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Show S i 'TDEEVEiMNGHEWSl tnimiB OA TXT, OSDAYS uoiniUi rouR o'oxocx. QEOIU3I Q. OAJjTNON, BRIG HAM YOUNG, We would recommend writers for the preis, when subjects are scarce, to look right at home for evils to b corrected, and real social plsguea that need legal remeMies which are ' their very spreading . under -, nose- . particulars of which they can obtain easily, and not to make themselves ridiculous by Invoking the power of the Government against some Imaginary danger many hundreds of miles away. And especially we advise them to avoid the folly : of the paper from which we have quoted, in speaking against the colonization of our sparsely settled Territories, by an Industrious peo ple famously successful In this kind of enterprise, for fear that perhaps they may make wivea of all the marriageable women among them, instead of reproducing the corrupt social system of those cities in which great Journals are published. - - TOW ORMON- - An Miiern fxchansre at a recent date again calls public attention to the spread of Mormonlni," ana i ! " 3 OF THE BPREAD 4 New York. 2 The organization called Sti Dominic's colonization focierv.nl the city of New York, formed for the nurchmae of lands In Kansas, to be sold at cost price to members actually settling tnem, propose erecting a large colony building on the tract, fori use unti families ate able to piovida separate shelter. It will also loan 'money to colonists when embarrassed through sickness or failure of crop-- . - The whole movement is in the interest of .Irish laborers under the guidahce of the Catholic church, and sup- Dosed to te tacked by Irish capital lata. The! nrinciral efflce will be Cuicaoo, 2 O'Leary savs he has engaged Gilmore'a garden for the whole month of October, and tbe six days' match will come elf there some time that month. The contestants are to run or walk, the winner to have $3,000 and the belt and to challenge Rowell for the As t ley belt. The second man gets $2,000; .the third man $1,000; the fourth man $500. The object is to encourage running in this country. ISS-- f Grand Pacific Hotel VrTS Pirn in imtrin The Finest Ventilated Hold And one of the liargest (baviasr ever 30O Bosmr, S3 wlib Batbs Md closets auaebed) and Most EleHotels In this gantly "Furnished ' ' " H Country. ,r ea-ealt- r?m3 " ' WITH BOARD. $3.00 to per TEBIIS.-R001I- a mm e, MM mm ; i 4 S : $3-5- 0 Chicago, 2. The returns give Harrison 22,856; Wright, 19.063 Schmidt, about 8,500. The whole ODI LfHy. Batbs aad Parlers Kxtra, A redaeUea frees Ibe abeve yrtess city democratic ticket is elected by te parties renaalalaa a week er aaere a majority probably ranging: from 3,500 to 5.5C0. The vote on Alder JOHN, B.DRAKE & CO., men cannot oe given, duc tnesociai-ist- s Proprietors. elect severalof their men.' Some 20 precincts are yet to hear from. i sllb '" . , i rt - American E(el stalls. t Borne interest is excited In the iron trade by the fact that Vender bil has bought, in England, 1,200 i tons of steel rails at a price which I equals $53 k ton landed here, while the price fof the best American FOREIGN. i V In the Probate Court in and for would be $45 delivered. jThe rails the the County of Box XZder, in are" understood to be guaranteed for cheat britaih; 15 years, but the trade la reluctant Territory of Utah. PBEDIOIIONS FOR THE PILE-SE- to regaru mis as a reason ror pay- The Blaefcbnra Cetteai Operatives. Hod. JOHH D. RUKT, Judse. The cotton OperaYEAR. IjONDOW, 2 ing $10 a ton ad va nice upon home tives of Blackburn district agree to ADOALAOS tfUBRAT, rti prices. The New York Graphic of March Ilajcs Bd lbs lrfiISliBlls. submit to a reduction of wsges pro ' TS.irjauus, vided the masters restore this years Summons. 