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Show . ...... ' T ' Johnson J K Itgdrers s II 8 near to bs nlsjglng every day. the and Ferehm,ch- IVESW at for invantors Business .Notices. Special cnily ' arbitrament bow being or Broken W as low as those of K 8argcant A J PATIIITS! V rttliri' ,r.nrT. Cor-Kennedy H to be resorted to in the mat Christensea B likely t Invited with lnvsntorr, and B KlpptnJ "HNienoe Ze C. 8JW E, wl'h 5 T those who bave had their received, inventions ter of that the being and FcliruTIced sword, Digging VI. I. Shoe Department, also Jppifd by tbe TJ. 8. men to red with HprchsTtts and manufactnrerslrliig the be accumu- CampbeU J Kingsbury 8 hBetander J appear Fox TKaUSKARXSASIDLABaLS. J Helton each. I Keatoa S W, i Forks, 5Qc. Cloth, Coat, lating In nambera and In a desper- tktaal" run cn Jorr-osf-t Campbell J "Knox R T " Simpson B v t.lioots for Summer wear. Saunders S ate JensKirk to CbnttiOQ determination if you want a Patent resist the Dsssrst Xottmel BaJu Correct aoO E. SweneyTw Plough Handles, send us a model or a tPrlce 8S.50, aelllng hereto IflVEIlTORS whites the CSmithJ end. bitter d167 Chrlstenson KLambourne UTt. rough sketch, and a Joae 8Att Laxe 'Cttit T B tofore at 03. r. full l4Mill4nt(M In view of such considerations as Cerwtn L'S 11 TJvtarstone C XhtceA-Caddyour Invention. We will make examine-ttoni-u C:. a 1 s r. .1. will be foand WB ABE THE AGENTS FWJ TJ1E CELEBBATED the M "Tx another column tAias-Lore!) the and If we think Oiticb and others in the hear Oderstrom O Uodle E foregoing F it will Bros., send Walker Jailor of paientabloi and oa advertisement W advice and nnweute mu, ytm capers Tenant T are not SI future, who can say that we ' Grocery Dept., - by Which it will bo seen tbat taey JlT'J.Xer V UrP u' are times in and that Local B Leonardo living OthVXIatters, peculiar ChJor V L .111:5 i-- V of ipn--r U., O. H. M ravenis, , M ....... i snoe 2nd South St. H ' Lemmou Becretarr tare a spleadld assortment National and remarkable? Let those Who Darht J UfOCy-- . Aev. Y. 1). Power, Lamb J fSJ? vsncej erml merchandise.su ch as Blankets, THKKMOAtvrjtR 80 degree F.' In have XT D C. and to the Oankdi and Swedish "eyes to see, and hearts to DavisS nei"'A Larson J DsvisR F2l5n,Le"a5lon Washington, D. o. Flannels, Underwear, California the shade at 1 p.m. Windy, Mr of vriWm understand" the times the B B Davis signs 5nd FT Patnnts." Stamp for our 'Gulda for Tiireted Good, in the shape of Winder BT If Donald G VT Moffat A B Address behold and learn." V is A: Maloomb JLenls Bsmr dt Cau. Wilson SPECIAL NOTICE! Coats, Sacque Coats, DubyJas AND We understand Libel Suits. WattiaB - Hunting A B lleinhard or rrv. J lienors .1 Dewey J Patents, oi.i.t. ..ja.mIi. B dill W A Miller P Wynn Wsshington, D. C. that several libel aulls UC be to-- An Excellent Work. A A. S. Dull Ik Morrison O WatoonaGs W ".3 .? tv- - ' Jk . stock of Glores, Bummer Clothing, atituted M woods Ed Co moods r been 3F5L wbe4iate & New Co York and Barnes JEtL Chi 3S3 1 hertby notify my friends bypartjes O ' lmnd the 1ibl:? Wells are Tobacccs and BriksonM Groceries, MarphyJ Wileon J K most EdeS Mallet & a have grand Just cago, published . wense. They have a full line of slandered by. the;recenl jry ."IKl't t J wooow (J or ALSO THE CHICAGO TRADE report. useful and excellent work, entitled Fester A D tf MadsenJ Whitney MurphyJ 1 Imported goods. 'J Morris. i D "Barnes1 . or Centenary History, miner J PblserC Weyl Wants To Sea Tbenv-Mr- . J ohn One Hundred Mexico has revolution Just a tome folks 10 arjfit.; WoodU Fnrmen II O Murphy J of Years American J fcare rheumatism In their bones acd a RICH ARD!SOU HATCH CO. la Williams J desirous ef having an C Graham MttieraM J J Merrill P TC" jQw icr 1) is a ins tune. MarsdenW '" independence." It complete FurnessJ MAJTCTACTUaEBS OV friends the his with Interview and Y W Morrow VJleM P : ONE O00a.ST'OF DESERET MEWS, work, lu one volume, of between Teats V A Mkdicated hatha are expensive. public generally.