OCR Text |
Show ! '",'! j i I u jjkJ'iLid-U.viULifl- m - i . 4 Hi! 1 t t I H i I I V s ' ' . 1 ? I i a i . JN - - " i i -- - JLiJ ,,, i- . . ! I,., i " t ' k3. WIHl'MI ' mm - " ; LAKE CCTir. UTAH TERRITORY, FBIDJiY EVENING, AIRrti 13 ' 187T. 'I HALT i t , V'V- -- .1 i t , i JLXTJ .ilJJI;Nj I ! I no. 120. ff " lT Si- TRADE. CHICAGO bade: ST. LOUIS BUSINESS & FAIRBANK K. u CoW the Public. Keen Them GO. r. AstersMscsi 4t XU'O. j Bell dry roods, fancy roods, aailUnery, wiMiuusj, uuuw .sua aaoea, nau aoa ca: wjuwui evo. 4 C. s. Batftey (Third South Street) and Meauroot v:m. iUlctureror iard 18 IPj Established, ' 5 ill Calder a Csvrls 'Sell Masoa a Hamlin and other j , Eitabllahcd Cblcaro, - F.In&connect e.Tjaecer, ton rllb thimwt cele- - Dirccfyaoa rratea rcnaoie rniiuo. rruiu iuu Uerman manufdeturers offer to the western very i ar(ret stock kept east at tnui.the New York or I'oetnn, la crocBerjt tnioa, FaacT Goods. Foreign and Uomeatio uiaa mN.UmmindlimD r ixturf. CutlerT and SDnooa. LMikior Glarars. Sllver-PUtUrittanUi rmxla t tho Terr Jowpat market prices. Eastern prices duplicated. d 118 & BIRGE. ' Co., y CO FLE, BIRGE- -& Farmiog Tools A Of ALL KIUDS. Largl he I i. !! C. i" Wrlrht (PlrstSouta Street; a barhAP. shop, and do hair cuttinr, etc. ft. JOB i Omaha. Neb. Mo. cx a KeoD a having-- , JOHNSON, Grocers, el Irn . Crsstree . 8s Nll. Ktock In a C. i uaRUMiEY A CO., i : . - . ap3 tnd - OVTC d lor Spacimsa Circular sad tttisats- JEJCM t rr.. sT. i kypslfrj jBuvm TewnMad, HW YORK TRADE. ft I l LLU CALIS 1 Orrics-Ma-in Vitftint - Broken, Sk 15 W:l Street, litr cmtimen Invest menU 'Huw a m amounts to suit, 'u is I tUyi, U days, rrrrf, u;a. to moottu, tbree moat ha, w'U'tH.uiteDQtrsvts, wbica frequent- r jrn fnna ws u furry tiiae the ratursCmtraou bought Vj Faplanstory aMinat-,!, 'rctTJor repon of. th 4 s'KttfrH). . I of Den- - oppoaita Wasstaki - Stnat,a2 " , Cttou diy; ' '!"' PUw..dy ', IMllfaa. window &ri ted- nowi S. bouOMtl. and svlao dirs rardens and sets plant, m to. in oroer. !' 'MIEEK8 A RAWUXSj Attorneyi-at-La- lit i , t3.$50,$10Ol$20OI$45O, LaraiftTHEWCHmco., if JLcadem Hoieu STRADDLES ! ! i ftU.no vf ' i the very best live featliers. walaut lumber furniture and baby waroos. j: O. r. e ,' (Two llooks north of Valley House) Sells DR. A. W. CALDER, . DENTIST. the American i ' ' T W. k tier be eat ((Seventeenth Ward) Mis chHctnnt- - hmmi. Mini.. u.. ui nsa cumoL ana nu l rw. rumrwrr. w. OFFICC in Lawrtne4'$ ntw builtUng, uiacaverry, apie ana straw Derry plants. - ' c. FwrrrsisiBi rrtut o Jtnnini' Corner, Salt Lalt City ' Does all kinds of watch and clock mak- d&9 Vtah. nr, repeunnr and cJeaomr. r.1 A. Qesla , (Office, Deseret Bank Block) Is stent or Red .Canon and Rock Springs coal. CMlc in Wasatch tlotel, 8. City, ' SI fa A. XXelley .(U Main Street) aaeitf Does all kinds ef millinery work and selis madortip dresses and millinery goods. u p vy 'i il JakoHmaserA Bro- H. (Succewors td J. MISSIS. E. COX & W. J. WHIGHT Barue), deal In rnns fis to is, ammunition and nshinr tackle, and ao i praouoai giinamiuunr. .. BAT. e. Attorney and Counselor. ij agents and the secret service force of the treasury and internal rev enue agents into one organization. Assistant Secretary French reported thatil would be highly inexpedient to adopt that idea.. The number of customs agents was reduced by the last Congress from nrtytnree ts twenty as tne maximum WsthlaitsaMeasatea Foundation. The board of engineers appointed to Investigate the sufficiency of the foundation of the Washington monument completed their report. There Is good authority for stating that tbe report will condemn the foundation taa insufficient to war rant the completion of the monu ment on the present site. The Jewett Trsredy The Coroner's Terelles. Kkw YorkJ, 12. The coroner's verdict! iu the Jewett