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Show tt at but no! llksat. rw THE iiVEftft'G NEWS. thatlakr Taaaala ara concarsad, tha quaa-nwww ee tloaof la tool baa taba vws oCMce. ueimo If It caa ba praaao that aay shipsold to a Lai!) rara at will lha iatsnUoa of fitUof it out as a era Ua r, C1EOHCJE Q. CANNON, LhaMUrrtipoaatbimarirto btaty nrjGHA( iousu, panalUaa. Xatsom axe rrwium Tha strkt aalorraoaaot of th to , i j oau trail It laws will bo found aa imt la. 1ST. tiMMl dlfflctait. and aa tha Uda J of aywpathy ruas La faror of Ba-aia aa afilaii Eof land, lb policy of tha lattar rorarnmant aa rsnojUAL yona. of tha that communication signed d laiaad br aa Morris and van if too can. It Eaxtlah trcatloa may ba ta so aaa aztaat Imltatad la thla country look ta aa as though eoeae mlstak wax mate la the spelling, but a Writing to tha Iutdm TnU bt Welsh maa may look at It la df- - ya: XUed re rent a etjmolcglcal light- - Oar ootioo of marl lima iatsraa law baa alwaya baaa to vary I local fr. nimUtti. Cut tha tkbiiUoda of facta la aclasca, la hialery, In na. Kr. lAVix. IS. Joa. ture which prore beyond a doobt ara either tha wisdom of tha Xt. lUoch. ta tbla ciiy. saraa yaara not learned at all. Deity, or ara as soon waa murdaad lu tha rnlU,: fonpoltea and ignored. practically a coo'irt Uary thta artnJnr, by or las utace, u you will fO to ice namad lUarm. TrvuLlstxUtsd baartnga akapuc who appeau to twaaa tha man for aoaoa Urn Chloeea chronology as atandard It was stabbad fpartaca timra. proof agej net tha accepted ago of tha died In a fsw mlautsa. earth, ta Tertbrow lha Bcrlpturee, and ask him a few nnset Ions, you will find bow lltUe be knowa about tba Cblaasa history ba qootra. Aak tha umt of their first klof! aaatase Batlaa Boon aotoala. hist DoMbakoow that thlaaamahU-tor- y Ba! FU5asoo, IS. Th Dloao of thla whoa speaka of Hacramaoto, baa name la a corrapion king Savlsf lUnk of Noah, as 1 1 praam to bara baaa without father, that his mo suspaodad. lneorporatad bains; a sham affair. waa encircled art A a minlxjtr; ther of firm ran aa surp by tha d. but that la bta day "fAe tiy fcil to fA aorta aad dafroyei Aa rocs o Josapo Davis A Co.. la oonnacuon with tha pawnbroklof bualnaaa. that bo earea Tba dsDoalu. ara about $45,000; a clean animals topreeerred sacrtfloa to tha of valuo nominal to tha sats, stocks Ureal bplrli? Does bo know where about 110,000 bat worth much Ism. that history of another A Tat portion l in uspeaiiora klnf MYao " speaks whoso ralxn It arachlld.-sa-. Much ladlf nation is ataua that "Lhainaaa alood ao lonf toanlftalcd. abora lha borlson ibat It waa feared on Dre;"and tba world would ba eetwm Va l a dale tbat tha relo with lha lima af correspond lug; Joshua? No, lb large majority of RITAIW. CHAT objectors bara nerer heard of this, la tact tho mass of onbelieYere Tba Harka. of tha Chloaaa re knew nothing mmr - anal may ctalaa cord. LO9X0, 18. Tha stock batkat mm dy naatlca or superior be logs, opaoad tiro or thU moroloc..as of tha a thousand years eacn beiwre llelng Mtba adTaaea oa tha fam (poaaianti- - sky feU oa lha aarth.' - Tbla U tha jr. mmm aaa a tandsncy to chock tba graaa aaepuo argumani on wnica option U4S eonciualooa faaorad by Mosoa sa ta ba deooaaoad. lot us aroataa la a, Ff WEKIEBX. fr ALT LAKE THEATRE! and Mtaarer. w. T. Itarrie, 1 ESlID'illima HMMI1KI OUR SPRING AND SUMMER. GOODS ARE NOW READY, dVWE WOULD RESPECTFUL Y INVITE A ' j MONDAY, NAY j 201878. . rat tae JOIST BCrxtTT of St.Harl's arflSLHarji Hospitalt CRITICAL INSPECTION OF THE SAME. WE ARE SELLING AT FIGURES THAN EVER, AND FEEL ASSURED THAT WE CAN SATISFY THE MOST FASTIDIOUS. OUR ASSORTMENT IS ADMITTED TOIBE THE FINEST IN THE t CITY, AND OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. Jot iducUg T. w. fioaxanoa Great ; ray our acordlsf taour rarticu lar latsrtsts." Thla Is fraak. If not admlraUa, aad rapraaanta la a faw words tha i'OUEia.H. spirit of dtplocaaay Io faoarab ..atr. & r. WaJtory George irAlrcy, Uawnrar, thaUoJtsd Wataa WUI . ..Vr. J. X. Fet (usuo