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Show THE EVENING NEWS. PTTST.TSITED DAII.T, eOTTDATS IXCIPTID AT rOUB O'CLOCK. CALDER, O. DAVID By Telegraph. PER TTISTLU.N USIOSTETJCBArH LINT, DISPATCHES. TO-DAY- 'S EOITOB AH1 VUBUSHIB. September 26, Tnesday, 1S76. GENERAL CONFERENCE. Conference of The tlie Church of Jesua Christ of Latter-da- y Saints will be held In the Tabernacle in this city, commencing on Friday, October G, at 10 o'clock a. m. Semi-Annu- al Youno, Daniel H. Wells. BRIGHA.31 NEWS OP THE DAY. ...Lively times at the Centen- - nial. Bulgarian relief committee at Constantinople. Steamer Liberty abandoned :t sea. Yunnan outrage affair arrang- ed. Cottan failure in Yorkshire. ReFlight of an advanced to Lisbon. Madrid from publican Vandalism at the . capitol. Marble stairs deluged with oil and blue ink. The Hell Gate explosion proves to be more complete and perfect than was anticipated. The gold and silver commission at New York. Good understanding between Kussia and England. The Servians amazed. Nurses for Brunswick, Ga. Reports of the primary meetings. Insurrection not imminent in Algeria. N. Y. State Greenback Convention in session. German war horses to be registered. Servian-Turkis- war. h Grading commenced on the Portland, Dalles, and Bait Lake R. 11. Pniladelphia wool market. The Porte sends meney to the destitute Bulgarians and takes measures to rebuild their villages. Hard times and destitution iu Cuba. The Indian Commission Knotted Tail wants to know what he is to get for his land Irish address of congratula tion on the centennial. Fast mail service. Mortally wounded in attempting an arrest at Louisville. Political rowdyism in Mississippi. Turkish peace instructions. United States circuit court decision United States rs. R. G. Howard. Recovery of tax. More aid wanted for yellow fever suflerers. Blaine at Tippecanoe. Double Democratic convention at St. Louis. War claims frauds. Fire at Frankfort, Mich., Yellow fever at Savannah. good price yeu propose to pay for it. Then our hearts would be glad. My people have grown up together with these white men who have married into our tribe. A great EASTERN he Ctoltl nnd Sliver t'oiuiultsluii. New York, 20. The oreanlza- tion of the gold and silver commisas to sion hero has been so cause a doubt in some minds re garding the intention of the earnest and searchinc: investigation. The fact is that the membera have been considerably occupied with other matters, and knowing the importance of the subject entrusted to their care, have not desired to treat it hastily, or with partial justice. Some of the members have been 'J necessarily absent; and this, with many other reasons, has occasioned tardiness of commencement. Still there has been a great deal accomplished in the way of preliminaries, or wnicu m&ny are necessary ques tions of how to handle the subject to the best advantage, and is by no means a small one, and to this the members have mostly directed their attention. Nothing can be done officially until the three experts are appointed to complete tne commis sion. It is not difficult to find men capable of serving inof this capthem are acity, but oot many able and villing to devote their time to it. There Is no emolument connected with the commission, and those who accept appointment will do so from an entirely uisinier estad snirit. Senator Jones ex pressed the opinion yesterday that ten davs or more must elapse before the commission will be regularly that the organized. It is desirable members full oninions of the six should be btained before the selec tion of experts is made. An Informal meeliner was held at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the reouest of Senator Boutwell; an other meetinsr will take place this morning at eleven o'clock. Lively Times. The hotels continue unpreceu- entedlv crowded. Thousands are turned away every day and even hotels are The fifth-ra- te ing. crowded. There is a generous rivalry between Pennsylvania anda New York to made the former greater feature of the