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Show - ; i I 4 , " 4- - gPigjjJgjftjajftj i : .. . r HE EVENING NEW&iH . m -- i i -; : " . t " ; It bow oilato, la to fill tba purpoaoo such as'Apailaa,tlJch I'rUaii.flUb-op- o, SSL HLOfttAnXA S. rXLATT. aad and all otbag aacaoaory ootbo-Vt- T oddootgnoof tbo Almighty, la bring iba Chotoa tato ooa comTytcian ami AWrycon. A PTtUt alrs of tba ' orfTCg-Abowhoro ta aatoa orory pact ro body, proooat Dr. It. J. tearaa argaaHailoo aw oTouou aoooa of tba word nay abound la Urougb tba railouaUJtas of Zloo Is Cu'a Lanur Suva, atari ooyoaaa L O. at, a. etors. tba mldat of tba HalnU f tbo Moat a paUam of what szlats in hravsa. kas baoa gtwa to Otots-trk- s was aad Tba union stotty pao aeaoaxtbo fortil rsvasJoj High. tba Lord to by OEOlWjr. Q. Ummmm af Woaaao, aad Dtaaaoj of aa God mouatoiaa. tbooo r la - w f .The Chow I ordlnaoava for ptoof aa .4' aaa Bar. OCNB. URIUilAU f, oootocaptotod by oor paaooat anda, tba doad aro aajy a part of tho aaoija . H aeearaaJta.Ve-Uaaeb Cb rrtutaw. ao taw, bntM tafrtnsoo ami ratio o rfct.bava tmw ttmtultum tee. id not coaotatoaUT bo rouaao wbhcla wo ombraotd. D HOUSE. lobaMt-aatCauwaa Qof tba ati&oat lmportaaca.It OVER A Mil 0. lT.4 (Trevor by Klaer Ooont fault withbyaoy af tho BO Is of this coolloaoU Tboro wa tbat who thorsforo, bold tba ' XJfftmw rtlirAr" 'UDf. giXT LAKI CTTT. whothtr of a aplrltaal, po- - bol prksthood, aboakl ta honor- sutjsct, K 11 1 ao or la otbor aoo aaa oatara, 01 tJod upon rvprraonvau lea), EDiToaiAi. sore A ?j Hik.a wa to IU lmniptr, which ooloo of Interval aad pur-p- tba earth. Tba j Uma will oomo omukI to Tteotwri il i Tw o? blaaalnjt imb avory ataiaai will ba will not proT a gnsat to TaaoaSacooA Claaa Hoaao aa ta CHy ruln't TImir. thoma! ana what tho Thai lba S Soora South at Walkar Ilouoof od, aavaog pouplo. this world alogdooaa . lifcUJOf u U m mntt rati tutla wo oro aicnloa: aftor. iio wlobod will ta0iia tb klncdoma lt l Brooklyn, who oar of ' oaJato for ibo taa v bol wortd to aaadorataod our Ood aad has Cb rtat;" union maat bo of Utah, aad wantea to toutefi r)iXkll tft rvMiloatbot so oarroaodod trno (Oaitloo, for wa ar at ri ring to bur watchword, whatavor toads to TKJtaia pr ray, ai.a avao. aa a fLva. a "ilannon" will gunpowder uJj (puuakiMliip Par wis, W oQlictotJ not o " as f mf oar oar. lo politico wall'aa la dlvlda and prod oca division corns Bnooia. araa flafls bayonets, to la trouble with th. jib ibotouod of wf In oarmMrt bocomo ooa o . axgaa aa aaaa por waok. raUgloas bavin a; tha good ai tba from an aril aoaroo, but whatovar truateoe ef ble church tbr uogu. &nu our boirt, coIUior mt wo wboto poop la la vlow, and using do tonds to units acd bind I de ; dJSj otbar mrsuia but' whatI Is rjrlcUy aod alovata - eotoaa fromtogothsr ictl wlinoocno caalUooiboofoortb; fending- the orsoU, wh Ood. SINCE MEALS 26 CU. ) " ItioU.otflai i 1 . OonailtutloaaL Yaetoidaj Our drunkard. foollDg towards nouDcwi u j tba i work! CtaaaBoaoa t alio of our pooplo totaUltdfiwn ranaaayaal Kktor Usoaog Q. Cam.xom sakl aboald ao tbooo of alodaoaa, boooo. tWOtwfoct, Talaoa rataa to tamliwa Banaa aim. epok agaluet operatU nocooaaxloa mj oodtaaoo of row Ibo no oa a aaa ixau bui waaiotoaco ago good! will; this pooplo days ou TflLLIAJt A. PUT, muilclo eburvao,.wbeu tho or Doing proaout tnm intoroauogj ui gTow aad laoroaaa, and Hlf. tho fit . bona Ibo rtoprieUr. irltolboa tht coma uma rgeniat rspouil by performing oat occoaaou, win wboa calami and tr saviag impwwaii Chris-Ua- a ' ro. io lb was b4 Torritorj ta bora to II from unJa aod atUod ha strife selection Njatpeas blooiahsd will ba riuvatr. lurvugQ our l"arpoiul EmU thankful tbat oos wook from last amaogst tba Datjonsof tba oarth, unity 1 lowly t behold wbo tbuoo ba waa ooablod lo mtkt it Vko Fu&J, oal and alao apoo tbto Bat loo; thUwo op Friday i.tMiiktMl faltakful In oo aa to rocuro toavo of eaaoot bol