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Show mm tic. ) EVENING ,inn HA TRUT VIi. IX. MKE HAX.T Public. CUTLER & G'!H, IX nl you only toed give thcta'a call A for jotirj'-lvcs- CITY il Ctii-eleN- Soil Mason llamliu and other pianiiH, fiiucy trmxU, hdliilay pretjents, :ui inal r;m' i)tn uiul allkin li) of iiiuhicuI seconl-haul and take pianon mid uraii, o, ii.xehanb. In Ir. - A. W. I". ! Seli rainliy hoiue-irni'l- e ul.ter, 4 rrfx-- ullix r A Co. noe, vlld.v k'W9. and ( saahea. 1hvIn, lluwe A o. nf inlll!nr and inliilnjr lo all klndriwrouwrht and cust Iron work, wcirk, and Iron and brriis work of all itotjeripU'iiis. lny V Co , Sell dry nroods. boots and shocd, lulls and Hour, foeil ami oaps, double-harrel'-Tunilly frroct-'i'kud uii-rKhutifiiin and trraln, iuurchaudlse, and buy dried fruit. . ry IN EXCHANGE. DRIED FRUIT TAKEN 4'ultler A Praci; u 'n leiitlstry. SILT LAKE t Joti. Jtark.fr bbariK.-nstovi'tt, ui.l all cutlery, l(Kk andrepairs ifiiiismith work. organs a: ac Til IX 1XV OTIIERIHOVSE cto. IK)tiOI13, Blankets, Clothing, Wall. Paper, Hats and Caps, Shoes, n3" llro. & milM.-R-- i Soil dry gixxlH, fancy . clothing-- Ixxjts and shots, buta ami caps, WILL SELL THK1K STOCK OP AND LOTd OF OTHER Auerbacli 1". -- AW al to co 3. Deseret National llniilt ear-rlar- FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS; Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, FAMILY" GBOCEBIES, FEED and tt,VTN, FL01JB, Doos various banking busiuess and receives savings on Interest. Crrius;o nnl H'ngun Co (Walker, Knljfht, le s and OMad) Mako anil repair all kinds of vehicles to order, wairons and carriages uilnlntr cars, etc., o and do all kinds of Mueksmit blnr and painting and trlnimi:iR. leeret For BARGAINS in lluvFCOloy Sells the very host live Reoso foathora, walnut lumber furiUturo and baby waKoua. Ueorte Dunford, Pells, boon, shoos an Kllppers, li.it i and cups, wholesale aud retail. O. L. IllAHUIl Is a practical clock ari l watchmaker, 1 And Get the Highest Price for all kinds of DOUBLE-BARRE- Daniel Jreulf. iji't and fancy groceries, ions, etc. ', niak-lio,- John It. provis- IXitNlem, At I'rtMidont II. Vnunir'.s, buys Kcod wool. Direct from the Factory. DELIVEIIV WAGONS WILT, CALL in any part of the city. oi'Il Selln st SHOTGUNS L I'erenaoii all kinds of watch and cluck repairing and cloanintr IiiH-f- l Will shortly arrive, another shipment of HOLM.--' CELEBRATED doe, V. Je.ko II linger .t llro., Foil FUl'IT, dlol the first that has been definitely known of his design hince his arrival here some weeks ago, but It understood .that iu the meantime Ptl! WtSTKJlN UMON TKLKQUAPII LINK. there have been attempts mae'e to compromise matters between him and tbe trustees of the estate by allowing him a large portion of the EASTERN-Aolu(mu( residue left to the Pioneers and the Academy of Science, after providing for definite bequests in the trust 31. II. Himon Washincjton, deed. The filing of this petition Is y, Liiica waH,;t-daappointed gan- consideied the beginning of a vexger for New Mexico. atious aud expensive litigation. IMar. I he Kleetlon aud tbe Telegraph. By Keep Thorn Boforo tho o TAYLOR DIRECTORY. (Successors to J. II. JfatruiO, deal In (fun., plntols. ammunition anil ttsliiiifr tackle, and do practical fiiusmithinK-- mar-Hhal8,h8eu-uatio- to-da- y, Unvlil jMiuen in tho tin, sheet Iron and anythlnjf cnppor-dmlt- h lino, also In tho jrasHtliiiK lino. etc. IcniieiiM A liirant. Are ujrents for various American an for:1. One hundred Sioux Omaha, eign flro lusurauco companies. en rmile left Sidney, Neb., .Win. JonnlngM, Nona A Sadler, for the Indian Territory. Oaal In notions, staple ad fancy dry pood The tour f inspection will pass and groceries, boots an I sli.x-shats and hero through caps, hardware, crockery and general isc. lOO.OOOIbs. The Indiana Jen. BSIlea Iiaa u Sut Fred J. lielvel A Co., llom. Cfmful tlft-hHtorwiny nl W" which I will pT the nicbewt Price in Coiimio, of Tweedy buy wheat, oaU and barley. constsMns In. Ioth. IJis.m Gen. Miles had a I rlsln and ft my. arck, 31 after HUnkeM,eie. AbK, I.admer.Xuylok' V Co., au unsuccesssuccessful Tailors beat in the, some icith tight of Sell lumber, shlnsrles. Bush and door?, Having made special arrangements kiouidiiiK' and frames, aul ever tliiiiff in ful council with Sitting Bull on the the City, am prepared to furnish Suits to order, in any styh; cottmy tho 2i'nd, on Cedar Creek, killing and building Hue. from '20 to $30. The l'rovo Btauufacturlng ( unipiiny. wounding a number of Indians, his Offico of the Mills First South Street, opposite Towusend Mouse, and at the luctery, James Dunn, Fupt., makes and all own loss being two wounded, lie Vuutof mllo nltpntliw-ra of thrwfourtha Does 1 to-da- y, WASATCH WOOLLEN PRILLS. of WOOL! WANTED in. ,ur Je., lnel. IrM, , lucr-cha- u t. I - a sorts of woolou Koods. ,11.11 It. Matthew A Co. Mako and sell bath sand tablets, perfumed toilet fcoap, pcouritur aoap, esj' iico of chased the Indians about sixty miles, when they divided, one portion going towards the lagencies, and Sitting Bull toward Fort Peck, Gen. Miles following. 