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Show 1 1 fWIR IFTHP EYEMIMG T VOIj. X. 1 .LlSriD 3BL - in LZB E 2. AKE CITY, UTAH TJSItUlbrOKY, VAIDAT EVEN MfCf, ft&AXflT O TO a NIK 32. 187G, ii bor immediately sent assistance, and you would be Interested in see. where. Ask for Dr. William' HOLIDAY RAMBLES. . no tako manufacof and ointment home and at last accounts the Are wai the progress ing is a year oldrr ture there. Coming right down to under control. The car. apparently Litile Johnny Co is valued at half, a million dol4 manufacture, by the way, than be was last holiday season, home . PEH WESTKKM UNION TELEGHAPU I INC. mo lars. Men's The Thorn the Before and his powers of observation have doing aWorking iCop Public. creditable thing in that Consumption can be Cured. TiOst .Night' Dispatches. nereased with a year's growth, na line, making boots aud shoes tlmt FOREIGN. Standard Steam Laundry Office, are a credit to the city. F. Anerbat-- A Uro. has been the touud of the vni'i; a & Co. are iut Latimer. Cleveland, O., Oct. 30, ISTti. EASTERN. Sell tlry rooda. fancy ools, millinery, FRANCE. Taylor part of the City, being directed by whit behind auy body in their clothing-- boou and Hhooa, buu and ci-s- , Dear Sir: I feel KPvAZlEIi. 1R. n Uebate Uulea Closes Hie WamhlueJelut the j Badget. the numerous advertisements that line, both for quality and extent it a 1 iiotlouj, etc. owe to ou tiering humanton Bar. ETC. CAHDIED ChanJ duty Jce. Barker 28. the In PEEl, RIISINS, he has observed at' different times of work. They, have some splen- ity to write you, stating the won-de- l CURRMTS ShariKma saws, ropalra stoves, nnJ Joes of Deputies, ay, berVersailles, the n the News to where he could fteq did woodworking Chicago, 2S. Tho In'er-Oceanduring Un k and ruusmlth wk. ful benefit I have derived from machinery with all futk-ry- , Washiucton special eaya that the debate on the budget, Gambetta exe which doors, Minds, C'wlcler A of your Life Syrup and mouldings, tho horted not to surren- the best holiday sights, and where sash and everything In tho buildl Mauon Root Bitter. For Uauilin And other organs, restaurateur of the House has been der its the Chamber Strengthening choicest sea ing way are turned out liko magic. some I ww 1 was power over the budget. He people can make the fancy rikmIh, holiday presentu, and aelling liquor openly at a bar.claimi uilil pianos, Siisli ISoiiuct !' .Surlif, eorely afflicted ' kinds Senate all of inii8icat the no l.of had id liiBtmmeuts that and uier urged sonable purchases. only prohibited to tig that its bale But then when you come down with a cough, raising i right bad stuff, c baii'tiKo, and take sooOHd-baand ulanoa reinsert the items rejected by the by the joint rules which were not ' Last night, while sitting near a to tinning, gas, water and fteam with every symptom of tetng a oi rfaimJu t xchaiiKo. ICihlii", si(ilallc lot' ( lu isdtiits House. n He declared to be force. it Speaker Kantian, I'll tell you that day. might contiimtd consumptive. I tiled .j..'.. Ur. A. W. Culiler, ordered the practice discontinued, easy now to strangle the right of cozy fire, surrounded by his mother fitting Mr. David James establishment diti'erent mtMliclneaand Practlsos in dentistry. cures, with1 thus fiu9taimnghia previous deci- the Deputies to initiate financial and brothers and sisters, by unani is hard to beat. It is on West Tem- out finding relief; I also consulted U. r. Cnluier A Uo. rebut act the be th.e would sion that rulenare in fore?. mous request of ;the family, he told ple street and as you puts the three of our most proposals, Clevetiell prominent window anJ aiully Kroctriea, rlam, gretted when too late. TO BE ramLOMUUd liftlu. buiuoMuadt gashes. any day you will hear a land phynictatix, the last oue of Simon replied that the constitu- them what he had seen la his In- premises tremendous clatter, made by the w hich pronounced my case serious, Some weeks since.by the burning tion was perfectly clear, jit made bles. The first place I dropped Dnvlit, llotve dr Co. men a twork. 1 found and Informed me l could not live IVi all kinds of milling- and ralniiitr of the express car, on the Krie no difference was as to the power of the to, said he, on Commercial more than a few months. About Joe Barker, wrouKht cast and iron ry work, work, ail road, near Buffalo, nearly $1,- - respective Houses over the finanMiiiiKfi-oTiis- . Z. C. M. I., and if I was in the street, meudingguns, pistols, locks, this time, hearing of your wonderam) Irou tvn ? orus work of all dtascrlptlona. 