p. but tha aaylags of tho TO VODL FARMERS 1 1 The OoJJ Hit! Xw9 chuckllif 1!T o ltiltaooa to Ibo fund, onU abaaoco. aad to apoud a fow days prophols muat ) ba rulnilod. over iba Uirrat'biwuMul or tiw f.J ntvoi rvoaLooo Ja ploc tbolr with bto brotbroa la tbaao valloja Tba duty or tho Apcatloahlp bovo And Healers. oiaooc Ibo mw( Woworollvlag la a oory laaport waa to build np and guard and pro-t-ot tVlo;, womtd of Utah, ta re of loo wbolo aat vLtoaU. f waa aa tmmooaa ptotMrol tboro tho tatsroaU to of bill. L.ut tpocb; troll Zlon, pot frt laugh I ...nnlf Irtlha liai ataouat of labor to ba porformod. build by tbo Trovo Maaafactartas' OoraaanT ara up thsmaolwa alia filthy 'I1 IIIoraparad Li.iI lhM T n IK Mflfila to oSraaco aitaar oaah or nil too load, Mr: Astra; the tui ! r I wtro Itoopoaalbtlitloa tblctanlog iucrs aod soak afUr aolf sggrandlio-moo- t. foadaoo taooaitoit U woot Wa ruar-m- i tf lOvO Of IbOOAXtb; Wb fUUd aroaod iUrt ShUht and ortco oo Aod avory toomsotof paxMd J to aarth hfOaa Saarfeat lis than da C ood tba dutlsa glS oboorro tho Uva our tlmo ut oo oamaaasloa w wool aoo alaoaaip ta domaod action mad of This uncos Utulitnaliy tke awy lb iHuiVrocroalj fttosts. lllgbof quorum was wtiw MrtlM amurm io itMiotrr tboo tba Lai to r-- at our baoda, Though a mall la a kind vbw. normal achooi to pro para autwrtor raoiUtWa tor mmanaM itabtavf uur UJj ri oo ponoa auaabors, wo bad mado a doop I co thorn for auu In Ibo poaltlona proaldlnc o ting-lorraa pra ado a oa tba roligtoua, potlUcau varl ooa Btako of Kloa. Many mora aa-rtat Coacroaa. euougf "Motuw i." ua. thf ae f urtfcov parties lart loqutra or of ibo aad actoatlOo world, aad ba attlr-buta- d Blakas Moil ba td vo(tr to coiiiitiit our U' organ hod,and bavayt 2fc ESUito oaaxl a tow. maxlog JAMtt DXrmt, hat. to powor of God ba nopoo inDrstorsa woald quali Provo Oty. r.tvtsolhal U I Bt I rUl.-Jua-t or a Coai- - that that fact tba obMtTioio tba of fall this thomaolvas thoraroor ta Or JOHN Araot. aceorapantod Ctm.SK. fy Oo rooponalbliltlaa the of, the that prediction Salt iAa Clif. jot la. Kach Individual wtolds an Uroy woald aooo ta rvqalrvd to iuUlllt WQK O UWl D4 glTOQ IO UU1 AVu-- will be futfltSed,, lb I Hi. iowpt: naaca wo wtro unvoo poop lafloooca far good cr ovlL It U unl- - mm. lis osxt fpoka of tba flald ciuo WDOoa WO aauaidODoj. vsmlly eoncrdod tbat tblt Terri- cf uiior dow opaaiog op la tba The GsntlW will Uii jwtMtoa aiAQ. aad wo meat uaaaalt o-- tory stao da proomloaot for ito good of the govsrnmet, aad the killing KffoM rroforrod losyard of tba Lord fortbafiav to oboy God rotbor guvoramoBt, Ito aobrtoty, Ito raoe- - oatlaa. II callod upon tba Prool-don- ts off of Mot woolens and polrgamy UM'Uta, aad loovo too Uuo la aia. and rrooUom from oravy ttovanUos to loach tbo cf 11 one. of b will only twiHl. mm aa itiiN(la a baea of tholr, roapoctlvo quo- lwltbotondlog tbo With thi Mill, Planing Tho klUlog axial that maor ,Mormeolc" otbar ram ato as. uuiioa. tooir advaatagaa doxi ioof ibo boot blood oo tba oaxta. la tbto Territory, with a population draasad blmsslf to tba Msrs and Box Factory, hasn't penned cut rory wall for Its . aro toa oaaao of ovar flftooa thouaaod mora than rnsidsoU of tfUxss, ft? log aacb till dotornlaod . id-be r won assasei niters hitherto, Til oar rrioaa. aaa mui mm ia tba eoogTvoalonaJ rrqulrsmsbt for a tbsir spatial Instructions, to look And Lumber Yard. II aid your ehucklss, Xtw futuro aa ao bavo la tba paat. Htata, wo can not ottjoy. tbo wsll atsr tba poor,and II od am ploy, yot j la tbou rpoko of tbo troubloa and of bolog admit tad into tbo moot for tba pacpia. Ha mad a EASTERN SASH & DOORS UmUtaa tbat baag ortr tbU ca prtvtMca Union f rJtatoa. Wby? II a know of atlrrlcg appoal to iho whoia pooplo roaaoa tbaa from tba fact la boualfof tbafrsrpotual Kml-grallMlt- - t JU uulaaa baT roioot of tbtlr ZI0X 3 aa otbar j ,4 aaJ.rliuo4 coicaoory. aaa Fund. Kp maa