to gcales, D!aror prarsol cartaloly ... Mr. It A. ktaeoa Cast. Bautroo, Tha dead lock la tha Houaa la by Amsrloao ahlpa aadSmb. air. Jt4L Waffia out to lha orer. Tha sergeeat-e- t ama brought elUaaaa, and carry Omtfrt, prot -- kfr. JoakLawi fxroo,. of were of Waahlaftoa aiooa tha Iraaty la etray mam bars, tha floors closed aad tha repreeeoUtleee of so aa far aa poaslUa. It will thara. Mrs. Martia Baiknwa rt0 Ceclcar. tha aopla soon bacaaaa aa clay 1 fora baadsagaraus mat lar la caa Mrr Jeaa Lawrence fatker Eceles, . tha hande of Clerks too rotter. Ula af war for any Amsricaa rJU ratataburf tafefram. Moeae B. C Brgaars tha Ds Thla what taa MariuHe Msor.VlM ft. aaja. to supply fUtsU with Taaaala resolution psjoa4 by a rota of It? to modi aboasxl blatorian elalma Osoaatlvaaw Btrthlsc lha ataaied to ta uad aa prira- - Tba that batwaaa tho creation and la tha taxt of tba tho ten DeJoga thara were taara. Cut ll it eaa ba Cation falJowlog maatara raaolutloa, at alaaman to who of Head a Uoo There 31 be a fat genera ymml sid to aithar Chastsr ysatardaj: It Is stated that a Christian achool ahowa that ara are, aa for Inalsnoa, Adam great IXMJ caratraaaTaia committaa. for aavloc marsly years, a Largo portion of la Tuttukel, which waa protected balllfaraat fully coaaldarad lha prop nasi mada iiead tlmo waa eoniemperaneoue under Mohammedan rale, has baaa pott ahlpa, tha daegar Tanishaa aad by Aldarmaa l'lckop, so bahalf af which baa eons, g raadsona, aad great- - la atUadaaca latrofaatasT at w airs aad a with Lacotasa Ulmata. traaaactloa tha laf Is closed by tha Ilulgarlsae. That tha oparallras, raaolra to arraafo grandaona, and fTeat--f raat-- f raod. duet by tae fouowtag wrtl kaowa bainf roopanad tm eooa. lla llrad SO years dartag ooaof tba benefit which hara ac Tba taaaoco of crimo It ta tba la for tha millsTaa OiatleaMat wladara. wrarara, tho tlmo of klelheeulab, who 11 Ted crual ta tha Christiana under tha taat, aad this ptiaclpla sraraa to madlataly. co war enacted loomsra, ato., . . Coast part, mattar wlih Noah 600 years. We Sad that MAkXCBOXaLt, aaa tba pretended r hanrlooahlp ef tha ba racof a had la tha sal 11 uadat with tha wcaviof daparunaat, with tan andiof OIORIt geoerations, a Plots BBDQCB, eooaldaratlon. Tha of of tha splanars aad card-roo- m bands Noah, while were "tupmHor" thay war to It nation a at araa dJatriat sp poors throuboat lha slrika ship Old not streogtb aad toogaelty, ralurn to work at a radaclloa of ta 16o0 years exceed lha Thaee who alterant to apologist la all rtfht aaourn so fcof aataa to altogether too cant., aad thta eosamlltso by kloeeata to lha anladelu-vla-toa Doors even at CO. rrforsmaaee Poatmaeter la hla at tradar'a loUatlooa ara food. Wa will par fot tha bo prsparad to nasal tha apara- - ascrioed sot dlfflcull world, whaa to UUaf tha that tlTaa la tbraa moot, oral aay sea that tho llChinese account la tsrapte ta take ethe t people "a prop-- ara lacUnad r.uaso-Knitls- h It U war with tba tha orar, othar tlm, la conformity art and defraud tha Taeatra Hales. a dlflerant manner of relaU raUCSS-rsn- al usual mode of procedure Tha po- - simply IU bo fouad that British 1 haul better say nothing--. Eeary ax itself Sex OSos rpea lalordaf and Kocday, and facta, lha Mat lag pera arafuiir poiat out that it u t iron g corrohoraUr erKlenco of frost U a av. Is 4 Sk cu.a eaered only makes hla caaa marra bu ausaraa rairauiy rrona oparaUers, not tha masters, who tha book of nsela. or crutsara (it aamaroua look worn, aad tha I.aad lUcaJrpurchMad surrender, aad taat taa meaaiaf ei For further Information oa tbla ere tnln explanation la tha moat chartarad from Amsricaa ship- - tha raaoluUoo as that If tho opera subject, rouao. tha reader La raferrtd to to Uvea work return at tha rdao Biackbousn'a rocket Book or ai ft inter ssoaey. Tae Itane-ft- il ownara. of them alt History. awaer caa aaee a ay arayiag at taa Uaa wow. they will race! re better who Thara ara thousands as soon aa tba employers feel wages baaa lured Into a disbelief La Tha H put tics a