- - This little mat 600 Telegraph. Round arid Partor CONSISTING OF 700 on and pages, gcod printed Where F am prepared to execute work . Not bo, ho wever.QLEa n's Scxphtjb ter can be readily accomplished by under tbe following auchau'.cat beads : and in clear type. The Persons Inquiring for the above letters adveraseo. Roap, a cheap and efficient substl-- - all hands calling at the Theatre, on tintedinpaper when to ire requested state work which the is written on Teetn No. teesli ob rubber style 13 Ml raidanplates, tute whkb. answers the same pur- Saturday evening, on the' occasion elites a Avaarae, , J. M. Moobe, Postmaster serta adansaBtlae Due, baae, is and the L and W. attractive, pleasing ILL. VHXCAOO, aa of the local dlseasea as Dsrast, ae, far teeta on Mntisamitgaai work pose of the gentleman's beheQL V COATS, on book a arold is aad lat!aa condensed, yet compre t tr Oir Matches are sold by nearlyam every akin, rheumatism and gout are concrown Uttlnara wlfb platen, .. t aold ' T.KAD AS A DlSlN grocery houi m tne xerritoryi for hensive of America the nv history nntnttrnR otlaer naaterial. and Scotch.--An d&w adcerned. Now it is tha past one hundred years, the con FErrpAKT nhlorlda of lead is said CASH, STOfJKand PRODUC'K Turkish trousers for women are eominr vertisement in the Nktvs announces densation to be the most nowerful, safe and WM. H. TTTBITIR raaxar. 1. kat. consisting of telling . taken Int exchange. iu'o the fashion In Paris. that arrangements have been made foal Hnfnricar and disin good deal in a few words. Alto fectant known. To prepare it for R & TURNER AY. the? a of for Saints party composed . Hecaaateal TlakerlaaT DR; H.JH. SHARP, Whelcasae XeaJ it is a most desirable book 11 u an a amall anale. for ordinary We also band le for the Manufacturers a large line of Conferences, and gether Of 'Cannot arrest the decomposition of from the Scottish drachm a half Mr. tah on is sold A w: It uaw subscription, vV n s LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS their friends,"- on Tueaday," June R. nitrate of lead and mix it with one theieelh. Nothing will do this 20th, for scent the being Wright two Not. 20 and 22 State Street, at Poller's Hill 4 Gardns. Utah. pint of hot water; dissolve two but that pure disinfectant and prela Between Lake and South Water Street: common can of salt of Those desirous drachma participating servative which, under the name water, and mix the soiu nf to know of. whom and where We are thus enabled to sell these poods to the Country Dealers of OMAHA TRADE. pur Gone. Veteran The A staCHICAGO. of Bozodoitt, has become a following tions; this forms a solution of chlordl30 adverthe tickets chase the Manufacturers Territory Deseret came reading to by Prices.,, the tver wet hand, with this, ide of lead. A cloth ple of the toilet throughout the tisement, In another column. Line last evening and hung up in a room filled with ' d&w Telegraph world. s. n. joHirsoif, D. U. BTBSXS, ' :o: a a fsetld atmosphere, will sweeten it . . Walsh & Hutchinson, . Omaha Keb. St. Joseph, JW., has far several 7th. and-thJune St. thrown p 'Daniel Joan, of Iowa, eolation George, Instantly; Morality. The police business cyeare beea the victim of tubercular cont n.t...1oU .Ink- a fr!n Importers, Manufacturer and Jo&bertcf Died, in St. George, Tuesday since an abess has been remarkably dull lately, & OTJB ENTIRE STOCK OF sumption. A few on days exone lunr broke or which had formed wherever Daniel Hendrix the sulDhlte of hydro HILLIMEHY; STRAW GOODS 1876, June 6th, fir-- side, I hus forming- aa open- which is an evidence that the seed 74 years aud 10 months." or is ternally on hisluoiTt IVhole&iiTe p!rocersf gen and ammonium exists, to the through which reeptrpast Deceased was born August 6th generated, will have the same Rotioni and Ladies' Fnrnishiiij Goadi; atano can oe naa ojr simpiy closing- ais nose moral toue of the City has consid 530 533 Fourteenth St., Omaha, Neb and and mouth. , effect. It is not carbonlo acid, but 160 & 162 Wabaah Ave., cor. Monroe. 