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Show - --a- e&n ion marks. - H H X m b.the. MW a CO 1 st Tr elvea pill-, x f- -- Sirly. of the 'W.. HaU UltlnmUly to establuu a new boun dary between tbaj United SUtea and fexaminhig MexlcOfiannexuig totLe united committee ;to give Mm another States tht portlorfnf Mexico north chance to appear, and vindicate of a Hoe extending :rom a point himself:- .V near the gierra Madre m sun tain O. O. White moved as an amend- - to El Paso, in era d In aboat 600,000 uare miles or country, very ncn default thereof. Bow-- 1 menWthaVin, is So m bwcant out tea tf elaneleief In aot-- f TJsecondrplast or Texas cav ing in uenanoe or nis obligations raise three rcelments of the. .United expense mm moned before the committee and States, ana to piece tnem unoer roe . 1 command or a u. o. omcer. wr. V w Da vwuu vw ue OS aastvXtOB LneFJ&QuQ Houtieu Xr"3 toai would. next business meetintr (applause). I eflective, and lhinRspiaa rfWohld cost White said they should stand trifi at least three millions before the insr no lonrerl there" was' no other raiag'wettl tepisslrnrf f to eavu.pian exam pie pr:church being so ham is to make an immediate demand or ail pered by a bretner put sone,rsjaci: on Jexj(r ror inc payment evner' ororoer .naq inerdeoency the'lostj9tattretl'by eitiaena Of roe inat to. feb and hantr himself' larreatan- those raid, DtlffffTO aOOUl 11 jUUOjOW. AI pUu$end laughter); He thought f Mexfojtrconla' not ipay? this ina liowea .wgnt'toexoom-I: ' vruV'Hia fallnre te d n vhri t 'n1 munlcatedlapnlauaeV i.tuuitun would emmjtne Immediate ab-in.i.M int. i ravaged-hVlVmmpnetberor- uwi suae ne wouia cross 1BXO Mexico ap 1 punlshi the, thieves on thelr owit' soil. proposes tlos as th that .aceusauons a?a Insinuations aarnst tne P8? " 4th MulUd his Setters 'tfyinoved ihatiBoive Tabs cxrasty, by the !ocxf;rkalature will not batch as mxby locustsr ext would natural It hatyh n for JudiclaVpurpoics. ,,lJy order of spring as seasons f as free the eggs ef ordinary fTVtJSHXB A1XT fiTVSATS JDCCSPXXS AS tne uovernor, nowover, Colfax indigenous, speciesf . secondV that, as be eeaaldereo odo comotKil ir th Atlur county will rf.AifH of country, thdee sieVtea judicial district, if after the-tercourt In Taos county, the people locusts last pnne and early sum DAVI.D O. C ALDER, mer will enjoy, the greater Immunr EdHOB JL99 PtTBUSBnu -of Colfax' county-sho- w signs of Ue same seasons of 1876, ity order. The annexation has Irritat- not during from locust injuries, but only . 1STB. Feermary ed the inhabitants of Colfax coun from the work of most other noxious insects, except the wood-bo- fty, and serious alsturlances are ic44Me-Jshort. tne people or tne n feared.' ;hew3 iectlorl day. ravaged .a .a a The Chicago Inter Ocean rather than gloomy, i ney hopeful ....During the past week the talks in this way of the:litelyln-- i will certain hr net suffer in any ceo specie In the Imperial Bank at dian war in the north-ea"Sitting ral way from locust Injuries in the THE EVENING NEWS. X Into trouble. , He has been raiding emtio r nests is bv fresh swarms the white settlers on the north- later In the year from the far north-"- ! being, however. from western frontlerand Is about to le west, the odds reasons CO a number of which lit1 Is Crook General ' therefor. panished unnecessary to enumerate here, will shortly start . Xrora Fof t very great-againany tnch con: mle and General .Cwerfrm Fort Sir i : Cj j Sn Biw BerrXa a r Lincoln, each with strong cavalry slt 'I iawl foroe, for Powde,'BiTer;,whera,fUb. ; merrimeaW iiHe-sa-ra Uag Bull Is encamped wtth. about. proval loupe Hidalgo.and the forming of a "l that while there might be iudieions hew treaty which Would contem800 warriors.', ' The campaign : was !'i ""i "T:T- : TJ, same sr. the l nnlji of J. annexation , , the with ase of features connected the plate G'eaeral : Bher,ldip, VsMr'wcaaa 1 planned by Is which' It .'of prowas a It the SJ solemn brother," nuoRirs.MM territory cjuo yet strip iiS i which is an aasuxanc f hat it will S by4' General Sherfor a church to cast out any posed thing i '' successful."' be and active j, both, JLast member, and he "(KowenlWaa One : ' The or'tbe founders or tbe cuurch, andHerze-gevlalaKew- - Vork aierald ssys Is a member, and the; more tantal' useless'' to. Is Mass., 20. MUten it as try oeep .lhe AlMka Coaservatlve Cempaay. lzlng bis conduct the more sad the irotaFixiJl, of the JFtrst defeated. lateiteller oot adranttiref American of;Ktbe . WsJSiriJtaTOir. 