Coegreeelooal thai their trade caa aHrd It and bar tha rJcripturaa by tha abatement of FOUND. not aoooer. ComniUtea lieee laeued aa eddreee Infidels oa the Cblneeo Record. fllMW tie itmx--, betweea Leraa ana to tha trotere af tha United KUtes . Tba Eattero a JoesCouatr, They hare cast away rellgloo and let aoat, so l'eireTrjr. eoeae eWcl Taa RO tha rotter resolution. mm; It was rta wawtsas) BstaataiBaarousa. oa feeble this tVcriptnre pretext, dated A ConatanUno. Uleftam, aaharea abyseneajriaa a4rrtlseieat for without aad taeseoMt any further, a 7 loqulrlnf evidently telegraphed thU tnorn-a- z. Cosaacka ui Obuatr pe, says regiment ef ta etui mora etraoge, when averoa CUy, aaapete sua. not Mat to this sdraoeed to Lha Turkish Iloea near what ara but w shown heathen that ibeaa thay moo aum and TVs ratsaa taa sa Taaa law ilalgrada, yesterday, till this after oooo, too lata ta i LOST traditions are simply ao awkward a4 taa Aatlso) at taa ed lha Turks to withdraw toward dross TV. Charprt aad tae WaTker ba publlshtd. It U aa Important do for truth tha Itself, TirrwgEX they Uatukdara. Tba Turkish odoer not retrace their ate to see yooraoys olotklng nt Hem- - a Coral Uo aaw, llWh-iiwiiV- ii rle. Tae Do yousnwaat pa. but rcmala ajderwtU document, aat replied that bo muet apply to the Infidel teleg reahta lock wear U so, patrooise be rware4 Brim by wmIm list TUa New YoaK, MUL ara li. Mala sxrt. taree eoors Porte for I oatructione beore doing tarnad Into I'eopla andreadily explanation commaaUnar au tho aatloa af lha so. when lawithof tea ', walser tlouse. laddaUty, Ports also race 1 red ad r tree oncooo A. tiouaa yaslarday, mya: This who la thatThm of error, they tho Rnsalana ara adrandof seem to tbedecllrlty A reel ca-- ef broken bear! has buaioasa of laTsstifatloa i tha deelra retrace to less all 55, T of a handful of man, iodt--r aaaily to Oallipoll,butlba Rusalana their; atepa towards the summit of I A uou-odxtsltibo fjru woom, . . I occurred la Iowa. Awllaeeawbo work Id sally unimportant, but abia to laaisi that all thaaa moTee ara made truth. Wa must cloaa this charter. I uwVT a I .V aulhux uiz..T jewi VVTZjTrV became eicited white lelng croa sa una taa macbiaary of tba caocua lor byglanlo rraaooa. oovrs rreat vj ncacre, . and lo our next Introduco othar ouirw4 oa prraiisea. Yssana Alarm. A aays: waa dispatch examined in court, and who aa to commit tha party la tplla of nerer which Wao Is prryared to asaks up Ctotblng for J ellher Items akepUca coma from A Log gram, report worn SALK. or do not remember, no leas major. apparently atout aad wait. euddeo- - tho battrr jadf moot of tho weaxMsea, z odus tin opts, b aausoaiix . rjsrmjeea and Anllrarl of learn,ara raaoluUoo mambara. Tho lla af of Low Price, and gnaraates Sis. wilful Ity hU oa heed hit breast. pa eras ea.ee aamaroua decptloa. they on fullty criminal ly drop J tha a A)m aooa matura rasult iiwiik. asprsaa tba of Call Kooulre breathed heavily twice aad waa af a aat Ikaalso lha bias. of Klea aim m CWtM reageea. part coofsraoca tba dVO aikarata r.Lower U4 trial. to. . tha last fount! to ta dead. A post mortem party aaawbola. raprsaantlaf It maraiy tails ek llasaia . baa. replied CYatRY T YS AT UIAIL itoamaaiaa circular mat inn iroope examlaatloa showed that tha aorta taa purpoaaof tha faction of which return ' Log from lialgaria will only was ropturt J, tha tangs were eud Tildca is tha ruldlss spirit, aad Its Yr Axwvl'Fbodvb. ydych In Itoumanta tamnorarllr. and J.VG. adoipuoo vr too pony la CoajtT that lha SMiallOD of BaeaarahU wadl cly wed digon am y newyu ar A Mwo cow, arae denly filled wh blood aad ha died ! Jicatsa now abfacuy in a ks maraiy a elraatJa meuats tylodl ruawr eydd yn bodcll yn WHOLESALE" a tho owMrvawM oocBeaaS sm a.ae literally ef a broken heatt, a rary bara rsapood to tba rvmilramaata against tho enemy landing on tha mbllthelch brodyr ynNg hymruel Zod Ward. irouow, at say rw laoooe or tba uaacrupuioua meu wao bald rare occurence. 