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Show rrem Grant f e Tlayes, about to enter. With your relum- Husslen Anvi Pasha, minister of aee an health and strength I ing . war.with a revolver, CQX.UMBT7S. oHff 17. Jxf Governor while the of republican success. I other persons presentand; were press-In- s: Hayes last night received - the folJBUSHID DAH.T, BTnTOAVS SXCXPJXD At omen; forwafU to seise the assassin, lowing tejlegram jfrom President i trust that all trace of vour recent roc tfcuooK. illness will speedily disappear, that Rachel Pasha, minister! of foreign ! gTj1: yon may speediiv be restored to aflalrs, and a servant ofMlclnat Bend your; family and country. I yoo, ind 'feel DAVID O. CALDER Pasha, named Ahmed Agha, and a ?X congratulate you my since, the soldier, were killed, and EDrroa aso- Pvausanu Kaiserti thareatest assurance that you will nomination. my present position from Pasha, minister ef marine, and occupy of the 4th March next." "C B. Hayes.." another , (Signed,) soldier, were wounded. Jane 17, 1970. IntHeten Saturday, Brlherjr BTesainaUena. Out of hundreds of congratuhv CHEAT BRITAIN. tlons received by Governor Hayes WAfHXKQT02i,17. Yesterday the Died 1 Ire Loan or IAle. the following are selected grsnd-joTan returned indictment REPUBLICAN OONVENas ex pressing the sentiment of 16. Sir Thomas Henry, against Richard Harrington and L.OXDOX, -- fj. - ' prominent repubUcani throughout chief r magistrate of the - Bond Arthur B. Williams, each for bribt; TION. the count it: street police court, was taken sud- ery. The first named is charged Senator Morton says,! while attending with haviBgonthe 12th of October, Tiie Cincinnati Republican Condenly ill y nomination for tbo. races at Ascot, lie was remov- 187Vwhi aesistaat U.S. attorney, you your upon nominee Its by the vention, choosing Presidency, and shall labor I edTfto London and died received the sum of $15,000 to have a simple majority of votea, accom- earnestly for Teurmmeen. nmiiin decision and action on the prohia i,f Gov. Hartrantt, of Pennsplvanfa! the board of trade awarded to ceedings pending before him inplished its business In a comparacongratulate Captain Glflbrd,qf the American fluenced in the matter of a motion tively short time. The Democratic says, I meat sincerely onyour nomination. Penn whaler Young jyyotniXy a silver cup, for anew trial filed by one Hope H. ConvenUo, which U to meet at you a will most surely give yea iu acknowledgment of his , kind -- rtiu sylvania its St. tioula by and by, chooses i '. I . emi-cravote In November, t her ho Buch survivors the and that ask ,to did, receive the, ,ol, a n n n mm nominee by a two-thirmajority, 'y- Secretary Bristow' Says, I beg you cewj sum therefor." The fiecond.charges ., Strathmore. to earnest be reason that for A. B. William did jglve", the it may and that my congratulaaccept that tions on your nomination, and f&tf)M'?V carpet maiufaoiQry - and sum of $15,000" to Harrington as a the balloting at the last named successes and victory In November. I woolau works il Ayr,, lteieuging to bribo, taiofluence ila action in the convention will be more protracted Postmaster General Jewett sars, Jamea JiotBWfton. ihc fire was nee referred to above. H, H. Blatter ; .rJ r. ; '.; h than that was In the late conven- Accept my most hearty congratular caused rjVy.i, tup (rjet ion bf a witness. WiUianas tlons. tion at Cincinnati. chinery. and' ebreaii to ail tartsof appeared,, before Judge Mo Arthur Roscoe Conk Mng eay, I"heartily lhq Luildlug 'rhe oferativcs were- aul gave bail in the sura of $5,000. i The general expectation scorns to the country, the re--, at ( wnik at ,Mvfuaiv l .1 i fhave been that Blaine would re- congratulate on and you your UeveU tlut ail; tne uieu, tut IJobu Webber, consul at Monterey, publican party ceive the nomination, and indeed nomination... Yqu need tio'aasur- - cep..