centennial than the latter. The present is what is called Pennsylvania week. The east and west are also contri buting their multitude, who seem to find New York a sort of resting place. Broadway and other aven ues are filled as before the war. . aiallcloas Destruction. The limes Washington corres pondent savs: Some malicious person has been guilty of vandalism in'the senate wing or me uapuoi. The marble staircase has literally been deluged with oil, and still later with blue ink, which cannot be removed without, cutting the marble. The Commission at the Moux And Spotted Tall Agency The Indians Anxious to Know What They Are to Receive In Exchange for Their C ountry Spotted Tall Speaks to the Commission Ilke a Father. Spotted Tail Aoencv, Neb., 22, via Sidney, Neb., 6. The first council with the Sioux and Spotted Tail Agency, with a full commis sion, was hem this afteinoon. Colonel Boone, as chairman, said: My friends : Seven days since we sent down some propositions to you that were submitted to the peo We have come ple at lied Cloud. now to hear your answer and deci sion. " mauy have grown up with their children. A great many of us have learned to speak their and our children are with language, theirs iu our school, and wo want to be considered all one people with them. My friends, when you go back to the great father, I wish youjo tell him to send us goods, send us yokes of oxeu and give ua wagons, so we can earn money by hauling goods from the railroad. This seems to me to be a very hard day-ha- lf our country is at war and we have come upon very difficult times. This war did not spring up here in our land, it was brought upon us by the children of the great father, who came to take our land from us without price, and who do a great many evil things. The great father and his children are to blame for this trouble. Wo have here a storehouse to hold our provisions, but the great father sands us very little provisions to put in our storehouse, and when our people became displeased with our provisions and have gone north to nun t, the children of the Great Father are fighting them. It has been our wish to live here peaceably, but the Great Father has filled it with soldiers, who think only of our death. Seme of our people w ho have gone from here in order that they may have a change,and others who have gone north to hunt have been attacked by soldiers from this direction, and when they have gone north have been attacked by soldiers from tho other direction; and now when they are willing to come back, the soldiers stand between them and keep them from coming home. It seems to me there is a better way than this; when people come to trouble it is better for both par ties to come together without arms talk it over ani find some peaceful ou have men way to settle it. tloncd to me two countries th Missouri lUver country 1 know when we were there we had a great deal of treuble; I left a hundred of my people buried there. The other country I have never seen, but agree to go and look at it with fifty of ray young men. When this trouble commenced the Great Father stopped the sale 9 Of am which has caused munition, great suffering to my people; not withstanding we are all sincere to do what is geod for our people. My friend (pointing to Gen. Vande- a wise man. When vere),younre you were here last spring you told me you would help me. 1 wan you to do it. Swift Bear then said thev waulid to consider the matter until to morrow; the propositions were read for a second time and interpreted and the council adjourned till . -- e - 50,000 In Russian half Imperials just from the miut. The coins are new and bright, never having been put in circulation, but their fate is t go at once into the melting pot, ami from them to the mints. " Kursesfor liranswUk, Montgomery, Ala., 26. Doctors Stone and MandevlHe, of New Ornurses passed leans, with tenlinn-wicGeorthrough here for k, gia, to-da- y. Ai.uaxy, N.Y.,2G. The okki:i;ei FORE GREAT BRITAIN liood l uderttlandlns Between Kttssl and Knilnuil-H- ie People Auia 