1 iiiack cVea coast, iloumaala ts du oad oea angheu au crybwyll yn yr WM. McOaXQOB. tha caucua scraw. flallh anerchlad bwu sta tea satlafled baa lad yn aad pro byr again. clrcuautanco that will, by and A correspondent at ConatanUno. mamau. Y dy baa with sgxtfenu B2V 2X02SSA2TZA Aa account of a Limsrkk man.In by,A sm bar rasa tha laraatlfatora aad EI6B0NS, VELVET?, S. 7ZLATT, hyn y w ymdrecha creu telmlad o moderate clrro instances, tailing heir fruatrata tho raTslslionary part of pla rays: 1 am Informed on rood doeturl ) ben aent a note Tod I nghalonau yn atynt that tuag . authority ami ta tha O'Keefe aetata, worth Surpeon. rhjttdem tnair program aaa, u ino f radoal to tha forte, Ly mry mwy llwyddiannua Utah, OFflCn-Abthat or ore yeaterday, saying commo. ausinaaa ino Dr. H. awaaaeinf Sieeeros J. haa baaa going tha reuoda waa compared, oy neceealiy of aise ja ddyledswydd aroom Iw to ti.a raallty of tba paril with oa LICE MD FIXCr GOODS. Good, Sfyfiih and Durable Dress Good. rcan or bara a of tha preaa. Cloaa laqulry elicits any tha military ttm. situation, lo make tha casgnlDuymalfeel which ll is tbrsaiaaad. ca. w I baeltonus Poet folio tra not nl, y log demands, aad requesting rydd the disappointing Information that Tha mornaat tha con taat asoimaa tho Turkish Catrlaa hwy ya breaennol yn gorfou PpwrjW stotfy bm eeea gteea ta Obate-tfca-jl government to accede euaenthetddo. not oaly la tha atatsmaat bains la tha form of aa attamptto raopaa to them as aooa waedd A boa as byw y faia of iawM ZMesasfe Best Brand of English Alpacas, possible. of Wowea, aad qaeation and to FlrttTbeeracaaUon of bhotn fod yn ddUy IwT J'a, uaa y Cymry HAT, y regard to tha person said to ta t&tk tha praaldanUal a!0 urfWNur. Into tha country. ' (Oar own anarchy. ta, Varna and IUlcum. And an klods of twym-galoTrciu 15c, wadl wrandaw per yard. yma tW U tba InlJeriUaca, tut that pluora tofl Importation), f U a 4 Trail Df will manirsst Itsaif lied cSacood wadl, gwneyd yn Tha ramoeal of tho yn barod, aomaa thara is no such lam baquaaihad t a way sot pisaaant to tha knars Tarklah CKILCBOrS LIO'ES'. UO II FUTV 1 Eleeant Black Cashmeres. New TalmiBO, Henrietta lla 1 ddj eg wy am Ode; oad y camp at blalak. for anybody ta lahailt, aad that tha wba now about Craud. lawer rbsgor. Vr ydymya gwaeddl Third to ana nomDazmo tioxus, larmiasloa occupy No Tha Hernia aays: laUllIfant Uayukdere. whoia O'Ksaa story la a myth. man or sunar UriDERVEAR; arnooh y a awr yn yr ban Uymrarg, To t Aa Sulhotdert of lh Summit caa Dross pouiwsxi party aa s English oca u aaroee, dim How thaaa nawspapar paopls do lis Ion Bunting, in Newest Shades, t)l4 y MAIK. BT. One door Kerth Of yet bean fit en by County HaOroad Company. doubt that thla woo la batch ho answer hasUoeer-jar Goaodweh out -s elch yn cymro tha and American French Piques, new designs, very Low, Turkish fjnU aa Jsr from mtaiakaa. eret Bank. af iocaodlsry attampta was lest- - there waa a council of mlulalera pensa jnghyd.adangeed y 1 oe tofttlB, ef laeMoek. Cymry Latest Bouretto and Polonaise Cloths, of TlKlsn. lla barar did Salt Laho City, Utah. Styles by fatd baeddu pob ccnedl araii , aM at tae faweaer generals held last night, orer eubodyn uasoa raatae sot thins; mora characteristic of hla aad Railroad mown in ao h. innnwna Double Width Black Grenadines, Choice and Cheap, elusengar-wcwhich lha Hal taa preeideJ. aad gwir haailonl Poet OfOco Box 609. sUll haal" mathods. 8 ELLIN O SHIPS TO. SXLU there la to ao anathee tale aAet a"wg fat y Cymry am gyot- - Tkarr ot Uiaa, oe ta. tSoa Oay eT Mar. EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE. Seal Brown French Bescllle. : . Tbla aatuta and wrUv plotter. aooo e omm r taat lo dtscuot too euHect. It ta onowybr tm; cyonorinwyo eu brod I T 7 llH OCSXNTS. who mieiakea eoaalof for wisdom, ooaatdered almost certain that tha yryayflydd, pan 7 uaa y rbal eoeasaar Plain, Striped and Quadrille Spring Silks, to serre ior la no doubt sincere la thinking bo Blag o elsleu bara. I rear. ar fla trenra to will Turka hyoy tha decide From 75c. a yard and upwards. fght of cClca defraaded to tha baaa