tragedy finds that George. W. Jewett came to his death by tbe explosion of a hand rrenade brought to the office bv Orvllle D. Jewett,' and toat Orvllle D. Jewett died from a pistol shot wound caused by the firing of a s:J pistol by himself. Stock Market. the Opened a Barber Bbop, Does anythlnr In the tin, sheet Iron and Toe threatened panic in stocks oor west of rtnwoodeyi Furolturala tstnr. oopper-anut- a une, auso in tae rasatunr une. was averted biwTmfi Ucts.. Hair Uutt nr, ' by tne withdrawal i Sicts. We go ran toe satUfactioa. U - ' 1. W. Hadaen from the market of North Western ' dll9 (Opposite Z. C. W. 1 East Temple Street) and Itock Island stocks which had been announced for tale at auction Boys an 1 tells household every ' stocks moved downward joodTbf These 1 i i desosiirUoo. ' but the bears suddenly beJOE IilKKEK, . Jans atocnaie, again, came purchasers and stopped heavy 2 Sells kinds woolen mills Wasatch all of : a aeqilne temporarily, nut the marelotb. and buys woou CFTLEB. 10CK ASH - GTOSUITB ket was irregular throughout, clos ' Doss bualnesf as and oounssunr-at-la- ing firmer. Many liquidations attorney ; 9A ITS ' 8HA RTtXD, ' 8T0VT3 ' . t took placO; during the day. The PA1RXD, QVKS BX- -, .Atortosi a Tafta . roads stock were strengthen Seir wines and Uqnors. wholesale and Trunk 5T0CX, Xts- -, rumor of an agreement ed bv the retail. SB. . C. W.Iassj; made by jveseel owners and Chicago Oocx ir. . to sustain the .(At Morrill's Stables, First South Street) railroad nlanagers It. Keene, a rates. James summer dJseasei Treats all of horses and! cattle. JAKE HEUSSER &; BRC.,' . was California capitalist, buyer of Oeerao Beyaelds. to the exIsland Rock the stock, (5ucMMort.2I.2fA(Trr,) (President B." Toonr's office, South Templo tent of 10,000 shares. Other pro Mala Street, Flra Norlhi ef tk Street) Lawka city, minent speculators also; bought Ueybasi. JMsr, Sells and locust 'i j ,; : liifiiiiinioiHiiiG - I I . - . 1 1 C'a'US. .. NEW ORK I ; aBi,enueo w. S0OTS& SHOES s us n - ixkrolsl treat . -- : , Corner CrcsVyJ ltd . tr 5 OBALBBS SI. - f walnut, mulberry, i . ' OVSS, P1STOZS. AJtiTCXlTtOS AVZ ' All rAt.M faans. PLASTERS. riSHJSQ TJLCXLK. ' Tin Wars, : , Pra.ttesI Oai.atth. All work In Anr dnrM NRATLT Iff --' ' PKOMPTLT,aod8tlafactloa Ousranteel asui trees; largely, H. law. A (Town Clock Store, 87 Main Street) Makes and repairs all sorts of boots and sBoes. , i j. Coin: liver . j In Fajranent for Land. The Secretary - of-th- e. Treasury has decided, in response to a ques tion submilted to hlnr by the com- mlsfiloner general of the land office, Howard Sebree j Mis the Baia Waron, Wood Mower and that sllvorViColn, tendered in payPaAdork euDry KakeV OUver ment for Reaper. Plow. Chilled government lands, canConcord bnrriea and in any one pay. plows, harrows, culUvators. was on not umoer, sio. . , ment to a greater amount than $o. Slorrra Sevtn Lnnsber AsoeelavUen, A Prisoner Sbot ant KUlesU 'Sella' sash, uouldlnra. snlorlea, . doors, Memphis. 12. While tbe turn bnnds lata, wood pea pi and water pipes his rounds this eveand retail. . cheap, at wholes key was going" found that the 'leeks of . lie ning i'-r.'wV'ssaaW . . cells wiiicu iu tmj ixi i tne in (At fait Lake'lfcraU office. East Temp e Brotbers, recently sentenced to the , i" fotT. ij for aorso steanng, naa AtUnda to sTl bn tness coonected with penitentiary with. (Jailing as tamneted ijeen patents, also kral and notarial busioees. sistance he commenced a search,. when Henrv" Seymour drew a derkoeksa Bsvlla. same time one rl BuudWi Pli.t fouth Street)' Direr, and At tbe (lwrenee's drew assistants of bis, and both the Dobuetnees'as Attornejs-at-Taw.'v- 5 fired simultaneously. Seymour was 1 ay lor'a Betel killed ;L the tofficert received a severe scaup wouuu.. i . (Xaln St rect) 1 .TwQCetnnilselsn