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Show p , ; f . ft natlont? : Why Bhould they not have the "prU liege of being convinced beyond the possibility of cavil, if those signs were given to establish thei Christian faith? I.. -: , G. M.saye: i "The miracles that establish the divine origin of Christ's Church have coma down to us well attest-ed.- " edly Christian tDBlIflBID Dn,T, 1CTMTI DCSTTVDt roca o'cboca. ' - At " QEOKOB' Q. "CANNON, BRIQHAM . Saturday; J YOUNG, .- ?J rtknwi a. 1S7. MIBA0LE3 AND SIGN- - I he quite sura of this? The evi- dence is accepted generally by Christians without question.. , But were how many is recorded. whose there testimony Matthew, Mark, Luke,' John, Paul and Peter have written concerning these eventi,but some of what they recorded they did not see themselves. They speak of, many things, Saints en hearsay. The Latter-da- y have direct evidence of the truth of these statements, but Is , the mere written .evidence to well attested as to amount ' to da- monstratloo? X Ask thousand ""of skeptics? Nay' ask as; 'many thousands of professing Christians, some of them regular ministers of various denemlaatlons, and It will be found that doubt is more prevalent than belief on ' these points. Therefore, on G. M'a argument these signs should not cease, but be employed more extensively than ' ;:. V', ;;, ; ever, But the true reason why they have ceased Is because the true faith has been departed' from. ' One of the proofs of the tanostacy of' the so- called "Chrlstlau" oburobM that they teach the people not to Beek for these blessings, and declare they are all done away 4 . The early Apostles exhorted the members of the church to "covet earnestly, the best gifts, but rather thai they might, prophecy 'They declared these gifts were placed in - the Church, with Tapos ties, prophets, and other inspired teachers, "till we all come in the unity of the faith unto the knowledge of the Bon of God." Paul foretold the time when these things' should be done away. When was It to be? When that which is perfect Is come, then that which is La part shall be done away." t Have "Christians" all come to "the uni ty of the faith?" Has perfection arrived? Are there no sick to be healed? Is there no need of divine inspiration and divine manifestations to confirm, the Church, reveal the will o f God, and bring His people into close communion with Him and with each other? The VChristian" world has gone into the dark concerning these things,1 and miracles' and signs will not cpen their eyes , not dispel the darkness. Hoaest desire .for the truth and determination to follow wherever its leads,' would be far eye-witness- We have on two previous ot.a-ionreplied' to communications ifrom s "0. M." lio. Islington, too of HIa last letter ,was lengthy to refer to it now once. We notice at Voo He rpeak of the says: againi miraculous powers of toe Church established by Christ, claim! og the same for "your own as evidence of fits being the true ont.h j4.1 " 7 ThU la a mistake.' We U6 not consider the exercLm of ; 1 1 so-call- ed miraculous powers proof of dlvini- -who itv.reltber of the peraou exhibit them, the church they' be long to or the doctrine they teach. V merely ihowed that Christ promised certain gifts to his church aa signs to "follow 'them that Vb lleve," and that thebJhleesings were enjoy ea among oiuerA in me nrlmltive church. The latimate ' inference Is, not thatxfcverjbo J v true who. performs a 'miracle' i U but that a church claim- believer, i ins to ' be the Church of Christ lii lacka one of its essential character- l.stlca if these are entirely absent. 