OCR Text |
Show TIIE EYENINGNEWS. :'- .".. - One f. I iii'i'l.MlM I TDB ! UrM months, DESEV rVbttsJUd ' -- UK A gi NWKCUOMM ndalcntic, Via i .SA OWCerV Bcut Temple Street. MM Uoa of D00r-BCTD7X- JL57J PjtPX CI the Rofky Monntaia Conutry, li WaMbrl TTS u UiTfc Krvlfht...............' t S0O 6:00 8:SD li t: ...... Ttf44ilx.m. aonnecttona made witL 'rela"kt.. J Hit 1 mWl ;i it:- . i ug-ae- tepplnv I They can be had at this Office, or maiieu to any aaarees ror , IMIIAI.I inus. . ucni. Ticket asent, K I . omaaa. m i .8 A I r lf; I LA W L . o. S Having- tie First Samoiis I 3 mint isf je if SALE AT THK and. - nnsTOjrA Trains Daily to OFFICE. AND BALTIMORE Ci Hi The Deseret News . WASHIHST01 Fnp L ) Jacr I 5 i: PAHLBYP PRATT ajt. . j j ;"i i III A FEW COPIES FOR SALE oeras - - DESERET EYEinnG 1TET78 4 .1 ' M i.'i-ljM-- vir THE -;-J- .; j ' M ' f ' i II'- iMSICl SHEET i ! r: ' I i V I rit -- 1 1'-- - 1 THE OtZOERET: t Elections, , 1 iV '' IT IS ; L!.:i. i rut cca Prlre Cent,1 Two Copies 25Ckxts. in atook. id -- smalrpox. 1 t ... ii CXlrer- - ill . ' ' ' I I the rarrotaxCna M . ill la thU i I I r03 SALS f " AT TUX 1. ""fl ATTTTf!Tl 0s f Bank.)! - ;;' C, Nov. ti, 187& 'It. Paper i IS cents . - -:; ... -- . - ' I' I tBQ I It ,. ! j. 1 Paper Covers. , ii- ,'i !! - DiscttMibnI r ; : . BiMe Vthe Does ; " - (Sons. t - - j PlLDEH6,CMffiLES3 SEVlHt !.'4"vj'-":W'-:iJi--- I - , "r and si I sanction 'Foljjamy ? i ; I, JTbrsfcra t -- s ! . if r ! - ' . ; OO&fTT.j K. THUBKER BEKGMI I.LEK. J Pf 'w- Marriage, Corr, W rents.: - MIirARDCOJKTT. JUST PDBLISUBD - Saiina, Prank lid Spewr itichneid, W H awMrwiirr, t1- Paper ! Journal of Discourses, Vol. II THOMAS CALLJSTERl'r' TT ' f ! at tm jp V Bishop. V Ja, l,H 1 . Of ttks Cbaurcat i er-ta-y asOaUa, Containing; the Bevebv Uona srven i to Joai ph Smltn, ' Juxu, the Prophet, ior the bulldlnr P of the King oom of God. ia yia last days, ef Jleaeia lAtsesMtavy ttelata. trll el EDWAJftD 'HLTNTEB of the Chirrch. f iak HrH-k- . P.- - .1. A.lUrf UHM"I JOHN Ii :f WIJLLJ AM BUDGE Ireidlng :li-';.- f 1 ' UnnM. Chat les Bebtosoa, H. H. Dalrympla, UmVpeX .Slahop. IR0S ' BlshOD. ' ix-ietPeHterrlewJi 0leaJlAeoo,IsAliel 1 tm. ; - DiirRU CUCTfTT. MURDOCK, - . ,.- - fjSrtlgSflgl. ' ' C00S1TT. ' " '! j I ;- tun n Contents' noilr.'ii'fO'-iti- WH. DAMii. rreaiui- -. prehensive Index and. baa oeatf H-7- 1 : 5 - 7 mke, b' arZl,a rSTtSS?5 ' t:l s. te fctiAaktiiricva, snn,nn , lcletm - li ides ri -.- . ; ttn. " '- W yyattik i 1 Ion f. V;.u- f f;, ' DesreiTfWl02!ce,j t Salt Laks City, TJ " , ' - ; Svi.?ra 4 sw -- ' : ABruigai- M- sl - t-- ) i'-t- waut riforasir jr ' i - rnTiJc,o.wiwTz Oty, Hsary ! fTs.isA IWiaSB.IirviBT f - - i Ttaker. W new-wil- woeiptt'--i-ij;',v:-i- t t.J JVVf Vtiaame t erry oompatitJoa with or in any in: hibited thCiV.?Pr0T"rrtf,n "t a T.Oi2i tUvrfcferrlll, f i." new la Full .Cloth gn?bosse4 91des, gilt bacr and t EoskelT, ' - ' a.it?ld,ffiBnel consistent w bait ..fiTT and .Uki cWarilMm.trli itmki Sa.wO.edffrS. ernankled tuaehip. t rr-- r ..-. on tn4U j: ..i. fMtBi w. it. nsiwri, Lewab wta, or fntZS ,,t . , "D hmi StofnemrMml Street, next ynrx pays. 'Aveer Pulilmjj isarTanu&tZZZZ Morncoo,;eritboasM sidest Ut,)ard.Ir&n, B, K, ' doe ;to cavsys,,r4.aBeqr. ,;- -f l f.a . ILLUoXaATLD CAT- - gilt bast and rprlnxled eltfesi r iI r a . -Pa win btrr And aaH ZrBSL in mu can that evritv2 , iwst b I r bnurht f. r aold. will gl Pm M. iViUTaBionasf' t TluaiCALt22; s'frvwmKf .fTfsTtaP i. ?rJi n.Tf addrMprice' II . " a "Twa-ii " rw-Rn-Tf" mMw J'rolsirt,! t sHidjr ferrwus for boueeboM auw. ai S AnaAbsile Sprliifs, H bj L. Joseph. A. Jos. le, P. T. Olriw-HeC tto. London, With Three Discdurtes on Celestial . tr.netAetisjseonTAi -H ti ,mi .. 