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Show '11L EVENING NEWS. rrr&ATt iicrrno, at rssussio VAitt, rroca CCLOor4 GEORGE Q. CVN'NON, I-- IIow ; nrjoiiAi iouno, ra par-tkraU- rtuiuwL ..prma aae tt' In be waa In poseeeelon of.eo h constant danger f llne robbed .. j andkllleI. did the plaieloolTl taunliw with Dtl4 wMir. He It waa a etone Ux, and th tonea looked lo me ae If they were H e follow Jog, tLe cemented tocether. That WM on We blef portlone of a letter receive! thelde of the Mil, and a Utile Uown from the top. from Dt, 1'ouIjwo 'runlaluiu know Joseph to I How did of an Interview with David beatthaiUme?yuu cannot afford W Whltmer. He As a very humid and meek ihecom-muatcatio- n and eery s'niple minded of wbo'e for th man, paco He did the will uf the Lord, but give thue portlooa ladeed. an arduoue and tak It was to trane-lat- e Interest, which are llktly to pro the Book of fttormoo. I Did Joeeph ue tb Cr!m axfti lag to bur reader, wfthiut being Ute-m- e Thummlm when h tranalated? of for the any trepoDlbl lie The Urlra - and Thummlm nU ma J there! o: were two white tonor eab of OODtS ClTr, Aiiguet 13, is;?. them eaaed In as i pectaele are, In a kind of silver caaiog, but the bow EdLUr Drtrrrt Atwar between the stocee was more heaof tiave Several peraoae vy, and longer pert bet weeq the Inquired me about Whitmer, eepeci-ellyiln- stooea, than w ueaaUy find It in th fublloatloo In tb spectacle. MarUo Harris, OUvtr News of the Utter about tholato Cowdery. Emma aod my brother at dlilereot time, wrot John Whltmer. If tb Desekkt J oh a sMcb aa be translated.' live the epacw lulu for J oaeph will Niwj wUI the Temple i 'be IWhen coloajne it will adord me pleasure built In Independence? j taWfile what I kh'Jv about him He IUgbt after tate great tribufrom my vUU to JUrbmood.Ma, ' and ali myrwreoi'al evavvraaUoo lation Is over. I What do you mean by that? .5 with hlru-II A civil war more bloody and He U Uow "Syeere ill but U a wooderfuil man, ruel tbao thf sbelJVoD. It will be wellpjteeirtd a smaeblog op. of ibis nation, about tall aod e.ect aa a plbo, well Uh a toiliiay Uterlog. whiob UeaetUe soool grrat work 1 lomiu dm aud dark eee full u baa lo be doe, a wot k like Joseph fir aad expreeeioo. ; Hie furebead did, and the translation . of the U brMd aod large, eud bU bead see.le.1 plxtee, aod peace all over. ' ; I win jou live aad re those L early bald, but well balaniwd. . - , ... , . m ; eo and with In thing?He--It vat said toahonldeom-uieme ui, that th graodeoo, alrv Whltmer - keepe a cond great work nvrry and lead stab! al HWhmood, ee when nearly all the grandfather be prtuct-pall- y 3la,4boKl bad to the relieved (root biuli ee, bat be 0rt platee makea hi regular trli-- down to the tautd awsy, eo I may live and eee takeplao. table, and to tho uulaule a lo theesthlxga 1 You are la good heaUL? oidea time. I am He very wall Indeed foe my David Whltmer Uter waf mar itr. I am not troubled with any rled to Oliver Cowdery. wboeo r malna real , In tbo . graveyard at i btng except a little rheumatism or bat It Is lu my hip. I waa thrown lUchmood, and whj prectWl Uw Itl that rtvn from ; 193H to lst. (ma a bo tray, aud feel ever since K r.llrf ali.t bun iu weaktu : over any blj. ...L4.r.. I hU was mostly his death-tobe r que led lo b wtittea convexatioa for word word half down bailed without any duplay or large an hour after the Interview with ho weuteo io David Whitmer, attendance, aad re- howlll graveetono to bo erected ovrr hi roxnlxv It aa his words, and I eend a he. David Whitmer eald lbt It rhat the nubllrt may form a bet hU brother waa, tu uaiy ter idea abvut thia truly remarka reepecte, a peculiar Kama. Dvl l e ble matt. Voura truly, ; the brolher,Jacob Whltouer, one of P. WiLiiuai V, lUch-mooii. pouLaox, lived died and la wllne.r9, and hU grave it only a thut 'e dlatanc from Cowdery'e. Un