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Show Tspiat fiasiaeia .Notices. .Valuable Teopebtx fob balk. , ' M. I. wlsWaf to concen- T?. trate all departments of their bust-net the Institution's new quarters cm Mala St., will sell the vaT. uable real estate and building now occupied by their drrrs deparjfienfc. Immediately la the rear of dl. ; the 'above property, a larg-- j and commodious brick warehouse, :40 by l'oa feet, together with the land and atlejradjolnlng the same.' ) . f The Z. C il.Lv Drug department ' will continue acthre business at the old quarters until public' notice t Is ; of its removal. given : For terms of sale, etc., apply .to n AUt447. tfeatfav. ss Al, s cm AtJEHBAC tdeJdOBOtirat of ilexloo pases prooeoolnt to Europe,' belng-o. This .tnacrtoUon a tow for pleasure and observa- by Cottesiresemble XAUn m strooglT tion through the leading civilized inast beLvwHbee tBJCTWJFTi ?P?f countries of the tiob..iJ is AT1 MveMaeSMW tairotz waenveu a from its Latin mother tontne. in in i"N.f.;a this be true it somewhat D. A. and M. Society. The diioas raciuonai Deiiei, rectors of the D. A. and M. Society jwas once inbbi-- d by a JrhiitorJS are requested to meet el half-pa- st leuef i jppoeed to fcave been the as tin bnbaiM evldtf5atd I etentAatecsjrbone and sever o'clock thU vnln(r. progrws aO rm'al of clviltaatloo ' signs ' of order far excelled thafof anyDfherpeO' :';': By W. Woodbujt, Prest pJeftnthe EAtern ConUpjl o r r ; zujfjLLiM cor, Asm m, ism gj! wj jf&ftt LaiMdrointteii OttJUi : uuuw7 o1w Hi toithe-wrltln- "LI oiTife gs ( Si is. o r-J- xi vi. kt I cordifig MaatJanoth TimeKilfige ivr, i r tl. pliiRiii Mra1KK3tiv exBSrR W Salt Lake City by the Load at S5 centsTper LIME Delivered lu 4trhfliel ti I mm and ethef Jnlnent hfcto'UiT ...,! we received iir vvry purpusevC the shade at 1p.m. Fine. pleeean t call from F. PeeterThayer, Will- - ?11 H ,i:i-K1rt tit Oi.h than aoy other firm In the or i r. i Tsrrriie-y,.o- o 1 Esq.; on hia way to 8an; Francisco. r Cricket The first match of the He representa the Eagle Reaping CnpiV'sty!es,;,i22S i season will be played at Ud Mowing Company, Of Albany. no therms "Probably married between the and T Bandy, have made vKkk iDTtvo teii " fir love .exactly iMUie aaa way Ss single) men, of that Bait Lake and II. B. CXAvrsow two lot Her lovers rlrfce Use sandy clubs combined." Te Salt XTegro lllnstrela. The Original any world benu.rSii:ArtbltfK Lakers will assemble at the XI. Georgia Minstrels are announced Insinuated, f Macduff Bros., of the Mam phant corner to morrow morning te make: their appearance at- - the iXarkls Vivien charmed Merlifc. moth Llmej Kilns, Hot Spring at 7 o'clock sharp, and will proceed Theatre on Thursday evening,-als?j . Aiexander made a boafiM friarv CtilTEiinlAL- - RtFRIGERATO R, .Sa-W 'JreaaaleaWl' Lake, announce that they will de- -. to Bandy by one of Malley's n Friday and) Saturday evenings Tll&la- .. t p--. ' Tatented Marcb SM, 1879. Tb tlett anfl HiMerardetook thai bull' WW Cbeaiwat liver lime In the city by the load at and at si matinee on Saturday.1 u borne.'Bafi laerator Made. Ona ranted - ' -- I " ' aart 25 cents per bushel, and that their J o.a.be arx Ukm, te be prftir free (reaa sweat, These minstrels are all native of Venice ana aweec mix unui 6reallnea, j Even the presence, df born Georgian aegroesv andiihey The merchant , time is we Dee in ine maraet, also . Theatre. Portia with a lead casket. yua have eaihrai c : J" . "er; Peplloa. toe . an mill attract not did for sell a largo give entertainments abounding in 44 The (xnrruiounc ma)eln cash Emperor cheaper SerK". thathey ' Oamaikaaad Arabian Nirhttold her