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Show I J it i X3 i . - ; mmrimm imetmmnm: jua,- JWM4 - i, pmni,, i . nrn.irirr' ....... . . a a a a t s J, TUB portion of the- great mass of testi THE EVENING NEWS. UTAH XOBTIiERSRAILROAD. POSTAL mony which.- had. been adduced H ana a large pars oir wmcn. naa been PuiAitJicd ventrempt Sunday. ' :o:- rendered, irrelevant since its Intro-- " Feha-ixar' .lth 1STO. MaaHlayr' iaso be would relied f duetien r!3 upon by FLOTJRIIIG s. boytkro,0orsreKaiahU ; ; ,f IS f:.V: M ON jAH D AFTER nal. I think there is bope in the the prosecution. As tne eroso. .65 V. three inontna, atohrlairate and for me but cution. the had terrible bevond, I grave advantage SUMMIT county. mrunTniM. 3 jL NUAB. aT 1 a t , 1876 fw : ff walk: with a clouded head, or ciosmg me argument, Bin! rata lot tar th mil IttHltthe tney Rioheoa Qtaa. Henneferrllle, not not until to I .. should of heav ...... 4 nl understood, go Trains will runDally as follcws : Bycomplain being re i; United 8Ut,-.Kcbo, Kliaa aimer.- For each tddXjnal X ca or frao-en, BQU tnat i not rat oil, not far quired to disclose their case so as to ThronKlt Riuinltig "Order CoalTille. W. W. Chi. KOBTUWARD. abd I am content to bear give the defense an idea as to what Atorao Winter. ' rc waBTSit tktoa Til. UK. .r away: Drop Latter. V aaV rate..... J. i nolonrlll, liuff, aeu. Joeepb ust Upton, lot nave that dear Lord to that answer. has Kb. I. EMI-WEEKmy would LY. KawsTAiamaa' j 4 Mu4 alns. ' J udre Dillon did aot think the DAVID P. KJMDALL, VM. W.?CrTJFJr' pmldes oret ft20 a, put on me. He knows what ia beat. they rat ia 4 os aroirffvpoav Leave Oraen,.i..,..:... 10:60 PubUtbtd. everp Tuwday and SalurHav. guar tmiei week) 3c. per and.Iliave Briarham avbovo a " Daily and rale view in of atod'th one, the the good Count accepted thoughit; Wl : la , . " , (wrren Morgan , nw u woeki.-iprepared &0O to..; i Uawft p. '" Loeran...... natural man rebels oncein a while eireumstanoes,: .it seemed to both. .$4.25 16c 3i3a year, with Postage,. five Wards in Summit Co. Arrive at Franklin CONGRESSIONAL. ....8.114 and! bubbles out; yet grace in the himself and Judge Treat but Just ACCOMM dDATE tHo PUBLld ' One "copy, oao " Bonri wMtly..,.....,iOo. alx months, l.K) three tnontba, ' te 022 . - F j UOITSB i I f , j LBfiure puis it aown. f !lJuti4rn that the prosecution be required In tbat line. i f' WATdUEL P.. AT WOOD, Presid- MoaAAlrf ......... . sorrow oraer walk so." open ,' in tnat, the defense AllWy . Lawrence conienvio 'a jil. Tbee rate mast be prepaid Quarterly or fit. Washington.folio18. SOCTUrTAKI. or- tne go mtgnc not waste time la guessing ing JJiabojj. is it luaexne preciousness oi yearly a. thaoAoe where tbe newspaper wine the iit.mittd poinu : . wmcn nas of what me mass to been tes the Ko.U it Waoahlp, Jared C. Itoundy. of pei O'UEIi. S: portion CO. given DESERF1-NEWih IT. S. Circuit Court .bill Rock port, Edwin Bryan u thoo a nu preach is hindered somewhat bv timony prosecution would use. He prepaid. Leave Franklin. leant 8inl newspaper, tiio relieve hill will Abraham Marchsnt. ei . laoa, ' fh. ' i i 10:65 to work for Christ would therefore suspend the rule as but this Logan.-- .. trouble; e WEEKliYwett -' ard itcin sothht aland Ootirt Tbe PsaiooroAtse Uriah p. m. ' J. ' Baprems avii cases PKOPKISTOR8 ana, save men is my cal liner, and a matter of justice to the defend , ; Kaiaat, W. KUfcaaav.' A rrivo at Ogdeiu. . ...... 4:00 " nu to 4 om. evotAStuaoav H ueciue wuim 'a to. not Snydai Bphralaa , ....... Parley vindicate ant.. i Park, .1. perquar. t (Ap-myaeir. itij to it. :o:- MOau7r ............ Dyer raid ; ho had not expected one year, with Poutr. of One court new A copy, Second. Guerterbr,. appeals COUNTY lOOEXB . 1.86 hia argu live Men If ana-ee- l and Sent4a this and had not prepared monins, not over II ca.. to ; ., Ka nia of Qrchantil is provided far each circuit to final Gilmer & Sairsbnry Stare Lino to and 85 ' " biz three months, ment, tHe therefore, asked for, ad-for eaea 1 oa.. i MlBoeUttMOVs printed JOHN ROWBERRY, Preelding ly- dianose of canes iuvolvlDK less from Montana connects with train at jou-nme4 So. or tor each o. f racUoo . '' until matter, Judge Blah op. j than 210,000. This court wiU lo , Bt. Louis, 18. Dominica Davina, Porter joined in the request, Fraaklin. therool. 