IT. LATIklKS, Tut Naw York lt&alJL of tha has Maa y byd yno yn hsJpa llawer, ac Itj Order cf tae Doard of XXraotor. h was elscted by the peo rather than ylalX which O. B. LM GRaXD TOTWO. r. AuisT&oxa. Navy Blue, Myrtle, Seal Brown & Bronze Spring Silkg, TaTLOB, Hth lose., publlshaa a list of on ple, and ba probably JuatJSta to Th Time sayt lha war basal- y x&ao rialot o faneuioadd treiU . aouag aeareuvry. m ocat one Itaaaia yma about Lafyd, hun yn helpu ready At JL25 par yard. gadw Uwy hanJrvJ axtJ saraoty-oa- a staaaisra, aLmself tha uadarhand attend pta dred ml 11 loo eaa iaae taiy, auy 1, irra. iM man harddaa mhub oadi at cyng yn pounds.' Choice Black Silks, avaliahla for uaa aa eraUara, which ha la makiof to shake tha stability ; V ' arlao; a diau na fydd y Ualnt a me at. impede public S3 per yard. Tho beat bargains eteroflertd la this market. to From 65c ara offsraj for aaJa to aaybaUy that af tha roto aaa aseeaa, ol Cymrelg ymsar mawncynnorth. dtelurb tno bue. traaxjauiry wUha ta bay. E It bar Iasala or asee wyo llawer mwy droe aa cydganadl Conaols to MS; boo da 4)a of tha country I But neither anfT.nios. Ae e arg raXTa hyn arnoch JLolan4 baa a chaaca to porchasa hla aim nor bla methods will ba aw avea Idof ; jsuta iz;. 3ST BIITHlPt wao desire to AU mhelUcb, ya f wraodewch b th a TH tha lot, U tha taoaay la forthcom endorsed by tha puMlc MQllasnt a. aa i a a, or H val duly wed yr awaa y a Uuh: are proof, ce war ee laa;, tha tarm taiog atx Icily cash. af tha country. raaa aelaraS, eavram. or tae Pattatr Xrra . Ij D neb eaa. Torchon atnd Tat1nctewne Ijtcea," lilt-sta- d racdJwck Tr ou ILsalf t'taa, sets Cytaty tha dsmocrauc party if Tha Tsanala Tary la alsa, from firs la array a4ra.nai Xinm waeaa a Walsa aiawt Ciolored ldnbrolderlea, CtfmM r U. tka Tf cm aud TJowr, ele rO utaef LNriDriJTT. ta flaa thswsso4 too, aa4 aent woo baa sue vaaarrer. haalri aratatt Causa a Bid ParataoU. CbcaaUie fllk. atod Woreied Taa r ssee lla e'en eerr taaua MB. A triiriy W. ITATRIH. atae tla. Ibv Ta tat r wtyi ami baa roaipisSMl warly mm Oawttor rated, thay ara ail aouaJ, stauaca aal abait wr cnaa. w. arrarsiBa. Ka.i Laka Cttr, yaeeaeUDae bta term,tha party wltl exhibit ecS aMea la a eaewt REDUCTION' I. PRICES. Friar fea, QaJwwai Trlmaalnfa. . fJreaw Itnlfoua, Children's aa worthy, aa4 coU ba UMVaa aad hatoa twirt tae Laad tAllj am a rs ah la ar mck At mark of poCloaks, Opera fitaatwla, Xarey Self a and Hlbba, ZrpbjT, a lr pla mat waanfc gweediaa fry af: leaia4 truly fittad op lor actlra tarrk-- la JAltlil eoor aext UUceU suicide, ,Tba lAUicaantap- - Ckoptcr ! aatet awyaof " ' 21 Hack Comba, Drrsa Xneralore, nacblDkTa, rto ra4t ftj-l- r". Barber eaoa. t)rak t , oal Uoo or iho couauy, la aa at I gaei kttiaie tea taeL mmtt reore br tuiaitaiia ta Rmaa. Lm ; Thla raiaaa tha iuaaUoa of tha tampa to aAeaicaaua our taeuia-Jieoonti, 13c. W. W. Chjrf, UJoela KuUal aad etZ Ccflckkyttstck aaaaJayoo, to Uooa wul reader tba dsmseralVo UDIESV & CHILDRESS: BElDY fJIDE; SUITS, rlxhl of Aaaarlcaa ros alck aa Taladck aawr; Ttak KaS aad WmTJ to bradr ara odious to eulUJed of an kioos. fbeflae: aad reople party public eettataiy aall vasmla ta a baZl!arsat. It ap- - sa riaJaaJLca La bar, CellXoruie Ked pastera eyfaetk saatataa Bmkm co3teoip:lb!o la numbers aa beileea aaytaieg of able U they , ' Orte4 waae. ; IX ELEQAJTT STYLES, VERY IX) W. paara that this r'f ht la frasly ao It wse Sriodl Crwra awea a nawe. tha cloaa ef tha clrll war. are ooar laced, or ta rvject vast, at eorUaul by tha boat lawara of tha tVrvaa erUda eaa Bsweardd ana Alexandre Oet.nIna KID GLOVES, new ahsde Beamieee DAVID Tbla craol bJaoder ef tba deeae eear ssseas to them uareaeoo-aW- r. "ma' Baax X71UU &lTcr JAMES, UUk, Cedar Ta t Deaa ar eerbrd taa, Aad as loof as they laad. J'rtvaia citlsaaa may not erats lha rrpaMteane ara prompt to I7ew Tbtof KW Glore ReooTatorB. Try them ! ! ! .A , al y eafo fatal y Trya satsa ttpoa to ibetr owa aUeaauura. alono ara lojated . by . their ind Et4 Wood SMarlei. ; New aly salt ahlpa ba t aroaa