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Show EVENING NOTICES " 'It -- Veatfay. iT IT. ' -I- JeJy SS, !- 1877. Firing of guna, taiaing of flags' ana music at daybreak. Later,pro-ceealo- n PR ICE1 O F COLD. to the Bowery." Bilging by lty Dctrt TotiMat Baa. ine avenue ana Mais choirs, oraOttuJ d.iUtf tAka j UTIi CrrTi July Salt tion by-- John W. Wakefield, and and tr,e ::ttsu";,:.h'!.. several speeches, by others, In English and Danish. Ball in the ' evening. Managing Committee- LOCAL AXD OTHER. MATTERS. Robert H. Johnson, Lewis Ander i ' son ana oiaroya. Jasper la the jwwiiauu, mtnaii, 1 nomas " i. Xinaometer7f degree . i Clear. WaKeneld, assistant. llad at 1 p. ni " I . . x'ir i iMlbTlu'r v. I to-da- I c ' V " CEDAR. ' I , are willing to edtatils JLirerUaiiig. Th rrTrt .Tu hB e TSfV SSQ slble aiUcl upon the sublect pf advertising, which will be of vaiue to those whe expend money to make known to the publJo their business. We copy the following: Several gentlemen who have made advertising the study of years haTe said to Ens that an advertise ment In a Uve paper one in whlcu tvtm matfr in cerefullv written or f fnr the MrtiMilar class of whom it circulates among people Li worth four times as much, eveu according to the number of copies minted, as in a paper that one reads at a glance; or one that the readers get in the nabii oi iniuaiug as a matter of course, they will find nothing in it of Interest to them. papers Advertisers have foand that worth-lee- ..i weWerfGAa'iTe's BATING eurchssed business, I win conttou at ' oil stand, and an iiLeaared to loaI id K ag I'LIIIIR FOR IDE HLLIOi ) ... '!,'.: t W. IIVLBESr. f ' Deere West ef 1 beetre. Of .1.- .- " - A -r- i '( WIIM BEOS ' Li a Elders The programme was impromrjtu. TaWrricle Blrrkes. John and place for tbe rrrlnsriciland l,J'iU90 Taylor I Spirited speeches of five minutes: Aiiri s of tbe assessment roll for tbe cur are 1 the circulated Juvenile singing by gratuitously splendid afternoon. In rrloe. prearhej yestefdiy as advertising medlams,for the earning tbe ume. mad tbe adjustment of Lcholr, of fifty voices, also by the reason " adult and . . . huiit nor a the that the pains Is not taken erroneous mniment. music good by weSrerel Danu. choir, rrota ProTomro-danUCKHOLT, !. i ne speecn or easier Mary- with the readina? matter as those t to ieiv a fv;It from ur Bladen, one of Cedar' oldest cltl- papers whose circulation depends dai t Palt Lane County. TJ. T.! -. - . .hww..... cat lire pleased valued matter was on of the a pre f .Ti the feature. if tens, Trof. quality h Karl lend (i. and nor at old sented to its patrons. I 8T. QEOKQ. . uieu lu Maeser, 1'rlncipat of the Brigham Then it Is the contiant advertis Roarinir of artillery, ringing of ing that tells. If every week the Young AcadentyJ bells and music from the brass and eye must fall on the name of the j business or tne article aavertiscu, I'1 ,hortt, quickest, Keen CooL Kri. Stark IJndjey martial bands. OUtlTAUl VAnBLEH ! MX) Sun of the reader does not have a chance about An assemblage the contributed if" has ti moderating day School children and many to. forest It. Helmbold's Buchu. - Ltwen Oruaha and temperature of ithe Nsws estatllah- - adults, in the Tabernacle. Hinging Hosteller's Bitters, and a hundred ment by mean of a plentiful aup-I- Iy and band music; speech, ln befiaif other articles, have become famous of the pioneers, by William Carter. because no one could escape ' the T RKKK belnar sereral hundred copies of of delicious i cream. Take two merchants, and Joseph Orton read a speech, de names. r 1 nd let one advertise and the other find tbe above Sons Book remalulnf unsold James livered times ln gone by by, y Photo-Oi- l MiiUtiiTea. hard to afford it, and see Ferguson, in behalf of the "Mor tlmesrtoo ;2.sj. Itrearea Mr. Charles will which have the hardest time. they can be obtained at the Dee.r4 Nwi mon llemarfcs Pre W. .Carter, photograph llattalion.": by !" OflJce for SB nnti per copy. J. D. T. McAllister. A very fining er, exhitited to ua recimens, done sident all. with tlnio agrecablo ! 