20th, reports a conversation with a The 7W5n' Washington bds and i when BOBEBT . MtTBBAT, reductions last year's a as has powho last figured clal says: The President stated, gentleman Defendant. . litical prophet with some success. night, that witn a united party ana trade shall have revived. A Bad PeUey. people at his back, he j does not It is generally understood by the th Tbe reopM of the United States In tas Ter will think much it courage says: j That require A dispatch manRangoon 'V press of that city that the late ritory of Utah send ffreeetlnr to Robert to veto the' bad political legislation the official announcement of the a. Murray, Defendant. ?t aging editor of the Graphic, Mr. D. proposed by the democrat. The defensive and waiting policy of the G. CroIy,'is the prognostlcator of the President does not believe that the Indian government has prouacea a YOU are hereby required to answer the of Xddalads Marrar In said folio win?, which Is an abstract of democrats will actually go to the bad effect, as It is considered an ac court tiled arslnat tou. within ten davs. of the The weakness! of government depriving point cxoluslre of tbe dar of serrloe. after the knowledgment his for eahado wings for 1879. Our of And or on will but an summonea that service or this funds, you they iummoDS, u servea Barman na? king readers can take the predictions for so nje excuse for giving within this county; or, If served out of this of up their at his bearing capable subjects bu within thli district,wlthia twenwhat they are worth: .. l jf,; county arms. tepipt at coercion within tySaid dsyt; otherwise days. m. anrrnm la brourhti tn forty nhimln action ' Severe Kuw Start 1. The rear 1S79 will, on the bonds dlanolTlas; of tbs exlattns" ij'-j.:, matrimony aUSTRIA. one for kvas a the be prosperous said whole, between tke The storm of Monday plaintiff and defendant, upon the Beeosellasi will be on Me There t in the Oeeepatlesu forth Kastera States. United ground petition severest felt In Long Island during uiiuiauiime. general revival of industry, labor the winter The snow drifts are 2. five Circumstances Vienna. fou are hereby not'flsi that If vou fall will be employed, and confidence feet high, and have made the Long point to a compromise whereby the to appear and answer . said petition as Be auoro In future felt. missionaries AIormon" the universally t cue riainun win applynor island lUilroad impassable until Sultan will consent to a mixed oc wuui requirea,rvuui prevent Hi close of the year there will ciearea iu lur fore the i.r itmjog from . from hearers their a snow Fasha men Rasters oomDlalnt. and ooat of lult. and preaching, ryi.uu cupation provided a interest in be precious' widespread n i Eastern of is appointed governor testimony wnersor, I, James believing, and their converts from metal mlnlnir. A dangerous spe plow. uiera oz saia ueurs; nywaier. i Koumella. Bevslalloa'. CUsCena ! ease H ; do into set communities "new hereunto and hand in industries my other culative organizing feeling ami tne seal ei said court, mis of a;RevelatIonarr Ceinmtt soon abow iteelf. Great excitement exists in the Arrest in Utah and other Territories," will or nay siarcn. iwiv. : .!,-II JAMES BY WATER. partial failure custom house over the proposed would not this t a ttretch of lta of2. There will be a Our swim iProbats Clerk. this a revolution' of revolution of year. Manv the members crop hay jln 'crops orgsnization 'powers beyond reasonable, lawful on the Atlantic slope will be short. the collectors, appraisers arid naval ary committee have been arrested and constitutional limits? It la 3. At least two important failurea officers toi go into tfft-ct-i y. at Warsaw; The prisoners had reof our religious duty to preach of Wall Btreet magnates will take Several removals of .Arthur's volvers in their possession when part ' this year. They will be lot friends are made and salaries have taken. Other arrests have! been the gospel, gather the Baints from place Stock to herd for the mm persons witn wnose name everyone been reduced in some instances S3 made ekewhere, making in all S00. LT Will take all nations,' teach them how to is Terma nuniuhl. Hard ner saaaon. familiar. j percent, a leaves .Mill East about the 10th of aether Attempted 'Asaslaetlea. .Creek 4. An unsuspected weakness in support themselves by honest in:i t The Trout Season Opened, April, j our court national of marT the and The' their homes of to in L system may banking own, above president tbe at named place apply dustry Blj Yesterday1 the trout season open tlal at Charkofl has been fired at; orutn