000,000 in greenbacks were destroy cial laws, except that such laws habit of Ac.; and then went over to ful success, I commenced taking going into extacles It would keys,store Iay Co.. ed; of this amount the treasury de- - must be voted by the Deputies first. of the Life Syrup for the lungs, lu Li y trnoJi, hoots and shoes, hatsaw as there. I such and sights lartment nave been able to identify He said if the conflict between the beat and Brother, and your Heusser Jake cap-i- , Hour, fetid and from Root ltittrra, connection family jfrocei-ieawith to to so was that here much charred remains the see, s only Chambers continued it must be of im at once wasyour a variety of khotguiJH and what grain, aud benefitted, about $7,000, so that the govern solved by a dissolution, of which it describe is impossible, for, the fact every kind is there displayed. after ujid buy dried fruit. , some the medicine two ' using ment loss of will consewas to the the tell the gain by a person wants guns and am- months, 1 find myself entirely cur-eeimpossible If l)eTOt NaIIoiihI Bsuk want matter don't what it you In-- various hanklnr husincse aul re! express company about $933,000. quence. It would be preferable to to munition for hunting, that's where If this statement of case To ceives savings ou luterest. buy, from a "needle to an an. you a fresh vote on the contested take will find them. I notice peo- can be of any service to my &73.000 lire. in you holiit Ueaoret Carrlaffo bu1 Wagon Co- of the budget. The country chor," they've got there, ple are beginning to find out t ney bringing your medicines to the o Elmika:N. V., 23. D. Atwator, items (VValker, Knlg ht, Keen and Oblad) Make to see peace between the day goods or any other kind, and cau wished get corn fui table and cheap of the suffering, my object lu and repair all kinds of vehicles to order, and Newcomb and Walkers' boot iiiiLiii.iv opb public powers and to enjoy the what a beautiful and convenient quarters at waifons and carriages, nilniiisr cars, etc., and shoe manufactories were burnthis note will be attained, writing benefits of which it store too. I also called In to see Taylor's Hotel. and do all kinds of Maeksmlthlng und . for 1 firmly believe my life has ed to day; less $73,000, insurant had so long the republic talitt!oir und trlmuilng-to desired ob. Kio R. Matthews & Co., ardently lj Itho bccn siived by your treatment. $15,000. tain. If the republic was united it Mr. Schettler, at line and their home producing ... Signed, Tokrenck Dunn. could brave all attacks. Ziou'a Ravings Bauk aud Trust wares are excellent. They make Sullo the very best ilvo poeso feathers, fthlpincut of ftluultluiiM ot Mar. Sold nil druggists everywhere. walnut lumber furniitu'ci and baby wagons. Gambetta answered .that the s, New Haven. 28. A heavy ship ink, esweuco oi Dr. (3.byW. Company. A good place for peo soap, of Senate's the &c. Fra.ler, proprietor. Oooree Dnnford, Jamaica right ment was made, of muniEvery lody Cleveland, Ohio. ginger, to put their savings, to provide Circulars mailed Fells, boon, shoos ani slippers, liatj an.l tions of war, for the Turkish gov- - to reinsert the grants which had ple wants which meat, holiday they a 4,ralny day." Then there's can oup-tfree. wholesale and retail. been against the disallowed of markets at the obtain deputies by at canro was rnment. The readily valued ar God be, Pitts & Co., Agent, would inevitably lead to future that O. I EliiiNoii F. May, W. Peterson, Eldrodge, $1,500,000. DWYER'S BOOK S10BE THIS EVENING. d Is a practical clock and watchmaker. conflict. He declared he did not & Co., C. Lucas, White & Salt Lake City. Pratt store Messis. of Llddell Scotch the Committees. Iuveatltfatiujr fear dissolution. would The advertisewhose Sou and country & a man V. others, (frae the Brown, which (Joe. t'orarutou New Orleans, 23. Before the soon choose between the Henate and o'cakes" can scarcely pass ments are occasionally seen in the Does uU klmU of watch and clock ', "J BOOKS BOUND fLECANTLY Senate committee li. A. aud the Chamber of Deputies. If without getting some toothsome News. When you do your marketrepalrhiir and cJoauintr. :it Hi luto tradi of confirmed tho the constitution was observed: con- article toiemind him of "his native ing you must have a basket, and Ouachita, rum ' ..f JUVENILE BOOKS, !mv 81.elby, Uanlcl (Jreulg. or Ham of Sells staple and fancy grrocorles, provisThe Bait LAke City Jiasket Manu cerning the respective powers of the heath." It, li ll will lie MeKnery, given testimony of .Senators ions, etc. Chambersa he contradicted Job Smith I Hairs Congress where noticed Co., and yesterday; facturing Son, Supt., Daynes 1 fc 1 Jake ti user Rro., statement that colored men were and Deputies should settle its a great inauy articles in the music makes them. (Suocessors to