1 ! '!..-'- r Assessment1 for the year 1877. TjrjRSTJAKT to mo order ef ke Ceunty ww.. u un jutr .( .ih. lA.a unniT. i- lira iT the County llitaday of Aarust next, atiHHiiuaj. Couit House, Belt lake City, has been the tlaae - Ml ) !''... TERRI10RIAL aid CODHTY Aiaw-tA- si 5F' Carpets Slrongi Cheap, KIs. .: . ye f - ( l Are selling the Choicest Brands of ed oonsld-ersti- oo y s; t ti (Bk. i ; - North-Wester- r I. i J'.r-v'- r s:i-- ' Qiiality &nai?iaiiteed. HI f !' ! n I jTo-da- ilMl i at Id gallery, it photo-o- il mlnla lures, which are very delicate and A Woman's ceieeraieu beautiful. Preachlng.Tho following Elders are m.f Ciin it appointed to preach on Sunday, V4 the understand There. Not nJ August 5th, at the places named. by this on of an establishment proprietor use utw7" the D. O. CAXDER, I east side of Hie State Read has Was his plate that J. E. Taylor. ticket Meuti Kll been aked if Itj t reI . ClTV AVARDS .L t thU route. was referred ti In Ihe ifcws cently. as leinr IU repute. The At the usual times of meeting. 1 concern allude t Uon the other 1st Ward, IxreDXJ D. Ouiig.f stue oi i no rni 1 i Und 41 Freeze. I James 7S7iIW2,-" CharlesP, out twjrool Srd II. Wilckenl " David McKenxie. ! A. V, For Earope 4th " W. A. MeMaater. I .'itli son. wlm ha 4 Usnan atl ache of Ellas Morris. . ! 'H',,.r.hln',: ;th .. C. M. I. for n dumber of years, K. D. Wool ley. " ,7th I has beeu railed. im k,o on a mission Nicholson. " hth John 11 f ......ii.Slid Klder It. II. " R. Charles 9tli toHnXei. Savage, a I K. 10th J. Khettrr, whojjioee to Holland, ilth " DavidTaylor. O. Calder. will travel to Kurppe In company. I II. S. Eldredge. 12th th Throat. They expect to start soon. " 13th John Taylor. tLe a Ilth " George tj. Caution. Lunr. H h Torkish History- - A buiory or Uth " A. M. Cannon. ot wany of the " Albert Carrlugton. The tM country. Just puUHahed by Moses 16th a 17th lieonard W. Hardy.' of rock Turkey 103 'Tft a eompu-e- d Warren, Bt$tj Htreet, Chicago, ISth John T. Calne. who f 19th Thomas Han Is. eilte.l. Price will be found !mt ful to tliAse Teasdale. Zmii are watching the ar, and desire in George . ITIst Alexander McRse.l formation upoji Ithe geography, ifCOUNT v varis. etatUflcs, traditions l eoil chronology, and sociology ot the Ottoman emTimes of meeting in each, 11 ceuls and get it. m., excepting Union, 2 p.m pire. Send Mw-J- , Th ; 1 ) (i .- -tidtr I i:"" , i tt i.-.wi- nn i - the tbe riad Herriman Thomas Taylor and .,,iu that Crlsmon. Pr. l'riee prrparea Bxl&htot tirday, July 2Dtb, George West Jordan uavid xicivenue. of Extract as as orgablzed, Brighton Ward .ial riatotlB South Cotton wood J. P. Freeze 1 While other Lemon Kx follow and Charles II. Wilcken. North Jordan D. O. Calder. I Bishop, Fredeficl; 8. Schoenfeld; v, id i little time have the f .1 B '' 5 ' i turpentine, Dr. First Counselor k " - VU. I Adventukk wrrii a Rattlesnake. George Case, a constable of London, a few days ago, waa away from the house at work on the farm, ana tne mother bad stepped out of the house for a short time, leaving a little girl of eighteen months alone. Hearing WTLLKS. '; V: :. ' M . '' : ' 'I p.v: ;' We are selling an extra fine brand of SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. the child laugniog ln great appar ent glee, she looked in and was horrified to see it striking at a large marassaiigua, or marsh rattle snake, and when It would make a lunge to bite, the cblld would laugh, supposing it play. A pet cat was between the child and the snake, using all its strength by rubbing against It to keep It out of danger. It is the opinion of the parents that they are indebted to, the cat for their child's life, In this case the mother seized the child and placed it In the middle of the highest bed In the house; than she,' all unmindful that she bad lain oil her shoes, seized a kettle or hot water and commenced pouring it upon him. This brave little barefoot woman, near enough to a four-fo- ot rattlesnake to pour hot water on him, poured It on him till he made a lunre to bite, when she screamed, dropped the budket, and ran. By this time Mr. C, who had been called, got to the house, By tearing up the floor, he succeeded in pushing him out with a pitch-forHis snakeshin was found ln a very demoralized condition, being and entirely blinded by the hot water,' trying to bite with a mouth all knocked askew by the falling kettle. After he.was dispatched and the rattles secured, they were found to number seventeen, and tome of them gone at that, showing him to be old enough t - At 45 Cents per Pound i - 1 TEA Isrt Package. Try it and you will be convinced of Its superiority. 1 The attention of all lovers of ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA is called to our fragrant j LEMOyETC, VAXILLl, ?ti Ptstrj far fUrtriBS Ice Cms, Cites Willi in cat care. 'by a new process, we extract from ' the true, select Fiiiitt :' tnd Aromatic?, each characteristic Ila- Tor, and produce JHatortngt ot ?.rt treettenee; Of great strength a nd perfect purity. ' Ko youorwu oilt. Eicry flavor a rfpresented. Jfb deceit --each bottle fall lf more than othen tneaure. holding j k. hair-cooke- d, NO EQUAL In the market, and can be found only at our store. It has Brand. 1 one-ha- purporting to hold tame quantity, Utt 'Jitm once, vnll lias no otur. Ihe mo iclicate delicious flavors eter made. 6s t superior to the cheap extracts. Ask f m&dv Ur, Price's Special Flavorings, . t ... ..,, .. .suvu vati. r ujr " ' -- . ZBEW-A-IKI- E - . i " . Pepot a; CHICAGO amlHT. LQU1S. ifinf j'teticrtfi ef. J7JPrice, Of i ... ' .1 .. ! - i .:. ROASTED COSTA RICA COFFEE, sold, as M CV--.- ro ' ar--f- nt ..!;'.! UK, 3?IMX.'D Mill Creek A. M. Cannon and atban Hansen; w I Fox. Jesse i tliuere-wI- tj Second Counselor. J. R. Jones: rtfcrany feogth,of W. Charles Granite Stayner. 2 Clerk, Robert Hazen. ia(nae kmony Uate. Union J. P. Freeze and Charles to vote. Monrof Commercial. I lresMlng rrleat of Pleasant H. Wilcken. Samuel A, ool- Ureen District of Ilrlghtou Ward, South Jordan ' Sst ZtuiAsr Flax.) I : ley. VY JohnIIurt. r ICastMill Creek John R. Win mll quantity of seed just AtNaphl, Juab Count, July 2ud,' M77, I Caine. T. der and AMELIA ANN.Wifeot A. B. Palmer, ln the John .a i'leadi J comlltiwn. Cost of the Stritts.. It has been Susrar House Theo. McKean 37th year ot her are. 8he was buried with vj: tinUaome far ornament; estimated that tlitf .destruction of and George Teasdale.i ber Infant child, Horace, born June 30th, jr la Manilla in atrength and property, hindrance" to business, F. JLtttie and reuer- - died July 1st, aseooe day. Drapervllle iifcili!:; nearly a One aa silk; loss of wage, etc., caused by the IcsrA. Mitchell. Horace S. la