OCR Text |
Show THE EVENING NEWS. CaaUK MAT, ITfUTI uemtotii COtoca-- J iron BIUailAaC "XOCQ, .... lot-roe- a in fTatrsaaaa. SALT LASS STAKE OS Saturday next, October 5ib, the Quarterly .Conference cf the Bait lkm fcUaae ot Zloa wlU conveoe la tb Tabernacle la this city at 10. to. TbU ihould not be confounded with the General Be Oonfereoce of the whole Church, which v 111 commiac oa Hundj, October , la the eeme piece el 10 a. EO. lt At the BUk Conference, U expected that ail the Bishope with their counselors, the teacher an! the priesthood gener-1- 1 ml-Ann- how-crer.- jah, however, had been murdered and the British finally marched bach to India and left to themselves.1 f , Is situated to the KhybeTa northeast coiaer of Afghanistan and la th only northern pass from Iilndostan Into that country which Is available for artillery,; Its tlat cllils arise to .Lights cf from 600 to 1.000 feet, and th road is narrow the-Afghan- I r aa wsaTsae gsos vaf.eoaAf s reii TeUewrevee New Yobu A and dangerous. Lahore, where th Britih troope are now preparing for their head'uaXUrs, laths "capital of the 1'unjaub, and Is nearly S00 mile from the Kb$bcjf.Taa. (It has a population ot about 100,000, ArUfieuV.-a- J and Is wsiied cot Invade Afghan will England litaa without a terrlU stxtaggie and will have to watch Uuasiao ia- -; trlgue la her seUblUtid ImiUn' poeeeselons, while wagiog wax with) tbe Ameer, far Caere are tber ruler la the Kat who are far from friendly at beart'with tb Great Power- wblca rolee over so vast a territory, and would twt be slow, If a fair opportunity efiered, to Join with the Afghan , K!tg and the Cxar of Bussia, if he ahoald 'have th temerity to show himself In the strugg!e,lnaoattemft to drive frem the peninsula ot. lii odes tan the forces which hare dominated that aluable country darfng the grtat-ea- t portion ofthe Llostcealh cen- unra In l JVooafo gvurt im FOR RIMT. , CLAai.eaX Gri. .- r- fever total aratastriajatnr, dispatches ahowh 1 deaths to date to be 7,927. New JaassGtASt . PsfsadaaU i . York has raieed for the suflererr. Tk Tsoptsof tke Terrltery of Ctab, to fbelaalia.Aeaila "V Jaaeae Ose OsfeDdfnf, OTeettaa. SI. ara hrbf aucamooeS to apoearta The Tinum New Orleans epeclal an"Toometx brouckt atraloat you by t b V ari d3 a tat tbe fyllitUt e deUi!sof the lahoT,ranM4 lum I roia-to il Couaty urt la aod G'n..jjlalnti!I, LAckllu u.SUn:m TvJmj tLe tuaUer of 6a.lt Lake aadi Territory Cub, aod was the topio of couversatloa ail aoawar tSa compialot files thereto, wh bin . a A the .selected siir of thenar er nrnra) otm tniiTitncutira (; foe eeultetsre yoa ot tM coalmen. anrrteoe O.Durei-Ctorn aiir iMwithin thla aad If do wiia-l- a aerrvd Couotr; Voor-fee, P. Keu utr, Judge Albert tfela County bat wttSta lb Third Judicial ,ted .lisj r lieax- - Uwnt TarrMorr of Utah witais. UeeUierwiae wtUiln torty days. to ex- tweaty days; y, editor oflbe at to oUaia a deeree amine all the id oou menu among This aetloa It brent from tbU Court. diaaolriDS' tbe bonds ef bcaltV el!oU aula lhe teitiaioay saatrliaesy taia ptalotlff exeuof tetwen DOMeeaed by hioaeeif tlx the. mailer, aas yu; m,aa it yo laji to ara r aod an- thm ", by U prtrkl3, plajQiie: will eiatth'a hueae and eCeOta were) , rjjly WM Bats ourt farmoa IMitlMpnnt the pubilo ad ntiniaara-tor- l. Mr aua eoaapaaiat ca ml mult. far tut 'Judg Tiseot granted en In witness wberaef.I semmto order to reojoTw ail the seals and tny hjid aad aaal of Mid LOUTU tQ Kail juate VUy, this have the dccuoent examined. AH lath day of Beptet&ber,A.U ls;s. ever the till tbe charges are con aidttred so atrocious aa ta be almost Et DOCK BOLT, . r Cark- ci tixi ProbaUi Court. Tbe affidavit among beyond believC Lavca Coaoty, Ctaa. ciseith'S : fleet, set t forth that the r4m i Triotinc S0.-,T- he t t - mltli,f moma. cellar COOd oooVouUeueea. AAIT'J and for S t Zaie Cintyt Territory Jf J EaSTEI . a4 NOTICE. BY TELEGRAPH. . HORSES! HORSUI HORSES! . Sm a4aBlK. an BAproraaJc-w.