'H'ti7t" j as .the ntore ooBTeniant te the bar ("d k A P ton la Catalan o, add Rastanio defense-- waa cauaiiv un ore Dared. M. W. MERRILL, Supt. tThe maximum wsbrht of any peckart i w'pl t. cay, vr: p; Co.m M ' TERMS IN ADVANCK. BLOCK OS" OF WEST WALKER court. aiiaoaliaoeoua is matter of printed or BROS., suitors than the Supreme 4jt Lembardo, three Italians convicted Cba. NibiV Dillon acquiesced and the , TooaiaCity, John Eowberry. aToiraapoia. Third. The court or appeals wtu last .October- - for . waylaying on the Judge dS69 aen. Frelrht A Ticket Aa-4. OrantartUe, WUllam Jafrlea. Court adjauined. to reverse judg street in the- northern- atari of the .. has been aeoiueu, ny me coun have BU Joana. O. W. Burrldre. jurisdiction 1 South and of eaKl Q&riClSVorner BgKtaaacaClttara ' CantrarllW, Janxa Jordan. ' ments in criminal cases. i nero i ciry "and 'Bjsasslnatlngj Francisco setitIn the! Babcock caap, that Col. f Order. !G L1ITI1I! Bomrtoo. JSatt Temple Street. BU CI 'Vernon, Hyrum for review. no nrovision r in were l'attero, bo Aprl!,187, RaoistRATioa: Letter may rltered head shall: Rdwtn Tadiock. Broad argu.the hanged open Creek, Beep oa payment of a foa of ele;ht oaa, but Fourth. Th ill reqnlribs ttciw at Four Courts Bkuil VaJley.B. f. Knowlton. The dooW TtroBati Cars to 1 fasmnirton Cits morning, aud that tha DTtrnmmt take ino reepotmalbuityin court to ba held at every place) eu men were accorapanied to the ment cult follow ANI him. Htorra .shall r New Beetx Judge qoalxnaaOnt The Job and fonaan, urrlu Prlntlna; - WASATCU COUNTY. whn a diatrlol eoort is held. Tnia scauoia y tnoir religious advisers Porter will close for the defense, ca of tea. - ATI mee ha superior fad tie for the execu poet oSoe ABRAHAM x HATCH, Preaidinji will add to the convenience of the aovuv. iTtciiiw iwT ut. uraza. and District Attorney Dyer for the OabaaA principal money-enUoirrr Of all kinds of Book and Job Prlntlna;. tion suitors. now- receive email auasa of and and bar Father Dougherty J Mar prosecution., Tne argument will nier, f ui Bishop. draft for Lb aame npen Other are reduced The man matron Fifth. snai expenses read tlie death subject to the following aionaay probably continue mi On"and after tyo'v. 1st, 1S7S. bv ffivinff the same Jury to the cir warrant, during 'which the mn evening, Heber CUT. Abranam Hatch. when the case will be chanreaand rwruUtlonar AJTD PAPER-RULINwhen unless fiAiith A irArirAn ftlmtiM. A t Midway. Hanry & Alexaaaeew district and fear maaifested cuit nervouwand courts, great to the jury.-Watkina. 4 John eta. Ctaarleaton, ata THB lajitia OcauUatrt Enaland. business reaulres two. atid' bad to be supported by givenDeath. eta WaUaburfh, Win. B. NuUaU. tit , aoere- - np$, Craailalooasfroia Nav York. 15 eta. Abollabel. Penalty t6 exDenseswiu aUentlants. Kirtn. tub Father tlr Orazanier Dr and Argentina Bepobtto DAVID O. CAIaDER, S dueed. bv redaclnr the number f then addressed the spectators for Me.. 18. A bill to imiT. 4a Amartoaa 13 XJ Atjousta. SALT LAKH COUNTY. , ror the culprits, statins that thev crave abolish.' Moket from Waw Tork. IS eta- - . 4 eta. PvJAislier. travel of Editor distance and death the the this in Joa. Warbnrtoa. penalty Jurors, L. 1st i Ward.B. City, Paciiio CoMt, PvruKouador, . . r JameaLaaoa. thankalo tnoso who took an inter- Btata and substitute imprisonment d M inmra and witnesses.ill Mete. 4cU-BoUrla and Chii. 10 cU ., 3 cU JaoohWeiler. ad mu est In their behalrV forgave all their and hard labor for life, passed the Soain. ia Naw OrkMuia. tseventn. a ne ni yivrn3.1 eri, Harriaou 4th eta. Pperry. inaiV of Spainopen en? oaiea, asKea tne prayers of those tenaie by a vote or is to ll. Bth itb, W. H. Hlcitenloopar-Ttmaking new parties to, writwithout BIM1S, , ror In the Supreme Court, "lOcta. IcU Wa. Thorn. ent, believed they would go to Unloa direct, Kfei beBth . Jn the court thanked God for giving . WE8JERN. ren,'. and WooU-- y. requiring a revivor L.JUttb, Shiiigles, a i 11 eta. 9th tot. '' MMUtlT" i a o a ear, t . land. Peiiiisyivam Railroad ' mem low. execu loruiuae Ftsbta. 10th naleaai tneir ABparra, oa under l iNowapapen fe? i Alex. MoBae. Uth These are all improvements 'and tion. "'f'Vt! 4 eta. aaoh by direct OF ALL KINDS. EIOULDINGS, ETC., ETC San Francisco, 18. A dispatch 12th U W.Hardy. ' ; Tlie Baateeck. Trial. - - wairunthi tJlebrated Vy etoa- mail, and I eta. on law. the i advantages 13th a from Tucson leports B.IXWeoUey, ad oji via Knalandfe battle, Jan. . 10th secthe Knott of motion On Ob Uth , r, :. Jntfene Court. of theSonora revolution, o m i JO eta. tat J the lfith 4ota Burton, t n was amended Tf tion inserting !4tb,betwteB by Ala-rubme s. motion for Predertek ICealar. troops near Nort tor ijnrnwrla (Wnnt In rATtital' CBSe." xiiam ..overruiea lth 8wltarUod. by i.T ma aoqblttal ht the defendant at the PurJoan ienrr Smith. ' were latter The PULXMAr$Li(!B CARS axo of. wiita so to as that L Wth or me . conrf ftid argument suit resulted in a secondrouted. lounf. provide Weat Iodlaak (Brttiaaj andnatias with cases fight, .. AmorVmn criminal In paca.1 hall not operate Wth, John RhArn. will prbcbeanj ? Darlaa,) ' And TBIHMING Neatly and both sides i P : r aud another at from Naw rors.... 10 eta. S ta. . .. vdJ, Z. Haua M a stay of proceedings 'efceptlB r, fjDl. liroadhead, in reply to Judge revolutionist!reinforced, W. Ward. Burar a 4.8aoot: , BrltUanaaUttJ The latter (BriUV, victory. , Porter, said in order to sustain the Promptly Dene. MoU leta ,:l Brichtoa, A. B. Ralelrh. , ., 8U Taomaa... capital cases, have concentrated five hundred Chicago to Baltimore U-et ..Bla Cottonwood, WmG YountTi NotaMttoaJ..