1. BlargrettH, Gen. J lagan has gone to Fort City malt and spirituous liquor ttorc, sells ma t and spirituous llijuors, wines, etc., by Peck with four companies of infantry and rations for Gen. Miles. beAlo and Old Tam d,lty or fftnulno Sitting Bull crossed the river Uin. low Fort Peck on the 24th, and had BleOhle sent word to the agent that he was Sells all kinds of Wasatch woolen mills e coming in'and would be", friendly, cloth, ami buys wool. buthe wanted ammunition. U. II. MlleH Mak'.i ISrushes to order. The City of Savannah Bonds 1 he A. Miner Interest Cannot be Paid. business as attoruey and tMunse.or- Dos .. Nkw Vokic, r?l. The Express Tlorrls A t.Vrtits says it is probable that the Interest Deal in mantles and if rates an lliioatot.o on the bonds of the city of Savanwork; will not be nah, due Jlorton V Id Its no yet been having provision paid, it Soli wined aud liiiuirs, who sale and made therefor; and adds that this is ret Howard Seire-a sad case, particularly in view of Soils tho Main Waron, Woo-- Mower and the fact that the credit of the city leaner, FaddiKslc tsulkr Kako, rollvor- has hitherto been so good, but every Chilled Plow, Concord and carnaires, plows, harrows, eu.tuators, waou one will understand the cause, and if default is made, it will, no doubt, UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD timber, etc. During the Slerrra 9ievn!u Lumber AHMoelnllon, be but temporary. Sells sash, mouldinrs, shingles, doors, rage of the yellow fever the city blinds, latn, wood pumps and water pipes olliclals were unable to collect cheap, at wholesale and retail. taxes. Kobert Smith. Is agent for the Itexl Canyon an l Rock "VunM to Eaiinilue tha Hecords Uul ginger, wrilliijr lluid, etc. PRINTING the Highest Style All kinds of executed of the Art, at Bed Rock Prices, at the Deseret News Office. in Kng-lis- Jmi home-mad- at-la- I a1.!- - e I bno-jrie- UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD FIO.EK LISEOr On So. "'.v'inw MI. Oi and after May 2Vht Uoluf Hoillb. HOth 1815. vftr Jnn &. ITT 3iiings Coal. '. 4! TriCuS Ha.t '.VKxi't c rusa. 7 .oi.-uvlli- 'r-uinr- - i Wl .Vi . a' f" . .SM!,k j r .r i .. w- i 6 40" far. " U II Passing .11 '. r.,-.-ii!o- r 7 " "It 31" s: 76 9t 2 0C 2 bJ 9 10 ir 10 35 10 61 111 Zi, 11 4J M. 112 l t Plaoe. HE D TM.V W ILL RUM DAILY. a-t- JR.. t4n. rVnltrbt and Ticket arvni. . JOHN SHARP, P. 12 30 12 B7 1 17 1 4'J 2 OF. 2 2T. Payaun, paiuuk Kork, Sprinyvllle, r"rowo P leaaant G rove. . . . American Forlr. -- . Lehl . 4 a P. K. M. M. M. 26 50 1 00 8 00 08 I I 3 82f 4 22, Arrive at Sandy Leave andy Junction Little Cotton wM... PWB B1VIS, IIS k FOUNDRY grjOCEi3a3 TO k DAVIS NATHAN CO., SONS. All kinds of Milling and Mining Machinery Wrought and t'aet Ironwork, manufactured to order. Water J. lajrs SMALL-PO- X. PRtrEXTIVK STILL, SELLS. got a Homoeopath !e Medical rIALL andgratis, at the People's D.ug 37 J will be f or Pasia?, frcitfl.t For all 1RI 4 0( run Jal'.y, Sun Information apply to JOHN BHAIU', Qeitcral SuperinUtuUtiL JOHN SHAHP, JIl., QtiwraX Vrttjhl and Ticket AgtnL ITAO N'ORTHEBNRAILROAD. ON Cmr JANUARY 1st, 1876 will run as Trains " w'hteU aixl etc. Arrlva Aaie, A!" Er4a Work of ttrtt T7f 11 descriptions. Street, NEAH NOHTH TEMPLE ST., 8. L. CUT- d 187 TOVNSEND HOUSE follows Dally : No. 1. 9:30 a. m Prprleir Loan, at Franklin.......... ' 13:50 &00 p. ui. 3:30 soirrti waki. JXo. 2. 9:00 a. 10:65 Franklin I.ve " Loran.. " A r r ive if Son, South St , Salt Lake City. MOSLEM CORDIAL, Great TurkUh Iirm'fly, cures Nervous Debility, General Debility, and all diseases of the BBAIN.SHM: aud HEAUT. Call and get olrvu'ara. Dr. Croekwell guarantees to cure all Chronlo disease and female complaints. NQ C0BK. NO PAY" for olllce professional Ho a so guarantet-- to relieve services. LEAH POtSOy iu THKLK DAYS fXr ton The s Brfirham at Ogden .. 