-a inn IJJ - of aeucaasiocMVM p. Bocxweu. ai n.."- forin 1 its f O. - Arm- Thelittenflonof tEe pnbllcis calfed to our STOCK of Ward FALL and WHNTER GOODS THE Which la unqueallonabl LO IID OH BAIIK OF UTAll j the finest and most complete yet brought to tula market. - - (IiJKXTKD.) BRSSS t, pe-draeal- of l4 : IN THE i Aii -- .'."G'CfOBS: Merino Twllla, BombazineP Persian Corda, Em-- 7 b found Cashmeres, In a .vo. varletyiuaAWe; iLiarinna..Tiniihla Faced L.U9ire9. Boild Colored Plwi. fall. Deaurna in Bilk Mixture. We aiao baven Pre8?trVr,.t . Capital, JC160.000J Saj $800,000 Called up, 32,000; Uj $160,000 -- Fanoy .nrthrKeaT line of Cheaper uresa uoous, ixt t. m i Th Commercial and T.Tinlnr Tvblle will and erery facility for th transaction of Strlct-' ljr JJanllnf Btttineaia k r 3 . reijul!1 . . 1 .t nBBFASi mmm . . n a. - v" . Special attention la called to our Stock of J ilt Comprise- - Fringef, Beaded Gimps and Silk Velveta In every mother ,e alias Pelf fey helped "Which are of the mott elegant atylef . Thej desirable shade. 11 Ac k a toaeiluce ber daughter, and wUl tunctoaUy .attend. It l ' of to affidavit afterwards: the CUSS gav j Important thai all the oUxi cisar him aad herseUL .FurtherBtak should be prtsent, that they r more, that Acklln aiUrwards. eoi--p ej H 10 red a any th.0 on Ci T-on all Rrehano Drawn pbysiciah taiy te prepared to Itapert Itampart Dfts . m ROUNU B. PR1TT d, Information their, ettieet, ia this city, to procure an v In Uetails are United; abcrtioPi elaborvariety. XXX4 Other of the Cities 'Contalos RepllanlsTldle UUbrj Cloth, Flannels arid Vtd Wf riecessarv eUn la and a!so receive Principal ewwiei which ated make horrible the story a. a aad I Be their Instruction la dutlra, w a aa o wm v " vtateuf vm Ul aad revolting beyond measure. Th sml rseitatkns bald tn bar office, over bra. ,' .; , States and Europe. thut be qualified to aittnd to every visit of AckUn'a atretit to rimlth Is Kk kla' S.J t.' i.t X. Snic 1 C naerly epenaite OURBTOCKOF v considered 10 hats been, but little M. L Lfctur stor, mat itaatattoa Uass twice of their repectlt cmU-lo- p, tury. . -so of abeer murder, and Is . mm, 'V ) short' being Imbued with the spirit oommeetted oa freely bywverytjody. .,Trnif: $S00 Fc Honlh." of the occasion aad the time?. . . V .7101 l M KANAB STAKE CONFESENCE. Home mluaUrtA4lk4' be herefa by far tb largest In the. West aud conulna every ti.!rab!o 5hade. lD true (loo of claaa. and London County The Los Is !. t bos. la toore existed la this county Offio kourt, 1J a. as. Foe Suf i The Kanab Kuke Quarterly Back. Tbe London Bank ot Utah, L!m- call at otso. inr panicuiar relation to thee quarterly Btake 1 y was held at Ordervtlle, elected etocko! Twe Ha rearers asiet. ; v we would invito a?MpectIon or our large and carefully f CouJereacr. it has been thought aod Hunday, beptpwber, 7th Bah FkakckcoV 30.' Two of the Blba Iar Keaara. Toexc Msrtoe, ' Rrr ' that they were aim ply meeting for ao.d &lh, lsTi. " slasleans .wka leesmtJy mwedared ; Cempaay. ' WORK OCT TAXBS;1 : 10 a.m. This of Blake. the the priesthood Baturday, 7lb, '' Adams aod Cmoaool Kaxioosd Tlrst The Beak, I. Is u.I. t: i . desirous of Toe Conferis a great mistake. Present onths stand; Klder Ctterk FJniey, of bantaCJar Cfpn-t- y, 1 TEN paying their Ia 8ur raxjrcisoo. Ti Dank of Call ence next Saturday U for the bene- Erastus tioow, of the Twelve. rresU iaar Tucson, Aihroiia, wrreTap-ture- d VflTTTTTS? and KOYB BUITS of the lattst fashions, as aiao a fall and complete njr"W ik Lt. John D. W. uttail. Taxes and caa la shot order hive Buhop Honor, Jifl'Jabor, by 7 City fit of ail the member of the Church Johnso Thoa.