vara, Bait Jake City. aiw during the coming ed to live together in peace and bar. be developed ' to law, and there was the according year. escaped. mony as the children of God and 5. The disproportion between our a fine display of fish at Pulton MCKNIGHT, member of the Church of Christ. exports and Market, including several young imports, such as we California for the past two salmon, which belong to The Russian gtndarmorle is lias, the Government any right to have witnessed SUITABLE FOR LAUNDRY; about to be reconstructed because Attorney aiii Coniiselor at La vs will come o an end before tne trout ramiiy prevent us from fulfilling this duty, years, of disaffection. 1881. Home prices will go higher "'Tbi Mesre Es&iiar..' imposed upon us as it la by divine and foreign goods be sold cheaper. Tbe Hacetf eadaa Iattarrecita. command? We think not, and do We shall export less and import The exodus of the negroes to free Special atteni J to Oeoeral ' and Ixxml states from the south The is tas soliciting; dispatch of reinforcements LaiHi orace inisineea evidently not believe an effort of 'that kind more, unless tne "unexpected snow CiCiius for Bounty, Pension seems Soh1irs and serious serious to te Salonrca becoming a) question. .The will be a drain of Kold Herald tae oilier uoveramenf. would be either proper or success occurs there ariDtuu asainst to in tbe or movement is in the says regard apprehensions abroad, and then resumption, as at ... ful. ganized and conducted under the surrectlon in Macedonia., Orrios Below XT. 8. Land Ofllos, td dour present established, must be legis guidance s vsi w of those whom the negroes soots tne walker House, EE R But the alarmed Journalist pre- lated SOAP FACTO R Y. m , PION upon anew or it will rail. as FRANCE. are their Manv superior?. regard C. be Should connects the this propagandism prosper country bably Ibe Bemeval ttlsesuslen and resumption stand until the aireaay eeiiiea in Jvausis and are land colonization with polygamy, ous prospering there, the reports ol meet national conventions ' in 1S80, Paris. 2. The cabinet hope s, be-Isfor he remarks," Without polygamy John Sherman will be the candi their success have further demoral- foro chambers the of removal the " the laborers in the old states. the sect would not hold together, date ef the republican party for the ized the left centre who are badly used very often, even discussed, te calm a bill and polygamy is criminal. : TltAllli MATIK. ' presidency. depriving the by presenting are ir and sometimes fans or ' tne control Resumption has not settled all illindustrious, municipality In this he furnishes us, unwit- - our7. financial paid; wh$ are sot prosperous in of tbe police; but at one of the last difficulties. Questions that la brought x tlngly, with an argument In favor affecting the business interests jslhof any way, and are alarmed to find sittings Ministers Xiepere, iraro Much of the Tea Into market Is highly colored of our continued practice of plural the country will be the subject of that the party always in symnatbv Cochery. and Freycenit opposec with their enemies is dominant in the bill. to avoid getting a tea" that It Is stated- jthat marriage. If oar religious system many warm political contests. But the nation. This departure of labor, Minister Frejcenltp-whbe Is an final result the will estab the Is adulterated, purchase could not hold together without aaumes tne it it appre- uncompromising advocate of the proportions a lishment of national bank similar are we In Justified nenuea, win g really nurt the Boutn return to Paris, being offered at the polygamy, then to that of Great Britain or France. In lta Industrial lutrreste, and the Council an clinging to it, tenaciously.