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Show THE EVENING NEWS. rrni.i'niD dailTi rocB xxCaPTID sTXITDATS o'clock. at AVID O. CALDER, r.lITR AND rUBUISHIR. DWfmbfr 12. IS76. NEWS OF THE DAY. llenefiU for wui'erers. the Iirooklyn Tilden will not give it up. A democratic chancery clerk :i.-tvitiated in Mississippi. .Congressional proceedings. President Grant tella a piece of his mind on the fsituatlwn. Address of the democraticvisiting committee at Kow OrJ:iin. The TiOundesville murderers .una c onspirators not lynched. H. M. Teller elected Benator f : ( 'olorado. A woman killed by falling I hi., ugh a skylight. A defaulting clerk caught. Firing of guns for Hayes, and of firing for Tilden. Eastern question, favorable a -- asking for the organization of a new land district In that section. Referred to the committee on public lands; also a petition of the Denver Board of Trade asking that the city be made a port of entry. Referred to the committee on commerce. Mitchell introduced a bill making a further appropriation of $250,000 for continuing the construction of a canal and locks at the cascade of Columbia River, Oregon. Referred to the committee on transportation " and routes. ollered the following: Bayard lieaolvcd, That the Attorney General be and he is hereby directed to communicate to the rtenate the total number of deputy marshals employed throughout the United Htates in connection with the election held on November 7th, stating the number Boemply-ein each Btate, and at each vot- 1S70, d Goode oflerod a resolution in- structing the judiciary committee to inquire into and report on the legality of the circular issued by the Attorney General during the late presidential campaign to the United Btates marshals in relation to their powers and duties in such election. Adopted without division. Spencer moved to suspend the rules and adopt a resolution instructing the judiciary committee to inquire what intimidation had been practised tm the government employees during the recent election, to compel tuch; employees to contribute to the election fund of any political party, and what legislation it needed to Abate the evil. yeas 131, nays 74; not Negatived . two-thirds- , t.-.-ik OPEMG GRAND EASTERN. LoundMTille Hardtrtri Mot lb Lynched Jadge Bond PUebrs ee the UnTMdog Board. Positive Columbus, B. C, 11. information has been received here that the Loundesville murderers were not lynched as reported. The prisoners were taken from Loundes-vill- e to Anderson on Friday night and removed thence to Wallhalla, Ocolee county, as a "precaution against violence, and owing to the threats made by the people. The investigation discloses a horrible plot to murder the whites which aroused the excitement among the whites to the extent of threatening summary The precaution takpunishment. en averted this, and everything is now quiet. One of the captured murderers took laudanum, and died from the effects; the jury in his case returned a verdict accordingly. The prisoners are now Bafe in Wall- ing precinct respectively, and the so employed. length of time Morton submitted a resolution providing that the various subcommittees of the election committee, authorized to Inquire about certain southern elections, be known as the committee of the Senate, and that the chairman have power to administer oaths. Agreed lo. Boutwell was excused from these committees. Hherman presented a petition I cace. from Gen. Jos. E. Johnson, asking Mayor Bchroeder suggests the removal of his political disabilxies of assistance to the JJrwok-- n ities; referred. The unfinished business being Edmunds' constitutional amendwool market. Philadelphia ment proposing that the Bupreme New at failure dealer Cigar Court count the electoral votes, and u i;, $100,000. the Judiciary committee's amendment, providing that the electors shall vote viva voce Instead of by EDITORIAL NOTES. ballot, was taken up and agreed to. halla jail. Morton opposed the proposition Virgil