1 V ; frtpa, m Printed on fine papery from new, large A4A' t"wtr Jsneen. i ' i5.-.f- 3 i i '1 Mi;itr clear type and rontainias neab MO pagva ' OsQsOaaaeaar'w' . nont, a To this edmoir there have been a number p t. x,hcnrit nwin RUih. wnm ri Mk hi. of additioos made tbe sections bare .been LaHeTcwrnJra Kebe r erTBear Lake oo,Utab ed h gbej, s4 .... .UVOA. i! versed and nnmbeYedi snd a'fuH' and 'coni l i :niffiin?isTi3!ip: ww. I 1 ;, . fxnrKTT' juab j ZI Vol. Half Catf, 1.6a i ArnBr?": 'i- nn. x . Bvenu r LOO. nUlennJal star, 1 . . ; . Joko - -- 'rwe. jf l0T ir.lEPALti jmsiSTIiefl remark. tH "I rocntaln Gmt. B--t- . ..frorn the I BAKPrrS COCNTT. tJ vie De Elormon Le 1B1' . Moroni, 0. W. JUradl-y.inalivlew.AirASS Tucker. Mount Pleasant, fT.S.eBiel f rederkk Sprint City, ' rtr-- . Xhralm, fcanuw Mantl, John B. Msibta. ; . Gunnison , J . ravettel John Brt boms i a. j Wales, John I " v' " . Discourse by President Rriyham Young , A tin-Jw- Orrrent sua" jSulruu Goshen, WakPrics. "- w Mni.:.!, H over Parson ; j ' . - Pnss'.du g h . stpUeUp OUraed by all the Jndees. - J.'8.TANNEB is i.2s. jtorocou, ' - .Kiss 8npw's Poems. cioth, 1.00, cioth ant, i.a. cair out,z.oo. . .v'-.":t'?'"- pttA tf- Corr Wara, .'Jajifaqulu , . 'ciotiialit,' cibVhVT.ob; . OF Broii-gpriiiervili- Wak Erluf " Harp bf stion d78 i. ; 'places. .. Soll, Bpauibh Fork, Salem, oMas lobduws, UuhU the-atronger-- . :;; I "I . hop over tbelwo lst 'isnirj JBi D-- . i"""- frovo. j Amcrtcan Fort. I. Harrinirui. Alpine, X. J. PfcCflliouih. . HAKKIKGTOy, I ml j of eWo UTAfl C0CS7I. O. SMOOT, PrekUbg I;y. Pleaeatit OrovsiJohii respect, and that to-ifostering rARW, I5o7;ILK5It the TetrHoryV' of anyJDaflr Paper Ita4 care jsf the the hon- - j iitTTT.aTTV.n1"157$ TjTdrV befllied in erdeti jt'wlM. B. PILlTteV realdhig l rrceived U ve T the generous 18TO,; easas eoaUiixVyirTeUarayhio Ke porta, Jo eatyf iUof&Jalsii v tBisnopv awarded 1,4,1) j hlrhest honwhich ' ' 7 - ' i i'' Sympathy f! of t J ! Mil -- the tot on . iraibh'0 bestow ktarsi ;. aflord tVi vUl ttt. Xi, rjl ) "ifteresuna and trustworthy Local- Items, always ii " due. th peace, pxpjress i bYPTJ r.of tbe Territory " wnlcsrls WKh. any; ,Mane;to part, w VJQTmaF.TinmUii w f7 muuiiitiiiiii ITcmis aa4JFerea rappcaT4cEducs,- her dhsky colored stlrrblch w " ..... rrvrji. . o .price. .lim. HiimClTnii. t. giptlfare of ;Aret JJ' .J::i-'- Yorfc'Jleraia. the ias belo iaJn,JUaajrette Patchy v. . ' J Only 11 L SUfZTapercMcenw.. ; : . DAVID EVAKS,PifUlui bUi. over the tliree last BtuueJrlui '; ' : t Revelation ont --Celestial? Marriage I acmement fif aM ixtfc : , . Valley, ttc ; 5 i t Answers to Questions, of the Law, Patent and Collection House & Ca, of this city. of GiuiOBi UfcUUUB a. it-- WHITE, (Cashier of the' National Metropolitan j fiO Price. 10 oeuts. ana ouieimess i oto, freedom eomWned It b regoing-city, wiU be obaenred that, 1 . pinada , lAlchthewWto'wsIstlnorto - S:lierr3$rf 4v.nrT PrpMpfeev Pcttra cad ethers ,olTn w,nww3vt rttV-l- -t ' D- - Cloth, "i " naVcaif. ixa. ' i "X In exDrrssinsr mv entire responsibility and JldtUty aimiPrM M JJ" dHrrl.onlyrnBrrlLRkO "They-wer- e. ountlas and throufsout I ,Ditson pxcIiirCs f WA8HXKOXOKr t take Pleasure confidence In the ' . 