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Show t li- it t an!st George Q. Cannon, Brigbam Young. Jr., Joseph F. Smith, and members of the ai Albert CarrlaftOD quorum or tne Twelve. John ISmlth. Patriarch of the THE EVENING NEWS: rcBLtnao daily, auDAT ucmm ruca o'clock. ; ; t - : i , ' Churtb. John D. T. McMlister. President of 8t Georre stake. , Thomas J. Jones and Henry Eyring his Coun sellors, Marius Eosigu, James G. Bleak, John: O.. Angus, Wm. iumpej, Erastus W. tlclntyre, Hauucl Mile, Richard Bentley, John M. Macfarlane, Erastus W. Snow, Charles Smith, John Lytic, Archi bald Sullivan, Joseph Birch, mem bers or the High Council or u 'I George. William Fawsett. President of the High Prtest Quorum of'Bt. Georee stake. WillUm G. Perkins and John Lij tie, Counselors, e 1 'resideut or tne Josepn Presidents 'of the Sevr First Seveniounj;, entles, and .wlievi. W. Hancock, Albert l'. ick-wooil- .i Uenry Horace nerriman,, H. Eldredire, Jacob Gaten, and John ' Van Colt, members of the first seven Presidents; of ? the Seventies. , Wm. Quires President of the EldeiVQooruni of St. George stake. Erastus B. Snow, and , Epbralm . Wilson, his Counselors. wara H an ter, Presiding ltisb- op, ieonard V. Hardy and Robert T. Burton, Irs Counselors. Easton Kelsey President of the Priests' Quorum of St. George stake. Robert 1). Covington and William Barnei, his Counelorp. Thoma Cottam, President or the rescuers' Quorum of St. George tuke. Josiah G. Hardy and tiam- vel It. Hard v, his Counsellors, Edward W. Starr, President of Deacons' Quorum of the St. George stak?.! Frederick W. Foremsster and George Baker, his Counsellors. Brigbam Young. Trustee In Trust for the Church of Jesus Cbrfot of latter-da- y Kalnts. Albert Carrlnirton, President of th l.rptiiil JOnnlgrat Ion Kund to Z gather the poor. Truman o. AngeiArcnitcct or the Church, and William II. Fol- som, assistant.- urson I'rau, His torian and General Church Record Woodrulfbis assist er, and WUford ant, J ? . f Jarues G. IJIeak was sutaiued as Clerk of Conference. Elder F. D. Richards said he es teemed it a. high privilege to address the people in a holy temple. He referred to leaving the Nauvoo Temple. '"When he was leaving rsauvoo be remarked to I'resldent B. Young, V What a pity it is that we have to leave such- a, beautiful edifice." The President replied, Yes. it Is beautiful, but we have the satisfaction of taking the substance with us, leaving behind us! only the Elder Richards dwelt shadow." on ' the. nonor which was conierrea on the elders who were called to go on'mlssions, and spoke on the necessity of .the people being one In temporal as In spiritual things. If we did not become one in temporal things, how could we be really one in spiritual things fr Good results were apparent irom tne enorts or the brethren to unite in temporal things,! as evidenced in Brigbam City, Ordervllle, and other places. He spoke ol the calamity that had befallen the world In being without direct revelation from God to guide in the! ways of life everlasting. Saints realize to some extent that darknesr of mind is a calamity in deed. Under the directing power of the Almighty the Saints bad been greatly blessed, the resources of the country had been to; some extent developedproducing plenty and means of comfort in life lie earnestly desired that the practice of the principles of the holy United uruer mignt increase in Israel. x.luer Erastus enow said God re quired us to be one. We had been called out or Babylon that we might become God's own peculiar people. Those who had property and had ib 8iapl uiuinrotnrtd Jhat JearneOj our imperative duty to be come one in our temporal concerns. This oneness that we talked of was net to be brought about by taking