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Show 1 idOiiiaMtii yiw iiliJiiwi: "'" ULElE CITY, UTAH TEBSHOBT, TiAJLT ft I il B ERGB! Ct. CO 10 and 112 WMkiaf ton m tsvrrmi 0 ' of AGRICULTURAL 2VKX t a Sir mm r r f I' sshe. asuri aaihes; laveatf satlaa. The voBCKsional InreatlgatiDg judiciaryto-d- eommittee 'resumed its seaeiou at' tfa As tor House. ezsmined Among the witnesses was J. F. Brown, of- - No. 13 Frank fort street, who had been doing the for the United Htates printing courts and officer, testified that he ota not own s a eataenshment In Frankfort 'Street. The business Was carried 5o4 juider his name, but wss, Id feallty, wholly owned by United .States Commissioner Davenport, who had invested in it $2o ,00a Ila ' waa employed at a Davenport. He made salary out thebyMils against Ibe Government to iI)vetrxorJ) ne bills were , i "1 nxlnln ma. ay C. Day Sell aroceriea. dry rood, hardware. and fUavtrs, prorWloo. aud all crockery sorw oc reiierai mervaauaue. and repair all kinds of vehicle to order, warous and carriace. mlnlar car,, etc. aod do all kind or blaoksmithlof aot ear--, ruse paiotma aaa iriuiminc-- . ; P. W. ROCKWELL Stc Deaere SaUaatal Bank bualncsa aa l rarion cetrea savlnr onM""a Interest. Tloea Dliwdey tiowrr rVTh9Whito Lead oontalood la tkbi Purkamt ta fnAnntwd br thf 80CTHZKX Maoataotovera,- - tba to roDtaia no adultera- LOCI3, ttoa whatTp. It ts eomyoaad aotk lyof prrfsvtly ITJRS CARDOJ ATK OPIAAD and UnaMd OU. and ia old subject to Chemical AsalyaW and the BLOVT PIPK TEST. 1 1 j : The Dame of tbta Company is plaeed 8 tMrtioe arehaalnr white riaraualiiy. Lead braDdedMKKjrHaKN CUMIrAWI" are 4.BVX.U TrLi umw 01 oounninr a Artlale. PerfeeUy Iltt A Co clock LLno, fur-khln- - Sons & Sawer ,' , of Beard,, Moultonv& Daniels, one ef tbe largest lnJSTew England, sus . to pended terdayt ' ' ' ' ;' . VTaei Harked tlJ Domeatki wool has sold to a fair extent, but prices rule . low. Manufacturers confine thou purchases principally to new spring California and super XX nulled, while the fleece continues neglected." .: The sales of Ohio and Penna. fleeces are at 880 42 per lb;, inelading X and for XX, and Michigan fleeces at 83 good , average lota. . CoTflbeoT ' Wool doll and very, little enaulred ; for. and fine delaine woe la are- o ear lec fe ed. Sales of new spring California are principally at 20c & 25, with an occasional fancy lot aahade higher, 44 palled wools tango fietn 25 for for super and X. the latter, price ' : choice Maine., . ':.h 1 ' - Chicago.' notified the heads of the depart ments that be would hold them to-ni- sht sd-c4le- d the Bella all kinds of Wasatch woolen mills boms made cloth, and buy wool. m attorney and oouasedor- - bnalaea afelaw. rrataa and flue atone- i . jaevaaBi a Twfas Deal la mantels and work...' Sell wines ratalU and llauors, wholesale and rains - ' --ty alt kind of planing and aawlng. es and packing. makes doors, etc. boxes, aieo aoea e Cv. Co all kind of wagea and carriage work blaokaealthlug, earraage painting and tr training, haraeaaouur. e& e Cv y Tiosn money oa easy term to small borrower on liaproved city real estate. TIm rreve Ca spwstits Canspkay Taylor Cutlr, agents for tbl city) make and sell buslno aad other suits of Provo cloth. Wedll Jk DsvrllBg . (Utah Steam Cracker Factory) Make and ell a arUolaoX crackers. Dos sark-fram- wood-turnin- g, f - tssTtnusa. avepaDiieska Jamea HcGsUe Importer anil Jobbers and Retail Dealer In i Mm-Vmi- )i Doe carriage Minting and trimming tod wagon painting. SPBrNQFiElCtIlL. 24. At the Repnblican OoivenUon at. large to the fallowing delegates Cincinnati'-- Convention. were ap pointed Joseph Bobbins, R. O. Ingeraoll.G. B. Raum, George 8. Baoirsk ' The delegataoa Ja said to tandirty for.Blalnaji aiid two far isristow. Aner the appointment the State Central Committee nro- ceeded to ballot for State officers. 