0. Pratt's Works, . preas wazr JWors. by uq las, summer .to , taae , W i Larrest Circulation . t Has the Publications ii WASHINGTON, 6 cts. I K.k-ut- First Ward, J. P. U. JfMK 8econd Wsnl, Jasm Third Ward, kyron Titt, fourth Wttrd, H. IL Ciul. ' Lehi, David Ewv. . ; Cedar rort, U.K.CCct. . r ralrCoid, JoLcCaitwU. y Catechism for Children. . f ' w.it; u i'teei. . - T!n!itiJ THE..nUSICAt, , f P.O. Box 44. UJ insir nurflDer, raruy m bad whlakarw .ruf rmrtfe rtw tha I I tug sent to all parts of the Territories atPub k itshert prices4 Aixli,l Jordan, 1. WiU South Geo 1) - OI I i I 1 A. . Gilmore & o.. Address, A.n.Eifeytf; -- Im. Morooco. 3. i Jofan6tsrk.ri Sugar Bpusa ffu4.w. . Brighton, A. ILKaWl j BiS- - Cottonwood, Wm G Tn.. ' nil Creek, beuwa ttj.a. Houtb Cotton w4rt.J. akawte-W- t 2Lab m PaparlO centsr , Stiff Paper Covers, ' . . -' . i RecAlliag'theeiarjDetef A New, Bevised, Snlarjrcd, and unproved feet tribe, 1, aminformed that ome U,i 'ZLSffi oS, twelve ,or, fifteen jears, nOi thtJvymrsinMrumentstMFIflST BAAZ ediuon Of the Deetrlae mm CereeaBla ef ta riorch ef Jeaaa Cbris4 ef Let ihe-Blaek- s Kxcep l: enaaay. ; i, lttb lbtfc lrth . ! - 1 . Cloth Embossed, , : "S" he PAMPHLET F0R1L - the last twD'earsnhla'anlmaf has I this gen eralclasslawabdbd this roamed evervthejjyairieT ijiappBr herds: but. in rently "ezhanstless another . necadeof yemre,' enlesa 1 They have aleo received the medal but, to pre-- 1 f' J rrr FL7Ja'ni VenTth.vcatastpb I SUDDIt. Df. Of I food will easy for many makers to Advertise tfc.t a source U JUt .f.f W I Mp have reoeivei u first tndala.M r d Iw.AvltniV'PKtsHVsi 11 ?. elea, rn i"'?110"?iI ana Irmvwlll' Mtbnkths ire a.,tiA : are toeir oonparauva exoeiteDCe, ,7. I Of the Canadian aaihetiUeS. j i r a : pecesrnlaed In the Beperta of tse ad(ea enesii mm lit ; I nn tsrAnd fPJS.L?! theV have, since. heen , reduced, bv i Ttiot ud 16th X k 1 i AS ASP .. Divine Authority. ., A Spot, Ax.ScBs& L. W.Hkny. , ThomiaTkjut. B. T. Burton. Frederic KMi 16 th " 1- looker. K. IX Wuo,r. 14th God. S We are constantly receiving(iff u ..... I Ii f i if-- - of Bounty Land IIaULII of jom. f. berts, B, A. ' 12th IStb Commissioner of FIRST BANK -- SHil . i Inf. These were Issued under act of 1S5 acta. We pay. cash fer' them. and Send prior letter. Where assignby registered ments' are Imperfect we give instructions to perfect them.Each department of our is conducted In a separate bureau, under the of experienced lawyers and plerks. charge Br, reason of error or fraud mebyattor-pey- s are suspended from practice before, tbe Pension and other officeseach year.' Claimants nave been thus suspended will be ' gratuitously furnished with fnil information and proper papers oa to us. application As we cbarsre no fee unless successful, stamps for rcturu postage should be sent us. Liberal arrangements made with attor neys m an classes of business. i 10th ! iy If'", ' I! sr theeWOT acres Warrants ' n m. Uth Xlorpion Qtiestlon. "Tpe ' Paper Covera, 25 cents." ' ; a 'V; j Old Bounty Land'. Warrants : .Wh - - "M L1? i on i - V. : 0ieet . JametLasci 6th, 8U? Paper Coverst 60" cent?. " u: l,'..i - j j .1 coacaaaura shipElecUoas," I f 'i i I Naturalization, Citizen- - rtor. ' - i COLD 11X8. H I! i: 1? ! Pre-emttl- ' I ' ' LAWS :' la- - j ! warhfly by thir coppercoiorea oreinren on mis siae or ne IN