the substance or the frugal and glv-in- g .to the spendthrift: As .we varied In our capacity and In the size of our families, so was it needed that we should vary In the substance and inheritances imparted to ua. We were the Lord's stewards, called upon to be faithful. When we were first baptized, if we but knew the commandments of God, wa were baptized into the United Order. Every time we raised our hands to sustain our President, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator,' we renewed our covenants to receive the word and will of the JLiord as given, through. Mm. All the sub stance' of this', people, and their lives, their talents,and their labors! should be consecrated to 'the build ing up of the Zlon of our God. It was the hearts of this peopk) that the When he had Almighty required. .or substance the rialnt these, the would, be subject to him, to be used to build temples, send out mission. aries, oi whatever heaven might institu direct. Our 1 F.ltrBua ab rvmusuMiu April . 9, 1977. : HEWS OF THE DAY. ....;.Bribry In the New York Custom office. ......Turkish objections explained. ......Cushlngs farewell. ......France and Russia urge the i protocol. - U.ThBTel2at-hoo- 4 ' system r WoiTBxhAjnpton. , In t won't step down and out until he is obliged to go. ......About the Benders. ......Charges against the lato Con- - suMJaneral at bnangnau ......What Chamberlain says. ......Suspicions about the wreck of the Jtoanoaxe. : Railroad collision and loss of , - . life In California. ....LCrookcd whlifcy at Ban' Fran Cisco ....iRussia aud England. ....LOXeary beats Weston In the walking match. ...More of the Jewett tragedy. .....'the Brotherhood Engineers and the Heading Railroad Company. .....High water and flood i at Omaha and Council Blufl. .....Appropriation for U. S. Courts nearly expended. Economy necessary. ,...NolU prosequi foj Don Piatt. f ......Jail burned In Georgia. J.,...J.ppolntment register of land oflice. Evanston. (......Tho Commission and the t ; ; Democrat In Jew Orleans. ...iBank robbery in New York. ..IFire In Kewarar; O., $20,000. .I...LSL Louis crooked whiskey :. ......Man drowned at 8cranton. ....1a woman committed to answer lo the charge of murdering her husband. .. ,Fire at Hartford. . , ...Indian Agent Clum wants au investigation. . ...Bismarck's leave of absence. Turkey first to disarm. . :t the protocol.1 ....Turkey and ..General conference minutes more missionaries called. .' ......Third District Court- empanelling Jury. ....... Bismark's retirement encour, - f ages the Pope. .Cattle plague at WillesdenJ caution to American emigrants to Australia take some means with' them. EDITORIAL NOTXS- - ! plague Is said to be worse than the locust "f I ; plague. J', H is no use catching any more Benders it is announced that the whole family were overtaken The carpet-bagge- r - ,. j and lynched by vigilantes while '"; . trying to get out of Kansas. The New York World mays, Thereare tio Republicans In England; for all sensible Englishmen feel, and may be enaed for feelln sr. that it is better to bear y bave than fly to the Gueloh a returnlDir board ?they know not i te-d- ay The New York Tribune gives ' i . v I ' i ; ; - ..iFuaeral of the Jewetts. SUltS.' ' the following Instance of red tape "On the books of the United States circuit court clerk, who keeps the accounts of deserting and deceased seamen, is a credit to a deserter of two cents. The entry is duly tran scribed once a quarter and returned to the Judge, who approves the account, and the same routine is ob-served four times a year for ' six years, when the money reverts to the government.' . . GENERAL CONFERENCE AT ST; GEORGE. ' -- -- - ; , ii"! ' i 3 ' .Mi-:- ' 'j to the irfucuai oi union, it was