Li. Blanchard tells the Judge Bind has delivered a dethat the court shall disregard errors cision New York Sun that, speaking from discharging the board of considerthe substantial Btate canvassers from custody en fourteen years of scientific research of formofand the matter, arguing that the right the that ground and professional labor, he finds the this would give the court boundless of the Btate had no supreme court jurisdiction. cause of Intemperance to be "the jurisdiction, even to counting Not Will Tilden dive votes ermont. Juof Btate A the l'p the want of a proper supply of nerve risdiction should not be conferred Contest. food to meet the waste of the on any tribunal. It la dangerous. Chicago, 11. The Trtoune'a nervous tissue in the masses," and JiUmunua explained that it was Washington says the genthat btimulating brain poisons, not intended to give the Btates ju tlemen who special, over to spend went nuchas tobacco, alcohol and opium, risdiction, but secure what all Sunday with Tilden, Inform their to decide on, courts have the that friends, temporarily supply the place of substantial right.rightHe further ex- democratic of found him convinced they fully nerve He food. or brain says, "In plained provisions of the joint res- his election, and determined not to what does nerve food consist? olution. It was not "swapping abandon the field. He did not in the middleof the stream," desire or expect that the contest What is It? Is it meat? No. White horses as some newspapers had asserted. should cause No. righting, but he pro-to bread'.' No. Potatoes? If it He introduced it last Refer- posed not to stop until all means is not found in these staples, In ring to the debates ofMay. the framers secure his rights were exhausted. what hi it to be found? I answer, of the constitution, he said he had He would even carry the contest to find anything through the entire term. in the exterior of the wheat kernel, been unable on the clause of the light throwing in the skin of the potato, and in Constitution concerning the count Caucus of tbe Democratic House or Representative. milk; partially also in eggs and of the electoral vote in the presence of the two houses of Congress. It - Washington, li. The demo11h." did not define the extent of the cratic House of Representatives Dr. Waters, in the medical presiding officer's power. Opinions held a caucus this afternoon, which service of the Ilombay army, while had long differed on this point, and continued two hours. There was htationed at iiushire, obtained the judiciary committee bad a general and spirited debate conthought it desirable to cover it by cerning the present political situathree months' leave, and he amend- tion and possible difficulties bea reporting to improve it by visiting ment in 1S03.constitutional tween the two branches of ConA constitutional known as article twelve, gress in regard to the counting of England, and doing It overland. He rode on horseback through was agreed to, but the discussions the electoral votes and the inauit had thrown no light on the guration of the President. Among Persia, to the borders of the Cas- upon true of the Constitution. the speakers were Ranmeaning pian, nearly a thousand miles, in He reviewed the history of the dall, principal Wood, Hunton, Caulfield and fourteen days, over wretched roads. 2i!nd joint rule briefly. Carr. A determined spirit was Morton regretted this debate manifested to maintain all the conOn the Caspian he took boat to on the Benate just now. He stitutional rights of the House, and Baku, thence to Astrakhan, and to thrust had not 'studied the amendment, give efl'ect to what is claimed by Cariten, on the Volga, where he though he had considered the sub- the democratic members to be the took train to Warsaw, thence pass- ject for years past. The Senate expression and will of the people in be very sure that this would the recent presidential election. ing through ltorlin and Calais to should be a proper amendment, lasting a month in under whichand .London. Spending WESTERN. the country could live to on return his for all time. This would terminate More Uenelltafor tlieSuflerers by tbe England he went AJexandria, thence to Ileyrout and legislation on the subject for many Brooklyn Calamity. Damascus, thence across the great years if adopted. 