1th the following result Hon. Shelby M. Cullom, Springfield, was nominatea xor uovernor; uon. Percy R. Kb u man. of that Chicago ImdnJcmTnatiSBaX. Cover nerj ueowxt uatiow,. ' 1 n( eecreTry Thoms)fl Vifi lee i i tor; Ed. Ruth, treasurer: J. KEd-sai- l.Attorney General. ThenomrnaUona'.Werwllmade: iiisnlhsbraaT Resolutions weresxkmtad afflrminr adherence ta tl iSinelples of the republican party, andTdeclarlng that air med"have ejQal rlghU under the constitution. ; . ' Unr Mtk f Sax Fbancisoo, a 1 dential candidates qil after the St. tlvsl Searea 811 the Bala Wun. Wiwvl kfnwr nd lkV Kake. Oonoord Reaper, Paddock baggie and carriage, plows, harrows, cultivator, wagon Umber, etc Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, - iOTTONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HITS & MPS, Hcl Brae. Sail fine clothing, gents' furnishing goods, nau ana ary gooa gener auj. lag we) Brraate Ltaaer Aaaoclattaa. Sana sash, numlalng. ahlngl,- aaor, lind. lata, wood piubm aad water bum : - CCNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, at waoleaale and retail. Dr. W. a. H. fiar TJentia. sets teeth en aold n'ate. rabber chsapt base, adamantine base, oomibuous gum work on gold and piatlna plates, crown Oiling with gold and other material, etc. Of M ";" T U agent tor th Bed Canyon Coal. GrttUSO MILLWBRS' u . 8U all kind of general marhandiso. -- 'AND TAILORS' nrair."ii'' f;JWi b,f 44A1 meeting ' of iani k as Is ;has Veen belay whioh rth eh arch est rot. the. presamt', position araxds Spairt- -. wsB.leonsideredy' It waav. resolved: that relations with the Spanish .Government' should not- - bo formally t suspended on mot count of the adoptlon.of the toleri atlon clause of the new eonstitu4 tfcm, hot l that. the Nuncio at Ma- -' drid tshonld ibe .granted an laded-ait- e leave of abseoecw' .'; - 1 I-- ; ' t ?';7 ' i' In i-i- 'Or A t .' irusWorthy InA - Meaua(GSIrJAtY Uaai4 Waateel.- Berlin ' siify ,i-.- -' ... "'TRIMMIX6S, : -'- tteael 1. . With or without mard. keep table , '' nesota republican' convention was attended.Lt. GerVake-fielfully was chosen , president; The to'Cincinnati following delegatesl were e lec ted -- Kxi avernor Ram at .large. 'District Tdeiegtes tey, Lt-- Movefnr,; WWeneKk,'v 11. Yale. W.G. Ward John Tames. Albert turgor, w ttogew,--i- a. j P, Langden, D. M: -Babln, 1 Clarke.'. , The presidential electors nomin ated wereEx-Govera- e Davis, Miller, Gen. Edgerton, C en iv. i? wjseuj, The spiatr. form reaCrDlsi tbe prlfctlples e the republlcsn pa rtr,and dec!irs adherence to , that, party which has done so much lor the preservation ana puruicaiion or t ry . t J aLi - mr-2- Ex-Gover- ju-wf- VtJ2 W 1' r-- to ' Cal: who atarted a band; of .sheep across the ' Mohave desert for 'Arizona; in November, haajiiat arrived In 'Valley with four thousand heed, having lest heavily on the way. He la now looking ror a good place te shear, after which he want nna a permansBf .range on wnicn settle and vreroaln.' r He informs that at a reasonable estimate he 'eels safe In saying that there are S5r000-ha- ad sli sheep on the California desert on their way to Arizona, andfbd Wirt thin i 45:000 oti 1 1 ' 1670. - . Brefcer. c.a rOSCXOT, la Gesbtt Drue Store. , v 200,000 r . , lOfriaUlAke City, riab f200,000 Paid up Capital, -Authorized Capital, Wf , H . HOOPBR, President, $1,000,900 and Sample Booms, SSSastTaaaptad OfBoe s ' ".' BBIOHAM YOTJKd, JOHHJB(iNIKti8tJ,r SBABP. : B. V7.B. JEIinEIIS Resident Agent. alt lak Vi 'ry : v- -v Dbrtctort. . ,..-r- fskamubz I S. H1LL4S Lrrrns, Csable. basis ta uvv? - 1 f mf and promptly OHIO AO Q "ILL. . re- - mated. f; GROCERS, rOKHClN gXCHAWflB FOB 8ALU aiftiresthim' - jpotf ''i lBavtakof'. peppeU. i' ijiili'i . di) j FIRE INSURANCE Co." n i if casicapital aiiissm ITERK6T orrit!r: Enoch-- Bease, by ' bis certaiadeedef trust, EssvcexvcaJred and delivered on the 24th day of March, A. IX 1ST, dkt grants bargain, sell and convey IWtfCtC KOTICH wberra 1876. 17II0LES1LE Iat, , Yi;Ues.aswivet,,j CNUction fnads : Cots. Geld 1" vrfaaage, COLORADO. April 20, I ON EASY TERMS. Te esnan berrewera. ei leBrevel ky city reel If ealrble. aMjrM SrleelMkI oaly, aasU will. , gentleman. 