aaxl amosa aa toe grouse ya y caa. wiU ba seaq by tha re pub lies a kleas, Uwy enouU bare the White PIOQUE8, TERRY CLOTH5", llalti and Doited 3VHt uctarsa ,.. ttoa to any f oreramaot, althar la addreea Bad tat kits East.' Cemnx.' Sdlae. which la Iseoed 0Q tba bee is prleilefa to thlak wroof ae wallas ' ' Mo ait a Lvasa. TARLETAN3, X AINSHOOKf, n4 Getou'ne Fr ii h P rValee In timaa of poaca or war. Bat tba of tha : of th dtaaocrilla right, AX ore thta thla, it La erery. , ' lata, rickets, noorleg. ptwaja ' PLUflBEB, TINNED, . -or fltUaj out of Ysasala La reso ratio a afaJoit tho err of ooVs duty to lis tao, to read and , i..4i .Black, KaTy Eluj, aM Br .wn. ,. ta Lha and te 8JLSH. ralea ' fraud" to inreell-gaof reflect, reTo. cry they tDOOES; Fan Stock especially oteaat.' aal at n tier, of WbiU and Colored Table' BUHD3; c- -r mlu Amsrlcuj ports, tatsoisl to to uaad raueo.- - and ADViiT!SD,!EIITS, cara tba argnmsata la ", " ; - ' aaa 1U1- -, Or. Crash atalaat a balllaraot with whom wb4 atortn. iney will anile Lha farorwith V ;s "r Towelr, Kapklna, ee, LIea Buggy of RareUtloo. before reject-cS ytfatlf taat ba kaai imnjuan ed tha L at tad HUtaa ara at paaoa. la Tho JYUmm regards tha to , taa i matter a of ot aucb Importanco as te tag ttitct u a lawful. tram tow areeMta A OUT TAIBTl snaat aa reratatiouary. ana aare: tba exteteaoe ef letly aad the This appaaxa to ba a vary nJca i ne uemocratio rveoluuoa Is not star sal . fstare of man beyoad tba ' Indecent and koavUh, but It trar. It must not auQca that tha Tint fender trains atrerti.e.1 to t us ea fSfeani lWeet aed Claipalj erer boJrb t to Uiaa Hals In !! shaacs' ClsUactloo, tut It is a disUacUoa, only Wairaloj Apparatus, Fremee of all kJnas Made to Or. W'lfl rl'.,,.uc uiaiM4 kt an attempt to fa tup-ClaS haa irmA suMect i reao4 ar(U been disco sasd and - osataaeoce W.ra ao eatrlaaatee: Vtm iew MBjotiua, - MdI laalag r a too If It hat a vary MUa dlsr kollioa rea saik tul la d aaariar, :p ; - irt.U lost, i at "is- - m n a tha laaful awthotl. Ject-Ider Vary Cheap. by othrra, eren by some la j agalatt W. W. kXTHH. . Batisa. UeueS atasafaetered 3. mmm aadee aad . OoUa Nats, rart d nca. Tha Trsaty of WashJastoa IT. la aithar apet It could ba re hcaa Judgment we bara coafid J .. . . 17. W.& Oa.a., ' "1 'r . , RrTWOBSDOartonoa eT PUim- Oram Grata nTB ae faf(a no a sietad for Is matter of thera ra eae. oa act soil tha taa beet aad right. la contaiaa tha follow la rulas ,1a ra, i We m?.VZ ft was their duly to reahrt IL whicltaiaa ef lalalirct. and eras s. which th la jo- - latter HOT 1IR grX to nstttrallty, FdlNlCES. :ninpov-glasef term sar.h crude kleas la tho Lntlt Intent esarnUig, rsTotatlonary aramaot ta boo ad to obaarva la tha holly defeated, tha republicans as ea religion. We ara IndivkiuaU iJr, mn tifiaa arwt Ualse lsrrs tae saoafeaeWars avaatof a war batwaaa Hastaad oghtta treat all compramiaea aad ly reeponeiW, ahd most therefore tA r0X.rOsaeUeeer dtreet-- wiut tae Kaaufactot-W- a of I aad Coke taa warre fKoMat oaeilaa to CkarcWea tra ta leens TaaVy our owa Jadrea of the arzamenu Cnaaaaar ana ee atd at t bo prapcaad bt aad HohU, aolaaa It should bacoma edjvMtmealaaathat may rubJU bu'ldio. etaair rrlrata i DU, Car Load aaa, ar laseS keeea , a ta're of CESTSVBOYS' 1XD C!IILDRES' TLOTIIIXG. mt IL t B. eaa uy etaa aaniia tho- - paceat-aay ar aa sir will Bad It to Otaeh ea haad. eC taa rarVxi, ataa-i- ftar tae at tba mrt and Lhe pruofs adrancad; wa can- - MUCMMir praeieeiy . aa ally af althsr : ruoua to eeeiot Xroaa et Vary wa Hates. oT Ward la tke lU.t ftUrm" eorrT&ead were treated aot aocLt .tba eptaiaa of others. av, tae ama mt earm atar. Is ef rood tBSterlals sad srylka maka. OeaW, la pra wnea mm nni rebel! loo began. i. io uaa uaa Oaa mm a (aM Uaa mt kmw risk eternity upoa their deci vjif, a tfee nrm IW HAT1. ac a)wna ar rktataH. mt - . Im. vmV Oeaa"aad D,a' Har, ui Vina Wt rrst- - i a twit tm arm ant tba a til of aujgtaoca Oootai ar trw-rttlara' i etaea. Us; ae m rwadere taa Weed Too or toe sleo. (Jul. oar atil, attenUoo