- Cnaubettain, Of uoveraor htareecal. .1 a'a opportanl ty of doing" so by Isr Cetxasv-Oma- aa KaUonal Baak. la this Btak of Zloa, male and fe IL B. M. jr., GoodVand convince yourselves of their superiority U Joltey, Jamee Lelthead, to and examine" Quality and Wmc! o at th th applying undersigned male, old and toudz, and their Hex t us . Jobnson, Thomas W. , , ANTHONY G0DBE, City Hall. r Hmlth and other efflcer - of the .4 ... E1Q FO COriOTAriTLY. BEIMC RECSIVED. It presence la earnestly tlejireJ. GOODS NEW ' " ' : t of Stake. Kind shoVellng.t work,' r ; KAjtAokn. . gravel ? Ia order that the attendance may After the CHEAT sritaim! opening exercises. Tree, on to gravel trains atToint of Moun be general, merchant, aad others Nuttail. maUe m few epealng re- fke AOalr afgaaaUiae, Kagtae tain tfoath.' Wagtse $1.&0 per day. mark felt thankful that he was having church member la their Ceeeesitretlag Treeee, y WrUdAJC HVDK, are requested to close permltfe4 to. attend cctv'arsnce after STL ee LOXD041, Ulnvae. ,u Street BuptrTlsor, severe bit l Telegraphlo thsif place of bullae during the Klder Jacob llambllo from India leave tittle room Salt'lAk followed, and Bait Wagner's hour of meeting, so that ail who with a very Lke City CJly,i. 4 ,.tr '...,; I 6 cents a glass, 20 oenU per lutemtlog sketch of lor hope that the Afghan, dtXUeulty dtf Beer will, may come aad take part la bs travela and labors arnonr the will be arraoged peaceebty. and all other art, fancy plain la b s tuning ml Ulary prs-lodlat la Artioa andjew Milk the proceeding. j I rinks 10 cents. We keep the G. Troeps-arthe manifestations of the paratlsns. Bourbon Old We hope that rry oa counsel- co, andcfofOod telrg and .... , . Rye, Hermitage, ' from ail side and sent to stated among them; spirit Whiskey, with a full line of bottled ed with the Church la this tiiak of that Brother Harris healed 4 JO of varioua point oa the north west oe Taree Hunrod Butbels of wine and liquors for family u rpwn Zloa will see the tmperUnc of at- - th Zart Indians of the sraan-porronuerotindir. .1 waaat, ia tbeoutaro aettlametitj, vi. 1:1 I, and will not be undersold. The uaa he ha4 'a exchange Joe aasae iDtit beet A porrespoodent at Catcaltei tele- ' room fami beer for in the cabling oa Baturday next, with- and rany other IntTM'jDfr liens, or this city at ssxalre MATEBIAJV: ytouiiur. as ioiiowi;,."tn,govsri- - uaic city " niBEcrrs, lie and oxtlsw ' other. out any explanation or exhsrtation alltslisaitaihe fuUUmaiit of the gTapos , t I i is maitil will rritki.'r..iin.. K i . K n .4 .1 .UT prophecies. t ten is oa our part. I t ' Corner S IX II St Bishop W.D. Johnson, Jr., mads quarters for the winter, andjwlll oppoait Theatte.' a fsw spirited remarks upon the re- oot return to Calcutta., TbeLforeigc TRUSTEES'-HQTIC- B, v 209 U.. . d i; w shoaltl uvT orer I tClce has received eiders from th S1EHEA EXOLUTD JLUD ATQUAiflS-TAN- . uspect in lUporled much cam p at XAhore. This looks as If rrlirng wir. be a mwUrt of tbe qoaUflei or tae rm fcbool dtrtc,sait ' i ' slcknes In his ward daring last lh Mceroy" entertained no hooes LakeTfmrm beM IHmmea sad. CElrlmmtd lilRS. IslUSSERt V;.4. la the Ftfia Ward nMUni of rieace .The roveroment are boUM lly do but ail were striving to. quarter, t aa Monday,' OcUAmr Tta, 1S7B, for tba "4 A. axis there are rumors of war. toe teet thM eiuW. ; anxious to avoid acting liarahly. n g ooa Truatee fur Iba : VUl be sWased te see bee friends at aee or e Tbe Ameer has still the choice of rurfy and to 3acld oa th atnoaot cf IndiThe dispatches from 2Uhop The. Ctiamberlalu,rf And all kluda of ) taxes to be raised letaeetooeUAsnt school a grxxl stntU aubniiaajoo open - ' lm arvv " cate a serious rupture between the Orderrki.e. repotted . . .. l to him.