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Show DAILY i mrDATS EXCXPTW AT FOOT- - O'CLOCK. O. ;)AVID F.DITOH AND CALDEB, tTTBT.ISHIR. 1S76. September 12, Taesday. MEWS OF THE DAY. Yellow fever in Now York iu piuic the hotels stringent meas ures St. Louis and B. F. II. It. and . A. ami P. II. Ii. donations for Philadelphia yellow fever euuerera iu bavannan Hix per cent, bonds with drawn. A flood destroys the Chey enne Indian Agency Duiiaings. About silver bullion and the ir.ints. A provision train for Custer City for Crook. Indian campaign about close.!. Troops to hut at Glendive X.iviu-atioof the Yellow (V.t. stone closed. Question of subsist ence a trrave one. Fatal boiler explosion at La Ceo- -, Wis. Man killed. Loss of property 30,000. PostoiHee reductions. Philadelphia wrool market. Tilden's income tax. Who caused Tweed to be c night? All quiet at Charleston. Yellow fever at Savannah Aid asked for. Election returns. Pool selling on the interna tional rme match. Rifle team excursion up the Hudson river. Ethan Allen, the famous trotter, dead. and Cameron at Fort Leavenworth. Hherman thinks the Indian troubles will be all settled this winter. New department for the north. Lord Derby talks gravely on the Eastern question. Banquet in honor of the Emperor Alexander. of Port Ma- The hon charged with Intolerance. Servians mutilate themselves to escape military service. Doncaster races. Branch of the Nevada Bank in New York. Land Office appointment. Fatal boiler explosion near J'reUerick, Maryland. sub-pref- ect More troops for Cuba. colors. Fire in Paris. Pinchback deserts the radical Political nominations. Failure at Bradford. Call for redemption of Servia-Turkis- war. h f hting. A CONDEN SEW ' 0 More H. A. YVie, of Virginia, dead. Massachusetts Wesiau Suf- frago Convention in session. Ex-Govern- L (I, 31, HUM! I, Mm & SUGARS: Pres-iden- ENGLISH SPECIALTIES: l.a-grand- e. , M TOBACCO: h 5-- 20 o Caj-erp- PLATED WARE: Parlor to-da- Kitchen & - CANNED SHELF HARDWARE: GLASS AND QUEENSWARE: to-da- y, Ex-Go- GOODS: THE HAZARD POWDERS: v. HEAVY HARDWARE: t WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE: TINWARE ay e, Farm and Agricultural Implements, 1 An Irish landlord, in Prater's Ziijazinc, says that' there never vrus a tim9 in the memory ef any one living when Irish tenants were making so much money, or rents were so well paid." Speaking of Attorney General Taft's election circular to marshals, the New York Herald says, 'The instructions of the Attorney General are the strongest ever issued from the Department of Justice with regard to elections, and the Becretary of War is in strong accord with the Attorney General for their enforcement." O ving to reduction of wages, ways a a exchange, a large number of operatives and their families left Fall River, Mass., for England en Saturday, Sept. 2. No one steamer for Europe has ever carried so many from that city. There were families in which there were four weavers. Some of the eight-loobest hands have gone and others m uro going. An Indiana Republican era-tospeaking at Lewisville the other day, mildly remarked that if he had the power he would make a cannon as long as the Hoosac Tunnel, load it with one mile of powder, ami ram Jefl Davis in on the top nnd shoot him into hell so far that a telegram would not reach kim in :i thousand years. Now they are laying the grasshopper visits east to the Indians burning the grass in the Big Horn country to harass the troops, and thus the hoppers were driven away thence to seek fresh fields and pastures new. The New York Sun says, "Thy managers of the negro camp meeting at Pamrapo announced last week that the closing p. rvices wero to be held on Sunday. In the evening the brethren and sisters were told that,"by special request," the meeting was to continue over another week. Investigation shows that the managers received a gift of 00 from the proprietor of the Woolbine saloon, adjacent o the ground?." Major Fulton made fifteen bull's eyes in succession at 900yarda recently. James Mansfield, of New York, attempted to poison himself, but was saved by tha stomach V.'W- - "He said he could not see whit t!L ho could have done than iMp whtn oii every hand he was refused employment. He was even as a recruit