('nJ,,-niauconsul ai Cor.tueu escape. auJ.MJ... w. ureen .. ofTmy sop-por- t. out A dova. ruahed rmoiber he had a good prospect for several ance of .the cordiality fOfrWpmen ... store Demonstrations. saying, thereere others; inside r But falling bo many Richard balloUngs. to Cincinnati, 8mlth,'.of afterwards unable. Heoo, escape Yobi.7. Malone, New times to get the required number of telegraphs, The country is more to the root JfeLl In. Twenty-fo- ur wothe home of Wheeler, was York, votes, the convention probably be congratulated than you are. We men; wore butied In the I'm ins and brilliantly illuminated last night, concluded that it would be safer te made a narrow escape. perished, . Oae woman who leaped while bells weie rung and cannon Thank God, Col. John P. Jack- front the upper window was so. bad- fired. In other' towns and cities nominate some candidate who had of Ban The son, Francisco, red that, ahe died soon, after throughout the State the republic'says. ly inju not made" himself obnoxious to Pacific Blope hails your nominataken, beiug .bp8ptUW,,It is ans showed, their satisfaction with whom and it tion with enthusiastic delight, and reported thattQ.the portions of the party, the- overseer, named the tloket by firing of guns. vote. Barr, looked? th door, of the root .would be more difficult for theDem- - will give you a solid electoral The Post editorially says, the reLeaven-wortb,ayfrom Fort Geni. were female whiclf Pope, are to be congratulated in the operatives to to democratic bold up joctats You know ' how' I feel working Barrhlmself perished in publicans on their, good fortune, having nardereatatlon that,BJalne;and Jn the about tMs. 'i fV the flanuea, and it is impossible, to escaped a fatal error into nomination of Hayes this has been I, WalaaeG. & Qrthaad & JfCol- - larn,the UuUqf the, report' but rowly,were in, danger of fallrhichthey ' ion says. As your former associates aatbe, women, had .ample time. to ing to 'thelaathour of the up effect!, for little defecator i hf in canas Congress, and republican , They signalized that been flaunted befoflh public didates il.ijtn6rwie iuexplicabia. for Governor ef t Indiana ecapf T;he works; are entirely destroyed hbur ftj 'an act which goes far to '. ,. :ii:o U while Blaine,' we. Illinois and i concerning him, send; you oyr aad the lou estimated at $0OX)O) I vindicate at once their politict.1 .ti- - TW the investigation business and In hearty greetings. "., , $auivleia' paper warehoos&daught beneaty and their partisan sagacity his late somewhat unruly proceed 'At nine o'clock several thousand fl re , torday v t and : the J utetior was Tbei republican., leaders will give called serenaded and persons upon iDgs in Congress, and also In his Gov. Hayes; who excused, himself destrqyed wih all;iats(, eontenjta; Hayes a heartier and more united warehouse ,was eltasted next support than, they, would haveiiv attach upon the Confederate chief-tai-n from making a speech, and return- - The to the burned buildings on Brook's en. any other man before the consome .time, rage thoagh ,be ed thanks in a few words. The IwharfV-an!. lUuiJ i' ' ignited, from thiaamoal 'vention is full xf exclteaient. . fire: : The' CoviDierciW Advertiser calls remains of Thursday's may thereby avd1. Increased' ii city dering The rs loss $150,000. dispatch was V t' ' 7 A . the ticket of Hayes and Wheelef strength and popularity with most ceived followingfrom Conk-linSenator an' admirable, one, and like the of his party, must have greatl . ; ,.r Russia ;,v it reareaents, is the very .;ri;-platform , incensed the more moderate mt "Washington, June 16. ; heart and spirit o the republican 20S.000 RenhlMXlre. in both parties, and their votes for "Alonxe B. Cornell, Grand Hotel; f BtPbtbmabobO