grave le erect Ml a flue marble BY TKLEGIwViUi; tone. On the top of the atoo apraa werraae twine vakauaaeM pears hie nam and next wo discover the cut of the livok of Idor mon laid open, with a blooming K A MT U it . roee renting on the divide, and the book rvetlug on th rloeed op Bible. Kareeeer I a eee tee. . Jacob Whitmer diet! April lit, Isi, 1'iTTf FIEU, Ma,, 18. John US end ageu bo yearv, z -months , . (coloied) waa haogtd here Teiteyck daye. morning, lor the tnurd-- r of After a aelf Intrcdactlon to David tbU Mr. and Mr. tUllltnao.at rbt f?Ield( Whitmer and eocne general couvrr-atlo- on tho 1.9th of November last. He I remarked to him: to Other crlmee but denl coufri'eed I ou ar on of the three wit ed tho murder of the btlllaiaua.1 CORRESPONDENCE. , rttay, wA.mtwmt EDITO HXLL 2T 1. 17. - 0 TT3. Th pastoral performer of Plymouth Church, Brcokjyn, 1 billed tot rAalt Iaake, Heptesober Nhh, and that be 12th, rorUuml8p. la tuts will u appear ulght only. are The railroad lo Tern-asaaprofhlnjf by tbe yellow fever of the The ticket Memphis end LouUvIlle Railroad, at lb place, ha wlJ of f iS,)0O worth tUaeU eloce Man ft Ut. IIJtbpopu!tUa hsv evacuated tbeetty.' e it et-a- , flrC-oacu- ad 'tfJ .duck a by We erel consent, and hie fotnur supporter are doing tbebr to bury hlni. Toe !?ar Kranclaeo CAromcfe, which need to sweat by m hlra. now myt: Tbe heard from Mr. CoI.ax since hU retirement from Centres, Is hU assurance that be ba had eooah cf putlUs Rfe and Udone with It." 1 Ut - m Tror Dve. Public Administrator lid co ) , ; -- -- wtt-nee- e W i: 8 T Kit If tl , Detallat tlie Aeen b, the Berets rear Tallla. (Ban I ftANCiftCo, The detail of tbe eoafeaaion of Dye and Andersen are ta the loiiowlujc eQect: Dye bad tou, the cnire of public unprofitable, and had remarked ocraslonally, n that he would have te kill aomJest, ona to make It pay. The Idea obtained a deep bold on. bis mind, and he took. Anderson, whom be bad tor t long time employed In his butcher ahop, and another party, yet unknown. Into his counsels. Dye aod Anderson charge each other with being tb original tempter. They finally fixed on Tuhla aa the victim. Dye bad been his friend ai.d neixbbor for twedvw years and knew the value of his property.and aa Talk had never ben eommanl-cmtl- v concerning hi family affair, It was sup poet d he had no relatives to Claim the estate, i Over tw months ago Aoderaonaad aa unknown party ' went te Tell la place t put the plan In circulation, kut their eoxirage failed them. Dye urged the crime perslstantly and Anderson ooncelrea the idea of murder by poison. A bottl of poisoned Cocktail were prepared In the saloon kept by Dye and Clarke,' In Kecreroento, and ADderweti went to To lite .ran e he osteoalbly la search of week-- He gave hfm the bottle, and after a number of drink to-;ether from a botll of good liquor, eft. For aom reason this plot miscarried. It waa then decided that bold work waa required. A boat waa built at Dye house, Hacra-mentAnderson pulled It down the river, waa Joined by a confederate below the city, and they proceeded to Tunis' ranche, found him hi the orchard, knocked him down with a sand bag", and shot him' in several place. This waa on tbe evening of Thursday, th lat Inst., at seven o'clock. Dye, this even-Istayed at hi house In London smiKOFOii, li a i (I.IMITKD.) ' . j "i ' 1 ' 160,000 Saj $300,000 160,0 CO C ailed op, 32,0 00; Capital, tJ$ WytofflBiJAlllillJ:; Ccmrncrcial 'and r.Ilntcg roblic trtll find TeTT CklUtyfor the transaction et ntrictly Sanking Basin eas. Tb . ' - r - - - i.., .: v u - i i Drawn on' all tll3 Principal Cities of the Unitedi States and Europe. ; Eicliiuiea " - IMm- " ' "5 , Msssra. i erica, Tbe Tlrst Nt looet I Ksw Toac Is Chicago. is Exar o, raxsouco.