at Wersi. Is kept by Taylor and Cut er NkWJOrxw l- The Demo aw 8?rOaasfel . . - i I K . , crat says the commission were up BolntamJly rroceriea, parasols, uoimsr all last night. tTheif interviews prints, dress rood, rsaur ekKkin, boots and shoes, is lies shoes, ebildren's shoes. were fully discussed, and the stand aoaaryroeos audtmrcaarKioe geoerally taken bv each of i the parties care- rullveanvaaaed. I It" Is understood a rIan was adopted., and will that the Tuwnsend Ho laid before Packard and Gover nor NIchoIlANOno thing 1st certain SawnteenthWard) there Will be no further statement received from Individuals after noon , Mis fruit trots of various kind. ' J on tThursdayj .Uenerai liarian . , $ l Walker Bros. finSell drv roods, rroeeies, sard warevr last stated that the commission had ished Its labor's in that direction aae crockery ware, aod aerobandiss and retail? ; the and would now begin work on now ' Je opera U to salvation part of tnef job vlt r iVoafna-aaos. would; begin cbnsiiltatiotf over tbo . : IZ ;1 anA rod" Liloro, facta already gleaned. ; During, the Make sett first class boots momlDgj-Judg- e resswe twvs sou saoes, etc. Wjly .was present with - a committee of gentlemen -- h - oar-rtar- es, j be-rece- PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE! t WHATCHLESS. DISPENSARY", first HOMEOPATHIC hare tha larakt Sort-inent of MedJctnea and CbemtcaiMi In Utah. and are t kersfnr prepared to All freecrlp- wos or every oeseripuun. , DK, CIOCKWUX s SOX. TREES! TREES! TREES! S Ti.M.-TM- tV. Ytmww Ripe, Hale's Karty. H" w Ikm. 'W f4 'a ! Tsnetlea. v. 111. ,J,e rnfrrm.;.j: 5 Kary BeatrVe, i'oater, i Vandyke, kinds, Thirty leadtns Tree and Pssr X mmm of m.n " T. k:. v. irwp , 1 j , . rmP ln narnerous Trlete. and iial sitae wmaMsM oi , taany kfnds. Jptr- - ward. risan, - BS..-.TTmtfi- B. ..-.- Tbfeirk An for' sale cheap by WK."wiO-?TAr- r, at GisoiUla Uaxvlana. Suxax House as ran DESERFT mi HATIOHAL Of Salt lake dty, IJUtlu, 1 Paid op Capital,! Authorised . . wM. R. rrrl H. 8. IXDKBDG R, $200,000 1 - 1,000,00 Caplt-- V ..in. itoak ived ( - i -- - - 1 - 0Jead, Box Eider, Weeptnr Willow, Pla and Plant. Jl RW. Sam ,1 .... Vkw-rres- t.. a; ? sk C Ja who were nnlen men at the break-lo- g - i Sea dry rcodsv rrocerlee. earpets, out of the war, and who repre boose and sent a class hitherto not actively shoes, hats and caps leather and nadinrs, in politics. Edward and ail sorts of reoexal- maraaaxidise,whole. rrtia?Ftlng influential men ale an4 retail. ,..: , Trmat Coom. were of the committee. - hard-Vtrasroa- sna-faawsr- trr s, -" fBitAMOttl LrTTUE, U 8, UIXJLo, Caskier. - vT t Osipset-S- Doss a reneral tianrtnr business i and" ro-t as ww as one oouar o Uayc a SenUiera Poller. Chicago, 12. ThmTri6untf$ Washington special says the President Is likely to encounter serious mls in bikutOsbasMBait; opposition to his southern policy Cwllesr Berts,4. Uil. ... from extreme republicans. Blaine's letter this morning is regarded as i Coacffom'miji and prompt re- another y..times, to notice, of storm i -- Ben Wade oomo-i- n Washington. AS ameved? te .Third Pootb Street, has written a letter in which he is tbVinm tee Ur wasauir- - nproaented to have arraigned thel Sbafi.BU4S0iiaU Ut Patrrn. President and 'bis policy wun atooC thspubUo. '.,'-'- - I i . x .-G- 8 : 4 5 6 7 12 13 14-1- 7 20 2T 11 115 18 1 BAILEY, 1 1 22 23 24 25 26 27! 28 29 30 ...;.h;.. ................. ........... ' .. ......... V ...J.... . EXECUTED IN THE : -- and trlmmiar. riare palatine i: SALT LAKB CITY. 2 3 9 10 1 8, ud Wca TOWN BEND HOUSE MO ,oaiS r- , - I Sat ' STEBX. 