034 Washington Tr. H-- ATJoTTN, Dentist, ...... , RAILROAD . TIES. Street.' Tr. ROBERTS .FUEELAND, DenUltS, 1I2K Fourth Street. ta ooDtract for tbS da- tLtL McDONALD A CO. , Druggteta, S. E. PERSONS wtehinr of K. R ties, either at Ogden corner canwuaeaiHi riue street. . n no , nr on the uuoi in u. r. tt. tu. oetween uorraa t lty anf Ogden, will get all 'neeu sary information 1byap4ytng to.,. ,t - ,, ' Boom S, OodVs NATIONAL . BAHK BESERFT , rait Lake City. ' Beaver Creik, A; T., ... dSBltf ' MONEY TO LOAN We, th undersigned, take great pleasure in recommending Dr. A. W. CALDER to all tbone who may need the services of a Pen-Us- t. dil9 ss a thoroughly omprtent and skililul operator, and one tat whom ire bave implicit coondaoc both as a Dentist and a S.l i1;:3oio60iOddi;;; Editor Jitteri The advance of the Boston colony are now on .the Particular attention givea to th tesaraao nuoieoread Vounr. of Checl'r an Little Colotado. The party or rest teno- and oontenta. tp. oiai is Salt of of who Ctah ty Territory Lak, rate fie ed tor term, of of :bout 45 men. They say partv of the sreood cart in aaldderd.lhx to flv years. the country, from what they have the following desert ond real nmoerty, sltnateIn sad aad the City berng County rrlug seen of it, haa.been misrepresented of Salt - B. W. JENNCHS. Aaent. Territory ot Utah and parto them. They, bought ths4r teams ticularlyUtkv desoribed a follow, to wit ' '' An equal and undivided one tjuarter CerrMpwdewcsiraied.' and.eutfit In XJa Junta, fgr to in and that certaia tot, of, : A small being Mormons havs of party In Ova Lot iilock tieve&ty (6) been prospeetlng in the Moggolion arortionef (TO), dnecribel and bounded as foikiws.be. Mountains for timber, water, eta, glanlngflve (5) t north from tno eoraerof said lot. thence orth Sftv- wit h the View of bulldinr a saw ena and one quarter (al't) fref , theno eaet summer. mill the coming-The ioo iouui DurOBS Sod iDaws, iwh,(SiH) u( Mormons on the Little Colorado one quarter fo t, iheou weot ten CWJ rod d plaoa of Banning: conta4ulDg are busily engaged in putting in roes atxreea thrnr acuta crops, UklrlgoMt ditches and build' iu; .quare leet. as itiattrd is Plate, i . houses. rait Lake City Survey, together with And r?c 3 1 Q Ing BsetiMUna all the apmirtetaaaees tberron. Billy Free and Mr. Drennen wbJea Seed was nled Snr reOrd.iatha have located the celebrated Stone-man- 's ofBoeofsaid the County fieoordar for Sai t ak iLake for farming and- graz- County, Territory of Dtab, JLireh the 29t b, 3hl Va 3rd and an was, tbe of Aoriu dar ... ing purpose. recorded at Mortrare Keoord duty, Cireuiar eoSter SsecisMa aad TSe '.Little Colorado is up boom-lo- 1875,' E. rtiait. 8 23. oarea but as tbs snow la. about all That said deed ofand trust Was made .aid llewi te eoie tb payment efbya . melted oa the mountains it will the 'f tiki Si note of errtala evm.date with omiasory fordable. soon; ho CWWERSI' The Santa Fo said deed, which ft ia the words and figures CWgCMClEn$Yl Afcd Prescott Mail and Express Co. following, to wit: . , v have a boat at , Sunset Crossing, by ' Ma ID B U 1 A H eahUkClfy, moo 'ha after date I eroml e to pay which' they are able to 'crocs the to"Six W. W.. Biter or order; tho enm ot two large Eastern mail - that Is no w thouaana dodar. lawful money - of tba over United their line. with Interest at the rate of coming State, eeav two moot from per , A. small band ef Mogul Indians per date- nntll o'i;mro: &apifLtUu Cffypuiiict" aanoraerarlt: si' anperio monthly. payable were, on me verae ana neaver paidlatret nn. ARB dafryof ail kindd of .Crackers, j Creek a few days; ago.;: I met them PAnd wberesA aaU .ttin.ar ancTmen- - Soda, Butter, Oyster, Pvarf three days aro on their return to Honed hn aald note, to wit, two housand dot ton. Boeton Butter, Santa- Clara, Dalooa, the villages. It is not.pleasant to Isrs, with tbe interest- thereon since Nov Pilot. Hard Bread, La Grande. Glnrer 1875, is stttt due aoa noaid." Snap, Lemon Snap- Jenny Ltnd, Abernetby meet them alone, although I do amber Mew g. xoung. In Saga. Wine Bbjoulh Ginger Kuts.' 4, tkererore, ijjnOraad not know of their molesting any pursuance of tba hewers and autnonry in Tae above varieties are now being shinned by virtue of sid de one; still It would be well to be on me vested and sola throughout this aud ad Joining Tr- owm-r of the of and request holder, payer as prices jowur. tnst giaatera or your guard when they are known sakl note, and in accordance with the term, risanes Western. to he around. ' R. of said deed, will sell', between tbe hours of - AddissHrdrloth UTAIT 8TKAM . . con-sia- ta . - - . to-ter-est soutn-we- st - if - - . g, 1027-2- " ! : . , . t : - - . - -- 'KAiTOAUVijiLV, A, T., . April 18, 1876. Editor ' Jaftner Quite a stir Is being made along the river by the arrival of .the Beaton colony, consisting Of fifty men with six wagons. Part of their tralri was left six mites back ef the Zunl Villages, they being unable to proceed on nt of 'their males being In such aftoor condition. I understand that another company was to leave Bosten on the, 15th Inst- for .Ari-? rj zona, j . TV::,- fl:j Thero are; teveral hundred Mormons settled along the river. There are qulU aimnrtiseJ of r families amongst them, and they are going to Work In earnest. Their Intention is to have about 880 acres in cultl-vU6- n h Wil-llams- 1 lee-coun- ri.