Offden, July JSoth, of luof dlseasSt Biir Cottonwood wdlwo tons per acre per annum; current rallro&d strikes will amount ARTHUR NORMAN, ton of N. C and ton; to twenty rulllloti dollars. That Is Eldredge. iuyniMfJ t3 $lt Mary Flyrai o, horn April 13, 1877. . Farmers John vanv"". vJwmb Inatruetrt toI. 11, fifty cents apiecdl for every man, A. H. Raleigh. Brighton woman and chld flu the United writes rif euliettur tr thU MINING STOCKS. States, for the pviblio pays the bill Scalds and Barns. The follow 5w Zetland, May 29th, 1S77: MOHNIHO BOAKl. eventually. Or,! reckoning upon ing cure for scalds and burns, If wi eollectml this month from In.be should five one fbi as man claimed, every grown jSm p tan birie wing on good I San Francico Jul SO, 1S77. 4 ami, no watfr nmr lave habitants, the cost would be two universally known 12.10 p.m. Kve ten fvvt iu length, Sower dollars and a half to each man. the recent meeting of the CO Ophlr, l3J; 13 "At x AiUfnit'' Sow hi tit, Now, then, every man in the coun Massachusetts Dental Society there 100 Mexican, 8: b ftt apart. try, step up ana Settle, vnd then as an announcement by Dr. u. G fc C, 7R 7 there will le a gMeral realization P. Waters, of Salem, of a very sim 7S5 nupln packets pest free, SO els. 14 j; 14J; HI 790 anu 855 B&B, Wjmaa'i CummLision HoQe, of tho costliness of! this rude way ple and easy remedy for burns 20; 26J; 6j, b 10; 26 of settling the relations between scalds, which seems to us worth 190 Cala, 5$; 5i Salt Lake City. Savage, Dr. 100 Con alKirftnd capital. 4 setting before the public, since 28 Va, V w 2 ' assem' v Waters tested It before tne dj 30 Chollar, 27 consists The meetlnsr. w bled ' aiMMk remedy 4 tmml. IncLasetf 260 3.90; 4 A IA In covering the burned or an H&N, a.3.95; Vnini simply of of ease loci tells R. the i the timoKfhrr experienced Iwellyn scalded Part wiu tne common 130 Jacket, 8; w Ju(in 7j; 7$ th summer months. the water supply j at Fountain bicarbonate of soda, found in al oue 770 imperial, most every housekeepers pantry Vdharsy produced hy the heat Green, Sanpete, a4 fbllowst SO Kentock, 3 a the ordinary 'soda' used in cooking whol-look! tor 10 ilrlr 110 several Mmfthe well: 'Our cropa ' and then cover that with a wet 500 Alpha, 3 and of oats, wheat," Belcher, barley W, ami fret)eut patches to la said severe The pain have been cut. I recollect well, In cloth. tiArticu. nr?r. t be Immediately relieved, and the i235 S Nev4J; ila; 4.10; 4.20 we j here when xaaie first, we, l&J, m sullerlnjr from the leaving 125 Bullion, o; 6 r rapidly heals without thought there wad a bout enough abum scar unless is do a very oau 1S5 Exchea.5P.5S In diseae. Vj,.Mliiiutinf water for a dcxen famines, provid mh a natural healthful ing we were economical, now there burn. Dr. waters sui jeciea Him 255 Overman, 16; 1C; 16J; 17h 171; thou- - self to a severe test ln the presence a of In are the neighborhood w re-t ruut l!iejtem '.!jfrtirlcia he poured boiling 810 Justice, sand inhabitants In thU ptaceand of the meeting; 8; 8 0o. one of his "Wrists, till 2500 Bryan, 85c; water nirau. Tor this we have upon our main front watered, .f?hDvk' Se Weetl Tonic the flesh near the surface was 90 41; 4 Tl!ViuL A few Iomm will sptlne, 14 G acre;i from Birch rooted' then he applied the soda S20 Union, U 1'oie JulU. acre;HO at.d from Creek, n l t,m iH.tit the wet cloth, and the pain 500 Caledonial; 4; 3 90; 3 85; 3.95; (nh acre;; making and rf th Fur Cafion ceased as If by nisglc, ana an ap totly. .Uu. dsu acres. of total b htvAlus,Vle. Many or me burning was rspiu PSit i pearance dis are under stilcleet io "We the arnt hiiiii,i jhjsiviaa doubted effaced. COo ly not We 100 N In do R Island, Ur Uypeji wateilSjN rj ran be pr-m- y cipline i -. 