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Show THE EVENING NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILT, MTKDATS IXOKPTBD AT i . FOUB o'CLOOK. - DAVID O. CALDER, EDITOR AND tTIBUSHIR. Tuesday, October 10, 1S76. People's Ticket! FOB DELEGAT E CONGRESS, Congress materially affecting them or the Territory. He is a gentleman of ability and intelligence, sagacity and prudence, well competent for the position to which the voice of the people has twice eo decisively called him, and is likely to call him again at the ensuing election. We do not suppose that there is a single voter among all the citizens who have the real welfare of the community at heart, that questions the appropriateness of the choice of the Convention, comparing the qualifications of its candidate with the qualifications of any others in whom they could place auy amount of confidence as the representative cf the people in Congress. GEO. Q. GANNON. NEWS OF THE DAY. Members of the Mongolian rta western mriow - telegraph line. commission going to Ban Fran- Last Xlglit's Dispatches. John F. Cleveland, of the N. Y. Tribune, dead. Faciflc Mail Company directors' meeting- Keply of the Porte to the I 'owers. Inquest on the bodies of men suil'oeatei on the JSuropa. Executive departments to be cloned on the day for unveiling the Mel'herson statue, Oct. IS. Sentence of Jake Tlehm com- - EASTERN The Burned Snip "Knropii." cisco. iunti-d- . Cotton, SOO bales, burned at lirooklyn. Major Lander, of Denver, dead. .'Uaying party attacked near Fort Fetterman. (Several killed or the New York, 9. empanelled a jury in the case of the men suffocated in the ship Europa. They then visited the vessel and inspected every part, sufespecially where the men were disfocated. The jury were then The corcharged till oner addressed a letter to the captain of the vessel requesting him to take charge until the conclusion of To-da- cor-ron- y er ow. the inquest, and not to permit any candles or lights on board, and to prevent all smoking and tires of every aesenpuou, uuui uncr me inquiry was finished. The McPberson Statue. The President has directed the wounded. executive departments to be closed Four miners killed at Lehigh on the ISth inst., the day set apart for unveiling the McPherson stacolliery. St. Paul and P. R. II. taken tue. possession of under mortgage. Sentence ot Jak Kenui Commuted. Mrs. If ay wood's benefit fund The President has commuted the increasing. sentence of Jake liehm from six Fire at Minneapolis, $60,000. months' imprisonment and $10,000 fine to three months, and $1,000, Fire at Pine Bluff, $130,000. Gov. Kemper declines to and at eleven o'clock this morning name a Virginia day at the Cen- Rehm, having paid hia fine, was released from the county jail,where tennial. had been imprisoned. The comGov. Chamberlain, of S. C, he was made in accordance mutation says he can sustain his proclama- with a signed by five hunpetition tion by legal evidence. dred citizens, representing both Fire at Pine Bluffs, S125,000. political parties, and with represen Election matters. tations and recommendations of District Attorney Bangs and Judge p Concerning the of Cuba. Blodgett. moderBurning or Coltuu Vales. Spanish reactionary ates gaining strength. Eightathundred bales of cotton, n Small workmen demonstra- valued $37,000, belonging to tion against the Bulgarian atrociSwan, were destroyed by fire ties in Hyde Park, London. at Brooklyn this evening. The fire was caused by spark?, from a tug The peace and war policy. boat, falling on the lighters which Tchernayeff asked not to ad- contained the cotton; what was not dress Prince Milan as royal. fire was thrown over by destroyed Gladstone talks in St. James' board, and will probably be fished Hall. up by river thieves. Bosnia rejects the" autonomy Sadden Death. scheme. Denver, Col., 9. Major W. W. Cossacks and Russians pour Lander, formerly private secretary into Servia. to Senator Charles Sumner, but for American Mining Board. tne past two years a well known Steamboat Southern JJello politician of Colorado, died suddenburned. ly this forenoon in Denver. Eighth anniversary of the Haying- Party Attacked by Indians. Cuban war for independence. 