7 G. M. takes the ground that "rev- eIatioo,JVoei heaven aro' deviations frqaJiiAtural Jaws," and says: I in Urla state of tblngi we can conceive no 'evidence sufUctent to make such doctrines be received as the truths of God, bat the power of workings miracles committed to him who taught them. This would indeed be. fully adequate to the Would purpose. : not ' the only possible objection to th aanV veracity be removed by this miraclepand his assertion thai he had received bucq and such doctrines from God be as fully credited aa if it related to 'the most common t; psearrence? 1 4 "Now from. these facts it 5s ar gued that miraculous powers were given Jbat the Church of Christ might be firmly established.: Revelations from heaven were the methods taken by infinite wisdom and goodness to .convince a bewildered and vicious race that He had come to accomplish their deliverance. And having enabled his, first servants to give the world unmistakable evidence that their words were Inspired, a continual! display of these powers was no longer neces sary; Miraculous powers' bave 1 i : es - ; the Army or the the votes; t had not the Uon to most Vklndly, feelings towards ' Weeiiy V f? Tilden said he had no confidential relations with Marble. Before going to Florida" he called him good bye. Their was nothir g in their conversation at' the mee ting bearing: on the quettionu-iiTi- l den reasserted that in his interview with Coopar no idea of accepting the preposition ta purchase -- vetes was debated between them or .for a moment.. As far thought of was the last m$n in the Pelton, he world he (Tilden) would have selected if he had entered in transactions as purchasing electoral votes, - He-wasked wbyj In his card to the public he did not refer to" the Baltimore transaction. Tilden replied; It was not pertV t-- Burgeon-Gener- al of the Navy, evidence that the disease or injury which resulted in the on disability or death of the person whose account the claim la made originated in the service and. in the line of duty; and if such evidence is deemed f atlsftctory by the officer to whom it mayi be submitted, he shall cause a record of the fact so a1 copy of proved to be maile,-anthe same to be transmitted to the Commissioner o Pensionsand the bar to the prosecution of the claim shall thereby be removed," be, and th same is hereby, repealed. "' Bac. 4. No claim agent or1 other person shall be entitled to- receive any: compensation for services in for arrears of making application . n . 1 pension. ' HEC. 5. That all acts or parts of aetaao far as they may conflict with the provision of this 'act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, . January 5, 1879. r -- nent. THE;" PUBLIC :,f AKUIYHD, . . . . , .: THe" FACT THATWB AtlB OFFERING TO '';t . . ' - ..- "'15'' j ; l7' ' K3C3BL - - i - !k 1 r I I" . THE . .'GOODS : - &TB&T ; Ash-boug- h, , . t IN ORDER TO i ishow 8 IN THE BHAPE OF '4 AT Ukesniloje, New York, that the uumter of JlJJlL GOODS SPRING ImBiWalliBi r, lN'Kit. Ihe . arsMfcsrri '.. W BY TELEGRAPH; , BBO. 1 t m , rif XJ Question Do you not "see that And more coming daily, such that 00 r your statement- - that you had exHi .attractive, our jit are very knowledge of the negotiations cept through the Tribune is likely to deceive, because you had heard :j Jaclets, of the Baltimore negotiations,? Tilden answered that he did not 142.75 EACH. knowef the cipher telegrams which L, t i had passed on the subject, 'nor of but did know that 7. any negotiations,an offer in South there had been Carolina, which he bad put an end ; ; X'large line of solid colered , to by his intervention. , ' V V 1 . KUIed Jby Indians, 7 KRESS-:8. Mr. Banders.who Cheyenne, Browns,- Blues, Blacks, Ac., 27 left Poort Iianch, on the Niabrara, on Feb. 1st, with dispatches, reachA inches wide at 10c per yard." ed the North Platte last night (hav- A V ing been: driven 59; miles by the Indians. He' confirms the news of the killing of Morehead and on Jan. Qth by 13 Indians, Black and Colored and also reports the names of two 1 others killed at, Howard's' upper eamn about 3 the same date, one a herder, Baml. Briggs, the other: a called Mr our own Eian lately ,from, the agency, Oi importation at .,j i ' ; An Embeaaler Convicted. 