2:26 4:00 p.m. :o: M. W. K SHRILL, Supt. Niblt, Frelfht a Ticket Att. f Academy if tal Surgery. OrriCE Main street, opposite Wasatch HcteJ. d24t DR. RUSSEL, and MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN has removed to First West m, Franklin. Chas. Gen. DR. A. W. CALDER, I 31 IV T I W T . DenFtUow the Ameriran South Templo Street, between North and Sts. Two blocks east of 1C R, depot. Oilmer A Salisbury's Stare Line to anci from Montana oonnecta with trains at SALT LAKB'CTTT. Jnia dm Ttiaifad, I.firstVrofkivell o 39 AND AFTEK Loavs Ofden, " Brlirham Plaa, Store, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, dollars. Taywrm, fttraaM concerning IOKTHW1BO. Bullion llwalda, pnny out s oo 4 4TI 9 151 4 61 9 25 5 10 3 3f) 6 11 9 Oo 6 10 3 50 No. and6 I will 6he ran daily. 3, 4, and gb.excepted. l!nk 1(' Does a general banking business, and receives ilupohiLs in sums as low as one dollar. 5 40' 10 ant Sail Make and sll first clas bix.its and shoes, repair boots and shoes, etc. Z. C. M. I. Sell dry goods, groceries, earpeu, hardware, crx;kery aud glassware, boots and hoes, hats and caps, leal her and findings, and all sorts of general merchandise, whole sale anil retail. Uou'a Savl n nnd Trnnt Com. .21 4 Arrive at 2f 1 1 60 . ve AMKOClallOD, 1 & Jaiuea Tuwnnruil Keeps tho Townsond House. 'lucklleld A Noil. , f.ir ali Supply ii'-grates, backs, kinds of btovtp, buy old lrou, e!c. Walker Brow. Sell dry goods, groceries, hardware, ydass and crockery ware, and merchandise generally, wholesale and retail. Wallln A Tanner, Sell Dan Jones' saddle trees, rigged by Lou Hook. Workliigmeii'M Cooieratl I 3 9'! Draper...-.- -. Igor Bulla family groceries, parasols, 'U.nmer prints, dress goods, gouts' clothing, hoots aud shoes, lailles shoes, children's es, and dry g(xxls and merchandise Keneraily ' 6. Trains iav Tennlnui, Bautaquln, I Co c '.7i j JHN SHARP 1 1 20 . k Salt LakB City at 8;40 a.m. and p.m.: and Ogdoo at 6 u anl i' !'" K'r all information conoorn.iit ; .ir. PPl7 to J Port.. With or without .'Joard. Mrs. S. J. keeps table. H. V. TeaiMlel ! 7W" M" 1 00 60 ,, ! " 7 44 l Ar.-.V- : j! i.ou 3 45 7 25 Tnylor'a Hotel b 03 8 18 9 Ob Provo Sprlufrvli'e, Spanish Fork,. .. Faysnn Sautauulu, Arrive at Tormlnus, ' .. 7B tnid Pleasant Grove... 20PM j A.M. A.M. P.M. 7 Ub H 10, 2 Jil 7 2f! 8 451 3 Ofti 35i 7 4a 1 15 7 5.1 Handy rare. Pom r. 1:W 'c-r'- tno Luiiva dandy Urajxjr Lehl American 9 00" , , ,,r?vi!li. 1. 00 52" ' - 3.1" Junction Arrive at 12" 40 AH A. T6 4 3 Salt Lake Little Cottonwood 4M" 4 :&0 n. i;bv i;.. AOK 33" Trains leave Majruer, Taylor A 4'ntlor kinds of general merchandise. Sell a!! 108" 5 7 W. Attorney and notary ixiblU:, Secures p.lt-- o 'Is and caveats for Inventors, und gives Information concerning the same. am 7 00 leave Laku. (u'i, S to-da- y, A'o. 3. 1. I. h in 1. United States District Attorney Sells (IreM goods, shawls, tlnnnels and Bliss called tupon Mr. Jones, clerk other klmls of dry g(x.ls, al.so eteam washsayof the Common Pleas, ing uuichln s. 1S7G, Gr 3u& Al. I IV ! Highest Cash prico paid for OATS WHEAT, At tho oMre of 1 d & w HKD J. & BARLEY KIF.SF.L To., Corlnitc, 1,'lah. Si is 1 lenty Marshal'. Two citizens of Baltimore have sent to tho Department of Justice a Ibtter stating that it is currently tbatcity, reported that the sherifl'of in contemthrough his deputies, plating tho arrest of a autilclent number of United Ktates deputy marshal'tfjon or before nextTuedday, with the evident intention of weakening the force of tlto power and presence of these ottlcers on election day, and that the fear of iusulllcieut protection from the United .States Government, in case of the arrest of waid deputy n produced a profound among the republicans, which makeHlt exceedingly diill-cul- t to procure a sufilcient number, In some localities, of volunteers for the posit n of deputy marshal' on election day. Ilie Postal CarI BnitliieiM. The number of postal cards isMued during the month ending was 116,000, bttiug au iucreaao of 2,977,r)00, or nearly fifteen per cent, over the issues of October of last This is the largest issue occurring in any one month since the Introduction of the cards Hume three yeara ago. Sherlilun, Sherman and Cameron Closeted with Uraut. Liwut. Oen. Kheridan, who arrived this morning with Secretary Cameron and General Sherman, called at the Executive ManHlon boforo the Cabinet meeting. They were closeted with the President for nearly two hours. Afterwards Generals Sherman and Sheridan had a lengthy conference at the headquarters of tne army. The Sioux and (he Indian Territory, ing that he had undoubted proofs of numerous frauds in taking natuaskod ralization papers, aud permission to have the