bu.banld ff i'Z$v at the kiln than any other firm in audience to the Theatre on Satur- original negro melody and native Stories. . ma eaLW .151 t ,bsa Hehalra .1 ' "the Territory. RadnrheTadTt. J day evening. A first class per wit. Victoria sent for Prince Albert WOUld formance bATftOMlt.a&d and told him she wanted him. She r The original Georgia Minstrels i Court Proceeding. The trial of a ytetprloos; J XIs somewhat; a matter of regret It at the Theatre ou Thursday, FrI tbst on they In the Polynesian I.Ian is their occasion ef Dom Padroni the lUtle boy - Thomas Brunker, the day, and Saturday evening? and at visit an entertainment of a higher committed for robbing the post in .their hearts by beating 'L , !. heads with a sblllelah. on Saluiday. See the a matinee office boxes letters and of money ' degree of merit was not available, Htrry the Eigbth and Bluebeara ! advt, so that his Majesty could have seen last winter, was commenced this were etz ;wUn tne nee or meow READ ad vU of meeting of 13tb how the Theatre looks when it Is afternoon, in the TJ. 8. Commialon-ar'- s before they jlrere; on With the. new. Is1 if "' 1 Dr. Johhson poked the tobacco in office, General Phillips, J. L. Quorum of Seventies, April 27. well filled. with his sweethearts linger 5. Raw lings and General George R. hiea nine wa nine a ted or Btolew, from my warm token of affection. Maxwell for defend the a On Benefit Concert. ! with appearing Tristram 22.1 at on dldUt Thursday a roan dark mostly the Also manufacturer stable, Inst., f Wtant Saw4 oril$1.50, and was alao a good liar. His BoUd Wood Ousters fotseaae Plain and Checked 'JACONETS: ' trouab. evening, April 27th, there will be ant, rather a formidable array. of harp . hone about eight years ol J, white ro au uatea too were two Isoldes aie xn7 leak or ruac many gior vwrranuoHn, j ' eacaper than Uo. and never face:: and legs, left knee spiung. a concert, at the 20th Ward 8ohoeI- legal talent on the aide of the little him. . Btrlped, Checked Wd Plain at will last as loofmm the keaaa la walea j and he if hasn't waif, for R. benefit who, of Elder money, the any hoase, Both well waa inclined to Marie they are built, i si-ij- ) , The finder will be rewarded. NA1NSOOK8; ' on a mission to appears to have some friends. who leaves locked her uo in his castle. It Bteiaieaa. FMais Aaeklass, ale. and Maeeer, d.129 M. 13th Ward. E. Caste, 6 worked as well as Peter's pumpkin Send for duerlpUtM eireelara rs Bishop and YlctorlaAWNa; at Europe on the 1st of May ; Brother . --- GOODS, wrll Brindlb Cow strayed. Eee advL Maeser has a large circle of friends, Murder in the .Second Degree. shelL CAMBRrCS, PIQUES and CobbeU's wife caught him by the D. twelve o'clock, last grace who will be likely to turn oat "In At half-pa- st U SKIDVORR, ,, C.C.HRnt8.! sne used ner Attbtiox ; Is directed to the force which with at 16s Kreat Trees. arft Itoqietary. on the occasion. Mr. John night the Jury in the Kelley mur- wash tub, L Bhe never was known to advf. of the Chicago, Bock Island, aa TARLETONS in all colors; reease use came der and into Court will tne conduct the entertain it alter WESTERM OIL COaPAflY, fc Taclflo Railroad, Co. They an. Daynes weaaing. 