- r w "B1li "T ceu yinconaLArtTie' or may iz terl Coleman" Of :Vlsalla. -- 4 Faasotsoo, July, SAST Hotel, 3. L. City, RTRCEt tilt TIBrtB f "' TE wT iMON I A L. the "Alcalde" or Inet del Pat of this precinct. f ) Office In Wasatch of few and Connselor A t toruey 1 aoiudaa, voy nt armeffo, yttertidot. " C. A. FBAKKUM. . T. have the honor (?) to bo 1 ' fit- - D, Oommerol n.1 Htx-oDR. A. Y. CALDER, DENTIST, Watfser House A door north muehoi -- m mmi ei 8AW8 8ELA.mXSD, STOVES PAIRXD, Gf'XS Etc., ' . i aeizokaViatteub: d jtoe ;it aunit, . LITTLE JbAiVSTRXET, Salt Lake Cttv TOOM3 wrTH OR WTTTTOT7 T hOARU IV Dining Bonn ai opto. Mrs. 8. J. been In the hestmasa dobs Rodger having how to keeps first nnderrtands ber of years, dw class table. .Charges reasonable. - - Plo-clo,'- telligence receive from Constantinople, it is 'Uaderstood that the Porte will not reject the proposals Of the Berlin conference, but Will ask for considerable modification. Hlauaeaada Ceavamltaau On the premuen mm. Sresnr . TAYLOR'S. HOTEIa W. EDDTNQTOM, ! TBQM James TSMBd, dial lawry-aaeaqu- ar ffW'T? ROMKi ' ALarg, . VXTEm SAIiT LAKTI Commodkio Dwelllnir. with front, and twenty reds back, situated nn First West street, ue block Catholic south of Seminarr, 14th ward. For particulars, enquire of ." you-bet-chu- Sale Ohoap. X"cx H O USE CITT. ; TOWNSEND TALTJABLE PROPERTY T ; : . coming Fall to erect a steaod saw-mil- l, with, burrs attached for grindwheat aod corn. The "remote ing districtvmlll will Le heard from ere long; and should that Eastern party arrive this Summer, our population ' wilt amount to' ''some rpumpkins, The Round Valley, or Mllllgan settiementre aoiog nneiy, ana as the farmers here have contracted With a certain party In New Mexico all the barley they can raise, they will put in "wubpplng crops this year. These people, are. looking anxiously for Our mail route, anda run say if we get .it, they will for their express weekly private own benefit to F. John's and back; distance, 3$ miles. Ai OVi JfOIW ia tmiuutSK w yivmvu the appearance of a , full fledged town, there being by actual count 17 houses, some containing two or more families, including) three small stores.. Several parties contemplate buUdlng . this summer, your : correspondent being one of the "several... Senior Don Marcos Baca y Padiila has erected and is running a "mollno" for wheat nod earn, j This "mollnoV Js . truly an Inlerestipg .curiosity to ye nn Initiated; atleast It so proved to be to LaeuC Johasoa, who appeared to be muoa struck with the ' rapidity with which the V"melino', would seize hold of a grain of corn an4 tear It ail to flinders in a Jiffy. Joseph's Brethren will have no trouble. to bay all the Brain they want from the farmers of the Colo rado Chlquito and its tributaries, as them will be double tns amount of grain sown this year over last year's sowing. . , Lot 'era oome. ' I Herds Of ; sheep Still Bontlnue te come in from New Mexico, looking for better, tisstnrsire than in the 1st tec Terttery,?;- t Mr. ' Jesusi Luna arrived a few days , ago with two largo mule teams and 40 men This gentleman owns immense numbers of sheep; a!o Mr. Fnril. from Sacarra. N. AC, brought several thousand into tae xerritory a few days ago. All in adi the Colorado preelnet. is looming up, mad la a short time it will be n most important integral part of . Yavapai County. Con fe-- WUVVUUVU, 44VIUO - S5, 1870. 1 X to-nig- bone-shoein- g. Ila-wart-f atpo a rcu. Tha Dem- - 24. MAY.