2S.The examina spectacje,ana ne nopea tncy wooia National Bank. at .Westfield, 14 the matter 'with Solemn deal with ....Twenty'Gar.baldlans arrett Black'nms as to try to keep a tion of. General J no. if. MUler. pre boodsi for embezzle-medtan- d ed while attempting to Join the in ma: own tnougnt it was or held In heavy Commercial ity, nature man outoi a ur gwu iwi.. ( , j sident xt. the on two drafts.for Bosnian insurgents. forgery; 01 an execution anu iue was: 'commenced eWWOt. he attempted, to and Company, -$3,850 'ta&' . colored . u,., Is . . . poor has funeral. tray. .M 11 i. ! T Germany clergyman oi tue eommii-te- e After more discussion, during negotiate memvafc iouj xjuum anu commenced a suit under the civil The five millianls Is dissipated, by aof J Wavs and means, was and 200 Denver, getting ? iat a bank: at rights law, against a Philadelphia trade Is almost at a standstill in continued ' one: hour' arid a half, wnicn isroiuer xuiymonea 'canea- the v'i latter place. ,; noei Keeper.ror. renuug mm the several parts of the country, and when the commjttee adjourned to Brother McKay to order for avstlcand ulaUsz use of a room because of bis color. at attribut him, to continue ed meet again ......Thirteenth annual commence- large manufactories are "unable to the improper,i jnoworjs .to 2 hita The House vYVasuikutm.! were Beecher. exarnSnaiiou.r .Questions said that aithough m4st met ment of the Philadelphia - Dental employ their usual complement , of asked" by Fernando;.Yood, chair toNdav-fodebate only. general rxestiohaoaght to be seiiled by a- The Houe College last evening." bands. Un tne contrary, x ranee if man orthe with committee.1 by Bid-di- e, ne was OBeosed caseuo- v nss been elected a prosperous, and1! the ! dispatches ire the view the' repeal of the rer f favor of 'eliciting a complete in matter: back 'tvtbm.3 jit' professor at the University of Ox ever and anon reporting hew uoy history of the company and' a full ingroij was a peoujaar case, ana ne aa not ford. . . .. In of which manner the thousands' or millions .of Jranci, re explanation U he.able- to say; (Hat of roe seal isiaaas were wlsh.liowen t It Is said that thousands bf thewere conunlttee ' Id the Bank of ine,jesse (Beecher'B) Carllsts are submitting to Alfonso's befog deposited procured and the manner of fulfill relatives and frienda. and . to nave spe mentrpaosFiii crease $163,600: ten4 an lts and government demanding, ; France, while the French peasant fng" tbligations. The explanar ef wholes the matter ciei .Usciease $I55S,7I0t legal by idlspoasd cov General tlons Klven' miller by amne&ty.j church-whlcthouft-coWM not h profoundly: hruotant' ereX all details of the basineesi11 e the Ames of Mississippi ry, I..Qvernor be called (n whol udlced an d qe--, a' packed tribute decjtease, OUT ' circulation way !y pre deeply , rosse bo pea uie committee, would is to be impeached, and the Imdecrease $182,4 reserve, ores.. " are . to litf a eearonlns: examinauen.And said t political liberty,' 1,.. peachment of Governor Kellogg, of diflerent ' teiay uienwitnurew msreaoiu- Louisiana, Is considered to be very nevertheless thrifty, domestic, aad that he would not conceal anything IMsaslsaed-rraUPreesedleas M K'.'i .; which tho: committee, desired to ' ' Shearman said j'A . likely. .; in all probability happy. w j wraatvd I know.", The charges mae against deal with Rwn tbry A Black Hills party Is being as a masabert "ToivjfikW ftie'f fthfnnl Wlded to to like were don't false maltcione the ' compaar People ,eeta thfev had tnore afiectten 'forhlm H dissolve alt InJohctions andvdls- LbuisTUle Kf,)' j ;.j organiitdt at- The hoods. listened committee be The taxed.' (Colorado; case of Greeley Vt than ever, and did not want tVttaa misejall lprOceedlngsinilthe nasi been made fdr a : satisfied with seemed well' ftllftrrnnTY tentlvely.and Vrt. tapres ZWsttas tr "The ItLaokhteKJ him now.' lust hew trial, for &reKee-,th-e says, truth"!; Tinjrn convicted with, toe prompt .and earnest an He gavn , lhem. as jbjfckehlpi .fset. a Sfc Iouis revenue agent. have mcrsaaed; soenormbesly with swer of denied who the witnesses, a.