8am Romllv. the famous lawye TABLE LINENS; at 'nonnce that through tickets can meat, ami Mr. Joseph J. Day nee ported their verdict, which was killed V auinrraCnraams 6v K" himself becaoea his Wife died, will as act the The accompanist be obtained to all 'Eastern cities, thartheyfoHnd prisoner guilty while a rood atttay-otber- s them EAliffAY iED MCMMT BUS. kjll hlte STAPKINSaad DOTJ53 via that route, at all ticket' offices programme is of the most varied of murder In the second degree. selves because they wont die. :o:and colored; or to exeell When was Nicholas wanted e Russia the verdict announced pop f-CAB and AXLE GKEIAjBE.t on the U. P. R. R. and the' Utah charaoter, embracing many 1 Swiss and Jaconet lent pieces, both comld and senti Kelley j who was present In Courts at a dinner table, but didn't like to BTe. . Central, Read the advL Louia. vaiir a so be be at imbedded It, caught EMBROIDERIES, etc., etc. & .....,...ui. mental, and an able array of talenf dropped his head, completely btoke ring n a or oread ana nanqra RED CANYON COAL. BtUl will lamp H appear, so that, besides aiding down, and he moaned and sooted ft teher 1 t 4 the old reliable $6.73 per ton at the a good was his frame 1 convulthose" who plteously, Charlemagne's secretary attend being oijecr, yard, $7.50 delivered. NO EXTRA will get much more thaa the worth sed with emotion. lAportersV Jaaimlacturara.. a j i 'l ;,' caught by a snowstorm sparking , Duaiera la. . midat the CHARGE FOR DELIVERY.ln of their ,Tj jl ii'!'. daughter emperor's Hi were who also 3 f Admbwlon attorneys, j 2Scts; and she earned him home DAGS OF ALL night, difficult places. Fall weight and reset ved money. seat Sdcts. Dooie open at present, desired then nd there te on .her : back, so that hls, footsteps IIIIIDS, (Snnnjr, B"n!ap sad Cotton Bass quality of coal guaranteed. A la?t half-paseven. performance to move for a new trial, but the Court shouldn't be traced. The Emperor Seamless, Bran, VkxiT, Ore, Rait, HsmaH fortiraJn, true for friend rich to and the on heard of saddled blm it and Ingand said it could not then listen to any Wenl, Dried Fralta, VereUbloa, o. . ' commence at 8 o'clock. her forth rest of her life. fForeeftoo'aaa . poor. Try It one and all. Orders P"ted to orievot uail I' 10cargument on the matter, and therej-forMUlor and Oroeers. , , -always meet with promptness and Offlca .i.. w j a would ., defer and eu Juvenile the te Warehouse Before , e.lIU" d? .'i:aaf ) It Viu Jnatmctor. tUI:a hearing . Robxbt Smith, Stream 8T. UUI3, MO. care. . : we have number 7 of the current fatare time. ' 7 i 121c Office, 65 Main Street. Agent. j volume oro this useful periodical, GbXat Wkstekm Iron Co. stock The verdict has caused some sur WMtiafl imii holders, see lnctice of . asnewment 9S.00 per , ton at the depot. containing the first chapter of the prise In the public mind, as It was made":VftJ . .j ..' WS HATS A ICIX TOCK 0 evifrom of the fambeat the for considered, the generally Biography Criamau'ft oal, Joseph Smith, 7 . iLUrcraCTcaxxs or ... I X ' JrJ aA.l i i f,! "". e.7 Threthina Machine at all titti, Yij 3 v iey ily me,, reduced to $8.00. Re- Prophet, the publication, or rathe dence adduced that the verdict WARRANTEE DEEDS most Would to be be be will CIDER of which Bake. member this, and leave your orders murder either Hay MlIiLSdn likely t approved form, Xl't ' Claim toeeds SKeHeru HAY,.QUTTBR8. Whttl e s, n: B; atfZ. C M. I. drag store, at the continued to conclusion. It Is in the first degree or not guilty. J4JkraA Mining: Bieeda, Tpwnslte; Deeds, Banxnca, SIQRE TBUCks and and Trimmed TJntrimmed; yard, or at office M.R7 Callahan's, written In a simple and pleasing reauses. Official. Bonds, Ineorponv general Agricultural Implement.; 9y ot Eldor Geo; Inundation. The residents of the xVnx where they will receive prompt 8tvle, from the .o THsi;vji.o.,(rJj:-BONNET AND HAT SHAPES; Bonds, and' other1 Bb?ys; I .1 A ' and will be reading of lower part of the City are suffering trv" Send for Illustrated .catalome. 