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Show 1 . ?'. I ' I : : '? - i r - ?? T J". IJ1E EVENING . nuam i.e. syra.I AtI ; - .; ,wa-ooca-- : I OEOROE Q.CAKf:, U BIUOHAM JOCifG; - bulldin tha jr, of VArloua kinds cost of ,W? AJt about 13,000,000. ' r.n j v. fA&try )mm turned oal a cbaew wsdit.t&f, pound. MOood war dm4 la Its eompoit don op In ssJUl par" cel, If T.OCO rmllk tonr Thlrty-a- v thin? art W 'Hi w York city hu ' j j ,' payta or- dinance latpoeint; a fla oSeii del-U- n, pr In default, Imprieoti faint for ten days, earrjlns; tfJcraled Tb without perm lo obtained fspc-tabba eaa bi permit c f.tfioro-Jlca snowing persons Is It autborttlea that 'ttteJafy Bu fOroa if protection. for on who n not tt wtM , earring rpcUb.4hp all toe concealed wnpt " " Why Is jofAntty ,! ', ww 1 I k . A Ukli K - rtewtoo. rean.. toceiner wivn ua tock and raiuabW AnAtUoery, waa daatroyed by lira, tbia moralag. 1100.0W, Ilm ... Lv w III if. a - aa, maaT. .. lAKaHl A - w a fi ln . ijiiraa aorct I mm rot sale., raFWAix. ixttm m I , 1 i- ra auiTiI -- ' . II M rrrr- - Brat L. ; i ae-- w ! niuf;i(j.. QICAT BRITAIN. UMaiW s -- -- -r r- - m.m BTra l I ' a B.ft'll -wfwmum ' II II a I " sr it -- ImnmmW ' ronAtr. mTJJm UI It la tb d LrrUonTf hn . e ft rooi fmrrata" laa4 wttb WinrC, Tvratr from Which article lAa farm, aw f '! my o iro-- two - -f uuceo: wnich no IWiiiIm tiMiMMkMtvtMriMtMaMUii W AAia Iw taUaa -- I . rooA urrT 4 pat. to pewmra, aod nomal" l air wa.1 V V"P aU thle tb ntaia oJcta r a.m. -kxjertra that I poor y )w(jf'W loeared for S47.0UU. m 11I a vt nii I . II II It M Vi a H U Ok. - 11 i fjma mr-- 8r itoaa ta l 4Jm-m- T. UV1 m T,S-- Ta V 1 1 L- - J t' TV . f HT--1 1 t I-- V mV f? v 1 1 M E I mm w u Laaa "WJ T Mm IU m v!; - r. t.w III x IV M fk LAJk m 1 w - f- T rT J vr if lt. . 1 a- - L 1 ,a a A Vienna corree-poadaaithoit con Or ma tba report that paopK may hare among tbara. re sssnrlng coamunlcatlona bare dlatlacUoa, bee a race 1 red from BC la(ersbarg. oa a Just prtnclpla, thaproflta from th. tranaaclla of Tba nagoUAUoaa hare Ukus a bet-t-ar arising u w u uuii oaaa; thle aocooi woatr tura. woald b at laaat , i etep In A Uetgrada oofiaepotident bear pllabad lia-b- t from a aiplomatlo eourca tbat, la tbThar la,diracUon. aa eoneegoeaca of poaatbia eocoplksa-Uoo-a prer ailing bowerar, thai bom Impreraion loduatri with Auatrla, Hoaaia baa pro will not pay. la tru. tbat If It mlaed Berrla a much larger caeaion mean tucceatful com rati-tl- oa of territory tbaa has bean mention- paying a iorelgn market uoly, ed la tb paac conditions, at the tban with , soma may ot; but It to am lime requeeUng Herrla aometlm L profitabl to might ciaaa aacaod mlliU of tb bar keap labor or aom bom to andar ana aad call oat tba laird pay lb train of a fw can laproduca mora for claaa then I la common caah Iluaaia aaoounoe that sha would an Article If can ba mad that price, of occupy iWlgrAd la tba than Itpy would La to raia hoaUtitl with AttaUU. stock, or something sle, at The rWrrlan government ara train, and tbaa haul or drire It, half pftc to at a !oa how decide, aad at lowLratea, aa la gtnaralty doua. form of daapotiam tban praYi! la quit era wAiUng for lb return of Pi toe to rw lb on greenbacke conaUlutlonal bectraary to monarchy Milan Any lielgrad. of llvrlla eaya to procure tha art IcUriaairad at lu In I A a and eoerrepoodaul diagraca aUndlng axtb, on dollar ara Aua-trt- a copeaa vaaa rai. that la It I a I m.mmmw A hm ftmkut I m a peratateatiy to tba ll a country that protease with wtll arantually tba with of arttcla not It iba bought may homa of librty, tba