J. II. Haffiio), dual lu gum, forced into the democratic The Deseret Carriage aud Wagon CHURCH 'MEA1'. clubs, meaning. and musical instruments line JURAT VAUIKTY, in r.ult plstuli. ammunition aad tlshlujr tackle, and to to The resolved Chamber declared are a that James and Van ani do practical pass that would make excellent holiday shops, Second South Street, instithe discussion of clauses of the the were y.llf ol Xht at his home house when IiOgan splendid producing presents. Jauiea Invll a and them be swore WAX Eliza should wero Plnkston and tution Budget, a adopted by encouraged. they Ihe Deseret Tsalional liank is Ixc8 anything In the tin, sheet Iron and vote of 359 to 137, in spite of the ilace F. Auerbach and Brother have a worth looking at. It is beau cop;er-eiiilt- h .UESKHKT NEWS OFFICE, line, alno in the erastittiucr line. with the party that killed her hus , Ji'yn H htrtr 77,1 7 l band. opposition of Gambetta. fitted up, and a great deal of stock of goods that is most surpris tifully Win. Jrnulo-s- , Sous Jk Sadler, o t; The proposals for paying a certain business in the money line is done ing large aud varied, ithey being Heveral colored democrats testi DjuI in notions, staple ad fancy dry Roods Salt Lake city. determined to please customers. 1 aud ifrocories, boots and shoos, hats and fied that the election was peace- sum of money to soldiers, at the there. 1 went across to n able. commencement of a campaign, and SLEIGHS, CARTS, caps, ilso. .VAUONS, WHEELBARROWS, hardware, crockery and general Mr. James Dwyers, and there is Visited Morrison's House committee ex an increased grant for military a sight for juvenile eyes. A great "Daniel in the Lion's Den," not Jk. Co., M. M. Hol'.l'.V ROUSES, WOKK BOXES, LADI1W WICKER a tho veritable one, but our old friend lor amined of cf number Simon, by chaplains, supported believe Lntliurr, Santa 'l'aj that negroes many children OF AtullMOX. AMUJMS from Au aoeonnt of the up to I $:).(K) , was also passed. Se'l lurabor, shlnarles, sash and door?, New Orleans, Mr. Grenig, whoso groceries and 1KK)K .)KK I'.AKKTS, ."ii-who of testified his makes Claus toys, purchases Anetriit luhahitanta of the Amur loann to lu fact have exI'.IIU.I'.S fi .in moulding und f ramoj, uu i evorythintf in that colored men had beaten them when for of But are a the A to which necessity. payment with grant things books, etc., there, written Continent, ly the hautl of the btiildintr lino. of generals when on service, fill their stockings. Borne of the you come to furniture of every kind; for voting tho democratic ticket. tiHiu jiluttta taken from the plaid penses of Nephl, fount near Manchenier, OnTlie Praia M nnulactiirlus Company. was rejected, although it was sup- stockings would have to be pretty also hobby horses,toy chairs wagons The Wadleigh Henate hub-cotario Co., New York, and traulatel by Jamns Dunn, Supt., makes and sellss all mittee took HUNDREDS OF Minisdid never General I such or all and one by that to Berthaut, those ported hold wagthings testimony showing ti Prophet Joseph Smith. arge big sorts of woolen goods. t of see War. assortment ter in a a such ne Baton East ons or the grand iookcu in ilouge.lwhile horses, i mention. to noDoy too numerous CIIUHIMAS PllKsKNTS, fXXTrt.VE AXD C0VKXAXT8 of the lirv!l!.K lOl 1. Blarg-ettsas there la at the Btoro of An increased grant for the work- at groes were republicans from choice, I'hurvh of Jomis Christ of Latter-da- y malt and sells City spirituous liquor (tore, of tho clergy, and for clerical Mr. If. DIuwoodey. It is worth were to vote Hulntn; aekvtetl from the Kevelatlou of W. forced aud Mr. lite dem there ing Davhv, many George Handsomo Writing Desks, Cold Pons and Holders. ma t and spirituous liquors, wlues, etc., by- ocratic ticket UoJ, by Jotu'ph Smith, President. a was to the while visit was of fine threats rejected by large and scholarships, another place. or anybody's a iiio through spemaKos holiday aiso Keg. sight, quart Is and every- 11YMX U00T,14th ot trenuiue edition. Morocco flit, and u d i uitvpiuu i; u , au.l iiwt ufiil proaout U give your children a GOOD BOOK. majority, the ministers not particilosing positions. thought ot the puddings ana And now for holiday f3 00; roau, 1 Qla. debate on that ques- things have should iu the testified Harnsou Andrew would the have main you goods that that pating just day rnuaana Eoston Jniuea HcUUle ',i ltd the stuck white in Jew lor., ixj) it i of T1W VOICE OK HMTW.W.or an he had been thus to vote tion. part of their materials from there. seen the storeSons Low an any .ther Soils all kinds of Wasatch woolen mills the democratic compelled to the Faith and ltoctrlueef th a & The tho & ho Careless