0117 - , Q. Cannon, Crtsxox Bros.. .5 vit L, French and American FLOWERS; the deepest interest to the sabeciib-er- s, from the effects of the great volume Agents.,, .. C3r f m. I l ltVIIW fiG STOCKS. water from the melting snows of CI ORNAMENTS PLAIDS ! Including ast does, narrations of A HtoaeHi 11.1 ' ' .' MxavraCiraxa ov rL.t- in Pearl, Gilt, Steel and Jet; A big as the grand Pyramid Of incidents and events connected IRON FRONTS for BUILDINGS. of the work the various canals tn'that locality might be built of the teeth that with the bringing forth TOBQTJOISB in Black end Colore; to y break Latter-daof Liord In 1876. the dis the the embankments &cincmxt' So through 8hutterfWroaaht ' and ' naat Iron have been ruined by neglect. April U, 8tatra and Jail Vault. Kallinfa, t nnhU Act. Aftl. ACL. .;SATrNHan CRAPE tl. ;w(. Shall this thing ge In face of the pensation that' will be looked back and overflow the land. The Fifth "TAtsO seentror' the Metal T" wr4l . . uuuh, wji to as Center Pfeoea. of s Ward the from is 121') greatest especially 411; suffering 42, importance Mex, 41J; b$; CROLIAR KID Bmssels and Chaotllla NET: great fact that SozopoXT Is a cer-fta-jaj from for TIB rark aVeaeeST.- L6ri9, MO. OA 191; ages yet unborn. Besides, this visitation, a large number of 440 r C,l 9; stKe CCle KsTl K.A1 RC1 iOA U U preservative of dental decay? the number a in 9 WTJ , FEATHERS in Great Variety ; VI Wf.Mif 'von tains the usual lots being there under water, and TIOFV A coveni, cold, or sore throat, re- amount of other suitable and Inter the houses so encircled as to neces 1400 CaJa, 83; 82; &t: 82J; 62 QLOTE,"iit and -- a re iau Complot Stock of RIBBONS; lot: lBti is sitate the people getting out of them 2595 Harare, quires immediate attention, as neg- esting matter, T7& 77J, b Cora .v led. rn !?W,A? n i -rt AU90 '1 Galpnre, Yak andft Blonde LACES. lect ofteAUmes results in some inover fehce rails. Anions' the houses i. j are surrounded curable ting disease. thus Dom Mr those tBroum.,s of The Empersr of Braxil. 1A1 Onl VW lOl. 0iA Pnlttr -l".?ioibuil) A eTf -mf vausjaj Xdslo; Brprysliial 2VocBen will almost Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, and Marsden and Mr. Pettlt. . , The 1035 Jacket, VaV) 10; S2; S2,b a; Waahlnr on got U)? Avei, . BaturIs on Fourth also Ward in this . anlved in give relief, t v 1 suite, city partially at i G ii 'ar.xoria.rdir ..tnlu b5 HIMIT 5, haaiittftil tnt. rf lt illiw day evening, by the regular train, undated, and the people will suffer 1355 Impl;6f;66;6f;65;Sf; .iT'...' 64; 63:.Ct; 63 reached the depot at 8:20. considerable damage to their pro- - 995 Alpha, 1IDIET,TsTISSET XflT CHILMDTS' and. 89 cheap at which 29; 28; 272; 27 28); Belcher, strlAjce of to and be crowd : Inconve A . 27 . eager great expectants i petty J.J put large viUJ 271; Anwoodey'aFMrBJtareBtere. dl25 awaited the arrival of the tmnerial aiencew OS Oonadence, 21 , , , a ns. is ni iioi!:T.al if? i iOtr. snDHS-jffjffiaFPBterrible explosion To the SolkmJnK named pervooa. and to i? ,7ii,,!n-- f r ;'J i party; His 'Majesty id peeving Yesterday morning the .7 o'clock Ajotilebwas an ewaera or elaimanta to tbe real ntabs .a . not killed: There- - the Pullman. JPalace, car, stepped train going south was delayed on o9 uiau. jsf: zat aad tapreveaueata thereon; You are here' aoUaod tha ! the followlnr describcre ke ms come to the front and Into a carriage and was driven to account of the earth being washed' 2v by; 80 jucunimi j ed paroela ot . land, with Improvemcah) Bullion, S3; 52; 53; 52 iaV 10J.0X) 'cabbaie and. tomato the aa r ae mueh reoo, and thereof be 90 from where under the rails may 20 Be Belcher, 82 himself, and away j Theatre, ! Bussau) wol be no id at pnboa aeotibnv'ln 67J; 68 of the Caty Hall, ia Lake CI W. plant,' which' he will sell as cheap suite occupied a proscenium box, sleepers and the grade , partially 170r Overman, front 1 A D. ma, as the cheapest at his place, Second which was gaily decorated and em destroyed.. At II o'clock Super in- -i 275 luetics. 