1801, at Great Barrlngton, Berk erably improved owing, doubtless, shire am was and ' Mass. the sulDhlte of bvdroeen He bap Areata fee Sable Iron Works Kalis. Geo. C. FKjtacsoN, watch maker, to considerable of the scum of so tlzed County, , Church of Jesus monium, which are eliminated Sew Fork Office, 550CHICAGO. dl0 into tbe Brtwdtcuv. j to off aV. Black east Hills. KOW WR the doors ARB OVFERIa AT ciety floating llFlrst 8KituSt., a few March with the breath, and through the Christ cf Latter-da- y Saints, Should Sittiag Bull or . any of his 4th, 1841, by Elder James Burn- - pores or the akin or tne living ooaj. of Commercial St. adherents after members of the bam: emigrated to Nauvoo in 1842; that makes people who are exposed PITTSBURGH TRADE. .Strayed. A dark colored one- - disreputablegetclass alludedto with ordained a high priest, by Elder to sucn an atmospnere souepreeucu, N. K. FA1RBANK & CO., Miller, in the Temple at and which, when highly concen lert my the jear oia uuiwt. Those wanting Bargains To effect a Clearance during the Season. knife society will be George scalping Nauvoo. January 1 7th, l4u. in trated.1 develons tvDhus poison. AVar KstablUbed 1132. our see J, on Friday place, 13th should Stock. worse off. ' is none with of in lead the 1S10, in Nitrate crystals, company dry February, 2Gtbv Bring it along aad ing, May tbe Twelve, he left Nauvoo and and is sold according to quantity, WM. M'CULLY & CO., be rewarded.' to Council Bluffs: in 1348 at 18 to 25 cents per pound, which traveled we The other sfantifaeturers of tbe Standard Brands of Going Again. day he crossed the Plains, la President would make several hundred eai tlsAw David O. Caldeb. Window Olass and White and Green Drugtne of tnat stated dam the of paper Ions chloride in of eolation of the Brigham Young's Company; gists' Glassware, also Wino, Porter and l Instructive to ft H both rratifying-'anMineral Water Bottles, on G'jfion creek,? had been 1850 he went to Parowan with El lead. And if, after testing, it proves see; a economist sitting-- upon a mill, re as to as he be where A. der eneotlve IS anal SO , Wood Street, Pittsbarg;b, jet represented, and George Smith, carried flv box cent water, imokmr away by high dry food c'.gsr. was honorably it be published In every newspaper he mained until and hear him expatiate upon the Onanclal that In useful iu PENW8 YLVANIA. that operations errors of Gould, Drew aad Vanderbilt. released. In 1861 he came to St. throughout. toe land. rhymcuxn "V. 8. All desorlptfbni of VIsJi and' Bothad been stitution consequently Geonre, where he resided till his and rharmactst. .WAItRA.NT.EIS DEEDS in oat tles made to order. d 110 '"are pleased to be death. We James. G. leak. taspended.' Deeds approved form, Qut Claim PACKERS able now to state that the necessary 1TO We are offering New Japan Teas la packages of all sizes VERY Mining Deeds, Townaile Deeds, : been promptly made; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. having repairs we ex The Arizona settlers. CHEAP, our prices are the lowest erer known In this country. In caddies, palls, ksgs and tierces, r Man- Leases, Official Bond, Incorpora- the mill commenced or ana We shall receive this season new Teas by erery Steamer during xneaBuoot again mis. uiacturers Lard running from tract a tbe following letter tion Bmula, and. other Blsnks. : Baason. v CJ'sTt tne' 111. yesterday, as usual. CHICAGO, Street, to CSXSBBATXD W. from Brother J. 