-a.1.. ' J ., MIUINERYMOTIONSTOiE weoses, f ,; it tvsfleel Lm Asm vena ik uouDuut wuetna aa at "If his Vard. rUIJ there .a,.l isssl fLID;ES,f' CKILDHLTS sKD ISFISTS" Ameer of Aighxnistaa and the prevalllnglu B B t m I I I had been ceod tkat ef sickness tempt to Invad AfibanlsUn on British OoTsmmaaL The Ameer among th tuildrvo. - All associa large scale, will be tnade until SaU Xake . goats, ot tbe Old CoostltoUoo BuUdlar UriDERWEAR.! ., dubl-a- t UTS, City, . Accurals information re Bast Temple Street. .. has been for .some year la receipt tions and schools doing well, and ipring. J m. 52o td 0I8 per from At man ever, ex. garding, the Ameer's euength is f of a subsidy from England, the ob- more nniteuTeeiiDg MAIN; fiT. Orro doer North of in hi . Is known Lhat.ha LI. ... It rrof. trie but sELL'fl wantiur. 2! among people. uttng . Deseret Bank. ject of the payment being to secure an a .1BLIND3, MOULD- army DQ17I1I DOVn! DOVII! standing BOORS,. ; yiNPOWS, BaiNQLES, alLATH, after th European modL Jje4de hit good feeling and prsTsat an ;"J; 2 p.m. alt Lako City, Utah. of kind levies. i The. difUcult meet jMILI all and irregnlar FliAMS. PROFESSOR .BltACKErrS.' EOISOI'S liance between him and the Cxar rKG3. aECtfilC PEI, After slnglpjc and prtyer; Bishop to he encountered Is the of ituaaia, Greet Britain's .natural r. xi. jonuwo,' of jonnsoo: Jae, queetionhostile L I Tost Office-- Box 609. roe Vfultlplytax Letters, circs la ra ' and ilakb of th bor attitoda possible ATjrKiCE3 li0:CHEOHd3; G lends M. " of it. le; il. Lelthead, dllO : . all kinds of blanks are on exiilbv ' enemy la the East. tribe. The faintest mistake, J r lit. Carmel, and T. W. der PATRON HAPPir" OUR ; Uon. Kocharfe for ex' C . in or error of Judgment, might tact, Quite recently the British Gov- Jolleyjof to of rahrcah, reported their excite a blaze of 'Warfare alonar tbe O. BOMITET, ' -"-"plainins taalr tisea. a ernment, fearing that lluaaiawae boiltn, various watua in goou condition. O. II. TAX LOU, w laa LYNN, a zts HOO t It It for whole frontier : rf rmMwti:. Maovapoka of tbe eeUxualtHt extending Its loiltMDC Into my own make, eereee;raaie tbtaa trlbea eo swnt a special embassy to rrogveae made wt ilne sisau and easily, turuthat reduced toe . out 1U0,C i.psd.tn. Cghtinr -Loen Temples; of the LarnanlU: iueu. . the Ameer. But to the astonish- and j..Tvfn.r X So flr.Tj th Arito&a U2exunLr; show r Cart! r'aelee fx.ee per ment of the ambassador and the ed tbere was a great dltTereoce of ieeaa. e- - .L Tour Store! ,...:r ' among the people; that th Four and a hsjf per cxnt. Ion da. iadlgnatioa of the Government faith K31LL fast tiielr aod who 1071: "pay from which they were accredited, arxi 'tithing, lufil! n TUCKFIPXD A el's, Toanlr STATIOIEaY at KBtf. TOEJC XEiCKSafacbloiata, wish to Inform the public ,r i their Journey to Cabool was Inter- tended vjj, ; waAiTaasox roa 10. fx 00. ; bavo plenty ol that toey are prepared te pot cloves aad meetln;, io comDtate order. at ' iUnres cepted stock on th range, plenty to tit Khyber Fan by an HUNGARY fior Backs, ato., tDade,wbole-sal- e Oratra, REDICTIOXJN PRirES. of with his retinue. and wear, and tho bluasla . .fl.d a rreteat Asalat ia OceweattUa af "Atlumi Cd .Slaritalkinj Price t aod Retail. reraooa at a diataoce aup-p, aanAina same aa niimlwr- of He was informed that the Ameer ' tore. by l I.. rt 'n TJtah Ecfl and TFTifte Pin ot all kfDd. Waihlnrtoo YrnnArf, State Boad.balf would be held responsible for his "TlSTir. SO. Th iluaffaxlan Pnstera i mlihlns; Lurafcer, California lied. tadt. ttlock aoutb Salt Lake Ward cf "th Sth,10a.m ART-BIZiBquare, S AR. neia a mass meet log- - here late doing and that they would be re... wtwoxw . ... ... eep. is, unar the preliminary exercises caia After to as acts the his of protest the monarch. occupaly, againit garded 0 Cedar White Bear W. V. reed Utah, ! River, BUhep Johnson, Jr., j tion of Bosnia. .Deputies Hefty and Bat the passage was held against tbe statistical re poll ot tbeHCake, w Jsaersef the t ettaa rarwrta movement, X mooja, Red Wood and i Kiimlaff rv rt a..' eee eevuwe A ana many otber mem ben of the SMnglcs. rv tevt mw we the English oCciale, and they retir! - .BUILIIINQTRQCK;: i 21. V. id. M.I. Hungarian keretofore'ex. rim Associations, h, ed to J a ai rood. The latest