THE i ' l line is that tbe former are trenching ly SvTrior .AdPantaffts. upon the. hunting. groands I that SEVEEAL EEQPITE8" supply fopdi and raXmpnt; for the i t I lauii. too ui we AgUBUUUU vices, !of such Instruments I and'Blackfeet, nowthe moat pow Price. with posUgeM..;M.94J3a.l erful of the Canadian Iribeal There The MAFON HAMLIN ORGAN CO. I nave tbe honor to announce that theOrgans Ulno qupatronfwbJrhAbaa f, jmore help manufacture have been onai.i-soreI Iht, mind nft h ifi AibyA Her., mnis'T assbrned "the nusT UAKaC 4 the aisquietea Canadian .Indian thsn this. Howl s&v KUAL BBQCISITBS of Instruments of : ' rfOfirjT fV. il I shall he find subsistence when the I . v t FOR W Malkd oa receipt of price. nO. StC., i i i" rtJir.i winerariopers. Abptheic ireasore why4.be troatiles Statlesiaire front the not llkelv lo be welcomed ! . mPPIBEAPEE CITY. t jlil-.-- I, 1 r. 1.S0; SmbosBed, L2&. !The Government Unanimously assigned lhe G1 ( ' Cloth r ORGANS ; i - Contested Land - Cases Private "Land Claisofl. MiBiur. and Home stead Cases, prosecuted before tbe GeneralLand. Office and Department, of the I"te- CAD IN ET 1 i .ee a.ee v ' Lieon TT i . United State General Zand ,, Sd w JacotrJej. "Ith .tY Hjuria8pr " 6th A W. B.UcbnkM Speacer'i tetters. , .Pensions. . - Vorld'; Exhibition; 1876. i.a 1 . , tat Ward, S. fc. C2y, JoaVtrtono. its n whese-attorney-a - T(- - j,.-- b an Increase. Bend stamp and tttiel tnany lermation win be xuroifrned ire. ; HIGHEST i 1 - Cloth Bmbossedr 1.00.1 Tm. Morocco, ,j - " Idoees Marti The Voice of Warning. bu-loe- ; LIFE AND TRAVELS i aoi.irsrBa and paiijOrs ornctRa, in the late or canwounded, ruptured, sUAbtlsMi injured obtrntm' a. however d. win now receiving' pensions are en- afonj i oV though Iney; ' axe 7vuUyT iensibre OnVaT.Sheet tOTtflklXQt Inithas. their ' apm Doeltlon as and exiles, I'm- 'I .! ii to feel that.'naVlnfcf in territorial tbe- oountrv, they have 2! ' A.V tni IVk.t. fin PltUbunr.FortWarne nebts.ln can Meatt with" fn beln a and Pennsylvania Central R. B.. wbleh beep kindly be obtained at all regular Railroad Ticket "fnereirno aan- signen a reeerve. OflOcee la tbe WeetAt tbe Company coroerl rttBderiexlaUi ft 4.1. West iiadieon St. and at ue Readina fer ht,1 Unftted Madison and Canal Streets. Wes rside.AI-V- f I stlpuiatioashe I i ii J! 'uJTJZ Mil' M in iuu miiuiLicu iugttertS cago. will live nor bisu .Mi 1 'I iJ (MM:i ; I mancujuy on, I. tujs T'M i .Ji tLieas fle Home r' nrtAlns Telerrinhle Renrirts. and '" V. " r iiiow hy an; experience LfiT year 4 T1T' ri R. BIYCUV f to become a Forelsn Correspoodence, AffHcultural, To I inat it is nis intention Grnl Pasw. and Ticket Agent. v.'A n . i peaceable 'and con tribii live mem News, Editorial Articles ber bf aooietv. Jiven tbe local half. J. 1. LATBU, mesne and Forelaa breeds, who have lived nearly all General Afanaaer nul. on Current tnetr lives aer laaians ana among them, flncf if a matter' of "difficulty w i n i to be recognized, tutd embraced In THE3FlRSn PRESIOERC I the privileges Which are extended Bishop. j. T.Clt,W. t.Mosi. A E. ' ' . CHARLES CBSDTBKB. - I00ELI JOHX-- ; ROWBEIiRY, :tiy r,,y. AH ' ' ; hX0I- - . ... ;ut nity ito vwit Pittsburg- Philadelphia. New ror a and lioston, tne best maraets in me gma, crrr. 1 a . re" Thai route Is especially desirable roc business men, as it fives tneia an opportu- 3 HALT LARM OrriciRg. 