6. Tho Times Bel London, .J.. JI l graue says me people are uispaicn amazed at the good understanding A between Russia and Fngland which they perceive will almost cei tainly ond hostilities. Russia proposed only oue amendaient to the English programme and England auopieu u. Ilie llulcarlau Itcllel t omuitttee. A dispatch from Constantinople states that the Bulgarian relief committee meets under Ithe presi- ueucy oi ir n. u. J'Jlltott, British Ambassador. It has made Schuvler. of the American legation, a mem ber, and has formed a working cummuiee, comprising three Englishmen, to investigate all cases submitted, and grant relief when distress Is proved. H Bullion withdrawn Bank on balance from ..: Consols the is ilOt'- - to-d- ay Eiie Q. TG hv Hardwa re. II. . 11U Z. C M. I. (our importation, C. B. and "M. M. & Co.," Z. C. M. I- - Mixed, a fipecia'y, Cut liouf, Pulverized, Granulated, American A, American C, lWlcber tVntral A, and New Orletui. Gunpowder, Young Hyson, English Breakfasr, etc. TOBACCO: K.nir Ace, Piu-- Aiu hovie Paste, French Capers, John Bull, Halfcrd and Worcestershire Sauces, Dundee Marmalade, Fpps'Eugllsh Cocoa, Hoikee's Salad Dressing and Deviled Meats of all kind. Porks and Spoous, Soup Ladles, Sugar Tongs, liar Spoons, Fish and Pastry Knives, etc. CANNED SHELF GOODS: C.iut.td TomatotM. Pen. Strliu Lima Bean-l'l'U and Pie Fruity. Oyster,. Clams, Salmon. Sjr.lme-Lt4t-letc., etc. HARDWARE: GLASS AND QUEENSWARE: , THE HAZARD POWDERS : HEAVY HARDWARE: WOODEN AND WILLOW K.'i- - Burden's llore aud Mule Shoes, N. V. and Star Union Horse Nails, WARE: an. I , r.nglish and American Pocket and Table Cutlery of ail grades, Saddle' Trimmings, KulklerV Hardware, Undertakers' Furnhhlugs, etc., eto. SeComprising tho Largest and Best of west seen lected Stock ever PORTUGAL, t ied to Escape Prosecution. Blackwell'a Assorted Pickles, Pickled Walnuts, Spanish Olives, ("tirrie Powder, Mushrooms and Walnut Croawo A lead- i lieu';fast, Dinner and Dessert Knives. Charter Oak, Monitor, Rathbone Ranges, Locket, Banta Clan. Matchless, Startle, French Dwarf, Iron Age, and fifty other popular kinds. SUrer Quotations. Silver closed 521d. a, ENGLISH SPECIALTIES: PLATED WARE: Kitchen & Co-tallic- Catsup, Rockwell's Durham, Caprice, Gamp-cock- , Meerschaum, and ether. Parlor and Breakfast Bacon, J. H. Clough and otlu-ing Hams, and Spiced Beef, eto. Cloar-dd- Clipper & Bright Navy, Grape, Circassian Girl, Silver Brick, Golden Crown. Cotton Pal la re. if lo(,0ii0. ri in Hi! i , Java Roasted, liio Roasted, Mocha, etc. MEATS: Chicago. Abraham Robinson & Son, cot ton spinners, at Hebdin Brldee. have failed, liabilities Yorkshire, ' ii I RETAIL SUGARS: - ed. i I y, Sliilllon-Muck- $yf so-call- Greenback State Convention met and after appointing several committees took a icces. WESTERN. tirsdiuff Commenced ou the Port land, Dalle and Halt Lake Rail road. Uorixxb, L. T., U. Nelson fc Matthews commenced, yesterday grading on the Portland, Dalles and Salt .Lake Railroad at this place, and intend pushing the work ahead as rapidly as possible The surveys are being made with satisfactory results, and the Marsh alley will be reached this week, ICN- I TK!rl Staple and Fancy Groceries and Heavy anu lonuiioii. renlMM:li to-da- A CONDENSED Mining, Sportlug and Rhvting, are unoqualed in strength and relU hility. All sizes ou baud; 1 lb. canisters to 25 lb. kegs. TINWARE Cut and Finishing Nails, : Nicholas Salmeron LisnoN, and American Steel, The Treaty Concluded XUo Indians tied and In Kuglish Cedar Palls Pine, and Tubs this place from Madrid to es Still Doubtful Want kto go to Sheet, Tire and Bar Iron of every deComprising Kitchen and other hIcum)!, cape prosecution for connection Common,1 Union, Julian and Blanehnrd "We Have been lie' with the Washington iu Granite-ironware- , scription, manifesto of the advanced Churns, celved ao Many Times.' and Platform Counter Well Scales, republicans, circulated throughout Oak Buckets, Stamped Ware, ButlerJMoulds, Tail Agency. Neb.. 23 opain. spotted Meat and zinc Peach