IGXhe wotkt party. . , The Sxprctt (demecratie) says, CindnnaU,,. could election in the 4 coming attached sheds. hiny shops andrriageRailroad fiUtion the nominations made at Cincin"'Havejost heard of tbethitainai to no, be counted on. The tlckei tion are admittedly respectable in Gov. of and deem it y. Hayes, weto..bUrhedX-daand baggage to nati concluded upon may be as good as good and wise. I wish I coul character of men with some the dethe Republican party could have make you and all other friend; f7ulOUnt btSDOOO Yonble experience in the civil service. ,. J know how deeply grateful I am for chosen, but time must decide. WESTERN. j The Democratlo tneir enorts in my Denajr. wlthla has party ' -Mere ' (Signed)' that "SUmnd." abeat ateUstena Teleratlea. v its ranks as good men ' . i . j ''J?0?? 9afa;I?iaM convent TMlr3Bri.:lfl. The Senate dobti Ban Francisco, 17. It appears che3n by the Republican fcy Ia41aM-fifte- en Oepredaileaa "Diamond" Blumenburg was itvl the'flsnwa 'ofIthe . constitution that to ttonbut whether the Democratie . ; KiUed,. , earth bv Henry Birch." 01 'i run toleration religious fthboM establishing by a Denver. CoL. 16. A reDort was tnn'vlll rwi aM to it who is visiting this 43 Washington, contest The coast health. tlcketthat will, command as genj received here yesterday that ;th4 for. his t r.T wUlof in'the ourt here over the attractera! support as the Republican Bioux Indians had attacked a catt ' tie ground up aCJfremont'f , Orel)-- ! the late J, H. Blumenburg Hi ticket remains to be seen. ed his attention, resulted in the. ard, about eighty mileer down the ! fifteen 'And !"meo CONCnESSIONAL.'i discovery jthat J,.;H. and "Dta Platte, killing It 3 moud" wore brothers, and the latter :4 driving off the stock, j The settlers AEXATE. ).,r;, the vicinity of the reported raid ,was In the city.. Birch traced him,1 J In ana then communicated with parhave left their ranches and taken 17. Th' chalij ties in Washington, and when the Wabringtow,' refuge in the nearest settlements. laid before the Senate' a communis papers, arrived, went with the offi ' ' Catkti7from- - the Heeretarv - or the cer The Isolates ran wsstiji uaiojr rat, sent rat uvx. " ana maae me arresi. a Interior of protest' CHEYsirxErV"yo., 16. Frand tbe lead transmitting the-ln-i .1n California Preaa on tne Xm ' Osago Ing men of 7Lat Xlght DlaniUcIies Webber, night herder for Pratt & aiau nation Inatlena, A esUblisnu the' Jl. J. against Ferris, was killed by Indians on ment of a territorial . fi n' form of 'gov In commenting this morning on near the Sidney the 15th Inst., for f r country the nominations in Cincinnati, the She HenUnatlena. !;Tne Frees crossing, oh -- the' Platte. His herse ernmentr ' referred tq Ctvl says, we ordered and a this rrated, strong regard and were revolver taken. His body tothel committee on Indian affairs. Chicago, 16. The Tribune of Hayes ticket: The 'nomination arrived at Sidney this evening, , morrow, in an editorial comment - tne The also before Chair laid the 'consonaate will a republican twtlon Pan. nominations at Cin4 Hw avennhe 3Ti ing on AmfsAage from "the ' Presi party: The country has heard less iuu auisn. '1 Senate Tt says tne convention won a Ufa Krmm dent 'canlngtbe.jattenlon Of Con of him than or Blaine, Morton, cinau, . 