-- . Per- but probably called by us by a dif- - southern to make an people may have occasion Independentopportunity name. la wnen occurs he erent in this assertion. in statement the that haps right J3'S:OJri2JCsXLBXs'Z3D renect upon their own fully in to rather Secretary of the Treasury will to reeign Being part of our religions creed the their failure to ele the CELEB BATED great regard be, stripped or much of the power and having been so held by us for ne ment or their prosperity in any tbaBrtake such a course. i'l-lnow possesses. v- -" r than ea strictly political spirit. many years, it would be a suicidal s. A foreign -- waiLibefere - many other iKDIA. BRITISH Ttib-tsave: The No ordinarv ALL ORDERS ADDI7EG8 TO R V MORRI policy now to reject it. But this years are over is not improbable, diacontent has-caoTafeeeb Kbaa's Letter t cur or. to tne due weakness navy that it has become an IiAHOBB.2. negotiations Though t. people to leave tne scenes dear . and the unprotected condition of or seen I' P. O Box, to nave essential element In our religion. I our old them uiosen not front associations and nominally rich seaport cities. which is the fact, but which la also 9. Anew pestilence reviv- seek new homes in a distant state. off, Yakoob Khan's letterisistlll They have evidently grown! weary unanswered, denied generally by our opponents al of an old one, which "will aflect of for the "year of jubilee,? The Viceroy announces that Sn order to establish their assertion the people inhabiting the temper ror waiting forces have been sent to nave small so ferwnicn ll tney prayed zone, is among the probabilities vently in their f and Charbagh in! ad Futtehabad that it Is criminal. Polygamy Is ate rude little churches or tne near future. . n Put half I the overawe in to vance of Jellalabad the up woods. The in packages. "Good time pound made criminal by legislative enact10. A new motor will coon be disit- The best! in Fee ms, alas, Just as far ofi marauding tribes. ment and Judicial opinion. It is covered which will make air navi coming' as ever. They want to be treated formed neoDle think the movement t A PURE i not criminal In and of Itself. And gation possible. , like white lelks. Alas - for their is really a demonstration in repiy to : . it can only be denounced as such hopes. The west has no place for Yakoob Khan's evasive letter. tnem. White men. eaulppedwitn en the hypothesis that it is not reUNCOLOIiED JAPAN, GERMANY superior brains and energy, and ac ligion. Bat this writer who seems ; BUaaareb's Statue fjavelle" " customed to the rigor or a northern so anxious to stir up the Govern- -' havd a hard time making climate, 2. The statue of Prince WE&rxaif tnriow ivrm Berlin,was telborafb ment to improper action, acknow- rH a atart in a new country use .Kan Bismarck unveiled at Cologne sas, unless they have capital to be with great ceremony, yesterday, on ledges that it is a constituent of EASTERN. gin with. lVebably moat of the the anniversary of his birthdays i .our religion necessary to its very ou rill saj It Is tm the Heaie f emigrants will bitterly regret the Debate to Is Testers?' this year It proposed expend existence, and yet he belabors the ,. nasty step tney have taken, it 162,000 in extending the fortifica BepresesitaUves. Government for not proceeding WASHiNaTON. will that however, good maybe, JUST ARRIVIMC AT THE ,1. at , tions 2. The debate in come out of The? Best Btrasburg. cket Tea the movement. , against It. However, we need not the House of Representatives, yesDlssbUlttes. PellUeal The limtt thinks the western expect sound reason or even com terday, was not only of remarkable rarmers win give a.'l the negroes The continuance of the political IN MARKET. . mon consistency in an antI-"Mo- rana one interest f which. wno arrive a chance power, out to to of the ProtesUnts In work disabilities go in its outbursts of sectional feeling e mon" newspaper article. much Braail has s produced i oiiT.ruBrB verdict and mutual denunciations of the lng. : Common action on tbe part Taking; the definition of const! north and south, have had no parThe journals, without exception. of and Great .Britain maytutlonal religious liberty promul- allel since the days before the war. commend the: verdict in the Oliver- Germany v ultimate! be deemed expedient;.'a inThe of excitement at times was IJ.-..- J Camerou case, believing the lorv gated by the Supreme Court . .... ' tut , TbeTatlO. and ; come the no could tense, other sinthroughout conclusion. speeches the United States, with its : 1;.: of Chalmers, Frye and Hurd, and Tribune speaks of the efforts. The tarifl committee a Established Hay, 1876. gular limitations and peculiar during the pungent colloquies with inThe . 