100 Woodville, 25c that we 'hive a light to , ,ri,rvvt t.y Urug which cousiUer y waute 2.35 more 100 eleiueut that than any Alta, we This ftr that (n.r.j morning . 200 W Fargo, lOo and it eeoia to me that we Missionary. TU rtujloyrj W,e, Toutc In other, Marlow 100 N York, from a received call '.Elder . re our 35e i In . the btet t Almighty ' MAlly Ultrerent from I , 15 Ward, 10c . L. Cummings, of this city, who re It eonuins n corio- - eiTortt i i 40c 300 Leviathan, mission from a or teiJ,; itl f4cl it last evening The incietscd supply of, water In turned 100 H Justice, 35o 7 in. rvisuUf rieratlon9 of thee valleja throughout, since to the Eastern States. He left here 200 "J PPIie her denivien Trojan, 50o is' very re- - on the loth of last November, and Unit .... their 750 settlement, Peytona, 415; 130 ln W nmtuM, M I soo SU Lou u In labored the S is District, and Silver, Hie ruaikabie, rightly attributed, Z"!nu' kUU Juice iSo I under the direction of Elder David 100 Jo C. """ut Skates, by the lALUeMfay Salat., to the . ... .. ...... j ... a . 100 B A B, 15 i . I'lctiie Julow U the Meftirif Of Utxl. I t M. Hiusrt. Jie attsnaea large 500 Q 4 0, 8; 8J a V""nlMvb,ii healthy number of meetings, and bore tes70 Overman 17; IS Front Brother Stacs. 2eavr " 15 Bullion, to the truth of the gospel Kwted; and when thU timony we Richard 8. hive the 250 Horse, Jacket. 8 ' whenever par opportunity presented Iu suftlclent. 'tea t ... I 11. .11 Itl.ll..l ticulars of the organisation of tha The HL Louis Saints are all well, ?JM Justice, 8i.: r 30 LoOO as h to Utah come to 4.05, and anxious Caledonia, at The follows. Beaver Stake of klou, J?10, Jnioa, a special . soon aa possible. 0 Impi, bllr. '" lrform th,'duty conference held . July Lath and 26th. "tvtik.. Juu- when the 'Utter VI70 Jacket, 8 Besides the local authorities, Ticket. "Amram" writes from . or an BruggUls. V 'HeW Tevi'seke.:'ci i ( Woodruff,! Kraatus Snow, Bt. t 24th George, July D. H. Cannon and Willard Hnow 23. Silver bars 124 New York, Conven"fhls evening a County 1171 rold i silver cola were present.', 'J " tion vas held, resulting lu the fol .Kjmhsrki. . Gold closed 105; ' Viang tt.wu Upro-:i lowlntrNOomlnatlons: i discount; Governments, The following was the re suit firm; Ter. Supt. of Money.li 2; tAe, sod its odor "7"arie 'JohnTaylor, for For rreeldent of the Stake, John Atnoki. weak: Western Union, 68; wr foe mile, District Jobn Bcneole; Dr. ltowberry. rrouud. IL Murdock; First Counselor, John 13; Pacific 22; Van Cott and Lewis H. Hills, Quicksilver, Ppre hU Ylang-Vlan81; Ashwortb; rieconU Counselor,' M.Ij. John . Wella, Fargo A Co., to Locate Universi Commissioners 2; ,roQ the otto of Hhese Snerherd. 94 J; Erie, 81; Kew. Vork Central, Lraetaa Council Lands: Snow, ty Memters of the High Ceunoil, lor w for Washington and Kane Panama, 100; union ,.racioct achaualog bwln wiuum John Pacific Bonds tJentral oineriognam Thomas Select 105; I Bonds, J. Counties; Jones, frajrance unlike dlohunt, Willis Coplan, lUchard B. .. Miles P. Romney. Sapt. of t'i,'.-:::.;.''- ' aokenrhiefeatrmct. Home, r'blloT. Farns worth, Ben., man; for Schools District Washington Wlhfou Now era. U. Tanner. Sidney CAXVllV E. O. Woolley, Justice of vrx Ellas 11. Blackburn, William Rob County; r thePeaoe-ioBt. George Precinct; BOOKS WORTU RCIDISG inson, Jbdward Slaughter, olenry Av w: Irvine. Constable." KJX. F maw or to. Gale, Alphonxo aasorted and . luIS r wJ Bishop of the First Ward, Beaver ground for the alway. on City, Charlee IX White; First Tannera.