-T- forn'a. Bits Bask, Bank of Ca3- ' " ' ke 4 - ' -- ;. I v . are ofTe.ring.therbalahcebf.o Stock of SuinmerQpodsraf Extremely illow Figures;' iri; order : to 'IWake Room for. Sxterisiver Pall It consists in, part of Lawns, Organdies, Grass .Cloths, Cotton D ress ,Go o ds, . R r in ts, Gin gh am s, L i n eris,!. Piques, 'rieTy7"Stfavv Goods, Linen Parasols, Ladj'and-Mjsses- ':S U its; Lad i e s' j yisterslc B oy s' Linen Coats, Summer ;SuitsJ?5etc.v etc, y aad-Count- ii . r TfiWe The toodca Bank. Ttxi Loodoa Cank of Ulab. H;. '..:". Jjonoii la? ; t v ANTnONu GODBE, Pur-ciiases;- "; ! 1U.KAQEIV ! Salt Laks City, Ju'y 15, 15T&. 4KT -f Hacrameuto County. CaL, has teru irmtiJ on the eharyeof murd Inataut A. it- der. Ua lh 8 o'clock, entertaining TulIU. a fruit ftrowr, wh Bait Lake. City and Wagner's excused himself, took II visitor.: to $1,000 per u"y menU amounted his buggy, drove down the river Beer 5 cents a glass, IX) cents per about lu miles, met the aaaaasina quart, all other plain and fancy wit murdered la U orchard on urlnks 10 tents. We keep the at who the . place appointed tw ma and Old Grand I!ao', by back Hermitage, Itye, and Bourbon to drove there, Haeramento. cam to th cUct In a boat. The with a full line of bottled Whlakey, ride related the all tha During they and liquors fox family ue, boat ww afterwards broken op and circumstance of the murder to wines not be undersold. The roncealwd, but the remain were Dye. The trio returned much un- and will beer room in the city for fami der the Influence) of liquor. Dye beet found and rrwof wu forthcoming lies aud others. to Anderson had him revealed sajs that It was lullt on Trey Dye's Conrad & it ess el r, crime of hi past life. Including rremUcs br a man name J Ander Theatre. Corner oppoeite tbe murder of two sheep herders, in : a w tr. . son, who has a!o twen arrested. the vicinity ef Bacramento. l both Ixdnled for ItvlJeuce Dye's reailxing onihe WANTED. !' .. estate ofplan Tulllawa to compound prisoners, and the motive aaelffned MI LLCS. V Son, App v to K. Miller tb His creditors. with legitimate i. i IT n. utlie deelreofTroy fcto administer Mill Vrw S) ball iAX iCoiioty, Utak, , have been would commiealon w Sw .o: i tisds i Tullla' estate, II previous: about f3UQ." Dy has always i and the borne a good reputation, but parly brne a good reputation ties now comlog forward alllrm that evidence against him though strong "O. KOVNRT. T. LATIMSH, he waa a bushwhacker during the U only circuiutanUaI. Tho al!ir and murderand late war, pillaged eau3 creat axcUanacit at Bacraed indiscriminately. The confesnteuto. Bloc tb foresoloK waa sion cover' about eight closely-printe- d ' . ..r. . wtUUu wTeam by telegraph that columns, developing every . : ... AJtD to res of th commission tage prog both prljonra hat confessed.. oeeeet? I of the crime. Neither party will ' j t ij,.-- etr : tTool -- TCiarn rtf rx ,Q4tt He I am en of them. qaaraaUae. , . . i be allowed to turn State evidence, xjli And you raw the engel.and he I 16. The board aad the district attorney Is confi1'x.vaACOLA, Fla., bowed you the plate? WOEK FOR ALL TUS IDLE! of health new require passenger dent of convicting both. it.." He The Hook of Mormon U true, from infected ciile. detained at i t ' I c: One of the tand)of tatuta la a true a any record can be. I saw quarantine 0 days of 10 aa Instead ! REDDCTIOra PRICES. tho sword of heretofore. The quarantine against Ancient Iral rrcjulrrd fanxin to tho angel, and I saw breaat-plalFOREIGN. and the and Mrmihli and Urenaia goes into leave la their tiUU tb glanlnr Laben, I TJtah Sed and VVhlta Piae nf atl Urim and Thammln, and th eCecl to day. : PAID AT f threat liercJ icraln for thbQ2t the GERMANY Ui Kastern Fuuehing- Lumber, Calif oriiiatu. bed and th the and ' director, plate, j . . . WOOd.. .. Ueeelel BeStee4ee' Ureal ae4 tae frealdeeey. vt th neetly: latl a ngvl stood before ua. and h turn 18. Emll Hoedef, who 181 one by one. General Grant Berlix, the ? .7 1 .Boarox, "And when th harTMtt edx theLnaleaves Utah, Bear, River, White Cedar auwaaalnatlon of the me attempted an turn lu anxel all Interview in ! brother, OrvlIIe, of your land, thou abait not tnak leave before tn on William 11th, May as state looked and Red Wood Shingles. on toperor that the General had you you here, r).llanc of th corner a of thy field Avenue Linden Den Linden, wrltteti his friend that he would, tbe when thou reapeat, uUbr tbalt litHe Nx not all. waa beheaded, this morning, In the and WMt EubUc, Calling, Kdinr. only that ran on no account, acoepl the presUen- - court Bodj thoo catliwr any gUanlnsc of thy of th book which was new of Tbe the not yard prisou; sealed. TOT I nomination, but .that probably Oellveer VS'acewe will rnll harvest, thou halt tear thera unto and what ther waa sealed appear- tiai be could be educated up to It aa he imperial warrant aecreeinjr that eeae x tho pxr, and to tba utrauer. I an ed as solid to f Addrm. year couree U take should .was Justice waa odco before. If he could be SASH.' DOOES, my view as wood. LwtIUcos th Lord your CJod s'.h of tbe preaent I now many cf th nlato wire mad to believe that be waa the signed on tbe ere . xxllL 2. sealed? oo ly man able to aave the country month. Hoed age was about r nn l ooo or in aeauooa r to A bout the half of the of party, ha would allow his name 2L' On the trial he protested that He i 4 not had to he Intended MQIUIMH eiEAT TAMTT take tha book to c be Ttioee ven leave deused .sealed.' mil of tot ara at the flak coS that UHi good or life Km to ... but r the and. Good, Durabla Dress per were or, real. not Goods, which sought th sboot Stylish seated, i:.r. tlnod and aultabt to nearly arery . J. t has own. life In t Cret part of the book, batrof the CeeaeaUiee. . retee 12 20 25 1h cent At 10, j, 15, and manner In order, lo create rvni per;i yard, and upvaud-placav Tha Frames of all kinds Marfe to lr-Utah, were numerous, aod. the aonl iuTiNa this dat . ; I for a sullerlcg people, but ICkw Yoafc, 15. Potter The der patby . our over before Very Cheap. gtnarally, kaep tba Law o fax- a turnedLathem toBe8t Bf and of ejee. conxreseloual committee met this namerotis wllneeee testified that S'if"' A'Paca be given a translaleavlne tn tbatr field a larfa qaaa-tit-y Tfrere yet Hoedel leveled his weapon; direct tion about J red's people'e uologa morning. A. dispatch was received at (Our own Importation), from 25o. to f 1 per, yard. Jof grain 1 conorV J. Tor aad . tb Emperor. .r the from committee uireci rrom this jl airnM. by other Mayor f and many .Nepal TIIIBOV; GLASS. uae and a binder rake, which all baa to te Burke, of New Orleans, stating tbugh th stnL.- 1 Elegant Blnck Cashmeres, Now Talmiso.THenrietta The tcAofeo Mr. Jam QffJEAT BRITAIN that be would arrive here on Hat are cleae barveat-im- , done, when the time corner. ruai'hln reaj-e; . ana iJomDazino . I'atMorxxUa ami Weii. Arr' oovaelvea. auJ ciotns;, tJItr larre witb tbe Maoutoctore -arday. He is said to be one of the I How large were the plate? feirf laeaeaa rreregwe. . J conalderaltl both man !ealinar directlj qoaatlttes t wooun. la of moat Dresa ex pdcoudiitock English BTintingsTiil wltneaeej Load A we Sliados, wide Important boat yet and Inches )He fas Intend eight kit, or tbe varloua Lava keepicr afor and implement rrrepi when a at or seven lochee IS. session Tai Tbe waa of Block Lo.xuoS, Ji amined. accredited the ta band, tbe J ue sizes, Am AtiaeibeaiiaJi orlcan and rrcnch..Piquc3, now designs, very'Low, Public to select from at Very Low Hate. cea, they p "Header" la oxl la KUserla th peared a littlo widerloog.aa limn long, and a?ent of Governor Ztichella, , at Ilknoent waa pmruguel, ly . J 1 Latest t We era to Ui orxovm lite until lue the uueen, celebrated reepartd Styles of Bonretto and; Polonaise- Cloths, during . , ! , crop. Hut the poor and tbetranjer three ringv kept the platev togeth- Washington, tt j ! ,t conference. Wormly a one Double middle Width" Black er; the Grenad eMtii t tbalr and tore, nes, ' Cheap, rarely avail tbaeawlv Chpice I wooaiurnilig or all KtfiQS. I fS JL xv Hi . It A 1131 ( John A. Deete again 'took the rhlch waa read on the occasion, one belw, o the aael could aaldoni la any aad Seal Brown f" : TarliaBeseille. French the read atand letters from and several congratulatea privlUc.donaHow Qatea turn every1 leaf eutireiv over. The l - ' t ' i ; . AT a In the CeJda! , Ye Ihlckne UIHIB.