'il. some quarters, to degrade and duty of three marks persuggests '...It:-- .'J. hundred to we have left us, the which they were interspersed, the Dring in uisiepute, for paity pur weight on petroleum, and an addiarguments, glorious privilege of thinking and presiding officer was kept busy poses, tne nearer or a well known, tional 26 marks on tea; 3 marks on efforts to repress the honorable name, but the world, on ooffee, and 6 marks on spirits to the believing and of expressing our making futile or the jeers the contrary! wonders that even the applause, laughter, on tnose articles. to beliefs who and others, thoughts one side or the other, eoe Juror should actually have been preeens auties I fid 1 .'' iJ f i irom 3E2." OSS "JSL TLT-tnat, T. also are accorded freedom enough greeted every telling point of argu found disposed to Dlpbtherls. a for verdict give to become converts to our view. ment ana eaca eloquent night or tne widow or $ living man. Two members of the household of have been attack With our faith and proselytlsm, oratery and ail numerous "palpable Tbe "asm" aad tbe Cnnreb Qnestlea the Crown-Princ-e of repartee. ' The general rei , ed by diphtheria. the Government has noth- - hits' then, Michael Flood, of 8m Fianclaco. of yesterday's speech-makinsults IN ' ' ' to Gentlemen: We have on band do. "Mormon seems to be that tne democrats writing to the Awn. in denunciation ing whatever 8ERVIA. ::..'.'""' a Stock replete with ibe novelties XMers may preach polygamy and gained the advantage in point of of its coune on tbe Chinese bill, Beealaa Befecee s. of tne season, and would be cleased It lsaptoblcm how the or- people may believe it without ren- argument concerning the merits of sayt: editor of the Belgrade, t 2. The rt turned for you to call and Inspect, when repeal, but that the ainarv dering themselves amenable to the the .proposed made Sun could refugees have appealed to we will quote figures never before take sides with the ene- Bosnian for decided gains republicans increased relief. It is touched by aDy firm west of Austria law. Those who become converts of mies and range1 him- capital by improv- sen of California, i ' of them have died unicago. ttated 20,000 that .Beech-ers, to "MormonJsm" also have just as ing party tne witn the to uarrtsons, sound tie opportunity . old-titne irom since other and by privation fanatical nignt & DUCKLG the "solid humanitarians of tbe SON. much right to come out into the the alarm against ; east, in their their nomes. TAILORS fiKD WOOLER DRAPERS, West and settle on the public do- South," and to , provoke their efforts i us to fasten upon tbe Chinese i hot the opponenta Brjeeted. (especially V:i MAIS STBX1T. wrV-' main, under the land laws . of the headed Mississippi Representatives) piague, ana tarn the beautiful Pa2. The commit tee: on Oppeelie Walker Ueeee. p.o. box U2. Tirnova, cific a into Chinese United States, as the votaries of into indiscreet and damaging utterSlope province. tbe Bulgarian constitution has ire- The Aim, in reply says: There is Jected Thus, even so able a man a vast clause wnicn mases tne any sect or creed on the continent, ances, deal of humbug and insin frlnce tne or isalearia a vassal or tne Hurd, of Ohio, was carried, by or the disciples of atheism, social- as the amous; who politicians tne excitement of tne occasion, so cerity Porte, and has declared in favor or ism, celibacy or free love. far beyond the limits which he had are endeavoring to torn the Chi rree scnoois, to wnicn parents snu Next dcor te Wells, Fargo't P pa clous nese to own their advan be obliged to send their children. And where Is the wrong, requir- evidently marked out for himself In question ,room, 0ted no tor a 'f tage, and there Is aleo a great deal , v fiHOM ssason' logical and eloquent of u : ing Government or other, interfer-- . his really if honest difference of as to assert President that opinion speech, oar in NOW OJf ence, bringing people from Hayes' tenure of office is about the matter, in California and Mis. EXIIIDITIOjr, yet uncer- elsewhere, d centres of the tain; a