have Sadler, Messrs. Calder by knew Deputies, Midnight atretic, I wii (lt'(irtiin (i i '' Jennings, e ticket; aud buys wool. Church cloth, .icua Chr.nt of Latter-da300 to vote naval of an the and two 184, passed a really splendid stock of goods in Eagle Emporium, emporil y l'arley P. I'ratt. I m. mornegroes were hung and nearly Errr !ifnl;l inrif' d t'i c V and ''' f'jr thniim.Irrx. Salnta, W. II. Billet killed lor refusing to join theldem- - estimates, insisting on the reduc- the musical instrument. line, any- um it is, for sure. It is a tight occo, fl&O; full cloth, embossed, liKi. Makes Brushes to order. for chaplains. The thing you want of that kind, from that is good for the eyes. a tion of the were grant ocrats; L MAIilllAQK. A Rermnn by Ihe Regulators I'LVUA origi A. miner Charles Cooper has lots of toys Itev. lr. Newman, with Answer by Does business as attorney and counsc.or- - nally organized against thieves, but whole Budget of expenditures was a jewshaip up to the best piano l'rutu Trice 15 oeuU. finally adopted by a vote of 412 to manufactured. There are some nice and things for ihe children. subsequently became bulldozers. 30. 95 Bforrla aft Evnus of these votes, furs and numerous things for ladies G. F. Culmer & Co's. Tea pot a.VSirJCJW TO QUESTIONS. The Kae. In of described consequence the lie up breaking IVal In mantles and grates and flneatono the Mount Vernon Senate and at the store of I'rojrrena and Travels of the Churoh of Store is a very attractive place just republican club the conflict between the Jomm Christ ot Latter-da-y work; HaluU; Lelua Chamber of Deputies is considered and subsequent riot. Mr. Peter Schwartz, aud at the now, their groceries, candies, etc., So Morton AiTnUi of Answers to tjuoationa, a out to be to the terminated. dealt nar-ateowe ou U. the Celoaltal Revelation Machine Ji ready being Soil wines and liquors, wholesale and li. Wasnington, colored, agency Sewing WSTOMHRS AND CURRENCY! Marriage, aud a llrk-- Aooount of Ihe retail. can get a machine just like numerous customers tlmt throng several acts of violence by you Settlement ot Kail Lake Valley, with Howard Sebree CHEAT BRITAIN. that of ours, which mother says is the premises. Gents' clothing, etc., bulldozer?, and reluctantly named Iutoront tig Stattutloas by rrealduut U o Sella tho Bain Waron. Wood Mower and the be can ami Square ttealiu Koaper, at saves I A. Smith. Stttr aper covers, hi cents l.oir Vrice ii mi Hu lie llaardad War much labor. got lu very good and leaders, asking the committee t'lngne Paddock Bulky Kake. Oliver UF ZIOX Poema by John Lyon HAIiP & -- Cold Weather Co B. a T. a s., mor what he makes Mr. would have. O'Reilly opposite Cuilletl carelo Conoord protection good and Epidemic. Phelps quite Plow, bnirgles it. trill Cloth Kilt, 1 6; cloth, 1 00. I not could Wasatch Hotel. a for show help the iages, plows, harrows, cultivators, wairon McDonald said if any ono molested having London, 28. The Lancet has arge stock of holidays, SVKXCKR8 LKTTKRS. Letters cihlbll-lu- g imbcr, etc. attracted to the store of him to report to the committee. news diy goods and things. being the from tho most Proialueut Uoetrlue of that Constantinople Jr. Teasdel, which is lined 8. Mr. Nlerrra Nevaila I.umbor Atwoclatlou, Witness renlied. "If I co homo and looked into the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-da- y ilague had reappeared in Bagdad. of c For varieties those and lapses with Sella sash, mouldings, shlnfrles. doora. get killed I caiA report to the com has Mr. who Asmusseu's, any Saint, by Orsou Bpenoor, A.U., to The blandard'8 Belgrade dispatch which la also added hi Letter ou the blinds, latn, wood pumps and water pipes mittee." wants iu the goods that suit old, young and midthing that anybody In LADIES', MISSES' and VII I LDKEX'S; remains Kistics Patriarchal the cabinet says cuoap, at wholesale ana retail. Order, la Reply to tho He v. Other witnesses gave similar tes unchanged, Jl. Marienovltcn nav- - clock, watch, or jewelry line. JUls dle aged, and that Is one reason of William Crowd, A. M., llnslou, Itobcrt Miultli. seen so are a feature. then. necklaces many people being cloth, euibuMcd, f 1 &. Is aront for tho Red Canyon and Itook timony, showing the greatest bar refused to Term a government amber ng 1 magulli-cen- t looked at the in a & Then make toMessrs. Little was exercised Roundy barity Springs Coal. by whites KEY TO THE SC1KXCKOF THKOIAMJY. except In order to conclude peace store of wards negroes. P. specialty of queensware, &o., and Ihe elrat IVslirned aa an Introduction Count and pro Andrassy having AX1 YOUTHS' HOYS' Walker Brethers, finely fitted up MEN'S, what beautiful ornaments I saw