-IinOBw'Cft.gleaolnx wxa about of a common Kellogg, one of which la as followa: ment on Uie cenclualon of reece by Plain. Striped and Quadrille Bpring Silks,: Ilerlin tlie and the congreee, Cypar Idle a band uaed tinemlths. of tin great many thr by f WilXARi'a tloTKb, siet CHEAT nEDUCTIOM f . rum tJV. a jam anu wpwaras. rus treaty Is referred to as a guar tf I How did the engravings look? j 4 . In th Territory, and nu ca" tfSe Block East cf Dcpo. Keb, S, 1S77. ' From qaitm r antee of llriUah tTntalJr aad Lw .rr.li i:: wavy Blue, Xlyrtld, Seal Brown & Brpnze .Spring Silks, pii Independence die They were character. W lmer of rerwu, of both eexee, depend ' .i i.Jrkta t a t Let letI he received conduct Dtar pledge of reform, your ' some, and If you vUlt my ter. At S1.25 rer ;aar9. 1 1 loots now as If the count of tb for eup port aJoaoat "ntlrtIy upon espied e, troope la highly praised. brother Jobu, on of I be eight w ew i i itr rr a e i r i i miht.it i,iiiiii:h - t i t ae would 1 he de Bateeela. and 111 taeeaa progree w ho wrete fjf Jueeph, John Hayee Uie talae4 Jrocx tb IUbp .... m rom ooc. to 3 , 1'reaident before the 4th of per yard. The best bargain a evctoHered In this aar&eX. Tij Oaeen In her 'sneech tro- and dotiMioaA irnlbd by the Can show you some ef the old mao-ur!- pt elered ana Woden I March. wrote what noticed jauort you. from borrowed Draper. which he attribute ,trre rogning t'ariiamentt liellefSocieUe. . 1 1m , mw I mut hxv It rtturned to me about that "Jimes special. pacific solution of the dinienltles to rrlAIN STREET, ! ' of "V" bene at to I he eat largely to the aopport of Vwritthi4 fr tb mediately telgrsphed a denial stpUa, aa It belftpi to the Church, tbe 7 RIBBONS," VELVETS . i'ackara will te believe outs erf and tbe ether record. that tab. tba poor and anataplyd. Tke la eouiteelJoii wiih TllIBK fforsr 1st UncIaesJsTTorcben and Ysucucleniiev Icets, M lilt Parliament, If -, rinet lateII by I of iluut.t Hsyie, who dld peace conrloded ry the coDcreesSIrUa harveat la mot paxU of the Terrieler-md ColereI-- Umljroiderles. Jadlca Tlea eutorof- - lierlln will lie satisfactory by Urant, and dOiO Salt Uie City, Ja!y 10, imt ' liagass gmve a Lth, tory la over. The beavea are haul- ly' la HaillhQeld, Dce. w how can be It TaberDjii'i rUlt in l of Tbe ab'e. Lke Van frllk independence Turkey and Paraaobi Chenille and WorHled ed Into the Ucyani. And al- nacle that he saw theCuyplat by otherwise, an I all leading republl- - ha been M cured; tlve Integrity ef Galoon Ureas neve CbH(Ircn rana or are Fringe, Button, are Trimming. that opinion, aud ner territory goaranteeu, and le humming faith and power of God. ready the thresher IK Closks, Opera Shawls, Lace SrKs and Itlbk j t 'I ir.-- :i He Martin Harrle te correct. He DouUlana'a v te waa couuted, and foi res In her administration pleds- -- fwartaeaeew Zplij their ousv of plenty aad separating waa Tt?"? Hack we firet aha did beome the corner atone eo eu by a Ureas L.