1 ' Tire Eajinss Fri. tos. j ircu.tum Icirwiupm. ,i u', t Thil Son. Moil Tne. Wed. to-U- ay, double-berreie- i "i"Jr" j j I a i hr Vsvrla, Rsw j all kinds of nalllliia' work, wrourht and cast Iron work, ehinery and lron-euibrass work of all descriptions. Dsty Cs, 1 Sell Cry roods, boots and shoes, hats and Been appointed treasury agent for h caps, family rrooeries. Hour, feed and service in Alaska. d hotruns and reue- rraln, Treasury Hews. ral merchandise, and buy dried fruit- of the Treasury has The Secretary ire XaMOBiU Bavakt instructed Assistant (secretary Dosa rarious tiankinsr business and re French to? make a list of twenty ceives aavlnrs on Interest. special customs agents for assign Oeverwt Carrlare ment to duly in various portions of Co tne country under his immediate (Walker. Knirht. Sam arvt OhlAit) lfak and repair all kinds of vehicles to order, control. From this it would seem warooe and oarrtarss, mlninr cars, eto., that the Secretary has abandoned and do all kinds of blacksmlUuiir and car-- the idea of consolidating customs ; Do AFRHi. as. o ,Katle-.forIIo.tUeInd- (President B. Younr's office, South Tcoaple & eireet Sells walnut, mulberry, and locust trees Wholesale Dr. Crweltwell Neb "3 anJ I'uurujeuU. 6U, Duiaha, (First South Street) a IIomasoDathlo Dlsoensarv. sell Keep medicines and cbemlcals, and flU prescrip-tor Skl Work tlons of every decrlption. Uil tnlleU States iUt . State Road, w. .srs. .aT . ye e. fk STEELE Mill MACHINERY,' W223B -- RnidtM, The Blacksmith Shoo, build and repair spnnr wasous,.niake aud repair sprlors, eto. OMAHA TRADE. : Implement dentistry. i 8b Joseph, jiitol ! ; Q Utll. ' i I rManufacturlne orrans, Ky Practise EASTERN. 1 , sroods, holiday preseuta, aud all kinds of muataAl hutnuiMnn n.i chatKiwe. and take second-han- d manoa orrans la ezchanre. ' ' Mr. A. W. Calfer pl'-'.fI- ed SfMPLE Street) i JO UN-- ; pla-queml- (Opposita Walker House, Mali! Do all kinds of tailoring--. ; St BacklYSa, j IKi 1jrUirn Stfttl, CHICAGO. I1X. i j ("in "P Senate received an order; not to dls cuss the question. I he armistice expires at mid night, if not prolonged, lit is preb able, e.however, that both! sides will me ueiensive. remain onra'e- o i t ' V iu-nit- iM, Bavrker bCtarpens saws, rpajra storss, and all cutlery, look and runs mi U work. Jleaepb. Besitley FACKEBS OF PDRE BEFINED LABD. (Third 8otrth Street) 14 cftddl palU krs and tiorc. Van Weaves carpets. 3r5rJ prepared a titrillar letter. Judge reduced to iiw writinz some Conversations with at Columbus, in which) Taft ast ftlglil's Dispatches. Hajes claims that Haves opposed his pre the Warj Preapeeta" Tte nrllsh sent southern policy. The Presif. Kadret I; Hi dent himself is undisturbed, though In The a Tinie8, r warned of the threatened opposiSUamer Sank. leader.feaya, How the prospect suddenly been .J- - The tion, and says he id confident, that has 12. Sabjloossa, Ark., for the best interests of overshadowed by the .fear of I he is steamer Fanny Jloorei with! '1,250 the acting and will maintain his speedy wai! The change has come aav. a. IV m country, AAn.a Inj the action of llussia, and through bo a total of means j of tbe very documen terday, and willh probablj by factions. Mrt of whiehjrvaa signed for the purpose Kellers Denonitees Chamberlain. or cargo.; The steamer cost $20,000. had maintaining Governor Kelloee bitterly com the document peajcetillardiy teen slfbed when St. UnU Hotel Fire I tout. KTi Louis, 12. The disficured plains of Chamberlain's abdication, Russia Showetl a disposition to take and declares that Packard from it the materials of an ultlmat V bodyof a child, supposed to be a would neverforcibly surrender in a Jjk um, and .the Porte was informed little girl, was found in the ruins case, decide said: 'suppose now he that it would be expected-tthis evening, just under the Wai had hislie the in head Dy , whether would it quartets, on a uuuoireec entrance, it jav cle or not accept the protocol aod send colored where the snill mattrafs. and evidently fell ment, predominates, why