-yrb- e Hoe of hU site BeoThomas Counselor, tannery has Bchofield; proposed guaranteed. Dookor i J narapiL, ood counselor, not appointed. t been purchased, it is situatea in J U. Ollt extra, IcKit tU 19th Ward, was formerly a port Hosd. IUK of the pub- - X.Bishop of the Second Ward. John a. First Counselor, An- the Smith; Kimball estate, Bank Block. 4ervt drew Patterson; Second Counselor, tlon of the H. A- .DacliioB and Cofea&nU t and is about four acres ln extent. i l nomas rofrsxer. Uoclp, AgenL Minersvllle Jas. Ward. The old woolen factory is on ruiacioth. Embossed Sides, edt back and Bishop ' First Counselor Wll- -I tne sameMay 'Sasf? d ROOFING MeKnlght; ground. The water sup sprlnk.Udedres.t2.03. o- Lam Second Is J Wood; men Counselor, and at will be . ply ample, Dlawoodey' FurraUImltatloa Morrooco, embossed sides, I work lianas. for the tilt back and sprinkled edfest-UO- excavating diii sepa Thomas Gunn was set. apart as foundation of the tannery bulldV actios? BlahoD and n residing lder ng. In Adamsvilfe Ward for the pres L. ent. ur. winnow re--l ..j i VTamauoa. Koaa,XS Moeocoo01tt.3.v Bishop or Greenville Ward, Robt. mains Will be cremated fo' Counselor. William First ' Fusion; t and iT J?, i rjn Beceml Counselor, Wil at five o'clock p.m. j , County or at Richards; ft t do i wams. r bJ rptjtng liam one. President of Uie High Frv Jta Im. Korooco, 18 CAif a Toad Hkab r The Cloth Emboss, m r. : Quorum, Daniel Tyler; First Coun- Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard jk selor, Janiew Farrer; second' Coun- ' "One of our citizens of an observand j I selor, Geoixf' Kyres. f j j turn mind ef experimental President of the iFlrst - IZhllsa ing found a toad upon his doorstep re. !ciota Xmboase4,LA. us to Qaorum tilTxr 'quesU ' in John Beaver, and in order to discover Robinson; a cently, wn K.TJr"- - First Counselor, Bamael O. White: whether it could hear well, got len Alexaader down upon his knees and made Coanselor, orbed Second U- .... Campbell. different noises to teat the question. 'paper Coven, tt cents. - The toad bore the noise and X. John Smith was otk- Blahep took spdl57 rTesiuent or tne r tm vlao- - part in the experimanti with such poimea ram or iTiesis. .good nature, that the President of the Teachers' Quo- unflagging was working up considerInquirer rum, Joseph Tatterrall; F'lrst able Interest la JJae matter, when PublLilied t and for aa!? ' the n la New Counselor, Duckworth Grimshaw; he happened to fcok up and found Second Coanselor, William H. hlmjEElf ezxronsuled, by a crowd of Deeeret News Bteam PrlnUng and . White. Bill T.V.w x4.r. people who weraspeculaUng among Kbuaoiig Hbce1, Bait Lake City . . , Standing Clerk of Conference, ihemg2T9r&s tat. ... to wfcetfcerhe was dm 4 ,r- -: I crazy or simply drank.?' n Utah. I 1 a 4 a m. 'j i 5 'i.a 'i t is of odor Try a pakage of AYENA. ItJjs Lsuperlor to Cracked Wheat or Oatmeal, either foreign or domestic. As a breakfast dish It is palatable as well as nutritious, being entirely free from the bitter taste so common to Oatmeal aud cooking light like Rica IT HAH NO EQUAL.! ! ) ' ''j ; GENUINE OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA. a- - , FAMILY r rr ! sti -- .1 Buy your Coffee of us and you will be sure to get the GENUINE ' We keep the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED stock of FAMILY GROCERIES In the city and OUR PRICES (quality considered), are LOWER THAN THE LOWEST, j i RECORDS i ''3 j ! I i i ! trans-..uN- ; 1 jerptr-ieIi.Ltbutl:il- Water.