le regaxus all , i unHIMHM Kindt, lliaHj cseaa. Tura'xg aad mm xia?, sjooa is e aaa krae aad fee taa Uaaaae addraaa aa uawUa and rua, anni mm i to a few of the many etart-- m lulppLar. wtthia IU JortedlcUoa, ' uj. directed vm e( etSr BI U1T TiMtl or vbma It baa ma and Lends to e s cite tha eery clamor atiia crrrcB aaa easts w Die xj tae artrlda history ug rouaa io tMumvn laiaad aaa coaiwn which those who bM furotehad in ppof, not only of mooMUfi Lake Oijr. May 1U, UTA, oa to cfuiao ct to carry oa war that mitre pfseent lha action of tha the rib lane Cf tut Deltr. tae that . w r . earn mu blr - '( - .. Ztreot treta tea k tCenwXactarers. ' iv. saa at rar is us pertode . Ctpyosns CUJ(aBi SUrfeaC , , ' - ' Zilsjt a poa-s-r wllii which it La at dsns oc ratio malotlty pre lend ta de nt ae Sleek East ef Iepot. E8TRAY NOTICE. - OaoAm. paaoa; and also ta aaa Ilka dilizaaca precate. Tos irortj rafera to tha eated laws, wara lore aad blaaWaeo T JlATB . Vn CnrnUhTnaat aT. In Oenta Of nsrsmdl T.t fta'kr. inn la -- "taa air ' f ' to biaealldraau to prwTant taa dapartana roaa Its raoort of tbe republican cc - , t a ar ara Taara siaonJ Lha two committaa la ibiJ open ereat Ottaw auV HOS-any t si vekleaUy jarisoicuoa o o- to craiaa ar carry oa war aalataaaatj eraaava 4araS fmrnrUmf MaftB. aUagad frauds la tha rUale of Xew enusee of laflJellly; Cnl tba prone- - Oce abor, aaa Ha If rr asa.'mra rTib l ttsBt. such vssaal hariaf baaa spaciaJJy iNt, which report at canaid ered of aeaw oc man to arotj goa meet ao T wilke tae tatray fwad la Toes lei aiaptad ta woola or la part, wltlila tho htrheet tmportanto that Coo ryiUm that reqtiLrtt s e c oci p a at wiTi aoch JurlaUlcUoa, to warUka uaa. H full 'and wait i ar Uat ear STOCX LOuEfZO aTELryrr, fteaa should proTlJw a remedy aad continual Lxiriir of H.'; Zxort ar be laf made ty tba people of tbla Tsrritsry to develop eree.5 msrt tSaAfT Oar Wrlcea Lavm th u mm saaii sotee ta , Xsurar fxaed kCartar. ail atoa.1 mmm annlki, aim If foci a and farther c frauds, ak waaal against ar noma baceuisa '2. Not to para U ar auar aithar tha reaJJsa aostaia teea lies therein meel tee that tho Ctl-r- . tae years la maaafaotaraa, they or Territory May ITU, XTTS, Z" this danrer has rteas. It ts aaay to raaaai a Ignorant; against balHarcat to nuts aaa af lla porta si ncaremedy y ",. aoaireof pros or rarity. found It aOad baaa bot provided. Tha aeaeraale treat eteat roaraa'eed. energy and appllca-or waUra aa tha baaa af naral apar H'oWU adUs "All that on tarequlrea become latortued. Wa o d Toller re r J O T I auooa taa acaar, ar roc U eoratloaj alma ta accomplish E. In aa ts ta view to Incite nt to object af taaraaawai ar aajrmai pojp out a measure wblca a repub study And aa the auwt TBrsttrtn be tea asfct at ike anythlni. taUoaof mUltary aupplisa oaanaa. carry nowE & co., or atODrirs. ax mora laiereeied ta aoiulrler I tt:irt ncaa s fei Mcaitr, af it aoa, eocamiuao or tao racruiunaat oc ait a. T m . . . in ba f tlaed la tbb dirocuofl if all m inn fact turn In .... t tor aatght u ,Jof.isea tilt. CI to waalUt rruaoHsc"! lhaa to few ins but laioreaalldn, Turft aad mi;Laaporune aOcers tut tea Utah wool J Place tbelr foods la the market aa attractl re la "X To aitrcisa duo dllUfaoca La alfhmt Is thai a ever enooaatar tho labor of serious arejaiie. lis gvi poru aaa wioii, aaa aa io meaaoxaof baaa Impottance) now, laTett! gall o ,s special ly on reDgloaa au tntrretud ta Ike abore w.3 ptoses r I and as cheap as tbe. Imported articles - A hitherto & all paraoaa wlLhla lla JarladlcUoa. whan, aaa majority of tha people we Cad a. iters, tnehlcb atrtCIISiarrT. wLrrii. ntjct nr. Box to ixvaaot any Yloiailoa af tha fora of tha country boilers, me ilea ana tba tha ateenco anu tae low, nOCrTAU kuUUTf. KLLurrtJL,l V v Factory, : : al- U. A. AviMBatX. ef a proper "remedy- - against thla tho leaaaad and Lha O a Warned,poor ; gvlaf ohlluoaj aad da Uaa.". la lonoa ana la loaUlsaa most toUlly Ignorant of what it ' bome-maTha aaillaf of ablpa, arms aai danger HOOTS of to ale & the Drawback and UUCJUdOM for SUVJCS, Ihalanea. TO has resulted la contaiaed In tho Bibla, with Its I.'