be would an en voy to SU Petersburg. If, as irnm tne uppf ptory.i have 15,000 colored men.with white our Ausirian correspondent states. Jjir. iMorrow, wnoi recovered a ofilcers, in the field,to sustain hira. the Italian aud French' Charge d small part of his jewelry, has had I tell you the White Lieague there Affairs al-intimated that a defi four; barrels filled with ashe.i, taken won Id nave enough to do to look nite reply should be given by the from tne locality where hli trunk out for their homesy Why, every 13th, llussia may to able to make was'found, and sent, them to New colored servant in the employ of an unexpected defence of her haste York to be Smelted.) members.of the WhiteLeague would hut our own government at least Of ihe 200 employees of the hotel have their little bottle of coal oil does not intend the protocol to have i? nave reported, and another Is ready for the match, and when a tne character' of an ultimatum. Is collision occurs, if it does come, the Russia -- cannot be surprised if the expected to report It not believed tnat many of them are Leaque will not have time to be recent negotiations should expose l ,. ,,. . r battles in jsew her to severe charges. She must lost.; ' ngntlng JNlcnolls will be needed at home expect it to be said that she wished The funeral services of Henrv Orleans,but to look out for f tnelr property. to pats the time until the roads toraszsn. one or tne Boutnern Jiotel Packard means to defend his title wards the Danube should be fit for Rev. Dr. victims, was held and the rights of those who elected the passage of her artillery and that she drew up tbe protocol, not to tine; The remains will be forward' nim,v Becure peace, but to obtain from the ed to New Caatlek Pa;, his former united powers such condemnation t WE home.; of Turkey, as would make a declara Tne Ulna sc Han iEd. Oilman Is. tion of war seem inevitable. We San Francisco. i 12. A Eureka, bring no such, charges against Rus 12. Orders have WashinqtoX; been Issued by the Indian Bureau Nevada, press dispatch says the sia, but the - powers will have rea- son to complain If, now that they to provide rations for the 1,500 hos Sentinel will publish, this have seals to- tho protocol. put their tile Indians recently brought In by a history of Ed. Oilman on con. a xtusiia snouru reiuse 10 smooth the Bpotted Tail. These Indians came coast, who lias lately gained in on the same terms )as other hos-tlle- siderable notoriety in connection way towards peace. She will be ex their arms and horses will be with the confession' of J ohnD. Lee. pected at least to postpone any de taken from them, but otherwise as delivered to District Attorney cisive action until the. powers shall they will be treated the same as Howard on thefleld of theezecution. again appeal to the Porte, and she Indians who remained at the Oilman lived at Austin, Nevada, may be invited to consider whether from 1863 to 1867, when he went to a demobilization might not be ageney. the Sweetwater mines. At Austin brought about in some manner less AppsiinseBi. was regarded by everybody as hurtful to Ottoman j pride than Jas; II. Moulton. formerly an offl aheworthless fellow, deserving of no the stringent; terms specified by oer.of, the Callfarnh. volunteers, has " j 1 Weaves carpets. wmmm hi . I L M. egrk p Byte y nuciun DIRKt)TdRYj consideratloa whatever. He pre tended to be a prospector, but was never known to do a day's work. After goiug to Sweetwater he got to be a oeputy snerirr at ureen River. He also married the widow of a man killed lit a riot at the same place.' Returning to Bait Lake he purchased ia small home. and lived apparently happily with ins wilts lur a ume. tr lusuijr, uvw ever, he got tired o her, aud sold both his house and wife to John Hale, formerly a White Pine saloon keeper, for $800. The transfer w,as absolute and made In, aood faith. Uale taking possession of both. Oilman then married ' a Mormon girl, and has since been considered in sympathy with the Saints. Mis late exploits in the Hiee matter were probably prom p tea ana; paia for by Mormons. The Sentinel declares him nn worthy of belief. uuuui ccuouvaiou. ' - j j p In tbe House of Commons Sir Stauord N .rthcote presented the budget. The actual surplus last year was X443J000. The estimates for the current, year were: expend itures 78,791,000;: revenue 79- .