80LD1IB8 and satloba ef the late war. on their heirs, are in dust eases entitled to money irom ina uorernment. of which they have no knowiedre. - Write full Ltsrory of service, and state amount of pay-anbounty received. Enclose stamp, and a full reply, after examination, will be . aiveu you tree. 0..T. British territory after the .Indian - ... 'J T massacre of 1803. TThe. testimony is that they are 'working iu the ii UN IT EOT STATES harvest fields of tbesetOers',nahd conduct! qg,r themselves r as ai SATURDAY. Deeerea tfewe CMBee, Aiplrtt -- " iPublishcd every TV ICS DAT and 8AMTJEL F. . Sent by mall on receipt of price. to Chlpman, Hosmer k Ca Arrears of Pay arid Bounty. j: las sU IV aU Bui i upntuf pejtolfft, in Wm-tsau,- t - Wanlg y 1 rilff C I? If I V eCril ssaltJ I O I, V : . . i 1865. - slirteea banns blata, AMtled ta ' 188 at "Fpringr Hill Farm. Got by "iXctAtor,' "Dicta tor by Rysdyk's "Hambletonlan dam, the flani of by VAmericaa1SUr,,' grnd. dam the flam of "Shark. Dant "Madam m (chostijutl 1y Warrior or. rrouoa i :kbTSeturer, by '"WlntbrOD VMBenier," by Imported "Mcnjtnrer-- ' Is or as Has and pure line of trotters as there is no w In the United States. Kind and feti- tle. Has turned bis "mile to 180 WU tn1 to a limited number of mares at John w Touni's stable: price twenty.five (25) dollars. . fi ve . . VT 1 STAX,dON,-abou- B1 their boqd... .. A. rib'..!: ;r"' the liidlaus who are iow ' Among in theKoJtkwest-ar-sevral-oftt- e chiefs Aod JtMd, men fit Xhat por-- ! HI tbe same subject, by - -- , atiii longer, praoaMonacjr ferioa, 1i tney migsta reoslvs toaw proportion of; the invested ....fcsipltaf: funds ;:bf J " i . ItifhJur'a.O: DISCO UIIMKS .Kacyoo. tnakinr pre patent r liminary examinations.. Mnsniiitinnal Tees 'GianttvUikwiiiimjS 8U Johns, 0. W.BurrlitiT.r for obtaining- and oocductingra rebearlnf. Book of Hormon. f i CatrevUV. Jam Jo Ppocsal: attention riven to Interference . Cases before the Patent Office, Extensions Koan, 10. Vernon, John C Shan Uorccco fl.oO Cilt extra, before Congress. Infrinrement fitnta in Af- ferebt y-States, and all litigation appertain- 8kriVa,B.F.;V aena stamp nig- u luvcni'um or ratents. and Doctrine Covenants; ivr rumpnui ij- sixty pages. ,i WA8ATTH fws. jtv; wvsrr ii Full Cloth, Embossed Sides, gilt back and ABRAHAM HA7T Unu&oL State Csurls and Depart- -' t,.l ... . sprinkled edgee.2 0. pients: : Full Imitation Morrocco, embosied Bides, Claims prosecuted In the Sasrsne ' Court back and spttakled edrcs,tS.CO. g eber City, Abrakja Btki. of the United State?, Court of pialmsjCourt flit Midway, Hsnry&ijeaw, ' of commissioners ot Alabama Claims, Charleston, John rtiibaL Southern Claims Commission.1 and All elasa- Wausborgk, Book. Hymn e fcf war claims before the Fxecutlve De- " paTtments.r' Y Roan, 1.25. Morocco Gilt, 3.00. STAHLIOrJ BLACK PMHCB alloi-me-Btx- TO PHILADELPHIA MARGIRAL LAW i Suooesa0rs fi I ....... Cents. On Atlorueya-af-Iiw,- : Clerk 'Pi bate Court, salt tike County, Idl0 V--7 J ' "S "5 . I THIlC CILMORE & CO.j " 1 . i ItS PI - JESTABLISHEt) -- k,H?f?rJrff n. BOCKWMiT.