-M-- .ii motfon of derefise the"court must say cavalry near Caricari. . aim Creek, Beuben Miller. EASTERN. cmta. notexocotTTa On ordan there is uo testimony .either direct er f!0: ' South Cottonwood, X & BawTina. AJTD On ordera not aavoeodlng ta.TO ' Bank Bobbed. Horse-Shoein- g Weat Jordan, Archibald Gardner. Bill Biased. a Specialty. indirect, y .which thejury might .j. .. Orar 13) and no uxuaurnr , South Willow Creek. L M. Rtewart. A dispatch from Bakerafield says, 18. The President be ledtQbclieve in; defendant's Craandnat;axoaadta40lm CITY, Washington, Orer V0odnotaxoaedlniO, He cited the facts In the the 'Kern Valley bank was entered ' the guilt. y act A" the fixing signed on Without Oraat uTAncouNrr. kfoarar Oaoaaa iHTvaaanoiTAi. case of Change tlie while r. the Court last th ., .: Circuit of history the mi: night, by burglars time of holding mailiug ta Britain, German and gwlUariaad, at iu jetier oy- - Joyce to iiabcoekj cashier: was. working, at his acCblcactt Dally mt SUB ixm. Leaving by taa Ioatmaatertba A. O. SMOOT, lVcsidiug: Bishop. of the United States in the districts confalniBrf-00the6rretmondInt? counts They knocked down and Now York, may be obtained upon isevaoa. and of Oregon, California, .rBaenv payment Of tha XoUowinx the aconspfratoni. after Chloroformed the cashier, robbedI . t . Pint Ward, J. P. B. Johnaon. a 7ffi witli"pnor. 1 .a'.. . i r Aftsas BaUTat: iwas the bank of $27,000, of which $22,a 4 aoond Ward, Jame w. Loveless. third inuiciea, tnrougt Thii route ia ennm'ftllv dnfra.hln'fn. i of Gn.Bchlne4 pe f Third Waro, Mrwe Taa oer ?Tbe r- 000 belonged to tne county treasof eta party; ; infovaluable resignation On ordra net ezoeedlnir Dueuvta men, as it gives them an opportutbegIhg Fourth Ward,H. IL Cluff. 1h not vet leceived at' the State De was in110 and not exoeedinaT f"J0 cashier found to Visit Pittsburg-- Philadelphia, New nity! matiuaiit ine.janiP" Lim no was- ury. The Lehi, Da rid Brans. TO " Yorki and Boston, too boat on the protesting Orer C30 aadwauaaaUDff on is table markets m tba the this sensible sendIt K. Cook. H. probably the Cedar raids; partment. morning. Fort, against Potaxoearllna-t4il.o" East. . . Orer is certain that it ing of the iVtfylrb" disiatclii, not! f j raraealf John Careoaw j ' way by malL Itsoon-Tne Race, Plttsburr.roit Wayne, A)t br Ticket Central ; Ifo tntloia-tlo- ns fy ing conspirators- lifve of the R. AC., wk jch can very andPenasylTania DAVID EVANS,Preidliig Bishop is expected bo dbtalned to at who a ilTlools made Railroad Ticket beginning alLrexular lively are abandonment of tjfficralhr ho liefore t raid the Office In tbe West, at the Company Oifico. over tha tbraJaatuamea places. I'aUUel Mataa mm . JSrlUala, NortJx succeed him. who had beeii detailed to Rutherford 100, Foster 45. Katie will 43 Watt Madfeon St., and at Depot, corner agents AB , Aaaarlemai rvvtm4aJ $ it a UM IU aaaau amiBVrBCaUft r Uia make that raid had tbeen appriaed Pease- 25, Golden Gate 22$, Field Madison and Canai Streets, wer t side, Chi Kcn'enck raelCe tt. B. BtlL' ' elnaLt lata U , j Ainlne, T. J. MoCulVouah. ; Litmi-T- M cago. atndar 32i so of the were all fact; pre-strongly oa. aToirdupote. To or from tha Uomlnloa Li. There seems to be no doubt sumptuous in character that they Later, Rutherford 183, Foster 85, r. K. sttcks, of diatanoa, If preof n- -i AID ,rriJU)g of ttchenek that r"" friend Pease the 55, Gate 35, Field 52. among W must to ; . .To and aeota. UenlPsaa. and Ticket A t, the m for decision. go eenta.; otherwwe, two over named i' last paid, the Jury Bishop he will soon retire from the EBgtish Where ther$ are disported Issues It Closing, Rutherford 225, Foster from other BrlUaa North Anverleaa i. . BiiMcCIJIXOtJUH. ,.i; for datanca of not orer 9J mika .places. 75, Gate 37j. Field 52. East mission. He has placed his resig is vie province or tne to deter 100, Pease Lake Salt s Goner a. Manarer. lOoenta. SL, Temple jury i i: news or on of went tne nation at the disposal Fester tfresi mine. up . v v. v receipt , Pleasant Oroya,Tobn Brown' Office and Yard, Half Block South UTAH. not of unti his It Wa. Erlnrhurau who Sacramento from accept good may dent, eprtnarllle, The Court took the ;m alter under rarelarm of Depot t t Btna-t! Hull. Rnaniak Vnrk-- . r lAefJ enl Paaa. AaanC - , ... the committee 'on foreign affairs advisement, f Thav on rat to Great Bri . Bahm.UM nSodtowa BobWH. Ua and s. 1.YWN; J. of his OF have examined the subject ION TRANSACT Supt. THB PEN FOB tv iwuwr. tain ia half an ounoa arotrdupoia; to Franc14 : v J. dUS ; tne p.m. j uage. Xfillon "delivered j4! la and the Contlaeiw IDT Pienea aoalialit business from Emma mine transactions, or until in '' Bantaqoin Ward, George Halliday. tne following arxialerU euaca roiru-fmor whom aorne rmaima, to 0PFICIAL DIRECTORY. it desirable FOREIGN. person liidliama Chat pre J. 8. TANNER ia rreaidlag Biahop " i ue te8umony on botn sides The awterwir a.m. to 4 p.m.. Dally, will be oflered shall accept the ap being payment opuoautMi(J coun defendant's closed, the over Parson and 8alem. CREAT BRITAINA t)4, In addition, on Mnited StaOjfioer8for Utah. pointment. The State Department Bel moved the court for peremptory rr XaUaraMot Aetra. Note. or en the now 'OoaaeB,Win.Prioa, fcl'lmen Is in Tha Spanish papers copies making to direction ;f. - xtttit0 paper Uo the the Goveraor W. it. Emoty; acquit 4 1 the Emma mine case, aaa the com defendant. (Thejury 18. The Timet devotes case L which the Qecrr-A- . ToNDeN, Black; Socretary to receive them by SANPETE COUNTY. Enxland, Ireland, Scotland mittee expect recent to make ''seeks article tbe to a pan i Chief Jnatlce-goyernment HcU. Seta White T . A and Watoa, against leading meet-next Thursday, tueir regular Fountain Green. B. L. Johnson. German Statea and free ei i ueienaanA i one w men largely. ish note on the Cuban question. From to I p.nu Ahaoolafe Jastioee- -r Joob S. UoroniA., I !nr dav." " MoroBtGW. Auatrla taolurttna Bray.writer The says parnaps M04 . 