- AT A l'aris , correspondent, of the 'Junes telegraphs that the latest news is rather worse. Russia in timates that it is now useless for Turkey to send an envoy to St, !'". Petersburg. Times The Berlin dispatch lepotts . a. a. s. AS tnatiue mlurEisn reply ha9 given riaetoafresh change o( opinions between the powers; arid further negotiations are expected. special from, fera says that no positive reply on the subject of the Turkish circular has yet been received from Russia." A further pro loirgauon or me armistice 'tyith for ten days, has been iiontenegro, w a arraBgea. i Vienna special says this gov ernment naa lost all hope that peace will be maintained.1 From an official source L learn that the Turks are determined to relieve Nicslcs in a few days, which will be the signal for an ou tbreak of hostilities. There has beeu great excitement in Vienna all day. Every body apprebreaks out, Aushends that if a war be involvtria will, sooner or later, ed in the struggle. ' AT THE . Deoeret Hevs Office. '. a Clean Con Rags aiitliiiiyliacts Tbe Water Question an order was Issued from ' ON . the Twelfth District Court, on the tAkkm ' . '. t .4. p of Water petition the Spring (Valley commanatng tne jyiayor tompany, board of supervisors to refrain and from carrying out the provisions of tbe recently adopted city ordin ance, empowering tne Mayor, to restore the connection! the Water pipes with public squares and other aii'TH' places when broken by ethe Water Company. This morning the water was again cut ofl from the public 1.?. ti h-'. squares by the company. The FRANCE. V p. j Mayor, learning of this movement, The Powers ond ibe Porte's Objeo--; after his arrival from tbe country looav j !;;!-this afternoon, employed plumbers 12. The Turkish circular Paris, conviction to restore the connection, and! dithat tbo powexpresses officers t to rected the police proven ers take the Porte's objections None but; Clean ttot !WagiTAkemf iJT People from the City any one from turning oil the water Intowilt aecount, and seek some other biriuir.:tiiun hereafter. The Spring Valley peo solution will and Thursday. please of the difficulty than the ar- threaten to nave tne Mayor '11aple y. protocol.Wiurr'in mafofl frr mniamnr. nf David o.. OAIiDER' obeying the restraining' order issued of Court. The the by president MINING STOCKS, the Water Company has addressed a communication to the Mayor proSTREETS. fessing his willingness to enter into t tT si hill 11.60 San Francisco, April an agreement-o- f the case to be sub Va, 35 b, Zi-- a B & B, 204 b, 21 a mitted to the Supreme Court at the Con 2b Julia, Impl, l b IfilAVcffiG to is what determine present term, Overman, 18, s cholar,S6a l 13 meant by the term ."great neces Opblr,10 b, 14 a Jacket, 67 lb UoiOD, a Mez, used in the statute affecting Point, sity," Justioe. 