records for the whole vear examined. This was refused. An Kdltor Commits Suicide, Dr. Arth'ir 3. Copelin, veterinary editor of Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, suicided at his residence today. Deceased was known to turfmen. It is thought that the suicide is due to family troubles. The Kallroad Ilater. Sc it anton, Pa., 31. Cornelius Gray, one of the victims of the Ie- higli Summit disaster, died this morning. About twenty of the wounded are being cared for at Scrauton. The majority of them are in a hopeful condition. Boiler Explosion and Uh of I.I re. lliCHMON'j), 31. A boiler on a locomotive on the Alexandria and Orange Hallway exploded at Abingdon, killing the engineer and fireman. This wus their first FOREICN CR EAT BRITAIN-Th- e Itetorm Asaoelatlou. London, 31. The next aunual conference of the Association for tlte Iteform and Codification of the Laws of Nations is announced to be held at Antwerp on the 21st of August. The burgomaster and authorities of Antwerp will receive the association, assisted by a reception committee from Brussels. Uerniauy will Abide by Its Alliance with Russia. The 7 imes says, editorially, that it Is important to observe that we have noticed that Germany abides and will abide by its alliance with Russia, and though it will struggle to keeji on good terms with other Powers, the Government of the Emperor's nephew and friends will remain most closely knit with tbe Government tit Berlin. ertlH Mill Ke!t to the Last, A telegram from Belgrade says the consternation caused by the uews of tho fall of Djunis has beeu replaced by tho great activity aud strong reaction in favor of continu- ing the struggle. Minister llistics, in conversation, declared that Djunis was not Servia, and that the Government was determined to resist to the last, oven though abandoned by all Europe. War Items. Tho Standard's dispatch from Belgrade says an ordor has been read in the streets throughout the d men city calling on all to report themselves for immediate service. The Turks lack transpor tation, and can therefore advanca but slowly. It is rumored that Italy and Austria have offered mediation. A Vienna telegram to the same journal says: "It is an established fact that before Kussia's ultimatum upset all calculations the ambassadors at Constantinople telegraphed on Monday to their governments that au armistice was secured. It Is'.belleved In official. quarters that ltuBsia, in consequence of the Bud- den advance of the Turks, no longer wished to have a line of demark-atio- n between the contending par ties during tho armistice, fixed by the positions they might hold at the beginning of the armistice, and that she, therefore has taken this sudden step." The Paris correspoudeut of the Standard says it is stated that the Powers have sent a note to Greece .strongly urging her not to compli cate, mo situation y assuming a warlike attitude. A dispatch from Constantinople says it is stated on excellent authority that the Sultau, In order to give proof of hia liberal sentiments, lias finally determined to make Mod ham Pasha Grand Vizier shortlto-da- y, able-bodie- y- The Standard's Vienna special reprtsents that the Emperor William's speech at the opoffing of the Reichstag produced an uncomfortable feeling in Vienna, and it is thought to indlcato that the triple alliance is not linn. The 1'ost says it has reason to believe that only yesterday, subsequent to the issue of tho new Russian iiiHtructions, important peaceful telegrams were received from the principal representatives concerned in tho negotiations. It hornes, notwithstanding appearances, that Ignatiell' has not reverted to tho original demand for the bare six weeks' unnistice, which would only snatch tbe fruits of victory from Turkey and enable the Russians and Servi iua to enter upon a winter campaign. If conditions possible nf acceptance are offered, we may feel certain that the Porte will accept them. A few hours will show whether Riosla means war. The above is proMiineutly primed in t. tho !' BRITISH AMERICA. Ito.ired (rniit the Cabinet. Toronto, 31. The Qlobe announce the retjieiuunt fiom tbe Cabinet of the Hon. Mr. Geoffoieen, minister of inland revenue, on account of ill Leal it. to-da- y, I RUSSIA. I'rliiee Milan's Departure Turks on the Hareh. The Sr. Petersburg;, ai. Intelligence received here from Belgrade states that Prince Milan's departure thence for the army has given rise to a conflict between the Servian trip. The steam guage,when found, civil and military authorities. The Turks are marching