9. News from Fort Cheyenne, Chinese commission at Chi- Fetterman states that on the 6th, a cago. haying party of twelve men and Marquis of Tweedale dead. seven ox teams, were attacked by a Speedy conclusion of an ar- band of twenty or thirty Indians, mistice expected, but not accepted twenty-fiv- e miles from the above yet. post, badly wounding Jno. Otters, wagon master, and killing one Repulse of the Turks. of the party out Blackburn mills expected to horse and two About 8 o'clock they hunting. be closed. heard a war song and hastened to Steamship Acapulco not to be the train, which was immediately seized. prepared for defense. Four of the A jealous fool. men started to find the Indians, which they ."d, and made a lively Political nominations. retreat, hotly pursued by the InA Montenegrin attack. dians, to within fifty yards of the All quiet as to elections east. train,when eight men sent a volley A man fatally beaten at New into the reds, who retreated to the shelter of the blufls, and com York. firing upon the train, Indians scalp a man on Horse menced which was at a disadvantage, and Shoe River. compelled U3 to move two bundled Lee sentenced to be shot Jan. yards. The flight continued nearly four hours. The number of rfcdd killed is unknown; two were seen Philadelphia wool market. dop. Mr. Towel I, contractor, Libel suit, Gustean is. N. Y . to fetates that the Indians showed Herald. great courage, and were strongly armed with Winchester and army HEADING THE CRASSHOP-PER- S. rillea. The telegraph line between Fetterman and Cheyenne was cut about that time, thought to be by The Governor of Minnesota is scat- tne sameis band. Otter doing nicely, but will tering documents around like the lose his right arm. undoubtedly following-- Aceldent and Loss of Lite. "State of Minnesota, Executive PotisviiLE, Pa., 0. This morn- I.. .!.! Department, St. Paul, September :ius vv.1.51 II.. cais eie luico jo.tueu ::), 1S7G. from the slope of the pulled being "To His Excellency. John L. miuuie or ine ljenign coiiiwry, at Beveridge, Governor of Illinois. Kpw Bosf.ni). tbfi roiiM lin,!,p anil "Respected Sir: I am directed by the cars ran rapidly to the bottom. Governor Pillsbury to write and b our miners, named m. extend to you an invitation to be Joe Becker, Thomas Jones andBeck, Ed. present at a conference of the Gov- JNauss, were killed. ernors of the several States and Took I'oMCitfciou. who are interested in the to be at held St. grasshopper question, Paul, 9. Horace Thompson, Omaha, Nebraska, on the 25th day Edmund Rice and John S. KenneOctober. The conference is dy, trustees under the several c alled with the hope that some plan mortgages against the first division may be arranged for a united ac- of the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad tion of all the States and Territo- Ce., took possession of the entire ries that have In the past suffered property this morning, and have j'roru the depredations of these given public notice to all whom it pests to prevent devastations. It may concern, that they will, on and s hoped you will be pleased to be after this date, operate the lines of 'resent at this conference. I have railroad, as in said mort the honor to remain, respectfully gages, for theprovided benefit of the bondA. Coleman Macy, holders to the present date. ywur, Governor's Cleik. Benefit Fund Increasluc. Nearly $11,000 has been received THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE at the First National Jiank of St. Paul in response to a circular to FOU DELEGATE TO CONthe banks asking donations to the GRESS. fund for the benefit of