4 maw upon Tucker. (depends PhllUp H. Bmorann, Mich, , exciwivvy. Pairrtew, 111 be receive! frB. UStJK The House- committee oa Pacific circumstantial evitfenee. wbich it Bararte, ' Mount Pleaaant, W. 8. Seeley. loati Brunawlck, Frankfort, eaJB. Maxwell; ; asrreed mm to railroads report tjarahal IMIIaABV cannot the Utoen Lu"We ."wafta congratulate, Spring' City, Frederick claims shows that he defendant Kambarfi Baaorar, BtAUMrtT-Wlllia' tt . at:. . n.. more Carey; and etera bill Kanuaa' force gene had criminal knowledge of conspir Spanish ministryon the specific of InterriA at too rate ef TEH PE Bphralm, making bao, LuxemboiTt ' , 8rTCyorHQenaral-rGeo- rl KlnvoalJ; BanU, John B Maiben. of comaanieavas railroad ral answer to elaborate lonir and reports thrir ' and he in that Gaanieoo. j. . Horn. M allewe acy, .BhcafYer Y. C. TtbUd tEST. ervaiBsai participated Money !kev,L the complaints of the U. S. If their by me act i toisos. rne the f conspiracy. - The required r rayatta, JohaBaxthoioxnew. of Meininran, - . tat burrJotha, government 4le day land-gran- t Jaaaary state the has. sought to implicate him by reply proves anything it prove too railroads are .and;:,Waiaar . LTSJJf iiVKTm ; It? S01Y9; &,l&tiUr t Xavdd aat ,.nly. iit t!: WurteaVW--flawary A. Pa 4 so innumber of acres of lands ansold and the are by Harta-- - fl the COUNTY. If JUAB mach. insurgents as to of the TTiiiiwii Kverest rtt testimony Oaiaiaa muueber the estimated to valve, their Is It difficult then via Bnaland, 7 eta. 4 ota. kinds of. Milling and Mining By eloaed mail, ia, F. AssesBor and Collector O. J. Hollis mailing of the etter,under circum- significant, Biahop. of miles ran by passenger' trains, stances unaerstana wny mcv were noi AnatraJl, Uritiah maiU via- 1 e'a. 1 cts. JOKJUCUiOyEJWPreaidint; for the which tert--- ' counsel the A Cast. local W. tons r of through and Ifawa. nam be of Mona, John Southampton... jMachhieryWroughtand damage Pinunin: maintain would au- crashed years ago. isThe 10 eta. 4 eta. I I TaYinwrvraT m or Grorar. Belgium, Naphi, oMo dalt Creek, Joel frelzht. monthly earnings from government done by the struggle assumed to r infer . con thorise the it C WlajaiBttSHdMv.i-la Central Ajaeiioa (Paotto,; MtWELLS. DANlfX jury .,. . a 4 10 i Seta. and the of eta. so .me, aifVratni leiegrapaio tained a JMHl bill, apd that it was be small that' el uoastV complaints ' - ' 5lcrate taCoBgro : ex sent to ih1. Oao.3. Cannon. China, American Packet, rid W i lines, gross canting, auu total - America 'Appear,' noti only unjust dothe SKVIKK COUNTY. reeeiped by 5 : San yaQClaoo,. .. ... . eta. 22 eta. fl) tariff-o- f Waee'-46e- . Snow: res fori itu Ta'yersl1 tbetvwar, pend F. Fkim. eta. speaks OaOROaQ.Ciaaov, ii eta. febdantrfor "guilty purposes,' and by but lncomprehensible.Spaln Cuba. Mambal J. D. X. McAllister; , Menlda.. --Jti THURHERsomIxW. a If, ' as though she had not merely been WnuroaoWocmnorr, Jmun W. Xot7wc. .. Bnlllenw2 Auditor Wm. Clayton; eta.;cte Cnioo, freight and transportation ult. gtoraAaa Jlaleey s1 u and fuHfwdefeadantL Tbe-- ' present guiltless '.of 'oppression, but had SEEQ MILLER. Presiding. , Director : !. r ?' ; ' mail Denmark, eloaed ...... Treaeursr James Jack: on run their Island ruadBaui with the treated ... ' generosity, ruri. it. Wills, lata, c tuvofvee theranestion a to fcarhvad...... T. O. Wsbbib, mOQn .19ctv, 6f Common School O. R are we Snperintondent i to leu sthether infer Brtta lOa ia ,f QtOKOBQ.CASaoa, JlBBSjAOK the relative powers and functions and altogether wmcn naa Bicafleld, WHBoermClor, EaIl!a, RiggraV- -i S."tai Ml oaa iTanaawo.. ... Mdavt an are .: speed Monroe. T i. y roagnc JJaenbee, that the J people jrefereuce of the court and jury, which is of W.iwoopaurr, gijerr ID cts.. J ltt LaoaABD TOTTHO. V. Sunn, Fraaoe, direct packet,.-Aanabelle P print, H D Llaonbee, or; order oT IrauspoTlatlorin'FortyJ great importance undoubtedly. n Asb Brass Work of all descriptions. The against so good a protector for more lea. I Joaeoh. r ' Salt :LaJk4 Cpunty ' Officer w. Greece, via North German ia vtd ncaawn oaa Torwo, epeolftad-aooounta, different six seven Unloa ttrecti.iw"a-lewp-ae- a, indescriba witn years, than Ot.CAiaiEa. D. L. CLawsoa-Is Joe. of Roaera. B. rt Judge tbe'Jaw in criminal i Prattrillo, T.cta Z Probata Judra Eias Bmlth; Knalana,..