upon indicated a pressure of 100 pound?. and Gen. Tcbernayefl Kruechevatz, Fearful Bain Stormis operating with the object of covOrleans, Orange Co., Ky., 31. ering that place. A fearful rainstorm took place in BLCIUM. this region, commencing on SaturThe forte's Dilatory Tactic. day morning and continuing till nearly daylight on Monday. The Brussels, 31. The Le Nord rain was a perfect Hood, the water the European Powers will hopes not pouring down as usual in drops, Russia's demand, and that The ground support but perfect sheets. the armistice will be settled; but a lake of water, having adds resembled Porte's dilatory tacthat the poured upon tUe town till the half facilitate definitive paof the place was flooded. The water tics do not and will force the Powrose as high as the window tops, cification, to redouble their firmness and and as yet has fallen but litttle. In ers on the question of guaranaddition So the destruction of energy tees. household goods, barns, stables, etc., large Jots of cattle, horses, AUSTRIA. hogs, 4c, were druwneJ. The Russia's I'll I malum to the Verte. bridge over the river was swept away. The total damage will proVienna, 31. The Political Correspondence newspaper publishes a bably be $10,000. telegram from St. Petersburg stat Denies the.Ilcport. that au order to Oen. IgnatlefT ing 31. Sheriff Mills to present ivussia's ultimatum to Baltimore, denies the report that he Intends the Porte was dispatched by the the arrest of the deputy marshal's Czar direct to Constantinople last before election day, and says, on evening, anu that the Czar waa In the contrary, that he will assist the duced to take this step by the rece.ut United States marshal' If called events in Servia, and Turkey s con upon. tlnuing the war notwithstanding Dead. the negotiations pending for an ar New llAYBif, Con., 31. Morris mistice. city Taylor, who was Mayor of this in 1S03 and 1804, and Lieut. Governor of the State in 1871 and 1872, died here this morning from heart to-da- y, - disease, aged 70 yeara. WESTERN. his Father's forAfter I.Ick John tune. Han 31. John II. Francisco, filed in the Probate Lick, Court a petition to be appointed administrator of the estate of his father, the late James Lick. This WK lib inriT juni CITY, UTAH TEBBITOltl, WJEIXES,VY EVENING, lYOVEHUKK BUSINESS POSITIVELY SO! 1? to-da- y, a lead for SpmUbm CUtulsrans sibeuM AN ORDINANCE Iu Kelallou to the Mult Lake city Water work it aud the Mupply or Water Iron the Main ripen, anil tor Other Purponen. Skction 1. Be it nrdaiucJ by the City Council of Salt Lake City, constructed that the Water-work- s by the Corporation to supply Salt Lake City with water from Canon, shall be designated and known as the Salt Lake City Water-workthey hhall be the proiK?rty of said city, and shall be under the sole and exclusive control of the City Council, who may from timo to time direct tho construction of such reservoirs, water tanks, water mains, service pipes and fire hydrants as tbe necessities of the inhabitants of the city may require.. The City Council bhall also appoint a Sujerintendeut of Water-workau Assessor of Water Rates, and such other officers as may be necessary to carry on the works. All officers so appointed shall hold office during the pleasure of naid Council. 8k'. 2. The Superintendentdirec-of Water-workshall, under the tion of tbe City Council, have charge of the reservoirs, water tanks, water mains, lire hydrant-'and all the machinery and appurtenances appertaining to the Waterworks. He shall have the direction of tho laying of water mains, and putting in of servlco pipes, and the regulation of the water supply to fire hydrants and to all consumers. Said Water Superintendent, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take an oath of office and give bonds, with appro vet I security, to S.ilt Lake City, iu the penal sum of $5,0(10, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. Mo shall report to the City Council quarterly, or oftener if required, his doings as tho condition of Superintendent, and make such the Water-worksuggestions as the nature of the service may require. be SRC. 3. All hydrants thai under the control of, and shall be kept In repair by the Superintendand in cast ent of the Water-workof fire or fires the Flro Department and such others as tho City Council shall authorize, shall have free access to said hydrants. No other person shall open or operate any fire hydrant, or attempt to draw water therefrom. Skc. 4. Any person who shall wilfully or carejessly run a vehicle against