7. to closest buyers. suit the prices BT.' Liofis, 8Wm. Heath,! au ditor of the St. .Louis County for 71 ten years was convict- prior teIm1876 ' ' vrae(AiVnw aj-l a aTAl m v n 1 A cholce.variety of ,, ....... Court '- for embezzling $143,000 of Bcuoul iuuus, 01 wmcn ne was custodian, 'and sentenced to r ten years in the penitentiary. This was tne second trial. A. motion will pe AND7" made for another. ' - ; iii-i- F;il!lllB!tll 6. i as p- :c 1 bld to-su-ch d - j W partment of le"Ibjury""or " the disease which .resulted in the the disability ordeath ofslhe iier-s- n on whose actoimt thelclalm Is made: Yot'Wec.Tbat in iny case in which the limitation rlrescrlbed by this section bars the further prosecution of the cJairn, the claimant may present, through thePension of Offlce, to the Adjutant-Genera- l 5 1 unemployed , A mechanics and laborers In this city or hf one-hafour less than is now five years ago, Which is--accounted xmxxfl fur' by the woirmmon we revia decided business and south, val. The table ubHehed gives the THE AR It I VAX OF present numbed ef Unemployed BEFORE labore at 12,O00,of jhlcli Ibere aroma borers, 8,000, carpenters 8,000, son 4 and stone cotters 1,000, tailors l.ooo, brlckisyerd eoo, cigar makers 300. During 1873 the daily average unemployed vsjs 25,000,' reaching ,v , subsequently 60 jMXX ff Gov. TlMea Befere Ue C Ipber ' t ' cemralttee. ie At a meeting fof the comniittca investigating th cipher dispatches Samuel J. Tildefi was sworn by Mr. : I AT LOTfEST CREAT BRITAIN.: FIGURES, Hunton, who said:note , we received yojir 7 expressing y 7 Tne-JoeMrlkej Hob Blot. And fall other goods consisting of your willlngnessj to testify. Tilden In the publication and , London, 8. It Is estimated that Black and Colored! Cashmeres,' translations in the New York pa- from 30,000 to 35,000 men are how STOCKHOLDERS' HEETING. Fopllns, all wool Scotch ; pers that I havepread, I did not re on strike at Liverpool. The de Plalds.Blackand either of , Colored, meanor the crowd, yesterday, cognize afdogld THE JtNNTJAI MEETING Of the Stock- . in cipherer translation,' which I was most threatening in conseBleges,. Alpacas, holders of ths Utah Southera KaUroad had ever seen before. 'I never en- quence of sailors joining the etrik J and other tha election of Plrectors for Company, for tered Into any araageaiont to 'pur- ers. The laborers employed in the the eusuing-- year will be held at the office chase the voie of Houtli Carolina or provision trade also, struck. At of the Peseret National Bankk Bait Lake Florida. I had fno intimation? no Waterloo dock the mob broke up commuQi-cation- s tne sucH City, Utah Territory, February 15th, 1379, that and did much damage. at)y suspicion i.j 7. . were beiitg carried on until Afterstaging their expulsion by the police Of latest importations and de- -. at 11 o'clock a.m.! .... I.," d53 II. S. TOUNO, Secretary. I saw the dispatches published In they endeavored to storm the gates. feigns at prices to satisfy all. the New Yoikr Tribune? had no At the .Princess dock the mob knowledge, no dealings with any boarded the bark Cora, from WilWM, SADLER ''T " parties to these negotiations, never mington, N. C, which was unload ; BOOTS AND SBOE3, No. IB IN sucn or and extin- We will DEALER negotiations in ing her cargo autnorizecitny resin, 8U opposite the Savings t give the Ladies a chance Hank. My (rooJa are any form'wbatever. On the morn - guished the fires in the donkey unsurpassed for com--1 Mrs. PeltO Nov. f to d. 20, the cut 176, and and moderate ing the, fort, gear. engines elegance, no longer needed." hoisting leading inspect durability, ' "' on mentioned, it) my presence, that This mob numbered about 3,000. ' ' t prices. ... In the first place G. M. ii in her husband hd gone for a day. The smaller mob terrorized the SPRING