against the iiux, and lie would rather die than beg." Senator Morton, in his Green castle speech, said, "I do not pro pose to quit 11 Hinting the bloody r, hirt." Californians are crying out about bad tollroads, toll road swin dles, and collecting tells after the charters have expired. Lulu writes to the London Era, terming her fall at Dublin a slight accident, and saying that she was only stunned for some minutes, that she walked o a cab the same evening and- went home, that the next morning, with the exception of being a little sore, she was as well as ever, and that she will her performance with all the confidence and safety imaginable. Penitentiary guests are noted ai "arrlvals"in theRIchmond, Va., ID I to-da- y EDITORIAL NOTES. - Li Staple and Fancy Groceries and Heavy and Shelf Hardware, tc-d- Escovedo succeeds Mejia as Mexican minister of war. bonds. Mexico fctates that Gen. Mejia, HasMngfin Montreal, minister of war, has retired from Montreal is the favorite resort for the cabinet, and h succeeded by those who leavo the United States Eseovedo. for the good ef the United St ates, About TIl2eu' Iucouic Tax. so accessible. It is barely being Wash12. Times' Tho two rule from the frontier. hours Chicago, hardly one week pasington special says: It is known Accordingly, or kere by the official correspondent ses that some American citizen of Gov. Tilden, that the latter has does not put up at tho hotels, who a raise name aud in carefully prepared a statement for travels under somo one else's pro bis possession of publication upon the subject of income tax returns. His state- perty, l'cnce lawyers who anect ment will be so clear aud btiong extradition eases have always a large that it will forever dispose of the and luciative practice. Not very long OFFERED BY ago tuere occurred a very scaudal-ou- s charge made against him. of hadn't course, case, that, Plnebbark Files the Track. been made public yet, and won't The radical cause has received a iu all likelihood. A young man at heavy blow by the withdrawal of Boeb.u robbed his employer of some Pinchback, who leaves here for the 33,000 worth of jewelry and watch- and will not re- ea and a considerable north sum in cash turn till after the election. The $ll,0u0, I believe and fled to Mon-- 1 cause of his dissatisfaction is that he treal. His first &tep was to engage thinks he has not been treated just a leading criminal lawyer to de$100,000,000." right in the matter of spoils, aud to fend hiru, giving him a retainer of John Btuart Mill thought lie lues trie tracK. mere is no $1,000. His employer followed him that his withdrawal will and consulted a veteran adviser, there ought to be a gradation of doubt butthe conservative chances who said, ;Let's go and see his improve electoral power, so that the more here. Cut Loaf, Pulverized, Granulated, Z. C M. I. (our importation), Java lu.tit.ted, KioUoasted, lawyer." They did, and the conlearned a man the greater number Appointment. sultation was held with closed "M. M. & Co.," and American A, American C, Belcher C, B." "C. Cotta Ilica, Mocha, etc. Louis t of votes he would have. 12. The doors. "Now," mid the adviser, Cent rat A, and New Orleans. Washington, Z. C M. I. Mixed, a specialty, Mill been has Mr. W. robbed D. if has Blanc thought that Dwight "this gentleman appointed Henry and wants to recover his property. Gunpowder, Young Hyson, could, at a publics meeting, con- register ot tie land othee at You can make trouble of course, English Brertkfast-- etc. Oregon. vince GOO ignorant men how they so uiueh the if don't but better. you ct!c.--j:-l.. of Kootli. What did so and so (naming the ought to vote, he would thereby refor thirty-fourtTile the call cast GOO votes. give you?" "A thousand," bonds oflS&j.May fugitive) of Clear-.iddemption answered the lawyer. The Boston and Breakfast Bacon, of A Cape May correspondent and November, baa just been isnued merchant counted out five crisp eti-- t A; Blackwcll's Assorted Ace, J. H. ('lough and other leadPickle, the Philadelphia Times is troubled from tho Ireasury Department new treasury notes of $1,000 each Clipper & Bright Navy, Pickled ton is Walnuts, for Ham?, millions. call Olive?, ing The Spanish her and "When the and about "woman squeal." said, (naming the