la JuatlSod oANTtLE isaritunorr. Shingles Lath & Pickets, or t aftor tbo favor aod ojoaotog was not a z ton la bolldlnx op bimsalf to tha nog- Its though pracUca rtaQt aad aiuLaJtuor al v a. Thb oUtomooUof tlo licJiut 'wibyptatolog aaa pracucoa. mctpira llsraUa Taat coumuolly wbo of roaUo ol at HocroUrj ipQlm of too goodly proportion in bumbtrs and svary quali. pwwu aa important laoor. lta-Moai-ona(. uur popuUUou tbal eooatotad of DcaUoa ara ootlttod ta aothor Ibo bqooUbc cf tbo MUta gov ports of lba progress of tbs this Wood Turning, ate at laaat of ornmoot, yot ara tlootod that prlvl boiog ooo-talr-d tockboldon oa FIJjr Jaat, woro c l ttUroo. now bolog conatructod Tsmplra r to. ootiio poop Plrat Boat Btroe. botwa bocauaa a mora mototy of th- - would probably ba glvoo to for tbo Tory aotlaocWfy, ood obowoil tbt tt fvfOro. lit U taat laoy laaportaat, aboold bo togo, aoo TairS aod Foartb Boata atraota. was II cloood. Cooraracco pracllco poocds polygamy. tbo XooUtutloa U It a ttxot froo roar la tno'r ooxJy layo la Bait lako Cay Ctaa, P. 0 tbat tho nation to dot armload to Tba paymoot of tithing was ooxt N ood hoop Him eooaaiaadBooBto, od porouo cooUiUoa. Tblo to oscootl-la-xj Box UT. a tulo world wtdolm ua rsrsrroato. rail cradit glva prlaolpto loglv OST to not tbooo 4 Mt tboy may bo abta to roatot tba portaoco. Tba tlmo wlII,coma. how- - to tba Halots fof rsspoodlog o ool frUjloj, wbtch laruaocoa will t'lj aoouar or tbay wnso tba rtgbia or ibis poo-- nsblto tba butldlo, of Tsmplesl whoaro pocaauxtlj lotarMto-- j ia 4'Vo lator 9 contaod avar, ba Dot ool raspoctad bu aoa oinsr isoaania UDoartaxioga, will p!a V of tho cuoaom, bat tbo bualaoM w jii taijo was cast awtu upoo. taa dawn ar poliucal and Ifa.il paid tbotrtitblbrtbsra would tbo majooo.of tbo common!!. Z. V p or tba rttai priodpioa of our sajojod, oo sumctont mraps for all lot roligtoua liborty laawoady to bo roil f too, taJ wbleb abould ba oo tbo distant nortsao; a f tbo C: M. X. to too wMks. Whllo thaoo roqutromooto many tutu icatod la Ibo naloda wroogs tbat bava boon leuietod conuouod to axUt; h truatod that poratoaont lootttuUoas of IbU Tor itvMigbly ! tbto pooplo, both bofura and nono wculd ba opproaaod. but au- apoo wo vtoWo4 ' 19 woo btaaaad to Had from I rltorj, onJ Ito protcroao-tcomo Into this Tarrllory, cauragad to conllnuo to do tba best aiaco wltb pioaauro Ij Uto grvat uajr day'swaa maotiog tbat a brlfbtof bav had a tsodsocy ta auueata u thsy can. Tba sutjret ofsdaca- rnado maolfoot towards la tba rractica of fwrbaaranca aod noo wg a so i)lof toucr.sd unoo tDd ad- Itjof oat cUB. K'vwMfiUT IajU(atlou.Wbll u4 mora vocatrd. Tba aad of Mutual. Improva- Uloratlon, 4 dtrl4&Jof prataro TboclUou bro-k ay Iat .ooucoro bad booa to Into prloct- - mcot cisiisa or rota arxao gavo tha spprvclata fully two ao5 a balf por eo(. a4 ot- tbo CO up torvugb tba prtaoaraof tba piao or liberty, aad tba rigbla or po him much aat la faction. Ho com- mom Giao oaarjrloa: ovor to tb i tola lajiUtutlou rolaJaoa ll (ica I rraoowm woo a it corueo. moofvd the Itelir t cJotloa alao. rooorro funl Ibo auat of f.vJ,, it .'"fibwacaaail aoDoaucod yoo- -' which Ir moat aaourvdly will, and tho rlrat of which was organised by porcooU lo oxtoDU Its Motnu to oluora. 11 tho lVophrt Jo opU8v.lth, li ladtootoo b4 tbo JoalitutWa U rt ay divtUood of 2ooo'a confl bad booa trained ta regard tba Cod- ,truitad tbat ovary prvtont on that occasion. tbrlrtaf aad tb4t IU mooafor aro JWao that loatltutloo tavarda aaa a bravoo-bor- n "At God blvaa joba laUra,for Jostru stltalloa Ay J y cur v . . a J Wnrato, aad tba wboto poo--. moat which It was tba dro- - taoors fuldod ljr wUiou aof hro lu or iov ara and irivo:oDCs J auaiaiu tbo aajno. tbat It may tloy of Ibo Iatttr-da- y :w tt orauut lutiOU. Tbo H tints to do you aro dolog a uobJa "1 w to oa a powar aod blooo- - food bo II In daorar grar,.and should wbo wbx a Ulrtdoud woo