FASHIONS of 1879, I did not know he had gone or was laborers at. Qieen's, Nelson's and error when ha states that revela"XT' troina out of tne city. (ie went to Bramleymoor docks. The police IV. H. tions from heaven are deviations later in the were I last believe, Philadelphia, reinforced, especi night, Ij from natnral laws.: In the second day I was called .on by Mr. Cooper, ally near tne Bailors' Home, wore. will do "TEK30N3 Trishiar Great-Variet- y: place he Is wrong when he asserts more efficacious in their case than who was on his; way dowu town, number of laborers, sent to Liver Our MU: FRED. AUERBACH X well to call on carpets W. 11. UlltBEBT, wno camera near weaves tn ioe 1 neatre. For God will bear and was told by him that he had pool irom- Wolverhampton, were who is now that the gift and signs and mani. in New York: will eraer ac cneapeer. rates. duaim an offttKfromfsome party, compelled to return by threats of festations of God's power were giv- witness by "the spirit of truth , to received to ' , endeavor to ship' to this : offering obtain, for money, the1 murder. en ' to. convince mankind of the the souls of the sincere, and faith vote I' IT of , Carolina. eald fcjoutn I p Market the " . FORISALE. The Disabled "Celtic. truth of doctrines or the facts of will come to' them "by hearing'? would authorize no such transac ' K. -7 l ""V'- a Copy of the Try rare First Edition of fi Several powerful left tues revelation. In the third place he is the word of God proclaimed by his tion nor Benu mney lor any bucu a, or tsooK tne f at Mormon, OF GOODS 1S30.Want cash offerprinted conversation Queenstown, last - night, to meet CHOICEST for lt.l ;ZnIstaken in thinking such signs as authorized servants.' Then " the purpose. The whole " W. RHAVE3, the disabled a? steamer Celtic. few I minutes. I occupied only . come to will 0? to after 3d E. dlw convince refers to' signs .them, be St., Cincinnati, O. adequate t obtained CoL Pelton's address in To be sold at the lowest New York The ratal Collision.: ( unbelievers or to remove objections obedience." In answer; to G. M's Baltimore, aid telegraphed j retail prices. '. Four men. Including the ciDtain home. I knew and to a religious teacher's veracity.' In question . whethex " tho si gas In him to come DB L. were v saved from the mate, of the ciphers that had takes pleasure In announcing the fourth place he is In the dark this Church are as well attested nothing DENTIST, . lost by fA 10beuishasMtrona ship ; . Vandieman been passing between him ' and British ana tne duduu nntnur. . collision. in thinking these gifts have ceased as those mentioned In the New others, Uenoved bis OUice to U Flr.t that not trans and I could have South Street, where he is r reoared to exa- because "no longer needed." J lated them. With regard to Flori Testament, we will venture the steamers nad T Is Detained.' Received new lines eut everyteins- in his line of buainess to the l No natural law is violated when sertion, that where the' alleged tea- -' da, I never saw one j of the tele t sausracuoa or ail. uauand see him. ! 4 t '' IK THT pnifipa. The steamships and sailintr ves ' IS jkt vaM; in I cipher or transla sels dl3tf . God communicates with man. If tlmony of one Hexd'pereoa can be grams, either are detained te the strike owing now. not not was did I tlon. I jk ' the cited to the latter, the oral testi- Informed that of procuring seathe laws of nature were truly were and Negotiations men. Adifficulty of cavairv Paraded troop a I of witneeathoasaud man's to and mony observed, living illegally 1: golngon in rgad ,. docks 1; the ' re t White Black and Gilt Edged." Santa Claus Headquarters I! t . : i i i. t certCflcates of can be produced for the former. the the turning board. I never saw any ef exercise Instead of lying in a dor- Bat we do not think either their those 1 i elatleg to Florida nor the sight of the greates eitherdispatches mant condition, and Intercourse word, the Hurrah t r for In cipher Holiday I'" translation. In U. S. DEPOSITORY. f " with higher powers would be com- miracle, would create true f,ith in regard to the Oregon dispatches I Also of assortment ran f4 ' ; KEY YORK CANDY STORE! mon.