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Show I.'--- . ., SSaaaSBSBaaaBaBaaBaaaaSSaSa .... ' - '' VOI.. IX. ? ' . i" - " r ';' - i m s" - ' i .... - SAIT JaAElE CITY, UTAH TEBRITOItY, SATURDAY 5 TRADE. T f' DISCOURSE PRESIDENT DJ. WELLS, " '5V;tji i i '- . - r.-'r- J :t" i - - , - ' ."" ' '".1 EVltffrsr, t ST.JIiOlTI : i i - j v- v ' "... and the course and hislorv cause the rate of ' Interest is too pirinr: Latter-dait ai tfttbd dStaRs, but it will y of the What Saints are s testi higb; it was never so low in our aae. Itself him ward? Me mony to tne world from- he 'Lord moatSprosperous days. Not because ma a. btrfmn An 3imevery of tbe a 152. STO. MAY 20, 187G. PR0PERTT VALUABLE 0a1o Obenp, Commodious with 3ffox 1 TOWNSEND HOUSE nSALT LAKE OITT, few a will peoDweDIng-can do.aomethiDg, and if be allly building up of his kingdom, money is scarce, J amos Tsweaead, rroprletor f Piiot, and twenty rod Nu-k- , to pass or nis purposes dl81 still maintain, because even an ALtrfe, lav thto matter before tb members uriuging ou block eae First ituated Wrt rle street, surend the his lend be cannot fulfilment toronheMes farmer of that wlll fiud of his ward he ouih nf Catbo.io Semiuary, 14th ward, for uttered thousands of years age But plus icash, and money is "a drug in pa'Kicuiars, enquire of W. can ret very MLTTIUD AT TH ... HO and OS Wttkloftoa f Hi. . EDDINOTON, the market." Not even because ffcf provisions and other they cannot see la lsJbor,anl Oo tbe premise. XAYLOKS HOTEL,; One of the slims of the tiuee"ie confidence in tbe future is lacking, Annual Conference of taeana neceaftarjr to "pay the hands Fortyixth Jo AZ9T STREET, Salt Lak Ctttf. givenbewhen tbe kingdoiwof Oorf for that is but a subsidiary reaaoe; the Church of Jesu ChrUi of LaU who work AteadilTen the temple. be Thece iarziol SQarftHLIn the city. Dot shouldeea built un. wanthe heavitur the real queetlou is. "Why have y rooMS wmr or wrmorrr board: Saint; in of the m AvrnrACTCKBU or IV Dininir Kom In op.a. Hra. 8. J. beyond its bounds Has men no confidence?" a. ward lu.fnfi. oouaiy, nor m Salt Lake City on the these ruslmsea Dum Men have lost confidence in the COTLES. LOCK AIO filSMIl Bodfers bavina' been thebow heard of any sach thing ceatleaiUWwhatcan and anybody to keepa Unit her of years, undertatiis in these day.?- Everybody'' future because they have no confithis end, that cUU Morning of Thursday, ''Afrit reasonable. class table,. Charges of reads wisdom their rulers; SAWS SHAHPESD, 8T0VE8 RJt-- P jhe newspapert knows that' dence Id the going Mht 1870. thai to rljrh t away. 1 1 is not to take ao mnch atone to eo on with events of 'this kind have 'bees because they see no way of escape AIRED, lK8 RBPORTXD BY DAVID W. EVANS. , in propottkMVaa it has taken for common durinjy th past few year?: from the - curse of abundance; beSto:t.i Audi the cotton spinner, the iron fmirtiar: for the walls will o m Keaeration pay no more re-to cause I ak rmtiiied with another oppor thn founder, the woollen manufacturer, not be ao witle: amdet although the gard to then than they-wtook- i Attorney and Connselor; ef meetinfr in the rapacity Krork is eipenslre.-yit can be tbe shaking of a straw In the wind. tbe producer of any but the crudest tunity Office In Wsaatoh Hotel, 8. L. City, of . a General Conference. We dono. Wtt hava mechanics WHO soTa as belug a sign of the doming Eredacts . of .our Industries finds DR; A. W. CALDER, imseir at every step hampered by hare. HUf ned to a very . stirring are perfectly competent to do it, of tbe 8orf of Man or of the accon BTHREI . TEBFLS discourse here this morniBg in re- and the plan" will be given as fast pllsbnieut of the work of the-- Lord mischievous laws restricting his -d2Sltf ,,J; to tbe great work in which we as laborers to do the work are ready. in the last days. Talk to people market, and thus forcing him, if he gard are all engaged, or at least the Lattergenerally In the world, kboutsueb sets his hands at work, to overpro- A few doors north of. Walker IVow This is ene thing that we can do, MONEY TO LOAN ! the -day Bainta should be all engaged and It is required the re- - things, and they say Ob. thev duce and at once cause' and feel farof and in it; for ttaey ought to feel inter- anomtlhtlitv ef accemelishirjir this areaoeountedfor open some natter curse of abundance. When a EASY TERMS, TESTIMONIAL.MTU. Te ON ested In' the work they hare es- task reeta "unon our sboelders. Of at principle.: It is so with all of mer lias too many potatoes he aaaall KM ssrrewen, est lis proved SAHrnisctsoo, who July, poused, as