after wel Ibad made our., Irrigating icnce, our roads, tana's, oarwo joint called and what public improve ments, that cur individualism stood futmorepioailnently. When the persecuted and driven church had left their comfortable homes in Nauvoo feuid were on their way to these valleys, this same principle of union! Caused that noble response of five hundred men to go to serve the United States In Mexico, in answer to the call of President Brigbam Young. This act was ap probated of a power and blessing which had been over the church from that time to this. So with al the combined movements which we had Blade. These results should encourajlo the people to adopt the principle of union in all their tern porar affair. The word of God had been delivered to us, that it was hi will that we should become one in all things. His word wel. must receive, or our progress was at an end as Saints of the Most High. What was the United OrdeiT it was godliness, it was the ordeif of heaven, the system Which prevailed among the heaven It hosts, asw we! should find when we got to hero God and his Christ dwelt. Ie said, l will cloee my remarks by bear i Kg my testimony that the, progress of the, members of this church who will not receive and carry out tho principles of this United Order is at an end, and that this temple will bo a means to test the faithfulness and purity of the Latter-daSaints." i The I'arowan choir, "at the request of President B. Young, sang the hymn commencing ou page 143, "Oh my Father, thou that dwellest in the high and glorious placs." Elder John Taylor said there was no more important subject than that of the United Order. Though we mlgbri because of our weakness, make mistakes In carrying out the principles or this boly order, it had nevertheless emanated from God, and it was our present and future duty. A partial application of this caused; U9 to send teams principle back and jback again to gather out toe poorer ones who bad not enough left after; the persecutions ana drivings which took place In Missouri and in Illinoi3,aIao to send our sona,our teams,and our means to gather the poor who had embraced the go pel among tho nations of the earth. It was the application of this principle that enabled us to bulk! temples, tend elders to the nations o( the earth, and use our best endeavors to build up the Zlon .i. jviverjr ut9 our rl.J.i iuo cnri.11. uckj uu 4. member Of the church should nour bh and cherish an increasing love ror and practice, this heaven-bor- n or union, ir we were principle, not one we were not the Lord's. President B. Young addressed the conference upon union. He also announced that the seats of the : ! : i y ' ..!' . t en., ' . i ' . ; ' 1 .ill I ----- "A., J. Stjratton, .Vi-i- -- Jens Andersen, Ephraim. Andrew I'eterson, Be hi.- Benj . J. Nieke n , Cedari i John Petersen j Spring City. Jacob Kolfsen,;Mt. Pleasant. John Ekker, Silt Iake City. . After: singing and prayer, Conference adjourned till & p. m. r i h 2 p.m. j i ..: S i ' ; j YOUTH'S, BOYS', AND CHILDREN i - lints O I Preakner, Yoeman, Flirt, Randolph, Troubadour, Rembrandt, Colon, Triumph, Etc., Etc., Etc. Sidney,. Fisher, - We keep many other grades, comprising the very best and the vcrv'iioorM ana quality maae. wo inaKe an enort 10 sen ine iesr, ana shall ah 1$ ) James G. Bleak, j Clerk of Conference, j . . . them on orders unless otherwise instructed. Large shipments of our Kew" Spring' Stoclc of Slnjilo Ooocl.s ami Xotions are arriving daily, and the public wiUfini details; Department of the Institution thorough and ocmplete i At Bountiful, Davis Cbuntr, April 5th, of Seneral deblUty, DAN GEOSGB,. toa ot Oeorffs and Jans Gedds, area 24 rears and ' I 10 months. Deceased was a native ot Victoria. South