- An uncommon occurrence the. heart of theipreiudioed oppo did not know thy came in cipher until after tne meeting or tne com DESERET NATIONAL 7BAHIC ; is not necessarily-- unnatural. nent of God's- latter day wtrk. T' j mlttee to investigate them. Some 57 MAIN STREET. I Whether by God's own voice, by In conclusion, we , testify that of the dispatches : were; addressed to fl ZiASTJ CITY". AT 40 ...icts. J PZ3ZL the visitation f angels, by divine every gift, blessing, sign and man! my residence.! is uramercy Para. .... .. PAIR, " ..... Christmas and New Year know jthat any of these dreamer vision, or by the inspira- festatisn enjoyed by the primitive aI lado not !'1.00 ACITJAL.VALTJE, nere. es ever ueuverea were ten ' pa Paid up Capital, $210,0001 . i U y .Hition of Ihe Holy Ghost heavenly Christian Chureh has been restored Col. Pelton'j habits if mind and CONFECTIONERY. I Newest shades of 150,000 communications are made to man, to the ; Church of. Jesus ' Christ mine are very, different. A day or Surplus, H RHC Has an Immense Stock of CTt Home-mad-e 1 Saints, not to be per- two after the lection! Gen. Grant the laws of nature are undisturbed, of lAtter-rdaC A N D I SB. I TTTT IT At) D i warranted I a wrote pure, which wi. na sold I letter the aa VLS. formed feed llLU to ilialUUD strictly wonders the love recommending and that which la called supernatur WH. H. HOttFEH. PnaM.nt. T t.if it during- the holidays at the lowest possible to gff south to see a fair H. 8. BJLDKKDGE, al is only bo to the mind unenlight of, the? marvellous, not to be con committees m WM. JKKNINOS a naa ao 10 wun count.ened, in regard to spiritual rhenom sumed on the lusts of men, but for the selection ofnaming UTTLP. LHnatort. COUGH CANDY havln committees'; FTtKAMOKZ ihoeej QTPARNQI JOHN SHABP. . . . il 110 been tested l ror the peat the aa conflrma are which never comfort, heard from them but once, QBO. Q.CANNON, ' ' ena, strength, rigidly governed I sixteen years Ui my I' &rtknmWris-(v- to be the L. 8. HILLS, Cashiar. AM XO!?i fll I I bestarUclo o( cough candy in use. j Try It. by eternal laws as thoeedhlngs that Hon, blessing and edification of the and that was a communication VrOOdS - others. '2; and Aa by Ottendorfer; are usually called natural.' Nature "borfy of Christ." And when chal signed Fnrnfrtiea'1 Too Cream. 1'avabte t on were- - my per licceivea . Deposit tnac tne idea tnty CVinfM. WeddinglOICHltllO Cake, Is continually .disclosing modes of lengedby "ChrlsUan" infidels to sonal agents nas no rounuation. A,-- ' Demvnd. n; tlonery, Cystcr- Suppers, etc. at short ao- - ... t , . , 1 i . noe being' and actio a n.w to the sclen- - shew them a 'sign' ur answer is They represented the democratic 3 ana bcii tiehsnr on, nw I a so of far as I tlflo as well as the uneducated, and "It is an evil and adulterous gener party. None them,!' era, nan rranclseo, I blcag-o- at. ' A r m J know, went to these states autho many things boW recognized; as ation that eeekethf after a ign,"and rized to do anything that gentle 1 V if not a will believe ,. the test! men mirbt they natural, few years ago would have not dd.- - From the ' 7th receives suoscnptions to the 4 per We extend an invitation. to the HEW YORK OAWDY STORE. Ladles to of been .deemed miraculous or super- mony of the servants el God Utah call of November. 1876, till December cent.- funded loan ,of the U. Si ALL 1L. t i f t corroborated by the sayings of His Ota, we same year, uuuer no ' cir tP" Makes Collectlonq. nemtttlnv' natural.' 