- weeaau.jaadibe : .....The steamer Kalorama. of in a few veare. that they- absorb i that any Improper lufiaenoe. had statemens-- bvi JtichabftiraJld tbN morn pledged-hi(Bheaf roan) & 1 npuUtle Stoclr the Uoodall, Nelson Perkins line, largwpart of th profits of rbtwiness been used in procuring the lease. hundre'd' sbares,of inis:.andrk.;'few she 'wa'de'&d 1 V a A V i tat vlii'll I'. ; ai j r... ... wrecaeuj:., ,7 TJolon were lb Krleandi-Westeniand InduatwV" and ':conclade;thai .Ji wom&rK ; Hiangnier.j as ehenss Case. lU -jjuoseu ; Eleven mutineers iof 'the tbis' hititd- - r.ouibt ln.uder therqle on hlslac- Jobber Lhbj lioweu'a from heart and to Ialexwr;lJi General Mercliniidlse. come I' must anend. corrfImporlrri .The Secretary of Stated id a thing British ship Lennie. have arrived kfad crrave draaalnsr rv. his and the c in te the' House commit ra - .it, I 'and ; Jbav ibeen Upon waJcn . tne uourao; jrrss muaieation, oand. jrfrmi,ttf ecethel foe evidebae, and rely--- , pa'JWttno tee on foreign afialrs in. reference tae en on. a charge of murder.. Wseejessjtew lrwm? s4ew Frc thus. jcornmenta-j-rTecteijff rw so tne oop-mg nuppoissucceeded General to Hchenok's oounection some towns Known te !the comes: from MIf The 'fPferro I 8- -. F"TEASP1L,S ST0RE' relief word. j and bad Unless '. Thev pf Bada and : '''jnr-'APVBTiaEIPIrving; ; Emma;" Btiver f Mining la I him to fix the period ,at public; chiefly ns the- biographer WAltzen, ! la ;Hangar,N artf ! sub. source, we area tax .ruined people. with the aars ' getting . ;"V'V that on'Noverriber ..- - f ...i; tr,in,f Company sense the HterarrexB- In 'some' -n J r .. . ;V man can earn 27th, 1371, GenerafSchenck; a between tea and twenty vear, but and I'- all a takes rwJ. i It laboring i.!4 of Ircirtdri his. ,VClT!l 1, inn Washington, the' himv uncle; fufl ......The Feeoseb moderate reniib- - to nniortunatelyfor, i a teierram to tne pay the taxes on his Uttla home- dresnoa Ilea are tryieg to proem re an am bebem and, prayer umeeU sjti to : Which .he rear of Kisac raent. civinc his reasons fordepart akme stead. tiD In Washington for City the Communists. aoewieK 4 nesty to a and with jrefeta did - not eilst tug offering direetorj real estate to the. value ef over $25- - draw from tbe board or to take such fLatrghter.) :They bad. wntiutbelr, Steele, e f DeeUeJ , Xlell5ie.?74vt Ma'fkfe 000,000, has been sold i pay taxes. a course aa should be "advised.' To dead brother Bowrt en the facts. tw0 tii.-'f" hi llllpf nes; to PTrLADKtlAtA.6. -- The Sth And the same is true ,bl- nearly this telerram a reply was 'sent, on Bowea declared EDITORIAL NOTES. effect to.the "i comma nee ment of; j that the following day, anhdaf ! ; jthe every other city In the ?ou ptry. A although Ur was nthe privilege 'of he named; these jneh are hORab I DebUd College (was .i .1', .'!) ;! Philadelphia : ahdUtthlm a can The papers term. , Charlotte large per centage of the people j Return thanks tolheir friends for past favors and the many expressions every tusen to investigate in sucn pointed 'last 'evening, and and., he beisg a held aa the deemed go 'before: 4Abemr Cnshman the greatest actress Amer. not pay their enormous taxes, and honest enterprises was uponforrV-fourfa- d of xindnese' from their' numerous customers, and beg to inform them IXD.B. of conferred so their homesteads most be sold to proper, tbe advertissmetit ef the member, he wholes proceedings dates;'! y uivJ? .t.fii lea has ever produced. - One they have. In addition to taeir usual attractions, a sparge Stock ef would, be privileged Applause), name, of a"diplomtio-representativ' Fields ook, a colored olsrgy man the7examlhln element of her tragic acting satisfy the demand.'4- -, .i-- a The resolution of rOJTj as director of a company seek- .,, was griraneea. Foi many years she AVells. said to Lethe ing to .dispose of ita shares in the committee) was unanimously ;dop Tw Newcomer', of 5o Sadlers strithgiinaeVptoa s i Jfl nota piay MifiiW fll which he, was accredlt-ed.'tw- a eu !AOjourneu. ,1 UMsa harea.yfo til , uiu ft ior. less than $oW a oldest theatre In England, has been country to, ' 11. win IhtfBinghaal ciose out w 'ill i unfortunate Tof jney advised,, lafloTi' JtheS hilt' In t4ril me so to Is PToTtessiom ii times she received sold out of the v. HghU and