814 b 6b.b, 40 a for Sal at ,th the water company, and ' whether Cala, 3Ji SNev,4a Caledonia, 3 a the supply for the ordinary uses of Bullion, 7fi b . DESERET NEWS the municipality Is included In the OFFICE, . A t". con to I': ' 'i i decision all the end term, : Salt Lake city. troversy between the city and the A Sure Cure for the Pilesi case to The the Include company. BOOK. Or JUORMOS. . Aa account of tbe 1. Ancient Inhabitants of tao Amerioau stipulated amount to be accepted g, for sure A cure Blirid,"BIeed-In'the r & Continent, written by tbe hand of Mar-- L by tbe company in the discharge of Ulcerated ' Piles and; paonapen plates taken from the plates Itching u its claims for east services in case has been found ef near Nephl, Manchester, Uu discovered bvDr William ludrment Is rendered In favor of (an Indian il UmHoOo., JJew Tork, and translated by called Dr. remedy), i i Smith.. Joseph Prophet the company. Williams' Indian Ointment. A BOCTRtms 'jLKD XrEXjLXT8 of the The Order of Can eaa lens. t single box has cured the worst old j uCkairch ot Jssus Chrtov of Latter-d-ar SO 'year cases 25i of and chronic I KeveUtions or A circular has been issued by tbe PttL,?1cV?,ipo f i Ciodi No one need sutler five broseph Smith, President. . executive council of the Order of standing. HFJflW BOOKi 11th edition, Morocco minutes after applying, this wonri't, Caucasians, calling upon the mem- derful 1 i $300j roan, las. H,yi si medicine, Lotions, soothing toi a bers individually to subscribe and electuaries domore THE Y01CX Or WARSlSa, or an Iniro- fund to secure counsel to look after instruments VAXILLA, LEMOJETC., j ointraitn ana uoctrlne of tbe than owwawiM harm Williams good Or of the interests the anddefend Church of testis Chr'at of Latter-dai ment the tumors, supports Calf gives Ice CresaL Saiats.'br Parlev P. Pratt. Im. n,nJ. sal rai Tlatorinf der, as It Is likely to be anected by instant and painless. relief, And is iiioooo,'41S0ifaU eloth, embossed, 10.-- . I the approaching trials of the cmco iCommpona-enc- o prepared exclusively for Piles, and fff UORUOJt murderers and lucenaiaxies. WW' mrttt a new1 .betweenQtrXSTpSl Schuyler nothing else. Over . 20,000 cured weektract bna .CoiXav seleetTVrii. and ry from John tbe Taylor. Price 25 cents. Patients attest its virtues land vnd Aromatic , each rAfi. OUVai2Al. Vel.,J, half calr claracteristic. flav S$ ( Physicians Of all schools pronounce Tor, and produce FlaxGrmyi qf j fjn" to medicontribution it the oowiTannaxt greatest or If. dob; by John rxe. fience.' Of great strength ofid perf&H tM cine of the age. i : t . rt,3Taxkw. sua paper oevera, 60 cents. oCU. JW fiator Every poucnuwi parity BRITISH AMERICA. BIBLJS SANCTION POLY at rrjmented. Ko deceit iaeh bettli full JX)is.. THZ "Incus8leB between Orson Baraesl to Boot. ... !.. . 'mare Rt oQun Voiding Mew saan. Chap lalu Pratt.aralPe nfOBrx rt. to. which is atsu 8. of tbe WENT THE NOTED IOT Rosemoxt, Ont., 12. Hender Uaeourees on Celestia. 4J stfdodOTAros(ii. Senate,. . lirt once, ttSl was n ether. jj!is'fissf son's Hotel was burned hut night. In tt.iila.a irk. !. jUnori ever matte SsV John A. Hare, a bailiff, and a travGeo. A. Smith, and Geo. O. Dec. ,27, 1876. 1 teieale, debriont d., Cleveland, were eller named Lunn, burned to Dear 81: I suffered : more or siienor to the cheap extracts.- ( Ask; fot ' Dr. Price's Special FlaTorinjt ., h ANSWIB3 TOr, QUEST 10X8. The Kise, death. f . ' less for years with the itching of Prorrees and Travels of the Church of ' IsAl-jby isUtsr-da- y ulcerated Piles! I tried t emedy afSaints; telnr, jljfJewsXhrtotot CREAT BRITAIN. in- to Questloua, ; a Series of Answers ft advertised in tbe newster remedy biehaaarv.the-iievelation j on Celestia! " AttaeJhe4 ansl Bebbod. in consulted . and ln SadSrrvIXRTlS. anil :!( physicians papers, ipots,CHlCA Wnl.M ,4" UtmhiI nf I.V. v.iu. .... IiONDOit, 12. 