-to be atatea ana niea py tne com- pop BWeV wVif Glen wood, P. T. Olroyed, bitterness, must be an unparal- - Phissam Yocao, ttu iff t oaaea,,auaa tne jury, are Douna to ble etoKaa-Jant8 ot. cU Portti-ai- . - !j i :. Selectmen Beuben Miller, Isaac M of : neglectled and el corporation Every expanies. as compound stupidity aDd receive laws :8eransry: tbe Buatia, via North German ' apply " ing to make and furnish such reTEMPLE J3T., &.L. CITY. IStowart and E. MaJlin Weller; NTJARJiOKTH . '"MLL1U5COCSTY. Such a line of argu; teta Union aUrec.r..-..3a- j T. 'O. Waaaaa. ; by the court In the one wickedness.. ' ."diet " ; ' manner specinea. pounded Ooroner Georre J. Taylor; ana tne Buaaia, fi Irani mail eiaJbv- in u: xYeaaarar: lacks of first ments element the cases as port, of il class same In the the eta. v let. THOMAS CAL.LISTER,PresidIng shall forfeit to the use of the United ' kand. Sheriff even for not is HStephen W. Taylor: l CtAWBOH. it B. advocacy, other. good A motion of the character 8andw.cn IIanda, by aaaO. ; 10u. sum each Ior of :aavthe ota . Proacoutlasr States t , of! Fraaoieoov Attorney Z. Snow; ij one ChMMr: here frora flaa made Is well known to EiausiDie. Avery siJgnt anowieegeor to be received by the the Hona-- Bona, Aaaertean ara . Aaseaao and CcUector R. J. Oolduir. .and Danlol neglect, day's history courts. Thompsoo. federal in I' Sdpfo . 2 eta. lfl ct. et,eio8an i'rwooiaoc .taurer-peodo- re McEean: Secretary of the-, Treasury, laadre-If It) is practice ' AietrtoaaOaahUri eaulvaleut saVs tbe Sunrame colonial life would suffice to show ' Italy, direct eloaed malt aa 4 be eta the must unreasonably r .Oounty Clerk D. Bockholt; O. corporation tbat it of CALDaa, fatally Court Incomplete. Sfeaiti the to demurrer toa Patid KnaiandV......'- w.'jma FTIlmoBdward Partrldre. PlMiiigrltlUI; OountyXcocrdar Edwin IX. WooUoy; fuses or neglects Jtt comply with the evidence. It answers-thlTt Meadow Creek, W.H.Stotu same When we test it by the real facts . ua oa eirecv,..-- .,F-- 9 . i Oak Creek, P. It said of cirSchool superintendent OHV : found seation, the is that the In It the case, i.. provisions . and should be treated by ;j Kanoeh, Culbert Kin-V Bhall forfeit oreveiyeuelt.tefuaal purpose iu the same rules as a demurrer cumstances which make the origin rioJgl.'iic. er neglect a rTrom nqt, exceeding to the evidence, aud, admits not and continuance of the contest are : BBAfTK C0CNTY. CtyPffioert: !j $10,000, and a- continuous neglect only the facts therein stated but intelligible." " "' . MATOat company for six also every conclusion which the JOHN R. MOTVDOCK, Presiding or refusal of any Feramorz Little. The article concludes as follows work a forfeiture of all shall months KdteVr ..j LH i.' vi Ploorfari KalrfngFeather Pianfanr, In, jury might fairly reasonably Bishop. or lave Caiaurekv m Okcta C tmutuaa- - and Its rights and franchises. tuppMt, m BANK f 4er tnereirom. in wafiuingiupon 1 "No country seeks to Interfere 0 ESEBET 1st Municipal Ward- -. Adam Solera, rains-- all siae of Lumber, Door and ' Nearer, JohnJamaa hmaxdrht. ).r Latter way' Be I ate.' of with Spain's possession . Window Piamea aCeeap ttatea, H iTIaaaUteaUea) at IB Black ntlla. the present naetion!i it to us tbe as- py force httaaaanila, Henry D nwcodey, , Wood Tujrnin.ln every ya- -, 7 Cuba,' but if she cannot govern it case sumed d in all evidence tbat the A H Ralelfh, .. disA 18. Ma. ..ii Kansas City,' EDWAKD HONTER do well to consider how u"Moty, J It.i J. itA ; ri '! coxnrtT. cor- la true, and the witnesses are all she would John Sharp, iron Timer from the special patch I. i she could best prepare it for the for are 8tk if ' ' Credited, Presiding Blsbop of tlio Church.there; Alex. n 0. Pyper. questlrms from ti Black Hills to the ' I' ' r respondent freedom which always follows co-- Paid up Capital, Paraaxsonah, 8. 8. Smith, i; .SSfifhWO, !)f!jitT ' i to tbe --credlWflty-Of H. Data. relating has oouwcrtpRB Benton Parowaa.W. ?eo. Laramie Ft. says misrule. lonlal i or WILi.LJ AM BUDGE Presiding Summit, wMaiea- the; proper deducjlUlalAaaau Youna;, j John Henry Smith, Authorized CapUir M999W' j uat arrived from :,yie,,'.mhey me- - nesses,to be upon drawn from the evidence, Nilhola Gree?pcok, J. i David WtUrifhttlthttMl. W. H. PAME, Presiding Bishop companlea by nvewmen.: iaey tions Blahop- O- are questions not for the court The Ttmrs' Ellas Morris.' CaMer, Georre telewere stepped by Indiana, but not these THi n nuurnn, Arvmwuw Haa ryLewte. Bear Lake eo, Idaho . over thai three last named ptacea. correspondent for but , the j dry. under, tbe advice graphs from Cartel Unova as fol H. S. BLDRBDGB, Elijah P. BhectsV Harrison gperry. kdiO.. molested. Indians are Teported at and direction Vemntmjtom J. W. Moore J. i; or the courts Counael lows YOUNG, raBireitteh.&. W. BeVr.i" tween miru anu r ounn isotrtn - Troasurer ' ABohettbir. '.an for "i Ii BBIGHAM i op'i various watching WM. places JENNINGS, ' ,nPjrcctor. Cedar .Ojty, Ueary Lunu have referred to cases 1n which: u. u. uaxrymiK, John T, Calne; snow La'kefJity'.L-''1 pecorder jaabM, The Salt ' Streets, stock. steal JOHN to chiefs met 'the SHARP, 'I.have Insurgent portunity OtHd, later Jenaea. 