD. 8T0TX3 FAJBZD. I TX i lie was a ' ;.. it)AS -- 2Q 4 C. A. SNOW & CO., roods, a abort time ooty before departure an Oerman-Amerto- -- nes.)i f Also Brass Work of all deaorlptlonr r t minutes. Totman'e CaUtornta Feed SfillL I . l; :!:.? r i;' i 'tin, ?U) Tona Salt on baud, maouCactUrer v r. V Kium am verse .1 Liquid Blue. Jamaica Gisgsr, eto ; St tbe Mttrct r- JTirtt OALii'Airn' eza !' Near nomth; Tm W. ST.t s. oitt:. ; - and adviaa aa patantabllttr m a aUlit w. d (MT IS acCVRJl. Wa refer In Waablnrtoo, to Bon. Oeneral I). U. Kay. iter. F. B. PowNational Bank, The er, to officials In the U. 8. Patent offloa, and to Senator and Bapreeentattrea In Congress: ana especially to our euanta in erery otata tfae Union aod la Canada. AddraM mo arH ' - rVfcVtrt eaavrMAU - - ... ; k r. LOIIDOH BAfiKQFUTAIf. mmii mi f Receives - A- y . - . Enin83 Pumps: iod Fire ' i , to-da-y, CO,: HlEUTliUaTKffteS: L.fa1. RUr.iOEY & mm SALT be-held- ? Ua : - ; C OTSr OZX0 OS obtained tor new larantiom. or for im CIiC 3 t w proremanta on old ooa, f or tcadioal or and labek. "TAKES TTJEfTER," twia tteoka trest Vt Otiiar ootaponada, wrferanoaa, Ap V Deaarat Newa , Prlntloc 0Doa beaa Caraata, AlfT-.ojat- JrafriiunRMaahand all caaea aaJaui tot to Inform tola many friends aad tea arialiir oodartae premptly mt duo that he win make to order urn saw aueaoMi to Loots. rweraiiy Shoea, Bll&pan and Clnra, at prices very reasonable. Just the place to get a foodaaiy flu Repairing neatly ereouted on be pataatfd ky tm."- - iielna- troooslta tb ' lj'hc.rt notice.. f S. . Patan t-- Daaaxtawtntv aaieBa 9 :SuAA a Pateat bualocaa rOiUMTOITrirfl raoaxobea.aod aooure Fataata . and wita Droaaer eiaima, oan arotnpuf " to those who are remote (roa in Aom ST. 'LOUIS t M , , - 1 i A y, t-- H. F. DEPOSITORY. p , tt ' cf lidha naot, Bals&ra BRNBDItT, HALL & CO.v r folliales if the toots and For ColJ, Coarha. Aatkwa, Oouumptioo, Xhrt and Lit-- a Ooaapiatata, Affection Of -- l iot Tabloto, Scouring Soap Superior Writing Fluid, Boot Blacking, E to.'. tAe.mdney,etcuuaa. ISO years ago by Prof. Lym, of Ysl, Is ths Pte?t, preparation in the ; world f; t preserving an$ bfantifying the hair. Vtty, , - Ouioorrtihirty-f- umih a co., MAjnnrM cmaoit aaJt Lake 1064, jr . J I - - if i Bath-San- d - YJEXXTRADE aa. w W Cas. Jamaica Olnser,' Toilet Soap. UEOitQE Q- - CAHNON. imlCIHAV TO0NO, ; KdiUm and PublUKcrt. NV - b. IMntlnf. RuIOw. &nk Biiulinj and Paper ' STAIIDAED GOODS Tbe Sewe Itaatt aad Ja rrlaltms i(U- - hai tuparior (acUlUa tor tba axaou- l 1(1 I Tempi kl-v- j Corner ODDOSite Theatre. d209tfV f of South and OrrJCBConer Street. o oa of all ttAIB.-F- or -- -- - ' ADVANC. MS-- Df 1 1 drinks WEEKLY.; pnoaaVed aaary ITeineaday. , j - otner plain ana' fancy ntnti. Wo kMn that Old Hermitage;- jVye, and' Bourborf w hiskey. wiur a run una or bottled wines ana liquor, for family use also b V thrt TilTkt. nnart an ft trallon? and will not be- - undersold.' .The beat beer room in toe city. fo dual. lie and other.' i '"i s V T ' 7 S quart,-a1- . by o orhsr minv.onft it be ssvel and Iwsnti&ad. i ..! Bait Lake City and Warner's Beer 6 cents a itlass, St) cents cer ' j . Cri.TIVAjrK'TOClV 1.1 44 t SAVft r Jtit-TiWlUU- 483 JubUhtd seery Tuesday ontf JSofuraov one year. with Postae,--$t.J f teoopy. 44 44 44 eix months, mm m wm et the ear LOT, el tatted HOTJSK'AKD Tm ami ai B a. initi lUieata The lot aaa a f roataxe oa toe atraat of SO roda. HouaaofXouraoatna, and an orcb- areexe trees. V or lull Dart leal an lnauira on the nra--- SEMI-WEEKL- and dried, to be put on a bill which has cot yet passed, and If he la to b'v pardoned for warning the I7ou.se ram wan aa ganow Taueoaara Liaa. that the executive branch of government will never yield its! ssfctnt JLast Wight's DJspateuea to this measure in its present lorm,; ; I may bot be I " ask whether composed FCBTY-SXT- H CONGRESS. bers chosen every .second) year Warranted - and Justified in by the people of the several employing equal candor in as States, and tbat elctors in! each- suming . that the gentlemen of SXTBA SESSION. I Bute shall have f the