in Paters, llrass. Copper, etc., Japftiiue.1 and Ftncy "Globe" Choppers, Washboards, Apple and "Boss" via Sidney, Neb., 28. The treaty etc. Toilet Ware, Camp Outfit, etc. Vises, Bellows, etc., Auvils, tin. and with the Indiaus of this asencv CHINA, was concluded this evenincr. after a t he Yunnan Outrage Aucrtd, turee uours council. Spotted Tail 26. SJrAXcsiiA.1, The Yunnau made another lencthv speech in WD lOfl hA tn$iistfrl nnnncrnnilnini outrage affair has been arranged to the Iudian Territory lirst to look The terms include compensation to family of Mr. McGarry, who at tne country, then go to Wash the was murdered: the concessions ington to talk with the Great recently granted by China for In .father, and he and the Great creasing tbe facilities for inter MOLINE AND MORRISON PLOWS, CANE AND CIDER MILLS, CORN SHELLERS, BURD1CK HAY CUTTERS, AND Father to touch the pen at the course between the government same time. He also wished to da and forelgH representatives are to the until the treaty lay signing ALL OTHER TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS REQUIRED IN FARM, FIELD OR! GARDEN, be the judicial system fulfilled, war was present satisfactorily and relative to foreigners improved,and peaceruiry settled, lie said: 1 wish the common grievances rectified. to have two men help me one is invoiced Jit lowest ruling raU Orders will revive prompt nttontion ami Echiug City, on the Yantze River, the chief minister (Dointinsr to uuu ttiree .. . oiuer ports, Bishop Whipple) and the other the ' are opened icev. ninnau, to settle the matter tor roreign commerce. You have the words of the Great CERM ANY. Spirit,to and you try to live accord Registration or Horses. his will. You know this ing war trouble does not pleas-the juanLii.naszu. rue liussian cov--Great Spirit and I want vou to ernmenE ordered the resristra- ILIMEIISE ARRIVAL OF IIEI'i GOODS FOR THE tion of horses liable to be sei'ed in help me to rub it out. Baptiste Good said a white urin case of war. Ister, Episcopalian, has come here to leach us, rut I don't think it is FRANCE. FILL TRADE. done properly. 1 would like to HrMrta Retiltd. have some female ministers come Pakis, 2G. The report 1 of I hedressedin black c'othes, to receive imminence of insurrection in Algethe girls in one house and teach ii:i an denied. have and white male minis them, ters, in black hat and coat, and take TURKEY. the 0038 to another house and IteutM. War teach them pro iniit These Lb. isters I waut to take the nanus of 1118 SelViaM 15K1.UUAUK, the things sent to u.", and whei Government has civon formal no WA-LKK- R THKY WIIX TAKK TO THE STORK, they come, to sue that ihey aro all tice to all its military commanders of the prolongation of the fuspen there. or Hostilities. Blue Teeth, Spotted Tail's fa wanted to know who The liusi.u Coutul, in an inter Are now opening the most Complete Stivk f was the one that was to carry their view with Prince Milan, pointed words to the Great Father, and out that iturope regarded the pioc Solicitor General Gay- - lamation of tbe army, declaring upon lora Deing pointed our, 'banded mm Jvinir, wan displeasure, and ALT, KINDS OF him a haudsomely decorated pipe advised him to summon Gen. Teh and tobacco pouch, which he said ernayen to Belgrade nd explain the Great Spirit had given him, to mm mat tne acceptance ot the told Gaylord to present it to tbe royai uue wound cause iresli com Great Father at Washington as plications. F.ver ottered iu ITtab, conobtlng in part of from a man he heard speak at the The Austrian consul asked for council, and ask the Great Father explanations concernincr General to be merciful to the Indians, and Tchernayerl 's proclamation. AND CilVK YOl THE .Prince Milan replied that he was 5000 Pieces ..Choice Fall Prints pity them, and help them to re main in their own cauntry. endeavoring to arrange matters in Speeches were made by several a manner showing due considera 2000 Newest Styles Oress Goods other Indians, and by Judge Gay tion for the feelings of the armv. lord and