11. The theaBan Francisco, Edmunds, answering Merrimau, trical fraternity of this city is makSyrian Desert to Iiagdad,and thence said the judiciary committee conto a benefit to ltusliire, back in the prescribed sidered ing, give preparations a voce vote was for the sufferers that viva at the by calamity three months. preferable, so that the people's the Brooklyn Theatre, N. Y. act should chosen agents "publicly An exchange 8a3Ts, a now and show John McCullough, manager of Peter the Hermit has appeared in their trust. whether they fulfilled the California Theatre, will give total receipts of his house on Merrimau gave notice of an the llussia, in the person of Alexander same the Brooklyn and the of amendment, making any Bupreme New Yorknight ProhoatchikofT, an theatresdevote to that to Court Justice ineligible appoint the Guards, and one of tho wealthi- nient to oftlce under the United purpose. any Thomas Maguire, lessee of Baldest citizens of Moscow. It is said Btates, and to be elected President ho is employed, under the highest or Vice President until four years win's Theatre, Maguire's New Theatre aud Maguire's Opera ofllcial auspices, in inflaming the after ho ceases being such justice. House, is making arrangements Ordered printed. for a benefit at all these establishpopulace to tho requisite pitch of Morton submitted a resolution ments. fury which the Russian Govern- fixing the per diem of witnesses beTho managers at Wade's Opera ment may care to cultivate in sup- fore the Benate or any of its com- House will probably do the same. at diem $4 and mittees, per fifty port of the ofllcial policy in tho cents Camilla Uiso offers the entire transjf referred. Also of her first concert toEastern question. He has come to ferringmileage; proceeds $5,000 from the Benate conconceive, or pretend, that he has a tingent fund to the use of the elec- morrow evening 'l'lie Contemt.Cae. special mission from heaven to tion committee, returnable when rouse tho ilussian people for a cru- appropriations to defray the exTallaiiasse, 11. The trial forn, penses of that committee are made. contempt against Cowgill and sade against tho Turks. Agreed to. of the returning board, was The Chair announced Olesby a continued pending the trial member of the elections committee of the mandamus ordering them to PRESIDENT GRANT ON TUB rice Boutwell excused. open the canvass again and make a purely ministerial cauvass of the POLITICAL, SITUATION. UOL'HE. 11. McDougall's returns. Washington, Onk of tho pieces of news that will resolution for the appointment of arrest more than ordinary attention five additional select committees FOREIGN' that in our dispatches purporting failed to receive the necessary two vote. thirds to bo tho burden of an interview GREAT BRITAIN'a tox ouereu a resolution lor to! S le Conference and' Peace. Willi Preshlen Gran; by a repre- - committee of five to proceed sentativo of the Associated Press, New York, Philadelphia, BrookIjONDON, 11. The correspondent from which it will bo evident that lyn, and Jersey City, which was tf the Standardt Constantinople, telegraps tne Toliowtng: 1 learn, the' President is still determined to adopted. a resolution from undoubted authority, that the Introduced Glover stand by tho Republican party and for the protection of Btates against conference will certainly result in uphold its coursS, even with the domestic violence. It provides peace, a mode of satisfying all Just sufficient power of tho military if he deems that the President shall employ the demands and providing,found. army and'navy for such purposes on- guarantees having been the occasion sufficient. ly after