'l)0, MoMurrin, dir N O TO RENT A 5 roomed house. his father, dated at Allen's Campy Good location; enquire at this office. persons hariog- claims against tbe 2an Drowned- - On Tuesday af Little Colorado, May 3lst A1 Bsltat of the lata PreldeBt Oeorae Mr. William Casper while ternoon, A. Smith technical J TOB Copenhagen affords gratuitous heraby requested to present "Our company has done consid mem xor are The Lanteet Btock in the West, including all the Favorite Brands. children ef education to even the young- ST. LOUIS TRADE. settlement witun two mourns 1 .1 ' . both sexes. Three nights every weak In- was at work on Big .Cottonwood erable work since I last wrote' to from tbe data of this notion. brand of Tobacco. Golden Harp Fine Cut PAIXTEBSsI Agents for the colebmted And all Deraons knowlnr themselves in struction, may be had la sawing, taming, Creek, he discovered the body of our We dam have 00 got Fair hand. In, you. KADSO always Vanity . debted to said estate are also requested to MINERS, earring-polishing, etc., and the little 1 Q ' - ' . t '. Danes caa be admitted at seren years of man floating down the stream. He which la 180 feet wide. 60 feet thick mut settlement taereox in mediately. j TIKE ST. LOUIS WmTEWASIIEIlK, u nas ana eestS2,500. JOS. F. BMTTH, made an attempt to take it out of and feet nigh, AJre oavKaA' faioct ess, cannot state what tne ditch will - JOHN HENRY SMTTrt , t ; ma. the water, but was unable to do so, Icost, oasts mausolia. HALJK ' Refriierator &c!eaGntterCo. Administrators. but I do not think it will ex For sale, wholesale aW retail," by Z. C. Is: an unfailing prescription for a owing to the strength of the cur- - ceed d!07 A FULL LINE OF SaH Lake City, June 1878t tt. I.. Messrs. God be. Fitta C rCo.. a. P. r . $700, so you can see that we Teasdel, Messrs. Kimball 4 Xiawrenoe, i k KTTXCTTJHXBS OT TIT faultless complexion. Sallowneu, Tent, which carried It down rwifUy have been busily employed. We will Messrs. Day Co., Messrs. wo. jenaings, the water upon the first farm- 8qpa t Badier, O. W. Darto, Taylor &: Cutroughnes, sunburn, moth patches, It is supposed, to be the body of have land Brothers. ESTKAY some JrOTIE. ler, Walker week. time this ng 'A Ardark freckles, discoloration, spota, Daniel Cain, a miner, who left .,8TWAUXJJROS, Ca, . was turned Into the ditch on Water - - dUO Pittsburrh, Pa. unwholesome paleness, tan, pim gents for Silver Spring orthe day the 20th Inst. There is no srrain un J II. WE in my possession : tNCX.TJDINO' ALWAYS ON HANt,!!' One red meek led OX, wide ples, eruptions, redness and every mentioned. yet, and will .not be until it is horns, about six years old, crop off left ear, watered. Thero has not been any rlbtear other kind of blemish disappear out off abort, white tail, brand or HFV Crosse & rain here since we landed. The whip mark resembling- N ou left hip. iiko magic by the use of Uagan'a Old Fott. be Goo red and white UX. roeokled bell and not settlers old wilt there Thi large say Arvery Magnolia Balm. A few applica- crowd of people gathered this morn any until June or July, that being hind legst square crop oar right tar, six or years old, ne brands visible. ASSETS CAPITAL tions applied with a soft linen cloth reason hero. We have seren the above animals arq not elalmed. If for the purposo of viewing the the rainy acres ing will reof grain in now,and ther be sold on 8aturday, June 17th, will leave the delicate hues of got sixty ofmth "old. folkVf, on we expect to plant irom 100 to iaju 18TS, 8 a.m., at my corral. t t Variety. fined beauty andy outhful bloom. departure to PjOvo, hnd con acres of corn. When that la done excursion their TX.trlct oundkerper. Its