.,. And Limber Yard. uoalUosa of war la coasiJsravl tloa actually baa been the nae of poorly taanctl leather, aad ha-rl- a them xcade io a HATTLUI ; of a candidate to tho preal. g lortoct propbaciae, a well aa ef k 0r3d .v nothing but ordinary com ai area. deacy by rotea frandalentty or U- - thawrltlnra of bistorlarta which eUea. In the SUt Ward, a rrd clomeyf aloTenry maaaat. The - ... v.i are east. to record fcnnd ihum lhe wenderfa! tX)e"i AH kinds of lixnixut aad lL nlnt EASTERH SASH . ea tiaBt Any daaiar may mil tha foods leTlly DOORS- Tha fans baa ao editorial, but fulSlment of scriptural predictions. which ha mannfactaraa or trad as la, c arr I Ifachtncry. Wrocfht aad Catt laroripauvo be a word u to with Crorshaad tea tha bow much it isrptuicf Erlatt . Ironwork, aa! aay gTraxai&aat xoaj with the eaaisf a axrptlc it eooTlficad aralrat lucuu mrinw itj hum ear'prtrt. tho ii . t Jem forltowe-created beea which baa , to oxoer home-madDcmand e Kieaard TXt More, tlei WariT tba tama aa a prirals firm or fellow leg title: Tha portrait, as Lha truth, by ana feeble sophism or clebrjUed Shingles Lath & Pickets aaoee me at reaai u is oirec tad Lest emalltlee uatnr, falsehood, rJ delineated Is fcy In than be LadlTidoaL la tlmsa of paaoa this afr.CharlasFAdama, cunning ' . i hAaVa'aaZraeVa' .':!. ef tno maa who yeaterday saw a Be need by tba p Ui neat arm men ta. material, principally waiicer at taxieyw atocx, Crat-cJaa-e woo Id ba ladlspatahlaw Thara Is ssctioo. mm aay workmanablp, ' aami:fcaa l ar a ITAYY alacant styles, and nrtcaa at loir aa the Imported. 25jers of boolsand of tha day of J adgmant.M by hundred wall known facia B00R&WKDOWFR1IIES: no diSaraaca La tha traaaactloa ta "A para wno moat foreTer car ta faror of rerclalloa and of God. ' ' , , ismtw MeU riaMs, retail or, whoUaale, oaa demons tate thaaa ct by calllnf en aukAhiBtay' aboat, Uasoa of war, hut tha foods or ahlpa ry upon hla brow the stamp of of IradlUoa or i AsrlUa history ' n eea jLnrxua, . i' : ."; would ta llxbla to aaixora ty tha fraud first til am roan I ta American Uleieeae. ta-Erma Work . -La lmi a,; AlkO of o a rtba Ilea all Irata history. tcxlrtar 1. IaKiJjiJonk racterT: glrst Zast Street, bstwasa sassy' of tba pttirsAier, a&l U cap-tar- td ta. y ,.,m'Tf. aobeeqnact aCluacaavku DcdLtlalr racalrad aad rematna a I Taird aad roarta SooUh C7 Coot" "Tho Caat At Els MTtrtt KTlrst tc.'ra dtllrtrj, tha mIx kway the of Tcmplo Street. letters, that record. atannara axrament to refute end mtrmmS, salt Lake Cttr, Utaa, r. v. it AB. auiecra APM." Tha boaiiaas would auffrr Lha Box 117. fmlneay rereTatloa. ft Kal ways re-- 1 SALT LAKE CITY. Th Or Jen f maiu UU U en- Ur-re-d and ImproTed. The young of bmo that city hara done exceed Ingly wall aad deeerre success. Tbe first namUr of tha new rolume la to appear next rUturday. tmi pn-TaUa- rlo I- atk , ta Tbaat bt arp-nwn-- sr of ... cr. a Coes-awaeesa- Superintendent. n to-da-y BY TELEGRAPH. tH tr " J, e F AIIFRRAPIJ . L HEDBERG, a-r- aa, GREAT ATTRACTIONS NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY! PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES w 6fhAYED. raaaftUa aa BR00ES, MILLINERY. $2S,-000,0- RRO East Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. A' lla-gou- fL IILESi 00, Co-ort- rt rr iri3,au ' C-- n NOTICE. , Bf"in p-t- - - LUMBER YARD LAMB. I 0"V"E L.TXU'S' PLANING HILL. fe.' M-U- w. lCacao "t 1 rta . . ahlp-owas- ra - ( , . " . ! mi i 1., Du'..,' . nmt NOTICE. ti - - a-- d y a-- NOTIOE. -- arlat-tn- j y e -- trf-Ml- er ttrf ai-t- . iMiciif mnr au transMura -- z ft fwUo-al- o fcjMT-yare- r- -- EXTRAORDINARY sl leL'-aaxrl- Sc ;'':V!rTOTHE;TR'ADE, aao-ondl-y, Km. c aa-ai- roa-ry- WONDERFUL i I k . STUPENDOUS de STHAYED. a- ? , tnhI, ror-cfca- ta, THOS. OAKET, Dins, mum . the-eleT- mlktu -- U .. T E. imghdb Ha-alng'-li- aill shop, tjwjj 6 IW11V1ENSE a Cbr-otJ- te - .- Ciiitl lt ZZl?i , WM. IB.. EO WE, - - "'lf r:... . - ac |