the legislature of the Btate In the interview it appears that has FRANCE. certified to him that the authe President holds to the opinion thority of the Btate is forcibly re Will Not Vote.Ior ttto JBudgtt. that the Republicans won the day sisted, and is unable to overcome 11. Various groups resistance; or after the gov- of Versailles, at tho recent elections and that all, such the Presi Lefr the have has certified to him that riot, dent of the Benate urged or Unamber and or very nearly all, of the frauds and ernor insurrection or overt acts or rebelto endeavor to induce abuse must be charged to the lion have occurred, which such Deputies President MacMahon to naaten tne ' Democrats, which opinion certain- governor has endeavored and is solution of the crisis in accordance to suppress, and that he of tbe majority. The ly savors more of partisanship than unabled has endeavored to convene the with the views of the JLeft have resolved Imf fair judicial judgment. diputies legislature and that it cannot be not to vote the budget until the peachment of him, he thinks, convened by reason of such domes- republican cabinet is formed. tic violence. would be a los to the Kasson introduced a bill to esSPAIN. to rather than him. tablish a discriminating duty of 25 Will Not tne Support or Ibe for The points '.vhlch will pro- percent, on sugar, the growth or Pay i Arm jr. are voke considerable discussion product of slave labor. 11. Gen Quesa- Ban a for bill Seuastian. introduced the that he holds that most of Ijuttrell ordered da has the Basque provin improvement of Sacramento and ces to the Tilden voters are essen- - Feather pay eighteen millions and a also Rivers, California; half of reals for the maintenance of tially rebellious, that he will granting the right of way,, for order more troops to Washing wagon road across tne ierra .Nev tbe army of occupation. The refuse, alleging the Inabton if he thinks they are want- ada mountains below, the. snow of the people to raise the ility ed; that he will have peace though line. Great excltemeut pre Introduced a bill amount. Hardenburgh he has to fight for it, as he did be declaring the true Intent and mean- vails. fore; that he is constantly throat- ing of the act to relinquish the In- i GERMANY. ed with assassination,buthe thinks terost of the United Htates in certain lands to the city and county Specie Increase. the threateners are crazy, and that of Han Francisco. J , Berlin, 11. The weekly statehe still has hopes that everything Bills were introduced and re- ment of the Imperial Bank of Ger political will come out all right. ferred shows an increase of many He has an abiding faith in the By Eames, reducing .letter post- - ooo marks. cents. two to people, showing that his faith has ege Cox, fixing the compensation increasd somewhat since the de- of By letter carriers, in cities bavins: Seek to Employ the Needy in fection of a friend led him to ob- over 100,000 of a population at $800 irons Midst ! serve that he had almost lost his the first year, aud $000 the second and $1,000 the third. In cities rro follow principle leads you In the right faith. in human kind. But his faith year, ana nc veraa. your less than 100,000 from $600 to $SO0 m. airwuon, to your own nousenoia; perchance seems to be confined almost whol- at the Postmaster-General's discre uoiair you will eoe It again. At well go live in He mani tion. ly to the Republicans. u&oyion as support ner bere. not has faith in the By Darrell, to apply the proceeds any great festly ORLANDO r. MEAD. or sale or public lands to popu Side of Dr. Plant's, Market Bow. Democrats, and of these he prefers lartne d!8 education. the southerners to the northerners, By Hunter, for the purchase of which reminds one of the expres- silver bullion and its coinage in WOOL 1 WOOL t sion of Col. Dumas, that it was as dollars, which are te be a legal WASATCH WOOLEN HILLS. tender for all debts, public and pri tonishing how he liked a man after vate, including