ntght,;and ' to calculated td and him oa him subject th riight more. . refusing & ' Into ' i"-FOREIGN be' desecrated by being turned criticism J thst It was assumed that :'; 'J .'J of January 18tb;eh aceoantof his Mll ' 'The ; was a ne no to rink. Ban Bernardino Time. i color: the defendant was IheM to akatlng (to ai party tne pueucauon. r.BPkV DITIIIt:;,'! ' w Afford to carry them over to next wioter. fwhcluding wnh. earnest advice bail tot trIaLsi3-- y .j iL talks In jthls way abbot the profes- hot fhWort ; tA AWaih-- l 1 to wtthdraw A'heyap ;hlaf name ,Tromi fthe TJViJ SUoiJte'' Jfs ai.'jjsi.iij lo fwd 'iff ; lb suiruaolf Plon vcrru the practice of religion ia. has 'cone from lridon to Parts. managements of ; 4hn, company. 1 tVERKjot; sd3 he ii ii new'fAmsw ul oiij lo u; f f , tdl ;!. s a iT'j. itiin. " v uu is any reugion worth to any le ia t vefy amlid)WybuUi4?d. . uenerai manes:tnBreu Don with Hcaa ahfp W & Grac from Ban tow ul L jliiVORKIOMi oil 7 2a Francisco, rjcV22d,;whlGh, f?bed znan who pretends to possess it, ft IT "lion" in society, H Jdi .WgPWn drewff rota the board uponlDec.tela .1 ew S9 m here, rbasljgoad ago, be not to him anlnfluentlal'powex? his : natlvo. languig,"1 but ' peaka GeneraltoSchenCk addressed ina refert,lays - ash ore at Kstemoikt.. ,Bive WUl' vrm? 4 i ?yy ten uvi lew. b:iiotl-- - ff.19 :.tbe Department gram How can any man be said to be EngUsh- - freely. ' w j ' ence--. to.ja, dispatch which had ap- BaNyvesoaonsaieiy 1 ' Hotel, Kasit Temple St TKrr02i '28.A 'Berlin dispatch a Rlpr-- uiadc I a .If ' ' f lieve in this or that religion when ;, .' London in. the11 , Of the statement r in wirt'Piiees'saM made' hispeared ?mcr, TnsGevraasea says that IimeR gives optmiin theiBavarranr Diet veetetday. fcyihe if ia IjiuJ 10 , .. rival .resolution 01 l?i!w ifji Katlaeera' he practically Ignores the controlt- the present style of ladies' costume rawniog to have been adopted said in regardisldent of annoiloced Ir ls LojtdoitJ. irjg principles upon which ;'it Is la tola to raiiwaye, nas nan a: maraerrefhighjj. appro Whe in the Senate, and desiring to knew founded,; and spurns the governing present fashion. oosapreheiHllng as whether lb had rerereaee to him that; the govenlraent will nnMer fect otL wiblW opinion la nortli uer- DTAHSODfMliLlAB the , prosecuupnrpt xiicnard many as the sonth'German . precepts; which are Its essence; it does the highest graptei of the two and expressing Jbls readiness for an take Bauner Oakley, the prvptietoriand General ',' Bcbenck ibave There are a great many men 'in nKMt.bjstlnguiahed .models or fe--; investigation. OredU shown ' themselves unanimous" manager.of the furtbessefea seme in ? proceedings fTT Tthese times who are palled profes- male i st ljm x -f i a... a front the n tne pare or sunn. committee in Bank,.forsw1ndllag. frf- a -,.jisCalais 3 isppesttlonltoottie unwavering sors of, religion. , but . we need Venusbeautybaviag The i sn: etearnbeat 'from no As sueh Dover. to dkv.broMirhtlfi aixhie .i.A:r-i- 'liobeesesj 'sand asx deiledicl, behind the.Tenns his letter of Janoary-10i is! nise iof had come to another class ef people who can d Hotteat6U,r; resolution mstortty " "" M!-Inquiry of the crewof the ship sent andflve others this' tleparment a reply-wait U expected that the show that they ' are eaUUed. to be 4 are who accused or saving Onrayerabte,' yUetmit, to Will he altogether shelved to to above to referred, According the dispatch propar murdered thetp.tala 'MfrMbfig 'f nd qler Vo.' called praciaers of religion. What 4. Ihe prenent; ren in itacedatric On and sdW Jane SOth fer Intelligent American that effect ea the following day, oa ''an Journal, were.examr the .hhjhses Ahey ever be the farms' of a man's creed j the telegram was understood to ted applfcatiotttd TrutelanTrAilOelas lady, temporarily .,)s1afeht7 In and id .Cranes' and n manifest' the readiness of General loed . 1 . 1 L. 1 t he is required to forsake his evil Iiondon, 'Wr. tortt. - .TheTSmeispatoh from Ragusa speaks, tbusol 'sesaeif Bchenckrtoattmee meet any InvesT1. ' w 1 te.e Maurka.' to 'demonstrate and the woman suffrage ' ladies tttere the H, defcjaros unfounded ntnttei nurwlw tigation, tbe report that paper says that Fanny I have become acq uaidld I with sincerity of . his convictions' In the ;The week ha1 beer'ehe of Igrpat arms naa reenJ landed .rrenv jCdj? of which In he value the .1 "XH enterprise the'. Ortnlgh tljf sattle-men- t, Fern, before her death, enjoined it several womeof o mutli euaturre, had. investedOO.C .