do Lt t)uua .rork.. llocoocludsd by Invoking . utour.BildaU or aoo Dioaaina: or uoa aroa too vuoit uoauaaUon. iio tboo gavo cIatoJ for a kut lluao wa aol bo 4 ! oxoolloot council to tbo btabopa. to congrrgatloo. J n.a coaao) Iboro woro ua pcuflb OuCru- ovacrogAlioo. Of all ba latorvatod la fiedlojc Tba choir saog at anthem f,'ylo tbat dwoll oa tbofaco of moot ror ovtnr ooo in tnairoaiploy lajc froia tbo biulaoM, bat lu rapoc ' Arias far Iky l!k a coaaa. nooo aro undorrraatar Ufa wards, alo to ancograxaour eaxtb, f tbo bilii io taa AtiAatioua ! thalatUrtotlud tbaa waa Cobfsranoo adjourned until TtJuo of buUUluf aul otbtr prw bJ's tUlul. Wa bava ropneaoata youDgtneuto mtrry at asuiUblo I 10 am. at look to (Monosr aiur tba proper llaoodlction aga, and a oora rrom noarly ovary porty.XUal oaUlo nat iootlx,dopro oaucauoa or our youui. no oun by Rldor Claorro Q. aoavoa, aad wo aoo Ibo Uouod, In apoworlulappoal. t elatodlaTaJuo ta Ibio lv o wU kX-.ifr- u tannorwtourgo racoo Ibto la wttiv of tbo mm ta Torrttory tao laapartaaeo oc oatiar our oiaay or tbo Ua loaotboa wttbt tbolr-vart6oid, Stylish and Durable Dress Goods, droa tboroughly oduralod In ovary THIIJD JDAY. fwur or Uo Vjti Ualoa 3Uxlnx tbo ptiaaao aad cbaravtoiMlo. It- do 03 ao Us aod uaorul aaaployraonf to- At 10, Toaxa. In Now Ywt it oa 15, 20 and 5, csnts per yard, auj upwirda. cjapol or now CbrU- that will amlosotly qualify) thorn XCOSDAY XtOIUMi, April 8tb. MANUFACTURED BT THI tfft aaU CU .baa rTaalcoac la cllaod .tbatUwd " por for any pcoittoa tbat tht ma ba a ijtUj Best Brand of English Alpacas, but a fotlcr dovolopmoot of cajioui to rvpm-o&tLCon far ceo was called to order by NATIONAL SCHOOL on to aasr io lua cag9 lalioa ult COMPANY; FuWITURE boforo. Cbrlat Tba fe'ioalatot Tba choir sang aa aolbcm trawaaDi joan njior. (Our own Importation), from 5c to $1 par yard. tbo aaoot wf of Europa aod Amor lea !wiutW, iia ymm ' Tha choir . sang, tot's Taa will contort Zioo. o oo from couia tbo wKJoly iao maaaftmaai fuc atrayod Black Cashineres, New Talmise, Henrietta iT. aoaaaaMMowaraar.. i Da asdic tloa by la mad In llva sixes both singls and doubla with a Elegant Ito roai oUto at our tbliiff tauro tu i)o pciaciHa of CbrtatUoity aa sldont Joaopb Dealt Thim oa aoo I oarta. aua AiomDazine uioins, .v. woraauvoiai f rtmArt uiitiAn.TMv.irith io tbo prlmiuvo ago, tbat touog. i. t... tbaa proooat raluoa, aod, tbaro-- . 0i j Uoiufq I JJTCS3 ataUt a Kldor tfOZMto books from dust carved back, and carred folding tett, wiui Ellglisn j th iOuco, lnSJallty Snow, Vcmyt by Buntings, in Newest Shades for tt u 'clear tbal tao prod to of Itx J.qjb; tUala&'i.. frlcUoo binge tbat Is perfectly Kobeieas. Tba chair aaBf, -- J i i ot baft Tboy j scxdat arriKNooN, American and French Piques, of powor, aad It bocatuo ' tbo buaUoao woaKI bo oltart bj thm L..-j"Very Low, With )aj ws ao carved as to form a perfect sitting. ara 2 p.nu lord, serraxitt, thy TIic eat Hack and Hod x abould tbat aattweai, vary ana again oi mtn atari to low. uourerio i'olonalso briakago. otyies Xay Cloths, . laltar Tba choir sang, roa saz.1 or Donble Tbo panic of U73 doalt a aovoro ft.TAk tbooa kara lu tbooo tbooclLbor Black Width. said Kldar It Joaxru Choice F. tiunu Grenadines, and Cheap, eaoaoarpg trlas tarosg your way. was manlfaat to bin) that (lod was blow to xaorcaattlo as wall aa flan-cl- al )roj,TboldoaefJdbavlag Seal Brown y.parto oor pamloa,waa without Xaouga French Resettle, aT Paoaa ao ao so aaaats OooVj aaa with ua as a poop to. noCwllhatond'Uo iir t waoa or ncopaur ta auataia ootabttobeaonio Ibxoua-buuPlain, Striped and QuadriUe Spring Silks, D log our soaay sbortoomlogs. lis! 1 NkUIuooo to Ivldrr Fbanku az by it tbo ttliato offatoo aad rrajor aoaayatory. couatry, foil that la U.m thlug af Uod bo WHOLHSALR 75c n4 npaarja; il , f,o tbo fgaoraut; all la alcopla 1UCUAJUS. ir rri.'iT 1ND RETAIL FURNITURE DEALER, booa foil up to tbo irooat t4o. was but a. child, and If. tba Lord Tba choir sang. rncry to couoprtband to tbo Nary Blue, Myrtle, Seal Brown & Bronze" wbkb t.td taa I ia oaUgbUood by tbo would xarclaa forbearance towarda Iadood aoaajr larxo & Spring Silks sata wo aaoot arcoad tao buar4 ' ; ? At JL25 per yard. blm. whlla ha couttsuae to try and L. City. A. if tblaga aro gov and 9. 