It is designed to bring course we haveotber Katies to per tbe signs that the Lord has riven.' must find somewhere people real e4te Repayable by city We,' tbe take uoderafgned, (Treat pleasure Mlrmble, arlnelpaU-ailytf about the accomplishment of the form. Any person who lives in er that he will give, that have bees want potatoes, else bis large crop is in recomiaeodlos Dr. A. W. CAUbBH to all with. dealt a of who curse to labor' Ebrd of plant- those who may need the eerrioee at a the t. purpoere him; tbe upon the this Territory, here in Zlon, propneeiea about they ean all be C. E.POSCROT, Broker. as a thoroughly oomprteut and aklllful earth. In the day and age in which nrofesses to be a Latter-da- y and gathering and housing is Saint, accounted for upon ing ImdtlB ooe we and in have whom la OoabVa Urac Htore. we live the Lord has given to hia has responsibilities of various kinds principle. They are eeverthelees wasted, and he la. poorer, and not operator, aa oonfidenee a plicit a beth Dentist and to of children to .. here his member below richer. If the Legisla- rntieuiau. coming pass ia the time that the great priv- restinar udou him. All.ought ir Stock in the ilege of being Dr. H. AtToTIN, DeaUst, 63t Wasklastoa as, xx with him asBist in deyeieping the resources of Lord through his prophets ha said ture should" "propone to him a law Street. o X In establishing his kingdom,' and the f oily to draw from the elements they would osHe n Many things forbidding him to sell his potatoes Dra. KOBRK1-SUnited States. the reign of truth, peace and right for the pupport'or themselves aou prophesied of In ages' past and gone out of the township In which his itiotirtb Street. FKEKLAND, Dentists, 200,000; RAILROAD TIES. K. TL MoIXW LV ft CO., Drusstaa, B. B. eousness upon the earth. farm lies he would curse the pol famines; to build up and make im- - are actually transpiring. ay jret e omer fllflB ainl Pltie rtret. fool. what is But that a the as for not" Is the Irtshins; te eoDtract for the da- there comdown tear do' to not people any necessity and genbraHy PKRTONS of F. W. SOCKWElXt 8o. H. It W.n.GBEOa. Prst. either at Otrden, our for all be are Lord to commence such a work? provements, laws thern. bsdr. V But all doing the majority We should and prehendLatter-daV. P H. R, betweenon the line of theties, r y of and thus manufactured If we are to believe our surround uniteddestroy. Mora-athe Saints do, aad product", aud we in beautifying developing, City and Osdon, will ret. all neoee- -j to LEAD sary Information by ings, and what we see, hear and and im pro vinor this country iu they know that, tbe time of the our industry is deranged. HAMILTON CO., DESERFT NATIONAL BANK learn every day, there is great ne which , is find abundance a cure Saviour the has rJanted our second coming of Boom Building-8, GodNj's 1: .r r. There was a time in our earliest dlt5 approaching. rait Lake City. cessity, xor there can be little doubt feet, that iwe raayj became a in the minds of any reflecting per Uan we realize that there Is a history when a stagnation precise'Of Snlt Lake Lily, Utah. people, 'bringing forth f tkto Compauy -son mat we live in a very wicked. from the eletnentSjWlth work to be accomplished, and ly like this from which the country Every Packm the wbich great bears Whit Bmod of Pur Lnd Strictly II ENS and perverse generat- Lord has surrounded us those things that the responsibility rests upon now sutlers prevailed. It was lu V be follow In Jt unbelieving - $200,000 B. W. E. (uaraxitee : , j . . f ion..- I do not tbtnk this proposi necessary:- - for; "oof ''sustenance and ear shoulders? I hope and trastwe theperiod during which theoriginal Paid up Capital, -Resident Agent. tion would ue denied by any one. comfort. We should economize our may, I believe we shally and that States were formed into a con feder- Authorized Capital, f 1,000,000 shall put forth renewed enenrv ations ilndastry languished, enterit is so manifest to everybody that time, and use it and all we have to 37" The White Lead contained In Offloe and 8am pie Rooms, 23 East Temple 3 w.eii. ine ouxown best advantage, and to tbe to perform what is required of mbs prise stopped, capital was idle; "M, H. HOOPER, President, this , Paokafu is foaranteed by t he uiey cannot S. KLDR KDOK, when it seema as if glory and honor time has comeaeny.it. of our Father. from time to time, and: be earnest everywhere was a cry of over- H. Maodfacturer,. .the 80CXUKN SALT LAKE CITY. YOUNG, the cup ef their iniquity is about nil There is plenty of lebor here ror In accomplishing, as- far