declaration which, the Partington, in illustration of ; Open Afternoon and Tenlnr. from and Intimates that tne with lood Is ... answer sort i A turneth ; ; proverb," lS0too'lck. not posted. world and placing them upon the equal injudlciooeness, his party I ito that "It is bet XI Tamest Frees tke away wrath,' says unset tied lands of Territories anx- friends immediately applauded to TTas FreS or ter to a speax per pareeroncaiiy 15 Admission cts 2 ,' fjr 25ct ious for population? Our people tne ecno. ana which course the re son than te be all the time flinging !! will use hereafter as a publicans ; are noted all over the globe for their fresh proof that the democratic The movement of the freed men. epitaphs at mm." la assuming greater The Wonderful Astronomical and 'MTI i ; Industry, perseverance, sobriety ascendency threatens danger to the from the south f i i. than A ' proportions 'I anticipated. Apoetolle. j of and good order. They are steady peace and quiet the country. national convention of the friends The outlook now is, that the L1KC TIlBiTRB! "' of the freed men is contemplated. SALT settlers, who till the soil, make peron the bill ex. will army SBBS SSM. manent' homesteads, develop the tead into next week. Over 80 and several prominent men are Charles T3. Locke. - Lessee and Uuum ,1 resources of the regions in whloh members have already entered their here to consult with others from Also of Bush Street Theatre, San Frsncttco to It Borne various states in :. IE1 they live, and unite for the names on Chairman Springer's of the wealthiestregard Door open at 3.1ft, eootmeiics at S citizens of the list for and unless preservation of peace and good the debate speeches, are interested in the move ' limited bv m nam. country "j : ment. will. They are a blessing to any jority vote be TV70 consider It as one not oz7z.ir, They of the House, which of t f party politics, but of religion and Tuesday and v section of the country requiring tne democrats . cannot certain!r Vcinesday, and considerable money persistent labor and an increase of command, for this purpose each of humanity, a. aaa Antifu a i laiseu te mase tue propostne speakers can claim one hour. ed uexug . unahlftlng population. ' convention a success.' more is It that THE CLIMAX OP HILAIHTiT. probable, however, no A federal for is need now There alarm In officer, prominent any the discussion will be exhausted ' i'-: in the south The Mormon-residing to says. ! ly-of the : and the bill passed In a little more blacks have Gala Farewell visit ELIZA spread regard resolved te Ism" abroad, nor the settlement by than a week from the present goeut into theactually western wilderness s FRQL1QDES lta votaries of unoccupied lands at time. take and chances of living their, ' J Seitlr. there rather than remain in tbe thome. Neither has any private inAhd Senator Booth introduced his bill, south where they 'are deprived of XIr. IK C. dividual or oEloer of the Govern- which was reported favorably by all political rights and subjected to Oeodwio, ment the right to prevent either the Senate committee last most tne cruel session, persecutions. . "lUESDaf KVBNINO, APfclL 1, "!' the one or the other. Bat some for the relief of homestead settlers, iMthn Setoesa. production of lbs celebrated Farrago, Journalist hard up for a subject will granting them the same privileges Sun? The as snec'al Washington settlers in to regard cry, "Polygamy Is criminal.' filing and A vigorous attempt will be -their entries, says: : Well, If any of these "Mormons' and dating perfecting bat Itself Is Damii- -i back their rights to the made in the present congress to Which"Nansbt has achieved the just de anything thatls criminal, treat time of original settlement. The procure the passage of a bill to xtraortinry them aj other offenders are treated. bill also opens to Immediate home- throw open the Indian territory for Street Tbsatre, ban Fraaclsoa. " tn STRASBURG OLOCKI n A : number of Boston and settlement settlement. have First, however, be sura that they stead ) WKDNEiBAT (last nJsbt), APfilLS. A perfect facIm.lo cf tbs famraaari. lands entered under the home- capitalists lately purchased oumblnios; all it s Aftroooiaical aad are breakers of the law before they all stead law in bad faith, or abandon- many thousand shares of stock and Presentattea of the Brilliant Comedy add tlnal. Automatic MchanUm. Including the Pro-are condemned. Not all 'Mor ed before flaal entry, thus obviat- bonds of the Missouri. Kansas and Texas Railroad, which will be xaona are practical polygaralsts, ing the delay and confusion fresreateet raccera erer known in faa f.!"'