a fire hydrant, or otherwise wilfully or carelessly injure the same, or draw, or attempt to draw water therefrom, shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, and be liable for all damages done to said hydrant. Sko. 5. Wrenches for lire hydrants shall be furnished by order of the City Council to the Firo Department, for their use, and to such other persons as may be deemed proper by the Council, and any officer or member of the Fire Department, or other person having charge of one or more of said wrenches, who shall permit the same to be taken from their place of deposit, or to be used for any other purpose than those authorized by the City Council, shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding fifty dollar for each oflense- Sec. 6. Whenever any person desires to obtain a supply of water from the City Water-workho shall make application therefor, verball v or in writing, to the Mayor and sign an agroemeut that h will be governed by such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this ordinance as may be prescribed by tho Mayor for tho control of the water supply; said application must state the location, kind of building, number of rooms,, and the entire area of grounds to be supplied, and fully and truly state the purposes for which the water is to boused; and upon notification from the ; the Mayor, Superintendent of Water-work- s is authorized to extend, at the expense of tho city, the Her vice pipe to the inside line of the curb stone, or to within six teen feet of tuo properly line, at the poiut most convenient for supplying the premises of the appli cant. Sec. 7. When application is made by a tenant, it tuunt be ac companied by the signature of (ho owner of tho building or grounJs consenting to and authorizing the introduction oi water Into such premises, and expressly agreeing to the rules and regulation embodied in the application aud to the of this ordinance. Sec. 8. To euh service pipe there shall be attached, at tho ctiib. a stop-coc- k and key box, which shall be paid for by 'the consumer, aud le under the exclusive control of the Superintendent. hUO. :l. All service and other pipes used underground shall be of cast iron, extra strong had or tin- lined lead, and laid not less than four feet Udow thu nurface, and all pipes for water Mipply, whether or outside, shall be of sufficient-strength to stand tho water pressure, and all such woik, alterations or extrusions thereof must be done to the acceptance of the superintendent. But no extension of a consumer's attachment shall be made without first obtaining a liceno therefor. Who. 10. If any water consumer shall permit any jverson from other premises, or any unauthorized peror obtain water from son, to said consumer's premises or water fixtures, whether inside or outside of his building, the supply of water may be cut off and the amount paid City-Cree- s; s, s , s, I s, - s, pio-vislon- s in-wi- u-- e ' forfeited. SEC. 11. All persons taking tho water shall keep their service pipes, connections, and other water apparatus in good repair and protected hom frost at their own expense, but no person, except under the direction of the Superintendent, shall be allowed to dig into the street, or sidewalk, for the purpose of laying, removing or repairing any service pipe. SEC. 12. If any consumer shall waste any water, or allow it to be wanted by negligence, such as Imperfect stops or valves or leakv joints or pipes, or allowing tanks 11to lean or to overnow. or w astern v run it through basins or other ap paratus, or use the water for nur poses other than stated in thu application and lice use. or in violation of the rules ana regulations for con trollog the water supply, and the provisions or tins ordinance, the water rray be cut off rrom such consumer, and all payments for feited, unless such person shall promptly paysucu additional ennr ges as may be imposed. - Sec. IS. Whoever, by himself, family, servants or agents, shall use the water coming through the water mains without first obtaining a license tnereror, or shall without 2, 1S7. authority open any Mope hu, valve r other liture attached lo tl;c system of water supply, oi sh.-.lanywise injure, delace id impiii any Water-workpart, ur any appuitcn.in e I he or .shall c:iM a;i. into any reservoir or lank d thingMtid the shall ho lined i l woik, one dollais li t hundred exceeding each offense, or by imprisonment not exceeding six months, m by both lino and inipiUoiiiuent. , stller the Ski'. 14. If any water has been turned oil l:uiuhis premi.