Mrs. Haywidow of the bank cashier Xr . i March, Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon wood, who was killed by the robbers at will have sat two terms of two Northfield, and no far responses received from but one-tenyears or sessions each in the United have been of banks of the country. the States House of Representatives as 60,000 Fire. delegate from the Territory of Utah. The Harvester Works at MinneFor each term he had the remarkawith a portion of the conbly good fortune and the honor to apolis, were burned thi3 evening. tents, be elected by such an owerwhelm-iD- g The cause of the fire wis a spark majority as to make the opposi- from a smoke stack; loss $00,010, insurance $25,000. tion appear supremely ridiculous. 8I3O.00O lire. There is no doubt that a similar 9. About 3 o'clock of votes be will in Little Rock, majority given his favor at the forthcoming elec- this morning a disastrous fire broke out in Pine Bluff; loss $150,0C0, tion next month. insurance $73,000. Mr. Cannon has many qualifications for the office, Insomuch that, all things considered, he is probably DISPATCHES, as well fitted therefor as any other EASTERN. citizen in the Territory. So that The Chinese CouidiUdIod. choico of the the Territorial con10. Senator Morvention, that sat in this city on tonIndianapolis, and Representative Mead, of Saturday (7th), must be considered the Mongolian commission, go to as exceedingly satisfactory California He is an old resident of the Terri- meeting or the IMrectorsof the Pacific dfall Company Death. tory, well known to the bulk of the and New York, 20. A secret meetpeople highly respected by them for two or three decades of ing was held yesterday of the diof the Pacific Mail Compayears. His integrity to the welfare rectors to matters of the in ny, of the people and his devotion to Panama regard Transit Company. The their interests are unquestioned and meeting lasted four hours; no result lis diligent labors to what' end are was reached, it was claimed. Last the prospect of a generally known and understood. evening, however, of the differences beHe is intimately and wholly iden- settlement tween the members was more entified with the Territory and with couraging. Treasurer W. Park was the people who settled it and made before the board during fts last sesand gave a statement of his it the pleasant and prosperous place sion, of the matter. Another meetview of habitation that it is. His interof the board will be held ing ests are their interests, politically, The steamship Acapulco is due toand it is expected that she socially, financially, morally and day, will be seized on her arrival. The is one He with them, directors of the company, at their religiously. and they are one with him, in all meeting yesterday, were not aware the questions that may arise in that the city authorities had taken Captain-Generalshi- In-ma- - i. Ter-ritori- . were 0o0 shares. Cala, 7 1 Con Va, 59 Telegraph. By this step, and it is not known what will do to lelieve the compatheyTrom (hi ndditional embarrassny ment. John F. Clevfcland, for thirty years connected with the Tribune, died yesterday. An:ti vmnry ol the tiibnn Vr of Independence. To day Jh the eighth anniversary of the Cuban war of ;i ndepeudence, an i the occasion will be celebrated in this city, by a requiem mass, at St. Stephen's Chnrcb, for the souls of the patriots who have given their lives for their country. At the Cuban Protestant Church of Santi ago, le JJeum will be sung, auer which a eermon will be preacneu by the Rev. Joahuin de Palma. American Mining Board Transac tions. The transactions at the American mining board this morning es f to-nig- ht. 1 to-da- y. " that they hold themselves at to close the spinning depart ments or tnelr mills without warning, says, the dispute effects the lih-eit- y whole north and northeast of Lan cashire. If something is not done to allay the discontent, it