'n J m Is eight inches deep at Custer and some courts may have interfered at Sottorina. They are unanimoue-i- y VfUlllllRT r.TTTT.l?: A 'Jnc JA J'TP j MarBliarAjidjt. I run XAOerty, p. H. auaus, rtnw . COUNTY. Cashier. , Ls. KANE VAH-AOI.-JAVA tvr r HILLS, with B Auditor of Pubiio Aocountj the the in dl2 Jury koberi prtvlnce;et , H. J. Home, . . . Is being done. A ' all JoemH little to 'refuse determined mining aaa manner wmcn t J-- ' W. Boundy. be L it 5arAelr;l4 migbt been Kanarra, baa organ no.matter partly government ' promise with the Porte, ,, fit. CTtorUa, Jean A. Hunt. W. D. Paoe. Coneuver-Joa- n difficult reconcile AsBeaaoF'and , . le K. the Harmony, Wfnde with, a committee. : tuca. ised, with power- recoccmeaded: peaia lia Exenaae, ia4avCtohd JaaV H. Johnaon. vigilance rut 4wa,ujnua by what BelTue, X A William Hyde: ' are Mehclrer. Bear Lake oo,Utaa Lake TevaOra $uperriaurxC .Tau antt trepw. vrur fast? JiedClood to H for ToheivWm the Brinhurt Spotted, the ' i fight ley ' Celleare aWmete. , , 'in h I A.tOUIl A .! .1 n MtoJawtUit Joalaa Tnfta. surveyor Jesae W Paxi-' r' moving thelrTpetrpie nortrref-thmpiete freedom of the country' ifbMkteva.SajiMphStemrtr' J Board of ,Sehbo1 Inspectora Duaoaaa Mctreat, Meaas GlUoa been stolen have been settled by the Supreme Black Hills. Stock-haCoUeclions madeiaftq prprr&Uy.reof U. JPatk? ' riefary lf. ' Doroinu. ' ' Court the k4 whose B.J ? an AtaigMwia'a! WfOjrtJf WitoVy Is Judg bv Indiana and trouble daily 1mm Yaliry, Howard O Spanoer aiid iiyflamy, ' Sealer Of WflBifita and Measurea N. O. M Baoaaton, Wa. O. Barton. ' Gold hunters are pass-- ments nave in tnis court the force .General Menabrea baa. Veen p Olendale, Jame iLeatbead, tfcipated. ' ' The of authority. Mt Cartnel, laraoi Hoy. Supreme Court j pointed mbarsador .of Italy,; at y ' , iA uuiuwi InkudbU Hi in tnis NaiiatL iarg ... point John ing la Kanahr Hriloe Andrew .fTT of ?asa.whe ,a, Hurt; ia are tiKH Captain 4he?fo(8 UondOAvr:' IP lay ninderstood that he WM. B. PItf2STON. Presiding gisdtru ; leioitw ,l?Af?m-- ximr JohnaoaJa. Rextu K Johnaon, InUrt pmUk rat Bnrtmjt. Pepoei Tne A4t1bi fallfcSraeeJ frr centroverted, and where tbe infer la ' Wator MAAterWllliam Hyde; or ambassa run !; rank the Parla, A F Bmltheon d257tl given Bishop.' Btr. Baeener. ance to be drawn from them is cer doivriii, lexDectation that Ensland Inspector of Bulldins A. H. tiRleU ti; !r.eerhwra, Jeaeah O. it Tbw fallowing ULn "ItTHt all.qdisputed;, pr wlUf Inspector of Wood and Lumlwr H. IM Nkv Yonrf,'!?; PVASHINOT0M COUNTY. Oneida oo., Idaho. reciprocate - the, .compliment Mr. Beech - where tbferaiaaoedancB.terHlIba and Taise rft-c- f woodry; la latter the rank ewmlahv of the ber represent DR.' A. feeda Soloaaeej Anret i I; . Inspector of LiquetRobert Cars council te eauulisk 4 eeqMwary olidant in tauve to tne Italian court. Galua, WvK.Praw, C era sneecb. in .the advisory Wllit I FWlan .; inn Harnaburcf Bndreaort,a u.W. Packer - ... nil f j( Provteiona Jeese U...Little; summon or the , case, motion Inspootorof y on the W. Waahtaa-toaPreecaaa hahaidithatittketrta) J. ISi BBI Kb UK LETTERS vtaion. a A BUV B rrtaB ef the Daeaee VeeAr. Superintendent Insaue Aiylum aud St. Georc. D. D. Mo Arthur. Wtilow Sprlna Branch, J. IX Jonra, in lira. K to rrs and Buddlncton . court may peremptorily direct what Overflowbmc U give tbr i by 4VSR1TAS" Intended " IiSnfd Ceaslesi "Ti1 te Cnttalfaala.1 SanU Clara, Rdward Bunfcnr. nlra be . a nai ra in shall Wasaoe, Johe atanraaa, Caebeeo., Utah. McKcan., verdict mow wiid other hear The to wlah tr dls the given. aoqaamcance I sir, "Now, Ptoe Valley, Wm. Snow. Si moo Smit, A few dooratmUkVfylWterJww Caraaton. n I i aoiitkAl. aelbriou and Dtberwiae: anri k Physician Insane Asylum a i It(t'ita tloction " from which as wuewer fall the to betweenes A . V. W. Reoiaaor. the question, dispatch Newtoa Pinto, LitUeweod, yienna says I I LA XI Oi td ahowt In soma degree, tba real objecb- SJ R. Yonf. T!l;i lul Vli ' '.y. .. nrst. stated and jjanuoe nas overuoweu rrtofwilling Hebron, G. H. Crcaby. Lewlatoo, W. H. Lew la, that X)r Storrs and wunm ins.iUB.. ita . raoxs ) a cariaiavaaan AlWa-ooI N I O M r raaon vtswaKSi are iOchmood, M. W. hiarrlll. Tor TEST which those j the dclsI6n of and .Inundated; the outlying aub- I Coorrea apocial And aroacrlDtive leirialar Dr. Buddlngton should aUte any Smitaftakl, BamueJ UoakaUy. M C'-Utoloretah.