Wales. Ha d ted In full faith or the vospel, and was reepeeted by - . Iry i in-a- ll IS. . S. ' MUUnnlol Star, please copy. At Jshoson, KSne County, Utah, March 4tb, of erslpelas, BERTH A Elvira, daugh ter of B Samuel and Elvira Johnsodi aied ' I tdaysL . EjBRlSlJiG-- wife of William Ney, and daofhter of S3 year.Thomas and Nancy Wltoon, Broeaaed leaves a bus band, flre chtldrea, and a wide circle ot friends to mourn her - ag-e- loss. .HiMl.il'lH y s arc We a note Opening Auorimenlo Fi .GO (TO aged years, ' ' ' i ten days. a! Deceased was faiihfnl, duUful. ibrfnjr, affectloaate child and faithful 8aint. and greatly beloved by all that knew ear. S4 At Nephl, Juab County, March tb, 1877, of d ropey, ALICE, tha wife of Zimri H. Baxter, daughter of John and Jan ' : to Deceased was born Lancashire, Kngland; emigrated to Utahinl8S9. Sbehas left a husband and three small children to mourn her loss, fbe bvel and- died a faithful Latter-daSaint. Old-ba- m, S3 BOOTS S52T & . GO. (1W Star i please cory. I In Glndale, it ana Couaty, March Millennial , No. i f four dajs. At Holden, Millard Co., UUh, March 15 1S77, of diphtheria, ELLEN R., daughter of Orson and Sarah Tyler, aged 8 years, S months and 13 jit days. Arrived at 1 V BLACK PMC TitACK high, foa'ed ta 188 t fr!a I Fsrm4 Got br DteUtor,'' "DWjta' Kysdjk s "HarabiCtonrBn;" kn,lke of "Dextor," by iawr!cB tw.' tm dam the dam of "Shsrt fit Leomer," t chostnut) fnt j "sna by "rouog; Msmm" V d briodla trinare pad e fork One three rear old COW, nearly black brock face, brand ssmetbing like k3 on left htp, hssa cslf with hen Iribe'abovoi animals are not claimed before the 281 h of 4t April, win be sold at 10 o'clock a. nu, : my ' Mksconscr," by 'imported "Seatnfw.' of as fins and purs line ot button u w Is now In tho United Stafc Cni tnJa tie. ' Baa turned tto mile In IX. stand to a limited number o una ttJs f W. Toung a stable; prka twetty-fln- dollars. i J. W. DTJTSON, District Poundkeeper. Oak Cty, Millard Co., April 7, 1S77. T ' v , 4 sa w on o - j c TO THE If yoii want Extra Good, buy the New Process, ;t .vi. ii rk AtlTEASDEL'S; r to-$3- s ! ' "w Li P.TRUM3EY i 'ft--. i ?! - - ff. -- V, i r A - . Also Brass 1 M Vavr , MMhlarrj. sismI heela TUtPU Tbir ST mm. .DAVID ; j s - - STaBLS, ' I .,, s i mWmW i , Sr aW , v, :r ttxS -- f t . - s. a. Omaha Veto.. jtjhiii, Mo STHELE.& JQHnSQn, i .. " T ST..COUI3, MO Wholesale ' t . Grocers,' aad tat PnurteentL St., Oniaha Neb 1 fr nfdlra lTrka Hall. 140 , -- 7 a- T 5, -J 'I g a--5 CALLS! J Mr i CasaataO i25,C50;C100f$200,$450; Si2?S!15iy brokers, No.. IS Wall (street, ., lor eustomers in veal men ta f?LJ?c,Si. a nnp pioam Fitter, if J"J 5P2. Pfrrileres, In amounts to suit, 22?i?J? SS??19 f 7 day". days, pscmruT ajrvocKcas that. whiob. freqaent-2LEZL- rI HAYIXU BEEN AtfjiEDED TT1E aodsli montl to-- eontneta, b to forty timfs the Futars Contmcu bought COSHUCT FOIl iXYlSft TOR f?tiStai0?B2!lirrrto of He KxpUnatory ' daily report of the Cotton V,1?!' iriTrn J . cm ttiteb vmsst:?: '. 11-terd- ay And BavinMaterial en harxl, h - - , IIIOTOMM Deal ' x j M. St. Joeepb, KT., FUT3I m- , D. 6?S AsKw, te-- Me. x v. Work .of aj descriptions - KRAR KOUTH y .te ' MAIM ir" r. i. soirrn i . ; , - i BMMa. isaiusa raraaes'nsMi.' UsMtaCtat ! tbe-Klow- m ., empf. s;4a ' Ouru'u. Fitter Orst-clas- a Uw4 Pi pa and twt tad. Iron nniOSV, PlUl, Huary Packing aaa sneuitu rai .1 n rwtneiita. - Ul i-- liamtaeturtrt aad Joubtri af l -i ( j ' j stjocessoks to t WATHAIJ " DAVIS & SOU All kinds of MT1H nor and M nU, Machinery, Wtooght and C'a.Ironwork, ruamnfactuivtj to ordw Stater Acaia. Trw.H r- 1 ! ? 