Principle of Spiritual Phlkwopbr, Sells dros (roods, shawls. lUnnels aud '1 he Price of Silver. on not to dismissal mised insist the Uw and Oorcrnrtent, a Itolfv and the goeds nicely arranged, preother kinds of dry goods, also steam wash there. ' A ik leal, and aa HetorJ Rou of if the the the ered by present dazministry s. is uiachin scene a almost 28. assort that fino A' private manian senting Biegel Bros, have a In this are for the Pinal Development Wasiiinqton, BOOTS AUD SHOES, HATS AMD CAPS All D GLOVES ing agent at Belgrade made ment of Gent's clothing and Fur- zling. of Ifulreroal Peace, Truth aud kauw received here cablegram, W. ti. on Hliaso Servian demands certain the lr. It'dRO. lly Parley P. Pratt, liu. Mr. George Crocheron is tho mau 564d. per ounce Is to Government for satisfaction be- nishing Goods and other dry goods. Trtats all Chronic Diseases, otneo over reports that rate f UJ; full cloth, eiuboaaod, 1 &. fish inul aud of Lonfor fruit, silver Mrs. vegetables, in windows wimout Liye's day's a ruling Colebrook s Btoro. cause the Servian garrison of Arctic Overshoes von children. Khtt. Goods, ATtvmsu things. don, and says the India House this stopping to look at those elegantly other Prominent loctrtiiea of lue some tho ou fired Roumanian ittngof no end have rat t C. Brothers W. Bar nue F O It UNK AND A Ii I.. afternoon offered the Uermau Gov dressed dona, and the Stayner, Church of Joeue Christ of Latter-da- y display from Bucharest. and other wares, aud there pictures of furniture, Altorney and notary public, secures pat ernment 563d. per ounce for one troops Salute; by JohnbOJaquea. Stiff cover, exhibited, millinery or a comes hard A t caveats for , K cents; cloth, irost, the report inventors, aud gives million rive hundred thcusand dol store in holiday at ecuta, their Warm an I Dry To d) thi.i an many other etits aud have and ji iittitr E'-rsame. , tho is Information will Danube feared the and it concerning Historical and Political, n'.i imd ht ahove, the litst )Ju'H it at tire. rOEVS, Machine Weed of answer lars' silver. worth The Company Sewing and give the Kussians a have machines that cau turn out Mrs. Colebrook has a splendid Taylor ft Cutler by V.m It Snow. Cask, 1U; cloth of the German Government will be freeze Sell all kinds of general merchandise. Kilt, 1 1 A; calf gilt, S 00; Uiorocce, I So. hance to march over'on the ice. or desmisses ior of best the very ladies, array goods, given A Standard correspondent at sewing work irORES. A aerlea of raw Taylor's Hotel But I had more pleasure and children of all ages, sorts and O. VUATTS With or without board. Mrs. S. J. Uodgers A Mau lulled la a Glove Fight. phlcta, by Orson Pratt, A.M., lu ut Paris telegraphs that intelligence cription. establish sizes. Fine of at In the Palta aud Itoctilne the millinery looking keeps table. been received there that the tho f luirvQ of Jiu.ua Christ of Latter-da- y n. Mr. Moaeuei that. Boston, 28. At a glove fight at has ment, Old Commission Ladies' store, is in a very bad con Constitution Sainta. Half calf, fl M. (tolls family grooeries, parasols, lummer the Revere Hall, this evening, be- Russian army The Singer Machine Company Buildings, than auy- MOTlStOX prints, dress goods, gents clothing, boots tween P. J. McDermott aud D. dition, the troops being decimated where. Those ladles aro doing a are QtrESTTOS. Correpoil4-encTHE presenting to the public An look shoes, ladies shoes, children's shoes. marsh and typhus fever. between Bohuyler DTAH SODTHERN RAILROAD and UTAH and what tell I'll of and dry goods and merchandise generally Davidson, the latter received inju byThe nines Berliu you work, good Colfitv and John Trlor. Price 26 coin. superior quality. con dispatch ries he which from died hull. the in is Vol. 14, there's half calf that STAIl MIU.EXMAL into the establishment of the opinion Jamea Townaenit firms the report that a good deal or it is, my like arrests were Several made. JI OU. home the O. revealed Tailors of U. manufacture, House. the Townsend nothing Keeps UA1LKOAI). epidemic disease exists in camp and because it means Independence and fact that they are prepared to fortify THE tlOVEKXMEST OF OOIK by John A State and Not a State. Walker Uro. barracks. The cold has reached Trtj lor. Stiff paper cover, ul) cent. I sometimes think, al- - their fellow men with warm clothSell dry goods, groceries, hardware, glass I'nmnr JLinc of I'tah. New York, 28. The reports legrees below zero in Southern prospeiity. .s' THK: JllJILK SAXCT10X of a and crockery ware, and merchandise gen wiuda iI.Y tue ir Iur small uoy, the dui ing, against cutting UucuKMtwu AM VI hot wood Orooa in the cae of the admis- Russia, and it Is almost