77. 1st South bora up uador tbo drt aaoca bow OC Jtoua, cor raaaamtag iarS. 8t.f 70, 70, tu t Uud. Choice mora In loarn fu Laltar and do Black tha Silks, taw aad aa ofoM by cootparatlvoly aiaco booa cooapoliod to ouccuaab, aacramoot I tba Lord a tup-- ture i than la tha paat, ba bad no HOLE AQENT FOU UTAH TERRITORY. Tnm 65c io S3 per ard. The Lest bargains ever offered In this market. uodortlood. rbocrodo ,Tba aad durtcf tbo paat joaf tbvy bata o'a la wboa Was adminiatsrod. par doubt that tba same forbearance tho mooaUlaa, aftor bolog would ba sssretoed towarda lh rrsoldont Joun Tatlo" coQopood la optlo of awj ttiiUoo, aiAppuiaied by taa aoiooca of tALT LAKE .of Ood. Wa have tha tJaalVraoao. tUTwaa Whole pooplomora aro ouavortod Into oaoful Of couo X Ct M.t. foil tbo ro; "V"0E3 O? TEAMS ViANTED. a I. oat tb will of graudod to wltaooa th uaiou; taat got to learu V aalto at ibo Koootol ptanuto, but It daily llfla. Uur aplrlto oxiatad not li do aod Uod. tha tbaa pooaiavlu rfcgard it, aad i.oazprooo Imago of our labor ta tba aaaoog 1st Dnchrsa, Tssrehen msI Talcucle-nnhw bpM bo to atlboikd t4Mu duhre la tha thought that wee u s graat prlociploo of otornaJ esrv tao toaotbor. TKAtrS will Dnl ataedf Hitiua hii. arooar. i'Af CLtaodOZ It tla ba and God accoptabi, and yot car. rr. r. mimi. Kta tnraot troca tbo Tenolaua oT tBd Calarrxl XxaJraldrlea. ILsvdlea m4 tboroia euoalatoul our to oaaa Us aro taa oa truta, prauattj .ota Tlea eleand TJkah Bawr, rm f iaaao of Owd Hallroad, loadloe to hoitana ao aad It to la God that boCAuio da UlU ol bMQ ry out oar own whim aad doalroo. Poora at o at f .tf, arSijaMora to aaa ia fha asyotary atroogUi, rasa aad hhaitaaa tamOiom trom ail gant Fsvaa aa loaho. back Ctaeallle MIk Is, I and movo fow Worsted s havo But learned our the to aod at aad bow bava a scant. fully imimoi b fro, bolog. teaia tri aad abrood. Frlacea, OaJaan Trlnssnlnra. Drraa Rntfaaaa, v aeiora) co trol tba hoovoa IF woaoar altoJa toolaraovl IhWii mlad aad will of Uod as It Is made - Too aiuol porataUnt otfofta bar l E: G M ACL AY it CO,: Ctwsks, Opera rShawla, Lbcc ctla aad Bibbs. .JUo aod bald tho pUooU aa II wlll.b tbrougti tao tovtasr k iiid known to us threug Jeous Chrat, Zeanir. noos of our livavoraly too ajLlaot to bare our own will boou maio to ruiu ltt rro4itvbjr XZaeat Coiabs, JDrcaa Bevalarw, aod tanil-slla a baia ioo, aad bow aod by tao JV. J!. A 7trnas f. Ete , i , llurlilnga. aorrt flora aon aaarttoaad of af tboiwlll Oo F b can ' I bs Ood lha Fatbor. autjagalod.to atarrobara grooo matroprvooataUwtto larawaa w our rVaTor. a laoaon Is boa JaouaCbrtet such Tha Tola to havo booa wboaa wo tbo la Ibo Fatbor or laarwad It will bo eay to gat along by aorcaaUto ogo - (Taut. naaJo cauio of wirb orroaM liDIES" woraalp CIIILDREirS BEIDY LliDE SUITS, a la odor. Xtol cofldoc we aad jwi NOTICE. a aro ootortalood by tba all taa spirt is otto that dwsll with what call temporal Ibiaga. Moxoar. ffTa 8 S 9. a ar eoraxad la the aaJvatton aca la Ito latrrrllj w aayw; t,i 4 4tJao wvrli la ralaitoa to God, apaa tba faca of tho oarth, aad ba TUUDATi ipril . IN ELEGANT HTYr.P. VPTrV Tftw a of as as wall dead to controls lbs oies lba ssti sua -thswbols it Urlag. tarr .of la. raatar tbo all roccf M.otiof thta Irx a.n Trii. Tba " foaamaretoi la out daty alaa to prspara employ. Beamleaa and Alexandre Oea,alne KID GLQVKS, new. shade- 'Z aoraoowod tba bamaa family. Tba Iiord has In men In if rrolxU Court fa and or Hartsa' cootroo of tbo tbooa laat days, and fae thai ntsraato ; far or people.. i I a 1 