-i-Broth- lse er . . T - ! I ( !) ffk. m f 1 i ; ; - r. )'. "r . ' ; i ', j j 1 -- i j . WK ARE tlH h f ! . ? I .. -- Will . ; iv ; - j 1 f X ; PREPARED te receive orders for FAMILY RECORDS of an approved form. ' Each book Is divided into four forms. ' i 'I . - . . ii . ;;- - j;...: i ' t GREAT . .: . - v;.''-H- -- The second form Is a "CHURCH RECORbt" With spaces for bless- i' . . i . . : j. . f t- tngs, baptisms, confirmations, ;' dinations 'endowments', and patri arcbal blessings and various partio- lars of the same. . a The third form is a "SEALING n ,. t RECORD, with spaces for name of person i healed, birth, death, time, r10 etc H " " SVt J ' Is g 1 ' 107..-,--- ' trrV'lok "ts i . i " .'; -- i , a ! i , i to-morr- ow, M S " ; wiig fd i : -- : Butter Can depend upon prices.1 whenever decline, as low as. others for. same grade oil P&TRQIIS ( "I t LV. . a J LADIES' AUD PADTIES DALLS fl iTrf i v. tr a C3 s a turn . f l--- . ..... m 'Hi . : r 5 . Q hi .! . :i ,J . r. . i 'i ' ,e i : t; ' Si jB 2 T-5E- 'f i :. L -- ,'-.- li s t i X ' 'AJjLA " totuit 'all ta - . firt m7m"' JHOlESflE ' 17" C7.i Yeb 111 ssa i r - ' llVi ' . ""' -- S ij ovm r-f- r S T5 r- - , dipiib- demand, by - seUingmyKome- made goods: ' 1 ' ' " f- - ' "I ? h a u ! Strange ,ZnU true or are repaired ready tohen misedL 'Y Qme arid prove it t f .Goods .made - Storekeepers ioiU their interests, and'meet MO 0 r GAODFllCTDilED promote i iy-E ff pro-pric- es O fuIIl - - : I -- . ' customers. r': mm. ;D! ..,. Bootsamd Shoes of every Art7i2 ' ' " J to order, IS made yV in style and KJ t j ':-- '!' ' Summer Suits, Walking tJanes, Stylish iHatsj pricey mmwmmmmmmmmn Full Ahook 'f 'Fun KBoan Flesber a Cloth BoaaBock 1 ! Hi.-' ww' 't tj J(.i 1 W80;, jfaOO ttSM IQulre b...1i..ii-400,'it.4tS v:; to 410 .3 too m ! , ii:; SW't..-.fSvi--- - 'Mi,'1 JZsLalI JLis i ids. MT ! .Wari JiKltiO ' - . I - o JI roanbr'ocWVlw .uj i - GEIlTLELIEirS . .r. I ( Dress Muslins, Keck Ties, Parasols ahd Fans at low "f ''j prices. ' ?i! r1 - ly " Kid Fox Balmorals at $1.50; a pair. M M and C B Stand ard Teas, 50c. pound; ) stantlally bound In full sheep, English ' furnish them of any size, from one to five quires, or larger, but proh-abfive quires Is as large as will be desired. We "can also furnish fatrrtaN lii a reclvJ. pro- ihm portioned to each other to order. i ,,(.U i U These Records are well printed and ruled on good ledgerjpaper, sub , j - ; V - .-- book, and its pages are numbered I t same grade, and cheaper than liard L: ow ' Flour as, low as others for goods. fXl Each book is furnished with, a title page, on which, tbe person owning the record can enter bia or ber name. An explanation of tbe forms, or instructions how to keep the record Is also, printed In each E rt j F&L1ILIES . I Supplied with CigarsrackJ lers,! Oysters and Sardines. II: V f':'v:lU Can procure XX and XXX ' The fourth form is a "BA1TISM FOR THE ,DEAD RECORD," with ipacta for names, datef, birth, death, baptism, confirmation, etc. atl low i I ! J ( i ;., prices. Sash Ribbons 15d. per Vard. f -- j il i. . Shoes Walking- r or i Straw Hats, Lineni! Coats and Dusters, great variety. CLUBS YACI1TIUG I. TO LUX of S-Sst- lx PR0CESSI0I1S acommodating one family. J - EXGUnSIQIUSTS 1 - Depot for Supplies. CEI1TRAL tli and i The first form Is that of a "FAM ILY RECORD," with ruled and printed spaces for births, marriages, and deaths ln each, family, als0 for names, da,tes, and places, one page ' itlcutu-mlwlt- NOW -- tQ i ipLVN 'i!';f UlSjZeather,st Finding to fpplied trade .at ablerctes-- the reason-li- e li. . r .Tr.H.rtowE, " Ji s i i I ii. i : |