impossible though (i erally, wholesale and retail. to the go and States united winter. pieces P. T'raet and J. Newman, lr. Chaplain sion of Belford, from Colorado, to move the troops iu such a tern importation of supplies should be Working-men- ' or tho H. S. Senate, to whkih I elao On and after Dec. Wtti, 1S7. Mrs. Wilkinson, milliner and as a member of the House, are near perature. Auoclatlou, DlrtconrtM ou Three added Culwli. nome an attrac has cut ladles' would dealer in hair, oil, that production Make and sell first cIom booU aud shoes, ly ready to come from the judiciary Marrinpe, delivered by Uioa Pratt, (iotnK Sou:l. for sole subsist our be well tive dependence establishment, supplied boots aud Sin etc shoes, Prcnidt'iil (loo. A. repair ilti, and Uoo. g. Hurd has written a committee. ence, we'll nuu mat out some with excellent goods, and the ic- Canuou. Price Ui cent. Z. C. SI. I. is which on Massachusetts Wendell J ftr J ii no 20CII, IS75. report, expected minority Phillips a serviceable tor Sewing Machine, There's dav. fell dry roods, rrocerlos, carpets, hard a T3 Published 'and for Halo at the ware, crockery aud glassware, boots and to be signed by Ashe, Hunton, and Mr. Harrison, wuo runs a tin and acknowledgedly good article, Girls. for School Education not and hats and 1 leather Hiidlnga hoes, caps, by A.I'll' if though certainly, possibly, is store. in He be Deseret New Steam Piii.llug anJ of can had doing something and all forts of general merchandise, whole Liynde, besides the writer ot it. and home the Wilkinson line, ar sale and retail. her teach agents. manufacturing Brothers, rcheols The public Office, Salt Lake City will take the ground Hurd's & Co., grocers, &c. Publishing lots of things that aro both has got Cunnlngton Elou'aNavlngit Bank and Trn at Com that thereport M.A. M. f . M. ithmetic, Traiii Utt ve philosophy, trignometry, a or a admission Htate is useful and ornamental. I was are out to the front with a fine Utah 0U O 1U 2 U) Salt Lake pany music, botany, and his amused 50 2s! 6 451 1.1 tie Cottonwood. legislative act; and that Congress geometry, to see that thing, covered stock of groceries, hardware, Ah Does or a and Know reneral business, and all class banking that tory, 75 48 7 15' 2 55, Junction ... 7 oeives di)Hits In sums as low as one dollar, canuot delegate to any other de ledge. In his window, that is For "Square meals' 4l with goods. of ten of out Seven them, ut Arrive m 7 2. the authority to make the partment around li whirled 15 1 00 3 25 7 7 Mi The German Bakery, Commer by a " roasting earn are to bread their lie now i: & no., Sttiuly 7 Xi 75 Btate has remember, of declaration that that ii.uin, mar cial titreet, Is well knowu. I notice Lcore rixfi Those 't .ti grates, 7 fit bands. mantles, :u labor (10 the their jack." Well, by ' 8 03 been added to the Union. The re at Sandy 8 1.' -' etc., in we give that child back ble slabs, that many people,,wheu they want 25 8 18' Draper port treats the proclamation of the to fifteen I 75 B 08 Morris & Evans.' are worth, view to make a trade, can upon Lehf for her unfitted 9 On 5 4i. 2 00 parents utterly no re or as W) President & l 2t value, and American Fork Mr, J. W. Suell, at the Idaho Ing. Being, as you are aware, a kind or work that is worth t 32 (0 Pleasant Urove I gards the law under which he issu any to afford not could for of is lover also who the art, or agent Store, could 60 morsel 1 the 2 10 bread, lr popii Proo it as inoperative. The report lirauson knitters, l notice in many PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE ! ed read the ordinary newspaper to rass the (10 ; Sprlnirville only a bill Is CO 51 3 10 declaring by sav accompanied of Fork Mr. Art the stores the excellent products Pioneer Spaulsh some be would uaiiery, auditors three it i 11 2) 3 60 that Payson Colorado, a 89 complied here is wide Now choice having of the First DISPENSARY, so scholar edu age's. 4 U0 11 4.) HOMEOPATHIC have I he larirest assort- - with the provisions of the enabling thing, but this the a.; Santaquiu steam cracker factoiy, U.S. for Utah m. sivcutvoua to do. so cannot curoinos, presents, Arrtn at holiday produced, cated, 4 0 nif nt of Med cities and iiiniicaia in utan act, is admitted into the Union as 12 Ul Terminus Four-fifth- s books, albums, S 20 paiutlugs.iikenesses, uu the of 9 4 Reedll, proprietor. and are therefore prepared to girls rresorip a Btate. Borne enquiry is likely to repeat it. DAVIS fc SONS. 10 31 7 10 1 00 and other articles too nu Mr. Pierpontlsruuniug the Salt NATHAN tloas of ever description. you present to society at nrteen frames, as to be I :i5 shall be 10 b2 T 81 what made done I to HOX. merous looked A mention. into Lake City Iron Works, where, all Uotuff ortb. UR. CKOt KW1IX read a page intelligibly, we It m 7 44 I Ik) with Nevada, which was admitted cannot hat and cap, boot aud thoe kinds or machine and other work is All Mini of Milliug aud Mining the result the u u 7 W 1 75 produce superficial only as in precisely the same manner doue. As I passed the little store of the culture we strive for. JNow, store of Machinery, Wrought and Cat II 401 8 9) !