1 A Cmmmm i CO:, Pumps &nd Fire Engines - :s S i ; BtTLET, JUISS At 71 MAIN STR'. Sell door ivwtkof Ttylr&W ' urn: m uuo uc uu. es srs on hawl, also chtice d 1"fJr able to the season. t Trrmiu Tuim a a ; ' !. to ESTABLISHVETTof At.TEASDEL'S: P. , Tour "attention s dtr.ctei H i C1TT. , j e-e- LAKE - v 25 Sackrr per XADUS 11V from- - $275 4 i ; Other Brands of XXX on hand m CUBTEE CHARLES OF SALT an.-hitv-t mid ETALtlOX, sbout tfitwaiu C d An Elegant Stock of Ladies.' Flannel-LineShoes, at $1 .75 per pair. ESTRA.Y NOTICr, la my praecsslon one I HAVE COW, brand somethinar like & wun a iridnirio uq siae op pin, s it In jight ear, ani like a leif swallow corral. ! STALLION , I j (Yi . At Msatpelier, Beir Lake Ccuaty, alter an illness or seven cays or diphtheria, JOHN fRANKUN.i aged nine months and ten days, tha anly child of John and Lilian Stevens, who with many friends mou rn this dispensation Com. i Marcn; zo, Comr '4140!.; jIdaho. .ir i i. SHOES CraaS ft j : , 131 ! " i ' . 131 ROSA4NA,daugbter of K.J. and Margaret Cutler, aged eight years, six months and ' :, 4 &! 11, ; i new rim ,h:'f, ' -' .. I IHlliiff, '' UALL AKD SEE, AND BE CONVINCED. y COM.- ' ! Ash-wor- th. 'I 5'ii'J May 1st, 1838, - ! . HrM. 31S U JOHN E. COWLES. dUO 1 ; Suj 5 . j S . . :s - v i j "it At Virgin City.; March SS(h,1877, NANCY, ; ; ! .Assortment I : . . lotli - .( - . 2) Tin-wo- j " 1 I 1 t ' I 31 11 m v. -- Pond-town- Ilg-b- t Carl Olseu, May field. . i .i - ' , - n. i " uTOT'oiiaT n, the Hacraj ment. M n.ider jueorge Q. Cannon pre- eenieu toe ionowing list of mis sionariesj the Conference approving oy unanimous veta John Kartcbner, Hyrum Judd, Hyrum J. Judd,?Arz Judd, Don C Judd, Ira Judd, Amnion Judd, u. a. j udd, Joseph cratg. ira Kl mer, IrajKlmer, Jr., Wm. Osboru, ranguitcn. Peter Fife, Cedar. Richard jQlbbons, Qlendale J.:E. Met calf. Fayette. Thomas J. Clark, Washington. Wm. Flake, Beaver. Samuel Cl&ridge, Orderville. Wm. H.. Eongburst, sen., Morgan . r i r ' it t Charles Jr., Longhurst, George A. Wittlngtoh, all .of, Woodrufl, Rich County.'-!y F. A. King, St. George1. Wm CjdcClellan, Payson. G tor ire Daily. Pavson. Abraham. l'etRtn?, Washington. HfB. Clawsou,' Jr., Walter Hea- tie, tNelsoh Em pey, James Harris FergusouL (Samuel Hill, Morris B Young, all of Bait Lake City. Alma B.jDunford, St George. . Abraham Kim Wail, Kanosh. X. T- Slagowskl, Kt. George. John Rt Youug, Orderville. of V v .......... congregation would bo reversed for At Bellcruo, Kane County, Utah, Iarcb this afternoon's cervice. and Blah on Edward Hunter who occupied the mh, 18T7. MABY ELIZABETH, daughter west stand, would take charge of ot Joel IT. and Margarot Threlkeld Jvhn-oseven months, and twelve - the administration - i. : - James R. Llston. EAGLE EMFOIIUul COlUUtl both of St. George 4 mm Warren R. Tenney, Mende Coo ' per, both of Washington. AM' A HAIISl Charles F. Gardner, Geo. B. Gardner, Junr., Alpheus Gillespie, w I all oil v lrgin iiiv. Frederick Christensen, f Warren i i ' Bidaey Pace, William Patten, all of Paysen. 'I . I Calvin Reed, PresidentB. Young said.4 We will adjourn this conference from this house to the New Tabernacle In and Unrivalled Stqck Call attention to their Salt Lake City, commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning of Octole: 'U- sixth Bext.", The St. George choir sang, f Ho beautiful upon the mountains." The congregation arose and sang me njmn commencing on; paee 263, "The spirit of God like a fire jN"0W;open and on exhibition. in their Retail Department. This cloi 4 ta burning." Benediction by President! Brigcomprises all the Latest Styles of ham Young, as follows , I pray my j"God bless you. nen's French Worsted Coats and Vests, MenV Cassimere Suits, ratner in neaven to bless my brethren the Apostles, the High Men's Satinette Suits Men'ssTweed Suits, j Priests, the Seventies, the Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons, and