a u ties and .coin ho had fought With him. WANTED! interest. to commerce promote Cannon, By and cheaper railroad transportation 100,000 Lbs. of WOOL. Price TOR which t 'will oar th Hfhet between the Atlantic seaboard and Ss la Casta, Storepay and Homo-madthe west. conslatins ol Doetikln. Tweed. Cloth, .banning aseeu unanimous con- J&iia, Flannel, ana XinMys, Blanket, eto. xarns, piain sent to oiler a resolution reciting aud l&ncy. Mavlnv mad peclai arrangements with assea:on j, Madison tome Ija&t'Xlglit'fc) Dispatches. the euloglum of the beat tailor In the city, I am Wells, of the Louisiana returning prepoiwl to' furntah Suit to order, in any co tin from $30 to $30. board, in the report tf Senator trie, CONGRESSIONAL. Mouth Street, Office of the Mills rtand Sherman and others to the Presi: Uoum. te Townaend at the f av SEXATC h the and I'restUenl; torr of s mile East of Peni requesting dent, JAMBS war MoQlliK, Leasee. 11. Cameron, of to furnish, from the .depart tentiary. Wasiunotn, or all orders, reports, Wisconsin, introduced a bill provid- ment, copies etc.. connected the redemption of green- correspondence, ing forand. Wells from the of removal the with providing that the Unitbacks, L10UOIMII: UUtBLER ! ed Btates ehall, after its enactment, governorship of Lioaisiana by Gen. i ; Sheridan. notes at par for receive legal tender ec ted. all Import and revenue duties and Kasson obimoved to suspend the rjRBRB belnc Mveral hundred oopleaof comto Referred Banning the finance . dues. Son; Book remaining unsold rules and adopt the resolution de - he abore mittee. be obtained at the Deeeret Newt can they twonays oi; not ChaUee presented a petition of the feated, yeas 141, Umoe tor su vwuia per copy. VM. WILLK3 Colorado thlrds in the affirmative. citizens of 8outn-Ye8te- rn -DAVJJJ t THE CEWTEWWIAL. HOLIDAY I. OF Z. C. I. TOYS. A ltAUE ANl CHOlt'K LINK AN MONDAY, THE 11th INST. WE WILL DISPLAY IN OUU 11KTAII. DEPABTMEXT Our bujer being Bohemia. of TOYS, selected by experienced importers from the best factories iu Germany, France aud s k of HOLIDAY GOOD, stin a desirable in te secure no acquainted with the wants of this market has spared of painstrade. the and they are offered at prices unparalleled in the history China Limb Dolls, Inde-scriminatel- y, Dressed Dolls, Worsted Dolls, Wooden Dolls, Nigger Dolls and Doll Heads, Crying Dolls on wagons, Evening Games, fc Tin Trumpets, Fancy Tin Rattles, Italian Rubber Rattles, Ivory Rattles, Tin Buzzing Tops, .Humming Tops, Toy Paints, Pop Guns, Toy Buckets, Toy Watering Pots, Toy Cups, fancy, Wooden Whistles, Mozart Accordeons, Grand Pianos, 7 Octave, to-da- y, Among which art Lovers' Telegraph, Chinese Acrobats, Gymnasts, Colored Preachers, Sewing Machine Girl, 3 O C Steamboats, Steam Engines, Italian Opera Harmonicons, Xaritik Gold Watches, Revolving Chimes, Centennial Tov Bells. Mounted Charm Bells, Single and Double Trucks, Tin Animals, Railroad Trains, Shepherd's School Slates, Drawing School Slates, Ten Pin Alleys, assorted, Toy Kitchen and Britannia Tea Wax Dolls, r Jackin-Bo- x, t Savings Banks, in assortment, Rocking Toy Bells, French Toy Bolls, Racers on Platforms, Hay, Coal, Wood and Dump Carts, Peddlers' and Express Wagons, Mechanical Locomotives, Revolting Hoops, Magic Lanterns, Alphabet Blocks, Noah's Arks, Doublo Gymnasts, Bubblo Blowers, Toy Plates, China Dogs, Legerdemain Sets, Rubber Balls, etc., etc. Wrestlers, j n Toy Books, Sets, Doll-Roo- m Sets, Greco-Roma- 1?;'; first-clas- everything Buggy Whips, -- ed In addition, we oflVjr the Publcl a Large aud Varied Adsortruent of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Belected with special reference to tho Holiday Beason, and which are guaranteed fully up to our regular standard. The advantages of capital and experience possessed by the Institution cnaMc 4t to trf'tr all litut of ORXJWAL AfKIiVHAX-1HSon very close margins, and dealers, however remote from business or manufacturing ctiUrrs, can rdy upon their orders through tnail o'.hrru'ise) receiving the, same, prompt and careful attention as heretofore. E t& r H. S. ELDBEDQE, Supr. in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THEATRE SALT LAKE W. T. II ARM 3, ! EAGLE EMPORTUl Builneaa Manager. to the IHF.RRMV announce in tbe llu of Wednesday Eve., Dec. 13, xw Mc-Lii- to-da- REPRESENTATION GRIND or y, on TBi WICKLOW l- -i Imr-eacher- s a den-utatio- Ma. E. J. CKOWELL . 