Col. Boone and Bishop whose support was absolutely nec 500 Waterproofs and Ladies' Cloths Whipple, but the Indians were essary to him. he said General still undecided, when Spotted Tall Tchernayeu and the army adhered Plaid Dress Flannels to the proclamation, despite the 500 arose and leit the council-rooKOK Til KM. w nue outsiue, vv. itaymonu, a dissuasiou of the war minister. He 14 a definite resolution 500 white man living with Spotted added, that Plain and Twilled i airs people lor tne last twenty concerning the proclamation would seven years, told him if he didn't be taken when the war minister re- 2000 Heavy Brown Sheetings sign the treaty Red Cloud would turned from camp. get ahead of him, and derive all Aid lor tne Destitute Bulgarian. Fine Bleached " " -500 i; the advantages to be had from the 20. The Porte treaty. Raymond then went to hasConstantinople, t. GOODS telecrranhed its representative 000 Denims and Ticks Red Cloud and Red Dog, of the Duck, abroad that it has sent the desti Red Cloud agency, who were out Bulgarians eighteen thousand 500 Pairs side the council-rooand told tute Elegant Corsets them to go in and urge Spotted Turkish pounds, and has also AT Tail and his people to sign. They taken measures for the speed v re 1000 Dozens Men's Hose Woolen, of their building did so, made short but villages. effective speeches and then withdrew. WEST INDIES. 000 Udies' UL . " said tne reason we i Terrible SuRerluar. are afraid to touch the pen and are California Blankets silent before you, is because we Havanna, 2t. Terrible suffer 1000 Pairs have been deceived so many times ing is being experienced iu Puerto before. If we knew the words you Principe, formeily one of the rich ten us wero true, we would be wll est cities of tbe island. Forty thousand rations are distributed in the ling to sign every day. Spotted Tail then addressed his market place to the poor twice a people, saying: If our friends up week. Property and houses can be BOO lB4e Iu KlegAiit above (relcrr.ng to the lied Cloud bought at very low prices. are for, living the aceucy ) had not signed the treaty. l ne Spaniards I would help them in holding out. approaches to Cienfuegos, from but as our friends up there have both land and sta.wlth heuvy eruns signed, I ask all good men who are and detached forts. f SO. CO miff 75 CVmIs pe r trustworthy to come up and sign LOT, OF .GOODS OF DIFFERENT KINDS' it Half an hour later the necessary Made signatures were attached, and the At Cent roville, Kavi County, of liaralr treaty was made. iu The Indians hero all want the sis, MATILDA 11AIUD, her aixly Xourth military agent removed and How year. Deceased ras born la Lancaster District, ard South Carolina, and w&a baptized a memof the Church ef Jus Christ of Latter-da- y ber Wool Market. Saints in Perry County. Alabama, iu Aui au unusually attractive stock of every description t)f-184J, emigrated to Hauvoo in ista, ana to id. Wool, Utah Philadelphia, in IS 62, when she leoattd in Davb steady, lirm. California line nnd County, it litre she resided until her death. coarse lb Q: medium ' ' In the 2nd T7ard, Salt Lake City, Sept. Centennial. 22ud,- - 1876, MAKY CHUISTKNSEN, wife of . . . i The Centennial commission are Ludw'ar Christonaen, ana aauarnw or or which will be soi l at prices that defy competition. All ChristouaudAuueLar.au. y examining the list of awards. She was born In Ororup, Jutland. Den The attendance is very large. mark, July 3rd, 18.VJ, was baptised into the Salnu Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter-da. Perfection of tbe Great Blast. .i 1 Uctobtr 3rd, 1870, stud emigrated to Utah 26. Farm and Agricultural Implements, Spotted Tail said: We have come here to meet you, my friend. I have considered the words you The talk is thai business is brought us from the Great Father, and I have made up my mind. reviving, even among the grass- - This is the fifth time words have hoppers. come to us from the Great Father The census takers of the At the time the first treaty was made on Horse Creek, there