port-- UATIXEB Tuetda AfUrnot. l A dotftrfao of Doitv. tba Glova Iteuovatoia NewhlnfKtd &tU Count Lai V Try then!!! voUaoIa tbo rmaba of iU 'ttovt o h? a to ajado auil ttalao mr tbo af hamaajtyi ravsaJod ilia imtad Sat thai whatever assana Ood naev t Territory (j The Joaty soabratad acd treat ' . Utak. sea fit ta piece a the hands of . any aaa x thai Sut WCQUEfiT, and Kewhlte aaldora aad otoditor at aoato. rvatroaa of tlotf -will, pcSoiad Tlsln way tba TRR la paoosst and tJWIrtH Dotted vUTtaai CWrH., . . a a a o o wa sOtayx. aocuva atoraal of toe iamu iroqu te wisely die uo voaalAuor-daIHr.-ale- a JH apoaa or bwhlcta TARLETAN, Doriac tba paat yor If bat rrdacod u andOenuine KlXaHOOKS, Fn Io lo mh the aaattr theecaaaea. atais ot TBOXAJ y nteama Et&U'l bappi ooo lo Iba rotosUal klogdom bureodlathe llWUg op of the lauportanoo of tbo - JUank, Kerry Blue, and Brwu. . ariKUS, IU IlabUiUoa fU3.9wi.23, oott oi or out uou. no aaa raatorod fi kingdom of Ood. not toaaake thaoa to Ibo allabaJn agalo .pcacUeoJ To w bleb waa paid to bouo crodltora. d the p Creditor aaod-adeceased; aod to feel otafd tho their ito Full Tab'to 8toek our proud ovoriaatlag wa Uoapol.v(vh of ajl thaa White aod Colored may JUof rotiioo, Cur'siu DamasSis, NaU. '.art. A IX aaraoo Blaca OcUbor 1373 It baa rvIaod havkvr oiaUaa issa'aat a aivr iaa rur rrlaata. aa J gifts, pawsr aad glory. Ha bas so-- logs aad spirtt, "V P a ri be Uaabaa, Usao Buf ry Rotoa, r. j. v ' loctod htssorvaau, aad aoot I bam dtotl actions, r JThe tf Ito UablXttloo fSJSOktt. Wboa V :f lod to ail tbo blonalaco aad forlh. a a rvgaitoa to raatart roxs Xo.ibo aaUaaa ageu ana in arm sbooks pot he Beg-taat tialooarta tba Jioiy of aa maoaax)Uio taa bard tlmoo ;proa,lrtaa; ' duriog f i tbod. A Wfjtaaa amraS araa haa brougUI - oa tooted. aoiUior should tboee wbo iko SrM MlihoulM oT taia thaoartb. , Outaaana tooawaru: ' aa4 tMulf ar.aoot.nf T taat poriod. aad tho aitoap4 aaado wt; utt court , auj do rtgbt. bora la aoonftiaao arith cotUttt I iaa at CllV. thafr ppprarp from the crtarrD JZIZtl laaM Mlaairat Mrti(aALaka the lutA Ware. ik Lav tohestv aoooe orar pro- to lojuro liaro taaaa lato euartidoo aT rrbon tbo rtca f rlgbtoaaa. atoraaU paiaal paao, wbtoa ox totod tb kept 1 UAH SPIERS. , AdiauUatratoraf aahtsaraia. .; mvm in, waattvar glory aod tha boavaoa bo for tba world was. man tf r t'l CdHallfcuT, :to' tio W aaU 1 4 atlootU Vfil bo oaallj pa real ad . may oxpoct mm aba 11 Tha work wa ara ogagad la Is not ever they can to war is their main- - '1 tbal vli utafmtal baa boo riiMf .".. If wowaooiy . taa Idlar eat ih4 that worked ThsdaakgaalMstl.M ronuaua tenaqce, may Us to faith. maa,UOu fiatarfgla broujbt V boar.au4aUfaI,Joan t : ; arp taa fommaadatoato of a la wiia maa, but baa booa propbo the bCeaJ or Ibd induaUlous. Thaea UABEt SA NTLETTS i about by all lha holy prophets clat ability baa boo at tbo fcaljn. i : aaew cr old sowad and for LONDON tha sloe w tha ' world. - I oropioyraoal ; aa i ri I ! choir BarlesquftTROUPE aaag aathaaa, i Z. C. M. I. carrloo aa aTormo to tha dia ponoa Uoa of tha fulooos to I It " Acootdtog , t ' i r otoaa of fTM,00i tbo oHaol Mnar sftlmoa. Aay knowledge that we earaalty. Tbs gospel of Jesus Chrlat baa aa have rose! rod about Uod baa emaa wbot to mtwiafy Ho 'X.?. . (oaoaco woo awtlaamod a a tokMaa!r -atod from Ood, through tha jrr! oi. macti lo do with teat poraJ as with uroiaar. Huoaay iaa aaoot taa dooutado of trodo ICoooA U adtctloa 7 Kldoc C. C RtCH. traUoa ar boly aagota, and by Him- spltKhal thlngar.tttafade 0 Taake by m oaay la tbo caaduot of tho bu4aa self aad Ills son Jaeos Cfcrtat. for good parents, sswtirai hiMrrnf It Is a saaatoHals kai ajvlWk ataka. fier.rohr-- stvS TW 1 4 x baa booa abootutoly HECONU DAY. task Dos- t- Oems aaa aoyV Harv sod lias UOOTA, us I tERS the purpcea or bensatUar And blee uacbfa hooesty, and sTary otbar wak a SBterb cast,' aatliktral saoaiA. and