aylum Xlaada oo tb occupalloo of Con- ba so rery cheap after alL oppressed and tbo fteeat nation tbat stant I do pi. Lai ua kap money la th oooa nt at Vleon say: try. A tba suathlo4oa. It hould bo rrorld labor for tba poor, tiro-sUU ara Koaalana learn that tha "I of and build our own duo aaarlio away tjranoy wpt ben to poo euteilug CucatAniloopl, un tha countryDceAarls If wa can. There la lArtUMXX, 1. -- .TJ.ik'P nt CUT. aorta ieS) ? nUT SOUTH STIIET, SILT UI OTT oaS Trlaimtor Kn'i na UL0Saaa ST ark ao4 aae M-'ftiraaa4 St laaraatraS. Cltmml-- 0 mmj lanaXtay aVaaa. 1 m- rya In all rr. Tai-auae- bare militia Colonel Bum OURATROMS INTERESTS ejaa ea awa "w - v ri ri wa in view, Splendid Assort. irii a ""' aua a w ill b b ar- - a aav Cases r6f Scrofula, wBaaaaaa a. a a aj r v of Varn Dyed? Patent . Blaok, Persian Cords. Special PiVrKra4,.eonealt r :v alee, .Grecian. Jpords,;in: rich ;, coI6rsi Patent Black, on." e. U.BalefUSLArtfjr.NT, Herino Tyill; Continental Cloths. Pure REVERSIBLE rm 'in ' BAH1 RATIORALOESEBEl: pohair Sicifians. Pure REVERSIBLE Alpacas, j Etc, Or Sail fardkaj City, t7ta. Etc.! For Superior VLu'st Durability, ' 1200,00 Paid up CTaplUl," ' Aalbortxad Opltal, f 1,000,0 these goods are unquestionably the Finest ever brouoht war. n. no.tfm,rrtmmWm.u llhttaidoaLrUrMt..r on Q.CAKet, JlVaHar WauJatsilNUa, to this market. The' colors are all warranted fast. ;oim sharp, i Lamua,ca4Hf. We feel Confident-thata.Ste4at.aaat ta an 5 of these (rYea aaowia oval prompt - : Goods1 will Convince the Public that;6 they are a ve Oeifdlf rD f AJUU tin. ia. claim for them. OYEnLAUD douse: o : - 1 -- rar - no doubt of our ability, with the X Father, a the help of our Heavenly ot Jacl is gooa ana ror in oeneni or i all his children. Let us go beyond I , theory and speculation, and giro, for tha bancnt principally, oi new Inoouotry 4acei a few Kama that aaay enoDurajr tbatu: -At Parla, IVaar IaaO Count. mercanUla Idaho; a estaUlabment waa orcanlsad.lo U7I, that of coura was a slmpi m tiler: It sold goods cbeatar tlum aTTtTfATTOl ALB, before, prospered la gatbailog up money aod other tneaue, aandiog It out of tba country Ilka othar storaa, but lie proa parity waa to lb dea-b- ut of many paraona who bad lu re lad In It. laetead of on or two a monopoly. persona bad it CTTT. . lALT,i-Ai'reeldenl XirigDam louog, oa a ?u-lill j ' i jTa"r rltlt here Joat prarloas to tb abor wa counsel that dalo, garo pobilo Tae NtaaS Claaa nooae I U Cttr.1 sbouid comsaanoa 9 door Root of WatkerRoava ' Tba a to re trutteaa. there lore, not fa rag lualioad In aim ply buying and eeULng imported goo-la- , por at a0 a fLra. cnaaad a clAlm, eet up a dairy wlta .ttaws-r- rr far Tty, wa, about Stt cow of the beet eualltr Stnyta Sxnv tat. par ear. SSatal to b obtained la tb country,mAd - sxjee a aaepr VaL.. butler aad chaeao and raleedcalvrs And pork. Bom men predicted I 6INCC M ttALS SB Cts. aaaaaavravaaa failure la oondoctiog Itooaeaali baala la oonaecUon with tb a tore. tW"CotBft9t, Teeoortmr amJ CVaaSrMai 7 au. ai aaa a ram la raaUitaa. a succaas. Chare mad It bsa W ILUAS J A. TTTT, la tbo Amsricarr tnannar of aa good --ui as tb Imported artlcl It rrwprVter. quality l an-now proqaoea in ta eaaeoa, a eaarkai ta raadlry round for It- Bawt aai BUI PtcbJnsry Baiog aaaurwd of th aooadnee of tb dairy loreataent, tba tmetaee added In succasaloa a laoDary. raa cblna Ibep, barncsa shop, sboa shop vV' r1 raJraf faarrtaf Taaflt aad meat market, and hart lately . commenced tnaklog waahboarda aa It'"'' roeu a importaU, and ar eapply. Ing lhm u otbr etore la ta county cheaper than tbey