was i Young Men's Christian Association provision made to borrow the over of Jersey City report that there are land road of the;indians,and though saloons to every church I was a boy then, they told me thirty-fiv- e in the city, which, says an ex- the promises were made to last fifty These promises have not change, shows that there is more years. been kept. The next conference we rum than religion in that locality. had was held with Gen. Manydeer, there were no premises made; Reprieves of seven months whenwe made friends and shook have been issued for five con- but there was the hands. Then demned Molly Maguires, and for made by Gen. Sherman, Gen.treaty San four of them writs of error have born and Gen. Harney, when we been taken out of the supreme were told we should have annuities for thirty-fiv3'ears, Court in Philadelphia,- and made and goods tell the but didn't said this, Tbey returnable in January next. truth. At that time Gen. Sherman The Oakland (Cal.) Tran- - told me the country was mine, and select any place I wished of Sept. 22nd says, "The Iforshouldreservation. I said I would my world is undoubtedly growing bet take the country from the head of ter. A Mormon Jury at Beaver White River to the Missouri. He us cows to has convicted Lee, the Mountain said thev would give to raise mares raise horses, cattle, Meadow assassin of murder in the and oxen and to haul logs wagons lirst degree. This act of Justice with, and to haul goods and earn was not generally expeeted by the money in that way. He said also be issues of such Gentile world, and it will consti there should learn the as we needed things tute an epoch in Mormon clviliza arts with, and besides to that money tion." to every one. He told us each of should have $15 for an annuity, It is said that Peter Cooper Is us I them that was a bad but tLe only political candidate whom amount,told that we did not undertte tongue of malice has not bitten, stand money, and that it should be and arainst whom the tongue of $20 to each ot us, uid he assented to that. They told me these things s'ande: has not wagged. He has should out, and for me rot l2en charged with forgery, to eo tobethecarried of the Whet mouth nor rob- - stone, and to call my people, and manslaughter, these things should be fulfilled to bing me: but it was not true. When these promises failed to be carried out I went myself to see the Great IN THE SIOUX NOT WANTED and went into his house Father, THE INDIAN TEEEITOSY. and told him these things. The Father told me to go home Tin: Peace Commissioners, under Great select and place in my cuu instructions from the federal Go try I choseany for my home, and go vernment, propose to the Sioux In there and live with my people. I place, dians and their allied tribes or came home, selected this moved here. They told me if bands to remove either to the In Iand would move here 1 should re dian Territory or to the Missouri ceive the fulfillment or the promises river. They are not wanted in the made to me, but ail I got was some Mack Hills, nor anywhere else very small cows and some old that were worn out. Again, where the white men wish to lo- wagons last Summer, you came to talk cate. It appears, too, that they are about the country, and we said we not wanted in the Indian Territory. would consider the matter. We Col. E. C. Boudinot, an educated paid we would leave it to the Great for him te settle. In reply and civilized Indian," a man of Father to that he has sent you out this marked ability and influence, and Summer. You have come to visit a resident of the Indian Territory, our land, and we now ask you how are for us to live. in a communication to the Kansas many years therewho sit before me you friends, My enters a vigorous pro are traders, are mercrarnt,i you City Times, test against the proposed removal have come here tc tradef you have of 40, WO savage Sioux into that Ter not come here to turn anything out of the way without payment lor ritory. He thinks such a move- it. a man has a possesment would retard the