-- " - j . -- wta " ; ecjrsUo Ststw Oonventlen effected a permanent drgajiitatlon and decided ' not to1 choose presi- of-But- blacksmltblng and wagon making and repairing, aod pay particular attention to Cons&tl of I be Ctn.4&t Stock of PelretH , '" rain and hail stormy which swept over western Kansas knd ' Colorado H.Btaer, fttl'i and and clocks. the night before last,n destroyed a Mrs. Kaaaes 400 feet long-othe Kan bridge Makes and sells bonnets and ladles' and sas Pacino - railroad near Wal doss etc. bleaoblog, gentlemen's hats, lace, Kansas, and : washed "away ArmMdlaavlaw BlaekaaalUi aaidl 1,200 feet of the road and turned Biiiar the track over. . . (Malqulst and Jaoobson) dors all sorts of Ueaeral JterkaMllae. WKlTatRrl., CalUeimtaiPeBBeaW,;,;! he Brst-cla- B repair-watcb- M - -- Sell Ings, frames, and everything In ing line. Jfiiis, to-da- y,' responsible for anyacls done under the orders of - the new administration of Mr. Hoy ne.whet her nature of official they were in the in) performance or whether they consisted in delivering up the office to the other parties uesignaled by the said Hoyne, ' OoWfrtti.es this step LaUaaer, Taylar dfc C. lumber, shlnale. sash. Immu nould. unaer ine advice oj; jOVs, attorneys. buildn din mak-tn- r, also In toe gasatUng line. Waa. JeauatBga, Waia ak Bsidler '! SeU, wholesale and retail, staple and fanar cy dry goods, ladle ond. rwear, mea' gooda. ladles, misses' and children's boas, action and dry roods, groceries aod merchandiae generally. B. W. JB. J r"Is rMldent innt floe Prenk-ltA '"o., wholesale grocers. Chtcavo; Chicago White Lead and OU Co.; and Liverpool A London Glob lire Insurance Co. , oopperBiiU ! Wffl The House eosanslttee on.; naval aflairSj agreed to give Robe-bquchance ta b heard; giving bim theirjerty" of , recalling And rossxamlBing any witnesat be r. One of the Jurors in the Yost murder case, eomtaonlv known the "Mbliy MagUiie' trUI, died at Daaul Grealc Sells staple and fancy rrecerlcj, provls-lon- s, Pottsvllle to davTHfa death will etc cause a great delay in the trial, and i Dr. W. II. Orovra an expense to the courts of at least Does all aort of Dentist work. JCX. $100,000. David Jaaae CelTist Uold tbeaa Bespemalhle. Doe anytalng In tba tin, sheet Iron aad ONLY upon 8T81UXLY PQKK id. It is not piaoed opoa a--i COM e other tufa For Male, bjr Z. C. 51. I., Tcaidel fc Co., and Day S: Co. - 'Dor all kinds of watch and re pair! or and cleaning. M J., - : greenbacks. Qov-trnme- nt and dig aud plant rardot. O. I EUaaoai a practical clock and watchmaker. 1 -- , likesi,;; detectives arrested Yesterday Jnei H. Chestrut.- - route asent on St. Johns River, for stealing mfoney.l letters, anq mau naauer rrpnx me rnallsV This fa a very important fro ie the Really pa Javevpot ai nnmerous complaints have arrest, fie pocketed the money, been made ;to the Departlately the profit being about twenty-fiv- e ment by Florida .visitors ef mail cent-avbills " per ! Toi amortntpf depredations. a erage betweeh $fl,000 and $7,000 ' ''nawveaidlaw.' Oeatk af s Jsrer, fiosros, g. The glothisg house r the rerr beat lira reran fealhara wainui luiuoerana naoy wares. . O, r. Due f tfcU Compaar' ,., Every Fackr Biund of Strictly Frir WhlU teed brr Sell window, beddlnr and baet planta, be tollowloc guarantee: rraenhouse and rarden Bowerlnr plants, uta riowrra and bouquets, raiden and seedBell that their wages ing eomplained werevreouced , below the ordinary rates paid by. 'private employers In that eity. Banrent has had the mat ter Inveatigated and Issued an order Using their wage U folio w-- La borers z.75 and masons 1 in -- . 1 C. kind of mllllnff and cast iron work ehinery work, wrouarht and and iron and bna work of all descriptions. Unitcit States. lr Odbo, i?.--- lncludt Davie. amw alt Do WAGONS! BLEACHED 1 -' fn-vor- vea ' SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD COMPANY VXP1 '- d aw n General' Zand "Odea y chantwa, and take ptanoj and PseiO. Mail jwjU in future ranama oryana la exebanjre. of the tba) axed tn fntereat iaad elalrn'lhNew.Mexico private ; Dr. A. W. raider ItAllroad. rcinrdleaa of the interest knewn aa the Or ties mineV; grant ' Praotldm !n dentistry. of the steamer company's stock- of Kew3Iexlod tetbe-'NeMexico ' Jaaaea Caeilt holders. .This accounts for the Mintog Compalayvrf;?rhe Und Doe plaster tor, whitewashing and heavier use in the Panama stock iarthe grant Sljr Rr.a:-t-J.