3 inspect the I enter into any .. The ' gifts of the cosDel were not servants of oldi. "neither would cumstances did .:.r... . CHICAGO & NORTH:WSTERH bestowed as wonders tocreatee- - they believe though .one rose from competition for seeking xcertificates nere never inuucernenis. Dy yenai ' .' r llef. They were t "follow believ the dead." , was an hour nor rainuta that I en . i ers" aa the result of their faith. tertained such a thought; ' To the VAY.cji OF TUB SEASON, a 1 TlaeClreaS-TrnaiLine from (he We as elected believe who, i people it They are the effects, not the cause. Lhieas; ad tee Cast, i..' w me President of THE NEW PN3I0W ACT; United the States, ', Christ healed the sick on account i. It is the oldett.hrtmr. rnrmt AiitL nAn. ..... ... . to lour millions of citizens who Tt TB. TH03. LOGAN will bs at tha boiler - t 1 t ipuient, comiorisme ana in every respect of thelr fallh, not to make them Bait liake tn Ulty, tHBiw, theCthl were owed to un yoi can tatte it is tne rreat- defrauded, I it pro ; aww var mmam ( UOrHI. ' "w irrandot ; Z IPcEiac No. .14-- i , believe. Inh Is own country he did eetand claim that I would' not yield one uuk. wiia Kallwsy organization In . IXWle'to'SIoi-GccJs'tne ' no ynlted States. Itowniorcontro sorer An Act to provide that air pen Jot or title of m right, whatever mighty works "because of their sions on- account or "r t.V--i aeatn. or evils tesultfrom this subver 2IOO MILES of RAILWAY j li" , ' And a variety of . f i unbelief.f ? On G. M's hypothesis, wounua Teceivea, ' u , v , . .. . jcSA a now or aiseaso con sion ofmight of a GRADED NORMAN the .1 electoral system and, 'if,.i t..vjr,Al in which he expresses the Ideas of tracted in the Servioo of the United iroe governments MAKES, Kfi J if, FlllJea mtm. Sente oamw Hwmi the "Christian" world generally, States during tbe late War of the jl resolved tnat J would enter in ffiair i uitootu twltfe . of them lnffoal with Imnarbd Km--. ia:- n..l have-beemi'. vryrr.'A-;rrwhich no to unpuKiui auctlou 06 f ....... thei purchase of mai ctauions. . , Jesus should have performed his rebellion, COUNCIL BI.TJFFS & CHICAGO! granted, wt.;-- ' or whioh shall hereafter be granted. the Chief MagltsSracy. ' fcheersl Kent come and see the Stock. 7 .'1 mightiest miracles in that locality. shall commence from the death or which the chairman suppressed. : I XWZ No other road rum PiiHm. n . ; W 1 di " , , . J. K. MOaBKLI j are Not only they not given-- for discharge frem the service Of the was resolved that I would continue SLVLiSr atisaouri Hirer Cars,throuh 1 i i hh and Chicago. 0 filiSTJIiu-POlE- B. such a jpnrpose, but they: do not United uutes; lor payment of ar to protest agair&t ' the ring by ilVIHTEniGDOOS rears of pensions, and other purpo- wmcn me people were defrauded NKRTOCS EXaTJSTIOS A ""ifcodlca produce' that tffect. The powers ses. ' out of their rlzntsi J f lO U aieriee of lecture ) i Lr 1 v: exhibited by Moses did not convert ; .....Hi .. deirrared st Kann UuMumi of Anatomy,, ,' i. iiilii tt'y vour asfced. on oauae Tlldenbelns "Whols cure and the of nremmture do- littfvoiiotvj in every . Department. Be it th Senate and aifsw tijta Pharioh ner his courtiers.' IThey tnacteQ. bg line bow health lost abowlns; ladisputably J .s private Rouse oj Meprcentalivc of the fnnrtrfi W-secreiay," IK' il t. fco 'i ' M answered, wined. afford Id a clear synopsis ill) - Hmltfi drtemporarily 'disturbed him, but he UrdUd &tate winter sUckj consisting of o' Impediments to uiarriaco. ana the t rt- of America in Con remained in darkness and pursued grett atscmbled: That all pensions He had no knowledge of the fol ment of nerrous and physical debility Cloaks BnaaM, VWta aud Colored " :n telegram: I By matf se?oftffi, irltrfeiae1H,p8- Moses unto death lor the'depths of wmcn nave neen. granted under lowing i ' . - iaUaasbe, Nov27.; Broadway. New yoraw t and .partrcurary; prees Ooods aod or may hereafter be granted, T9 George W.SmUhJ' .,,t;-- i n it-- i o u: 15, Oramer-And nere is nUered evidence that siens, avian'?' of , from a in consequence death real tJieU Alalt auptoergopaaat ' ''miraculous" signs do not prove cause i wnlch originated In - the f ' .'