newt Is were Bed WMte , CelEnf EMior, aad Dlst, at Bustle, present x . . ana I k. Elm I Ira sirs. Turu and Keliet bCletl a.a was largely at tjnr Dftwn urn meeting, wniCQ Lalh,- Pickets, Flcwrlrr. Mr. Elbrkdre Tufta. in tbe Hotel buaJcxwe, that England Is forwarding troop Association Jsss oi teaueu. ! rresUeot, la dlaaolred ky mntual oooaeot. Tbe - umqU rimlth, lisoiuUona. wejretowards the frontier, and that they Parawan, made a fsw encouraging moualy adapted declarini . the. oc ' be conducted tT U barearter iTTTT r BAEH. BIHW DOORS. a kalf aallas norta f Wares' ;' i'revrtetor, will be concentrated at La here. remarks and gave much good ad cupation f Honda, by Auetrla fatal ) 'Okieaae atV e W : a4. Errlnt rood road, men. " par to tne vice ' young ".; AND to tue xtuDgaruu nation, protest The probability Is that war will be MRS. ELL! IRA TUFTS, r eoed, also ' itf.t :f.' Ira of iraident y. ! lllokley,. the Bacrifico.of th result, la which th Ameer will Jtilood, ana resume Its xormsr name, USES IS BSEAT ffflffl more, aaia be Dad never visited ing against anu X4 u Claris us against aBlSBiTssx bk3 .exA ssselaa 'reaa'iaue : tne bsose receive secret. If not open support this country before, felt the people ruonej noucn.j of beat tbe their vary and quality. the wlb, of tbe dsmanding tn the sootu were blessed, and was wuaurawal from the Cxar. v Hoard and Lodfinx as usual army from Bos atacBcrat astoa.. rrPri i' -see to tne ibat at. glad Is prosperity not at nia. all It The resolutions forFranife of all kinds Made to OrTurniaked Booms by tke dar. wk, or wlll.be however, unlikely, tbeir labor. a toon i a. warded to the mlnlaters. anl Par dzasisa der tna awxeacooaaaia. is seeking a pre- tended Very Cheap. Freeklent Bnosrrald the tUake re liament win be asked to pass vote , Jejr.icKriiCHT, text for the enlargement 0 th aW to was. similar lha ethes 01 want oi couu Jlc Ux the UabU port Good, Stylish and: Durable Dress Goods, takes. A spirit of improvement net. . f bis sovereign as . . ati OnmsBlcp. al. Lav Attonicy ..- . was La the wboui xnureb, noiioed At 10, 12j, 15, 20 and 25 cjnta per yard, aud ;upward. V7lf5DOWGLASS. I India, and wUlJump at the that 1 1 one-tblfB.1LT Of our population ciTivrr.fix. ' ' ' chance of Invading Afghanistan were childreu uudcr Best Brand of Engllsti Alpacas, C. eight years of 'Best Thread for'.Bevrlnf Ma . ooraelves, and 10 Oeseral aaJ Local tpeclsl aitao) Frirr larre onsutttiei j and adding Il,wlth th proline of ae. or men Told to 1 iib tbe Mauufaeton m Offloe thejroung lalnnai. tand marry ha Anllmnv dcsJIny ... e . !'rctly aa to 3 25c ChlhtJ. " Oa' Car (Onr own importation), from Liad h.te. we Intend kecpir ator Soldier's a for BotLnty, Penaieo aud Cabool, to the already Immense me uaugniers ot.!on, wnoe moth SffH-thr LOT. on babd, or tbe rkua rlzes SUier atmaode araloet tbe Uoreromeot. . 1 srs not talk did pol Low lSTe-rrom agalutt Put.Uo known liau. as British In ana tne to tei ct Henrietta at jamy, territory Vcrj Talmiso. TMJaranM th Cashmeres. EleranfRlack rxaaUilaa Mimh young lauiee to re care rut r ilptwnoa Wrmm wits tke Staer ' : dia, It Is well known that whom they (M Okay cune, rar a Darnummitian and Bombaziiio Cloths, fpiIT! Cemer Lrt ktxwa as tbe Vers Vy of not to take SewaitaJ. aad marry, injrdclt. a)eel. la It naiiece tiutoa vomer, Russia has bee a pushing to- - up with every scalawag benmt Wood Turn:ngcf all Kinds crjxwit j.ruare, se,t Laxe C ty.belos part of lot English Dress Buntings, In 'Nowest Shades,.! oc- ? "Wllllauaatis." In blcsk nloetytlx (W3) froatina- oa wards this point, having secured he wa a man. Advbed the Llh re (6) tbe weat forty frt aixl oa tbe aorta oca American and French Haties, now designs, very Iov7, to be careful whom they lecom ft appear from the Associated Preaa l SEVENTH QUORUM Khiva, Bokhara, aad Tashksod, ops huodred fen, wlU be aoM at putUo auctioa to th Lmi!LRt'mL03 & C(V : mended Aekad