i as It de--v abundance; laborers could not And BUIGHAH COM PANT, 8T. WHITE L8AD WM. JRNNINUS, Dtreetort. work Lord when week's loves a is . the because thinks it the ed:and upon s, all If they will do it, and if they JOHN SHABP., , purposes of tbe employment LOUIS, Ma, to eonUla bo adatter, WHl IB FEKAMOHZ LITTXte, enough, and he has seen fit to com will put themselves te Work la those Almighty, in seeking the kingdom sufficed to overstock the .'markets', U tton whatever. It k oompoaed entire- '. & . Cashier. MacTeaefi & Zi, mence his. great, latter-daHlla, work channels that are necessary. There of God and its righteousness, and arid with ja month's full time a ly of perteotly PURK, CMBJ3C& ATB evera in of ceuid himself. with ruin manufacturer the are some kinds of business that are developing the country in which OF LSAD aod Unseed dW. and U proclamation lasting .gospel among the children overdone. A, good many of our God has planted our feet, aad which The people were discontented; Deals oU eubjeot to ChemloakA lyaM and la Exehanre, Cole, Gold Daac, WHOLESALE of men, with a view of reclaiming young people, others to, in- beheld in reserve for so many hun- they complained of the high taxes; the BLOW-- PIPX TEST. . , their eeUec Herlp, ei. mem rrom tne path or perdition stead or turning--and GROCERS, to dreds of years for his Saints, that the tax gatherer was an object ef attention and of saving all who will yield tne cultivation oi tne ear in, or to they might have a place to come to dreed; and the sheriffs made and promptly rewhile the mass of the peo- Collections made The name of the manufacture of things that are and inherit. We know that he has Oompanj to- - placed Obedience to his requirements. mitted. CHIC AO O, ONLY upon STBHTFLT POfiAiead. It Is vioVet now to filled eat. The earth with had bread. our into Is It hands and he ple needed for the welfare and given scarcely actually Is not placed upon a eoond or other Infe- lence and evil as ' was we In three had it tbe days oomrort or the then only about FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOB 8ALB, Whitere seek to pouring his blessings upon us from rior quaJliyi. Pe verttea AELN purchaatnr CXJMFAMT-abefore the flood, and the Lord has become clerks community, Leadoraiiided 900TH some time to time, and that to use for millions of people and a few out to and pursue a sail that as it was in the days of kind of a paid on Saving? Deposit- - LiierpKil AB9ot.irr.xT 80 b a of obtain! trjt that is not pro him and his kingdom, and not as lying settlements, fl'he distress calling Perfeetly rare ArUele. , inso rtoan shall it be in tbe days of ductive. Such a course increases fast as he hands it to us to hand it continued for many years; it FIRE INSURANCE Co. coming of the Bon of Man. the consumers, but not the produc- out to build up the devil's king- creased continually, until at last M. I. Oodbe, PItt A; Co., the Vor Sale by .Z. How was it in the days before tbe ers, and we have ne surplus here of dom. wise men searched out a remedy SALE. J. flood? Why, the wicked had filled those things necessary to support which was so complete that up to Tcatilel A That we may be united in 41 ST Daj & Co. the cup of their iniquity, and they and sustain people. If men were our abilities, our means, ourusing sub- the present time we have hardly pUBtlC NOTICB I HEREBY GTVBNi CASH CAPITAL aid ASSETS,, were ties troy eo, only a lew tne to go into various branches of man- stance and all that we have In roll- - beard again the old and bitter com- JL Taut whereas Enoch fieese. br his certain deed of trust, uiikio, and righteous being saved. Well, if it ufacture they would help to create ng forth God's purposes, building plaints of that day. The remedy delivered day of March, A. IX is to be in the days of the coming a market for home products, and up his kingdom and establishing was an immediate and Immense itiz, na on tbe 24th grant, Darsam, sell and convey of the Son of Man as it was in the mat would; stimulate LeGrand zouos of tbe el'y and coun- tbe principles ef righteousness in enlargement of our markets. It unto production, Salt of ty Lake, Territory of Ut&h, who is Particular attention given to the insurauoa 1787 took subof wicked In the will the production of fruits ef the soil the hearts of the people, Is m days Noah, why the shape in tbe party of the sroond part In said deed. of reeHene s and oontents. cpecial' again be destroyed, and tbe right- as well as other things. That prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ. stitution!' for the old ' Confeder- tbe lollowiudescribed rea siturates o&eied for terms of eous saved. i i This ts a preparatory would be eood economy. We, at Amen. d A;'. ation of the Constitution of the ate. lylsff and fceiog- In tbe Cityroperty, and Countythroe-tfive years. of Salt of Lake, if and Utab, Territory United the States. andparwith the work, people reject Compared present, have no surplus of the pro aeeonoea aa loiiowa, to w In Dealers Retail uouiariy and Jobber and Iuportrs goepel that the Lord has revealed ducts of the soil in these of TBS 8TAQ1TATI0N OP UTDTJS- - the articles of confederation InB. Wi E JENNENS.ABOnf. An and undivided one are but few changes In this terest equal from heaven, they may expect to the mountains; there is novalleys of , In and to tbat certain quarter there lot, being overplus IIA.VE j WHT MEN Oytesyonrfewes Solietted five- (5) in Block; Seventy be overtaken, sooner or later, by his even of wheat or other portion of Lot instrument. One of the vitally im- a(70), or of f X5Y l and bounded aa follows, grain, dcrtbe-ne-oCOHPIDENOE? NO ones mainthat on which uagmenu. outxney are already g butter and cheese, and other kinds I ( portant fire (5) fe-- 1 north from the eoutn-we- et reeta all our subsequent proscorner of said lot, thence north fifty-oupon the earth.. We food. Even of meat we have poured ly we and hear of them occasional)?. of foreand are filled with thence east quarter (51 t) fret,fltty-onnot any but what can command a Men's nilnda perity:as that one wbich brushed ten (10) one " So rods, tbenoe south and from bodlnirs disaster. but the world is filled with unbelief. market, far of If by magic, the depres one quarter a at away, and tbeoue price ten (10) sufficiently wot (51t) fet, Unbelief In God is the crying sin of high to justify the raising of it, and recovering confidence prudent and sion, suffering, want and paralysis rods 10 place of Beginning oooUiulas inirrT-oo-e men are more of Industry, was tbat which forbade (16S-1this generation. They do not believe the taking care of and Increasing generally square roaa sixteen to square feet, as plattcw la Plat A, n the things of Uod nor in the and multiplying the floeks and apprebeuslve and less confident of theindividaal to States duties lav alt Lake- City Survey, tor e bee with and future than they-- f were two or aoy aina upon toe importation lootuaingwhich he has enunciated au tne aad then using them wisely. the principles tlwrroo, ears nk-which Ask deed wmaappurteiianoea the ago. In ttw- merchants of for record or and wnloh he is endeavoring to ee- - herds, rrom otner Btates wnicn, office ofsavtd What for?"' To sustain the wicked few York, tbe capitalists of anv. goous the Hvcordrr for ka Salt County la te say, enabled the resident County. Territory of fitan, March the IKVtb, laouan inrougn ine instrumental and ungodly?- No, bat' to build up tbat what they of New York to take hia goods to 187 ai d was, n the 3rd day of, Aprli jt.lX the kingdom of God. and to bold part ofandthe country, ity of those among his children who have rendered obedience to and use for God and his kingdom think, they tell you the oat- - Charleston, or the resident of, Bal 1875, duly- recorded m Mortsace Bocord his goepel, and who live in accord- continually. Not Just for a.ahort 00k is gloomy and that many timore to carry his to Boston. Un BookE,asealfl2I-aand2SsaStor SaeeiaiM Circular asa acttaataa. l aald deed of trust was made ance with the principles thereof time and then pass on in some signs point to a continuance, and, der the Confederation each State tbeTbat raid Ueese to secure tbe payment ofby a 11 not nf pvi n dt with it continues, necessarily an ag levied duties at its borders upon tbe said DroniljorT upon the earth. We have the other direction; but continually, deed, which to In tbe words and figures of the dry rot from proaucts or otner mates, end thus privilege of promulgating the work day by day, week after week, and gravation, va CRACKERS ! CRACKERS ! CRACKERS ! 