(10 Colorado, and which, according to I claim Dunford. there Mr. aud of George of education kind this that Ironwoik, uiauufiu'tuied Hurd's theory, is not yet a Btate. the most ample preven Mr. Geo.C Ferguson, well known the boy or girl In at least observed injures to order. ot or cold feet, and of to most of the London people here tives damp Florida Items. three ways. First, they are able. cold In head. extent The and the as saw I him, usual, fixing about, by forgetting what they have m..p. m. 'iruow teure ip. Jarhet, Tuyere, Talahabsse,of28.theThe return of only Hun Uallj, stock are somethiug up watches, to make them koep Water 12 learned and beginning again, to variety of histook Teriulnw Sdnff I'ota and Carta, , the canvassing s majority ay lu call I immense, times. the se with pleasure i Itnlllon Menlda, earn pace antaquia Dread, in the board in answer to the writ of the cond their days 60 tictptttt,) store of IMrBsra mate. Paysou at w some wuu (he ill? Is ing nab earned ieei if it 2 1 1 place, ratigueu t I.ka rlt reluctantly: 4P a in CARTET3 00 for was filed sale. and at p.m weavlag TJAG .'.i 2 lloUilnar Maehluerf , Court, Spanish Fork Messrs. Taylor & Cutler, where talkiug so much, so if you, want to .. . I " 1 25 for per (ft Car U he la aia J V don", beweu carpet tags bought Supreme It gives the same figures third, there is no ambition ,iU a a.m. uu a: jo p.ai. Sprliinvllle 1 60 for . 2 2fv cau what 'want the rambles Produce taken. I about Provo more hear you seems i get you to be aroused. my any fection It Aale,te., ate. last were . 8 (' telegraphed Cit i.r p"' jarortwa 2 00 that night, fact which many of the public edu holidays or any other time. It is a will have to tell you about thorn concerning Pleaaaut Urove. agn, apply to . 3 2o 2 10 rUXLSTBR. B. Ann rican Foi k. 7. throw result at the arrives and by Brass Work of all description. . y . 3 Sl'I " . . J0HSSHAKP, Jr.. 25 2d South overlook that well known firm, keeping a fine some other time, but if you look Also Lehl St., opposite Great Western Hotel ing out Clay County aud the jud cators of trv-i.1 4 2rl bt anj Ticket Agent. Draper stock of merchandise. And deliv is t which ten the ths of general seven born the Nkws, through 1N people ore's return lu Baker county. The Arrive at MHrtt HVsl Street, SHARP, ered to us. regularly every uight, into litis world earn their living on the same can be said ot 4 37' Court did not sit Established 1853. s'iterlmondent. Sandy Supreme & Messrs. who are civ aro see for who will Co., on Day mind. Now, you .yourselves Ltiit NEAli NOHTII TEMPLE ST., 8. L CITV. Two of the justices reside in Jack matter Iaud not 4 47 9 16 6 00 a 00 Whole ing the public every variety of aiivo to business aud wiiero you Sandy M'CULLY & CO., this WM. protest friends, against and 61 4 9 25 general 10 6 8 25 sonvllle, Junction...,.....-;..em can purchase your, things for tho H Slffltll 1ULUU UlUe Cottonwood.... 6 11, 0 &5 6 40 3 50 Manufacturer of the Standard Brands of Williams and General Wallace system of common schools in Mass- goods lu their line, whieb JNear . Window Qlasa and WhlteaudOreen Drug went to see Justice Weatcott this achusetts. It lacks the first element braces almost everything Irn'ra at uotiuays. . Salt Lake the :o: Glassware, also w lue, 1'orter an afternoon to life. Theatre, for We ....j 6 40,10 3Qi 1R 4 no glsta the of take preparation to him the request get Mineral WaUr Bottles, U!i or the young boy whose , Mr. J. B. Furstex was turning AFTRH Kos. 1 and I will be run dally. Wood Siree. ntUurli attendance of the .absent Justices. young girl A Sure Cure for, the Piles. la) are able to lift them into out from his loom some good-looKos. 3. 4.6 aad 6 will bet run daHr. Sua will most probably consent parents ,ANUARY X.t. They carnet tast intr I called.' when J; . we keep ' PENNSYLVANIA. u days excejitea. ' ,',.'