- Uotbr uaataliwtMa IInt'liIuKevie IZleTators, Combs, convenllou the wheat fxoca lacliam Buttnoa-an- d saw the - H.T8,. aoatei. First w hen we told .to speak, rtucb a wonder could tweo Her Malevty and the Hultao. t . of bnabola of grain are lying btrawhatwe Lad eeeo, aud were oniyaeoccur in eo wonoerrei a coun In accordance with which Cyprus Aod all kUda or cattered upoa tna ground. To leave lUn eecoud time In prajer all te try this, aod once lo l(Ki years. hss been occupied by lirlthh forces. "All's well that ends welLWhat-ve- r The uaeen prahes the rrlrlt and tba angei it thete U ahamefut waete. Nat I gether, and UtrESV CKILDnErs IR3 imiic we have made a heap for a secoud of the Ian 1 aud naval fore- 8TYLE&. .VERY LOW lime, wsaw Of betlJrs head of wheat ihould b Jft to ipol . alaciliy IN ELEGANT ; as euch la. it When you ftlartln Hani by us, aad he saw. hlatory , and refers with especial gratia Darrla Beamleea and Alexandre Genuine Jn the Get Jv. drain will he ,ehap and shade. we saw it, aud our teatlmooy, go Into another state couveatlon cation to the of the Indian Kip OIJVEsnew; A New ThingKid Glove Keiiovatorl j tble Fait, no doubt. JJat anleea we wblch we give to tre world, la true vote right. them I I I and of Indian attitude 'Try army loyal 1 1 MALNy, 8T. One door N(rth of 1 vi e s The Queen declares 1hat W. P. KKtXooa. read It, we i ni Ltke the !jriu of the time it ecil,v-e-yr(Signed) . ueeeret Baulc priucfe. Nw White TERRY PICQUES,Um gUi aixi CLOTHS, Plain and Doited SWISH .r tiod. As we Ieete, cootluqlDsr, said the tSOJ.- - her relaljon wittrau foreun powers will bt Trerlotie luit ur. 'And were 1 the aigel stood before 0CO relief bill, paaaed in )S7i, was continues riienuiy.' 'ite rftrch AKLETAIS3, NAINSHOOK8, and Genuine FrenclTPercales In Calf Lake City, Utah. many bin that will oou over How uv la praying his glory, and all those thlojrv forth - lo leferecce with crticlud to supind tak Brown Black, a!a Blue, Nary toj ornfljr, k..-, will look aj forlorn la their mpU were before u. a they were laid care of the O lasers and see i SIT p that piles ana itiiernai irgiMaiion. . .Poet 0f3ce . Bex on stock or White and Colored Table Damasks, Curtain Lecee, Nets, neas aj their owners w h aijuander beore oa ou a table, and we heard they would vote straight. (Here oee 1b Beaceaflle. " j ' teetimony about the plates, aud another letter waa read, alludlug to Tb Queen has Invited Lord Eea- ' NPUn Tyrp 9y Crashes, Linen Boggy Robes, Etc their breed tu 3, before maaj the were I commanded te bear that wltnees,) who said that applies to cot sneia V to at i visit Osborne. her .. . Li ntontha have slipped by into the testimony e t e a .f to the worlj, aod our me, that waa the. time 1 waa de' i HAVE JCST RECETVER hadee of memory. ;eteeVylj testimony U true. And when the tailed to watch (Potter) .hen is teported that the Fenian It But Iks tlU aa it may, an oppor artralbad fnUheI hla words, and you wtr on thatyotl, committee, whoa O'Hearn, sso is under sentence of Will And our Fleck tbe Larreet aodCbeapeat eret bresrhtte X7fak"r TTate lo all sfca ace ua th rlatee. one by'-ougot away with Pbelpe and Imprisonment for tuulty la now pen for many faml-t- o ahown 11 IUm r "1 at Dartmoor d untHmmed; French and AmeHean 11 "wi ra. latacS 1? " were to be traosJated. then you which i iu, roater. waee Kllar, obtain their winter bread the vUkm waa cloeed at ouc. and to be rr leased this year, is i prjeon, . I uun never Potter aua met two Htsanl f lensmania 'Mr. iXKIeN ntLLi Jrtsaarl oauutfc ' . wilhoot coet except Lb outlay of exaatly aa it came even eo aid the more ( raaf." B)eeeM ' OF HOTfTKTOCertonaef men THE honorable In HIbbcms'.IVew 0pap0p4!rJ TII ptellt and Patfn my . : . . ur t A . n .... . . w m mmi f nC l.ina I . r ' u Ua p peer. . labor. rear etatemeaU are a mistake, t A-- putllc reoeptlon at Fsntfort They may pick It op In the i b tBut ' BOTTOM I those which PElCtS H you i . things J UU .CT5 Iiete Well, w tbooght Held. Ther ar vanj idl men saw they haa teo given to (lneul Uraul were material thlogs, how wtr very sort, and I was detailed ly the authorulCi of that tty. . and women in la citv, who talk could they com and