. , . 1 ft: :T1 ... ; s Valiie. .iThls-isi- i a J isshi-c ill evd etaf euKooi. j f hi u 'j ; - TT-iT- r - "7.". , l, , here the truth of dootrlnea. aught by United Btates service d urine the It has been suggested of-to war of late of continuance the to Governor re the the Oregon, AB'jnnSTRATOES' those who exhibit them. The Nd Btrastin it Fact I or In consequence of frain from issuing a .certiccate in magicians of Egypt turned their rebellion, or disease received favor of inelligibte elector, until HAVING bean appointed by the Probate wounds, injuries d Tenax- - T ,1. rods into serpents, and the fact that or administrators of the Ratata f contracted in said service d urine advised thereon,1 why not obtain Marlon :rl.'".. j rr.u or'.we or dtoeased, Perry,hsvln.Aaron swallowed tbo said war of the rebellion, shall com and telegraph him r O Connor's all Dintnn. the rod f. tidt is;- ..i! i fliTmi hereby 11 l' V'4'r$'i''Y., ...inntnotif til liCllir.' mence irom tne date of the death opinion. See my dispatch 4o Bpain. estate, to D resent tbem with tha hua.aM I restjln itself5 was only evidence or . , 37 10 from saw said service of Never the ciphers until the voucberswtthin months frem daU of this . that Moses and Aaron had more thediscbargeon whose tne unturs!ned, at,,Brihtiaccount the Tribune , published them. Smith. Ward.-Bal- t person . Utah. power than their competitors before claim Tjikrn coliro paasjEirocna has been or shall hereafter be his VAS ATTRACTIVE AS v.. , v J. J ..vl!-iR secretary, never showed JOSEPH . . . PEKK bear la mind that thi is th iajnr: should m . n. ' .the King. The truth of their teach- - gran tea, or from, the termination of himprivate of these dispatches. ' Did any 3 i ...i ..i t't?li lo a DUST noUTlX t o qHiCAGO ings was hot demonstrated thereby tne runt or tne party havioir nrior not know that ha had a cipher; Ttiu-.j10 sucn pension: Wruvided: knew nothing; . oi the. ciphers. A' I. '. ,! .1 ira. any more than the doctrines of the uue ;t'a j v hen-Pe- l ton returned from iJaltl i.ne rate or pension ror tne. inter magicians, t In the latUr time, vening -- TeTf,2lbTJ, r,,f' ve choice ht for which arrears of more witness sal4time to accordlBJ to the Scriptures, great pension are hereby granted, shall him about his action, something adrantaa-- of Klfbt Daily JLlwes PalAe and he made ti.i. CH t v 1 and i VFa Jeit.Car from CntJ-jlG- to 7; - r.TjUuev wonders are to be wrought by 'the be the same per . month for which no reply, tiot from him no :ln for . Sal t- X&ks ? ftt fj- -J r . imi. , J. '.i vi was : the ton mation about Sk the til pension J FKlAoajPHIa';rjuhlai rta-icV ooe&ca cipheia of they EEWJfOM:. urcote the 'beast, even to the ed. !,!L frixt giasa, power ,'tr.-."eef jear i . were . Our Jobbine Block for 4he com- - n if 3Jia not- believe qaart.aJi ctner piaia and 1 3 unt , .7 . orrrKa katees tobttm t- - i calllns down of fire ', from hea-- be , 8 EC. 2. That the Commissioner Pel tonpubuanea. . in will 10 because k1 ) Season; had drinks. Wei to Selected kaum power., cents, g any wejl 'tnsteV ven in . the sight of men." of Pensions is hereby authorized he had no authorisation. ; Jdward Old Ilerraita that tbsrrlcit'jfa-en- t selH vm, Itve.-rnrlHoiirKI and purcaafiedat bottom flairea. by th P Koa :j .b.uianr . G. M. and his friends,5, if , true ana directed to adopt such rules Cooper told ma.be had a proposition Wiflakev. with Afuil line at hotrt I wljlch we will eeii ati jjlosest mar. tickets yonf rickets, and rersseto bay a ror ana 1 not ovnreed Uii the to of votes tee for liaucrai'. tne for ta tneir belter, would receive the regulations money: did not wlcfa and payment get npattxra petition gin iaeetlna .farniivii. ll,T.? arrears of pensions f : ' Check nsnii I TitJi.'Jl'JVl them . ' wi 1I ealin.M4 hereby mention Pel ton. - X never heard of also by such signs as proof by end ques granted tliet)lotiaartaria thla Une." J . . . iMwmrti as will be necessary to iiriiprd cause any attempt to bribe in any Btata. Tn tion that the possessor of, such to be paid tosoch pensioners, or, if Ftxrtheoft " VI 11 ..t , .. .... I rVwinnn THnk. nmu liV.fiv,,.