can b ara bn aa ' . CAKCE&H, FlTlJ, lUIEUafA. TIKU, gLroaio and Ami, &: 4 . i WORUH and. WO KM . co-oper-ate Tb chance of Austria's going to war at aiuallar tbaa Tb raoralag paper nboUnd la detail of war Ilk praparAtiooa. aaaaaea f " k di-re- d, Ht. Patarsliurjc ; ' EVERHAVING aa (r ,.l,.riOi.iTH;)- bllTd BT TELEttliiPJI. t'f . r.r 4ja---JD -- yt con-aan- t, with or without lha l"oct'a and tbat Kim land haa I nf arm-a- d nton Uortaebakotr that If tb latter coo raa la parauad, the ItrlUah intaauMior will beordarad to quit - Tl!0MPSOH't&t-j6!IHSC- un-aoiao- oat rat , I.. H. v 1 J Lh J I I. ll J All Ii , B , ba-tatlrt- tir, -- - m tiee,eaa rua. aau maoy haT U.VI... 1. C P. &larklek a. no. Pi Trace Abould hATTirnand tby Weat Hooa' pa par mUl, located at and barbario rule ibat oagb naer and toloratad on lis ttf? la Inpoeed poa any br9 ofbeen 'laxa at P. nU ha voalJ b United ritata. Iba tectlon b uchToAUr tu aPfL" IIaoi aod apptaad il In tb?Mtfn. Tbra U no mow xcuw fanJf f' lag to tb pro ait J f.ft4Ulal Author tbu tot lUlDr urn a. raa wtsrux rwto fUAtf in drAwlcrooaii- Jtoujbt "DISPATCHES. u b frowned down In . H a$ 'S wtll aa ia priratvC mitt! m corra-ponde- ii"d thyp tr 1 con-firm- ed Jj ' EDITOSJJLL gQT .1.-F- - Wm -- I frr nift, r QuiuMumi I ... I iim,uw, I f tit m klJarablr In iicm of tba I wo-l-b In! majority. It waa deoa wilbant dabaia or dalay. Tbh CbnaUtaUooal powat poana ad by OoegTcaa 1 a wLaAAndow-aaaatand- la atrletly rapnblicaa la 1U cbaractar. COntraat It wlih tba daapoUo aystam forcwd upon tb pwoploof thU Tartltory. Haiw, a Govarnor appolntad witbout any ragaxd to tba wiabea of Iba popk, nocalaatad by a Prasldant and "by a HanaU In wboaaalp-Uo- a tba paopia 'moat 1 alarm tad bj tba appointment bar no volca, can tU tba Acta of tb LagtlaU0 Aaatmbly atactaxl by popular uff ngs'ot daaUoy tbalx labors during a arbola aeajJoo, by aim ply UxLag no notlea of tbw bill ibay pa, aad aran tba ro'.o of bola llouaaa of tbo .CasUiAtara would bavo bo affect acainat tbo logto rote of tbia on fcQcU'; Indaad bla ailanca ia mora iotanl iLan tbair unltad thle la oailad Prcb. And repnbllekn form of gwarnmant. Tba f owr of abaoluta vato lain tUr AbUgonura to tb apint or 1 mar lean luatltullona; It b aworao 1 : 5 warned that tbelr reglmenta may ba required for permanent doty. n Tba militia will b Armed with i:a Henry ilHea lmmdilly upon cm who weraq Urrtt- 8oai mt ta Aiirr suu. im riMfi ' bodlment. tlag ai(gd la tawiair Qa tb bill A Vienna dUpatchatale that tba allrar New York. "a d a 4 floor of in aama tlx alt ioiporUnt tbatuo wllb XahammedAa con4 wULog land ownara In B- tmW o- t?The Nw JaurnAl gen nlaharaaenta deputation to VI parr. ! "omawbAt rprUUa by,.$ jmrtaz ralJy praX tb lreident for bla enna aaktog for annaxatlou to la vatolog, and moderately Aaatrla. an axploaion and Ua f tranaa conrage lore tba action of Uoograaa. A BL reUrsborg Oolo calls for dap WAlxh-in throafh thawVUof a xtxi ? on tba auMect: tb occupation of tbo Dardanallea llrruUi Tb " 3,000 pound.' It raa ! Jr ffect TbaaitTat afltAUon baa alarmed by IloaAla. Tb (Jat'ltm dm St. Iwtrrtturg of momm blMmilag to aa ad ,At lot, manr pntdaat peopta here, AJod we turnl-- bappea to know.ou tba beat author conaldera immediate war with Engand damAtad tb boas land piwrarabJ to conctnaifroa. tbai far eomw ua a tara U, U aIaa of C r Tb lly, A lnna correepondent, refer mora meal baa baao going qaiet oi in t f hola ln tbawall majnjTa4 capital, drawn oat bee end eant to ring to tba partial at rumor of BOOKS. rWORTD BBlDIff to b in Tea tad tbero. Wo AoatrUn preparations for mobilizafat by