quallflca- the ruling element in this body are ESATB, tlons reauljlte for. electors or tne also equally determined Xintll their - Just demands, sanctioned by all numerous branch of the ! most WASHIKOTON, 5. The repprt, oi Islature aa eiven by the State. JgThe laws, human ana divine, protectea tno committee on privileges ana qualifications, within the, limits of and hedged- - around by precedents elections on the credentials of the Jtaxteentn . Amendment are without demanded by tbe Charles XX. Bell, appointed by the made by the States. The United people ofnumber, this land without regard Korernoc senator from New Hamp- - States aot confer the right of to section, clamored for, not by the anue, were taken up' at; tbe open sunragedoes orr those individuals! but South alone, bat in Philadelphia as . 4 J of the Senate. lnt its suf- well, as in New Orleans, in Sau the United States I adopts lloar ar&raed ia favor of admit frage by description,' thattoclass that Prancisoo and Boston, as well as in Uug Bell, saying there is an un has already tne tignv: or aorrrage Charleston ana Havannan, aie broken .line of precedents for so Ktven to it by the Btates. ' It makes complied with, This code of the " a 4 xj? haWi itm doing. fftp frita- tfblH,n n chamber which has demonstrated t Voorhee introduced a bill to au- its officersvntiin to Ruaran its power never means to yield or is and thorize the President to appoint tee to them a freebound and fair, election surrender unless thisCongtess shall James Shields, of AUasoori ajbriga (applause on tbe republicanhave died by virtue pfitslimita dier general in ths army on the re It is technically aad verbally Side.) true tion.; (Applause on the democratic tired Hat. He Also gave notice that the United States does not con side.) ;A principle cannot be comon Monday be woulo call.up.tbe that fer the riKht of suorage on those promised. I It may be surrendered. resolution of Hoar, condemnatory men who vote for the most numer- but that, can only - be done by its of the democratic policy, In order ous branch of a State . legislature. auTuvatea tvxug yiwi to lue wonu to express nis views upon it.' , or sun rage ana The quaunoa that they . are. cravens and cqwaids right wen; session-tne 'Alter executive to are tion and lack the courage to maintain it necessary preaoribeu ate adjourned till Monday. by states. . Jiut the J united, States their own convictions. We cannot does Say that every msti, who be- - yield and we Willi not yield. (ApHOUSE. I" a la. to mat juugs ciass, ana every plause and sensation.) Xiet me ase WAfliUKGTON.S.-Thdebate on man who has that Qualification sure my friends Ion the other side tbe army approerUtlon .bill Was shall be an elector! for members that tnts Is tbe restoration to power continued by Knott. , He epoke-o- f of the House of Representatives of a party as old as the government tbe rreat nlatorlcar iRDortanoeol That is a ilxht . which : it itself, which, for 100 years almost. the. princlpkij iavolved fie char- guarantees. What is. a guarantee of has stood the teat as the freest and acterized it s the Erreat fqndaDCieiio tbe United States warth if it is not purest exponent, champion; and tai pnncise,,ol,TsrW1jCatt nbetty. able to carry it out. The proposed defender of the doctrines of' the tbAtUifttiaUat shonid: bo prorooted legislation is unconstitutional, r lie constitutional limitations against from tLw.' slightest approach.', of denied Hurd's statement that na tbe doctrine of the aggrandizement muniirjr: jdwor; a4d,(haT,thevotet tion! had always' died of .military of i power., It Is this organization shall be.lefa, .entirely fkeo' ln xei Dower. Thev died because some tnat has eome bacs to rule, and cisingAtlhoJ polls the pterogatlye branch of government has usurped rule in obedience to law. The isbue of a citizen.: Us. qiotoct anoEng ihe rights of the other. He in Is. laid down, the gage Of battle is liab. statute of. Gsorgev II for the te stanced several cases in history delivered, lift it when you please, moval of' troopsJfroiA the place that the sword was ; the last