27irtTr:'h 10?. 2Tr ft at Jiwday.thexithaayoraprii, W o'olook, a. aa te recover the aunt apt 75c; South Street, 11th Ward, Salt Lake bellished for the occasion ,;, tendeet Sharp and Mr. Leggal 445 Succor, Union, 17; 17; 16; 16 sort ptioa of property, for .the pay aaent. at - r-rt- - , - i Srrt N'T over went te the spot with a body of 400 L. After the performjlnce-waDelinquent City Tazea and Cost, unlets Bryan, 60c; fj 76; 75 before t aaleAt heOelieotor', paid strove tbedayof to the men, who went to work making Wistbw GLASSranging In size the Emperor and party No.ua ty BaiU...j !'ntiifi JP Ctaoe, i Aad all other peraoes ewuur City Taxes ! HI t'5l! from 8x10 to 33x40 can bo bought of Walker House, where rcocoi had the necessary repairs, which were 1830 CaJftdonJa, vj; 8; M aouoe conuuua taae taat wui aoaii ' i pflse JosnrXA MiDolkt, tad South 8t', been secured by them. The dis completed In lime for the irtning te advent aad stli property uuul all de oal oagoent Xaxaa are paid. rr south to train 'from the received a. pa accompany tinguished gentlemen along large be;Mring Just : -- Mdctf Of the articles. dl2l j log the Emperor on .his present Without stoppage.; t ! land are above in The Senhor transcontinental Ij. Tow7sjho JIousb, April Si. ;iwf sati EIFOltEiElS.: JOBBERS Aim trip via1 rtATLROAt) Tick its roa Baxb. De Conto tFerraa, VIscoude de iwimnI Is Innndated to the extent P. M Ftrt-eiaaXeyewnMerahouse, China; tickets from Council Bom Hetlro, , who .holds several of several -- square miles, and one O W Fox. Dew Cation: W It Carver, doiiolin: Bluff to Chicago, apply at. Deserei offices In the BrazlUaa family's place was so much, under Kent, 0;-(- a Jacob dty ara IT prominent t tC dlOS News Office, XI 00 iO ,w T Dr. Lou hi Rennlng, his water, that the proprietor had to re Rich C DaTls, Bingham; H W Blaweaeaiman,part. 'a empire; S M .1 rpeacexi,para LTO.V aiArflAIBOX. , J" f Z Majesty's . private 'secretary : . Dr. move his porkers from the pen and Cooper. NeTada; (LkTP Goodman, ; It a Jon ties Chaa I baroa J. rJacramento; H Thos Lawton, SSM liyoa's KthsJroa is an invigor- Arthur Telxeira de Macedo, assist place; them . in the upper 'Story H Howe, San Jose;' Pr B Bownen gaaaieers Beery, setatau. I ill ZTViO CS OTCIJ40 4J M4TLTRIDTJCEI) PRICES. ii so Si i tonic vegetable preparation, ant tieasurer of the Imperial house of the bouse to save them from and WUe.Jii uowaen, uewaru ating II so tstot s w;ifcuas'i: f 1ji-48 Chaa Cook, raaier 'Oeorve, part i positively free from any mineral or hold; and t3ohor Pavia.l MrJ.'J. drowning. .... Conoy, Ban Francisco; T SO 60 oaae, pen 13$MU 3JYT3 SI lranaiaB lo D C Omaha; Adams, iai9q3 Cottonwood; 60 13f W Utsji' v deleterious eubtttiDces. It Is. the O'KeHycorrespondent of thefew iHt parr.it r. Husaaer' Part of the State read Is XTJOI CO LA SI JT MBarroB Vr, part ,.n.r PerujTJoe mqftt dallhtful of all hair dressing York Merttd, a lad travelsith the overflowed and a considerable por fTp3crmrd, teo , l4xXt iT7!ttrlrftrl?i ill TK'i McLauand m Roiea fcatctay Tboa, part-so " si part itn cooling the head, allaying lrrlta-Ue- n, Emneror- . w tion ef it washed away, and conse IT 60 . , s ftaedah t. part lieoryi a' " BraitawaUe Jotepb, parti It 00 curing heaiache and throb.. . . . . V. . Yesterday the Emperor and suite quently nearly Impassable. XI 60 s .Lu Orooberon O W part. mnim mwii mna btng temples, making , the hair visited the piixvejeai ipelats ef in-- This morning thirteen ear load joanua, IS SO rniw, .i aart iewv mn(, Mlaa Parker. Miss Z raraer. w tn Faiainaa is JiiiaJ rjLttarJ ardest o asAaoMxaxjc Mante, pan i isao strong, fragrant, gtosey and obedi- leresC In and .around., the city. In of gravel were conveyed toth Smith, B Melbourne: tiawkina A Harainond, J Llppandand y ent to.bontrlj;-cleaQlIS OS tojuse the early part of the. day be went southern part of the city by the I feJ A 1 JTifjaftd.f Kewi ava -- xa; ,ieo thtt'lt wiirnbtsoU the finest fabric, through the Temple Block grounds Utah Southern Railroad Company,1 iur ana airs r i mm. Yorki Oake Tbofct. a. trt ST 60 A 4 VelL New 4 47 00 Htimerv 8 3k reoo.. It Jss J art to per luxuriant hair the grow ay, new causing Tabernacle. for the purpose of raising a grade Mlaa and examined the B-60 8 B IS Tbot tFew, partl2 Ut AyJ .JJpcklyn is to ly antr beautifully; removing dan- with which: and. the grand organ he along one aide of : the street,' to' Weasels. JS Jarles. Na Webb 4ocJfe fa Complete. itavTllie. ...... s ST n oo .1: or OUbert...... man No druff" and pimple. seemed to be much, pleased, go wnaen we reus win ue moved from York O A' Jennioe.SrlW, thteei Bnri aae Jtoaa.-parss uou 8 SI s ao Bohaaaa t,t"' woman can become bald who will made many Inquiries relative te the their present pesltlea along the ehlldran and aervanU af. ebanaban. Jaootaaoa I 18 A a-.ntshlolU o clfint4rm(?H1ra orm at tH AustralU; M Pontiex, Eogland; Jobn AtnHiMi usethe Lyon's Katbairon properly. religions faith and: practice of the middle of the street. gil W2TaSSIr. ElJies of Joaaaaoa, partfTAS Ml 3q ana rr uise St J t wire, sutniey. nira Stanley lS ftod . part miaam, In everjYjriet. fif ahin.. UATo 1 Latter-danaS ntaantf, fr5m tbo Si Maoafleld WalUr, f 00J part. so SI M 31 , n enm uwi 3 APC43B-V4 i; , Uihi,' Ci practical ture of his interrogations and ob .ClITCEgJes. 96 60 Work ma a Jobo A, part vVat jhiinaker and Jeweler. 'Si OS Country Rarlow Viawell....4 Contemporaries. SI "have Our -. Oppo- - serviTJ3n1C"he!Tmearto , JT : 'JL UfV 1 . Man's A Boys' BOOTa A SHOES. , J.X i ...... S Brouahton Joaenh. oart zsto ai It ,ctUAvii4i4S d89 ite Iba Pout Office.,' " 1 .45 Ci anther Bdmund, part- -. given the history of the Church ' Bearer JSnrprtae, April 19 in umwam gnmes, a.TJottom ssaeo Sa3t b He also purchased . "Just Akkiveo and now opening some attenfpni .n.'. " irigTuresr rich mines 'The of B IS 00 aft ZLSTZ M?L ShceT department, a number of Church publications. County. have somewhatWashington 1S Cabbie Mrs, our excited ABOYK rrOCKBOLTJltBS TH1 01 H r.!OtJl:2iI'S!C Ulf We carry a Full Stock :oi 4 44 00 act Lei one hundred case i Men's Fine Calf He railed at BaTsge'a art gallery, neighbors, though only Joshua 1I CompaoT are heraey notinad, taat on Oart IT SO Hurties V O, Board of SOth 1I7S, of the NOTlONSrCUTlaEBaeSOAa the dar where a he April. bought huge VnanUtj Fielding has as yet taken an in 14 00 Uuota, price $3.50f heretofore selling te the Coa.saajr'B. Bf Director, i "L; 15 00 m va--r aj Par terest. : OltkPlJth'JEltfEZ ef one Mr cent 'un aaetment liwi. krtWa an Stock atvf..3JL Lndiea 13' tkread Serge of views ef various kind 11 60 4 xA aatd CotopMnT. Said raeKMah, part Is , The Emperor about oatbeCapttal has the rabbits 14 03 probably: tk3 oar against at taa-tEtc. etc, etc. j HIxook, hlh cut, Fencing $1.60, .heretofore aeamMeseua to eej eata tritala eayeao fBeharit,Eran. Lafci"V.