application cannot be detected, sequently 4ne- - railroad 1B70. ds&w we shall start to build bouses. Kcphi, June th, depot pres There and it Is absolutely free from all Is some very nice white sand-strn- e, scene. a The and ented lively gay tf possible harm, warranted purely a for building purposes. When vegetable extra ot from the flowers excursionists numbered probably we get fairly started I thing the COACH Southern France. raTdC33l l.Krjaaa 'ltieet.1 something over five hundred, and greater portion of the housesIs will a G II 17 A L L ETJ be built this with it and rock,for r;jed very them of all smiling appeared ""In recent trial In New Orleans for car- one man being able to haul X X M BX jV 3 ! i .1 the proof telasr cheerful; this morning. They oc- handy, .Uil jrt.1t ryym eoooealed weapons, live or six loads a day, and quarry was astonished a at posttrve, everybody cars, CENTENHIAL lOO.OOOIbsi of VY O O MltO REFRIQERATQRJ ana it win maKe very pretty rerdlctct "not sruilty." naul It leaked out cupied eight regular passenger to! rjffowi rra public that every member of the Jury was armod and there was ono , flat besides, houses." opensii-'tbUuutw J Premises wktleat 1st bave a Heaae wlU Far J I pay the nicbest Prlee Caak, Btercpay aad In the tame way. Patented uarcb SJ. 1875.' The 'Best and which wa'gaily ' decorated with la the alley Immediately South of tbe Bain Cheapest Ustriferator mads. Guaranteed made Cletav, eaasletlaa eX Deeakla; .Tweeds, Jeaata,7 nsusssalsV ilaaeva, AiBEXOY. Brother John G. Col flags and evergreens, and occupied from sweat, and to be perfectly Blaakecs, ete.' Alse, Taras. plala sua faster. Wagon Shop, on the State Rood, where we to be freeana tsuy do other uutil ary seenstreet, tria ls authorised agent for selling by the Smith Brothers' (7th Ward) Intend carrying on the business of Coach 001a. mom. nave you Having made tpecial qrrangemenle with seme oj the beet Tailor in be will Our work and Trimming. Fainting MAXTjraorcxKBS or entitled work the Correspondence band, who kindly1 give thai r ser the to Jurnith Suit to? order in' an tyle, costing City, J am prepared and we only request a trial to " 1 "Ji In the all of .Palestine 1 n for the Tottrittt, Tbe Winter Lm r;Rteek-fof the demonstrate the fact. ; i ': frotn20"tt $30," 7 vices, in the musleal line, Knew. settlements South of Salt Lake occasion. The enzine was also Offioe of tbe Mille First South Street, opposite Townsend Bouse, and at the Factory, of a mile East of Penitentiary. !' HUTCHISON A. SON. dUG Cevjnty. neatly decorated. diei North Morgan, JASkflCIIO SIS and SIS Broadway, Xiesjseo. -- WnAT a beautiful lot of June Cth, 187G. . i i T t J Ruby V f JOHJI L COWUS . and s? very cheap at An Unlawful Act The in e ja Editor Deseret News: Carriage LL HAIL CALEDONIA T i rf I O f rrtffii I towoodev's Furniture Store, dl'25 bs rs of the Bait Lake bar are nearly We have bad a very Severe win AH OLD at 4 SB IOS KD g eWsaV unanimous in the opinion that the ter and a great deal J sisUrtl of snow. IJro. VtB 1 1 ana I cm ftevh'S! she sat, ma Is rather lengthy," ran uAnuc of to the A. E. Hinckley and myself have the public grand and mar bt ytm woa't hare room for it this giving some stock about thirteen . miles For the Paints of tbe Scottish Conferences The editor yawned and replied TTJ 3Li Oa. yes. we eottld And room for it if it was jury report wa a breach of the from tbe mouth of Echo. Tbe snow and tbfclr friends and auld acquaintance, At FULVER'3 HILL. os i mu times as uog; our store m a targe law, rendering those who did It fell abeut five feet on the level; and TVEKUAY, JUSI SO, 1S7S. , Im Fully Supplied with onejyi see." liable for divulging the, secrets; of the wind blew terribly most of the MU.-.