Grape, Circassian Girl, Cunie Powder, Mushrooms aud Walnut iHitd aud Spiced Beef, etc. Wool Slnrkvt. fugitive) is over at St. Albans in Silver Brick, Golden Crown, He says, "The precise connection are these "It's , my yours." Catsup, custody between moman and her tqueal I Philadelphia, 12. Wool is in a go," said the lawyer, aud he trot-e- d Biackwell's Durham, Caprk-e, Aiichovie Paste, French aud other. could never ascertain. Originally fair demand; prices lirii) : supply cock. to over hotel where Gamf his Meerschaum, the John Bull, Halford and Worcestershire light. California, fine and medium client was stopping. "See here, no doubt, when ehe.was alone with 20 Qt) 27, coarse 13 24. Sauces, said he, your employer my friend", Darwin, the squeal was all the Abvnt Tbcse S'lanttes Near tlie Ex and Dundee Marmalade, Epps' English Cocoa, are a here. detective if Now, language she had. Development hibition. I want to tako your money for nolheakfast, Dinner aud Dosseit Knivt!uikte's Salad Dressing and Deviled came along and tha caudle part of The Mayor sent a communication thing, I can keep you in jail here Folks aud Spoons, Meats of all kind. the lady became an imperfect to the grand jury y, stating for three or four weeks before they Bar Soup Ladles, Tongs, Sugar Spoon, that ho has a head v notified the can get the necessary papers to exbunch of toes, while the object ownera Castors, Fish and Paltry Knives, etc. of tradite and them tho of toa which shanties, you, put great Yet to articulate. finally learned the iuh.Io recommenda- deal of bother, but you'll have to jury to on all trying occasions she resumes tion grand Charter Oak, Monitor, lemove them im go at last. If you agree to surrenyesterday, der yourself informally and waive the squeal, as Mr. Darwin can at mediately. Ilathbone Ranges, Locket, Santa Clan, the scandal I guess you can comtest." Ureeiibatk CoavratluD. Matchless, Startle, French Dwarf, His client took his adpromise." orto New Haven', Conn., 12. The vice and at 3:30 that afternoon, the Ircn Age, and fifty other popular kinds. It has been resolved Canned Tomatoes, Pe.f, String und gieenback party, in thief, the merchant, tho lawyer, ganize a society in London for the Independent Lima Beans, the nominated convention and went tho to detective St. purpose of stocking uninhabited following State ticket: For Gov Allans Table where matter the and Pie Fruits, together, so islands with pigs and rabbits, ernor, Chatles Atwater; for Lieut. was compromised. The lawyer got English and American Pocket and Tab! Oysters, Clams, Salmon. Saidine-- , Bailors who hap- Governor, Francis Gullett; for Sec $6,000 of the stolen money; the dethat shipwrecked of all grades, Cutlery Lobsteis, U. Luciew of itc, t tc. an so did thv culprit; retary State, Penney; tective got some, pen to reach such spots may find Saddlers' Trimmings, for for Treasurer, Loren F. Judd; the merchant got the remainder abundance of food awaiting them. lUiildera' Hardware, and the jewelry, and all was hushComptroller, John A. reck. SeBest and the Largest Undertakers' ed up. Letter in Chicago Timet. Comprising Furnishing, etc., etc. Ilenth of f x liov. M If. .Stock ever seen ".vest of lected THE TURKISH ATROCITIES. Henry Richmond, 12. Chicago. A. Wise died at his residence iu 12 o'clock toDuring the year ending June The public mind in Europe has this city at half-pas30th, San Francisco had 318 fire been considerably ixcited of lato day. Fur Mining, Sporting and Blasting, ate oss of Life. alarms, and 255 actual fires. The concerning the alleged atrocities of BtilU r Ex.1om1oii u:nl l 11 17 steam fire has 12. engines, The boiler fan city inuqualed in strength and reliatho Turkish irregular troops in Bui Baltimore, fc O. Railroad exhose reels, and three hook and on li. the engine bility. All size on hand; 1 lb. the and pro Servia, during garia near yesFrederick, ploded Md., ladder in to 23 lb. kegs. active emitters carriages service, gress of the current war. There terday afternoon, and killed Angus Horse aud Mule Shoes, den's liu; besides four steam fire two engines, appears to be no doubt that these Schaf'er, engineer, and James T. N. W. and Star Union Horse Nai Is, hose reels and one hook and ladder crimes were perpetrated by the Cook, fireman. and