is believ ed the great majority of the mills will he closed. Nftoedy Conclusion til mm Armistice. Telegrams here ptak hopefully of a speedy conclusion of an armis tice, tor which all the Powers are represented as continuing to work in w 4 Mi SAVE M OMY JjIL mimm PUR BY unison. liulllou Stock.. withdrawn from the I?ank of England on bdlauce to Bullion day id $60,000. !; y bond., 10SJ; Erie, New York Central, 90. Death or the Harquis of 1 weedale. &The Marquis of Tweedale is dead. He was born Feb. 17, 17S7. Men-fort- 13 ri tiAi DALMATIA. Grant, 3 J Oi l Merrimac, 4o Santiago, 12 Another Attaek. Ragvsa, 10. The Montenegrins Yellow Jacket, 27 attacked Meukthar Pacha's mam Charged Her with Infidelity. force yesterday. The result is yet Pat Maguire, of Meant Vernon, unknown. on Sunday night, during a quarrel TURKEY, with his wife, charged her with in children their and 'the 'lurks Beizinjp Itepuisetl. fidelity, one after another exclaimed, as he 10. The Seivians, Belgrade, dashed them to the floor, "This is yesterday, the Turks in repulsed not mint!" One of the children an attempt to cross the river Diiua has died from its injuries, the oth near Rotscha. a ers are in precarious condition. FRANCE Fatally Beaten. The Armistice Premature. An altercation occurred in Wash 10. The news that the ington Market, this morning, be Paris, tweeu Hush McCabe and Frank Porte has accepted the armistice is McCarron, in which the former premature. was fatally beaten with a cart rung, McCarron was arrested. Denies the Statement. MINING STOCKS. Clyde, manager of the Pacific MtJKfCINCJ LO A Hi'. Mail Steamship Company, denies that there in the slightest iti Irancisco, Oct. 10, 1S76. truth in the report that the steam be on seized will a ship Acapulco 1320 Ophir, 431; 44; 43i; 431; 43; 44, warrant issue! by the tax receiver b 30; 433; 43, s 30; 43J, s 30 to recover an assessment of $160,000, 1250 Mex, 24 i; 241 The steamer is due but has 220 G & C,24;14;24; 13J not yet arrived. 435 B & B, 431; 43; 431; 434 460 Cala, 60; 60 J; 60 Kecelpt of American 4old Colu. 090 Savage, 131; 13J; 13 One hundred and twenty-fiv- e 50 Savage, 13 s or thousand dollars American gold Con Va, 54; 53i; 53; 53, b 5; coin were received yesterday at the 03s;o3i;53g from Lendon. 2S5 Chollar, 76; 75i; 75; 74J; 74 The New York "IIer!d' Libel 1015 H&N,Sf; 81; 8 J, bio; SA;V 325 Point, 11; 11 J ; U Suit. 470 Jacket, 23 J In the case of Charles J. Gusteau, 1S70 4; 3.93c; 3;9 Impl, lawyer, now residing in Chicago, 30 Kentuck, 11 who brought a suit for $100,000 Alpha, 44; 43 J; 43 against the New York Herald for 3G5 120 Belcher, to 18; IS"111 libel, but wrote, oflenng compro 1500 mise for $75,000, which was decliu SNevll; 25 Alpha, 43i H; ed, Judge Donahue has granted an 210 Confidence", 14; 13 order requiring the plaintifl to file 20 Utah, 15 costs. for security 90 Bullion, 31; 3 The Great Election l'rtinielu;; ?50 Excheq, 13j; 135; 13' Quietly. 150 Overman, 76; 76; 77 610 Justice, 17; 17i, h 10; 17 10. The reports Indianapolis, at noon from all parts of the State 2105 Union, 11; 10J-220 29o show that the election is progressBryan, 30c;. 5 So Julia, ing quietly, with indications of the 5410 5; heaviest vote ever cast. Caledonia, yi; 1430 Balto, 21; 2J Sleamer Burned. 20 S Hill, 71 New Orleans, 10. The Baton 300 Challenge, 3 Rouge steamboat Southern Belle 315 N Y,.lj;li was burned about two o'clock this 310 Kossuth, ll 15 Andes, 2 morning, two miles above Plaque-min- e west bank. The boat and 50 Mint, 20c cargo were totally destroyed, and 410 W Fargo, 2oc several lives lost. The steamer 75 Ward, 1 JJcrtha took some of the passengers 50 Leviathan, SO,-to New Orleans; ethers returned 21'5 U Con here on the steamer Katie. Great 150 Sheridan,Va,2 15; accorded the engineer and credit is 20 Alta, 2 pilot for their efforts to land the 245 Woodville, 1J; 1 boat during her Luminal 375 Prospect, 9.c? j; l;9"c 40 