1(U-- A doable victory for the country In; YOBX JUB f ele-- gresa to the. near approach 61 the Conkling,1 or Bristow, but It has nominating a ticket which wnl be gram from Constantinople re- new fiscal year, andi the failure of heard only good. We do not know heartily accepted . and indtjrfed bjf ports that Hassan, after getting Congress so far, to make provisions a prominent man with a more im- the repubUeane and refernrers 1 admission to the Council Cham bar J for the ordinary expenses of the Dreenable reputation. all parts of the Thn, HocfredHheidooad country. cooi DrudatA! The Chronicle, remarks, the ticket Government; also to various eec venUou has;- It ' asserts, earned tnej me lamp was oroKen anq tfehs thfc Jleylsed Statutes for is A strong one; a fact wnich will of toners or 'tiie American people tot only a candle-wa- s left burning in bidding the axjaeadltures of unex be more generally recognized than . me courage ana aevouon wnicn it the room. The assassin then pended. baianueH, and requiring: it now is when the stress of the Drougac to tne selection or a ticket threw himself on Av?rndplanged that they be covered Into the Treas canvas beoJns to be felt. The repub to entitled the respect and confi- a cutias l$to hlsbody. tHe next ury at tne 5ud er . tbe,.;!1fi8oai licans can mow enter upon the can dence of the nation, and for the fired at the minister of cnarine, and year: o further ha : states that if vass carrying no weight ana Tree to firmness with which it .rejected the finally at Paschid . Pasha. The! bills Ate not ma- wage aggressive - warfare. Hayes other. The nomination . is the .tri- police verpewered and captured! thepprbpHlktIon before the beginning of, the Is. inDoiat of availability, .the tured of him as he was attemptrsnr te'aill new fiscal year, the Government nriBAnf. fhnlfo that could have been T.O., umph of reform, the the purfl Midhat Pasha. After ho was seized wil I be greatly the popular demand; fortriumph embarrassed for want the single exception of Xo or ruua,anu submits a Joint resolu madepwlth cation of the public service and the heiaald hefwis otr j. .,. Tap oaxv rLacajTO pmr Jailed hi tat TheMrrfSter common commeril--I- n restoration of the responsibility and t "rHdAlik to extena tne for tion marine win prebabry-rerove- r. The the otrnsUlar. and appropriationand with the 'vast 'majority of the accountability . f in the .adaalnUtra-. 1 11. IT two murdered ministers were buried pt)t&T tjvtffM, the dipUmatio of this city, we1 feel 'a wnppnrt of the CHtXPER HliiMl CHEAPEST I and Is, in all that pertains to the great durlagthe day. &c.A for the present measure of disappointment at the navy, army ; reAt K of Paria disDatoh. from Belerade nscai year 10 xiegti, oraesea Brintea defeat- Of Blaine as a candidate for : - . :.. principles and policies ? the 'is AT de- and t6 Jlrbntbe" ta"bleT form, retrenchment, and integrity says, the effect will but that the presidency, of the administration, as acceptable) cision In. favor of peace is opposed Xlt Benate tbea . resumed the away the more they know ofSTORK, as Mr. Bristow. Leas known to the to the wishes .ef the whole people. consideration of the articles of im Governor and his anteced- i Hayes !J6tt Office. ;the QpoHU whole people, perhapshe la widely The position of affairs is becoming Belknap, and ents. "Or alt the candidates before feachment .agafn&t. known as a man with a clear head j dangerous (of Prince Milan.!! i ceuhsel for the accus the. convention j .next to Blaine, :tm7? Bemsmban- all. If wn wbli tomTe found judgment, patriotic record," Indian A laaiea Bill Brta-- ed, stated there were many, reasons Governor Hayes is the most popu- Moasy, pall at abwarU' 6 tor a. v and above ail clean," nanas. :a wny the trial 'could not" go . on in lar. ;The general sentiment, so far Cq-o- jp tew's Beafffnailen. Mirders Tttkenl " and with no WASnriiaTON. as, ordered. He therefore as nas found expreaslon.seems to De stranger to the lobby,alliance-witJuly 16. The Benate bnstnese km - postponed1 nntl that Hayes is the second choice o Is moved that. entangling seekers or 'vamblers In the appropriailari committee, is? Report abetie ' tbe7ntddfe of"' Tfoyember almost every one, and the nominasubsidy IT TTl. nnm t n a wn.lnnA I nr. ITT ing tne Indian appropriation bill, neat, and tPJealed to the managers tion will