- lonsprmg' atar.t uin. life. ' tneee moiives jooxam jtp tie understood and acted upon Sbv TflE APOSTLES. rWSLVe AtiJ the - Indian,' the ' evidehcej 'pf iBU-- v rue CExrBiMrrf wnicnv is ine .jKiseejtPn ,c(nf eiderabl ctm. property acquired by 1 Standard ! Honsehold Journal TiTTT V carid ); fhrfftl sldarabJe I TT Hit I MTV M I MM I indostry it 1 . a a a mi mat e may. ea iR snews rULUlAll TALAUL UAliSI: ,tofl ,en trusted wltn tne rig tits of full ctU- ian Adrerttolnsr: Medium, to reach the zeDsnlp. enfraocbisement Fogrant FKOM i to liireut wall bobaved the Intel and tinner, tbe country people, and all classes Indians would probably train them to Still ttrrtrnr olf.rnHitnfA .nrl nl Chicago tO Baltimore oObe community, Itstandt unriraMed. coufage their bretbre who are lag-kiux ueuiiiu i.u uisnte greaier v As--- '; , uons rJ..ii. PrIoe,!wlth postage...... .....3.63 in the- t,oveuaBetMr.iAnrioSaxon race of yrogieaajo TAccomp- aWANIIINOTOr CTLTY, mea- witn enrrancntaement vmev 1'!' w at first an snouia obtain, probably, r Let w t their proper BhftTe Jof Without Change dkaA.c;. reserve to wnicn live v teetoocr, than. after fou r or fl ve "y earl of 'good be-- 1 sajd'sbate.l havior, the fee BfmjiTf TRAINS DAILY i , Probate Court in and for 629 F Street, Washington; !). 0. Territory ' American and Foreign Patents, f BOOKS 'WORTH READING Patents procured In ai! countries. No Ties IK idtakck. No charke unless the is ranted. Ne fees for Ae PSMVU i?i&&t&ttif! a his liut wnen Presidency r i It!' O.IBU OR. NEW iii, 1 -- order jr i xti wnicn is anaeei ion unrrmnnrjinn... m--: to tbs Discussion between the Bey. Dr. J. P. Newman and Pesident Brig-haYpung-- , SALT LAKE CITY. ;H 1 bort to sXtT?l&th PBNNSYLVAMA RAILWAY ! , 1S70. Main Street,1 f -- PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS. . 1 - ,y y- 1 Timber Cult lire, LAE ' TAYLOR'S HOTEL i Homes teatLn, 8ALT Bait and 14th. aSm. t utsiornoi arvsaa st itTrrrriTi xWXXwXi. . C XjXSJ33 ' 0 -- II Wm .1" - CONCKSWINO .' by the Probate 6 n 1 : a D C O wW w II at? Ou'tfae Subject,' County, Territory- of Utah, admlntetrator of tbe estate of Keiiah D. Pratt, deceased, notioe Is borebv (lvea to au interested and boldJnar claims arainst saiddeoeased to DOES THE BIBLE SANCTION present tbe same with the necessary vouchers to tbe Undersbmed ad mlnlwtratrbr, at or Kast Tem aer reeldence on tbe east sloe ntra tteutn ple Street, between Beeona ana iwitbia POLYGAMY ? ten la Salt Lake City.. Streets, iBoatbs after tbe first publication of this nodaat aBd .all neraons indebted to said ee Utewill please call and settle .the samoij.J!i . . .n aew without delay. . Taberstaeke, Kali UABY D- - FALO0NBBIDGE, LeJte lty,Aagrust Utli.lSch Administratrix of tbs estate of Eexlab D. dioa deceased. Prattf xL?1'..1 i .: or 3 1 MZev. My catalogue free on aiirflcallon - i ? ' per Copy. nEYTS r. : 1' DESEEET a, 1-- been as fl'IIR tmdenlraed. navtna Court" Of periy, oecause it wouia oniy lur-- . ,i" Ot r3osIV Prfiif'm .ai1l.e his enemies. He is active on the i ThronKb Cars to WasMngton City but; wpen warpathIs or iathe:x?hase. . ..... ..iil4-stit;?;tl : danger over, revenge ' is1 satisfied !T..-A PETITION Wfth a document: purpoctr Jttalter. or his Immediate wants, appealed. jTV I inir to.be tbe luat will and testament uo xeiapscs iuvu via wiU9kVu)9il JH of "Arnees-',Husett, deceased,' having' in thU Court fey JoeeDb Hi Kus- dolnce.: It maybe said that jthtp beedflta Contains a Nummary of tbe News of tbe taat THK aaiq prpposea tviuoeaq inertia ais thea chief legacy which he eu,prayuijr ' ilttedto r ia,tnat letters tstait. ...it be nsned to petitioner Week. Tele: uentary Agricultural, Home la rfldtloe inven pursuant to' an grekt difficulty with the IndiaH? fa Ordetr of HAidhereby; Court. Ahet Frfdav. thn atrt h and Vyt nuncannot