1 ' will of God, and of establishing his year after year, as long as we live, wnicn we nave suffered for four each narrowed hot only the mar luuuwiuct ' .. . "Salt March Lake ,1875. Mth, !;:Qty, ; FIX toon' hs after date 1 monl a To mt past Everybody admits that kets of tbe others but also of its own Kingdom here anions: the children contribute of what we have lor tne years . . U ? A T H E H ' we nave no to W. W. Btter or order the sum nf two of men; and we may have the building up of the kingdom, and longer the materials for people. The result was overpro- thousand lawful of dollars, a tbe not a is storm money It great of te duction and his panic. privilege building temples the building of temples to the name stagnation everywhere, United States, with interest at the rate of or expect, but a because- there was no free market two per cent per month from date, until nigh and holy name, wherein we of the Lord. And when .that is which men dread mav receive tbe hlesiilnc. nf t!mn done there will be something else prolongation of the dead calm un for surplus products, no freedom to paia, interest of i.Salt, LakCng sr. i - u monthly. .. ..... payable . ' JSJIOCB KKSBB." fade all and and eternity, and administer the in the same direction, for it is the der which The convention of a And Whereas aefS ti ma tf nwmp nunw ABB dally manuf acturln $r a superior, enterprises r ' exchange.' of alt kinds of Cracker. ordinances of salvation for the liv- work of the Lord, the ' great work rot. ;i few States which originated the tioned In sakl note, to wit. two thousand doli i Oar Stock f UearU 9feretaBtllae, la not The situation eeaa, duiwti wysier, r ran x iin assuring but call for a general constitutional con la re, with tbe interest, thereon since Nov" ton. ing and the dead. of the last days. - Let us actasiif If we examine uonoa nutter, eanta viara, rajooa.' it carefully we 4, 1875, is still due ano un aid. shall vention arose, out of a desire 'to ember It does not xtm necessary, and we believed it. unitedly, with all see that' It has Piioti La) iiread. ; Grande, Ginaerj Harq ' mow tbeWBTore, I. Le Grand Tranr. In I elements which, make the navigation of the Pbto- Lemoa snap. Jenny Iipd.AberocLhy it should not be, to enter Into any our hearts, and with all the means . pursuance of tbe powers and authority to Snap, ' w ine Biscuiti QlftM-e-r Nuts. : - - while make the 8urar, ........ to remove . . W to to commer these .... present . pros they matf and n me free, prove argument our vesica oy virtue 01 bhki neea. aiid at tbe Tae above varieties are nowbefno; sVfcpoa' things that. 'We possess,' ana i not-sipnenome-no- nr cial restrictions, ' no longer endur- request of tbe bolder, nwni r and nave of the Latter-da- y extraordinary Saints; they are al- ways to atraosrera. I, tell ., you. trationan said tiro term aad sole tfaroaaiMiut this and adjotaiaa;TaJ note, and In aoeovdahee-witto due unusual causes, riveua CoivttsU of the Choicest Stock of Selected able,' between- Maryland and Vir- or som ready patent to them, and in this brethren and sisters, this rests upon eound reasons for aeeo will sUi ketweea the nour of rltorles at prioea )qwertbai pri ' Klf4ti . . . . . believing that: If ginia. The real and moving cause two apdthree p.nu, on tbe 86th day of Ma, Western. regard they know and understand and the work may advance with Addn-tto Tbe TjTAB? "STRAIT causes orders all these A.D. be' 187S, removed. west the cad at of our call dK'S only their duty. Well then, what is ujgreat deal more was constitution of the premiman present FaCTLKT, Box X46L a. c Cay! at public vet due. to the nbrbrst biOder. CttACKEB there for us to do? .Why, to take what it has. done 'rapidity country has all tbe material at desire, by extending the area5' for ses, Af DAWdhG , If we will be tbe n terms reraises the abuve oasb, desorird. for hand an immediate: revival of the exchange Of products: to revive ior 100 puraose 01 pay lng raid, notx and in- dUB wll j KEMAIA hold with renewed energy and zeal; united In obeying the counsels hat u , t . .. Propriexars, ,., and for Its long'contlttu- - perishing industries' in all the terest and costs of this trut (or so much not to falter but to go ahead, with we receive from ume 10 time, we brospeiity . Tit Ili.'lHa. it may and upon such rale being sm JO tuJ nuv ,ua what Interest we can command, must not only listen, but act upon LnM Btates. it is needless to say that aa made w 11,pay), pursuant to tb authority and markable ! thatuie. Tare the remedy was ' effectual, for from power la me . bur sufferings with all the ability we have been tne counsels we receive, i make,orexacute and tnot ,by - scarcity f; but iby the adoption of the constitution we deliver to thevested,, endowed with, and with the means purchaser v Tbe Lord, a great while ago,sald, caused, i: a deed In Tee simple to tbepurchasers premfees and date ail our wonderful prosperity, thereof BOOTS & SHOES, HITS & CAPS, that the Lord has bestowed upon through his prophet, that he would overabundance,'. We are poor; WTiONS, In aforesaid, the of all thereby coavcyinjr because dread,1 thefuture, not: 3 I Bnt in the course of nearly a cen- terest held or owned by tbe aaid Enoch us, In accomplishing his purposes, give the kingdom .in its fulness to jwe JO Beese at tbe date of makDag tbe deed aforeand In building temples to his holy his Baints, and that the kingdoms we nave noiniog, nut because we tury we have come once more to a said, Qrio'Ai.U-r&and bold which virtue con as by I of said a too of ave, mdeh name, it is ler our own benefit; it of this V World; rahall, . become the cbuntryr period when, what with the help veyance.