vanish If n'.i-away to ae after you and Cnd-oho r a. IhowJCi tb y are anxloua to work. ajriu? . , around them. wityou got (Here of u It the lie uod. He neea power them take their children and xa the election ticket of Siberia kaerea.r." GENTS' BOYS' thoee tbinjc, and h!a angele 1370, proOu CHILDRMSjfCLOTflliVK i t , go into tho fielda and glean. Do aura gotten by tbe republicans FARJS, I. Pfert. In the 'Hank -rrknow how to doiu It was von-4rf-ul It bore the out r of Dimes democratic fWO of m trance V. of tbte method francs 3,500 gainlncreejed and s to us, bat fY waa by the candidal , they devb aiaae. Ter, Q4 nrV IIAT5. f mm rk,un Gents', Kynh (,,' all . .with the 4 v through, la past week. in i aim nun alas ajLaekSXlJ i ing their bread? If ao they deeerve fawerof Ood. H had appointed exception of Darrell, : c; good aod wyioi Cbeap. IllUiU republican for to Le th guardians of to euCoc for th U3c of It. G'eaa- Austria. .::! th plate and th other things, uongreee. Anether letter was received from ' ' lug U far more honorable than pau and : '"J a MIES; 153 knew th how was it acxl Wet more to Dewte, it stated that prUm. Th Pivialair aaya, "If don. he was getting dLgueted with Well, ikjsxm, 18. A conveution te-' 'i J U a man will trot work, neither ahaU . ;1 " 6 U j I Did th eight wUaeeeea cot auu f3! :r Llh2 Eeat Mabutactarers. : T0. . tveen Austria and Turkey, relative t waa nearly stareinz. oa ma f he rat" And every maa and wo handle the plates ax a material subGenU' FamUhlnir Gaofte. In atl If. KLr,V,i m J of Turk. lianas Ball - ... . . fuoo per ton i ou tee to uis Austrian aau: l ueeie, wouQuinr, Waa elsned. veeter- - Ocerse Rait, Ms of 10 too man with proper feIIoja won J stance? Wetmore was Jame Madison laa ato ' " not, but they did, Wella, editor et fchi organ. Wells uay,province. And raspy, the Aus ' o o- -i f tunt. vj eooaer idyport thernsclrre bylndl- - LecauMWedid CorMta1t,Ktsof lrotoas of faith f r" the dm- became lived at lltplds Pariah; it would trian tnjanceuor, anu minister of fjoo jr rs Joseph vi Jual exertion, thxnT-- o dependent s great that th angei, the guardibins At Sa'.l Lake 17 or on CUy; r? o car. A ailalra HooperT TO a Z.J Caratheoderi THE arvi take time to explain the roreljn l.- t and; i , an of the plate, gave the p litre op meaninglong , d; yUJ Hwilohw oc me letter. At this tun. xI wuiik We can saralr sar that ocr STOCK" I tue xr uraicu riunM- -i i ' auuei r. then a we , ...ii that aad itet aball atrlva to maat. all iAZt t veM r?1 r V rv,. prVwi Loerer than time, to the abeence of Gen. liatler t Binary. i.i racks. la ovn't rack, cxtra toJoeeph tor couJd ariee to exljtenc. owing see and hao- and some witnesses, the oemmittee libtwUcreri i ' If thoeo who are appointed to die tl "?a. VT Orders prompll fTUed and aonoraDw treatment rnaranteed. look er..jr the poor wCl direct the I Did cot Joseph, at an earlier adjourned until Monday. la buries ' . Floe, e too fJJOO per of have the able? to th lon full ! HO beet places t TreabUa, mv; ferlod, pot . ; ' vi Floe, la 10 too tots tltea t he V will h!r lhe tiMafv KairiA. Ocee pite 10. The Galvee-ORUtasNrw lie i e, be aid so la tne com loa A cW special from Han Anto FUs lo 100 ton JoU , nt tho putlli and at th a tls mencement, but tha persecution nio, says: News has Jaat been re Half U Ke, ) aad SiU-tlt-0lm tho mean cf placlcj AfXtOSX . ,', ' FltOM great Stew so hot that th angel took celveu that Maclvenxte and" hie s eenta Tr for ertra ruaolce caaiac tea asa "tawja doal of Um eartJU 'a prodo where rveeeealou of the record, and troop croeeed lato Mexico at Fort , Ore pouad aacka. r oowed thoae thisga, aa be did, to Duncan, last it will do tho aaoat ceod. hi rreat There night. i Harris aod the me, la Cowdery, Xa the whole th Mexicans vn CTTTUIDS. amoof tarraiaf regiea of Joeeph, end afterwards acuvuy i CTWABlr. . i JOHN 7. CriCLL, eouth