secure the united support tion of a man so pure, pabliely and proposethe ..following .important netx to oppoasf 'the juotlon; He ef the party. The only soreheads, Cheapest, Strongest, Best the amendments; privately, and at the same time so aectioa the manager "under if any,, will be found among the . tmnsferbig the lAdka etatetPHrjAt? reformat identified the with' stobd hla reasons for : not aolaa- ton federal brigade. great Wheeler's nomi t i" ''mm torial pellcies which the prevailing manatiasnt tdiho )YrDfcftr with the v trial, and he therefore nation gives general satisfaction;! i 'i rrri lnneft mentiaacl so arMrepYlailqina hoped they wpuld agree to"a''nost essential, amounUng corruption nas made " to$210,300or the'pay the convention will .deserve and of . . ponemeht-J": superintendents, "ageoto.-- r inter- ; receive the grateful thanks of the li FOREICN. Lord, on behalf of the board of preters, fcc- nnder the present Asked leave for the man maia2ers, to increase the appropriation The J une sava tne BcannetMn for the ..framce.JTer life. ., geraio consult with the Houae up Bioux And Poncas from on of Rutherford en of pctponeme Haye.YoT Presi, , Kle(e4 Senater ine quest! dent, by the Cincinnati Conven-tloh,- u $L000,000tO$lSi,m Is'cohfirm-ejvyd. 17. The Senate elected Taris, Brtstowlp designation a surprise to the whole coun: for life. The election senator Buffet 3dtb? 'HoJreUree on tb Hia try, and a bitter disappointaent to reasons much occasioned excitement, and No pureiy, personal. ire combi the party manairera; wheee h'e Presi-denk- it was brought' about by coalition of t ran Fonoo.' .Twice tb. welfnt and uixo or 7WASH successor I is r?tr,r nave nations yeitoelgBated. thus been; brought to AVr.irfrMatas-- . wiar.ni a .iaor, prur. Bonapartiats and hrlltraists Hrthn igflMao fao to mtmiUf the naught.- Tbe ajrtiel ifiiVi of him not Mfi ' Cannot wna tan or towUorB3 centre. tne to of attention ngnt the directing as a quiet and rather obscure Ohio clanger ncSt iVartevR. the having appteprias approved .y pracuoai ttnawa gentleman,'Who has failed "to Iin- tkuvbllls passed before tbe'fitstrof 8piclmeiiS6Kn,DS.seeo bf ca .Uarat : consider lft. The repurr e .oTbl organs publican .i ao impel Uat debatu tuofc Ihat Bufiet'e ; election, to talsoinoe' dbtingufehel ilia candidacy will llcana Am fiinsuiidre4 gwos to" Jaly.and the aeaA .oX at tbereon. conclusion. . piftce create no such furore that tUxta street, 8t UmiB, y in .uonacox aAevxjmcinnat' wbioh, the ineaaagei was referred terahip jxlaces the Senate in oppo- din. i 0 of Blaine, the magnetic partisan mgni tf nominations. Chamber 1 sition of DesuiMi u IhJB cesauUtee. nppreprlatlon n leader. Whether he can be beaten The oqn- auxb:Uive3Bai.sufirage.) will depend on whether wisdom or tin ntrA TnnaMt mrmmri-'t- & anr-n- u da eleeuosi l swrvasiffe.erKaae J EASTERN folly shall prevail at Bt. Jouis. hostile' demdnn nat;iIateaded'Aa:A InUr-Ocea- n, VaUen. from JXte after reviewing Jl The tkrBbllean as an act of justice.v. oi stsntebut his political life, his great populari- blstrtct1 Court, ' y"-oi In the case of the Crown Bangs. . ty In Ohio, his sterling" worth and decision JtVH, t' i: ,:j ' 'jrittM- Yorhf ' 501 BronSxeayf. , ability," declares that Mr. Blaine, Point Mining CompAQr va , the "Xdooma of the Republican Na--v Qo5TAtmN0PU:, f rt ? f . i u:i f TT .4.1 11... .r.x Butro .Tannei as Gov. to ir has the of Company, the Cabinet Hrajar many except Hayes, tlonal Committee, Cincinnati, the assassin r menta-eeffect as that the failure lof the deof , the positive? elf lers.ontbe l$th ipat..f ttanuf'actarhiDeti Dealer, ifl ' . . i night man whose namelea&fArp beore fendants' U fulfill -- el4blgati7na( BAf of the members -"To the j i i. t aitiir.o e. .t Jtepuh. Co a lien on the conventim, arM'hla hktae Is Invalidated theiclaim saw Jr:'1! vvrt '".r RlCVtfiVfiS. CllfiXna i AID. f H;ll 9(JSur-llcan Katienai Committee; more intimately associated with the the mine and; the . payment of the suant to a notice , rf i SERVIAN ,,..,. . uxtm miu.