--" Baa a UNOOLK FBAjicoMXarBaeJ'J NEVADA. well COUNTY, the iUiVnAapaTWara-bettstraled ; B,er-- . r iacia. in the Rob Jury;la. any know, M Dayeea, TSmm wrtiorl heal Hyde Pari, they thing aerv awaaralhr. thv wm ten p are al intiu -- know-- howi much Boom r be ' Co. tw. rwevl R. R. -airneo, 8001001 oo StouVirVallace. BavaiUh tha iTeleerams. from ahould Tfcmtxjw; to Locan, W. BM. Preatoo. p like of nromineot and dialuterestod Clover L L Wood, rtCALDEttaa all Hr A aervLnaa Tk Hammond, n eaae Bha);SupremB Court lfontier say the Danube' has . risen Id Prwridanea, focus lnLhki H. C. Oibb--: meed at be the M . tSnn- Lake waiaiaaMW aaai' of nwiJ the m.v bWi Panacea, i,, auv aaejcaAAaawiiai Bypha innMrinm Iba. i....Otdoo , atumiae, w.N.a nwa, In held that with 'the where, case, is CMatySM. any nolar nf it microscope, niTHiirlfibrteM'' . the . . . ;j . ooiBo- wrf'.s Hyrum, & LUoqui8t. doF&j' tnli oaenTene'la T?imTdlirrialc JadtrnieBt Mddir 4 ParadJae, Henry C. Jackaon, inn in tha heavens concentrated a Bnatte2t PtietsaomuiaiemaBuaimimift Weltorule, Joan Jordlne, of sound rnference, ,whati j.he prolonged rain has caused freshunon him for, six', dontha, and ev tlon, ManduO. Henry Huahea, wasmairtbn DrWTT. irttef, arf throughout Geinaanysome jf Streer. that could be raked front the dedlictleri to be drawn from eril i'rlea 9A erything tm south. to norLh the pola .vjuaiii tha I HJPftf? IlenAhitav loe, PREKLANDU .eidlflerent &J V2i'Kl ftrii ;Tr.BOBEBTa,A; DANIEL DANIELS, Presiding and eauaiTv SPECIAL-FLAVOr.iN- GS. and round the earth rprty times men equally lILTO. McUONALn A ftl. . Trilirrkt. 9. W raked up lmrfiaAwwiMjnakedUIeratiei circulated, an to have it civ nlm can be convicted .of .treason. corner Sanaome moiVUietireeU.JMtai I UnV prtvlleea, o nan -- lean to rortune. ferences, in such cases thelawcom-mitathedeoltlMalad ctty JhnriT5aailaaCoe1doo.,rdahr brought InT'. How, ma hlonger ahMnnli atora ahonld call or write for Tt naae Attorney and CkaxtBlor. and , w' .requiresa not - oniy; proof .. wlj-he.r a4a M nndwi want pamana. namuei wnm 'Juryi q haye does a man, a w.a i t i( Wink. and Idiom oT WaU 8treet, "theMenirbeat from tlie instructions court. Office in Wasatch Hotel, ft LVCJtyi The llnenesa to have the trum .,cesne and hrPrioea for lajlvlnc but motkni also, that, rnna,livoxir ttmarneatl pj(s(Bcae dangeroua, niTurmBMU vindicated? If there Is a man I i a -heyJ nut A. inCHOIrreekllngBlshep. j7aearB BWI Olirer TrvrBii w at r a aJKVax eaUi JaL awUV J JBVU kuu TlairJiK e accnaed' was aware of the' facCJ , H"iinuT vua bad wd. i on earth that has anything1 Jo sa. : laaaefc. Pi ifUeaca am aaeah reilaMe honaca. 4 br Portaaa. O. C Hcaktea. Bam Blderoo., Utah u!iiw wnVctf t cts MFMl.TnTe L Auftriansenu-oinoiaaatt a here paper and m H t mv detriment lam Dewertlle. J. C. bewey, M paH Jn. Cash. No ilabiiity beyond! ii ' i.riip tltrft!LAli'llinit ror example those uu uiwuiiianinia. great, power whl tah'atfthe nwubywua now challenge him to say It (cries It not undisputed: iriiiuta Order executed mail and telegraph and, lndernulfi-tion ET ahtntee a loan for tbe of t3aod. eroodVand loud BPPlaQWJ relating to the letter: testified W by m ur oraei revurna mram man. ' Mantua, H. P. Jeoaen, . . of. Turkish land , holders for McQllL I go further than that and say if lEverest and T?4 u hi. iarinatina, aavtrraa- v a k..i ,4 aty, Atrtn Nfcho, H P" fcfkneel r the ceealon of some landed: proper tt wiuard uty, u. w. wara. there be an angel oIGodmore 5 51liJiifl aawL: ; j ml a uStltlkerp-eteleMramB l. - m- 'ffprril I oa W V W iWkW'WI i ' ' prescient and pmniacleot, Ijfcna'i!s n 3 are so notan bea 3iAiifca&aimo?-tTi1 - VButaJanala Clear er.iacts o to say atrgbU Will jualri., .Jicxfyi blm - lenge ana lea'adaar taa aaaMi. court can declare that the that and; lrrthe name of our certain . ina- v LORIN FARIV Presiding JJlshop. WaVe8nMj4jr4 Writes to Max ! Family Jonrnal In the yond Muller; professor ; D'udiiifio-l'auiTiSio o T r T7lArT1 P " P! P?T Cf. Wrat. It m devoted to the Interaeta of common iteaeemer, ana; priori uiu tlieir effect as.a matter of law, V Oxford of Chancellor Uni 'Vlee the contended doctrine f 'The for me Senck I , and ltWard,Orae,P: HorUoutture, breedlnr, who shall Judge, you by the Robert McJtauTie. to remain in tne the Apiary, Ponltry, HonaeboM, etc; It ha nhallanra the ting from .GotLbim- - leirned counsel for , the defendant, versity iconsen noHAftq-aa- cj, truth ety iol bnAyi lot parry. moot Joeepa consideration of the foUo in a alao and yeung literary depart Tjhlverslty T7 " nu tofthls wonld f care, la ir rtttulrt And North Ovden, C H Wkf.Vxik what applied I9ib self naw full and and market appUuse). loriwAaabaatoXAVCIman (great reparts, tires or !l mt 'u, t rA(r!?ailr-- Plata City, L w. it this court to disregardXthe well set- scent decree all this going to do? leonai i n avi Monnd Far. Derld Moora to .a from tXtmU of jr ill him the b7the b Btletlng Orders prompU laid doty y'll down rules iU. tled tbe S. , nuoau hm em loornals anld by the win in 'Well, swsi ' Lynne, Daaiel T1iaiai eaj j"iwtia ,9prii " i . rtng.T'1!"; ETC., v SlaterrtlVe. John A n trWcaeeaf he ed Mr. Beooher, bow rhetorically' I Crftia JjrCk SdpfnK Ha part PRUKE flRSDI CdSPIST1 (niOiillV ram P. i Rarrhrriae, H " aopetaJ'A be AUeGeltedi will Uanea, matter It " i til nalifli ii.ila" and nwn Cates the eii an Paslrj. r j rei.eiya tip .u ii ,MKiLflt0Iu e; a neat quarto form of etf bt nianaged at Catlcaa-avl- n t r r . i 3 f yea; wmcn tnas triounai .noiastbat tne 4Jb inaoest on ' the-bo- a.aj.aaa,, -Wat i In Webev, Joha j v 't tnerelteleenipapem-'H:m.Mt-t:j lea :of th j put Wou ee tllastraaal lai la and ..,vttp Beat Weeer, L I constitutional province of the jury, i';. .,"a.Ui haniamaely faWPBjapatb canaaai a. raatoal ealset 1 fKaUAmaaa-AMatram yaaaii learns of tbe1 AWraMcitlr ; ditafefcer 4 time to time, with portralte of ana that wlla.'w'ftTeTIPVV,' South Weber, D.Bpaaktiac. CookT iy 3 eiii vd ili am atook,bulMlnia,iiiiproTd farm machinery, ment.'jalui we extract from the true, select IYuilt ' laridgment pened i at 'Deal yesterday, cu'liae ellid oriilo jatt a fA rnl'rorn.l sdT I i Kit ' .nil extends to the right to decide upon Manila ate II.. or hei snd Aipaayfj. 