work of sion When he values, and anthat civilization and progress now other party cemes to buy it, going on among the Choctaws, he brings with him such goods Chickasaws, Cherokees, Seminoles and things which he wishes to purwith. My fiiends, your and other tribes already congregat- chase ithave both intellect and people ed there. In that Territory are heart and use these to consider in 25,000 wild Indians already, and he what way you can do tbe best to My people, who are heie beshows that the addition- of 40,000 live. fore me, are precisely the same. 1 would as make proposed, more, see that my friends before me are U5.000. or more than double the men of age and dignity; and men number of civilized Indians now of tiiat kind have good judgment consider well what they do. I there. He also represents that the and exnlor-- 1 New Yokk, from that you are here to con infer cannot ac or tne cnannei at.Hallet's be removal irotosed sider well what shall be for the ations show that the great blast is complished without the violation good of my people for a long time Reef more perfect than was even supS3lemn to treaties the come, of of and each has you of law l think posed it would be. The water is somewhere a good piece of now made between the several tribes selected great depth and devoid of tana wun tne intention to live on the ; of usual whirlpools and eddys. and Congress. he there raise chilhis that may it, The tour therefore vicinity are remains, not The question different. ists who areis crowded with small dren. My people away taking also live upon the earth, and What shall be done with the ra- They the rock as souvenirs, unon thinzs which come there from Eleces of Newton Is still the lion Of dians? Some of the Bioux chiefs above.. same We have the thoughts, me hour. to anxious to be not go do appear desires and respect that , the white Steamer Abandoned at Sea. to the Missouri River country people: have. This is the country steamer Libert, from Ha The wo because of the Influence of bad where we were uuru, wub was abandoned, at sea. in a vana, cur our all have acquired property, on tbe 17th last., and founderwhite men and bad' whiskey al- children and our horseS.You have gale The crew was taken oft by a ed. for violation the As there. ready come here to buy this country from of solemn treaties with the Indi- us;, and it would be well if you schooner and brought to propose to ans, unfortunately that does not come wilh thetogoodson out In them and put appear to be much of a considera- give us, so mat we cu ro mo Yesterday there were received at nana your tion arnong many white men. EDITORIAL NOTES. the Rssaj' office ITT TEASDEL'S WAGONS BIOS ther-in-la- ill H, DRIED Fane? Dry FRUIT! . m till-tappiu- g, hen-roost- s. , . Ill' iiiiiimi, .TBASBBKrSi wo-siri- . !eiin , -- i N Clothing, Hats, Underwear, Ready 25 Per Cent. ITOTI'OITS, SEASONABLE ..... . GOODS, . . oau, ami . to-da- ful ARE CLOSEWtSQUJT itri. d. - llilILl' y lu 1373. She wan a Xalthfufineiaber of tho Church.' She leaves a husband and one Com. ehUd. Scandinavian Star, please 'cory. G I XT'.- -: 1 Cash pr!ce Wd 1 IV or f Are cordially iu?Ud, to examine our stock ! Li At t he d2ot A-- office of I r -- ' l v - PARTICULAR ; ATTENTION making purchase. ' GIVEN s Fal , BY J.1A1L ! ORDERS TO tht-i- r J. KIFS3L t 1 & Co , Corlnne, Utah. t t.' WAN X 13 D. a - and IMMEDIATELY, Carpenters Bnow Shed; apply to - ' UEU. UOS3, SOM. , wasatoh and Jordan Valley H. R. Pandy. dW Sept. ST., 187tf. STAPLE - .... - , n. AND FA tJCY GROCERIES i ALWAYS ON HAND iA H .Xl I LI' S ; D JpaOOOIbs. of W OOL WANTE wtu ms Uie Cm. rwWAI HIskMt rrt I ttj. fitfVmy ftB ! He. , pllB letl Tailor in;' Having made tpecial arrcuvimmU triih aowic o am prepared to VVrrllA Suiti to order. In arty tjftt,'co$ttg. CUy, : BlMkMl, " A FULL STOCK OF IvSoTuE IV A S A T G U, T, FRED v bfrf re . , WHEAT, OATS & BARLEY, mm Tho Heroliants of Utah , . $tm from $20 AIM, TkTM, I i OOot of .,.. tO fSO.- - ta W MUfe-f- I n;"tt 8tm, eppotit SoMta , yv TowdmqJ nduko,' i inj t tbe Tuiwrf, |