- - .1 : j ; r , ) D.ij .1 is for me Denenc or me Kingdom kingdoms of our Lord and of his everything".1. Prices in general were pf labor-savin-g machines and the CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, f GJttAND YOUNG, LB so low. JSvery laborer's wife sain ana ta or our artlzatrs, and for the growth asd spread Christ. We believe this, and we never Trustee. AUTELS MID GRATES ingenuity IS areated to see ' bow' cheaply she thereof. to has we believe pur are his that produce capacity Saints; again; poor LADIES' UrDER WEAR, can HOBTK a In calico we amaorarACTirsK. qreaa these days. as in the I Id times, do more than We as we are: we are. Hew can our buy bnat. there, is. HAS AJaWVED.A.Tjoi sii " have done? One way by paying We .have 'ther the manufacturer xeeismat una (ability t6 consume.outstripped every a . We . see j re tp opportunity our tithing. Can we go to and grew and increase In grace and In Hares to set his' men at 'work: vhe peated tbe dolorous phenomena of also a rpix 145a o : assist in building this temple, the tavor will) me Aora, ni in iaim will overstock v ,nls : market r In a tbavold Can federation. Abundance tt I am oonUnalnsr to tMrohase and f rounaauons er wntcn nave been and In good works, AudrbeCo&iTDg month. ' : very "market' of ours' Is Giuraeethe; land there is glut of i:..?.-;! HT:aynst 10 : bur everything! lab la Idle? capital is laid: ao long? . .1 answer that'we can. better itdi dlil-i- f hua we (.pp yw.'Md. yr. pet glutted withNethe products' of fOWL WOOL, JUGBJEarT:aBU;B; mare The next question is Will we do comingthan ndustry. oampUInt.ismere useful; and as we de JdJej .enterprise. Is crushed, stag 3 f" And for the tetlow aeoottmodataon of it? That I do not know: each one so, MILLfNEKS' iAJfD TAILORS' ; , will- -. grow comtnoq' than that we' hate.tod nation prevail., as pot me remedy my ouatomera, I have' opened anofBoe op- wny.me Kingdom, nnmrrnw n tnills, totnany factprtes,!tbo piainr. juast we not once more ex- iww ; us uuna aav .wt uie iDwiavuu win answer this Question for him thing! vti pjQpsjpjBi mire many too self by his acts. If we respond to fasterae, House, Bait Lake City, where I will try and paany furnaces.toems.ny our houses, we 'could If markets?, tend, wunua. f flail nave, greater oa hand Dossum Jeans; Flaaaehv .railroads,' too1 many cotton jsxpott only fifteen per cent, of the keep miscall it win require labor, meana power withne. tbe Xord and - In the rnaoy. uianaeta. HeDellants.Xweeaa. Meltons, lan- end Iron woollen manw too and some attention. For one I will world; and Uie perpoAwof goods, cotton goods we produce all our eyt. BMctiDf, atroan use m imudm sum heaven sraretr, teo ' that I am Willi nar to take hold will rolivofrod ooe U paiefaeter many, . that la I o .say, f knilla would be working full, time. Triple Yarns. .'ciiVapTitlbbonW'in emllea variety; ParasolalVom aav! bavins wuul. to seu wiu do we. with my might, and do what I can than they 'have dodet Thou fell in betpow wnich are, absolqtely ne- - put CU111 alone will take a large tofartna call and examine our Cloth and PaiOKfa. ; - ' 1ND PROVISION,1. STORE,; to or reann. 23c. PI full, regular Kalbrlggan Ifoie tAvtnii it. i can ao somecninr. this respect; w essary tarana, part of this product if will only Wooi8aola2uRusbed.. produce we bare hd, reason to samples mailed oa appHoatlon. 1"1 ma ah each 'and of those) can you? Yes,' tools4 every ope. complain, for .they have eoojealoog heprodttbbi ores. net ' ' return copper, accept, in KT.l- .1.1. .u n. , HU. xne complication which' our laws now forbid; ' and ditf jahch kiecmrE, can de something, and IMbe Lat-- about as quick as we nave heen able aurtm Is tave maee e Jhty yoar t ter-da- y con- - tnese copper ores iwouia revive a we examine increased be united in this to stahdicr-nuttf- le if will Haints the conwerkr J'i wni ' a"' j ultion bf . the great Je.rricuItUraI smelting industry whose hundreds me construction thing we snail see on tinue to increase-i- n rati0 greater f;li ' or of this temple go reppns tne1 union.vrTho farm- or. won men , are unemnioyea