thrva (mI No l WM Europ 1 do not know bow coastderabla it tion, aaytB fTbr la Uttl prepara-Un- a v1 . to bo mad. For tba but aren tbo amount thus trtntferrod and 1 Book ZIonnsa. of toat to Industry bare, but yeara tbaa a preparation bar been FrAcb butoaaca bAra .if1opUd ww haveproductive reaaoa to believe tbat If going on. and alnca laat year when Aa.c axsa. j Motocoo aa axtra. Ha tba BraaAW yim of ait ftadac tbo wheta Amount wara known It tb poaaiblllty of such a measure aroew, tba plans hxTa been worked a aim alt. II la a groat Imp 'amant woaM turtle tboogbtful men. out to tbo Tory smallest details.' Doclrlna ai Careaaxu; ai raiiaraa. OTrtho!J mathodj. A kalharo Bt. Pataraborg U0U4 aaye: Tha mAk witli aa lioa pUla 1 "Al rtr There wero 69 fai Jo raa la tbia MTjpboa la Inoreaalng raptdly SUm. t0t bad a rg CTou.adraa,rmf,oa,,a city la Fatoruary. ArifT tb Ttoaataa troop la Xtoo Aaaang apriaxia: $2 aa. at p.aowd La. man All tb Koumaotaa rail, tb AaimAJ Cmw. Id tboUw raa a liuuoa Morroaoa, aataaa ttaaa, way carrUgea ara Infected. It Is in piAM ia a maa nou ut ruca a X eeterUar tba failure was an abeolataly tilt Uck aia aprtnrW era, cm for tha army ns. wary nounced of WbJUock X Andaraoa. la Turkey to raturn by sea aad not WE: plia la Inaartad. THE OP ;mjut Lmportars OPENING; and Jobbers la woolaa through lloumxnlt. blowwlta wooia mal(tlrat JBjma Book, i UabiliUea aaaets and! Patrons of $17,000; our' attention the rood; froca tna bolt Into tba brain Eipecianj,in'ito Conataalloapla InUUigeaoa llOO.OtM. ay tba itoaalaa plnlpotaoUaria madiAta , dAtb . fallow. ' aoaa.I.av. Uoroooa U ai.l lm., the Public to our mAolfaat lrrltallon At tb alow pro . La Umi &ha Lboli bol oa proTAiaani of grea If negotlaUona. Tfia Unltad Rtataa ataty odea vivonixs, lowing of tba lowtr and b''Vblcft bare completed la a few lmrorttd. la bars iUr ahlpped Hup ef Ilea stock of Tba tbo tntlltuIs U csplul .raaal days. It expected tha ptsnlpoteo anougU air eoaTtyai V;b to tb TblUielpbU on mint.; was now si Dru, 4,107 and la tlartea will pre at an Intimation ti braia to prodaea UutattaoQs tdayt TaaraataKaaw .3. 4 OHIO AGO, ILL. f'.S Si a, 63 1 Cvsrytblog la dona on a a :Ck4h O1I1.1- -. oat when tb mait fixing CkU. treaty Ia r ralnlM (4lb Baa rrrt-IU am " InaanaibUlty. of caah with batla fauna. of tha b a eixned. exception Commtasloner - General MeCor which cannot yat b Tb prodAOAd la kalf m CAiaat A Vivos oorraaponoant eaya A faw autlcl aa . FluxsJ" Hani its. eaya of tba prcrpoaltion ttaat a eeerat nks a to eeii low DMt tb imported of coa Luuatrat mellog of tb member blindfolding radr a jrciloos dalagatiotr of Amertean workman the AoatrUa ratarai a of Article About toe the quality. daiagatione waa held anlaiAl qnWt, And a six poottl baaV- - rlalt Iba'l'arla Expoaitioa, tba apl last hlfht, aad the credit to ba de- Tbaintmumn cannot aau tbem ranch Paper, It msaufac tba .Wo aro already opening some of tbo' newest and rltlawbldb ! manded by tba gorarnmpot dls for I'll than tbey cost; tberefura It Of aanrtor XXQtAttt atamifaa tarsrs extend tbo tariUtloq and caaaed. - n tnnat AMmhr Hntifnti'in Nodeclaloo waa reached, Uaoee ft rial proportion of acripl aalS la tbia but It U aotici adtMii Tho GoTerxmeat ef Qoi. 1 U JVwaDiaUtlal for lmprore Dated tbat tb credit on . A ealabxatad pay Aldan ebdaaina country cannot ba too highly esti- - wiu ror ArUoJca. r, aaia oa canine rtc, tbw practlew of round dnc&t pai or Ixrda, tbia After- Tb dtfferanca of prlc ta not great. au iaawrCreia,anaaiai In naairy tb Iftma ApproTao. Sew StaaAa. Teak And noon. tba WAits, by;, yoang tba management with the aid l i Lord Derby, la reply to tha tioaUrry finer 1231 greenbacks, US Inquiry of Lord GraaTllle, laid ha ot more mschJuery bop eoon to ef. peopla, aa conducing to a f ?ema- - Hilrer bars,cola siirtr t lidlacoaat: badraaaoa to bollr th treaty of fact tl. dealrrd reducttoo.'