- ' and weakness of. the Pact tic Mail ifiSfUM0ifl' ; padiHM - The workmen 6n M. ., Calmer A apprals-e- r thajiew Bell famfty rrooerie, window and buUdlng in,BanFrancisco havA e boma-mad- rt. o Pe-Cif- ltf aaidl ft'asraa C. JLarsttt Stork itt the Perl Carriage (Vratker, Knlfht. Ree and Obi ad) Ifak W.II.GBGGO, 1 fn.MHii:i to-day- r. - 411 miiDAy ii. I,,,,.. E VJSlJiXBI', 1 to-da- LIACHmEEY, . ' I., . the. - I . . also in favor of tbe minority report, and tbe former was adopted' by a votsxof-15- 7 to" 70, f The IdetegatWi) is uddersteod to stand, for Tiiden ran wraxaii.r.aisai,MT.iaAra.uK. aiateen; Hendricka six. '" Keep Then Before T' i . ;i Hi hjraaaiaal' LasiS ciaiaa. c I.SMt righraJDlspatehee. f WAannmiTOoT ilThe commitr. AaartMuek A Br. tee on foreign affairs finally agreed .Iwi V atATCaii Sell dry rood, fanor rood, ai!1IInrjr, to report on Scbenclc thUaterrrdeni. rsnaa elothlnx, boot and hoea, bau and raai. Sevesal Baodincations having been nouootH eo ! it will likely be unaninseua )lvaX4Rtf,tst2.The future of made, Hewltl will report it to the House bharpena aawa, repair atoveaand dot- - the Pacifld MstLrCompauy I Btlll all cutlery, lock aad sunamith work. the an bird of kntiAav aolicltudo. Al- - tomorrew Schenck bad not, upte k Carcteaa thViMehrttlrente dirorce it adjournment ,i thongh replied to SeH Maaon Uamlin aod other orrao. from 1 he control of the Union letter. Cheeseherough'a fancy rood, holiday preaeota. aod piano, Railroad, it looks ss if the- 'Ai patadit was-- ' issued from the all kind of musical Instruments and mer aacood-hanbe man- Public . At-- i j BCSIiVBSS DIUElrTORV. 4 iK - " ' 1 IN Jtti W: &. - term cash, the premises above described, far the pureos ot paying said sofc' and and eaasset uria trust (or so nroohpayK and upon such aale being Fursusax to in anxnoroy ana Mr la; SBe vasted. asak. rMnta end deltvar ; to the pureaaserr or? pureharers thereof ded in te sinvpie to the premisee aforesaid, thereby conveying- all or. the In' cerest aew or. owned ry tno satd Koooh Beese at the date of making the deed aferey aid, and which I bold by virtue of said coo- - this yearj If ra. S. J. ItivImM ' rr - it,' or.lyili't , . atdv- Ben f;: CHURCH VORKS, . ... l. .if .Up. - .?nrH;4..Tiwtee . aaAHirracriTBav DESERET JIBWS OFFIGK, . - s ' ?Pf 'gnirnkwCrty. - 'I 'V '"rt:i!. : "i'VVi'i I OF 0QOr - 4 Aai aooonat of the Iahahlmnm of tbe- Amerlosa ContiDcat, written by th hand of tdr- -' moo open plates taken from tbe plates 7 jxt lasieoaawitoenr of Meptu. fouwl. sear tsanebester, ua tario Oov, New York, and tranalated by : pwacm5toaL??iro&L i the Prophet Joseph lUk J i .V t i ,WuJ aMommedatMBrf 4i 4. AaS fee th BOCTRJXB- - AND rCOTMNAStS of office ouatomer. have I my opened an Church of Jesus Christ of.- Latter-da- y the north side.of ' the Townsend Saistat eeleoted from tbe Revalstioas or UooacfiaitLak Ctty, where I adll try aad Presklasa d l.h f (byJeAa6aaJ keep oe hand Doesklnav aamt flaaaela, sdkav-lforosilt.- 1 Blanketa, Uapallanta. Tweed. Mrton8 irrSfWBQQg; . , T .t TH9 vOIca or-Triple Tare. er an aha ' Partfs havtng WOOL sell will do we.' hf ldMtioa to tae mtnsns uoetnn Intro' of to call and examine our Cioth and Paioah-- : "nhui.ll jmHi. I'hrM rrf 1 -- s : PrnttiuLu. ator mailed on appiMStiocu. P. sample Saints by Pariey lack femMist u.; j ,0000, AM to; .fail cloth, emhosssdVtoa. dshtf' iAJT ..lurn-iiH- . SPJSSCZies ZJSTTA7RS Letter exhlbit- Deotrines of' v'Ujg.tnesaost.ioBkinent the Church. of Jeeus Christ of Latter- -, 9 '.'ii Orson AB., to n '( day Saints ty soaea o8penoer. i ; wnien onthe Lettr jaeew,uroer. in nepty to the ratnarcnai iter. . A. Wahi-WcoienAli- ll s -- ... CMACKia. rCTCKY . Box 24, S. L. City. J REEDALL DARLINQ, ol t,; rxopriatars. ia-ter-est ac-con- . JitiRAfOJV. Ancfc St - tar mottm . J' S-- bttr en-poa- tt ta' - Topeka, Ks.4. The Goi- Thk Mormons on RtetA nrnirsntlnn fnr th republican , a. r.Tadsi lni Af lat member ot bado.A the colony P mer Thread Ctlovea, bus manym grooaiiea, TxatlorJlI contrlfi parasols. tun aud Feathers; Batata! orated atfiun f LsUer-da- y ganur eiouiing, boota delegateatothe good, snu lam reiki MLhetav ran' iium. .writ4uunitbat from endle&s In . , waa caoaen tem- will be four settlements of this u. nuiwuiru ha no Is genaraiiy. ( brap;.Jllbl)on aad dry gooda sad rleij; porary chairman, and IX' J. Evans l Me aSe.' am full, rrtrnlar Ilalbrlcrirnii Iloa thla river, embracing several SIXTEEN PAGES a'id EIGHTY was elected permanent. The con' " , .' ' .'; hundred , people aodw'Oost office Is Kaeps the Townsend Hooae. vention" till ' 'adjourned COLUMfNeir READIKG. four'p.m. bno of their most prgen t tiecewlties. J F.tc, ; Walker Bras, ;? : , The sentiment of.the CQAventlon WeflniliW.' at .iwwwu MgJoeH "J ne Sell dry goods, grooerlr, hardware, glass Is strotjgly folafnennt wuik ns .Arintsd ea troMg Ifaifi-- Aav ffwr. and crockBrr ware, aad inercnanaisa reo- - the forwarded tn postal delegates will not be Instruct people 41 raiiyi' waaissais and retail. . . Agent, Charles Adams, at letata ed. ''. I.