Maryland, j; Commission. Chinese Ihe 100 M Star, 4 Chicago, 10. A number of the 100 W Belcher, 2 100 Trojan, i Congressional committee to invesChinese question, arrived tigate the y from Washington en hero route to California, including Jatuc s Q. Christie, deputy sergeut-at-arm- s of the bruit's father, In of the United States Senate, thisAt the residence Oct- - 9th, by Juilra A. C Hyper, and If. Geusler, official stenograph- CHARLKS n. ORIOOS, of Pleasant Grove, er. S. Jf. Dumas, of the Boar's to Mifs ELIZAI1ETH R MAkUKTTS, eldest daughter of Pbillp Margvtns, Esq., of thU licad, N. H., accompanies the Tocity. a in party private capacity. morrow these forerunuers will be Dut hupny thoy! the happiest of their Morkind! joined in this city by Senator comWhom Rentier stars uul c, and in one fate ton, one of the members of the Their hearts, their fortunes, and their mission, and the gentlemen will at beings blend. once 'tart for Ssn Francisco, where, In this city, by President n. II. by the time they arrive, all the Oct, 9th. 1H7H, MK. I.. HOLHUOOK aiH Mm other members of the commission K. A. HINCKLEY, daughter of Ira r. will have put in an aj peu.rauce. Hinckley, both of Fillmore. Senator Cooper, of Tennessee. Representative Meade, of New York, and Wilson, of Iowa, are nor on NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- the way. The commission will formally assemble iu Sail Francisco on tho ISth inst., and after exhaustLOST, ing that city will hold shorter ses A ELACK New Foundlaml pud, en Sun sions in Sacramento and other i dav afternoon, near the City Hall. at cn the seen h ni will please havinir slope, points Any person leave word at Firemen's Hall where he til least thirty days iu the injutst. d2Tl may be found. I ho Indian. Scalp Another Man Q Ueuoinlaated. CO SALE. FOU Wv., 10. A man Cheyenne, situated named Rhode, herding cattlo near VOOOD FARM, well watered, Tooele Co , Valley, a ranche on Horse Shoe River, forty U t :i h . For terms.ttush IU &c add res of Ft. Laramie, miles north-weA. tl. F.KKl'.tt, Vernon. d71 H was killed, scalped, and his ears The Indians, yesterday. cutoffby KSTltAY NOTICE. body was brought into Fort LaraIn follow imr FROM T H K sTOCK of BRIT HS-OOB- S EVER BROUGHT TO THE TERRITORY, consisting in lwnr ok TAP! Repellants, Blankets, Knit Goods, Shawls, to-da- y, FELT & BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, !, sub-treasu- 23-1.- CLOAKS, P X3 ry s :fl to., Which we are Offering at ; rov esxis"isixirvc3-iinitio LINE of home manufactured goods constantly on hand. Y 1 FULLL Our patrons, as heretofore, can rely upon Securing the BEST GOODS at the Lowest Rates, and while no Baits are ever offered by this house, the public can always share with us the advantages we secure by purchasing from manufacturers who sell only to the Largest Dealers. H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. to-da- TEASDEL'S General I DSorancB HMII FOU Ao. POPULAR PLACE. GOOD GOODS LOW PRICES. st mie W. R. Steele, who is now serving a second term as delegate in Congress, from this Territory, was renominated by the democratic conto-da- y. vention last night. Proceeding Quietly. O.,10. The election Cincinnati, in this city is proceeding quietly. A few repeaters in tho Fourth Ward were detected and arrested. A very Urge vote is being polled. Both parties claim tho advantage. The indications, at this stage are, that Matthews, republican for Congress in the second district, will carry the day, and Say lor, democrat, in tho First district. Hool Market. Philadelphia, 10. Wool quiet, firm, California fine and mtdium 18 (V: .'JO, coaise20 District Poundkef per. Soutb Cottonwood, Bept. Vth, lbTi. dEiv The Paris correspondent of the Times telegraphs the following: The Porte's first reply to tho Powers is a dead letter. The Porte's second reply is now officially known, I believe, and this reply has been communicated to me. its important