- l -i 1. MJuUtU TIPKKTS. for Tm and TJsnoa. each per We the lost winter. about the head UtTUAIBOX. thirty fllTOVJ grand Jury. .However, son. rifty Ceats, to, be had of K.T.MO- of stock; One night when the wind Kwan,' HmiLO otreet J. A. xnompson, 's Also manufacturers nf : Tflattant Sawad "Lyon's ICatbalron Is an invigor- object was evidently to manufac D. M. McAllister, Working-men7 very bard a two yeat old steer "ews offioe; Solid Gutters for. nave, troughs .; ating tonic .vegetable preparation, ture political capital, which object, blew K. Irvine, Walker Bros.: a ster Wooden was so over and down drilled Ac They a six .timas eonductars, lay ZOth A Miller Bholtoo, Wo, or free from any mineral ward; Obeaper than Un, and never leak or mst however, owing e the glaringly that the boys missed him, and Mews Salmon, pitlvly Arents, or at Fuller's Hlil. ana last as toug as be ace in wttfeo. 6 tjti UJIfc JPaESaiperjdoz 8 qt, Flaring Pans .leleteriom subdUnces. It U the misrepresentative, and 'grossly er hunted for him, but could not find Scotch Songs and Danoas they win W are built. ,: L H ..vr ); d!07 of the day. Bit.: jit most delightful of all hair dressing roneous character of the report, has mm. rune days auer acair was the order r Pletsare BaeAilaa-a-, die. KeleUacs, 5 f.-1'' ' lest. In iv! for one the tWood Iaiichard Chums, r ifV tiurns, calf, searching the" irritafailed la accomplishment." We of the head, allaying cooling FACTORY 726 IVEKCE, ST. LOUIS broke boys udob through M tion, curing headache and' throb-b-in cannot say that we regret tbe pub this steer. They dug him out and r Send tor deertpttveeiretiart. 8137 miiK B trainers ; sires ButtcrJIIonldsi 2 temples, making the hair lication of the document, which is he Is alive yet. ' r id Your truly, '4 ' ; .j strong, fragrant, glossy and obedi- of such au evidently unfair and ! ! Julien.OaTjmi; . .. (Mnis? lightiAliig Hexmer. ., Martin j d ent to control, so cleanly to use character ai to rather llt.it It will not soil the finest fabric, injure its authors than those whom Impor ters Manufacturers and -- ' I Dairy,Salt,, t it Milk Buckets, TMA. eiu-dn1 ifi i jKi.Deeiecs .la-ithe hair to grow luxuriant- It was intended to hutt. .;rJvn:i ; i of ButterPaxlsJStJAdlesf a BAGS OF ALL ETUDS, 10 qt, Pressed Pans, ly and beautifully, removing dan-dril ' ' ' .'i.jni ; n't la- l - a i tit In Office and pimples. No mtn or Post the !i.(si .'1k-iat 8alt Another 4nisana The loafing REMAINTNO June S, 1STS. . Llilk-SldnneSeamless, Oonny, Burlap and Cot It rm il Bags which, if am WoodPails. woman cau become bald who will nuisance is .now in a fair way fot called for within one month, will mii BKT be sent to Dried Wool, VwUI iAUliisl. ' Fruits, 4o. Vegetables, wHvi.arMiautu n f iiaeth Lyon's Kathalronproperly. being abated, tere'"hayldg;.(een'a tae ueaa Mtter umee Flour bags printed ta order of J ' dSS eod S Miilara and; Orooars.,.,, j ., visible iaaprovement on ;be streets LADIiar IOST " It Is JhBrBest MarJe. v ?V Warebousa f And! It S. Main Luor wUhes to abtltoh thvfast In that regard yesterday. There is 8T. r LOUI8, MO. Street, dl27 , MosdamsM Amert an g'rl abroad. Perhaps It might ' 6 M af Oaleton ; McNalley be Just as well to begin operations at home. another,1 that Requires attention Ahlstrand m M ii I'll, Anderson A fiUacdman T . AeClaln W A CbMpleteils sortment POUNDS fast 100,000 Ml bKjnite U .Tbere AltaoB tfnamf driving COAL.