l53al the bum aa family. .U'va good prindpls, and J&ds Also to fiictiu suraif, ay iaorn wariian paaatabavo boca raitirlttty ' mr-tall- ;t ' slog not to Joseph Hoslth, , Ikigham more amlasnnykuaaanry tboaa wba : v oS raartJaorel ,. Sunday, April lib, Id a.m. cqIubn. ' o OTry cornar ba booa mmw.aa aaaoft hr e aupatur ta toeosne better aaafcaJj have sm braced or Twelve the Apoatlee. Young, . vfVJ iMaM utau. was, , ) at orJr raJKa.ta U'ropca tntef watabod, aa4 rwda boiog ahlll- foe tha tnlad meshanJca and loaroatM thshr , ' are wa Indebted t&at H MoMMrrO-A t V by, Ji ' pltotlk ratdootjoha Tailor, aua ajMf attrttAiln DBdluan of It " ,mU.t K f vary lav J&ftn, 4 ibo .bujlatf, '.v TJ V aad will of Ood, except as nls mia- - tv id lavvrv t ttrm fhe as8tltonurAars. I oatartalaaarot la Atbotr taofr1-- ; of mmwmid tster moat laiportaat polut, baa uod laauuciad Uis servaou toatbsa aatotba prlacipl s aTcrnUiirrf salt ILs braache'i. thai j and vary Ggntklh I aaa aua to regard to Chan world thing teach Bus ship, Uo aiat. to ge tha Notions, pipes. Cot- -, aactaJ la tbo aoarvat apprvacbo '" i - riataa. .W- . . klad . Ood haa pieced tao rEter of Jei; JesralryEto not and tba XottviOimtandimff fatmcaue ' i way saltation, fid . i ta tba maautWturora. to cira. suad 'la realiry i j; o o by tha an, for they had bolonrhor rtmos at prion i ,.IUdor ; : JDjuqiiam to ba taught to-- ai t as nla ste by 'JVM iU are we Lbet t'ryor only uoa aaa aatra aua irons Tba atnciljoKior, approclallog gone' we nave oeoa .Ti wear .as for bio Ibece and t ZrzZ t wards, E 'I to E waya. gaiaereo j choir rang: r tbaoaaad otbor ooattoro faaorabl Ibeee rausya that there honor and glory. ' "f For full eertiroiato aad 1M of mrimU,' la gotawr rftN LoVrt thatf boarhL One U . to tba laititutloo, oiproaaod tbott aao aaaail of the thing Aceaeral exhibit tola. ; tIUaoa aaaaataowovU, it " haBOf.hl. MftnM.ifr.rftn 1BV --Te 7, eoartor. aa aor xert might ba a people woo would listen aua Uw taooa. f ao aitr tba year 197T, with law rid oasts- Sea ha Sacorrd WUWul nt ' -imm .amtoryiODabies ua to , --' cr to tha ward and will of Ood and recol vadarrtajr p : tin i. foaHaga ta a boartj Tato of ,oufl weats 4 l.'.i-'a. the tarlous local dlsbarsements r vrom proaaeur BUaS ad hoooaaWe t Osaoji rATT road ao ox. become Bavlors upon Mouat Ztno. eoanertd UoBeala ls'latogrUyaad'lat A. & YJUYTTT.TJaea .Aaoot. ... roe tua teed. wss rrad then therewith I ; LJ t o o4 we tra-4- . srmon apand nndsrslood oc aa IJooa If ai ' tho roaq rightly ot aai adcor atl tba tn n - vla- !ar 1 David to tba fcsrenca by before oar Ood, posltloa of traolot tb practalad tx tha tba rota ta carry aror iio.OuO to lb CbMvCf yvjao aaaj axhiin a a i a Laat Umo." Tba nmnl wa i or it so, thfcn rtffjrtSrTisr-entl- y r JeUsnxto. a a ar If ;r tho UiIU IS... 1 ' mZ , . ..... '..i . , (. r. ..li U VV uiabuieea tne a tsa ra fund tbo oy feceivea an do. taa t tba ova3- to as waa art tba wiat is i af la that, parablf e the- six r of tbooo not horaU aaakaaroubWa la TrastSa ta Trnatea-Js- it, iSTs. oaprooood l aaontaotUL rAtiI propbat aad roiUa. ,, 1 v mm u a mr. mmt. months April sadlng to '"Tba toraaU and emolamaats, but Zayt, Joseph UWo cacratalaU taaVpaHlo waJr!of HldsrOcoftu then UAJtxujf i--s-q Votttl loam hf the laws of life, aod teach lha par abrw oa few a mads raxnarkj ebJofl lataroatod ea tba .rtcallr,; of a .ncUat of ' explanatory aalvaUoa. a tba tha " way people prophaatrlkoilrtvlca t --waaaBaaeaaaaaaat . that appearvd y dwell la his the disparity coadltloa of tab) gr-atato t mUorq U aVortyata; ha yo aaa Ood is ooa, tbooa wbo we secaa or the BaAe reports, aaa pea ace ara oca, ana--7'ool; snippEir on comhission '- -j aalanJar,' tbar "ch trff VCrf pros .aad bopo tbat wiLa taa oafify, the paoopoaao aasmal ir then end ooo loqulred In to bo.ooo faith. oesrbt tda aU, waa orgapiaad wUi of tun log aa well as the tlaaoa wblca appw abotdT, Z. C1L curw .... .. . .... ' r si raonKir- -, aad oioow thai paatod ooa la practice, one with Ood, one exhibit caeo were if reports ana me oa a asa a aafa to ; year!' aad raio1!u liod.; iaa rovoatod frerti With tha T?nr arxsnt, ia J., bow V , : to tha Cenrreoca. I'M. Clat aaaas aavla ataod Lba otuiao UrtA C30T0 pot tool i&iXVi'JikS, and oow tea laterally. Ta secure aooaetobla FANCY GOODS, IIlCB - fcTJT&XXClta, . Bamsal Deanica men novea Soos, Joaetai Har-tnat Shnarp was IllsAop lnlroanaaaro oaanses, ia that baptism aa tiJ nantor of , Daniel Eompoit: af paztka aad twiA tbaaffsi kaacse ba Which accaptea. both wa off all I rvprU and ttstainsd tta1 dacod, that might aad tho aaraaal 'J partakaof araa aecoxdsd and tba aapplag aad. aalaiag era041'I oa bra Before disposing of their Wool I wguU rerjectranr High ana baptism and enjoy tba selfsame nnaalmous ' ratraApooUoa, tba vote of Contoraaca -: . , sskthe be Feintsof alaodar aad j&UrtproaouUUeo, tha fetovoaiioa. lUhora, Ac, spirit, that mats,1' ;";.! : might Tba ehocr aaag use aataaan tbhAl-migarj- r, with' taa baeogbt lnta-nnlowill baa eonUaoal aoarcw of fir warojfdaiaad ta rrgatota , Aea sJl ktoes of ( o LareV aaaa aafaalfi!., and their nnJtod raysrs a!r!T of tba Portland plfttl aad gaaaroaa profit to Ito owaora, cbu.'s Lord ears of of Into tba tha airoaS To mil on bbs. as I am prepared to buy aaCpar. that uJt dlvUla ConfereDca adjaomed UH S rxes; oScec aad Eaanaorm, or ov Uaioat i eradiS to Iriabaoth. Tba nations of tba earth ahoa Wl aaiai bat JlUc ltensdlctlon by Y.,Veed s to tho uokr ; abould ehvraetottos-tha bava their representatives and ma r)7-' a. t J23Xawi bjb4 a pkaacxa aad a prida . UnDCRVCARa:, t ica i polHto., sengoaswllh. rwer asKtaaiaosMr Sacks whato poop 2, wbo wi abaro I of Bad Wot foreeBverr Tahto rumiabad on applicatioo. Err- .- Peat 03ca B tiaXlaod tbaddOoaof tba toact' tixla vloJftwal, Ca " ul .1 . l . A i-- )ft.U fr f taiUtattaa ?.' was Ood 'a choosa mlotatar banatt whJcb ttKb 'aa of Bmilh: cedars aad " pvtoaafiood. di'4 . fA C 4 k. t Otafta rouMDJ ' ta-zLaka ba Salt; tio jj city, lha 44oaitiIiUaa that aUaca to authodzad to oatabUshj en earth tha propaily H. B. CLAVOOri. Church and Kingdom of Ood. lie gKoitlotx: attiuSfMhae EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE, aaaaxtoctrMlQ4ltIC;tatbCnr Ih tiul.MM B Cornar Mala aod South Tampto ttreeta, EAXT LAKI CTTT. w asiectad others by rareJatlan, Abcxc ot Ktrr. Osa a. mora parlatt ortanhrattoa as Alia I 1.9 , wi, rrU axga-ataaUo- e OUR SPRING AND SUM MER GOODS ARE NOW READY, & WE WOULD Lin lr' oa - .k- 1 RESPECTFULLY INVITE t-- - 1 CRITICAL INSPECTION OF THE SAME. WE ARE SELLING AT FIGURES THAN EVER, AND FEEL ASSURED THAT WE CAN SATISFY THE1 MOST FASTIDIOUS. OUR ASSORTMENT IS ADMITTED TO BE THE FINEST IN THE CITY, AND OUR PRICES plo foi i) ifu trrl bo vf lul or ujt il 4 s i THOS. OAKEY, THE LOWEST. W . !B-a O & A A . ' oa JIr v(tt rlf ticrdt o n. Mo u! IflflOL DISK. F. AUERBACH & BRO., liT-I- NEW -- 55, East Temple Street, i SALT LAKE CITY. - aa y him-aoirtal- ft nf ma " eu-otjuo- nc . . rur. to f? rST PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES s&S 2 ot lr at l GREAT ATTRACTIONS NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY ' a V j ac r ifn iw nAmoa.' m a Henry Dinwoodey, t ?n 1 :t':i:f?:.: - -- ad cbo-atblfc-yv a: THEATRE! tr lhj O S I SLaa. Xj n Ia . rfaii.... -- ratr, ao-r- oa h rtto tdj wtms iw S-u- 1 ro - 1 ;i!uu. ,. t- k. s-ii- f 't jWUOXrEftAiliE 3rXXsIsIlff sat-ahoe- -- ?Lid1fcao . f k ,i ! "It. ri . rauoO, i nocrj; GENrftHMoecaiLDRBss' Oft f .. od, .... 1 If bn ft V V . V s - M aa -- 31 4 . " 1-- - wnnr.ua a u iS bo-tw- eed i - MLLI rvlERY, ..... -- Bdi.)l fl-- JRAD i w trr'.:w-. J.G.BROOKS, . etia-fjA- f ILSli Is,!s ami tt tttt? . m iiD - WSWJBJ 4 f - "yd-noa- - w mMs ami . n . c-- f foll 4-hat cooell z mmm; wbody 'ilioo Ves. . st - i'tfi. iX: r . . . . .'.'.l - -- fr.H - t-- . ... G ,- . ' , |