. Tji tore daral op men I of too r'jioaa. Kid; icloeed. nillenixlal Star, VL IMade , for tba early Spring! Trade, which we aro Mouey II; aaay. 4i peacawoakl ba signed to morrow. bare ttJrthod Of inaposlii-- t. Qf After describing Its cU $ la u . BLocxe Alao UJTts o; aaid nrui: rumor a Ixrd bad sjuolee Darby y jueoet Ua) baary. ' " ; oflerincr at'tbo smallest possible, advance Talghlng agalaat Its fazaillart aajba hjw i, iinutu uoiun, .ofruuicx - i iwaxnea mm irom man r Quarters. wlililn ealer reach' uf the ispl Half CaT, 1 W I ta If mooey nrrraaarr, says: Tba aTact of dancing t4tbJa Ilrar, 171; Pacific, 13; Martnoaa, I which h bopd waa true, tbat than CamlrmmtatmMtmt .aaa a A mf Um mrmri on New York cost! and freight. ; l raa pact may ba altogetbar iarec M;;WeUa. Fanro, 81: New Vorfc I IUaaala had Abandoned bar idea of and ruakre each braucU of baaiuiaa . aW , Vf a.MRM4a 104; lW V, PAnama ISO; the caeaioo to bar of tbo Turklab Central, Tha of Wtralar, waen pracuaad la tba bom ; circle Colon In addltlou to the mercantile lioad 1061; fiat. Pciilo,.c:j; aa a tailMirf aiti. uttm r.igr betwaea mambors of tbo branob tbar far BIoom .six branch ef rally,' Centra! iPsclUc 101. To . ..' I? lm.. Ta - -r ateeilaa. , a a homo Industry, all soppljlscnecc but area bar thoro may bo a Usts Kxebaot bar added to tba raru-L. 1 10th Mareb tba for date fixed IU1I of ail Paelils which sary article, nearly formed la tbayoaag that a ffitinls larllat thebootberu Jthe CALL PARTICULAR to .WE ATTENTION - , ' XI rusrWara aaaxla. ranawlof; tba attempt to bold tba roraneriy rrautred mouey to t roNOTICE. la aa absorbing fatnatlon ;bich road of Cala., rat paac la I eu atlordluf for aad 11yd Park, raaeUog a aaaa rt; aa a S f emplojmcnt AAwAaay ttllVft , UCOIUO Vi V Ta aree a Tfta Meaaaar Spnciri Lattars. eoen aeeia" gratification la taora a number of perrons, and aiao quite lu. aBtaatr ' CliJCAXKS JHor aAya, of A';1traCXAI. Oraaral kfaathaaT af ta pnbllo place. No greater pi payloarrajanabllareantare CioUi . Lot 'For . whaler er dlara-- Jebn Raakln, tb well-know-n to wbo tha ftociVoWtra of taa Cedar CTljr Co shareholders, profit befall a boy or gVl tbaa adltorUlty, writer, la reported danrarously 1U number on huudtrd and eighty was implied la too wltb spet evaraUre &Waa IUH wUI be aaU as la to ba sab) acted t such a Writing spd la from orsrwork. uKa tu .rata waa orerrtddaa two. Aaiwen to Qaawtiaas, ' ia proceae. It caoaaa them to V.aVoaae botobouwaot Coutreja.tba lrai-d- o SSm.4 raltara rio It demonatrated tbat at laaat ecUl UaH Oaaar CUr, atareb S, ITS, at ' nawd no UaTalopad la adrancw of Um'; Age, from xpct Tn arrnrathv uiaor braocne coadutrd With atp.aa.,ta Iaa tar aoaaWIi Oo taa Tba rimameUr, refrrrlof to tba ao Mr-ri- ot ReeIatUn o Celt-O-af At: 60c, 60c,'70c,iand 80c per yard. xaaa-eag- a ears and reaaooabl economy, will buHdSSf of a woolen tactorr, aad trjaaact rto aad being naturally lmalTe, theouatry. faUara of di Parclral Willie, Co., no couMraUoa aod a. a eaJlr1 StMeenent ttt a . a . . a I SaU hi as In as well Lai Id conven each otber bmlaaae as way be broorkt of pay do n tbey ara aaaily led bejol tbo War eu titled to UOO. . Th PraaU ib lAumru nwwi Matin, sajt: ts 4 i a VaUry, etc. or.. WllllA, Pervlral A prf-T- at Co. war bonnd of propriety aad intt Jo--' ban. 1 aaaauaa. a reaaooatlA