Finishing Nails, Cut truck in reserve. : Working exBashi Bazouks and other rude sol Tue fVonieii Sultrcze Convention. English and American Steel, of the department for the Tubs and Pails in Cedar and Pine, penses 12. diery attached to the Turkish army. Boston, TheWcmenSuffrage Sheet, Tire and Bar Iron of every deComprising Kitchen and other utemdls, Common, Union, Julian and Blanchard to year, $243,S73.S7. The offences are of the most cruel State Convention met in Gianite-ironwaiscription, State officers, and elected Churns, Dr. Roepel, in his history cf and repulsive kind, usually upon nominate Mrs. Mary A. Livermoro president. and Counter Platform Scales, Stamped Ware, the unarmed and defenceless, such There were 70(5 delegates present. Poland, says that the downfall of Butter.Moulds, OukWell Buckets, Meat Choppers, Apple aud Peach Parers, in zinc "Glol Brass, Copier, etc., JapanneJ and Fancy V:tshvoards, c" and :Bofs' was to that as butchering men,women,and chil- Speeches were made sociul country owing by Wendell etc Bellows, Vises, Anvils, Tcilit Ware, Camp Outfits, etc. etc, and tin. dren In cold bloed, tossing children Phillips and Lucy Stone. intemperance and to political aud on the points of bayonets, holding judicial corruption. There is a deal of the latter in this country. children up .by a limb, with one FOREIGN. hand and gashing and slicing them CR EAT BRITAIN. with a eword or knife with the In Bank Silver. Ilulllon other hand, stripping, violating, 12. The amount of bul London, Iu the 11th Ward of this maiming and killing women and lion Sept. 10th, into the Bank of Eng 18'.tJ, of iuIiammatiOQ of the city, gone bowels, ANN IK AND CIDER MILLS, CORN SHELLER?, BURDICK HAY CUTTERS, AND LO girls, driving men, women and land on balance of Jam b and frarah MQLINE AND MORRISOH PLOWS, CANE is 93,000 Aiin ISA, daughter 1 10 months an! days. Coult.uge children into buildings and setting Silver old Riid 51 d. Millennial Star, please copy. ALL OTHER TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS REQUIRED IN FARM, FIELD 0R1IGARDEN. fire to them. In short there seems The Great YorUslilre Handicap. to have been scarcely, any 'atrocity At Doncaster, the that has not been indulged in by Yorkshire handicap race was great Orders will receive prompt attention and bt? invoiced at lowest ruling rates. won MINING STOCKS. Duchess the Turkish soldiery, and, as we by Boiaglier; Merry third. STREETS. Agalethorpe said before, chiefly upon the de- second; Consols 95 g; Erie 9$. fenceless of both sexes and all ages, San Fraud scoy Sept. 12. Heavy Failure. even the most tender. 11a. m. E. S. Sickel A Co., merchants, of So far as these repoils are true, b fai't-d59 Lave liabilities Ophlr, the perpetrators of the crimes de- Bradford, 70,0'JO. Mexican, 34 b, 34 j a GOODS FOR THE ARRIVAL OF G &C, 15 b, lof a serve the execration of .the world, F.1ANCE-DestructivB & B, 46 b and they are execrated in all civil-ilize- d 27 b, 27J a Jacket, Fire. countries. The question, fou 21 i b FILL TRADE. Belcher, A great fire broke out 23 s 23 22 Paris, 12. however, how to prevent 'mch hora, b, Justice, Rue Bondy and is nibt on theThe S wage, 20 b, 20 a rible deeds is a perplexing one. last still have Con Va, 55 a military lagirg. Lord Derby, the British foreign been called out to assist. An imCaledonia, 7 b, 8 a minister, naturally a man of a very mense amount of property was desImp!, 41 a cautious character, shows that the troyed. Julia, 7 b, 107j a b, IGi a British government represented to Excheqr, SPAIK. 47 b Alpha, the Turkish government that perN Belle, 25 b, 25 a Tiooj s for Cuba. sistence ia thesetrocitios would be 591 a 12. Cala, of A detachment Madrid, THEV WII.E TAKE TO THE STORE, JLa extremely injurious to Turkey and 2,700 Spanish troops will embark on MORNING BOARD. would estrange her supporters and September loth to reinforce the friends. He also shows that the Spanish army in Cuba. They will Sa?t Irancisoo, Sept. 12, 187i. Are now opening the mot Complete Stick of followed by 4,800 others before British Government has been all be of the month. the end 615 Ophir, 59; 59J; 59; 59, b 5; along very anxious to quench rather 5S and of flames "TURKEY. than to fan the war, 1120 Mex, 3ii; 34 1 Wmr News. consideration