-4JS 00 Kehttfktt Sii t o agetall andKjrfi. employ fifty-on-e Ma. Wrren MXJMwmhenrv, HmUSi J tmea kf , ot the year warolilagaX-$ioO- . , 00 Every pair weeks .past. Thezwork 3 Is .about Deputy Treasurer, at the Coouanj( pllioo '4S 60 !rrt Honu Joan e,jtrUi. THB ly and of fine presence and sdost flnlshtd d83 nlfo aJtolll al.i.'l - - , and Is said, to vbe rabbit la iheVsaaieh Hotel. t " ; Nowell Mrs, pa MM fwa a address, I exceedingly pleasing being proof."' ;0kx Furq cao.v, watch maker, llliorx) ' face Is adorned with Hb 'ratiils I'atili.' . though! Tae poiltv 10 64 me. Al very April Mth, 1, Flwt South St., a few doors east 4100 numerous are ujing oix, , .7 uocaiaa: Mra W i profase gray beard, and bed t u' CoinaieroUl St. Johnaoa Oinf. U, part V. Is are1 He, : c active, very plaluly. bulldlov nn (Vm'i 47 00 iuiLSa The farmers quite sowing greater dl jfcbajtl alltfaq bs TsrrosEo Urox'l 1 1 t60 9 much so as to "almost canse, him breadth nr. grain: Utaui4adal,Aad a wiaiH'sal a7ea-:ss'171 00 67 parttZH ichre4rck, 1 f it. Reiser, 4 doors eastc-- Uodbe's to appear to be restless, keeping' al large crop Ulu. at 4'aeewan aod 'aH tifteaViifarirr SwrVbfctears e-60 B WW ral ' m 'txvt. part, lusured-h- y Ked U a bun Creek II the i'3A3 iiii im .i .lrui atre, has Watches and Clocks most centiaually en the move. cniJ'l io)Ja abr'a't ttOO rarae j: u, pan .'iX dance of water held in More lu the S W,"T MkrhaN far all who want reliable timepieces. 4r wti at,a 6l He Is sociable, be men n tame,' l MOO 07 na. von: U short notice. ing ready and wlllina te converse ""Ah Infant son of Mr." itepaliing done . Wlikinaon W h. Heaeklah 2SM . wbo, d80 fuiRi iilidat.T Oil! no illi5ialJc i Everything warranto L on ordlnaiy topic, especially those Slmkins was lost last Sunday, on ni 1 S6 . . 65 00 m, Butterfiek) O pan C, part Call and Prica : Our Goods viAfflh-- i 9(11 tiiitr 4 MOO Krtckaon l.'.h; CHrlea, part Indian Creek, and wandered Among vT nlatsa fetausoLta having a bearing xn the country mm 1 f 60 ii iiiticdl 1173 .lina eil h .r4 n rart. a, eeoars ana aasntnraur :ixHit oe es la aa'uafatllag prescription for a tbryugU whl rO f 4. ruirt i before Purchasing Else he'B.Asr'lravillBfii 3tW "W'i te lfU SA.4 fiai ! ir 41 w kaCAutre IbrciUiera, It boars. lie waa found by 1 . part F.KX-b- , , fauiyM Yomplexloni . Sallowness, and J rn" oh versat Ion manifests a eight Peeee, n.rt sieesrs. Twicneu. wno 'Wens .JU laraooM Kataaatel, part. ul Id el MLwsi uotJtj.--- roughnrsi, sunburn, moth patches, sharp. Intelligent and Inquiring search T4 A f --xtially deranged, ctni S3 00 I " umo, pars R 1 tlMaeif (JlCoibuSsoon'icaniejtO1 freckles, decoloration, dark spots, tit. to his father " , unwholesome paleness,; tan, pimSI i Yesterday,, aihsrnon B hli Msjea-t- y Mttrbeidz Uken j.. rt A few days since some gentlemen and party "attended', 'religious ples, erupt lius, redness and every Morrow WllUam. 4 1 UM S: IS 11 W Qthwi &Ludof blemish disappear service at the Fourteenth Ward were up 'near tne raouin 'of the aepW tlHae abtv'BVlr Bro fema tflurf HltehellTbomaa.pert s 0 Oleen on above call and AJv Camp Cameron, A i ........ rrtU;iS IS 26 m by. Aha use of Ilagan's SOLICITED accident they discovered a large nocou, tb y eaa re obtaur4 at the Jcaer 1StlA by M 4S 60 WklDDle w 4as us w few applica-Uo- marked attention to an Instructive mound filled with ancient pottery; Keas fffl e Maguylla ,Balm. 11 W a s , Blunt ceuU rr et rri Joseph, part. i nam j u.part. n SCO a. a. aaa Aaaaeaaa a aa applied with asoTt linen cloth discourse from Elder John Taylor. sore- fashioned for domestic or em r JoUa- Wat. WILLB8. f TTalch will recelTa Prompt Attention- Brevrh art is j tost Other hnd , 11x237 in 1 frag'si placet to B. T be in time for the after Cleave Uip dellcaU hues of ot In order . 