witbout parore ta 4ot prej 0 IUXU sadsrlaxen to aert hU arbi K bankaiaof 10S reare Atandlor. tU Sr. RTOlKJtUtH.' t SUA" farorabU Theso prices are within tho reach of all, and no person! la exDacted. Iarr Cvran, M t. liquldatlo of raio t perpatrate, powar trary . ' of -Tba11 Suprara Court o( ; ?ertb eo Ur aa he tnlxat. tba laoti bmb. t9 aoaplclon of fcaeratary. mlrratuatt 'should fail to sec them before purchasing ... j tt.ucs. act of lUUUIoa whlb baa lb Iioum arma ta bar to tboScioaCt tf fbaolect .craarrttyr. vanua paa recraiiy aee.caa "a daloaa k w. arer tat dbcrAcwd la reoorda ta cnaaLca. of Con Fa. Ot, alngulMcaj. Amta nsmatiaft, fre. OAFTaXb SMaaOa. Cictk oUac;d. 1 rl la. Umtooou. t a4 BirniAO SATItX UXD ill was aaatenaadi to alz ravnlas To iHtm-Coea' . t ? 1ST. ..Tta ciaiaoay wa pvfaraa J editorial ars: id aW im.. f rent boada .VOMO,M per Jmltra w L. K. A I.Vs. Tb btUe,wbo k Imprlwaueal far mar1tlln( Ilty. Had ttw Prtetdrot teen I a On I or In, :teFMat9 Cburt fa andlfor I kSraS aaax Star UHaatbar Mark Lin to know tb waolaof tb DawflraalOal. ,Tat Qonxea itxeruob. Tbo laws of tba Bute prbl ' aatlouj ' err rlm "si Any, -- . . I who elevated him to powar, rraaoa. fnaa a prop brr raoalraa, raabarar hxi af- to aid blriog aul of ptijoaora. rVar. Covrw, i t tuu. . of robarra I ham. U .f WEST INDUS. Shows ter being la Jail two rnont(Ywas raa ooukt ttar heard better assortment of a for it 1 nuaa out to ble wife far flr pilars has not flrlr . Act Lorll an ttaro tawaaSati, Of wbtparad la a outur. IlAVAKXA. 1 aS Tur-ra Is a ataail nlemsod ft the a mootb, aad wmM out lost, tfors VAiaua Yeatarday Aftar. HALT Koacaaa, LARC i"THHEE PLYS AND WOOL orcraare . i . . ympathy whica tb lrelJnt ox nooo ia inaurjrn!S In lb caotral ' I cy mi rod preaaa "IS-bbiw, usu3g lequirau denied befor ClenrJ ! tb t a Ta r aaaAitora bocdbold!. Th ta ifparuneni aaia 1 retara ; Jart : after .fsieat,' bad faila b Koaatieas wa bown flartlcra , ... . I mpo, at Puerto Piio'l vary erealng . . CoaapUlnt wraa I th demouuxatlou of allrar. dp, aurrendarlna tbalr arm. Tba W.t.HA Bfili aalalma arataat taa ..IfurW Aaaajar. I a't-DUcosaJox. JChan Us and tve have tb Mtl In Ineorreote Tha tb belxbborbood of made to tba Coaaty Judge,,; who ba but ecaall taa. i , utui ' Trcob aiao of tba deep frotlac of tb eirrendrad tbalr trmt Sanrtioa' folyearny ? remAnded rihaft to prtioa ft, ftha llt Mka lMf atJaaiDyXnll ; earn hour. at - tba oa tbl a ttnialraKir tbia axtau. aaA country ( by Evenlnf;, Saturday oijactad ramaladar of hi trm 04 iba aUea aa wldoa w i m m m nioia 'f 7r- .w lb breaea b. ISfotbtrat4a,aariLaAa CilVT XAUUl S. 187$. was twaea that tba binieal Af cf riCHf . ground aad tb peool. aod blrtng a'prao 1 jambs r. pacl, ?! tlcai ovaalaa of tba oaotoac hUat trues, a dlaorzanlxlnK blow at tba ,i ' i AHD HO AdsAiairatoreraai4 aatala. HE r .' that plarwd blm In - oaiwl tba Buprama Cooxt has daUed party raa Lak tiir, Frfc. a, im. UTDPSTET. What tb rreolt may b Is pwr. - NIGHT uneer. ONEo o ; ' , that tbo County Oamm(:94 Uln, and tba bitter and uorraaoo- . w . . . , ... f LO"f fTre-- y Mriro-- 4 fTor tae r Xawa. aaay ; ara had tba right to' daclil taa Bf oppooaaU of allrar may Had. ' .' Cornices 8hadea and ra!aa ba aakl aarrSaaoatatt Lambrequins, Curtains, t bung. Drat araaaranr ta four rear, ef tba i !a qoaaUon of tno hUiag and tba! Vy to lata, tbat harlnx torn to Lb r Xaaaa ary hm mmI a kaaa haaoMry. . Mr, eater, UrruaAaJtLa wind follow tb wlU wblrlwlad Mwmywmmmt lateboad wanlaf ta tba Ton a4y I . h 4 tMrrsiWr aah to afMI Ua ' ' watprtt mora by blaC aim tS:lt.m wan. : ALL. Workmen1; at