- As roe. resolution depression; aw abouf .mi "The .tc'reJ -, insurgents! lack Interest of the general; opoa her husband,- rarton, to of both" heart andiiead,!!; wn; of tbe House makes reference to the iiOiij-i- i y rin In operations and same active operations prowuxiy :. Lek ....... S' ' marry her daughter Ellen! Of der how it has Wn broUght'iiboOt. action of tbe executive department tnestock exchange .Tb j,,J (ViirWevllfc : Heriegx)vinL','J" P or Obper I Little Cottonwood ... IS unipm: arencn ooutse tne IS neavinta Hi iil trf! v :'' ?u course Farton knew better than dls-- 1 These'ladies of of the gevernmentrsn this question, combined render thei 0 fkJL and ,Sod 'Typhus.small pox diphtheria ex marketf, Arrive at I deemed " due to- Bchenck, as a tremeiy doll. Homo activity was are prevalent among1 the : refugees. ii3S0'i.J 'i38 ':f; 1.00 9by Vanny alive or dead. !So be independent workers',' they- mesUy public Sandy t food. .'oflloer h e who bed various i took EDeoi to his bosom by-thawakened bed BMUii ef Ttblx 'hwil. arid ate and and 1.8i aarwaus. afSMHcf. .aublio trusts, and sure p. sell,yesterday, Saudy t d boardVThe Cleveland JJerafd have the:"chief Wo-- Who lnsportaut j and;, nearly si) jcJasseji norrogressjv r Moktsr iVeort eert has for maay years occupied 1 frorf among Ad4ef ;a,gltators EE!.'::::: .if . itt:r iaaysV S.00 Partoa made a sad num8ofxrage'They will carry their prominent pcfiiaonpeiore ineoounT " 1 Pexl ous differences among Turkish offl "Orow. J Fork- -. Aaiertoan Flaaaant Grove... f xaees of It with that stale that the; course f 1 3istfilaVUf tss Oeetes:' .! 1 cutis, defalcation from rqndedesiga- - jCssio' -!?. marriage to his present point without 4 tmV' try, to further le- ent i t Baafno'. Tic-lin PoavvU Stanon. the fosa. Madrid iltial td ed f A diiQtatch r. fom opted department, groaN forrebdlldipjfoa: inageaand Tb Massachusetts very fewy'ears .Thrte1 'Is tf sweet ft- out or tnese lacw. was bated on durlnc thedebate- the part, df the UiTratas. oppealtlon marriage proving r unlawful, he ness and patience, ae weliai dim ing tee. .conviotien that ,W bile the nse the erect lorirBatof JasUJarJ aiussuinaanS) w,,roe propoaea I '"fae-eu1- ' I Hants' ! went ta New, York and was married ness and JTt Js reported uatcolasTohs uio.. bun ,Uii peraUtence about br Eng of the name of a minister of the. U-- cnarged tnar ail' kinds 'of "viessnoe I "'fjs'i' arrive at Oiii . If are e 'over again.' But when he 'came lish sisters that, I admire, bat I 5. in such an enterprrse was lncon reforms Abu had .peert practised at are.apprehended.if the seiKMiei. latent with his position; yet at the the .elections ,'ln. ,Baroelobai and enroTeedr uuira ui : back to Massachusetts he found he shall never Imitate, beieg coast! rsifW-'- J General time frame Bubenekhad offered Abedsr thst that he his The says otreuouaee' -Msgdebnr ;was no belter off thaarhef6re, as of 'Alsace and Tjorralne IflMil bi tonoao,. i i?t been srnlltv of no wronsf.ln pumoae immunity as a deputy in order ' to the census, ;ift!ol. oc. intent, 4at connecting himself prove his aasertlotiav 'amtt declared shows a decreasa of 20.001; in the the laws of that state expressly a Boston l.SQ A correspondent .pf : dare O. futurel occai population slqce ,t7l the fhlllfje I'twoea'si- jtifirsdi that nisi marriage outside the California paper asks, Wti.at W the with the company in question; I hlslntehtlon;on-AmT ( that.1 am. ' arid satisfied dfcfeod be. Jn slon. to yurthar sute Is valid if conflicting with the mittfir wltb the 1erv f - 'Ad enldr eommonwitb lustiry'Wltthle odAiis the largest ia Ixrralne. eeau became acU.M;4Icttor,. manyJ-others, dtspatsh from Vienna says taat "AVrrrWt na ; laws of that state. Hf? His home U In emlo' of evU like- Um wltchdraftf a sufferer thereby. ) uvfjil lfi bot Trstiw to Boston, henee he has :the choice of two centuries ago - seems to rage The -- Secretary iporids TernlD Mtt IheiffW that part of th resolution : asking . Ixi the .House o ittltuon of laThratanlnir giving ftip his home or his wife. among them. 