ieiulr.i tbe oa Bouretto and,jPolon'aisQ Cloths, 'Xbtirerter. Oct. sd, 18TS, at 11 o'clock a. Latest Tlht Qeareia ef SVvetitiae will aaa dispatches, and fret the llats of 'I'lra and aiming at omlete military people to not be like the i'barlse aa. b to tbe hMdr for fbaat CASH, I Jacra M, Parivw. In the I'arls cewa-la- 1KB et itekwiMUMr, ; Choice and Cheap, Double Width JBlack Grenadines, C. MKHKLKT, lines from the Oxu to the Indas. wba paid tithJc upon mint and awanls published f lt Laka Cny, .on Moaair Onp lilotk Tasl f WuJ, r on the tax. that MHKuT U. THOM PSOft, C5trtti n firry WHh. M.S. iitilfHU brtKvnitMkr KraHr, French-Beseille; ana tiucceee la this dlrecUoa would to-ab- le catena la t w. Seal " "V H. LaWKKNOK. m. ibu luwiaaac m t Brown forgot toe Larger Iha, ytrni nd thread at the uni.' T ly (."am. j parucJr ' old tne .atlcilaaiaWAULEW. mothers ia Israel versal have the ambitious Muscovite to tnlng. Ki singled out lit ordar of tfia fonnz-f- l )4WsftJ Plain, Striped and Quadrillo Spring Silks, oot to tach tbeir children to lis the Willi perJLVr. L-at an tic Company, of ii draw together aa Asiatic army and I From 75c a yard and upwards. the brethren to honor teaJ.aud l HAVE JUST RECEIVr.D buuaa Lra for a special Ul til no Coopcm--; rVrt, ru,nunji, Ph't irrs. outnumbering the Indian troop of their word, and cot be deceitful. tion. They- have decreed to Navy Blue, nyrtlo.SealBrovn & Bronze Spring Silks. MflTlS-CHli- Si Great Britain. This would be a but deal honorauy with each other Company a Cold medal and that the then Iter could the bleeaiors promt Was foe "Spooi VMttm ep4-HaL'- tOMBHCi atandinr manage tTiImi T n ! t 01 . HON: Choice Black' SIIIol;" tne Xioru. .isaais on Hcunnj adapted vr and would necessitate the increase ever offered lu this market. .a-ibeet to From Tbe $3 65c of mofe than 60.Out MacAtm." i per birgalna yard. " t OF TUG ; .' ins of her Indian army at immense 2 pm.jBth. (XV) medals S and there avardti 4 cost, which means Increased taxaAfter slcrlr? and rrayer XUdsr were only one hundred4 grand : the great tion. (Jbarle lTiU!; her tnads a few re- - prises, and although. all Ul ot tbe world With this view of the matter It maxka txprwiirt of his rraUtuda thread manufacturer vuttc In Dncliesa, Torclion and Valendenne the WlLUMASTtCf CCJJP- 4 ! tie-raIs not unlikely that there It truth for the teaching or tbe oouferaace. competed VA.VX alone reoiive tbe grand aud Ties Colored and then ruttall prize iXafics preaented for Hpool Cotton. This hncl Gen2crrun.-- In for, la the report which appeared la the therraeidnt MIL. of action authorities and of the general Fans arid Paraaola.' Caenllle letter I eal3 that I would sell n t Loniou that the Ameer Chare a sad of the Kanab HUke, tbe Fails Jury agrees with the opi- mer Clnir-iiDreaa better Planoe Galooh aod Trlmmlnr. Hnttata, at less Organs Frinces, nion of the Judges at our Ceuteonlal naa euueevoreu te induce the ait or wnom were nnanimoutiv -. rthanr any otber person In the IIlblXr-pu-j Cloaka, Opera ShavU, Lace fietts and position, Whe decraad a anedal. rriors Porte to conclude aa alliance with ustained. Haaoal Claridge was Kx ' eball. no matter Terrttoty. J dyso, nu com wvnuea Buelilncsi Jitc II Dress y Back second txe PAID counselor te AT. Combs, strung ly Russia. Aa envoy ef the Cxar Is appointed uowjow a price may. be asked b Cnsmberlain In place cf luaantio thread "for Its raTTiaselnr othef liishop dealers, qualify considered. I located at Cabool, and although It ilrolhcrU. ii. Williams resigned. exceneoce. . nut perhsp to moat now make farther reduction, and sU. or Indorsement not cf this at all pro tails that Turkey is aUj tO, ; u brethren were 81rg&incant A.eiecuoa the present 00 cotton u that by th sewlse lots nrfoea. following: marvclotu'J nominated and suttained aa home being under treaty obligations to missionaries. Four . LN ELEQAUT BTTIxGa, VERY. LOW. men machloe maaufacturws