Men's Fancy Worstei - Men's Cassimere Pants, especially Brother Edward Hunter, the presiding Bishop, and all the AS ALSO AN ENDLESS VARIETY.. OF Bishops he presides over. I pray God to bless yoo, my brethren ana sisters, who have l come W here to give us sweet melody. ;GL0THli and I feel to bless every one of the gooa ana nonest in heart all over In Every Style and Grade suitable for 'Spring and Summer "VV the earth, and pray that they may receive the truth: in their hearts We ask special notice to a largo invoice of Stetson's elcbraiedrand be gathered with Israel. I ask my heavenly Father to grant all ITelt received,! ana comprising tlie patest spring Styles that has been asked by my breth just ren in tnese meetings, ana that be which are the will .let his Spirit rest upon this his visit house, that it, angels may and his Spirit rest upon those who EssiPoff, shall come into this house to labor for themselves or their dead friends, that they may.feel its influence. I rte. feel to bless every one of you, and I do it by virtue of the authority Sell ers, which la in me, and in accordance with this authority I bless you- in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen." Singing by 'the! Beaver choir. "Glorious Itinera ira tunirnf 7inn " Card id the Publicj Prayer bj Bihop E. D, Woolley. Owners ef Slcglngi y the rarowan choir, fskrttealartr to Preperty aaM Lake City mm Ytelaltyi diedi the Grtat Rtdeemer "He SECOND DAY. t' Lt-:r or twice, some one has been kind Bishop Edward Hun- V"VNCE Presiding ter said lie, had been a long time andt eno rh toofadvertiaa ma aa certain bu'ldiogs Id this delirn"r 2p.m.f I:';'' tne Beaver numbered Jj With. the Latter-da- y i Desiosay l bat claim nothing choir. Baints. He referred to the good city, Hinging by unieas I Cn have the privilege of ataKinar works which had been effected by from the foundation, with speclflatlmsH Prayer by Elder Orson Pratt, so conducted as to the union1 of the people, among wnraav erawinrs. er details Icr atone, should be tions r VGod The rartwaa choir sang. brick, Iran, and weed work, as (well as benefit not at the and others erection the of large, beautiful pedpla this and Paint-lrg-. moves In a mysterious way." Plumbing, P;asrlogt to buijd np a few capitalists. , For wtlch services, with superintend He dwelt the upon great Temple., Elder Geo. Q. Cannon read the . i want nra rep .Elder Cannon patented the roi- liege Which was accorded to ing tne same, up 10 siu.uu will make a following list of missionarie- sOwing t names' oT ' missionaries. Erif and every faithful Snint to be cent., above that amount 'The wi derneaa af blana were Whlcts a sustained savior on .Mount Ztcn. He upoke that bare rone out of or office, which, if unanimeusly Walter Wlnsor, Elijah Potter, by vote of' t he Co n feren ce of the necessity of us serving God I .bou W have felt Pleased to hare , r reuecicK Jiuamoun, unariea MJcrs. With full purpose of heart; Less ter- - credit fan but when not tbus done please Iawrence C Marlger, John T. Elder Joseph t Smilb.to Europe, vlce this would not be accept- m soTcnae me out. insteaa or la e nneo o of the. charirei take European ed than Eager, David IC Udall, Levi Stew uontDerewita. TbW is about as mild a He rejoiced In tho dara heaven. by Mission with headquarters at' Liv-to some work, said to art, Kanab; put it la ' priesthood Jto which he had been aave pee uoneregard aner my uesigwos. i v. avia jonnsao, erpool, jonnauqs f' called, and though, he bad to OBED T ATLOB,; Architect. Alma Jj. Bmub, or (joaiviue. son, Jennson. ' Struggle with his- - weakness, his 0(&0i in Wasatph Hotel, ' .j ,. i W. J. Pewell, Hans Golbranson, Charles Nibley, Logan. Salt Lake City. " dil most