1 JOf st mtkw eitylfarehSUtiiibTS. v bavin ments Phi fash been apparently 1 beauty and youthful bloom. noon train theparty had. howwvjr, fone4 for s oo SI 63 ornaments. This pottery w X.J . ) reteraoa Aadreaa. aool ri Mi!1sCeani1i a rsstoeket It application cannot SS 00 Si f Koaa n be detected, tojBsrve.t2ae.bail abhors? "Iliri', re i sawieora auna or ciajr partaamg j 86T 13 (S BaatthCF t of nd.ft .ls absolutely freefrom. all a the conclusion the serrice. color and the concretion ! S It ie e uew PAiiarnsi Kfuixatwo mil imJlh W J H soacayah naxd tnat It la wlta ouneolty U(S poaalble harm, warranted porely a By the, rgnlaj afbjmeon train m can It be broken or pulverized. l aIa9o;Ft?nc j ,ari arira poods. egeUble extract from the flowers ho left for Ban Francisco, In which that rr A bowl was fa::nl alacct mntire? , CA1Z OB, ADBBES9 . . , , a! rs, J tr-rche two to with a expect city remla fjw Oi gicca K..10 t.ifrjj, which xzvz. tt the for n vir J1U lil .wfmt al AJJrH days, aflex which Ha' r. grinIr-ctkti-- 4 The SLOT taia h BoirrrniTr"cnui i grain pulvsrlrj to KeV( iji used by ttii C3, CO rind 7Sc each; tribe. The . - STRAYED Monday, the tth day ef or STOLEN; ing we impress ana other X J iiif tiifci;' most' various relua was a rase with L.Dachod7 yds OI.OO. also Ta,ifnVTfrei!' ;he. CTf ir.V ftiu vimi;; swft i?S0M the UHa 'Ward, e, th tu Lm - bers of thirim faliowir inscription on the when hM XL. Us ta oaJM wbo, bare parses cm? en TOT-- " where the convexity begins eutilde wmUit 'several of procaiaea;to fulfil them and save ftartaev 1 kt Another and flat oost, ut - Clocks, Cic, preparaUoo. i;,?i.t,.s;.ij cities of theeastern rtatet and vrill iuu ChociC.atuThe did be this qmestloa it via published uukaa the taxes are paM potilii "tAK JVliS HALVOaaoST, wulbs view the Cfntenclil TWMtion it p&i-c- ry to a rorctua racier ei.st.Vr rewarded, forthwltb. Caf ccicrj U.aB.K. Macbtae Shop. T . . iil Philadelphia, after which he pari was it a Spanish tribe that ttttlsd a .My Ml'aiSn .GT, 1 J TBXSJtoitftxKB 72 degrees F. In Called-To-da- y m 1 to-da-y. - lo-mon- oy m tiy:U':y tr r . am l5j, . ft o A. ft Iill.. E R o BliD S , soft-solder- HI ed .; ( ; ' J ni -- i iODSDK BRI cargams j x WHITE GOODS, Su-T- i. 1 , 1 i . a." , 1 50c per pair KID GLOVES, LACE TIES; Wk $2.00, 50c each DRESS 20c; 12 per yard 30c, IIABSEILLES, Wli 25c, 16? PERCALES, , i f ... j DM gains! ! DRY GOODS. . 1 ' ! 'mAIV-SEILLiE- S; 5 . -- . ! "N iTrt. r pinits miDiis j- . , . . . . specialty . -. , PBINTS, at retail, 1& awHlOcer yard 9c and GINGHAMS J'iuStT. CHEVIOTS lllc and DRESS PLAIDS. 15c and 16!c 1 st , niLLIIJEEY . a-- Hi 1 fn oru' L ia--v i - Vi ! J , t., , N ZXI . -- 1 ..at nj t ie 'i . 1 200 Pieces New ! . Ask ' lli . JeV MM VBr J -- - FonrButtonsj YTl; ! '. i- ' In-vari- our celebrated Our Frenoli Tlircad Gloves, iii ?tab, Tlirpo iind FonBnttdxiiVf 'i At,-ams..,;?- 1 aa. s : y bt B.-Mcl-ay , . . . v-- x. eqotSQ! -i-- RIDDOnS aiBBOHS,! -- f -i i- s jarJM Chap!! -i CLOTHING - . . the-vicini- jj mm wm&B ty s' it-Brow- i .Pine andCareftillv n, " , u I vJ:a . . - - . if J , ? ,i, m. -- . ' mm KKISIGJOODS i"""! i . B a- XVl WilaM-Uaiawa- mmm. t. . v-"- "SUSlia JS-HS- -- flit SV'EK.v.liOW PRICES.' .- 1 1 1 . - la-;v,.-- ri JC-a- . " rr r"!1 H-1IA- IR M . .. y (aru. -- t . 0 1 f:r dv-iytiHfFZ- fll ; 1 rja -- pre-eminent- ly tt! a aa stojpfejpi titC iolesafS'letaU i. - .e-- ftI-!1JlA- ataikj ' rr - 1 Ki--A- lit PI!lJ!Hif,0I V'iJf-Paa- li y .. er 1 jf- - 9 f X onrnms - &la. nj - 4 re-fi- X- aeaaw Om tier - Vrr-fo- I itri ud he-nros- . it srr tbe-prind- pal te . iL il&i-,"li- v ..'i I use aSTJEtalxIa: aa frS? tji jiJa-CRrc- -- zl3 rnrhniMWirnh v cutiiii:iu a dim,' . v ' 1 t -- . il City Assessor aa4 CoUeetor. EilST TiiOPLE |