-- j (tu l''.'ilBiiFtn i ; iu or re-by k given, recent vlctoryv' ($2.00 .per ton.Tbe 'man could royalty t 1 PrHmU v.r, or . ntnJEiereU m tne ' conTanyoM, "of the dsiOB appHei to .ten other almllal preaiaent bring out the fun strength -meeting of, the, above .commiUee 'Belgrade: 17. . The Rotrmani . - I .1 party r more than ha will' He U suit $V In Which A number of leading was Burnst House, at ian.'-rovemment. nas ariested'Jsev Albums, GrAphoseoJt Wetogtiphi at,Je,o'clock.jthia a man to be mining companies on.the Comstoek balf-Da- held seven able and experienced; even Servian's. eraf has sent' Servia A)l proud of, and a candidate that will teet agalast this- pro arouse all the enthmslasm ead call Radelph Blumenberg,- - wW.Ju ing. It waaUdJrmeet at.vthe energetic-prJ.JO ' ."l jlllU "' I. ,j out all the loyalty of the republican the winter of 1874, was notorious yununenui JLioiejmaqaJptUai ieongtoBuebarest. t MoalHi '"masses. , The local press agree In In Washington aujDUmetHM Blu on Batuiday, July vtbiL at 1 o'clock eul for; permanent organixatlon u.ohfl0,.!" jBAeMWeeta. UBja the belief that the nomination of menberg, reai hfaoxtravagaat dis- - F. ,m. meantime, rmmunkatns XJ booia vixr.j i i Loniojr,'.174.ii fceadrtersW everjthbsgl : ed Wheeler for the second, place on the Dlav of eems. here bv for the the cpmmitteemay mjaddreafed .'Th.amount of. bullion trone iutb ticket was the best ana" the strong balance iEaglknd'on. est that could be madeT from Washington, charging him to the, underlgned it,VashingtoBf theMBAAk.of u A b. .1 oil'ff SJEREIJPTlCOaSikltecUnTEMS, aOOO:'will who' perform necessary any with teyy' preferred l&.n ii na n! "'toemltamitfettfiers obtaining. $50,000 in bonds of r I CetaavMaxlatfetas Bfjefclnc too i .District or csr4umbla 0n vnuse duties until the meeting.'.of the KaiZrieat; Over turn 6tae(!';3 nt i? ' t ; ' :''.- wnwy .but 4er committee, rapectfujly,' umq i Kept, in pnwmew xx. uaa :.u j X j MUiTQ&tUnftJle.ZUhtrnt effloers for private custody y-the COLtnTBCS, O., 16. The news of two days . The. bail Js fixed at $29 "(Sighed) M,j&.QMAliIx.a fi ui m&rr.!l: fail? Has- - notteerlitbleto Hayes' nomlnatlen created great Wesaitf aliesia. JdT q en he the gete excitement here. Hundreds of cit obtain. isens at .once called on GoTefnoj Artoptioont ing Journal, In giving 'sketch Jot Hayes to tender their congratulations. The city is all aUvettonright the life of Mr. HayesV"ccluilea,- QratD,,W '.C- - Otueb, Melbourne' 'y'i-'' ; wun anaa aseerii ion mat uq xpoi- AuttWliaf JL:9Mehevid. New Zea' P.uoijj, witn music j prunsssejns. siblllUes of the cbief msgfstraiy bonfires and 13 The Gov pi rand; H. BpahgleT' Arid 'wife. "Dr ernor held a reception the renubllo conld nor fall upon a C&non? John McTavish. Prank QlU s.'.f idiot i JPeopte' xpuervt. nobler or a safer man tfean Ruther- - son' "AqstrklU: a a' Smith, W ' J Eaeif nyluJiar the best et Its enus la Shortly after the result of the 7th The CossTAJ?TioptE,,16. H VTavsa Ttl A UlriB'(iV h tnrA ballot was announced, the lolow- i is the official account of Che E BrnlnlerJ was of said the nomination of Vh$ter 8mithrChfcago,t,-,A,received East IndUiAVhnship, ; Waahlng n i assassination here this morning:' lng telegram .fnldaa. Willi ttmmm'onmriA . a. r,friming, . t'whpsoham uot .HbUctlaiL.' Hassan, who for "Washington. tenA Cireaaslaal,tkmed John X&lcn; ' Memphis, Tenn: AV tne miutaryt ecnooi rour years gives a decided "To Gov, Hajca, Columbujuifc K Bnowtollne, Ind; E H WhiteJ ace ranx-jof- : with' lieutenant. the VMtewta Vtkt Oetbmlual Bxpoef ,"I olTdronyou my sin ceres t co ngrat- - and was appointed to. a captaincy Mere Oelnlena en the Nentfaattenaw aead,ChlcagO; Q O Furgison.'BlBgJ tk "iwUt e iMHdi puieaaawa uiauona O Yatesi your nomination. n in the army of Bagdad, for certain Robt B ham; Oregg aDd Memphis. 