earnest desire was to build up ' ' . Clara. Banta John Hafen, joeepn uity. the Zlon of God on the earth. The George B. Gardner, Virgin City, Elder Cannon then presented the testimony: or his experience was Wm. Eager, UUledale, i of fourteen Elders whose that God was with this people, tOST ! Job n Averet t, John W. Freeman, names to is lan the ' mission was desire Spanish His himself study to; devote OPEN ENVELOPE, containing bash Bro. Nichols, Washington received, the and what he possessed to the woik AN and currency rm the street, between Wyllys D. Fuller. Revllo Fuller. f:uage. These uros. turner store ana uiooe uakery. "Ad Conference. the of will He of bore and testimo dreaa to Deaeret pod. Alfred Randall, George Earl, Har- 4lC8 News Ottce. was and moved, seconded, It Smith was a Proph that i .' ny Joseph a carried that the Re et of the Most (High God, and nanimeusly James Dean, Calvin Kelsey, lief throughout the Young was his successor. Frederick Judd, Brigbam Hall, ChurchSocieties take a. mitalon to raise silk Brigbam BJ Preston aaid he NEW EEC0I1D-UA11- D Wmv Bishop tsu. ueorge. commouore r. listoo, STC3E- and do all in their power to clothe felt thankful for the privilege of Moses Curtis and sons. Payson. families. their themteltes and W. HADSBn ass rw&ert a Second in a temple or God. Joseph Bull, Jr., O. H. BJggs, t frbe St George combined ehoir worshipping: hand Store on Main Street, wt! He had been; for twenty trying yeirs an antnem, "Behold, u God, to' learn to hold hiaiself and oor to WnVi- - Art Gallery, oepvsite Mosiah T. Hancock, ir.i Alma saner face all that he had ready fcr the buildour and the lek shield, upon Ha will bus and call evert that ksan xAngeli, Leeds. .Z,'. thine anointed." ing up of the klngdon of God. He be bought or sold, will givethins the bast price Jeflerson C WrlghLTirgln City. qfConference 10 am. till household for of covenanted had adjourned good, every description, many years ago to Robert B. Berrett, James Mont' Living- pneea. or God iw" the commandments "j obey gomery, Eugene Campbell. Ed ward " ! lit ' , .' Boned cUon. , by , Elder Thoe. , J. and he was stlll trying to prepare W. Wade, North Ogden. .,. .kf Jones. himself to do his duty in all things, Robert Sloan, Wm. Burton, 15th He bore testimony that the gospel Ward,; Royal B. Sagers, Harry If THIRD DAY. of Jesus was, true, and the United Fra-sie- r, A. Samuel j Peterson, Emery, was from heaven ' and would U. P. Mortensen, Joseph W, 1J Stl tlEORdE, AVril 8,' 1S77." Order faU and if (we carried out never Hail lAxe mty. -layior, Graves. we received we instructions the leter Ephraim. temporally Fred. A. Miller, Lynne, President B. Young rave out the should be fulry, saved, r I ANS , JOHNSON'g, Celebrated Stud, i; W. Dal ton. anthem, "But In the last days it and spiritually. . It John H aboard,. J4wln B. Woolley said as "Meaengr.-wshall come to pass." wbich was heBishop WlllardCity. be aieBUbtvf never felt as forcibly as now the Robert Lske, of choir. Na sung by the Parowan of living in cloeer com reakleaoe oo Little Cotton wood, April Xh tion. Prayer was - offered by4 Elder... necessity munion wltn'Uoa and or rendering sad 10th; at the Colorado Stable,1 Salt Baml Ij.