'And then bie goes information J i lodicatum amendment biltnss?riiUu3uf.w. i - Parton , wants the the action the t leglalatare to on to mention aooaerecsht'nsiughtj taken by tbeconcerning PpantoT Kork... eu seoeuv executive tis vira aeases suMdlzri fd department si bJ .n Austria reaajag; . .pass a special law legalizing 'his UMtanogs.-- , ; , Li gees at the I concerning the connection' or the iiu hum oj easirsf trovo.. ...... ,nf.ja ' ,e.ndof.Mrcj I VA do minister In JCngland, With, .the Pleasant Orcve. nwiMs marriage, but the HMifr!n -.. walla;' I . iTl T " , I euiuJ HI Aroarican Pork. sav CnJcagn treepa ihd sin HlJH ' 55ujT.ui hot see It." prosecution of the Mechedo claim .i.r... AaaeetvrvCemki.-H9:--i .... s Vssw01 Lehl , mwv sat lf fromSani i Thaship a2i,0Oo;MO jt debt a of ho': British government, s4trives Draper feiJWoeTfereUjI " f?PABia; The Son Francisco Chronicle ?he has llttloU sUU gtowiCK. Ths agaha tMTlnk Salt which, was ashore Ctty i t 8:40 a. In. Franciscof Hevi ease. and. a 6 fill he of at the Arivr history ;kit a meetiq ; er,moderat,e fepub-- t remont 'yesterday, wasti afterwards 8and7i Po. trjtsks, "Will government roffieiaJs alreadyand so far toat aad concludes that by saying Means was held Time Leava commentingly says, as roe reflections which nave been towed off apparently 'Uninjured m rall tafonsanoe .op4ernln uid , i come honest?n As a general Chicago s LmI 4? tv La too wonder why bus-ine- cast on Hahenck because of the bro residence of "And people yet Jure' Job in ei ei gtsnewe ' Is ef. to It Borne few irwiiws graating-oah'tell. am Theqoeatioa hard ng, ; ifw?;-oIerabli .iiir uMMUM UttfeOpttpeWa,... HI raw., i ' iai(A8w:at Aft av m mi j la Chicago laguIhes.T., .. seoatlenof these olalnasoi,because nesty to the? ioometuntsts wacp Arrive h'0nest; others will y cm. rMiMMi Tuass aseot. or tbe presentation or them y aim Tb umount- ofj ;bu Uion rone 'Into wiiuit saw lata.j- - ys ' proposition wsJmade iaTMil W tot d ra wr te the Ilritish government;, senee tnst a. committee 'ori thet- Bank of Eorland taday fii is behest vhlfc thet. Is a rsrs oi sbi n ) o nsol pamdaaibe xiexx efjostice compels, me to say that I appoiated;.yhichrwlrt VtiS. 1 anil will be rue dally alng.jaround, which they can locusts in pe.romw etrmUJ d eii itwllfjdw ,WRIffPl am satisfied such that , reaectjon's ret . Noa.Jrt,laod the farmer than wl be run dally, ui comniittee.ahd sleted the hekotlations for', a t6irr-- 31 f. The Cnromde concludes are .nnjost,';, and ; that : Generaf permit to Schenck Is open .to i0 imputations r rauon ,shaipe)fe:tannaTir t wm are innocent of fcnmS eaoederewito go to AnMrloa'4at)ng - Tw exti Cf! froiTi Or Pasaais; aDDtv to P&of, XUley, tthe;eh0Wi the ssrntM rerattaseaTCB. theCTew inererrem. wnaiever common arising the law those against and to b com posed of Ikibart Tub atte for hoping that such will be Mlsaourl,. takes tipoh himself CMtfeS mm' the BAU'Se Ussier Pen- - WJ251 ?om fd iwded Ui.i ' 'baa v.' leooiseB covers words oerlel. narr;oboWi' "ifTeted Thb'meaiure comforting speak a wm toR. .ThHu will be temporary guilty WMaji!t Cbamtters, 'and 'oyd himself is J tit JAM KK SHARP, w profcirWradickl And all. When the lowkcitixens eastward V. :upf u the "The rerub!icf' Senators hadPsi as a subdltute any i a haajchdnenged ommto! rvttokt and rtctot ArS. s a Fl r? L strokeiPbyd .;' i.:r oomnletn of amnsafV.' posal locust question fdipthe eom1hgea eaucus'.to davn the! hill' to restore Jhe ' of Flri i over,wbea, th,e excitement son. t, e L . He toils them that the youn g the ?ril nameaOfall M peoslonjraU the fTf 1875--s cBsxnpioasUipt!! poarsj u,on subsided,' w fieri we iiave a new ror partteipaung f this Jfil e Thames or on the Tyne locusts pffftns'droppe an ataarracnntE. nw.4sy hopping ft Arealdejitand - iPJTSecretary, UithaWbriion; thff cauqus decided, , Challenge Is not aoeeptad be 'will not (no luocb as - ,.i and m .new set of .revenue ofllcers, tnis winter unse-afe" Of lilf bill V:dJ the allowa.,Uio iParxnent yjJiT-,irriLrvssassume tbertle of champion; 'The Mountain niTgratbry'loCUBtsi wnich afTWtftge reports that A gret;LaiUeJbfci tAUeB four will then proceey,te A hi erica perioDS"duriCg--th-e , Hhlnpwlll beeonoe.n 6f again w ws ere flo long asr tempts tic mad opper- - bybernate la!.L,th'4gg,- bot are of past H eM5 years, which 'are est pls lnHeegeTina,near1)Voseje-- 1 irgejioJ am oootsiuio to runt uses ana to species.