!!' i rpffl?FraneUco from the present greatly benefitted by the passage of and it must be remembered that quently resulting over 43,0ij0 Maitors durins I. act. the V bill The wltB New sod will Prodneed proposed proof action on ' requirement the part vide that United States courts shall tnaaest BuUful Bonn "and epccui new Irarnn of six weeks. EnJnHuxi v. nn. believing In polygamy Is lawful of the general land c3ce at Washmmmw iimll mjm people who faave sesa It la Ins tour ''I ' ' leatures. ; and permlssable, U Is only practis ington :to reopen such lands for be established In the territory, and Mineiioal ; tbe thronrh eltlss tbsTJaitsd sf princes wTtl, each erenlns Btstes. and prcnonDoed by tbe 'sreas that conditional land grants given The performance wiUi a tarce. ing what one believes that Is lia- tettlement. the public to be tus, r )' railroads In re the shall . r. .. :.; 1 ALTS 7 EC territory OF PHICES. t Mat Cetaaxs. ji ble to prosecution, and proof must vert to the movement. The rail-- EalsrorcitAS Fiaest Fisca cf X2silii2il:a Of fats wia eommeace at Box Offles. The tots! coinage at the mints roads In the territory are willing to needs come be faro punishment. .onc7 9 a. m..t;arch m. r Tas worM bss ever sssn. Almost every msll from the information of west brings new developments ' . In regard to the operations of these peoto ple. The plague continues Morof communities New spread. mons are constantly organizing in Utah and other Territories, and converts are arriving almost daily from the Eastern and Houtnern and from the Old World." States, ' editor The goes on to speak of the of colonies; in adjaplanting cent Territories and deplores the fact that nothing Is done by the Governmeat to deal with this guea- lion. Here la the language of his lamentation: 'The attitude of the Government toward this question is nothing less will than cowardly, and, as the law not execute Use If, there is no pre sent prospect of its enforcement." It la a pity that the writer was not a little more logical. Why should the Government be censured for "Jlotmon" colonization, or i the arrival ,of "AlornionV converts? (if the Government attempted to L for March is t5.577.036. The total surrender their land grants' if setmay be permitted to pre coinage of standard silver dollars to tlers ranas. . j empt is $28,874.90. let,SlS79, April i O'jLearj's Walking atatrb. Irlib ColontsMlea Seirle'r. i; - m. EEDUOTION OF PRICES! . . : vs. i i ' We take sreat pleasure in informb u r p at rp n s an d .t h e ge n er a p u pi c ing that with the return of the seasons, we are enabled to offer them Superior inducements in Dress Goods, Notions, etC.,etC. .; yJS:f'':-i'rP: We feel assured that, the quality of our Goods and the .Moderate Prices at which they are offered, will repay a visit of examination and convmce ourf nf the Advantages to be obt tained at O T C E - ' i. i j NT - I - j :' ir r!h : to-da- M- - NOTICE. H. S ELDREDCE, j , Supt. , would-be-assass- in J, ORBATH . . ITflfl SOAP nMJOFflCTDRlQG CO K . PURE TEA! I-- . ORDER TJTSriTED n ill . o ned . ' - . sed 332 i. tlie-lhro- ng 1073 pre-auppo- eea ft or-th- -- e i : . t. i -- BY TELEGRAPH; 1 Ml ; . 1W . . t 5 ! mi tn ill-fe- G. W. DAVIS. . EMP O.R.SU EA'Gt. E; 1- , t.' i r.M i ' FASHION. " !!! I j t. G , O "3? O I? ' g clear-heade- d . t . me : - r:-:s- - .If. , " rjo.68 r.lain Ctroot - , i ' f. 1 , .'-- . 1 IRCJVt 40. oBisra?sri3B3R TARD over-crowde- t. i ; tip: -- 1 dls-oussi- en t ,A BSBBl L . BBSBI SBBB . P ? . . ' J ' zizassa ... ....... - ! CcIS .- j lalioCitVittTJtalit, . ' f " . rre-esspUe- ta miBipi " - Jr. i '1-- .. . pre-empti- lHtOIEB IBIk; - on 1 pre-emptio- ; Si Mi1. 1 t 7&1 x " j - 4 . i i- coia-meo- ee s laug-babi- y: : -- .11. . v . ' 'I. . |