7,-1- WEDDING. in hi treat Micuall character of Fny. 0 as bHACS, M. FORSTEIt With Seng- "Wearing- of th 6 reen. as Arhah. SUSIB MARDEtf Mr. Incidental to the piece will celebrated bo JIG, Il 4 Telegraph. vyji? z . v Siai Is, FIie 1X0 VELVETEEKS Have been FURS. REDUCED la Prl OHVVARTZ STORE And all of which I am nrlllnf CWZKTl than tbe CHEAPEST. re 01 i rim wiai co 8HWAKTZ Store for yeuruonir, MKT ur nemriurter ail. also trie lsteat tuii STKAM WABHING M ACH1N Kri ..f ? don' latent UaDUCKO to 15.00, . Shwarti Store. v ' XX" .V ,W-- . g .V W" Y ib DESERFT .1 , ' s W k ? VJ -.- TO f, up OapltaJ, WJI. H. nOOPRR, lreal.tni, tU)RBDJK7W'rell, BKIOHAW YOrNQ. WM. menu berg or the bo ana &w vuu"1" IHE I f ai.vjiitiMi will nle&ae meet on Sun int ft&w SIERRA NEVADA I uh. . . AuthorlitHj Caplul, . $1,m Ps,) J H-- Dec. I5ih, at the Council House day10next, mw m ana mar at a.m.. place on the a rat and third Sundays each month. Ry order of the council. O. K. BKOOKS. Pec dH B NATIONAL ; Of Bait lAke Cllf, NOTICE. QUORUM JKNN1NU8. i U tsj EaehaMge.t el.u- - , Serlp. CoUeotiam made and promft't ' r - m vS " Ilv-i- J.H1N IHARP, FKHAMOKZ I. 8. It LL4UB. UTTU, Cahler. u'J CIlr tnltted, rh Lute Association ro&KIUN XXCIIANOII WHOLESALE and RETAIL R. MATTHEWS SAI .!; TnUrtM poi.1 on IM""' DEALERS LV LUMBER SALT LAKH CITr. u. We take In the public which srtMe to pleaiiure will meet their approbatlou off-ri- Bath Sand -- w : tht' tv "' .Tablet! 2,- WINDOW BLINDS, &c. WM. ; - By a. ' t ew v Dress Goods, n ruMw the Admission Uauol Price. Box Oftlce open Wednesday at a.m. 10 vVO vsN.X - - . - ! ARMM-POGD- E BARN-D00- PHOCLAIiIaTIOl Wood Pimps ! " KEPT" TT STOCK. op-tr- ad ... three-fourt- . if ' ' Bloct South of Eepol H. JT. Supt AND 8 ELECTED STOCK of IX. Children's Toy lust opened. Suitable for Christmas ana New Ym r I pre n U, CHAKXiKS iJurr.K, Cheap. One block wen of Tempi Block. NEW die DISSQLBTIQ1 DFEflJARTflERSfllP. UOOL! UOOL! 17001! Gash! Cash! Gash! NO STORE-PA-Y. BMMMajMnB E take pleasure lo lnformln.- the BUTCHERS and WOOL M we have opened a house for the purpose of purchasing 7 - Q ROWERS of Utah . ' 11 ABBALL & For which we are prepared to pay tbe HTCITEST SIEGEL Depot, HEN'S and U E. , SOAP SCOURING ESSENCE OF JAMAICA (HW & W1UTING FMTIP SHOE DLACKINC, mOir article are mad of the akandw warrant thom I'L KK. at tbe lellef Society lTomai'i IftfinliU Wholesale aud retail, 6t& BOYS1 CLOTHING mm 1 MCW YORK or PABLEYT niLL & CO, CO., 300 BOOTS & SHOES '. la v ?itm -- ' ; , ut, .. PRAT 2 . cum A FEW COPIES FOR SAl im Qraad CVwner 4 l1 - LIFE 1ND TRAVELS C0WLE1 BENEDICT, BuiUiwr- T' . ma vsoi - Constitution Itreadway, kl ARRET PRICK m CO., that Wool, Hides, Pelt, Tallow and Furs, k 1 .n THUS 4U heretofore ezlstlnr X between IL R. IlowrUi; and C. H. Crow, "e will make adrancea nn wvitracts. and i nA mm nse A m - V tP ma.A tinder the firm name of Bowrlnjr A Crow, more Pl1saek. than ny other house in Utah. has this day been dissolved by mutual oon sent. The business will be continued at the old stand by C H. Crow and J. O. Bowrtn-- , to whomlI accounts due tbe late Ann must H. B. BOW RING, be paid. 71i VteLS!rntnext Door t0 Sierra Nevada Lumber Company, i;. n nuw. salt la city. 1876. d3d near Utah Central Railroad i YOK TRADE. J0H TTIE Dec. 4, NEW QIDESi HIUSS! HIDES! TOYS! TOYS!! A SADLER ' BABY SOW D SCTWilOH OFFICE AND YARD One-ha- lf & Jokers ani Wholesale Dealers in GENERAL' MERCHANDISE. a e - Importers, SUPERIOR SONS JENNINGS, TOILETr-RnjE- 140 .Crosby DESERET EYEHIHG HALT LAKK tt1 de tuned on reosipt of PtW |