-- " . GlaJKIflaiJ i r . .1 .1 -Vv-t t..Kl. kuo pvuaiuuem sua- nave a leu, to Uu UUU "power must be sent of God. KLUI WAJT laCUUDU' uOk TrJ.W .1 or the person persons entitled to ed the circumstances; gave me no Now as to the contiauaaca of the ' 1 JJ i ' BroadwaV li the same, all such arrears of ten details; I made no jnquixiea of Tel-t- on :" ,J.lWLL.ijiL. ilktil llil ILL J. 1 r..;n1 -i , IV1 i iOornerfrrvritThfttiu. gifts. Or U, claims that they ceas- sion as the pensioner mtr be. ymaua k Oofei Lit ii; .. j or j about, these' corrupt proposi-tiona4 d rr I4ta l i.8 XUlO it 1.1" cu rl'ialrr rtjivl V : fan riVaiT ed because no longer needed. Let would have been, entitled to under S;.rr.fpfc . Trie onJy interest X bad in Council Biufii Ticket ocVlt D 7. . ,. . it was In stopping U. Pelton reased us see. Is all the world converted this act. :dJ t 17;' esif :JJ V..tl til in )?vJdiol tii2iiu) t;sj t .i J TOk ,i a - .av-- ,' SEa 3.' That section fortv- to reside in toy house .about Janu 1 1 rvi 1 ii 1 , r i,- ;to Christianity? Are there not mil- hundred m r r e:3 iPf!i nni'ci'HTn 'it and seventeen of the - ' uenasc v ary 1st. I made no. request of him I . I' 1 t It lions upon millions of heathen who vised BUtutes tvi Mil of the United BUtes, t cease being my secretary; I Street IeeriiaTOSa . I i . I Ilk Aim... N f do not believe In Carist? If signs which provides that no claim' dissJearare. did Tr but for irsaiated my fctrts; Wei s Etreet Tv.T nil uLj a . "V"y a .;.... i J V ' ""''anaa.enziefjcrfitji are to cause belief, should they not pension not prosecuted to a succesa. EU, k.W . aiw ICB.KU. 4.r ' I up f t I Erpritfca(fw i f ivW J M Crfal 7 omatioa M not f attainable Ifflue I ! fol ve tJtffi!0 within r.o confidential ; 'relations rvrltn years from the ' be performed for the benefit of those date of 7N--vfa,, dw F. "" v s j:, j;! . filing the same shall be ad. Lralth Weed; knew;; nothing of his l"t "ii A oar fcio Kn trmdeMrk ia rlrmri. not there Are benighted myriads? trior Kaoi. that Jorfcm'a JB mltted withoat record evidence presence) In Bouth Carolina: I heard I it aar. Sold by all daaWa. timi rr aamnlaij hosts of infidels among'all profess from the War or Navy De nothing from ' him I of this proposl-- 1 A. Jacuoi a Co., ilfra, fetanborc, V I CO.CaotTompIo Street, I , 4 ' 1 -- CLOSE OUT , - I ! 1 - 4 " T f v.- : .. - - tla 4- : 1 TORCHON LACES Gov.-Tilen- . - . k H. S. LDREDCE, Supt, I ; , 4- : : GOODS 1 ff I - . i ... HULBERT. a sign-seein- g; ..:'! Notions in ' - , Staple and , s . -- fal-mjr-- -- - 7 . : .1 i : BEBO ! - ! -- - I 1 v Fancy, Dry Goods. G RE AT REDUCTfON I - r ' ; nn-dersto- od WEST ob-taini- to-da- y.'. 1 f : AT I 5 1 cloveS Kid - Furs, Knit Goods. Shawls, Felt Skirts," dVc, ' I. .." - i -'- TJce-PrM- - ..-.- Jl, 1 U, - : 1 T . - .! 1 ? " . frtni Departments. . - - J ... .; " - - : to-d- ' i T. : ay . r. 1 . NpyECTIES ! 4 .f . Arctics and! Rubbers Boots and Shoes, Clpthingl Hats and carpets: . . !'uItAIli NOTICE v Shdiest I t- 1 5'aa;;B.anoesr 1 - Js . 1 - ! - . am t-- n.! ?. ; -- ' - I.-- i FlEi'SPflonilfi.illO i i- . - s - v I -. :,! l,,i" 1 1 r . . . iiHiriifJffi bur , 1 I i.&iisous;.l. ouit Laite City Utah. I f - H fl Jit:J,MiixiNERy; " LHlitLAii. ft - - r -- 1 1 -- i aTO-i!TIIEqot- . , ( 1 r- i- T-- 101 e j b ; L-W ' - - - ! r d , 1 1 - 1 na rjr 1 - t01 ' . 1 . - J l' - ta R. - eJ-f- i j - r'v t- I . -- 1 . . .3 I! 5 - f.;. 'ILi IS' i. 1 1 S W'Z s :u T ; '' i "U r- k 1 . , li .jt,a 1 t |