- Adams; W. J.! Carter; John Taylor. , St. George. President John w. Young gave more strict obedience to the coun out the anthem, V Wa will call an sels of the Lord through his ser Lake City, lltk saa12tat aad aSfaratpf Henry Flamm. Xoffan. Jacob Naef, Jacob Mailer. Provi on the Lord," which was sung by vants. He felt to recognize the ton on the 13tb and lit h ef ,.AsfV.;Twe hand of God in the ereetion of this x'A dence. , the Beaver choir. Elder Brigham Yeung, Jr., spoke holy house in this desert land. He days at each place above Jacob Scharror, Payson. Daniel Jacobs, St. Charles. of the privilege which we at this bad walked In the Klrtland temple, naa assistea in tne erection Peter GrJ3, PrapervlUe. ty 0 i conference enjoyed or meeting to- ana use of the Nauvoo temple, but Niels MsOsen, Jr., Brlgoam City, gether in the first Temple which and he had never experienced the holy F. F. Hlatxe, Cotton wood. U.i i had been erected by the Latter-dator saeesaalcal Saints In these mountains. This emotion' which had pervaded his PATEIITS obtained A. Frederickson, Jgan. er ether devices, medical, whole In these Ik P. Wulfenstejn, Price City. treading boly com pou Ddmamental &e-priTllegerwaa one wbicU had been courts. being bore He Edward HemsJey, Job HemsJey, ooked forward to with earnest and testimony that was with' his people. He had labels. Cavwts, Assignments, Int"rf-' Mill Creek. V i prayerful aspirations by the people God tr . JUI pro runt it attendwi forty years struggling ees, nearly UM3L3S .sjls Elder Cannon presented the of God who had been gathered. been tiOSSTUAT With felt he himself.but would that to erected habitation the This of holy following antherlties the Church, temple, with renewed uoa go fromtothis who were unanimously sustained mm or. tne stoat bythe Patent Omoe may tignforcible overcome and to more ef fir . a i beautiful Was and vote Confarenoe of the v by Swer devote himself to the roll aa a w a mmm Bri?cam Young, Prophet, Beer, Uostratlon of the . union which thm wtnt c- l. t the purposes of; the Al Soe, we eaa' mak'a ekeer aaarehes, and se and 1U vela tor, and President of existed among us. The result ing on of He said that the very ex cure Parents more promptly ana wit a for the ..past mighty. of his experience the Chnrch of Jesus Christ of who are remote tstence of this temple in this deso- broader elalsas taae- those to him enabled . faints In. ail Ue worklv years testify . thirty land would, according to his trwa Washington John "W. Young and Daniel H. that the kingdom of God was and late forbidding lookWells, counsellors to ; President had been onward and upward, and belief, sanctify, theand that springs ing surrounding, and "the owned' that Almighty Brlgham Young-would burst forth In this Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Yeung, blessed his people. In speaking of of waterland.' m i U wr and George the United Order he said1 that its tblraty advise ar flwtBbiKtu PrV-Jr., Albert Carrtngton,wuaww addiessed tie and t?. Ifeaiuent xoung kw. tU were to a in pon1etK strloUy put principles practice sasuuuii iinson,lirigham Youn?. upon the acceptance of An ri t iiauk great extent in the first settlement conference President etc. We refer to ductals tn ttm rateai OdoS' Valley. Not a settle- the temple, self explaining, John Taylor, Willord Wood raff, of Salt Lake been were vote added and l jlhe The following to inventor H every I by thees in made, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, 8ea. ment bad, list Unioa. Address, m oorv n i or to the missionary In since hut that rnountalxu 17LLJEI time, Charles C. Rich, lorenzo Snow, Oppnetfs Patent Otc, irasaingtoa, D.C Erastus Snow, Franklin D. Rich- - its commencement it was indebted Job. Rowland, Logan, - Ml ' r h " '"if iv JO w lr PotDJfl rtrsdV tirnrvi now KarKl. r.. ""fUS a . .i-.wv- s. tm tf. J 1 l a iiUiiM torn AU work gulr CFIIC3 ' &b4 'TVOSSSnOPA Tcr.tPLB STREET, Bsal Barket, Vtr.T Opplta city .w dU? ,- S5"id' wmmiiirN. tAKE, : v dlW HEUSSEI? & BHO, UJ.1L HAGUE.) Successors i &ak si.aa.sjau SUUU TV puxs, pistols. kxitusn& rzsmxo TJ.CXLK K to years and otfcjr fcLMT S'KSJB TO a AJSL hi onr hoe foo9 HBATL1 t.Y, and Sauaractfo Ooaranteel rroats paM 1 4 v-- -- A IS-- n . r V - , ,t prompt retornsm n.nkrs Sa it, ' |