17. The :h6mInation wire, will be alike my highest pleasure at reasons. wae detained at .ConstanMaster Jsadie urei Buffalo rr, well as my first political duty to do tinople, where he was variously of Hayes and Wheeler, though' eo aa4 ibore aMd.rate vrlces LouisvIIW ,Y receiv-- : Kb?- WTtLEdmbnda, nam at taelr tonece. ,t fiat the utmost la my power to promote Mlse Frisblej Si SdJnSnTaeleot emDloved. Hassan recently receiv tlrely unexpectea , was weu, Knight,to - mocmaemton " ioin atrle. of nere. havee ,e The" earliest repuDiicana election.' ipe, i yoar ooVTeods nr Vne btilMinc, or the Depart' an appointment to the grade of democrats generally regardjltjTMy jivuni jv iiw maM wile. V ments of my- - returning and con- ed al ii'mvidi ChiIK"li""0ana on assigasxeni lnsurlmrthe nomination of Tlidenr! paraasOJ nniLo xneq tiu fill ej $at2s! oomiM t6Mw ZoiAareArnMd.to call. on firmed health will be devoted to adjatanmaiQr, ol to duty with the army of Bagdad: and j mm congratulate tnemserves securing yon - as large A vote in he alleged variont pretexlA Xo re. that some rsr A fall stock of Yiews of the Expoit- if the Cincinnatii nominees; are "ilfrn ,iin ;r Maine as she would have given for mfdni"g au ciortsrAntinepin." Bd u4 , lu A Vecure wills .elected the country ' waa.; rXamRisuHRXCTf oti,To aeonrno myself- r. MiorveTer Signed) .v!;-corifqwmrr,arTe8va Ana good administretienrf ' tt date the pnblio And i meet the great XmpOlona)OMiJt44JKai TteasjnajeM AvcUancTie of The says Hayes,' demand for President Young's dfitf terday oaf ooadiuon-e- oae yroeeea- - there GTerhorlUye-plI;- -' tsstot amo om njapjaraanAi w Friday? Vs VlUViml lng to Bagd. course on'ihe.f Wurreetbn" It 1 jn.i-- i 1WV1U mill in '!Co!ambwr, OIS;'; gipniif virof those been determined abundance an negative "Hon. f. 6."Blalne, Vaihlnxtank mlniatartfiwheh be t was i infarnis a vitA antagon edltloB'.TiA-PAAlDh- Ut In hot' tue do which fsmil mlniatat ,tTCJ?Attetidlnr the that 'Your kind dispiich ha touched r " TW.1!1n. " his And : nomlaadoB) VfaajA .At.-ism, ImwiLrodx trooUand rwentr rods tclE, in- me. most deeply and I' hardly council tfi,0 nrxe.ioxinister'a western neatrifrf papef'ers tne t situatei'ea-lnrtvictory ovef M ihwiwwow know-ho,eajuK Ho respond in 'fitting residaticei proceeded dare, oath of Catbollo aamloarr, Uta ward. For him- an The Joveal does not think him a now term. The assurance of your and the guards, believing him of ready, And can be obtained at paftioulan, esquire W. EDDTNGTON, to strong man.but An improvement on permitted and support nerves me sympathy On the pramnea the News offlee. for the centest on which we are enter. Hassan fired point blank At Blaine. THE EVENING NEWS. rv - fLrst-diapat- ch o m. 4 fr to-nig- ht, the 1 -- . to-da- to-nig- ht. ut i ds mm i. 7? WVltWU. : . Aa thema-iiaehdyrsed- - -- 1 -- ', 500 piebes Dress Prints, Pacifies, Hamiltohs, and other well knpwrffdsr all Be choicest Centennial ancT other JMew Styles, ;:;vi;Wliich: WiN be Retailed Very-Low30 "styles; Pacific Percales at"16fcents perlyarcl. Magnificent Assortment of French, and American ' Plumes and Artificial Flowers, at Popular Prices., A rare line of Ladies' and Misses! Trimmed and Un- trimmed Hats- A fresh importation of the celebrated Lauretta Undressed Kid Gloves, Ladies' Three ButtoHirt 1 - '' sizes at $1.75. Ladies' Linen Suits, Traveling Dusters ndalicb a:: j XV, c: Wrappers in varied assortment: , - sf con-venor- i. - . - d I to-nig- ht g: .....( ; ! -- 1 as-thoe- . . ' r . . -- - -- Cb-che- cos ; 4 . rr6-lIAS1)ISPATCHE- &. ' SfMrr : ' z ei j By 1 , Telegraph I Aft-at- ' ; , . the-India- -- : n -- . to-da- y's i - . ? . 