--Still RED CANYON E as Norman ' mm. AkubartO FOB BATJC T persona that drive" through Arena bold J HydeeAlfl rYestaTreas. n fJi- 1 Reoretary O Harmon A It 3 the old reliable 53.75 per ton at the berof or a sneeifand. with a Allen L. Hawkins C . CHarra J streets at Also the Freala and . WESTEftN OJb COUPAfiY,:. : Egga aoeiin K. uHeaiey a s yard. $7.53 delivered. NO EXTRA recklessness) that lead ons to stip4 Anderson U MHolmes B A Phipplh a' ZJLTl II'iL e, i i ' CHAUOB FOR DELIVERY in ?ausreyaoYems M. Ketenos LC AndlBraiiah SlbrU atrovffhout the that, because, they , can cwu a Airetd S A HardH M Herredye J Philips B diffiutt places. Full weight and pose iH t'ti A RAILWAY dMO or oue from fast hire a L Haslem ! i Territory horse, AlOm? Pbe.ps livery Bgebe Mrs -- JlarvlilM ' T'. i'lality of coal guaranteed. A la--t itabley they are )ffiebdyy-tirp- a a . r . S MR s e O Bowan B . S. . Ehubsr ; CA and, JsXlM Q KEiASE, :: s.tig and true friend for the rich and tlcular." Such persons should be Bart J I , , Hiiljler BttUU l . . UarnesO &M .Jones a,. one and all. Orders ofi Try it i& Stotetbury Cochran Co. aTi LOiria. sis, ataiw aTBiacr, to pay some regard for the Baker L' 1 Jenaon A V ' Steabler A Mi i 1 oi-- -t vcuii with promptness and taoght , im BiinooJ JcneonAP Swlnyard always meet IS llmbeef'eftlxenswhahavS aad lives ' '' ROBERT JunyJStSdlTTED with every SEAOIaABLavVARIETY. COCHRAN, UclEAN & CO., Johnson J K FtoilaPM Ball L SMITIf, James J SburuieaE J more 'seose than they,1 and 'that Burnes nmsTKas airs joawras or -- pCii- sHaV.WeeniilSiai'': -- non.Vt.1. aLU.. . I L r 1. . at RsmM Stoweil P Office, 60 Main Street. Agent. M. Kane A B X4nona, Sparry oabrolderlea, lass, Dry they are not the owners of the. oityj Bumside e rs ,j?t.iBalmfOnt M a Kimball U a PymousH flesitlJ LJCiM. 6 Kanltllas,. Clove. This latter nuisance Is one of dally, BlomquistM u:Ki roa wsreaf witf. L Kratoffenon ' AtD Salisbury 'rWnite Cleeds. Beetergr, HsUeas, Weal M J - H Ramrw POOUAri to not almost XOTICE. ThretMno ITakhinai'Af tUt kcMl say hourly occurrence, Brlnghurst M Kuta J 8ether M . 4S5 Eioadwaj, on Sabbath 3 and P.-- f Kiltenneay a. ; Pbell M J .U mot rn2,i154 h Booker RaktiOfDBIi IfILLS. Corn Bay prevalent my Atone TsctosvnfL, ITOusniN - w i - a MCU FcottM a SXeUen, MA V the rd Inst . a ip Of Bay HOBsB. Wheel cUTTBRS, C ark A D HeUingM O ftewartMS ta the fac of each, and iwht tf J l l umrrowe, liJt4 TRUCKS tmd uul jiM'J 8mlth A ' Chamber A wiom whtta feet, branded HP eombined A B A Carson our J on left rump. in tnird3 Lanfley general An LjtsrefgTlmB.Yhen the CaeaBJ sgruauurat Implement? Factory Lea M Tlrman B V RALEIGH. fen sv.ws?"' K B vati'iur Chrlstofferson that Lynch a.l Taylor J Unportaut questions Send foe lDmt ted caulornet J :elZt Sat Lake Cttr. Jine Sth, 1979 MJ . Laeh L on Cloth of s Taylor are agitating the minds of the peo- Clark 17 sw delivery v MA LmM 1, .. Lambsoa M J Vaaoe .' "I '), .' '. ple of this country are taken Into rwvta I.O D . vaaoe LanfO this centennial consideration, .V'.. New York 8. . year, uava a as nja h A WhlpptoE 1873 may be Justly called ')ii: 'aUaAttcpaaa most f 1! iold.' 121 21: dull Money I; C tralker A momentous S IRON A in FRONTS rdmouds for ihe of Oovernraents active, strong; Stocks CUILDIIIGS epoch historyv a 1 and 11 Grand Street, Wheeler if A Bukson C B Vay 7 to J l k lr. 'i J BmmltL dull ; Western Union, 681; Quick. the Republic y.if.( tll'j S,4,Murphv Wartna Ml irrUiKt.jUkiel. Rbw MB - Mathews .niW YORK. ,ilver, 1 111 Pacific Mail, 3; Mari There bj ths, cOatlaaous boiling XskilionM M WoodardM A Also sreaA. fort tbe Metal BS" Prion Lists and Onotatima matlnl 90: posa, oj; weiis, rargo R. cat HASLAM, free to any address. d 140 New York Central, 109; Erie, 14: and fermenting Ja political circles Mrs Maoooqnt S JWoeos B TM Park A reave, flrr. korria. ns I' mama, 1M; Union Paclflo Stock, flyer the , choice of s candldsfes for farrytaA' MoCral B WhltaSt'i .1. ittt '' 7 At PfttL Lrigham Young$. Q ij Union Parinc Bonds, 105: Cen- - nomination for Lhe Presidency of FurgasonM McPooaJdrrrflinamsO I lr."172Vwsoto8tToTr the United States. There Is also 17 a? iQzxrx9sxad usr. the unveiling of corruption in high m Wholesale ';: .ABRITALB. it arlMre4a DfsjfairerSa