and opera . FLtne, England, will llstsa far a momen were selected to laboryoung Upright Ssellerry Wataa, will sell ler Harris' Beaolesa auad amoox the tor tnemseives.' more than 50 of Alexandre Qetulne KTD GLOVES, new islis'ie e ay IeTiaar year Areae. to such a proposition, there Y. M.M.I.Aaociattpns of the 8 take Item, after having need the Willi- - "wu case, uost rouna kcorners, i : richly carved lcfr fine French rnaoUo thread on their maohla . Kid GIot Renoratora. Try IbeoilII emtaisa AKeirTbJn. j , 1 appear to be real grounds for am miss id nam. J and Faris p tuned panel oa front and aid rrest. II Hnow tpcie of tk grtd during th Fhliadelpfaia Immediate and decisive action on New White PICQUES, TEilliY CJOOTHS, Plain and Dotted on all kinds of work. "Ibamoel elegant' sls well as sub- Ions, lii posit the resting upon th part of the British Government. responsibilities stAUilsr need thla .p,rod have certiecelee piano NAINSHOOKS, and Gen nine Frencb Prrcalee io Ijaitar-da- y TABLETAN3, in, signed Halnts. cf toe great and deelsrtng for 27o. ' " Afghanistan lies to the northeast holy principle. 0 the anion of tbe that the Willi manXl Is LU Aett countfy i Blaci,'ITat7 Blue, and Brown. .. . I 7i OcUve Bquare Flano, rosewood CO of and adjoining British India. lis eexe. Aduitery was ,panUhsd Lkread they have ever ied on tcu . large sli, terpentine t aidFull Stock of White and Colored Table Damasks, Curtain Lac, Nets. area Is nearly $00,OCO square mile. with deem in ancient tlmee. . riaid imj machine, on account of it cae, ing, Carved legs, French grand ac ' be to man ae let .', ttrrnytht avenge rtmvr, fatf,'y,: Kapklns, Towels, Craahe, Ldnen Bagsf Robs Etc ; Tortious of It axe deeext and some himself of any wrong. Uod a aveng- and txkitiful Ladti PftatXr. Tbe tion, run Jron rranae, overstrung Ul '. X Its .IT., .O mountains reach a height of er- muthave iclestn hands and concurrent opinion r bo many ax- - aa, new scale and full agrafle, for no to pervs his of towsrrrf 2D.C0Q fcet. leave any feeliDf But Its TalUys are pure; spoke ougut longer 7 Octar Grand Bqnar Flano. who wouki taJ arr4 lip. TLe reom ior uouot as to wten thread rosewood try fruitful ..and the country ti.re case, fbor, round eornera. U beet y for th Lttr-dsBalnia uiachlnes. should It sewing Will find onr Fboek the Larrfrt and Cbeapcet erer eroaglt o TTtai- - Hats in all afaapo acknw is not or lint u a or forelsrn menu three heavy, solid abounds la rich mineral. 1 1 is la-hrosewood mould- i tbe liand of the Lord aad quarlUeet trimmed aad nBtrtmmed; Frjx"a aixl Amartean Fiowrra. I tried la all Floaaaa. Tips and reatliera.ta neweet ihane; Mi. giiXa, Torquoea, led by a camber of Varliks iuii BgiBuc, ,iures suinr. ior an but w American as") fsctare, rrodnct. when aad did wickedfy r. thini, CaUoa, fiaia aad Dotted Seta Peart od iteeiOmamenta. l mads at and we theWlillmanUc cur confeee should who have miila. shown alas before tribes, CO great capa Satin Ribbons, New and Cheap TJTM HtnTDETO CartOeiw rf Plata ros Grata Whlcji . we" hLTx "at L0WB 7, Octavo OrahdlUrrlght Fischer . The Latter- - FT W fcse ta sest aad losyUner brands of PT AfhM GOODS, and CiTer them at tbe i RATES city for fighting in farmer coaHicU Uod and eor brethrru. Wie latest im tnano, " than any other first-- j BOTTOM PJ41C3 T5oeaeiBg i njoy tar bleiD)r with England. In th BxtUah day.riAiaw tbmm ail C5en-9toClz9 beer raaakind. bpoke la the market. . cy tnerrmie and the uovernmsnt espocsed the cause of at length of th duty we owe to our A IIEV7 BHAUA ! ! acowMos?ea ' f proreaeuu 10 oe etjuaj in ton and Bhah Soojah, who had been ex children. Bpex vary encouraging a the finest dorabUltyte .vtry Up. to the urdervllis brethren and ly ed pelled frvm the kingdom, anJ FULL LI5t GENTS' COYS' AND CUILCIIESS! CE0TEL8, rlirhtrian made tiv A merles, for VIMS. VQUM them Jn their labor, t ron, ia penstratiag Intotfgtji.a-Ista- a bfeed CBlthfd at i I I. s'atuil exhorted i'Teet. j 3001 bv.Ij KlIi i E!b3; E3TT03 FIGURES. Is of arrfiiti ma. Oenta, Tontha and Pt HATS, from Cbeapest and capturing Cabool. But shcrs aJid lUJer to i t ta OXFuHD A; Oeava' aod BOOTS, QAZXEB3 ilea Ttardett. liunu, prentttiie iramlin', ud ' ' ''UX Wat. this expedition cost the '.Indian thing they had heard at thai 001 Dxr&rsa ta Arneauoaraj Fafr at s.