-es- , 'on account oi m ti it 7' t: i : HYt .' s, A' .sff(iw rrrv pages i I'Mrtlul per-.mi- . Ul''l oil r .Io'iii t payment lnl N : ;1 i . .. I lu 'mi, i, i of dues, or violation o: tiie Ve ,i,f ft. 't uns' t '."in ni' r.-rules and legulatlons pertainin ,r to Sv.iutti ill on Urtlcr, linw V. iki the water supply, Miall turn ilie Supel iei ttf l'.liv'...:! lol foi ui.-water on a';a!i, or use, or allow the Intel. water to be u eil without au! hoi ity, The Sum 'ami ai n ho shall ho lined not cxcccilin:; lUly Tlio lli.t.-'- i t ii via j dollars for each offence. Poim.l shut .s'ent Sicn M ,. . S iv. Fountains and spiin'..-!er- s H'4li l'i :.v of S li. ol Hot (or lawns, gardens, yui ds or l'i ,Un W 1,1 II,) sidewalks shall not he updated dur- At toi in y liinerul Tad Ivfcd.! li ing a file. No fountain attachment Milisli.il r. shall he greatei than hall' an inch Lett, r I'V li..v.i,l, t in ;.i ,i ,,r S. in diameter. Tin ..hall he a stop- lT. S.M. .lit tarv t'i mm! won Oi'. ,' cock (otach hnnitai.'i attachment, Tho lii :tihli t r which shall he tiiuli he .cent it 'i ot V. (it to the North the Su pei i nloiutcn t. Thai Sentence. Sit', p;. Spiinkleis fur launs, Wars an. Kuiuoi 'of W gardens, yards and sidewalks must Tho Slot inn. be used only for the . in the license; and no Why the llel.i) War ami UnMm t sprinkler shall ho used Jor pi inkl- Tho Electoral Col't .' ing the strc t nulsid.' of thu side- Their lTi ter iu of l'i lm p walk, unless such ptivilege is included in tho license ami paid lor Who art" I.eral Volet I, l ' 1'iniesl rat Ion. i . . I . . ,, i ,,,,1..,,, M.lt, ( III- am. riu;i l;r. MUM: tr I't'l.l'.MNs is.ii. 1, . . i i. it I . I , ; i . 1 I'ltM-leli- I i i i I u- .1 I i , ( , I I purpo.-ot-x-pre.i-.c- d 1 U c accordingly. Sidewalks, windows and fronts shall not bo sprinkled except between the hours of timid :i.ni., and -- , and ti and s p.m. No ni...lo furspiinklinjvshall bo larinch in diameger than ter, anil no license for a sprinkler shall be issued except in connect ion w ith other water st rvice. Siv. 17. Sprinkling wagons ami Wagons for the delivery or salo of water must ho filled from hydiants eroded for that purpose, and shall be regulated and controlled by the .superintendent. Skc. IS. Steam boilers will not bo allow eti to fill from tho pipes direct, but must Im provided w it h a tank and supplied theiofrotn. Siv. K. Wateiing troughs for animaU will not be allowed a constant How of water, but will only be allowed to use such quantity as w ill supply the actual w ants of t he stock having access the let o. Neither will continuous streams of water be permitted to How fiom hydrants, faucets or stops over was'hbasins, water-closet- s or urinals, or from any aparaltis for drawing water. SIV. u. ten access shall at all ordinary hours be allowed lo the Superintendent or other authorized persons to all places supplied w ith water, to examine tho apparatus, tho amount used and the manner of using water, and any consumer violating any or the rules ami regulations controlling the water supply shall forfeit nil payments made .and the right to the use of the water. Sit', -- . The City shall not bo held liable Corporation for damage to any consumer by reason of a stoppugo or interruption of his water supply, caused by pcarcity of water, accidents to the works or mains, alterations, additions, or other unavoidable cause, beyond a pro rata reduction on his license during such stoppage. Sec. 22. No telegraph post, hitching or other post shall be put down or set within four foot of any water service pipe, nor within six feet of any main pipe, except on a written pet mil from the Superintendent. 2.".. 'Wherever tho water mains arc laid, no persons shall be allowed to convey the waters of City Creek from any ditch or place by private pipos for fountains, mechanical or other purposes, except tho ordinary irrigation of lots, under direction of thoWatermaster, nor shall said Maters be hereaftor diverted from tho ordinary Irriga tion uuciies lorino supply or steam boilers or other mechanism, and all resolutions, ordinances and nermlts allowing any person to convey the waters. of City Creek, or any. . part . ... u J mo ordinary ditches mcicwi, iioiu ii use or purpose oy pipes ior any whatever, wherever tho water mains are l:tiJ. are herebv ed. Hf.C. 21. -- It shall be the dutv of the Assessor of water rates to ascertain by measurement, or estimate, as near a practicable, tho .amount of water used by each water taker; and be shall make an equitable assessment thereon, based upon tho rale ot ten cents for each one thou sand 'dIIoii-- ; and no peison shall nave t no wat er conducted to their premisss without paying five dollars por'annum. If "they coiiMimo more than the worth of five dollars they Hhall pay at the above mentioned rates. Said assessment shall be made for n term commencing (nun the time the water Is turned on to the premises mid ending on the I'.lst day of Match. 