..1876, will be held In a day or an intellectual profession; and courtact-oIr wiu run sure cure for A a Townsend the The Blind, Bleed splendid are House, Dot 8. aud until of Vial information All For P. them all deeoript.lona Iff years as eighteen they Daily the return of the folUw.: two to for Piles Ulcerated to others travelers sud t Migni or rasaagei appiy to concerning tics made to order. and we ing, Itching old in the high schools; teach place board. Dr. been its has has discovered usual William by at, to hospitable the up TUWARJ, the put them go sciences; JOHN SHARP, a they Attorney General Cocke filed academy or college to pursue some look. 1 was greatly attracted by fan i Indian remedy), called Dr. t n nuviva A fTAVE, the best proves In WOOL! WOOL I General Superintendent. Ao. 1. protest, he cheaneat. (Move manufactured against the action course of l hell Mr. O. L. EJiasonV stoek. of William' Indian Ointment. A by for their pre Jt Co. have nloed the teat fcao ft. to.. JOHN Sll.'nP, Jr., preparation board of lutthitone in the a of regard HILLS majority WASATCH .. WOOLEN ?fkaai watches and jewelry, lots ot nice, ingle box hast und the worst old for thirty-liv- Sard . course me. and Ticket Agent. and their pattern 150 sumed ycara. Freight Baker counties. through Why to and EveryClay 2:00 p Ol. or S3 and so years lake i ho lead oi another1 manufacturers, . caws enrpmc. rlDgs. not a lockets, bracelets, earrings, little them and longer a ! keep solution :30 ir-i-l WANTED thing indicates. speedy Z. CM.I, for Christmas standing. "TJo one need euCr five DEPARTURE of the difficulties here. The court give themforother than lntellectua Ac. very I sultabk) A NEW won. flowam a minutes this after. of lover t ill WARD. applying great presents. the business of life? FravelIlg,au!ScaRaeBn, Lbs. of .WOOL will either accept the present re training ed In every city aad town on the PaclUe 100,000 ers, so Is everybody who has any derful sopthlnjr medicine. Lotions, D. I , SKIDMOHK, Ex. Ao. . two to the counties or turn require will C. H ARK LB. Price Old the our to which Introduce pay Iligheat and Staple T70B I Slope, rcfiued taste, aad I therefore called instruments and electuaries domoro ... 6KX) a. nj. Treat. Preet recanvaasea, wnich will .only ana J In Cash, Storepay and Home-madbe Bocreurf luauuiactures, vw per mourn, noiei fc"'! 10:55 olnt harm than; goad. Williams' upon expenses paid. Apply oy lette Cloth, consisting ot Doeskins, Tweeds require a raw moments. trareiiiog Brfhm . 2:25 p, m. or m person to o. A. uiUN i n Mr. O. F.'Due. two blocks north ment support 'the tumors, gives 2, 4, Unaeya, Illauketa, eto Jeaua, Flannels, WESTERN OIL COMPAHY, 'Oifilen." ... 4:00 1207 and 8, Home SU, ClnolnnaU. O. , Tanu. rOaln and faner is of instant and aud relief, where the painless Valley House, STAVPAmn people MAN Of ACTUS SRS Of with arraogementa Having made speelal who want cut flowers can get them. prepared exciuslvely for Piles, aud Iron, u nf the beat tailors ut the city, I am ClXARJJESTOK, 28. Advtcei from una to oiare iomt ana ' a ' else. '.' For certificates of 'ma " vuuecia with DR . A. VA CALDER, prepared to furnishe---Suits to order, in any Port Royal state that the ship i must not lorget to leti you tua nothing traiua at ut:i4 : -- 4 ALL UW. iroui coaung cures . worth and be would atyie, full directions for use,seo to it loaded cotton. while with go Mills, your I vuum on ww, op- Harvey utnee or im muib Co M Osw, the " Shut, ' W' MiUtILL, Supt, circular rmtrkmmk$ m around, each box. large machine and CAR and A'U GllEA8JCt the of the American Academy if Den posite Townsend House, and at the rao about through foundry i leg rjam, nre tosaj of 'a mile East of Peni h Sold tal Surueru. the SM all or druggists iorr. leading her by Waghlasrtoii Ave. in Liverpool, . caught SJT, MIDI Ticket "fght a0j sis, uainVtukkt, jame3 mcuniB, Bessie. prrtogMaln Street, orposlte Wasatch tentiary. agent. an--, uouia. hold. The war vessels in the bar out Davis, Howe & Co:.17tli Ward and yioqntry storekeeper every HX7 Uls O- - In-dix- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Taylor '& Gutter's, By Telegraph. Co-op- r ii: b , f to-d- 's fiu-elct- u-- Kc-I- ltllltits. mtl nl SOLD VERY CHEAP. mm, mt.m. ma-chi- m ; Si-1- 1 , ANNOUNCEMENT doubie-lmrrelo- SPECIAL the Salt Lake Public d ne-r- ff- fire-arm- ai l. f nmmh uo-tic- car-rlrti- ?' . (talmas ana New Year's Presents! . sand-tablet- to-d- ay, Prioo mak-tiih- to-da- y, - I v 1 Ml-.A- l Xjl&t WORKS I l- . MILLS, CHINA DOL'LS, ', ((.i.it,-(lllf)l- . mer-chu- i to-da- y, . aler-tno- THINGS PRETTY watt , -- y T.-m- Intro-dnotto- . houiu-mod- n y Or-so- "We are Bound to Win ttt-lai- v. d f IVr all tlio LATEST NOVELTIES ' ; Maaa-Kul- AND SLIPPERS, SHOES to-da- l y, tuor-cco- o, 1 and Rubber Gla-dov- - t KcUo-lous- ltrlail. Wholesale mid ma-ohl- ne CENTRAL Vk'o-PrelVn- )t ' a a ' '. 1 i l 4 i 1 nre-uric- 5- K, . 1 I FOBIRY 1 111 i . 14 1 OAHfETi i to-da- y. . to-da- n -- i i to-da- y. i ex-attor- ney - j k- - . n to-da- y, . e 4 . . , ooAZiina . ENT1HT. three-fourt- . 11 . |