ior rapidly,' We than It ha, hitherto dons: It .is ers ! HITIRC who form the great mass of con-s- o lack of that raw material. This is T nREtlrUETI CTTHEB; 'Jti ana cannot abundantly able to dolt we bound any to, neip it, we men. are not boor oi in dintreMi but .' one have plenty of mechanics and la- way in the world. i Whether instance out of hundreds the means oureelves, ladivldually. stand firm Here and there local disturbances; Where we, oan maker new markets borers, and abundance-onecessary te sustain them. The de- and sxeaarast magerno oinerence. as floods or grasshoppers or tho cot Ui 6r supios products,: If only we tails will be furnished, and the re tbe work ot God 'will go forward ton worm, nave caused losses nut baight import what would give our Clever, BtrdL eed,a).JLawn ; raa, t general in the West, the North artian employment 10 worK, up quirement will be made. Will it any how. But we hare the blessed In Wttlte Da test Clever for Borderlna; west 1 to. Cntervd and cues is io the be of the the the that responded Jet Congrtm eeeordCnj South, ..we ; Drlvileee of asiaiiar: and' of beina and Plantlntr'lnterests' farming into otner nnisnea products.. MillRi--BlffliT- .; Gardeai Walk, Chefee " THr- - ' BLiOTBE. IILflEiS. onsrw tnnr t or me kesu cr year are nronwr. tlon? I think it will; I have faith ' reduce .too .' much for home on- - Z ' n wis . .natia Lord are with we if p 7 the 1800. rt rorte. a war tas WartMl, Table Btwea; Ears; Bsatd ous. y croM.' have - made to believe that ihe Itter-d. . rood to be so. i Theoiet p Mog InaveThey . . K ' sumption, ana bad laws ui&abie us l suadbJl klatfa f Werto Plasut, are uuvaiueu 8aintswiII respond with alacrity disposed jaup pnoee eid from "'exchanging our?, surplus CURES to that we do not fall, for upon " C0XS ASD'.ZXAinJSi"" m debt. v on the. I be- thisit depends con aoroau. thQ Lowogt In putting theis otk through. All ofriyhlch we uence to us anuuuanceis a our own salvation and notaeepiy fha Rt.fM. lieve that it In tbe hearts of the exaltation In the Celestial kingdom. trarv. in mibr 11 uonreaunaer me was as And permanently oures the worst uloera, we dlS' people, and that they will rejoice we uva new an opportunity ,ior are, as a rule, put f' .debt knd- reel burse, cl ' We rPKloQs from sold abroad last year lea, caposrs. bormt.. eta., mad.- itmiM atlsn. mw Ktomat-h- . umes or ftmin than-sixhinaa. etA.. Innln. In it to a greater million dollars.werth able In the ukh jees extent. laying a foundation for 'hereafter leas mainiy.uecauae tney Att Soods warranted abie wbat'taey-sre- -' broken cannot lend their surplus monev.. of cotton goods; Great Britain' Jn for. There may pe some lukewarm in hearings thB'welcome plaudits s limbs, burns, outs and sold for , No. 82, First South street. , dim , sprains ..'....ocj-rrl?orIsthl4ll. tv...j 1874 sold over, this work, as in every omen out four ef abroad hundred i ir wAIwPAINTbekwtlritliehoosor ana raJikOUserv The.Iendency "Well Alooergood t am satisfied that the great majority vant, yon have been faithful over a population from cities aod and tMi millions.' Abd this .large all rTneraeoclea, vrj 3 ;r t tic.. centres will a save It of towards hold with deal noes com dollars the land will thrown as oa great not X many come, tfifierence is away lay .... enerrv. and will persevere In it, few things, now will make you a We hisP new monly said, because England paror we h5?il", ,fn,i.' many-thingsover ruler Shall si i; . .1 .;. lands so. , railroad lri fr,sJ.: This neslect the. opportunities that we bf the duoes more cheaply than we, but and will rejoice in doing corjopanlea LIEEilND; TRlVELSil west show that, during, hist two ianrelv because to my faith, and I am willing to enjoy to that, ihe her merchants may. extent shall that'we a as am, of. so far concerned. years breadth,, I large ?tn wise In come short hereaftei? land, nnder prove it, laws, bring exchange and the. I hope H J v a i.t n,V7 tJl Hi'.and Lv tot works. aggregate; a every ti important to' England the raw products of MM w 1 for ail. Goods trust not.v r ' m Mi ?r xo. day It Is COO& been has settled SOOTIIIjrtK ao not consider it necessary hj The work we are engated in Is area, ' actually and other countries. iVVtf York Herald t l ' -us dwell npon the importance of these wormy oi an oar atcentiea, for it loproTcu m part oy, ? emigrsxts MMV. .. .... ..... . TI I TI TI iTlTl fil 13 or tne xjmv is the work and kingdom of God. from abroad, in part by ur own A many great V; things. DEDROCK FIGURES. ter-da- y MA Klrlt 1 tbte- pur-- , Baints have had many that was spoken of bv the nroohets J hlMslnm bestowed upon them in long ago; tnt v great kingdom: spo- pose Uiir (previeasr 1 erapkrymeat A tlaj.