- - eraJrtaaoa J " Caeap. & Bon, and other mantifactur-em mami urm to fereuc the the told tay peer over auk six million dollar, treasury I; Orrue WALKER BROS. & CO. righteouiand uprJjht ouomotHiia my iimiu a 04 jaLrooa and wu followed by UjuirecUiiJ Saint to J and coal claioi thit urwm r irv.tathe l they cf the Lord. ima a "CilLki yoa ran CO which c early '.resulted Li th des- snjcy instruments aoiii on one, two or '."""; Otuarailra4 7-- "' V : L .. Uireet iron ibm Ikat sXaanlactmers. r:- iT ef"ag three Irttalmenta. years ex. Wat wUA monthly tttma aa, truction of the BriLUh forces, who eit to i.-Ue pep;a-- (Java Be- 1 an prod are taken. Genta Fxtrnlshlzi Goods ia all it branchee. NotlonilPipe, Cuthad to be withdrawn. But some ticeofa priesthood. meeting tone A If any dealer can ton eh rov, ' HATt ' , . SWEET IST'v he! i at Kanab. Not. 2. . lery, Jewtlryt Etc., i:tc .. of th thee pricafs, irffi e7rf trualL'u army being la pes, portians ' the 7th or taxae PL o till " Coxirrnre o adjourn riot Quart or r'aja. of insZrvr.xmtt, ples let toe know, rMrl tf tke Ll:srra session ef Jelaiabad and Candahar, ofDsceatejr, U73, at 13 ara., to TaakwateX iCC3 Er,WLar. atb acl Ciaara! and tlcrrn thtre rrlct ?rr ' ' the far O T r.aaaeitr fcs.uia. Ur'tul Ilxjrt:, Aie. where they wrre harassed fcj the at Kanab' H. XII TRADE '' '. at Ont"" cte.-r- r.t Anri4 highest sovLa cr v. Vcor'mct l uit ervarxt, ieau 'aro, be Hnow Freat. tha pronoanccd Ws can safair v that oar BTOCS 1 fall and well bocrfct. Oar Prtrs Lower ttan Qrouixia. Afghani, th XLritlah unlsr Gsnsral nediction. O. Caixunt, Da and that w aiia.ll tuive to meet ail boaaat and booorabls eowpeUtioa from any trrr nxh. no errr, rZt ii ear bio. arH, roUock. forced th Khyber rasa P. s to meet tbe nAUQETTS, Prop. Bol Agrnt for the ila nn fact urt ra, as our expertaaoe of aiteea xears ia tie Territorr W. MCAXIdJTTB, quarter, J. or wants tbe trade. and ajiia tock Caboo!. fchth t'oo- tkrk. to tTa. csm a to., Jif. l .nnba'S. filled aad bonsrabl treatment ruarantsed. PT" Orlsr rrwr-pU- y lie-tlr- It com-mxa- rulrmat IlllDUIFERy. w uMmdm - m m 1, ta. ouR I.inj -- WSJ sS .3Eil i 1 C40-fsren- ME NT D.E P A R C II O ee tet-urda- ex-Hhe- Olli ex-Cou- nty .t?--!...- . - 1 '' .i 1 fcST-Ca- " cm-yloym- dls-patch- H. S. ELDEgDCE, Superintendent- 4, .'.-- Got-ernme- ot e co?-lect- u x, J. BROOKS. MIL.L1NERY; g re Arr; ?RE ductio n ed t - j)rd '" . . velvet3 -- liEYADA LPUBEB ASS1 1 tjthi au-thorit- y. -- THE - -- ' " "j ' ' k-- ct : pe j . a 1 T B- 6t. t. -- - eV -, TSLsrnons - well-equippe- JB J b d - ; It't ''. ; 1 :t. 1 $-2.- AJa;-hanUt- au, : - lt; lijjEriiCciilM.U. 'a, j. Supt. F. AUERBACH v& BRO., j - j , 55; East Temple Etjaw . otic e; m Street, SALT LAKE CITY. ! : - 1 "xx7sxoxt GREAT ATTRACTIONS VRW GOODS ARRIVING DAILiY - PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES - i. ; - . . lll "" ? . - ns -- - -i- . : istr ! . .. av ! . ' . V tUW-rteeaw- , di PLANING ..- -1 . , id Kco-press- of LUF.lBEfl YARD , c2: pes-sessio- -- -r- - u, Afg-hanist- aa 1 !.) tiriu, 10-eo- x-u-e, tiiat:will 5 ? AUCTION SALE corner' Cit-m- rrt lst ,Siv t $irr ; a - Stylesf : wi : r 1 1 Pr'. r pot-ltfo- . Art-for- d, I ti C-ait- u m y 1 luv b ii r e. Tin, 4 HIGHEST MARKET PRICE - Iw,oril Abrolderic,."Idle' nt Iterator, i- r.J.aQILl 1 --- , I 7r-0U- ve -- . . - J k -- - T -- over-aeedo- Tv LOUIS ua CD all o " I 1; a-- wmmm y - o f rac-ceed- axs? Q 1 sua t7gAg w - N - - J mt " '- - mt-H'"ii- d I W . B H O - " ': ' ;j . o ffl - 0F-1LE- S, r1 ! of - ! " v 1 1 1 pr-i- r- -k n |