AlTL. 1X77. nt ID a. m.. at lh Foreign Qprrepondenc,Miacellaneoui, tnak he all at opee xid GREAT F0BMJAYI1E d. Anrll. self of this inheritance. Kven under Counry CoqA Hense in Salt Lak Cftri bus Domeetie and Foreign News, Editorial Ar thej most favorable circumstances beei) appointed tbe tlm iantt ptaee ror tbe time must be .glveii.lihn to. unrfer-laa-w pre ticlee on Current Events, and siaou ine motives and acquire the I an pbrsons interested may appearand eon i. leS5 tha. Probate of said wUU i habits 11 ot f? 1 i aui AMD TRB VALLEY" HOUSE, L T LAKE CI T Y. me k f ? . i a. clearances on their allotments'. J ' raising paicues or arnunana vesre- -i u' laofes, ana procuring Tarm-- stoca. uui, iuo mugiOT h Biuw ngnniiiI formed by a people geaeratiohs back are difficult to overcome. The 1 system or uvingwiin the rude Xn-- I 7 -- - a - - ... il - a 1 .i ' r- 11 .'., 1 n I President Geo. A. Smith and Eldti male considerable improvements '. I Orson Pratt and Geo. Q. we invite the patronage of tbe the regarded with ecuJIar J order Into stand, table,or button bole bu-- tblsSpriDri . I t111" witn or witnout papers, vroasos ior travelllng-iublicv uenejaciors. wiujiu m uwuuathepuu Cannon. I funerals, eto., on fair terms. Bouquets of rriaVM Interior L- -. flowers and natural ornamented tulJSi -i made to order, yaiiuus' " CTBCeintuf luuuwiug - SO Cents VELICH i 1 "'" I lot baskets in rariety: e ins' the Indianuuh nature' TAYLOR & CUTLER. or wiiMiow-ana reai variety to U is know that the;Beddlns Plant. Gardens. dng and: in on several or, the reserves I fla orderv Summer flowering- bolt or Indiansgratifying Tbe above is now istued in pamphlet fprnt, octavo sle, of one hundred pares. i IX)K MaladCli BtIMr. t;hV" Jt tbe-Dacke- t. it Copies Dr n. r. i rbonoarini, O- SBSD3 AND GARDEN SEEDS and the crfflcers'and meu iTTUOVVEa .produced, In rieat rarfety by pound - .rJ: .ni. t. k. ......k.u oroonceCut Flowers, loeae or made to r.rul ' 2Z a i oonnat3d with tha t'attnt Omc promptly I T and. correctly,. Every invention kept strictly private, un- ren Dy letters fatent. utber JLitil and Notarial business attended (o Orrrca with S. I Hebaxj Pii 0. Co, 687. 8 L. City,. 5TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF but the contrary effect has'.':been :: i Dally at Or4n Central PaolSo K. U., aod with Utah Cear roaa ror ait law birr ana au point! irai " Via IT.ak der" since the first edition of the litlAt Bryan taHMied June Wh. 1S50, with stacas for Sweetwater r.-- same was all sold, ! we have lately mine. lAt Cbeveone with Benrar PhlAi ror Denver. Centra.1 City, flunrntnan arwl .1 printed an authorized edition on iwuia iu voiunvra uju new Mexico. Published Svery Weujesdav At umana wita uuicast and Nortaweat---r fine fancy colored paper, on a sheet em, ghioaro. Hock, iaiaos an PaciOo. Chi-oao, Btir4roa a Qucr, JiaritOficm 121" bv 20 Inches, suitable for fram. I 4 Mwiiiver hi Nahw, BZaaaai Cltrt 8a 3m I foa Council Blulla railroad, and Mlatouri fi I Baal tor all "S?01 polnU "rs Iniro or mountingm nn a trAthP- .nrt uu mum. . ' . .wJ u atBank- . iiouee of Mouorniokac Salt Lke hi iuo uuusvB oi ,iue i insTtokeutortalatoaUpolnuieart usuKiug 3 Sheet (aa m. 49 laehee. 