-- : a. V v ' Colorado, who has charge of Postal 0ntflB,',,",.'," ; Bsllreea AetMt--IIaurSen dry goods, groceries, carpet, fcardv matter in Arizona, would insure Stare for Home Maauaotore. CNV hL. ,miiise ware, crooavrr ana aiaaaware. ooocs sum , Lovi&VUXXL 25. mucJotn. mDo en, tia At 6:30 this the establlshbient ef offices at such Broom Gc4i Jt?J lO : SSf haw and cans, leather aad Oiidlnr. ho, XST TO THK SCIENCE OW TWEOUOOT. ' aad all ortef geoeral BercaandjaawtKMa the Prescott andSanta Scott's Tettitaonj tor Blaine. ! morning near. ulagow. Ky., a points along '. ,, ' Designed as an Introduotkn te the girtv vrf i V Prineipl-opassenger engine, near the Louis- Reroute as the necessities of the crptasrvatlrf ftepohljoaa JVUUcsl .Confer SplriuiaJ Philoaophy, be- 'Vs ' SSTtsura Baaik aal Trwsf t ville and ashville Great Southern people require.' Mr, AdamsTwho ' '.t esoe. f llgion, Lawand Government, a DeDr- -' t ?."!! r t:-- i 'ti!M ered Dy end '' "Railroad, ..ran , over a cow, and a W larrs last fall to fig nphs Giles War of Xaoe la ixHittfcnW XnUrtd oceordlntr toltiP Jet of CongrtM ,i . fat this. are Tor tbe Final Devel meat HAifi ?AH Docs a general hanking aoalnaas. and ra-- coach Is a tA asfern ! efficient fHxU fa OMri th t and ( ' Peaaei paatter, T very I;i CIOLTIBY. qf Universak peoplavwas ruts aad containing of agent thirty Tbe Iisnis'sna Investlgathjs t oelre deposits in sum a low as 00 dollar. VtSTMWI. , ledger Bx Parley- P. Pratt--, Im. precipitated down' an embankment; Will do fdl la his power to srlvo the ThaOrantT Haws Establishment. v IW OOCO.S1 autTinr ciotn, emoosseo, I so. all were more or less bruised, but haitierac propex ,MUaoeommoda The Mnstaog Race at Weetwood Park, . ' ore-Soilinene were Ulled 4? h .. Lowest Ait " uectrinea.or 4; TSulUnandtheSotUti,;,; Itiog ta ofjrvomisent Jesus Chrlrt .of Latter-da- y She,'l m Ai cw Church hJw ?T n Th Art of Xtf. pe -jl, 'Ai peTmdheatlyeurWth worst .j John fittlf corara.Pamart by Jaque.-akJra, t Prices (rtjm .1 Ooofareaeeatfilcbfleld. .' ;' ' Durns,. etc , and. removes pne, .eanoers was bangedatHolly Sptlngs, Liwrau raosi trrrLir coiorado rektloaT Trrtegtltjr Kcedcd.; - ue sioauv-aLong, jnetc. U tunr. jevaia-apant i .; fOJhTKfrfCrjr or the' faWand' Doc-- 1 . Xer, irgXea. jLTmb, barns, .cut, and 4Ie naade Mass., TheTtmrA. n trtnes ox tae vmirca ex rfscua t;hrhjt r,t ' tnonsana A.I witMi Six 8t. JoHJiSy Biunia, compiled from the , T., j people t PAIN PAIXTaa 1 EnilgraiionNotJoean4TIor4ructkri,1 fa hoWe Boole a IIle Flrers . J-itt- .; i Pawoh ijs set-Crossi- oul-Dny- on 1tmrm-Am- m, , s : .. , - - Choicest urocen es V itbj7 . ' ."-- ! - TOttJOTT'S PAIS PAINT ' l. K J , -- , - FOR. SAL! E:; x :, con-fesaio- '. - V ?!wi,v nrivateL letter Tjtfik&iXtnm Ae AnrU Wttt. 187o? One ef Ihe meat dealrable bualneas prepertiea la the i. Convention re asssmbledat .fcS0 City. Centrally located en this morninrr. and concluded a ner-1st Seolh Street; tvo paanent ' organUktioti lTl electing v wi vausi frem Deieret Dsnk1 and uraiierisi v ' " Ilranerlora earner ' ... - 3? ' 'r . '"! ' - a rieJ I es tr-d- ay - relstierl7 iat :r' Th.SobeaekCa- -- r"v UfanKorttrtK,B nKocsa-SsItrcZ- S'v 1. mmyl -t a v S. V tf SL t wSi. KIM .T'O ( i Cl .M S mis "Upon1, the " u. '.' B. : were' tose.a3TPf JV3 A."4t ,d ; t - qft,;rl y T?.mninrT tA ,vi T and Clxtk'Sf tl;ry lUod Uii (I uiiiVit tin "J . Kf oi. 111? V . . m an ii.... - va tiaI 0 !. t j. tt ...mI 1 r Ua;a-- : T 4:. ! ervf tozt UWO .Os,4 by ITisa RODEBGGEWjflAYE'lI! ' LOCAL ACEHCIEO, f 8 W A Ni5 ft flr3 E W E L R T J rost OSioe. ' lWf4.W. hni- V;; - t. r'M' PJtATTt$m Wird A ' rr .' iC w ai rkxh Basts ' 3 MStTlUXmV or, the canros of lrvei 0T Lar-djiSaints; being a bessai.t y Ainwew TWijOuestJoiD, la.7 t chjdiPg th. Revelation oa Cietial , i aada- Brief Acoonat of the ttkMDntcf fi't UU Valley, with-- . , Ksmaga rruj'-'itG0- ' i "lntere-'..