'A letter from Borne Philadelphia,; Iyouisville, Cincinj ciateTorBi-fctaUBOesr b PresidedtQeo r. or and this tne city, nati, Indianapolis, sayt: waiter, proprietor A. Bmltn. EtiS nanor omn. n.n t dollars;-buef hundreds London, 'limes, wniie passing and spent r&ARRJir XlOX.' rooms by John Lrou 1 through Puerto del PapolL on the found no relief and comfort entil 4th instant, was attacked ! by three obtained a bo nf Williams Indian exhibit- BPilt&S ZJrrtiRS. fjttn -- za exProminent Doctrines of men and robbed, but not hurt, he Ointment, some , four naonths ago, i 'SrS-a t vz:a ri.IiSHJSt wcwoa kti t:s2 vthe Chorea Jeeu Christ of and it has cured me. completely. - T outrage created quite a sensation. Orson to A.B., Spencer, One hundred persons have been ar had a part of the box left Which I SMM DM MtUr On tSo r.; Mi On4 . V.lbak.t'.t to had a friend of mine who; IWtll.iL.D rested on suspicion. gave IU Boiton, Mass. " ith many ' physicians Eaaterst Itetna.'! .r doctored tiSS ,j ruilclolh. embossed. resort without relief, and 'si d last 3 A TO TITS EClEXClTor TJZJEOLOQT. The Pott says the Turkish circa went to the noted Hdt.Springs. of trod action te the First ar was . cemmunicatod Uo Lord Arkansas, for treStmentJ' 'Hetin ArorWasOiayallnsalseet rsnsr Xitrjaeoaeael J H.. aKt Grovemment, as l)eliv--f Derby yesterday. It does not fol- forms me that the Indian Ointment as Uestored r low because the Porte declines to has also cured him of the piles. It For the convenience of this for ar T tbefioal la CeTelopmem summons that 10m, Is certainly a wonderful, discovery obey the peremptory aaow- ATnua iu uuriKi'rNCi each of the it pnmbers, wul he seat by . iv rt rtty r. ,pr tt. asd all hope of peace Is lost, i A sugges- and should be used: by1.' the many on. im. I. MlU mi fuvfnl (if Mnti. h... intuit loth; et&boesed, ltt. tion has been made by one of the thousands wno are now. suueripg are ifll interests whose States and Political; f5etif's,eHkorica1 W1U1 luab umu uucua great ry- r",p- - sU Bnofc? Clotlw A100; cloth most nearly tbached by the threatened conflict, that the signatories HI .u v .AfSTMeToL, ewTorr.v fLSEAt. trjJtStAQBrxzirxBon by tho tSTFor more certificSteS ofcureS sijj of tbe protocol should note that hiiii aiiswei lij ur jiii ii. ach box SfMl both Russia and Turkey have de- see large circular around tS'Ui . 'jCAI-- Z. iTTiiA 'CiiXUlltkTX. - Itv hit' jt r . i clared their readiness to disarm.! It of ointment. ' :k ' " 2 w taa ' of Europe U absurd that thejeaoe fief1' JlviamSlw9m M JtEWABDu $10,000 i the for sake be Jaoiesvi should StJlt covers, endangered Jhn 15 cent; . a more certain ana Tt- SMoeats. of some vagtte point of honor. We Will be nsid forSold leadall tho sure of deal remedy.;! a by suffering heard good have rleUu by Orwry, Prattf A.M4 hi Kx- fg ing Druggists and) country storesomething for the cause of Internai Yt'-- i a li ,;t tional arbitration. Here, If ever, keepers everywhere Warranted 4... Beday Saint. . HSS3 bsfxui several hiindred xcbpios of there is a case for the powers to In- sure cure or money refunded. fori Drl terpose their authority and counsel ware of; imitations; 'Indian f Ointment,' and 1 abort Bona iJoo;Teravnjr between two angry opponents. 2 , Williams' - -rCon- take noot her. Depot, $33 Superior be obiaiaed at ibm TJeoBrtt'Ksw;-- -' - A Router theyeaa telegram from f "' Ohio. Cleveland, t3J?EN I A stantinople states that the Turkish Street, XJPE,oot.'alnr cash KST Godbe,'Pltts &' Ca Wfider Offlos forts sonts eopy. id Senate did not reverse the dedaien street, bstweeu -, 1 Lake Bait Montenit V sale Druggists, Cutler Br- tt?- tr.l C 'o'ihaICfiirv. Ad. IGZji ft,fV - 'I of the deputies respecting WMfWIIXni dxeu to Iwret iew. Ouice. . , . Cl egro. At the last momtct the Bole Agents for Utah. ..4- a To-da- y "-- i . . rJEWGOFFICP. t ;, . a.- Y : ! - ' - , o'i&ni&j. Ianoo a-- Special nt CHURCH 4 ' - WORKS -- ; .;...-.- ? j - ! A , . .. I 'r y , Vice-Preside- nt -- FODEIQ u. ne-ha- lj 11 llwm-artiired.onl- i y . " 9ii D-- m n ,f . Ltter-00dyfcla4r- iy - MiW-trCrovftl- Ai -- SMS. 1 1 ? - -- ti - 1 A. - ee - , 1 i.i f 5 LlOOlIIIIiiUlllIOiEM: ftby i s tUiTtnAXT--WllSt-AW-'n- -- .. : : -- - -, 3 |