points are regarding the armistice and administration oi the The l'orte Christian provinces. refuses to accept the Iciniso'the armistice, because it cannot i Serviu us belligerent, but consents to the supervision of the duration not to be fixed, provided the Servians shall not, in the meanwhile, be icinforced by ah to tho second roint foreigners, the l'orte accepts t!ie proposals ot the Powers in principle, but proposes to give all its provinces the same liberties without distinction. The' Porte considers it absolutely ruinous to introduce different treatments into the provinces; it is willing to place reforms under the collective guarantee of Europe; in short, the Porte says: Either you wish i snouiu case my piace among the civilized states, and are willing to consolidate me by giving all my subjects the same laws, privileges and security, or you persist in exaggerating division and antagonism because you wish to delay, not prevent, my destruction; if the latter is the case, I prefer to struggle now at the risk of perishing, rather than resign mj'seir to a slower but inevitable death. The Blackburn Operations. Manche&ter, 10. The Courier, referring to the dispute between the Blackburn cotton operatives and masters, regarding the decision of the former to be no longer 10. ho'-tili-tie- Hast Tim pic A., HOME FIRE COMPANIES. ' riioculx Insurance Company, "0 a GROCERIES, Of Hartford. H PI fi ,90(1,1 .... Home Insurance Company, Insurance Company of North America, Or Philadelphia. NUft-arFire Insuraneo Com'y or New York. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance ... a Company, BO -- LsEH TfKTl 6,2UO,(iO SALT LAKE THEATRE D DRY GOODS, m MEN'S CLOTHING, AT PRICES AS LOW AS ANY ONE ELSE WILL SELL. . WEDNESDAY EVE., Oct. II, 1376. The Evint all the Attention or the SorlL I'nblle or Salt Ukc t Ity 33 IU" CO -- At the otlice of FHKl d 259 $r & w Tbermat Ilnmnn, Horn, Frally I. Inn ltelllnn. Kmlly Meyer, Mnra-nrelIlrnndel, Anna Binvoul, tserta Hiecnsniun, " Mr. V. Shernnteln, first Violinist and a For BARGAINS in cr . In Concert Master for tho Conversutjry of Prngce.a Mr. irnmau. the eminent Pianitt for the Conversatory of Mallans. Mr. J. titraekc, Clarinetist, late member of Gllmore's Concert Troupe. Mr. II. rorti, late Baritone of the Strukcsh Italian Ujera of New Yoik. IFlIEXSr GBOCBBIES, and GKAIIV, FEED FI.OUIt, mi: iced utrteed hcl xlj js: nr OUPw I'UMCES .IS V&VJL.. SHOTGUNS Direct from the Factory. DELIVERY WAGONS WILT, CALL in any part of the city. FOR FRUIT, . dlGI oren for the sale of tickets Tuesday morning at 10 Grand Matin'.c Saturday Afternoon, Oct. Hth. Box Office a-- CHAS. SCHUZ,' Agent. Established 1802. WM. NL'CULLY & CO., Manufacturers of the Standard Brands o Window Glass and White and Green Drug rista' 0 lass ware, also Wine, Porter an Mineral Water Bottleg, 18 and 2 W9.4 Street, pitttara;n PENNS YLVANIA: P. S. All descriptions ties made to order. rf Vlais and Bo d li I WASATCH VOOLLEN MILLS. o WANTED lOO.OOOIbs. of WOOL! Fo whleh I will pay the Highest Prfe in Cati, tore. pay aal K Heme-naad- RICHARDSON MATCH MAXur.ACTr8r.iis or r.naB Penitentiary. moG hih, - Xjoi leo, CO. , Telegraph. Round and Parlor GLAZED ! SASH OF ALL FIZES. ULAZINU DONE TO ORDKU ! Closing Out At Our RuUrt Stock of GROCERIES. r TWO flCNDUED UALLONJ A O.VKOAIN, wiU be sold from $1 to $5 per CSallon. STEWA RT'S ' CltXBBAlBS BRUSHES, . pajlxxiis,: ... .. f i : J JtAUOJll!tt:U9,f LlTHlTETTAJSltrJtB, i . ARB OBKKslt taarLY CSB, For sale, wholesale and retail, by Z. C M. I., Messrs. Uodba Iltu Co.. H. P. Lawreaeo. Tessdel, Messrs. Kliaball Messrs. Day A Co.. Measr. Wat. Jtnala., No. 13 Mloklftsa Arena. Cut ' Chicau,ii.Ih iv.ns Jk Sadler, U. W. Davis, Taylor Partus, w&iscr nroineta. ler, tXT. ST KWAKT BROS, every PTOur Matches are sold by nearly0133 dHO Pittsburgh, Pg. grocery house In the Territory. MATCH E I ditu READY Liviii Rates ron a Cloth, eona latin of Uoeakl.i, Tweed, Jean, Hannela, Llnaeya Blauketa, etc Alao, Yarn, plain ana raney. Jlav ng made special arrangement with ome o the best Tailors in the City, am prepared to furnish Suits to order, in any style, costing from $2Q to $30. Offloe of the Mills First South Street, opposite Townsend House. anJ at the Factory, ot a mile East of three-fourt- Liweit - Will shortly arrive, another bhipment of 1IOLLIS' DOUBLE-BARRE- L Whit hth.