a ALE KIMS OK that very important 410 G & C, 15; 15 was this, that if all Europe, pet upon 12. An official dis205 B & B, 47; 464; 401; 46, b 3 ) Belohade, was severe fight755 Cala,59; 59$; 59; 59; 60 Turkey, no matter the pretext, to patchonsays: Thereaud 2S5 Savaee, 20$; 20; 20 Monday beSunday drive the Turks out of Europe, the ing tween Belegrade anil Alexinatz, in 285 Con Va, 55; 54; 54 Ever offered in Utah, consbting in purt.of Tarkish spirit.of fanaticism would consequence of the Turks attempt450 H & N, 11, b 10; 11; 1 1; 11, be aroused, and would hasten on to ing to throw a bridge across the b5 the commission of all the atrocities Moravia. They were unsuccessful. 160 Point, 10; 10 AND CilVE YOU THE The garrison at Alexinatz num450 Jacket, 271; 27, b 5; 27 Chaice Fall Prints 5000 Pieces which could bo catalogued in con bers men. 1460 Impl, 41 6,400 only 4; reli nection with a Hartovasch, with 1,200 men, has 285 Alpha, 47; 47; 47J Newest Styles Dress Goods 2000 ' of of a war 585 retired from Granada and desperation, war, gious Belcher, 21$; 21; 21 joined 615 Yesterlife and death. Hence the necessi- Tchernayeirat Deligrade. SNev, 14$; 14; 14; 14; 145 500 20 Bullion, 41$ Waterproofs and Ladies' Cloths day they gained the Turkish rear ty of proceeding with as much south of Djureisuben. A combined 600 Exchequer, 16; 16, b 10 " prudence as possible. For such a attack was made on the Turks by 285 Overman, 70; 69 Plaid Dress Flannels 500 FOU THEM. war would not only irritate the the two generals. Fighting ceased 14S0 Justice, 22; 22; 22; 22. bo; 14 " Mohammedans in Turkey, but at nightfall without any decisive Plain and Twilled 500 516 Union, 14; 142; 14, b5 those in British India and all Asia result, and was renewed 10 Utah, 21 2000 " and Africa, and would be likely to Heavy Brown Sheetings 525 L Bryan, 3 be the means of lighting up the 7 690 J ulia, 7; Cheap Coal and Calamity. " " Fine Bleached I50D 210 Caledonia, Tl whole of the Eastern Hemisphere 7; 200 22c Globe, It is a fact that would never have with the lurid flames of a war ' - ' Duck, Denims and Ticks been guessed at by the unassisted 295 Balto, 2; 2 1000 which for fanaticism, bitterness, mind H 30 Hill, 9 of man that the and unmitigated cruelty could great coal ordinary 225 N Y, 70c; 63c combination was an ex1500 Pairs Elegant Corsets scarcely be equalled on earth. In pression of the benevolence of the 245 Am Flat, 1 130 Woodville. 1$ AT this view, therefore, tho caution men who made it. This wonderful 240 Men's Woolen Hose 1000 Dozens 95c Kossuth, made truth in is, however, plain manifested by the British ministry the various Baltic, 40c published interviews ofes 1000 " 60 Andes, L Ladies' " 1000 may really have been the wisest the reporters with the coal mag-sat- 200 been could have mine owners, heayy dealers, adoptNiagara, policy that California Blankets 1000 Pairs ed by it so far as tho peace and railway men and speculators. These 155 Ward, 1; 1J 100 Leviathan, shake heads their sadly gentlemen are of World Oid the prosperity over the dangers that menace the 425 N Con Va, 1; 1 J concerned. 610 Prospect, 2; J public because coal is cheap. 200 Cromer, 2$ is benevothe The combination 25 Maryland, lent institution that keeps the price 100 W Belcher, 2 at a certain definite line f exorbii lOO lBi?e4 121 eg au t tancy. Sometimes coal might be Audouard. in Mmi. Olvrane 4 JS"uita her new book Lea Busses, ventures the conclusion that the destinies of the world are in the hands of the Russians and of the people of the United States of North America. The Washington Stam&ys "The Nicaraguan Interoceanic Ship Canal having been determined exupon as the most feasible, it is enbe will pected that negotiations tered into for the commencement of the work upon the return ef the Don Amelio JBeuard, the Nicaraguan minister, to Washington. The total distance between the two oceans is ISO mile?, and the cost of construction will approximate -- THE EVENING NEWS. to-da- y, , .HE ; e Ml MH Staple id TEASDEL'S WAGONS DRIED FRUIT! MMU JU Pancy Dry Goois, 1 semi-civilize- d ITiliet IVIjii'lcet Price to-da- y. i uiiiimii mm Mil TEASMIL'S, By Telegraph. PER WESTtltN umtON TELKGKAPH TO-DAY- 'S LINE. "DISPATCHES. EASTERN. Yellow Fever Cases Pnnie In Hotel. ten dollars a