places; there is the Centennial ExXttnJonila NeelyP ' nuson OmJ B 1876. Towssexd Hocsi, June 8., hibition at Philadelphia; there is AndiMtb wB Ac O.J ' Move Allsood rO ) rGood ridgelit'-- " Cordar. Tw1nea,Blaefcias E W OrJoUn Thorly, G H KInson, Eng; the very knotty Chinese question,' over Brnaaoa of de erta. rolln. v At . . OSetensbaw T, u 1 oau, ct u)iiis; w iv Carrensen, over which much bad, blood has AndrewsJ J If nsrropO r WTWahlrii1"Av'e: TajtrAjers of Htk lake Ooonty will tlon, Ktatleaorr ef aU kinds, OiqB L N Y,SGrvey and wife, Mrs M C been shown, with a probability of Arnold O 2 BoUoe, that take session C ai 0 Anderson HlltogworthirPeaoook aoorned Clara;'ta,Igaaofclaa; . v.. B DHaasaa P Philips a 5ftf Uhi oaaro: Mrs J II Martin. some being of the June Term el taa County Court FAX21XY GCCCISIES. Uaic1, m so a for the spilled, LWHunterS go pearoeBT Carson City, Nev; Chaa Burmeater for Salt IaketCaunre m e bald at Abe - J' f Petars A PtrsonFr and wife; W R Carver, Kent. O; mreau, auu wo iiaci jlixh" fues-tio- n Brigs Court noose In Salt lake C1ty,oa Saturday, L Bertosoh Dost Haatem O Hanson S M Pah W E is growing ; more ind mon'ai- - BaaseU J Mrs II Smlih and two children, taa lTtl day of Jane, AJ. UTSt at o'clock L.p.nur-iC2YiJc- o. , Price W -Jordan Smelter; F U May, LT rious every day, the number of un- BessettOCoFyeJT ana.! at wbloa time ana plaoe tat i sag as Pollckvf BaoaalG IiomeTj AfoWacturtrt ndiTdbUr$ cf " ' iion Captt German HarUt La- mem Boll tot tks earrent year win be ex- Falier, Chicago; Col LB Child, fortunate prospectors and miners, Lritoo Ja 1 Hook ' ' ' Byao all ' oem plaints, ooncernins- the arnfaed; "tj Derby, Vi; Mr. Hague anJ wife, HaloombTORlchHI . to reports, trho are losing BurtB tarns aeftr4 .A, ertwieo LtSC McLean. TJSN; according avesynenri BuldanrtenB Ksimer 8 J WCSI.rilll! TOAE2 CSZ.T. ' Maryland; lives Vo of their the 3.1 W A Coat. Scwtland; J A Walker, the I1 'Tbr J a . 1) ' smmoM 8 Biter ravages cacrantco .ichardsen Q a4Juated,;a'.f,.li.-r- ' "u Mt .r end by Quality, ftliset teadTrtw Tlpe art r Frpe i T. niTssaS-TtCwlTrt Tor. . ltbtua Jty order of sa!i Court. .l Montreal; 8 B fasten, H B Wil- Indiana, being 4sf methng tp thin l'owfl&J Kttlngm, htiawr ose, Paoklnjr 1 awe J Hunter A m laad Airieu.anU lImplameavs. , B Mass: W Worcester. H der, about. The diiocultles attendinj a' T"- -t T aa a ' T"""1 A AJ13 JCarley', LexlBvton, U 1 J J lrTr . . i ADVEBTISEUKJiTS, at Just events' WAIICEK BEOS -- 3 mmmi 500 200 JV . y -- . r f Lea-natt- - , tll.f: , LA NKETS AR YS VI LE Flannols and Flannel Underwear, Bx-Co- wSSh-ingto- n, to-da- y. ng t-- . JS "V T X . v California Riveted Goods, 1 -- x. OliD RrTKTJEO HUN TIIIG COATa, SACtUE JUMPEUS, SHIBTS ami OVERATjIiJ. - . i KE MI.O"ViElX . t i t. ; . at -- -- . e Steele jonnson, - 1 - - SUMMER CLOTHING -- - RETAXL at wut , $T00-e-re- ar k EOT lii STEWA Rt'S " ICE T . !,, - , . sunns. " " - , 1 ! - , v - - ; . - aad-'whit- e Dlockwell's Pickles, Catsups, etc. Gelatine. Oatmeal. Coleman's and Spices, etc., - - :in:Creat PAIIITIIIG WAS T 3i. WANTED " I It iy' I R-r- b ynf M .T.TIL LS . 00 tf - flrst-clar- s; " t. three-fourt- ' hs w .i . ; MoaSOS. 1 pWiOtMOTIfllG,' . O- EJ, EC O IJ; S . B Co-op- 1 Bag-pipe- 1 S? 1 - Letters i1ii-m.- K(oiii:iV-- ailb WOOL! WOOL it Ynuo."v . X tm . one-side- uT I at c f j : bro;i fii.inr nj, c . f m-- 9 i 1 I l ". r r 1 ; asu 'il -- WOOL , wmm Batter rientj oruood, THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, ' . a, ' m I-- 'imaillralIiira 1 v ' ii -- . -- r 1 WHOLES AND BETAZL. A-- 1 - mm imsmsamt 1 , - 1 ..-- I ! . t' nr - 1 .' General LZercliandiGe JOHN :. x -- -- Js:::t';n?idmJ qxs a iaijtiaiop nb a g q A ; T- PUR -- - - . nATURAL LEAF TEA . ," s . cox: - -- - Mil-lr,fU- . IVI.I.Il f'ii . - , k Sb cirt cJl,C,n;p:t!3n. |