-- r are offeriuf hi UT.t, 1 will be in attendance durlnc usual buslneM hours, at my othee at the Oouutr Court House, In Salt Lake City, to rtoelve and receipt for the same. According to law, said taxes must be paid Immediately after the publication of this iiotloe, and any person falling' to comply herewith will be considered as refusing to pay the same and will be dealt with 10accord of an iug to the provisions ot Section Act prescribing- the manner of ascalinr and collecting Territorial and County Taxes, and for other purposes. The Delinquent Territorial and County Taxes from the books of the late AsMssor ana Collector have also been assigned to me for collection. All oersons Indebted to him for such Taxes are hereby reg'ilrod to pay the same without further delay, at my oQlce, and save additional cost. GEOBGB CTJsJMOX, Asse tot and Collector, Salt Lake County. AstH'-iso- r and Collector's Office, OMi Salt Lake City, Sept. SOtb, 1870. - CELEBRATED ck or that And Get the Highest Price for all kiuds of 3a: t LINSEED OIL PKTFV. cm Art aid Ucau!y Cumhiiud ! THE LEADER, - MISS BERTHA PiEUBER ! This lady receives the highest meria's from tho Conservatory at Paris aud Leipsic. rcix LiAnOE 8IZ13 11'IIOil' GLASS J. KIKSKL & Co , fortune, Utah. THE TAXPAYERS A. ha vt a ! BARKY & CO., Five Doors East of Oodbe's Drug Store, CO Hitbtf 't Cah pr'co paid for & STREET. G. F. CULMER 00 11210 WHEAT, OATS SOUTH dv.;s In- - G It A I N Department CO Suit Iake County NOTICE THAT THE Ladies' Orchestra! FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, WILL TAKE of Territorial and County Taxes Tl.o Press and Public are unanimous have Salt Lake County, for the year Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, tbelr Merit. been placed In my bands for collection, and TO" 8EC0ND and vicinity to the above L!s of Pir t Cluss, Old and Itc'laMi- CoiuiijuU-s- . ! of the Season! First appearance of tho woild icnowncd XT 00 Grocery JT,8ti!,4tJ We ( S. P. TEASDEL. CO TO -- 00 1, 500,000 New Vork Life Insurance Co. f..COO,000 Total Capital an) BRO.'S M50.001 00 Liverpool and London ami - f JS, 135,100 Globe Insurance Co., Loudon and Lancashire lusu- rauce Coiuuny, 5,000,000 Scottish Coinmcifcl.il Insurance - . 6,?f0,000 Company, Drltish America Assurance Co., tWO.OOO for Delivery Wagons Fruit at Residences, or at Railroad Depots. I1csinks Manager. W. T. UAKKIS ffALKEB CK Of Philadelphia. Home I iixu ranee Company, - - 625,000 09 Or i'oluuibns, O. CO HFOREXN FIRE COMPANIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, ! AT- - w rtl 6,017,1.100 Torn. will call c,A.VV.n DRIED FRUITS LAKE CITY, UTAH. Of New FULL ASSORTED STOCK. Send tor Specimen Circular and estimate - O.l SiLT CO DRIED FRUIT a Specialty 3 GREAT BRITAIN. The Porte Keply to the Powers. London, a-i- 25. TORSION- RECENTLY SELECTED. 0l my possession thai animals: One red and white spotted Heifer, 3 years old, under half crop off and split in loft ear, branded o on left side and 8 M on right hip. CO Uae red Heifer, 3 years old, some white on belly, crop off left ear, branded E. COXDE on left horn, 65 on left horn, and a brand resembling S with a perpendicular bar through the centre, ct tending' about half way through the letter, ou the left hip. sold on SatIf not claimed, they will bo 1870, at 10 urday, October 21f-t-,It. MILL J. Hit, rHAVB iiw run JEllllEUS & GRMIT, Eagle House, Main Street Wt-U- th TO-DAY- 'S bound by an atrangement iegr!a-tim- r wages, and not of the latter |