- r - " I f i-f i T -- eoca b.- fill; CJ 5Cld t-- ymrmm-MttwrnrtL- ,- U WW i.tttSi-;.. gtgt.T .tositjy fiT4tt-To- kJfJgjjSlAli 4...--,- Clothe r i eg i ana. .'Jesus Cbrfet ; j Wt.t "A4-- fonw- --XtiSTTERS-TO , ebative btore. post- A f - Kewman. Chapials l. aVilHiste, to whtoh is also i.of the Three Inacoarte on Celestiai ,ddadl i vIemage dalirerad bv Orson Prau. PruaWenl Geo, A Smith, aod l Caonoor PrtcaW centa. SA tfartor!l PolItlcaf;? Porafi Keupoa F DO: BTOIuSBxt 4.f. wesauea Amuaf licApilQnl3$. ' - i. . 1 1 - '- tll." 1 L f !v"? : i-av-i '.MW ,,ASJ PraU and n. Dr. 'f " i theWtrrlaV7 y luKasstot Tarioosadei Reviews and ICotlcas of . J Boofcr, kad other-jmbnoatien- a ht bora thx : aratxa : sAAtmv "WWM- tiiUHi - the .bsn3Dno jniuAO ' j--it. yJ rr. looi: ' Tint a 'i of htonaou Dootri and ol .. by P. D. Rio hards; Call' v.niwtUS4 u'tt'lvii isatk WDBX8. , , A senea of Pami D. PRATTS , i i in.' if iu t rm t ssaevaeii vmaai a savva eavsw aC Ibtt Churoh of Jett brfit af lausf. en t'the-Churo- J.-r- TheCfeiaeatAndiae Whl v. Woneiv .- ' . "fCalaaaltans Svents. - J . Letter Editorial Kote '. n j Local Mews. w , IVreigs.1 i. Corresponoet BtMrSaM TeSearej4Ja rmrstcses" JCront ATI rsrtsor - diss I -- "'jT? i Bi Covenant, r-- e, .i-out- , i. , bl ir kept the t- far NawTorsiCJonlereoca,. aocWeuts. aad stokneas M,;7:1t sf"arrenrtss, will save It many dollars thrown away en Kxette. The alooha and Coewtasttoopl route eeU Aobw lUiutfioteres aod Usstol Indatrtes. ttlffioulty -i-jaHtstUng-Ahe I hope also, to be able Rtara Si ilia h I In JDSXaa,'r! J !kiia--JJ- Ublished.. IISIV VKVWfl yon S13 WfUSLlU to serv.Iee on thpropeied route 4' f ,: 'Ctrf cinnilltCOBrventW-2ri;cJisrown, at get i ",..4ii r once." It Is the hone and wish rtght la tks 6sek H1Up..v t y k, , v N. R. PmneyrOfJvVi Oabori, H. 8. of a ' - ' EICMIOTEt MAGDUFF BROTHERS. . pated; Washington. March 5,1876, ( ejeot- ,s 'bi "V K ,w pur Delegate, Hon'. HVg. Stevens, SulftWftrel , .. .., A V ?' uta been Vbli fa th Nattoal IofdJtulion ef Draf kajs; . 'ibe mall v'-iha ravoraoiy reporiea upon and I am t i Wirtw lit i ncuueu w uubb uiere.wui do no great rnwyjjepple- that ho my F. $ostnsd A. Nance, anatccreu Koley, no qxsr- jn tar, i.erv were for Instructed t Blaine. hey Is urr nt i. d of b I A Bt MreSHgaas a n aaaeti M I ii iCsm v estlesu i bearWal?thecuUUon of Hbu 1 I ."J 17. UilTA i .X4AK8U,tltcli.U.The23niM Section will have doubled itself. crallo State (Convention niat here Some ten days ago, forty Mormon -and organised - permanently faaallies arrived asa located: tbem-aetvcantaining xweniy Kiaetna j en the Colorado- f!hlrml to at W. L. Webber, presl-den- t. tm coraplet order. SJxe electing by. some iixty-- t Tb tne chosen 0( uie-tioi"Cot deltes aUarge joaeutn rirrCaiCantherl tire0 W.WL! Weober," PtUrVhite, five of seventy pallet below JhU wen Irani aad ten L Mills and Henry Chamberlain, Iace. ' ' They report islxty.' more . tv amilles ctt rou2e; all of wboia are and also elghtHatricttf-Ites- J LIME DeliTered In Rait Lake Cifj bj the Load ftt S3 ttntn xter iron ahoTe he and to committee The The oareawlaiiojitacsade repared topat in crops pTopertjwlll Ter-ir! pexraaritT.ttcin,J sold at a TJarsalxu ' Apply two reports.' Tfc4:-Tir.7nie "1TE3T LIME Itf THE MARKET fo? eTerj, UailctU-ii- si frotal tbe jmrjdtyT'' to deplore.; Oey er drj:ixtu,yVt,;:tt i to bo a,ery desirable addj. Win tell Cbeaper for Caab at Kiln than roy other firm In the on the presileeav prlncipieaol tao govsmsuz.lv -- ii trpesr of has brought corruption and ctTa ion to our population. !A party c. P. GiLDEnscn. Ceo-y- s tloaof hoasssv and a Is: trdTa of hera wen nn the rlvrr, EST RT .TSHBD 1863 Maxomotli. Lime Xiln '"J j;: " n. a-- -- i to-da- y. - , CURES.ALti PAIN. . . ? If in rlna 4r nlll rrrl 1" i i rvri i I ' . ' .mt KIah a m n Tr. I a 0 v a MiiSAMnea'a'! ' iOEDROCiC FIGURES. ; rlrlw . - m Tka f ! ng I ? I at the ofhXchyie the s!mplafaot,thot.we.dls; lll3 - '.. KMUUliL' lit; count and'pay 1 - - - .4 esatS PAX 4 tiaf-s- &t nt fc.auj4rj lisLieeats..; Joha'jiar. re- rr'..... V? Itrhal . o ."it; -t . aosai Lyon.:; .'. ...r,. J3't. . . |