16 Pares, City; aleo at Union Paolflo Rallroat Ticket i moo w at wnion omee 'Dertfti pa Baints. care can be secured. ' Tuxi Aa Aotaentlcat eostproueylT dbtataed er cmpkTTrur )SaaM erm attorrje?Ts: bo attends to ail buaineM men are scattered ever an 'area FLOfilST AND - SEEDSMAN, of hundreds , of I miles.. It, was thought at first that .the entranceof the mounted police fn the' Terxia a poibiyfresuU of h l D E S HI! ET tJ FIVS DLrrv. ain. ARRira. rtaily Kidmh . ....... ..J... fclS n.n. Obeerrexl by Membera of I lie United Or-- 10 Cents 1 a as-en- O. F. DUE, a. lXPU.........HH.4. be ' ! rill in IItinI!i is BSlISIII.flHIIB mip e rep-rese- nt train wfll leTt? dailr as fellowg : ExOrcaa- - Daily M HAVING had frequent enquiries for copies of the "Rale that ; . , UIIITED ORDEJl J.ULES. TNTIL further nolle fJ and arrive at Ovdea r I :;SqUCiTOHOFPATT&.' t In tbe Territory Betaur a reaUant rod Information that would - twb or jrra propx. AirzmrK I IwI I I, II I TflEESI TflEfSI 'JOEES! CONCLUDED. BLACK I U. R. R. R. ' idui ii I II I I . ! DAVID (O. CALDER, Should - " ivim. m. IRol"V' ADmr 10 nrEK.1 i tm OMAUA and CHICAGO. PBICSS GREATLY REDUCED of A mnnntMl tmIIoa Sc.; 3 inch, 50c. J JjOCU8A " ,nan rnrni In th.l 4 inch, Throurb Tickets to all Eutarn rVtlaa Ha fl. lavoriM rouu can m Mt.ltwt4.Kk Territories. Is The latter simply a ticket ofboeaC ttx (Jatoa Patbq Bflroa4 battalion of say 800 men, who GEO. REYNOLD in many Instances the best Apply to ri' . Vw TicJKti rtad VIA ISOCS 1, or ';' families; lore the Ufe-o- f ad ten tu re ' C. CRABTJREE, ana are mentally and pnyslcaliy I A. 1C SMITH Oaneral inat, Chicago. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION oalcuUtedtdcoinand tWpect At President Yourtg't Office. nron RiddUiPaasonjrer Gcn'1 Sup't Chlcaro. never drink, it be4no tmnossible to or ANY PiPEBXIN THE obtain fire water in the forcaty and are consequently as nardy active and useful a set of officials as can be TERBlTORT. found any wnere obUm globe.Tbeee I! bM upetior tecfllttaw for thm ex all Had of Book Had Job Prlntli O mnd fnroisbed PUR oo any SJt arid .j A , How far these Buncloua 'nuvtrtm. Hona have produced their effect on the country will b ksovn br the fact that treatiea hare been success-rally negotiated which secure, to the eeTeral Indian tribes: the most liberal prlTileees. In several ln- s lances numerous btthds have been united under a single: ehif, while irritation and distrust hare been re placed by An almost pnlrereal feel or content ana grautuae to toe ing ovemmeni ror Its, liberality- and Two of the most ' im porta t acts FOR SALE CHEAP: passed in connecuon with- - Indian aflatra In the Territories are imm 25c.: which prohibit the importation or Walnut Trees,' 1 J ' inch, ' I ; manufacture or all intoxicating inch, 50c. 1 liquors, enforcing this prohibition I ' Mulberry 2 a, J inch, 0c.; inch, t rtv Inn tnnac Mrlnint lafUMnn m rf BiXKrisu lerntr VJLBS w wed iui Tb imwt i THE INDIAira HT CANADA. o. clALDEBJ PIONEEIt PAPER Kut. North With all Tux XxrrcM TraJna. ADVAWCA. ' I I 2 Charles Wl Stayner. H nut. OMATTA Wtth trmlrm arrfvliMr fm tk Six awaaUWi H : Kdttt The nuln route eamrtna 0k4 VimuaX Omr ry wadiwAiay. I I , 3ES!lSKfflBU& De Moines, Rock Island and Chicago, tlfte oMTt one yesxrt TUK9-I- ; news. ' evening ll 1 V i' 3i t. Wlti if : Pacific rr ' r k' r fluHS Great Central Iowa Short Um I JOrerhBod Routs netJaos " , i 8. PACIFIC imiLIlOAD. DAY ID 4 wTiV-lta'a- - -i CHIMCWfXJSIAND; L THE,J)pTOTiS. M f " m miwlU Pow,...10.i HI DIWU1I opt, l'M my I nAiinqVDSIJ!. i Pnm!? .in,U.O.-l- . .in' C- 1 . i ,ai-, V.Ayu4etWta.U.i.aUs-ho- !! " !J M . - .wSffln. l ; |