of thl city, e well a Jo e was allowed to shoT th plaice.' th other side. wb '! rjfsr at "TDWEn IDAHO e! '!H wltnntwe. t srlaeaerav tb places near RATES than any. other Unit- - . ettlmentj to Ith Where are th pUtee cow? Ci& your. AxZet Perfectly- hecr.ia iho markeL -- U 15. Nine prisoners throughoat th Territory, there pre He In a cave, VTaciXKATi, where the angel ' -icitAout JTeattfTZi br Gumming, op porta niu5 to j!ra traia la ITT ireoa taie t bidden tberu liamlllon, ur the lime Ohio, this morning. WHOLESALE are AND atuaJt:c. It wUi pay forjlcklrg arrlvee when the platen,tillwhich RETAIL 3 " AND ' jrANfJFACT0RER araated te rev at J rlctlee, aN4 - KEPAIREir-OFALci.ee rtreC a? Th tackbo& cf th beeped eea'ed, shall be tranxlxUnl. Ood OP KIND3 terta Iv brckafc tnj th Ej;catIa will yet rxle up a ra!;hty cn,wbo Watirtows, K. V., IS V i .M3 DSlRSa ;H B3ITD3 FIGURES, fr. UIAE TTICEAS LOITG stall do hie work t::i It J w finished at Madrid, Kt. Lawrence breeiM temper th An-gTi of the County, iatyoirraa raj, and comH Jeus V lat n?2ht, destroyed f U.OQO worth sua; All tho ? ' I Where t th 4 oprof-ertyAJV OTCIl AXIS OKIilX. ALE, P0ETLH,' CLARET, IneiadJag the kie;h-d- it rotate thYkk York. He and In Uj except rf tv CO.- raay lUJUlUiJIJl lnauraooef 000, 10, church; J I Coniorah? cf In Co rrtlnl t-- C en era Gln. p- -d th lllll In many proULly rever Tellew Caaea. lie No, tat est away froca ga-alr.wiihoat islary frcia Cb treat Wos and EeottJckv WrV-- T. ?!x-yrsaw the place where that I place. rrc!V, nlf-hu-rt llTwelve 'ftKa we iiariae iur. aod tita Ut fTTTTJm r and those) wha, wi:t trS the late were found, an 4 a grral aad three deaths were new eaes I n ti f.(f t.ui r.,r t'i.e JrK-l tht ttuitj reported at r,r lami: use and txxiutrr trada " an lh morning . James fcipeed. ticket try tj galher op ocs'..1.::; ;.t many did so, and It awakened i '?Do' T"af o JDinurocdrjt FumUre Store. v ' t ,. , 'eif ' er I iitB cr lis Idemphls and LouU- thrtr cwa ixrrc can tar UllU t- xtlieaiecl al th t . i aL4 PIT CM TronVjtK7Sht . 1 - v i. rat anemia cf "llirca-- " ecu I .tXXI worth of or repairea on me snorteet c'l! "4 co tb bou-t- y tf.their stirred vu.ei.iw,cs Utfjl rs ortl All t f, llcfcate l Man Jay itooo. the since tellins op confjjdjn by J" AUTUI Y 1 44 to l,arly brethren and tho rhailty cf tho about t in rUte vhkh Joeepa haif of th population hav left J. II. CLUiIi:T.SirA?Trunk LTannfactnrer, af Jbamm inf. 1 r. bt tobarr in Ilrst SoathStrect, Two Doors East hm Ut riWi n stoma rireei, hsn i- ranriaco, Churrh. tiJn.' tJleaa! CI lean First Bouth Kireet, Bait Lake City. founJ, and Hie "gald bible which City. amaU4 aa tfcfarvw tnM a, thu Jvina'a txa "J 0 - : roj A l a,al.r.. iMsd (or aaBpla of r. o. Box loss. Corcrr. Va " U a. iactMW A Ctf- ar- - . d, Bacra-nacntoit- lll - . d K., In-la- , w - , d, .- i- Ja-eoo- . - . . iia ! I f; au er.bagh JteBROftiSSS . .. n. .... . ( .;:-- uj, i.aoi HIGHEST MARKET PRICE '. . . e, rp "PRICES ' ILL PLANING . GALTLAICE CITY, GREAT ATTRACTIONS NEW GOODS ARRIVING 'DAILY TBsSBHEj . not out, tjtuijiu - . THE TIMES STJITi BUM , u land-ownerm- i eiiai. "of BANKRUPT SALE 4 C v .7 - BonSIit for Cash. . re-cord-xand Ui, r eex-aj- f s ee No-Wtes- oii.ai to-da- y, 1 - . ; jl . 1 V , : "" wit-newe- - n r. - , . J: O: BROOKS, IVIILLilNERY, m . -- H-ar- , El XifT X . 1 sed - tee-Ujuo- ny S S t?: ndUett, rnt MCii,t,DFin;oon!v J- e ha ap-tear- piBVfi- C!IILDllBEiDLiLllDfl01IS, rd underwear; , , o -- I V A.- w At v ae I : - T i ' t ni Bill e. , . m v m m . aVffWl ut It AP f- ' A r-- -- wanted M TO CASH eeatl. ,,EIISSE311iITniniIFtlir j ? W:. 5 1 i k ,, . . t. ' r-- I , .,-.- L1QUIS FAR HERS - - " 0 S2.00 i E6E;flXL3 BBI; j'S2;oo; "i--- 1 J. H. CLEMETSHAW; r f, djt ex-pcau- ns . ii ar.i f r-- a. - uuuuu WA , ti 1 L 3it uitaJ, ft'a, I Mil W! 85 VjllUEScCnoakr ' -- 1 f-''J- Co-dtc'- s i 1 1 -d -, f mtifa. l |