iho'smallestpossihlo editor ' ;j waaaaa wboaa ha bad oCTao(f4 Bis Fncsj't Poem? ratal nf lb allrar till U lMiOect AT. miiar a ayaaa tra;rf. gTiarouary , than by keeping hi ri Im ns gira ooa proof that ba te gay. CV4k, lav ti Jail. Tba Court ottered this ffciar mad by his convictions of riibt KotwltbaUadlat tba Ubora of r.;a mora aad n, tbaa by preaaare tba Kldr la favor doty aaxcmaiawiuk U ataaeat gtf-5- y Oa wVa wrtn in araratai, r x0dla aad tba diraat aad Iaaradlata ad' awaaairauaua b nt .' aad tba erria BbtA wu'imi ey. I1U raacaaca of tha tarrlbl vaatAca wbicb bar followed IU T tores si To i tax u aa rrocr axial iar a S aaia aoitia CatacLlua X01 CLilaraa.. entitle him toeaMrdlt kema riaeur and aful of Maaaa a Aaaatal ; praettoal epara 4 I I ' 1 Uoa woa aad baa . raoea, tbara ara r la tba iravacxui, many ract a ran of his anamlaa. Ha baa many aaraona whoa aelnAboeas Is hint aa.aa.lt aoaA tai r13 "10 mos complete 8(ocku6f thb: tieccs:' v.t w : fJftare-HiM.r'rt1 'nJSrct- forU2J tbt publia credit by t1bBf so lironj, aad tbalr raUlo spirit ao '3f sanes hfo of in andJPrT this dtv. u luvorai pcauaia SMwuxaaoa weak, tha tbay not only refrain t the ra eaJeaaabwl t aa. fram aaaiaUox Ia lu ajaaral latro tbatua aiaw tan IHTLX: BALL. tho : r Or, ; It wtU baaara Lav vnk SaeUm. txal laaMda It AnM T)Pi alt's Voilsl i Tkji PraalJaot of tb UoJUd ft filmm danaiaa sum aaak aad : Cbrt ' iaa tb parmiaaioo. Mv J. AL Oa . tzaatOray, la Tetolns tb .bill Mta aattrlxa a. afmora fTHBaif laa-.iJ-" k 1 ' tl'.i." ';.. I : : atda. tasr rawaaaa. ; SbaB. A.aaaaaS .tba colaars of tbo sUrer dollai :$vnd Ta ajrecwaaas Kaaaaraa T Ca. OBIKGB COHiMF BLtfEiWCTS. k Tba JiAtrmai" $ wasnJortoa .torsatora Its le taadsr elura Ta fieslthcctioa, y w mmm VV1IUI Hal m. h tvt lays: TilaolJactlanAXlerrtaxikj aiibacaitbi but w.ara wtaini new oy way ct A fa Of Cox L, rsJJybader. I ' arfcb. aB ta (JOw stood, itx operation araoBj us la a I yv riar wm aa ta i maat to uataJa bla peel tlon. ' the ertmt-m- al ar printed -- . mJ. sxvtwItbatAad. rreac adraae oa aaiaU JitoorxS, aocncpaly. lam Hill ilaa Oy fauIeW Viorabjeeft ba bwa fully SUaeaaa Ja In tb aaabrano to Qa. AleOoaA: lauaam La Slv r u t.'J a.'r fTD whopariti I700L FM1EBbotn. Haaaaa, and tb dedal souea ia xnaay a of tbat tbwy would not erraar. 1st THI tUUT IE1UTIC1 .IXXI.; in any 11 00 OoTef OaTtar, suMlrsood that Cox oaotd tha proCtabl tHMlaaaa. f on At taa aad or tba ta ae, raoaait tr UqV Coorraa waa tb will of tb t ' Intraj -5. Prioa, .laeam Plaalag mil, JOJV4 IM or of tba Atjd Dealers. two parsoaa barb? all r. ad to hava tbsza i rraa ant aaiaaa taa aaotA aCacU'r . bulk of t ha paopl. r liht 1 to cut, . a rTtis, itxkksa out. fpcaktr llp, tbu Kweervr sreewtotV Tt&U, s f Ut:r? t! j v- Po-lMtn V frrfV (o 2 CO Ia liaUijtjjx hJmsalf will tit 3 aa aquxl f jctlrj with AtafrMr5T--ri- i, aTarderrr I arte1, ! to Adraara rilAar bmJh tZ TS'to S 00 TBI car. taa tUleftarlty KnClfFboeJ.5l turaa, Vftt II Taaalra lUiea. K tbo who mlbt b called ricbj ao r bondholders aad fold specula; ! m Boat oo &a ta Kaxxaa jioot,-1. iUchard a ir sa City, bmms. Tb lttir Balf;Cavir. IAA. Lie tnfla, AXayaabae dama AaiMvary. roan waa baared mrnP VTXK OO OtMBBlJaB for ooratnj; hara, EASTERH SASH fi DOORS taia la citJoer, aa wbr irwn . a taa. man aa Cloth Si tA I OalUra, tVaon'a wtuioot AceompUablflar Any a 4. a taordr of Darotr afarabal aaooopoUaa oaily 9mXU Li a10s a rao man j aaaBic wool abaask atoek. ateaJ Uaat,-ata- l Tba maaaara waa eallad tor by ja 2ju2b In February, 1377, With aay flra bnndrad M AU .. j ItO " til ' cannot la It h voloa, pabllo