resort and we are willing to appeal to tbat where an election ia to and after; the usurpation had nccesaitat- - sovereign arbiter to which the; gencited Blacks tene,that it 'isessentlatfod Jtl use. So long as tne civil pro-- tleman from Ohio so handsomely uiac eiecuooa 1 enait re aospiuteiy oeM 6f la w may be properly execut alluded tbe Ameriom people to free and that therefore all undue ed by civil officers in this country decide between us. ; : We intend to influences are illegal and prohibited. there is no danger of a military deny to the President of this re tie naa expected such a question power.4 Our people would never public the right to exercise such would have been ' discussed on tbe yield to a large standing army. unconstitutional ipowers.i' ' We do other side with calmness and dig-nit- unless It became absolutely necea uul ueau 10 pitch this contest tot.' but in this he had been griev- sary under the pressure of usurped the grounds of lublecilun to !biit ously disappointed particularly in and arbitrary power o( some' Irres- - who happens, if hot: by.Mtbt grace connection with k the speech of pensime member or a ejstem to ef .fJod'' by the un of luck," to be that speech, while it might sacriS ce liberty; and f order... That administering tbattiffloe. Even If Frje nave- - oeen - appropriate 10 tne time (will neveri come here unless Washington, tbe father of nis coun ''small free" of his party at tbe you,my friends, disregard the plain try;' Were to fctep down Into; tbe cross roads or the village barroom teacning or nistoryj My mend wnite House chair, tne democrat was unjust to that gentleman's fromj Ohio (Hard) also took occa- would not yield even to bim un sion to say, in allusion to the exe- constitutional powers. There la no genial and generous nature. wou w K.nott concluded his speech with cutive of this country. that.' tola tribunal before wnicn-thea statement of the beneflclent re- title was in deubt and that his ten not be content to carry this case. 1 1 forms that would J&e eflected when ure was not yet certain. I do not was his deliberate! conviction that the democratic party bad captured thin that my friend meant that; hot a man on his side would aban the capltol, as he firmly believed it because if he did ha meant to ap- don one Jot or tittle ; of- - the faith to be in the plans ef . Providence peal to the giant of revolution. .Let tnat was in mm. rney wouio He stand on their convictions. that the. party of the people should me say to him, that the responses are but who dallies Is a dasttrd and he who so triumph. He did not Intend his all ovr the country, party te be led away, rrom the ques- the muttermes or a storm which denies is! damned." (Loud sp tion under consideration to the dis will increase in vigor and fury and plause.) At the conclut.loa, Blackn resiatiega power until the men burn's colleagues warmly congratucussion of any collateral issue what' to unsettle lated him on his speech. and move intended to but it ever, right tbe party ofwho endeavor be will President title the theon to accomplishaient of the forever from the political purpose upon which ;they swept high) were resolved, lieu expressed nis horizon. (ixrad applause on the astonishment at the statement that republican side and in the galle- - IMPROVED STEP LADDERS, TELEGRAPH Houses and Lota for Bala, TWO Valuable wells of rood watar and: atbar Situated oa Third South Published eaery tvenltm, except Sunday. rconyenieocee. Mela and Wast Temple Street, between at Streets. Apply J aoob Peerf , State ttoad, uim oopri oa year, with poetae..,.ia.so 44 , LeoxV or Martin . . three and ' halt' blocks " ..... saonthe, ifa roe maatba, ' , .... S.S& eaat ox xuepuaat store. " ' eU THE DESERETTi NEWS': that It has declared that .the! right Of suffrage is not in tbe Btates given or .tne ' liaitea ay tne Constitution ' States. But this does not cover the Case. The Oonatltulon . provldea tnat ine xxouse tor jepresema or mem-- t Uvea shall be :; - no. lis. ETSNOG AInXXi 4, 1870. ITCH DAY' .1- . ' i 3 ,: oe S CtedberirtiaCo.t . 'V. rj .: .. I i |