-the house of God, very great bless-- ken of by the prophet Daniel, that and .homeev o That-- . Is to asy, there rrini inBabitanta of toe letVj&chooJ to believe that the xram-b- er ' I t r!nt are hereby noticed tbat there wilt 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per Dotlle. inrs Indeed, qnaii wesiackenoar is tobreaJcln plecajauliJ4e'AU lareason ' ia. leafcr4--- " of consumers of mannTaotiirsd beSnMetfeit; nt taxeopa yen hmhi ia tbe lte-hihand Because of thlsr uy no means. Other kingdoms and stand forever, .(AAA Monday evemasvtbe 'J-4 Calf CUt, There still remains a great work to is actually being built un Fin our products, relatively ta the. produei tM otaobooHioace, 1 o'clock p.ow ior Uay lrotent, at and ha dona: and It Is Incumbent npon day, right-J- ai tbe transaction nODEUGClSTSHAYE IT of Trustees face andyes of era, has increased and is IncreasiBgi tbe election the ' la us to do It. as Brother Woodruff Why,: having thua all tbe ele- - of ether aesaaessy ! FuDotual ateadaace txvts'n.O' W?otrJYeD-- x ooItffi'i'I ttsit v : i ments of real w If. f It u?.i wealth and prosperhas amid, while we have the oppor tie wx ALE rf ere to rwrbeslu OsUseeeats FEY im A COPIESFOR we Before m, go and; II seenis sooieUmes as tfseaxpf. tunity In the flesh.': , " lr tatres witboet deUy. ta arrold a.U am ; Hfto'J v.21& i tfinorrt a we do live of In 4nsl1ai;i behind Ithe .vail we should : lay . Why anticipation rl.OCAb:ACriNG CSjid cair tne nainis tio wrmejexie nt lurtoer aisasiers .sa leaaantnessrana to eoanie as ! n.-A a foundation to progteas npon after jy with email no indebtedaeas of thebouM, ;toaouldats H! , X am sattofledf that ,shoud. they course nere. a of oer nave we revival and ef snisnsa oad mt 5 cenfjf vcr LtME Delivered In Bait .Lake City by hope 4ndastry nor neither com I else' iisoIIOVkcjai n rl sH anybody BEKKT Eiv,,J.nBefa,,rt moiWi next We, by our works, as well as by oar prehends this worktto! bualieL. estmGm v!j: the" fullest er.terprlM'?; 'Wh does 'the 7: T, MAT M7S. Bart Lake 8th. wnue May City. " BliilT ltlaLE snouia i in -'or .CO-OPuui uie, accept lay extent. iEIiEVENTH hWARD great many can see the tewrataa of in te lest rdtber than IN THE MARKET for foundation for exaltation In the kingdom,A some af.itn, put ATX V LV 1XJ14JU do . not, some of lilt ti s:U Jen rlw haA ' our for out Caah at Kiln than any other firm in the celestial kingdom ef "Will seir Cheaper Father those ' Whs rrofeAAl WOxP Saints It in new enerrrlses9 'Wbv 4iqfnA:PrjavBl VCHX etiJ u.l lii . ' TAmrftr...i.. .i..f. do Idle? because Not stand laborers, cell H 'OPIATE LYvi A .AOtSJiCJI jnazaz-osi Op me, All unoouxactx2 IStitk) 1 am rejoiced to hear the sutject ao wages are toerkIgbfhey aresuf see 11 ixlsii't l taCy .aseodo ozs wal H ,ay3aom. of building temples agitated tila. herenotall theae same .whether you see mciently low. anil wiUbrlse whenbe eal be said d abou Not.: 4UXS A great might It or not, and it Is 'actually trans- ".Wiin4nstrv;1eviTeJl .' U aiauaa on receipt ot prwv.o r.l roil vm baa ell-- t a f.iiiA)jli ,i.i.b-.- J edl Saaliizja .itrvni.tr9ji Ixel 1o (win 1 a icii ,ti3Ut ba .mshlhOKO if'-- ' 4 srnod - ' liberal-contribution- , s " it.--M- 1 , . , -- ter-dct- the-Ne- Ta-ernao- le, -- n-- - AGRICULTURAL , ,i LUCHIITERY, , -- lit .DENTIST, . WAG , ieo-Ux- some-natura- Iarget l t d co-work- iti-cia- to-d- (iaji-oni- SOUTHERN WHITE 1 COMPANY in j n apt-lying- - , the-Lor- d self-sustaini- -- I..' JEN . - Vice-l'reB- t., y. &2U& iiOpi j0 HI , . for-ton- es, ILL. -- LM;S; ) Co.auil C TRUSTEE'S -- ezt-oute- d Jeiiis, 30,000,000. Sons & SaalBr - 1 . - lns . ne e fefc , rar-eeei-ng rer-ten-ta 0) d - - 9. - o-rta- ! . 1 t i -. Steam CraokecCb.V - . - - 1. . ; . , ; ?c-t- nc, JUST ItEOJErVJBI, - 1 j- . 5 ...-.,a- a Staple and Fancy. Dry -- Goo js, , . . ll-.- l. . M. CAR LOAD M, : . -- i . ,;;i -- . . , '. r- ! 1 morrisl&tA's: .1- ivxorrq.Q ; TRIgQS, ; - ' . j-- attttit . . it , ... m 1 fc Choicest Groceries illlll f i--v lit; erf A are Selling at the mole fact that tjount ana pay jnr?. The due, which enables I mgriciUtSeeds -- S ;LL - PAIJf. -- - i s v, mae-faaturl- ' ng , 1 .' .',- polish t to purchase at ! -! . " ', , l F r)eope.-aDDupnin-Is- ir -- esta bi..isb:bi):, issa. SarWsaaaasaaav -- je HHlllJl . ot , m - aammoi!! jjime isains. a 01 SP R IN G LA K B i g-t0 - ! i s 1 . -- - J i""-Y.lYi- -- r '& very-;pnrprti:''- xi-M't- -- rI A'rl .:r-.- ICC DnATUPBDi! i' -- mm ot ra( smma l''i ti a itt |