-therreesevere iiili 'SBW1B9 amount to mated nstive-munop kt .! wii atwst'shiipy. ;tuaity "concur, officials ' chosen common' L. ft not that be dollars, pas . l . iArsainstaeV ,. oujrht t.tt.ateMii I under j the", existing . system will striped iowl I Traffocrptia4a-iriU Oil UlLLvlvi!' .FSSBiM9ri olei aad la;theprsn( bonditlo) ef.the biqixcst ieic jret wops t j te Maliie .frooi ' rsngrng i prove corrupt, and men 'naturally difaciata); sec o treasury t VXhis acluu tvJIJ j secure foe t rtter 1 idtioo eGAri; the SUde lpmfessorshlp of the fine. o!fcl4iV'-- j " ' e-a i" Daidums nave oeen arrested KlGaa- - art at tbe Oxford, University. " r ? Inclined to honestv tiisasi iwt.n. ifVouatoinera, I will .succumb Florida, and fremu .the ; Atlantic Its defeat la the Senatev?f t" j toe noi i.jt 4 i 'j al-v win- 7 Greeks ttt fiva j. other and to r the .rasselci: to ..Th una stevenne J CeUeetfens. '.Iebraska, ya. CsstrwiH cuiniTD tlos ' imuiw .VVs. j ;to overwhelming templatl la 1 sit . oa band , ol the orewof roeahlp ennildHarg'.j hai;-gw-n j, I : oeuiUaq7, 'I'hWnataieonfirmeilX L..i- England, .Germany, and Fianoe; twlfla JBafv t'U4 LU , fl W JfxJjflaie buu, ts,Bepe! ed with be. murder t of i Uaptaiai ii; l tiM"" ? where ' revenue officers meailows h4 fcoftof f " J " 1 ' SU,i " ' shelterrogla are hot morn' -l Vers !1T 'ap: . L "I SrYara? I . I . arraigned this Hatfield, f pointed as a reward for active whenA T. LATTinEK, party serv gTaasandrfce eoneulat .f and az f Hamburgh Ni)'.!!w ever1 'rwipajci. geo. Ux "aa. faithful j 5reatherlsmild.fi cot - .C Lla . fif,", r:oaprKY, abh stkono . bo-pie ly 1 nxernai; rtevena&fitHlectors H:n , UdJ So iiriuilfilui aaCea)speX. 1 looted."-. hArlln-ietWri-Bavatnsack Th Proiessor,' In aaiVriii&tetrf the orine LC s LnolosWcja fiscal REMOVED first t the moblthorthe irs.: HAVHSTQ Buildinir. ' we Into our f 1 tf V4a.H E4 LBtatue pT uismarcx wui dp se ki rleskbai J Aivsf k SaSkleasnBaMe.skt are now thua rear show an inereaso oC $4,040,000 . The Hev;.r.' Camming; of New r to furnish in prepared last ctnfiWired everything with, nos.u ye&rv jo qu Mibui CHICAGO. LU.J'ThS"rif's le centering U ?IDJr4r .' our line at the .Lowest Rates and fLondoo, has Ion had a wide repo- - tales, and pregnostictts eonorn. ne a aracvtiirtf' Copy Ummmwm aewew 4'ixHadeiphiai ! lao,SPOi Wbra J te asftire Washington peolal bats tlarMr mmhmt KitmTirrLA the 't ; with d snatch. tag the locost foe' lu'ifhceming If v l'jr'esUL.sjfc.or? ncilosT If i r pr ? Xtohb,(wb0, ha jtfnlfed Btat tiomi east Mountain of . i fa season, sAHfea that lonowior faKHurt A ll, Kallman'iaUemotedejrchanceii t ' SSSSBm beUeerta;thejaear approach of t VMM I .i. o a . rrthd epeut W6yars a business xttlssloner: woe, icaire or deposit situ' ' I . lrw bfflBK. ' . -- C jrx. claim,and Maio WJ i the end ortbe wwM. He telle his ., - HS maqaid or tnufi ou th Cnvirth itM Tl vmuww . f ate. T belnjr ia WllUwioliT 4!e- wkntus iciyjju-i - I'Jr'sHfei1" lyln Piym uu(uw, meeting or aax Kuer. xerrtftorr or to she lusees tv ilaxlT ?iicon2TecmUon'4hat he has been tar inot, uouncy tel. . . Stool The ctrubee of etrjr laid iniui nixnt. roa repoix ox tne examiHTne ny.in regardaad tTtekt eoS p.rU6SU.rrj Oorlbeil ai follows itn-wbe. cii(ii-ibBJb- e tfT '"!""; !n Bi.t I edl "J 4JI ome time past engaged In writing Htales ot Jllaaonrt,7. Kansas,- mad ooamittMx was aread , by Brdtcer rrm uv..irslto4e.W'. IdAa nr IbeietswoC feetr aloB better .viA. ith. JnWhite'i aeqvatntodawUhv Aff,T'r,I igtleyi fchiraeter Dlaey.'iryecltes by the few tS2ils edi ,9lq sixCiela1lV re deposit, located, xuown and recorded as tbe 1 of thcpe thearsioni'than MkDftfu 2.-rI- tr awerkupoa the folflim'ent 'of ;pro- - Nebraska secta that passed 'over that country aneeaTaint Boxfehj "hn,Tf the" .bo t Jslll 3oM Pbecy, thaTIshearers'lIve'ia a last un,wll) eraal fhstuia in ordt ter was t asked fort easeatlal. Xcrs the;;frnny;dncerif ahr68Albly Le, rorted thai feigbtCarlUt battalions t re aioiox-sln- e to . WsihWirtdri . . . . Las aud-lm. . .. a . -i moefceriUcal i periodi ha most atrived Jn Iforths seasons Orwoatheruyatdi nary hf iaUsrAQuS insetsl' reiatlnj tBeecher, reply ana auy reoornei ia ipo oznoe pr toe suiioL 'no tsiuo usiti.. caietrbetweeni-lhalAIX SXtOS OV- ' Atferaa Heoordee. Christian men feel that In Colorado, alsoy