ton and sometimes two, and the combination kindly keeps it always at seven losing three dollars when it goes up and pocketing, five dollars when it goes down always n its own account. As it would go up fr three months in a and down for nine, this benevolence has its pleasant side to those who practice it, and virtue is its own reward. It is the admission, therefore, that the combination has for its great purpose to prevent the fall of the price of coal by preventing productiou, or, in the slang of the speculators, preventing "over production. ' in Ureat Britain the yearly yield of coal is just three times the yearly yield of coal in the United States, though the coal fields of the United States are more than thirty times as great as those of Great Britain. Here is at once a sufficient reason why the average price in England is about uair wnat it is with us. There Is about the, same demand in both countries-but in England the supply is equal to it in the United oiaies H is unequal, and the price is consequently Kept high, and those who cannot pay it are stinted or frozen. It ia an Infamous admis-bio- n that In a enlizhtened age a ring of great capitalists Is lurmeu to prevent tiie production of a com in adit y that Is necesn.irv tn life, and thereby to enrich themselves by the misery thev cause rk Herald, Sept. I. New TAYLOR 6l CUTLER I3is NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. 11 AN TED a sitnatiou asMeatanl Pastry T T Cook in an Hotel or Restaurant, or at tho mines. Apply to H. S. Eldredge, Esi , Bank. Deseret NatU-nul ANDEltSON WAITB. O S3 UttL SO, 0 ARE CLOSING OUT "3? and 75 Vents per Wtrd. 1 LOT OF Beady Made Clothing, Hats Underwear, GOODS OF DIFFERENT KINDS IT 25 Per Cent. New Yokk,12. An unlooked for outbreak of yellow fever was discovered this evening at the Albemarle Hotel, cori er of 24 th and of every Ami an unusmlly attractive Mm Broadway, and at No. 46 Market Street. In the first case Mr. John Evanp, a prominent merchant of And CAVEATS secured fr Savannah, Ga.; in the second ease, Mark Shaw, a sailor, was taken by XI VHN Tons. the city sanitary authorities to the direct with the All of which will la sold at prices that .lefy competition. BUSINESS transacts quarantine hospital in the Bay. Per at Washington. Shaw was also from Savannah, and sons deairlntr information or letters patent for inventions will do well to consult his case is considered fatal. The occurrence of the disease In CHAS. W. STAYNER, such a fashionable hotel as the Albemarle has produced something Attorney and Notary Tublic. like a panic around the Fifth Avenue Hotel and the Hoffman O 111 re with Halt Lake Herald, Rait House, and the Board of Health Are cordially invite! to examine our stock let..re making their Fal has adopted the most stringent measures to prevent Infection, but purchase. are hopeful on account of the ad! vanced season. ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS BY MAIL! of the 17th School PARTICULAR THB TAXPAYERS Proposition for a Branch Bank. are hereby notified that a of W A N T E D IOO.000lbs.r of -, It is stated that J. C. Flood, meeting- will be held at thq ! the firm of Flood & O'Brien, now on Friday, Sept . S2d, tit 7 p. tn., for the pur Frtr la CA, fttor.py Had 1imm whleb 1 will py Ui 111! in this city, is considering a propose of taking- steps for obtaining means to branch bank a etc. finish the position to establish A FULL STOCK OF of the Nevada Bank In this city, NATIIAN DAVIS, arrangements vilh some oj bat Tailors tn Having made special to and to ship bullion, the product of to Suits In MARTIN H. am the order, PECK, any ttyU, costing prepared City, the Bonanza mines, to It direct, In to NICHOLAS M a $30, The is Francisco. to $20 from of GROESBECK, San stead uncle Hag Baby Trustees. Office of tha Wills Fir t South Street, oppuoito Towtucnd Boumi aod at the Factory. Hettred from the Cabinet. (Ind.) pper, devoted to soft Salt Lake 11, 1870. City, Sept. ALWAYS ON HAND. dim STj3k.TXTX2tt d216 MoOX A telegram from the City of money PATENTS 3STOTI01TS, ?" SEASONABLE GOODS, OAU AND SEE THEM. The Merchants of Utah NOTICE WASATCH VOOLL'EH MILLS. WOOL! so-call- ed School-house- School-hous- rr e, . STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES I ft-rnis- h |