1 mM ,r 4 . , t THE. LADIES. : rVBW-TYii- B . iill-MhU- 4 1 1 t SHWARTZ' . - s Servian-government'- e i- 1 . - - . ; , vV .,7, , (,- 6 Cents PervYai?d, . . , AT - TAYLO R & CUTLER S. , -, Rock , Rock. aya-tem- i .mi x: MATS HOME MADE ..." "US'. -- ry SAK-FnAKOTfl- aa-woul-d iJ -- i.-- j MOCK, for buUdJns- parpeaeai eheaaw taaa can De oeuvared oy aajr otber parties, in anr quaatltr ftnd at tbbortet jioUeo. - lit i OrBce Kfw - - at Morris; Co-o- p. - A-- . Anln Bvatn. Proprietor0 orpoalt.h' .7 d!4t :t,,.,-- i ;.tj . .,! 4 ay 1 i . . . ! ! , , 7 EUSTIC Oponoorian , S'M I) For the ft; - : o aiasfeirnBMiN.Biw (I v. waa-arrest- 4 -- -b- 900,-whic- .r VM. Florist and 1 to-nlr-at. fol-lowl- -- nr . Vice-President- to"J$3m or - 1 . 4 -i , WlnAew.Besiaina; and BaaneS risvnta, fa differs t variotiea. Has imrjorted sew alAundrttds of new ktadr ef . plants Isora p, 7 S Ml -V BanAsnf 4 Prtnderifft Office, d AtT & t t 3At the. J aI X &x . -- . C. M .!,.: av , -- t ir i Viejj.e, tt i i. aa i .m.a ;ojb & i Jjfi rmmmwui PI:i Mvjsaa'-2'si a ti':t in AT Jis ;.a.j .'i i". i ) .?! i J a.(i ' J- -: ' i oj!w Jr'.f'l eVU.Jtflk&oCMIlas And Mining . ....... ; r y 1 i . ciJirCa.'iSni. i'fs tan Mtcuiy to order. '! , ot rs-tr-y na bifit I j Bait XAkS flnnth Rtreat. - a.m. to I pan Elephant Store. 6fHo hours : dSM f ' 4 ..rij no s!t 3'Jf.S' tiinmil DtM.-- " ,;-- i.!Ur-itfriJits hna .riivU iijwfrJ.H'o'j , OS 7 - Tii'J viXttA tt SfiJvH f ntfiiT fCJaW.ffla worn H;scyEV en noil ihtimhi Omoa-Seeni- City, east r, ' -- ' . oftreenlwus..' jaddryji aval Mn north-ea- st J1 l.. : Machinery, Wrought and Cast ., . V',!l; .' 03 V.CD IT na biook C3 -a- A.-ROSO-ITER, Hfinp the Rtataa aoj Kororev has sanreral hun dreds of Dahlias, G lAdloUn. r Tuberoaea, jpeeaiesi fritonas and Madeira vine KooU ba aand. .HandfKMB. Hancinsr ' Raalosts la n Hwrm Penaneie variety. for llls. parties, weddlart and funerals, ptawtat tarden treenbonseaed of r.fi-lmtmfts mil mi ttt I II i! for the 8piior. Ibnpty hanftof easkets can and flower seeds be filled to order. Garden sent f reai by maH.- - 'Alihtedsereowere roeta andean flnr buket upothy ..mail or exprossa. Maney must acppssnaajrijos. oTf1. Do ia 1 fouttf at nfa'trearjaoase, sibiatnd veo brooks nertA ot.VaH Mimm, Oroeabeek's resldeacs, 47th and. mx Wardi; :6T0tint Coafene,.bttreeo;th and 4 bourt of e and SHbiU and 1 andAiMsu a jfcrtinwi! KeaMaooe at Mr. JonwiV about, baW a w aide-de-cam- ft dam;iiowb":& co., : and wmseUaC rAbri3Jrloss.i5Mr. IX has rreatlV enlarhd Wi fliwn-botn- e and has In stock many thowiada of o-day,1. toiasue-aoAOthet-iae- ; 2ED3 FLO WER fe (JAApiinr -t- YeUxday-,MldPOAth4wa- 8QQc(0rrianv Is preparlnff for the Pprlhf teadt.'wka aU in re-wor- ks. :'"! f. MMMM&Miif. - ff?' h' u LOCUSTiAttD MULBERRY. t S Incli Tre mmnnwrikmim 'it tr.s uwti ia A' M si: ,tr-- . I ; II STOSCQpfsiyttwsi - -- :i.q 'J . I'ltoit, Ull '' s :rtO.'SBrw'."! oonvenience of fboM trWnfar i.'-,.- .. st -- I one each vf the 15 numbers, will be tent by - ' ;4 mall on reoetpt og aa cents. BLakpman, Taylor & Oo. 1 -- DOUBLE Xrefee ami exall alaeMlnjetajU S' )OST ! ! . OBOOOD'V'ca ; an n Tnt CrRifED . B:&fiM!HONY&00, l7.-Haa- Tb-J.T- X 8t,M i . ! ; TR3. RTTsTEL wishes to intone the lie thatae has on hand a great vaof Hata and Bonnets, which will be riety oM aa aa eastern manufacture, at the Balecbeap Lac. City Straw UstabttehmentOst blocks east of 8outh and a dooaw Ladies' Leg-boTbeatraw B)eaualn- -quarter a and geats Panama bat. special! t j. dio Tl m -- I Ai -- - i t'drWhevl. nasal t - so Brasa Work of --JI fcescripUirtrt, .lsaamif .Twuarct.n .' c: !yir5M TTlWf 'Street, MEAB ROXTZH TEMPLB ST., 8. U C1TT. i- ! aA 'tpok;. riniatotns; oeptos of the aborp Sc uosoldi thef can obtalal at ths Desertt 1 ij.:3 . liaitt n 1 lr&- .T . 8. U City, March 31st, wm. M7A whxes. oatw |