tbevsafeav been be onLsrJroad .what Was resrrviu- - ptirpose- of; f Ufyliiz before Bfttlei- - hirroiSr mtnlnaWrtlawl laid of the kpr Wrid mien-rtua dlst fbeewB abOTKl voruer such. as f own a of. antral rVndlratioui Inmost retber. parts .'his Mexican., tf. ,commube Is ik "the tlmo shoiV that the, world slnee rf or erf For Drloa or uLlu--r tildl eae. ml tiv warsj JaJiAhd the ccmnacc-wjtthe reporter a con lleeaysineiotias vMardi three plans thanded a3aa.urrenu?Tea, in panien, otiotjsl I 1 a the eva of moatstandoos grsnMleeastsegss ami erss tia x m .Ytb "0 has been so nnusuaily mUt 'j;:z:ixs to hlrn ten tear hiro ttg!ifetji putting a atop to these 1C3J11 CJ 59ttITI 193 -r- wacuf-rt.-u ri warn street. that eminent msa .that that theiU IS 'ajenflfore-that- ? the by swe.-a'J 'events, ust named, or Ideutlr btjtr: tiifcsmrst: tsthat pTOTcaed r selieiiinff an Amnesty Iry thitH- -lisJrfcl t oi, oio, sis, ' d54 wl bis, STj. UP18, Ma .xsrli can eiao " 1. 5 r : r "fJuer h Ihee'-tfooxrlil J he bulk t.Ueaerai of a$rJ,'wh3 answer to ititnmt f to ; jskl f class continue to come hlf fertry1, iftoat-i'taavTTf trill not be VtiZ&sotd. I rsbl97t. : - govern if hfr '.MHAtf ii-T- l tna'.f-cnitltatt ' a or. ; koyttiit ntsi crf the i itroy ed ; Th f their an?and:that eavewatlba la ; Un'!,' e.dj j OLCOQ they 0?er ariti.-.,at 1 MaUlneK to tit C iaV,; iU toiickiaLn thoom -: hkvesn fslly borno 'Campos, in mn,wV eighteentnonthi ' "3l.tr 'aeem to feel that the end of .the out sucn predictions as I felt war- mittee recommended, in' view of his discretion, he would take charge nounces that falnb tatUlimi have M. una. 1 is at Para and border surrendered of Bowen's incur It tbe refusal the . pel to ranted that Answer his Is stop and world drawing nigh. la making 1 ray opinion Oepe. OmCK AT SKUDEHCE, BUECQXD IVIIalf tM on this subject may have some precipitate withdrawal, that be be sions, lie would give the Mexican enerally believed that a complete ' s'l the Car list la SOlf of reak to ud the remaining Anarchy preyalllng called before the church at a bust- government thirty days perfect l ll KTBEET, weight. ror trie prevention ci tay fcrcei U lmninent. and the war is on Wed ne"i9y even- - measures Between 4 and Tburth Eatt 431 wn Xhird i t. M HMW '.JLTho necessary arrangements d have been; completed for a boat erew- to oeme to the U.S. during the coming regatta season. ......Madrid dispatches 'say that thousands of. Carllsts are demand-in- g an amnesty, and that the war Is regarded as virtually ended, , ' ...A statue of Bismarck la to be sent to the Philadelphia exhibition. ..;.Plerre M Irving, nephew' of tne late w asm sg ton lrvlng,Ls aeea. ;i...Bowen Is to ' be tried for .his standing in Plymouth Church. ......It is said that In a great bat tle between the Turks and the . former were totally four-oare- Mi Eaccehhtf st Is- - ) ji LlTUaef iirO ByTrelegraph iLaaliS" f , ?rfslitii9patclaetu -li-- ns -- lit - D.-Mirt- . ?g W : o-d- sy r- - ..A . : A. -- J to-mor- row - r was-address- jo-commlttee, ed - - -- h Jer4iase:;;itenU. 4,w; y In-sh- . , .l.-l' ',)',:: ";r et : 1 1 1 1 ! - 'S'SiSr''!' 1 t -- SADLER, e . :. A : . . i , . . . a;:cil45ltall a au y, je. ot - ; i i I r- 1 . '. i V , - : h-- , - 1 h? - uuiiimi ;:, lijLAiJyAl tA ! ; - TMSDEL'S the-degre- 1 "C'-'-- ever-prese- nt e 1 .m mt . - 1 & -- ifif' a-ro-om -- W.-fn'J?- 1 J j. ... 25-T- -u a-f- -- -- -- o - : a. . - 1 jn-qui- ry - le" ef-IM- waj'I e-'- J the-Oeunell- y : Zd.-J-- Hi; . - Hue-Reiehsta- - . i9i n 3t tot Wig aiit fr s the;jida,f . -- aud-exjradltO- . 1 1 . waya-leaevn- i -- .ib . . - - , !hiiij.' 5 fi j asa foxm-lduiten.cl- !al., 0 l . W H U f step-daughte- 1 re-fnrm- aa -- e nt-.-.-n- - E5xi s 5 T to-da- v. fiv aneoa' law-make- rs Aro' -- -- .' -- 1 at-JS- ,,( s .sytdlatitbe es ii -- jl-- . ; ZnXf - thebtIte wm bbs. 4 9,i V 1 to -- abtin n ..steHSagyBjac a-- t-ai cre'wKdW 9ieT to-th- : ' f':':;J:.'V'l-j:- arroeeajuiEbg1Ti n - - .'OK-Hlif-o- . e - 1 1 n.-r- ; it-- 1 '. 1 - f Hi r BV - I..-,8al- itn -- tL- -- suhiU'-atDdblJn.-and;.- ? li- L ! - -- j a yorVTH5;rnk f i ,.- ?. -- ,e. 1 fJloci; l A -- . 3 uvsw aS Iia. , - -- vjr. t.,.. en. aPOR .BALE - ss j4 i ean-iraioa- a. ' i- - sagh: & po oes 1 f Jgr.S r4 va 1 . MIQ-tr- wr h r it . liifni-iiiaLk- h t-- lit n - r j.! t. el -- r3 . asr . lr'? 1 VMM - LalirftI:r&Gi. : |