9&ch characteristic flv com? OfratKiifde It to Tba pobHher' aha it make tndlfpan cpuiT questions of fact is a weak case, as Gained never aabb In arery houaahokl into which tt find Ht' naii?htfirLr'1NothIfiS:Uia Ftcmcotl' thatHhe tor, arid ouAiceji77airMi -. tar a waUta-inopperoonj iaaa a WalyJetnB ttemnted to assist bis ipeenle. Inot strong' ita way. Spedraea ooptea will be sent to say is taken to a be' true, and YJ, asoeflirnos. Qf frea tfrength and perfect ' aaheorleaioav 'Veto I 'TWirrwttaaVr rml B evidence before them, and deter- even any ai ti nn-i free, mrant a rope was thrown to save the bet. Washiofton and Clay, at.lS per year, payabtew advaneev writy. JVt pottou oiZ. Every flavor the weight to be. given It and Orowninsi , re. f KUrttt uJu Liberal naa a oaanra aalnna allowed to- any veracity i t6r aJUionigtvJ ant'wiK mine 'J oj if fcfrfiett$.r4drtAtr-ac- h boiUttfutt: KayerrOe, Chj lat nmi TAyeno.'''1 thereof." several the parts tothoae whe may aaaoclate aaente, and to te be rieurla.aon', august Some discussion 'then took nng ranainartontJeaan wV&eav tfta pW O .1,1 nwttye. MdA Jtf.'toutTtfvi''! aavea Saalik. Wa. CaiW-rwctrenite.Aaawa place I"vnejueV front tneenpTJTaasirjgT-oto hold tame quantity. myself Ve ,, .". j j .it ; purporting i t ttii .xicwt-n-'UjO rc 7till" 1 1 "ill I. ... .I i JomrtifuU taa rrt -- t l jrw tt mt every aentlment, of. natural ( honor as totneveruetsin watmavgumenis enee, vffl mm no other. The mol Jill DJ 1 Up tUiVDJy ,1 .v i The rule court made. !knUii ri v. aiw ,ai of be that pertains to gejaUeujanvh Ihould made. . S) nuGniiub ,aoiivll lolltecuoO idlddte; ddicwu ft$fai-eceto open theera'defense for know perfectly well that thiswbola . . fi t aaruteca alt at i.A iwi 4wt.agiiv.Airt KBiitr. process la a cenUnnoua trtaLaftd'a' and ; fiDecial Flavorings. Mans- ArETXRSON, lUngBisLp i Benedict, Uall it i 31;t-e4va s&iMatQut9uiM ol fc4rrlVrr4lad I V ef .sentiment 17 ii.ICeioa.rparbt. crucifixion Xt put every 5 OrfNsbTHi Jia. acturea only by "s rwntan paeVfing.''J1 I J imu, f KJ. iPiMttit ifJLu M rt to trmUm honor and every sensibility of lay anH S. Wacer CXjC. KJ-- . COOTO GHOIZQ, . S Dfl et Ann STBS Pit. T. TTJweii?cw4aTji0!iiI : SJr'AAfPI Jd98 XCT3,J Knterpr-,5eLAl and wanmnl TtWt fVif0LllUAtlT: Soul, andl that I am questioned and enenlntr should bv the prosecution titcalnr. In whx-cttcximstantlal i& ,ia adlAiuia- wrfertouw Mt" bmii aainfA. ST. W as S ave been thronh The .itcaaeirtstl and V re Vnna' & N. qaastloaei, IT or aati-r- .' in Ptn Curuer Crcaby, , voee! montns ana years, on tne suppoar f .tvr ii. ..frr,XeA jU tfcs rr, n. BiKt. yS but right tbat n t' T ""'. ' Littleton, J.nGIU ' KichTlUe, Ulapla Waklroo. at Portarrllia, Alma Fortar. Weat Porterrtlle, Tbocnea BroCf-h--. f? tarTii. attohart FryTarneav t.iCrti MorcaAvCbarlae afijahis. . ex-pec- IIIiiLS, - tto Telegraph. , f fti:: s I, y a suppose win ue 10 tne my life. 1 don't look with forI the result ofa this coun- hope any . , ell; A non--.iaoriwk ior any nope rrom tne result any council or tribu" 3iar,ana end of ; tt : - - j . u -- Trt-week- - i . a 1 ; - S - aLn-l" Semi-month- j 1 j ly ; - I Salt Lake Shops. , - nt ow . - , 1 : 1 t. - - -- , '. to-daj- fc,t w . 11 - d ooat-omo-e. - DQOX-BISVIS- , G. Q - i PITT G IPORWAYN -- M0C;)W , h - B-- . i- a. 1 1 ;! - , ft Tnooiaa-Taylor. Carriage Painting: - , , ; , i - , . , to-da- - i J-SsB- t.r : HRiT47n . '..J a UN'S. SAVINS BAM Z $1X-'-Or- q " - to-nig- ht, Pro-Tlnoe- .. ; vBaa;:; WOODlMPS .'i.WatorPipes. - ! a, TRUST COl . v nl e o m. oae-urt- er . , AA X I , , l''' " -- I i - ; & , aakaaWaMBwenwaaa'' mm -- Hd-BBrit- ; - . ' to-d- av - - ni , wmfmm -- ia,8aje-Aitenburr,C-o- . ' . I - I t3ce-OUV- M " J ' - i er -- '' - : I t - f 1 a t-- 4 . Viu-PrtUU.- nti -- . se com-pajQ- iea . - 1 Attorney-GerieralerU'bha- : . wl Irelsrrt-wrrjcouli'anl- ! ;jca-A.uif- 1 are 1 d S- -- . -- .... . ! : - . . r ; -- - f : U-ti- ., e i BiR-ira- iit-'i- - '.t-r.li;.- MMS MfflEfi Jin -- OX FAOTORY, ; I . - orsaitakecitx,' BiadbnT-andSteve- 1 1 - 1 - i . : : , 1 ReJ-nold- Vlce-Pre- -- - ; .! - st. xa 1 1 . a l : 3 e ; J 1 a 1 ' UTAH AFFAD IS - s - - . - , I 1 r Orrisl , " 1 - 'jili-bu;- , 1 - . 'M WJLWmi if to-da- ' T - ' : ; Bk-har- - o i -- tw af . Jait-uajr- - 1 .J 0mI. 1 on $50 . 5 iTlIlTt ; t- t f a Brt-ha- . m mas, m m Acrk-ulturalan- a- J LA- n; - ". ilt mi m h .i a r d -- .SEa2?Ea rrW" 1 I I Ia To-morr- ow a..(a.m 1 - " aav 9 t VAPlOX, 4 fortyiailrua, 1 1 d I I eAVJ-ULoUUJJ3- Mi " tllduqJl!tfs A t ; I '- i it 8A1l-lFR'AflCISC- i i f pfcPit1 T rtiiflM-mra- . a ' b- -. oa- rf tt" trv. H 0 and AT B.--T- evU,-nr.sid- m -- - imv( hrW5 -- ana STEELE bepota-CIIlCAll- O r 1 - -- t |