1S77, ami thenceforth quarterly. The Assessor shall make prompt letnrnsof his doings to the Cily llccorder, who shall charge to each person the amount assesi ed against him, which amount shall he' on demand and h collected payable ami paid into tho City Treasury in the same manner s license fees are collected and paid in. Sec. 2o. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, whore the penalty is not herein otherwise provided, shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 20. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the City Council from amending, altering or adding to thu provisions of this ordinance iu relation to the water supply or tho rules anil regulations wliieh may be adopted In conformity therewith; J'rovfded, that no altemtion in water rates shall apply to any license Issued or contract made with a consumer under this ordinance, until after the expiration of such license or contract. Skc. 27. All ordtnnnces or parts of ordinances contlicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed October 3d, 1 ST. FF.KAMOHZ LITTLE, J La A.I. 1 ! one-fourt- h 1 lo-pai- Collect "1 'IK Elct-- oi,:.. Ires to Volcis, Uy I, torlal Contra! Comin i ltv!iaatel 'd I I 111. t I'rtivMctico .1 ill .1 Ice . The LLiuor ciit't Ion. Tupina 's l'rt ei hiitl I'll!'.- - j lUport of MuK'meivn Near Mi an e, I n i Thti Massacre at liouse's llil'yc. (Jen. Crook Takes Roil Clotnl ui..l hi. It.in ;, Captive Spottnl Tall Super.. I,. . l . I i Clou I. Troops to St cure Soul leu n Elect t ... Itelio of Ty r.iuiiv U Ilow to I'l.t 'Hopper. , 'i f Spcd.il l'Vpiity Mar.-li.l,'-- on-- P. ( i ii,. her W'eftt PreHtli'iit 1 1. l hi. rant's Thanks-.-a-- . ir- I'lo'inn , l',i Arivpt of the EnUro ll unl of New York. Tm kith Oovci liniei.t Voi I t : o i 1,'iiKslnn. ' lull a Shining imp V. (Iran. hullaii I'ol Koiuruintf Prosperity. I A I lu.-li- ... Tho Peace Policy Aiiiomv m tlluns. PcliOoU an. I School II n.lt '. Another cjiicor Lookin (.....-Action. Tho Unilt'11 Iron U oi Ks, I'reforiiiances of the It. J.i: It rong linn Wool Market. .. r, . I i t , . Tabernacle ! i t i Est ray Notices. Letter List. City Council l'roc. .1 :, Editorial Noli it. Local Ncwh. Correspondence, Home nu t l ie t Tclt'Kraphh) l,smul:ei f r tho World. Notes of Varloun Kin. Is. Reviews anil Notices of Ii.k.Ic,. , o . Poetry, One of tln llit t outlly Ue.-t.tilii the World. Annual Siibsfrfpfiott i". '!; rr.tfd, 1" cmfs. Single ropy, M cents. ". Sl-:c- 1 . A at CAUPr.TJ for naif, done. Sewed carpet Produce, taken. IV anl wcavm tayi liouwln. A(1 d South St., tiroat Western opiMjsiU of Utah, Territory Salt Lake City, 1 i . Attorney r.ud 'ociitsrLi' oaiee kas t In Wassivli Hotel, s. h. c: Kitr i 1. 1: i k ik In : "iQ$'" i.. ' 4 t y, i; v liVfllf . Mayor. Mole ... r.w . i::J j, Li tv, 1 yVt . . 'i4; XT';. .V"-i- k Hew Eflition or Tnt AM) A NbW, Iterlie e.llllotiof tb ol tli 1, EalarROtl, ami liupi nvi-t- l l'trlu nnd t'oveuniila l lmrcUor Jentisi hrUtori.ul ter llwy Hal ut,coDtaliiluir Kivu to Joseph or Health, t ho ltevelat lout Jun., tho rre.pr.et buildliiir ur vf ttiu KuiKloiii U or tho last dayi. Printed on fins Pftper, from new, large clear type, anl contaiuiug nearly UK) pain To this edition thoro have boon a iiuiiiIhu of ailjltioiia in ado the eecllon liavo lieen vermsl ami utiaihoroil, anil a full and cnu prehenalva ludox uJ fJontenls lias burn addel, UoU In This certifies that tho loroolng is n true copy of an ordinance en titled "An ordinance in relation to tho Salt Lake City Water woiks. aud the supply of water from the Ordtri received now will be filled la ordt r main piP1'? ll,d other pur- of rscclpt. poses," pasted by tho City Council to any part of tho TerrliKiy er of Salt Lake City, the 3rd day of Mailed on States rucolpt ot prkti, October, A. it. i a 70, as uppeara on office. , at record my As witness my hand Full Cloth, EmboMod Sidoi, gilt back an t i u I U,K' 1,1,3 corpoiato seal Hprlnlded edges, 99.eo. of Salt Lake City, this Full ImlUttion Worocoo, einlKinsed tides, 11th day of October, A r ntback aiKi iiprlnJiIod edges, fr.P". ' tr i I D. 1S70. JOHN T. CAINE, City Recoitlcr, ! A.ldrei , CALDElt, Doaoret Newi 1 " OiH |