Tletlaa. rapitaj strictly const anxtfv ia a . fTT;fCt?r rVTftJl feoffor 7 CJrxla JLlafoctatatlCUl 'J b oal srxa whica raqoliaa was Uisrouxhiy aa lo r.IdirOXD. A L VT.. tar .11 JoaU iijOe,YarI r.lM.?clM daUJ, vsauaens . ' i ci fir D 0 OR & VTIiSD 0 W FUlMES Ibocatsd,' aad waa not crowded tbrocjh fa-- died last eracLnr. th fiflh tMraos. lb man with ruliavJ?kWMrq' t aOO CCTLaTt, A flrabonlrad isaut . M . a Mum. mi a W m mi W from dnakior water from a mlaoa. ot7, and tba aaaa , t; w aaaaion 4be,.nclia I' 'Aa.iaA car.r.i ' thoar owaiaf Om r4 atrf wm STXXJ tM yaara H. Uf ... ; WblUJPotton half Hot, j ., raa paaasd wttb tba tbocouza f j 4 Wfii.sand lncreaata bJ Hebaa.fly- There aaaaa , rwt ,,AT . '..jWatav pair .M Ia ta aaattar of th 1 tax-aboald b n t m4Mr,M dair -! l!W,i 1 r ra XLtr-r'-ykilonsi of a Uif majertty boT of auuaor - LAdlslVbUa CafitaataJLiicaaj yirat ty Kana tba maana of oa saxn J AJaaaai raapoaaxow baai, .mZZ aar firowa J 1 t 1 Tbt3K BaaAurs aad lUpreeentxUTra. g . Uff JUWiiO T,m ill to anothar, but rrarely any iralt a kxAta .aa. ' . ltlltnWI job i BBJOyri DSCXASXD. xaxa aair. crry, rjua, p. isl4 lUlerasct Ut Fsbraary bows X. a. T0CKT1. Jaa- ine la bad UliUalidi TttOjtbea, wii wblca pUa 1ST. Box c said pUca a i rwtiaa Oe dacraaa debt Lb for man U, mJTm la tb rUmXrh "maitinir tb Wltbla' tb Of Ihm $rdUort woraa Jadxtaaal, lit tba Tota 14 2 Lb of S V ' a WaaV!TtaJttw1tj', . j;T3d.jT, and tb following n adrantat faror Indicated tba cartalaty of If ti . .? .... n T"l f I MaMVkNrurfiiJL balaoora in tb Traaaory: Cunrao- - wnoar qaal . mora vwUh wlus a.iul --sxAfrrrw ! 1ml baoomlaA a law. notwlUttuata ry, sx.e0.rX apeetat fund for ra- - amwavaa oy ia tali UH Ti trrwT-rBfnU a ta a rvf la.- rvjT - ; H Art, w wa sfaauala waaa r vvil miCJi I wcrwrra looaa ta tb tba oppoal Uan of tba JCxrr-j- tl WSa r I l BBWaiBl Bat aTAWb7 c TO l.l rARJJ J ii utl si. ,1 IaiL t ftxT,' dapoalt ef x7arry Xfn'nj. ttaa tim aotioa, t ave the tn4rea,Ia psmlry tho iiU crar tb9ti9 ?"- -: xr fpaeUI -r 1 7" r--' ! t lax CoaaVi.l.r.CTPTf at f tlil a. racscartlon of ni5l Unl M pora t ll. A L X thsreta itooJ, la thnoctiavU c - . - s cepcait, -ror aaje w. v, . r.aa4 n ti. Lfu: cola. tHjsds of man 0 ll 1. l't Ll rA.a, i r, .i w i , a Ts. juuiuj Frcaatar tk M WUI a4 Taal.a mmm 73, an J la tbo Booato 43 to 19, a af v v Jau a laat;uaUooa luiyji,!3! lacraaiiJi cola certLa-lmi- ay Of aav UrowTv. aconaaed. aus ; rt .a.a cxAW9osr,Ayatt TO-UAY- nth s l.-r- - Tha to-tfjr- r'a bn l- 23 X '. j Superintendent a. a; 1 BROTHER (ER bn ! ; 'ol n t netrotla-tionaaraD- ot I.Cli " TnEKEWJTEAR Ar 4- MRP1T: DEMIT UBIIT! -- -- v. r -- .- wa, Tim j s-a- - a- ckriax STEEL1 :PiErJS " lit bixii-pfice- vie erlf-aaitalolo-c. r - ? m j l. j -- H m Wm ;CflBPETS lTla Wfor-tonac- aa' A i dT . - ba A ta. Sf NOTICE. .' " A No Ono SoilS , lotd a . INGRAINS HEAT It, Stli lr t Prajai caa-cepU- mm, in America a a)araa taa m AiSaa oa !' ' I . -- , i. '!'. . . u mm, ta ntHn4 sAWTELvii LEilSTilODEY. Iwi ofJco-orwralJo- - amlmiaa bset i ; t ft. rl . fttr i- ZTrlr"'"" rr a a !l; . wAvxrx .MfAT'; i:;iF Ci(WWitoAt :l hb err r-- or -- iff. Ml. ad-aatac- . a ad imm-- Ia ,--ta . IO,L-O0,cc- q; Mkbl r '" ! t-;- 1- a a. rHn 1 tt. - Ffh7nnn nni'mrn.. a-- tba 'r Hf cota-nsndx- bJa mmmm lrii fTHOS. OAK -- m txU,tJ PfMn i x Ir:xm.T,roxcAi;, .iiwij asax,,r vviiiiffiii -- to-d- ay, su Gurii Grocery! Department . 1 aatn aov. ti I -- " a. BOOTSatidSHOES ta-da-y'a ,1 i rn ROSEDALE vrra ! . GOODS ! tiixuvH'H nrr vrnrn ii Ja.r- t:15 aiTi Taa r4ayi a .T U1DI t " I 1 1 BjBFB V iiia co-cpra- U . tMr. r- Wcw. va D-sr- ar, ana, ri I f" |